Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 10, 1896, Image 3

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New Advertisements.
Kaufmann's, Pittsburg.
Zimmerman's announcement.
Heck's clothing.
C. <fe T's Christmas goods.
.•JOT* —All advertisers intending to make
chages in their ads. should notify us of
th lir intention to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
Adminfsthrators and Executors of estat
c*uj seenre their receipt books at the CiT
jib office,;
[Subject to Republican Primaries.]
JOHN S. JACK, of the Ist Ward.
—Advertise your holiday goods in the
—AI Heck is continuing his closing out
■ale of clothing. See his now adv.
—One of the towns in the Eastern part
of the stats has a "Curfew whistle."
"Thats right, dress me for dinner,"
■aid the turkey to the oook.
The way some men skate tbey use the
ice most on the day after.
—You don't have to be an artist to draw
—One way to make light of trouble is .to
bom mr hills.
—Abut a hundred new buildings will
be erected in Butler next summer.
—J. Lcce« inbtitute will be held at
Middle Lancaster Dec., 19 th —Saturday
—All grate-fires, in residences where
there are children, should be covered or
—The school-vacation in Butler will be
gin in the 24th inst. and continue to Jan.
4, 1897
-My life is one of reverses," said tbe
buck wheal cake as the cook flopped it
over on the griddle.
—Sappy—"My new girl's a stunning
brunette." Gussie—"Sot I thought she
was light." Sappy—"So did I till I held
her in my lap "
—J.W.Stewart has opened a resturantin
Millerstown, one door below Johnston's
hardware; aud he is also agent for the
celebrated Singer Sewing Machines.
—The Swartzlauder brothers are erect
ing building fronting on Washington St.,
on rear eud of the jail lot, and intended
to be nsed as a repair shop.
—Mrs. Zimmerman will aid the Hospi
tal by giving ten per cent of her Holiday
■ales to it. Read her Holiday announce
—lf yon want a good desk-calendar Bend
five 2-ceut stamps to the Calendar Depart
ment, Pope Mfg. Co., Hartford Conn., and
they will send you one.
—Our carpenters are being kept unusu
ally busy for this time of year. Besides
the new buildings mentioned last week
John Graham has one up on E. Clay St.
and H. H. Goucher one on Oak St.
—Tbe Memorial Services held by the
Elks in tbe Opera House last Sunday
afternoon were largely attended. Tbe
honse was crowded. Mr. Reed of Pitts
burg made tbe chief address, and Braid
Black spoke of the deceased brethern.
' —The High School of Butler is a credit
to the town, and io was their entertain
ment of last Friday evening. They bad
a large andieico, and they demonstrated
to it that they can sing, talk, make mnsio
and whistle.
—The new brick and tile workß, near
the Water Works, are ready for operating.
They will employ seventeen men and boyg,
and torn oat 15,000 brick and 2,000 build
ing blocks, every dav, when in fttll opera
tion. J. C. Brandon is the Snp't and A. J.
Weikal, manager.
Board of Trade.
The call for a meeting to organise a
Board of Trade took a large number of
our citizens to the Court-room last night,
and the meeting organized by oalling upon
Mr. Bowser to preside, and electing Mr.
Eaton. Beeretary.
Mr. Bowser stated the objeot of the
meeting, which is to make an effort help
ourselves and the town, enlarge our
sphere, our interests, etc. He re
ferred to our school-houses and ohurches as
evidences of our clean-cut citizenship; and
also to the unsightly buildings that ocoupy
some of our prominent oorners, our appar
«ntly unlimited supplies of gas and coal;
our dutv to each otber and the town,
thinks the town should advance and that
now is the opportune time to boom it.
A letter from a castor manufacturing
firm ot N. Y. was handed to the Secretary
and read by him. The firm offers to looate
a plant here, buy its own lot, put up a
40x120 building, employ 50 bands to be
gin with and be a permanent institution
nere, but thinks the people of the town
should take $15,000 of its bonds—the plant
to cost lrom 130,000 to #40,000.
A motion to elect a Board of Trade was
made, bat this was amended to one au
thorizing the Chairman to select a com
mittee of fifteen—three from eaoh ward--
they to prepare a Constitution and By
Laws, for presentation at next meeting
This was carried and Mr. Bowser will
•elect the oummittee today. Then several
persons made remarks on the suDjec»
generally, and the meeting adjourned to
meet at call of ohairman.
Marriage Licenses
Furman 8 Stewart Washington twp
Sadie E Hummel Cherry twp
Jacob Djigbeijiam New Jersey .
Redecca Saklem .....Butler
Samuel 3t*pp Jefferson twp
Annie Campbell Clinton twp
Geo Oteman -
Mandeline Beatty dwin
Willis Vanderlin Venango Co
Mary Khmer.... Butler
Thomas B Billiard Washington twp
Ijoaie M Cannon
Andrew Lucas Greeoe City
Mary E Bush Verona
Win H Crawford .... Renfrew
Julia Siller
At Frnklin —C F Buchanan of Grove
City and Eva Montgomery of Hilliard.
At Pittsburg—J H Stewart of W. Va.
and Maggie Gale of Butler Co.
At Kittsnning —fames A Sarve r and
Martha Eric, of Freeport.
Holiday Ratea.
The P. 8. A L. E. R R. Co. will make
rata* of one and one-third fares lor the
round trip. Tiokets good going Dec., 24th
to Jan. Ist inclusive, limited for return
Jan. 4th.
* Railroad Notice.
On and after Dec. 7th, 1896, the follow
* ing train# on the P. S. & L. E. Ry will be
Train No 9 and 46 leaving Erie at 10
a. in. K. K, time running throig.
Train No 9 and 46 arriving in Meadville
at 8,42 a m
Train No 43 leaying Meadville at 9:40
a. m. ruuninp through.
Trsin No 43 to Linasville arriving at
10:37 a. m.
Traiu No 44 leaving Linesville at 11:90
a. tn. running through arriving at Mea<f»
ville at 2:40 p. m.
Train No 45 and 10 leaving Meadville at
4:25 p m. running through, arriving at
Erie at 7 p. m.
Farmers Institutes.
Three Farmers Institutes will be held
la this county this month, at W. feunbury
Friday and Saturday the 18th and 19tb,
6axonbarg, Monday and Tuesday the 21sl
and 22nd, and Butler. Wednesday and
Thursday the 23d and 24tb.
The programme* arranged reached us
toolste for this week't paper and will ap
pear next week.
Commonwealth vs Scott Thompson, a A
b. with intent to commit rape, true bill
John Mainland, selling liquor without
license, true bill.
Firnn Bowser, assault and a <fc b, Que
Frank Cunningham, assuult and a it I),
true bills.
James Summers, selling liquor without
license, true bill.
Bessie Fry, larceny, true bill.
Wm. Getty, malicious mißchief, true
Wm. Getty, larceny, true bill.
Glen Slater, f. b. not a true bill and
county to pay costs,
W. W. Shaw, laiceny, not a true bill.
Harry .Crawford, plead guilty to receiv
ing goods on false pretense.
George Robinson, plead guilty to
larceny, and is sentenced to pay a fine of
$lO, costs and be sent to the Ketorm
Harry Robinson, plead guilty to larceny
and is sentenced to pay o fine of $lO, costs
and to be sent to the Reform School.
John Robinson, plead guilty to laroeny
and is sentenced to i ay a tine ot $lO, coats,
and be sent to the Reform School.
David Robinson, plead guilty to larceny
and is sentenced to pay a fine oi $25, oosts
and be sent to the Work House tor two
Cbas Haines, larceny, a true bill.
C G Bowers,assault and a <fc b, true bills.
Joseph Demann, selling ! liquor without
licens and to minors, true bills.
Joseph Casso. selling liquot without
license and to minors, true bills.
Sarah Coovert, attempting to administer
poison, not a true bill.
Oliver Dillman,larceny and false pretense,
not a truo bill and county to pav costs.
Lewis Lawyer, f & b, not a true bill and
prosecutor to pay costs.
W M Aggers, Malicious mischief, ture
Frank Allison, overdriving livery horse,
not a true bill and prosecutor to pay costs.
Alex M Beers, assault and a A b, true
Samuel Beers, a A b, not a true bill and
procecutor to pay costs.
Jas Kennedy, selling liquor without
licence, pleads guilty and is senttneed to
pay a fine ol SIOOO, costs, and 4 months to
Sheriff's Sales.
Last Friday Sheriff Campbell sold all
the right, title, interest and claim of:
L J and R H McQuistion in 111 acres in
Brady »wp to Williams <fe Mitchell for
J W Gibson in 42 acres in Clay to Mc-
Junkin A Gaibieath lor SIOO, and the 28
acre piece to same lor $25.
W £ and Clara A Lawrence in 1} acre
in Centreville to Elizabeth Gilbey for $25
Thos Donaghy. adm'r of Geo Zeigler in
197 acres in Brady to C Walker lor $25.
J H Fauble in lot in Butler to A W
Root for $75.
J H and Sarah Alexander in 2 acres in
Franklin to McJunkin <fc Gal bream for $5,
and the 7 acre piece to same for $5
C A Abrams, adm'r, at al, in 75 acres in
Clinton to A SI Christley for SI2OO.
J C Hovis lot in Butler to F J Forquer
for SIOOO.
All the others writs were returned or
sales postponed.
The constable of Worth twp reported
some culverts in bad condition and some
guard rails down.
The constable of Brady reports some
roads and bridges in bad shßpe.
The constable of Slipperyrock reports a
bridge in bad shape.
The constable of the Ist ward Butler re
ported a number oi side walks, and rule
was granted on the Town Council to show
cause why they should not be returned.
The constable of Venango reported one
bastard child.
The constable of Jefferson roported that
the B & P K R obstructed the public road
leading from Hannahstown to Glade
Mills, and a rule was iasued on same to
show cause why they should not remove
the same.
The constable of Butler twp suggested
that something should be done at the
Kearn's crossing of the P S <fc L E R R for
the safety of the traveling public
Edwin Meedor, adm'r of W. H. Ifft was
granted leave to sell real estate.
On petition of citizens of W inlield twp
for a public road trom Saxon station to
Leasureville, N. Siater, Geo Shovier and
Reuben McElvain were appointed viewers.
L. F. Ganter was appointed trustee to
make sale of the real estate of M argaret
Martin, dec'd.
Frank McNamee was appointed con
stable of Venango twp, vioe Aaron Blair,
Samuel Klugh, was ordered to be releas
ed lrom jail under the insolvent laws.
Hannah A. Gebhardt, adm'r, was grant
ed permission to sell real estate of John
Gebhardt, dec'd, for the payment of debts
On petition the votintr place of the
Eastern precinct of Jackson twp was
changed to the house of Lewis R. Mar
burger in said precinct.
The Jury Commissioners were onWed to
fill the wheel with 720 names for 1897.
Wm H. MoCrea has brought suit in
trespass vs the Borough of Millers'own
and claims damages in $lO 000.
J. M. Leighner has brought suit in eject
ment vs W T. Ramsey for a lot in Centre
ville borough.
F. M. Hilliard has replevined one bay
oolt in the hands of Eliza and Wm Hovis
Dean Campboll, was arretted in Pitts
burg, last Saturday, by Detective William
Shore and Detective J. M. Short and
Frank Church, the two latter of Wheeling.
He is waDted in the West Virginia city for
jumping his bail. Mr Church was one of
his bondsmen, He is under indictment
tor 22 charges of illegally selling liquor
The will of Alexander Clark, of Cherry
twp wis probated, no letters; also will of
Bernard Kemper. Sr., ot Batler and lettera
to Ph. Snyder.
Letters of administration were granted
to Wm. Kelly on estate of Cornelius Kelly
of Oakland twp.
A sensation was created in the Court
room Tuesday morning by several ot the
Grand Jurors stating thst they bad been
approached or talked to regarding a cer
tain oase. Prosecutions will probably
follow, v 1
Letters of administration were granted
to Nancy Craig ou estate of Tnomas Craig
of Oakland township; also to Annie Bickle
on estate of Ph Bickle, of Butler.
John P Baker has petitioned for divorce
from his wife AugaiUine Baker.
O- F. Klingensmith, the man arrested
on suspicion some time ago. OH beinir im
plicated in the murder of old man Kauss,
had a partial hearing before Esq. Ander
son, Monday evening, and nothing wss
provod against him. At the request of the
D:st. Att'y the hearing was continued
untill this evening
W. H, McCrea has sued the borough of
Milterstown, and claims SIO,OOO, damaees
for an accident that happened to himself
while driving along Mill St. in that town
last spring, the etreet, as alleged, having
been left in a dangerous condition.
The will of A P Jones of Mercer Co ,
was probated, no letters.
Clara E Bobbins has petitioned for a
divorce from E W Robbins.
Leibler heirs to B <fc P R R lot in Butler
twp for SI6OO
Sarah Vlackby to R A Franks lot in But
ler for S2BOO.
L C Wick to R A Franks lot in Butler
for S6OOO.
H G Koegler to John Doerr lot in Han
nahstown for SIOO.
S C Wilson to M J McCannon lot in
Mars for $1400:
M J Rodgers to F A Griffin 21 acres in
Donegal for SSOO.
J vv Starr to J P Whitesides 1 acre in
Middlesex for $l5O
/elienople Ex Co to C H Moeser lot in
Jackfton for $l9O.
M J Martin to F Hortoa 96 acres in Oak
land for S3OO.
W L Bartley to M W Mays lot in Butler
for SI7OO
A Wallace to E Householder lot it
Zelienople for $450.
—The largest stock of Dressed
Dolls in the city at TUE I'BOPLES
Another of those terrible burning acci
dents happened in this county, last Friday.
A little son of Alfred Grossman, ol Cherry
twp, went too near a grate fire. 11 is dress
i caught, and he was so badly burned that
he died in a few hours.
A little daughter of Caldwell Sanderson,
ol Mt. Chestnut, was so badly burned by
her clothes taking firu from a grate, last
Thursday, that she died a few hours after.
John Gruver was seriously injured at the
Cranmer mill at ilt Chestnut, las: Satur
day, by the bursting ot the large flj -whtel
of the engine. One of the flying pieces
struck him on the arm cutting it de«ply,
and he bled profusely, before the flow
could be stopped
While Mr and Mrs J B. Myers, of
Silver ville were returning from a visit
last Sunday evening, their horse became
frightened at the railroad crossing at
Sarvers Station, and their buggy was up
set and they were both thrown out. Mrs
Myer's left arm was broken, and Mr
Mver's was made unconscious by his head
striking a stone. They were taken home,
where they were attended by Dr. I)avij.
They will recover, but will te contiued to
their home for some time.
Abe White, waf struck and knocked
down by a rig on the Pittsburg bridge last
Saturday night, and »as rescued by Geo.
Roberts before being run over.
Jno. Bolint, who was shot at the Thorn
Creek pump station, Saturday, was taken
to the hospital Sunday. The bullet lodg
ed near his heart The man who shot him
is yet at large Bolint was fa'elly injured
and his deposition taken. He said he »as
assisting a man named ''Charley," to move
a cart, when they quarreled and he y>w
shot in the side.
While Daniel Double, of Mt. Chestnut
was killing pigs with a gun last Friday,
the gun was accidentiy discharged aod
the ball wounded his little son in the heel.
James Graham an old soldier, who
married Mis, Birch and lives there, put a
load of shot into one of James Bennet's
legs, last Saturday n'ght Benuet and
a young man named Lewis pounded on
Graham's door, and kept it up until
Graham shot at them. Benuet was takt n
to his home, where a large number of the
leaden bullets were picked out of bis leg.
Three young men of Mt. Cheatout had a
difficulty last Sunday evening and one ot
them named iloore came to Lutler next
day and made information against another
man Stevenson. Constable Brown went
out to arrest Stevenson, Friday; the young
man ran, and Brown accidentiy shot htui
in the shoulder,
M. KeenaD, a former hotel man oj Zuli
nople, Butler county, «as painlully hurt
near the mouth of Lornplanter run on
on Saturday evening. Mr. K»-enan recently
sold out his business at Zeiienople and was
driving through the country Irorn there to
visit his brothel at Pltasantville. The ani
mal he was driving is bliud and was attoch
ed to a two-wheeled cart Kear the Lake
Shore junction and after eroding the small
bridge on the wagon road, east of Ilel2 s
store, the animal missed the road and went
over the embankment. Mi Keenan was
thrown out and the t orsti rolled on his legs
which were paintully sprained, and he was
otherwise bruised and shaken. The patient
was taken to Pleasantviile. it will be some
time before he can get out again.- -Derrick.
Christmas Proclamation.
It is a very short time until
Christms*, have you thought of gifts
you will be obliged to make in order
to brighten somebody's Christmas
It will pay you to examine our
line of diamonds, watches, rich cut
glass, silverware, vases, novelties in
silver and gold, clocks, canes, opera
glasses, chains, charms, gold pens,
manicure Bets, silver hair brushes,
combs and mirrors also a fine lino of
rings and hundreds of oth»r things
suitable for presents. Articles pur
chased may be left for future de
livery. Call early and obtain first
and Graduate optician.
Next to Court House,
The New Life Option Policy
and Endowmant Bond,
Issued by the
The best Insurance in the World.
IT grants solid protection upon mu
tual plans at the lowest guaran
teed cost.
IT is immediately payable on proof
of death, or, also, if a Bond, at the
end of the specified term.
IT is incontestable after two years
from date of i-sue.
IT is automatically non-forfeitable,
after three years, for face amount.
IT guarantees jnast liberal, endorsed
cash, paid up and extended insur
ance values.
IT is collateral for loans with the
Company up to the limit secured
by the guaranteed cash value
IT participates in snrplus distribu
tions, as elected by the holder, and
alldws him all the usual methods
of sarplas adjustment known to
IT places no restrictions on residence
or travel.
IT is economical, incontestable, non
forfeitable and adjustable— a poli.
cj of guarantees.
For further inform atiori address,
Box IK4, Builer, Pa.
Pants thai Fit.
Made of goods that wear, and
keep their shape. We are turning
them out by the hundreds and the
values are BO tar ahead of anything
you ever saw, the goods themselves
BO perfect, so stylish, so thoroughly
up to date, that mncb as we may
promise you will find more when
you get there.
125 W. Jefferson St.—£ block west
of Berg's Bank.
Pauts—Over 2000 pairs to select
from, at prices, oh well, don't men
tion them, its awful, where <it
Do you want a hat or cap? HECK
has them aud can save you money
Horse aid Robes at MAR
Trunks, valises, bags and tele
scopes—at HKOKS.
Turkeys Wanted.
Five hundred of them at the Ful
ton Fish Market, 107, S. Main St.,
immediately,also game and chickens.
Fresn fish, fresh oysters and dressed
chickens always on hand. Highest
price paid for game and live poultry.
—The place to get your Xmae
Free. Free. Free.
Your name on a postal card will
bring a copy of The Butler Business
College Exponent.a bright eight page
monthly paper, issued by The Butler
Business College and School of Short
hand. Butler. Pa
Underwear—A specia'ty at HECK'S
his stock is largest aud finest ever
offered if i Bu*'e*
Say I'apa—did you see HECK'S
neckwear, it beats anything you ever
saw. «
Oh Mamma—you ought to see the
big piles of childrens suits at HECK'S
only $1.25, you can't the same in
town tor less than $2.50, I
Edna Sypher, da ightor ot David ?ypher.
of Mercer St. celebrated her 12th bir'hday
!a»t Thursday, by giving & paity t«« her
young acquaintances.
! Onr Mosey; a regnlar attendant at the
j Opera House; says that all the young and
i pretty ladies take off their hits, while the
! old and hoaiely one» keep theirs on.
Mr. John S. Jack announces himself a
| candidate for Tax Collector. John is
well known to oar people. He is a cripple
' and a worthy mau.
| Rob* Harbison, of Middlesex was ia
towr, Friday.
Mrs. Ifft, formerly of W. Pearl St. is
home on a visit. She now lives with her
son George in Pocatello, Idaho.
Jedediab Phelps and wife ol Austin Ind.
are preparing to celebrate t ie 7."na anan e -
sary of their wt dding day—a Diamond
Rev. I. X. Berger, of Greensburg Pa.,
will preach is the Bethany Reformed
church ou W. North St. next Sunday at 11
a. til. and 7 p. m.
The new Lutheran church at Anandale,
of wticn Rev. S Miller is pastor, was
dedicated, last Sundgy. Among those
who assisted in the exercises are Revs. J.
W. PoffinUergrr, of LeecQbnrg; Eli Muier,
of Butler, and S. A. Zimbeck, of Sharon,
W is,
A Sunday School convention of the
Allegheny Classis will be held in the Re
formed church tuis evening aud tomorrow.
An interesiiug program has been prepar
ed for tomorrow.
The producing agencies are paying #l.Ol
ADAMS— Lockwood & Cr. bought in
another good well ou the McKiuney, last
Saturday. It started off at 8 bblg au
WISPIKLD— The Haymaker weil on the
Keck is holding up at 100 bbls. a day.
Hi Idebrand's meat market,on their farm,
north of Butler, was burned last Friday
night. It was a complete affair and the
loss is about SI,OOO, which is partially
covered by insurauoe
P. O. Candidates.
Saxonburg—Phillip Burtner, Francis
A nderKon.
—Renfrew—J. D. Kirkpatrick.
Harmony—C. F. Hartung.
Pennsylvania Railroad to Ibsue Clerical
The Pennsylvania Raiiroad Company an
nounces that lor 1897 it will i*>ue clerical
orders to regularly ordained clergy men in
charge of cnurches located on or near its
lines east of Pittsburg and Erie. To secure
these orders clergy meu should make appli
cation to the nearest ticket agent as soon
as possible, as it is desirej'that all appli
cations reach the General Office by Decem
ber 15.
Christmas Candy.
We always made the Christmas
Candy hneineas a prominent fea'ure
of oar December business. We are
better equipped thia year than ever
before to supply the wants of San
day schools in the candy line. We
want all committees to call and see
our stock and get our prices before
placing their orders.
142, 144, S. Main St. butler. Pa.
For a Xmaspresent Table linen,'
napkins, fauGy towels and doyliee at
Low Prices in Musical Goods.
Some special prices at Grieb <fe
Lamb's dissolution sale now going
N«<v Pianop S2OO ana up
New Orjraap SSO and up
Guitars $4 and up
Mandolins $3 50 and up
Violina $1 50 and up
Autoharps $2 and np
Tnere are also some second baud
instruments—pianos at $35 tc SIOO.
Organs at S2O to S9O.
Harmonices and other musical in
struments at proportionately low
rates Strings of ail kinds constant
ly in stock.
—The Butler Lubricating Oil Co
has movod back to their old stand
1)9, W. Jefferson St Steelsmith &
Patterson's new building, where al
kinds of engine, machinery, and il
luminating oils of the finest quality
are kept in stock in the basement,
and will be delivered to any part of
the city when ordered from O. E.
Mclntire, agent.
ipp The only genuine Spring
11# II Water Ice in Butler is now
being delivered to bis customers Jaily
Leave your order, at Richey's
Fruit and Vegetable
On South Main Street, ne«t door to
Stein's bakery, where you can secure
Fresh Garden Stuff, every morning.
Greeu Lima Beans a specialty.
Fruits of all kinds.
Spring chickens dressed or alive.
Eggs aud butter. Oysters, Game
in Beason and celery, also cabbage
for kraat.
Leave your orders for Ketsup, Ac.
—Findley will open his branch
gallery at Mars, on Saturday of this
week, and it will be open all uexo
week, aud after tha". it will be op3n
on Saturday of each week only.
Music soho'ars waat'id. at US
W. Wayne St.
Sox and shirts, «ill wool and a yard
wids, cheaper than the oheapest—at
HECK'S, 121 N. Main St.
Vox Popuii—B«iy your clothing,
underwear, hosiery, hats, caps, sox
and neckwear of D. A. 'IECK., and
ave money.
—Thousands of dollars worth of
Horse Blankets and Robes at MAK
—Latest Btyies tii fine Holiday
Goods at CLIELAN D'B Jewelry store
125 S. Main St. Butler Pa
—A large assortment of toys at
(Our Christmas Present! 7
7 M >
/ A GET a girl. V
S D GET her consent, f
/ K GET a license, /
v GET married. X
C MARRY THEN"" 2 ' >
S Semi us your name and ad- f
C dress, and we ill sead you f
\ vv The CITIZEN one year free I
f as a Christmas present. This f
j offer is good only to those 1
V who reside in Butler county V
r who will get married between now /
j and January I, 1897. A postal card )
/ with your name and address will C
Sdo the work. Address it: X
SST V 1 &//' *
' ''
' The Fast Mailt' wtiioh ap,>.-ars at tho
Park Theatre next Friday evening, is sai<l
to be tho iuo,.t successful railroad and
scenic melodrama »a the road this season.
Mr. L. J. Carter, the author and manager
ha" contrived to weive into a consistent
story nearly all the good points of the
sensational draina. Tae climax of each
act is strong enough to sustain a whole
p ay. yet so well graded are the features
"f 'he piece that one view with increasing
interest througn the live act-. the murder
and the clever trick with the Grandfath
er's Clock in the first act; The Mississippi
riyor B'.eamer, its engine room showing a
practical furnace, and the explosion with
"complete change of scene behind a cur
tain of rising sin ke," behind which is
seen the wreck, as the curtain falls on the
second act: the "life-size" freight 'rain,
with its realistic engiue and sixteen box
cars with their familiar lettering, followed
at the close of the third act' by "The Fast
Mail;" the dago dive of the forth act, and
the thrilling incidents and hair-breadth
escapes which take p:aee there; and then
the lull front view of Niagara Falls, as
seen from the center of suspension biidge"
upon which the final curtain decends.
Cha-i E. Blaney's "A I'.agguge Cheok" is
to be the next attraction at the Paik
Theatre Tuesday Dec, 15.
•A Baggage Check" is not posessed of
any deep plot or any siffering heroines or
any of those bad villains so commonly
eeen on the stage to day. All the plot
presents is nothing aiore seiiojs than fur
nishing to the audience three hours of un
interrupted fun. An amusing novelty in
troduced is the dainty Chinese dance, pre
sented by eight pretty young ladies of the
company and $0 a sola to His Highness Li
Hang Chang, the High Viceroy ol the
Emperor of the Dragon. Everything in
this farce is constructed on purely farcical
lines, and is presented With ouch a vim
and dash that it does not lag for a mom
ent, Among the ohiaf ftia-makers in this
organization are Messrs. Gr*p>wiu it
Evans, Louis Martlnett, Chas. A Morgan,
Nettie Black, Auna Chance, The Sisters
Clayton and other well known artists.
A |fe||
:! : 1
\Ml'*' . N 1 i' HI ,j|
#i 1! \ r »•'
4/ c 1 \ 1 " (flu
| | M
There is always a mystenous charm in
the 11 agic of the Hindoo. They are
quaint people and their fakirs are clever
performers. Magician Kellar spent many
year* tjieni, studying tbejr art and
during hls'entertamments here will produce
many of their most bewildering tricks.
"The Shrine of Roomra Sami." The Prin
cess Larnak," The Queen of Roses," - 'Th«
Mystery of L'Hassa," and other phenom
pns will be given in this city. Under
the title 01 "Oriental Ocpgltispa/' llr
Kellar will gire numbers of descriptions
of the character performed by the mi st
advancod magicians of ludia and tho
The Pittsburg & Western road has made
a rate of one fare for the round trip for
Saturday December 19th for the matinee
of the Ladies Symphony Orchestra at the
Park Theatre, a.id this insures a big audi
ence at the afternoon performance. There
fare absolutely needs five or six hundred
tickets aold by the members of the First
Ward Hose Company who are managing
the affair, and they expect to sell at least
a thousand tickets for the concerts to be
given by the orchestra, afternoon and
evening. The orchestra commands a
large price ior their oppearance here, but
there will be no advance in the prices «;(
The business and professional m«n's
carnival, to be held in the Park Theatre
on Thursday and Friday evenings Pec. 17
and 18 for the benefit of the Uraoe Luthe
ran church of Butler Pa , will certainly
be one of the most interesting and moral
entertainments given for some time.
The entertainment embrace-* marching
and choruses by over one hundred little
Misses, dres»ed In white, and tlieir march
ing, sinjfina and sweet smiling faces, and
especially the beautiful prayer tableau,
will be an entrancing sight.
There will also be an exhibit of the
leading business men each represented bj
a young l»dy carrying a banner bearing
the name of the firm and business, and
having her dross decorated with the wares
in whinh they deal, and tfip pup having
the most unique mate up will receive a
prije of $2 50 in gold The matter to he
dt-pidpd by a vote of th<>»e occupying re
served eeato, over w0 business and profes
sional men have taken part and others
will Those who do not will miss a good
thing as it is the latest and most novel
and profitable ineadinro for advertising.
Secure your seats early as this entertain
meat ;e unc that filla th« UoErS wuereever
it is given, it has just recently been given
with grand success at Oil City Franklii
Clarion and Emlenton. Tickets on sale —
admission 25,-35,-50.
H w| H
flu I tlli
n m
The only leather tipped corset
in the market. Try them and
you will wear no other, for sale at
Eyes exam;.neu mee of cbakgf
1 L. KirKpatrick, Optician and Jewelei
Next to Court House Butler, Pa
Graduate La Port Harological Institute
One door below C. H. Johnson's hard
ware store in
J. W. STEWART, Propr.
—Agent for the celebrated Singer Sew
ing Machines
M. F. & M. MARKS,
113 to 11? South Main Strc ;t. Butler, Pa.
Lieut. James W. Wallace, cashier of K.
A W JeukiDSo i of Pittsburg, c >inmitted
suicide by shooting himself, at the Ar
mory building on Diamond St , last Thurs
Two women walked into Allegheny last
Thursday night, claiming tfce> had tramp
ed all the way from Spokane Falls, Wash
ington. They were Espby and her
daughter Clara. Mrs. Espby confesses to
37 years Her daughter is 19. They were
neatly dressed, considering their mode of
life, and their faces were browned by the
Women tramps are rather a norelty but
these two claim they are tramping for a
purse of SIO,OOO. They claim to have
started from Spokane on May 5, and walk
ed all the way. Their tramp ends on
Broadway, New York, and they expect to
get there before the close of this month
They claim to have the autograph# of
ihe Governors of all the States and of the
Ma-rots of ail the cities, they have passed
through. They say they were entertained
at the borne oi W. J. Bryan, at Lincoln
Neb., by the ex-candidate and his wite,
and by President elect McKinley and his
wife at Canton. They exhibit autographs
of both Bryan anil ik K'niey.
The women say their ayerpge gait id
38 miles pi r day. They have had many
lively experiences on their trip, but only
once were they maltreated by men. The
young woman carries an insect powder
gun, loaded with cayenne pepper. On one
< ccasion a man attacked her mother, and
the girl went at him with the cayenne pee
per, He fled in terror and pain.
LEGAL VDV ex rise vie: r s
Notice to Stockholders.
The annual of the Worth mu
tual Fire Ins. Co. to select officers for the
ensuing year will '. e held in the school
house at West Liberty, the second Satur
day of January, 1597, at 10 o'clock A. M
S. J. TAYLOR, Sec'y.
Final Account Notice.
Notice is hereby given that P. VT. Low
ry, Committee of Kerr H. Mcßride, a lu
natic, has tiled his final account in the of
fice of the Prothonotary of Butler county,
Pa., at Ms. D. No. 26, Dec. Term, 1801.
aud the same will be presented to (Joqrt
for confirmation ond allow&noc ou Satur
day, i)ec. 12, IfoHJ.
Prothonotary's Office, Nov. 9, IS9C
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Daniel Cress, dec'd. late of Connoqueness
ingtwp., Butler county, Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment
and any having claims against estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
W. D. BRANDON, Att'y. Prospect, Pa.
Executor s Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Henry Heck, deo'd, late of Winfield twp.,
Butler county, Pa., having been urauted
to the undersigned; all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please nake immediate payment, and any
having claims again*', said estate will pre
sent them duly authenticated for sett la
ment to
Danny, Butler Co., Pa.
We are giving gilt-edged
chances right and left this vveelc,
in all lines. In dress goods, for
instance, we have cut a whole line
of imported novelties, and a line
of high grade checks and cheviots j
and velours, which have always
cost $ 1.25 to $2.00 a yard, and
marked the whole lot at
fifty cents a yard.
This includes some of the best
lines we have sold,
Wh.it do you think of getting
David and John Anderson's
Scotch Ginghams, in rich dark
colors, for 1 a yard?
What do you think of getting
choice fancy silks, the do!lar-a
yard silks, for
60c a yard ?
The best of velvets, which we
have rightly called bargains at $2
and $3.50 a yard, are costing now
$1.25 a yard.
It is a big clearing out we are
If it's a jacket for the daughter
or for the wife, you can save your
car fare by coming up and buying
of us now. Stylish tailor-made
boucle jackets worth ten dollars,
cost $5.00.
Silk-lined misses' coats ol the
very swellest design which were
selling at $lO, sl2 and sls, cost
$6, $8 and $lO. If you can't
come up, ask for one to be sent
on trial.
Why are these so cheap? Be
cause we are getting room for the
greatest display of Holiday Goods
we ever carried. Our store is
worth visiting now, just to look
at, if you like to look at pretty
We do business by mail, very
well. Write us for a catalogue.
Penn Avenue and Fifth St..
I nsurance and Real Estate
m, a, kroner
Funeral Director
37.3. Sutler J'i. (
erhaps you don t know licnv
eady we are on
L" 1 everything relation to prescrip
it will not be amiss to
your attention to the
*- rompt service
T. , ,
o everything of the kind placed
our hands
prescription department
ever was so comete
ave you money too.
Diamond Block, Brtler, a
f*P 1
I 1!# \
for the winter gaieties. Why pay
sixty or seventy-five dollars, when
we can make you up perfect gar
ments with the best linings and
workmanship throughout for from
| $35 to $45? Make your selec
| tion now, so that we can have
time to give >Oll a careful job be
fore you need the clothes.
Perfect Styles and Fit are pre
eminently the necessities in a sat
isfactory full dress suit. Our
guarantee goes with every dress
suit we make. If the fit and
style are not exactly as they
should be, we cannot afiord to
have you wear the garments.
A Good. Diesser must have a
full dress suit for special evening
wear. We have the finest goods
and make absolutely correct gar
ments. Do not make the mis
take of having your evening dress
suit made by an incompetent or
careless tailor. A mistake of this
kind is expensive.
Cor Diamond. Sutler, Pa
The nicest line of
Wall Mouldings in
town are at
New Room. 201
S. Main St. New
line of Blank Book
Writing Paper just
201 S. Main St.
Physician ana Surgeon.
Eye, car, uosoand throat a specialty |
132 BDti 134 S. M»ir. Street. |
Ualston building.
C- F. L. McQuistlon.
Office near Court Hoist*Jjutler Pa.
DO Not Put up an
As to where you will buy your suit
or overcoat, but come to lis.
OUR GARMENTS, when seen,
present their own merits so strongly
that they need no persuasive lan
guage to induce you to buy, they
are the best for the money that can
be obtained.
\ ours for Clothing,
• * READ *
Single Breasted $5.00
Double Breasted $5.50
All Wool 20
Single Breasted Sack #7.50
Double Breasted and Frock SB.OO
Lined with black Italian $5.00
All wool Blue and Black Kirsey Overcoat 00
Schaul & Nast
Leading Clothiers, 137 S Main St-, Butler, Pai
Our closing out sale of men's, boys and childrens overcoats, suits
and pants is still going on as desire to close out every garment in
the house before April i, 1897. Our stock is yet full and complete,
Childrens suits from 75c up, childrens overcoats from 75c up. We
must say that our sales so far have exceeded our most sanguine ex
pectations being much in excess of last year.
We will still continue to carry the largest and best selected line of
furnishing gcods in Butler, such as underwear, gloves, mittens, shirts
in laundried and unlaundried, percales, madras, domestic and jerseys,
collars, cufts, ties in necks, bows and four-in-hands. Hats, caps,
overalls, jackets, sweaters, cardigan jackets, umbrellas, trunks, valises,
telescopes, satchels, cloth, hair and tooth brushes, purses, pocket
and bill books, papetries, watches, chains, charms, rings, pins, clocks,
silverware, spectacles and eye-glasses, toilet soaps, mackintoshes,
rubber coats, canvass coats, etc.
We Guarantee Quality and Prices.
When looking for Holiday goods give us a call, we know that we
can suit you.
121 N. Main St. , Butler, Pa.
12S n T PIPF 123
S. Main St. JJ t J[, XjLX 1-4 S. Main St.
The Leading Millinery House of Butler Co.
Autumn and Winter Millinery.
All the latest and most stylish Bonnets, Toques, English
Walking hats, Golfing hats. Sailor hats, Children's hats.
Baby hoods, Feathers, Flowers, Wings, Ribbon, etc., to be
found in the Kasteru Markets, can be now at our
1 store. Never was such a complete line of handsome and
stylish millinery brought to Butler Co., and at prices in
the reach ot all.
All are invited | | I IJ H Fancy gcods lot
to inspect our |J . X • X X. XjL ■ -/i the Holidays ar
stock. riving daily.
That's our motto—the basis 011 which wo are to sell"you your
K hoes —"goods for the money." Is that satisfactory?
Wo are well awaro that the only proper tent of any pur
chase is "valuo received."
We'll gladly meet you on that platform.
We're happy to have anybody put the value _test upon
our goods. . ,
Our Mon's Department is fully stocked; our styles and
quality are •right" in every way, and our prices are a good
deal lowo.-than WE like to have them—though that s to
YOTR advantage, of course.
Men's fine satin calf, dongola top shoes..... ......$1.15
Men'* solid leather top buckle shoes ••••••
Men's solid leather top sole lace shoes
Men's veal kip, two soles and tap boots, all solid 1-40
Men's four stay felt boots, heel and tan buckle overs.....*. 1-50
Men's heel and tap buckle overs for felt boots 100
Men'r Can dee overshoes 60
Sample Sale Now Going On.