THE CITIZEN THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. 1495. New Advertisements. Audit, estate ot W J Gilliland. Jary list* for September 23. Huselton's latest styles. Speer's Medicinal Wine. $5.00 reward. jf OTg —All advertisers intending to maka angea in their ads. should notify us ef eir intention to do so, not later than onday morning. Administrators and Executors ot estates n secure their receipt books at the CtT zkh office NOTlCE— Hereafter the price of the Citizkh will be SI.OO it paid in advance, and $1.25 if not so paid. tiTUK* and Weekly Tribune $1.50 in advance. LOCAL AND GENERAL. NOTICE. Owing to the slight change we have made in the price of the Citizbs, we would like to square up all our subscrip tion accounts to date, and ask our patrons to oblige us by remembering the matter. —Do you hear the sweet music of the school bell. X iirst class saloon kee per should always ba in good spirits. A smart barber whets his razors with a slice of watermelon. —Hox do 70U like this 90 degree weathe.! —A g-iod, meat-market refrigerator is tor sale at a bargain. Bx6 feet. Inquire at this office. —The man who drinks whisky runs the risk of cult ivatiDg a sort of corn husky Toice. —No girl who enjoys a good, old fashion ed bng would permit herself to wear the modern sleeves. wood," says the Philosopher, "is the man who accumulate.! the dust." Our Evans City package of papers for last week was busted enroute and return ed for address; and one of our Prospect packages was missent. —What a wonderful interest is taken in sporting matters. The telegrams regard ing the Yacht races, off New York harbor, last Saturday afternoon were read eagerly. —John Stehle is sjlling out to quit business, on account of ill health. He has rented his storeroom to a Mr. Grove of Altoona. —Tbe striking Italians received part of their money Tuesday. The strike will delay work on the new water line up the craek. —The receipts of the Waite Comedy Co. averaged about S2OO a night. The Co. gave good tatislactiop here and left tbe town several hundred dollars richer. —Oar neighboring town of Franklin celebrated its Centennial last week in a manner worthy of the evenf; and the Ac I r# of Franklin and Derrick of Oil City did full justice to the occasion. —All the towns around us are celebrat ing their centsnnials, and we should be preparing for ours which comes 8 years hence; but where will we get our supply Indians. —The "Saints" had a tent up along the oreek at foot of Bluff St. last Sunday, and held service* in it, Mrs Fry presiding; and Kev. Pollard had his tents up in the Ball Grounds and was holding services. —The banks were closed last Saturday on account of its being a legal holiday. The former law made "the first Monday of Sept., Labor Day" now it is the first Sat urday. —Both the Slipper/rock Signal and Evans City (Hobe have changed hands. Mr. A. L. Wiehe slid the Signal to R. C. McClymouds; and 0. E. Wiehe the Globe to Ira. M. Graham. —A grand instrumental and vocal con oert will be held on Friday evening Sept 20, for the benefit of th« first Baptist church under the directon of Prof C P Stinson, assisted by the best local talent, a full program will be issued in t.ll Butler pipers next week. —Ah there, chappie, have yon a golf oantf Not Well, get one right away or you will not be iu the swim, And how does it come that you do not wear golf stockings when you go bicycle riding? Really, you might observe the paoprieties or you will never get to the top strata. —On Monday last, Mrs. Core of the Butler Music Co. received from tho Mc- Phail Piano Co., of Boston the No 38 as the winning number for the beautiful Musical Cabinet exhibited at tho Fair. Whoever holds the lucky numler will please call at the store and claim the ptize. —lf mosquitoes are scarce about yoar plar.o just alljw a few lubs or barrels of rain water to stand uncovered for a few days, and the supply thereafter will fully equal tho demaud. By the way, do you know how to get the insects out of your bed rooms. Try closing all the blinds, shortly , before night-fall, making the 100111s as dark as possible, excepting one email air and light hole, auu they will leave through it. —The Pittsburg Dispatch offers a prize ol Fifty Dollars in Gold for the brightest idea available for the entertainment of the K. T. conclave in 189S S T 'i limit is put on the scope of suggestions, but novelty aud practicability will of course be tho tests. The schemes aud plans will, through the colums o1 The Dispat h, be placed before the public and the Conclave Committee, an 1 arrangem -nts will be announced later for a satisfactory adjudication of the prize. Mr MO Lfcssos s—At home of teacher or home ol pupil, li.quire at this office. FOR SALE A solid walnut letter case, •nd also a good refrigerator. Inquire at this 1 ffice. Special Meeting of the Lad es' Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. A special meeting of the Ladies' Aux iliarj of the Y. M. C. A., will be held Mon.lny evening, tep't 10, at 7:UO o'clock. All IM 11 bers are earnestly requested to be pret-ent and report the amount of mon ey collected and promised. Also to make plans'or any fuither effort that may be necessary to secure the fifteen hundred dolbus 10,- the lurnishing of the new Y. M. C. A., building. MRS NANNIE I). RI.ACK, Secretary. MRS. J. I). MR Jt NKIN, President. I'or Sickness (li t tin Best. Old Choice Wines from Spier's vine yards, Passaie The rich Port Grape, the Ciaret, vin. 1881, tho Burgundy and Un fernjented are unexcelled for entertain ments, family u.-e ami invalids. One bot tie ol Speer.s is worth three of California wine. $5.00 Reward. Mr. Allan Mct'all of near Mt. Chestnut offers a rt ward of five dollars for infoima tion lending to the arr»st and conviction of the person who to" - i his horse from his field on Monde; ard Tuesday nights, September 2 I and 3d. Beautiful pattern hats at PAPK'S. Latent m trimmed and untrimmed hats flowers, feathers, ribbons an i Itorellies at PAPK'S- L.FOAI NFV/S. Balastck of Gra.nd Jrav Fi*di»os. The Grand Jury of last week did not tini-h their work until Friday evening. The bills they acted upon, not reported last week, are as follows. Commonwealth v.-: Conrad Wcfler, indicted for selling li quor without license. .Not a true bill and I county to pay cosU. Henry Knauff. selling liquor without li cense. Not a true bill and county to pay costs. Wm Mcßride, David Wilson, Samuel Fox and unknown parties, illegal fishing. True bills. G. W. and Sadie Hare, aAb. A true bill. Dan;;l AdderholJ, filling up an airway of a coal mine. Not a true bill and Jos Reitb to pay cost. Austin P McConnell, seduction and fib. A true bill. Frank Mangel, fAb. A true bill. Jacob Bowers. f«tb. A true bill. J W Edmondson, rape. Not a true bill. John M Roth, a<tb. Sot a true bill and county '.o pay costs. Wm Barr, aAb. A true bill. Charles Kain, assault. A true bill. John Ryne, beiu* a tramp. Not a true bill and county to pay costs. Jos Shebnnk, bting a tramp. A true bill. Mrs. Uittie Williams, keeping a bawdy house. A true bill. Evan Gibson, larceny. A true bill. Thral 1-ist fob This Wkek. Commonwealth vs: Garfield Heckathorn, indicted for mali cious mischief —case settled. S N Glenn, public nuisance, found guilty. Wm Dixon, public nuisance, settled. Boiace Wii-e, felocious assault, pleads guilty and is sentenced to workhouse for 9 months. Evan Gibson, larceny, not guilty. Wm Stafford, horie stealing, pleads guilty and is sent to wo-khouse for six months. Herb Slewar', assault and bat'.ery, not guil'y but to pav costs; and directed to enter recog. to keep the peace. Ed Mtlntyre a£i>. directed to give bail 1895,ar.d recog to keep the peace. F C Ilinamau, aib, pleads nolleconlen dre, a: dis sentenced to pay costs and a fine of $lO. Jos. alais Blake Donaghy. larceny by bailee, not guilty. Geo Stepp et al, breaking into a store, plead nolle contend.e, .101 sentenced. Jos, alais Blake Donaghy. larcany by bailee verdict guilty, and is sentenced to to pay costs, a fine of $25. return property and sent to the woikhouse lor nine months, Jos Sherbank, being a tramp, sentenced to jiil fjr 10 days. Stephen and Fannie Mcßride, keeping a disorderly house, sealed. Oh as Caiu, assault, pleads guilty and is fined $5 costs and sent to jail for 10 days. Amosj Keartis, adfcb, not guilty, but lo pay 2 costs aid prosecutor 1-3 costs. Sidney. Ilenigh, selling liquor without license, p\fad guilty and is sentenced to pay costs. *a fine of S2OOO. and be imprison ed in jail for six months. Frank Mangel, l<fcb,not guilty and coun ty to pay costs. Geo Uaie and Sadie Hare, a<fcb, settled. Wm Ilerron and BeDj ltankin, neglect of duty as overseers, not guilty, but to pay costs. Wm Mcßride and David Wilson, illegal fiishmg,plead guilty and sentenced to pay costs and a fine of S2O each to the Com monwealth. Harry Bauman, f«frb, guilty, sentenced to pay S2O to Commonwealth, costs, s3r> to pros and $o per mouth until child is 5 years old All tho cases excepting that against Mrs Lou Cunningham, werj disposed of by Wednesday evening, anil the jury ex cel ting one panne;, discharged. The Cunningham case is being heard today. NOTES. Margaret Hutchison was granted a di vorce from Joshua Hutchison ;\V S Dobson from Margaret Dobson; Annie Peebles from J N Heebies; Christina Simpson from W W Simpson; David J Roberts from Jen nie Roberts. Louisa May Shryock of North Hope reg istered as a practicing physician. The third Monday of October is Supreme Court jeturn day for writs The pamphlet laws for this year are here, and can be secured by the Justices. The Grand Jury of Armstrong county found a true bill vs Harvey Doyle of Buf falo twp. last woek. Letters of administration wore granted to 0. K. Waldron on estate of C irnelim. Snodgrass. The per onal property of Mrs Wilier was sold by the assignee, Wednesday, and bid in by Dan, for s'J2">.7o. W B Miller et al had summons in eject ment issued v s \V W Dunbar for two acres in Middlesex. Ed 7Jieglnr had a"fraudulent attachment in assumpsit" issued vs certain parties. This is a new procedure, under a new law. J A Heydrick brot suit in ejectment vs D Durkej et al for 17 acres in Fairyiew. Annie Hanlon has sued for divorce from Lawrence Hanlon. An important step was taken by the grand jury of Allegheny Co , List woek In ignoring several petty complaints, with the reconiendatiou tha no costs be allow ed the returning aldermen. The action is in accord with suggestions of the courts to discourage petty litigation, and is in the same line as Judge White's precedent in admitting the pleas of prisoners with oat fie formality of a grand jury return. J. P. Clarke of Butler, wanted by the Uni in Mews company, on a charge of em bezzling sloo, was arrested on Twentieth street Pittsburg, la*t Thursday. He vol untarily told the offieer he was innocent. To await aa investigation he was locked up. Pittsburg Times. Ten suits for damages, aggregating $2Ol 000 were begun 'a one day by a Phil adelphia lawyer representing a "claim as sociation." They were mostly the naine« of peop!« who had b««n injured in various A ays by trolly cars but one woman want ed $50,000 damages because her boy, who wis stealing a ride 011 a lumber wagon, was hurt in jumping off after the wagon had stoppeil; while a iatlier and son, con jointly, asked for $39,000 from the owner of team which kuocKed the latter down anil ran over him. Due of the trolly suits was in the sum ol $1 000, for two calves killed in a collision, and from this they ran up t0540,000, claimed by the passen ger who was injured in a car which was run into by another. A married man named of Hol lidaysburg, was arrested at the Nixon House, a few days ago, for deserting his family. The girl he had nilti him said she would go home. In the ease of tho CotumonwgaUh against Frank Mangel, tho jury were not long in bringing in a verdict of not guilty. PROPERTY TRANSFER* W. R. Cowdcn etal to John Cowden 100 acres in Worth twp. for SI,OOO. Peter Rader to Minnie Kaufman 1 acre in Zelenople for $0")0. Phillip Heckinan to Scott Oakes 100 acres iu Parker etal for $2,500. I J McCandless to A IS Crouch lot in Butler, for $2,42-5. Susan Harper to R 0 Shira 42 acres in Washington, for $1,000; J M Lindsey, guardian, to Oeo W Nixon 39 acres in Jackson, tor $1056. Cassimer Wise to Al Rulf, lot in Butler far 46,000. Horace Pearce to Wm Manny 52 acres in Butler twp, for $1,500, To tin Dflicato and Malarious. The most incredulous are convinced of the virtues of Anut Rachaol's Malarial Peruvian Bark Bitters upon a trial of them. Their base is Speer's Port Wine, with herbs and roots so favorably know to the Medical Profession and the community at large as tho best cure of Malaria. They are all that can be desired by the most feedle victims of Malaria. Physicans prescribe them. —Perfection in bread making al ast— 1 Juaker Bread—lf you aro care ul of your health, you will eat (Quaker Bread. Made by T. A. MOHUJSON. F'CHSOV\I.. The Misses Golden, of Pittsburg are the gues'.s of Mrs Reihing of the Willard. Josep H Reed and family, of Pittsburg are visiting at his old home. Miss Flo McFarUnd i? attenc?!.-* fe male college at Washington, Pa. Rev. Warren Roth, of Chicago is the gu ;$t of his brother R?~. I.ither R >"h. C. A. Wise, of Middlesex twp. visited friends in town, Tuesday. C U Emery of Clay twp, who has been employed at Elwoou has returned home. V. F. T. Kslly of Bruin was in town on business, Saturday. A 1 Wilson says his iron derrick is a success and it is for sale. Dixon Bartley, of Parker twp, is serious ly ill- Miss Stella Pape has returned from an extended visit with friends in Philadelphia and New York. Miss Maud McClymonds of Slipperyroek w.>n $5 by guessing on the final chapter of "The Canon's Dilemma." Miss Lida Bippns is at home sick of ty phoid lever. John's health continues to improve, and he has moved back to Butler. W. B. Shrader is building a fine house 011 N. McKean St. Adam Hoflner is do ing the work. Mr. and Mrs. Weller of Emlenton are the guests of her paients, Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Sloan of W. Pearl St. John M. Shira and Rev. Alter of Annis viile attended Presbytery at Summit church, Thursday. Mac. Allen, whose shoulder was cut by plate glass a week or so ago is able to be about again. Dr. Bricker sewed up the cut, and made an excellent job of it Arthur McKibben of Clinton, Samuel Black of Clay, J. 11. Pisor of Worm, ana J M. Bell of Millerstown, were iu town iast Friday. Peter Fennel, the old veteran of Clear field twp, dropped in to see us, yesterday. Peter is 05, and though hio hair is gray, his eye is as bright as ever. Enos McDonald, of Mt. Chestnut, was in town, Monday. He has the agency of this county for King's Handbook of the United States, of which see a notice in another place. J. B. Mechling and wife, who are at tending :he G. A. R., reunion at Lonis ville, intend visiting Atlanta and a broth er of Mr. Mechling, who lives in Texas before they return home. Ma;k Weisner of Beavor Falls was the guest of his brother Phillip ia Butler last week. Mark is the proprietor of the Best House in Beaver Falls—a good hotel and a jolly proprietor. Thos. Bester had the contract for mov ing the National Bank's safe from the vault to the depot, last Saturday, and did a neat job. He is an expert on heavy work, and his business keeps three teams going. T'Aaruag*. licenses. C W Shaver lamestown, N Y Orzilla Irwin Evans City Thomas Clark Youngstown 0 Grace McGinnis " P H yuinn Titusville Mamie McMahan Karns F'W Gamble Pittsburg Marg J amison Renfrew Nevin Seiple Youngstown Cath Wadsworth ..Parker Ross Montgomery Clinton Mary Bartiey " 0 W N Young Yo ingstown Elsie Fleeger Hutler 1 A Palmar Carn-gii Mary Maxwell. Bald aiu Breadeu Young W Snnbur] Ada Meals (Joucord Henry 8 Sbakb-y E'.wker Minnie Wiles Fa rview Peter A Rivers '' irb m Black Mary East Icy Sll v. rville S -/ Harbin n Indiana Co Mary Purvis 'lriilesex G M Morrow Coylesvitle E E Morro v Concord. H M Liutz Jljbron, Ivan Emma E'ja Butler Harry H G arm an Akron, 0 Minnio Myers Perrysville, Pa Charlie Toy Italy Mary Smith Delano ./ohil A Wyatt Apollo. MiraSteele Great Belt. At Kittanning, Elmer E. Hays of Mil lerstown and Miuuio Kepple ol Kaylor; also Andrew C. Crozier of Millerstown and Rachel M. Groves of Brady's Bend. At Pittsburg. Tuesday, Robert H Jones of Butler Co,and Maggie Myers of Alleghe ny Co. <r. A. /., Xational Encampment at Louisville, K>j. Loir l!atea via Pennsylvania Hail road, For the Xational Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, to be held at Louisville, Ky„ September 11 to 14, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell to the public, from September 7 to 10, inclusive, round-trip tiokets to Louisville arid return at rate of ono ceut per milt distance traveled. Those tickets will be valid for return passage if presented on '.be Pennsylvania Railroad east of Pitts burg prior to midnight of October (i. Their merit prove* thoir worth. Morrison & Bros, cough syrup. Armstrong's little liver pills. v ttures Compoand for the blood. <i .1 It. Xational Encampment at Lout <- villi;, Av. Low Hates via I'eiinsylvaniu lltiilroail For me National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, to be held al Louisville, Ky., Sspteiiioer 11 to 14 the Pennsylvania Kai.road Company will sell to liie public, Iroui September? to 10. inclusive, round (rip tickets Iroui Bailer to Louisville and return al sl'.TO for the round-trip: proportionate rales from oilier poiuts. Tnese t eknts will l>n vaitd lor re turn passage if presetted on liie Peunxyl vania Railroad east of Pitisburg prior lo midiiignt of October 0. W. Sunbury Academy Opens Sept. 10 h. Fail Te-m. For particulars, address J It Hil lard, Principal; or Kev.J 11. B-ea dtn, S tcielary. Htorm Serpen nn4 French Serges Heurittias, .Novelty Dress G >od* ar>« Fancy Sks in greatest va ;ety and at lowest prices at. 1.. STK.N A SON'S. We eell Table Linens, Napkin* Towels, Crashes aud ail kinds o ( • bite goods at very low prices at L. Stun k SON'S. 1000 untrimmed hats.spendid shap es at PAI»ES. —lfyou want the healthiest, most digest able and sweetest bread, men at Quaker bread; T. A. MORRISON. ipn For pure spring wa'er ice - HJL ) Leave your orders 1' Richey's Uakery Daily Delivery. The finest line of Mourning hats and bonnets in Butler at, PATE'S. —Job work of all kind done at the CITIZEN OFFICE —5300.00 given away in premiums to the best hunters in Butler county. Stylish sailor bats, many colors at PA?z'S. —CALL on your Druggist for Na tures Compound. Eat Quaker Bread. No soar bread about Quaker Bread. It is the sweetest and most delicious bread inade. Made and for sale at the City Bakery. T. A MORRISON. —USE Nature's Compound. —IT PAYS^" To hunt in Butler Co. IFe display over 100 new and pretty pattern hats and bonnets at PAFE'S. On to Louisville. Quit© a number of people of this comty are in Ky. attending tbe Na tional Convention of the G. A. R. Some left as early as Saturday or Sunday, but tbe crowd left Monday evening. Those | going on the P. <t W. and U i O. char ; tered a Pullman sleeping car, and will nse i; !..r s'. epiiii «j *rt«-r» abilc away, as tl c hjtel rates were reported to be very bigb. They will take in Nashville and Chatta nooga and other points before they return. They expect to be gone two week-. Among those leaving on the P.iW. Mon day were W H Q Filhian,! J McCandless, A G Kelly, C D Bole, K M Thompson, R P Scott and wife, K II McQuistion, John J Reiter and wife, R A Ruch, C E Kahle. Abram Hilliard, A B Richey and wife, Mrs, Karns worth, J B Mechling and wife, A 1 Ruff and wife, Mrs. J C Shaffer and two children, Adam Kamerer, wife and daughter, W H Ritter, Sheriff Campbell, Isreal Cranmer and wife, A L Frazier and wife, W A Lowry and J D Jackson, But ler; T R McMiliian and wife and W 11 Aber, Glade Mill.'; Kelson Sutton, Magic; J J Stevenson and wile, Mt. Chestnut; Wm I' Dunlap and Ira Campbell, North Hope: 11 C Critchlow, Maharg; R L Mc- Fann, McFann; W R Harbison and W U Say and wile, Jefferson Centre; J C Was son, Anmadale; Andrew Wall and wife, H B Patton and w fe and thee Pattersons of Mais. TDe old soldiers of Evans City, Harmo ny and Zelienople also chartered a car and went on this road. The Maccabees. Some fifteen years ago an insurance and fraternal order was organized in Port Huron, Mich., the members ot which were called the Knights of the Maccabees. The organization spread, and in 1889 a •ent was organized in Butler, which was re-organized in 1891, and which now numbers two-hundred members. On Wednesday evening of this week the members met in uniform, and paraded our ilain St. making a very creditable ap pearance. Tbe meeting that followed in the Opera House, was presided over by Mr. G - W. LlojJ. and opened with prayer by Rev. Heuiminway. Col. E. S. Watson, of Williamsport, jupreme Commander, was the first speaker and his remarks were chiefly statisical; then a choir of fourteen voices led by Prof. Bayis sang some appropriate hymns. Miss Holey of Belle Vernon recited, and Prot. Davis and choir gave gome selections. Forest Huff sang "The Armorer's song" in a manner that would have done credit to one ot more pretensions. A duet by Miss Mechling and Prof Davis, followed. Remarks were made by Supreme Record Keeper Blaney, and Dist. Deputy Lowry; Prof Davis and wife, and Forest Huff sang well in trio; and the closing remarks were made by S. F. Bowser, The meeting was a success, a credit and a help to a worthy order. Re-Unions. The 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry Associa tion will hold its next reunion at Harper's Ferry on Tuesday, October, 15tb. Com ra es leaving Pittsburg or at intermediate stations, will advise the Adjutant so that arrangements may be mads for transpor tation. The comrades are requested to rend to the Ai'j'itint the names and addresses of all the members of the "Old Regiment," within their knowledge' Also a list of all «bo have died since the close of the war with date of death. This request has been made several tines and Comrades have faihd in their duty iu this matter William I'lakely, Colonel Commanding, 14th Cava lr.- Association. Are union o'' the l'isor and Emery family was held s.t the home of J. H. l'isor in Worth twp. on Thursday last. About a hundred and fifty people gUhered in the grove along the banks of the Slip jeryrock, some of them being from New Castle. The after dinner meeting was presided over by Wm. Pisor of Lawrence Co., and John Emery of Harlansburg was made Secretary Remarks were made by Isaac Emery, Wm. Pisor and Rev. S. A. Stuart. The next meeting will be at H. 11. Err.pry's, unur Harlansburg, ou the first Thursday of Julie Acciletits. Wm. Dun lap of Millerstown had his collar bone and some ribs fractured last Saturday, by the turning over of a bull wheel that he was helping to put iu place. John Roenigk who was killed by bcii.g struck by a piece of tubing at a well on Isaac liurtner's farm iu Jefferson twp. lately, was a married man, and left a wife and two small children. .His homo was in Great Belt, and he was buried at Uan nahsfown, Wednesday of last week. Church Matters. The Presbytery of the Presbyterian chuich met at Summit church this week. The Synod of the Reformed ohurch meets in the S. S. Reformed church Get. 10th. By a voto of "i 3to 29, tl e Pittsburg Conference of the Methodist Protestant church, expressed opposition to the ad mission ol wo.iien .to tho ordained min istry. Rev. E. M. Wood will preach in the M. E Church next Sunday morning on, The Great Mystery; and in the evening on. Straws show which way the wind bl-nvs The Maccabees excursion to Toronto and Niacin a Falls goes via an entirely Mew Route —the I'.. S. & L. E. R. R, to Conneaut Harbor, across the Lake Erie on tiie T'nited Stales & Ontario Ste.'Hii Navigation Co's new steamer "Shenango No. i" to Port Dover, thence via the Grand Trunk R.y. to Toronto, returning via Niagara Falls and Buffalo. For par ticulars call oil nearest P., S. it L. li. agent. —Our ambition is to make our business great To make it great is to qive our customers al*ajs t-o muth money's worth that they wi 1 almost cease to look elsewhere The Peopl. 's Store. USE Nature's Compound. Come and sek the Czarina rings at Papk BEO'H —Zuver's Pictures leave nothin^. anting in finish, tone or a. correc iikeuouri Job work done here Subscribe tor the CITIZKN. Largest assortment, ol new Silks nd Dress Goods at lowest prices ever known at L. Btcin A Son's Come and see stylish hats and boa Lets at PAI-E'S. —Now is the time to boy Blank ets and '.he Peoples's Store is the place. —Toronto Fair, Sept. 2d to 14th, and Legal American Wheelmen at Buffalo Sept, 6th. If you intend to go to either, take in the Maccabees excursion via the | "Sheitango Route" Sept. 4th. Tickets can also lie secured to Thousand Islands, which include a 40 miles steamer ride through the islands by day-liglit and electric search light by night: also a trip to Alexandria Bay, making three dis tinct side trijw. School hats at PAP*'*. —Our fall stock of Dry Goods an I Notions are now open for your in I spectioa. Tbe People'B Store. The Water Case. [ On Wednesday of this week. Judge j Greer, filed his preliminary decrae in the j equity case of the people of Batler against I the Water Co. He reviews the case and | 'he evidence, and decrees that the com | pacr should furnish pure water in suffi cient quantities to supply the necessary de m»adt a-jd wants of the p'aintiffs and other inhabitants of Bntler; who may de s re to use the same, and to transact the business of said company in the borough of Butler, Butler county, Pa., according to the provisions in the application for their character and >t is also ordered that from February Ist, 1895, until pure water iu a sufficent quantity is furnished as aforesaid no rates or charge* shall be made or collected of the p».truns of the said corporation except tor water furni.-h --ed to extinguish files, t.i flush sewers of the borough and to flush water closets in the public buildings, hotels and private houses, which shall be the present rate charged by the said company, defendant, and that the defendant company pay the costs in this proceedings. The iormal decree will probably be made Saturday, and then the company has twenty days in which to appeal to the Supreme Court; but ia the meantime the people of the town can take the matter to the Attorney General and endeavor to have the charter of this company annulled. Whether or no the Supreme Court and Warranto proceedings would conflict we do not know: but we do now that it will take money both to fight the case in the Supreme Court and appeal to the At torney General, and this will have to be raised either bv subscription or by the parlies who propose furnishing the town with water. If nothing more is done all that has been done will fall as fit td a flounder. A public meeting should be held to consider the matter. OIL NOTES. The Standard wts paying $1.25 today. CLAV TWP —The Carothers well is hold ing up nicely. Tebay «fc Steelsmith are drilling on the John Allen. CKNTRK TWP—The second well on the ./ohn S. Shakley began pumping Saturday, and showing good. CO2>COBD—Godfrey <fc Co. ure building a rig on the Campbell, east of Magic. FAIRVIKW—Vance CFC Frantz began drilling on the John Andre near Buena Vista, Monday. The llepler well at Kaylor, continues to produce 200 barrels a day. HERMAN— The Lermau Oil company's No. 3, McCarrons is about 14 feet in the sand and filled up 700 teet with oil. MIDDLESEX TWP—Faubel <fc Co. are drilling on the Wesley Monks; and Steel smith <t- Co ou the Thomas Cbantler. Several old wells iu Ihe Gold field hare been revived by glycerene. The Forest Co. shot their No. 1, Capt. Hays, ou Saturday and packed it and it is now making 50 barrels per day, and Fulton No 2, served in the same way a few days ago, is making 70 barrels. Ful ton No 3, finished drilling on the sth and is making about 40 bbls. FORWARD TWP—The Christie Bros are drilling on the John Bollinger, north of Evaus City. The Bennett Oil company's No 1, Jos Thompson farm, is dry in the lower sand, but will be tested iu the 100 foot. Campbell <fc Murphy have pulled up to t« tho 100 foot in their No 2, Dorsey, and have al2 barrel pamper. It had erased to p*y from the lower sand. Tho Easteru Oil company are pulling the stuff out of their No 1, Warner, and No 1 Critchlow, having pumped them dry. BUTLSR T\vi'—Eisler it Co are drilling on the Wright. Cranbkry TWP-The Hazelwood Oil com piny is through the sand at No 2, aal it will make about an 8 bbl well. Win Giliiland A Co are building a rig on the Thompson farm, a half mile west of iiendersonville. CALLKRY— Throe new rigs are up on the Win Stapled, and one on the John Stap'es. King's Hand Book of the United States, Or the United States of to day Mr. Kno.« McDonald called at our office and showed us a work which U being in troduued in this County. We consider this book the best work of the kind ever ifK led from the press. It is not a history, but a description of oar co untry as it is to d»j; the result of four centuries of progress. History deals with the past; while this deals with the present. In •(uality ot paper and character of Illustra tions it is without an equal for the price asked for it Every family needs just such a work, and every young man and young w i inan ought to possess a copy and we would be glad to know that every person in the county who is trying to improve himself, or the minds ot bis family, hart secured one. ROOM FOO RENT— An unfurnished 100 m suitable for an office or men's lodging. Apply at offije of LSutler Citizen . See our line ol New Spring Capes the assortment is large and the styles and prices are right L. STEIN A SON. Boarding House Cards, with Ac', of Assembly, '25 cents for half-a-dozen or sale at CITIZEN office, —Take your children to Zavur' n allery for Pictures that will ■jui'< \ou. Postoffice building. Fine and heavy all wool Perge -J5 ache* wide, all colors at 50 cents a yarc I —a big bargain —at L. STEIN A N'B. See oar Hue of Kaiki Silks, Pon gees, Taffetas and Fancy Silks for wasits from 35 cents a yard up L. Stein A. Son. You pay for school-books; bnt the best school-book for your children is your daily paper. Well printed, carefully and intelligently edited, or instructive contents, first and fullest with the news and best in presenting it, the Pittsburg Dispatch, fills th bill. Always use J. A. Richey's Coug'j Drops They are the beet. Franklin College, New Athena, 0., is one of the best and cheapest. $l4O a year Send for Catalogue. Plain and fancy Black Dress Good* in all qualities at bargain prices at L. STEIN A SON'S. New Percales, Ducks, Court Roya I ique, Seersuckers, Ginghams ani all kinds of wash goods at L. BT*TN St 8ON'». Czarina just new at I'AP BRO'S. WANTED:—Lady and Gentle men solicitors for Btandard goods at home and in surrounding towns. Commission or salary guaranteed. Call on or address W. B. Ilerriott M' g' r, 334 i State St, Sharon, Pa. <:YES EXAMINED FREE OF CHAKGE H. L. Kirkpatrick, Optician and Jeweler Court UOUM. Butler. P».. graduate I.a Port Uarolotflcal laatltute. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS AUDITOR'S NOTICE. 1 In the matter of the assignment of \V. J. Gilliland to J. M. Marshall, for the IwMicfit of creditors; M's D.. No. 3, Sept. Term, 1593. Having l*ecn appointed by the Court of Butler county, Pa, an auditor in above case to make distribution of the money in the hands of the assignee and to pass upon any exceptions that may be filed to his account now rendered, I herebv give notice to all parties interested that 1 will perform the duties of said appoint ment at my office in Butler, Pa., on Tues day, Oct. 8, 1595, at 10 o'clock A. M, when and where they can attend if they see proper. JOHN H.NEGLKV, Sept. 10, 1895. Auditor. Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration on the estate of John K. Black, dee'd, late of Cherry twp., BuilerCo., Pa , having been grant ed to the urdersigued, a'l parsons know ing themselves indebted to said eitate will please unke immediate paymbnt, and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for sot- Uement to ALFRED BLACK, idrn'r. Moniteau, P. 0-, Bntler Co., Pa. G W. FLBKUKR, Att'y. Administrators Notice. Letters of administration on the estate of Richard Kelly dee'd. late of Venango twp., having been granted to the under signed, all persous knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to THKODORK P. Kklly. Eau Clair P. 0 Butler Co., Pa. j. M. PAISTKR Atty. Executor's Notice- Letters testamentary in the estate o Mrs. Catharine Truver, dee'd, late of Mid dlesex twp, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them -elves indebted to said estate will please make payment, and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated fur settlement to JOHN FKRGCSO.V, UX'R, Bakerstown, Pa. Administrator's Notice. In re, estate of Jacob B. Flick, late of Middlesex twp, Butler, Co, Pa dee'd. Whereas letters C. T. A. have been issued to me, the undersigned, by the Register of said Co., notice is bereb given to all parties indebted to the es tate of said decedent to call and settle, and all persons having claims against the same will present them duly autheuti cated for payment to MARY JAKX FLICK, Flick Postolfice, Butler Co, Pa. S. F. Bowser, > A » tr^ A. L Bowser, \ " * Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters tes tamentary on the estate of W. D. Alte late of Parker township, Butler county, Fa , deceased, have been granted toTbom as U Allen, and all persons indebted t said Estate are requested to make protnp payment, and those having claims agains the same, to present them duly anthenti cated for settlement to TIIOMAB 11. Allin, Executor of W. I) Allen deod., Gleuora. Butler county, Pa S. F. Bowser, Atty. B. £ B. NEWT Yes, 'tis a bit early, but why not have advantage ol early -choice in handsomest assortments of elegant foreign Dress Goods, ever presented this early in the season? New Foreign Suitings, two hundred styles or more this week with price range 50c to $2 25, will give you early choice of the new— we'll be glad to send samples any dis tance, and you've the assurance of get ting the very latest: Brown and black and green and black Checks, Waffle Weaves and Mixtures are among the most fashionable in both col or combinations and designs. You may just know what they look like for the asking. Still some elegant values being sacri ficed to make room for the new-comers; lots of 25c and 50c. Dress Goods and Suitings many of them dark enough for Fall, thrown away as to price, 15c a yard Other fine imported Dress Goods and Suitings, SI.OO to 11.50 values, going at 25c, 50c and 75c. Every piece proving that neither cost nor loss is taken into consideration. The handsome and effective Black Damas and Plain Faille Silks at 65 and 75c, are such values as only this department is noted for. New Silks at 50c to $4.50 show the elegance and style of American and foreign makers' best productions. Write our Mail Order Department ami prove our claim of the best in every line of merchandise at least cost. 15o<™j!s &cßuhl, ALLEGHENY. PA. Wc Want Your Trade and to get it, will gi/e you the Best quality of goods at the Lowest Prices. As an additional inducement we offer you a special discount in the shape of our grand premium books, we give you your own selec tion when your purchases amount to the sum named in the attached tick et. We can afford to do this, because we want to show you the benefit of our new system, and extend to you advantages that will make you oor permanent customer. Our Slock is Fresh and New. Visit us early ond bring your Family and Friends - All are enti tled to this new and special advan tage, ond wo want you specialy to see our splendid lot of fine Pictorial Books, by the world's famous authors and great artißts— books that we are gif ing away to make every home happy Beautiful books, best goods, and bed roek prices. ONE JT. H. Barton Sciothier and PRICE. # Furnisher (20 - : S Maii\ St A Suggestion. Ou 'MMfekaa Did it ei or occur u> yon that there are drugs and drugs—tba» drugs are like every thing else —there are bnd and indit lerent. There is nothing • 1.-e which is positively bad if it is'nt just ot the bust. Our policy has always been to have noth ing but the best. When you want drugs come to us and be assured of fresh pure goods, and always what you ask for or your prescription calls or. It may not always be drugs you wan -ither. We always have on hand a full line of sick ro»m requisites. G. Iff. BOYD, Diamond Block, Butler, Pa RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA RA a ' 0 L A , Western Pennsylvania Division. Schedule in Effect May 20, 1895. South, —» Week Days,^— A. M. A. X. A. X. r. 11. r. M. i I'TLEH Leave 625 SuO 1125 *45 506 'a*onl>ur«. Arrive n54 825 it 48 ail i'J« tinner .Jc't.. " 727 848 12 12 340 5 5.1 Butler Jet.. .Leave 730 848 mi 7 340 55 Natrona . . ArrUe7 38 SSS 12 211 350 602 Tarentum 743 903 12 31 357 607 Sprlilgdate 752 9U 12 44 407 Ciaremont 807 9 12 59 421 6 2 Sbarpahurg 815 931 Io; 42! 6 3 Allegheny City 828 944 124 440 «45 A. M. A. M. r. X. I'. M. r. M. S'.'SDAV TRAINS Leave Hurler lor Alle fcbf uy City auil principal intermediate staUoas 7:40 A. M„ •£.» and 5:oo 1". >l. North. Week Days A. >t. A. M. A. m. r. m. r. M. . lUgbeny City. Lv. 65J 900 11 25 315 610 Sharpsburg. Tog 913 u39 Clarciuont 9IV 114« Spriugdale 930 11 A 9 638 Tarentum 132 939 12 08 351 648 Natrona 737 143 12 13 356 6 5 Butler Jc't Ar7 45 950 12 23 404 *oi Butler Jc't Lv 745 950 12-34 415 7Oi 3axunburg 810 lo 15 12 59 440 7is rfCl'LJiB Ar. 835 lo 38 126 506 750 A. M. A. m. r. m, r. u. r. SUNDAY TRAINS—Leave Allegheny City for Butler and principal Intermediate stations 730 A. M., 1235 mid 7:lo R. M. Week Days For the East Week Day*, p. m. a. m. a. m p. m. 24 5 625 Lv BUTLKR...Ar 103# 125 340 727 Ar Butler Jc't Lv 950 12 3'. 404 745 Lv Butler Jo't Ar 940 12 31 410 749 Ar Freeport.. Lv 835 12 30 415 753 " Alleg'y Jc't " 931 12 21 42d 804 " Leechburg.. " 920 12 1/ 446 821 "Faulton(Apollo" 905 115; 514 851 " Saltsburg "8 37 11 32 550 922 " Ulairsville " 805 II 00 6 I*o 930 "Blainville la»'n"7 45 10 15 850 11 35 " Altoona "3 40 800 100 310 " B»rrisburg..."ll 55 310 430 623 " Philadelphia. '8 50 11 20 a. ir. p. m. p. sn. p. m. Through trains for the east leave Pitts burg (Union Station) as fo'lows: Atlantic Express, daily 3 10 A. M. Pennsylvania Limited " 715 " Day Express, " .....7 30 '* Main Line Epress •' ..8 00 " r 'hiladelpbia Express " 430 P. M. Eastern Express " 700 " Fast Line " .....8 10 " For detailed iniormatiou, a.luro. s Tbos. IS. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District, 110 Jilth Avenue, Fittsbu.-g, l'». S. U. FUEVOST, J K WOOD, Oejeral Manager. Gen'l Pas«r, Agent. P. & W. R. R. Schedule In effect May 12. me. (Hutlcr time) Tu« short Line to Pittsburg. HICPABT SOUTH. | F*OM SOUTH .25 a in Allegheny Ex >.25 am. Allegheny A j.>s a m All'y « Akron o.oe a m.AI x N Oa-stl . o"5 a m Alleghony Ac • jfi pm. Allegheny K . piu Allegheny Kx 5.05 p 111. Allegheuy Ki 5o plO Chicago Kx. 730 p m.AU'y 2 Akrou (Ojpin All'y a. Kit. Kx s.oo p ui, Allegheny Ex I>KPAHT NORTH. KKOM NOK'l'U. 10.05 a m Kane £ Brad, I oo am. Foxburg Ac 5.15 p m Clarion Ac |".Ju a m. Clarion Ac 7.35 p m foxburg |g.2o p in. Kane Mall SITNDAT TRAINS. DrrtltT SOUTH. FROM SOUTH. 8.15 a 111, DeKerost Ac j.0.00 a m.Allegheny Ac il.4">a 111. Allegheny- tx 1 t"ip in, Allegheny Kx p in, Chicago Kx i .01 p rn. AllCßbcny K* .05 pm, Allegheny A' 7.30 p in, DeForest Ac Train arriving at at s.o,> p m leaves B ft O de pot. Pittsburg, at 3 :15 o'clock. Butler and Ureenrllte Coach will leave Alle gheny at 3«o p. rn, dally except Sunday. Con necting at Wiilowgrove, arriving at Butler at 5:05. Cullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and flrst-claM ">ay Coaches lun through between Butler and Chicago dally. for through tickets to points iu the West Northwest or Southwest apply to A. B CROUCH. Agent Trains leave the B. 4 O. depot In Piltburg •or Hie Kant as follows. Kor Washington D' C., Baltimore, Phlladwl pUia, sad Now York, 7 :30 and 930 p. m. Cumberland, 6:40. 7 :30. a.m. i : 10, p. on. COll - S:to. 730. a. in. 1.10. 4.30, 4.45. 5.30,9.20 .1. in. Unlontown. 7.a0 a. in .1. 10, 4.50, p. m. (JalonUiwn. Morgantowu and Kalrmont. 7,30, a, 'll. and 5,3" p. m. Mt.Pleasant 6.40. 7.30 a. ui. .10 and 4.30 p in. Washington. I'a , 7.40 and 3ii a. 111., 4 0«.4.48 and 9.110. 11.55 p. 111. Wheel ing. 7.40. and 9.30 a. in., and 4.00. 9.00, 11.55 p. Cincinnati, St, Louis, ('oluinbus and New ark. 7.40 a. m.. 9.10, U 55p,m. « For Chicago. 2.40 and 9.3* p. m Parlor and sleeping cars lo Baltimore, Wash ngtou. Cincinnati and Clilcavo. P. S. & L. E. R. R. Takes effect Monday. June 10 1895. Trains are run by Standard Central Time (90th , erldlau.) Oue hour slower than City Tiuie. ( NORTH. GOIKO SOOT H «• J 14 12" STATIONS I • j 11 IS ! ,m pm . p.m. Arr Lv'e a.m. la.m. p.m. .... 4 .v> 2 BuffaU 1 8 3A u ao ... j3 21 100 Dunkirk |..... ■6 o« 1 ! a. m. I I UO I 42 » 4S Krle 1 6 I i| 8 3. ; .I 35 « *sl 1 Oil 'J 15 Wallace Junct. 6 47j » 15 4 \ > « 20j I 04 » tl Glrard 6 6u » l" 4 I 5 G ON 12 54 8 5» ....Lockport— 7 «O v H 4 2 TI c 0 112 4e 851 .Cianesvllie. | 7 os| s3* 41, <i 4' 17. TTTI 1« 22; arxlouneaut lv.l 1 7~40 :i io . io| | 7 4«; iv ar| |IJ 22! 11 4.1 V 5-i'i 44 . 8 45 ar . .klbion, .. U 7 II #4' 4 37 34312 Si S 3lj . Shadeland... 723 9 .VI 451 8 4»'i2 :»■ 8 2*... apriogboro... 7 27 # 4 ss i*3 12 2» 8 80|..0<»nni>aiitvlUe.. 7 31 "0 iw 50.1 •*|l2 0 8 oo|.. Mea'v'le Jet... 80010 25 5 2.'. 4 4 V . 7 121 v .CoauTLake..:.... lo¥ 4' ... 12 25 8 isiar or| 81*1050 53» 455 722 lv .Exp Pitrk..arl ILO 1 453 .... '*ls 8 OS ar arj 8 01 ..... t2O 645 v..Meadvllle..U .... »35 4 20 .. 12 50 845 ar al| 8 43111 251 «10 NO2 11 81 743.. . llartstowo.. No~I itoT.B .... II 46 7 3S .. Adamsvllle 10 44 5 4* ... 11 38 , 7 28 ... Osgood [lO 54 5S 1 6 25 11 30 7 1" ... Oreenville ... « 30 11 07 t! 0*" si 11 » 706 .... shenango.... 84«11 at «2? «00105S 645 ...Kredoufa... 7 03jll 44 61, i 44 10 43 « 25 Mercer 7 2,411* 01 7 0" SWIO » 810 Pardoe 7 a«|l2 2 71* 4 1 10 20 600 ... drove City. .. 747 12 33 72 J 5061# 08 5 48 .. Harrtsvllle.... 78812 45 7 3"' 1 10 0 510 . Branch urn . OGl'2 54 74a 5 ix |... .1 8 R [lv . Branchtonari 7 10112 lot .... 5 451 ....I S 5.»'ar...H1111ari1...1vl 6 '2»lll 151 .... 4 53 9 51 5 351. v-. Kelsoers ...,| 8 10112 Ml V » 4 39 11 42 521 Euclid 8 22 I 12ft 03 4 10 » 18 I 50| Butler I 8 501 1 42! 8 32 "?rTlS)f.Tr77rAllPgheny, M WII W 1 3 501 151 a, ml ....I Pittsburg, BAD. |p. mi p. ml. _ -I.T. KLAIK. Gene ral ManaKer. Greenville. ra W.G. SAItGKANT , G. P. A.. Meaarllle. Pa GO TO W. E. RALSTON'S For fine Watches, Diamonds and Optical Goods of all kinds. N Examined Free »j( ',' .... of Charge by. H. R. FRENCH Graduate Opti ci£'i, at No. 132 S iVTain street, Butler, Pa. M,», BEMIMER, Funeral Director 101 . HalnlSt. - Batler Pa. One Nickel Plated Watch given FREE -- • with every $I o. Sale. SCHAUL & NAStj bciir Week 4 EVERYBODY within fifty miles] of Butler will come to our Grand Fair. *%/>/*» jolc Everybody who needs any Men's or IcllS# Boys CLOTHING, will come in and see us and take home some of the special Bargains .... We are offering, j ioo Men's all wool union cassimere suits which were sold in the Fnmio-h |past season for SB. $9. and $lO. Enuugn scllU We offer your choice of any on« Come in of*™ $6.00. 100 Boy s suits we sold be and see ore $ 2 -5° an< -* $3- Half woolen sizes 6 to 14 years, we ofier ||§ # your choice of any of them for $1.50 Schaul S Nast, Leadir»s Cloth ier», 137 S. Main St., Butler, Pa' The less we tell you The More You'll Remember. SO WE LL SIMPLY SAY: Don't buy any clothing until you have seen ours, as we pA XT and "I\j ITT save you money on anyth i n g " XUU j n t j lc dothing Line. Ask to see our (JJO AA and A all wool ipOiUu Wors ylv« ted suits. Douthett&Graham Corner Main and Cunningham, Butler, Pa. Schneideman's Old Stand. SHLOSS BROS. Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters, Butler Pa. What are You Waiting for? Mens' Clothing, Nobby sack suits for Fall in Brown Mixtures and Plaids, will compare with the best Merchant Tailoring in work manship. PRICKS THE LOWEST.—Stylish Fall Overeoats lined with durable Italian Cloth, we place on sale for this Special Septem ber offering the finest all Wool Black Cheviot Overcoats usually sold at $15.00; our price SIO.OO. BOYS CLOTHING—We invite the parents to inspect our fall stock, we cariy the novelties as well as staples in Boys' Clothing. The prices and goods satisfactory or money refunded. S2OO Shetland Pony Contest closed Tuesday Sep't 10. Beans in the jar will be counted Friday Sep't 13, by C. M. Heineman, or representative of the Daily Butler Times and Chas. E. Herr, Prop'r of Butler County Record. The lucky guess will be announced the following day and in next weeks papers. , SHLOSS B RO'S, 104: jVTairi St.» - Hutler, 3?a Schneideiran's Old Stand. |l/ A | PII This Space for date of display of P^ttGWl W A lull* Hate. Our head trimmer and assistant are in some of the leading Mil linery houses of Pennsylvania copying Imported a/id Eastern trimmed patterns. A lucky purchase enables us to sell a regular 25c quality, sleeved lightweight ves r at 15c or 2 for 25c. We are cleaning up our 25c hose at 15c or 2 pairs for 25c. M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 to 11? S. Main St. lore Tb He feraincJ For. Looking Forward, /yo IN FOOTWEAR. Always alert to the interests of o patrons. First in the field with tl •• LATE|T AN^BEST r r We take pleasure in offering— OUR IDEAL ST7LES IN 'HPWTO 4095 FOOTWEAR FOR LADIES & GENTLEMEN Is what every customer of ours FALL AND thinks he has received after making _ Trll -.—«t~% a purchase. We find that our cus- \I J I |V| r I ' IJ 1 IJ tomers t>eing convinced of means Yy 1 111 I I'J 1 % many more customers for us. You . yet liiore than you bargain for when \M/ lj' /\ |J you get a pair of oar SHOES. it -Li.i_jL.-L V® Ladies' twentieth century SHOES Cork soles Croodyear welts. Ladies' Fine button shoes. I'at. tipß.se, |l.oo, #1.25 » n,: #1 so Heavy sole fair stitch at Jz.oo, #1.50 and J.voo. Goodyear welts are perfvi gems for the price. Ladies fine hand turns Dongola and cloth top lace and huttoi Try our Womens' and Childrens Kid and Calf Shoes, They are the thing for School Shoes. Thev will resist water. We have them in high cut, lace and button, at price that your pocket book will open quickly when von see the iroods. , , _ • •« « t C* 1 Shoes for men in fino Invisible Cork Soles^i^Trf #2 00 *2.50, lU.OO and #.}.o°, Extension soles. Men's Heavy Shoes at 75c, #I.OO *i.2S and fI. so. Fine Shots at 90c, Ji.oo, fi.25 add both congress and lace. Our Kid and Veal boots, high and low insteps at #1.50, $2.00 and #3.00. Dril lers Heavv Box Toe Shoes high cut. Boys' and Youths the Youngsters are here,grand styles for dress or the longest road to school, pos tively will resist water at 75c, SI.OO 1.25 and 1.50. Manufacturers are asking 25 mr cent advance on shoes. HUBBLTON will sell this winter at old prices, quality maintained. Wool Boots, Rubber Boots and Shoes. See our new Rubber Boots with leather insoles, wont sweat the foot. We guaran tee our I test rubber boob, not to break. Save Money Save 1 inie «i\e Annoy auces by buying at #- G. C, Huselton's, Every step you take in IH'SHLTON'S Shoe* is a treat to the feet. 102 N. Main Street, -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers