Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 02, 1895, Image 1

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A GRAND OPPORTUNITY—With the (lawn of prosperity just he
foiv ua and tb« improvement in business notwithstanding We J ™T na ®
•*. decided to close no* oor entire stock of Men's B -ys' ana t,ni re
Clothing *li«'b we will continue to du at prices that will be to t * a<
tage of all iit-Birm* to purchase ci thing. No matter bow litt'e or ow
mu. b moDH you bave to iuve-t. we know it will be bard ou tfe Clotbiog
business bo. *»■ *9 are de'ermwed <o cl«w out we canuol help it t r
Stock '• tbe arrest in the count* Men's fine black wori-ted pants n i wn.,i
only $2.00. W> have tno»e tb»n nt,y I*o stores in towu. Uur
ctilnrro'--u<t-ar> mnrvt-li- «>f b»xuty; 11 U*- I at- novelties. HUCb as th
Regent. Euclid NVpt.o.e I'.inoibiH.R. eters, Kilts vc. trom si»cts
np_ Boys' Double at.d Single Breast Round aud Squate corner Flam or
Plaited—AH will be -old without re-er*e
WV will still coDtii u< to .--.rr» ml. and complete line of Hats
SbirtH Tien. « olltt'S uffs, H .dkercblet*. Uu-lerA-ar, Hosiery Os>.,»|l-
J»ckets, Sw.aters, Um Gr. lies. Trut.br. Teleacpes, Hammock,
Brushes. Combs, Ppaiches. Cbain», ( barms, Rings, Coller and tuff rful
tous Ac We still carry tbe ' Semper dem" Shirt, the best anlaandrieO
shirt in tbe worla only $1 00. O.k 75 cent shirt is equal to any f 1.00
shirt on tbe market. Our line of Cb. vu.tt Percaile aud Madras shirt*, tul
and complete. , . „ r .■
We have found that one man's motoy is better than two men s c ea
and have adopted tbe cash plan atd find that it works wonder '
member that we are the old reliable, the pi .necr ol good goods at low pric s,
that we bare been here a quarter ol a century against all comers and g >er
have stated with too and dODe you good It will pay you to com? for
mile* as we can save yon Money, no matter how low you are o -re B°o
Lave no baits to pull the w'ooi over your eyes. A fair, square deal i
wbai *e promise and are here to fulfil that promise.
121N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
John Bickel's
128 5. riain St.
Branch Store ,2 5 N. riain st,
Our large pring stock is arriving daily, and among this stock
will be found all the latest styles in Ladies and Gents high grade foot
wear, at low prices.
Our Stock ol Men's 1 tes is large—Patent Leath
ers'—Russetts, —Kangaroo's, —Cordovans and
fine Calf shoes in all the latest styles—Large stock
of Men's Low Cut shoes.
1 >ur stock of Ladies and Misses shoes is full,
comprising of the latest styles—Razor Toe, —Pic-
cadilly—and narrow quare Toes, are the latest,
and we have them in Black and Russett, ln,
Lace and Button; Also large assortment of La
dies and Misses Oxfords —Opera Toe and Instrap
Uppers. Ladies' Clotb Overgaiters— at reduced
. prices. Gilt-E d gtd hoe Dressing.
Patent+LEATHER+ nn T 'IT i 1
+TAN+ lUljLlt. If
The balance of our Winter stock to be closed out regardless of
cost or value—Rubber Goods—Men's Rubber Boots —Boston Can
dee or Woonsocket boots, at $2,00 per pair—Men's Oil Grain Box
Toe shoes Double sole and tap, at $1,25 per pair—Men's day
shoes at 90c —Women's oil grain shoes in Lace or Button, at 90c —
Misses shoes at 75c —Children's Dongola shoes, sizes 4 to 8 at 40c —
Ladies Cloth and Brussel slippers, at 25c per pair.
Full stock of Leather and Finding—Shoocmak
ers' supplies of all kinds.—Best Cordovan Razor •
straps, at 25c —Boots and shoes made toorder—
Repairing neatly Done—Orders by mail will receive
prompt and careful attention All goodssent by
mail, we pay postage.
When in need of anything in my litre, Give me
a call. -
128 S. Main Street,
~ M Spring Shoes
Easy, stylish and comfortable
■■Bijfe. Footwear for Spring and Summer.
'% Jgp Onr Ladies and Men's Tan and
| W +Black Shoes,*
- |F Are such and extremely dressy.
t We arc ready with an immense
line in all colors, Russia Calf, Vici
• ' Kid and Razor London; New
A lew words in parting. Opera and I" rench Toes.
Goto HUSELTON'S for my $ $ $ $ $
e . , .. 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00
Shoes; don t you go any other '| £ J <j.
place; I have tried them and his , , .. . ,
r More and better styles than any
are the best, recollect what I say. other showing in Butler.
Full line Misses and Children's Tan Shoes, Fit for a King at
prices in harmony with the times. You don't need a fat pocket
book to deal here.
Tan Shoes will be especially popular this Spring. New Shades
and Shapes.
Our Stock in Mens Boys and Youths , excel anything ever
shown in Butler. They are stylish and fine enough to suit the most
fastidious tastes. Prices on these 75c —9Oc —$1,00 —$1,25 —$1,50
—s2,oo —s2,so —and—s3.oo. —Don't fail to pay us a visit, we have
rices way down and Quality way up.
#- H. C, Huselton, -#
102 N. Main Street,
THE QUESTION is often asked, What Paint shall we use?
THE ANSWER I If you are looking for covering
capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and
your money's worth, you must buy
Own 1 Most, Looks Best, Wears Longest, Most economical, Full Measure.
Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all
the time. We are in the business to stay and
■RUSHES, S. W. P. stays with us.
J. C. REDICK, 100 N. Main St.
Medici ne
Is a necessity because the tonic of winter
air is gone, and milder weather, increased
moisture, accumulated impurities In the
blood and debilitated condition of the
body, open the way for that tired feeling,
nervous troubles, and other ills. The
skin, mucous membrane and the various
organs strive in vain to relieve the im
pure current of life. They all welcome
to assist Nature at this time when she
most needs help, to purify the blood, tone
and strengthen the laboring organs and
build up the nerves.
" A year ago last spring I had a severe
attack of inflammatory rheumat ism which
confined me to my bed for six weeks. X
was treated by physicians and finally got
around and went to work but my hands
and limbs remained stiff and sore and the
pains were severe at times. My wife pre
vailed upon me to take Hood s Sarsapa-
The Blood
rilla and I have taken about three bottles
and the soreness and lameness have all
disappeared." T. H. BLOOMINGDAUS, 113
Bushkill St., Easton, Pennsylvania.
. . p.... the after-dinner pill and
HOOd S Pi IIS family cathartic. 25c.
c.x j).
that keeps grow
ing through a season ol de
pression, such as the country
has experienced, is an evi
dence that people realize the)
save money by trading with
us. We know, and always
have known, tbe days of large
profits are past. Without
question wc are giving more 1
for the money than last year.
Our stock is larger to select
from than last year
Colbert & Dale.
All grades from Brown Blanks
up to the finest embossed Bronzes.
The better the paper the better
the Bargain.
Buy your good papers now and
get them at wholesale prices.
Window Shades in all the
latest colors at
Near P. O.
In tlie Millinery Department for this season
are Lace Braid Hats at 35 cents, regular ".uc
quality and Black Uglwri Hats at X>c that
can't be matched In quality at same price In
tills cltv.
We have a splendid assortment ot
Millinery always in stock, both in Trimmed
and Untrimmed poods. Orders promptly lined.
M. F. & M. MARKS,
113 to 117 S. Main Butler.
In Wall Street successlu.ly carried on with
llie aid of our Dally Market Letter and pamph
iets on speculation. MAILK'i l-'HEE
Discretionary Accounts a Specialty. All In
formation free. Bank references. WEINMAN
k Co.. Stock and (iraln Broker*. 41 [.Broadway,
New York.
"Go on with your story," said Holmes,
"Well, we carried him in, Abdullah,
Akbar and I. A fine weight he was,
too, for all that he v„s so short. Ma
homet Singh was left to guard the
door. We took him to a place which
the Sikhs had already prepared. It was
some distance off. where a winding pas
sage leads to a great empty hall, the
brick walls of which were all crumbling
to pieces. The earth floor had sunk in
at one place, making a natural grave,
so wc left Achmet the merchant there,
having first covered him over with
loose bricks. This done, we all went
back to the treasure.
"It lay where he had dropped It when
he was first attacked. The box was
the same which now lies open upon
your table. A key was hung by a
silken cord to that carved handle upon
the top. We opened it, and the light
of the lantern gleamed upon a collec
tion of gems such as I have read of and
thought about when I was a little lad
at Pershore. It was blinding to look
upon them. When we had feasted our
eyes we took them all ou£ and made a
list of them. There were one hundred
and forty-three diamonds of the first
water, including one which has been
called, I believe, 'the Great Mogul,'
and is said to be the second largest
stone in existence. Then there were
ninety-seven very fine emeralds, and
Ope hundred and seventy rubies, some
of which, however, were small. There
were forty carbuncles, two hundred
and ten sapphires, sixty-one agates ami
a great quantity of beryls, onyxes, cats'-
eyes, turquoises and other stones, the
very names of which I did not know at
the time, though I have become more
iamiliar with them since. Besides
this, there were nearly three hundred
very fine pearls, twelve of which were
6et in a gold coronet. By the way,
these last had been taken out of the
chest and were not there wher. I re
covered it.
"After we had counted our treasures
we put them back into the chest and
carried them to the gateway to show
them to Mahomet Singh. Then we
solemnly renewed our oath to stand by
each other and be true to our secret.
We agreed to conceal our loot in a
6afe place until the country should be
at peace again, and then to divide it
equally among ourselves. There was
no use dividing it at present, for if
gems of such value were found upon
us it would cause suspicion, and there
was no privacy in the fort nor any
place where we could keep them. We
carried the box, therefore, into the
same hall where we had buried the
body, and there, under certain bricks
in the best-preserved wall, we made a
hollow and put our treasure. We made
careful note of the place, and next day
I drew four plans, one for each of us,
and put the sign of the four of us at
the bottom, for we had sworn that we
should each always act for all, so that
none might take advantage. That is
an oath that I can put my hand to my
heart and swear that I have never
"Well, there's no use my telling you,
gentlemen, what came of the Indian
mutiny. After Wilson took Delhi and
Sir Colvin relieved Lueknow the back
of the business was broken. Fresh
troops came pouring in, and Nana
Sahib made himself scarce over the
fri >ntier. A flying column under Col.
Greathead came round to Agra and
cleared the Pandies away from it.
Peace seemed to be settling upon the
country, and we four were beginning
to hope that the time was at hand
when we might safely go off with our
shares of the plunder. In a moment,
however, our hopes were shattered by
our being arrested as the murderers of
"It came about in this way: When
the rajah put his jewels into the hands
of Achmet he did it because he knew
that he was a trusty man. They are
suspicious folk in the east, however; so
what does this rajah do but take a sec
ond even more trusty servant and set
him to play the spy upon the first?
This second man was ordered never to
let Achmet out of his sight, and he fol
lowed him like his shadow. He went
after him that night, and saw him pass
through the doorway. Of course he
thought he had taken refuge in the
fort, and applied for admissiou there
himself next day, but could find
no trace of Achmet. This seemed
to him so strange that he spoke
about it to a sergeant of guides,
who brought it to the ears of
the commandant. A thorough search
was quickly made, and the body was
discovered. Thus at the very moment
that we thought that all was safe we
were all four seized and brought to
trial on a charge of murder—'hree of
us because we had held the gate that
night, and the fourth because he was
known to have been in company of the
murdered man. Not a word about the
jewels came out at the trial, for the
rajah had been deposed and driven out
of India; so no one had any particular
interest in them. The murder, how
ever, was clearly made out, and it was
certain that we must all have been
concerned in it. The three Sikhs got
penal servitude for life, and I was con
demned to death, though my sentence
was afterward commuted into the
same as the others.
"It was rather a queer position that
we found ourselves in then. There
we were, all four tied by the leg and
with precious little chance of «ver get
ting out again, while we each held a
secret which might have put each of us
in a palace if we could only have made
use of it. It was enough to make a
man eat his heart out to have to stand
the kick and the cuff of every petty
jack in office, to have rice to eat and
water to drink, when that gorgeous
fortune was ready for him outside, just
waiting to bo picked up. It might have
driven me mad; but I was always a
pretty stubborn one, so I just held on
and bided my time.
"At last it seemed to me to have
come. I was changed from Agra to
Madras, and from there to Blair island
in the Andamans. There are very few
white convicts at this settlement, and,
as I had behaved well from the first, I
soon found myself a sort of privileged
person. I was given a hut in Hope town,
which is a small place on the slopes of
Mount Harriet, and I was left pretty
much to myself. It is a dreary, fever
stricken place, and all beyond our little
clearings was infested with wild canni
bal natives, who were ready enough to
blow a poisoned dart at us if they saw
a chance. There was digging, and
ditching, and yam-planting, and a
dozen other things to be done, so we
were busy enough all day; though in
the evening we had a little time to our
selves. Among other things, I Warned
to dispense drugs for the surgeon, and
picked up a smattering of his knowl
edge. All the time I was on the look
out for a chance of escape; but it is
hundreds of miles from any other land,
and there is little or no wind in those
seas: so it was a terribly difficult job to
get away.
"The surgeon, Dr. Somerton, was a
fast, sporting young chap, and the
other young officers would meet in his
rooms of au evening and play cards.
The surgery, where I used to make up
my drugs, was next to his sitting-room,
with a small window between us.
Often, if I felt lonesome, I used to turn
out the lamp in the surgery, and then,
standing there, I could hear their talk
and watch their play. 1 am fond of a
hand at cards myself, and it was al
most as good as having one to watch
the others. There was Maj. Sholto,
Capt. Morstan and Lieut. Bromley
Brown, who were in command of the
native troops, and there was the sur
geon himself, and two or three prison
officials, crafty old han<is who played a
nice sly sate game. A very snug little
party tbey used to make.
"Well, there was one thing which
very soon struck me, and that was
that soldiers used always to lose and
the civilians to win. Mind, I don't say
that there was anything unfair, but so
it was. These prison chaps had done
little else than play cards ever since
they had been at the Andamans, and
they knew each other's game to a
point, while the others just played to
pass the time and threw their cards
down anyhow. Night after night
the soldiers got up poorer men, and the
poorer they got the more keen they
were to play. Maj. Sholto was the
hardest hit. He used to pay in notes and
gold at first, but soon it came to notes
of hand and |for big sums. He some
times would win for a few deals, just
to give him heart, and then the luck
would set in against him worse than
ever. All day he would wander about
as black as thunder, and he took to
drinking a deal more than was good
for him.
"One night he lost even more heavily
than usual. I was sitting in my hut
when he and Capt. Morstan came
stumbling along on the way to their
quarters. They were bosom friends,
those two, and never far apart. The
major was raving about his losses.
" 'lt's all up, Morstan,' he was say
lug, as they passed my hut. 'I shall
have to send in my papers. I am a
ruined man.'
" 'Nonsense, old chap!' said the
other, slapping him upon the shoulder
'l've had a nasty facer myself, but—
That was all I could hear, but it was
enough to set me thinking.
"A couple of days later Maj Sholto
was strolling on the beach; so I took
the chance of speaking to him.
" 'I wish to have your advice, major,
said 1. .
"'Well, Small, what is it?' he said,
taking his cheroot from his lips.
" 'I wanted to ask you, sir,' said 1.
'who is the proper person to whom hid
den treasure should be handed over I
know where half a million worth lies,
and, as I cannot use it myself, I thought
perhaps the best thing that I could do
would be to hand it over to the proper
authorities, and then perhaps they
would get my sentence shortened for
'"Half a million. Small?" he gasped,
looking hard at me to see if I was in
" 'Quite that, sir —in jewels and
pearls. It lies there ready for anyone.
And the queer thing about it is that
the real owner is outlawed and cannot
hold property, so that it belongs to the
first comer.'
" 'To government, Small,' he stam
mered —'to government.' But he said
it in a halting fashion, and I knew in
my heart that I had got him.
" 'You think then, sir, that I should
give the information to the governor
general?' said I, quietly.
" 'Well, well, you must not do any
thing rash, or that you might repent.
Let me hear all about it, Small. Give
me the facts.'
"I told him the u„hole story,with small
changes so that he could not identify
the places. When I had finished he
stood stock still and full of thought. I
could see by the twitch of his lip that
there was a struggle going on within
" 'This is a very important matter,
Small,' he said, at last. 'You must not
say a word to anyone about it, and I
shall see you again soon.'
"Two nights later he and his friend
Capt. Morstan came to my hut in the
dead of the night with a lantern.
" 'I want you just to let Capt. Mor
stan hear that story from your own
lips. Small,' said he.
"I repeated it as I had told it before.
" 'lt rings true, eh?' said he. 'lt's
good enough to act upon?'
"Capt. Morstan nodded.
" 'Look here, Small,' said the major.
'We have been talking it over, my
friend here and I, and we have come to
the conclusion that this secret of yours
is hardly a government matter, after
all, but is a private concern of your
own, which of course you have the
power of disposing of as you think
best. Now. the question is, what price
would you ask fc>r it? We might be in
clined to take it up. and at least look
into it, if we could agree as to terms.'
He tried to speak in a cool, careless
way, but his eyes were shining with
excitement and greed.
'"Why, as to that, gentlemen,' I an
swered, trying also to be cool, but feel
ing as excited as he did, 'there is only
one bargain which a man in my posi
tion can make. I shall want you to
help me to my freedom, and to help my
three companions to theirs. We shall
then take you into partnership, and
give you a fifth share to divide be
tween you.'
" 'Hum!' said he. 'A fifth share!
That is not very tempting.'
" 'lt would come to fifty thousand
apiece,' said I.
" 'But how can we gain your free
dom? You know very well that you
ask an impossibility.'
" 'Nothing of the sort,' I answered.
'I have thought it all out to the last de
tail. The only bar to our escape is
that we can get no boat fit for the voy-
apd JJO provisions to last us |or so
long a time. There are plenty of
little yachts and yawls at Calcutta
or Madras which would serve our turn
well. Do you bring one over. V*e
shall eng-ag-e to get aboard her by
night, and if you will drop us on any
part of the Indian coast you will hare
done your part of the bargain.'
•' 'lf there were only one,' he said.
"'None or all,' I answered. 'We
have sworn It. The four of us must al
ways act together.'
" 'You see, Morstan,' said he, 'Small
is a man of his %vord. He does not
flinch from his friends. I think we
may very well trust him.'
" 'lt's a dirty business,' the other an
swered 'Yet, as you say, the money
would save our commissions hand
" 'Well, Small,' said the major, 'we
must, I suppose, try and meet you. We
must first, of course, test the truth of
your story Tell me where the box is
hid, and I shall get leave of absence
and go back to India in the monthly
relief-boat to inquire into the affair.'
" 'Not so fast,' said I, growing colder
as he got hot. *1 must have the con
sent of my three comrades. I tell you
that it is four or none with us.'
" 'Nonsense!' he broke in. 'What
have three black fellows to do with our
" 'Black or blue,' said I, 'they are in
with me, and we all go together.'
"Well, the matter ended by a second
meeting, at which Mahomet Singh, Ab
dullah Khan and Dost Akbar were all
present. Wc talked the matter over
again, a,nd at last we came to an ar
rangement. We were to provide both
the officers with charts of the part of
the Agra fort and mark the place in
the wall where the treasure was hid.
Maj. Sholto was to go to India to test
our story. If he found the box he was
to leave it there, to send out a small
yacht provisioned for a voyape, which
was to lie off Rutland island, and to
which we were to make our way, and
finally to return to his duties. Capt.
Morstan was then to apply for leave of
absence, to meet us at Agra, and there
we were to have a final division of the
treasure, he taking the major's share
as well as his own. All this we sealed
by the most solemn oaths that the
mind could think or the lips utter. I
sat up all nipht with paper and ink,
and by morning I had the two charts
all ready, signed with the sign of four
—that is, of Abdullah, Akbar, Mahomet
"Well, gentlemen, I weary you with
my long story, and I know that my
friend Mr. Jones is impatient to get
me safely stowed in chokey. I'll make
it as short as I can. The villain,
Sholto, went off to India, but he never
came back again. Capt. Morstan
showed me his name among a list of
passengers in one of the mail boats
very shortly afterwards. His uncle
had died, leaving him a fortune, and he
had left the army, yet he could stoop
to treat five men as he had treated us.
Morstan went over to Agra shortly
afterwards, and found, as we expected,
that the treasure was indeed gone. The
scoundrel had stolen it all, without
carrying out one of the conditions on
which we had sold him the secret.
From that day I lived only for ven
geance. I thought of it by day and I
nursed it by night. It became an over
powering, absorbing passion with me.
I cared nothing for the law—nothing
for the gallows. To escape, to track
down Sholto, to have mv hand upon his
throat —that was my one thought. Even
the Agra treasure had come to be a
smaller thing in my mind than the
slaying of Sholto.
"Well, I have set my mind on many
things in this life, and never one which
I did not carry out. But it was weary
years before my time came. I have
told you that I had picked up some
thing of medicine. One day when Dr.
Somerton was down with a fever a lit
tle Andaman islander was picked up
by a convict gang in the woods. He
was sick to death, and had gone to a
lonely place to die. I took him in
hand, though he was as venomous as a
snake, and after a couple of months I
got him all right and able to walk. He
took a kind of fancy to me then, and
would hardly go back to his woods,
but was always hanging about my hut.
I learned a little of his lingo from him,
and this made him all the fonder of me.
"Tonga—for that was his name—was
a fine boatman, and owned a big, roomy
canoe of his own. When I found that
he was devoted to me and would do
anything to serve me, I saw my chance
of escape. I talked it over with him.
He was to bring his boat on a certain
night to an old wharf which was never
guarded, and there he was to pick me
up. I gave him directions to have sev
eral gourds of water and a lot of yams,
cocoanuts and sweet potatoes.
"He was staunch and true, was little
Tonga. No man ever had a more faith
fbl mate. At the night named he bad
his boat at the wharf. As it chanced,
however, there was one of the convict
guard down there —a vile Pathan who
had never missed a chance of in
sulting and injuring me. I had
always vowed vengeance, and nov(
I had my chance. I was as if
fate had placed him in my way that I
might pay my debt before I left the
island. He stood on the bank with his
back to me and his carbine on his
shoulder. 1 looked about for a stone to
beat out his brains with, but none
could I see. Then a queer thought
came into my head and showed me
where I could lay my hand on a weap
on. I sat down in the darkness and un
strapped my wooden leg. With three
long hops I was on him. He put his
carbine to his shoulder, but I struck
him full and knocked the whole front
of his skull in. You can see the split
in the wood now where I hit him. We
both went down together, for I could
not keep my balance, but when I got
up I found him still lying quiet enough.
I made for the boat and in an hour we
were well out at sea. Tonga had
I STRUCK HIM K 1*1.1..
brought all his earthly possessions
with him, his arms and his gods.
Among other things, he had a long
bamboo spear and some Andaman
cocoanut matting, with which I made
a sort of a sail For ten days we were
beating about, trusting to luck, and on
the eleventh we were picked up by a
trader which was going from Singa
pore to Jiddah with a crowd of Malay
pilgrims. They were a rum crowd, and
Tonga and I soon managed to settle
down among them. They had one
good quality—they let you alone and
asked no questions.
"Well, if I were to tell you all the
adventures that my little chum and I
went through, you would not thank
me, for I would have you here until
the sun was shining Here and there
we drifted about the world, something
always turning up to keep us from Lon
don. All the time, however, I never
lost sight of my purpose. I would
dream of Sholto at night. A hundred
times I have killed him in my sleep.
At last, however, some three or four
years ago, wc found ourselves in Kug
land. I had no ((real difficulty in find
ing where ijholto lived, and 1 set to
work to discover whether he had real
ized the treasure, or if he still had it.
I made friends with some oue who could
help me —I name no names, for I don't
want to pet anyone else in a hole—and
I soon found that he still had the jew
els. Then I tried to pet at him in many
rrays; but he wao prettv sly, and had
always two prize-ligi..^r... besides his
sons and his khitmutgar, on guard ever
"One day, however, I got word that
he was dying. I hurried at once to the
garden, mad that he should slip out of
my clutches like that, and, looking
through the window, I saw him lying
in his bed, with his sons on each side
of him. I'd have come through and
taken my chance with the three of
them, only even as I looked at him his
jaw dropped, and I knew that he was
gone. I got into his room that same
night, though, and I searched his
papers to see if there was any record of
where he had hidden our jewels.
There was not a line, however, so I
came away, bitter and savage as a man
could be. Before I left I bethought
me that if I ever met my Sikh friends
again it would be a satisfaction to know
that I had left some mark of our ha
tred; so I scrawled down thesipnof the
four of us, as it had been on the chart,
and I pinned it on his bosom. It was
too much that he should be taken to
the grave without some token from the
men whom he had robbed and befooled.
"We earned a living at this time by
my exhibiting poor Tonga at fairs and
other places as the black cannibal. He
would eat raw meat and dance his war
dance; so we always had a hatful of
pennies after a day's work. I still
heard all the news from I'omiieherry
Lodge, and for some years there was
no news to hear, except that they were
hunting for the treasure. At last, how
ever, came what we had waited for so
long. The treasure had been found.
It was up at the top of the in
Mr. Bartholomew Sholto's chemical
laboratory. I came at once and had a
look at the place, but I could not see
how with my wooden leg I was to make
my way up to it. I learned, however,
about a trap-door in the roof,
and also about Mr. Sholto's sup
per hour. It seemed to me that
I could manage the thing easi
ly through Tonga. I brought him
out with me with a long rope wound
round his waist. He could climb like a
cat, and he soon made his way through
the roof, but, as ill luck would have it,
Bartholomew Sholto was still in the
room, to his cost. Tonga thought he
had done something very clever in kill
ing him, for when I came up by the
rope I found him strutting about as
proud as a peacock. Very much sur
prised was he when I made at him with
the rope's end and cursed him for a lit
tle bloodthirsty imp. I took the treas
ure-box and let it down, and then slid
down myself, having first left the sign
of the four upon the table, to show
that the jewels had come back at last
to those who had most right to them.
Tonga then pulled up the rope, closed
the window, and made off the way
that he had come.
"I don't know that I have anything
else to tell you. I had heard a water
man speak of the speed of Smith's
launch, the Aurora, so I thought she
would be a handy craft for our escape.
I engaged with old Smith, and was to
give him a big sum if he got us safe to
our ship. He knew, no doubt, that
there was some screw loose, but he was
not in our secrets. All this is the
truth, aUd if I tell it to you, gentlemen,
it is not to amuse you —for you have
not done me a very good turn —but it is
because I believe the best defense I
can make is just to hold back nothing,
but let all the world know how badly
I have myself been served by Maj.
Sholto, and how innocent I am of the
death of his son."
"A very remarkable account," said
Sherlock Holmes. "A fitting wind-up
to an extremely interesting case.
There is nothing at all new to me in
the latter part of your narrative, ex
cept that you brought your own rope.
That I did not know. By the way, I
had hoped that Tonga had lost all his
darts; yet he managed to shoot one at
us in the boat."
"He had lost them all, sir, except the
one which was in his blow pipe at the
"Ah, of course," said Holmes. "I
had not thought of that."
"Is there any other point which you
would like to ask about?" asked the
convict, affably.
"I think not, thank you," my com
panion answered.
"Well, Holmes," said Athelney
Jones, "you are a man to be humored,
and we all know that you are a con
noisseur of crime, but dutyisduty, and
I have gone rather far in doing what
you and your friend asked ine. I shall
feel more at ease when we have our
story-teller here under lock and key.
The cab still waits, and there are two
inspectors downstairs. I am much
obliged to you both for your assistance.
Of course, you will be wanted at the
trial. Good-night to you."
"Good-night, gentlemen, both," said
Jonathan Small.
"You first, Small," remarked the wary
Jones as they left the room. "I'll take
particular care that you don't club me
with you wooden leg, whatever you
may have done to the gentleman at the
Andaman Isles."
"Well, and there is the end of our
drama," I remarked, after we had sat
some time smoking in silence. "I fear
it shall be the last investigation in
which I shall have the chance of study-
ing vour methods. Miss Morstan has
done me the honor to accept ine as a
husband in prospective."
He gave a most dismal groan. "I
feared as much," said he, "I really can
not congratulate you."
I was a little hurt. "Have you any
reason to be dissatisfied with my
choice?" I asked.
"Not at all. I think she is one of the
most charming' young ladies I ever met,
and might have been most useful in
such work as we have been doing. She
had a decided genius that way; wit
ness the way in which she preserved
that Agra plan from all the other pa
pers of her father. Hut love is an emo
tional thing, and whatever is emo
tional is opposed to that true cold rea
son which 1 place above all things. I
should never marry myself, lest I bias
my judgment."
"I trust," said I, laughing, "that my
may syvlvc the ordeal. Hut
you look weary."
"Yes, the reaction is already upon
me. t shall be as limp as a rag for a
"Strange," said I, "how terms of
what in another man I should call
laziness alternate with fits of splendid
energy and vigor."
"Yes," he answered, "there are in
me the makings of a very fine loafer
and also of a pretty spry sort of fellow.
I often think of those lines of old
"Schade dass die Xatur nur elnen Mensch mas
Denn zum wurJlecn Mann war und turn Sc hel-
icon dor Stoff."
By the way, apropos of this Norwood
business, you see that they had. as 1
surmised, a confederate in the house,
who could be none other than Lai Rao,
the butler; so Jones actually has the
undivided honor of having caught one
fish in his great haul."
"The division seems rather unfair," I
remarked. "You have done all the
work in this business. I get a wife out
of it, Jones gets the credit, pray what
remains for you?"
"For me," said Sherlock Holmes,
"there still remains the cocaine-bottle."
And he stretched his long white hand
up for it.
How a Country Cousin Made Miserable a
Xrwlj Made Man About Town.
When an adaptive young man from
the far corner of some New England
or western state lives for a time in
New York, and absorbs enough of its
atmosphere to gain the prestige of a
regular boulevardier, it's pretty hard
now and again to have old times thrust
upon him in the perspn of a primitive
oousln or brother-in-law, whom he is
bound in conscience to entertain. A
case of this kind occurred last week,
in which the artless relative saw noth
ing but a screamingly funny lapse of
memory, while the man about town
found a mortification therein which
was pretty hard to live through.
A complete deliverance of the bump
kin into the hands of the outfitter made
him presentable, and then there was
the little bachelor dinner at a Fifth
avenue hotel given by the swell to
the smart men, who wanted "to meet
your cousin, don't you know."
All went merry until the wine list
came forth. To be sure, the bumpkin
talked too loud and refused to under
stand any monitory wink, but then he
said nothing too badly out of place.
"What wine will you have?" said the
cousin, addressing him.
"Haw! haw! I don't know, Cousin
Dick, anything about the wine. You'll
have to settle that yourself."
"Shall we begin on a bottle of Sau
te rne?"
"Lordy, how can I tell! Anything
you like!" shouted the red-cheeked,
bullet-headed youth, who couldn't
make head or tail of the winks and
looks of deadly warning emanating
from the swell's eye.
People at adjoining tables pricked up
their cars in amused curiosity, while
the guests at the table looked a trifle
disconcerted at the bumpkin's iioise.
"What," said the swell, firmly plant
ing' his index tinker on the word
"Medoc," and glaring at the youth
mesmerically, so that he might under
stand and repeat it, "do you generally
"Usually!" shouted the youth. "Haw!
Haw! Haw! Isnt that great? Usual
ly nothing. Of course; never see wine.
How could I? You know that, Cousin
Dick, as well as I do. You never saw
wine at home, and now New York
makes you forget all about it. Usually
—Haw! Haw!" and the terrible youth
stretched out at full length and roared
satisfactorily for about five minutes,
while a sense of frozenness stole over
his cousin and the swells looked on in
amused pity.
That frozen cousin is dead hence
forth to family ties, in so far as dining
social recruits is concerned, at least.—
N. Y. Herald.
The Fatal Word.
"My darling," he exclaimed, raptur
ously, "How brilliant you are. You
fairly—er—bristle with ideas."
The Chicago girl drew herself up
to her full height and brushed hiin
haughtily aside as she swept out of the
"You seem to forget"—she turned on
her heel at the door and faced him—
"that I cannot brook anj T reference to
my father's business." —N. Y. World.
' I "
First Hoy—Who er yer lookin' at?
Second Boy—Who er yer lookin' at?
First Boy —Nothin'.
Second Boy—So'm I.—Golden Days.
Pat's Answer.
A gentleman riding with an Irishman
came within sight of an old gallows,
and to display his wit said:
"Pat, do you see that?"
"To be sure Oi do," replied Pat.
"And where would you be to-day If
the gallows had its due?"
"Oi'd be riding alone," replied Pat,
A Remedy at tut
"Colonel, what do you think of this
country, anyhow?"
"Needs another war, sir!"
"Another war?"
"Yea, sir; times are so hard I've only
been able to keep half shot every day
since the surrender." —Atlanta Consti
A I'OMlble Candidate.
Miss Antique—My dear, the alarming
spread of microblc diseases has resulted
in the starting of an Anti-Kissing club.
Will you permit me to propose you as a
Miss Youngthing—Really I—l have
no time for clubs; but perhaps grand
ma will join.—N. Y. Weekly.
Terrible Weather.
Western Boy—You folks here don't
know anything about cold weather.
Eastern Boy —We don't, eh? It's
worse than the North Polo here some
times. Talk about cold! Phew! Why,
one day this winter it was so cold that
I •taj'ed In pitscjjaL—
A Method of I'rotcetlon Which !• Effect
ive and Vet Simple.
At the north, pumps in cold, bleak
situations are liable to freeze up, caus
ing a vast amount of trouble. In the
accompanying sketch is shown a
simple method of protecting one of the
common piston pumps An outei
jacket of wood envelops the pump. It
should be large enough to allow a
three-jjich space all around the sides.
This space should be filled with chaff,
finely-cut hay or straw, pressed firmly
in position. Additional protection i 4
given by the piece of board, a, which
has a hole in it that fits closely ovex
the pump handle, and during the cold
est weather, when the pump is not llj
use, this board is placed as shown in
the illustration, pressed against the
side of the pump, and hung upon a
nail at b. If in a windy location, the
spout should be stopped up with cloth,
leaving enough projecting to readily
remove it by. Anyone who has had
to water cattle in the morning and has
found the pump from which he pro
posed to get water frozen solidly, will
appreciate this simple arrangement for
preventing such a state of affairs.
Careless employes may leave the pump
unprotected on cold nights, aad find it
frozen in the morning. To fix in tlieix
minds the duty of looking out for it,
lot them carry 15 or 20 pails of watei
from a more distant well for the morn
ing watering, und they will not again
forget it.—American Agriculturist.
Thandergtorms Seem to Have* Bat Llttla
to Do with It.
From data deduced in various experi
ments conducted by Prof. H. W. Conn.,
who has been trying to establish soma
Identity between thunderstorms and
the well-known phenomenon of milk
souring, the conclusions drawn point
to the fact that the atmospheric condi
tions prevailing at such times are not
such as to cause structural transforma
tion in the lacteal fluid. Neither is the
electricity which pervades the atmos
phere at such times capable of souring
milk, or even materially hastening the
process. Some have suggested that
ozone is one of the prime causes of the
change from sweet to sour milk in a
very short time, but Prof. Conn has
proven that ozone is no more responsi
ble for the change than are the electric
conditions which prevail at such times.
To bacteria, the microscopic atoms of
vegetable growth which are now sup
posed to cause almost everything, the
professor attributed the souring of thtf
milk. Milk is a favorite breeding
ground of the bacteria. They grow
best and multiply most rapidly during
the warm, sultry period which immedi
ately precedes electrical storms. These
microscopic forms of plant life not only
grow and increase in numbers with
alarming rapidity, but each exudes mi
nute drops of acid, which is so sour
that none of the commercial acids can
be compared with it. This acid sours
the milk.—St Louis Republic.
States Have the Right to Regulate the
Sale or Oleomargarine.
The law of Massachusetts forbids
the sale of oleomargarine colored to
imitate butter. Benjamin Plumey, a
Boston dealer and agent lot the Chi
cago fraudulent butter rnakefs, under
took to sell oleomargarine colored, con
trary to law, relying on the ■neonsti
tutionality of the law for protection.
He was arrested and the case came be
fore the courts, where he was tried and
found guilty. lie appealed to the state
supreme court and then to the United
States supreme court. Justice Harlan
rendered the decision, declaring that
every state had a right to protect its
people from frauds of all kinds, and
should control the sale of food products
in so far as to protect them from adul
terations and fraud. The original
package decision does not in any way
prevent one state from forbidding the
sale of fraudulent products from an
ther state.
The decision is a distinct vi tory for
the dairymen of the United S.j.tes and
covers about the whole ground of their
contention. It sets at rest the ques
tion of the powers of the states to reg
ulate the sale of oleomargarine.—Farm
The Kind of Cowa to Keep.
A few years of grading up by means
of using a thoroughbred male will give
any farmer a herd of cows which will
be a great improvement upon those of
their mothers and grandmothers. It is
well to test cows and know just what
they arc doing. The churn is perhaps
the most satisfactory way of doing this.
Keep a cow's milk separate for one or
more days, being careful to g£t out all
the cream. Wh»n it is sour, churn it.
The scales will tell, both with milk
and butter, whether a cow is kept at ft
profit or not. Remember that it costs
at least 835 to keep a cow for*a year.
If she does not return this in milk and
butter she is kept at a loss. If all such
cows were discovered and slaughtered,
the number of cows at the present
time would be considerably reduced,
and at a great benefit to their owners.
Hardly one man in twenty knows
whether he is keeping his cows at a
profit or a loss. They think it is too
much bother to find out. They do not
realize the importance of the subject.
It means dollars and cents, but they do
not realize it, and go on wondering
where the profit goes.—(.olman's Rural
He Was Right.
Teacher—Now, l'atsy, would it be
proper to say: "You can't learn m«
I Teacher—Why?
, Patsy—'Cause yer can't.—Judge.
It Ocncraliy noria.
Politiks —It would be a great thing
for me if I could get some of my con
' stituents to eulogize mo handsomelj
I just now. Can you think of any waj
of getting them to do so?
Hartless—Yes. Die. —Chicago ReQ
Two Ways.
Little Boy—What's the difference ben
tween an advanced woman and an)
, other woman?
Little Girl—Why, don't you knowl
An ordinary woman doesn't let her hu»
| band know that she is bossin' him, buj
' aadvanced woman does.—Good News.
A Graveyard Affair.
Editor (to author)—lA one respect, al
1 least, your story covers the ground.
Author (transported) —Oh, thanks! ]
am delighted!
Editor—Yea; all your characters di«
early.—Atlanta Constitution.
Tbat Explain* It.
Mistress (on the second day to new
, cook) —Kathi, just be so good as to lend
me five marks.
Cook (abide)—Ha, ha: that's why ah«
sa'.d yesterday the cook in her hous«
was treated as one of the family!-—Dei