Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN NEW FALL and WINTER GOODS. Our preparations for the Pall and W inter Season have been on n very large scale. Stocks are full and elegant. Buying has been lib- \ erally and skillfully performed. Only the choicest lines have gained admittance. Come sec the stock. NEW COMBINATIONS, NEW EFFECTS. Jackets, Capes, Collarettes. Ladies' Fine Kersey Jackets in all the newest shades—Castor, Brown, Royal Blue and Black —at $5- instead ot $7. Ladies' Fine Jackets in newest colorings at,instead of $lO. j Ladies' Fine Jackets in newest colorings at slo,instead of $12.50 j Ladies' Fine Plush Capes, 30 in. long, $5, instead ol $8.50. Ladies' Fine Golf Capes from $3.98 up to $22.50. Ladies' Fine Collarettes from $1.49 "P to $35. Ladies' Suits, Separate Skirts and Silk Waists. Ladies' Jacket Suits in Covert Cloth, $5, instead of $7.50. Ladies' Jacket Suits in Wool Serge, $6, instead of SB. Ladies' Jacket Suits in Fine Venetian Cloth,slo,instead ot $1 ! Ladies' Jacket Suits in Fine Oxford Homespun, $12.50, instead of $16.50. Ladies' new fall style Separate Skirts $1 up to $12.50 Ladies' Black and Colored new fall style Satin Tucked Waists. $2.98, value $4. Ladies' Black and Colored new fall style I affeta Tucked \\ aists, $3.50, value $5. . Ladies' Black and Colored new fall style Tafteta Tucked \\ aists, $5, value $7. Dress Goods and Silks. All wool Tricots, black and colors, 25c, instead of 35c. All wool Homespuns, 50c, instead of 75c. All wool 56-inch Homespuns, 85c, instead of si.^ All wool finer grade Homespuns and Camel Hair hftects, sl, " instead of $1.25. Fine Black Crepons, the full dress fabric, 75c up to $3.50. 27-inch Black Satin Duchess, 98c, instead of $1.25. Fine Black Taffeta Silk, soc, instead of 75c. Fine Black Taffeta Silk, 75c, instead sl. Millinery Information. Ladies' Fine Trimmed Hats, $1.98, $2.5°, $3-5° U P $-°- Ladies' Golf and Outing Hats, 50c, 75c, up to $6. Your choice of 100 School Hats, 25c, real value 50c and /sc. SPECIAL VALUES in Ladies', Childrers's, Men's and Winter Underwear, Blankets, Haps, Flannels and Flanneletts, Ladies' Flannel Skirts, Yarns and Hosiery, Neckwear, Dress Trimmings. Gloves and Mittens, Fascinators, Ready-to-wear Wrappers, Pleeced Wrapper Goods and Cheviot Shirtings. Ask to see our 39c Corset real value 50c. Lace Curtains 39c pair up to $lO. Portiers. Carp et Chain. Come early and have first choice. You will find prices most tempting at this store. Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. WORTH ITS WEIGHT IB GOLD PAYMENT of ONLY ONE DOLLAR ;>OSS2SSION OF The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BKITANNICA. A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 MASSIVE*VOLUMES 3o complete that it covers the entire range of human knowledge. TThkm «>«■» ci"" 1 ', •' 1 y''""' ; "' ' ' j | I! / The entire set with Guide | and case delivered <£ 1 rvrk I U . upon payment of only v ' ™ \\, & Balance payaOle in smal! monthly payments. Workmanship and material the best known to the book-making art. The product of the largest and best equipped book factory in America. The BRITANNICA is the acknowl edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and ifoe NEW WERNER Is the best edition of the Britannica. Do not put your money in old editions or poorly made books because they are cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family who has this work over one which has •ot. FOR SALE BY J. H. DOUGLASS, BUTLER PA. SEND NO MONEY ra MADE CA»I«T »U«»W* t SCWIM MACHIIJ' |Vb found perfepti/ aaturaetnry. »**a< tij aa represented, I L Ailii vmm ••mi la T»i klnr. others aell aa h.rh a> ifttl.OO, aad Til -TZ+% - »«*KU*n lOf KTKK IIE4UU «»P, pay your > | iQI iiilfl t ' - * /, . fwftrbt Our Special Offer Price etR rq 4 and fr. iichtoharKea The machine weiyhs 13,011 9 LZ2*"ifi, MD p..nii>ti and th«> trvlnht will «vcr*ite 75 n.nU for boo intlen (R-'' i'liill. ■■ CIVE IT THREE MONTHS' TRIAL In your owti home, and ') we will »eturn your Hi.JO any day you are not aatlarted. We a*li dtf fer»n« r.-.kce »a 1 t r»dr. of Bewia* Baehlaee •< fH.&O, 810.00. #II.OO, A m &KX' '1 • 11. CO aad up, all folly deaerih+d In Oar Free Krwln« ■arMn»> tatal'.ror. ST 9 BrnfltartrJ hetSIS.SO f«rtbu DROP DESK CABINET BURDICK ITfl \}J A la tbe vrcatest value ever offeredby auyhouae. gin I H ifljl c a • BEWARE or IMITATIONS ; il ▼ert I amenta, offering aakaawa aiarhlnea un«ler varloui names, with HWfl fl ttJ a* r various Inducement* Write toMe fries Jln (kicaro and learn who are Ittlji 1 - t 2SLI&BLK 4111 WHI* ARK JIIIT. MTI ! " s Til C DIIDHirV »>»•« -eery SOnF.R* IIPROTKIIXT. ffvL.lj : f i a ■ nEa DUnUI VIV KVkKV tfiHIH POIXT OK RVKIIY HIUH I (iRADK BAUK, WITH Til* 1 . \££* J* & '1 2 f DKikiTS or MISE. MAUK BV TMF. KMT M\KKI( I.N AMF.KK'A, ~s3 ti I HO If THK BF.MT MAIKUIAL "On ItjV. SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK '* i- '*' n ifth table and bead in place for < • winic, • t.nrt s '**•»»k*drawer*, latest ||M diirleton framr. carved. f<aii"lc<l. emhutist'd and x •ejerlf™! l decorated cabinet finish, flnent nickel drawer pulls, rests on 4 «:a<- m (r ■ tere, ball bearing adjustable treadle, jrenulne hmyth Iron stand. ■ X D Isoffm rtaeettome «%hAr« brad, positive f. urin .tl..n f,«d.-< :f thrtadln^vilirat e" . • Mr Iffßil In* ahnttle, automatic bobbin winder. a«l juntalde patent t-iihl-n 3l»1 li » ■ W MHI liberator. Improved loose wheel, adjustable |,r«-?»her t -t. Improved shuttle J7~ -5 fc A »i ■ BUM carrier, jiatent needle bar, patent dreHhir<>nrd. head is haridiiomeiy decorated ] • • k P I I IM and and brauiifuily NICKEL TRUVTIVIED. IS, I GUARANTEED (he llvktett ruaaias, asost dorablr and NeareM nelaetees aiarhlne a • Rlh . . siade. Re#rj kouwa attaebaießt iafurnlakrd and oar Free Instruction Book tells £q £ - rell Just how anyone can run it anddoeither plain or any kind of fancy woric. -L? FEi J A 80 YEARB BINDING QUARANTKE Is sent with every machine -U.s2to mffltmMMml /■IT POST 9 YOU NOTHING to see and examine this mat bine, compare It V"" r-iZ* jJ" 1U515 y UU WUIMIWIi w j t h those your storekeeper sells at $40.00 to $60.00, •"'! then If convineed you are ia«li| #JJ.oo :o |>a; feer frafckt acil th- sls.bO, "« TO MKTf kf YOI'K tU.&O If at aaj tiaae -ttl.lo thrra aoatha ,ou say 700 ar« set aatlefiad. ORDBR TO OAT. fioN'T HRI.AV. |Sears, H'tebuck t'o. are thoroughly reliable KdKor.) Address, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, HI. J. W. MYKRS, DEALER IN Pianos and Organs. McFANN P. 0., Butler Co.. Pa If you want a piano or organ drop me a line and 1 will call upon >on. If you cannot send your children to j the University, bring the University to them. This edition has never bee;: sold for less than $64.50. For a short time only ♦40.50 cash, or $45 00 on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage | of this rare opportunity to secure this UP j rivalled fund of universal knowledge. Practial Horse Shoer j W .L ROBINSON, Formerly Horse Slioer at the Wick House has opened busi ness in a shop in the rear of the Arlington Hotel, where he will do Horse-Shoeing in the most approver! style. TRACK AND ROAD HOSRES | A SPECIALTY. PRESCRIPTION MAKES BOTH MOTHER AND BABY HEALTHY A Purely Vegetable and Per fectly Harmless, Son-Alco holic and Non-Narcotic Preparation. 7 SPECIFICS A prs j FEVERS. Luns l ever. Milk Fever. "■ "'isPIUIXS, Lameoew. HbeumatUia. cures { ? EPIZOOTIC. Distemper. CURES > cttmb} WOBMS ' Grub "- E - E- IcOL'GBS. Colds. influenza. CURES J curL: I COLIC, Bellyache, Oiarrhea. G.G. Prevents MISCAII2IIAGE. » H.Ik|D\EY «& BLADDER IHSORDERB. CUKES ) JLLJm WGE, Skin IJl»ca»e». CUBES i cri!rs j BAD CO\DSTIO\. Starins Coat. 60c each: Stable Case. Ten Specifies, nook. Sc.. ♦?. At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of i,rlee. NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over •work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only successful remedy. $1 per vial,or 5 vials and larce vial powder,for $5 by or seat post jild oa receipt of price. bi&rilULYb'UDa CO.| tor* WUHaa«S» JctaSU.,3U;w let* t KI f K 1-UIM.Y I.ET I MIIM. S/j riNTKD, and we will Bend ctf rou by freight, FREIGHT m f a ID, C. <>. l>., subject to (/)• examination, thin handaome -H(£ <oyai Blue Marble (JraTe- Ofl lone, guaranteeing safe telivery. Ktamloe it at rn roar depot, if otind perfeetlysatUfaetory, isetly a* reprraented, .nd equal to atone* that Mb— v-tall at fiO.OO to ■'* 110.00, pay the frelrbt * Our Npeclul >ff» r Prl. e, $9.93. * S tbe with order. We 4k J- WJ prepay the frrlrht to «U mJi any point east of the i Koeky Mountain*. . . ... THIS HANDSOME GRAVESTONE '* made, cut, trued, lei tered and polished in very latent style, from lln»-«t Koya Blue Clooe (iraln Harhle, la non-d«>alruetlble, and baa a rich highly pollahed. unfadine color, (iraieatooe l« 20 inehee high 16 Ineh** wide at ba*e. Write for prirr. on othrratylr* andaltea Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO 1 ? THE } COUGH. < A Caning | / remedy for throat and lung r f diseases. t I s Sellers' Imperial | } COUGLS SYRUP S ) is absolutely free from spiritaous S J or otlier harmful _ iugredieutr:. c i A prompt, positive euro - / v coughs, colds, hoarsens" r. .u •• ) c enza., whooping coygli. _ . } I Overamlllkm bottl' M foM ir. ;.:.3 \ \ fat ft W - C V.J.GIUIORECO. J e prrrssunc, fw. > S At all Druggists. i S 2Zc and 50c. / • | Eureka Harness Oil is the !>©st H *9! preservative of n ' leutlif-r tjej ud(J tlio Ijest rcuci\ f.'ir ot old - U I i-ia 0113 and protectK. I lo Hi I Eureka I I ag! uin'not c.niy l.;i l.iit M feit »!.••• I • . h.tlf phi'f [fcj X*l-! hj «iL 10. f, l mm riifFr" MARKLETON SANATORIUM Has all the elements Necessary for an Ideal Health Resort. Skillful Medical Service, Invigorating Mountain Air, Pure Waters, Scenery Unsurpassed in America. Only three hours' ride east from l'ittsburg, in the Allegheny moun tains. Own nil tin* year, unili r tin? medical mil troliifDr. I'.. o. < n.-,,m:in. jrr;nln:it•• of I'nl vci -ity <tf Vi rriiont, t,y skillful |iliy •>l<-|ans. A|»|M>liitnit-Ills<if the n.ost kinds, ana tlrsl-Class in every n snei-i. Treat mint, l>y medlelni s and hat lis of all kinds, massage ami e| ( etrlc-ity. Hot. and .-..1 d, ,al: Turl.lsli. Roman, sit/, elect ro ll and needle hath . Dili Id In In it.-'I with hot water, liu'lited by electricity, supplied with pure mountain » < ■ i'. sun . iin.l.-d 11 v iiuii ! nstfiil lii.itlli :i ~ • ~„« :, , I, led oil rittsllllf.' division of It \ '». li. K . which 01111. .1, it (Villi the pnii'-lpal cities and tin Ir railroad systems; also with .the Ponn»yl»*nla nUltnu at llyndman, .lohnstow n. i '..nnelsville, Itrad dock. T. tins reasouahie. Spi d... rates for ministers, missionaries, teachers, physicians and t heir famine> I'or further lnfomiatlou and circulars ANATOHiUM CO., Markleton, Somerset ' 'o.. i'.i. -i <i~r se n n O d MONEY < Cl'l 111W iHT and Salt*. Mral Pluah, 20 inch< l'»n». cut full Hweep, lined tbrouffbout with Hilt U blaek, blifor rrd. V tr* elaborately embroidered with ■uutaehe braid nn«i n beading a-II! " ' '".'J, 1 , 2 fln<-lllark Thibet fur. hiftvilv interim- 1 wit»» 1-lino and rhamnte Writ- '«r fr^.-1 lo.k t BEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO ta.», Uoebuck a, to. are Uioruufbly reilahle.— tdltor.j Subscribe for The Citizen. Ti l KfC T'VI ZEN.O | SILO BUILDING. faefnl Point** From Kiperlenee at the Cornell Station. The stave silo has leaped into such Eudtlen popularity as to indicate that it justifies the claim that it keeps the ensilage perfectly and is easily and cheaply constructed. The great objec tion to silos lias been their cost and the fact that much of the ensilage was lia ble to mold. The stave silo is designed to overcome both these defects. Cor- BP! is 11 , i i±L M BAKKKL STAVKS DSKD AS STAYS. Nell station has lately issued a bulletin. No. 107, in which Professor Clinton gives a full and detailed description with many illustrations of the manner of building a stave silo. Among points of Interest Is the use of old barrel staves to aid in maintain ing a circular outline when setting up the staves of the silo. These are re moved before the silo is filled. For a silo 10 feet in diameter tlour barrel staves have the right curve. For a 12 foot silo the sugar barrel stave is well adapted, while cement barrels give good staves for a 20 foot silo. Two men work, one at the top and the other at the bottom, to set up the staves of the silo rapidly. As soon as a stave is set in position it is toenailed at the top to the one previously set. One barrel stave reaches across sever al of the silo staves, to each of which it should be nailed with a shingle nail. One row of barrel staves Is nailed near the top and another near the bottom of the silo. Southern cypress is called the best material for a stave silo. Sound hemlock, free from knots, is the cheapest satisfactory material. For a silo 12 feet or less in diameter staves should be 2 by 4 unbeveled, not tongued nor grooved, or 2 by G slightly beveled to conform to the circular shape of the silo. Where the diameter of the more than 12 feet, 2by ft staves are recommended, neither beveled. torr.:;:'.<l tor grooved, but sur faced on the i'ldd'.'. and hemlock ghoul! le pliiiu'd on l.oih sides. T!:t* '■ ■ -f recommended is • hftvi! in • ''•>: , . i ci:t. together with a side v.. .» • f a . tnve with saw cuts for door cleats !i"!tcd on the out side The :s ;:i:y lie sawed out where.-' r convenience suggests, but the lower ("cor should l>e made be tween t!i:- ■ i nd and third hoops from the l»<»tt': a-id the other doors in ev ery second s-.ace between hoops, ex cept that no d')or is nee<led at the top. The stavt s :-?v unwed on a bevel, with the larger OIK ning on the Inside of the silo. The <ioors arc planned for and the sawing started (to save boring auger holest when the staves are set up. The door is usually 2by 2 1 /. feet. Cleats of 2 by 3 inch stuff are sawed out with proper curve to fit and are bolted on the outside of the silo at the I ill I; 111 U\\\ 1 lii ■ L ArvV • -I^' \ \ \ ' * j GOOD FORM OF DOOR. top and bottom of the part which is to be the door, after which the door is cut. To prevent any entrance of air tarred paper is placed at the top and lijttom of the ilwr before the silo is filled. For the round silo five-eighths Inch Iron or stec-I rods usunlly serve us hoops. These tiro In three sections for a 12 foot diameter silo and four sec tions for 1(5 foot or more. The hoops may pass through 0 by 0 uprights and he fastened with nuts and washers. I loops are drawn fairly tight, but not entirely so. and staples driven over ttiem to prevent them from sagging when the silo is empty. After the silo in filled if the swelling of the wood (from moisture absorbed) causes too great strain on the hoops they can be loosened as may be necessary. Hard Mncnronl Wlirali. It Is reported that the work of the department of agriculture last year Iti bringing new species of grain to tills country from Russia aud Siberia Is to be followed this season with ob servations of cereals In the west. A tpeclal agent will Investigate with a View to introducing aud establishing in New Mexico and Arizona hard wheats suitable for tho manufacture of macaroni equal to the genuine Ital ian macaroni. •IpHE-aKvKiay % K. % PHILIP TACK, I i CONTRACTOR IN | Cleveland Berea Grit f STONE Suitable for Building, Ornamental and ; I Paving purposes. 1 Th s Hono Will Not "Siifcii Off." | • • 2 Prices reasonable. .)L Work done well sfe and promptly. * T. Stone yards on i Mast K' na street. jjj $ Residence on Morton avenue. People's Telephone 320. ** He» mH(* %* % %*»» *** iMKiHK-* Have You Any Part of SIOO to invest, if you can make from such investment from 25 to 50 per cent Monthly? I! so. you can invest from $lO to sjflOO in Stocks, Grain, &<•., through a broker of 20 years experience who will give his services to yon free if he fails to pay you dividend of 25 per cent monthly on any amount yon uu».y invest through him. Write at once for Circular Letter giving full information to J. WEAVES, Investment and Commission Broker, 421 Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa KELLAR'S GREAT MEMORY. it Aided the >laK>elnn Iu Ills Second Sight Tricks. "The second sight trick as perform i ed on the stage calls for a marvelous i memory," said a former theatrical I manager. "Some years ago I attend ed one. of Henry Kellar's entertain ments with Mrs. Scott Siddons. His lady assistant sat blindfolded on the stage and described different articles which he picked up at random through the audience. When he came near. I simply pointed to a curious little green charm which Mrs. Siddons had loaned to me and 1 was then wearing on my watch chain. " 'lt was a green intaglio,' said the assistant in reply to Kellar's ques tions; 'a very peculiar little medallion, which was presented to Mrs. Scott Sid dons by the sailors of a vessel bound for San Francisco from Australia.' "We were so astonished that we al most fell out of our seats. After the show we went behind the scenes with Nellie Mclleury and some other tlie titrical folk who happened to be pres ent, and Mrs. Siddons proceeded lo corner the magician, who was an old friend. 'Now, Ilarry,' she said. '1 want j'ou to tell me honestly how you knew about that locket.' "ICeS'ur laughed. "You recollect I tame over from Australia on the same ship.' lie replied, 'and I would certain ly know that stone if I saw it in Chi na.' "He would say no more, and 1 pre sume, of course, that he conveyed his information 1o the stage through his system of cues. Hut the marvelous part about it was his prompt recogni tion of the charm on my watch chain. The presentation on shipboard had taken place nil of seven or eight yours before."—New Orleans Times-Demo crat. LIKE THE PROVERBIAL CAT. How the Profensor'a Denk Caine !Ur!< itt 81 Im Onn Cxpemti-. The young lawyer has good taste iu antiques and lias done much browsing about iu search of them. He knows the places iu Worcester and the neigh boring tow ns where those who like old furniture and have the money to pay for it may find what will delight their souls. So it was no more than nat ural, when the professor sold his desk, which was of ancient design, but of doubtful age, and began looking for something better, that he should con sult the young lawyer. The man of law was delightfully sympathetic. "1 saw just what you want the other day," he said, "but I'm afraid it's gone now. I'll keep my eye out for the next few days." "Well, if you see anything really good," said the professor, "buy it and hold it for me. It is not safe to let a bargain go too long. Only let me kuow as soon as you can, so that 1 won't be buying one too. It would be a great favor." "Not at nil." said tln> lawyer. "It's a pleasure l:i buy a good thing, even if you are not to keep it yourself." in a day or two the professor receiv ed a joyful note. The young lawyer's mother hud found just what the pro fessor wanted a beauty, one of those rare old I i : at they cannot counter feit. and such a bargain, only .'5lO. The professor w..s charmed. He imme diately s nt his check to the young lawyer Willi an enthusiastic note of thanks an.l a request to send up the desk He was in the hall when it ar rived. He toie off the sacking and In spected prize. It was his old desk that he had sold a few days before for sß.so.—Worcester Oazette. Odd TendcncicM of Slazijc. A writer in the Journal des Debats complains of the process of degrada tion which is going on In the French language. The peasantry, for instance, frequently speak of the ass, a humble DflTtlUT ill their ilnilir utt ''the. mill lster," and other words of dignified Import are applied to equally humble, if not actually base, uses. The same tendency, however, appears, to be showing itself in Oerrnany, where the title "monarch" passes current in modern slang as a designation for tramps and footpads. Tin; other day a noncommissioned officer In charge of barracks ai 1 >auzig addressed this term to a troublesome private just as a captain happened to be passing. The latter at once reported the Incident, and the barrack master was brought before the magistrates on a charge of "lezo majesty." Evidence was adduced to prove that in east Prussia "rascal" and "mon arch" were convertible terms, so that the court acquitted the prisoner, al though he loses li is rank and his pen sion. A Vitlnnblr Trackload. Perhaps as costly a commodity as any tiiut is carried in considerable quantities in truckloads is Sumatra to bacco, such as Is used for cigar wrap pers. Sumatra wrappers cost from $1 to $2 a pound, and the import duty on them is $1.85 a pound. This tobacco Is imported in small, compact bales weighing 170 or 180 pounds each. Duty paid Sumatra would be worth about SUOO a bale, and there can be carried on a truck fifty bales or more; so that a 50 bale truckload of such tobacco would be worth about s3o,ooo.—New York Sun. llcmi* o( III* Industry. Mrs. de Cohen—l hear you've got a very industrious husband. Laundress—Ves, mum; he's always finding something for me to do.—Haiti more Jewish Comment German postolllce employees are not permitted to marry without tho special permission of the government. The entire collection of coins and medals in the British museum consists of nearly 250,000 specimens. HOOD S PILLS cure Liver Ilia, Bli ioilfSr.css, !ndi£;.:stlon, Headache. Easy to tal" c, ea y to operate. 25c. ÜbHUMATISM CIIBKD IN A DAY. '"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in Ito days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis ap; e.irs. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Kedic, ar.d J. F. l'.alpli Drujiuists Utitler \pr 96. U'LL-NEE-DIT m t ravcllnic or for medicinal purposes no!hltitf better than our Tun* Uye Whiskey ours Is guaranteed absolutely pure. THEUE A ICE OTIIF.KS hut wi* Ktiaruntce ours In In- as above repre sented. Your ehoire of any of tli<- below hrsinds of \Vhlsk<-y, guaranteed ov< r 0 )#*nr* obi SI.OO |if r full quart, 0 quart-* #.*» 00. mm it. li. \ r i;nu\ (iK Ki- Niil IMFK, PH.MM*Kit, t, I It SON. OVKKIIOM, LA H4« K, TIIOM 1'50.%. BKIIItiKFOKT, ii IIAN PF AUIKH S (IIOICV., a whiskey guarantee! .'{yearsold, per tral. All <'. <». h. or mall orders of or over we box and ship promptly; express chaws pre paW. \\ e have no agents to represent us. orders direct and .save money. ROBERT LEWIN & CO., 411 Water Street Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite I! AO. Depot LIVERY. 11. C. Pryor, of W. Simbury, hereby gives notice to the public that owing to the death of Lis father-in-law, John Mechling, he will not >eave his business as had been intended, hut will continue to carry on the livery business at the old stand. Qood rigs furnished at moderate price. H. C PRYOR. Patterson Bros., Headquarters for Mirror Framing. We just received a shipment of mouldings. We show the I-ARCiHST line of 1 * ICI IRH MOLL.IHN*jS in Butler, all the newest and up-to date designs and coloring; also large line of UNFRAMtD I'ICI L RKS. Just what \• >u want. Prices the Lowest. Workmanship Guaranteed. Patterson Bros., WALL FAPER AND PAINT STORE. 236 North Main Street, Butler. Pa Wick Building. Peoples" Phone 400 A I M 1 MP Only when the medicines are made up of pare vJ D 1 i\l IN lIN O drugs and have been accurately prepared can ___ one"expect the best result. The necessary in- Drlo 1 gredients are not sufficient for a prescription or recipie but purity, cleanliness tad enctiae* RESULTS. also If you have your medicine* jwct> ired by uh the very best result may bs expected. HOT WATER BOTTLES are winter necessities. Our stock has arrived and will be no trouble to select from, we will be pltased to snow them. "SNOW ATI LI, A CREAM" for chapped hands. There is nothing lietter I'rice 15 and 25 cents a l»otile. REDICK & GROHMAN- No. 109 N. Main St.. - DRUGGIST. - - Butler, Pa. < *'J L I .1 W J '$ 'W -ism* & W' Ifc GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELi- SEKD US OWE DOLLAR _ tfc. iMI ihi« ad. out and -end to h« with fl.lMl, and »• wlllaead yum thla M«V W * IBPBO%hl) ull «•! K\\ I'lii LOU Ottti AN, b? frniflrt t'. O. D., anbjeel U F jUOK *caaiaatkxw You can cxamiae it at > our nearest freight depot. l| J . 'jit'r and if you flnd it cxuetly us represented, equal to orjans that 7 at tt.t.OO to *IOO. OO v the greatest value you ever saw and N ■ far better than organs advertised by others at more money, pay the freight agent apeclal I'O day*' offer price, $31*75« sBHBfI less the 11 UO, or charges. | $31.75 QWB SPECIAL 9 S chart* •d by other* Huch an offer nun never tuitde brTore. g THE ACME QUEEN Is one of t!*«' n:o»t DVBABLK AND SWBKTEST F TOMcn itkirunrnu c»rr made. From the illustration ihown, which r is engraved direct from a i>hoU>»rraph t you can form some idea of its beaut appearance. Made tVnin solid quarter aaaed oak, antique finish, handsomely decorated and ornamented. latent alyle. TIIK ACUK 4|TLt.N is 6 feet 5 inches hitrh, it Inches lone. & inches wide and weighs 350 pounds. Con tains & octaves, st«|w, as follows UiapaMa, Prlaeipal, Dnleiana, Helndla, ielaale. < rratoaa, Ba»a i'napler. Trcbl* Br Dlaiiasoa 2 Oetaie i oaplera, 1 Tune Swell, 1 Li aad Urran h»*ll, 4 Hcta Orcbattral Top.d HfMiuaic.n I'ipe Vuali' * Heed». 1 He I of t? Pure Sweet flelo.l.s 1 Reed-, I t lianaiaylj Brilliant Olrate Seed*. I Be* *f SI Blck Bellow Sraoath B'.a|>a»on lte«-d», I Set of it P>a»lng VlAj Soft Brludlous Priurlpai Bvrd*. I'll KA( \l FOl KEN ac- • tion consist of the celebrated N«*w ell Ueed», which are only in the hijfhe.-t tfi-adc instrnuientu, fitted with llaa». nond (oup!(n and Vn In- t D' -lue felt*, B "•* <>f the rubber cloth, Sp!y ilffca |h-!1ow- and leather SI2F At M I <il SI % is furninhetl muh a I'xl4 l*e\el> d '> plate French mirror, nickel pi.: ted p*-dal liamwi, ■BHk. and every furnUh freo a band 1 •owe the •'«*! orra- rn a «•! .tii hindir.ic term- arid om'ttiofis of which if any |»art v. * ves out If we repu'r : jr. . of.hjrj •. Try it one month and y PIOI, ' Vk. .. 111 I*l i ■ ••• I y 4»ti r ■? ley i f you ar* not perfectly |» • ,A :^ sati>-ti<id. of o.-jrans ■* 11: Iw s«i!<l at »3I ?S. ■ f OltiAlf Sbjv?•? WCaJ? I*,* '? OiC!>KU VTOM K. IMIN-I IHI.AV, ■ OUP. HELIAEILITY iS ESTABLISHED I,'. 5 ; 0 '; * - ■ ed iii a!t with «i« - your tiei-rhoor ah«.ut us.write " the publisher of t!»S* i-.tperor i.i tro|«oiitaii National 9 Hank, orCorn i:*eh ... • Nat. Diuik. t'hicaifo, or (ierman Kscaanire lank. New V ik. or any railroad or expreea company iu Chicago. V - :v.>e arvi"l «f Mrr ocrupy «Btlre one of the lanr*?t t.nsme«M t»l.-«L -in rhVwjrn. n s v P «>ple in Mir own huildloy *K BBU. OBfiAKS AT Btl.UO and op; PUSOB. Cll&.Ot an I «:p: ii. •> i"i i ■ ir.uMcal i.u inimenta nt loweet wii >l.--«le ;.: i»-e Write lor free-»■« • r.-an i iat*« ami liiM"i'-til l.:-:l '*talC»fUe Addr. « Sear.. i.»eburk a 10. are tfcor.a<ybl) nlUuli. k.«K«r.| SEARS. TOEQUC'K & CO. (Inc.). Fulton. oasploine 4 »nr- SU. CHICAGO. k£.L> When Starting^^^- On a bicycle tour hope for the best pre pare for the worst and take what cones. But if you have the foresight to choose as your mount on: of our wheels, what comes can only be 'the best.- If you cannot do this let us thoroughly over haul and repair your old wheel and the a mcuxaui.u win oe mateiiai ly lessened. Thompson & Cumberland Successors to E. Evans & Son., Cor. Wayne and McKean. MfITT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS if EftNYROYAL PILLS •'* Origlaalu4 Oalf Bmbl>c> A - r-Uatla. moiitt art i\ Drc.«ia tmr iK'Aniir 0 JTw/mA <JfV\ ' Sranrfli. Ufd fc»W »etAlli«\\y *. v —i'«l«i»i.U blu»ri:>Un Vilf W > wCfvo©tkarw *<«« tfaMMOin IHIIMM ▼ i I nnfUii»n,«fi«4|A I '■/ In kliupf *<c »<wU«kmiUl# kftl \•> £J " Kallef for f arf.r*," •« U*Ur. fc» ntm .iv // 1 <V»<K> TnUonWU. *■»»« r«p«r. —/ At *ll f»r if;rliU. Chlrli: *tfr Co n k k'>o !llauitau i HiLiUAI*A. ::WANTED—A Reliable MANX J ! of pond address to bolfHt buainejn from prop- X I [ erty-owncrg. Any well knows person will ng X g > to work, can make f loii lift weekly. Com- X t 1 mies.on or salary, paid weekly. Address for X 1 > pnrticiilarM, mentioning this pnper. X ] \ < II AKI.KS II.CH ASK, ltochfMiter.N.V. X ¥#######»♦#♦#♦#♦##•#»•♦ THE DOUBLE AA ADMIRAL OLD RYE WHISKEY. One of the finest Rye Whiskies In till* State, ill the following low prlees: Kill I iiuurts. one Ixittic. 85c: four Im «tt$1.00; sli Ixittles. $4 50; twelve liottles, $8.75; gallon, $3.00: three gallons, Not less than 1 gallon or I Ik titles shipped. No rliargo for packing. Express paid in the following States: I'enn sylvanla, Ohio, West Virginia. Maryland, Indiana. New York. S«nd your address and money order to A. ANDRIESSEN Sole Owner, 916 Federal St., TEL. 549. ALLEOHENY, PA. l'rlce list of other goods. Wines, etc., mail ed Kuferenees: I'lrit and Second National llanks and Dollar Savings Kund and Trust Company. Allegheny. I'a. (No marks onshlpplngeancs.) New Drug Store. MacCartney's Pharmacy New Room. Fresh Drugs. Everything new and fresh. rrcscriptions carefully com pounded by a Registered Pharmacist. Tr\) Our Soda R A. MacCartney C-'.'u-s Drunkenness. mJL 7? «• f -" res D ri 'K j\eeiey - r i m KEELEY Wrilc for I # ««*•£* INSTITUTE, U1 C <*i« ririk !>•., 1 Booklet. rirtsatM. r». | West Winfield Hold, (*> W.G. LUSK. Prop'r. w l'irst Class Table and Lodgings. £SS and Sprint; Water all through house. aiaoimg. a postal card to | I I 1 or call up 41 ■ R People's W. B. McGBARY'S I new wagon, ruuning to and from his Steam Carpet-Cleaning | establishment, will call at your house j ttke away ynur dirty carpets and return •them in a day or two as clean as new. All on a summer morning—Carpets, ruga and curtains thoroughly cleaned on short notice. \ < D. L. CLEELAND, > 5 Jeweler and Optician, s \ 125 S. Main St, S <w'\ Now is The Time to Have Your CJo tHirip CLEANED or DYED If you want good and reliable cloning or dyeing done, there is just one place In town where you can get it, and thai is at The Butler Dye Works 1 tSt2 (Jenter avenue BfSjW We do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture of your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the JaiuMtown Sli'linir Blind Co.—New York. R. FIBHEB & SON. BUYS A 53.50 SUII t f S.WHMKLSMMAfff* UUHMUMMT-'MNiill fs> AT A.M» IMK. Mki.l Li M fl. iO MOfH* l»0- II HI I k>»* fAMH Mil* AT 11. MH. A N(W Sb.T FREE EOR ANT Of THESE SUIT! WHICH CON T OIVE SATISFACTORT WEAR SENOhOMONtY,»«i no. •*. mn*. * n«] to u.«, *tM« »f U.y at-.d s«y wh**tMf .,r pinall foratce Mrid we will M>r» A lurt. ry tn«t «%••! f» —Hi wM u jmtr «••• fct f3. «0. I.i / y«.ur. A|>rr»» mrrnt o«r U OflVr I'r!«'«•, «n ! eharirr- TWISf » tji% :'.o. '■ .t- with wol *L*. i>riTwUIIM l irwt IUVO Btjl* ■« lll«triU«l, m*4m • «|»rrUl bijif wriffkl, «nr mUlltf, lil-tW Maui ni««lanri , r.< at. tunxlaftriH* p*tu>m fine ItAlUil II nit j,» ftuiw« rll«l»f. ~|| I r« iuf ute. C. dik *«d lUri h«Ib«. <m taller mA lkMiNrk««l.l»*u!t *«* !»«> nrpurril «%wnI«I l»r ptrmmd •¥ H»M rail li.'llll StKPU 1 tif M«ji' "UiklH f»» k*J« I l« |*l YK 4MH, it, ;:* f«.r -• «r coi talu- t . ' n .. p, tai • 1 If ilUMtnn ' oh** «• o rWr M. n'» * ..l»- imM«lr lu «»r«frr fV.»w #&.«« u|». *au» r,|f. -rut a|»j»ll«-tti«»n Addrea*. SEAHS, ROEBUCK A CO. (Inc.), Chicago. 11l ,*!»«. U«l>ucl Ji I »• r.i 1.1.1- -tdlur. . / T Jk t»tf »' x ? J' #a \ c$ , a VRV°IT! COMMENCEMENT AND WEDDING PRESENTS.-^- Everything that is r.ew and attractive i«i Watches, Rings, l»iamond«. Clock.". Silverware, Cut Glass, etc.; also Cameras, Bicycles and Graphaplioncs. R. L.' KIRKPATRICK, JKWHLKR. Next to Court House. < [ »Fall and X Pn Fill and , > < ►Autumn 1 9 Autarmi > 111 The Leading Millinery House of Butler County. ; [Special Sale of FELT and VELVET HATS.; ; •• I a faupt Bat af At auut ♦ i , , <' > I i I | imine mm <' > J |122 S. Main SI Q. J_ Pgpg BUTLER. M.J » <I ► DOLLS \ > ia /CASH NOVCbTy STORE. MCI A- CROCKEKV STORE. IMtW ""d GLASSWARE STORG. /GOODS IN ALL LINES. 'management. Having purchased the Allison Bee Hive Novcitjr and Queens ware Store. I have ilevoted caMMmfcie «..irc ur-d tsrre in completing t he most varied stock of >ds in Butler Below «il! gnre an idn mi jOme of the goods carried in stock. Ailt urn*. /Iluttir sp.ides. I. * ,*«, 1 IU-KKTS ✓ f clothes, \ ran openers, V delivery. # cards fruit. p :pet tack.*, C laundry, C chalk I / . . lunch, \ chalk, #bt.rners, i sieves, market, r «s • - x wicks; \ sktrt '.wrds. office, / cheese cutters. {lantern*. % slates, traveling, Vclocks. y •» bird MB, f Ah hampers, fkoM iqiamu, J4m cu tracking. I clothes h..r*cs nines. - khg est i. icMhtt Haa, imar / blank books, ptas V toilet blueing, f Coat racks. »n.easnrea, f bosom UtanU. \ofln mills. tmeeseneg Incrti. V starehes, brea<l lxwtrds, (combs, X money drawers. / atm pahal*. brooms, 7 ctimmolcj, Imp ha»!ltt, \ Tan: Bri'SHKS— \ cork screws. Amoosr traps, I sewta*. cloth, r corn poppers, xmucilage. J kitchen: du>ting, 7 curry combs. Zoil cans ami til. V taMe rotlery. floor. /MMM, fP*«» f * hair, ) dusters turkey. I writing, v nware aQ klwHht. ham, C eg>; Iwaters. . I ;. M # towel rotten, oaint, \ envelopes. ipaas hooks, J tracks, scrub, faucets tst quality,{pastry hnar<!s, \ tab*, shaving, J fish forks, I pen holders. f twines, shoe, J fish hcsjks * lines, »j«ns. V twiee Hwt-s stove, p fibre ware. *pms. J • N<l>a u*i»re». tooth. \ {pipes. \ IMB whitewash, / frui . maohers. V web W>k, window; N tun * pocket !»■. Q vnliiai mrivi*«, Bt'CKKTS- / Kiim Imii>ls, Jpoeket knives f walt-r enmlt fa. pine, V granite ware. Jpurses. \ *hi-^, cedar, J gun caps, Sra/.trs. r wl isks. BMW, \ 1. » 4ia/or straps. / . - paper: x harmomcas. { ■•Hi::,- Vwlllnw ««r, buttet ladles, rin'«.. JnK-». £ batter MNM, J j:-wsh.irJ«. jrope. 3 VI flutter print-i, N kr. !■ I {satchels, \«i»l .'i .he>, wringers. I also handle watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware. &i . pi u. s organs and small m isicai goods, str.ngs an I fitting- i mtnts. Come and l«w>k over our 5 ami 10 cent counters When you want a bargain b_* sure and come to «J. R. Griebs, Cash Novelty Store. No. 136 South Main Street. Sutler. Pa. DO YOU KNOW THAT WE WILL SHIP YOU \ —All Charges Paid A Gallon of Pure Penna. Rye Wliiskey for $.3 W» Mali ■■ Ml t♦' T"W At IvAlMluY itMHIt It. but t.lf l>est way to convince vonrself to scntl us a trial ..r»l*r Send the amount either in imrrencv by lettered letter, 1 P. O. onlcr or expres<, and we will 1«* ship ami peepav expressa^eon a gallon of Cabinet | year old aye fur f; Vou will he surprised at the <|ualitv ni this wlitskev It r> ,;uar.intcd a»»s<»lntely pure, ami is Mist what you nrr.l n the lioase at this season of the year. What .lo yon think of a West Virginia Btack DroiKtr at fi.rn- per gallon.' We ha-.-e some ot tile *er* tics* ma le from selccte-l l>-rrl-s anil carefully distilled ;»«t ap in gallons, half gallons an<i nnarls Don't forget that we ;>r |»ay expressage on all orders of #5 <«i ami o»er. es. .» whe.e a transfer is necessary from one Kxpresn Co.. to another, when we pay e*pres**Re t.» point of transfer I You can make you owa selection from the following Anchor Rye, a good whiskey for the money t2.00 a g*l Cabinet Rye. can't be beat *3 OO a gal Bear Creek Rye, a very fine whiskey $4.00 a ga Gin, Rum. Kummel, Brandy $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 per »al MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors. 82 FEDERAL ST., ALI EGHENY. PA Send for catalogue and price list, mailed free. NEARLY Fifty-eight Years Old !! It's a 'ong life, hat devotion to the true sitt -res-s and proaperity of the American People has w ;» ftw it nrw .*- "3*. , friemU as the yea.s rolle«l by and the r-ipsj. mtsihff /TJ'-jlfilfc, of its famtlv to thrir reward. aa<! lhi-v aitmirers are +jsvKkJL l«»ya! and steailf tst today with r..tth in Hs tea* > ••<%. .tml ' « confidence in the .nforrt .::•••• which * •■rrtas |» titer \ '* "tomes an<l tirrsi.i«-s As a natural c<>nse<juence it en,- \. :n ■ ! .!«'• . -he i » ps . f,y the espertenr—• i'f »•• \v It kasltvetl oo its merit•« ami ..n tie c» r ai * I>rogre*n\e Americans It is "The New-York Weekly Tribune."' aranowle :he contitr* mrr •< rtr lea<'.iug National Fauily Newspaper Recngnbteg iLs value to those wh«i <le-ire all the new. •»< ttif >* ite ano Sat too the publisher ot'"The CiTI/.KS" your own fat ri'e It- "!»• p«| • - hit en!.-re.| nto an alliance with "The New York Weekly Tribune which enabl. . t«- 'urnnlt liott (Htpers at the trifling e>Kt of ji v> per year Ivvcry farmer and every villager n-.*es t«» t.» his fa.rnN. an-! t. *ke Community in which he lives a cordial sup|i»rt of his l<*-al ncw '. as it wwrk* constantly an 1 for his interest* la everv wa*. t«> his ' t»e tF *k» rews and hapfienings of his neiKhl»»rh---l, the >l<Hii)ft of his fnern*. r a.: >«.» and primpects for different crop*, tlte pries in home markets aid » tart, is a wetkly visitor which dwulil !«■ found in ever-, wide awake. pr>n[r<s»: - fattii!* Just think of it! Iloih >f tlwse iwtp.-r- f«ir . nly }i v i tnn Send all subscriotions to THE CITIZEN Butler Pj WAINTS Want a K<»lak' Want a Camera' Want a Barjjiin? Wal.t « B ->k> Want i Bicycle? Want a Piece of China' Want a Fine Pictnre > Want the latest tn Stationery' Want anything tn Fancy (#• »>h or Art l.»ne > I The only place la at Iktugtasa' Book M rr i There are t.arjjßini every week There are low price* all the tunc Visit every •< DOUGLASS BOOK STORK. Near F O Peoples Phone 16,1 Bntler, Fa TIRES Repaired and made as good as new at While-Wa"<r A Co's «sss*» *am£r- B cycie and Supply Depot. Corner Mam St. and Diamond, Butler. Pa With -«»r iw» fulnatpr »» <-m w« rM • (wtm la m Uif. auk pmtm gmm aaa m»kr it r.«|>p tkM '#*»» *> r»>alr »l part* .»f M> jrlmm. <rap*ly t:.« pmrteat mkaaM«• Bfkw *r »r» tlx km H>»». Wti'MIKII IS* P%1»4. We ha»•> ormtm «h«vi< tor «*t« at ' irealr »•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers