THE OITIZEJST THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1896. New Advertisements. Kaufmann's, Pittsburg. Zimmerman's announcement. Heck's clothing. C. w shot in the side. While Daniel Double, of Mt. Chestnut was killing pigs with a gun last Friday, the gun was accidentiy discharged aod the ball wounded his little son in the heel. James Graham an old soldier, who married Mis, Birch and lives there, put a load of shot into one of James Bennet's legs, last Saturday n'ght Benuet and a young man named Lewis pounded on Graham's door, and kept it up until Graham shot at them. Benuet was takt n to his home, where a large number of the leaden bullets were picked out of bis leg. Three young men of Mt. Cheatout had a difficulty last Sunday evening and one ot them named iloore came to Lutler next day and made information against another man Stevenson. Constable Brown went out to arrest Stevenson, Friday; the young man ran, and Brown accidentiy shot htui in the shoulder, M. KeenaD, a former hotel man oj Zuli nople, Butler county, «as painlully hurt near the mouth of Lornplanter run on on Saturday evening. Mr. K»-enan recently sold out his business at Zeiienople and was driving through the country Irorn there to visit his brothel at Pltasantville. The ani mal he was driving is bliud and was attoch ed to a two-wheeled cart Kear the Lake Shore junction and after eroding the small bridge on the wagon road, east of Ilel2 s store, the animal missed the road and went over the embankment. Mi Keenan was thrown out and the t orsti rolled on his legs which were paintully sprained, and he was otherwise bruised and shaken. The patient was taken to Pleasantviile. it will be some time before he can get out again.- -Derrick. Christmas Proclamation. It is a very short time until Christms*, have you thought of gifts you will be obliged to make in order to brighten somebody's Christmas It will pay you to examine our line of diamonds, watches, rich cut glass, silverware, vases, novelties in silver and gold, clocks, canes, opera glasses, chains, charms, gold pens, manicure Bets, silver hair brushes, combs and mirrors also a fine lino of rings and hundreds of oth»r things suitable for presents. Articles pur chased may be left for future de livery. Call early and obtain first choice. R. D, KIBKPATBICK. Jeweler and Graduate optician. Next to Court House, The New Life Option Policy and Endowmant Bond, Issued by the NATIONAL LIKI OK VERMONT —is— The best Insurance in the World. BECAUSE IT grants solid protection upon mu tual plans at the lowest guaran teed cost. IT is immediately payable on proof of death, or, also, if a Bond, at the end of the specified term. IT is incontestable after two years from date of i-sue. IT is automatically non-forfeitable, after three years, for face amount. IT guarantees jnast liberal, endorsed cash, paid up and extended insur ance values. IT is collateral for loans with the Company up to the limit secured by the guaranteed cash value IT participates in snrplus distribu tions, as elected by the holder, and alldws him all the usual methods of sarplas adjustment known to insurance. IT places no restrictions on residence or travel. IT is economical, incontestable, non forfeitable and adjustable— a poli. cj of guarantees. For further inform atiori address, IRWIN & ARM-TRONO, Box IK4, Builer, Pa. Pants thai Fit. Made of goods that wear, and keep their shape. We are turning them out by the hundreds and the values are BO tar ahead of anything you ever saw, the goods themselves BO perfect, so stylish, so thoroughly up to date, that mncb as we may promise you will find more when you get there. BUTLER PANTS CO. / 125 W. Jefferson St.—£ block west of Berg's Bank. Pauts—Over 2000 pairs to select from, at prices, oh well, don't men tion them, its awful, where ue clerical orders to regularly ordained clergy men in charge of cnurches located on or near its lines east of Pittsburg and Erie. To secure these orders clergy meu should make appli cation to the nearest ticket agent as soon as possible, as it is desirej'that all appli cations reach the General Office by Decem ber 15. Christmas Candy. We always made the Christmas Candy hneineas a prominent fea'ure of oar December business. We are better equipped thia year than ever before to supply the wants of San day schools in the candy line. We want all committees to call and see our stock and get our prices before placing their orders. J. A. RICHET, 142, 144, S. Main St. butler. Pa. For a Xmaspresent Table linen,' napkins, fauGy towels and doyliee at THE PEOFLIS S?OB&. Low Prices in Musical Goods. Some special prices at Grieb / A GET a girl. V S D GET her consent, f / K GET a license, / v GET married. X C MARRY THEN"" 2 ' > S Semi us your name and ad- f C dress, and we ill sead you f \ vv The CITIZEN one year free I f as a Christmas present. This f j offer is good only to those 1 V who reside in Butler county V r who will get married between now / j and January I, 1897. A postal card ) / with your name and address will C Sdo the work. Address it: X 3 THE BUTLER CITIZEN, Butler, PJ. V PARK THEATRE. £ml SST V 1 &//' * ' '' FRIDAY DEC., 11, THE FAST MAIL. ' The Fast Mailt' wtiioh ap,>.-ars at tho Park Theatre next Friday evening, is saiwiu it Evans, Louis Martlnett, Chas. A Morgan, Nettie Black, Auna Chance, The Sisters Clayton and other well known artists. WEDSBHDAY DEC.. 11. KELLAR A |fe|| I :! : 1 \Ml'*' . N 1 i' HI ,j| #i 1! \ r »•' 4/ c 1 \ 1 " (flu | | M There is always a mystenous charm in the 11 agic of the Hindoo. They are quaint people and their fakirs are clever performers. Magician Kellar spent many year* tjieni, studying tbejr art and during hls'entertamments here will produce many of their most bewildering tricks. "The Shrine of Roomra Sami." The Prin cess Larnak," The Queen of Roses," - 'Th« Mystery of L'Hassa," and other phenom pns will be given in this city. Under the title 01 "Oriental Ocpgltispa/' llr Kellar will gire numbers of descriptions of the character performed by the mi st advancod magicians of ludia and tho Orient. 810 SALE OF TICKETS THe SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA WILL HAVE fcARuK VJDIEKfiES. The Pittsburg & Western road has made a rate of one fare for the round trip for Saturday December 19th for the matinee of the Ladies Symphony Orchestra at the Park Theatre, this insures a big audi ence at the afternoon performance. There fare absolutely needs five or six hundred tickets aold by the members of the First Ward Hose Company who are managing the affair, and they expect to sell at least a thousand tickets for the concerts to be given by the orchestra, afternoon and evening. The orchestra commands a large price ior their oppearance here, but there will be no advance in the prices «;( admission. The business and professional m«n's carnival, to be held in the Park Theatre on Thursday and Friday evenings Pec. 17 and 18 for the benefit of the Uraoe Luthe ran church of Butler Pa , will certainly be one of the most interesting and moral entertainments given for some time. The entertainment embrace-* marching and choruses by over one hundred little Misses, dres»ed In white, and tlieir march ing, sinjfina and sweet smiling faces, and especially the beautiful prayer tableau, will be an entrancing sight. There will also be an exhibit of the leading business men each represented bj a young l»dy carrying a banner bearing the name of the firm and business, and having her dross decorated with the wares in whinh they deal, and tfip pup having the most unique mate up will receive a prije of $2 50 in gold The matter to he dt-pidpd by a vote of th<>»e occupying re served eeato, over w0 business and profes sional men have taken part and others will Those who do not will miss a good thing as it is the latest and most novel and profitable ineadinro for advertising. Secure your seats early as this entertain meat ;e unc that filla th« UoErS wuereever it is given, it has just recently been given with grand success at Oil City Franklii Clarion and Emlenton. Tickets on sale — admission 25,-35,-50. mSW H w| H iillk flu I tlli n m STYLE 134 The only leather tipped corset in the market. Try them and you will wear no other, for sale at the PEOPLE'S STORE. Eyes exam;.neu mee of cbakgf 1 L. KirKpatrick, Optician and Jewelei Next to Court House Butler, Pa Graduate La Port Harological Institute RESTAURANT. One door below C. H. Johnson's hard ware store in MILLKRSTOWN. J. W. STEWART, Propr. —Agent for the celebrated Singer Sew ing Machines SWEEPING REDUCTION IN MILLINERY GOODS, TO MAKE ROOM FOR HOLIDAY GOODS. M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 to 11? South Main Strc ;t. Butler, Pa. NEIGHBORHOOxJ NOTES. Lieut. James W. Wallace, cashier of K. A W JeukiDSo i of Pittsburg, c >inmitted suicide by shooting himself, at the Ar mory building on Diamond St , last Thurs day. Two women walked into Allegheny last Thursday night, claiming tfce> had tramp ed all the way from Spokane Falls, Wash ington. They were Espby and her daughter Clara. Mrs. Espby confesses to 37 years Her daughter is 19. They were neatly dressed, considering their mode of life, and their faces were browned by the weather. Women tramps are rather a norelty but these two claim they are tramping for a purse of SIO,OOO. They claim to have started from Spokane on May 5, and walk ed all the way. Their tramp ends on Broadway, New York, and they expect to get there before the close of this month They claim to have the autograph# of ihe Governors of all the States and of the Ma-rots of ail the cities, they have passed through. They say they were entertained at the borne oi W. J. Bryan, at Lincoln Neb., by the ex-candidate and his wite, and by President elect McKinley and his wife at Canton. They exhibit autographs of both Bryan anil ik K'niey. The women say their ayerpge gait id 38 miles pi r day. They have had many lively experiences on their trip, but only once were they maltreated by men. The young woman carries an insect powder gun, loaded with cayenne pepper. On one < ccasion a man attacked her mother, and the girl went at him with the cayenne pee per, He fled in terror and pain. LEGAL VDV ex rise vie: r s Notice to Stockholders. The annual of the Worth mu tual Fire Ins. Co. to select officers for the ensuing year will '. e held in the school house at West Liberty, the second Satur day of January, 1597, at 10 o'clock A. M JAMSS HUMPHREY, Pres. S. J. TAYLOR, Sec'y. Final Account Notice. Notice is hereby given that P. VT. Low ry, Committee of Kerr H. Mcßride, a lu natic, has tiled his final account in the of fice of the Prothonotary of Butler county, Pa., at Ms. D. No. 26, Dec. Term, 1801. aud the same will be presented to (Joqrt for confirmation ond allow&noc ou Satur day, i)ec. 12, IfoHJ. SAiILEL M. SEATON, Proth'y. Prothonotary's Office, Nov. 9, IS9C Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of Daniel Cress, dec'd. late of Connoqueness ingtwp., Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment and any having claims against estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to ALEX STEWART, Ex'r. W. D. BRANDON, Att'y. Prospect, Pa. Executor s Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of Henry Heck, deo'd, late of Winfield twp., Butler county, Pa., having been urauted to the undersigned; all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please nake immediate payment, and any having claims again*', said estate will pre sent them duly authenticated for sett la ment to JOHX HECK. Ex'r, Danny, Butler Co., Pa. UCJUNKIN & GALBBEATU. Atty's. JOS. HORNE & CO. MERE'S A CHANCE! We are giving gilt-edged chances right and left this vveelc, in all lines. In dress goods, for instance, we have cut a whole line of imported novelties, and a line of high grade checks and cheviots j and velours, which have always cost $ 1.25 to $2.00 a yard, and marked the whole lot at fifty cents a yard. This includes some of the best lines we have sold, do you think of getting David and John Anderson's Scotch Ginghams, in rich dark colors, for 1 a yard? What do you think of getting choice fancy silks, the do!lar-a yard silks, for 60c a yard ? VELVETS, TOO The best of velvets, which we have rightly called bargains at $2 and $3.50 a yard, are costing now $1.25 a yard. It is a big clearing out we are having. If it's a jacket for the daughter or for the wife, you can save your car fare by coming up and buying of us now. Stylish tailor-made boucle jackets worth ten dollars, cost $5.00. Silk-lined misses' coats ol the very swellest design which were selling at $lO, sl2 and sls, cost $6, $8 and $lO. If you can't come up, ask for one to be sent on trial. Why are these so cheap? Be cause we are getting room for the greatest display of Holiday Goods we ever carried. Our store is worth visiting now, just to look at, if you like to look at pretty things. We do business by mail, very well. Write us for a catalogue. Penn Avenue and Fifth St.. PITTS BURG. L. S. McJUNKIN I nsurance and Real Estate Agent, 17 EAST JEPFEBSON BT m, a, kroner Funeral Director 37.3. Sutler J'i. ( P erhaps you don t know licnv D eady we are on L" 1 everything relation to prescrip tions s it will not be amiss to 0 your attention to the Reliable ■intelligence P *- rompt service T. , , o everything of the kind placed our hands prescription department V ever was so comete ave you money too. G. TA. BOYD. Diamond Block, Brtler, a YOU WANT A NEW DRESS Suit f*P 1 I 1!# \ for the winter gaieties. Why pay sixty or seventy-five dollars, when we can make you up perfect gar ments with the best linings and workmanship throughout for from | $35 to $45? Make your selec | tion now, so that we can have time to give >Oll a careful job be fore you need the clothes. Perfect Styles and Fit are pre eminently the necessities in a sat isfactory full dress suit. Our guarantee goes with every dress suit we make. If the fit and style are not exactly as they should be, we cannot afiord to have you wear the garments. A Good. Diesser must have a full dress suit for special evening wear. We have the finest goods and make absolutely correct gar ments. Do not make the mis take of having your evening dress suit made by an incompetent or careless tailor. A mistake of this kind is expensive. WEDDING SUITS A SPECIALTY. BPEBM Cor Diamond. Sutler, Pa WALL MOULDINGS The nicest line of Wall Mouldings in town are at Heineman's New Room. 201 S. Main St. New line of Blank Book Writing Paper just received. 201 S. Main St. DR. CHAS. R B. HUNT, Physician ana Surgeon. Eye, car, uosoand throat a specialty | 132 BDti 134 S. M»ir. Street. | Ualston building. C- F. L. McQuistlon. CIVIL KSHISKKB A«