THE CITIZEN gr —— THURSDAY, MAY 21. 1»6. Now Advertisements. Heck's Great Closing Out Sale. C. A- T'a Carpet Sale- J us Horne'e Ury Goods. The Peoples Store's trimmed hats. Excursion. Opera House. *for«—All advertisers intending to make (stage* in their ad*. should notify ub of th tir intention to do so, not later thin Monday morning. Administrators and Executors of estate* czu secure their receipt books at the Cat x«* oDce I.IM'AL ANN GENERAL. —Sbore Acres, Friday, May 22. —Deer Creek or Ball Creek-which is it T Don't miss Shore Acres, the last show ol the season at Park Theatre, I riJay —The cool weather this week probably comes from the western storms. —An enemy of the cut-worm has made its appearance in Ohio—a sort of beetle which liven on them. —E. G. and J. P. Elliott and W. L Allen have erected a building at Evans City and pnrchas«d machinery for machine-shop —New railroad schedules, this week— and excursions. You can now go almost anywhere for next to nothing. —Lew Wick has remodeled the old dry ing "linse of the Pullerton mill, and will nee it for a planing mill. —T:.e compulsory school law requires the %ucadanoe at school of children be tween the ages of b and 13 yearß. Ai.d now we have surely escaped the front, and will have oome fruit this year. The frosts of last year came during the second week of May. —Our grocers are paying 12i to 15 for butter, 8 for eggs, 15 to 20 lor potatoes, 25 to 30 a do*, for rhubarb, 20 a doz. for onions, 30 for radishes, 50 a basket tor npiuich and 12 a pound for lettuce. —An ioe cream supper will be (riven on the lawn of tho Presbyterian Cbuich at Cnionville. on Thursday evening, May 28, 1896, by tbe voung people of the church and Y. P. 8. C. E. All are invited. —The last attraction of the season will appear at the Opera House, tomorrow eve ning, Friday. It will be beautiful comedy drama entitled "Shore Acres"—a "very fine thing." —E. 8. McCullough of Chicorawill stand hi* well bred Siallion,Sandy Wilkes 2:291, by Crawford 2:07}, at tbe Butler Fair Grounds May 22, 23 and 29 and June 12, 13, 19 and 20 and the rest of the season at farm 2 miles east of Chioora. —The Jr. O. U. A. M. Council of But teroup will have an open meeting on Thurs dav night, May 28 Rev. M. D. Licbliter State Vice Conncilor ol tbe order will be present to address the meeting. All are invited. —The Odd Fellows of this State held a Orand Encampment in Pittsburg this week. The sessions were held in the Alviu thea tre. At the session of Monday, David E. Dale of Butler, was appointed District Grand Patriarch for this county. —Some slight changes have been made ID the P. K. K. time table. The nooa train now leaves Butler five minute;: ear lier, or at 11:20 a. m.. and the evening train one minute earlier—s:os. The early morning train from Allegheny to Butler now leaves tbe city at 7, the afternoon train at 3, and the evening train at 5:30. —The eighth Sootcb-Irish Congress will meet iu Uarrisburg on June 4th, sth and 6tb, next Tbe Scotch-Irish Society was organized in 1889. tbe objects oi the society are exfusively historical aDd social, and all people of Scotch-Irish descent are invited to become members. Persons desiring to become members can address A. C. Floyd, Chattanooga, Term. —We, this week, publish an per contrac. with Mr. J.J Palmer, a directory or par tial directory of tbe business establishments of the county. Our contract with Mr. Paluier requires us to publish tbe cards in bat one issue and print them on card board and blotter*, bat we will to continue the cards for 3, 0 or 12 months at a reasonable rate, and people wishing us to do so will please communicate with us. —According to tho theory of an old fish erman who lives at Petrolia, there will be high water all summer. The basis of this idea is tbe fact that the fish in tbe small streams are spawning in shallow water this spring. This authority of fish says that when sun fub, suckers, and chubs spawn is deep water as they did last year, tbe season will be dry and there will be but lit tle rain fall, but when tbey spawn in shal low water there will be plenty of rain and corresponding bigh water.— Ex. —Tbe first aud seoond chapters of our new story, "My Strange Patient," whleh appeared in last week's paper, gave an ac count of the young physician's almost ac cidental trip from a New England town around Cape Horn to Valparaiso; of his •bip coming upon a wreck and picking up a wounded Brazilian who was landed at Valparaiso; ol an aocident on the way home which necessitated stopping at Rio where tbe young doctor again met the Brazilian, became very friendly with him and made A strange arrangement with him regarding tbe signature to any letters passing between tnem, as that country was on tbe verge of a political revolution, and of bis sailing for America via England. With this synopsis yoa can begin the story this week, and you will find it an in teresting one. —Already there are 53 horses in training at the track here which givos employment to at least twenty-five men. Fred Jaini aon has the track leased and has 10 horses, bis pride is Mary Russell 2:16±; H. A. Moorbead has 13 including Hustler Rus sell 2:125; Milt Maya is developing his own this year aid has four head including Darkligbt 2:21}; W. H. Weigle has 12, bis lowest marked one Is Bell T 2:27}; Ramsey Byers has four, all promising, Chas Jami son is training two for Benj. Masseth; Christ Steigbner has lix including Flora Bel 2:29} and Florida Chimbs, 2-year-old mark 2:41, and W. H. Sampson is driving two for W. H. H. A K. 8. Riddle. John Shanor is training 8 head on the bioycle track. Harry Jenkins, an experi horse shoer, has located at the track with a blacksmith shop. —EOBT-Vr». J. 0. Kelly of Prospect on Tuesday last, lost a small pocket book or purse between Bickel's livery stable of this place and Prospect. It contained a roll of bills around which was wrapped a blank deposit oheck of the Butler County National Bank. The finder or person who returns it to me will be liberally rewarded Jt can be left at the CITI/.KH office for me. Mas. J. C. EKLLY, Prospect, Pa. —Closing oat Trimmed Hats re gardless of cost. Call in while the ■tock is complete as they will not last long at the prices we have marked them at the millinery depart ment of The Peoples Store. Flower and Vegetable Plants For Sale, We have all kinds of flower and vegetable plants for sale at the Green boose west of the Coart House, and also at the Boos and Keiber groceries, aud at Roessing's under taking ollice. Orders by Telephone No. 2 will receive prompt attention—Plants delivered. 11. F. WALUENMYER Pants—Over 2000 pairs to select from, at prices, oh well, don't men tioc them, its awful, where at HICK'S. Trunks, yalises, baga and tele copes—at HECKS. Oh Mamma—you ought to see the big piles of children* suits at HECK'S only SL26, you can't get the aame'in town for less than )2.50, I)o you wbnt a hat or cap? HECK has them and can save yon money. Say Papa—did you Bee HECK'S neckwear, it beats anything you ever •aw. LEGAL NEWS. NOTES. The will of Peter R. Mangold of Butler wa- probated and letter-' to Annie M Man gold; also will of Eliza Pfeifer of Jackson twp, and letters to Lewis Goehring. I,ett»rs of administration were granted to Marg A. List on estate of Geo Llet of Adams twp. Vext Monday will be the last day for filing application for license to sell liquor Samuel S Cheseman has filed his official oath as Superintendant of the County Schools. M E Headland, M D., A M Cornelius and L P Walker have been appointed a commission to inquire;into the lunancy of Camper Uhlman, on petition of the Over rent of the Poor of Connoquenessing twp. New roller shelving for the books in the Prothonotary 's office has arrived. Five applications for hotel license have been filed. At an exciting meeting of the Ear of Beaver county held in Ex-Judge Hices office last Saturday afternoon, the follow ing resolutions were adopted by a vote of 26 to 17. "Whereas, Charges of prejury, bribery and corruption at primary and general elections, involving the court of Beaver county and officers thereon; also general rumors are in active and general circula tion wherein and whereby it is charged that county officials and others are engag ed in attempts to present criminal prose cutions by the payment of money and the granting of special privilege* to individuals and charges of other corrupt practices af fecting and administration of justice and involving the rights of citizens, and " Whereas, These rumors reflecting upon the integrity of the court, and its officers as well, destroy the confidence of citizen in their local judicial tribunal; it is "Resolved, That a committee, consist ing of three members ol the Beaver bar, be appointed by Ihe chairmen of the meet ing, whose duty it shall Le to diligently inquire into and investigate a< to the trutn or falsity ol said charges. and if found t» be falseto make their report accordingly. But in case it appear* to said committee that there is probable cau-e, then said committee iq instructed to procure suffi cient counsel and institute legal proceed ings before the proper tribunal." PROPERTY TRANSFERS Franklin Miller to Wm T Jamison lot in Butler lor S4OO. H H Boyd to Annie B Nail lot in Bus ier for $350. J F Armstrong to J T Armstong 35 acres in Mercer for S9OO. Simon P Kaylor to Josoph McElroy 50 acres in Fairview for $223. Albert Adderholt to G L Cabot lots in Winfield for $175. Samuel Craig to Adam Heydrick 72 acres in Centre for SIOOO. J M Bowser to Curtis Phillips 3 aeres in Adams for $475. A F Werner to Geo R Behm 78 acres in Adams for $3,139. W B McGeary to E S Cousins lot in but ler for $250. Geo H Gephart to q G Shannon 3 acres in Connoquenessing for $l2O. Marriage Licenses Oliver Dillmore ........... Middlesex twp Sarah A. Young Alleghent Co W. A. LaPoint Sharpsburg.Pa Nellie B. Grant Mars Geo F Plister North Dakota Catherine A Knittte Butler J L Winters ...................... Butler Elma Slater " W H Suair Bruin Lena Gerner " Henry Rudert ...Jefferson twp Emma Hack in an Roy Eflenberger Fairview twp Minnie Irnan ......... ....Concord twp At Pittsburg—W. J. Elmer and Cora Shearer of Butler. At Kittanning—Robert C. Bovard of Butler couoty and Lola D. Iseman of Free port. At Pittsburg, Tuesday-Oran Fisher and Pearl Eckin ot Butler county, also Evert Hays of Butler Co and Elizabeth Keenan of Pittsburg. At New Castle, W H Thompson and Maud Spencer of Butler connty. Base Ball. The season in Butler was opened last Saturday with a parade and a first-class game—some of the innings of which were up to the urofessional standard. Hcdg kinson and Johnston make a splendid "battery," and they were well supported by the other members of tbe Butler club. The Freeport team, also, U a good one,and did some very pretty playing, Their in lielding was splendid and that one-handed catch by their left fielder could not be beat. The score was 13 to 3in favor of Butler. The game was attended by about 500 people—and with so good a club the Base Ball Park here will be a very attractive place this summer. The game ol next Saturday alternoon, between the Grove City and Butler clubs will begin at 2,30 a. m. Fires. The residence of Jacob Berringer in Forward twp., about a mile north of Evans City, was destroyed by fire, last Sunday afternoon. The family discovered tbat the houre wan burning while they were at dinner, but the whole attic was then burn ing, and aH it wan cloned they could not get to the fire. They saved the furniture of two of the first floor bedrooms, and that was all. PARK THEATRE. SUOBE ACRES, MAY, 22. James A. Heme's beautiful comedy drama, "Shore Acres," will be given a costly scenic production at the Park Theatre, Friday, May 22. Thin interesting play, which made such a pronounced bit here lost season, has been compared by Hamlin Garland, author of "Main Traveled Koads," to a poem by Wliitcomb Kiley. Nike Kiley's poem, "Shore Acres" expresses by indirection, as common folks do in life. It expresses sorrow, not by direction, but by tho chok-' ing voice and by "the trirnble in the chin,' and its humor is spontaneous and native to the groups from which it proceeds in utterance. Laughing abounds and some thing sweet and solemn runs through the whole story. It has repose in its action. The actors come and go carelessly or bu*ily, like living figures. There is no "center of the stage, no declamations, no asides, no soliloquies, almost nothing to make against verity. It has no villian, no no wroneed woman, no hero, no liighfalu tin speech in its entire length; nobody is killed, nobody falls down cellar with a piano; and yet the play has achieved a re markable success. This is the fifth season for the play and Mr. Heme feels confident tbat it will continue to please for many y »ars to come. The company engaged to appear in "Shore Acres" is the same, with one exception, as that seen here last sea son. Archie Boyd h*H been engaged to p)ay Uncle Nat. National Prohibition Convention. Single fare for the round trip to Pitts burg via Pennsylvania Krilroad. For the National Prohibition Conven tion, to be held at Pittsburg, Pa., May 27, 28, and 29, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell from May 24 to 20, in clusive, excursion tickets from all points on itH system to Pittsburg or Allegheny City and return, at a single fare for the round trip (no less ra'e than 25 cents). These tickets will be good for return passage until May 30, inclusive. Half Rate Excursion to Pittsburg. Account National Convention Prohibi tion Party. On May 24th, 2oth and 20th, agents P. A W. By. will sell excursion tickets to Pittsburg, at the usual fare one way; good for return until May 30th inclusive. Ip P The only genuino Spring |(j £ Wator I<-o in Butler in now being delivered to his customers daily by J. A. RIOHEY. Leave your order at llicbey'a Bakery. Box and shirta, all wool and a yard wids, cheaper than the oheapeat—at HKCK'B, 121 N. Main St. —BoardingHouae Cards, with Ac*, of A BBombly, 25 cent# for half-a-doien, .or aale at CITIZEN office, MUSlC—Scholars wanted at 128 W Wayne St. Also nicely furnished room to rent. Underwear—a specialty at HECK'S hia Htock in largest! and'finest ever offered in Uut)e> PERSONAL. Rev. Samuel Kerr and wife ot Harris 1 ville. left Butler lor New- York, yesterday ! and will sail Saturday oa the "Auchoria I for Ireland, on a visit to hi? brother John who lives in Rameiton, in county Donegal Prushia Double and his brother Josepti of Donegal twp. were in town, Saturday. James Blake and wife of Franklin tnwr ship visited friends in town last week. John H. Mc-Deavitt and w.;e of Wor - .; township were is town. Tuesday. S. P. Baker, manager of the Unionviile Creamery was in town on business. Mm day. Hon. D. B. Douthett will be the orat< i of the day at Beulah cemetery near Wil kinsburg. A. J. Riggle and wife intend moving :< Coyleiville, next Tuesday. W'n Heginbotham of Jefferson twp, wa in town yesterday. Robert Mechling, who is firing on the P. R. R. is visiting his parents, this week Milliard Engle of Lancaster county,spent Sunday with John Hilde'»rand and family. Geo. Bauer of But'.er twp. has been granted a pension. E. I. Brugh, E. A. McPher-on and D. E. Dale attended the Odd Fellows conventlr n in Pi'tsburg, this week. Prof. Mackoy has notified the School Board of B&tler that he could not accept his re-election as Principal ol the school here for the reason that he has accepted the Principalship of the .-cK">ois of the city of Reading; to whijli he was elected on the sth inst at a salary of s2,.>'o a year. Prof. Mackey has been Principal here for fifteen years, and he has brought our schools to a., high a standard as are those of any town in the State. His departure will fie generally regretted. OIL NOTES. Drilling a well now costs but 70 cents a foot. Levi Wise and P. E. Morse sold a 30 acre lease on the Voeghtley iately to the Forest for $24,000. Levi owned seven-eighths and Morse one eighth. Wise yet has 30 acres adjoining, and is drilling on it. Some of the operators about Callery are complaining of others using gas-pumps. These pumps increase the production of any well they are used on at the expense of the surrounding wells, and where one operator uses them the others must also do so in Keif protection. Buttercup—Eisler & Co's well on the Thomas, started off at 150 bbls., and set tled to 30. Wexhobd—The Forest Co's No 1 on the L. Fogal is showing for 75 bbls. from the 100-foot. EVASS CITY —Bolard A Dale's No 2, on the Waldron came in last Saturday and is showing for a good well. Their No 1 is doing 70 bbls. Millerstowk —The Westerman well on the Wm. George farm, east of town was shot yesterday. Railroad Talk. A determined effort, says the Pittsburg Times, is being made to have the projected Butler and PittHburg railroad take the Bull creek route by prominent people of Taro-v tum and Ticinity, headed by Col. R. A Travis and T. P. Fleeson. A short discus sion was had with Chairman J. 11. Reed on the matter early last week, and Saturday a long conference, attended by a largo number of boomers, was held in Chairman's Reed's office. Tne boomer* presented a number of reasons which in their minds make the route the most advantageous one, and the matter was entered into with great detail. The delegation was as>ured that the route would be carefully examined before anything definite as to the fixing id the final route would be done. Within a few days Chief Engineer F. E. House will take the field with a corps of assistants and thoroughly examine tbe Pull creek route. The Bull creek route will bring the road out on tbe Allegheny river at Tareutum, and is parallel with the Deer creek and Thome creek routes, alrcidy partially sur veyed. Tho Tarentum people claimed that the road could be built cheaper and oper ated at less expense here than over any of the routes so far considered. They claim tho grades to be overcome are much l>-ss steep, and made this point an especially strong one in their argument, as the ques tion of grades has been tho main stumbling block in tbe way ot all the other routes. The Bull creek route will bring the road out on the Allegheny further east than the other routes, and it is claimed will re sult in a much larger freight tonnage than could be secured by taking either the Deer creek or the Thorne creek routes. Engineer Hou:<.e had gone over the Deer creek and Thorne creek routes end was ready to make his report to tae directors, but the appearance of the Tarentum dele gation has delayeJ this. Owing to this fact, the submission of plans to the con tractors, intended to be done today, will be delayed. —Phillip Killien of S. Washington St, will sell Jersey cow, (six-year-old), a two year-old heifer, and a one-year old heifer, at S4O, $25 and $lB. They are pure stock and are cheap at these figures _lle also has vegetable plants for sale. Half Rate Excursion to Pittsburg. On May 24th, 25th and 20th, Agents P. & W. Hy. will sell excursion ticket* to Pittsburg, at the usual fare one way; good for return unti! May 30th inclusive. P. S. & L. E. Excursions. The P. S. <t L. E. R. R. will make a rate of one fare for the round trip on ac count of The Prohibition Convention, to Allegheny and return, tickets good troing May 2th, 25th aud 20th, limited for re turn up to and including May 30th. "The P. S. it L. E. It. R. will make itH customary excursion rate of one fare for the round trip, tickets good going May 29th and 30th and for return up to end in cluding June Ist, account of Becoration day." - Memorial Day Excursions. Tho I'. 8. A L. E. R. R will sell round trip tickets to all points on their line, May 29 and 30th. good returning June Ist at one tare for the rigind trip. G. A. R. Department of Pennsylvania. For the annual encampment (j. A. R. Department of Pennsylvania, to be held at Cbambersburg. Pa , June 1 to 0, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell from May 30 to June 0, inclusive, excur sion tickets from all Htations on its system in Pennslyvania to Cbambersburg and re turn, good for return passage until June H, at a single fare for round trip. Excursion tickets, good to return by the way of Gettysburg, will also bo sold on same days at one and one-half cents per mile, dis tance traveled. Miss anything but FiniMey's Cry stal Photos. Cryatal typea are tak ing the lead, maJe only at Findley's I'. O- Building, Branch studio Mara, at Mara every Tuesday. —Job work of all kinds done at the CITIZEN O?JHOE —Refrigerator for aale. A first claaa refrigerator, with plate glass top. Inquire at this ollice. —Tho Butler Lubricating Oil Co baa moved back to their old atand 1)9, W. Jefforaon St. Steclamith & Patterson's new building, where all kinda of engine, machinery, and il luminating oils of the fineßt quality are kept in atock in the baaeinent, and will be delivered to any part of the city when ordered from C. K. .Mclntire, agent. Vox Populf— b«v your clothing, underwear, hosiery, hata, capa, aox and neckwear of l>. A. IIECK, and nave money. Hotel Butler J. 11. FAUBEL., I'rop'r. This house lias been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electrtc bells and al other modern conveniences foi guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, I'a. Elegant sample room for use of 1 commercial men, Accidents. A son of Samuel Regis of K. Jitrerso; street fell on the street Sunday alternooi and broke an arm. .S-tmmuel Kerr of Boyers, hid a leg aui putaleil at tl.e Cottage* Hospital in Mercer ; a few day# Mgo, the re-u!t of an tcci ien that happened ln.n two year* ago v» hei ! hi* knee caught and »»< crust.ed betweei j two car.-.. The did i.ot get weij I and th« operation wi- -.i«-ces~.»ry to sav« j Lis illo. J J. W. D>uer. met with i very paicfu I accident, la.-t Friday evening while alight j ing from the 4:22 train at Mar*. Dr I Duner jumped off tbe train while it wai j ;n motion throwing bim-eif against tht coach and was dragee 1 alorg the 'ies cut ting him severely.—Ex A on of John Hughes, of Free port wa late.'y killed by th- civinu in ot a well tear North Loop, Neb., and his body was r.ot recovered for several days. On Monday evening the boiler at the wella on theJobn Mahan farm in Middlesex twp. exploded, and Albert (Jraner. the pumper at the well was l-adly scaided. The boiler house was bVvv to atoms and Crnner -i escape fr«>m death is con.-idnred miraculous. The b<.dy oi Reed Croft, of Connoque nessing township, this county, near Whitc.»towii. was found on the 11th inst. in t-n old house near the Croft school home, and li< m appearances indicated tliat it had been there for three or lour Reed left the home ol his parents. Mr. and Mr>. .Siu.on Croft on the —I of A|>rii ;-r Beaver county to visit a relative, and returned from tn<-ie lo Zelieuoptp,' wueru he hired with Mr. Charles Stokey at good wages, bnt soon left and went over to ilarmoDy, where it appeals he obtained some arsenic. From his words and actions it is believed that he had became deranged. Esquire Hey! of Prospect held an inquest en the rt mams oi. tbe 11 inst., resulting .n tbe nndiiig thai he came to his death by poison administered by his own hand. No !( a.on is known why he should have committed the act Be was 31 years of age fii.-t March. His remains were buried a«. the. Mt. Nc'io cemetery on the 12th inst. McClure's Magazine for June. McClure's Magazine for June contains a little battle study by Stephen Crane that, in its way, is more dramatic and striking than even "The Red Badge of Courage," the novel by Mr. Crane which is now at tracting so much attention both in America and England. It shows, unmistakably, the hand of genius. While presenting with the strictest realism all the griumess of w*r, it is pleasant, and even humorous, in the denouement. Another bit of most distinguished fiction in the sarno number is Rudyard Kipling's "In the Rukh"— one ol Kipling's earlier stories, but also one of his best, relating how that ever entertaining orphan of the Jungle, Mowgli, made, acquaintance with white men and became a lover. Add to these Oy War man's marvelous true tale of "The Loco motive that Lost Herself," and an in stallment of Anthony Hope's "Phroso" fairly bursting with love and adventure, and certainlv, on the side cf fiction at least, this number of McClure's would be hard to approach All of these pieces have the added attraction ol good pictures. The Crane story is illustrated by Taber, aho puts life tbe action into a soldier as almost HO other artist can; and the Kipiing story by .W. A. C. Pape, who has made Muwg i and the Jungle People peculiarly his own. The Lincoln paper in this number ex hibits Lincoln (mainly by new remini scence and anecdote) as a father, friend, aud neighbor, on his return to the practice of the law at Springfield, alter serving a term in Congress. It is extremely inter esting. And interesting in the same way, as affording a perfectly fresh, near,inform al view of the real man, is an account ol General Grant, with anecdote* aud pas sages lroni his conversations, by the man who served as chaplain of Grant's own regiment. TUE a. S. MCCLURK CO , New York Jury Lists for June Term. Lis'of names drawn trim the proper jury wheel this sth day of May, 1890, to serve as Grand Jurors at the regular term of Court, commencing on the Ist day ol Jutif, IS9G, the same beiug the Mon day of s iid month. Cooper Isaac, Wibfield twp, farmer. Crawford T A, Allegheny twp, farmer. Daubenspeck J S, Butler sih w, laborer. Dunbar \ C, Forward twp, laborer. Ekas Andrew, Bull ilo twp, farmer. Guthrie p. H, Batter Ist w, laborer, lleekart M ichel 8, Bufl'alo twp, farmer. Humes Thomas. Clearfield twp, farmer. Knorr Al F, Saxonburg, clerk. Kahn Henry, Concord twp, farmer. Midi in Thomas, Slippery rock twp, farmer. Moore Eli, Muddyoreek twp, farmer McUillen Robert, Summit twp, farmer. Martin Wni. Lancaster twp, farmer. PurvianceWm A, Conni quenessing twp, merchant. I'olbemas Wm, Oakland twp, farmer. Ka !er Adam, Forward twp, farmer. St'jVctison D n, Penn iwp, farmer. Sproal John, Marion twp, farmer. Thompson Charles, Middlesex twp, clerk. Thower Thomas, Clinton twp, farmer. Turner Washington, Concord twp, farmer. Wolford Abraham, Donegal twp. farmer. Weigle John, Prospect boro, wagonmaker. List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel, this sth day of May 1890, to serve as Petit Jurors at a regular term of court commencing on the eighth day ol June 1890, the same beiug the second Moni'av of said month. BeiJenbaugh Frank, Butler 4th w, plas terer. Bippus Matt, Oakland twp, farmer. Billingsby G A, Butler Ist w, clerk. Black Robert Jr, Middlesex twp, fanner. Barnes Thomas, Mercer twp, fanner. (,'riswell James R. Adams twp. farmer. Craig Tbeadore, Donegal twp, brick layer. Cooper John F, Connoqaenessing twp, farmer. Cooper Wm, Butler 2d w tailor. Campbell AL, l'etrolia, farmer. Campbell Joseph F, Fairyiew twp, farmer. Clark Frank, Connnquenessing twp, farmer. Davis George E, Butler 2d w, preacher. Donald N .si, Butler Ist w, carpenter. Duffey Hugh, Sunbury Bor, laborer. Ellott W P, Worth twp, farmer. I'lemming Michel, Clearfield twp. farmer. Grant H E, Allegheny twp, farmer Graham Joseph W, Butler Ist w, stone mason. Graham Joseph, Connoquonessirig twp, farmer. Garvin Newton, Cranberry twp, fanner, ll' Ckart George Butler slh V, carpenter. Hogg Robert Jr, Cherry twp, farmer. June li 0, KurnsCity, liveryman. Jamison Thomas, Fairview twp, farmer J amino!) Franklin, Venango twp, farmer. Kaltenbaagh -I W, l'enn twp, farmer Kelley J C. Butler twp, farmer. Louden John M, Clay twp, farmer. Murren John li, Ma: ion twp, merchant. Mechliug W T, Butler sth w, clerk Maxwell George, Centreville hor, dealer. Miller George, Clinton twp, Urmer. Montag Edward, Jeflerson twp, farmer. Moore J W, Brady twp, farmer. Moore Win, Muddy creek twp, farmer. Mc."oy li E, Butler 2<! w, barber. McQuistion K 11, Butler 2d w, farmer, i'atton JamcH F, Sltpperyrock twp, farmer. Kiddle Wm It, Prospect hor. merchant. Kinewalt Henry E. Jefferson twp, pumper. Uarver John F, Buffalo twp, farmer. Story A W, KariiH City, producer. Smith John F, Summit twp, farmer. Stewart M A. Centre twp, farmer. Tiimble Robert. Middlesex twp, farmer. Willmm J A, Fairview bo. - , farmer. Young Ames, Parker twp, firmer. The Sutler County National Bank BUTLKR, HA. Capital paid In $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $87,962 35 J oß* li.irtrrmn. PreftiilttJit; J V. Kittn, Vicci President; 0. A. Liail.iy, Cashier; John (j MoMarlin, Cashier. A funeral b.'tiikliiK hUMIi»4»MH traiiHactod. > InieroMt pai<l on time (lepoHltA. ; Money loaned on approved w«*urlty. ■ We invite you F<> OJM-U iiu aeeount with thin I b&nki l)IKi:< TORS Hon. Joseph llurtimm. Hon VV S. WaHSron, Dr N. M. Hoover, If. McHweeney, K< i . \' 'j > 1 1. , < . i■. < q|j i . •, itaitb, Lmlii I*. M. Flm*':an, W. lienry WlNott, John 11 (iiiipnr« >, »>r. W. « . M < l'.i*n MIM etli llarry lleasley J. V. Kills. ABRAMS & BROWN. ' INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE , Strong Com/tanies. \ Protnut Settlements. Menu- Insurance Co. of New York, fnnur nace * o. of North America, o( Philadelphia, I'a. I'hrnit Insurance of Brooklyn, N*. V., r and If irtlord Insurance Co. of Hartford Conn ' j OFFICE: Cor—l Of Mam} .-■t. ami |k| j i) iainuud, north of Court UOUBJ, Butler, i'u NEIGHHOBKOOD NOTES. William Kaine:, colored porter at the Zimmerman house, ap.iinst whom Jessie M. Ateer had made a serious charge, mar : ricJ the girl. This is the third similar case j within a year, happening at Greensbure. l'rof. Cannon was elected Sujierindent of the Schools ol New Castle, Tuesday, a; *l,i>oo a year. Karly Friday morning a Ireight crew on th- Western New York and Pennsylvania railroad discovered that the large foni stor.v brick flouring mill, in Mercer, owned by William Houston, was on fire They pave the alarm and attached their engine to three cars loaded with flour, and hauled them to a place of safety. The fire was beyond control when the fireinc-i reacl»ed tne i-cece The flames spread to the lurg" flouring mill of Calvin <t Yoiina ne*rl>: and both buildings were totally destroyed. The los.- is $50,000. partia'ly iui-ored. The fire is a great loss to the town, as the mills were the chief industries. The New Cas'.le Xews of last week, told of the arrest of a runaway husband at Youngs town, 0.. on the previous Saturday, j and gave the came as Albert Thorn of Portersville, this county. It s.iy>: The arrest was mane at the instigation oi his brother-in-law H. K. Johnson, of Mars, Itutler county, whi 'aid that Thorn was a runaway husbaud, and had also stolen a h use from his wife which was valned at and some other property, this being done after he had left home. Thorn was capi ured by the del* ctive while out driv ing u the paik with a woman with whom he is supposed to have been livine with. After he bad beon airested he (lid not knew the true nature of what he was want- I r until he faced his brother-in-law in tic police station, where he was informed that the money he had stolen from Mrs. Thorn, also the horse were wanted lie was then advised to be very careful and that he had better return home, which he agreed to do the next day. The horse he was driving when captured was the one wanted, which the prisoner readily gave up and ho was released. Previous to 'll "ru's departure from home, he had agreed with his wife to work hard and put all his money in the hank, and his wife figured on earning sufficient. to keep the family during the husband's al se. ee by keeping boarders. Alter the horse had been stolen she became suspicion? of her husband, and as a result the detective u as put on the case. JUS. HORNE & CO A Line of Black Silks WITHOUT PARALLEL AS TO VALUE. Many silk bargains have been presented before—Never the equal of this, anywhere! 3,600 yards #1.25, $1.50 and $ 1.75. Black Silks, A||>l Comprising brocaded p— ~ yross grain, satin da- /OC mas, ----- , 27-inch satin duch esse, rustling taffetas, etc. Come, or send soon for such exceptional values can not last, and we don't want dis apyointment to follow your order. Penn Avenue and Fifth St., PITTSBURG. B. SIS.$ IS. Now's the buying time—and if you carefully consider your own self-interest, this store's going to sell you your new dress materials —first, because of large varieties of choice new styles to pick from —and then because the prices are enough less than you're usually asked for such goods, to make that part especially interesting to your pockctbook—and we'll glad ly submit you samples, with prices as evidence. Fine Corded Novelty Striped Ginghams 20c. one—2B inches wide, IOC. special values in choice New Wash Goods at Bc., 10c., to 25c. French Organdies, 20c., 25c., 30c.. and 35c. — the most exquisite styles and colorings ever produced in these elegant summer fabrics. Striped Grass Linens, 30 inches wide —20c. —with groups of cords in colors jj of an inch apait, of blue, violet, rose, pink, black, etc., on natural color ed linen grounds. Plain Grass Linens, 1 sc. to 40c. striped and figur ed, 25c. to #1.25. New Imported Dimities, 20c. and 25c. Fine Plain Linens, In the Natural color—2oc. and 25c. —steamed and thorough ly shrunk. Imported White Corded Madras Ginghams, 25c. and 30c. Silk Ginghams, 100 styles at 25c. —others at 18c. and 35., and hosts of other equally important values in Novelty Dress Goods and silks that it will be to your advantage to find out about. Hoggs & Buhl, M.I.EGHKNY, PA. Butler Savings Bank 1 Sutler, I >a. Capital - - $60,000-00 SurpluH and I'rulitH, $104,000.00 JOS. L. PURVIS President .f. IIKNBV TKOUTMAN. ..Vinc-l'"ii,ideiit WM. CAMPBKLI-, Jr .'wliier LOUIS B. BTXIH T«ll*r DJKKC.TOUH -Joseph L PurvlH, J. ll«*nry Troutrnan, W. I I.Brandon. \V. A. Hteiii, .1. s. Can u bell. Hie Butler Savings h «nk 1h theOldoxt Itank ing Institution in Butler County, lidiifral banking bunliifHM transacted. W« solicit accounts of oil producers, mer chant#. farmer* and other*. All iiutlnoHH entrusted um wl'l receive prompt attention. Interest paid on Mt»ie deposits. : t U.\ : JiTiaxfOTCa *• o;J ,\j i iui «w I «l ioreti , 1 > I erhaps you don't know how |> ; eady we arc on relation t<> pr<.scrip- J tions I oit will not be amiss to (; | .all your attention to the I "Reliable I ntelitgence P i rompt service given T ! o evcrvthing of the kind placed x n our hands ur prescription department ■* ever was so complete a ave you money too. c. i\?, boyd. I * li a r m a cist, Diamor.d Hlock, - Butler, a AT J. R. ORIFB'S and '2. DO Not Make L : ive. It's quite a problem to please everyone's taste in any line you may select and particularly of jewelry, silver novelties, cut glass, etc., but I'm sure you will find what you want in my large stock and at such prices that defy com petition. I am making a spe. cialty of nobby and find Goods and want your trade. J. R. GRIEB. 118 SOUTH MAIN ST. A Fine Combination, Thu cat in piice.s is roprt*>onted by the shears The method <>( our business re presented by the square and the ability to please i* represented by the tape line. It makes a fine combination, for we are offer ing sprirg suits. Don't liaug Up Your Old Clothes for the summer until you have mado arrange ment* for a spring IYH are tillering .-ach a fine lino of goods and giving our people such an opportunity to got bargains that it is loolish to delay. There never was a lime when such u fiue assortment of lirst class goods oould be seen at our store this season. We are offering suits at prices unheard of before. Hanging out lor the benefit of those ■a ho are after bargains. There is no doubt that we are offering better inducements to da} than evor before and wo hope all our patrons will take the advantage of the op portunity we are giving them of buying first class clothing at a ligure which will please them doubly—lirst with the clothes, and second with the prices aud fit. CMS I CO Cor. Diamond. Buller, Fa BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fira Insurance Company, Office Cor.Main & Cunningham ALK. WICK. I'ren. «l:0. K KTTKHF.It, Vlrd PTM. Ij. S. > KIM. »••( 'J ati'J.lrl*»». DIUKCI'ORS:;: A.irro<i Wick, lienderttou Oliver, ' r. VV. Irvlu, Jameh Stephenson, A . w. Hi nr kin ore, N. Weitzel, K. Howniun. ll* J. Kllnffler <»eo. Kettorur, . Chaa. RebouD/ C eo. Kenno, John Koenlwc, LOYAL McJUNIKN Agent. j*jl & The Place to Buy GAS COOK ING AND 11 EATING STOVES, GAS BURNERS AND EIX TURES, HOSE, BATII TUBS, KNAMEL AND IMPROVED WELSHBACH GAS BURNERI W. H. O'BRIEM KON 107 East Jefferson St. M, A. mm Funeral Director 37 S. Mdiii.St. Butler Pa. SHERIFF'S SALES. I 115 virtue of sundry writ of \ en. Ki . t'l. Ka." Lev. V* . £.\ Issued out U 'be Cottrt 1| I'ommtu Hons or Butler county. > and 10 up- directed Ul-1-" will ••• evp >s.-d public s:i 1■ - at the Court House. In ihe f ol But ler, ou Friday, the 291h day of Vay, A. I). 1- 1., it 1 o'clock I".M tu ' lollvniu; de s rlbed property, to wit E I>. No I.June Ter:u l-« >teplieu ' .turning*. Attorney. AH the right, title, interest and clStm ol Jos W Todd. 01. in and to all that certain lot 01 ground, situate tn Buffalo tap, Butlert'o . fa . bounded as follows. to-w it: Beginning a: a point in the center of ilie l'lttsbuiy and Kit tanning rad and in center ot Bearcreek road v. '«»rv said roads Intersect and cro-*.,. tbe nee by enter •>! said Bearvr>-,-k road H ••as' :4 '»'pDi'i tli-nce by tand* or Will Watson (formerly «;ir> Warren) south l» west tosucu a point n ; a line, thence b t -k to the center ot - tid Kltlan nli.g road ana pumiu-i wit . said liearjreek road with center line 01 said HiUaumng r <ad to the place of bey iuntng. containing one halt acre of ground, strict measure, on wlikli Is erected a two ston Irani-- dwelling house aim outbuildings. Seized and taken In execution .1- of Jos W Todii ai the suit of Al. :> y "T.JuneTerm :os. Mu.luuk>n< Gi 1- l 1 : n.i W 1> Brandon, Att'ys. in' wr and claim of K ll -Vlclirlde, f \S L*,. if. ami Eliza ' Mclirlde, of, In and 1.. .„ 1 "1 lot .it' ground, sliuate In Butler o-jio. i,u,. . c.i,. ! uouuded as follows, to-wit: On tne norm o> lot 1 <■ 1) llarvey, east bj an alley, south by loti 1 ilenrj'Mlll 'r and west by Main >t,l<el:ig 11 feet, more or less, trout on >aid Main si, an.l extending f-.11 k the N.IIIO- or less, to said alley on (In- . aM.anU havui - thereon erected a two tt. rj ir<!iiif a»elilni house. Seized and tuk'-n in exti-utlob A» tin- I property of K II FEFLCKFM 1 P v. I^OWRY,CONUSK t«-«-. and Kti/a Meßrlde at the suit ol LITEM llclber, in trust. S1) So si. June Term iS!»., Mates & Young, Alt ys. All the title. Interest and claim oi John Bowt a sr. dee d. 01. in and all ihui certain tract T pa J ■ 'I .Jl land, sltuato la IVnn twp. Uutiett'o,. i'.t.. bounded a» follows, to-wit: Beginning at the .ouiliwest corner, thence ty lands now or formerly of Dutsey heirs north 1 west JU and 6-i'j perches to a post, thence by lands ruw or former!., of I> Nicl.ol south sy ea>i 5.» perches to a post.lhence b; the old Turnylkc ru.ti: x>utli ."> a east :s I»MChes to a post, thence south I", and j-lo perches 10 a post, thence l>y lands now or formerly of John Xegle\ south ,*.y t east 5; perches to two white oaks, thence south 30 east t corner of ..r lauo sold by .lonn Me I'hersou lu Hubert MeCandb'SS. thence 0} lands or John B-rj;. formerli Kobert Mo'andleas. to a post, Ihe place 01 begicning, eonlalmny nlnty-seven (jT, acres, more or less, having a two-storv name dwelling, frame barn and other i'utbuildings thereon, seized and nk-.-n 111 execution a-s the propeiij of John liowen, Sr.. deed, with notice to itaunah .1 Bowed, ai.d William Bowen, executrtz and ex ecutor oi said John Ho wen. sr , deed, at the -.lit ot M <; McClelland, administrator 01 Pemuilla McClelland, dee'd E. U. No. as, June Term, is: HI. Newton Black • Attorney, All theright. title, interest and claim of It A Be.>ttj'. <d. in and to forty two (*•_') acres of land, more or lesa. situated in Mereer township. But ler county. Pa, bounded as lollows, to nit: On the north by lands 01 Jos Nutt, east by lands ot Jos Nutt, et al, south by lands of John M Dun lap. et al, and on the west by public road and being purpart No 2 of the land of Mary J licattj in partition,having a two story frame dwelling house, frame barn an.l other outbuild ings thereon, good orchard of fruit trees and lu a good state ot cultlvanon. Seized mid taken 'l, execution as the propertj oflt A Beatly at the suit of Franklin Miller for use of Charles E Tinker. E 1), Nos ~i and sj, June Term, lswti. Hates \ Young, and A M Christ ley. attorneys All the right, title. Interest and claim of Ma lissa E Miller snd W J Miller, of. In and to all that certain lot or piece of ground, situated In Butler borough, Butler Co. I'a, bounded as fol lows, to-wit: on the north by Short street, on the east by an alley, on the south b> lot >0 153. and 011 the west by second street, being lot No 156 in Block sin plan ot lots laid out by Col John M Thompson et al.beli g ."•ofeel ou Second aired and extending back preserving the same width, oue hundred and sixty (too) feet to an allev, having a one and one half story frame dwelling house and other outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Mllissa E Miller and W J Miller, at the sun ol Joseph lleluzer. et al ED, No 90, June Term, ls»C. Newtou Black Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Nancy T Craig, of. in and to twelve (I-') acres of land, more or less, situated lu Allegheny twp, Butler Co. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of Thomas Black, east by lauds of Thoiuus McDowell, south by lands ot J Black, and west by lauds of Samuel MeClin tock's heirs, having a cottage house, stable and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In exe cution as ihe properly of Nancy T Craig, at the suit of Uriah Sloan. ED, No 2S. June Term, ism;. Mc<4ulstlou Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim or J M llenry. of. lu and to one hundred (loo) acres of land, more or levs, situated in Cranberry twp, Butler Co. I'a. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On tin north by lands of John Klser. east by lands of Nicholas Dambaugh. south by lands ol lico tiaidm r, and west by lands of Sluion Phillips and l)r Davis, having -j two-story frame houses, two frame barns, orchard and outbuildings elected thcreou: Seized and taken lu execution as ihe property of J M llenry, at the suit of Mary Neldheartt. ED, No lot, June IS:>G. A M Chrls'ley Attorney. Al I the right, title, inlerest and cialm of J C Blaek. of. in and to fifty I'O ai res of land, more or less, situated In Cherry twp. Itutler i'o. I'a, bounded as follows, to-wlt: on the north by lands 1 f Oraliam's heirs, east by lands of ( liarles Daugherty, south by lands of Ikaugli eity and (iilghrial,and west by lands of heirs of Michael Hamilton, having a coal bank, board h .use. frame barn and outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and taken lu execution as the property of J C Black at the suit of W >1 Bar ber. for use of Mrs George Amer. c. I). No !s., June Term, ls>;. W II l.usk, Att y. . All the right, title, interest and claim of Jacol) Spahn, of, In and to eiguty (So) acres or land, more or, situated In Summit tap Butler Co. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wlt : On the north by lands of BeldcJiiiaugb auw heofl., east by laud of frauds Keott, south by lands ol B El/eland, SUinur, and ou tile west by lands of Peter Schnur, having a log house, log barn and apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the proiierty of Jacob spahn, at the sultol Jacob Uelbach. ED, Now, June Term, ism;. W 1) Brandon, Attorney. Al' the right, title. Interest and <■ latin of K c McNeal, or, in and to all that certain tract of land, situated in Adams twp, Itutler Co; Pa, bounded tut follows, to-wit: On tile north by lands of John staples a distance of us ami 1-10 perches, or. the east by lauds ot Wm Cash dollar's heirs To J.; perchey, on the south t>y lands of Samuel and James fashdollar t!s and 1-10 perches, and on the west by lauds of John Itlehardson mid mother 70K perches, containing thirty (30) acies mor" or less, being the same tract of land purchased hy t-'rederlck McNeal October "J, iss . recorded In Deed Hook s'Z, page 11:1, having a two stoty frame dwelling house, Iramo stable and other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized aud taken In ex ecu tton as the properly or K c Me.leal at the suit of 1* 1) lielbaeh KI) No 100, June Term. lsw,. Wise aud Uran don. Atty's. Alt the right, title, interest and claim ot A A Gold, of. In and to all thai certain tract af land sltuuled in liulTali twp.. Hutitr Co., I'a., bound ed an follows, to-wit: On the north by lands formerly .if Itobert tialbreath .now John Hlack - burn, east by lands ot Myers and tiregery .south by lands of ¥ Kepple and John Watson, con taining I.U acres, more or less, having a two story frame dwelling house, frame ha'n aud other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the property of A A Gold at the suit of John M Miller. EI) No, 10'.', June Term, lsu.;. Stephen turn tilings, Alt'), All the right, title. Interest and claim of Hi W Snyder and Maggie A Snyder, or, 111 and to all that certain tract ol land, situated 111 Jeßur soii twp,, Itutler Co., I'a,, bounded ss follows, Hcglunlng at a post In the middle of the Saxon burg road.l hence KKJ-i east by lands ot Arthur's heirs and It M Johnson 110 and -10 perches to a post, thence south by lands of John Eiurlck 11 anil 1, 10 to a post, thence west by lauds of •las Armstrong il2> a perches to a post, thence north 35 west 51 perchesto the place of begin nlng.coutalulug acres aud I:I>> perches, being lot No hi Jas Dun lap's plan of the amicable parlitlot. ot the estate of Thomas ltoblnson Armstrong, accepted by Maggie A Snyder. hav ing thereon a two story frame dwelling house, barn and outbuildings, line orchard, shrubber ry patch, .vc. Seized and taken In execution as the properly of l'hlllp W Snyder und Maggie A Snyder at the suit or Al UutT. KDNo9s, June Term. Ismi. W1) liraudou, Atty. All the right, title, lntcreht and claim of Nel son Smith, or. In and to all thai eertaln piece or pareel of land, situated In I'urker twp,, Kullcr Co.. I'a.. bounded as follows, 10-w 11 On the north by lands of Thomas II Smith, east, by lands of John llenry llaubcnspeck. south by lands of < lirlstopher Hoover ami on the west by lands of Win A smith and Adam Hoßner, con taining 100 acres, diore or less, and being the same land conveyed to Nelson Smith by Thos II Smith, recorded In Deed Hook page I_'4, lias ing a two-story frame dwelling house Irame barn and oilier outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and taken In execution as me property of Nelson Smith, at the suit of John 11 Shiever. K 1), Nos 71, 75 and 7U, June Term, I SUA. W A .V !•' J I'orquer and Kalston & tlreer, Mty's, All the right, title, Interest, and claim of Thomas Bingham. of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of iaml situated In cherry twp. Hutler Co. I'a. bounded as follows, to wit. Com mencing al a post on the east, (hence south I'v weM .11 and - 10 perches to a post, lliuuce north Hs west 71 and 1 10 perches to a post, thence north 11 west la; and 4to perches 10 a post, thence south -s" east -Iz perches to south branch of Slippery rock creek, thence south .is 1 j east <J7 perches, thence north 5s so perches along south branch of creek, thence south 58'.. east w; perches along south branch. thence south #7'. east 1. perehes along soulh branch to a post, thence tiorlh s.i>; 1,7 and V 10 perches along south brau. li if creek, thence south ;i east ■ perches along south branch ofereek. thcuce north IS easti; per. lies along creek, thence north ,vr east 1 perches to south branch, thence ..11th i.i east 1, p. rch- s to south branch, thence south .1 east js-n-lies to south branch, thence rorth 1,1 east 'i perches to south braiu h, tin le-c north l.i>, east p. it lies to south branch thence north ■ ist a p, i. lies to place ol t»-ginning, containing fifty . rfij neres, 11101 >• or !.:s, and having a frame dwelling house, fiaiuo barn aud orchard there on. Al.Sii All 111.- right, title. Interest aud claim of Thomas lllughsm, ot, lu and to all Ilia' <er tain lot or parcel ot laud, situated 111 Center vlile borough, Itutler Co.. i'a., bounded as fol lows, to wit: on the north by lot No Jl. east by aji foot alley, south by a loot stre-t aud ou the west hy a i,» loot street, being lots Nos and .':i la a plan of lots surveyed by th 1. Mci/ulstion till W S Illngham aid lots belnt each .'. ' feet In width ami 11.0 feet In depth aud vacant. Seized and taken in • xecutlon as Hi • projieriy of Thomas Hlngham at the suit of John Here . Co and W llenry Wilson. Ell Nos . I •.ml r ..June Term Is;*.. V, A K J Korijucr, Att'ys- All the right, title. Interest and claim of I.J Mn 'Ulstlon. of, in aud to all that certain tr.u-; or pare I ol laud, situated In llrady m p., Ilul ler Co., I'd., bounded as follows, lo wit On the north by Slipperyrock creek and Unds of < :hai lr.-> MeCrai keu. by lauds ot t'harlcs Me < racken and C liuffy, south by lands of the In Irs of John Coovert and laiwls Lilly and on the west by lands of A I, I roll and the said eieek, containing 111 in n and Zi. perches, be ing ihc same land luttucny ow ned by John J AI was Somethnig 1 sec iii our store, whether it is in a man's suit, a boys' suit or a child's suit, it is always something new that kcej. s thi lgs moving AT DOUTHETT & GRAHAM'S And a careful investigation will convince you that our prices and the general get up <>f oui garments are ihe 'IE convincing arguments that L~ ' 'IH build us a lasting foundation - - Spring goods all here— Cheaper in price: Better ~Jt2fT in quality than ever before. DOUTHETT & GRAHAM, Corner Main and Cunningham streets, Butler, a. Our Greatest Gift Entei pii Be A Porcelain Clock Given free with every $1 5 sale. When making a purchase ask for a card, 110 matter how small the sale is, we punch out the amount and as soon as the card is punched to the amount of sls you receive FREE A Porcelain Clock Our Special Clothing Sale is now going on Schaul & Nast Leading Clothiers, 137 S M&in St«» Butler, Pal DOC BROWN • Spent a dollar at Ruff's yesterday for shoes, and so good a pair did he get for his money that he was in serious doubt as to the advisability of buying two pairs. To put it in Doc's words: "Dese here am de greatest puplexity of gemman's shoes I'se evar had in a' my bown days." AT RUFF'S THIS WEEK You can buy real $3 Hand Sewed Russian Calf Shoes at $2 per pair. If this is more than you care to spend you can have Fine Satin Calf, Dongola Top, Needle Toe Shoes at $1.50 or Fine Veal Calf Shoe in Congress or Lace at sl. Or you can get Kid Moccasins trimmed with silk in colors for baby at 25 cents. Or a pair of Fine Dongola Patent Tip Shoes for wife at $1 and up ward. We sell boys all solid shoes at 85 cents. Sounds queer; but we do. Whether you spent 5 cents or $5 you can have • Your Money Back If It Ain't So. A. RDFF I SON, Bu P r • 'roll, now deceased, having a board house «-r. cted thereon. about.«) aorescleared, Seized mid taken In execution as the property ot L J Modulation at the suit ol John Berg A Co. K1) No no. .luue Term, isye. Frank K jhler, Atty. All the right, title. Interest and claim or lieo II (iraham und Clara G McKee. adm'r or Elea nor J (iraham. dee'd. ot, In and to all that cer tain piece ot land, situated In Kalrvlew borough Uutler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by au alley, on the east by an alley, on the south by lot formerly of W K Proctor, known as the foundry' lot. 11,1,1 OD weßt i 'liestnut street, fronting 100 feet on Chestnut street and running east from Chestuutt iHOfeet, and being the same lot conveyed by J J Max well and wife to Kleanor J Graham, oue of the gruutors herself, by deed dated the lUh of Aug isTs, and recorded In I)«'d Itook No 44, page ll:i ami having erected a two-story frame dwell ing house and ot her outbuilding thereon. Seized and taken in exucutlon an the property of Geo 11 Graham and Clara G McKee. adm r of Kiea nor .1 (iraham, dec the null of Alice 1 homp sou. for us«! of Howard Thompson. E I) No. W, June Term . Ihiis. I'rank Kohler, Attorney, All the right, title". Interest and claim of K A King and Mrs. Sarah K King. of. In and to all that certain lot of land, situated In UarrLsvllle borough. Butler county. Pa., bounded as fol lows, to-wlt: on the north by lot of Mrs, IS A Korouer, east by Main street, south by Mercer Street, west by au alley, being lot No io In the general plot of Hald borough.; having a two story frame building, used as a hotel, frame burn and outbuildings thereon. Sei/.ed and t.tken lu execution af the property of K A King und Mrs. Sarah King at the suit of 8 B Bing ham for use of It H Walker now tor use ol Wm M Cowan. K L). Nos. 100. 107, lint. R'.i, June Term, IK*. J. W. Hutchison, Atlortey. All the right, title, interest and claim of John W Alexander and Harry Me Alexander, of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel or land or lot of ground, .situated 111 Butler borough. Uutler county, Pa., bounded as tollowa, to-wlt: itcglnnlug at the northwest corner, being the northeast coruer of lot No. 57 and South street at a pin. thence In au easterly direction along line ol said South street 4o feel to a pin at corner ol lot No 55 feet to a pin on a Jo-foot alley, thence In a westerly direction along the'of said alley 4o led to a pin at the corner ot lot 57, thence In a northerly direction along line or said lot 57 IM reel to a pin. the place ot beginning. being lot No. 58 In Philip Uauben sueck's plan ol lots In the borough of Butler and having a two-story board dwelling bouse erected tliercou. tie lied and taken in execu tion as the property or John W Alexander and Harry Mc Alexander at the suit of Philip liaubenspeck. I.l>, sj,June T. Isua.Kobler, a.u«k und Brandon, Att'ya. All tin right, title. Interest and claim of M S Adams ot. In and to all that certain tractor laud, situated in Allegheny township, Butler county Pa. liouuded as follows, to wit: On the north by laud# or Alfred llultngs el al. east oy lands or Samuel Black et al. south by lands of Mrs. John M Turner et al, and west by lauds ■■(John ll Campbell, containing four-hundred and thirty four (434) ucres, mole or less, having a one story frame cottage house, lrpme barn, rist mill, - stables and other outbuildings erected thereon. HeUed and taken In execution .is iln'property ol M S Adams, at the suit of George 11. Gruliam. Ikkms or silk -The following must be strictly compiled with whet property Is wrick Cll (low tJ. I. When the pUlullff or other Hen Creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must lie paid, and ii list of the liana, including mortgage searches on the property sold, to gclhor with such lien creditors rot'-ipi- | or the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereot as he may claim, must be furn ished the Sheriff. AU bids must be paid in full. a \ll sale, not settled Immediately will be conllnueduntU i o'clock p. m. of the next day at which time property not settled for will agatu I'c pul up anil sold al the expense and r,sl; of the person to whom tlrst sold. •See I'urdou's IHgest. >1 ll edition, page 4f :iud Smith's forms page 3»l. ANI'IiKW G. CAMPBKU. HherUT. Sheriff's BuUer, May 13, i**i. | WALL MOULDINGS The nicest line of Wall Mouldings in town are at <Mxgxs Heineman's <MxM> New Room. 201 S. Main St. New line of Blank Book Writing Paper just received. 201 S. Main St. Seanor & Nace's ~ Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Rear or Wick House, Butler, Pa The of horses and drat claae- always on hand and for hire. Heßt accommodations in town fof permanent boarding and transient trade. Special care guaraiteed. • Stable room for sixty-five horses. A good class of horses, both driv ers and draft horses always on hand and for salo under a full guarantee; and horseß bought upon proper noti fication by SfcIANOR <Si NACE- All kinds ot live stock bought and sold. Telephone at Wick House
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers