JQ "VOTTVr 1 TAILOR. Wc have no fine window • IVf U vX, ; n which we can display our goods, but we have the tii est lim ot goods to be found in any merchant tailor store in But'tr. Call and see for yourself. We want your trade and can only i: b ] leasing you, which we guarantee to do in each and every pa. tic 'ar by giving you good materia!, lirst class up-to-date work at nucleate prices. J. H. YOUNG, The Tailor, Hatter and Men's Furnisher, 101, South Main St.,; Opposite Lowry House. tljLalViOXy 11a P'" 3 ' tAn * »-ins. STUDS. WATCHES \ OKKTS GOLD. Vl'l*. V'SR. I.AIIIKS CII. rLAIN i JEiVELHT I Gold Pins. Ear Kings. Braoc i etJ , gi c x ▼ TTnn TWT It O C ) Tea sets. Castors Bu'ter IHstie* aril: Everymlnt X lj If JC*XV W AX* *- M ) that' an be round iu » Qrst clasii 310 re.. RODGft BROS. 1874 } KNIVES. FOKKS. SI 0 pLR j.J /AXE . E. GRIKB, jkivklkk. No. 139, North Main St.. B JTLER, PA.. IU MILLINERY! As usual we have the most complete line of Millinery in Butler at the lowest prices. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURNISHINGS This line is also complete and contains many items you have not heretofore been able to get in Butler. M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 to 13 7 S. Main St. FAIR. \ (NOT FAIRY) >V \ 1 \ / ' Hands and arms are counted high mong \ \ \ nature's charms. When decked with rings 1 X and bracelets bright, these charms possess V 1 Jfi p greater might to fascinate the beholder. \\ Jl >/ Tic finest jewelry in this and other lines \ t. 1 e icurd at prices that defy competition. ->ll Vl \ ] 1; sVe a specialty of new and fine novel- IS f tu: in silver and cut glass. J r Ir | f ti< 1 1 <i(y nto Watch Repairing, Etc. J. R. GRIEB, 18 South Main Street. ... Butler, Pa a Rfill HAY- FEVER |F Afm \J Cold-head gill Klrf* Cream Balm it not a liquid, muff or powder. Appti'M into the nottriU it it quickly aburrbed. It clean*?* the haul, allay* injUimmation, heal H _ f the tore*. Bold by druggist* or lent by mail on Tfeipt of price. L(|a 3UC ELY BROTHERS, 56 Wvm Street NEW YORK. JUL ■■***•■ . s ■ The p'ace to buy ~K GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAM II FIXTURES, HOSE, V VTBR FILTERS. BATH 1L I* LNAMLL etc. is at W. II .O' I Irion & Son's 1 07 Ea«t .Tptlorson Hitreet. New York Weekly Tribune, + AND + Butler Citizen * ONE YEAR + $1.50. Addrss All Orders to THE CITIZEN. Chautauqua Nursery Company. - OFFER— Liberal Terms To Agents, Lift IndncHipiiniK ti> i.'uxtoni-rs High Grade Stock at Low Prices. New (specialties. Sued Potato**, Ae. Men Wanted. ,'ii Every Town, Steady Work. Pa;, JW «><kly Addrex*, //. B. WILLIAM:i. St cy, JPortlaud, A*. V. r.. c. wick OlALtt IS Aiiu ti ans! Work:'l Lre<ii OF Alm. KIMDH Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mould In .. Shingles and Umi Always In Slocu. LIME. HAIR AND PL«S ' O'fico oppomUl p. A . !) 'pi,!,* B ("Tt.Kh •AOKNDORPH'S PATENT SECTIONAL SteetCcifings and Side Wall For Chut. )i u tend f'.xtkfrftfva. Catalogue. prlrifi und ejitliiiHt*«. on n,,pM< 4»ion totiieMult MunuftM-towra, twe m i m\ too r.n * r«. ro.. <m> riiiifc., n. Mm) rruliiTi of l.ig: htetj.g. Kirv mii«l Klorui I'nxji * r'l Itooli utt AU 1 IJ CU»t circular*. Qouth Shore Wine Co. ** b4st. trie Co., Pa.*^ Manufacturcrs ol Dinner, Family, Mcdi<:inal and Altai Wines. We would like to have you give our wines a trial and will shit) to you on re ceipt of order one case of assorted wine* containing One Dozen Quart Bottles for sb, as we are ready to open an account with you. After you have been satisfied as to the ciualitv. you will hate the ad vantage of ordering such wines as you may need. j We guarantee our wines to be Abso lut ly pure, and free from adulteration; |Jto 5 years of age. Hope you will favor j us a lUI a trial older, as we are certain | you wiTT be pleaded with our wines. | We have 75 acres of _.»oicc wine gravies aid raise own grapes for wine. Ihe South Shore was founded in 1864 and is the largest wine cellar in the state. We ship no wines under thice years of age, as it requires that time to mature and make a perfect wine. Respectfully yours, SOUTH SnuHE WTN" CO., M. A. CALDWELL, Proprietor. (J. ROSS RAYMOND, Gen'l Agent,) North East. Erie Co., Pa. *FTER ALL OTHERS FAIL " " " Consult the Olfl Reliable ■ DR.LOBB !*. ,-T., i'fcll.A., "A. Thirty yearn tl'i* 1 curt of all ni'-n «nT! w.TTCT, *■., J> from wtmt < „r lone «">y a! will m cur* 4«BlMlj tud uuti.Ml £ plant does not blossom, there'* little beauty in it. ered and lifeless. Times without number women have been liken whose physical condition corres ponds with the blossomless the woman whom weakness has made not wholly and wholesomely woman's delicat* organism. It may b« due to carelessness. It may be due to ignorance fostered by mistaken parents on the plea of preserving modesty. It may result from improper treatment o! some minor trouble. Whatever sickness a woman has, it »eera» always to affect the organs which make her a woman and these in turn work upon all the rest. There is much insanity among women. It is really surprising that there is not more. The troubles peculiar to their se* work strongly on the nerves. They drag upon the most delicate nerves in the body and the inflammation always present causes a debilitating drain that will enervate tha most robust. . . Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription hM brought comfort and health to thousands of suffering women. For many years, Dr. Pierce has been Chief Consulting Physician at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Insti tute at Bufifalo, N. Y. He has used tha " Favorite Prescription " all the time, with uniform success. With it, there it n« need of the commonly insisted upon dis tressing examinations and "local treat ment." Ten cent* sent to World's Dispen sary Medical Association, will bring a book of 168 pages, sealed in a plain envelope. VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Shsep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. 000 Page Book on Treatment of Aniroala and C hart Sent Free, cmw ( FeverM.C'ougem iona.lnflnmmation A. ASpinnl .>leningiti«, M ilk Fever. 8.H.-Mrninii. LameneM, Khruniaiiam. ('.f'.-IHMPinper, Na*al l>i»< barges. I>.D.~Hot* or <«rub«, Worms E.E.—C ouubH, Iloaven, I'neumonia. F.F.—folic or <*ripe«. Bellyache. .11 itrnrritttre, Hemnrrhngeii. 11.11.—1 rinary nnd Kidney Di«eai»e** i. I. —Eruptive I)iHr«ne«, Manse. .K.-!>isea»es of Digestion, i'aralynls. Single Brittle (over 50 do«e«), - - .*jo tola tile Cane, with Specific*. Manual, Veterinary ( ure OH and 31edicator, 87.00 Jar Veterinary C are Oil, - • 1.00 B*l(l try I>nur*t«U; or Mil prepaid aaywtoro aad buy faulii; an mfipl of price. HLSPUIIITSItD. CO.. "• i lit Willi.. St., Inlark. HOMEOPATHIC ft ft IllPLj SPECIFIC No 60 in nu Ji /enrs The only anccewfnl remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or other cause*. $1 per vial, or 6 vial* and large vial powder, for #5. Sold i.y UrngriKf. '•* mat pafMgwMM of price. MlPPIIKfcY*'lH>. CO., 11l ana VfUllaJM bU,.N«wlork. | J | A Sure Remedy \ > in every case and every ) ' kind of Hemorrhoids or | Piles is | ISalva-cea S (TRADt MARK!. ( ( This statement can't be \ ) made too strong or too > ) emphatic. | { It is a simple, certain, j | speedy cure for < / Rheumatism, Eczema, | Convulsions, ChiiLlains, j Sora F.'iuscles, Sums, j Toothache, Cuts, ; Sprains, | / Boils, £ Sera Throat, Ulcers. ? Two riles, 25 and 50 cents. ; \ At druf 'jists, or by mail. J Till? IlkA-s-DKETH Co., »74 CANAL ST., N. V. A Ton of Tat! Talk' Isn't nor :y toe ' -l:jee-in dent p'-o;-' 1 ' •- • 1 ' ; 'lie whiskey ii i:«•? J »• rt« >ni in worse th' Mi?.••'. I'• K« c;» on the nu 5 / J article th ;t h rr.r tj- - 1 V* nj*- proval for ' OM I »;ort budoncU'i. ■ 1:1 He bolter than any other . ..1 ' • 111•: mar ket. It In i;iL«i;ur .18 y urn old, is •niooth, j'-tr'j «nJ ble. Full Quart:, $1.00; Six Quarts, SS.GO Mall ami exp-c i orders shipped promptly, a <i wo pay exjpress cbanre* ou uil orders of slo.'Xi and over. Jos. FLEMING C£ SON. 412 MARKET STREET. PITTSBURG, PA. Complete Price List i or Wines and Liquors mailed free. (,CK K V K IMiillK. for H ultra I,) family I'nc iH 25 per qt. or fi qt.i far ro. Finch'.* Gnld.-n Weddin/. Dfiijil' f-rty Ouo*""'ll> inu" Ijfirpf, Oilii'"i. Hiidtffport Mi. Vrimri Oi MI hold 0 K I?O.,IN w»r ranted Ortnil PH , 'I" , 'H ('hnipe, ira.rrxi'tc-d 3 ye rn ••M. «2 v-r IIH) C. O. I> ■ r.•! in ill "-.lcrii rw L i-n> prnin Jn »l t^nfi " ROBT. LE*'IN, fmporter and Wholesaler, 136 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa., opposite 8 & 0. k, K. Depot. Do you DFSIRE to make MONKYV 011R PLANS OK OPERATION' AS-TKB ABSOLUTE SAFETY. Millie your moDpy earn you a monthly nn>ary $ 10.Ol) and in ire made dally ny onr new By ft inane Plan of Opi-raliou on iniall in (e>tnn tit H iu gram HIHI Htock Hpccnlation. All WM BR-k io io inrt-xiijrate our new and • •riitir.nl nn-ft.odn Punt wnrkinitH of plnn nod hijthi.i ri'frri-nrpH fnri.iHht'd Oar Book li t pi ini- it Hints" how to nnko ■MM) :n <1 idl • r iii r ..rniHli .ri !<.'iir KIfKK. QI i.MliKl. <!• ( ((.. Banker- and Brokers. Open Board ol Trade lililg., Ciiica|(<>, lIL THE CITIZEN The Remora or Sucking F sh. A striped minora, or. sucking fish, was lojnil recently attached to the ti ttom of ne of the steam launches which run a ouud Gleu Island, savs the Xew York Sun. It was transferred to one ot the a-g- tauks of the Glen Island aquarium. I'ne tish, though not rare, is a deep sei fi«n *ad is n»rd to capture Ic g.-ows to th 1 length ot t«neive to eighteeu inches. T Si' top o!' it-. is surmounteil by a 1 trge suckia* disk .-xt-miing Irom near t ie up of tQe upper j u' to tne ends of the p cioral fias, or about Ouelbird of tue to al length of tOe tisn. Tne disk s made u 1 of seventeen or eighteeu pairs of bony lamiuiß, 111* eige» o( winch are faruished %i n rows of miaute Lootn-like projections. With this disk tne fish attaches itself to a <nark, a turtle, or some other larger fish, audi-iu this maauer drawn through tue water witnout tne exertion of swimming. Occasionally ic will release its hold long eaough to switn otf aad get something to e »t. but immediately returns to refasten it elf. Tne South American Indians make use of ais instinct ol tne list" to catch sea turtles. They fasten a ring around the rem Ta's tail to which they attach a long line. Fi.e fish is then taken to st'a, aud wueu a large turtle is sighted the reiuora is thrown overboard. It unerringly swims 11 tie turtle aad mattes fast. Tne liae is taen drawn in, and soon b >th turtle and rouiora are lu the uoat. it is necessary, UoWeVer, to wait until the fish feels lucliu ed to let go, for it is iinpossule to detach it from l he object by force without injury l>r. Aguew's Cure lor the Htsrt gi7j UerfecT relief in all cases of Orgauic o" ■sympathetic HeaL Disease in 30 minutes and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer "ess remedy for Palpitation, Shortuesn o -"rev b, Smothering ."spells, Pain in Let -•lUe and ail symptoms of a Diseased lleari •ue Uoi-e oonrinces. Sold by City Pnar TJaltJ . —Electrical experts in Philadelphia a fjw days sucjesstully expenmeutid with a new high speed system o!' ma.hine tel grapn>, by the use of wntch, it is ex peeled, 1,000 words a minute can be sent over asingle wire bstween poi its as far distant as New Fork and Chicago. Dur ing the test, which was made nnder un favorab e weatUer and other conditions, 940 words a minute were seat over a line 21S miles in length. —English Spavin Liniuient removes a • l.ard, soft or calloused lumps aud b!e:n mties troui borses. Olootl spavins, curbs •pnnls, sweeuey, riugumie, stifles, sprain all s*olleu throais, cougus, etc save #SO oy use of one bottle. Warranted the jnirt wonderful Lleiuish Cure ever kuowu oolu by J C. KeUic*. druggist Butler Pi A novel suit has been brought against the .Mate Miuuesota by a man who was recently injured in an encounter with a Hlooae. He argues tnat be Was p evented ir m defending nimself by the tact that He would have bueu severely punished hau be killed the animal. Also, tbat the moose is . ward ol the .State, aud the lat ter is responsabl for the animal's acu. Fell if 111 Mx Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South Aineri.an Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on ac Count of its exceeding promptness in re lievmg pain in the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the uriuary pass ges in male or female. Il relieves retention of water and pain in passing it altnort im media'ly. If you want quick relief and cure this is tour reined}. Sold by J. C. itedick druggist Butler Pa. —A tiaucerfnll of shaved ice may be preserved, for 24 hours with the therm orn etsr in the room at 90 degrees F. if the following precautions aro observed: Put the saucer containing the ice iu a soup plate and cover it with auother. Place the soup plate thus arranged on a good heavy pillow, and coyer it with another pillow, pressing the pillows BO that the plates are complete!} imbedded iu them. Aunt Hackael'o Horeliound and Eltvam pa ne Combined with Speer's Grape Juice and Hock Candy, for Public Speakers and .-u-.gers is being pieseribed by many proin n.i nt pbjsicians. which is a guarantee ot il» i nrit> anil its i ffiriency iu curing pul ii onary eoiiipiaiuls. It is used in prefer ence io Cod Liver Oil and in many cases itie curative results are quicker and more permanent. For sale by druggists. Price '25 ('fiiis and 75 cents. A brick fell from the fifth story ol a N«-w Yoik building last Thursday and landed q larely on ttie head ol a colored hod carrier The bricK broke when it | .-truck. The colored man took off his cap. looked at the hole in it, and then cooly r• marked: '-Well that means a now hat." This is a truthful paragraph. Duty It in the duty we owe to ourselves, as wetl as those who are dependent upon us, to preserve our heaiih and strength. Aunt Ritthael's Peruvian Malaria Bittern are found to bo an unfailing anil valuable assistant in maintaining the vigor of the s\ stem, and in keeping it in tone Hxcel lent for those subject to malarial fevers, (email s auu weakly persons to give an ap petite. —Lord Dysart, who has a rent roll of $750,000 a year, is decended from Will Murr\,lhe "wbippius boy" of King Charles I.—the lad deputed to receive corporal punishment whenever his youthful roj al master bad been guilty for misbehavior Dr. Marv Walker has bought a larin in the interior of N. Y , in which she promis es lo establish a community of women alone. They are to work the (arm, and no mat' is allowed to be nearer than hearing distance. He Mot Deceived. The experience of the Speer N. J, Wine •Jo. alter a continuous earner of more than holy years in Grape Culture and Wine inaHintr «s rasill a i in t.a prodii': ihi ol • i i • it a I v lf|«t 'iv-tls Hullo*.«y II i ill I i 0 2 i hi. Ati i- it«l .'a tin i HO || Gr.p - |«| Ol Ijr i rare; i i.or ii xvi .i! 1370 i« nt II c 'e I annul* Ki ip aIS ivh • a'pr* »t pore arilCle. I) sell it One ef ttie best paid ifovern esses In liurope is tho } olio , IS :glis'i w iinau vn . lias charge of ihe luila K nir of Spain .-be receives $4,500 a year, and there a.e s line people wno think sha earns every Oi l t of it. —So iuucii Iruit liai b *au raised Iu On ton,ia tins sea Miii that Ihe loasl marke • have been glutted, and ill San Frauds o tons ot melons, p'iars and plumbs hav be. n thrown into the sea Eaoi y Cured l>rui'k> uui ss. Morphine and Tobaec . II ie H4ii!v cuietl in Hie Ura al Hill's I nl li"i.i T t leii Nu *ll »rt re H»mii tin pi I iut, Willi Is >ll -Wed lUe ii e ol •Hinulauis utiLi < tie Voluulartly quns lUeir use. May lie giveu secretly in lea or uiiffs* a d a cure icuarauteeU in every case For sale by all first class druggists at SI.OO per package. For lull particulars aud book ot testimonials ad dress Tn« Onlo Chemical Works, Lima, Ohio. —They cau', fiitbt iu Texas with Holt t;lovns, that's settled, but if they juat trade tUeir gl"\es tor shot guus nobody will lay a straw in tb> ir way. —The Daughters ot the Revolution have ; erected a monument of round stones where Miles atandish. one of the Pilgrim fath ers, landed in Squantum, Masc., Septem i tier 1021. —There seems to be a coolness develop ing between the Aretio eiplorers now that they are back in a warm climate. It is a pity they didn't make it hot for eaob other np JiorlU. —lt is frequently the custom for mer chants in Scotland to buy potatoes when in the gr»an<i and to undertake the lifting and cwting. For ibis pnspose often c >mmunicate with a man in Ireland, call ed a "gaffer," Who takes a gaug of yonn g wuaien over to as-ist, and the Irish wo men are some of the best workers 10 the field. —The base ball batter goes and is re placed by tn» buckwheat batter. We speed the partial aud w -lcome the coming guest. —Ou h«r .leith bed Miss Man Morgan ofSi'oadsburg. Pa, handed to h>-r uiece. Emma Pry or, a b 1. saymg: "dure, E.u ma, I give it ail to you." Tue box wnm opened alter deit 1 *is fouud to cmttiu nearly $4 000 in bonds. T\e Supra no Court has decided this a legal bequest. —The remains of one more victim of the great Joaustowa il »J of May 31. ISS9 were touud ou Saturday last lu the iJone m>ugb 15 miles below rne city. —Scrofula lurks in the sj-te.n now il iod'B lila cures acrolaia uy pun lying tne blood —lt is asserted that by rubbing vase line over a D ill to Oj dred fro a * putoi '< gu 1, tne eye cau foil >w the progress or toe tnissi.e through tas k, I>u di-i.*.ica ■ its dtght. Its course is saiwu 0.. a t irat I of s.none, said 10 »e dij*j to tie couhi tion of me vaseline —A si nple in >ii of > 1 r.fyi.i< water i by alum. It, will prao'pitats all the im purities to the b ittom a' er ttsiQjj alio*- • 1 to sett to. A pa.ll'ii o >acai it 1 g fo jr gi loas >nay bap trtti s i by stimng in a more (nan a tetsp ion ml of tue aluai —An artificial la.-yux has Ihq iuv-i He 1 aud those persons wao lose their voice can have n»w ones pat i 1 on short notice Seems to us a public uo > 1 wu 1 be conferred by so.ne levied 'or r<) nov.n : voices. There are a big lot of p 1 ipie w.i • ought to have tneir voices pulled. —A invi duvi ia i'srry onaiy. Pi. claims to be an lo vil wita divine p >war. Be is credited with baring cast seven devils out of one won in aad discovered 99 in another. H >pa he'll leave them where they are. The owner may have use ior them. Lord knows the people generally are not on the hunt of such ten antry. Then why fire 'em Iroin their pre sent premiscsf —Thid seems to ba the greatest potato year ninoe Cain tni<fttui to the laai or Nod. Our exchanges ara filled with ao counts of phenomenal yield*. Oaj farm er in Lancaster to#ndt»ip, Baiter county uue-trthod 450 battels fro.n one aero fields of 25J bnajU are n >t iijiio.nai ■ i iu tbis ptrt of the State Cne t a bars ar» telling ia n iar-by markets as l->v a* 20 cents a ba<hel. Franklin Sews —Since priz i-fi<u r ,ing is Vjoat oatl uv 11 n this eouatry, attention is bam/ tamo i to football. friends of pugilism bav started a in ivo nent ia Chioago agtiust f> >tbill. r.iay bold ttiaf. as gl iv* a>-rt yr "hibited b/ I t*r, tie £ \u < > tool ball, <vn cb tb iy clano is far mi > brutal, sholit aHso Im stoppe 1 It is ~aid suit will b-t broa/tl'. to tint t'ie n » - ter. .Statistics j> oire civ fn lull kiil* o cripples a va-aly nun tier thai pugiis n. Tna priz vG/.tor is on hi guard an I cm protejt tiiin<elf fro u treacherous manning and injury. Bui-kwbait cak is and leivm are turn ing —A girl d m't have ti ba athletic t-- lhr>w a teilo.v over. Hero's Wisre I dr iut > poetry,'' r«uiark«d the otfi 3d cat. ju npi ig into tu-i waste uaskat. llia —rbere g iss a olovir detective Joax—What did ha oyer dot Uoa.t—tie once traced an umoraiia back to its origi nal owner. —"l'd be ashamed " sai l the rouge-bos to the mirror, "to cast reflect! ins upon iny mistress ttie wiv you d i." Y"ou Have hi ro iin to talk," was the retort; "you bring the blush to tier cheek." *A I.y Not Try tl.e New and Better Wa Of doing your chopping? Instead t. • coming u> ita store, uiak« the stoie conn to you. /es, and the bent and store in the countrs at that: namely, K»u' matin Br'thera, Plitsbuig Drop them osial and you will get their Kprnig unit .;unuiier Catalogue gr .lis, enabling you order by mail anything you may »i»h, ann .avin/ as much money as city people do DON'T EAT TOO MUCH. This warning is intended for persons using Nature's Com pound. It has such appet i/ing properties that you will want to eat between meals, and too much at meal time. EAT PLENTY Hut stop befoi e you arc quite satisfied. Nature's Compound the true health assistant Purifies the blood, regulates the liver and digestive organs. Sold by Druggists, price st. Si* for Every Woman iSometimes needs a r>'li- Bsjl 4 ab!a monthly regulating (I ,■<£., medicine. 'si Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. Aro prompt, «nf.' nrvt certain In result. T*io genu* lor (|>r. I'pbl'm novrr disappoint- Sunt auj+Jutfih • 1.00. i'iMU Mtyliciac Co . Clov eland. U$ i THE KEELEY CURE a special boon to business men who, bavins clrlftiKl unconsciously Into the ilrlnk habit and uwuken to find the 'liseasc of alcoholism Tautened up m them, renderinic them unflt to inanaKC uf f«lrs riHiuirlnij a clear brain. A four Week» course or treatment at tho PITTSBURG KI'.ELEV INSTITLTB, I Jo. 4246 Fifth Avenue, rostores to them all their powrs, mental and physical, destroys tho abnormal appetite, and restores them to the condition they were In l«- fore they Indulge i in stimulants. Thlahaabeen done in more than lfioo cases treated here, and among them some of your own neighbors, to whom we can refer with confidence as to the ab'oluto safety and i-ITiciency of the Kceley Cure. The fullest and lamt searcLlng Investigation if •1 vltcd. Scud for immnUlet giving full Inluau*- UOll. Persons to TitYel.++ WANTED. Several faithfui gentlemen and ladies to travel for established house. Position permanent if suited; also increase State reference and enclose self-addressed stamp ed envelope. THE NATION'AL, 310-317-318 Omaf a Bldff , Chioaoo. r-tLi 9 0r1 e ; : .i.1i.«.1»r.1/<-"y'|«' _ f fv.yi ' •• •* /A., i ,■ . ■ y Jsj. P m*:., ««a b j %u LA»I »>IU44».U. I'UUA^U.. YOU VE DROPPED YOUR Rattle Ax PLUG A GREAT BIG PIECE FOR IP CENTS- ■ •WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES r GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF ' SAPOLIO THE QUESTION » s °f len as k c< 3. What Taint shall we use? JHE ANSWER I If you are looking lor covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must buy THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS O«Mn Most, Looks Best, Wears longest, Most economical, Full Measure. Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all the time We are in the business to stay and •RuSHes. . 5 - *' ' ■tay.withus. COLORS IN OIL, HOUSE A COACH VARNISHES. J. C. REDICK, 109 N. Main St. tWh&t Nerve Kerries have done lor ethers <6*rii a* " anCPermanently m it<vre£/. "u" lia7 A positive cine for all VVcakn?sses, Nervousness, Debility, and ail their train of evils resulting: from early errors and later excesses; the result of over work. sickirss, worry, etc. orexcessive use of tobacco,npmm and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine NERVE BEIiF.SES, io other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, $' .00 per box, six boxes, one full treatment,ss.oo. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet f-ee. Address mail ordeisto AMERICAN f.'iEDIC'l CO . CINCINNATI. 0. W HAT W iX DO. IIS NATURE'S OW?i TOKIC. Rtlmrlatea tho appetlto and pi-o duoea rofr< shiuK sloop. GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TJ AIJRSINQ R MOTHERS. Cb cks waatinff diseases. Bfopo night ewonts, euros ineipi ut consumption. OTncroasea atron(,.b and Dosli. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes hoa'thy lun™ fisuo Will prive iho r ' r l i••• - .» rosy chei ' .it L CORES JilLf. tXTZA. llakoa Rtron r weaklingj. . 'LM£EE'> IROf! KS , r i!. C'Jt nt! j'astlnß DtMS M and tii-ii* Scqticr.cc9 f BONCI 'TIS, COKSUMPTION,4t '"Loyn.ro noirhor styptic nornnustle fir • no i:Oß«nlating olloct o:i tho conto •'fomaeh or itn lining couaetiti"n' not hi.i t tho tenth or eau.'.o conatipnt • •uri i ii:i, a do tho usual formi of Xr i ." •• itmo'it 600, pumiihlut £ioo. b/vour "iruggiat, iicfdroaa ■ MORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. r 13 ro J iiJL |' . r \ ' ' r i Ounr GO TO W.E.R ALSTONS For fiuo Watcboß, Dlatuonde and Optica! Goods of all kinds f Examined Fret ~ of Charge by. V; ... IT. R. FRKNCJI Gra duatc 0} t c'rn, at No. 132 S strtn t, Butler, Ta. A HUGUS & HACKE. DRV GOODS. mere's two Magnets (■ That Attract the Buyers to Our Gloat Department. FIRST.—The Styles We show —which are the authorities most confidently relied upon WHWffl by those who wish to get in close touch :,..wOND.—Value. —No prices lower than ours. A generous pick from the world's markets for Fall and Winter Wear of Ladies' Jackets, Capes, Fur Garments, Suits, Silk Waists and Separate Skirts. TII E BEST $5.00 Beaver Cloth Jacket IN THE CITY. THE BEST SIO.OO Box Coat IN THE CITY. THE BEST $8.50 Plush Cape IN THE CITY. THE BEST SIB.OO Box Coat Suit IN THE CITY. Ladies' Wrappers, made of Chintz, Verlaine, Flannelette, made in styles, from SI.OO up. Ladies' Dressing Sacques, made of Eider Flannel, Zephyr finished, $1.25 up to $5.00. VI tors to the- city will be given the fullest opportunity to through our entire store without being importuned to buy. \ JGUS & HACKE, fifth Ave. & Market St., PITTSBURGH, PA. itrs ,£> DO YOU WANT | Jlf Jackets and Fur Capes jj 1 AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES? I W V If ao, it ia to your interest to oxamine our W jv £p .tift 1 E''// Immense stock of freah goods—fjoods that fit |l7 v/ i 1 1!' L ©Oj f\' %l" m and|wuar well. If wo cannot sell you goods w J* lit \>'/ 'V tk a' 1 X M lower than anybody clue we do not expeot yon {ibjt* *j9 ()W 1 '/ V- :y/ '*} 1 ' f to buy here, but we are after your trade—and |H f\/'a ■■•■ ..../ A hope to get h by offering superior inducement®. [J.vj V ) \ Tailor Made Jacket#, mad® of fine 7? X. ©O \ Beaver (sec cut), at $3.50 to 9I&AX). jy WJ* vY\. mi : V~\ Heavy tkracle Cloth Jacket*, ///i i'JV' sH V% style, $4.60, $5.00, #5.38 // J M /|fj Hj /*"p"—" lA and up to $13.50. Fur Capes, // jtfJflS K yJ"! ttvlf" 30 incheo lon*, 100 inch sweep. Ati* '• 3< xS W " from 16 08 to • 50 00 50 MffiWm i<K ft 'W "l y i? y °* l 1,11,811 ( ape? ' 100 to 120 i »ches sweep, satin lined, $4.60, $6.00, 2.f11 iju; $.>.75 and up to s?<>.oD, some richly trinimed with fur and all well made. t^7»s<, Jj' M W Our immense line of Irc-wh Kid Ulovca, nt 75c., SI.OO, $1.26 a pair ia sure JW, ASB Wf tjA' hW to please you, while our i-tock of Underwear and Hosiery tar Ladtea, [2^ [lr Gentlemen and Children haw no superior in this city. /' When in tho city call on us whether you wleh to buy or no*, you mf weloomel 1 ROSENBAUM & CO., | %"= 510, 512, 514, 516, 518 {Market Street, Cor. of feibertj?, - | | S MILLINERY D. T. PAPE'S The Leading and Largest Millinery House in Butler County. Has just received the handsomest Pattern Hats, Bonnets and Children's liars ever brought to Butler county. .PRICES EXTRLMKLY LOW. Come in and see for yourself and be convinced. Mourning Goods a Specialty. 122 S. Main St 122 S. Main A GREAT MANY PEOPLE vill visit the PITTSBURG KXI'OSI J ION this month, and to each one of them we : extend a hearty invitation to call and inspect our EXPOSITION OF FINE Whiskeys, Wines and Liquors in tht;ir original packages—Champagnes from France; Whis j kies from Scotland and Ireland; Wines, Brandies, Gins, Rums j and Cordials from foreign climes—all in their native purity. j We carry the finest assortment of any house in the State at exceedingly low prices THE SILVER AGE RYE WHISKEY is etiil gaining in I popularity—solely on its merits—and is endorsoil by physicians as the BEST STIMULANT IN THE WORLD, $1 50 per !ull qt. FOR $5 00 We w '" Ben< * y° n — a " charges paid—one quart of Silver Age and 5 qaarta of the famed Bear Creek Rye, or we will on application mail you oar complete catalogue and yoa can select $6 00 worth of liquors, and we will ship them to you, neady boxed FOR £so 00. Call or address MAX KLEIN, | Wholesale Liquor Dealer; 82 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny Pa. "2 Buy a Buggy v J that's reliable when you do buy one. Fredonia Buggies l.ave f/er),hing in their favor—beauty, stability, ease. You can fin " this out by lo< Ing at 'cm. Your dealer sells them Made PPEP''* 1 * MFO C VounfiT.stowii. O.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers