THE: CITIZEN. WILLIAM C. NEGLEY - Publisher THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 189 s REPUBLICAN TICKET. " FOR GOVERNOR. WILLIAM A. STONE, of Allegheny. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. J. P. 8. GOBIN, of Lebanon. FOR SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS. JAMEB W. LATTA. of Philadelphia. FOR SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE. WILLIAM w. PORTER, of Philadelphia W. D. PORTER, of Allegheny Co. FOR CONGRESSMEN-AT-LARGE. BAMUEL A. DAVENPORT, of Erie. GALUBHA A. GROW, of Susquehanna Co FOR CONGRESS. DB. J. B. SUOWALTER, of Mlllerstown boro FOR ASSEMBLY. JAMES N. MOORE, of Butler. JOHN DINDINGER. of Zellenopl FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. JACOB M. PAINTER, of Butler. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. FRANK E. McQUISTION, of Butler La Fayette Monument. In the city of Paris there is a convent and garden wall, known through \ ic tor Hugo's "Lee Miserables." It is the convent of the Petit Picpus. In the grounds of this convent is a small ceme tery, where nearly fifteen hundred vic tims of the guillotine were buried indis criminately. Here also repose the bones of La Fayette beside those of his wife who wished to be buried there. The resting place of La Fayette, gener ally unknown and forgotten, is marked only by a plain granite slab. Upon a register kept by the persons in charge of the conyent there are inscribed the names of but a small number of casual visiters. ~ T t- In view of these facts, the La Fay ette Memorial Commission has been formed for the purpose of erecting a monument to the memory of La Fayette as a twentieth-century tribute from the people of the United States, to be un veiled with fitting ceremony July 4, 1900, and thus grandly to celebrate United States day at the Pans Expo sition. It is proposed that the cost of the undertaking, which is estimated to V*. approximate a quarter of a million dol butions, secured tn large part through the agency of the schools of our land. The dedication of this monument, se cured and built through the efforts mainly of the young people of America, will make conspicuously resplendent our United States Day at the coming Paris Exposition. No other country will find such a basis for the celebra tion of its national day in France; but all the nations of the earth will unite with this republic in the dedication of this beautiful memorial, a tribute which shall forever mark the grave of La Fayette, whose memory is consecra ted in the hearts of men. It requires no argument to convince the liberty-loving people of America of the far-reaching value of this most fit ting, opportune and significant move ment. It can be made to promote pa triotism, and emplant in the minds of our young generation, from the Atlan ric to the Pacific, a broader knowledge of their country's history. It is pro poeed that the President request the governors of our States to specially des ignate October 19, 1898, as "La Fayette Day" in every school district through out our land, when our children will be told the story of our struggle for liberty, and they may then make their contributions in memory of their nation's self-sacrifice, enthusiastic and gallant defender. The following is a brief recital of the recognition shown La Fayette by our nation in the past: By Congress, upon the occasion of his k departure from in 1784; it ex tended him a national farewell. By the State of Virginia and Mary land, in the same year passing acts making him and hiß heirs forever citi wealths. By Washington, when constrained as chief of a nation to be silent and pass ive toward a friendly power, he broke all preceedents, and personally ad dressed the Emperor of Germany in be half of the releas of La Fayette from the dnngeons of Olmu tz. By Congress, when it voted him a •word, and passed resolutions commend ing him in the highest possible terms to the king of France. By tne reception given La Fayett upon the occasion of his visit to Ameri ca in 1818, on which occasion Congress gave him an official reception in the nail of the House of Representatives; and when Congress presented him with an appropriation of *200.000, a township of land, built and named in his honor a man-of-war, the Brandy wine, and tendered the same to him for h:s con veyance home. „ And also by the action of France, which, having'through the influence of La Fayette, loande us 27,000,000 livres, •aid in regard to its payment, "Of the 27,000,000 we have loaned you, we for give you 9,000,000 as a gift of friend ship, and when with years there comes prosperity, you can pay the rest with out interest!" The Commission has decided upon October 19th, the anniversary of the sur render of Corn wal lis at Yorktown, as the day which the schools of the United States are asked to recognize as "La Fayette Day," On this date, it is hoped, by concerted effort, ample funds will be secured to build the monument on a scale commensurate with the oocasion. In the universities and col- 1 leges of the land, the heads of the insti tutions are asked to appoint comittees from their students to arrange and carry out public exercises suited to the idea; embracing perhaps historic drama, patriotic oration, etc., charging 1 an admission fee, or collecting volun tary contributions as local conditions 1 may suggest, and turning the proceeds over to the President of the college, who shall forward it to the Treasurer of the Memorial Commission, Hon. Charles G. Dawes, U. S. Controller of the Currency, Washington. D. C. In the higher grades of the public and parochial schools, the same general plan, as far as possible, should psevail as in the universities and colleges. In the primary grades and district schools, the children may be asked to solicit from their parents or acquaintances •mall contributions, of from one cent to ten cents, to be given their teacher, who will forward the same to the Treasurer of the Commission at Wash ington. West Liberty. The School Directors of Brady twp, have had water wells drilled at the fol lowing school houses: West Liberty, Holiday, Foultz, and McKelvey, the one at McKelvey being the deepest, 94 feet. D. 8. Badger and family, of New Castle, were the guests of his father last week. Grant Studebaker. of Jacksville, who is teaching Barley school makes his daily trips through town. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mc- Clymonds, a daughter. Twenty five centers, Tom. Brady township is pretty well repre sented in school teachers as the follow ing are teaching in Butler Co.: Nellie Koch, Lizzie Beatty, Florence Gross man. Bertha Snyder, Lou Croll. Z. H. Snyder, C. C. Badger, Robt. Allen and Walter Snyder. The typhoid fever has been very bad through this section, Wm Weigle is getting along very well, and Mrs. Mary Ann McDeavit is very poorly. We were sorry to hear of the death of Pearce Covert which occurred on Monday a week, we extend our heart felt sympathy to the bereaved family. Rev. McCleaster announced on last Sunday that there would be communion services on next Sunday week and pre paratory services on Friday and Satnr | day previous at the U. P. church. Rev. James Drake who was appointed to Rev. Bnrrow's charges preached his introductory sermon on last SnfViv TBiQB. POLITICAL. On Saturday last the Legislature of Oregon elected a man named Joseph Si mon. a Hebrew Republican. to succeed John H Mitchell as U. S. Senator. Senator Mitchell was not a candidate. Mr. Simon read law with Mitchell & Dolph. Bntler will or ought to poll a few less than 2500 next month, and the connty a few more than 14,000. It is expected that Senator Quay will take the stump in Philadelphia this week to replj to Mr. Wanamaker. Tlie Trouble at Leach Lake. The northern part of the state of Min nesota is full of lakes which form the source of the Mississippi river. Some of these lakes are very large. Leech lake is about thirty miles long and half that wide and its southern shores form the boundary of an Indian reser vation, occupied by the Chippewa and Pillager Indians. On a point of land jutting into this lake, some of these IndiaDS ambushed a company of L. soldiers last week, and killed six or them. More troops were sent to the scene, and the outbreak is supposed to be over. , . , . . ~ The trouble which culminated in the outbreak is of long standing It had its beginning about three years ago. when Chief Bog-A Ma Go-Shig was arrested and taken to Duluth.when he was want ed as a witness in a case then pending in the United States court. At the con clusion of the court proceedings the Chief was dismissed with scent conr tesy. Both his witness and mileage fees were refused him and he was coin pelled to walk from the city to his home. He arrived at Walker footsore and hungry, and with feelings not of the kindest toward the white men wbo had wronged him. He then declared before a number of white men in the trading store that he would never go back as a witness in any court, no matter what its nature was. An In dian's oath is sacred, and once he has has made a solemn vow he cannot eas ily be presuaded by argument or en treaty to break it. How well Bog A Ma-Go-Sheg kept his word the sequel shows. At the next term of court the case came on again for trial, and again he was subpoenaed as a witness. He flatly refused to obey the summons, was at once arrested and was rescued by several of thi younger braves. No attempt was made to pursue the matter further until a few weeks ago, when a United States marshall went to Bear Is land and again attempted to place the old man under arrest. Again the chief was rescued by the bucks and the mar shal went away. He returned with an Indian inspector and with warrants for the chief and the bucks who rescued him, and was driyen off the island. Encouraged by their success, the In dians began boasting loudly of their prowess, and defied the authorities. Their island was deemed impregnable against any assault, being situated in the middle of Leach Lake, with high and rocky bluffs all around and with the water so shallow as to make land ing from steamers impossible After ihey had expelled the marshall and his posse when he attempted to serve the warrants the last time, the Indians re sumed their aboriginal manners. The hatchet was dug up and the bucks put on war paints and feathers and began their war dances. The tobacco was sent to all the tribes on the northern reservations, and the fleet couriers spread the word through the wilderness Signal fires were lighted on the hills. The few who had adopted the dress of white men discarded it for the beech clout and blanket. Members of the tribe visited Walker and other towns, and under the guise of friendly Indians purchased all the arms and ammuni tion to be procured there. Almost be fore any one knew what was going on the bucks were armed and ready to fight. Marshal O'Connor reported the situ ation and asked for soldiers. Fifty men under command of Lieut. Humph rey were sent from Walktr. As soon as he arrived on the scene Lieut. Humphrey saw that his small force inents. Eighty more rien under com inand of Gen. Bacon were sent to Wal ker and immediately started for the scene of trouble. The Indians had in the meantime left the island and taken position on a point of land opposite it. Their location was ascertained by the Indian police, and it was on this point that Gen. Bacon determined to make a landing. He did so unopposed and or dered a reconnoissance. The bush was beaten for some distance back from the lake, but not a trace of an Indian was found, and Gen. Bacon ordered his men to stack arms and prepare dinner. While the order was being carried out a private soldier accidentally discharged his gun, and in a twinkling a shot came from the woods. In the space of a minute two more shots came, and then with warwhoops the Indians rush ed from cover and made for the sol diers, firing as they ran, and evidently bent on driving theni into the lake. Gen. Bacon, Major Wilkinson and Lieut. Ross formed their men and re treated to cover With the first volley from the Krag-Jorgensens the advance of the Bucks was checked and an oppor tunity was given Gen. Bacon to form his tiring line. The three officers walk ed calmly up and down the firing line steadying the men and displaying the utmost coolness and bravery Major Wilkins was shot in the leg and taken to the rear, where his wound waa dressed. He then went back to his command, and five minutes after ward was shot through the abdomen He died in less than half an hour there after. The fighting was fnrious for the next fourty-five minutes. A tug that was near shore was tired on and the pilot's arm broken. The Indians fought with bravery, but the discipline of the sol diers told in the end and the Indians withdrew to the brush, carrying their dead and wounded. All night long and next day firing was kept up, and the soldier who ventured to show his head was promptly made a target. Besides Major Wilkinson six men were killed and eleven wounded. Three of the wounded men are seriously, hurt, but it is not thought that any will die. The sick and wounded men were taken to St. Paul in a special oar. Holiday School. Please allow me space in your paper for the report of the first month of Hol iday school, in Brady twp., which closed Friday, Oct. 7, This is, I suppose, the smallest school in Butler Co.. as the present enrollment is thirteen. Six girls and seven boys, but what they lack in quanity they have in quality The following pupils missed no days during the month: Eva Snyder, Flora Jaok, Clyde Stoughton, James and Linn Grossman, and John anil Frank Laugh ner, and the following missed one day, Cleo, Buna and Deau Grossman, and Charles Snyder missed one and one-half days, the iter cent, of attendance is UK. We hope the parents will still con tinue to encourage us in this work in every way they can and especially in visiting the school, we invite not only the patrons but anyoue who is a friend of education will l>e made welcome. C. C. BADGER. Renfrew School. The following is a report of the Pri mary Grade No 7. of the Renfrew School for the month ending October 7, IHDH. Number of pupils belonging during the month, 7(1, average atten dance, Hl}, per cent of attendance dur ing the month 91 1-5. Those who miss ed no days are, Artie Stanfield, Charlie Lynk, Frank Wilson. Eva Russell, Mamie Russell, Pearl Bond. Elmer Price. Harry Price, Grace Pollard, Laura Pollard, Bessie Fox, Harry Fox, Lena Fox, Charlie Arnold, Harry Ar nold, Lillian Spang, Fred Spang, Roy Miller, Fred Varner, Carl Brioe, .lack White, George Shira, Bud Hoon, Harry Watson, Wille Powell, Jennie Barn hart, Ella Stewart, Rena Stewart, Alice Stewart. Those missing but i day, art Harry Redick. Charley Kennedy, Ar thur Bowser, I day Frank Alcorn Frank Varner. and those who missed but 1 day John McGuaue, Earl Ram sey. Marie Barnhart. The interest taken by the parents hai been very gratifying both to teachei i and pupils and we hope it may con tinue in the future. LIDA LOGAN, Teacher. Amij - Notes. f The Fifteenth regiment was paid for September last week. A letter from a meml>er of Co. E last week stated that the Fifteenth's new location was within ] • half a mile of Middletown and near corps headquarters A third battalion v is to be added to the regiment in the near future. • Now that the boys l>elieve they are to be retained in the service, they fear that s instead of betas taken to Cuba for the e winter, they will be kept at some north ern point. Several of Co. E s boys are in the Division hospital and othep are 1 confined in quarters. Lieut. George s Mechling has joined the Co. again much improved in health after his visit home. The Fifteenth has again been brigad ed this time the 201 st. New \ ork and Ist. Rhode Island. Several regiments from Camp Meade, e including the Fifteenth, will take part e in the peace jubilee at Philadelphia, a leaving caniD Oct., 26 and returning i two days later. The Third Div., First s Army Corps of which the Fifteenth is - part, has been assigned to camp at Ath i ens, Ga. i The Sixth U. S. immunes and the e Fortyseventh N. Y. regiments sailed I. Sunday for Porto Rico to relieve the f Sixteenth Penna. and other troops there, e Drill in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth 0 Pa. has suspended for ten days on account of yaccinat ; .on. The boys are e being vaccinated at the rate of one s hundred a day. a The Fifteenth s football team played 1 a game with the Harrisburg H. S. - eleven Tnesdav. neither side scoring. ? W. Reynolds." Veine Caldwell and - Lawrence McDowell of Co. E are on e the team. Additional blankets and winter nni e forms are being issued to the soldiers at - Camp Meade and preparations are also sander way to move them south. e Gov. Hastings will appoint commis f sioners to take the vote of the Penn a 9 regiments still in the field on election i day. Nov. 8. e The investigating committee will > visit Camp Meade and Gen. Graham 0 will review the corps in their honor. s GREAT BRITIAN is determined to control the Nile from mouths to sources, and has warned the French out of Fash -1 oda. The French are in a box, but they must back down or fight. e - e The Canton Affair. t On Sunday last the President and his 7 wife attended the funeral of Mrs. Mc > Kinley's brother George D. Saxton at r Canton O. i Saxton was shot and killed Friday night, near the house of a Mrs. Alt i house, and the shooting is supposed to f have been done by Mrs Annie George - whose alleged relations with Saxton I caused her husband to divorce her. r Mrs. George was arrested and placed in 1 jail. The murder occurred shortly after dark in Lincoln avenue, a resident St., directly in front of the home of Mrs. Eva B. Althouse, widow of the late George Althouse, who was regarded as an intimate friend of Mr. Saxton, and who not long ago began peace proceed iugs against Mrs. George, alleging that the latter had threatened her with vio lence and death. When people attracted by the sharp report of the pistol shots reached the s|>ot, Mr. Saxton was found prostrate on the ground, unconscious and appar ently lifeless. Police officers and doc tors were summoned, and on their ar rival they reported life extinct. The Coroner took charge of the body, which was removed to an undertaking room. Police officers found the door to Mrs. Althouse's home locked and the house dark. The next door neighbor said Mrs. Althouse had not been at home for three days Another neighbor volunteered the information that the woman who did the shooting had (indicating the direction gone to the rear of the premises, which is toward the outskirts of the city. The description was that of a tall woman in a dark gossamer, and in details tallied close to that of Mrs. George. This woman could not be found at her late residence, having moved. She was heard of at an uptown resturant where she boarded at 4:J> o'clock, and some time later a mortoruian said she got olra car at mziet avenue, the street next to that on which Mrs. Althouse lives. She is said to have threatened before several persons on a number of occasions to take Saxton's life because she asserted he had not kept his prom ises to her. Saxton lived in the upper floors of his business block, where Mrs. George sev eral years ago conducted a dressmaking establishment. He ate his meals at the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. M. C. Barber. He left Mr. Barber's place, riding a bicycle, about six o'clock and that was the last seen of him alive by friends. The Coroner ordered an autop sy, after which the body was removed to the Barber home. Mr. Saxton was between 42 and 50 : years old and unmarried. He was a I little above the medium height, of sandy complexion, and had a round full - face. He was a successful business ' man and owned considerable property, principally in real estate According I to various cases filed in courts his con nection with the George family began some fivo or six years ago, when Mrs. George came from Columbia county and opened the dressmaking establish ment in the Saxton block, her husband remaining behind. Mrs. George is tall, well built more • than ordinarily good looking and not yet middle aged, although her hair is ; pretty well silvered The first public- I ity giyen to the alleged relations be > tween landlord and tenant was in a petition filed by Sample C. Gaorge. tins band of the woman, who sued Saxton - for £50.000, alleging the allienation of his wife's affections. This petition as : serled that Mrs. George had gone to ) Dakota to secure a divorce from her i husband at the request of Saxton and i with money provided by hiru. This case was kept alive by interpleading for i several years and finally was dismissed • without a hearing, but not without pre- I judice to new proceedings, which were ! begun for 120,000, and on technical 1 grounds the case was earned through all the courts up to and including the i Supreme Court of the State, from which it was remanded for hearing here on its ! merits on Wednesday. I The case was settled by Saxton pay ' irig George >?L ,HJO. Saxton from first, to last denied his obligation to pay a cent in the case, and said he only made this settlement to avoid the unpleasantness of further proceedings in court and to save his friends and relations from an ' noyance. Mrs. George was also plain ' tiff in a number of minor cases agains' Saxton, which involved the. posession of ' furniture, and so persistent was she in prosecuting these claims that she caused ' several scenes in the Saxton block in which police officers were obliged to in ' terfere. 1 The difference in these proceedings ' 1 concerned furniture which had been in Mrs. George's living rooms and dress ■ making apartments. She said Saxton was wrongfully detaining them and he 1 said thev were held because of failure I • to pay rent due. Still another ease in j court was an indictment by the Federal 1 Grand Jury sitting in Cleveland last 1 fall charging Mrs. George with in prop »' er use of the mails in sending threatening ' letters to Saxton. These letters, it is' said, were based on Mrs. George's asser tion that Saxton had promised to marry her when she would l>e divorced from her first husband, and contained threats in case he failed to keep the alleged promise. Mrs. George gave bond and v the case was never heard, but the indi • ctment still stands. A Mrs. George, it is freely said about 1 town, has often said she would wait nil '• til the rase between Saxton and George was settled, and that if Saxton did not ® then marry her she would take his life. | f >ll«l«lleto\vn. Miss Delia Thompson has accepted a y i position at Dixmont as nurse. k | Miss Lily Kinzer is visiting friends at y I Butler ' Ralph Goodrich and wife, of Brad ' ford, are the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Johu r Varner, the parents of Mrs. Goodrich. l, Dr Brewster was one of the delegates d of the C. E. Society of this place to the ! i- district convention which met at Ziou E. L. church last week. J* Henry Thompson has just completed drilling another water well: this time ' for W. E. Brown, of Peachville. | Jas. Timblin and sons are building a , (house on tbe farm pnivtiased by them , from G. W. Flemming. Negotiations 1 are in progress for the sale of their property in this place to J. S. Murt land. of Magic. ' Good reports are coming in from the several schools in Concord twp. The I school here under the management of Miss Cora Campbell is doing splendidly. 1 1 As this is Miss Campbell's first term she , j is especially to be congratulated. Hay riding has made its appearance, ! i but it is too late in the season for it to , j become epidemic. | An oil rig is beiDg erected on the site of a well drilled some years ago by Me- Clung & Co. on tbe farm of Chas. Coch ran Esq. Our town can boast of haying the neatest, sweetest, wittiest, prettiest girls in the county. Call and see for yourself. Came to the residence of the scribe one very dark night last week a meas ley. cadaverous, treacherous looking yaller cat of the male persuasion, which has since been identified as the property of an ancient damsel who resides some miles away. The owner will please call at once for the same .as I don't want the cat. SILEX. Prospect. Be glad or sad to hear that: Everybody that has liyed in Prospect is glad to get back once in awhile to see the "old place. " Supt. Cheeseman was through town last week, while performing his official duties. You can buy a good, fairly i mproved property by calling on H. W. Henshaw, who has located in Zelienople. Charley Lepley, while out hunting chnstnuts, sprained his ankle and had a lame time for a few days. Mrs. Amanda Albert, who broke her leg some time ago. is improving as well as could be expected for one of her age. May Henshaw was the first in town to have buckwheat cakes this fall. He had them weeks ago. T. J. Critchlow and sons,Clayton and Tommy, spent several days, last week, in Pittsburg, visiting and seeing the Exposition. Tom can tell you about the deep sea diving and the big turtles. James Riddle died Friday night last and-was interred in Critcblov's cemetery Sunday. Mr. Riddle, who was a vet eran of the civil war, has been in poor health for years. Buckwheat is yielding from 20 to 2.") bu. per acre this fall, and Ralston Bros, will soon be making some of their fine buckwheat flour. Mrs. Hillman has gone to Warren, 0., on a visit to her daughters. Mrs. Knox and Mrs. McCune. Blanche Kelly was sorry to miss school, bat then when company comes. Charles Johnson Sr. spent a few days recently in the towns along the Con noquenessing Valley. A. W. Shannon installed the officers of Rustic Lodge, I. O. O. F., Saturday evening, as follows: N. G , Wm. Gar wig; V. G., C. P. Johnson; Ass t Sec., Wm. Hutchison. Lafe McGowan and wife, of Akron, 0.. have returned home from a short visit to relatives. Plunimer Badger and family attended church at Isle, Sunday, and as it was a fine day, the little t'oiks enjoyed the ride immensely. Omer Phil lis and wife, of Fombell, visited the wife's mother, Mrs. Ellen McLnre. Alex. Stewart and wife have returned from a visit to their Centerville relations. Rev. Robert Wilson, wife and family, of Fayette Co., recently visited their folks here and at West Liberty. John Gallagher, of Muddycreek. was a caller Saturday, and said nothing about the new R. R. Coon Miller and wife spent several days in Pittsburg, visiting friends and the "Expo. Coon, had yon a ride on tftn- "roller costlier The cry of the auction will soon be heard in our town again. Billie Heyl is bringing his store goods from Whites town to sell them. The Ensilage Cutters were in town again, last week, and George Burry said it would have to be mentioned. jThe U. P. social at Mrs. Forrester's Tuesday evening, Oct. 4, was a pleasant and successful affair. Landis Martin, wife and family, of Buttercup, yisited Perry. MeCune's Saturday. Mrs. Jas. Forrester and daughter Clara, of South Prospect, were in town shopping Saturday. The Creamery Co. had a business meeting Saturday evening, and no doubt Oliver had everything in apple pie order for the meeting. New. Roxberry, of New C.tstle. was here a svhile. Sunday. Jatnes McGowan, D. D. G. M., in stalled the officers of Mylert Lodge. I. O. O.FFt. t at Centerville, Saturday evening. i Mont Dunn helped his pap pull a water well on the English heirs, one day, last week, says they had "an awful job." Fall is here, the corn is in the shock, and the frost is on the "pumpkin," and ' the "splash" of the apple-butter stirrer is again heard. Marshall Owen made a trip with his team To New Brighton, last Friday, for Amos Cooper. John Heyl and Fred Wehr have re ceived the stone for their pavements. Curt Grossman is all right, if he does throw apples at you when you are not looking. JOE COSITY. Koyal makes the food pure. fbolcsomc and delicious. mi &AKINO POWDER Absolute!/ Pur© ROYAL BAKINtt PO*DIR CO M H YORK NEW FIRM GREGG & WISE LIVERY. Evervthin" first-class. Finest turn-outs; rubber-tired Buggies, Traps, Pbn'tons, good Driving teams and fam ily horses. Everything up to date. Horses foi sale. Call and see us. Open dayland!night. Rear of Hotel Arlington. TELEPHONE No. 160 :k. < D. L. cLEELAND, > \ Jeweler and Optician, > < 125 S. Main St., > ( Butler, Pa. ) DEATHS. DUNBAR—At her home at Watters Station. Sept. 30, 1898. Mrs Margaret Dunbar, aged 86 years. THORN— At his home in Clintonville. Friday. Oct 7. 1898, Solomon Thorn, aged abont 85 years. RIDDLE—At his home in Piospect, Oct. 7, 1898, James Riddle. BORLAND —At her home in Butler, Oct. 11. 1898, Mrs. Samnel Borland, aged 58 years. KELLY —At her home in New Lisbon, 0., Oct. 8, 1898, Mrs. T O. Kelly. Mrs. Kelly's maiden name was Lettie Bartley; she was a daughter of Namaan Bartley. and she had betiu in poor health for some years. McCLYMONDS—At his home in Mud dycreek twp., Oct. 4, 1898. James Mc- Clymonds. aged 82 years. Mr. McClvmonds was one of Muddy dycreek township's best citizens. He was born in Allegheny Co. but has made his home in Butler county since 1831. He was the father of _Dr. McClv monds. now located in Wilkinsburg. EMERY—At her home in Leasnreville. Pa., Monday, Oct. 10th. 1898, after a lingering illness. Miss Lydia Emery, aged 23 years. In the absence of their own pastor the services were conducted by W. J. Haz lett, pastor of Buffalo Presbyterian Church, Tuesday afternoon at Fisk Chapel. McDEVITT At his home in Clearfield. Oct. 11. '9B, James McDevitt, aged 88 years. • WHAT may be the l>eginning of a race war occurred at Virden. 111., yesterday. Striking union-miners at tacked a train load of imported negroes from Chicago, killing nine of them and wounding thirty-six. AT Philadelphia- yesterday Ex-State Treasurer Haywood waived a prelimi nary hearing and gave bail in $5,000 for court. Tried Many Medicines Relief Came Only From Hood's. " I suffered with a pain in my stomach and head, and had heart trouble. I tried many medicines without much benefit. Finally I thought I would give Hood'B Sarsaparilla a trial, and it has completely cured the pain in my stomach and bene fited me in other ways." JOHN M. PRITCHARDS, Avoca, Pennsylvania. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best— in fact the One True lilood Purifier Hood's Pills cure indigestion. 215 cents. VICTORV ~ Always crowns our efforts to secure the handsomest and most correct thing in Men's Dress at all season's of the « year. There's a fresh, bright sparkle of style about our spring patterns, the kind that has snap and art in it. We cater to the economical man because our clothes give a doltar of service for every dollar paid Let us show you the kind of a suit we make for $25. ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S LOTHES Grand Voting Contest. As the school year approaches, many of our young readers will be deciding what school to attend, and the follow ing offer made by the Butler Business College will prebaps help you to decide tbe problem. Two free scholarships are offered as per rules below, allowing ample time to graduate, giving you your choice of courses, all for a small effort on the part of the contestants. You cannot afford to ignore this offer, opportunities like this are not offered every day. this is your opportunity. Any one who complies with the rules may enter the contest. Business edu cation has the sanction of such men as Hor. Lyman Gage, himself a graduate of a business college, and to which he attributes his success, Hon. John Wan amaker, Robert Burilette, Charles Reade, Hon. Charles Foster, and many others we conld name of world wide reputation. No matter whether you live in the city or the country, you have a splendid opportunity to succeed. Read the rules carefully. 1. Each weekly paper published in Butler will publish one coupon each week, beginning August 25th, and con tinning until Oct. 15th, and contestants will collect these coupons and send them in, in packages of I<H). Each con testant. will also agree to get as many paid-up yearly subscriptions as he or she possibly can for any or each of the Butler weekly papers. viz: The CITIZEN, Eagle, Times, Record, and Democratic Herald, ami each tion shall count as much as2oo coupons. Only new subscribers will be allowed to count in this contest. You are not confined to any one paper; subscriptions to any or all of the papers named will count 200 votes each, to the one turning them in. 2. Write yonr name plainly on all coupons yon send in. arxl forward all subscriptions and coupons to William I'. Wilson, Principal Butler Business College, Butler, l'a. Write all names and postoflice addresses plainly, and in dicate plainly the papers snbscribed for. 8. To the person receiving the largest number of votes, a nine months scholar ship in the Butler Business College will be awarded, in either Commercial or Shorthand courses, allowing ample time to graduate. To the person receiving the next highest number of votes a six month's scholarship will be awarded. •t Contestants should communicate with l'rof. Wilson immediately, and he will forward further instructions and information by mail. Remember that each subscription turned in for any of the papers named will count you 21)0 votes, and securing subscribers will lie the quickest and surest way to succeed Get in the field early, secure the aid of your friends, and earn one of these scholarships, worth at least if.'ifl. O O ' COUPON. : Please credit this cottpon to P. O. : Account of Butler Business College : Scholarship Contest. O O M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, 139 South Main street. Over Shaol &. Nasi'* Clothing Store Sabsrcibe for Tbe Citizen. I LEGAL ADVEftTISMENTS. ORPHANS' COURT SALE! j By virtue of an order anil decree of the Orphans' Court of Butler county. Pa., made at No. of March term. of said Court, the undersigned administrator of the estate | of James Crtswell. late of Adams township, j county and state aforesaid, dee'd— will offer I for sale at public vendue on the premises on SATURDAY. OCTOBER IMW. j at 1 o'clock p. m.. of said day. all that certain ] tract of land situated in Adams twu.. Butler ! Co., state of Pennsylvania, bounded north j by lands of Convert neirs and Samuel Park. east by land of Samuel Paik and l>r. S. (>. : Sterrett, south by land of John Harr and ; Wm. Purvis, and west by la ids of T. W. ! Kennedy's heirs. Newton Lerting and i'oov ert heirs, containing 153 ACRES, 104 PERCHES; with 2 frame dwelling houses, one nearly new: good bank barn and other outbuildings. 2 orchards. Land situated mile from Mars and mile from Downey ville on P. & \V. Ry. Convenient to churches and schools. Land in g«*>d rendition and well watered, well adapted to either stock-raising <>r geaetal farming purposes, supposed to be oil and gas territory if developed. This land land will be sold either as a whole or in two pieces, each with dwelling house and orchard there on. one piece containing 101 acres and W perches and the ot her SS acres and f» perches. TERMS CF SALE—One half of the pur chase money to he paid 011 confirmation of .sale hy the Court and the other half in one year thereafter, with interest, to be secured T»y bond and mortgage on the premises, with usual waivers and attorney's commission. ROBERT Adrnr.. Mars, Pa. MCJI'XKIX & GALBREATH. Attv's..Butler. Pa. ASSIGNEE'S SALE" Of Real Estate. In re voluntary assignment of Ell A. An derson. I. the undersigned assignee of Eli A. Anderson, will offer for sale at public outcry on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1»6, At 10 o'clock A. M., on the premises, all that certain lot of ground situati i'i the borough of Tarentum. Allegheny County and State of Pen sylvan la. being lot No. in plan of said liorough and fronting fifty (50) feet on Porter Street on the Western side of said street* in the First ward of said borough,.and extend ing back in a Westerly direction (and pre serving the same width of fifty feet) eighty feet to School Alley, having erected thereon one two-story frame dwelling with six rooms, and one-story frame storeroom and frame stable. ALSO On the same day at 2 o'clock P. M.. on the premises, all that certain lot or tract of land situate in the Township of Clinton, Butler Couuty. State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: On the North by lands of William Weainer; on tbe Baal by lands belonging to the estate of George Ewing. deceased; on the west by lands of R. J. An derson. and on the south by lands of the es tate of Daniel Norris, deceased, containing i sixty acres, more or less, and having erected thereon one small four roomed frame house and large frame bank barn. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of the bid when the property is struck off to the purchaser, and the bal ance upon delivery of deed for same. J. FRANK PEFFEK, ATTY.. Assignee. 422 Fifth Ave. Pittsburg. Pa. TRUSTEE'S SALE. I'rusuant to an order and decree of the Orphans Court, of Butler Co.. I'a.. made at No. 61, December Term. 1593 of said Court, in the partition of the real estate of Henry Yeakel, dee'd the undersigned appointed trustee for that purpose, will expose for sale at public out-cry on the premises, on SATURDAY. OCTOBER 22nd. IsUK. at 2o'clock P. M. of said day. the following described real estate of sala Henry Yeakel, deceased, situate In the liorough of Saxon burg. Butler County. Pa, bounded and de scribed as follows, viz: PURPART No. 1. bounded north by purpart No. 3. east by lot of Charles Wetzel,south by Main St.. and west by purpart No. 2, being .W feet front on said Main st., and extending back the same width 150 feet to said purpart No. 3, and having thereon erected a good two story frame dwelling house, and out-house. PURPART No. 2. bounded north by purpart No, 3, east by pur part No. I, south by Main St., and west by public school property, being IS feet front on said Main St.. and extending back the >ame, width I.TO feet to said purpart No. 3 and having thereon erected one old dwelling liousi . PURPART NO. 3, bounded north by purpart No. I. castby But ler St.. south by lot of Charles Wetzel and purparts Nos. 1 & 2. and west by public school property, being 90 feet, front on said But ler St.. and extending back the same width Ills feet to said public school property, and having a frame stable erected thereon. PURPART No. 4. lwnmded north by purpart Nos, east by But ler St., south by purpart No. 3, and we.t by public school property, being "i 0 feet front on said Butler St,, and extending buck the same width lUS feet to said public school property. PrnPATiT No. 5. hounded north by lot of Mrs. Fredrick Sachs, cast by Butler St.. south by purpart No, 4. ana west by public school property, being ."i0 feet front and extending back the same width lits feet to said public school property. TERMS OF SALE, One third cash on confirmation of salo by the t'ourt. and the balance in two e<iual annual payments with interest to be secured by IMUHI and mortgage on the premises with ."> per cent, attorney's commission in case of collection by process of law. WILLIAM YEAKEL. TRUSTEE, Butler Pa. MCJUNKIN & OAI.BREATH, Att'vs. ORPHANS" COURT SALE. Bv virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Butler county. Pa., at (). ('. No. 1, December Term, lssts. and to me directed, I will on TUESDAY, OCTOBER2Sth, lsus, at ten o'clock a. M„ expose to public sale on t he premises In Adams township, Butler Co., L'a., the following (lescrl tied real estate, late the property of John Dougherty, DECEASED, TO- wit: A certain MESSUAGE of fund situate in said township. County and Stat**, liounded and described as follows: Beginning at a L>ost at the northwest eorner, thence liv lands of Loyd north ss and H degrees east lhty-t wt and 2-10 perches to a post, t hence hy lands of .lames Beers, south one and A .» degrees east, sixty-one and pi jcees. thence hy lands of same north SS and ' J degrees east, twenty six perches to line of Smullen's heirs, thence hy lands of Smullen's heirs, south one and \ degrees east, ninety-five and 'J perches to line of Koitebaugh. t hence hy lands of Hose baugh south Ml and " T degrees, west seventy eight and 9-10 perches to line of Thomas Moore, thence by lands of said Moore, north one and degrees west, one hundred tlfty seven and 2-10 perches to the plaee of hettln tilng; containing sixty-seven acres, more or lcss.together with a private road appurtenant to said described land, with log dwelling house, frame barn and outbuildings thereon erected, mostly cleared and under fence TKRMS OK SAI.K: one-third cash on ap {iroval of sale by the Court, and the balance n two euual annual payments, secured hy Judgment bond and mortage on the premises, hearing Interest with an attorney's commis sion OI five per cent, for collection, with option to pay cash. Twenty percent, of the hid mav he required when the property Is bid off. PATRICK DOUGHERTY, Administrator, c. t. a.. Mars, Pa. S. F. & A. 1., BOWSKH. Attv's. SHERIFFS SALES. .By virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Rx., I*l Fa., LIT) V., R«I. SIR. issued out of the Court of i'oiitinon PIUON of Kutler county, and t*> Die directed, there will be exposed to pnhlic sale at the Court House, in the of Butler, on Saturday, October 22, 1898, at 1 o'cioek P.M.. Hie following described property, to-wit: E. I>. No. 91. Dec. Term, I*9B. J. I). .Marshall. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of John Hichardson, of. In and to aill that cer tain piece or parcel of land, situate in Adams township, Butler county. Pa., liounded on the north by lands now or formerly of Wil liam Richardson, east by lands now or for merly of Staples and T'ashdoilur. on the south by lands now or formerly of Seth Staples, and on the west by lands now or formerly of Joseph West, containing 7U acre*, more or less, being same land conveyed to John Klchardsoii by Joseph Itlchardson by two deeds, recordedln But ler county In lleed Books Nos. FlO,page and 51. page 135; having thereon a frame house and barn and other outouildings. By virtue of an order of Court the land Is to be sold subject to three leases ma<le by John Hichardson, as follows: Lease to W. J. liurk, JJS ACRES, dated Hth Feoruary. L*lt* ; recorded In Book 17H, page 07. Lcuse to same for '4l acres, date Itth February, |S9N; recorded in liook 17s, page 91. Lease to L>. A. Itlchardson, for 20 acres, date ">th February. lS9h: recorded in Book 7s, PAGE SB, so that the said lease shall remain valid. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John Itlchardson at tbe suit of T. li. l*ettock for E. I>. No. (lb and I>ec. Term, LSUS. Kohler, At t'y. All tli© right title* interest and claim of the American Mirror works of in and to all that certain lot of ground l*>uiidcd as follows to wit: Bt'Kinnlii); al the north fust cormT of lot at corner Ma |»I• • and (*rant Av« west along Maple Avr in feet to lii««* of lot No ItW thence south along !lof said lot 12.*> feet to an alley called L«hi Way thence east along sa'.d alley 40 feet to (irant Ave, tlienre along (»rant Ave lUi> feet to Maple Avr to ulart; of beginning being lot HJN «»f \V. S. Iloyd s plan of lots in Springdalc. Seized and lake 11 In i-xccu tlon as the property of the American Mirror Werks at the suit of the Butler County Na tional Hank. Tkbmh or sale The following must be staictly compiled with when property is stricken down. 1. When the plaintiff or other li«*ti creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, and a list of the Hens, includ ing mortgage search*** on t In- property sold, together with such lieu creditor's receipt* for t he amount of t he proceeds of t In- sale or audi portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished t lit! Sheriff. 2. AH bids must lie paid In full. :j. All sales not settled Immediately will he continued until 1 o'clock p. ru. of the uext day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up arid sold at the ex pense and risk of the person to whom tirs old. •See Punion's Digest, 0t ti edition, page 44tf and Smith's l'orms> pag< ii« 4. WILLIAM B. IXJDDH, Sheriff I Sheriff's Office, Butler Pa.. Sept. 21, I>W. } The Perfect FURNITURE STORE Is possible only with perfect good 2. Shallow qualities mean shallow satisfaction, wavering confidene . The promise of our advertising is fulfilled in the richness of our values. Yon respond to its in vitation —not inquiringly—but con fidently. The Leaves Are Ready to Drop At any time; supports don't al ways hold them. They're quite likely to warp, and if they do, how does your table look? Per baps you use a drop leaf table and know how 'tis. By using a square extension you get more room—can seat more people around it, it's al ways level and there's no danger of a leaf dropping things on the floor or in somebody's lap. Solid, well built, nicely finished, 6 feet square extension tables at $4.50. CAREFUL CARPET CUTTING, We cut our Carpets carefully be- f cause we g"arantte the fit And f we rather enjoy the difficult jobs I because it gives us an opportunity i to demonstrate our ability to f handle them to your satisfaction \ As we cut, so we sell —carefully J and conscientiously. The carpets r wc sell must satisfy you, else they / will not satisfy us. See our Parlor l Carpet at SI.OO per yard. S ALL MILK < LOOKS ALIKE So does Crockery—to some people, / yet there is as great a difference N between dishes as between people % and people. We'll be glad to ex- X plain the difference and—show * you that new pattern of decorated / semi-porcelain. If 'twasn't good v would we advertise it? Guess not. \ Price per 100 piece set $12.50 f A Lot of New Things That Arrived Last Week. Pictures, Decorated China and Vases, and Odd Pieces; Lace Curtains, Side Boards and Brass Tables that we will tell you more about later on. j CAMPBELL L [ TEMPLETON^ j> BUTLEF, FA. X { PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ; XTEWTON BLACK, I IT ATTORNEY AT LAW Office on South Diamond Street. HII. GOUCHER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Mi chell building. ALEX RUSSELL, ATTORNKYJAT LAW. Office- with Newton Black, Esq. South Diamond Street. POULTER & BAKER, V ATTORNEYS AI ',* W. Room 8., Armory buildiri 0 . TOHN W. COULTER. T) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Special attention given to collections and business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or Butler County National Bank. T B. BKEDIN, ■ TF • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court House, i T. BLACK, A • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room J. —Armory building. I M. PAINTER, T) • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office between Postoffice and Diamond O H. PIERSOL, O. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 104 East Diamond St. |1 P. L. McQUISTION, Civil. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Office near Court House. DR. CHAS. R. B. HUNT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Eye, ear, nose and throat a specialty. 132 and 134 S. Main Street, Ralston building H. BROWN, • HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON. Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O. Residence 315 N. McKean St. 0 AMU ELM. BIP PUS, U PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 200 West Cunningham St. T BLACK, IJ. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. New Trouttnan Building, Butler Pa. p M. ZIMMERMAN U • PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City Pharmacy. DR. N. M. HOOVER, 137 E. Wayne St., office hours. 10 to 12 a. in. 1 and to 3 p. in. | J. DONALDSON, F) • DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty. Office over Miler's Shoe Store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST. Gold Killings Painless Extraction of Teeth and Artificial Teeth without plates a specialty, Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local niesthetics used. Office over Millers grocery, east of Low y house. DR. W. P. MCILROY, DENTIST. Formerl;' known as the "Peerless Painless Extractor of Teeth." Located permanently at 111 East Jefferson St., Opposite Hotel Lowry, Butler. Will do dential operations of all kinds by the latest devices and up-to-date methods hK. J. E. FAULK, DENTIST, Painless extraction—No Gas—Crown ami bridge work a specialty. Office-~Rootn No. I. new Biokel build tug. WASTED— HEVEHAL IIU'ST WOHTII Y PERSONS lit this state to manage our huklness 111 their own and nearby counties It Is mainly oHI '• work conducted at home. Salary siiuinht •*»> a year and expense* definite, | hoiiallde. no more, no less salary. .Monthly ' s7~>. References. Enclose self-addresgod j kt.iiuiied envelope, Herbert E. Iless. l'reft., I Dept. M. Chicago, | C. E. MILLER'S ; | 1 GREAT 1 ~j| \ CASH SHOE SALE jj | The Talk of the Town, i | & A Great Rush For Bargains. <;> When we bought our FOUR THOUSAND PAIRS V OF SHOES at about HALF PRICE and placed them J on sale we expected to be busy. But we are more than . , 1 busy—we are rushed! Every borough and township j in Butler county is represented in our store every day % —and still they come ! ;We Pay The Railroad Fare;: One way when your purchase amounts to $1000; both ' ' ► ways when it amounts tc S2O ix». We do this, and we do ► more: We guarantee to save you from 25 to JJ per cent. O ► These are positive facts, and ynu may come from any place \ > ► within 25 miles of Butler, and if wc are not selling good, { » ' > honest shoes cheaper than any other hotife in the county, \ \ 'k we will pay your railroad fare both ways and you need not > I. buy a pair of shoes. *I L |We Bid Very High for Your Trade. V ► We hear some say, "How can Miller do all this?" Let , ► ► me answer you quickly; we arc too busy to say much today: i > ) A large jobber got in a close place; he needed cash, and he ( > ' > needed it badly, too, and we simply got the goods at our c > ' > own prices. Three tons of Shoes is what the freight bill J > . said. It was a great deal, and our customers are getting the beneht of it. We are making some money, but no more . than we should. Prices! Don't mention prices; they are k so low we are actually ashamed to write them. Just you r ' ' come in and you will find prices all right. | < > Were You Crowded Out? — On last Saturday the < > . . jam was great. We are very sorry that some had to go > away without being waited on. Come again. We have X added more salesmen and will try to share our bargains I I \ Read Our Guarantee. Go to any shoe house in But- < \ j , how long they have been in business; get their lowest cash > ' prices, come to us, and we will go you 25 per cent. bLt:cr. 4 > This Cash Shoe Sale can't Last Long. Act Promptly. 5 ► i C. E. MILLER. ]| 215 South Main St., Butler, Pa. B. <y B. we want every woman who reads this to send for samples all wool neat dark broken check and novelty mixed Dress Goods— -40 inches wide—2sc yard—a dozen styles—see if you can match this, style, width, quality, under forty cents a yard —be:>t medium priced, good, useful Dress Goods we've ever offered. choice si|ks and dress goods a feature —at prices that will in terest your pocket book. Large assortments —probably the largest shown. 15,000 square feet of floor space taken up with retail silk and Dress Goods de partment alone. Determined to do greater business than ever be fore—Dy making it pay you to buy here. In your own interest, let goods and prices prove it. See what tine dressy Dress Goods 65 and 85c yard will buy—2oo styles. Large lines choice Dress Goods, 35c, 50c, $1 00 to finest imported fancies. Handsome Broche Silks—neb j by waist styles —so and 65c yard. Royal assortments rich novelty silks 75c and SI.OO that will show saving, for a waist or gown, ofj importance. Samples cost you nothing. Hundred styles ladies new Jackets, $5.00 to $125.00. Ten different styles at $12.50 — black, colors and tan —silk and satin lined. Style, cut and finish the equal of any fifteen dollar coats. B<)g'gS& Buhl Department X. ALLEGHENY, PA. Farm For Sale. 120 acres situated in Cranberry twp., adjoining Beaver county line, known as J oil 11 Keller farm, 20 acres wood land, balance in gocxl tillable con dition, modern buildings, good water, underlaid with coal vein, 15 acres in prime orchard. No oil lease. This farm must be sold at once to settle estate. Address C. F. HUNTER, 29th St. & Liberty Ave., PITTSBURG, PA G. SELIGMAN & SON. TAILORS^ No. 416 W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. A line of latent Forvlgn ami l>oru«>»ll<* Hutting* always In stork. „ . , Fit. £tyle and Work manship guaranteed 1 t<» give satisfaction. , PRICES REASONABLE. WASHINGTON SEMINARY WASMINOTON. PA. IlimrrilQff unit I»»v f j>r , unci Elegant Hultijl'lf ready fur 1 , 1 R.-KUlar, < oll< |tf l"r«"|>»r»t<>ry. and Oourw-s. hpe.-lul advaSlage* I" , Musi". Elocution and Art ParvaUiU%uv MKC. M. N MCMILLAN. Principal. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. I*., Bessemer &L E. Trains depart: No. 14, at 9:40 A. M; No. 2, lit 5:40 P. M. Butler time. Trains arrive :No. 1, 10:00 A. M; No. ; 11, 8:00 P. M. Butler time. No. 14 runs through to Erie and con nects with W. N. Y. & P. at Huston - Junction for Franklin and Oil City, t and with N. Y. L. E. <ft W. at Khenan go for all points east. No. 2 runs 1 through to Greenville and connects with , W. N. Y. & P. for Franklin and Oil City. W. R. TURNER, Ticket Agent. 1 I )ITTSBUKG & WESTERN * Railway. Schedule of I'as renger Trains in eflect Oct. 2d, 1898. BUTLER TIME. Pejiait. I Arrive. .Allegheny Aceomnuslation •» '«£•"» A.M H 17 AM Allegheny Express i Hl6 44 l> '.VI 44 Now Ciuitle Accommodation J* 1" 44 Akron Mail * 16 A.S: 7 03 Allegheny Accommodation 10 06 44 12 18 Allegheny Kxprea* 5 1' »'•* 3 J7 " Allegheny "Flyer" 1 "5 " " Chicago Express 3 '-£6 " 12 18 " , AUegheuy Hail 64J 44 74 • 44 Allegheny "Flyer" 7 08 44 Kllwood Accommodation |6 42 M 703 44 Clump Limited •*» 42 44 17 A.M Kane and Biadford Mail A 60 A m 6 20 l\M Clarion Accommodation ] 6 35 P.* *• 38 A.M XfW Accommodation 2 10P. M SUNDAY Tit A INS. Allegheny Express 8 15 A.M 9 32 A.M Allegheny Accommodation 6 42 r.M *» 27 i.M Neu Castle Areorninodation 8 16 A.M 7 Ctl 44 t'liicago Express 4 15 P.M. 6 27 44 Allegheny Accotui in *la t ion j 7 03 44 Train arriving at 5.27 tun. leaves B. A O. depot, : Pitt-burg at 3.60 p.m ami 1\ & W., Alleghany at 4.(10 |>. in. Additional trains leave Allegheny al 11:30 IV M. for New Castle, and coanects for Butler on Tuesday#, I Thursdays and Saturdays. Pullman sleeping cars on Chicago Express between Pittidiiirg and Chicago. For through ticket* t.» all points in the *«at, north- I west or southwest and information regarding routes, t|me of trains, etc. apply to W. R. TI HNER, Ticket Agent, It. D. REYNOLDS, Sup't, Butler, Pa. F«»xburg. Pa. C. W. BASSETT, O. P. A.. Allegheny, Pa PENNSYLVANIA R t%. VFSTEN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SrHEPI'Lr. I.n K»'rrrr No\. 'JO, 181*7. s<iL : TIl. WKKK DAYS . A. M. A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M. 1 Ht'TI.KU LNTC ft 25 *OS 11 Ift 286 4<o Saxoolmrg Arrive ft 64 H ;.u 11 :ix :t uO 6 28 llutlrr .lum titm.. " 7 * r '-l ''** * l 6 .►-! Huili-i Juuctlon. ~L«ivr 7 A >3 I'J -- 3 ' 6 .'». i Saturn.. ...Atriv 7 :w 1. "1 12 30 :i x. ««i Toronluni 1 U • W-W 35 »42 6 «7 J - ..... I Otaivuiuut "30 } j® 4 08 tt 27 . Sli»n«l'iiri; " "7 !i ;t". 111 4 12 0 .12 I Vlli-ulii ril. * 211 4* 12.42 ifl 4.t * |.V. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. M. SI'NDAV THAlNß.—Bullcr fur Allegheny HIT iiul InUjniHMliute flnlinus ut i,.15n. wd 6:00 p. in NOBTII. M DAYS A. >1 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M All.-uUeiiv eily... I«av 7 1«! lmi 11 2ii 2:w 810 SLI.I, L>NHU*RK 7 11 » 12 11 37 246 ... riinnuut alO n 44| - ■ Sjiriiigtlulo 1* .10 11 611 -I I" '» Tiuoutam " » 39 12 07 3 2R; « W N.lron. 7 ■' 48 12 12 :i :il <i :.l llutlur .luui Hon. ..UTivi- 7 4(1 '■» .>0 12 22] .1 4._. 1 I«I lluil-r Juw lion lratvu 7 4ii. !t 6o t l2 2-* 4u. 7 M«*..i.l..rg # 16 10 1,-. 12 4'J 4 :wi 7 21 111 Tl.l 11 arrive » *'■ I" ;lH 1 1"; r ' " A. M A. M P. M.'P. ->1 P 21 SUNDAY TItAINS I.nHf Allegheuv < ity fur Dul ler KUI! principal IntermolUte lUtiviM «t 7:20 a. m. anil p-oo |. ni Wk-K DA»* FOB THE K \.ST. W«* BiW. P. M A M , '■ M P M 1 S'» ». lv 81-TI.RR.. 1 '2l* 7 -7.U llutler .lunttion lv .... 1- -•» 4 00 7 4«' lv Butler Junction ar 1- 'W 4 (iiV 7 4War Purport I v # -8;1- 00 1 o"j 7 631 •* AlleKheuy Juut'tkNl.. ..** h '• 4 -I Ho 4 " I,< «>4 lit urg M K 0!> 11 4'.» 440H 1\ " Pauiton (Apollo) 44 7 ]} : - M6l 44 Saltnlnirg " 7 .Will 641 9 44 BUilrsvllle " JOO 10 660 y :v> 44 Blnlivvii:* Intersection.. , 44 o o«» 10 10 KSOII M " Altin'iia '• 3 * "JJ 1 111 :i 111!" llarrinliurg II v > •' •" 4 :xi ft £1 •• Philailvlpliia » 30 II Jl A. Ml'. ». A.M. I.M On Sunday, train Waving Butler 7:3." a. m., ounnects l«»r llarrisburg, Altaonaand Philadelphia. Through 11.dus for the east leave Pittsbttlf (Union Station), as follows: Atlantic Express, »laily A ; M PeniiMjrlvanla Limited " • ''' M Day Kx pressy " u Main Line Egress, • • > PhilaJclphia Express *■W \; M Eastern Ex pr««s, 44 Fast I<lne, 1 *}" Ihi lad'a Mail, Sundays omy km Fur detailed information, aildress Th«»s. E. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western Ihstrkt, Corner Fifth Avenue and Smith field Street, Pittsburg, Pa. J It ||rTC|||BoN, J. R WOOD. Geueral !JAIIIU(O- iieu 1 ' 'Hss r . Acent. Buy Direct from Manufacturers The KING GUARANTEED Single Tube Tire. Light ami l'ast yet Strong and Durable. $5 00 p er Pair. S The King Mfg. Co , Office 930 Arch at.. Philadelphia Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers