RAILROAD TIME TABLES. P., Bessemer & L E. Trains depart: No 14, at 9:40 A. M; No. 2, at 5:40 P. M. Bntler time. Trains arrive :No. I. 10:00 A. M; No. 11, 8:00 P. M. Bntler time. No. 14 rnns throngh to Erie anil con nects with W. N. Y. & P. at Huston Junction for Franklin and Oil City, and with N. Y. L. E & W. at Shenan go for all points east. No. runs tbroughto Greenville and connects with W N Y & P. for Frankliu and Oil City. ' W. R- TURNER, Ticket Agent. PITTSBURG & WESTERN Railway. Schedule of Pas senger Trains in effect Nov. 20, 1898. BUTLER TIME. , I>ci«irt. ArrlTf .\licKhrny <j » 17 A * All«(then> Kxpiw 8 1 ' ■' .. New Outle Ar<onnou<liiii _ ' Akmi. Mail * ' *;* ' '« r Alleghfiijr L-> I- is Allegheny KXPR*»»W 3 JJ P M 5 40 , T Pgh, Bait, and New York Exprew 10 4 ; . am CHICAGO A,N Allegheny Mail 542 " ' 4 :J Allegheny "Flyer" M " j , T Ellwoml Aco»min«*Ution ! 5 4- ,7 us Chicag. Limited 54- 4 9LJ km Kane and Bradford Mail ® A M P,M Clarion Accoemodation . 5 36 **■* Q •*» A.M CLEVELAND and CHICAGO Expfw. . '• *•£■"> HN ' SUNDAY TRAINS Allegheny EXIIREM 8 15 A-M 9 '***'* Allegheny AR»:omu»U»l»tiuu 6 42 P.M •» - ' New I JU.IL" Accommodation 8 15 a.m| 7 OR. Chicago Exprem 4 05 FJI.II SJ» am AlUvcheny Accommodation i * >Dl Train airivk R ; at 5.20 P.M. 1 eetta B. A O. DEPOT. Pittsburg at 3.40 p.M and P. A W., Allegheny at .i. **ON Satardayt a train, known a.« the theatre train, will leave Butler at 3.45 p. n».. arriving at Allegheny at 7.20: returning leave Allegheny nt 11-KL p. m. Pullman sleeping caw ot. Chicago Exprew between Pittsburg and Chicago. For through ticket* to all pointa in TN»* WEAR, nortn weet or mmthweat and information regarding routes, tjme of trains, etc. apply to W. K. TURNER, Ticket Agent, R. B. BEYXOLL*. SAP't, Butler, Ha. Foxburg, Fa. C. W. BASHFCTT, C». P. A.. Allegheny, Pa PENNSYLVANIA Rl a ' 0 L t , WFSTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. Scranac is Eraor Nor. 21, l»9f-. SOUTH. WEKK DATS A. «. A.M. A. X P. M. P. M BI'TI.KR [.cave 6 25 X 05 11 15 2 :V> 5 (IT. Saxunburg Arrive 54 11 38 .J 00 6 2>- Bntler Junction.. " SWIiW 325 j 53 Bntler Junction.. .brave 7 30 <(53 12 .1 25 5 .VI Natrona Arrive, 7 3» 9 01 12 30 3 :>5 6 irj Tarcntum. 7 42 i> U7 12 35 3 42 b (fl Sariudale 750 9 16 12 45 362 .... Clarewont i 930 1 02 4 06 6 2, Sbanwburg 8 07 9 :Mi 111 4 12 fi -1- Allegheny I 8 20 9 48 1 25 4 25 6 4.', ' |A. M. A. N. P. M. P. M. P. -M SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leare Butler for Allegbeu} (Sty and principal intermediate (nations at 7::55 n. m %nd 5:00 p. m. NOBTH. WEEK DATS A.M. A.M. A.M. P. M P. M Allegheny CltT. . .leave 7 00 9 (JO 11 25 2 3<i 6 in Shartnburc 7 11 9 12 11 37 2 45 ... (Turemont ' ...., 9 19 11 44 2 53 ... flprlnffdal* ....!.9 30 11 56 310 637 Tarenturn 7 34 V 39 12 07 3 23 1 6 4. Natr0na................ 7 »I9| 9 Bntler Junction .. .arrive 7 4*i 950 12 2IJ IT 4.V / ()• JT Butlei Junction... .leave 7469601225 4077 0. J/* Saxon IN Tg 8 15 10 15 12 49 4 -MI, 7 z ' BUTLJLB* arrive 8 4«» 10 1 171 6 06 LB, (A. M. A.M. P. M.JP. A. P. SUNDAY TRAINS.— Allegheny City for But ler AW' principal intermediate atationa at 7:2*) a. m. an«< 9-30 P m. WM DATS. FOR THE EAST. WEEK T»AT> P.M. A.M., P.M.PM 2 35 6 25 IT BUTLER.. ar 10 38 1 IT 325 7 27jar Butler Junction LV 95012 V 4 00 7 46jlv Butler Junction ar 8 10 12 Of -4 05 7 49 ar Freep»>rt 8 28 12 TH 4 09 7 531 " Allegheny Junction.. 8 24 12 01 421 8 <>4j *• Leochburg " 809 11 440 8 21) " Pillton (Apollo) " 753 11 508 851 U Saltal-urg 44 730 11 «'!« 5 41 9 22 44 Blairt»ville 7 00 10 4' 5 50 9 301 " Blairaville Intersection... 44 5 56'iO L< 8 50 11 40 " Akoon.i 44 1 3 15; 8 1 00 3 10 " ILir.iaburir " 11 45 3 (" 4 30 6 23 » 4 Philadelphia I 8 30 11 2» A. M. P. M.| lA.M. P. M On Sunday, train leaving Butler 7:35 a. m., connect or Harriaburg, Altooiut and Philadelphia. Through traina for the eaHt leave Pittsburg (Uni«»l. Station), AA follows: Atlantic Exprene, daily 2:50 A.M Pennaylvania Limited " 7:15 44 Day Express, M 7:i«) M Main Line Express, 4 * ...*. 8:00 * Harriaburg Mail, " 12:45 P.* Philadelphia Express, 4:. R *o Mail and Expresw daily. For New York only. Through buffet sleeper: no coact. es 7:O0" Eastern EXPRESS U 7:05 44 Fast Liue, ' 8 3O 44 Pittsburg Limited, daily. For New York, Bal timore and Washington only. Through Sleeping cars. Coaches to New York 10:00 44 Philad a Mail, Sundays on.y 8:4(' Fijr Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge, all rail route), 8:00 A.M, and 8:30 P.M, daily. For detaihnl information, address Thos. E. Watt, Paan Agt. Western District, Corner Fifth Avenue and Smith field Street, Pittsburg, Pa. J B. HUTCHISON, J. R. WOOD General Mannar* Gen" F Sssr. Agent One Glass Too Many -illin- Is the glass into which tin man looks who is dissatisfied -with his attire. The cictaie* of diess often mar or make the general effect. In Hats and Men's Furnishings we lead. Our goods are not only rrliable but up to date, and the best quality that can be purchased for the money. We give you the best we can for your dollar Not the cheapest thing we can get your doll ar fci Ed. Colbert, Successor to Colbert & Dale. 242 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. "QUIT SALE" OF WALL PAPER. —About 75 patterns of Wall Paper in— —lots of 6to 12 double bolts. Grades — —that we sold at from 50c to 80c per— —double bo't and wich we will n >w — —sell at ioc and 15c per double bolt —They are all choice patterns of— —fine stock and will not last long —We want more room tor our— —Books, China and Stationery, at — Douglass' Book Store. Pbone 162. His CftDSte When we read of an elephant hunter who has been trampled to death in the wilds of India, we wonder at the foolhardiness of a man who will travel round the world and I endure all manner of hardships, in order to ' court death in a far away junjle. A man ' does not have to make a journey to India in order to court death in a manner equally foolhardy. Thousands of hard working men are daily « courtine death in a much more certain form, without ever leaving their native vil lages or cities. They are the men Wlh> neg ' lect their health. They are the men who court death from consumption, or some other deadly disease due to improper or » insufficient nourishment. The man who 1 suffers from bilious or nervous disorders, who has a weak stomach and an impaired digestion, who has lost the power to eat, " rest or sleep, and who fails to take prompt t steps to remedy these conditions, is court ing death in the guise of some fatal malady. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery * cures 98 per cent, of all cases of bronchial, 4 throat and laryngeal affections that lead up to consumption. It soothes the cough, facilitates expectoration and restores tbe lost appetite. It corrects all disorder* of the digestion, makes the assimilation of 1' the life giving elements of the food perfect. It invigorates the liver and purifies and en riches the blood. It is the great blood 1 maker, flesh-builder, nerve tonic and re storative. It is the best of all known med ' icines for nervous disorders. Dealers sell . I it and have nothing else "just as good." " 1 had a bad cough and got so low with it that I could not sit up," writes Mrs Mittie Gray, of New London, Union Co. Ark "Our family physician told my husband that I had consump tion. I had pains through my chest and spit up blood. I took your ' Golden Medical Discovery' 1 Mid it aired me. It saved ay life." srectncs 500 PAGE BOOK MAILED FBEE. CONTENTS: Part I.—Diseases of Horses. Part ll.—Diseases of Cattle. Part lll.—Diseases of Sheep. It Part IV.—Diseases of Hogs. ; Part V.—Diseases of Dogs. Part Vl.—Diseases of Poultry. Same book In better binding SO ct*. ' HIirHKKTI'KD. CO., Car. Wllllaa h SU.. "•»»•«* NERVOUS DEBILITY, ; VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific 1 No. 28, In use over AO years, the only successful remedy. SI per viator 5 vials and large vial powder, for %6 Sold bjr Druxclita. or ml po.tp.lil on ncaruMTS' aiiD. to.. c». wbh.« a mb»u.. CATARRIK LOCAL* DISEASE and is the resull ol co'-l- and WW .'MJfsCOl 1 - sudden climatic *OKf. r: For your Protection InwFEVEg i, we positively btiite tliat tliis remedy docs not confaiu ■■ . . merenrr or an? oiher injur- Hy ! s Cream Balm it acknowledged to bo tlio most thor«"»nsrh en re for Naaal Catarrh, Co d in liead and liay Ifcvf-r of al! remediea. It opens and clonuses the nasal allays nain ana inflammation, heals the sorea, pro tects tne membrane from colds, restores the senses ©f taste and smell. I*rice soc. at tfrnggiets or by mail. ELY BKC>TIi£KB, 5S Warren Street, N'evy York. WHY NOT Get for your money, the best ill the market? Our liquors and wines are bought by us direct from the best kno*w distilleries and wine growers of Europe and Aluetica. If you buy of us ouce you wil' buy again. A few prices: Whiskey 2H yrs. old, pure Rye, i2.no gallon Whiskey 4 yrs. old, pure Rye, ZM Whiskey S yrs. old, pure Rye, 3.50 " Whiskey 10 yrs. old. pure Kye, 4.00 " Whlsk'.-y 12 yrs. old. pure Kye, 4.50 Whiskey 15 yrs. old, pure Kye, 5.M Wines, California Dry and Sweet, from 7.V to $1.30 and «2.00 per gallon. Imported from J2.00 to $4.50 gallon, send for price list. A. ANDRIESSEN. 188 Federal St. Allegheny, la Telephone No. 519. 2179 Any person iu need of pure liquors will d' well by calling up the above teltphoni number, and order will be filled aud shipped promptly. We are headquarters for the following dis tilleries : MhH. *T. VKUNOh. HI OlitSxiElJltK, DILIifNbKB, OVKBUOI/r, LAKi.K TII»JU'SO>, BBIDI.KP..RI, and offer them to you unadulterated 6 year old at SI.OO per full quart, Bquarts, $5.00, GUiMil AI tlKit S CHOI) £, Whiskey guaranteed i years old, $2.00 per gallon. Ull all <" O. I), or mail orders of 85-00 r over, we box and ship promptly: erpre s Charges prepaid. 411 Water Street, ROBERT LEWIN & CO., Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite B. &O. Depot I CURES^I THE } COUGH. I 1 A pleasant, never - failing S ( remedy for throat and lung ) » diseases. ? > Sellers'lmperial | ; Cough Syrup ( r is absolutely free from spirituous . | or other harmful ingredients. ( j C A prompt, positive cure for J ! C coughs, colds, hoarseness, influ- S . enza, whooping cough. / Over a million bottles sold In the \ | l«st few years attest 1U popularity. C \ W. J. GILMORE CO. < ' A* 11 MTTMUBG, PA. S > At all Druggists. / I «-% 2 Qnn 1 - _ ) MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS and omißbii>us4n< rv:\y y*- x'Jßyknown remedy for women J..111.-S a piea»un-. #1 per bo hv nsHll. »ToM bv driirirl'l> MOTT CHEHIOaL C 0.," l««K»'i.O For Sale bv D. H. WULLER. 4SrjKS| --DENTAL ROOMS.-- 3d -sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa A'e'rePRACTICA' Sx a CROWN »"'! BF.iOjt wort git aa»r PHUiliurg—WH Y ,<OT DC ? 'j'Bl /lIYOURS? CROWNS: t tllti lland BRIDGE work rednreil * tail tl&s PER TOOTH Ala., tin I l| set of l eeth m:ide. ON LV HOOD'S PILcS cure :. v r !!ls, Bil iousness, Indigestion. •Xcar'ache. F.nsy to take, easy -o oporate. 25c Rheumatism Ccreu in a Dav. •Mystic Cure" ior Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is rctuatkabk and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately d.s ap e.irs. The first dose greatly jenefits 75 cents. Sold t>y J. C. Redic, and J. H. llnlph Druggists Butler \pr 96 MT ATBERKIMER, . Funeral Director. | 367 Sv Mem Stv! Butler. THtC CITIZtCN. 1 SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Over COO,OOO persons are entplo.v In Italj rearing l silkworms. Germany has to-day 403 b. . t factories, of which I'rusfia a'.'ir.e Sl2. The statistical year book of i". phows that fewer femaies die ir twelfth yv.-ar r.r.d fewer rralr; fifteen.th year thai: in any othtr ;. of tkeir lives. The percentagt" of profits on railway* of Ijdia is on the average ' as against 3.60 for Great Britain, : for the United States and 2.3S' 4 for lb Australian eol-»nies. Among the l' 2 en t ■ mile wr.'lcir.sr match In 1 rli them were .>• ar .>*•• 1 had to be cc- r n- ' of thein accompli* led it, they were all 'uj A Chinese typewriter has !• vented by Di Sh< « . ... • China, nhu h ht> a. .v i.< . cai 1 yi. 4,000 characters, a ... lgt 1 In ■; < cules. It is sfid 'o e\i >ed s- lar speed of th« «w:ft< : thflt its value is r« d. A man nmiisrd by lag how much ene rg * wa tei It would tskr In mew 1!. ear''' 1 supposing thai "t was -u throug4.out its m<iss oaf alent to terrestri: ' rr, ' Ing with the fad t' !■' r is about 6.100 ini 1 i" <"«■ t i!!:or-;n . tons, our stathiician cnteun "es we should require 70.C. '» million > for a 10,000 horse err! move our jrlobe n foot. Ihebrii ■ should feed this engine would • a quantity of water si:.- v • • 1 the whole fnee of the glolve wi layer 300 feet deep. The vr, .101 of this water wouliT r. lion-million lons of -o:: 1 . 1 carried in cars ho "■ and having a total ien:"h would require 400 mi : .n-wil'ior «• which would reach £ OG'i.OC around th° earth. BEEHIVE IN A CITY. The Humming Honey-' nicer* V. is Independence i<!i*re, Philadrlxhia. A beehive planted in the very lie«r; of a great city? Impossible! Not at all! The city is Pbiladelpl'i* which makes a difference. Yes, the drowsy bumming of si-' at work is one of the adjuvimt slumber which make Philadelp.' . wlnat it Their home is a hi • perched upon a broad window s:!l 1 ' above a city square not far from ! dependence hall. The bees regard the sqtiast across the way as their private ; a happy hunting gro.ind planted their interests. "What is a park for. anyhow if Un't to gather honey in?" th<y \v to know. Peoplu who come to \. or talk or re»t on he becohc square are, the bees consider, passing on private j.ro," >' • • In early spring there are the ' «. laden blossoms of Hie 'rees • chestnut flowciis :n ' tl: ills ming with honey. po!bn ar 1 good tjiings. Some shrubs and trees b. 1): <m w< • summer. Then there are the flow( 1 la I cinth follows crocus and en - mum follows ro.-e. I .i *lu of fall dose down th<> bees* fndn together, there is n lv. iys • clous trifle, some cool, deep • which to sip it. The window wh re th ' ! vc s is always open, bus thr hen-y seldoni penetrate into th t : never to make ihemse.ves 1 ble. Thev are model nei<rh"ir- Y. World." PIRACY IN THE . T There Arc Mauj- Sen l'.ot)l)Cvs 91111 ri> Their Tilde In CSti ■ ese Waters. Piracy in some en: tern v.a:e. more rife row than ever n would appear from the ia v«.: . our consul at Canton. This is iu-.w robbers proceed: They have 1 .... . craft of their own with which u • chase and run down rlieir victim-, usual plan is for a nr. nd of h ■ •: a • men to go on hoard a passenger h. disguised as honest ni( : . When a able spot is reached rliey throi - disguise, overawe the crew ; sengers by flourishing revo! then half the parry str.r.ri v, shoot, while the re pr. ce« the passengers and ">eirhi: when they have tal r. :■!! 11:« - they transfer the Ivt - boat or land near << fi ■ <)!> • where a division of th place. These pirates, th- eon . ' i are not devoid of si certain chi feeling. Cases have l» ev t after having robbed r • •' gers ancl made api 'd '' "I 1 restored to the poorer what had already brer, f' them. On other > io overpow- • ' '' r a Inur.eh und "horrow-- ! " ! the vessel for n f» which they havi m'T-.-i"!"' 4 known to have valuables mi Having pillaged the Jn. . 1 steamed away to t! -;" " before iandincr they li: j»ay the master fo* 1':»» ' : ir>e i•- has been detained. Tl. ! Ralph the Rover »ty!e »-V.'(s'n Gazette. Sanity Ilnok. A Long Island tlon to the fact that .- FT once Cape pjn-tiac \ T's 1 was Cape Santa " ■ changed In ! r % to ' ; r •' •then, when the D Is 1 1< I : It received its present n r>e. -■(" Tater Ocea>- L)r. Bolls Coiiiru »yvup Ui ike Slew iatlgß. t>ni 1 v , . 1.- i -n't consumption 1 .'.u' .... Price 25c. Kisaeu come high .it tbe Irid: mal. One eyeuiu ; latei 1, ■> and young man were ]>. mi . . the hall at that school win 1 tb. man threw his arm aror.ml s i..» ■ kissed ber. Thro i i\>'- more than of bein_-fright. iii any distatefulne.ss on her < . . all girls she screamed. T :e • 11: . was reported by some one su- i meeting of the facnltv w. s . .-p . Sick ston: :ch tae.uj- r-; woman) WLy not be well": Sick stomach i-ouien trum poor nourishment. ,»o .. ui poor comfort. Shaker Digestive . dial means her Ith a-. 1 a i - If we could examine onr sio.n t' • wonld understand why it is tie will put it out of order. But, unless we are do- v.- • see our stomach We only r ct;l it would feel it less if we took S:- • gestive Cordial. Shaker Digestive C; vilial 1 stomach digest all !he nrnri.-iiii you eat. relieves all ;y 1.1;. gestion, acts as ati ni- n■' -• . you well and strong y r r The more you take, the 1 - feel of your stomach At druggists. Tri- ! buttle !• "'How are jou gett::.^ Johnnie'/" asked a father ol i; year-old hopefnl. Guess te: going to promote me." replied .1 > "What makes yon thiui; so": ' proud father. "Becan-- av • the precocious youth "S'• ■ i 1 that if I kept on I d soon . utl . msl C1t133 An lvtlitor I/iMNte. This is tbe n>< an e<litor feels when does his sentiment in t>lank verse: I would tlee from the city's rnle and . is-from its fashions and forms cut >o*>- - and go where the strawl>erry ,rowß on the straw and the gooseberry .-rows on the goose; where tbe catnip ree is climbed by the cat as she clutch es for her pi*y —the guiltless and nn rat on the rattan bush at lay; I will catch with ease the saffron •ow and the cowlet in their glee, as -hay leap with joy from bough to •> >ngh on the top of a cowslip tree; and iir-ten while the partridge drums bis <irum and the woodchuck chucks his wood, and the dog devours the dog ood plntn in the primitive salitude "O let me driuk from the moss grown > imp, that was mown troni the ptunp utree! Eat mush and milk from a ■irul stump, from folly and fashion rt-e—new gathered mush from the _ ut-hroom vine, and milk from the "uiSVteni sweet—with pineapple from ue pine. Ana when to the white washed dairy I'll turn, where the ..tirvmai.i hastening hies, her ruddy ..ud golden red butter to cnurn from ne milk of tne buttertlies: and I'll rise u morn with the earliest bird, to th* 'dirgrant farmyard pass, and watch •vhile the farmer turns his herd of rasaoppers out to grass. Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup is a most vvoiiderful remedy for bronchial trou tics, it has cureu tuouaands and will nrt- you. side. It 1 Were lou, My t would learu to be polite to every bjuy. I wouldn't let any other boy get ahead oi me m my stuuies. t woulun'i go in tne company of bad b3>a wno use oad language. « I wouldn't abuse little boys who had .10 big urotners to be atraid of. I would see if 1 couldn't get people t j iike me by being civil to everybody, i would ne>er make fun of children (.cause tney were not uressed nicely. I would keep my fa<*> and hands clean, uair urudhea without being told to do 80. I wouldn t get sulky and pout whenever I couldn't have ihy way i.bout everytnuig. 1 wouldn't conclude that I knew more than my lather Defore 1 had oeen <<)Xteen miles from home. 1 wouldn't tie ashamed to do right ■nywhere. I wouldn't do anything hat I wouid not oe willing tor every body to know. -' 1 would try to learn something nae r'ul every day, and whenever I saw tnything made I would watch and see now it was done. You need good blood if you woai d nave good health. Therefore take tiood's Sarsapanlla. Pje socials are popular entertain ment* in the interest of church enter prise. If You Have a Baby. Don't kill it with nostrums for coughs, colds and croup. Use the onl\ nate and certain cure, Hoxsie's O C C Put some salt in a bag filled with uefctauis*. and the nuts will becouie solt and sweet, and aij) - worms which nappen to be among thbtt* will he d.iyen out. The bags will become .■ »vered with sweat caused by the salt, bit this will not impair the quality of ' t'le nuts in the slightest degree. This plan is followed by many and consid ; -red one of the test. If a man's word is no good, is his oath of any more consequence? The year 1M91) onght to be a good one, as it begins and ends on a Sunday. The penalty for fishing, hunting or -iiooting on Sunday, in this state, is *25.00. The pumpkin was is the culinary debutante of last month. The mince will follow. The general health of tne community is good for the time of year, colds being the principal form of ailment. A Distressing M|»takf. Mother —What is the matter with Mf. Jficefello to-night? He left ratherearly for an engaged young man. I Daughter (beginning to sob) —He — I he began hugging and —and kissing roe, and I—l told him that wasn't right, and he—boo-hoo! —he stopped. —2f. Y. Weekly. Everybody Satlidrd. "Dere's always bound to be kickers," cxelaimed Meandering Mike. "Did you ever know a time when the people agreed unanimously dat dey had de right man in de right place?" "On'y once." replied Plodding Pete, . "I was bein' put iwto jail on de oc casion." Star. Mrbsrlo, "They are awful rude and uncivilized In America," said the returned Eng lishman. "Yaas?" drawled his friend "Yaas,'' answered the other. "I heard one man tell of hanging an gther fellow up for the dribka one day."—Town Topics. A Me ft Rale. Pntent-Medlcine Proprietor—Here after. all testimonials must be accom panied by orders for at least half a dozen bottles of medicine. Cle>k—Yes, sir. Patent-Medicine Proprietor—lf theae . people want to see their names in print, they ought to pay for it.—Puck. A Friendly Warslßf. "You had better not goboatinr with Arja," said Tommy to his sister's nance. ' : Wbf not. Tommy?" •' 'Cause I heard her say she intend ed to throw you overboard soon. ,k Tit-Bits. Aiftolar. Clara —You want to be careful, dear, when you have on your new wrap, no* to lean your shoilder against any thing. Maude—Why? Clara —You might make a hole in it. —Harlem Life. Very. That we've been gracious to our fos There's no one can gainsay, For everything that wi have dane Was In a winning way. —Judge. A Qt'ESTION OF ABILITY. The Wife—ls everything settled fo? our departure to-morrow? The Husband —Well —ex—everything bat the ""tIVHr SHERIFF'S SALES. | By virtui* of sundry writs of \ en. EX., H. j Fa .tLer. la. &c., Usued outof the Court of | Common Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and to nu i directed, there vrill be exposed t.. pebttcssle at the Court House in the borough of Butler, I on Friday, the 2d day of Dec. 1898, at 1 o'clock, p. m.. the followins described property, to-wit: E. D. NO. -i. D. venilx'r Term. !■<«" Ralston & Gre*-r, W. C. Fitidley and VV • 11. Lusk. Att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Jamison v'arot hers. of. in and to all that cer tain piece or parcel of land. »>ituated Is flay twp.. Butler county. I'a-. lx>unde<l as follows, to wit: Beginni!!? at the northwest corner at a stake, tlience aloiiK the line of laud> of John Allen and Black south <1 de*. and 3l> mln. east IH7 ry-tnti pen hes to a p<»t on the line of lands of - Black, thence aloni; the line of land of Htn v Carothers south 1 dtk west :ci and 12-li«' perches to a post, thence aloti-'the line of lands of Huey far others south Irt< es to a po>t. tlien •• aloiiK the line of lands of Huey Cari uei > south -1 deg 10 min west Ws and aB-!00 per-hes t<.> a l>ost <»n line of lands of J. Walk> r, t hence alone line of lands of .1. Walker north <le.' east 6s and »T-HW perch es to a post, the place i>f lieglnninc. contain ing 02 acres and 1-1 pen'hes the above de scribed trn t of land t-eing part of a larger tract owned in fee by A l( Carothers, deceas ed. who dleil Intestate, said Jamison Caroth ers being one of his heirs at law and the title to the afore descritunl latul became vested In him by sundry deeds of conveyance from tin- other heirs of s lid decedent. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Jami Son Carothers at the suit of J 11 Carothers. Mrs. EllzaiK-th Uiikev et al. E. D. No. '.'7. IKcembei Term. lsys. W. I> Krandon and W A. & r'. J. Forciuer, Att'ys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Alvln Carothers. of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel «-f land, situated in Clay twp,. Butler county. Pa . bounded a follows, to wit: Beginning at a twist at the nortnwest corner on line of land of J Walker, thence north S7d. .; JO mill east 304 32-100 jierches to a post In the centre of the Beaver Dam Koad. thence along line of Beaver Hani Koad south .1 deg east ,:t perches to a post on line of lands of James Kildoo the southeast cor ner, theucf along the lands of James Kildoo and W Met andless north s« deg 35 min west 2IV) and #7-100 perches to a post the southwest corner, common to W C McCand less and .1 Walker, theuce north Hi deg east .'B and (tts-'.ce perches to a post the place ol beginning, containing 32 acres ana 121 perch es, being i art of a larger tract of land ol which A li i arothers died seized in fee. and oy sundry tleeds of conveyance of the heirs of afore-aic decedent, the title to the afore described land vested in said Alvin Caroth ers. he being one of the heirs at law of saio A H Carol tiers, deceased. Seized and taken In execution as t he prope'rty of Alvln Caroth ers at the suit of John Berg i Co. et al. E. 1). No. 28. December Term, I**. W. C. Findley, VV. A. & K. J. Korijuer. Lusk and Brandon. Att y. All the right, title, interest and claim o: Huey Carothers, of, in and u) all that cer tain piece or parcel of land, situated In Clay twp.. Butler county. I'a . bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northwest corner at a stake on line of lands of J Walker, thence along line of lands of Jamison Carothers north St deg 10 min east ltis and 52-100 pc relies to a post, t Hence along line of lands of Jami son Carothers north 1 '4 deg east 32 and 12-100 perches to a post 011 line of lands of Black, thence along line of land of Black sou til 83 deg aud 20 mill east 21 and 20- 100 perches to a post in centre of Beaver Dam Koad, thence along said road south 21 deg east Is perches to a post on said road, thence along said road south HO e'eg east 47 5- 10 perches to a post in tl.o centre 01 said road thence along the line of lands of Alvin Car others 8. oeg west 204 32-luO perches to a post on line of lands of J Walker, thence nortn lh deg east. 2« 40-100 perches to a post the place of beginning, containing 44 acres and 121 perches. ALSO—AiI that certain piece or parcel ol land, situated in Clay twp. Butler county. Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit: .North by Hickory mill and sunbury road, east by James Kelly, south by James Kelly, and on the west by the Beaver Dam Koad, containing 8 acres. The above de scribed tracts being parts of a larger tract of land owned in fee by A H Carothers, de ceased, and which vested 111 his heirs at his death, and the afore-described land by sun dry deeds ot conveyance of the heirs be came vested in said Huey Carothers. Seized aud taken in execution as the prop erty of Huey Carothers at the suit of John Berg et ai. E. D. No. 115, December Term. IM9B. \V. A. A !•. J. Fornuer, Attorneys. Ail the right, title. Interest and claim ol Sarah A Milliard and I N Hilliard. of, in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situat ed 'n Marlon twp., Butler county, Pa„ bound ed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the southwest corner at lot of W C Painter at a post, thenco north ltl deg east I OCT feet to a post by lands of W H l'ainter, thence b> land of Keuben Bvers south M 1 * deg east lot. feet to a post, tin nee by other lands of Keu otn Byers south ltt deg west lUO feet to a posi at public road, thence by said public road north 31H deg west 100 feet to the place of be ginning, containing M of an acre, more or less, together with a two-story frame dwell ing house (used a.s a hotel), a one-story frame building used as a meat market, stable and outbuildings thereon; also, together with the right-ot-way to convey water from said lot across lands of Keuben Byers by a ditch not to exceed two feet in depth to a point on the Butler and Franklin road and being the same laud conveyed i)/ Iteuben Bvers and wife to Sarah A Hilliard by deed (litted Aug ust 2, 1895. recorded in DoeJ Book 157, page 320, and the same land and property mort gaged to si Iv \V illlamsomby said .-arah A llil lard and 1 .N Ilillard oy mortgage recorded in Butler county. Pa., in Mortgage Book 4H. page 480: the judgement from which this writ issues lieing entered upon the mortgage bond mentioned in said mortgage, and this property to oe same upon and iiy virtue ot said mortgage bond, and date lieing contract ed for by said Sarah A Hilliard. and same mortgage and bond given therefor. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Sarah A Ilillard and 1 N Hillard at the suit of S K Williamson. E. D. No. HC, December Term, IHWS. W. II Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Charles ii covert, of, in and to all that cer tain pie« e or tract of land, situated In Adams two., Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Thomas Anderson. John Beifour and (J Boihorst, east by lands of .-amuel Parks and Criswell heirs, south by lands uf .Newton Lcrtor, T W Ken nedy heirs and McMarliu farm, west by lands of John Wnitmire and Thomas Anderson, containing 300 acres, more or less, having a lariie frame house, bank barn and two orch ards theron. Seized and taken in execution ss the prop erty of t narles H Covert at tne suit of The McCormlck Harvesting Machine Company. E. D. No. 144, December Term, IS9S. Williams & Mitchell, Att'ys. All the tight, title, interest and claim of J W ana lieoecca J l»av:s, j>f, [n and to ail that certaii. ~icce or lot of land, situated in the borough of Butler, on Institute Hill. Butler county, Pa.. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the noi 111 oy lot No. at in same plan of lots. ea-st by and an alley, south by lot .No. 44i, an west oy Si coiid street, having a frontage o! 50 fe< u on seconu street, and extending thence, eas. vara perservlng the same width 180 feet to me alley, being lot, No. 40 lu block 10 In plan of lou iu said oorougli ol Butler a., surveyed and laid out by James Dunlap. Esi| and having thereon erected a two-story irame slatu roof dwelling iionse, frame stable and other out ouiluings. Seized and taken iu execution as the prop erty of J W Havis and Rebecca J Davis at the suit Oi John Bergoichler. E. D. No. 11, December Term. l»9t<. Williams «c Mitchell, Att'ys. All the titlr,, interest and claiu. of Mary Jane Jones and Burton Jones, of, in and to all tnat certain piece or jarcel ol land situated in Allegheny iwp., Butler comity, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north oy lands 01 Eli Osman, east by lands of Daniel Jones, scuth by lauds of liejrs of Dr. A W Oraw.oiu, and west by lauds of Jatues McDowell, containing 29 ac'res, more or less, and having tuereon erected a one and one halt story uouule board dwelling house of six rooms, a traine bank oarn and outbuild ings: also, small orchard thereon; mostly cleared, and ocing the sumo land aud prem ises granted and conveyed unto Mary Jane Jones by William V Black et ux. by deed dated Septeinoertt, 18S5, and of record in the Recorder's office, In and for Butler county, In Deed Boob No. 137, page KJ3. Seized ami taken in execution as the prop erty of Mary Jane Jones and Burton Jones at the spit <»t John Korcht. K. D. No. HO. December Teruii Wil liams A .Mitchell, Attorneys. All the right, title, interest aud claim of Chrlstena L McCounell and John H McCon neil, of. lri and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in the boro of Butler, But ler county l'a-. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On tne nurtu oy lot of Ueo W shiever, east by lot of Brackney, south by Lincoln street, west by lot of J A Klchey. the same having a frontage ol M feet on Lincoln street aud extending northward perserving the same wldtn, ltyJ feet ti inclies, to lot of Ueo W Shiever, having thereon erected a new two »tory frame uwelllr.g house and outbulld lngs. ALSO-All that certain lot or parcel of ground, situated in Coaltown, Cherry twp. Butler county, l'a.. bounded aud described as follows, to-wit . On the north by lands of John Klcster, on the east bv lot of Bovard Bros., on tin* south by a public road, and 011 tne west by lauds ot John Klester, said lot fronting 0- leet 011 said public road on the louth, and 1 icing 1W) feet on the east side and •vest side, n ipuctlvely, and having thereon a '.wo-story inline building with brick base ment. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Clirisli 11a E .McCounell and John 11 jlcConnel! ai tne suit of C A Abrams. E. D. No. 1 V>, December Term, 1898. S. F. & A. L. Bowser, Attorneys. All the light, title interest aud claim of Mary E M Kinney aud M 11 McKinney, of, in and to all that certain piece or messuage of land, situated iu I'eun twp.. Butier county, i'a., bounced as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands 01 Green lleius. east by lands ot John k ungler formerly, now llenry Ken nedy, south ny lands of Claud Uerrard form erly, now Mrs. Minerva C Davis, N Mangel and public road, aud west by lands of Ueo Musnrusii, containing 40 acres more or less, with one and one-naif story dwelling house, irame barn and outbuilding thereon erected, said tract being mostly cleared aud under fence, with orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken In execution as tho prop erty of Mary E McKinney and M H McKin ney at the suit of Philip Daubenspeck. E. D. No. 150, December Term, K. & A L. Bowser. Att'ys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of John T Davis and Ida J Davis, of. In and to all that certain piece or messuage of land, situated in Cherry township, But ler county. Pa., bounded a?, follows, to-wlt: On the north bv a public road leading from Five Points to | Kelster. east by lands of Hugh Grossman. | south by lands of Mary A Dobson, and west. by lands of Robert Borrow aud Joseph | Kelly, containing 27 acres, more or less, with , a two-story frame dwelling house, frame stable aud outbuildings tliereon erected; mostly cleared anil under fence. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of John T Davis and Ida J Davis at the suit of Christina llasler, for use of L C , Northeriiii. E. D. No. 139. December T«-rm, IKW*. Mc- < Juukin & Ualhreatb, Att'ys. All the light, title, interest aud claim of Elizalivih eimmoiis, of, in and lu all thatoer- Wn viVtV or bt mrt* SltuWa to j Franklin township, Butter county. Pa • ' bounded a* follows. to-wit: Beginning ai the northwest nirmt, thence along a private road and lands ~f .lone*' tieir» north deg east t>T.\ perches t■. a post, thence by lands of J D Albert 1 dee <• > .t 2U 2-10 perches to a post, thence by liti.il- >? Harid siniroons. heirs smith hw dec »> st perches to a pout, thenc*; by a pra 11>' road north 1 deg west 2W S-lo perches to tie- place of beginning. con taining IS acres, more or x iAed and tsi! • -1 in execution as the prop erty of Ellzalx-th Simmons at the suit of K Mc.lunkln. E. I>. No. :mi. I). . mber Tern. Isw-. McJunkln Ai. •reath. Att'ys. All the right. t.tle. Interest and claim of George Engll* f. in and to all that certain piece or parcel . : land, situated In Muddy creek townshij Butler county. Pa., Uiunded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of William Mcltutiiels. east by lands of Harvey Cooper, south by lands of .John Stlckel and Oren Stewart, and west by Pittsburg and North Li 1 MI- t- toad, containing IS acres, more or less." with frame dwelling house, barn, and orchard thereon. Seized and taki :. in execution as the prop erty of George English at tue suit of Mrs. Parmilia English. E. D. No. 147. I'fcv-rm!H'r Term, 1888. A. M. i'hristlcy. Att'y. All the right. title, interest and claim of Amelia *'• asteillne. of. in and to all that undivided ninth part of that certain piece or tract of land, situated In Jefferson twp.. But ler county. I'a.. bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of John Gunst. east by lauds of Joliti l.uust and Fred Sachs. south ny lands of Charles Buchanan, public road. and Sweeny, and west by lands of Wm. Montag. Edwin d Montag, Frank Furst anil Hill, containing till acres, more or less. and being the land of the late Charles II Greenert. dec'o, having thereon a dwelling house, part log and part boards, log barn, other outbuilding-', and several producing oil wells. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Amelia i t'a-teriine at the suit of ft S Gill, now for use of Isaac Meals. E. 1). No. 153. December Term, is<>£. A. M. Christ ley. Att'y. Ail the right, title, interest and claim of Thomas M Hutchison, of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated lu Cherry twp, Butler county. Pa.. bounded as follow, to-wit: On the north by lands of Thompson Kyle. ■ -.t by lands of ft V Hutch ison. south by la i Is of Miles Hutchison, and west by lands of Kobert A Hutchison, con taining 30 acres, more or less, with frame house and other outbuildings erected there on. Seized ami taken ill execution as the prop erty of Thomas Hutchison at the suit of John F McCoy, adm'r. • f II C McCoy, dee'd. E. I>. No. lit. I>■ member Term. l«*»s. J. \V. Hutchison, Att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Joseph Grenue. of, in and to all that certain piece or lot of l;.nd, situated in Contioque nessing twp. lint lor Co.. I*a„ bounded as fol lows. to-wit: I'., ginning at a stone In the [lUDlic road, s '.lnvest corner, thenee by lands of K F Ekin north 24 deg west 22 and 4-10 perches to a post, thence, by land of Thomas Galloway south KS deg east 4? perches to a st. ne. thence by land of Thomas Galloway north 1 deg west" 5 perches to a stone, thence by land of Mrs E J Urenue south 2 deg east 31 and 75-100 perches to a post, thence by same south 71 deg east 1 and 4-10 perches to"a wist, thence by land of Mar garet Ekin and Mary K Ekin south 15H deg west 4 perches, thence by same south 44 deg west 4 and 2S-100 perches to a white oak on the north side of the road, thence by same on public road south 82 deg west 20 and 3-10 perches to a stone on the south aide of the road corner of K F Ekln's land, thence by land of It F Ekin north 71 deg west 38 and 2-fo perches to the place of beginning, containing 10 acres and 33 perches, strict measure. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Joseph Grcnae at the suit of Chris tian Heuchberger. E. D. No. 110, December Term, 18tK Thomp son A Son, Att'ys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Fred Stoll, of. in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated at Boyer Station, Marion twp, Butler Co., I'a., bounded as fol lows, to-wit: on the north by lands of Wm Maj-bold. east by lands of same, south by public road, and West oy lands of M T sle- Claln, with frame store, frame house, barn and other outbuildings; lot 35 feet front, ex tending back 120 feet Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Fred Stoll at the suit of Ed Mayer et al, E. I). No. 112. December Term, IH9B. Mates A Young, Att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of John W Bartley and Mary L Bartley. of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Clay twp, Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post at northeast corner, thence south H* deg west 165 perches to a post formerly by lands of Samuel louden heirs now John Berg et al, thence south 84; J deg west i 6 and 2-10 perches to a post by lands of Black heirs, thence north 2 deg east 164 and 2-10 perches to a post formerly Dr H I) Hockenberry now Josiah Christie, thence north fW-j deg east 54 and 4-10 perches to a post by lands of James Smith and John Berg the place of lieglnnlng. containing .VI acres, more or less, and having thereon erected a frame dwelling house aiid frame stable. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of John W Bartley and Mary L Bartley at the suit of A I) Frazier. E. D. No. 131. December Term, 1898. J. D. Marshall. Att'y, All the right, title, interest and claim of S H Walkerand Mrs L E Gilleland, of. in and to all that certain piece or lot of land situat ed in Mars Ixirough, Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by Wood street, east by right-of-way of l J & W R R Co. south by I'horn Oil Company lot, and west by Main street or Grand avenue, fronting 13»> feet, more or less, on Main street, back 170 feet, more or less ot. ligty-qf-way of P A W K R Co. together with frame livery barn and wareroom. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of S H Walker and Mrs L E Gilleland at the suit of J A Kennedy and T C Kennedy, executors. E. D. No. 108, December Term, 1898. S. F. Bowser Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of J B Orbison and Charles Hustorman. assig nee, of, in and to all that certrln piece or tract of land, situated in Po.iogal twp.. But ler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Micnael Srfeeney and Mrs. Mary Rilev, on the east by lands of Patrick Boyle heirs, south by lands of Jacob Fredrick heirs' and west by lands of J F Jones heirs and I'etzer and Myers, contain ing IB! acres, more or less, with dwelling house and two barns thereon, mostly clearod and under fence; also two producing oil wells thereon with two engines, boiler, wood rigs, casing, tubing, tanks and qll li\ture» and connections complete belonging thereto. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of J B Orbison and Charles Westerman. assignee, at the silit of B B Sybert. E. I). No. 187, December Term. 1898. W. C. Findley, Att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Barbara A .torland and A M Borland, of, in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in the b >rough of Butler. Butler Co. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wft: Beglnnltig at a post at the northwest corner on Asn alley, thence north 70 deg east 40 feet" along said alley to a post, thence south 13 ring and j 30 mill Hlonif the IJne of lot No. 18 180 feet to a I post on Sumu.e. avenue, thVucu SQiltl) 70 deg 1 west .0 feet aloit-r said avenue, thence nortfrj 13 deg and :w min west lilO feet to a post at the place of begin g, being lot No.lfffn Thomas lio.jiiison's plan of lots lu the borough of Butler, i'a . lull lieing part or a larger tract of land w.hlcii W t' lireokeAridge and wife conveyed to the said Thomas Robinson by t deed dated March 30, 1858, anil, recorded lu Deed Book No. 45 of Butler county on pa£e 1 136, containing, 12 af res and 8 jjerclies of land'. ' and then situated in Butler twp, Butler Co, { Pa., adjoining the borough of Butler afore-I said, and the above described lot No. ly was conveyed to Barbara Borland, party of the ? first part, hereto, under the name of Barbara A Borland by deed of Thomas Kobiuson and wife dated March .14, JB9O, and recorded in Heed Book No. 112 of Butler county on page 32y, said lot having erected thereon a two story frame dwelling house and outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Barbara A Borland and A M Borland at the suit of Duquense Savings and Loan Association, for use of the Guarantee Loan and Investment Association, TERMS Op SALE—The following must be strictly complied with when property is stricken down. 1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, and a list of the Hens, includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must bo paid in full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until one o'clock, P. M., of next day at which time all property uut settled for will again hi put up and sold at tlio ex pense and risk of tbi) person to whom first sold. •See I'urdon's Digest, oth edition, page 446, and Smith's Forms, page 38*. WILLIAM B. DODDS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offi e. Butler. Pa., Nov. 10. 18Wi. Butler Savings Bank Hcitler, Pa. Capital - J)f6o,o<jo.cKJ Surplus and Profits - - $150,000 JOS. I,|PF RVIS President J. HENRY I ROI'TMAN Vice-President WM CAMPBELL, Jr t'aihier LOITIB B sTKtN Teller !>l KKt'H Ht" -h seph L. Purvis. J. llenr> Troctmati. W. I). Brandon, W. A. Stein, J. S. C.uiDbel) The Butler Savings Bauk Is the Oldest j Banking Institution*, n Butler County. General banking business transacted. ! We solicit accounts of oil prcducers, mer chants, farmers and others. All b-tslutss entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. Interest raid on time deposits. I'HE Bailer Coontj National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital piid in $i »,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $114,647.87 Jos. Hartmau, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; . John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. I i general banking buslue transacted. Interest paid 011 time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. , We invite you to open an account with this ' bauk. „ DIRECT <KS—Hon. Joseph Ilartman, Hon. W. S. Waldron, Dr. rM. M Hoover. 11. Mc- I Sweeney. E. E. At.rams, V. P. Collins I. G. Smith. Leslie I' Hazlett. M. Fineg.in. W. '■ W. H. Larkin. John Humphrey. Dr. w. C. v McCandless. Ben Massoth. Levi M. Wise 1 J. V. Rittf C a WAITED StVDUL TRI-STWOBTH* PERSONS * in this state to manage our business In L their own and nearby counties. Itlsmaluly Q office work conducted at home. Salary ° straight $!j00 a year and expenses—definite, V bonaide, no more, no less salary. Monthly P J75. References. Enclose g " L'fbert E- Hee», Prust., g Butler Business College. ! Butler, Pa. Several New Courees. Mew Management. MusTcal Oe-iartment under the di rectoishipof Prof. K. Otto Davis, a graduate of the leading Kuropean and American Conservatories of Music, and a finished musician. One of the finest in the state. Piano, Voice, Violin, Orchestration. In strumentation, Composition, Piano Tuning, Etc. Everything the head of music. Business Department Reporter's Shorthand Course, giving the graduate an average speed of 175 j words per minute. Expert Acconntant'i 1 Book-keeping Course, which prepare* ! the graduate for any kind of book-keep ing and expert work, and deals especial ly with Joint Stock Company and Cor poration Accounting. Students can enter at any time Call or write for prospectus. Call on or address A. F. REGAL, Prin., 327 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. Peoples' Phone 271. Bell i? 4. Clearance Sale. We always invoice Nov. 1 sth, and want to reduce our stock as much as possible and will sell until that time or while they last. Top Buggies as low as $30.00. Buggy Harness, our own make, with curved breast collar $9 00. Good Harness Oil 50 cents per gallon. Horse Blankets as low as 50 cenrs. Buggy Cushions 50 cents. Horse Brushes 15 cents. Axle Grease 6 boxes for 25 cents. Plush robes si.so,andevety thing else in proportion. If you want a sleigh come now and get one at wholesale prices Yours truly MARTINCODRT & CO., No. I'2B E. Jefterson St., S. B. MARTINCOURT, I _ J. M. LIEGHNER. i »LTLER. Now is The Time to Have Your ClotHir\£j CLEANED or D"YED If you want gooa and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you can get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works 218 Center avenue Efsk,VVe do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ot your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jau-eetowD Slidine Blind Co.—New York. R. FISHER & SON, MARKLETON SANATORIUM Has all the elements Necessary for an Ideal Heajth Resort. Skillful Medical Service, Invigorating Mountain Air, Pure Waters, ... Scenery Unsurpassed in America. • ' Only three hours', ride east from Pittsbui«g. in tfie Allegheny moun- I tains< *.:•'* I Opon'all tlu* your, uu<i«»r the modlcal con trofoM)r. "R. O. t'rossniuu. of Uni versity nf Vermont, assisted !>y skillful phy sicians. Aupointminitsof the must applX)Ved kinds, ami flrst-class in evi'ry respect, t T*vaU»enf, by medicines and hatlis or all. ; kinds, massage and electricity. Hot. and i culik salt Turkish, Roman, sit 7. electro . thermal, electrochemical and needle baths, j Building heated with hot water, lighted by I electricity, supplied with pure mountain ' water, surrounded by quiet, restful moun x taln ; scenery. Located on Pittsburg division ; of B. & O. if. R., which connects it with the principal cities aiud their railroad systems; also with the Pennsylvania railroad at Hyndman. Johnstown. ConneUvllle. lirad dock. Terms reasonable. Special rates for ministers, missionaries, teachers, physicians and their families For further information and circulars address m MARKLETON SANATOHIUM CO., Markleton, Somerset Co., Pa. L. C. WICK, DEALER IN Rough t Worked Lumber OF ALL KINDS. Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME. H\IR AND PLASTER Office opposite P. & W. Depot. BUTLER. PA. ■gay Eyes Examined Free of Charge R.L . KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next Door to Cotirt House, Botlfer. Pa. . ACTIVE SOLICITOR.- WANTED EVF.RY where for "The Story of the Philippines'' by Murant Halstead, commissioned by the , Government as Official Hlstorlau v> the War I Department The book was written in army camps at San Francisco, ou the Pacific with General Merrltt. In the hospitals at Uono lulu, in Houg Kong.in the American trenches at Manila, in the insurgent camps with Aguinaldo. on the deck of the Olympla with Dewey, and In the roar of battle at tbe tall □f Manila. Booama for agents. Brimful of original pictures taken by government nho. - tograpbers on tbe spot. Large book. Low - prices. Big profit*. Freight paid. Credit i given. Drop all traahy unofficial war books. " t&W* ber ' Soc ' r - * <i ,FaH n "I »' Fall <> oMillintry.*—l • I Millinery .< * The Leading Millinery House of Butler County. , f < » JUST RECEIVED ' < > ' A fine line of Walking and Sailor Hat- Feathers. Flower*. # i >Ac., for onr fall trade AT R< K.'K BOTTOM PRICES Give ns a call< \ . before purchasing. I <l> I Our stock of Mourning Bonnets. Hats. Veils for I ] f <» I Immediate use Always Complete , ft 4 f I ;i22 S. Main St [) JP a p e< BUTLEB. PA.jf sooooopooo«xxxvxxx>ooo<x>oo<x y ! 5 !VGrovc City College?/ £ ft Special . Announcement S 6 The college is already in session. Students can enter 3 at any time,. The winter Term-wilt begin Tuesday |5 Jan. 3, 18V9; the Spring Term wilt begin Tuesday, in * April, 4, 1899 & fl| Three Oeoeral Depsrtmints of Edacitional 'Work are M U L COLL GE A'. DC LIEGK PREPAR ATOR • DEPARHfIHTS, with iustruc- S tlon suited to the needs of College l'r< paratoij !»t (l%\'nrmal students. flr X DEPARTME TS OB MUSIC AHD ART will, unexcelled faeilitles and high-grade Instruction • J# J. COMME CLAL DEPART' FBI, ivvliMre instruction in Commercial 4V Branches. Stenography. Typewriting ami Tt >« eraphy. aA Students are iwelveu Into every devarunejtf <4f the Qollefre at any time in the College year and are guaranteed \j. isi:n*»<i uTTl»elf needs. " •J JA' GOOD ÜBSTAHTIAI) BOAT< DIHGi w4LL !%• students at Sl.dO XJ a week and rooms at froni fA>t<l flu <*» nt-> a-. w» vn Tare completely jm furnished and kept. Thus srood IjoarUlncv tarlurifnff gpom. is guaranteed at from s£>.oo to 5£7.00 for-A.terrm of twelvt weeks. 15ll»ii ji"T Include fuel and light The entire expense of tuition. and completely furnished room AP for a t.-rrn of twelve weeks i-> frt>n I • Hi Thwc rates ar< laranteed JP by the College to all students desiring a Umf*ry t*Ciwatioii. . R For caulogae tad taH inform atiort "address the Preset fit. 5 ISAAC C. K&TLER,- iiroye City, Pa. S ixsexxaex OUR GUARANTEE TOOTH BRUSPT Is a winner and no mistake. Past experenee has taught us that there are many poor to«>tli brushes that look like g<x>d ones hut fall short when the real" test comesi fall out or break off which make them unpleasant to use. After many attempts \w? U:n e finally suc ceeded In finding one to prove satisfactory, and we now buy tiieroio lair : tjuaiitlties with our name stamped on eai'li brush as a guarantee to be as we claim <jr« give you a new brush f.-ee. we Just received several gross a few days :tv>. "rtuwisTlng or several si7.es and many dtfferant s.yles. Tills however, is not our first lot of these brushes and from t he amount we sell a.id the satisfaction they give we are led to lielievo there Is not a better brush made, only in buying large quantities are we enabled to srll them • i? prices usually asked for ordinary brushes. ■» • REDICK & GROHpAN Prescription Druggists. 109 NORTH MAIN ST. BWLEft. .. s—* I FREE This Crystal fllass Decanter filled with a fine Sweet f Wine with every purchase of SI.OO and over from December 10th to January ist, 1899. The 'value of the "pa i d H wine alone is l r '' X 1 011 AU ' cnDE^s f; worth SI.OO, and f V 55.00 and.oyer. H the decanter will Make >our.ow:n U prove an ornament ■ eeleciion, and we U to any sideboard. 1 Vv-> will pack in a pjain a We know you will I[l 1 ifl box, want some liiptore I i> | INCt,UOIN« s'* ■ for the holidays. THli *: ,<y I We will furnish ( I 4 - • t you with the | DCCT f I; " ■ * iWdd(Wr"atyfeujr. | tSto I, g'i» Ml * door withont any | PUREST, Cl 'a .ciiarge-xvliat- H CHEAPEST ■ ' J^v and Cordials in the x Charts I** I State, at prices ''''Of Ottf - - %l!r ;rr /w«Br, • Mto amk mm w»'. WSSSiBf 'pr*^« * and flpwa'rtlsi per beK us* i gallon. • y oiyep :• iviAX' KLCtN,' [. Expreuagt PmH'oh all ordett\f s6.Q{±g/& Qotr. ** . » * Jb*-' v 8a Federal Street, £ . •.5 1 - . . J • S rr • The {Jew York Iwm: s , THE GREAT # NATIONAL ,f.: FAMILY k NEWSPAPER* FOR FARMERS AM) VILLAGERS and your favorite home paper, THE BUTLER CITIZEN. BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $1.50. THE N. Y. WEEKLY TRIBUNE lias an Agricultural Department of the highest merit, all important news of the Nation and World, comprehensive and re liable market reports, able editorials, interesting shnit stories, si ientific and mechanical information, illustrated fusliion ; rtieles, humorous pictures, and is in- ; structiye and entertaining to every member of eve?y family. • - ,„ , THE CITIZEN gives you all the. local news, political and social, i>e«ps you in close touch with your neighlx>rs< and friends, on the farm and in the vtllage, in foims you as to local prices for farm products, and is a bright, newsy ind welcome weekly visitor in many homes. Send all subscriptions to THE CITIZEN Butler, Pa. j cl@(* Driving 1 V M i JJw IT Is the only #»rlect one: b, ft y I IT throws all the light jtruijlit ahead A • iW/(lipf a MM IT looks tike >ajeca)nutivc heaaUfbt. A IT jflves a clear white lljftil.'' ■ ■ . V SPECIAL OFFER, cirr THIS ADVERT 01t. ; ,/I»' E § - A " and send It to us an' wc icnd A. y book describing our lamp, and will agr*« to»end you ;»ne finale lanp OT" "* / V ~m* fc ; * 0 a pair at our whoie*ftle price (very n»ucb Icm than t retail price>. J ■3 • ' IR. E. DIETZ COMPANY, 60 Ulght St New-Vork.,. '* "if- '■ v K«mw»o hw: , _ J c >r>o*r>%> r • -—! v 9 ' v '* * - - . ... : % « « v • •A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FQUL MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE-U&tSS \ * V v SAPOLIO j • > * Subscribe for the CITIZEN* >
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers