Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. Latest Swell Styles in Ladies's Tailor-made Suits. NEW, NATTY FALL CREATIONS—Fit Like a Glove. All Wool Cheviot and Venetian Cloth Suit. Ja<-kel» -ilk lined. Very In prevalilnß modes—Percallne lined, tones mod welchis exactly nUit. » Va ISjKir five-dollar Suit is a marvel \«-,V"f'J Be sure and see them. THE NEW BLACK CREPONS. <=Tl.« styles forecast predict a »>de nSftVe Mohair Figor«l Crepoiw -J « Pebble Ground Crepons ■• ■ - V*,-- y , S3 US ' JSS meet at our store. THE BEST BLANKET VALUES WE EVER GAVE. Every good housekeeper wants to IK In srood Tl«jf . haT out !'an'<l i Blankets. Not mil Blankets are all \ P w0..1 held by lleht stronp offer with foil knowledge Blanker, of three tradis .. . i - f „ It ,, n Vou :ir ,- told cotton warp, and the cheapest of all warmth .rit er-.. ni.-riKeis oi . . ltom ()f FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. Department. £ AR -j- DEPA R T MENT. You know we alwaysdo have the latest in Fine Art soch a. Stamped Linen'*»- St newest and tjest In her line. Art lessons 25c. Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN The New Cambridge. Located right in the heart of the town —Free bus to all the springs—Good table and every modern convenience—the nicest and most convenient place to stop at Cambridge Sprites WR'TE TO Haggerty & White. Cambridge Springs, Pa WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD PAYMENT OF ONLY ONE DOLLAR POSSESSIONOF The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES So complete that it covers the entire range of human knowledge. ) The entire set with Guide '' and case delivered <t> i nrv i u upon payment of only *P ''V/V/ \ \\^o Balance payaOle in small monthly payments. J Workmanship and material the best known to the book-making art. The product of the largest and best equipped book factory in America. The BRITANNICA is the acknowl edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and the NEW WERNER is the best edition of the Britannica. Do not put your money in old editions or poorly made books because they are cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family who has this work over one which has •ot FOR SALE BY J. H. DOUGLASS, BUTLER PA. 'lll 'oacoiMO roui) -OO 19 XDHQBOd 'SHVBS 'ssajppy • IMO>|pa— • lt»ll»X *m»KOJ..qi »■>« o;) V H >II'|."1I 'II'IIO J \I>U •»»!! OX IMOUO 'MWI" ><•' «j. 1»11<. —i mw. ..j.1 inn. ..on in. i> ii of-fK Mini KM.Wih OX au 'o9"vls «n *»•' !•< 'IH'IIII •! Will ijjjumuoj ; 1 IIJMI yuii OO 00» "I Jr*- OO'OM MdMUMoiaxnoX mi* ninu lnll nn , o, C m 11 CP" _|L itAiodujoa 'euiqjvui •u|aivx«» pu« um «>i UNIHiUN IIUA bIbUJ XI |v C*-:'SSlaw <in«|J«tu Cjsa» qi|A lU(M HI aaXNVHV/lO OMICINIH H>rvaA-08 V - H •jfjo* Xauvj jo puj)( lav JO U|«|<l jjqj|.»op puw u uiu uc.t •uoauu *<>t| junf cc»?■> •>.*.>.'Oi MM -; 0 w «lia* sfoog aotionaj»ai OOJJ j B o p<n»|ujnj kt a»* U q (JMJ ■•pmm |fttt£>'' _* « pftf »? Z• -aawwiHX 13X91 u »<• I g lv a ':' S p->l»joa.»p i(|»tno«puwq «j pjn:ijimi.>ii» lU4>|»<l JW(J »n<4».#!i ) VSoPelf N ■ Irfl «*|Unqii (>«AOjdai| ')00| j«M»jd a|'|V)«rif|>«'f.ijqM i»Koo| i<9«oj(l«u|'jo)vj>'U( iBjlS B 1 llf r? f r ••Ju|j«9q 4»|q«)Hti(p« 'J*(>U|M ti|fiqoq u|)OMO)n« '.>|linq* »U| IBWH B (|>M/ » • -JUJ'IfA »UfpVojqi 1|»» poj; U0|)0UI Jnoj maIIHo'I •»•-«! «W» M*m Fit W K 0 ( i ■ H \ f / 7 -puv)* UOJ| qtAiuy »uinuaJl aiqcixtifp* u«q MJ.»j fmmmfbA w/f HUfi ■ v " •WVJ tuo trjwaj •und jjmvjp ivauy qnfuu Ktiiß|grr. i 11 iwif £r I - ptio powHoqms 'p.}(ju«d *p«* a j v.> iwi*i ' }rHl " £*•*j f »uimm JOJ oj«|d hi pv.#q put opn'i qii»u..| n-.; i|i|« **<t» j4f)o *• «!■« vwv p tun •»'! 01 ( jtplH hiojj Xu|d . '* *< 'rTJ , pweop> auiqwiu ■JftoqaUonm«nmMo *n3IHKIIO.I OVTM J. HsaSkoua MVO 03MVS HBiHVnd OIIOS AJ" o\i 1VUI:I1VK XII L KOJH ' lll ' t ' u *— 1 'V9IIIHKV Nl H'JTIVII xrjtl »UX All HUVN 'aid* 40 KUS.iKI I Lis' ■_ *s«ivk :iiiin ivni jarvrt .—~ = . ITT AHJUJI JO imai <IIKHI Ul«v4 TSLI I « > 11 ~ llt 'JAM axv oilm n\v aifivmN ■s • [T- oqn po« 0| paafjj ««o« «IHM IJUJUMJIipIH «IIO|JWA - ■ BniS ■ qitA 'vauivii vtH-utJA j.M'un Uuuajjo 'mtiatuwnjjj. Ij, »PI K3 SNOUVXIIMI AO 3dVM3O « IB* W. ■ C 11 f '»«noq/ud nnjnno joa>» onfUA aqi hi I (hIJI HOianna xsncf aonu OS*CIS i«<i r- c HIDyLI ■ 'M>*l<t*3 H M(| «»I '|l*J !!• P«*OH 7.1# ;'»"<* wm! '!*l m*< 'lSvid 1 SHINOUJ *33titlX'll 3Aio V ;. M-mm oog 'jono JO| »i«i >•> wiu.ui; |||m iq/iu-ij »»qj puu wpuifd wi r * '' *• 05'916 ooi'j'd j»A'O loi'io'is jno'ii- - -<i"t <»•! •«» anvni hdik ioi uvuim imimhi JMt p.. 'iiii iim ■« n»n ji« .j.iii" .j«ii «i i«.»» OT it'l .. VaVoilni iiiiriVb'liiio jV»m □ UeWfeSSa; A3NON ON CSW3S | % ,r.t » } >•- . 4 ' i 'r- / ; L<A\N." ir or: -j, -/ vititi GAPOLIO V? 71 M!MSf T4 { I / M Subscribe for the CITIZEN. If you cannot send your children to the University, bring the University to them. This edition has never been sold for less than $64.50. For a short time only $40.50 cash, or $45 00 on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this un rivalled fund of universal knowledge. Now .iTul again you see two wouien passing down the street who look like sisters. You are astonished to learn that they are mother an<l (laughter, and you realize that" a woman at forty or forty five ought to he at her finest and fairest. Why isn't it so? The general health of woman is so in timately associated with the local health of the essentially feminine organs that there can be no rich cheek and round fonn where there arc debilitating drains, and female weakness. Women who have suffered from these troubles have found prompt relief and cure in the use of I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It gives vigor and vitality to the organs of wom anhood. It clears the complexion, ens the eyes and reddens the cheeks. No alcohol, opium or other narcotic is contained in l * I-'avorite Prescription. Any sick woman may consult I>octor Pierce by letter, free. Every letter is held as sacredly confidential, and an swered in a plain envelope. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. " I coTnmcnccd to take Dr. Pirrct s Favorite Prescription, writes Mrs Martha K Tlarhnrr of Ncwville. Prince C.eortre Co.. Va "iu Jttt is.,- al«o his ' ftolden Medical Discovery,' an<! I caunot cxprtM the benefit I have received from tht« medicines. I was suffering with what the doctors called chronic Indigestion, torpid liver and vertigo I also suffered with female weak ness The doctor did riot do m» any good, sol wrote to you for advice. When I commenced to use the medicines I weighed only 112 pounds now I weigh 140 pounds." Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate the liver. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics act directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder in other parts of the system. They Cure the Sick. ho. com. PRICES 1— Fever*. Congestions, Inflammations. .23 4 i-Wornn, Worm Fever, Worm Colic. . .23 3~Teethin«.Colic,Crying,Wakefulness .25 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 7-Couxhi, Colds, Bronchitis 23 H— \etirnlgia, T«»otha< he, Faceache 25 9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10—I)v M !>ep<«ia, Indigestion,WeakStoim*ch.2s 11 —fcuppreiMcd or Painful Periods • .25 12—White*. Too Profuse Periods 25 13—Croup. Laryngitis. Hoarseness 25 14—8*11 Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 15—Rheumatism. Kheurnatlc Pains 25 16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 25 19— Catarrh. Influenza. Cold in the Head .25 20— W hooplna-Couk'h 25 27—KMney Dlsense* «'^s 2ft— \ervoiiM Debility -1.00 30—Lrinnry \\>aknet». Wetting Bed. .25 77—<irlp. Hay Fever • .25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your DrugglHts or Mailed Free. _ Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William 6l JoUu Sts., New York. VThe Cure thai Cures | p Coughs, fci \ ' Colds, f ® Grippe, (i \V Whooping Cough. Asthma, \ Bronchitis and Incipient /' 3L Consumotlon, Is ,C folTO'sl t J A THE GERMAN £ Vr Cure* Vuw\ A'xscases. '■ £,o\A } CURES < \ THE J 5 COUGH. { ( A pleasant, never-failing S f remedy for throat and lung i I diseases. 1 s Sellers 5 Imperial J Cough Syrup < / is absolutely free from spirituous > j or otlier harmful _ ingredien.^ v A prompt, postiw ~ \ x coughs, colds, hoarsci. - _ » c enza, whooping cough. . / # Over a million hot! If s fol<l 5n uv) \ j lait Xew years attest i tsjioi-uiari ty. ' C w. J. GiLMORE CO. i C FITTSBURG, PA, S S At all Druggists. C S 25c and 50c. I •v/'V""'/ "* &J) bi K hill ' if SS y you t-rease ijgaU jfe WQh Ails Grease 3k flw HTAMIkA J.I. CO. W HARKLETON SANATORIUM Has all the elements Necessary for an Ideal Health Resort. Skillful Medical Service, Invigorating Mountain Air, Pure Waters, Scenery Unsurpassed in America. Only three hours' ride east from Pittsburg, in 111 Allegheny moun tains. <>p» II all 1 ln» y« :ii\ Uii'i" M In- ii»»'clir;il con trol of I>r. K. •<;. < ro- riiuii. jzi;i<lu:ii«* «»f I nl versiiy of Vermont. a - i-1«•«I l»y skillful pl»y hl'*l(ins. A ppoiiit Muni <»f tin- r- ost approi . <1 kinds, and flmt-cluss in « vi-ry m-hjmmM.. Tn al IIH 111 l»y rin*dl<*lii« s and haths of all kinds, massajxc and electricity, lint, and coUI. sail Turkish, Koman. sit/. «d«M-t.n>- tlicrmal, <?l« otro-« , IM nil« uj and nci'dlr hat lis Knlldin.' In it* d vvii h h«»f \vut« r. Il«rht«-d I.y ch'ctri«'ity. supplied with pure mountain water. *urroun<l<<l hy ijuiel restful moun tain seenery. Loeai• on IMtlshiirg division of B. &O. K. K . whirl, ( with the prtiu'lpjil 4-lties and their railroad systems, also with tin- Pennsylvania railroad at ilyndrnun, .lolmsto. n. < 'onnelsvilh\ llrad d«n*k. Terms reasonable, special ral«'s for rnlrdsters. mlhsionari« . tea -hers. physicians | and t heir families For further information and circulars I ;wJdress THfci VAHKLETON SANATOKIUM CO., Markleton, Somerset Co., Pa. COMMENCEMENT AND WEDDING PRESENTS.--^—- Kverytliing is new au«l attractive in Watches, Kings, Diamonds, Clocks. Silverware, Cut Ola- >. etc.; also Cameras, [ Bicycles ami Graphaphones. R. L. KIRKPATRICK. JKWKI.KR. Next to Court House. M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER. 139JS0UU1 Main street <iv«r*Shaul &,Nosl'h Clotbinx Store 'I'M K CITIZEN. How to Oyer :« \ew Hook. Hold the lui i: its back on a imooth or cover i let the froa< ; board down. t':. n the thel. V oiding the leaves in or. ii:»i:d v. bile yon open a few leaves at the hack, then a few at the front, and so go on. alternately opening baei. and fr<ut, gently pressing open the sections till you reach the center of th volume Dn this two or three times and you will obtain the best results. Open the volume violently or carelessly in any one place and you will likely break the back and cause a start in the leaves. Never force the back. If it does not yield to gentle opening rely upon it the back is too tightly or strongly lined. A connoisseur many years ago, an excellent customer of mine, who thoU'.'ht be knew perfectly h.nv to han dle books, came into my office when I had an expensive binding just brought from the bindery ready to be sent home. He, before my eyes, took bold of the volume, and tightly h 'hliiig the leaves in each hand, instead ■ f ali' them free plav, violently opened it in the cent< r and exclaimed. "How I. mtifully your bindings open!" I almost fainted. He had br. !;• :> the l ack <;f the volume, and it had to be rel onnd. —"Modern!,:; Practically Considered." by William Matthews Got the V.'rouK Woman. A pastiiit which i t tains among the farm cla.-c i f Korea, known as the "packing "ff . 1 widows," consists of a laid by .- mi e:-< uii.v late widower and his friends oil s ».ae v ill<tL.'e known to con tain a von widow, the forcible abduc tion of the lady ia question and her mar riage to tli • widower. An instance of this kind h ;s recently come to our no tice. A widower living in one of the villages of Kangwha with 11 friends went to a hamlet close to the walls of Kangwba city where a widow lived and seized ; :.l carried off, after some what of a i :;ttle, a young lady. It so happ-md, h- .-ever, that they had mis taken th - . -• and unfortunately got hold cr tli wrong lady. Early the next morning a indignant posse came in pursuit, but the men who had commit ted the da tardly deed succeeded in eluding them The young lady, how ever, was rescued, and after the bouse of the widower and its contents had been completely demolished she was escorted home in triumph by her bus band and his friends. —Kobe Chronicle. lIcoU S«in«ii»K I" Ileiiual. The people of Gangutia. in Bengal, have a barbarous practice called hook swinging. They deck themselves out with garlands, and then assemble to getlnr to undergo the most horrible tot ture. A wire about a quarter of an inch in diameter and seven feet long is pierced through the tongue, and then the wretched being will dance for over half an hour with the wire still hang ing through the tongue. Some of them form themselves into a row and are then sewed together by a wiro needle threaded with cord. They are eewed by the arms and look like herrings on a wire when ready for the book. It is thought that the victims are drugged con siderably beforehand, owing to the Mill. n. dazed expression they wear tlir* front, bnt sometimes one or two faint and are with great difficulty brought round again. When Home In Swept. Fewer \yi .< s would sit lonesomely at home while their husbands roam else where in s> arch of entertainment if more wives realized that home should be someth n:: besides a clean place lo eat and sh ij> in. Men "hate' wom en':' tea iKiiiies and large show func tions. but !: >y like dinner and supper p»rt!<Many families refrain from entertaining because they cannot do so on an expensive scale. It is. how ever, possible to give small dinners and suppers that are both enjoyable and inexpensive. Ask people who either do or will like each other, and if you wlsli the women to have a good time have just as many men guests as wom en guest . If the men are to have a good time, make sure that some of the women are pretty and flattering. Men like to be flattered. Oh, yes, they do.— Gentlewoman. Boiled nice. Thomas Murray, the noted chef, says many cooks do not know how to do so simple a thing as to boil rice properly. Hach grain < f rice, he says, should be distinct, whole, but at the same time tender. To accomplish this, a small quantity of rice should be boiled in a large pot nearly filled with water. Put it into cold water and a little salt and boil rapidly for 20 or 30 minutes. Test the grains occasionally, and when a slight pressure between the thumb and forefinger will crush them they nre done. If allowed to boil till the grains burst or boiled in a small quantity of water, tin- grains will stick together. When done, drain off the water and set the rice on the range, where it will keep warm. Exchange. Iliiy Cr«|»M on Ice. Farmers who live iu the vicinity of Muskcgo lake, In southeastern Wiscon sin. derive a profitable Income from the lake each winter by harvesting hay on the ice. The shallowness of the 'vater In the lake bed causes the grae>s growing on the bottom to project considerably above the surface, and when the lee forms the hay can be cut with great ease, though It cannot be got at the rest of the year on ue count of the boggy nature of the lake bottom. While tho population of France hasj Increased only 10 per cent in the Inst 60 years, the number of state officials, ac cording to M Tnrquan, shows an in crease of l!il per cent. The shopgirl would enjey her job better if she learned to sit on the Coun ter wh'H not busy. -Qalve:ton News HOOO'S PILLS ...<ro L«vcr Ills, Bll loUftnoGS, ir Hoidache. Easy to ta'/o, t . y to oparuto. 25c. Practi al Horse Shoer W .L ROBINSON, Formerly Horse Shoer at the Wick li.'iure has opent-d bus ue s in a shop in the rear of •.be Arlington Hotel, where he will do Horse-Shoeing in the most approved style. TRACK AND ROAD HOSRES A SPECIALTY. J SE N N O P MONEY LxJ —I - / CI'T THIS A I). OLT and wnd ui'j yj' 1 ' || ~u* l a "?i nr [ h ' This Circular Plush Cape Halt's H«al I'luah, so Incbm l"nir, rut full Kwrrls Utik thr.iuitliout with Ml* l« l»l»rfc, tlwirnC V "TJ rlulMirnuOv ttmhrnlilfml with M»ut»elia braid aiw I>|A«'U aalllu-tratrd. Trimmed *ll »rouiul with «.»tr» n». lu..b Tblbat Kor. hrnvlly Intflrllnrd with wn.l.llni, nii'l fltarrhani>l> « Ml. '»r fr». I lo.U 'lal"<». »»"" SEARS, ROEBUCK SL CO.. CHICACC Itttan, E©rburk h to. thoroughly rallahl*.— fcdJtor.] Subscribe for The Citizen. A Sadly Loat l>ln>'- When last in New York. Carnegie had a bitter experience with a inessen grr bov, whose tsiniiness in delivering a bnsin,i « message came near ujtsctting a deal of great importance. Referring to this incident while at dinner with friends that evening, he told of an office boy who worked for him many years ago when he was of far less importance in the commercial world. "James," «aid Mr. Carnegie, "was a willing boy, but his ability as a stut terer was simply wonderfnl, and I of ten found it more convenient to attend to little errands myself than to wait for hia explanations. One day a neighbor wanted to send a nice note clear across the city, and I permitted James to carry it for him. The trip was a long one. and James was gone <jitite three hours. When lie returned, I asked him how much he had charged for his services. , " 'Fi-fi fi-fi-ti-fi-fi-lifteen c-c-c-cents!' j was the gasping reply. " 'Why didn't yon make it a quar- i terf I asked. "'I c-c-c c-c-could-could-couldn't I , 8-a. : :-K-sav it,' he replied, with tears as well ; - by; :m us i:i iti voic*. "Ri-.'ut ibtn 1 made np my mind j nev< r to give any < ne my services with- . out fir.-t taiikiti ; sure that Iconld rt/.'ito my j:tice wilhoat stuttering, and I never have. "—Ci::oinnati Enipiirer The itrl::rn of (lie lialloun. In the civil war our tsoldierj faced privatii 11 and hunger A little story in 11. Clay Trniiii.nil's lnjok. "War M- :n --1 ori«-s <f a Cli ; i in." tell' of th« spirit iu which tiny - ■n» ti:i:• 4<l i 1 it While b- for • Petersl .irg doirg pierto ' work in the .-: i.: m- rof 18111, o'tr men batl wormy hard tack s.-rved out to them It \. . ! as' vere trial to the men. Breaking o;i ii tli- hi cuits and lin ing live worms ill then), they would throw the pieces in t'.i trenches, although the ' orders were to t:■ |) the trench s cl>;:;i [ A .i l • ft.ii.-- r< f the day. sc. : some of tin-se > ■■■ •;,, «jo,!*{ car front. ' called oat si a rpiv to our men: "Throw th: t bar 1 tack oot «.f the ' tree:'t ■ Tli<tiie men ; roi:;ptly ' gat;; r- lit i-t. h- added. "D..:,'t you ' kn< ".' «'.. it you've no bu.-i:;t.-s to throw 1 hard tack ill the trenches?" 1 Oat ttl HI Inj ired « -'ni- r hc-.-irl there < ':ne ili rtaeonable explanation, i "We've thro', u it out two or three times, sir. bat it era .vis back.' 1 Pretty Lively Gating. ' When on:- : to-.vs weary of the eternal ices, blanciiia:);:-s, charlottes and pud dings served t . ns year iu and year out for dessert, it is pleasant to hear of an innovation A traveled American re . marked that she onco had the felicity £ of sitting down to a Japanese dinner at t which were served such dainties as i - melons, ices, fruits and sea frogs. There r was in addition to these sweets a cov- J ered dish, ii:t ■ which, at the beginning s of the dinner, a bottle of wine had been a ponred. r When the sea frogs and other dainties had been discussed, the cover of this dish was removed, and a number of a sandboppsrs, hilariously intoxicated and a jumping about in the wildest manner, y were presented to the gaze of the aston e ished American gnest*. The lively defc e eert, so the fair traveler says, was caught by the Japanese with little e bamboo sticks and eaten with great g gusto. tlilne«e Torture. r The ingenuity of the Chinese in de- vising punishment for offenders sur passes that of the most cruel people of the middle ages. Some time ago a boy was kidnaped from a village about 30 1 miles from Chin-Kiang and brought to that city to lie sold. The kidnapers 1 were arrested and returned to the vil '' lage, where the people dug a hole in ° the ground, like a grave, about three feet deep, covered the bottom and sides with unslaked lime, placed the offend- I er, with his hands and feet tied, upon II the lime and covered his body with the 0 same material. Then they filled the ' hole full of water and as the lime '' slacked he was roasted alivo and his '' body consumed. Tlic New Way. The cannibal chief stood with hia hand Mhiirlint; bis eyes. A solitary titfure was timidly creeping toward liim from the jungle. Suddenly the old chief started, lie took a quick step forward. "It is," be cried, "it is my sonl lie is coining liome again!" Then with bis eys still fixed on the slouching figure he shrilly called to bis head hunter: "Mbongwa. the prodigal is returning I Kill the fatted Kaflir!" —Cleveland Plain Dealer. \ I.lull- Matter Anionic Friend*. Two boys were in lighting attitude like hantuDis; another and a smaller one stood watching them, wiping his eyes, sobbing the while. "What did yer hit him for?" said one. " 'Taiu't none of your business." "Yes, it is; he's my friend." "Well, he's my friend too."—New York Commercial Advertiser. An Vndculred Ally. "How is Mud Hlinger going to side in this race? Is be for you 1" "That'a what's worrying me," re plied the candidate for oflice. "If I thought be was going to be against me, I would feel surer of election." —Col- umbus (<,1.) State Journal. llin Itrfermce. Chief (to commercial traveler seek ing a place)—Do you know bow to talk up goods to customers? Applicant—Allow me to turn on this phonograph with a conversation be tween a customer and myself.—Flie gende Illatter. The title of "majesty" was first giv en to Louis XI of France. Uefore that time sovereigns were usually styled "highness." A beggar Is usually a tonofaing ob ject.—Berlin (Md.) Herald. Rkiiumatism Curhd in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in i to 5 days. Its action upon the system is retrarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Kcdic, and J. I'. IJnlpVt Druggists Butler \pr q6. U'LL-NEE-DIT m t ravollnu: or f«>t- medicinal purposes nothlnjc Ih*i lor tnan our Pure Ityn Wlilnki'y ourn Is guaranteed ulisolutuly pun*. TIL KICK AUK OTIIKKS but wo Imuran!<•<• ours to Ik* as above repre sent ed. Votir ('linli't 1 of any «»f tin* below brands of Whisk« y, Knarantt « d over 0 ytmru old 9 MM) per full «|Uj»rt. 0 ijiutrtN $5.00 FINCH. MT. VMINO.V t.l (KKNi.KIMrK, IIIIJ.IJitiKIt, C« I llM)\. OVKKIIOI/l*. L\KbK, TIIOMI'SUX. IlKlPJfi Kt'ORT. UIUSDKATIIMt'H I IIOH a whiskey jfuaranted;t years old, fiSJtO per iral. AIM ' «» If. or mall onicrs of no nr «r wo box and ship promptly; ex press charges pre paid. We liav<* no agents to represent U.S. Sen® order* dlroet and save iiiramy. ROBERT LEWIN & CO., 411 Water Street Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, pa. Opposite II A (>. Depot UNDERTAKING. Notice is hereby give n that the under taking business carried on by Mrs. Minnie Hunt, at West Sunbury, I'a., under the su j.crviioito r father, John Mcchling, latelyd ee'd., 11 be continued by me. All work will be done in first-class style, at reasonable prices. Mrs. Minnie Hunt- F. I„. McQTHSTION, Vi Civil Fnoinkkr and Sukvkvor, Oflice near Court House. Wfc- Gut it Short! (§ When ve'rc *«»t a good thing to >:iy. w«- Kay it. We say the whole thin:; in a minuti \N« have bargain* that vrlll drtvo the sunshine into your lieart>. There is no test like a trial. NEW DRESS GOODS. Itlack ('rcpouiiil tofi.1 1 per yd. Itiu.'k I i* - tosl-S>> per yi. All wool covert cloth, -tuto.lne value. correct mixtures. «» inche* wide. Tic quality at 00c per yd. All wool home.pun. grey and l.rown mixtures. ■*< Inches wide. il.Ottquality ut -V. Venetian cloth. ncwe-t >hades and mixture*— "»t inches wide at Jl.OOyd. RIorL- QJILc Wf mention two -ample values, hut there are Olcli K v IIK 3. ~{in-rs, ju-t I - ■k 1 \ allies in our -t ■ ■ ■;. Itlack I'ean I)e Sole. Heavy, rich and lustrous. 21 Incite- wide ut 51.00 iter vd. . „ Heavy Black Satin Duchess, 34 inches wide. 11.23 quality at JI.OO per yd. Swell Oress Plaids. : Very handsome Plaids at 2.V. / / . All wool camels hair Plaids, rich and effective, .■> Inches w ide at Tftr. vc • tf-S > Nobby wool Plaids, very choice. 46 inches wide at 7.V. \ Silk and Wool Plaids, dollar quality at SOc. /FFj v \ Very heavy Plaids, very swell for skirt-. Mi inches wide at SI.OO. y" Jg/ THE BEST Underwear, Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves and Ribbons. MS&rr: I~J In Low Prices We Find Strength, and Make Business Hum. L STEIN Sc SON, 128 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA 2iZEVSNTIi itiXUAf, xS■ \PffkmtPni I 1 OPT XM / PTJ V R '•.(■■■ •• ' " | OREAItSI BANDS f SOUSA m° BAND Godfrey's GUARD Ba!!d fngtanl' 1 S 50 PIECES-SEPT. 61h TO 19th. SO PIECES—SEPT. 20th TO jOth. < \ Damrosch's New York Symphony Orchestra > / 50 PIECES—WALTER OAHROSCH CONDUCTOR-OCT. 2d TO !4tb. \ \ INNES' FAMOUS BAND ** OCT. i 6 to 2T.*t. | I MYSTERIOUS PICTURES ON THE CINEMATOGRAPH. V / LIQUID AIR DEMONSTRATIONS. I J GRAND ELECTRICAL DISPLAY. ? SEMP US OWE DOLLAR „ THE ACM £ QUEEN inon.*<>r t , mo»t IH KAHLKASD SWEKTEftT "if ToM.O ln«i rui.u u! - r%« r made. From I lu« ill list rat i-»n Hhown, whieh \T J beautiful Milid quurlrr HL «in»*l»4-H i.: inches "wide aiwl weighs UUpoundK. Con 'r IHtpaMin, Principal, Kff'y i •mnn.T, Hu-s r. Mr Km c ji.ii li'i-m.i.iib, » t.. rt I > V»' f if', mi- I'icm !i niirror, n> - UM j<latc«i ihhl .il tru'iu 1"*9hCi fti.i! every »n«»Hrrn ltnpr«»v«im ut VV«> furnUli frr« • in.nd / fer*') tonir bnri'u otiH'l lull thf br«l <>rtriiii l>uok |»uhli«li»(l. > 'ImhPtIKIKf )• tii-ftlt with k>•• il r nei»f)ii«"r ni.out u.h. write 4' th«* |»ubtlf*li«'r «»l thi* pnpemr M»-tr<»politan Natl«>niil Hank, or ( .;»» Kx •hanj: l. Sat linuk. chlirijfo, <»r derman Kxehanpre Bank, New York, or any railroad «»r 4-iprtfij «• Mir,i»:iny lit Chli-niro. W«- it r»s;»l«nl of o»rr #;on.(Mill.lM), occupy entire one of Hi*'lar»re»t < i.- rtiT Un»|.! } n» - :«rl> - " |♦••«>!*! i« in our •iwn building. WK »KW- OKUANS AT IStt.OO »n4 mp: TUIOS, «!U-Of ■ud ui : . . . i> ' i-t ' i i I'm :'•'>! in -t rninent . .it lowe t »holi-ulr pr »«•••-. Write t"« fret \tt |.muc ■ ii<l In >1 ii • ••.. tj ' HtalOjtU.- Ailtlrti"-, iMr»r», lloilmrl A (». *r»> IburoufUlj rrliaUlr. Ldilar.} SEARC, mCBUCX & CO. (Inc.), Fallsn, Dr.»plai.iej » n( - v.'ajntjn Sli.. CHICACO. »L 4.. J. W. MYKRS, | DEALER IN Pianos and Organs. McFANN P. 0., llutler Co.. I'a I f yon want a piano or organ drop me a line and I will call upon you. When Starting On a bicycle tour hope for the best pre pare for the worst and take what ccmes. Hut if you have the foresight to choose as your mount one of our wheels, what comes can only be the best. If you cannot do this l<-t us tliorounlUy over haul and repair your old wheel and the chances of a breakdown will be material ly lessened. Thompson & Cumberland Successors to E. Evans & Son., Cor. Wayne and McKcr.ll, M9ITS PENNYROYAL PUIS t nu.y ovnrromi' Iwrlt v iii'i i>iii|n»l'.iin,liirr■••u-i- viy-r nn<l luuii-h ■ paiiiM of iimii trun t . n " 'lUvy nro ** Lift* tn Klrl i nt worn*. Mhllntc <!•' velnpmi'iit ••rifrtti'* nn«l No known r. no .lv for women equal* th**m. Cannot do Imrm—llf•• i»« rotnr* fi |.l| I nr. *1 I»«*r »>«* l.\ until. Soi lUy «{■ tticuUlß. BTOTT CHEMICAL CO PfkUWrr'a !Ca«ilah .-a.l K.nal. EfIHVROYAL PILLS . Orlflaal Mil Oalf «fnulne. A 74A ft A re, rtOlabu. i«uuihl A\ 1" 4\ (L\ v ± lnu(Kl«t f-r (ItcJkulor 1 A'• ;'U» /'».« /7|\ / J fX •Va «iww.< RrmnJ lo Itrd »u.l i.-4d . > '<**** ■ealnl with bin* [y\ other. M'fmtdingr-us luhtttiu- V • ! ~~ in "«ne an 4 imUt+tlam* At l'rt»*r€•. I X- Y frr n»r*lrnl»f«. l-tttumrfale \ r*%) II •• Ilnllt>r r-r," «n l*tUr, by rriara /> 10,<KH> —'/"ai •'! rhlfbi'ittrr « It.-mlrnl I'o^ 1' (<.O .'Jitdl-.-u H„uuf<s I'A. I* WANTED—A Reliable MAN:: of good fiihllOM to solicit Imihlih vh from prop- > rrty-owiMMH. At y u« ll known |»rrr«»n willing 4 ( to wait, i-nii mnko HotoflA wet-kly. Com- < 111 f"M!on or fial :ry t paid weekly. A(Ulre»H for < part irtilarn, moiitiofiinglliin impcr. < > <ll \i;i,i :s 11. 11AHK, Him luwtor, N. Y. < t fKEELEY CURE. J 5 LIQUOR AND OPIUM HABITS. J 9 Removes all desire an'! dppctllc, builds up the W A system, renews health and vioor. brightens the 0 i Intellect and fits one for business. # lllli (INLY KRKI.KY INSTITI TK W THE DOUBLE A A ADMIRAL OLD RYE WHISKEY. (>lll* of t In* flni'Ht Ityi- Whlslilrs In tills . at tin* followlnjiT low prlrrt: I nil niiurlrt, ovir I»«»11 It 85c; f»u r Ihit i !«■ - $1.00; -l\ 1-iitU-. $4 50; iw. lv. iMililfs. $8.75; . a!l«»n. SI.OO I liroi* Kiillniis. • > Not 11 t liuii I khllhii or I Iwillli-i slilppi <l. i-liarjf'' f«*r packintr. Exprciis pid in 110 followlliji s I'l'im sylvanla, t'lilo. NWsi V irginia Maryland. Indiana. Now York. Sond your addri'ss and rnonoy order Co A. ANDKIESSKN Sole Owner, 916 Federal St., TEL. 549. ALLEGHENY, PA. I*rl<*« list of othf*r tfiKHjl*. Wlm niall o«l. ItifcfiH'i •»: I irsi and HtH'ond National i tnd IMlai <avlngN Fuud tud Trad i . iropHDY. v llefheny. Pa (>0 marks on shipping oaac*.) if West Winficld Hotel, (*) G. W. LUSK. Prop'r. 1 I trst Class Table and Lodgings. < Jus and Spring Water all through r J. house. V*7 (>(xxl Stabling. a postal card to I Inl or call up No. 41 wJ I I I <if the People's »*** an I'lione anil W. B. McOEARY'S new wagon, running to and from his Steam Carpet-Cleaning establishment, will call at your house take away your dirty carpets and return them in .1 day or two as clean as new. All on a summer morning -Cari>cts, rugs anil curtains thoroughly cleaned on short notice. Pisipr / II MST\& V \ 'F" jjjj Jp ASANY'othepV JBRJ g; TRv it. ,v Have You Any Part of SIOO to invest, if you can make from snob investment from 25 to 50 per cent Monthly? If so, you can invest from flo to sl<M) in Stocks, drain, &c., through a broker of 20 years experience v/lio will give hi* services to you free if he fails to pay you dividend of 25 per cent monthly on any amount you inpy invest through him. Write at once for < 'ircular Letter giving full information to J WEAVER, Investment and Commission llroker. 421 Woiml St , Pittsburg, I'a \ D. L. CLEELAND, > £ Jeweler and Optician. \ \ 125 S. Main St, / \ Butler, Pa. f75 POX BAIN COAT ' « Hllil I.IU ITKMr*MI» -«M kltlllMl Ml" J2./5. end No Money. ft,*£? Htl> > oil# fcrl«M «t»tt imbrr « f In.».«* »• round^b. Kly • rliMti up un«l»r iritn,m4 wt ||«l y <-« I t hU < ■ W>t. 1 ■> ryr **• i \ n rrprfHMßtrtl mid the m«*t won »■'> •»». Ml urlr*, #3.l*. utiil njf " rlutriTM •fts MACKIN i* « «Ur, IhtUl'twrtl f. double bnn»l«''t. •-»!?• r »r, Unrjr Ml, «trn|>|w«l ««»«t r' M «uo« imnir«t|l r *' ' r« ¥»r Vr» .nd orrrro«U AFall and pv O q 0 Fill and i > I >Autumn *— 1 "• * • ■Autumn i > V The Leading Millinery House of Butler County. | j [Special Sale of FELT and VELVETS HATS.' ; Just received a large line of the newest styles of Felt | I kVelvet Hats. - , . I. Before purchasing examine our stock. . I Mourning goods for immediate use always in stock. II |122 S. Main St [). T. Pape. BUTLER. PA. 5 iI > Come and see the finest selection of DOLLS ever brought' ► I Butler. I > /CASH NOVetTy STORE, llf-lil \WEENSWAR6 & CROCKERy STORE. IM r W bAMP and GLASSWARE STOR6. Ilt,ww /GOODS IN' ALL LINES. \M A N AGEflt E NT. Having purchased the Allison Bee Hive Novelty and Queens wafe Store, I have devoted considerable care and time in completing the most varied stock of goods iti Butler. Below will give an idea of s omc of the goods carried in stock. Axle grease, / Batter spades, |Ui>W»s— ISt ales, BASKETS - candle wicks, £«tcp. J school bags, clothes, C can openers. Jlong, X SCOOPS— delivery. / cards playing, i»n»l am! tin, fruit, tacks, X C shawl straps, laundry, C chalk line», {chmimevs, /shoe lace*, hath, \ chalk, {burners, / sieres, market, Q crayons, Jwicks; S skirt hoards, office, f cheese cutters. J'anterns, % slates, traveling; \ clocks, iea.l j*ncils, V state pencils, bird seeds, Q clothes hampers, Ilentcn s«|uee/ers, J slaw cntteTS. blacking, f clothes horses. glasses, SOAM blacking crises, \ clothes lines. fMrbks, 1 Isncdry, blank luniks, Q clothes pins. S toilet, blueing, / coat racks, {treasures, f spoons, liosoni l>oards, \ coffee mills, * measuring faucets, V starches, breadboards, Q Comlw, Xtnoney drawers, J store polish, brooms, / commodes, iinop handles, \ TABUS RRI'SHKS — \ cork screws, * mouse traps. Viewing, cloth, Q corn poppers, .£ mucilage. J kitchen; dusting, f curry combs. {oil cans ami tanks. V table cutlery, floor, / dominoes, *PAPEH- /tack hammers, hair, ) dusters turkey, |writtng, V tinware all kinds, horse, \ egg l>eaters, I A rapping, / towel rollers, oaint, \ envelopes, ipsss hooks. / tracks, scrub, Q faucets ist quality,{pastry boards, \ tabs, shaving, F fish forks, I pen holders, F twines, shoe, I fish hooks IT lines,¥)>ens, V TWINE box*-s, stove, 1 fibre ware, *VINS, J viol«n fixtures, tooth, \ fly traps, Ipipes. \ wagons, whitewash, / fruit augers, {POTATO mashers, \ wash boards, window; \ HWIH, fpocket BOEK , C * ASHING maeliinr s. Bt'CKKTS — T gum liatulx, } pocket knives water cooUrs. piae, V granite ware, Jpurses, \ whips, cedar, J gun caps. *ra/ors. T wt isks. horse, \ hammocks, IRAIOR straps, / ««"! SPOONS, paper; \ harmonicas, {rolling pins, X willow ware, butter ladles. risk, frales, rwtregwwls, butter moulds, J jewaharps, Trope, J wood '«>wls. butter prints, X keelers, {satchels, \ woo<l di ties, wringers. I also handle watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, &c.. pianos, organs and sm.tll musical goods, strings and fittings for all instru ments. Come ami look over our 5 and 10 cent counters. When you want a bargain be sure and come to. J. R. Grieb's, Cash Novelty Store. No. 136 South Main Street. Butler. Pa. As, ° Buggies mBBBBBBBBBBBBSm wagons, ££££, BUILOINSS WITH ' work. etc. REDICK & (JRO HMAN. 1•. tI) Miin St., ------ Butler DO YOU KNOW THAT WE WILL SHIP M —All Charges Paid A Gallon of Pure Penna. Rye Whiskey for $.3 i We don't blame you if you are doubtful about it, !mt the liest way to convince yourself is to SEMI us a trial order Send the amount either in currency by registered letter, I*. O. order or express, and we will ship ami prefiay exprcssageon a gallon of Cabinet 4 year old «jre for f\<■> You will lie surprised at the quality of this whiskey. IT *• guaranted altsolutely pure, and is just what you need in the house at this season of the year. What do you think of a West Virginia Black at $2.00 per gallon? WC have some of the ver» lies', made from selected lorries AMI carefully distilled put up in gallons, half gallons ami iiuarts— lton't forget that we PER |»ay expressage on all orders of ssllO ami over, e<> ,K wheie a transfer is necesssry from one Kxprrs* Co., to another, when we pay expressage to J*>mt of transfer You can make you own selection from the following Anchor Rye, a good whiskey for the money 12.00 a gal Cabinet Rye. can't be beat $3.00 a gal Bear Creek Rye, a very fine whiskey 14 00 a ga Gin, Rum, Eummel, Brandy $3.00. $2.50 and $3.00 per gal MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY- PA Send for catalogue anil price list, mailed free. NKAKLY Fifty-eight Years Old !! It's a 'ong life, but devotion to the true int rr#> and K, nrosjwrity of THE \ mrriesn People has won for it new friends as the yea. 1 - rolled by *nd Ihe • members of its family passed to thnr re*anl. and thear ailnirrt* are ' ijff jf|>l loyal and striMlfast to>lav «% it It in it* tea«hii*gs, and i \ ■ confidem-e in tile information which it HRRNXT to ifceir \ ' > '"omi's and firmiifci -S«ST, •• As a natural c«>nM<|M. M eit enji»ys IN IT ill t!.» \ vitality .unl vigor of Its youth, liened jr.l ripened J T F . by the rsjierienc.s nf over half a cvnturv. \ It I. as lived on :' ■» tner:" ~ I-,,J»>ft ~# \ progressive Am. ricans. It is "The New York Wiekly Tribune," scxnowledgrd the «■< uutry t.ver .» the leading National l'amily New-papir Kecogui/ing its value to those who desire all the news of lb* State ar.O N«LW>n. the publisher of "The CLTL/i- \" vour own favorite home paper h»» entered into an alliance with "The New York Weekly Tribune" which ENABLE* him B» fuimsfi lotl pajarrs »t the trilling cost of #l.s<> per year. livery farmer and every villagrr owes to hims«-'f, to his family. »rcd t«» 'K« Community in which he lives a cordial support of his local newspaper, as it works constantly and untiringly for his interests in everv way, bring* to his horc- all the new« und hap|ienings of his neighliorhood. tlie doings of his fnends, the rnaititH.n and pros|>ects for different crops, the prices in home markets. »nd, in fact, is s weekly visitor which should 'A- found in every wide awake, progressive family. Just think of it' IVULI D these ps|wrs for only F I )O a yesr Send all subscriptions to THE CITIZEN Butler PA. Subscribe for the CIIIZHS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers