The Great SHO6 Sale Still Going on At Miller's TWO GREAT SALES COMBINED. Great Sample CZ! 1 Stock Reducing Q1 Over 1000 pairs of Samples Left Go at about Half Price, It is a great sale'that is now going on at our store. We never sold as many shoes in July as we are selling now. We are interesting our customers. We're selling them shoes cheaper than ever % before. The Sale of Sample Shoes is wonderful. People are coming from far and near for the great bargains. No wonder. Think of it—good stylish shoes at half price; some cases less. Come in before the samples are all gone. $2.4-8 $2.48 buys any tan shoe in the house in Men's or Ladies'. We want to sell all our tan shoes before August 15. We place on sale $3 .00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 and 5.00 Fine Tan Shoes at $2.48. Not one pair is held back; all go in this sale. OUR 98 CENT SHOE SALE s better than ever before. Ycu will be surprised to see what nice j shoes you can buy for 98c in Men's, Ladies', Misses' and Boys'. The Greatest of all Shoe Sales. C. 6. /Wilier The New Cambridge. Located right in the heart of the town —free bus to all the springs—Good table and every modern convenience—the nicest and most convenient place to stop at Cambridge Sprites WRITE TO Haggerty & White. Cambridge Springs, Pa ffORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD PAYMENT OP ONLV ONE DOLLAR POSSESSIONOF The New Werner Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRIIANMCA. A SUPERB LIBRARY OF 30 MASSIVE VOLUMES So complete that it covers the entire range of human knowledge. glff* The entire set with Guide and case delivered <t> 1 rvrv in upon payment of only $ ' Balance payable in small monthly payments. Workmanship and material the best known to the book-makinp art. The product of the largest and best equT J J in America. The BRITANNICA is the acknowl edged standard of all Encyclopedias, and the NEW WERNER Is tho best edition of the Brltannica. Do not put your money in old editions or poorly made books because they are cheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. Consider the advantage of a family who has this work over one which has •ot FOR SALE BY J. H. DOUGLASS, BUTLER PA. _______ Aslo JF=fl Paints For Buggies. Wagons, AIA9E TO PAINT OecoraTve BUILOINJS WITH'' Work. etc, REDICK & GROHMAN. No. 109 Main St., - - But ler, . If you cannot send your children to the University, bring the University to them. This edition has never been sold for less than $64.50. For a short time only $40.50 cash, or $45 00 on monthly pay j ments. ORDER NOW, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure this un -1 rivalled fund of universal knowledge. Do you remember /». how you felt in the ' mornings when yon fa/ were a boy? How rA f S good it was to t>egin a new day! How hun gry vou came to ta hie ! How tired you (C,, 4^^. soundly you slept ! LA HH Don't vou find your- / J self saying some- ( ' times, how I wish I 'pp ~ \ could get up like i \ that hoy, eager for fyV>''fT j\ the dav And feeling Ay /J*Wl fit for It ? And then don't you turn away the wish were iin possible of fulfill- KB 0 ' \£Bg meiit, and start on H3F the new day's at the outset ? possible to get back that glad boyish feeling again. It onlv means getting back health, Put j your stomach in order and see how soon your sleep will be dreamless, your rest sound, your appetite hearty and your work a pleasure. The best remedy for all ailments of the stomach and nutritive organs is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Try it and join the great army of sick people made well by its use. Nothing is "just as good." If you gtvfor " Discovery " get " Discovery." The praise I would like to give Golden i Medical Discovery I cannot utter in words or j describe with pen." writes James B Ambrose. | Esq of:*c<4, Mifflin St.. Huntingdon. I'i "I w3 taken down with what our pliys-.cian said wa* indigestioft I doctored with the best , aroum! here and found no relief I wrote yon and you sent me a question blank to fill out and j 1 did so and you then advised me to use Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery. 1 took three bottles and I felt so good that I stopped, being, as I thir.k, cured. I have no symptoms of gastric trouble or indigestion now Dr. Pierce's Common Sense .Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the paper covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bouDd. j 7 SPECIFICS cuees J FEVERS. Luna Fe»er, .Milk Fever. It It. > mI'H Vl\£. Lament--*. HbeuiuaUam. CCREB j CCRJra j WORMS, Botu. «;rul»-i. cukes 1 nllnenziu CTJKJffiI f'OLIC, Bellyache, I>iurrhe». G.ti. Prevrola MISCARRIAGE. CURES \ KIDXEV A BLADDER DISORDERS. J-'.L!mA\GE. Skin Di»ea»es. ccms ! BAD COXD'TIOX. Starina Coat. 60c parh: Stable Case, Ten Specifies. Book, fte., $7. At druKßlsts or s»-nt prepaid on receipt or price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William A John Sts.. New York. Vetliunauy siascal sunt !• ree. NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL. WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 2S, in use over -40 years, the only successful remedy. $1 per vial,or 5 vials and large vial powder,for £5 Sulil ty Uru«eUt«, ur I*l4 "" rwelpt <.l price. ■CMMUUIU' BU>. CO., Ur. "UlUa * Jolui su., Xcn lark A Cure for Constipation. I have been troubled with constipation for years. It was ruining my health, my coi» - fort and my complexion, an«l I am gi««l t » nay that I'Hery King has restore*! all thn and this after trying many other medn if ' that were supposed to he good, hut \\ r.»«; 1 were of no value whatever. I would li I- » tell every Buffering woman what < el cry K n ■ has done for me.—Nellie Gould, Medina?* > Celery King rural Constipation and all dis easeflorthe Nerves, Stomach, l.lverimd Kid neys. Hold by druggists. 25c :md 50c.. 3 £ PURE BLOOD, I # Pure blood.meansUfe,liealc!i, J vigor—no room for cliseaso inhere tlio veins are died j 5 with ricla, red corpuscles. i» SLindsey's Improved? | Blood Searcher l! ■ 1 takes pure blood—cures pcrof« <J I f ula, erysipelas, pimples, boils, (j I # soro eyes, scald bead—blood dio- <# # cases of all forms. Here's proof: # A Kir- s O»*r» ;nA, Oi i to. J| v Dr. Knflsey'J Blood Searcher has X F v irkclv.onders'Withtn'!. I haYODCfcn <5 A tr jublulwith Scrofula f< r(hlrtyv'ari 0 5 t»ufc I find that Dr. Ijntfsey'u Bifid i P 1 fyarchc;r villcfleft aixrmancnt euro 2 JnaiJicattiiiie. Itfev/onderW!. 4 . C. AV. LinhGOTC. > s W. GILMORE CO. i W PITTSBURG, PA. \ 5 *^. JS ... Eurekn Harneßri Oil Is the licst :« preHervullve of new loatli'-r KB |3 unil the l>c*i renovator "f old ® -'{m leather. It oils, sott- :• liia-k- .% jq ens and protects. U- e § Eureka * li Harness | II on your »ie«t bnrm**. your old h:ir- wM > ncHs. and your carriage top, ond t ley Si « will not only »*■tt» rtut wi iir » Iff lian from half | ints fr> flv» ..r- n:«. Vi % I1wl« hy HI AM)4U!» OIL < 0. M HARKLETON SANATORIUM Has all the elements Necessary for an Ideal Health Resort. Skillful Medical Service, Invigorating Mountain Air, Pure Waters, Scenery Unsurpassed in America. Only three hours' ride east from Pittsburg, in the Allegheny moun tains. Open all the y«*ar. under the rnrrtical eon troiof Pi K. o. jrra<luat«- of ITni verslty of Vermont, assisted l»y skillful phy sicians. Al>pnlnt mentsnf t lie Host appnurd kinds, and first-class in every respert. Treatment hy medicines and hat lis of all kinds, massage and electricity. Ilot, and cold, salt Turkish, Kornan. sit/., electro thermal, clectro-chenileal and needle bat hs. Building heated with J"»t water, lighted l»y eleeirlclty. supplied with pure mountain water, surrounded l:y quiet restful n.oun taln seenery. Lo<*aicd on I'itishi.i u dlvisi«»n of B. .V <». K. It . which connect , it with the principal cities and their railroad system-*; also with the Pennsylvania railroad at liyridman, Johnstown, t/onnelsvlllc. ltrad dock. Terms reasonable. Siieclal rates for ministers, missionaries, teachers, physicians and their families For further information and circulars address THt MARKLETONf SANATORIUM CO., Markleton, Somerset Co., Pa. SEND ONE DOLLAR « 1 Kiyj »(j, loyal Hlur flirb!* Uritr* l jws.j' 1 O/y that with onter. ' Kocky H»unl»in*. THIS HANOSOMC ORAVCSTONE made, rut, traced, Irt trrcnand polinhc«l In very latent atrle, from Imt Km■ Blu* tlnif Oraia lirhlr, U non-<|..trurilhlr, «n<l h«. • rirh hlrhlr |.olUh< <], unUUlnir rolor Ur»«MUin«> USO larhr* blirk 16 taHie* «i«ic »«»»*•«•. Writ*hrarfMiidNrilflii»i»«ifci»r^ Mdreu. BEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO Subscribe for The Citizen. TME CITIZEN. Novel Wilder of Three lii volve» Loss of lilf Teetli. It may l»e the nearness of the Xorris town Insane Asylum which Is dissemi nating "foolish" germs thronghotxt the snrronnding atmosphere, but at any rate there are three candidates for ad mission at Harleysyille. The trio is made np of a baker and two of his drivers, who became mixed up in a controversy as to who had the most nerve. Each man backed him self for a five dollar bill and a three cornered wager was laid the winner to take the pot. . Then came the question of deciding the bet. The baker hab a gleam of in telligence above bread making. In his lifetime he had snffered from tooth ache. He knew that he had enough nerves in his teeth to " stake" a Mormon family. The two Jehns agreed that teeth were about as thickly populated with nerves «is any other portion of the bodv. This led to thedecision that they visit a Xorristown dentist and the man who could have the most sound teeth pulled at one "setting"' would "cop" off the "dough." or rather the fifteen pias tres. This was agreed upon, and on Satur day after the baker had "set his batch" the three men hied themselves to a tooth artist. Their nerve received several shocks as they saw grinning incisors, molars, bicuspids and things in the den tist's window. Walking boldly into the dental abat toir the baker explained the situation aud secured wholesale rates. Perspiration was oozing through the features of the three as the smiling den tist. lovingly flourishing a murderous pair of forceps, pointed to the upholster ed chair and with a bow asked, "Who's first No one jnuiped forward, and perspir ation received a new impetus. Finally the woozy betters decided by the toss of a coin. One of the drivers was selected as the first victim, and with a l>old de meanor he seated himself in the chair, jostling the nicely polished cuspidore which was screwed invitingly upon the side. The dentist gazed into the driver's open features, and before the victim knew the performance had started the knight of the forceps was slinging ~grinders" about, the premises. Six teeth had been sent to grass when, with a yell, the owner of the late teeth clutched the dentist by the throat, leap ed from the chair and pranced about the room. "Next," said the dentist, as he rolled up his a little higher It was "up to th 3" baker, and with a confidence he did not feel he took the seat resigned by his predecessor. His pulse began to double up and the dent ist went to work. The six sacrificed teeth had enabled him to get his "hand in," and before the baker could think of the price of flour five teeth were rattling against the wall and dropping like hail on the floor. Five was all the baker could squander. He was perfectly willing to resign all claim to the *l3, and grabbing thedent ist's facile, sinewy wrists he stopped the performance. In the meantime, theother driver, with bulging eyes and with gasping breath, was watching every move. The moan g of the first man with his head over the "sink and the blanched coantenauceof his boss took the heart out of him. "Next," again said the executioner, and with a mighty effort the remaining driver pulled himself together and tjok the chair. With a smile serene and mild the dentist man took a hitch in his trousers, spat upon his hands and resumed the seance. He was just beginning to en joy the work. Business had been kind of slack and he was a little out of prac tice. Here was his chance. The driver winced as he saw the smile on the face of the manipulator of the cold, gleaming forceps Id was too late. In went the pincers, and despite the struggles of the patient, muffled yells and the thrashing of his legs the I) 1). S. did not stop until eleven strong, solid teeth had been torn from the settings of red gum and scattered about the prem ises. When the dentist halted for a mo ment to 'catch his breath the driver lurched and rilled out of his chair. He had won the *ls, but tears came to his eyes as he saw his faithful mo bus and kindred ivories scattered about, their work in life completed. Trie dentist was pleased with the job and as he ushered the three liettors to the door he bowed blandly Mid remark ed: "Come again, gentlemen." HOOD'S 1-ii.Lo i.ure L;*er Ills, Bil* ioO*>ncss, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. Cookul Towels in Vi<>iinu. One of the best known citizens of Santa Clara, California, who has been a long while in Europe, brings back a number of funny stories about Vienna. "In that city," he says, "poker and cocktails are playing the' deuce with men and women, especially these pre pared cocktails. I was in a Viennese liquor place where one of the men spoke a little English. " 'Buy a bottle of cooked towels'/' he asked me. " 'Gracious, what is that?' " 'Not know coaked towels? Surely monsieur is an American? " '1 aui.' " 'Why cooked towels is the name of your drink. The great American drink.' " 'Do you mean cocktails?, I asked. " 'Ah, mon Dieu, no, Cooked towels. See, here's the inscription. " 'We call these cocktails, my friend., " 'Ah thank you, I thank you. I ask the American ladies and gentlemen to buy the cooked towels and they laughed at me. Now I know, itiscockus tails. Ah. that is good to know; cockus tails. RhHUMATISiI CURIiD 1 N A DAV, "Al).stie Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically-cures in ito days. Its action upon the system is retr ark able and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Keilic, and J. I*. Balph Druggists Butler \pr 46. Everybody detests flattery, out it is wonderful how much of it they can stand When two women have different views they consider each other peculiar. The safest way to pass eonterfeit money is 011 the opposite side of the street. If you're aLli. tp sleep well these nights, don't grumble at the heat in the daytime. A man with a family to support can never understand why all the old bach elors are not millionaires. Always put off until to-morrow that which should not be done to-day. PITTSBURG EX COITION. t»p«-i,ide of lh> r.i» lndutlrl»l Show. etii(>rrior antl Magnlfl t:cuV txlill'lti. Bummer Is t.i iuiK iut« autumn and a> th« day* toll l>v the public miud turns with p!ea>urahlc auticipatiou to the Pittsburg Exposition, that splendid institution of amusement and instruc tion, which op us its doors for the eleventh annual season 011 Wednesday eveuiug, Sept. t>. than ;i montli remains in which to make preparation for the opening of the big industrial •how. :md in con- juence the exhibitors an- sparing no pain- to have everything in readiness for opening night Judging from the plans of the manage incut, the big sli >w will be lx-tter and tiner this year than ever before. There will l>e a greater variety of exhibits, and all efforts will be directed toward pro ducing norel effects. From the tirst year of the Exposition music has been oae of its distinctive features, and this season especial care has bern exercised in the selection of qtusical organizations of a high stand ard. Never before in the history of the Exposition society have the musical ar rangements been so complete or satisfac tory. The management made » dip'o mntie stroke in the engagement of .lohn Philip Jsousa, the famous composer of two steps .mil marches, and his celebrat* d concert band of *0 musicians, for the tsv 1 opening vceka of the big show Housa was lu re for the opening week last year and his presence drew immense crowds and aroused the wildest enthusiasm. I!o is deservedly popular both «s musician and composer, and will no doubt prove a greater drawing card this year than ever to the immense success of his comb' operas produce I last season. Another master stroke was in the se lection of the celebrated c omposer and conduct ir of grand operas, Walter Dam roscli, and his New York symphony orchestra for a two weeks' period Dam naeh waahwa for oaly imm waak dtntsi labt season, and his orchestra created such a furor that the Kxposition society deemed It advisable to have him here for a longer time this treason The conduc tor spent tnost of the summer at a conn try place near Philadelphia, where lu> gave up Itis timoentirely to composition Me is \erv simple in his habits, aud being an ardent lover of nature, he thoroughly enjoys country life His engagement at the exposition begins 011 Monday, Oct - continuing until S i'urday evening, Oct 14. Following the engagement of the Sou- 1 band, on Sept. u'o, is that of Dan (iodfrev, the famous bandmaster of the liritish army, who will li 11 a ten days' engage ment at the Exposition with his <-elebrated BritishUiiaiM.s i.aiul 01 renowned inu bicians ar.- no-.v preparing to maky a tour of the'l nited .- .at s and Canada During the closing week of the Kxposition, from < jet ltj to SI, music will be furnished by lnncs and Ills concert band, who havs anpe ired here on several occasions before This blind is accounted one of the finest eoncert organlwitions in the country and it will he a trcrtt to hear them at the Kx position again after several years' absence Other amusement features of the Impo sition this season will he the cineniato grnphe, in the an callery of the main building, which will exhibit the very latest uvwi, many <.f wuu haruof a hu moron- character, the iuerr» m>round, the gravity railway an I the uiyst;.- maze Some 01 the notaole . xhibil- of an edu cational in 1,;< ci\<- 11 tur will be that oi lie • outiiern railway, to b - lo i.atcd 111 lie i' y> ■■ ill luaiii i; tho arnu r (~ni« exhltnt by thu Carnegie Steel comp.i ,y; tm- i-'ulli.ian of a dining car ot t i.tu-si <1« -igu and the ox liibit of inamuioilt ilyr.auio- and electrical appliami*.- "f ever. dc» ription by t!.. Westing ousc Ke-irie and Manulactur ing c mpauy. - ,. 1 n.•-,• eabibtfai will lie eon ii, .t > - w r.nic.ii hall, while In the mi iding .-1:1 ia'. feaad exhi 4ta at t<»..!.e- and I articles <•!' ;\fry \ 1 1 .:'.*r. will lie 1 • imc.v-. .-«i .its.... . tne.uteii \ I ■ L I ■ • II a 111 mil s.»o Aria neii. - i.ave l> 11 pi r.ecled with tln-M. , 1... '. 1. 1 ~!ij■.:i. 1 s lor t:,\i ui j.ions t.n ■ cry o.i.- riii.lll : into Pills burg. .... 111- ol one far..' i.r ine roun i trip bun o. 111 .. >itl 1 nun ;ul p airs with .1 a I.e.ins o. 1,.»111.1-- oi l itis urg lii.s will give a.I ie 1 t ills of \vi>t. rn IVIIII fjli ..::a : a-torn ti.ii-.iaud \> e-s Virginia au opa , t mi. >• 1o vi ~1 Ihe Pittsburg x ) osit I.>:I at 111 vol y L.I 1 .t: t o-t The nig i" p it. 11 -1.1 lie granite, and better this }t ii..-..: 1 iei- ... 1 r .!. wit ' in.' in ... ui i .Jat at 1 0.11 pr .v .iied t . 1.1 t .11 a.lord 10 iiil-.s the K real it.dUiM n .-now It's intifh easier to run up a bill than t is to foot it. OA society woman is one who has learn ed to smile like a politician. Smokeless po .vder suggests the pos. fibility of a noiseless firecracker. THE BESI SUMMER TONIC recommended and endorsed by noted phys icians. Is a moderate use of pure and whole some liquors. We are importors and handle only the Ijcst brands of wines, whiskeys. etc. If you are dissatisfied with I hi* wines and liquors you have Iwen getting, give ours a trial. Prices lowest for pure goods: FINCH. JIT. VKItXO.N, < KKN.iFDIt I*. IHI,MX.Kit, tilllso\, OVKKIIOI.T. I.\K<;K THOMPSON, BItIJHaKPORT, Any of the above brands of whiskey, un adulterated, tl years old, 91.00 per full <|t.; 0 qts., <ittANI>FATlfKK'$ < a whiskey guaranted years old, $5.00 per iral. < >n C. O. I>. or mail orders of ST>.OO or over we box and ship promptly: express charges pre paid. We hAve no agents to represent us. >end orders direct and save tiit.ney. ROBERT LEWIN & CO., 411 Water Street Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite l» Ai O. Depot Circs a *j>ecin!!zcd Bread- winning Education* FOR CIRCULARS ADDRESS, P. DUFF & SON.S\ 21 i Filth Avenue, PITTSBUBG, PA. gnENHYKGYAL SPSLLS • , Orl£l«al bb<l Orlj flcnulnr. A Ctrl, *_.«*;» VolUM*. MI A\ ' (( l>ru.-i»i 'or Ckich€*t*r a Mn*/luk l-i.t i9\\ '-SkjgXSß&Lmarui l&rd u>Al n^Uc\\M? — J »le<l with blue ribbon. 1 kLc \Sr A fjut 1 ?nooth«T. ItrfuM danger* us luhtutu- V • : . *// in c*amp* t«r n«rtirolar«. l'«tl«aalAta *a 1 I f 41 IMtrf for •" UtUr. b7 // iU'L 10,000 rf.U«»l»n I'mme rap*?. s> —""/At nit !»rufr ••«. Cklrkwitrr M».»lcbl <'«>•• If I'liiLADAn 1 A. if WANTED—A Reliable MANS J \ of good address t<. buairc s from j.r>p- X \ \ erty-owfuTß. At y well known pcrf.u X , to w*>rk f can make flotoflß weekly. < »m- X 41 mission or salary, paid weekly. Address for X , t |.nrt iculjirH, mentioning thin |>:»|»<T. X j \ ( MAKI.IS 11. i ll Asi :, Itoehester,NX <> G <* * UNDERTAKI NG. Notice is hereby give n that the under taking business carried on by Mrs. Minnie Hunt, at West Sunbury, I'a., under the superviion of her father, John Mechling, latelyd ee'd., will be continued by inc. All work will be done in first class style, at reasonable prices. M rs. Minnie Hunt Ta~t s "hiu'd el PHI * "A " gr.3So-a —DENTAL ROOMS.-- W t I 39 - sth AvO., Pittsburg, Pa. 'i ffcPNHI V. -'r. PRACTICA'.'.Y'I"'"KtI> J HBSf M CROWN PRiHjC M fiffM /jMk'.f l-lulmrg— WH Y NOT DO faIYOURS? <• "1 •> CROWNS L" g ' U ;>uil BRIDGE work rinhici-.i • ' L e VA \7 Ifss PER TOOTH A'*" l", iW Br in-st »el of l ifth m.ul' .ON LJK { KEELEY CURE. J < LIOUOR AND OPIUM HABITS. J ¥ Hemo»«« all dMire »"■) .ppetilf, bullUi uplhe W 4 system, renews health and vigor, brightens the M 5 Intellect and fits one lor builness. > W Tn» ONLY *K.KI.«r ISSTITtJI T i Bo'.n-l ff.' IS WIsTBK* LVANIA. | West WinfielJ Hotel, ® G. W. LUSK, Prop'r. GO l irst Class Table and I-odgiuKs. (i<ts and Spring Water all through -XT house. CJ/ G(xkl Stabling. SubHeribe tor the (JITIZIN. ' ] HUSELTON'S! « ° ur Established Record For high grade* and low prices has attracted hundreds to my | store the past month This Clearance Sale lias become an event in shoe history all over the town and the country round, and hundreds have been taking advantage of the sale- All Ligh + . and Medium weight shoes for men, women and children get a deeper cut : this month. That's the way the space for Incoming Fall Stock must l>e made. We are always off with the old before we are on with the new, and we are making Prices That Move you to buy as well as move the stock. Three months still j remain for wearing Summer Shoes, ami a half saved goes a long way towards the winter shoes. You Want Them now. The Boy needs them; the girl needs them for school— | not one pair —but two pairs for the price of one. Visit My Store, See my window?; they retlect the values found inside; tliev 1 tell of shoe style and shoe service at prices not met with ■ elsew here. B. C. HUSELTON'S. j Hutler's Leading Shoe House. Opposite Hotel Lowry. ! SEND US OME DOLLAR _ IIPKUVKD »t Ilk tflliN PAkLOtt OUbA>, bjlrrirttt. O. I».. %u».Ject !• I - -.--f \ 11 c.t;i t-xaimne It at j- mr nearr«t lr**it:lit ' M r- '' v V ainl If V.ti fin lit Cftti-th represented. <■ |ual to organs that r at ♦To.oo tt» ♦KMi.oc. the .-rvnt ■-t \aiu«* jouev. rMff and < TVVHPJVVVBBm P far better than lui* ertteeti by other* at more in.-nr r. nay ft the freight a*vu' our »i><riut UO offer price, $31.75, LBHU §I.OO, or : $31.75 -- (hire b; vlkrn. *u< h un o!T« r v* a* u»*ver iituilt* In lore. J* ,• |A THE ACME QUEEN :- -uo». AMI **EKTIi*T TO>kll r<rr made. |r- r:i the iili.-lra! ill shown, which .*s i<i ctnfrav«l dir*-«*t from a i»hotofcmph,you can f < rrn some idea of it* tw-autiful appearance. .Made from (jnurler »anrJ IIHL, antique flni h, hind*' r.u ly d. -orated and ornamented, ( oti|iVr, lllri-nnit Kitli- and Ut l!i!M4ns;2 OrU»f loujttrra, 1 Tone >-rii. 1 l.rand Orrao S«rll t 4 frl» UrcloMlral Toned mm ~ UtcM^mSsX llrwoalorr l'i|.r Uualit t KfW*.. I frl "ftl faro Srv.rt Ar!«dla ■■ I I « mm ~J 1 9 JP mBB ! * Rrr<t«. I !»'l of li » luni/.r.-'i RililUiitOlt •'< Kifis 1 v •! of I t i -v> i ; - wumm - (HIW/ i i- and finest leather In val\.- illK HIR*hDCJbgJBWKoIWWWF h. Q( I.KN i.- with a loxll lieveled plate I' renrh mirror, ulcktd i<tate«l pedttl frame*. * •• (r** * tenr nrcaa ototil aa4 the oitiu term' and •rntitlonn «>f htch if any i*ut (tivei out lCl^y/»?. wf repair it fret- ofciuir{c. Try it one month and ft 0 ytf/iC KffaßlWfWff HB^Ui ill refund y..i.r money If you are not perfectly nati-tted. ."410 of the:*c organs will l*» sold at #3l. ii. Hf u A N V 5 ST A aLI HED 1 t <t«-alt with :i - .».-k v.<ur >is.write 9 t pnhlihht-r ol th.-|»ap«;r«-r Metropolitan National . Lank, or Corn Nat. Hank. Chicago, or German Kxcban«re Hank. New Wtrk , or any railroad or extjraM o.mpur.y In w «- ha<r a rapiial of «>« r siuo.iNto.uo, occupy entire <MM» of the lanreet l uainewt hl<>« k«ia people in wn bulldiny. ITK toilMiM AT 11— —<a»i PlAl—, lilMj aadup: also evarj"thl niu.Mcal at iowent wholenaie prlw*. Write f<»r free «|«-<-iai r«ai», puuao and r 11T .<-al m-t ••. :»i- »tftlo|TU< Aidl - ■ hear*. buck A !•. ar» lhwroo«hi/ reiiabl#. K4ll*e.} SEARS, &. CO. (Inc.'. Fulton. o«s»laine« sn<* Wayman Sl>.. CHICAGO. kLL "A FAIR FaCE MAy PROVE A FOUL -v.' - MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE U5&6 SAPOLIO -•;.... r. :■ ■ }.,*"■■} * *, *'• . It Will Start Your Business. Butler Business College I'all term begins Monday, September 4th, 1899. Languages under the direc tion of Rev. Gla'zert, of Evans City. A thorough Musical Course (particulars an nounced later.) Send for our new Catalogue. A. F. REGAL,* Prin., 31Q-327 S. Main St. Butler, Pa. eoples' Phone 271. Bell i 74. SEND US ONE DOLLAR nm I »W.t pMltriN !• Igr)• irrad* UKHkKtOllt COAL *M' I OMK > itlVk, l>;. f. ••} .'lit « '.** I. .uhjeet to ex h -uli .11. |lc,. FOR Of K IH'i FREE • • :,t 6TOVE CATALOGUE. and f reiitht chartr«"« This rtove Is hImHoJ, ovmii 1 x 15k 11. too is 42x28; made from b«-t pltflron, eitra 1 * 1 ' y cover . In nvy linings and fntM, Ir*r-fcr«• ■ er» -helf, heavy tin lined oven d«M»r, handsome ni< I |:it« <1 ornamentation# ami ti linruinif*, fitra j1 r• deep, r* nuln* *tandlali porcrlala llard munolr, liut ■! . at. -' i rwiun nted ha*e. Kr»l foil bunnr nxtr a . v. «• f irnteh HIKE an extra wood irrate. makintr It a |* r Jr. : *oo«I buraer. ttK ISMI'K A BIXOIIHIUI'AKASTKK *1 It , v; . it- vf and fpiarnnte* nfe delivery to your i «ii ... 1 -t • t loii. Your I' *«« l dealer « ottld ehai ».*< •y< i t ' >'* .. r mii li .» .-love, the freight In olilv about fl.ei) I 1 !» . <*) lulled, •« *>e sa«e yea at leant fIO.OO A-Mn - • S'.ARS, ROEBUCK A. CO. INC »CHICAGO.ILL *.*r», ttoobock it It. art Utoroucbly reliable.- L«1!Uk:.) WpPf / f,l!; '* JLJr I ''- .V ■ \ gjp£ nd P- m /VWt A W\NYOTHf p ' -™ 0 &£ -. try IT! v& Now is The Time to Have Your Cothii\4 CLEANED or KID If you want jfoou arid reliable cl- 'iiing or dyeing done, there is just one place !n town where you can get ' l > ant l t* l ** l IS at The Butler Bye Works 1 Bk28 k 2 CJentei- aveiiue do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to Lave a picture o| your house. Give us a trial. A pent for the Jah.estown Sliding Blind L'o.— Now York. £. FISHER & SON. J —• <yff[ I 7, • /" \ cy? /\!i \ H V!> i A W i } NOTHING \ \ PLEASES ] 1 r One than to realize 'hat I money has been saved. Compare I quality, style and price of goods purchased of us and you will readily see you have saved money. We want to call your attention to our underwear department. I'ontiac Mills Halbriggan at 25c, and Derby ribbed at 50c. Im j ported French goods Hon Hons make at 50c, 75c, SI.OO, $1.50. Straw Hats in large quantities at very low prices. Ed. Colbert. f" ITS AT HALF PRICE SI.OO, SI.SO, 42.00 arid 52.5 C W* afcall cl'mo »■! our entire tlofk »f cut arid made to measure atrvw, S3 00, •i i) 0 and lu rorni- titlon with pan tii that taller* feral abet IS.ootn # It*. ■ AkIMI OVkli |,«hio MkTft liAItT, mevra etr«»ni creep In and eonte aflt pMtiwmauliU, ■•Jtalrr|>«jr »f*rt aa «e rleee Ihra out at f l.uou fS. iU, ■ Ikaaroktufrloik aln««>. A big leu I. ut. END NO MONEY' u" i .1. t and aend to iw, atate |>at«t4 »nt*d let u-r, color wanted, iflreyour llrleM. ickt, onabrr of iaeb«-« ar»w«4 b«««le el Ui, arvan4 I,t*4j al lllp«, m 4 el la.t«lr .ram fr»m U«kt la ertilek t« fc~L 5 will select j>anta nrarcat your e\art a urn, r»«eul aad rfUl!i« them to votir u-i star, aend to you i.y npreM CJ. O. , eul'Jeet to u .amiuatlou, j..u e«- Ine them and If found |«r-« fertly natl tory, greaular tailor BiMlr, the s»m* If lirat mudti to year ewa airaaere, MT> tly tnmzn«wl, lewwl and flnlihfd, • *»< fir one.huir our loweat prtoe* and U -• tlian one hlrd tue priooeharyed by tailors. fay tke e * |*reae •rent our a|K*«!al eluae-out price aad mbtm« ekarr-%. Nt a. liIKSK AT |I.W art aa4» fr«a e»4 «awlafr.a and ■onU'li and are reffslar fllN)«o«li. AT ao TIIKHK AT 91. &O from ai* rial |«nU ' s weremado t«»-m€ arure it k'' OQlaromprtHUa wllfcpaaUUat UlUr* ael 91. la ffr. he. ,QT |1 TIIKSK PA*T9 AT fS. OO from hltfh irrade ImpoHrd aartlfdl and eaaalairrra |iarita fahrlra we never fold at Irn* than 94 00 and tall.>r* iret S7 00 and upward*. HIT B4 TllkMK FASTM AT 93. 40»a4»-la*»*aa«r» ky aaalfi. ' from Ike «rry tarat atrial lm|>orl»d paaU fahrirs la , raaalaierra aaU aa lallaraeel fa.O<l la9IS.IM» far. YOU TAKE NO RISK i re eut to your m**aeure, e tartly th« Mime a* If >«»u ' ordered tbem at doe Me tke prte., and ru«-h *alu*' a r \ ' you nevei before saw or heard of, t h«n d«a'l Ul» ifcra I 6rd»# e-daj SEARS. ROEBUCK k CO.. (Inc.). Chicago Bsaia, Keekack * to. are Ueeeackly raliaMe. - kdltai. > Practical Horse Shoer WILL ROBINSON, Formerly Horse Shoer at the Wick has opened busi ness in a shop in the rear of the Arlington Hotel, where he will do llorse-ShoeMig tu the most approved style. TRACK AND ROAD HORSES A SPECIALTY. I • i. ►Summer ' ■ " Summer < > ij ►Millinery*—'* * • * Millinery * > { i l The Leading Millinery House of Butler County. « ! SUMMER SALE j The populai Rider Hat,Ladiei' and Mtsits r hlats. Walking Hats, Sailor Flats. Ladies and Misse* Strawy 4 l&ailor Hats. Ladies and Misses' Rough and Ready- Saiiors.w < ►£!« \M Trimmt d Bonnets and f A i I L\ery lowest prices. X I' I Mourning Coods Always on Hand l ||jl22 S. Main St D. T. Pape. BUTLER. PA.V Manufacturers $5 Suit Sale We bought of an Eastern Clothing Mak~ er liis entire Men's Suit stoek (Spring weight) which enables ns to ijuote prices at such low figures. They are on our tables and to sell at *5 a Suit—worth double the money. A Check Scotch Cassimer Suit $5. A Light All-wool Scotch Suit £5 A Blue Cheviot Suit $5. A Brown Melton Suit |5. A Black Cheviot Suit $5. A Brown and Gray mix Cassimer Suit $6. See our window displav of these suits: you can't help but buy one: they are so i»ood for so such a little amount of c money. Call and ask to l>e shown these suits, no trouble whatever. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS, 137 South Main St., Butler. SEND WO MONEY U .J53 HI Mill IIW IIWfTTBBHrTfIWIAItUiI *1 f I %m 2 milm. i i.u rfto rwainr it at »»ur mmt rr*lfti wyut ud ■ fouxi p+rtiilj MltolMtor;. CiArtlj u rrp»i»l<J i I JL War aj»al «a », »«« m, mm 4 fr»i*fct a«*«i Our Special Offer Price 115 so and frnrtl >-harire». Tha mahin** tftfto * ** w I® p »un<l* and th«» freight »»rrm«a Tft <--»*«• for aaetk Mi ill* 1 CIVE IT THREE MONTHS TRIAL i« F« •«« IMM.MI we will rrtum roar 111 » any day jam Ml Rot aaliaf!*! •• wf» M f»r#at a«IM ui |T.<I. «r R**k« ■mllbw at M.M, liaM. mmm • IS.«Maa<l a», all faMy 4>«rHW4 la «»wc frw— Batata* f.f.l \ ■ IcalH w. 513.50 fcr tM. DROP DESK CABIWET BUBDICK |||J) I k£rMBV *H la tixa rreataat vaiua avar omtrtdby an 7nouaa BraT ■ - _ • PEWAffE QF IMITATION? RTSStrS HI IJB| ! |f Vtrtiimrnta, offering Mlam BMktoH u»i*r aaaiaa. wit* ■■ I W^| various in l irrmrnu wH«# mm IHm4 la raira«a m 4 laara w*a a#* TVS * • BILUBLK WHO lU WT. Ml AIMiMPVC- -f ? THE BURDICK *AtW*S ! : «a*ai ■•• miii aim. «rm tat 1 f •trim or sou. lt»t R( Tir IMT ItKIl n tllllt I. a| c —§| rkBM rir iut m ihii il 1 as sw wuo pciAWTtw SA«EB OM fr/s*? • flA»e rvuam. awa lllaatrafi »nah<*»« aMferln.aa **l«aa««. «fcaaMt dpagt « M B * frma ulyfcH to ha aaadaa a —Hr »»aii. aiaad w Iwi. mm mfm *9M with fw.l laM* fcra-1 In pi*-- far a»«Mf. I flHwt ; WbTiß By far*, hall lua rtaa a<J—«aXa trawl la. fMIM tßTtfe Irai Mai ■ I fiaaat Uff >ia fcaat a*«attl»a foir a» tlwa iwi mtf Bwaßi nßaaS •• . fIBd; IHL ■■V inc Simula, attaaatit liillla a<a<ar. artjiiUßUt Mimp. >mu irhmi f« »'1 fl| t I Hbarmior. looaa adJaaßXMa an —r fa<i ifmal Bf» - Hll< I _ I MMI «arrtar. patent nanrdla bar aata*t lraw»«"i«rd fcaad »a fcaa lanaaaly will i-BT I LHM curyr,r»"£ jJ:J m TTT —a.. !■»; towxnaam C.I- Ml J""' Murmruna I, .»» Ml kt«l «* mar? WW* iL a 90> TiAMr anrDnto ouAiuurru u ~»t »i«a ■»«» »T costs TOU MOTHIW6 r„T.ri7rr^rr^.ros^, ■*% l t-» 880.00- •«*» tb#n if mavtawwa f«« ar« ■ ■■»■■ rJi at •• »aa aa. p» yaar MM* Ua # 1 A.&O, W1 ™ *■" ■* Tatl |IVM> if at m* Mm *Mla am ■ r« af|aa«a aaiaaiMM. OIHITO It!. Wl T tIUI. *Com U- mafllf rrtia»U Kdfci.r 9 Addms. SEARS. ROEBUCK * CO. Inc.) Chicago. 111. DO YOU KNOW THAT WE WILL SHIP YOO All Charges Paid A Gallou of Pure Penna. Rye Whiskey for $.3 Wo don't Manic you it you arc <lout>tfnl about it, tx»t the ln-st way to convince voursrlf is to tt-tvl n« a tri«l imlrr Sen>l the amount either in currrncy l>y letter. P. O. onler or express, an<! we will Im ship an<l pretny upra—p on a gallon of Cabinet year <4d aye for #v<»» You will l>e surprised at the quality a# lliis whiskey. It is a'laolutely pure, and is just what ym nsv>l in the house at this season of the year. What do you think of a Writ Virginia Black itrandv at fi.on per gallon l We have some of the very Im, niad«- from s«rlecte«l b-.-rries and carefully distilled -put up in gallons, half gallons and ouarts -lion't that we pre j»ay exprrssage on all orders of *S <*) and over, except whdr a transfer is necessary fr«»m one Kapresn Co.. to another, when we pay expressage to point of transfer You can make you own selection from the following Anchor Rye, a good whiskey for the money $2 00 a gal Cabinet Rye. can't be beat $3.00 a gal Bear Creek Rye, a very fin« whiskey $4.00 a ga Gin, Rum, Kummel, Brandy $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 per gal MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. PA Semi for catalogue anil price list, mailed free XKAKLY Fifty-eight Years Old !! ! . - It's a 'ong life, l«it devotion to the true i«K r. tl >l*l a^. v nn»[>erity of :he Amt-Mcan IVople has w«.«« f>M u ww friends as the yea.s rolled l>> and the mrmt>er> yUNUa.' ' of its family passed to their reward, aiwl th< -*r admtrrra are it fpfflfiflfik " io>a' .111 I st'ii.llast t'»!.i\ hi'li I ulli in its teacl.ii'-v ta ,| 1 v "»>» :,i 1 . •ltoriiiatsoii * hull ,t ;hrir \ ■%«*" -• an 'l liresides. As a natural coanet|ilence it enjojs m its ukl an- all thr A vitality aixl vigor of it* youth, strengtlit-aed and rifrne»L \ of over half a centurv, \ X? It has Itveil on its merits, an.l on tl e cordial »upt»i*« .* \ is "The New-York Weekly Tritume," a<-know ledgetl the country over as U»«- leai'.ing National l-'a-tiily Newspaper. # RecogniziaK its value totho-e who desire all the news of thr State ami Nation the publisher of "The C ITI/VN" viir own favorite home pajier h.s *-':t<-»r.| int>- an alliance with "The New York Weekly Tribune" which enable*- him to furnish liotk | iajvers at thr trifling c«»t of f 1.50 per year. l-.very farmer and every villager owes to himseli, to his family, an I to !br community in which he lives a cordial supjiort of his local newspaprr, as it work* constantly an 1 untiringly tor his intL-!L-»u 111 every way. bring* u> his borne all the news and hapjkcnings of bis nei K lit<orho-Hl, the doing* of his friends, the con>litibn aud prosj>ectß for different crops, the prices 111 home markets, and. in fact, is a netkly visitor which should I>e found in every wide-awake, progrrsaive family. |ust think of it! Floili jf these papers for only #1.30 a year Send all subscriptions to THE CITIZEN Butler Pa. Subscribe for the CITIZfcN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers