The Seventh Annual— Opens PITTS- Wednesday September 4, 1895 BURG Closes* Saturday October 19, 1895. TIOX. Unsurpassed Attractions GIT MORE S WORLD RENOWNED BAND. Victor Herbert. Director, Will appear until Sep't. 14 in popular Concerts Daily, To be followed by CONTERNO S NINTH REGIMENT BfIND, «£ Brooklyn, au.l • IJSNES FAMOUS NEW YORK BAND. SIO,OOO Pleasure Railway, The Finest in the State—just completed. MAGNIFICENT ART GATITJERY. By formost American Artists. ... , TLTirr , H ANICAL IN VK NT ION'S, Display o. MECH AN XAL _ equa;ud the history of Expositions. Agricultural and Dairy Macninery In Full Op-ration. SPECIAL DAYS EACH WEEK aII KAILROADS^ Admirsion. * s c. p ,. ce for the People ,„ ' The Restaurant will be under IhcTmanagement of W. S. Porter, thoroughly first-class in every particular ami popular prices charged. IN order to make room for rhe immense stock of fall and wm ter goods that we have bought, we will make up our summer ant medium weight goods at prices much below their re a value -Now !»the time for you to get a suit, or pair ol trousers lor less than you An buy them elsewhere. We guarantee a perfect fit and satisfaction »n each and every particular. This offer holds good until Ist ol frept ember, • Young,'WttL DIAMONDS sCAKK.PmS.LSTUDS. WATCHES \ GKSTS ' <iOLU ' L t.ADI ES'.CUA T LAI N JEWELRY } GOld P1 ""' E " ir ****' 1U "l?ai„s. Brnce.lets, Etc. . vvfTin t«t Jt "O U*' Tea Sel » Colors, liutter plslies iu'U Kvrrji .i.: HIIjII JfcaX* W Hm i that can be roun'! in a first elass ttore. BOO6EI BROS. 1874 } KNIV K3. 1-OBKS, hi > > { s lpLH PLATE E. GRlEß, jev ™lV No. 139, North Main St, B JTLEK, PA„ 1 i 9 m ■' *7*3 v FA,R SLPSa Pi Hands and arms are counted high 'mong DSI Ak ft*" nature's charms. When decked with rings & and bracelets bright, these charms possess JOr? ' / T A \ a greater might to fascinate the Ijcholder. 1 I The finest jewelry in this and other lines 1 \ \mS \ to be found at prices that defy competition. | \ I make a specialty of new and fine novel ' \ ties in silver and cut glass. j&Kga* Prompt Attention Given to Watch Repairing, Etc. J. r. grie:b, 118 South Main Street, - Butler, Pa V.\\£s a a PiRRW pl|f| * HAY- FEVER W_J%m Qcold : HEAD.^« Ely's Cream Balm is not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied into the w)strih it is _ quickly absorbed. It clsanse* the head, allays injlamviation, heals _ C lEth* sores. Sold hij drug'tints or sent by moil on receipt of prir*. Llln DUC ELY BROTHERS. 06 Street NEW YORK. DUC Rob't. Lewin, WHOLESALE WHISKEY MERCHANT ANDIMPORTEP Flf 1 WINKS AND tiTQUOitf, IM Water St., (Oppos'le B. 40. Depot.) Pittsburg, Pa. FINCH'S GOLDEX WEDDING TOa MIDICAL AND FAMILY USE. SI.OO per Qt. f or 6 Qta. for $5.00 Finoh's Golden "Weddinp Jongherty Snckenheimer, Lorge Gibson, flridgeport, Vernon, Overholt, eto. This in the •lily house not,, edifying in the city,there fare oar gcods are warranted pure. Goods ••cure'y packed and boxed without extra •barge. C. 0. D and mail orders receive rampt attention. Grandfather '* choioe • fur old, $2.00 per ga'lon. Try u». W. L. DOUGLAS CUnC IS THE BEST, 9nvb "T Foa A KINS. CORDOVAN, \ miKH&CN>U«CIL£OCALr. MSfc-u Fine Cm/ ikangamo » 3*9 POLICE,3 SOLES. 1 . EXTRA FINE- B2YS ' SCHMI " SHKi BROCKTOH.MASS. Over One MHlloik People wear the "W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes arc equally satisfactory They *!▼* th? beat value for the money. They Mitral custom ehoea In etyie and fit. Their we*r*ng qualities are unsurpassed. The ;iiai u ra onHorni,—stamped on sole. Pram to f.i saved over other makes. * a yov- 'tolsr cannot supply you we can. Sgld by ALEXANDER k DOTJTT, Whitkstown. McCANDLESS' 11EAVE CUBE 1 have a Heave Cure that will cure any of heaves in borne* in forty days, ■ seu according to directions, and it' it doe* aot do what I claim for it, 1 will refund the amount paid and no charges will he made for the treatment. The following testimonials are the strongest proof of th medic-nes power to cure: A. J". MCCA.NDLKSS, Butler, Pa., 1«93. Ma. A. J. MCCasdless: On the 2ud day of April, 1892, I com menced to u*e your new cure for one ot my tow* that had the heaves very bad. and continued to use the medicine for ab< at lurly days aud the horse did not ah' *• any signs of a return of tnein. It i? no iv.about a rear since f quit givin the m«d'\o\n« and the horse has never sowed an r signs of heaves, and. I feel Blislie I tht t he is properly cared. W C. Criswbll, Butler. Pa., April 3, 1893 A. J- McCakdlws: I have'r,.?edj.our Heave Care and founl it will do the work if used accordng to di •tvona. - Yotfm truly,' I\l£ - JyUiu*. Couth Shorn Wine Co. East. Erie Co., Pa.»&- Manufacturers of Dinner, Family, Medicinal and Altar Wines. We would like to have you give our wines a trial anil will snip to you oil re ceipt o f order one cas ■ of assorted wines containing One Dozen Bottles tor as we are ready to open an account with you. After you have been satisfied as to tiie quality, vou will have the ad vantage of ordering such wines as you may need. We guarantee our wines to be Abso lutely pure, and free from adulteration; 3to 5 years of age. Hope you will favor us with a trial order, as we are certain you will be pleased with our wines. We have 75 acres of choice wine grapes and raise our own grapes for wine. The South Shore was founded in 1564 and is the larg/'st wine cellar in the state. We ship no wines under three years of age, as it requires that time to mature and make a perfect viae. Respectfully yours, SOUTH SHORE WINK CO., M. A. CALDWELL, I'roprietor. (J. ROSS RAYMOND, Cen'l Agent,) North Eitst. Erie Co., Pa. D L. CLEELAND Optician, 125 S. Main, "St. PARKIX BROS. iGreen Goods Market, CENTRE AVE. - - - Hear R. R. All kinds of Country Produc 1 ways 011 hands—good and fresl Highest market price paid in eash for Country Produce. TIIE FISH Tailoriri£> Co. Butler, Pa. Original Low Priced Tailors and Perfect Fitters. Pants to order. .$ 3.00 to SIO.OO Suits to orderl 5.00 to $50.00 Overcoats to order Promp work and fit guaranteed. Give us a call. The Fish Tailoring Co., 104 DIAMOND, Opp. North side Court House, Butler, Pa tthe wronr tiling* in this world 1» that a woman lias to wnk for a man hap James* ma| de ?ut she Ft not per mitted to tel! him 80, a» he would ha must depend upon nian admire* a sal low skin, dull and sunken and circled want* to marry^an invalds are attrac tive to either sex. It isn't natural that they should be. Many a woman a heart's happiness has been wrecked be cause of a crop of pimples or because ol a foul breath, or because of some other un pleasant symptom of an irregularity in the performance of her natural functions. Health in a woman brings clear complex ion, red lips, vivacity, sparkle of eves and intellect. Eternal watchfulness is the price of health. The downward road to disease is fatally easy to travel. Little disorder?, little irregularities, little drains, lead to the most serious consequences. Put a stop to them ! Dir. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will do it without the embarrassment of examinations and "loca 1 treatment so much dreaded by modest women. In nine cases in ten, there is absolutely no need of 3iem. The "Favorite Prescription lias been prescribed by Dr. Pierce for over 30 years and has cured the very worst forms of female troubles. . . , A book of 16S pages, containing much valuable information and letters fiorn hundreds of grateful women, will be sent in a plain envelope, securely sealed, on receipt of this notice and ten cents, in stamps, to part pay postage, by WORLD A DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 663 Main Street, BuUalo, N. V. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphrey-' Specific* arc scientifically and carefully prepared Kennedies, used fcr years in private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire rvccess. Every single Specific a special euro for tie disease named. SPECIFIC FOB rwcrn. t-Frvm, Congestions, Inflammations.. .23 !t-Wonn»> Worm Fever, Worm C01ic.... 3— Teet hint;: Colic, Crying, Wakefulness ■ 2 t 4—Diarrhea, or children or Adults 25 7—Conch!", Colds, Bronchitis 25 s—>eurn!eln, Toothache, Facesche !»•> 9—Headache*, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .2j 10—OyMpepsin, BlHoasiiess, Constipation. .25 11— Suppressed or Painful Periods... *25 |2—Whites, Too Profuse Periods 25 13—Croup, LaryugitW. Hoarseness .25 14—Salt Rhea in, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 15 — Hheamntism. Kheumatio Pains 25 16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .25 19—Cntarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head. .25 20— Whoopinar Coush 27—Kidney Diseases • 2S—Xervous Debility >■? 30— I'rinary Weakness '-45 31 Sore T b roa t, Qulncy, Ulcerated Throat ,2«> linil' OR. HUMPHREYS' GDIQ OCC 7/ SPECIFIC FOR onlr, . Put up In small bottles of pleasant pellets. Just lit your vest pocket. Soil by Drueßlst". » r «'"• on receipt of pries. nrn.Hcufi.MTx JlotiAl. Klil»rK«d* lUvUetl, UAILKK uinPHß, ui antwiuu- su.JiiiW toml SPECIFICS. S F9R CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON S THE CURES CANCER, ECZEMA, TETTER 5 BLOOD \ tAI ku I nil I REHEDY Which ) ) IIATIirnO INSURED Safety I SMllTlltUV Of Life to Moth- S < (YIU 111 LROi er and Child. I "MOTHERS' FRIEND" $ Robs Confinement of its Pain, Horror and Risk. 5 I My wife used "MOTHERS' FRIEND" be- f Jforo birth of lier lirst child, she did not J 5 suffer from CRAMPS or PAlNS—wusquickly J S relieved nt the critical hour suffering but } C little—she had no pains afterward and lier V / recovery was rapid. J I E. E. JOHNSTON, Eufaula, Ala. C J Sent by Mall or Express, on receipt of J V price, #I.OO per bottle. Hook "To Moth- V { ers" mailed Free. r C BKADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ca. ( C SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. V What Strikes Others Will strike yon.—We are aV> si leaked here and there witfc the sumo likes and dislikes. Thousands of all sorts of pi ople pronounce Old Export Whiskey tip-top In every particular, and for all uses. Might be Just what you'd like, no harm in mention ing it, anyway. It is 8 years old, that's certain. It is post tively pure and free from fusel oil—that Is a fact which lha most expert chemist can't dis prove. Full Quarts, SI.OO ; Six Quarts, $5.00. Mail and Express ordot* shipped promptly, and we pay transportation charges on orders of SIO.OO and over. Jos. FLEMING & SON, 412 MARKET ST., PITTSBURG. PA. Complete Price Lists of Wines and I iquors mailed tree- WHAT IR O N "W XLJL DO. IIS NATURE'S 0 WSI TOXIC. Stimrdatos the appetite and pro duces refreshing sleep. GIVES VITAL STRENGTH TO NURSIfiS R MOTHERS. Checks wasting diseases, stops night sweats, cures incipient consumption. O Increases and flesh. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotes healthy lung tissue. Will Rive the pn'o and puny the rosy checks of youtn. ,CURES ATX FE.VIALE COMPLAINTS. A. Makes strong men and women of weaklings. GiLMORE'S IRON TOillC FILLS Care all '.Vasting Diseases and thaif sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. Thoy are neilher styptic nor caustic, and no coagulating effect on tho contents I'the stomach or its lining: consequently o not hurt tho teeth or cause constipation ,r diarrhoea, as do the usual forms ot Iron. ' O days treatment 50c. pamphlet free. li uot kept by your druggist, addret>3 GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. Pis rerrmspiL^ EL R^SWAYBE'S n f; u A ' L 7 (PS ' - -- I • CS.V r - « •fIFTOSS- IstfiMc Ur: ■ » * i Xr '* • ; ' ' ' «""i *" "" " THE CITIZEN. rittsburg's Exposition for I*o* If reported by those who have seen It to surpass its many successful prede cessors in thp variety of attractions, and the interest which the people are taking in the institution. This is the seventh annual show by the \\ estern Pennsylvania Exposition Society, an organization whose very name is syn onymous with that of enterprise. As an exhibit of mechanical and commercial displays the show this year contains scores of most interest ing features. This is the first year that the Carnegie Steel Company lias ever shown any of its famous armor plate which for resisting strength has been awarded premiums by the navy department of the United States, 'lhis company shows a single piece of liar veyized armor plate, made from steel, weighing 22,000 ]K)tinds. The surface shows the spot where the eight-inch conical projectile hurled from one of the most powerful guns known to modern warfare was successfully re sisted. Another smaller plate also demonstrates the great strength of the metal. Then there is the great seven-ton lump of coal, from the T. M. Jenkins mines at California. I'a., wliieh required a wrecking car. scores of laborers and horses to transport successfully from tUe mines to the Exposition. A beautiful stone house elearl v demonstrates that artificial Stone is as good for building purposes as the natural rock. Ingrained lumber is made before the eyes of the visitor. The Usual at tractive displays are made by tin* cocoa men, who have a rival this year In a London i»ea importing house that is represented by pretty Ceylou maid ens who serve the delicious lieverage. The display of textile fabrics interests every one. The amusement attrac tions have been augmented by a big roller coaster, or switchback railway, four hundred feet in length and with four tracks. This new affair divides popularity with the old favorite merry-go-round. The river excursions run high in favor with pleasure seek ers, while a new scenic theatre which shows illuminated fac - similes of World's Fair buildings, allures many into the little miniature theatre at the west end of the main building. The music at the Exposition has al ways been irresistible. During the first ten days of this year the famous Gilmore Twenty - second Regiment Band of New York delighted its thou sands, and now the visitors are being entertained by the Conterno Ninth Regiment Ilaud from the Brooklyn Navv Yard. The latter organization has fifty of the finest musicians in the country, including John llazn. of \\ il liamsport. Pa., the phenominal boy eornetist. Each Monday is choral night, when the big choir of three hundred voices, directed by City Or ganist Ecker, of Allegheny, gives choral works accompanied by the band. On every Friday the program by the band is from the classical works. Directly following the Con terno Band, beginning September 20S conies the Innes Famous Festival Band, which will play for three weeks, closing the season. The Art Gallery at the Exposition this year is the finest collection of oil paintings ever shown west of New York. There are works from the brushes of Rosa Bonheur, Edward Moran, Josef Israel, and others of world-wide fame. The most interest ing picture is one worth $40,000. called "Suffer Little Children to Come Unto Me." This canvas is nine by eleven feet, and was hung in the Paris salon last year. It was especially imported for this exhibit. As usual the Pitts burg passenger association has grant ed a special rate of one fare for the round trip, and excursions from this city to Pittsburg will be duly an nounced. Manager Director Keating of the Exposition, thinks that the at tendance for IS!I." will lie larger by 20 per cent, than it was last year. —A member of the American legation at Pek.'n, who is homeward bound, after 21 years service in the Orieut, prophesies a war between Japan and Russia. The conflict, he says, can not bo long delayed. The Japanese have grievances enough io declare war against the Empire of the Czar, and when it conies it will probably be very much to Russia's taste. The Czar's diplomats have been at work sizing np things and striving lo learn what nations, if any, will interfere with Russian designs upon territory in the East. Germany is about the only country that seems at all likely to put a check to the Czar's ambi tion, France has been placated, and Eug land will doubtless pursue <» policy of non interferance. The United States may en ter a protest but it is not at all reasonable to suppose that wo will furnish Japan auything more than moral support in the event of a war. Russia can devour Japan at her pleasure and secure unrestricted ac cess to the Pacific. It is a brilliant scheme, and the great Siberian railway will cotue into good play, and Ru-sia's mammoth gun boats have active employ ment in real warlaro. Nothing Succeeds Like Success. —The success of the Speer X. J. Winf Co. in producing an extra quality of Grape Brandy is marvelous. They rely alone on the grape for body and flavor, and hence there is a wide and growing demund lor 'his Brandy which rivals the old brands id Cognac. France. Nothing is liuer or richer than Speer's Old (Jiirnax Brandy and his Old Port, five to fifteen years old. For table use their Clarets, Sauternes, Burgundies and P. J Sherry aro unsurpassed. For the sick room, hospital and Sacramental purpose their Unlermentea Grape Juice is recom mended and used by both physicians and divines. Sold by druggists. —A colony of Xorthern people, largely composed of veteran soldiers, is to be es tablished in a new town named Northern City, in southwest Georgia. The company lias a capital ot $500,000 and will expend $350,000 in buying land and $150,000 in im provements. Twelve thousand acres will be laid oat in lots. The tide of migration in this county is beginning to run from North to South, Dr. Agnew's Cure lor the Heart gi7* perfect rehet in all cases of Organic <>' sympathetic ileal Disease in 30 minutes and speedily efleets it cure. It is a peer 'ess remedy tor Palpitation, Shortness o .Jreath, Smothering Spells. Pain in Lef ' ide and all symptoms ol a Diseased Heart •ne dose convinces. Sold by City Phar Tiacy. —A lawyer in a court room tn *y call a man a liar, scoundrel, villi in. or a ttie!', and no one makes a -complaint when court adjourns. If a newspaper prints such a reflection on a man's character there is a libel suit. This is owing to the fact that the people believe what an editor saps. —"When the Emperor of China takes an outing it is usually in a close sedan chair, wilh guards along each side of the road to prevent any one from staring at him. Lord Dunraven must have got his idea of a yatch race from tue yellow autocrat of the Celestials. —English Spavin Liniment removes a ' hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishe.s from horses, blood spavins, curbs splints, sweeuey, ringbone, stiHes. sprain all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted ihe •nost wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold bv J. C. Redick, druggist Butler Pi —A new counteifeit $lO national bank note on the First National Bank of De troit has been discovered by the secret service bureau. The notes are photo graphic productions of brown backs, series of 1882, clerk "C." B. K. Bruce, register; James Gilfillan, treasurer, and printed on two pieces of paper pasted together, be tween which red silk threads are placed. The notes bear the large scalloped seal printed in dark red instead of chocolate. — A Baptist minister at Clyde. X. Y., has created a furore by preaching a ser mon on the subject, ''lt is Harder to Go o Hell Than to Get to Heaven," "Not to be Visited Again." Some time ago in the State of Michigan a yoang and enterprising American honk agent was in the country, traveling from town to town, selling a work called "The Early Christian Martyr*,'' winch he sold at $5 a copy, de'ivering the book and collect ing the money as he went along. lie had been two days in acertain town, and had taken a fair number of orders there, when a .ittle betore noon he called in a grocery store, where he fouud the proprietor alone. The old grocer asked i>im wuat he had, seeing from his samples that lie was an agent of some kiuJ, lie replied "I am taking orders for a work called "The Early Christian Martyrs' and have only a lew copies left." Tue old man s eye.- beamed wi:h delight as be said: "is that <-ot Why it was only a tew nigfcts ago my wife and 1 were la.k mg about that book aud wondering how we could net it. She wants ihe book bad, and so do I." The agent delivered him a copy, aud as the old man gave hiin a sfo bill in payment, he said: ■ Now, look here, don't jou go over to the house and sed a copy to my wife, because wo onlv want oue in ti-e lamil> "Certainly uot,'' .-aid the book agent, "1 wouldn't think of sueh a ihiug," and bid ding the old man good morning he It-It the store. It was then about a quarter to twelve, and the train which was to take him to Chicago started at 12.13 lie said to himself, "1 have just time to sell a copy to the old lady and get on that traiu." So he entered the nearest drugstore ami getting the Dome address of the old man from a directory, he at once started there. Of course he had no difficulty in making the sale, as she was anxious to get the work, and, having received $5 he tnade all hi-ste to catch the train. The old man cauie home for dinner at 12 o'clock, reaching there not long after the book agent had gone. His wife came towards him smiling and congratulating herself upon having secured what sbe had for so long wished to possess, a copy of "The Early Christian Martyrs " Be did not smile, however, put swore angrily and muttering something about he would fix him, hurried out(not stopping for his din ner) in the hope of reaching the station before ihe train star.ed for Chicago, think ing that the book agent would be sure to leave town as soon as possible after this. When he came within two hundred yards of the station he saw from the top of the hill which sloped down to the station that the train wad on the point of starting, so, recognizing a !tiend of his who was nearly at the bottom of the hill and con sequently close to the train, he began gesticulating and sbouting to him to stop the book agent. His friend could onlj catch the word book agent, so he ap proached the book agent, who was smok ing a cigar on the rear platform of a car, and asked him what tbeold man on ttie hill wanted. The book agent pretended to scrutinize *he figure in the distance, ol course knowing lull well who he was and what he wanted; in a lew moments he said, as idea seemed to strike him: "I know, I know now; that isacustomer .i] mine, he tfauts a copy of "The EarU Christian Martyrs," and tike a fool I never called on him; 1 forgot him. II you want to do him a good turn," he aided, just as •.he train was going to move out, "you nad better lake the book from me, and it to him so he won't be disappoint ed. The price is $5." The man gave the book agent $.3 for bis friend and took the book and the train started for Chicago. As the book agant leaned beck in his seat, be took a smal! book containing a list of towns and wrote opposite this town the words: ''Not to be visited again." —Sweet refreshing sleep and a vigorous appetite lollow taking flood'sSarsaparilla. —As the buckwheat crop promises well and the porkers are fattening, we may all be happy yet. Ann I IlaehaeVs Hitters. —The undeniable fact that these Hitters are composed in the main ol Speer s Wine, wilh peruvian Bark, Snake Root, etc.. analyzed and recommended to invalids and the Medical Profession, by the best Chemists in the United States, cannoi fail in inspiring coufidence in the use of these Malarial Bitters. —One of the features of the children's parade in Erie, on the first day of the cen tennial, was the "living flag, "composed ol abont 400 children dressed in red, white and blue, and singing patriotic airs, Over 5,000 children were in line in the parade. J President or. Brandy for Sickness. The President of the Baltimore Medical College, who has thoroughly tested Speer's wines and brandy, says: I »m prt-par -d to bear testimony to th>* value of Speer's Climax Brandy as a purr and valuable artical ia all cases ot di.ieast in which a reliable stimulant is r<quired. I regard is superior to most French brand ies. Harvey L Byrd. M. D. and Ptesi dent and Professor of Obstetrics and Dis eases of Woman and Children, Baltimore Medical college. —You wouldn't want a great many things you do if somebody else didn't have them. An Easy Cure for Drunkenness. Drunkenness, Morphine and tobacco habit may easily be cured by the use of Hill's Double Chloride of Gold Tabldts. No effort is required of the patient and stimulants may bo taken as usual until voluntarily given up. Tablets may be given in tea or coffee without the patient's knowledge. A cure guaranteed in every case. For sale by all first-class druggists, or will be sent on receipt of SI.OO. For full particulars address The Ohio Chemical Works. Lima, Ohio. —One big bicycle ruanu facturer in this county says that he has 2,700 agents, and bas ordered 70,000 saddles for the 1896 output of bicycles. BelieJ in Six Hours. —Distressing Kidney and Blidder dis eases relieved in sis hours by the "New Great South Kidney Cure." I ins new remedy i« a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in re lieving pam in the bladder, kidney, back and every part of the urinary pasnges in main or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in pa-sir,g it almoft im meiiiatly, If you want quick relief and care this is j our remedy. Sold by J. C. itedick druggist Builer Pa. —An Oil City merchant some time ago took in a penny among some other change, and shortly afterward, on aocount of the date of tho coin, sold it for $3.95, The merchant asked some friends what percentage he had made in the deal. The experts up there are still puzzling over the question. *vM,y Not Try the New and Better VVa Of doing your shopping? Instead c coming to ihe store, make the store come to you. /es, aud the best and liigvjs store iti the country at that: namely,Kau! Mann Brothers, Pittsburg. Drop them < t>tal and you will get their spring ami ..nmmer Catalogue gratis, enabling you to order by mail anything you may wish, i»n<i avtn/ as much money as city people do, ri < i>i. . r -. tt -u PiLLi V R . jwi uui i muis**. raiiaoa., r* FOR IP CENTS 'WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES/ GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO -M jgjj v, ; •• r^tSi ' / ' .. jV •-' * ••» ■ . -• - - . yV- ' ' - '!:-. t.' ; , : V" >• : f W. F. Hartzell. Frank Kemper The Adriance Rinder Is the lightest draft, the simplest constructed, the easiest operated, and the most durable of any binder on the market. It will not upset on the steepest hills, It will cut where all others fail. It will handle as long or as short grain as any other binder. It will do better work in tangled grain than any binder in use. This binder is sold 011 its merit?.. If it fails to do as above mentioned, we do not ask you to buy it. All machines and vehicles sold by us are guaranteed to be as represented. Machinery for all farm use, from the plow to the separator, can be got from us. Vehicles in various styles and prices. Ilarn ss for ah kinds of use. Fly nets and Covers, Dusters, Kobes, Blankets, A hips, &c. In short, anything belonging to a team outfft is kept by us. I best wagon on the market is sold by us. We guarantee it superior to,any thing sold in this County. Call and see us HARTZELL & KEMPER,^^^^ THE QU EST IO Nis often asked, What Paint shall we use? ymjr ANSWER I l f you are looking for covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must buy THE SHERWIN-WILUAMS Cow rs Most, Looks Best, Wears Longest, Most Economical, Full Measure. Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all the time. We are in the business to stay and .PUSHIS,-,* "■ '■ SU f SW ' U ' COLORS IN OIL. tr HOUSE & COACH » VARNISHES* J. C. REDICK, ioq'N. Main St. Are You Using NATURE'S COMPOUND? Bv all means do so. It is un doubtedlv one of the best remedies on the market to regulate the Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, Purifies the blood, au excellent tonic. Tones the 8> stem and is purely vegetable. Sold by Druggists. Price sl. six for $5. Persons to Travel.** WANT ED. Several faith ful gentlemen and ladies to travel lor established house. Position permanent if suited; also increase. State reference and enclose self-addressed stamp ed envelope. THE NAT IOXAL, 31G-317—318 0111 a! a Bidg, CHICAGO. Cliaiiiaiipa Nurserj Company. | -OFFER— Liberal Terras To Agents, Gig Inducements to Customers. High Grade Stock at Low Prices. Now Specialties. Seed Potatoes, Ac. Men Wanted. Jll Every Town, Steady Work. Psy Weekly Address. H.B. WILLIAMS, Secy, j Portland, N. Y. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL consult the Old Reliable DR.LOBB 329 If. FIFTEENTH ST., PHI LA., PA. Thirty years' continuous practice in the cure of all ; diseases of men and women No matter from what cause or bow lon* standing. I vM uwtrantee a cura 1 182 Pa*e Cloth-Bound Book and rnallad 1 tJi-Eiu I L. c- WICK: DKALSB IN Rough and Worked Lumber Of AL- KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stoelc. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. Olflct opposite P. 4 W. Depot, BUTLER P Every Woman / t> Sometimes r.ecds a reli* ' T able monthly regulating ~Pr 4 medicine. /\V Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. Are prompt, safe and certain in resnlt. The flanu* ! lne [>r. ppal'st never disappoint. sent any*new, 91.00* l'eal AluUicuu) Co . Clov viand. U» THE KEELEY CURE Is n special boon to business men who, having drifted unconsciously into the drink habit and awaken to find the disease of alcoholism fastened up 11 them, rendering them unfit to manage af fairs requiring a clear brain. A four weeks course of treatment at the PITTSBURG KEELEY INSTITUTE. No. -124G Fifth Avenue, restores to thcra all their power", mental and physical, destroys the abnormal appetite, and restores them to the condition thev were In be fore thev indulged in stimulants. This has been dorieln'more than liflO cases treated here, and anvnig them some of your own neighbors, to whom wo < an refer with confidence as to tha n'l-olnfe safety and efficiency of the KceJey Cure. The fullest and most searching investigation It nv j ted. Send for jxua;>klet giving full infomur Uoa. n i «• Mai " s | D. T. PAPE'S.l Mlin s ' Street. ( ( Street. THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER COUNTY. Conic see our spring Millinery. EVEN IK You DON'T WANT O BUY. Our display is lar ahead of all previous years in Style and beauty, and the prices arc much lower. The largest stock, the choicest patterns, and the Newest Ideas ever brought to Butler. s ollv Mourning Goods a Specialty. "t s I NO POOR SHOES AM PRICE. llow shall we get you to buy your shoes of us ? We want you to, very much. Shall we say that they are the best and only best in Butler couutv ? Or, shall we say they are the cheapest ? No; we won't say that. But we're sure of this: They are as good as we've been able to find. We have all kinds, and prices are fair. You may go farther and do worse. You can't do better. Your money back if you want it—without a fuss. A- RUFF & SON. i I * GREAT MANY PEOPLE will visit the PITTSBURG II EXPOSITION this month, and to each one of them we i extend a hearty invitation to call and inspect our EXPOSITION OF FINE Whiskeys, Wines and L J i > *; in their original packages—Champagnes from France; Whis kies from Scotland and Ireland; Wines, Brandies, Gins, Rums and Cordials from foreign climes—all in their nati/e purity, j We carry the finest assortment of any house in the State at ' exceedingly low prices. j THE SILVER AGE RYE WHISKEY id still gaining in popularity—solely on its merits—and is endorsed by physicians as , ihe BEST STIMULANT IX THE WORLD, $1 50 per full qt. FOR $5 00 we y° n — charges paid—one quart of Silver Age and 5 quarts of the famed Bear Creek Rye, or we will on application mail you our complete catalogue and you can select sti 00 worth of liquors, and we will ship them to you, neatly boxed FOR ,55.00. Call or address * MAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquor Dealer; 82 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny Pa. Buy a Buggy f j that's reliable when you do buy one. Fredonia Buggies have e/ery.hing in their favor—beauty, stability, ease. You can fini ihis out by looking at 'em. Your dealer sells them Made bv FREDONIA MFG. CO., Youngstown, O. V"'. The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMIo IXTURES, liOSK, WATER FILTERS. BATH TUB ENAMEL etc, is at w . II .O'Brien & Son's lOT East Jefierson Street. »*» —————^— —? New York Weekly Tribune, + AND + Butler Citizen * ONE YB;AR + $1.50. Addrss All Orders t THE CITIZEN.
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