THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, i? 97- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advertiser* Intending to maUe changes In their ads. should notify ns of tlielr Intention to do *O, not laler than Mon day morning. Executors notice. e«tateof Mrs Mary Cue Richeys Holiday Candies Assignees sale D. T. Pape's Holidav goods The Butler Produce Co. a Christmas goods. C. & T's. Christmas goods. C. F. T. Pape & Bros. Holiday goods. Zimmerman's Holtdav goods. Meeting of worth Mutual Fire Ins Co. - - Douglass' Holiday Goods. Oil Meal Harper's Periodicals Administrators and Executor# of estates can secure their r»-«-eipt liooks at the «'l ZEN office. LOCAL AND GENERAL, Next week we begin the I ing chapter* of "Treasure Island. £ *an intensely interesting serial. £ * which will make it a very desira * ble time to enroll yonr name on | * the CITIZEN list. 100 cents in § * advance will pay for it from now J t until January 1, 1899. # —' Side Tracked" Friday night. -Christmas two weeks from tomor row- -"Side Tracked at the Opera House, Friday night. —The Wisner alley from Jefferson to North St. is to be paved. —The best family medicine is large doses of good example. . -The paving of the Boulevard de Fairview is completed —The production of the hen's skill is gradually increasing in price. —No matter how the weather starts in, it usually ends up with a rain. —Pay all the bills you can; put mon ey in circulation; help on prosperity, If a young lady is a bud. then an old maid must be a full-blooming crye anthemnm. —We printed a nu inber of extra cop iea of the Poor House law last week and there are some left. ». —The local Humane Society will meet for organization in the Court Home Friday evening. —lt is the easiest thing in the world to criticise the faults of others, but the most difficult to discover our own. —The man who in always complain ing of the weather makes himself miserable and has a hard road to travel. —-Monday Schools are getting ready for the annual Christmas treat and the small bays are answering present every time. —The Ariel Ladies Sextette, third of the Y. M. C. A. Star course,will enter tain in the Park Theatre next Tuesday evening, Dec. 14. —Mercer will nettle the trainp ques tion by having all vagrants in the conn, tr jail and borough lockup pound stone for street macadam. —A Montgomery county farmer id pnzzled by a hen that lays eggs, the yokes of which when hard boiled tnrn bine and taste like cinnamon. —The Bessemer railroad lias ordered ten new engines from the Pittsburg locomotive works, two of them to weigh more than HO tons each. Ten thousand people crowded in and around the first Presbyterian chnrch of Pittsburg last Snnday to lis ten to Evangelist Dwight L Moody. —There is evidently something very wrong whenc a man wearing glasses falls over a wheelbarrow and then takes to see what he fell ovei. --On a wager of ten bushels of pota toes Mr*. Barbara Evans, aged 68, of Elk county, chopped down three large pine trees and cnt them into cord wood in a day. —Gold qrartz that assays $250 to the ton is reported to have been taken from an oil well at Billiards, at a depth of W8 foot. A New Castle man makes the report. —The people of Butler have done no bly on sidewalks this year, considering the vast amount of grading that had to be dune, bat there are yet ibm» danger ous places, and these were reported to Conncil, Tuesday evening. —C.N.Boyd opened his Drug Store in Batler on the 10th of December 1887. Tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of the event, and he Mki his friends to drop in on him nt the store between the hours of 2 and 4-.HO P. M. and try hia latent "dope " trade amilea and make merry. —The Odd Fellows of Butler will hold an open meeting in the Opera House next Monday evening, to which all good Citizens are invited. The meeting will celebrate the 55th anni versary of the t rganization of„the Con noqueneasing Lodge in Butler. —The Elks had the stage of the Ope- Tft Honae beautifully decorated for last Monday's services, and those of them on it fared a large audience. Ad Bell pre sided, the o(>ening ode waa sung by the choir; K s J. C. Grohman sang tbe tenor solo Babylon; and remarks wen- made by W. A. Forqner. F. H. Mnrphy, F. I. Gosaer and A. N. Hunter; W F. Huff sang the baaa ado, Jerusalem; the Apol lo club, Come Unto Me; Messrs Davis, Baxter and Huff sting, After Death, and the choir under lead of Prot. Davis sang the cloning ode. - The people of Clarion an; delighted with their present traniiportation fa<-ili ♦ie*. If you doubt it read this from the Clarion Republican. "It makeH one laugh to read the different remarks made by our exchange* about the rail road leaving (Marion. They f•-♦-ni to imagine that we are grieving, tliut we are forlorn and an inolatcd town. They dontwem to understand the caw at all It in the people of Clarion who are langhing For a long time we have been lining every mean* in onri>ower to have the road terminate in the Mubnrba. The ineew»ant rtuth of the locomotive* continually coining and going, Htipply ing the material for ntuneroun mantifac toriea and taking the Uniiihed product to market, the dirt from the xmoke of the inognl engine*, the everlasting rni«h iin<l hnrry ha* long *hocked the ariatoc recy of Clarion and having at hiwt HUC ceeded in pnrmiading the anthoritie* of the Pittabnrg & Western to withdraw to a more respective dintance from the bnaine*# centre of the t<>wn, in a grand victory for onr aplendid city, and in a toad of monrning we are rejoicing. The reader* of onr publication* are requested to tine Salvation Oil for any And all Pain*. It if e sure cur- 25cti. LEGAL NEWS. The December term of Quarter Ses sion Court convened at 10 A. M Mon day. The constables throughout the county reported the roads and index boards in general good order Home in dex board* were said to need repainting: and remarking. No violations of the liqnor laws were reported Constable Davison. of Mars, said there was a ru mor of gambling going on in the 1n.r0.. but he had not been able to locate it as yet. Some board walks, in Butler, were reported as needing guard rails. Rules were granted on the P Ii A." L. E. R. R. to repair roads and bridges in Brady and Clay twps which the rail road had impaired Constable Knittle of the :Jrd ward. Butler, reported the dangerous condition of the plank road oridge. The bridge is long and very narrow and crossed at eituer end by the P B. &L. E. and P & W railroads. The court =njrge.°teu that th" tw rail roads the Plank Road Co., Butler boro. and Bntler Co jointly bear the ey?>en«e ot" making improvi laetito iiupera tiyely necessary 011 the bridge. W J. Breadf-n. of West Suubnry. was foreman, of the Cirri' 1 Jury. Grand Jitry Rettrns. The Grand Jury made its first returns Tuesday evening, finding true bills in the following cases: Com mon wealth vs William Wheeler, a&b; Sherd. Shull and Otto Fair, larceny. John Hammerly, laicvny; J. B. Dixon, surety of the peace: C. and E. Moon, agg. "a&b, a&b, assault; Wm. Moon, a&b and assault; Albert Kramer, f&b; Frederick Beck, a&b and assault. Mil ton Mushrush, a&b and a&b with in tent to commit rape. Jos. Hammerly. larceny (2 counts i; Thomas Jefferson, burglary and larceny; John Hammerly, receiving stolen goods: Elvira B. Nig gle, adultery. Wednesday afternoon the Grand Jurv brought in true bills in the cases of the Com. vs: Bert Thompson. Geo. Forrester, Thomas Coxen. Mick Low ers and Geo. Coxen. burglary and lar ceny: Samuel and Jas McKean, lar ceny: Samuel Taylor, burglary and lar cetiy: W J. Scan lon, a&b and assault; Frank Mayhem, malicious mayhem Neal Duffy and A 1 Wimer.dissiiHoing » witness from te°fifying: AU>ert E. Witner, adulter}': Libbie Smith, assault (not a true bill as to the count of a<S-b.): Andrew Criley, selling liquor without license and farnwhing liquor to men of known intemj>eiate habits: Will Pat rick, fornication. George Knittle plead guilty to fcv-b. and was sentenced to pay a fine < : $lO. and pay the prosecutrix * ;<) per week from the time of the child's birth till it died. Joseph Irwin, of Armstrong C r > plead guilty, on Tuesday, to the lar ceny of a lot of wool from his father and was sentenced to pay costs, fine of S2O, restore goods or their value, and to undergo imprisonment in the work house for sixty days. The prison* r confessed that he had obtained liquor at Foster's drugstore, in Petrolia. on prescription of Dr. Andrews. In the case of the Constable of Brady twp vs Road Supervisors of .name, re turned for obstructions and liad condi tion of a road in that township, the supervisors were dischaiged and the township ordered to pay the costs and a rule granted on the property holders to show cause why obstructions should not be removed. In the case of Com, vs M. H. Ilocb, the Court made an order providing for paving the attorneys' fees and appoint ing Esq. John Cunningham, of Clinton twp.. guardian of Hoen's little dffcgh ter. Tkiaj. List. The jury in the Jennie C. Wick vs Butler boro , trypans, which went on trial Dec 1, brought in a verdict for the plaintiff for i-il'i, last Saturday J. M. Elliott vs P. B. &L. E It It Co. Dec. verdict for the plaintiff for s7oo. A board of viewers had awarded Mr Elliott si-i'>o damages and the it R. appealed. SHKKIJ f SALE*. On Friday, Dec. •'!, Sheriff Dudds sold all the right, title, interest and claim of the folio - ving: L. H and L. J Bb*"> I t ,i >pert> in .atown to H II Goucher for $060; Angeline Elliott, dee'd, property in Butler to K. Kohlor for $•">; O. N. Proper property in Adams twp. to John Balfour for SSO: J. A. Minser property in Adams twp. to Mrs. S. J. Foster for $.">00; R. A. Black prop erty in Mars to P. C. Sutton, trustee, for"sn«s. J. F. Currie 17 acres in Cherry twp. to John Berg for $275; George Currie 50 acres in < 'herry to John Berg for $875; Jacob Thompson ii acres in Butler twp. to J. T. Cranmer for £55 The executions against Joseph Lieb ler were returned by order of attorney. The claims against W. J. Shonp and Harman Kumer were paid off. On Tuesday sheriff sales were resum ed and all the right, title, interest of the following were sold; J. H. Flein ing, <lO acres in Connoqnenessing twp. to W. D. Brandon for $100; J. L. Hlndinan to acres in Washington twp. to Newton Black, in trust, for SBOOO. The writs against I. G. Pollard and J. D. Williams were returned. NOTKB. John Murrin has registered as a law student. G. E. Welsh vs L. M. Wise, equity, was continued. F. S. Clark v« Jos. Shirley will lie heard Saturday, Dec. U. C. May ya B. Sie'ocrt, motion for a new trial waa con tinned. E. H. Negley waa appointed <xiurt auditor for the current year. William Eiaert waa granted natrtrnl ization paper*, on Monday. Oil Monday a divorce wax granted to Mrs. Lizzie Smith from John L. Hmith. A. Bjyer in error vs D. Jackson in error, certiorari; judgment entered for the plaintiff. The jury iu the case of Mrs Wick va Butler boro. gave her $.275 for hurting herself on a board walk. A term of court for the trial of civil cases was ordered this morning to com mence Monday, Jan. '4l, 189*. P. J. Hamilton vs It. S Hindman, rule on ex'r to pay money to heirs; auditor will make distribution. Gotlieb Hess, of Zelienople, on TUCH (lay, was granted a divorce from his wife Caroline on grounds of denertion Wm. Atwell was apiiointed trustee of Nancy Atwell, lunatic, and was order ed to giv* bond in tbe sum of SI2OO. J. Davison vs W. N. Davison, guar dian of Ida M Davison, cane stated for opinion of Court; heard and held f.,r consideration A. T. Scott, Esq., Dr. Neyman and Thomas Graham were appointed, on Monday, a committee inquirendo on Samuel E. Campbell. An order was made removing Sarah E. and I'm ma Covert from the custody of the Poor Hoard, of Butler boro., to that of Butler two. A fietitioti war. presented and granted to make partition and sale of the estate of Micha I Mam hart and P<-tr r Barn hart was appointed adm r. 11. and L. M. <>> vert have insued a summon* in ejectment against the I' & W. It K., Thon King, receiver, for two acres of land in Juckson twp Cunningham and Strobecker ys W. H White and D. Weller, rule to show can we, on motion of the sheriff the sale was set aside because bid was not paid. An order has been made by the Court to the Jurv Commissioners to place the names of 720 electors of the county 111 the wheel to serve as jurors during the year I HIIH Wiii. L. Cnrtis has brought a suit in ejectment for property in Forward twp. against Bertha L. Wise, I N. McKin ney. E H. Hutchinson, E. If. Stanford and Jos. Adams. The will of Moae* Ruby, late of Conmx|neneMrting twp., was pro bated with letter* to Jacob Kaltenbaeh. alxo will of .1. McCollongh, late of Falrview twp., with letter* to Annie M McCollongh; also will of Alexander W»l»b, late: of Petm twp., with lettcT* to George K Graham, To settle the difference between ; Joseph Studeliaker and the New Castle Gas Co they went through the form of a trespass suit and a settlement was made by the <ia> Co. paying Stude ( baker *V«>. ; Some people seem greatly surprised I when told they must leave their deeds J at the Recorder's oflice for a week or ! two while they are being recorded, and I feel suspicious regarding it Here is j about what Recorder Adams listened to { from a patron, not long ago. "I want 1 mv paj»ers recorded right now while ! I'm here. I can pay for it and it's got jto l>e done the way I say. No. I won't I let any girls write them either,- yon {mn«r If you don t do it the way I j want I li get some one that will." i L. E. Gates, of Venango county, and 1 Constable F. W. Mills, of Millers town. ! botn applied for tiic reward given by j statute to the party who pursues and J apprehends a h07.->e thief, each claiming to have arrested J. G. Gellison. who stol** n h<»rse aij- Mr. f*ibson. of .vlillerstcv. n. After hearing both ai<i»w th" Court divided the reward equally and allowed Constable Mills milag'- from B'.'.tlei' to Kuiluatou aiid return. The wiil of Mary Case, late of Jeffer sun twp. was prolMited and letters granted to Wlll. Hegilfbotham; also will of Mattie S. T. Williams, late of Forward twp: also will of Ellen Flow ers, late of Harmony, with letters t<> Leslie P. ILazlett: also will of JessieJK Miller, late of Forward twp, with let ters to Solomon Dunbar and J. F. Cash dollar: also will of John Rohner, late of Evans City, with letters to S. D. ("rider and Margaret L. Rohner. Mr. Roh ner's propertv was divided as fairly and equally as possible among his wife and two daughters. Mrs. Lnella Crider sind Mrs. Sarah N. Confer. Suits have been entered against Daniel Fidler, J. J. Fidler. F. Schweig er, George Walter, J. and E. Dauilwch and Boggs & Kline, all prominent busi ness men of this county, by John Kramer, receiver of the defunct Capi tal City Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany, of Ilarrisburg. to recover assess ments made on the members of the companv at the time its affairs were wound up by the recover. Seventeen salts brought bv the receiver have lieen pending)" th>- county for over two years, and some have gone to the Sll Tw-rior court The defendants refused to pay the assessments ou iue ii kjiiild ioat the co' ,• • '. as insolvent at t-.t time they became meiaoers. Phillip Hill, tl.i i;.,;rd'.n r of Ueorge T.j-wrence, was not hanged in the Pitt- _ *he court had sentenced him to be. A writ o. error -,vas granted in th" <••• the supreme court, directed to the court 01 oyer and terminer, and when this was served on Sheriff Lowery he consulted with his attorn.:}-, and then declared the hanging postjxjiied .j Calvin P.-ybum of Kittanning handed down opinion* in two interest ing local suits Tuesday. He overruled a motion for a new trial 111 the c«se of 11. C, Fry, president of the Rochester Tumbler Company, vs. J D. Wolf Wolf sued Fry for larceny of an oil rig, Fry was discharged and brought suit for false arrest and defamation of char aeter. recovering a verdict of %-ViO, which Wolf must now pay. In the case of James Hazlett against Charles Man gel ex constable of Winfiehl twp. who was sued for selling as the property of Lewis Hazlett what belonged to James a new trial was refused, and judgement against Mangel for 5795 ordered to l<e entered. At Indiana. Pa., last week. the eoni ty proceedings against Judge White were heard by Jndge Barker. The eir cniiiftftnces which surrounded the caw; recall the failure of a big hanking firm of 13. K Jamison & Co., of Philadel phia. wh'.ch occured some yean* ago. Mr. Gibson and sinter were stock holders in the Indiana County bank and so was Jndge White. Shortly lie fore the failure of the Philadelphia in Htituti.n Jndtfe White deposited 000 of railroad stock belonging to the deposit bank with the banking firm of 1). K Jamison <X" Co This aotion. it i.-. alleged by t!i<: prosecutors, was not confirmed by the board of directors at the time nor did J ridge White have power to act art p.Money for the 1« »< 1 hank The prosecutors have instituted proceediiitf-' on the ground that Jndge White was handling the funds of the bank without permission, and that it was through his action that the stock kdtai lost the %i~> 000 PiU O'blfTY Tii ANSI'KIJH J F Kelly to Rachel McKelvey, I'A acres in Venango for sr>os.$ r >os. John T Itingham to W J Martin, lot in Centreville for $425. George M Say to Clara A Say, acres in Parker for Mi 1.35. Frank Damn to Margt E Damn, lot in Millerstown for*l. Wm Browrifield to J N Sarver, 100 acres in Buffalo twp for WOO. J E Mnder Sr to J E Mnder Jr, lot in Saxon burg for SOOO. Chaa Pfeifer to Laura Kornrninpf, lot in Saxonhurg for S2OOO. Zelienonle Ex (>j to W Kavanangh, lot in Jackson for sl. W Kavanangh to H W Ailing, lot in Jack-on for sßoo. E Mcjnnkin to Geo. H Green. 12 acre* in Mercer for SBSO. Margt L Link to A J Weaver. U acroa in Ad iins for s£>o. Lewis Patterson to John McGonegal, lot in f'cut re villi; for ') Jacob N« ely heira to FJi/.a A Neely, 48 acres in F.anklin iui +i. .Samuel Crr- ' W«rdiu ('. Flemin'r lOt iii Miilr. lul .11 Butler Savings Hank to Connoqunes sing Lotigu i o O i, lot in liutler for £ 1 COO. 0 C Lt Bole to John ( Kelly, lot in But ler for J C Kelly to Minerva i. i. Je lot in Butler lor *4OOO Ad'liaoii Hamilton to Ella M HofT man, lot in lintler for 4400 Lillie B Emery to Eugene T Norton, lot in Butli: ior -j-eio Phihp (Joertz to Jane Pennington, lot in Eldorado for iy>o. Jaa L Col gin to Chaa C Cooper, II" acri i in Allegheny twp for SMOO. John L Hoffman to Suaan Hoffman, lot in Butler for SIOOO. W E Sloan to Catli Kipper, lot in Butler for si»V>. Edward Lyncli to John C (ilasa, 90 acrea in Donegal for i1ii76.25. Marriage Licenses. J H Bremt Armstrong Co Margaret Ambrose " W M Hodgors Donegal twp Emilia Eminger . Win KeynoUls Foreatville Cordelia Owens " At Pittsburg |{. H McCutchoon and Florence Poole of Mutter. The Sisters of Charity have made application for a charter to build a $150,000, hospital in the East End. Pittsburg. -Many a woman, after she reaches the thirty mark, regit ♦ » tlu 1 ' she has lajcn foolish iri telling her age iu her tw entieat. Pianos, Orgs. IO etc. at Cost. I J K Grab in to close out In, stock, of pianos, organs, musical goods, 1 watches, clocks, silverware, jewelry, etc. offers his entire stock at cost. I mean to quit these lines and will of ler some special bargains. This is a genuine close out sale and no fake. All store fixtures for sale, store-room for rent posession given Apr. Ist' Pianos at sl7 s and up. Organ* at *35 and up. These are new good* none shop worn. T have always handled the very best quality of instruments and will fully guarantee any Article sold as heretofore 1 positively mean to quit the business and am offering goods at a sacrifice. The Holidays are approaching and now is your chance to invest. Don't fcrgct my line of jewelry, watches, clocks, silverware etc. A com plete line for this sea »on. Come and see for yourself. J R. 081 KII. 1 18 S. MAIN ST. We can save you money on anything you may vyant 111 the blanket, I'.obc, I Sleigh, Ilarnest, or B'tygy liia. Martin -1 court ix Co., 128 li. Jett»rsonSt,, liutler, 1 Pa. PERSONAL C. A. George has returned to Zeuo from Kansas. T V Cochran of Penn twp. was in Bntler, last week. John Montgomery of Clinton twp. is seriously ill. N. E. Middleton Esq. of Euilenton. was in town Tuesday. Robert Harbison of Middlesex twp. was in town. Friday Miss Alice Smith of Sarversville. is visiting Butler friends. Jno. C. Graham has been on the sick list but is improving. Wm. MeKinney of Penn twp in tends moving to Elwood. L. Hartenstein and Mr Lyon of ■Great Belt were in town. Monday. M. X. Greer of Buffalo twp. spent the first davs of the week in Butler .T, H Montgomery formerly of Clin ton twp. has been granted a pension. "... P. Campbell Hnd bis brother J. J. of Fairyiew drove to Butler Monday. Mrs. Mary A. Fisher has lieen ap pointed P. M at Wimerton, Worth twp. Mrs Parshall of Colorado is the guest of Mrs. P. < 'hristie of East Diamond St. Mr. Berkhimer the undertaker and Jno. Brown P. M. are in Chicago, this week Michael Fleming, an old citizen of Clearfield twp was in Butler this week. Herman Enoch, of Sax on burg has been granted a pension of $lO per month. Lewis Hartman of Cranberry twp, and William Hartman of Zelienople arrived in town today. Adam Harbison is building a new Kirn 20x40 feet at his home on the hill above Reibold station. Wm Heginbotham and Wm. Wig field of Jefferson twp. were in town on business, yerterday. Conductor Wm. French of Centre avenue W«MJ ofi his train on the P & W. last week, on account of sickness. Herb Harper and a close mouthed friend wer.t north on important lnisi ness Tuesday. Look out tor them. Esq. J. D. WiKon, Chas Pfeifer, E K. Gnd'aut anrt other citizens of Saxon burg attended f'ourt in Butler. Tuesday. The wedding of Miss Lillian Gemmii of New Castle and Frank Mitchell of Butler is announced for Dec. 21. They iUient residing in Butler, Oliver Siouguton.the Prospect cream ery man will take part in the Farmeis' lu«titnt» to lie held in this county during January, and will go to Washington County in February. L. A Helm bold, the iaxonbnrg shoe dealer presented Mit-.s Florence Muder, danghter of Henry Muder. a fine pair of shoes for making the highest aver age in the late examination in the Saxon burg schools. CHIKCH MOTES. There will l»e an illustrated leruion in the Baptist Church, next Sunday evening, in the morning Rev. Collins will preach on the Second Coming of Christ. All are invited to both ser vices. The Church of God will hold their first service in the remodeled house of worship 011 Dei;. 12. Baptism will lie administered to all desiring the same. A new baptistry adds mnch convenience to the ehnrch. Everybody cordially invited to each service. The morning service at 10:30, the evening 7:1)0. Revival services commence Sabbath evening, Dec. 12, and continue each evening throngout December. G. W. DAVIS, Pastor. The Institute Hill W. C. T. U. has a flonrishiog Loyal Temperanee Legion of 02 liovs and girls, 21 boys. All have signed the triple pled:--> T!ie:r first open meeting was held on the even in-.'ot' Vi.,,. It with an encouraging audience. The meeting was ojieneu with singing the Temiwrauce Doxexdogy by the children, and prayer by Rev. Davis after which 20 children to-k part in the program, and Rev Davis made a short address The Legion meets every Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock for study and L. T. L. excerzises Farmer's Institutes. A farmer s Institute will be held in the A. M Hall at Saryersville on the 10 and 11th of January. At Prospect, Wednesday and Thurs day the 12th and 18th of January in Academy Hall. AtKarnsCity, 14th and 15th, Friday and Saturday. The Programme Committees meet in Bntler, tomorrow. The State speakers who will lie at these meetings will Is- Gabriel Heister of Harrisburg and <1 T. Peate of Cou dersport; and Butler Co has some talent of its own that will be heard from. MAKKETS Local dealers are paying 80c for wheat. H2c for coin, - for oats, 10" •1 r_ , and ■l>»c for bm-kwheat or 7."> c a hundred. No change in Hours. Lis-al grocers are paying 20c a pound for butter, 20c a dozen for eggs, l>.»c a bushel tor onions, ,»0c a bushel for car rots, la-ets anil parsnips, '.Hh: for turnips, 00c for potatoes and spimiach, $1 |s*r huiitired jionuds for cabbage, 20c each for squaslies, and 150 c a dozen for eel lery. PUBLIC SALES. Dec. 10 On Peter Wallace farm, in Mnddycreek twp , beginning at 10a. 111. M 11. MeKinney will have a pnbiie sale of stoek, grain, farming imple ments, etc at his home near Mcßrlde, in Penn twp., on Friday. Dec. 17th. John A. Kichert, auctioneer. G. H. Khidemantle, of Mnddycreek twp., will have a sale of stock, etc., 011 Monday the 27th, at 10 A. M., on his farm west of Portersville. Jno. A. Kichert. auctioneer. GAS STOVES AND RANGES. Any of our readers needing gas stoves or gas ranges, gas fronts or any go» sav ing appliance will find it a financial sav ing to call at the store of W. H. O'Brien 4. Son. on Kast Jefferson St. and get prices on the extensive line they have on exhibition. They are also agents for the celebrated Wclsbach Light, of which more than 1 200 were sold in Hutler, last year. Mus.c scholars wanted, at 1 28 W Wayne St. Christmas Presents. Only a short time until Chriatmas, The most acceptable gift is usual lv mine piece of jewelry. II i i kept and treas ured. Our stock of Watches, Diamonds, Kin;; , fiold Pciis and novelties in gold and silver, suitable lor presents is the most complete we have ever had to offer. Call am) you will find something to please you. K. 1,. KI UK PATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court House Pant 3 That Fit. Made of goods that wear, and keep their shape. We are turning them out by the hundreds and the values arc *0 far ahead of anything you ever saw, the goods themselves *0 perfect, so stylish, so thoroughly up to date, that much as we may promise you will find more when you get there KUTI.KK PANTS CO. 125 W. Jefferson St.— '/t block west of Ilerg's Hank. The I'utlcr Lubricating Oil Co. has moved back t-"> their old stand it<) W. Jefferson Ht. StcclsmitU & Patterson's new building, where all kinds of engine, machinery and illuminating oils of the finest quality are kept in stock in the basement, and vwll ' lelivered to an> part of the city when ordered from C, h. Mclntire, agent. No l.iglit. At a meeting of the Council. Tnesilav evening, the Bntler Ll^HT, Heat & Motor Co s. bill for last month, £>41.66, W:I.- paid, and then Council decided that the condition of the borough treasury did nit warrant the continuance of the con tract and that for the present the peo pie of Bntler would have to depend up on the effnlgency of the lunar satellite for light after night fall. Considering the immense amount of grading made necessary by the paving done last Summer the sidewalks of Butler are in a remarkably good condi tion: a few dangerous places remain and some of these ON Washington St.. Pair view Ave. Etna St.. Monroe and E. Cunnigham St.. were reported to Coun cil and referred to the Sidewalk Com. with po.ver to act. Some money collected for the paved streets was paid ovc r to the contractors, Z. P. LauiTer was allowed ■W-VI.OO dani agfs and Mrs. Glenn was paid IFJTH). for stone: the Mackey Ave. matter was held over till next month, and the usual monthly bills were passed. Neil <l. A. If. Olliirrs. A. G Reed Post (i. A. R. met on Fri day night in their hall and elected the following officers for the coming year . Commander- R. P Scott. Senior Vice Com.— Felix Neglev. Junior Vice Com. George Miller. Quarter Master —I. .T_ McCamlless. Chaplain- Walter L Graham. Surgeon — Dr. Samuel Graham. Officer of the Day A. B. Rickey. Officer of the Guard —I. A. Hawk. A. B. Riehey, Newton Blaek. Captain Bippns and Felix Xegley were elected delegates to attend the encampment at Oil City in June 189*. ACCIDENTS. WM. Allison Es«J. of Centre twp. was kicked by a horse on the knee a few days ago. and the knee-cap was broken. While Grant Morrison was riding horseback on Thanksgiving day across tin- BRI.L;E at station at Parks mill, his horse slipped and fell. Grant's left I.'G was E A nght under the horse arid the 1 nines broken in two places. TK-> LIST- runaway. Grant was found lyit.g there and taken home. Oil. NOTES. The Standard is jiaving CSC. PKNN' Byers & Co. have a :T() bll. oil well on the Joseph Donthett. CK.VTKK— Hamilto I Co. got a good, third-sand PASSER on the Thomas <iie~ I farm in Center twp. last week, Tne gas is going to the liottlt; works. FORWARD Lockwood and Co. are drilling on the Henry Kaufman. I.immi feet east os the old Curtis gas well, which was drilled to the third sand and is doing ">0 bbls. a day; McKinny & Co. are drilling on the Krolsen and Lockwood <K Coon the .Tno. Burr ('aril of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs Charles W. Pond, pa rents of the late Vernon Pond of Glade Run, wish to express sincere thanks to their friends and neighlsirs for TH* kindness and sympathy bestowed upon them during their late bereavement. Mr. Pond also states that the report published that Verne was in the habit of coming home on the train every even ing and polling the hell-rope at filade Run to get off was a mistake, as Verne had not been on the cars for fifteen months before the accident. He was a young man correct in his life and re spected by all who knew him. PARK THEATRE. SIOIS TBACKKD FRIDAY DEC. lOtii. "Side Tracked" the sensational com edy drama which will appear at the Park Theatre Dee 10 it IS one of the greatest laugli-provokers now before the public, and well MERITS the unstinted praise lie towed ujiori it by both press and pnbiie everywhere it is seen It has no hair-lifting plot, but is a comedy bright and clean, with touches of pathos and charming love story running through it. The company presenting it is an excectionally good one, and the specialties introduced by different mem tiers of the company during the action of the piece add materially to the amusement of the auditors. The story has snfficentinterest to appeal to all classes and the elite find much to enter tain as well as the gallery to amuse. The play is iiitersjiersed with sparkling music, bright specialties, and mirth nro yoking situations. There is not a (lull moment from the rise of the curtain until its fall. If yon want to enjoy a good hearty laugh, one that will act on yon like a tonic, just visit the Park Theatre, Dec. 10th, and see a produc tion of "Side Tracked." .NEXT WEEK IN PITTSBURG. Next week, commencing Monday aft ernoon, the greatest play and the most sumptuous production vet given at thei New Grand, will IS* seem: It is Wilaon' Barrett's famous play, "The Silver King," than which no finer romantic drama has ever lteeu produced in any country. It was played continoualy for tunny months in Loi. 1 IF ••nil New York and dnring those runs, it is safe to say, it I.OL more elaborately produced or more excellently played than it will be at T!;' New Grand Manager Davis has secured the right to present tlii« play at M little coat, and he is determined to make it the crowning achievement of his E-.RCER in Pittsburg "The Silver King is a truly great play, and it can not fail to deeply impress all who wit ness it. A line vaudeville bill has been arrang ed for the Avenue next week. It in clnden Bessie Bonehill v. li te reputation is international -John LeDlair grotesque equilibrist, juggler and human biibard table; Riley <SC Hughes, in an Ktbiiipio Carnival or fun, Farnum brothers, fam ous acrobats; Taggart & Maek, in one of the fnnniest Irish acts on the Dainty Mabel Craig, vocalist and soub ret: .lames Richmond Glenroy, the comedy genious; Millie Tlunour, QUEEN of the air; and many others. l-'or .Sal<*. House and lot on Lincoln ave., near Plate Works, at a sacrifice AS owner in tends moving away. Lot 40xl!ifi three roomed house, title good Inquire at this offl'-e I'liiiikcts ami Holies at wholesale prices at Martincourt IV Co'.*., House and Lot for Sale. A lot at Sarvers R. R. Station con tains 1| acre, house of 6 rooms, stable IHX'IO with other out. buildings, good orchard aliout 40 Plums, ;J0 quinces, 50 apples and cherries with other small fruit Martincourt A- Co., 12S !•', |e(T<-rson St., arc selling Illanki-ts aud Robes cheaper now than ever before Call and see our line before buying — Job v/ork of all kinds done at th ClI/.l'.N OFFICK. c —A few more watches will be given away L Klili to any person buying atone time #lO worth or over. Martincourt & Co. 128 K. Jefferson St., liutli-r I'A Low Prices in Musical Goods. Some sjiecial prices at Grieb KC Lamb's dissolution sale now going on. New I'iauos and up New Organs |jo and up Guitars $4 aud up Mandolins S.VSO and up Violins 41,50 aud up Autoharps FI and up There are also some second baud in struments pianos at $35 to |ioo, Or gans at fjo to 90. Harmonices and other musical instru ments at proportionately low rates. Strings of all kinds constantly in stock. No 1 |H SOUTH MAIN ST. Half fare rates to all JK. mts on the P. It. A L K. R R . Dee. -JITH. I«07 to .lan. Ist, IHLLH, inclusne Ticket* good for return up to and including Jan. 3th, 18W. Tlio It. JC I-. Matter. At the meeting of the stockholders of Citizens'B it L Association. evening, the rejiort of the Bami t v in in-r showing a total rtage of about ♦3.J.000 was read, but the local auditor think they Uiake the shortage on Serie -3 too large. Of this amount Mr Heineman has made good about $7,000: and eight ot his friends have agre. d t«. put tip J more on a virtual sale of the printing plant, which will reduce the shortage to about $14,000. Four series 4. 5 and are involv ed in the loss, anil how it will be appor tioned bas not yet been determined. Some changes were made in th*- B\- ! Laws. Tnesday evening. 1. O. O. F. Vi»t»*in»ial. Connoquenessing Lodge -7*. I i>.< •. F.. is makinK preparations for the cele bration of it-- fiftb iii >v:!ii\ei.-*iri i. Xt Monday. An open meeting will be held in Park theater, and an in\ nation ! has been extended to all the lodges in the county. The history of the lodge will be read by Maj. C. E Anderson. ' and the address will be delivered by ' Hon. Robert E Wright of Allentown, | Pa. The charter was issued to Conno 1 qnenessing lodge by the grand lodge ; Octobers, 1*47. and the infant lodge: was instituted December II 1H47 by ' Grand master W. C. Meredith of Kit- ; tanning, with Jacob Ziegler. John Gra ham, Alfred Gilmore and Dunlap Mc Laughlan as charter members At the first meeting, held the same night. John H. Neglev. Wm. Balph, Cornelius Coll, and T. W. Wallace were admitted as members of the loijge. and I the first officers elected as follows: Al- I fred Gilmore noble grand; Jacob Ziegler vice grand: John Graham, secretary, and Dunlap McLaughin, treasurer. The only survivor of those who attend ed the first meeting is John H Neglev Esq , of the Bntler bar. while Henry Heineman and Lewis Z Mitchell are the oldest members, having joined the lodge 15 years ago. From a memliersbip of eight the lodge has grown to isn and has the hon or of being the mother lodge in the county. From this nucleus nine other lodges have been organized, among t!i< strongest of which is Ziegler lodge in this city, with a membership as strong as the mother lodge. The present offi cers of Colinoquenessing lodue are: John Sheiring, noble grand; John Sherman, vice grand; C. E. Anderson, secretary, and John S. Jack, treasurer The lodj." is the wealthiest in the county, owning two valuable properties in Butler and having a financial standing ui Jflo.OOO. A Letter For You. Unclaimed letters at the Postofrice al Bntler PH.. week ending Dec. <>. 18!(7. George Lulford. Thoi W Button, I no.s Brown, Satn'l Campbell, W J Callahan. ;»i E. Jefferson St.; Mrs Mary C Don aldson, A A Hunter. Mrs Sarah Jordan. Chas A Kirk, Esq.; D L» Little, H Mont goniery, Mrs L A Mitchell, Mis. Lulu Martin, R McPherson, Master Rov Pringle, Dan Rodgers, L M Stein, Net s<jn Stutton, Otis Snyder, Victor Ul man. In calling for these letters please say advertised. JOHN W. BHOWN, P. M Holiday Kates. Excursion rates to points on the P. 15. & L E. R. R.N.Y. C. & St. L By. and P. & W. Ry., during the Holidays, good going Dec 24th. IH'J7 to Jan, Ist. IM'JH, inclusive, limited for return up to and including Jan. sth, lx!)H. For particulars inquire of the nearest P. B. & L. E. R. R. Agent. California. America is a great country. In va riety and grandeur of natural scenery it is unrivaled. Its wooden heights, its fertile valleys, its boundless plains, its rugged and rocky mountains, its lakes, its balmy slopes -ire the admira tion of all mankind. To traverse this great country, to lie ho Id its diversities and its wonders, is a liberal education,a revolution to the immured nietrojioli t:.n citizen. The Personally-Conduct ed Tour to California under the direc tion of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company which leaves New York on January 8, 18'J V , affords a most excellent opjwrtunity to view.tbe vast variety and lioundless beauty of this marvelous land. The party will travel westward in special Pullman cars in charge of a Tourist Agent and Chaperon, stopping en route at Omaha, Denver, Colorado Springs, Manitou, Garden of the Gods, Glen wood Springs, and Salt Lake City. In California visits will be made to Mon terey and the famous Hotel Del Monte, Santa Cruz, San Jose, Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernard ion, Red lands, and Pasadena. The party will return on the ' Golden Gate Special," the finest train that crosses the Conti nent, leaving Los Angeles Friday 2, and stopping at Tucson, El Paso, and St. Louis. Eighteen days will be spent, in California Round "trip rate, incluil ing all necessary expenses during entire trip. #!:r» from all points of the Penn sylvania Railroad System east of Pitts bnrg: fJClOfrom Pittsburg. For itiner ary and full information apply to ticket agents, or address Geo. W. Boyd, as Distant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station. Philadelphia. Itooins lor Kent. Three un-furnishwl rooiu.\ suitable for house keeping, can be si cored at Mrs. Sherman, Foulk'shouse on Willow St. 75c to Allegheny and Keturn. Every Sunday during Dec. ISO., the P. & W. will sell tickets from Butler to Allegheny and return al rate of 7~> cents Train leaving Bntler at *:l"> A. M , returning, arrive at Butler at "> "7 P. M. Bntler time. TH K Butler County National Bank, 131111 e r Pc tin, Capital paid in - - Jti(x>,<xjo.oo Surplus and Profits $n4,647.87 Jo*. Hartman, President; J. V. Kilts, Vice President; C. A. K:**lcy. Cathicr; John O. MeMarlin, Ass't Cashier. / KENERAL bunking IHISIIII'HH D .UNRWH-H. I»I!«T«*HI patd ON tlifie Money !oaii«»fl «*u wrurlty W«! ItivlUi yuu %Ai ojm'H .111 account with t !il» bank. i»l l£ ToKS Hon. .loH4*pli Hurt man, Hun. W. H. Waldron, I »r. N M. Iloovi-r 11. M« Hwccm-y, K. K. Ahrairm, i' I*, i ulllim I ti Hrnlili, l.i-sllo I* Ifa/H TT. M I'IIK'K T". W. W. 11. Larkln, John lltimpliri-y, I'r \V ( . MCF URNLTUNH. It<?U III. I.«• v* T M. W|M«\ , .1. V. 1(11 tH. Butler Savings Bank 1-JLTLLER, Pa. Capital - Surplus [and Profits *119,263.67 JOS. L Pt ItVI.S Prchitlent .1. IIKNFTY 1 KOIJTM A N VIE. WM CAM PKKIJL, Jr <V.i«usr LOI Iti B 1 BIN Teller lllHKcrroltK .I'Mcph L. »'urvlH, .1. li»*nr> I rortroau. W. U Branilon. W. A. St» in I H. ('uiimbi'll. Tin- Itutlcr SUVIIIUH llank 1* tin- 1 jinllluMuni >• Hut H-r < UNMT y (•I'lieral hanklriK I»UHIne»S I r:»nsa«*L« (J. Wf<H<ll|lit IM'COUritN of wil pl«:f|tl< I I t, UM »' clianth, farnn-r.H and UIIH TN All I>UHIU«HH nntriiHOul tu will RI I-«-|v«- prompt al l«-ntIon. Inl«T«*st Di»l<i on tllfMr SEANOH & NACE S Livery, Fet*«l and Sale Stable Kt\k 01-' WICK IIOUSK, HUTLKR, PA. Tim bent of hor«<« MH! HIHI CIUHH ulwnyn <in linml and fur hire. Hunt ttcrmnudiitionH in town fer porms- I II <nt Imuril 1 Tl g snd (ran/'lout ira'le. Spcci- | AL cars K" AR^ATHED. .Sialile room lor hi*• y five tiiiifCH. . \ ifnoil claim «f liorsuH, Imtli drhers and i ■ 1 r..11 hori>«N slwaVH on hand ami Inr tie j un ler a full toe; and lmmrn Inn-.yhi i ■ proper nolilicatmn l>y SKANUU A NACK, Telephone. No -I'J. i As to What Vou Ma\ Expect. Notlui.g but the K-st tinds a place in our store. We are -lire you are w pa> .1 lair pi ice for pure | • hug-.. We xusrantci; every article bearing our name to be just as repre sented or your money back. In promptness or proficiency of service we strive for tje highest. Our constantly increasing business is the evidence that our efforts are appreciated. We thank our many customers for their liberal patronise, \ pleased customer is our best advertisement. WIIHRIi IX» YOU GET Yol'R PR£3CRiPTIGNb filieo? Com? to our store next time It will be to your interest. RESPECTFULLY, C. N. Boyd, 1 Diamond lllocl:, Butler, Pa. | LEGAL AOVERTISMENTS. N'otif«* to Sioi'kliolilcr'.. The stockiiolders of the Worth Mutn lal Fire Insurance Co will hold their : annual meeting in the school-house, in I West Liberty, on the second Saturday ) of January, Ikis the day at I 10 A. M.. for the purpose of electing of i fleers for the ensuing year, etc s. J. TAYLOK, Sec'y. West Liberty P. O. JAS. HUMI'HRKY, Pres. .lacksville. EXECUTOR S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of ! Mr«. Mary Case, dee'd, late of Jefferson . twp., Butler Co. Pa., having been grant | ed to the undersigned, all persons know ' ir,.; themselves indebted to said estate | will plt2.>c make in in lir.te payment, , and any having claims agiiiust said es | tate will present them duly authenticated tor settlement to WM. IIECINBOTHAM, lix'r., Saxonburg, Pa. EXECUTORS NOTICE. Letteis testamentary on the estate of J. C. McColl'.iugh, dee'd., late of Pair vij ,v Iwp. t Butler Co., I'a., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay ment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au tlenticated for settlement to Annik MARY MCCOLLOI «,H, Ex'r. Cliicora, Pa. RALSTON >"V Gkkkr, attv'«. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letteis testamentary on the estate of John M. Shira, dee'd., late of I'arker t wp., Butler Co., Pa., having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to estate will please make immediate payment, and any Having claims agiinst said es tate will jtresent them duly authenticat ed for settlement to A. M. SHIRA, E. E. SHIRA, Executors. Shira P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. W. C. PIVDLKY, Att'y, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Henry Wagner, Sr., dee'd., late of But ler, Butler County, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay ment, and any having claims against : lid estate will present tlu.ui authenticated for seliieuient to 1 M A K Y WAGW R • • Executrix, or HHNRY WAGNKH, JR. Att'y in Pact. Butler, Pa. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Peter Wallace, dee'd., late of Muddy creek twp., Biulcr county, I'a., having !>een granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to W B. IX )I>DS, Butler, Pa. . JAS. WALLACE. Portersville Pa. Executors. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. In re estate of David 11. Crowe, dee'd., late of Porward twp., Butler Coun ty, Penn'a. Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned executors by the Register of Wills, on the estate of aforesaid decedent, therefore any aud all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to pay the same, and those having claims should present them propei ly proved for payment to ELLEN J ■*• <•. CROWE, DAVI i> N. CROWE, Renfrew, P«. Executors of David K. Crowe. W. C. PINULEY, Atty. Nov. 9, 1597. EX.ICUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of James M. Hay, dee'd., late of Clinton twp., Butler Co. I'a., having been gratit i.d to tlie undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate uaymcnt, and any having claims against sai.l es tate will present them duly authenticat ed lor settlement to OHOKCK lv. HAV, Ex'r Brovvnsdale P (>., Hutler Co. Pa. J. Mcjt'NKiN, Att'y. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Letters of administration on the es tate of K. 1/. MeCandless, dee'd., late of 1 Cherry twp., Butlei CO. PH., having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons knowing themselves indebted to . iid esian will phase make immediate payment, and '"ty having claims against the s mie will present th-m duly authen ticated for settlement to Mi::. ANNIE MCCANI>LE.SS Adtn'x Conltown, Butler Co. I'a. [art.. . 1 j Everything we have in our f C niHgnifieent display for the J \ Holidays, works of art. I CALL AND SEE IT. 3 € We linve r omethlm; f"t every / / lxxly. \ ? BOOKS. GAM ES, DOLLS, / loi the little one. Books of \ P the latest fiction and fancy V 1 gift editions. t 5 CHINA and DRIC-a-BRAC I l'hoto-Medalion:, l,eath-r and f ) Celluloid goods at. Q /DOUGLASS' ( S 241 S. Main St., Butler. Pa. C BUTLER COUNTY riutual Fire Insura ice Company i Office cor. Main iin<l Stu. WM K I'rm 4iKO. KKrrHIKH, Vlrr I'm. , 1.. K Srj|:.\hi*, mnl Im* , lllltK< 'TOIt.^. Alfreil W11• U. Ili iiilersi.ii uitver. 1 tlr W. 11 vlit. .lane >. HieulKiuwm. ' Y. W IIIu. U more s W. U/eT, I Itiiwinnh, II .1. It Hurler, j ill*!. Kelli IriT, I 11us ICi tilillli. iien. ICenui>. Jiitin Koenltf. LOYAL McJUWKIN Agent. [ JidvvfUM lu TIN) Onisn | B=r=r=r=r ■ but cold today < » Not necessary to shiver longer than 7 V it takes you to reach our store and J / get inside one of those (all wool) \ ? Kersey overcoats at SB. No other v t •* ~ overcoat combines as perfectly am- f y plitude, wannth and gracefull out- % \ line. \ We also have for you a Black or S ( Blue Beaver overcoat at $5, which \ / you in years gone by paid $lO for. x { SCHAUL & NAST, j / leading clothiers. ? ( 137 SOUTH MAIN ST., > BUTLER, PA. ? Ej High Grade | pj CLOTHING —Keeping always before us the | « fact that our success depends upon your satis- i faction, we work constantly for the better— r4 • i « better in quality—better in workmanship— mi rl better in fit. | If thats the kind of clothing you're after 4 ►4 COME TO US —t icre's no question about Vl M prices, they're the lowest in the county. * 'ADouthett & Graham Penn'a. \ Santa Glaus ~ Richey's The Finest and Purest Stock JO ME MADE CANDIES, nuts and fruits. We make a specialty of supplying churches and Sunday schools Leave your order as early as possible at 142 S. fIAIN ST. " KEEPS THE BLOOD STIRRING I" Do you wint to read one of thow delightfully exciting itorle* that will rivet your whole attention until you finish it ? TREASURE With its vivid picture* of the search ! for (he buried treasure of the pirate 1 chief, the startling adventures of th* | heroes, and all the delightful situation* I of a first-class, high grade story of ad- / venture, is SIMPIY IRRFSISf IBlf. Published in this paper by special amusement. WILL BEGIN IN NEXT ISSUE. We All Know that the slovenly dressed man never receives the respect and consideration the well dressed mun Kcts. One secret in drcs hiiij( well lies in the selection of the i i>;ht tailor. our garments arc cut and mude in our own workshop in this city. We arc particular altout the fit. fashion and nil the minute details in their construction. Would lie pleased to show you a product of our shop anil also jjive you a |>ointcr in econ omy. fall patterns now displayed ALAND, ll MAKICR OK MEN'S CLOTHES tiubocribe tor lit* ClililN i yniif IS THE TIME TO HAVE i nUn Your ClotHir^ ; CLEANED or D?ED If you want gooU and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you can get it, and that is at II! BVTLFR DIIIMB 216 Cantor avenue. do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ol your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jamestown Sliding Blind Co.— New York. R. FIBHEE & SON, BRICKER & VINROE. LIVKRY FKKD AND KXCHANGK STABI.K First class at reasonable rates Special Attention to Transient Csstoai. Barn in rearjof Diamond St.,* Butler I'a People's Telephone, No. 44. ;n. C. BRICKKR ( AND } I'rop'rs. W. I. VINROK, J L. S. McJUNKIN, i Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117 K. JBFFKRSON ST., BUTLER, - PA f „ A r WOOL TO SELL WRITE TO W. c . RUMBERGER. Cure A. Trout man's Hons. HUTI.ER, I'A. L. C.WICK, DKAUKR^IN Rough % Worked Lumber OF AU. KINDS. Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME, M \IR AND PLASTER Office opposite I*. it W. Depot. BUTLER. PA, nil IIPAI (OI'BOLD PBOCEHW VJIU. UItHU . Now very cheap. I'L I rt for Horses, L'IIW«. Hheep, Horn, fowls, et<\ li.'itit It. it RFIIKL !• ami productive power toanlumU. Are you feedfiiK It? Cheapest f••••<! In 1 lie market. LINSEED OIL yeam on Imiiim', tmrn or fenee. Mixed palnltt are doulitfill <|iiallty: Mime good mid aoine Ti ry bad. Write for our elreular. Kor pure I ITI-.-.'L oil or meal, and whlt« lead. i>k for "Tliompaon's," or nildrent manufacturer THOMPSON A. CO.. 15 W. Diamond htrect. Mli'itliiny. I'a. M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 337 S. Main St., Butler.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers