THE CITIZEN" THURSDAY. JUNE 27, 18#5. New Advertisements. Bickel's shoe stores. Grieb's jewelry. Fish's Tailoring Co. Davenny's hats. Bicycle for sale. Notice to School Teachers. Excursions. Horses wanted. N on—All advertisers intending to make thanges in their ada. should notify us of their intention to do so, not later than Monday morning. Administrators and Executors ot estates oan secure their receipt books at the CiT ii* office LOCAL AND GENERAL. NOTICE. No paper will be printed in this office next week; and as nearly everybody con nected with the office is "going somewhere' It will be closed during the week. Green fruit is rip*' Caterpillars are begining to crawl. —Watermelons are hight, but taste flat. —The patriotic bicycle girl wears red, while and bloomers. Canvas shoes threatefl to supplant the russets. A Pittsburg woman has named her new baby Trilby. —Tfc it.avagant girls are naturally theo. i4i ineu get all broken up over. —Ca i. noting on the grove, east of town, ' —B i«: r uas a faker and a fete almost every evading. —School teachers should note the change made in the Oakland twp., advertisement for teachers. —John Bickel has placed bargain counters in both his stores, and this week, quotes some mid summer prices. —With the day breaking at 4 A. M. and closing at 8.30 P. M. we are having tna days" of ths year. It's a good thing for one to learn to say "no." But at the time time that's what makes the old maids. —The drinking man is seldom an athlete although he may practice a greet deal on the horizontal bar. It seems funny how the summer girl oan wear puff sleeves and continue to be hogged. —"The good points in many an artiole," aays the philosopher, "are to be found in the punctuation. —Ziegler's Band and Orchestra goes to Conneaut Lake, July Ist, where they have an engagement with the Exposition Park Co for two months. Down at Sistersville they are getting their oil from what they call the "Big Injun" sand, the strata that is said to orop out along the Alleghany at Parker. —The Corner Stone of the new Y. M. C A. building will be laid, with appro priate ceremonies, at 7 o'clock this eve ning. Jailer/ was visited by burglars lately, and JdSlfSlaonon and CarrothersAPeters were the loosers. Their safes were broken open, "I'm a short hand reporter now.' "Why I didn't know you understood steno graphy." " I don't; but the editor said the only reason he hired me was because he was short- banded." —This is a big day in Meadville. McKin ley and some other noted men are attend ing the commencement exercises of Alle gheny college, aud the meeting of the North-Western Association of the G. A. R. —The Lawn Fete (the French pro ■ounoe it fate, given by the Rescue Hook and Ladder Co. was well attended; and the company made some greatly needed money. —The Honduras Tonio Co. will close th«ir advertising sale of medicine at 107 Centre avenue, Saturday, June 29th being the last day in Butler their 25 cent price prevails, being sold after that date only by the Drug Stores at 91 a bottle. —A lawn fete wtll be held on the beau tiful grounds of the Orphans' Home Thurs day and Friday evenings, July 4 and 5. A lunch and all the delicacies of the season will be served. Proceeds will be devoted to the Orphanage cause. —One of the New Castle liars says he had an experience with a black snake, Bear Murrinsville, this county, that made his hair stand on end. The snake, a sev en footer, swallowed eaven spokes of his bike, then turned a double-somersault and disappeared in the woods. —Slipperyrock Park is being fitted up again. All visitors can now have good ac commodations. Excursion parties will find the grounds in good order and boating good. Excursion rates for picnics, etc. have been secured. Apply to Findley Bros. Euclid. —Four men Neal, MoCollough, Pol lock and Orr of Kittanning own the bulk of the stock of the Butler Water Co. A few shares are held in Butler. W. B. Meredith, who was supposed to own near ly everything in it, owns nothing—at least that is what he stated on the witness •tand. —At the meeting of tLe School Board last Friday evening, the old school teach ers were re-elected, and in addition Miss Ktta Johnton, Bunella McQuistion, Mag gie Hazlett, Maggie Graham and Emm* McElvain ot Butler, and Marie Foster of Petrolia. Messrs Hall and Gibson, and llissees Cummings and Brittain were con tinned as Principals. —A Mercor county man has discovered a sure remedy for the cnt worm nuisance. For come years be had one particular field from which he was unable to procure even a small crop on accouut of the cut worms. This spring he bought 2,"00 pounds of salt and scattered it over the ground one day tbis week, snd found a spring completely stopped up with cut warms. They bad gone there to get rid of the salt. He procured a shovel and removed at least a bushel ot the pests, and then burned them. —The snccessful teachers for the Pitts burg Time* European trip are Prof. Kine hart and Miss McGreary of Alleghany Co , Misses Berger and Horrocks for Western Pennsylvania, and Miss Agner for the out side districts. Prof. Kinehart had the larg est vole, —86,464. Kate Nogley of E. E. Pittsburg had the tbird largest in Allegh eny Co., 58,998. Miss Cummings of But ler bad 36,312, aud Chas. Brace land 7,429. The party will leave Pittsburg on the evxning of the 4th, and will sail from New Tork on the morning ot the 6th. —Owing to the heavy frost* in the early part of the season which gave grass such a setback that the bay crop mast necessarily t>e liitbt, it tebooves the farmers to take time by the forelock and not be cang'.t Sapping ni-xt winter, when hay will com mand a V''ry high price. A couple of acres of millet, and the same area in sowed corn, will go very far towards helping winter the ■tock. Every tanner should make a little effort in that line, and you will be surpris ed at the quantity one acre will raise of either of these products. —The Bottle Works will shut down for thei' annual vacation, Satuarday. —Most of the stores have agreed to close at 6 o'clock, from July Ist to Sept 1 st, —Yesterday; the Standard was paying $1.55 for oil. —X six year old boy, of a philosophic turn of mind, says he can t see any earthly ase in being an angle. —lt's hard to tell whether the gum chewing girl is prety or not. She neve* keeps her face still long enough to find oat. —A Boston man m a crowd, after be 'ug stepped on half a dozen times, mut tered; "Blessed if I ain't a regular Tril by. Everybody gets on to my feet." —Many of the dear girl graduates who will soar to the empryean this week, and showing themselves capable of settling the gravest ietellectual problems, will be puzzled the week following to know just how much lard should be put ia the bis cuit dough. —The Justice' of the Peace, elected last Spring, under the new fee bill, are entitl ed to charge five dollars for marrying a couple. The old Justices' fee bill was three dollars for the same service. —lf there ia one thing more than an other that is likely to driva a dog mad il is to muzzle him on a hot day. A dog perspires through his tongue, and suffers untold agony when compelled to keep his mouth shut tor a prolonged period in hot weather. —The P. <t W.will have a new Schedule in effect Sunday J jne 30th, which gives Butler people the fastest irain ever sched uled between Butler and Allegheny, leav ing Butler at 8:15 A. M. and making the run to Allegheny in less than one hour and thirty minntes. —Butler has several enthusiastic bicy clists, but they are mostly of the younger generation. In some of our neighboring towns the craze catches all ages. Titus ville has a bicycler who is 82 years old and enjoys a spin on a wheel as much as the youngest, and Franklin point# with pride to a man past 70 years who has been riding a bicycle regularly for years. A LAW known as the Harvey act was passed by the recent legislature with the object of promoting the use of broad tires on the-heavy wagons. It provide* that th ose owning and using draft wagons with tires not less than four inches in width for hauling loads of not less than 2,- 000 pounds shall receive a rebate ol one fourth of their assessed highway tax, the rebate not to exceed five days labor on the roads in any one year. This is only a modest step in the maintenance of good roads, but never the-less one to be com mended. For the benefit of various readers, »ay« the New Tork Sun. we reprint for the forty-seventh year The Sun cholera cure: Take equal parts of Tinctare of opium, Tincture of rhubarb, Tincture of cayenne. Spirits of camphor, Essence of peppermint. Mix well together. Dose; Fifteen to thirty drops in water: to be repeated in fifteen or twenty minutes if necessary. —Some of the youngsters in this bor ough whose legs are too short to ride a bicycle—(so their fathers tell them)—can give the old wheelmen points, however in handling a wheel. We have in mind a lad who has half-dozen ways of riding. Wben he sits in the saddle he can reach the pedals only wben tbey come to their highest points, but by jabbing first one and then the other as tbey come around to keep up a good speed. Then he rides astrad the frame in front of the saddle, and when he comes to an incline perches himself on the saddle and coasts with the gravity of a professional. He rides with his body all on one side of the machine, one foot on the pedal and the other in the air. There are numerous other tricks he is"up to,"and it is safe to say that if a boy starts to ride to perdition on a bicycle he will be very likely to get there. Tours too the North via l'enn*ylcania Roilroad. To provide the most attractive metho d of spending a summer holiday, the Penn sylvania Railroad Company has arranged to run two delightful tours to the North. The points included in the itinerary and the country traversed abound in nature's beautieß. Magnificent scenery begins with the jonrney and ends only with it* completion. The names of the place* to be visited are familiar to all and suggestive of wonderland. No matter how much may be expected, one cannot be dissapointed in Watkin's Glen, Niagara Falls, Thousand Inlands, Quebec, Montreal, Au Sable Chasm, Lakes Champlaii and George, Saratoga, or the Highlands of the Hudson. The dates fixed for the departnres of these two tours are July 10 and August 20, and the round-trip rate of SIOO from New York, Brooklyn, Newark, Trenton, Philadelphia, Ilarri.-burg, Ilalti mor, and Washington will cover all necessary expenses during the times absent. A beautiful descriptive itinerary can be produced from the tourist depart of the Pennsylvania Railroad, lIDtJ Broad way, New York, or lioom 411, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. Fourth of July Excursion, On Wednesday, July 3d, and 4th, Agts. of P. W. will nell Excursion for fare one way for round trip to all jxjints on P.&W. also to all points 011 C. A. & C., B tic O. and P. tic w. Good returning July 5. AMY BRO'S, CORNER MAIN A MIFFLIN STB., BUTLER, PENN'A Dealers in new Furniture and household goods of every description Call and see as. We can save you moDey. Stylish sailor hats, many colors at PAPE'S. We display over 100 new and pretty pattern hats and bonnets at PAPE'B. Investments. I offer my services to invest money for persons having it to loan, in first mortgage on improved property In Pittsburg and Allegheny. All fees paid by the borrowers. No charge whatever to the persona loaning the money. Usual rate of interest six per cent, well Becured. JAMES BREMN, May 20, 1805, Attorney at Law, 98 Diamond St, Pittsburg, Pa. Excursion rates between all points on line of P. 8. A L- E. 11. It., Tick eta good going July 3 and 4 and for retarning up to and including the sth at the rate of one fare for the round trip. —Home made candies, taffies, ear mela, and etc., now on hand at the City Bakery. Plain and fancy Black Dress Goods in all qualities at bargain prices at L. STEIN A SON'B. Excursion to Denver Col., Via. P, & W.,- B. & O. and Con necting Lines. Tickets on sale July 2, 3, 1 and 5, good retnring Sep't Ist by depositing ticket with agent at Denver. One fare for the Round trip plus $2.00 or $40.1~>, choice of routes beyond Chi cago. For further information ap. ply to A. B. CROUCH, Agt. Butler, Pa, LEQAL NEWS. THE WATBK HEAIISO. On Friday morula# the hearing of the case against the Water Co. was continaed. Sec'y Meredith of the company surprised everybody by stating th*t neither he cor any member ot his family owned any gtock, that he is not a director, that he don't know where the principal office of the company is, etc: also that the original plant cost •53,300; that the gToss receipts ran from t3.116.CS in : > il -t - lS94.tho# of 1592 were $17,255.6-'. Mr. Pollock ot Kittanning is Treasurer of ihe company; said that tie capital stock is now 599,600, he owns 204 shares, gets 6 per cent dividends,there is an iudebtedne- « of $30,000 that matures in 1909. Hebroug.-.t over a copy of the cash book and said the old book was thrown jn the waste basket. Judge Neale ol Kittanning owns a large part of the stock of the company. He was here and took part in the examination of witnesses and made an argument, and at his suggestion the case was continued un he next Friday, tomorrow. NOTIS. Constable Curry of Cherry brought a young man named Wise to town, Friday. He was committed by Esq. McEihaney lor shooting at bis mother in-law. Letters of adm'n were granted to Thos. K. Hoon on estate of John D. Fair. Two odd returns on the Quarter Sessions docket for Sept, Term, are for maintaining nuisances in Centre and orth twps. Both defendants are said to have lumber yards and to be piling lumber on the public roads. W. S. Dobson has applied for a divorce from Margaret L. Dobson. The Lancaster twp, road-scraper ca.-e wa3 to have been heard, Tue.-day,. by Esq. McAboy, but the defendant wa- not ready, and the ca»e was continued. LATE PROPERTY TBAKiPgaS. Eliza Davis et al to James M Davis quit claim to 122 acres in Franklin for s2*oo. Jas M Davis to W B Currie 92 acres in franklin for SI4OO. Albert V Nolei to Godfrey L Cabot lot in Saxon City fir SIOOO. E L Jones to Miles G Smith lot in Butler for 91000. John M Jamison, guardian, to G G Gib eon 29 acres in Allegheny for sl. G G Gibson to W 1) Gibson 130 acres in Allegheny for 15000. D M Ziegler to John float 5 acres in Jackson for $596.25. P V Davis to Eliza Eitenmiller lot in Butler for $9750. Thos Hays to C F Hay* 124 acres in Fairview twp for $2400. A G Campbell, trustee to C F Hartung lot in Harmony for $905. Stephen Markwell to A. M. Akins et al 27 acres in Concord for SI3OO. Kob't Thompson et al to H. A. Thomp son 6 acres in Middlesex for sl. Marriage License*. David McCully..... ...Lardis, Pa Sarah J. Gill North Washington Arthur W, Ayres ..Durango, Col. Jean Thompson ...Elora George T. Ekis.... ...W. Sunbury Linnie Rodgers Coaltown J. K. Grieb Butler Francis C. Packard " Smiley K. Williams Kau Clairo Mary Eakin " Frank Wallace .Gomesol Maggie Barckley Coaltown A. N. P. Lehnard Butler Margaret Kirch Oakland twp Elmer E. Wolford.. ......Cherry twp Mary M. Gruver J. D. McCormick Mars Agnes Bortmes Oakland twp I). E. Skinner ...Petrolia Julia A. Wagner Penn twp Albert E. Harper Zelienople Maggie Miller Harmony Everett Fleeger Centre Twp Mabel Wick Clay Twp At Pittsburg, James Leslie and Anna Miller, of Glade Mills. At Mercer—W. L. McClure of Bruin and Bertha Gilson of Grove City. Excursion to the Sea Shore. The P3nnsylvaina Railroad Company will ran four excursions to the Sea Shore this season on the following dates. July 18th August Ist, Isth and August 29th. on about the same schedule as last year and at the same low rates as heretofore. The first three excursions will probably be run through to Atlantic City arriving at the latter place about 8 00 p.m. raving the inconvenience of remaining over nigr.t in Philadelphia. Trains will leave Butler 6 25 a. in. on the above dates. For tickets and further information apply to Chas, B. Itahn, Ticket Agent PK R Season Excursion ticket' to all Summer Resorts now on sale. Latest ia trimmed and uotrimmed hats flowers, feathera, ribbons and novelties at PAPE'S. IPC' * or P ure B P r ' n ß water >ce-- |[lt) Leave your orders it Itichey's Bakery Daily Delivery. Thousands of Women Every week are finding oat that Marvin 'a crackers are the best. 1000 aatrimmed hats,spcndid shap <>s at PAI'KB. —Job work of all kindjdoae at the CITIZIN Orrioic. —Fresh cut Flowers of all kinda, always on hand at the City Bakery. —Try, T. A. Morrison a home made Carmels. —A full line of home made candies at the City Bakery. Common Sense Prompts women to buy Marvin's Drummer'a lunch from their grocer. They know a good thing. The people are using Armstrongs Little System Pills We are giving them away. See ad in another col umn. They are fine- School hats at PAPE'S. Czarina just new at PAP BRO'T Beautiful pat'.ern hata at P APE'S. Your Picnic Basket To be complete should contain a package of Marvin's Drummer lunch. Great bargains in Lace Curtains, Lacea and Embroideries at L. Stein A Son's. Always use J. A. Richey's Cough Drops. They are the best. The finest lino of Mourning hata and bonneta in Butler at PAPE'S. Storm Serges and French Sergea, Henrittias, Novelty Dress Goods and Fancy Slks in greatest variety and at lowest prices at. L. STEIN A SON'S. We sell Table Linens, Napkins Towels, Crashes and all kinds of white goods at very low prices at L. STEIN A SON'S. New Percales, Docks, Court Royal 1 ique, Seersuckers, Ginghams and nil kinds of wash goods at L. STEIN A SON'S —Zuver'B Pictures leave nothing v anting in finish, tone or a correct likeness Don't Buy poor crackers. Buy Marvin's. Job work done here. Subscribe for the CITIZEN Largest assortment of new Silks and Dress Goods at lowest prices ever known at L. Stein A Son's. PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Caldwell and little grand daughter. Yenio Shafer, have gone to New Turk to visit Mrs. Caldwell's son, and other relatives. They also intend visiting Mr. Caldwell's grand-son Bllery Caldwell, now a practicing physician at West Sheffeid Conn. John Weigle of Zeleinople was in Butler. Satmrday, securing the maskets of the G. j A. K. Post here, tor the use at the funeral of F. G. Kline, who wa? a mem ber of the heavy artillery. John Grieb and Miss Packard took out a license to marry, Monday, and were mar - ried in the English Catho'ic church. They left town on the noon train for New York. Mrs. Cunningham of Jetferson twp., came home Monday from a visit to friends in Armstrong county. Rev. E U Wood will preach in the Methodest church next Sunday morning on, "The Greatest Battle and how it end ed, " and in the evening on, "The Fourth of July, or the United State# now in Tran sition." Linn Anderson, of the composing force of the Pittsburg Puat, visited his friend* in Butler this woek. Mrs. Reihing's three children have re turned from school at Loretta. Mrs. Bogps and Mrs. Barto of Evans City, visited friends in Butler this week. Miss. Margaret Mechling is home from Siipperyrock Normal. Mrs. Talbitzer of Monroe Nebraska, is visiting relatives here. W. C. Barron went to Washington D. C., Tuesday night. He is now in the em ploy of an oil producing and torpedo Co., and his work is mostly in West Virginia and Tenneessee, though he lately made a trip to California. The Markets. BUTLER. Our grocers are paying 15 for butter, 15 for fresh epgs, 40 a dcz. hunches for beets_, 20 a doz. tor onions, 25 for radishus, $1 25 abn for peas, Bto 10 tor strawberries, 8 for gooseberries, 40 ?nd 45 a doz for cu cumbers, 10 fur currants. 60 for old and $1 for new potatoes, 30 to 50 a pair for Spring chickens. Tennessee black raspberries are in mar ket at 15 a quart. PITTSBURW. Timothy hay on country wagons sold, Monday, sl7 to sl9, straw $5 to SO. Country roil butter 11 and 12, fresh eggs 12, old potatoes in car lots 40 and 45, from store 60 to 65. At Herr's Island, cattle sold at $3.50 to $5.75, bull and dry cows $1.50 to $3.00; hogs at $2.00 to $4.75; sheep at .25 to $3 35; lambs at .50 to $5.00; calves at $1.50 to $6.00. Christian Enderor Excursion to Hoston, Mats , July lOth lith. Ticket Agents Pittsburg <k Western Railroad will sell Excursion tickets to Boston, July sth to 9th, inclusive, good to return until Julp 24th, with provision for an extension of return limit until August 3d, at very low rates. Circulars setting forth the different routes and rates at which tickets will be sold, and from which a very attractive itinerary can be arranged, can be procured on application to A. B. Crouch Agent To The Front. To reduce our Millinery Stock, we introduce a novel scheme beginning Thursday June 28tb, the choiee of any trimmed hat Regardless of costs 4 00 Friday choice " " " 350 Sat." " " " •' 300 Mon July 1 choice " " '• 2.50 Toes, choice " " '* 200 Wed. " " " '• 150 Fri. " " " " 100 Sat. " 1.00 Come early get first choice. DAVBNNY. See oar line of New Spring Capefl —the assortment is large and the styles and prices are right L. STBIN & SON. Don't Be Deceived See that the name Marvin is on the box. Then you get the choicest cruckers made —You pay for school-books; but the best school-book for your children ia your daily paper. Well printed, carefully and intelligently edited, of instructive contents, first and fullest with the news and best in presenting it, the Pittsburg Dispatch, fills the bill. Boarding House Cards, with Act of Assembly, 25 centß for balf-a-doaen, tor sale at CITIZEN office, —Take your children to Zuver'a Oallerv for Picturea thai will suit j on. Postoffice building. j Fine and heavy all-wool Serge 45 nches wide, all colorn at 50 cents a yarc'—a big bargain—at L. STEIN SON'S. See oar line of Kaiki Silks, Poo gees, Taffetas aud Fancy Silks for wasits from 35 cents a yard up L. Stein A Son. —No matter bow hard the times the onethiug you cannot afford to go without is all the news. If you want all the news you get it in the Pitta burg Dinpalch, The Di.xpalch[puh ishesl all—not a part only. Come and see stylish hats and bon nets at PAPE'S. Come and sek the Czarina rings at PAVE MRO'S. Excursion to Chattanoga, Tenn. Account, International Conference Epworth League —On June 24, 25, 20 and 27th ticket agents of tho Pittsburg & Western Ry., will sell Round Trip Tickets to Chattanooga; Return limit thirty days from date of sale. Rate from Butler $lB. From stations between Butler and Kane, inc'uding Clarion, $18.25. Tickets include free omnibua trans fer between P. &W. and B A O , stations in Pittsburg in each direc tion. Only one change of cars be tween Pittsburg and Chattanooga and that in Union Station, Cincin nati. One stop-over allowed between Cincinnati and Chattanooga either going or retarning of which advan tage may be taken to visit Mammoth Cave. For farther particulars in quire of noarest ticket agent, or ad 'TV. BASSETT, A.Q.P.A , P. A. W. Railway, Allegheny Pa. People Like A good thing. Marvin's crackers, for instance Pennsylvania R. R. Co. Commencing to-morrow June 2<i, the Pennsylvania R R. Co., will place on sale two day excursion tick ets between Butler and Allegheny City at a rate of sl.'!o for the round trip Tickets good returning two days including day of sale, except that tickets sold on Saturday will be good to return the following Mon day Season excursion tickets to all summer resorts now on sale. Trains leave tb<- tion at foot of East Jef ferson street HI 8,00; and 11,25 A. M and 2,45; and 5,0'» P M For tickets and further informa tion apply to Chaa. B. Rahn. Agent. You Cannot Go Wrong If you ask for .Marvin's crackers. See the latest in rings, the C/.arina at PATE'S. Oil Nates. Whitestown—The Lockwood «fc Co. wall on the Cable is doing S5 bbls; one oa the Kirker J5 bbls. Wells in this field that were not shot hold up the best. The Eisler well on the Matthews is dry. Fairview —The well oa the John Kay farm near Fairview borough was shot last Saturday. It filled up with ofl, and will make a 10 or 15 barrel wall. Boydstown—The Lackey farm well is doing about 12 bbls; seventeen wells are ] drilling within eight ol the Lackey; the ' well on the Ritzart is pamping saltwater; the well on the Beatty is in the sand. The McFadden well on the Whitmire has increased to 50 bbls. Troutman —Foster <£ Cb's well on the Hini'man is making 4 bbls, and Coffin's well on the Dickey about 3 bbls. Cooperstown—W J. Marks J> Co. are drilling thirteen wells. Brownsdale—Fr&zier it Co's 5 Eshelman is a lair pumper; the Forst <fc Co's 3 Bar clay is doing 100 bbls. The Eastern Co's. Xo. 2, Marsh is doing 15 bbls. Coyleaviile—Phillips 2, Dugau heirs is showing for a good well; Reeca <L Co's. well on the Sweeny is dry. Caliery—Thomas A Co's No. 1 Miller flows occasionly. It will be ready for shooting this week. Mars—Burke £ Co's No. 1 on the Bark eley reached the sand last week, and be gan flowing at the rate of 200 bbls a day. It was shut down for tanking, and is now doing about 15 bbls. Excursion to Denver, account National Association July oth-12th. Ticket Agents Pittsburgh <t Western Railway will sell Excursion tickets to Denver, July 3d, 4th and sth, good to return July 12th, 13tb, 14th and 15th, with provision for extension of return limit until S«ptember Ist, at very low rates. Circular setting forth the ditferent routes over which tickets will be sold, and the round trip rates, can bo procured from A. B. Crouch, Agent. Datly Excursion to Allegheny via P. 4' " • Commencing June 26ib, the P. A W. will sell round trip tickets to Allegheny at rate of $1 60. Good returning following day. and when sold on Saturday, good re turning until Monday inclusive. Reiluced Rati * to thr Seashore, $lO for the Round Trip via Pennsylvania Railroad. Every one, old and young, needs rest and recreation at some time during the heated Summer term, and where can it be obtained better than at the seashore. N'o other place can compare with South ern Xe» Jersey in seaside resorts, either in point of number i* excellence. Atlantic City is the most popular resort in America, and Cape May, Sea Isle City, and Ocean City do' not fall short of Atlantic City's high standard. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, whose object always is to give its patrons the cheapest rates c unpatible with good service, has arranged tor a series of ex cursions lo the seashore, similar to those which wero so popular last season. The excursion will leave Pittsburg July 18, and August 1, 15, and 29, and the rates will be as follows: Pittsburg and Butler $lO The tickets will permit of a stay of near ly two weeks, and a choice 0/ either of the seashore points named above will be allowed. A special train of parlor cars and day coaches will leave Pittsburg on each of the above mentioned dates at abont 8 50 A. M For detailed information in regard to rates and time of trains apply to ticket agents, Mr. Thomas E. Watt, l>istriot Passenger A gent, Pittsburg, or to Tourist Agent. Room 411, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. Notice To Teachers. The school board of Concord Township, will maeton July 13th, at 2 p. m., at Middletown to elect teachers for a term of seven months. Good wages will be paid; experienced teachers wanted. By order of School Board. K. H. CAMPBKLL. Half /'arc Excursion rla the Pittsburg A Western Railroad. Round-trip tickets on sale July 3d and 4th, good until July sth, to all local points, and to points on connecting lines within a radias of 200 miles from starting point, at the usual (are one way. A Fourth Visit to Butler. The Peerless, Painloaa Extractors «f teeth, will again be at Butler, Pa; from July Bth to 12th, inclusive. During their first three visits, tbev took out over 2500 had teeth. There are yet many thousands of old roots, snags and bulks in the mouths of the people in apd about Bitler, causing tooth-acbe. neuralgia, bad breatb, bad stomach and much annoyance. It is funny what offensive objects people will carry about in their mouth, and what self inflicted torture they will impose upon themselves and others, just because they are fearful and cowardly. The "old pain and the old way" of extracting are relics of the dark ages. The eye is now operated upon comparatively without pain,and why not a tooth as well? A few moments with these gentlemen who are expertß in the art of painless extraction, and you get relief the balaone of your life. W hat more could you ank? No gas, no pain, no ether, no danger, no chloroform, no cocaine and no ill re sults. One tooth free of charge the first day until <> p.ra ; for adults only. Watch the dates The Pennsylvania Railroad. Have made a two-day excursion rate of $1 <>o, between Butler and AMcgheny City, for the round trip; tickets when purchased on Saturday will be good to return until following Monday. The ten day rat® of $2.25, between Butler and Allegheny City will still remain in force. Reduced Rates on Sunday Trains Between Butler and Allegheny. The Pennsylvania Railroad have recently favored toe citizens of But ler, by establishing Sunday trains between Butler and Allegheny City, leaving Butler at 7:40 A. M ; 2:30, and 5:00, I'. M Two day excursion tickets will be sold between Butler and Allegheny City at rate of sl.*»o, the round trip, which will certainly be appreciated bv the Butler citizens. Pennsylvania R. R. Co. On account of the Baptists Young Peoples Union of America to be held at Baltimore Md., July 18th and 20th. The Pennsylvania Railroad Co., will sell excursion tickets on .July 10th and 17 at a rale of $9 00 for the round trip, tickets good to re turn until August 15th, 1895. For tickets and further information ap ply to Chas. B Rahn, Agent. Notice To Teachers. The Bcbool Hoard ol Oakland twp.. will meet on Saturday July Oth, at P. M., at the Milling»r .School-hou«e, near Boydi town, for the pnrpone of employing teach ers for a nix month* term, beginning Bopt. 2d, 1 H0. r >, at per month; and aino for the purpose of receiving bids for furnishing the *ix township school houses witb coal. For farther information address: J. G. MOOKK, Soc'y- Greece City I'a. Olntrttnit* njcntn In i>urt fmjmt-n<JL* " t»t*h Krtwle Aaw : blrycJe. which wo MWi/frhoßi cm ApprcrAl. rfo worlc dorm until Lho bicfcJo arrive* uud yrorea Mtlsfactury. Young Ladles If t».T»orjflrln soilt >li»r miMtb* wvll recum t mesdod. Write for p»rt!ciiliu"i j ACME CYCLE COHPANY, ) ELKHART, IN P. Accidents. An express on the P. k W. struck a man sitting on the track near Downey ville last Saturday, and tumbled him down the embankment. The man was tramping it from Polk to Pittsburg, sat down on the track and went to sleep. He was badly bruised, but no bones were brokan. Jake Kelly, a plumber employed at tha Standard Plata works, met with a very serious accident yesterday morning alout 10 o'clock. It appears that Jake was standing near the plainer in the machine shop; he thoughtless of where he was, stepped between a post and the moving plainer; the machine coming back caught him against the post crushing both legs, and one of his hands. His legs are so badly crashed that it is hardly expected he'll recover. Bicycles. Before buying a bicycle, or exchanging your old one for a new, see or write to A. L. FINDLIY, Euclid, Pa. Fourth Annual Assembly of the Pennsyl vania Chautauqua at Mt. Gretna—Reduc ed Rates rta Pennsylvania Railroad. The Fourth Annual Assembly of the Pennsylvania Chautauqua will be* held at Mt. Gretna Pa., from July 1 to August 2, 1895, and the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will sell excursion tickets to Mt. Gretna, from principal stations in Pennsyl vania, June 38 to August 2 inclusive, at reduced rates. The tickets will be good for return passage until August 5 inolusive. The beautiful Mt. Gretna Park is situat ed on tha Cornwall and Lebanon Railroad, thirteen miles from Conewago station. Horses Wanted. We will be at the Wick Livery barn on Wadnesday, July 10th, to buy good horses and mares for the eastern market. Chunks and draft horses wanted;age from 5 to 8 years; weight from 1200 to 1600 lbs. Don't be alraid to bring them in and get the highest market price for good ones. D. W. Scbreckenjrost <fe Co., Philadelphia, Pa. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned oa the estate «>f Rev. Samuel Williams, deo'd, late of Brady twp., Butler Co., Pa., all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment and any having claims against said estate will present them, properly au thenticated for settlement to' DAVID POBTKR WILLIAMS, Adm'r, Elora, Butler Co., Pa. Williams and Mitchell, Attorneys. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing be tween M. 0. Balsiger and S. B. Badger, general merchandise, under the firm name Balsiger <fc Badger, located at Troutman, in Coneord twp. Butler Co. Pa. (Magic P. 0.) was dissolved by mutual consent on Thursday May 16 1895. The accounts of the old firm will he »et- Med at the store. M. O. BALSIVRR S. B. BADGLR. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary having been grant ed to the undersigned on the estate of Amaziah Kelly, dee'd, late of Worth twp., butler county, Pa., all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please settle their accounts Immediately and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to L. C. KELLY, Ex'r, A. M. CoRRKLias, Jacksville, Att'y. Butler Co., Pa. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of William Doothett, dee'd. late of Forward twp. Butler Co. Pa, having been granted the undersigned all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any hav 'ng claims against said estate wil 1 present them duly authenticated for settlement to: GROROK MARTIN, EXR. Princeton, Lawrence Co., Pa. Executors' Notice- Letter* testimentary on the estate of Campbell Bartley, deo'd. late of Clinto-i twp. having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to: THOMAS A. HAV, Exr. Saxonburg WILLIAM LOUAK, Exr Glade Mill. MI-JUNKIV A GALBRKATU Attys. Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration on the estate of Andrew J. (Ivans, dee'd, lato of Forward twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned; all persons knowinir -hemselves indebted lo said estate wiL please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will pre .ent them properly authenticated for set tlement to WM. M. BROWN, Adin'r. Brownsdale, P. O. A. B. C. MCFAIILANS, Att'jr. Ps. Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration with the will annexed, on the estate of John Young, late of WinfieM twp., Butler county, Pa., hav ing been issued by the Register of said rounty, to mo—all persons therefore know ing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make speedy payment, and all persons having claims against said es tate will please present them properly au thenticated for settlement lo JOHN N. YOBBO, Adm'r C.T.A. Of John Young, dee'd, Carbon Black, P. O. MCJUSKIN <1 GALBRKATU, Attv's for Estate. Administrators' Notice. Letters of administration on tha estate of John W. McJunkin, dee'd, late of Clay twp., Butler county, Pa., having l>«eu granted to the nndersigned; all persons snowing themselves indebted to said 0s tats will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against «aid estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to John R. McJunkin ) . , , Anna McJunkin, { Adm rl * Euclid, P. O. Ira McJunkin, Att'v. Butler Co., Pa. Public Notice. Whereas my wife, Martha Flaming has left my bed and board, without just cause or provocation; this is to give notice to the public not to trust or harbor her on mp account, as 1 will not be responsible for any bills of her contracting. Alfred Fleming, Ekaatown P. O. May 15, 1895. Butler Co., Pa. Butler Dye Works, 216 Center Ave. Good Work; Reasonable Prices; Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1 R. D. FISHER, Prop'r. A Suggestion. Did it ever occur t# yaa that tnere are drugs aut! drugs—that drugs are like every thing else— there arc ?ood, bad and indif ferent. There is notui-" which is positively bad if it is'nt ju»i u! th- best. Our policy has always been to have Uotu ingbut the best. When you want drugs come to us and be assured of fresh pure goods, and always what von ask for or your prescription calls lor. It may not always be drugs you want either. We always have on hand a full line of sick room requisites. C. Iff. BOYD, Diamond Block, - Butler, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA t. Western Pennsylvania Division. Schedule in Effect May 20, 1893. South, —'—Week Days —— A. M. K. X. A. M. r. M P. M. BITLKK .Leave6a 800 ilia i>*> sou Saxonbutv Arrive 654 838 U4B 3lt 528 Butler .let.. . •• 727 848 12 12 .-1411 553 Butler Jet ..Leave 730 848 ii 17 340 553 Natrona Arrive 7 38 858 12 20 350 6oj Tarentum 743 903 12 31 357 607 Sprtngdale 752 9is 12 44 407 Ciareraont 807 925 12 59 421 627 Sharpsburg 815 »31 107 428 632 Allegheny Clcy 828 Si 44 124 440 645 A. M. A. M. r. 11. i*. M. r. M. SL"*DAY TRAINS Leave Butler for Alle gheny ( lty ami principal Intermediate nations 7:40 A. M.. 2:30 and »:oo P. M. North. Week Days —• — A. M. x. M, A. M. r. M. P M. Allegheny City .Lv. «5» 900 112 V 315 uto Sharpsburg 708 913 >139 ( laremont 919 1146 Springdale 930 11 sw .... 638 Tarentum 732 »39 1208 351 648 Natrona 737 943 12 13 355 653 Butler Jc't Ar 745 950 12 23 404 7o! Butler Jc'l I.V 745 950 12 !H 415 7OS Saxonburg 810 10 15 1259 440 725 BCTIER. Ar. 835 lo 38 125 Sod 750 A. M. A. M, r. A, r. ». r. M. SUNDAY TRAINS—Leave Allegheny City for Butler and principal Intermediate stations 7Jo A. M.. 1235 and 7:lo P. M. Week Days For the East Week Days, p. m. a. in. a m p. m. 245 625 Lv BUTLKR. .. Ar 10 38 125 340 727 Ar Butler Jc't Lv 950 12 34 404 745 Lv Butler Jc't Ar 940 12 31 410 749 Ar Freeport.. Lv 835 12 30 415 753 " Alleg y Jc't " 931 12 24 426 804 " Leechburg.. " 920 12 12 446 821 "Paulton(Apollo" 905 11 51 514 851 " Saltsburg "8 37 11 32 550 922 " Blairsville..B 05 11 00 GOO 930 "Blairsville Ins'n"7 45 10 15 850 11 35 " Altoona "3 40 800 100 3JO " Harrisburg..."ll 55 310 430 023 " Philadelphia." 850 11 20 a. ni. p. m. p. m. p. m. Through train* for the east leave Pitta burg (Union Station) as follows: Atlantic Express, daily 3 10 A. U. Pennsylvania Limited " 715 " Day Express, " 730 " Main Line ICpress •' 800 " I hiladeluhla Express " 430 P. M. Eastern Express " 700 " Fast Line " 810 " For detailed information, address Thos. E. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District, 110 Filth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. S. M. PKKVOST, J. H. WOOD, General Manager. Gen'l Passr, Agent. P, <k. W. R. K. Schedule lu uttjcl May 12. mv (Hutler time) The Short Line to Pittsburg. DICTABT HOI'TH. FROM rtOCTU •.28 a m Allegheny Ex '9.25 a m, Allegheny Ac 8.15 a m All'y £ Akron ,io.oo a m.AI * N Castle 10.(18 ani Allegheny Ac 112. 20 pm, Allegheny!* i II «5 a m Allegheny Ex ,1.05 p m. Chicago Kx 2.6.1 p m Allegheny Kx 5.06 pm. Allegheny Kx 350 p m Chicago Kx. 730 p m.AU'y £ Akron 005 p m All'y & Ell. Ex i.OO p in, Allegheny Kx PKFA BT NOBTII. FROM NORTB. 10.06 a id Kane A Brad. 1 ' Oft a m, Foxburg Ac 5.1.) p m Clarion Ac a in, Clarion Ac 7.35 pra Koxburg 16.20 pm. Kane Mall BUHDAT TK4INH.*, DT.r UtT SOUTH. FROM SOI'TH. *. 15 am, DeForest Ac jo.M a ra, Allegheny Ac >1.45a m. Allegheny jcx l.osp in, Allegheny Kx 3.50 p in, Chloßffo Ex ,05 pm, Allegheny Kx e .05 p in, Allegheny Ac 7.30 pm, DeForest Ac Train arriving at at n.m p m leaves B £ O de pot, Pittsburg. at 3 :15 o'clock. Butler and Ureenvllle Coach will leave Alle gheny at 3:20 p. in, dally except Sunday. Con necting at Wlllowgrovo, arriving at Butler at 6*». Pullman Buffet Sleeping Can and (lrst-class Day Coaches iun through between Butler and Chicago dally. For through tickets to points In the West Northwest or Southwest apply to A. B. CROUCH, Agent Trains leave the B. & O. depot In I'lttburg for I he Katt as follows. For Washington I)' C., Baltimore, Philadel phia, sad New York. 7:30 and I*3o p. in. Cumberland. 6:40. 7 :30. a.m. 1 :10. 930 p. m. Oon nelsvllle. «:io, 730, a. m., 4.30, 4.45. 5.30, 9.20 p.m. Unlontown, 7.20 a. m.. 1.10, p. m. Uulnntown, Morgafitown and Fairmont, 7,30, a, 111. and 5,30 p. rn. Mt.PleaMantil.4o, 7. 30 a. m. 1.10 and 4.30 pm. Washington, Pa., 7.40 and jso a. in., and 9.00. 11.55 p. m. Wheel ing, 7.40. and 9.30 a. in., and 4.00. 8.00. 11.55 p. in. Cincinnati, St, Ixjuls. Columbus and New ark. 7 10 a. m.. 9.10, 11. t& p.m. For Chicago, 2.40 and 9.30 p. m. Parlor and sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ington, Cincinnati and Chleairo. PITTHBUttO, HHKN AI4GO A LAK K KHI K H.R. Takes etTect Monday. Dee. 31 1894. Trains are run by Standard Central Time (90th Meridian.) One hour slower than City Time. (ioiNU North. Goimu South ' 10 14 12~j STATIONS 9 lF ljf p.m m. p.m. Arr l.v'e a.m.'a.m. pmo ....I 826 1 oc Dunkirk | 7 00 I .1 7~ a. m, 00, 1*42 M 00 Erie 6 lu 8 X, 3 35 r, jr. 1 1 os 9 2» Wallace Junct. 0 47 9 is 4 12 r, 20 1 04 9 15 (llrar.l j c bo » ik 4 15 .0912 64 VV> .... I/iekport. 7SO 92V 4 2f, " 02112 4* BW< .Cranesvllle. . 7 oh| »as 43' a 4;.' . jio 22 ar.(loiineauT Tv 1 7"io~ 3Jo # lO . .! vto tv ar Ito 221 ~ 4 057 ii 44( 8 45|ar.. ..Albion lv f'n 941• 497 5 4.ij1l 83 S 311 . Shadeland 7a9 53 4(1 r, 411,12 30 8 28 .. sprlngbor" .. 7 *7 B M 4 KB 5 *l l2 24, B*o j.Conneaiitvllle 73410 03 503 '. (>-,12 or: 8 00| ... Mea'v'le .let. sOO 10 2r, 515 ."Ml. .1 7 30|tv Conn't iMke .l 10 11 44T 7 lo|.. .. 8 10;ar ar, 81010 50 638 4 25 ! 7 55jlV .MeadVllle .lV| 9 45 4 20 7 40| . s 3«|ar ar| s :i« 11 26l fl i 0 •'O2lll »l 741 Ilartstown iNo llb3» san II 4« 7:w . Adamsvllle ... 10 44 844 ....ill 381 28 Osgood 1 1(1 M ft S3 n'2s il 30 7 1 Oreenvllle...! « 3o|ll 07 soft oisll 2 7 Ofi ....Shenango... I«40 11 aoj «20 0001050 o4s . ..Fredonfa. ;70311 44 11 .14 5 44 10 43 B 25 Mercer 722 12 04! 7 00 5 30jl0 W 0 10 Pardoe 7 :is 12 22, 7 14 5 I*lo 20; 800 ...drove City... i 74712 33 725 5 Of, 10 08 5 48 . . Ilarrlsvllle.... 7 58 '2 45 73 6 1 sh|'o 00 41 1 Branchton > s 0f.1'2 m, i 4 r, nT7ir>| | s 101 Iv .Branrhton arl 7 10 112 101 .... r» 45| ... HK, ar...Milliard .lv 0 25111 15) 4 531 9 N. I 5 351W .. Kt-ISUirs ...I 8 10112 581 749 4 .191 9 42 5 21 1 Kuclld * 22 I 12 8 03 4 ld| 9 IS] I V>l Butler. | g Bo| 1 421 s ,v z ioi 7ao ..Allegheny. I'AW n obi ar* e 2 15;. in ! Pittsburg,B*Q. Ip. m'p. ml . .1. T. It I, AIK, Ceneral Manager, (Iroenvllle. Pa W.O. SAIMiKANT «. P. A.. Meadvllle. Pa C. A ~„D. SUMMER J order to gel tho hpHt of old S"l- ( f W« provide everything need 1 J ful in order to ho cool and com- c j fortahle. # N Ilata and Furninbin>fK for f J Men UoyH and Children are \ \ our upecialtieH and we onlj ask I C an innpertion of our (foodc. ] C We know they are natiftfac- s Colbert & Dale. A Manufacturer's Left-over Stock For Sale Cheap. Briefly Told + * + AT this time of the year the makers of Clothing with Stock* on hand are willing to lose money to clean out goods. Their profit time is over and any price for their left-over stock is better than keeping it until next year. Last Week We Closed Oats M. Sanyster Sens & Co., stock of Men's fine tailor made Suits, flilf) SuUs We bou S ht this stock so low that we arc able to w offer you $lO, sl2, sl3 and sl4 Suits for only $8.75 $8.75 $8.75. Schaul 4 Nast, Lead in a Clothiers, 137 S. Main St., Butler, Pa- M_ __ OUR NEW HAS ARRIVED, and we wil be pleased to show you what we W# 1 " B t ou can buy a good, servica'..!e 9 business, suit for $5.00, bu: \ \ nC ** °°' s9°° ' • VIU L-1. IMI. 1. SIO.OO are marvels of beaut;. . .. . , , . excellence, better than ever s. i (tor the price) in the history of the clothing trade. Step in and see these goods, you'll be agreeably surprised IsiO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Worki.fgmen ?ake notfee: We have Sweet, Orr & Co.'s Panta- . - loons and Overalls. If you have | /QHTfIPI 1 worn them, you need no further ASD comment from us, if not ask * see them as they are the bes VJ 1 Ccl Id.l 11} cheap pants in the world. BUTLER, PA. Schneideman's Old Stand. SHLOSS BROs', Fair and Square Clothiers, Outfitters and Hatters, Butler Pa. \ r ou will have to Gobble fast, for they surely wont last long. Our guarantee included that they are all wool and we have T„ra 1 ;.l • from SB. $i o, and sl2. Sizes Just reduced the price well assorted, wc have too many. Some must all be sold in ten days. This is a Grand Chance T" '° b Y T u , r Sum mer buit at wholesale price. Shloss Bro's, K "T, st " Schneideman's Old^Stand. ✓ tSTH For Fine Footwear, £ lit fIS 1 i Go to RUEE'S Shoe Store, 114 South 0 ■ 11 iMain street. Every line of shoes is shown # ■ 1\ Jin our stock. We have no specialties, but quality and low prices, and they wk Jare the specialties for buyers. All our 4ishoes walk away from competition, and • • ileave other dealers out of the race. The #feet are very sensitive and it's the easiest \ xthing in the world to hurt their feelings. 1 J You can't do that if you wear our shoes, , %/% , % . %/%/%/%^^ deal softly and fittingly with the feet and lightly with the pockctbook. Wc have ladies fine dress shoes, made in the latest styles, at from 75c to $4.00. The latest designs in Ladies Oxfords range in price from 50c to $2.25. Men's Dressiest of the Dress Shoes at SI.OO and Upward. Misses Oxfords and Shoes at 50c and 75c in pretty styles, better grades if you want them. Children's shoes as low as 25 cents. Boys and Youths Shoes at all prices, including your own price. Give us a Call. A. Ruff & Son., 114 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. \ A GOOD LOOKING LASS. May be excused for occasionally viewing her image in a good look ,-1 » fIP ing glass. Equally excusable are those who look through the glass VGIu! vf" behind which arc samples of our wjtl V fine stock of Jewelry. Don't be content with looking. Come in I and buy. You would be surpris / ) c< * at ' ow I )r,ces disked for / //'/ I man y glittering treasures. Owl ilk \ I I have a fine line of silver novel vflt( »|WV.\ Ities; also, an entire new stock of *">■ cut f»' ass - Repairing of watches, I GRIEB, + SUITS*SUITStSUITS + j/3 «\n Wool Panto to order., f 3.001 j"fl L-c All Wool Suits to order... 15 0° ►> C Duck Alpaca See., suits... H-5" 2J Hycicle Suiti to order... 9 «*> j <1 Bloomers Knee panU i n "m d< Mackintoshes to order— 5-5" 3K Buys Suits to order 4-5" tforess Suits and Fine 2 § TROUSERINGS H 0, A Specialty. 2? CO £"• (Jive us a Call. +++•+ > 1 THE FISH is co _,, , n T3 Tailoring Co., > 2 Diamond Street, North 2 <" I A Siilc Court House, Hut- J! 1 V TI«, Pa Wj + suits+suits+suiTs + ; FiNDmg A«|vrrfnigK iKtrnao of . ■ .JiTGTCW EROS, ■ t ,»<! ,ut »lr.flUlUg at luwaal i I Farm For Sale. Containing UO acre* of good land, with orchard* of apple, peach, pear, and cherry ' ieea, grape arbors eto. A good 6-rooin houaa with large porches, inminer houae and vpring water at door, an excellent apring honae and neveral other onUide builaingj. Thi» property i» located in Franklin ownibip, 2 in ilea from Mt. Chestnut and between it and Prospect, and will be aold, or traded for town property. For further particular* inquire at thia | offieo. L. S. McJUNKIN Insurance! and Beal Estate Agent, 17 EafITJJEFFERHON BT. UIJTI.KR. - PA. STEEL ROOFING and SIDINC. (Mncendorph'a Piltll.) Lightning, Fin and Storm Proof. | "MartsgjSggMMs"-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers