Jfuse ltoiVs Comforts in Footwear Scarcely a home in Butler county that hasn't some need of a pair of shoes for The Store, The Street, The Laboring Man The Farmer, The Mechanic, The Parson, Summer Vacation, The New Woman We have cut prices on all summer shoes and oxfords in order to clean up ready for fell goods. We want the room and must have it. The prices we will name you on these goods will induce you to help us ac complish our object. One lot Ladies' Tan Shoes at 95c value Si 50 and « 00 One lot Ladies' Black and Russet Oxfords at 50c value >5 an 1 1 One lot Ladies' Button Boots, pat tip ■••••at 75c value 1 00 an 5 One lot Ladies' Button Boots, fine at fi 50, $2 \alu 3 One lot Ladies' Lace Shoes at 75c value 1 00 and I 25 Men's and Boys' Bicycle Shoes Reduced, One lot Men's Russet Shoes at *1 15 value ft 75 One lot Boys' Russet Shoes at 90.; value 125 One lot Youths' russet Shoes at 75 value 115 One lot Misses' Russet Shoes at 75 value 5 One lot Russet Shoes at 50 value One lot Children's Fine Shoes, sizes Bto 11 at 30 \a ue 125 One lot Children's Fine Shoes, sizes 6to 8 at 50 value , 3 Bicycle Leggins at half price This is a bona fide mark-down —no "FAKE" sale —fair dealing with every man, woman or child. Come in and look these bargains over. BiUrt Leading 1) p IIITCCI TAW "M' Sitoe House ® "vJCL 11/1* Hotel Loiry. t i. ■ ■ * D A HECK & SON. * CHAMPION CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. We are offering this Spring the finest line of Men's, Boy's and Children's suits ever offered in plaids, cheviots and worsted suits ever seen, at prices that will surprise you, our all-wool suits at $4 70 are as good quality as any one can ofiler you at $6.00, our all-wool suits at $4 90 equal to any SB.OO suit offered on the market, children's knee pants from 15c to sl, fine all worsted suits, tailor made, from $6 .OO to $15.00, our 35c knee pants equal to any 50c pants, overalls, jackets and jumpers, our King overall, equal to anything for 75c. Sweet, Orr & Co'. § Best Overalls only 65 cents. Shirts from 20c to SI.OO, neckwear, ties, collars, cuffs, handker chiefs, socks and stockings from 5c up. Trunks valises, telescopes, watches, chains, charms, rings, pins, studs, waist sets, collars and cuft buttons, all the latest styles, summer clothing just the thing for hot weather in crash, linen, serge, flannels and alpacca. Hats all the latest styles in stiff, solt and straws —50 styles of straw hats to select from. Underwear, Hosiery, suspenders to suit the taste of the most fastidious. Umbrellas, brushes, combs, garters, pocket and bill books, purses, pencils, knives, harmonicons. Children's wash suits, our 49c suits equal to any 75c suit in the market, finest crash suits only $1.25 sold everywhere at $2.00. We guarantee best goods for least money —and ask comparison in quality and price, you ought to see our line of shirts we control the Semper Idem, the best shirt in the world. Examine our stock, compare quality and match them if you can. Thanking our many friends for their very liberal patron age and hoping to merit a continuance of the same we remain" Yours respectfully, D. A. HECK & SON. 121 V. MAIN ST. BUTLER, PA MADE TO ORDER. Bargains in all Lines. You'll Be Surprised And Financially Benefitted By Attending Our r Grand Clearance Sale. A riDIVI? T\T CIJAT7C—Down and into the region of bargains is this A lilll VIJ 111 uilVJuU—sale of Summer goods—we have a great many Tan Shoes and Oxfords—Slippers in several different styles—Fine Vici Kid Shoes in gents sizes and many different styles of fine dongola shoes in Ladies Minim ana Childrens sizes which are all included in this great reduction sale we wish to cloae out the balance of our summer stock and it will pay you to attend this great reduction sale—Down they go—Stock must be sold even if we have to make a sacrifice on the goods. A FEW OF OUR PRICES. Ladie's Slippers yx, 75c, and 95c Ladie's Fine Dongola Oxfords 75 c » and Ladie's Fine Tan Oxfords 75 c » 9°^ and Sr.oo Ladie's Fine Dongola Shoes 9°°- t l - 00 * i,2 5 Ladie's Fine Tan or Ox Blood Shoes at *<3s Ladie's Waterproof Shoes at 95 c . fi-oo and Misses' Fine Dongola Shoes, lace or button "O® Misses' Fine Russett Shoes, lace or button ...Hoc Men's Fine Bufl Shoes at f Men's Fine Tan Shoes at Boy's Fine Tan Shoes at 1.00 Youth's Fine Tan Shoes at 75 c Children's Grain Shoes at Soc A large stock of Men's and Boy's Brogans and Army Shoes to be closed out very cheap—Balance of our Bicycle Shoes, Lawn Tennis Shoes and Slippers go at half price. See our Bargain Counters crowded with interesting bargains. For The Latest Style in Fine Footwear, Call And See Us. JOHN BICKEL. 128 S. MAIN St. BUTLER, FA. Semi-Annual Clearance Sale It will pay you to come miles to attend this Clearance Sale. Our limited space will permit us to give very few of the wonderful bargains to I>e found on our counters during luly and August. CORSETS: Odd sizes in 50c, 75c, and #I.OO, quality at 39c. HATS: 50c, 75c, and SI.OO hats at 9c t Knjuisite line cf children's hats at 9c. Children's Leghorn Flat* nt 19c. Children's Fine Milan hats at 19c Ladies' Hatr that were $1.50 and $2 at 19c TP IU \f UIl II 4 T^ • Regardless ot former price we will sell any 1 111 Ji i'l IL 1' 11 i\ Il} • trimmed hat in the store at 69c and 89c. CHILDREN'S MULL CAPS: $1 and f1.25 caps at .19c. MARKS,' 108 S. Main St., one door South of Hatler Savings Bank. SEANOR NACES - Livery, Feed and Sale Stable REAR OF WICK HOUSE, BUTLKR,PA. Tli« bent of horxea hnd firxt clat * rigs alrays on hand and for hiro. Bent accomodation! in town for perma nent hoarding and transient trade. Speci al care guaranteed. Stable room lor sixty fire home*. A good clans of hornet*, both drive™ and dralt horse* always on band and for Hale onder a foil gnarantee; and horses bought ipon proper notification by SEANOR & NACK, Telephone, No 218. AGENTS —Big money-Red hot sel ler. The Arctic Refrigerating Machine —Wanted an agent for Butler County also all counties in Pennsylvania—Write at once to O. N. PROPER, Mars Pa. L. C. WICK, DEAI.HR IN Rough t Worked Lumber OK AI.L KINDS. Doors, Sash, Winds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIMB, HAIR AND PLASTER Office opposite P. & W. JJepot. BUTLER, PA, Was there ever a women in the wide world who did not yearn to be the mother of a bright faced, happy, healthy, laughing, rol licking child? If there ever was sueh a woman, she was a bad cme, and while there are many thoroughly bad men, there are very few thorsughly bad women. It was God's and Nature's intention that every woman should be the mother of healthy ckildren Tens of thousands of women defeat this beneficent design by their ignorance and neglect. Thty suffer from weakness and disease in a womanly way, and take no measures, or the wrong measures, to remedy it. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription is a sure, speedy and permanent cure for all disorders of this description. It acts directly and only on the delicate and important organs that are the threshold of human life. It makes them strong, healthy, vigorous and virile. It heals ulceration, allays inflammation, soothes pain and tones and builds up the nerves. It banishes the trials of the period of impending maternity and makes baby's entry to the world easy and almost pain less.' It does away with the dangers of motherhood and shortens the period of weakness and lassitude. It insures the little newcomer's health and a bountiful supply of nourishment. It transforms weak, sickly, nervous invalids into happy, healthy wives and mothers. Thousands of women have testified to its. marvelous mer its. A dealer is not a physician, and has no right to suggest a substitute for the prescrip tion of an eminent specialist like I)r Pierce Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser sent for si one-cent stamps to cover mailing only. Cloth binding 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N*. Y. f^HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS 500 PAGE BOOK MAILED FREE. CONTENTS: Part I.—Diseases of Houses. Part ll.—Diseases of Cattle. Part lll.—Diseases of Sheep. Part IV. —Diseases of Hogs. Part V.—Diseases of Dogs. Part VI.- Diseases of Poultry. Same book in better binding BO ct». JK'HPIIREVh'XED. CO., Cor. WIIIUm A Joka Hu., Smt York NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use over AO years, th« only •successful remedy. $1 per rial,or 5 rials and 1 arte vial powder,for $3 flol4 by I>ru*Ki«ta, or a«nt on receipt of ortc«. mar nut. Tv a *i>. Co., c«r. vwua * Jokasi*., sow v«h CATARRH LOCAL 1 DISEASE and it the result of colds and ■/W, qurjCOlDO tudden climatic changes. 'nr<j?l Kor your Protection f HwrEVtR Sl)* M we j»««itively slate that this remedy does not contain mercury or any other injur- * KB Ely's Cream BalmP^sS is acknowledged to be the moat thoronph cure for Xm&l Catarrh, Coid in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It open* and clcanecn the naaal aJlaje pain ana inflammation, heals the pro tects tne membrane from cold*, restores the serines of taste and am*ll. Price 60c. at DraggloU or by mail. ELY BKOTHEKa, M Warren .street, New" York. T»»A5t-«:Ar . snd R*p!d Restorative* An unfailing cure for Di ieasei of the I)ir. Nervous an:! Generative SysK .: A Tonic of raro < Ificacy for the ()' '• • ' ' young and of marked ser vice for Students. Teachers, and all who ar« cngageu in Brain work of close occupations. CURES Depression, Tlnd Feelings, Heriousness, Inscnlar Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Palpitation of Heart, Restlessness, Hysteria, Merve Weakness, General Discomfort, Excesses, Alchollsm, and that r.lmost innumerable series ol diseases and complications resulting from any <'.crarigement of the Nervou* system. Invaluable for weak women and nervous children. Steady ITerven, * Dr. Coz's Braced System, I!,s jjjj ED Cocelin Sound Kest, usiio Nervo Good Work, ♦ Tonic. CONTAINS NO OPIATES ON DANGEROUS DRUQT TO MARE A HABIT. 50 Cents per Bottle; If three bottli be ordered at onetime, a ropy oJ Oriole Cook Book will be included free. AT DRUCOISTS AND DEALERS OR DIRECT Of US ON RECEIPT OF PRICE 00 CENTS. Winkclmann & Brown Drug Co. • OLC PROr«llTO*B, BALTIMORE. IflD., U. S. A. \WSSL [AM 8 CHILADELPHIA |J| M - DENTAL ROOMS -- M y 39-&thAve., patsburg,Pa. XI ll Wn'ri pRACTICA' Y<l""'K«h«-ft titnl jfi CROWN BF.iOjt «"r>n 'Jrm JEm"' WHY .*OT DOV Atfl IllyOURS? ,; "' l CROWNS A y«f f/mr 1 "! BRIDGE work r.-.1u.-. M IKi nVI ft* 5.5 PER TOOTH Ai-o tin 1" * **'"< <£" WRIEHT'SvS Poralt BILIOUS and NKHVOUI H|l I I DIS«A««. Tkry jmr.fy the KJII ■ lILOOD aid liivo 21 KAI.TH Y ■ ■ let ion 10 the entire w ■ Cure DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, OONBTIPATIOH and PIMPLES. IJOrTUKS LAKIi k||| riu /TK pmPKNHAItY. \Lr £ Or/i- PCNK AVE. ANO FOURTH OT.. JHfcdP PITTSBURGH, PA 1 7HI & AltforinHOf I>c*liraUsfiii'l (,om 'IHML nlicat««L U\W:\W* requir II»KCO.M« #r | jiKS'TI A L Illi« t SflKNTirh iruti</i» arc treat«•'! Nt tliiA !>i •>ci»> :.ry u'tft 11 "jwrw. . j«rely attained. i>r. li. Lake S* " oieiiil.or of »y.tl ( oil« if i liy i« tans .in<l on«i U the of le.-t and IIIOHI .■xix rtc icctl breoiALiHt' in tlw •< Uy. at •Mition niven to y'jfvmi* lability iromcrcfl*»iv i)i:rif ul exertion. indiiwr«?tion of youth,ete, rauh iiii' i»ny*b'rtl «n«< Jieutai ♦!'' :, yi'fV. H iiMpou '«*iu;y, «?w. ;Hi K> C•' »*■••• 1 ''ld riles ItheumatlAiM, wi.-l/iil di .'»>-c»J'jf tii^hkin. tii*u nr. • Btrictiv r«»iifid« nt iiii Oi'jiuj [will* ■' l fi • I 7 to H P. M ; Sun«l:iy *. ?to ' r. M. >th . Mil nt nfll? O or WMH ♦ LAKIv C l '^' ys S A* h JV Ol ITKIi"UfiII. 2'/* mm f&t IIKHT TIIK WORLD. ItswenilriKqunl'tli'iioro iinmirjiiuiwd, a. Innlly outlantlnetwii ',t *uv other brand. Not affi-cNvl tiy »,-Fit IK(JKTTIir.t;KM INK. rott BALE U V DEALERS r;E,NI.KAi,LV PI 'i PnflUh Dl.m.i'l Hran*. ENNYROVAL PIUS -<i. N A • ■ T \?- ijt "Hrllr'r l.i. Iji.llt. ■ • rrl«r« | * .7 »UIL l«, 00« - -r. V u tl € * | fc-l U LKU Df THfC CITIZEN WOMAN'S ( 01.l M\ A young honsekeeder, undertaking the straightening of a new tablecloth l>efore hemming by drawing a thread, was startled to find that the line took off apparently a good quarter of a yard of her cloth. Distressed, she took it back to the shop where it was purchased, thinking it was a defective weave. There she was told that the cloth should have been shrunk before the attempt was made to pull the thread. It may be added that the firm was generous enough to replace the cloth that she might not suffer from her own ignor A Paragraph in the housekeeping col umn of one of onr periodicals for wo men makes a grave assertion, to the ef feet that 'that gray look' on tableware is due to insufficient washing and adds ihat "the last rinsing water should l»e almost clean." "Almost!" and "that gray look !" Yet a woman who regards dirty dishes as a possibility—yes, a prob ability—and who does not expect them to lie throughly cleansed, assumes to teach other women to keep house! —A freshly made ink stain can be easily and quickly removed from white cloth, table or other linen, by being treated with liorax and lemon juice. A saucer should be put under the cloth and powdered borax sprinkled over the stain, moistening afterwards with lemon juice. This should be repeated three times within the hour if the spot is a large one, then the cloth washed in very hot water in which a little liorax has been dissolved. After a brisk rubbing the stain should have entirely disap peared. It is possible nowadays for the ama tenr milliner to give to her creations a decidedly smart effect. In almost any store where ribbons are sold, big, styl ish rosette bows will be tied for the ask ing, and these, in the case of child ren's hats, with one of the pretty, grace fully made wreaths or sprays, are all the trimming that is needed. Hats of almost any sort can be bought with the edges finished, either bound or corded or edged with a double edge of braid, which is itself a finish, and as the lin ing also are to be had made, and some times with the shir string run in, it is the simplest of work to prepare a hat for its trimming. Pompons and feath ers are easily adjusted, and the jetted and steeled and jeweled mercury wings that are still so fashionable in one guise or another go on smartly almost in spite of one. The suggestion of a milliner teacher to her class is that in puttingon tri mining the materials should be sewed through as little as possible, useing in stead the over and over stitch, which is much more secure and less injurious to bows or flowers or ornaments of any sort. The further hint of a French milliner is that the true artist in hats or bonnets never puts a bow wlieo it is not seemingly of use to hold out a feather or to tie in the brim or a flower, or in some way apparently be of service. The one thing the amateur milliner should not attempt unless she has the peculiar nack for it, which it needs, is the making of a bow. With this aid secured, however, as it is very easy now days, she may approach the rest of her task with confidence. The French excel in fruit soups. "At a din ner in the Faubourg St. Germain the other day," writes a woman now in Paris, "the first course was cherry soup: it was so delicious that 1 ventured to make an inquiry about it. only to meet with a polite disinclination on the part of my hostess to go into details. It was evidently one of the carefully guarded Faubourg recipes not to lie passed on to a stranger." < )range soup is not uncom inon in this country, and is made with clear orange juice sweetened and brought to the, scalding point before being slightly thickened with arrowroot in the proportion of a tablespoonftill to a pint of juice. As soon as arrowroot has been stirred in throughly, the mix tnre istiken from the fire and a table spoonfqll of maraschino is added. Cool the soup before serviijg it in punch glasses, a little crushed ice in each. The riot to which flowered effects in shirt Waists have run is beginning thus early to show the inevitable reaction. Flowered gauzes, batiste, or-randio-i, lawns, cambrics and linens even, have been fashioned into the popular so call ed shirt waist, with only the back yoke and stiff collar and cuffs now to merit the title, until, like the braided gowns, they have became a weariness For midsummer wear the small striped and checked designs are being called for and are lx-ing offered at the high class shops. The popular all over effects too of foulards, these that look like a Wah id oscope broken loose, are showing a com ing wane in favor by their omnipresence at the moment. They are piled on every silk counter in great confusion and at a very low price, and are appear ing on tho streets with such frequency as fo indicate early satiety. The wise shopper particularly she who must buy for permanence and who can't afford to discard tho garment because it has In come tiresoinely common, will hesitate before including this design in her early summer buying, either in silk of lawn. Eton jackets of black are boing much used over light shirt waists of every description. The stock and belt are usually black as well. lie ( arcf'iii! lie Careful! In the use of Brandy during season of bowel complaint Nothing is so useful to assist in checking cholera morbus or cholera infantum when ordered by your physician as Pure IJiandy made only from <1 rape. But how and where to get pure is the question. If it is not pure from grape it is poison and will help kill the patient. The Old Climax Brandy distilled from drapes by Mr Speer is absolutely pure. Be sure and see that the Bottle has th« cap stamped with Speer,. X. J. Wine Co. (let it of your - druggist, take no other. I'rice $1.50 a bottle qt. $1 pints. "Alas, 1 a,n r.'ilncpd to the lowest ex tremities," said the salesguntleinan, who had been transferred from the glove counter to the shoe department. To resist the debility caused hy warm weather purify yonr blood by taking Hood's SarsapariUa. She Yon never see a women using her religion for a cloak. lie No; religion is to cheap and plain. KKKI',I Cure t* in the home. It is an instant relief in case of sudden pain cliolcrm-Morbus, Croup, Sprains, Bruises, toothache &c—Ask your Druggist. Many a costly complexion has been puned by the recent rains. TUB remedies put up by the I Cure U Co., L't'd., No., 106 Centre Ave., arc fust class, and give excellent satisfaction. Sold by every Druggist in Butler Coun ! ty. National Honesty. A better illustration of the fact that "honesty is the l>est policy" could beaf fonled than the fact that United States bonds, drawing three or fonr per cent, are at a premium. The nation ha.s es tablished its credit by strict honesty. No mean advantage has ever l>een tak en of the Nation's creditors, even when a technicality gave the opportunity. There has always been short-sighted and dishonest people who howled about the bond-holders, anil talked as though the Government should pay them off in greenbacks or depreciated silver. The Government by such a course might make a temporary gain of a few mil lions. But what would it lose in credit ? A State cannot afford to be cidionoi; able. It had better ath ousand times permit itself to be robbed than to rob anybody. What has made the credit of the United States so good that every capitalist in the world is willing to loan it money at a very small percentageV Honesty and faithfulness to its obliga tions. And it is the same with indivi duals. No man can afford to take a technical advantage of another. The United States has always acted honora bly with its creditots. notwithstanding the clamor of fanatics, and we trust it will always have the manhood to do so. How to Treat Sunstroke. In the hot days of summer, with the thermometer ninety in the shade and the humidity over eighty, sunstroke be comes frequent. Headache, dizziness and nausea generallyprecede the attack, which sometimes comes on with light ning rapidity, and the person falls un conscious in.his tracks, with a hot, dry skin and a flushed face. One need not be told that a condition like this is of serious import. Immediate means must be taken to lower the bodily tem perature, and cold water is at all times and all places the best means. Cloth ing should be partially removed and the patient carried under a pump or placed in a spring or stream, and when this is not available he should be wrapped in a sheet which has been cooled with water his temperature should be kept low by some means as this until medical aid is obtained. Noali After the Flood. The first fruit planted by Noah when he left the ark was the grape, the most healthy of all the products of the earth. All through th« Bible we read of grapes and wine from grapes being recom mended as the first remedy for the ills of life: but it is pare juice wine, not watered and sugared juice that the Bible speaks of. Sugared wines are highly alcoholic and starchy: the sugar making excess of alcohol and other products not be longing to a healthful wine. Speer of N. J., the oldest wine grow er in the United States, has studiously avoided water and sugar or any foreign substance whatever, but has his wine fully matured hy great age and careful handling. lion M:t Was IlaiiOicMppcd. ~Want to ride a bicycle, do yon';" snapped the old man. "Your mother never went whizzing about on the streets on a wheel." "Yes," retorted the dutiful (laugh ter, "that is just what ma told me. She says that, maybe if she had she wonld have caught a better looking HOOD'S cure Liver IMS, »lil iousnoss, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, oasy to operate. 25c. < >h, take a day off when you can IJont wait to cross mountain and seas There's a holiday fit for a man Wherever there's sky and a breeze. Just now physicians don't know whether to prescribe an ocean voyage or a bicycle trip. A purposeless life leaves its mark on the disposition, and the disposition is reflected iu the face. HKADACIIK I'owders If you use any use a good one. Ask your Druggist for Aimstrong's (I Cure U) Headache I'ow ders. When one commences to poll out gray hairs their occupation is cut out for them for years to come. To flatter people adroitly one must know three things what they are, what they think they are. and what they want people t'j think they are. ARMSTRONG'S Little System Bills Eire fine. A true Liver 1'il!.— 25c. "Women," says the Philosopher, "generally rave over MI actress because of the clothes she wears, and the men because of the clothes she doesn't Clarence Shinn, of Lake wood, N. J., was the instructor of Mrs B. M. Scott, in bicycle riding. He let her fall, and she has brought suit against Shinn for **>,ooo damage. Fore morn than a hnndred years the Hhakere have been Htudying the re medial properties of plants. They have made many discoveries, ]>lll their jsreat est achievement watt made last year. It is >i cordial that contains already <li Kcated food and in a digester of food. It in effective in removing distress after eating, and creates an appetite for more fooil so that eating Itecomes a pleasure. Pale, thin people become plump and healthy under its use. It arrests the wasting of consumption. There never has been such a step for \rard in the cure of indigestion as the Shaker Cordial. Your drnggiMt will be glad to K've V (,l> a little book descrip five of the product. (iive the babies LAXOI,, which is Castor Oil made as palatable as honey. (Jrecn peaches are Intoming the Jama ica ginger trade. RllhUMATlfiM I'l'RKp llf A DA>\ 'Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in i to 3 davs. Its action upon the systwtn is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis apf ears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. !•'. Halph Druggists Butler Aprijft WE ARE WITH THE PEOPLE. You never hear us complain of busi ness being bad we aim and succeed in making it good, by fair and square treat ment of all our customers. M8t?O FAII! DKAI.INCS & TO EVERYONE yIf we say to you our liquors arc six ears old, we won't ask you to take oar word for it but put them *0 the list, you and your friends to be the judge. Pure liquor* arc healthful. (iuarantccd purc7> year old Whiskey cither tiuckcnhcimcr, Finch, Oibnon, Overholt, Large Ml. Vernon, f 1 per full quart or 6 quarts for $5, Grandfather's Choice Whiskey, nuar anteed 3 years old, 92 jier gallon. On C. O. I), or mail orders of $lO or over, we prepay all charges. ROBERT LEWIN & CO,, Importers and Wholesalers, 411 Wa'er St. Oppoglie 11. & 0. Depot Telephone, 2179 Pittsburg, I'H. -THE GREAT -sutler Fair Is only a few weeks distant, and of course everybody is going. What About That Old Buggy and harness of jours, are you going in it or don't you want a new one and go in style? Now Is The Time To Get Ready. VVe have a large stock and prices are less than you can imagine. Probably Your Buggy Needs a New Top, we hace them, 01 maybe a new set of wheels, don't get your old ones re paired, a new set wont cost you any more. The}" ar<_ already tired. Then You Know Your Harness Are Old And Unsafe, them in and have them overhauled or get a new set, wt have all kinds and makes, and repair all kinds, and make all parts of harness and have them ready to sell, so you need not wait—or probably your family is too large for a buggy a "d some must stay at home Then Get a Surry Or Spring Wagon and all go comfortably together. We have all these things call anil see them. YOURS TRULY, S. B. Martincourt & Co -128 East Jefferson street, Duller, Pa. "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO 18 THE PROPER THING FOP- HOUSE-CLEANING. Wheeler & Wilson New family Sewing Machine. Rotary Motion 8. Ball Bearings MAKE IT Easy Running, Quiet, Rapid and Durable. Sewing Machines for family aT;cl factory use, for all grades of C!otli aild Leather. Speed and l>ur«blity. Factory aad Bead Office, Bridgeport, Connecticut, 11. S. A. FOR SALE BY HENRY BIEHL, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Needles for all kinds of sewing machines, Boss Washing Machines, etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER fPA. N. B.—Second-hand Sewing Machines from $5.00 up. Sewing machines repaired. TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. Carpet Cleaning Time Is here. Telephone or write to W. B. McGeary, West End, who has the best of machinery and does the best work. Carpels called for and delivered. Carpets shipped from a dis tance will be promptly cleaned and returned. W. B. McGEARY. People's Telephone 41. C. & D. A LOVER OF GOOD HATS JL" ■>o% ■ / K> ( Vu\\ Can surely fill I Ins every desire satisfied jn our Spring 1897 stock, which con tains all the »liapeß, colors and qualities most admired by connoisseurs We have no fancy prices, but merely value for value. WE TREAT Furnishing Goods in the sume manner, buying the best and selling as I<>W as nit'iy charge for iufctior noods. We are always glad to show visitors our goods. Call And See Us. COLBERT DALE, i.\2 S. M\IN ST RiTMiu, PA WANTED IaITIKI I. SI KN Ol< WOMEN in travel fi>r re*p«iiiMlil« - ii.ltlli»ln*»l house In IY(in«ylvanlu. haliu v IT-si iin<l expend s, Position pciuiaueut. ttefi-r --4-iire IMICIOM- M-lf-adili'-vM'd »lamyv(l • 11- iflojie Tin- National, ftar Itisnranee Hldit.' CLILCHK" Suhtcrihe for tho (JITiZIN bo dwvirM bv kUurm* advorttHHWieiitnand tnitik you can get the bwnt made, Ilmut flnlah acl MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINE for n men* Ron*. liny from rollaMt* manufactururs that have ir«ine«l a reputation by homut an«l *quar« (Whntf. Tiu re 1* none In tb„ worWI that ran e<iua! in nii-clinitiral mnMf rucf ion. durability of working pArtß. fln«-nem of flnlHh. b» auty In appearance, or haf as many improvement* a* tho NEW HOME. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. Ito New Home Sewing Machine Co. l)mw. MAM. HOKTOD, Mim. BTinniftjriiii!, N.T CHICAGO,IIX. St.LOUU,MO. HAI.I.AA T»T.. SAX ftuxciacu, CAI. An. hit A, (u. FOR 4ALC BY J. B. McOEVITT Deulei in Sewing Machines, Piauo* and Organs—next door to Y. M. 0. A. build inc- Butler Pa. liuy the light-running, New Ho me, sf wini; machine, perfect satisiacti.cn guar aiueod. never eeti ont of order. F. H. WALDEKMYER, Florist. DEALER IN Cut Flowers, Bedding Plants, Vegetables,) Decorations and Floral Designs. BeHding Plants A SPECIALTY. T—l GREbN fIOUSR West of Const House, Lfn coin St, STORE, IIS S. Main St.. Butler, Pa. KEVIVO OK RESTORES Vitality 11 ,Mrin TilK (.KEAT toil. |»,\Y FRENCH REMEDY «<> ttir atMivc result-. In Hiiys. It IICMH powerfully :»u»l <|ul<*kly. <'ur«-s when all oilier*, full Voiinir tiM ii Will their lost IIIUIIIKHMI, and MI<I men will recover I lielr voutliful by hsIIIK HKVI VO. It Ty and surely restore-* .NervousnrsH. I.ont vitality. Lost Power, l ulling Memory, \\:ist hitf DKense, iiml all ell'eets of e xcei-i ami Iri cllM'retlon. w 111 <* 11 unlltsone f«»r study. I»nsl ness or marriage It not only euros hy starting at the r»t of disease, hut Is a Krelit nerve tonic and hloml hullder. bringing hiu-k t lie nlnU glow to pale eheeUs mid restoring t lie fire of youth. It wards oIT Insanity and ('OIISII mntTon. Insist on having Itl.N l\<>, no other. 11 «*an he «*arrled In vesl poeket. Bv Ulnll, tl-00 pi'i' imt'kHKr, or sU for £>.oo, W|t ri a positive written guarantee to cure or re fund the money <' 11 •*n Ia f flee Address KoVM, MI.DIi INfci <> . « UK \(.«>. ILL. lor Sale hy KIDDKK \ (JIM Ml MA N N. SUMMER KKSoIMS. BEDFORD SPRINGS HOTEL. lIKIH Oltll, I'KNNA. T11I" c.MtI.SHA l» OK AMKRH'A. oI'KNS JtrNF. SV. (hie of tin- most mil ill ally attractive re sorts 111 Aliierleu l.ix'atlon amid I In* Kriuid <•■,l M i nrry. wllli It;- iiilimt »f ciirillve wati-rs. II I*. aln iilt li wlvintr us well its u do liuhifnl slimmer limine. Toe rife llrrliestra will fiimUli inus|e. I*"i tiiHikli'iH tmil li'rniij undress .11 A LHIP, Manager. Hotel Lyndhurst. • ASBURY PARK. - Near The Beach. All attractions; fine roomß ami vcrait. das; excellent cuisine and service Reasonable Rates. Write for Booklet to Dr, Hawxhurst, Prop'r, Asbury Park, N. J. M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 337 S. Main St., Butler. Summer, D. T. PAPE Summer. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER CO All Goods Reduced 33 1-3 per cent. Our Millinery this season is acknowledged by all who have in spected our stock to be the finest most stylish and prettiest ever brought to this city. Nothing has been spared to make our mil linary department complete in every respect. All the latest styles in bonnets and hats All the beautiful flowers and feathers. All the latest shades in ribbons and trimmings For the baby to the very old lady. From the cheapest to the finest goods can be found in our complete millinery store. If you have not visited our store this season it will be to your advantage to do ro as we save you money on ever) purchase. Our Stock of Mourning Bonnets, Hats, Veils, &c., Always Complete. 122 S. JWain St. Q J PAPE, Butler. Pa. goooooooGccccooo- XJOOOOGOOOOOOO<XX>DOOCX>OO I Rune- <ip. is 1 j tuality JLpower. 1 iHitcl? your be sure jj business \|| it's in ajj works to a j IN f 1 Fahys Gold-1 good watch.j |j| )N filled Case, jj| And that you buy it from I E. GRIEB, JEWELER, 139 N. MAIN STREET/ BUTLER, PA. GOOD OLD TIMES. When, years ago, a A GOOD FARMER would prepare for harvest, the best ctlicken on the place—the finest roll of butter—and many other good things to EAT and DRINK would be served at harvesting and threshing— The men would get the whiskey when in the field, and too on going and coming from the field—No harm in that then, and is there now? NO, Not when you can get good honest whiskey, and that you are sure of getting from MAX KLEIN, and at reasonable prices— _ A Few of the Following Will Convince You:— ANCHOR UYE~m An old fashioned whiskey $2 00 per gallon. POSSUMS A full bodied corn and rye whiskey $2 50 per gallon. GUCKENHEIMER ©ft A four year old pure Rye $3 00 per galjiuu BEAR CREEK"^ The finest six year old whiskey .... $4 00 per gallon. WINES Of all grades $1 50, $1 75, $2 00 and $2 50 per gallon. Send lor our price list, and see some of the many other articles for sale by us—and the special selections which will save you money—Address MAX KLEIN, \ Wholesale Liquors, 82 Federal St Allegheny, Pa Kkpro.isige paid on all orders of oo and over No charge I for box ing and shipping. i "THE COMMERCIAL," :: JfW. K. THORNBURG Prop'r., Evans City, Pa.j [ This popular house has just been entirely remodeled < > and refurnished. Everything convenient, and guests ( > i \ will always receive close attention. I i C Located near Postoftice and l'.& W. Depot. When .1 in Evans City t>p at the Commercial. Hell Tele- . , £ phone No. 16. . i * When You : Z/ay Oat Money '< sure tha * y° u arc getting the real ! n*. 2 i<uaj Buggy. value of the price you pay. , i Fredonia Buggies.: ——— J every penny they i I Your dealer sella them. cost you. | ! THE FKLDONIA MPO. CO., Younfistown, Ohio. The New-York Weekly Tribune FOR EVKR Y member of V~ . v EVERY family on 'sr.-ihXf • EVERY farm, in ' EVERY village, in ' ' t '-V, - EVERY State or Territory. ' <©?<©;—«6» \ FOR Education, s - > vi FOR Noble Manhood, \ FOR True Womanhood, IT P1 V 7 Ih* Q il " important news of the Nation ' ' * all important news of the vVorld. Irp /< l O the most reliable market reports. J 1 T IJ□ brilliant and instructive editorials. IT GIVFS fascinating short stories. an ucexcelled agricultural department IT scientific and mechanical information. illustrated fashion articles. l r P GIVES humorous illustrations. entertainment to young and old. IT (' | VFS satisfaction everywhere to everybody We furnish "The Citizen" and "N. Y. Weekly Tribune" FOR si.so PER YEAR. CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all ordcA to THE cinaii Write your name ami addrea* on n postal ciir<l, und it 'o Geo. \V. Ik-st, rribune Building, New Vork City, an<l U wiinple copv of Thk Nkw York Whfih TKiurN): will be mailed to you
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