TB[K CITIZEN fiuui c. mm, p»fcu*fc* THUBODAT. FEBRUARY 21.1»3. i- f n for Meeting of County Committee Ther* will be a meeting of the Republi can Coonty Committee in Hu*elum * Hall, Bntler. Pean'a, «s Monday, March the eleventh, at one o'clock P. M., for the par poee ot fixing tbe time tor the Republican primary k *lection. and for such other bu«i- MM a* may come before the meeting. p. W. Low IT, Chairman. F. H. Mcmpcr, > V. r. THOMAJ, S Harrieburg Notee. On Thursday last GOT. Hast in gi again »wang hi* veto ax, and chopped tbe .beads eff tb* bUU fiTing Westmoreland county an idditkmal law jodge, and relating to eppeftl* from deci sioni of Regiaters of -imu. Oc Tueeday, GOT. Heatings sent a me*- ■age to boifc boo*ee, reviewing tbe finances •f tlx State, and adfiaing economy. Two railroad bill* introduced in the geneU by Senator Kennedy ef Allegheny, and Apparently intended to annoy tbe P. R. R. Co. created a *ecsation, Wedneeday It look* at thoug% Quay intend* to e«bt the P. R. R. Co. in the interest ot the Tanderbilu. Waahmgton Note* Thii is the last week of the preeent Con maa. and though measures are being rufaed through, an extra naeeion is conaid ered inevitable. rieeident Cleveland decided that Collec lor Kearni thonld go, and named E. A. Bigler of Clearfield Co a* bU successor. Bigier was Collector during Cleveland s Cm administration, but we* not an appli cant now. Clereland. however, thought that thii particular office required an ex man and hunted him op* More Water Works Reaolubona. At a meeting of the citiaens of Beaver Fall* bald a few day* ago, the following resolutions were adoptea: Waiaia*, The borough of Beaver Fall* been lor *ome time suffenng from the vast of a pore and adequate supply of water for domectic and fire purpose*, and b* raaaon thereof the underwriters or in •arance companiee have raiaed the rate* of insurance, and in some instances have re. ftiead to do barineee in the borough, until •ocb time* a* sufficient protection can be aacored. and the neoacaity of a better water ■apply being folly evidenced by the fact fv.* a recant election held, out of ato tal of 1.303 vote*, 1,351 rote* were caat in favor of a better supply and new water and If HBEKAI, The borough of Beaver Falli, thronirti iU municipal omcers hae, tor more than a year pact, been engaged in tbe pre liminary work neceeaary for the construc tion and erection of a water work* for the •ee of the borough and the inhabitants thereof, and baring expended several t&on ■and dollars in sinking well*, for the pur- MM ot Mcoriof vore water, and in the em - ployment of an engineer, purchasing land, etc., etc., and . _ .. Tinui. Certain parties opposing the areetion of *aid water work* have censed (a be introduced in the Stale Senate a cer tain meaeure known a* Senate Bill, No. 48, which provide* among other thing*, that where there is already a company furnish ing water to a eity or borough, that befor. each city or borough can erect or own a water work* of it* own. it »bal! first pur ehaee the work* alrestdf furnishing water to said city or borougb, and WBBSEAS, Tbe Union Water Cempany. which is BOW famishing water to Beaver Fall, i* also engaged in furnishing water to aeverai other town* in tbe valley; that the plant of the *aid company i* so heavily bonded, that it weald be impossible for tbe borough to procure or become tbe purcbes er of tbe said water works in tbe manner aa provided for in the said Senate Bill So 48, and WBIKU, The passage of the said act woald prevent the said municipal officers from carry iog out tbe will of the citizens of this borough, a* expressed in the afore said election, and in view ot the circum ■Usee* hereinbefore aet forth will cease irreparable injury to tbe citisen* thereof. Therefore, be it Resolved, That it i* tba sense of this ■eating that our representatives at Harris- Wnre be reonested to use all possible means s!fefea?2. pa-age of said Henete Bill Mo. 48, tbe passage of wnicb would work great injary to this borough, and through our represented res, we appeal to their fel low-member* to assist them In defeating this obnoxious irfll. Received, That a copy of these resola tion* be foraiabed by the *ecretery of tbu meeting to each of our representatives al Harrisbtirg. Tba End of Judge Taylor At a BMbD( of the Bar of Venango Co., bald yeatarday, coun*el for Judge Taylor read a latter from bim excusing himself fcv aotne of bia past doing*, and annonDC iig that hi* resignation would be forward ed to tbe Governor. Tba resignation ia abort and reed* aa follow* FRANKLIN, FA , Feb. 25, 1»6. To Hi* Excellency D. H. Hasting*, Gov ernor of Pennsylvania On account of 111 health in tbe paat, and tan for tba fntnra, I hereby tender my resignation aa preaident-jodge of tbe Twen ty eighth dint net of Pennsylvania CHARI..KK B. TAYLOR Geo. 8. Criawvll and F. W. Hay*, two Oil City attorney a, are being urged upon tbe Governor for tbe vacant Jod|te*bip. DalttH'a Tribute to Weat Virginia. | At tbe Lineoln birthday dinner in Chi eego, John Italzell, in re*pon*e to a toeat on tbe Republican victory of laat Fall aaid. "Tbaee are State* tbut we have reason to believe *ball be added a* jewel* to .parkle ia tbe Keptihlican l)i-l aware, Maryland, North Carolina, Kentucky Tenueaeee and Weat VirKioia. Among tbem all I rejoioe eepecially at Weat Vir ginia. Hbe differ* not at all in her inter eat aa Nature made ber from Penn*ylva nia. Hbe baa tbe *ame moontain* filled With ore, tbe aame vallaj* rich in noil, the aarna river rnnning to tbe *ea, »he i* Penn sylvania'* twin *i*ter, b<irn to tbe kaine fate, wedded to tbe tame interact*, preor dained to tba *ame aoblime de*tlrijr. She belong* to tbe Republican party in accord ance witb tbe eternal fitnea*. Bora of the lb roe* ot civil war, »be wa* cradled in tha cloud* of a conflict for liberty, and while bar birth gave to tbe Nation a new Btata and to tbe flag a new *tar, her birth, right waa a place in tbe *l»t«rho«>d of He pntiliran *tate*. For year* *he »a* de nied ber birth*ight, bat now, at la*t we welcome ber, through struggle to that wbicb ia ber own Uencelorth her place in tbe national tooncil* will be filled, not by college profe**or*, Impractical I fee trade tbeoriaU, bat by tnen who will *tand for the protection needed for the coal in ber mlnee, tba lamber on her vtream*. and tha wool baabandry of ber bill*. Ht-ra aftar *be will eipect report to be miwle by ber repaaentative* r»f their *ervice* to ber own hardy *on», and not to Knglxh fr4a trader* at London dinner*. Tba Blair-White Hearing. In Indiana laat Thursday Judge White want ia tbe witne** aland rnd mad* aweep denial aa did al*o Attourney Taylor. On Friday B. T. Aultman swore that be beard Judge WblU talking to three wltne*«e* joat l»elore they went on the stand. W itnes* *atd tbe Judse abook hi* h«»<l anil aaid: "Dont *ay it that way ' He Old not know what they were talking about Howard I«ear also swore that he heard Jadge White make tbe same remark William Trout *wore ihat after the contest began he w»* approached by A W Glenn and aaked to taatify that money glren hnti daring the campaign wa* to pay f»r wi>rk and not to inflaenoe him. John Troat and ! Thomaa Troat vended thi* evidence. Thoma* Ktear the witne** Whoatlvmpt d to kill himkell Frnlay i* still living but can- | nof reoover. Tbe ball pa*ae<i through his ! hia right long. Laat night he conleewd , that be wanted to end bis life, and Ibat > bia trouble on aoeoont of tba contest wsa I thmm. I Letter from Siam. (Written by Howard Campbell, formally of Cherry tp., to the Christian Endeavor Society of P. V. Cnurch, at Moniteau.) Laos. Siam, XOT. 19. 1894. DLAS FKIEJTM: Three months and twenty three days hare elapsed since we left Grore City, Pa. for oar chosen field of la bor and we have still a journey of at least a week beforejreaching Chieng Mai We write yon while traveling rather than af ter oar arrival. because we fear that in the midst of the work of unpacking box 6«. arranging oar new home and entertaining delegate* for two weeks during the an nual Mission and Presbytery meetings which are to be held this yearatCaieng Mai, beginning Dec. 10th.. there may be but little time for letter writing. Since leaving Bangkok Oct. 6 . onr home K fi been a boat, 50 feet long and 6or 3 ft. w:de. About 25 feet of the middle par: has an arched covering. In this is stored our goods In the rear end of this midd.e part is also our kitchen. sbeut 6 feet square and 4 feet high. The frort end of the boat is without cover and on this the men Ta.E when using the poles to propel the boat. Coder a separate cover in the stem o. the boat is a room 10 ft. long, 3 ft. wide anc 5 or 6 ft. high. This serves as oar parlor, sitting room, dining room, sleeping room, and also as a gymnasium during tbe fir-t part of our journey, when for several at a time we were unable to land because the adjoining rice fields were overflowed. Owing to the kindness of Rev. and Mrs. W. C/Dodd, we have tbe use of a splendid folding table and folding chairs. Oar oth er equipments are such as might be used on any touring expedition of two months The journey has been foil ol interest and of pleasure from tbe very beginning. On the first Sabbath, Br. McGilvary preached to the boatmen at 10 A. M. Our place of worship was tbe bank of a canal, through which we were paesing in order to avoid alarge bend in the river- Tbe minister oc cupied a chair; tbe congregation sat on the ground. In plain sight, scores of large black buffalo were feeding on both sides ot the canal, each herd attended by one or more herdsmen whose shooting we could hear at any time during the service. These surroundings may have detracted some what troui OUT own attention to tbe §er vices but were apparently unnoticed by tbe boatmen. Of the 44 who were with us only 3 were Christian and very few of tie remainder had any knowledge of the gos pel, so to them it was all new and fall of interest. Just before tbe close of the sermon, an old herdsman came and took hi* seat with the rest, listening with eyes, ears, and even mouth wide open. About the middle of tb closing prayer, he inter rupted our devotions by shouting to some friends on the other side of the canal to come over and listen, a< we were bearing something good. They responded at oace and at the close of tbe service quite a number bad assembled. Or. McGilvary gathered them into a group ana spoke to them a few moment# in Siamese, and then set them at reading copies of the -crip tares of which he had procured a good supply before leaving Bangkok. In the meantime Dr. McGilvary talked with the old herdsman and arranged for a meeting ia the afternoon, the Siamese themeelvon sending out boys in ail directions to notify the people. When afternoon came, the people came too. Those on tbe opposite side ol tbe canal crossed over by standing upon the back of a bnffalo while the buf falo forded or swam flow we wished that yoa at bome WHO are giving your money and prayers for the sending of the Gospel to your brothers and sisters in oiam. and elsewhere, could have »een these peo ple come and hear it for the first time. Tbe next Sabbsth witnessed a scene no lea* encouraging. A number of riiainese were present at both intromit and eveuing aerrices. ao that it was thought best to conduct the services in the .Siamese lan ruajfe which the boatmen nndwrntood al most 'a* w 11 as their native language. During tbe day a number of tbe people bought copie* of the Scripture* After the evening meeting several persoos Irom the opposite side ot the river remained am pur»haeed books, borrowiog from each other until all the money they had brought with them was expended, then sendiog to a boase nearby and borrowing from a friend. They expressed mncb regret that they had not b>-en aware <>f our presence sooner, so as t«> spend the day with us in learning of us new religion. They in oai'ed very earnestly whether it were really necessary for us to go tojCbieng Ma instead of remaining to teach them; whether we could not spare one or two ol our number to be their permanent teacher For an hour or more atter retiring, we crnld bear them readi: gftbeir new books. We left at daybreak next morning and ol course have beard nothing of them since. There is much need of a missionary io la bor among the vililages which line this branch of the river Perhaps some one of you may be tbe happy person to undertake tbi* work. But while our interest has been thus awakened in the Si*m«se, we have also be come much attached to our Laos boatmen We find tbem sociable, industrious and ready to help us whenever opportunity present*. They seem to enjoy doing ns a favor. Tbey are always gaod-naiured when working together—never jangling A* yet we can speak but little of their language, but we have been able to in fluence some, who would not otherwise have done *o, to attend evening prayers which are held each day in l)r. McGilvary* boat, yuite a number of the men attend very regularly, notwithstanding the fact that tbe room's very warm and crowded and the mosquito* very plenty and the men tired after working from daylight till dark. We can al»o lend Christian books to those who can read and the reading of our books means a great deal to people who have never read anything but Budd hism writings- Wa have been especially interested iri <ini ('e and Sol Pogk, tbe ook and steers - man of our*own boat, the term "Noi in their name indicates that, like many others of our boatmen tbey spent at least 3 months in the priesthood during their boy hood but did not remain in it until they reached the age of 21 yr« We are better acquainted with these two than with any of the others because tbelr work makes it necesaary for them to occupy tbe same part of tbe boat as ourselves during the entire day. Their age« are respectively 21 and 28 years. At fir-t they attended eve ning prayer* more because they knew w« wished them to do so than because of any deaire on their own part to be present But tbey soon became interested in the Scripture reeding and I>r. McGilvary's ex plainatloo. Tbey read with eagerness, not only the Scriptures, but also the Short er catechism, Hasina H'.rig Kai, which is a comparison of Christianity and Hiddh isro, and Kwutsadee, which is a brief state merit of tbe nature of tb e Christian relig ton. At present they are reading a book which tbey obtained ff.in lit. McGilvary Do not know the namn "f it but it fre quently repeat* such words as God, Jesus Chris'., Holy Spirit, All men, etc., as we know by hearing them read. We artvery desirous that they l<-arn enough of tbe Obrts'lan religion during this voyage I-ail them to accept. It as their guide f..r life We trust you will prav that this may be the case not only with them but with many oth«r of our boatmen also. Our lett«r is already longer than a« would wish it but then- are still one nr two things which we must tell you While passing through the Kapids there wer« two nights when our boat was separated from tbe other* *<> that it was impossible for the men to reach I»r McGilvary's boat for evening prayers We understood but little of the language, yet we fell il impor taut that the christian influences which had surrounded the men thus far should be continued Of the six who ate on <>< it boat only Ibe two whose names we have given, could revl. But. whether they they would be willing to r* ad the Scrip ture lesson for evening prayers, seemed a somewhat doubtful question We prayed over the matter and decided to try. As siniiu the men had finished their supper, we gave Ihe invitation and they all came. W« sang two hymns in English, then re quested that Noi J'ook anrt Not I'e each reed half of the Scripture lesson and they did so It was the account of the Cruci fixion Evidently not one of the sir had ever read or heard of it before, the at tention was all that we could desire We prayed for each of them by name 'I his w*i knew tbey could understand When prayers were over part <•( them remained to sing from our Siamese hymn book while we 'aught them ihe tones, "Happi' Day" and "There is a Happy I,and". Their r» mainlng and the choice of the hymn* wen without any suggestion fr-nn n«, *■> we felt enconrsged. The meeting no the second evening was somewhat similar and equally as full of interest Our entire joorney h** l»««n cnj'iyalile beyond our hifhe*t expectation* and li, come* more so a* we near Cbiang Mai We have already received lett«r* «f welcome from IS iinntionarie* ol the l<a<i:t field. A* fiur boat* drew up to the I a a*, villiago that we paaxed. there were :)<) Cirl*-iati * ■.'trid ing in line upon the ahore to welcome us. Pray lor u* olien arid earnestly May the Ma*ter ble<* you in yiar work I. Our. 15—5 M HotVAKli and oasaii Ca vti'iiKf.h. P M General, Bi**ell, ha* re*igned, and W. L. Wilson of We*t Va. will lake hi* fflac e. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. Beaver College wa» barned early las 1 Saturday morning. Ail the stodents es caped. Loss $40,0 00: insurance $20,000. | The college will be rebuilt. The Pittsburg friends of Willis T. Sew ard now under sentence of death ia Hon olula for trea.-on. are making an effort to save hi* life. An Erie physician ha* been fined s2* atd costs for neglecting to report a case ot diphtheria to trie health department. A.. R. Curtis, who resides in the vicmity of Clintonville, was thrown from a hor.-e latelv ..nd so severly lcjared that he may die. * His left arm and three ribs were broken and he sastained internal iujaries that are very serious. Much interest is aroused at Johnstown by toe discovery ol a vein of clay, which a Jersey manufacturer of fancy crockery ware declares to be of finer quality than the clay used in tbe production of the famous Trenton and Liverpool wares. The vein has been tested to a depth of feet, and proved to be one of ths richest deposits in Pennsylvania. The tax rate of; Pittsburg for this year has been fixed at 12 mills. Miss Marr Bruce, widow of the late Norman Bruce, committet ?a ; cide shortly after breakfast Monday morning la»t by hanging herself in the kitchen other home, a short distance from Taremtum on the Bull Creek road. Kefering to the frequent mention of rob ins having been seen in this .-ection of tbe country, the Linesville correspondent of Conneantville Courier sayr: B'.bino can be seen h»-re in any month of the year Large numbers of them can be found ;n the Pymatuning swamp every day of the year, no matter bow cold the day is, eith er. A tree peddler in Westmoreland county, a lew day ago, c. me to a tonre in Penn i4jwLfthip. wLere a crowd had gather ed to espial in the fnneral services of an old lady. Rushing into the hooee, be jovfully eiclaimeJ, "Thii is a family re- Ui'ion. I'm in lack." Then seeing the the c- ffio in » c<>rLer of tbe room he •■he<-p --isbiy urp»rt«-d, witboat trying to sell a tree. G. W. Chapin. aLawrence county farm er 'r dying a.i the result ol a very peculiar accident. He had a common crock pipe w-th a bamboo *tem in his mouth when he tripped and tell on bis way to the barn. Tbe pipe struck the ground first and Chap in'* throat became impaled on the upright stein. His w.ndpipe was punctured and it is thoagnt he can not recover. SEVK&AL small vessels that should have reacned Phil'a. some days igo, have not come in, and many neamen are mourned as lost by their friends. The liwin Verdict. There is a -ayiag among gamblers that "there is a sacker li irn every minute and none die." It is the gull ibility of man kind which makes such a man as Irwin, the Pittsburg discretionary pool promoter possible. The greod to make money by speculation caused him to have thousands of victims, who now deplore the blind faith that they had in him and bi» meth od*. The verdict of not guilty and pay the costs, was not unexpected to tho-e who watched tbe case from day to day. He had the best of kgal talent, who took every advantage »fthe loop holes of the law to bolder np their client's r are While Irwin was in. in reality, guilty of perpe trating a fraud, he was technically inno cent. It Would be use.ets to bold np tbe blind pool matter a- i. warning to people to not enter into anything which promise* such l»rge and quick profits, becaose the the credulity of many pi-r*onn is such that bey will bite at the next tempting bait that is held un ier their nose.—Xe# Castle O uanlian Grove City elected Miss Mattie Johnson and Mrs. I)r. Msrtin, school directors. Tl.Republicans of Venango Co. will hold their primary on Saturday, April 13. DEATHS BCPP —A t Gr«eri ville, Feb.— 1 *'■)'>, Krnma infant daughter of John Wupp. VAN'BBRBILT—At his home in Bo tier, F<b. 24, OZ, Clayton Vaoderbilt, aged 44 years. Ill* deatb resulted from a tall several months ago WlilTK At her bome in Boiler, K«b. lii, !f't, Belle White, aged 70 years. GRIEB—At the home of his mother on E. Xorlh Hi. Butler, Feb Alex 'irieb aged 41 tears. Ales's death was not ooaxpected. He has been a great for years, from a growth upon his thr <at that pr ved in curable His funeral services in the Ger man Catholic church, Saturday morning, wer« largely attended. BAKTLKY—At Wilklnsborg. Feb. 14, &5, Mrs. Mary Hartley, widow of Thos. Bart ley, formerly of Oakland twp. GILCHUfST—At hi* home in Cherry t*p. Feb. 24, IWXi, llouter V , son of Curtis and Ada Gilchriat, aged 2 year* aud 10 day*. LAI.'LHLIN— At hi* home in Marion twp, Feb 27, 1H95, Samuel Laugbiin, ajioil about HO year* lie wan one of the old e t and most rc-pecu-d citizen* of Marion township. Ohitoait Sot**. Jno. P. /.aim a pr'iminent oil producer, died at hi* home in Bradford, Feb. 22 !/.» Frederick Doaglaas, the colored orator, died a' hi* home in Washington, o;i the 2'Hh in*t. Yt<v leriek Crocker, a well known oil man died at the home of hi* *on, in FitMiorg, la*t Saturday. igir \ jjftj Nfcj jfi 1 kv -6 POWDER Absolutely °uro. A cream ol tarter bakitigpowder High e«l nt all in leavenintf *tr*ngth /,//f'-w I'uilfl Mlui't (jorerri'iirnt A'oo'f Ufft'trt. Koyai BakniK Powder Co., lot, Wall St.. N. Y. HERKIMER & TAILOR Funeral Directors, 151 S. Ham St., - Butler: Pa. Meeting of Stockholders The Annual Meeting of the Rtockholdet a of the Citizen*' Itnlding and l>oan A*«o elation will lie hH'l at the officii of the Secretary, No 125 Ki-t ' unningbam *t . on Tuesday, War 12th , at 7 I". M , to hear report* of the auditor* <>f t ti»> »i-v«r»l *erie*. elect a board of director* to serve duiinK the ensuing \ear ami transact whatever other bjK'luw* may come bel'ire the meet ing. (J VV Mu.l.Kr. i're*. C. M II KI.IKWA.*, Sec 111 n -y I- MKS loe H l or, travel ill fi 'J I L I I lUif I" *ell rny KUaran, ■■ UIT I S_ II I. ■ '»i »*. •• rk v Hi (,<« " •, u*r, or Cotnmlasloh I»al<J weeXly. Out lit fre«. Hjie'.lal attention given >,i b' iftiilM m Worker* never fall to make if.y -J weekly wage*. Write me at viire for par ticular* E 0. GRAHAM. Nurseryman N Y. J oil * ark of all kind done at the C'ITJ&K.f Off 10* Financial Report of Butler County for 1894. Levy and Assessment of Tax for ' > o : « a j3| ! * 1 Z ' "1 * ' s District, Collector. H « : • : Adam' "'jobn'^ Klio'e7.l.*™"*l!lll 163»"84$ 397"82$ 157'25 Alleehenv John J Miifonl lOl6 6P 998 77 16 97 71 20 Bra.iv Tbos S Beat? 941 2y S3l 8» 109 41 68 7o Butler' Geo Bauer.... 1502 03 1316 92 185 11 126 --5 Baffal" Sam Westermaa I*' 4" 55 1518 3 130 42 132 00 1 ! c| lT P, B Conn 1319 19 1252 6" 66 59 84 75 Centre DC Miller H46 fH 1087 3" 58 G6 85 50 Cberrv And McMurrav 1233 13 115 i fc6 75 47 95 25 HH Daffy .....*. 1015 93 ;r29 28, 90 65 85 50 Clinton John Halsu-a-l I*9« « IfV? 111 29 j p M Campbell 1190 66 1154 94 35 . 2 84 10 Alex Stewart 1557 43 1170 58 386 S. And ' IC»V JobD Ritrert 1263 58 1033 -1 230 27 133 50 Fairview, Ja« McGarvey 1330 81 1191 24 139 5. 20 00 ! Korwar'i. Geo J . r . 1419 41 ,47 61 138 00 ;| Franklin, C'has Mackey 1246 2'. 1154 1- 92 01 85 Jackson, John Eichert 1442 34 126/14 I/O 20j 10a io Jefferson Wm J Cfioper »«23 3 ' 1350 69 272 110 2D ■ Ephraim Erb 1330 82 H29 7o 201 0, 116 2.1 >Urion, " A J Gilchrist 1 1043 11 1003 M 39 60 102 00 Mercer, Wm Johnston 6io 89 602 04 68 8.) 4- o Laur Eyon : ■ Mnddycreek, RB Kennedy.... 1039 79 1003 H 36 66 72 01) Oakland, Peter V* hitmire 1198 69 Parker Geo J Kepler H7< 65 1078 o- 99 11. 99 00 fvnr Geo E Hav 1711 64 1328 44 383 20 144 7o : SHoDerrrock J'.' L Cooper " * 1580 96 l - r 4 93 126 03 69 75 55537. w fflrri .i::.. 143075 iww mes « 55 i Venango, W Stalker 969 07 937 ' ' Washington, Herman Seaton 1350 jo 1194 - 7o to 1 Win field August Freeling 1446 1110 5 336 Oo 123 Oo f i Worth, ' W J Shields 13*5 29 1267 40 98 89 88 oO ' Bnt'er boro, John Yonkins 11104 14 8n» 2385 8< 204 00 1 Centreville, F L Forrester 606 85 390 216 01 12 00 ' Fvans City John Staff. 80l 24 3oS oo 462 64 400 : Wm Gioson 253 28 145 0-; 108 26 825 ■ Harmony Fred Weigle 490 21 438 -• a-! 00 34 50 ■ Harrisvi'le John 3 Pew 666 50 239 12: 427 38j 10 oO I Kara- City, Geo E McGill 120 06 110 36j 9 70, 975 Millersto*ri, Thos H Ev*ns 614 82 412 20"- 04 54 00 Portersrille. HH Dann 1.4 91 173 71 120 15 00 Prospect, C F Stwmm ' 385 6o 236 34 149 32 1. 00 I Petroha, F M Fntz 15' 79 . 116 40 41 33 21 ,o Sunbair S S Hunt 239 22 167 06 72 16 12 75 : ! sLoS- Ch« Raabe ! 621 91 369 12 252 79 30 75 . | Zelienople, fi B Zeigler 956 30; M 8 90 4o- 3v 30 00 Total $62143 01>51609 8J <10533 19,53876 00 Amount of Tax Collected aod Remaining due for 1803 and Previous. B \* s z £ i 1 rf i 2. ? : * Districts. Colloctor T r. : g a. 1887 Bntier Michael Doffoni $ 4 $ 38 03 Clay J. McMichael $ 47 00, 2 47 10 % > 1889. Karns City M King 50 00 63* 262 45 19 t Muddycreek Geo. McGee 1182 1 Wortb J G. Mc<.'lymonds 15 01 1 7* 23 04 Washington Herman Seaton 2o oft 1 31 22 04 1890. Cherry ..._ J. W Newman 100 0 5 20 15 05 Slippery Rock f> M Dickey 57, 03 Portersville J- K Inzer 29 94 i 166 Butler. R.C. McAboy 71 31 | 3 9ti ' (891. Brady John Staff _ 90 93 Concord Geo. W . MoMsr... 187 51 Ksrns City M. Kinir 50 W 66! 262 26 29 Mi'lerstown E. M Jensin* 77 25 Pr.rtet>Tille J Kinzer 81 96 4 38 Washington ,J. 1 llarp«r 160 01 855 Worth Jos Barron 95 05 bunbury J- W Mi:N->uehton...„ 16 6</ 1892. AI l«-gli«-rjy I'. ' Parks 294 >1 7-5 81, 15 7-', Brady . T. A. Mines 275 (St 14 40| 24 71 Clav R B Conn 2* 4S 1 68, Clearfield H H. l»uffy_ 423 52 22 43 Cosoord C I'aropbell 174 <*- 9 4-' i Connoouenessing J (sheari-r 4 'si Cherry Henry Pel«-rs 159 69 8 87 Donegal . John Reichirt... 2b II 711 111 Mari'.n John Van Dyke f 1 65 2 37 08; 5 Mercer Samuel Conn 42 45 2 25 , Muddyi-r«-»-k JW. Scitt 51 i 9 851 281 Oakland Peter Whitmire 25 00 1 31 7 84 pf-uo Wrn Patterson 4*9 07 27 16 Parker '.... Q J.Keple- 12M 17 274 717 Venango Frank McNaniee 213 :Si .11 94 11 8H Washingten ' F Harjier 436 <«> 35 15 17 6«'. 69 31 Kutler Hi rough Hsntuel Walk r 1452 90 16 4 j 522 o>t i Fairview ........... ..... Williarfi Oilwio 4*l , llarrt.Tille Josephs Pe - *.. I 10' 06 Ksrns City Joseph Mechling, 13 77 75 Milierstown E M Jenkins 96 M 5 10 t Porternville Jacob K n7.»r 11l 27 6 0.1 9 Hazonburg Christ Kaabe 11 92, 2 2»j «6 Tr>Ul | $5310 4* $176 97 $284 33 $ 907 27 j |S»3. Adams M Mar.hall .t >'» f "> $ -38 27 J3077 t 48 oj All<-*henv Isrni-Jolly 680 <S) 45 I. 35 7s 12 Bradr . •* T Itesiy 4. r i9 9s 574 21 3'» Raff*to 8 West»*rmitu .'H»! 44 12 0O 15 95 I Boiler .... Albert Sarver 253 1)7 27 55 13 31 Clay K B Cono 319 86 IN 6s Centre T K Moon 3*4 92 21 45 21 3*l Cb<-rry llug>i Sprml 17 2<i 'il 56 Clearfield H H f>utr» _ 511 89 Clinton WtD llarvi-f ;1 2" 55' 2'> i Concord < M CarophaM it 9» 46 jO 29 #l. ConuoqneoeMing William Anderwm 5u7 > 4. 53 26 7' Crsnberrr E J CooksM 31 - «2 24 Donegal lohn lteitz»rt 3H3 I't 3| s't 17 s<i Fairvisw U M Thompson 574 '>• 57 03i 30 31 F..r»ard W« Fsbl... ■: '«• l«5 3- 7*; Franklin W.l Hartley I"2 st 3 .1- 559 Jai-*«iii 'A Reichert ' I '■'» 51 29 .1 Ji*ffers..ri Wi.lia.u Ooeptirrt IHI 't-i 13 01 972 j# 40 Lancaster. ..' I L Mori.z 3 »2 II .«s, tt 57. Joseph Vandyke 415 12 '.'l 4. 21 83 7 Mercer John Orr 10 4s 23 12 M i<lrJJ«-«*jr R O Thoropfton .... i'-W 1 •>** '2 Muddtcieek George Htoughuin 514 ** 279 27 21 Oakland Christy Robb 213 71 36 !Si II <• 4li Parker Eli Gilxein 215 04 44 19 || 49 pen i, William Patterson lo7H lo si 58 1' Blipiierr R -CK . Paul Keister 33s 71 17 69 17 9s Ha ram it I W Ballml 23s 9.. 73" 13 27. Venango Frank MrNsmi— S7 11 i.i .1. ) " Washington. Herinon .-jeatuti !>'•>) o3 I. 5' 28 16, Winfield, August Frerling 14 6- »16() "ft wor th foseph Shield* 516 II 12 »■ «•" Butler borough Samuel Walssr .......... ... If>39 0' 212 5t Fairview leiro William Gibson .0 41 • '*9 626 61 ' Ksrr.s City boro A W Sebrei-kengost 7o 7 2 'i7 S3 f Hsrrnony lK.ru Kred wi-igle is* 71 4 112 10 01 llsrriavill' boro Joseph Pew i-1 80 , f e.ritrevilie boro Joseph ISestler I-5 I! ' O'l S!■ IV tt) Millerstown boro .... Fred Ifarnhart .... 151 0*» 19 52 7 !»•''' J'rospect Ixiro T4l lloehm i 21 ■ o*j 6'l petrol la lioro F M Frit/. 57 >• ' •'< 3 i ' Saziiitbiirg leiro II G Mmier I*' ' ' ' Hunbury burn ... II C Pry.r '« 1" 720 501 Zeltenopli- boro Ijn.rgi- Beyer Totals (or 'B3 —• "* '"22 - r, 2 >822 81 I2«i 11 is',i A lams John Kleine tlnVi 'hi > .•< I't 'sti 47 Allegheny I J Milford ... 310 00 U 97 ( 6*2 72 Brs<ly .... I horns« M |l»aty M" -Vi 'i 7 ) 4'l'i 'si Butler lieorgr Bauer.. I'r'il 7') ' ''' 329 Buffalo 4 w ester in an ........... till '*) < •"'• so 114 7,. CJa* It It Conn 932 00 Ml 9| 32.5 2s ('antra 1M Miller I'K)I 14 64 19 so 7i < berry . Andrew M'-niurry .... 'i7/ 00 49 so .11 i.j Clearfield II II Oufty 500 (S) 37 06 4SJ s* ( Jinton J .ill ri Hslitea I 950 'H) 70 lo I7'i 6 ( iiorurd c M Campbell Sis no "4 23 28s ii Connoqueiit'saing Ale* Stewart II i 7 'S) i 7 I 1 32-1 2* Cranberry \lldrew Kircbler HOI 21 420 |o' SI Donegal John Kliturt 1121 0O 16 IS 1,0 Fairriew .JSines Mdiarvey 187 I,H II .ti*) 51 Forward George J Marlierger I'••• "O 103 Ol 074 H4 Franklin Charles Mackey 509 II 37 71 099 is Jackson John Eichert 950 'St 70 -In 421 Jefferaon ... W J Osiper 1374 25 U~ II l-'7 03 Lancaster Epliraim Erb 12'*) '*t ss VlHrmn 3 J Gilchrist 745 'Hi 4* 76 249 35 Mer'-er Willistii Johnson 437 ss 37 4'i Iys 61 Mud'lyereek It H Kenndy 9IS HO 'it 4'< 62 .16 flaklaii'J Peter Whitmire l'llo 00 74 8/1 ll.i H4 Parker G J Kepler 5-*) <»' 40 751 sS'l fjl) penn George E flays 1331 46 SI 011 90 17 Slippery "lUick .. 11. Cooper *23 75 60 W\ WU Summit -I w Hauldsuf 1160 no 77 6[ 2i)-3 5 9 William Hialker st*t '|o -17 05j 4.'lJ lij wantiingtoii IJermao Seaum I'**i O '7 *\l "i*7 90 Worth W J shield! _ 9*3 i*) 72 Winfield Augo«r Freellng "|'*S) (*t 74 Butler boro John Younken* 0"tl 03 500 27 3s/ti si Caotreville l»oro 1 I L Koster '2 "i |si ..t f Evans 1 ity le.ro John Stall 'iso '*l 57 92 113 32 FalrvieW lioro William Glbemi 17. i-O 14 97 6.1 3| llsrm-.ny boro Fred weigh- 275 1*) 2-1 42 19/ 79 Hart nrtile boro Joseph S P'-w 57* 92 2 (St If) .11 30 /7 Karns City leiro O E McGilJ *6 7 •'* :it) Millerstown tioro I" II Evans 4'rt 4!t *34 ss 170 45 pl.rtersville l«in> W II liann I'l") »*» k 51 66 10 prospect boro ' I Newman 3-l» 03 23 w< 29 Petrolia leiro K M Kritz S/> '*» 7 24 'ifi hi, Sunbury H 8 Huut I2i 'Sj 10 61 10.1 -i* Sajonburg leiro ('has Itsala- 29 » (St 17 01 -»'t:t 9" Zelienople boro, H B Xaiglar (Nil 6s H 8s N I Totals for 1894 42458 79$ 6 20 3060 84 116617 28 Gran I total 05 1205 69 4167 9* HBBI2 66 •lie full.led. vimwiny V i jifnin »»f Mull*** •'♦». for ' |ri(|'ii*iif i ...... '/%< llir l«ar rNdtNK ia«. •»*»•». ' hnU xlttU IW 7ft Ami. paid vilegtieay Workboua. .. . » «;.l s» 7. ~ X!"a'E7 " ■' lor A-sensing »0'» Wl .. , Z lur Dt Hlgee 171* in .Janitor. A"'. ... ... o.t. ISI •• •• •• inspect ion . ir> io ' Jury ' ouirnNsl.mar - lira it .. Viewers . 1 'lt 19 Itatn li*.*) '■ Holler House e*pem-s 7"i M .I'iry fommlsalooer- Hatter " 4'ommonweal'b Aoot ... Mw w . I ~uslnlili * lleturn*. 'I! '•♦ „ ••"rnr«A<'t I"*il l. rie.koi t .uitts sm. so ;; f' •• Cotntnls».loner*« l oonsel IV) im unii, i iioi'i .. .. || in* MllltaiyHoll ... M "t umcii ik ii: tl*ys at i •*) 7« M) '"'lnilng At i t urn •• (..tut) A'lilllor Allison -si 1 **'- I *•' f. il •la>sat>'l Itillatfe .. pI ss Kkpresasg* el* 11.. ' ount> Auli'or Voting .ut I rot bo,. ■ , [ ■lat s aii'l mllag" M'i 'U IP rlsterltig Attrt,..... |. t -si o t'ounly Auditor—Kllmlt. il ' lllriba and Ilea |,s /i i« <!»>* anil milage. KM 101 It. 10, in «cbis,» "• » I " < ommla-ioner vptul „ Itoal Vleaef* 2it u b ugb .»1I data I""' „ . Itiiusgis k «• ( mil miss nii'-r lt»ll> .111 da > Hm* » "efunolng A<r» .. ]» 4J ft •• < i.i,.iol*»loi)'i Wilson ill k eniigrapber f) ,i,t« HAS 10 •• NliirllT lues/ " « Coonty Kep. l.ve Allen .... .'I V. I Oluieia Initial IV. I.) * • I 1.1.m OS •.).! 70 *e war age «« .. iiriuM- Kanenses .'.'l'M Strains ... Ut - trier I-*"" Htatlonery. linger, and l»u --a I • i . ~),t.,r M Oil I'l • ale. 12" * ■I " IX* ,i.t M•) »•' " [••*« K'l- }, • ,"i •• l.eiu in* fcallota... ■»' Hp- ..1 ■ Af ' I""« i, IU ,. .if " vrvir . . /.mi ! % . ) '■ '. • • ar » '££>% Mi 9 . •• It mat-ill .* .ii-m'-nt (pu'i " West p.nn iltil l»i* Unseated Land Accoint for the Year 1804. Cot - * SCHOOL KOIF ~ roon tt I = = »-=>>3 Districts, -Z~ -'5 , '~- : sn'Z'' a 4 2. . 9 t - a a ® 3 2. : E " 2 E :... *.. ! .. £ . f . * S . Allegheny .! »•" ir. ' loo'iaiooiel li'iijsf*! 173 oi rii w »" " fjje'oi Butler JO 03 M 'C JO 08 49. 3 13 19 37 S SO. S SO Brady 2 77 1 75 1 75 34 34 1 401 1 40 Butler Boro 4 40 4 40 Cherry 37 14 14 13 23 «| 37 79 til *0 G3 KU 13 II 13 11 nay 6 <M 4 02 4 02 1 51 1 51 4 V! 4 53 retire ; f> 62 354 12 lii lj « 19 13 aO7 7lt I 722 Coimoq'S'Qff 779 779 779 676 6 7r. tV> I 65 rniiton i 44 i or. lo< 575 3(5 5 7s; ass Clearnell 6.i 13 57 50 50 4i 7 (>» 863 34 :=»; ,d 6- 9 ir, 17 62! 18 31 •« Concord 4S 37 « 21 6.' 33 75 96 ! 32 13 43 83 18 67< 16 «7 F»«rvlew 17 14 271 27 l. 30 36 55 11 44 11 99 •> 46 13 *6 41 42 10 Fa-rviewßoro ... 2S> 131 4 or. 5:« 3-0 310 1:« 150 Marlon J* 97 194 17 t# 19 54 97 1C 97 97' 14 97 4 57j 409 4* Parker 25 74 57 67 57 ST y, 61 . 35 61 15 44 . 15 44 Pcun 99 13 lf» 1 t>'> 14 S3 15 25 i3l 17 56 2 » ' 285 Prospect 16 7 4 40 114 90 0» 98 46 ! ' 45 Washington 31 *1 40 59 41 *6 58 m a 75 a '.*> ' .1 96 1 41 21 01 22 4.' Worth 750 40* 3 Oil 508 24 150 Jt 150 lOh :l 00 4 t*> Donegal 14 l ! 36 Ml 25 81 19 97 17 ->4 ■> 13 2IS «19 831 Oakltlld 36 99, 26 17 31 5". 57 7.' 2*7 59 03 20 12 41 78 892 12 95 31 8, WlufielJ 45 13 26 <1 26 38 15 60 <V 5C 92 377 10 52' 10 52 Venango 73 41 27 02 <4 90 53 5-5 OS 37 18 OJ 81 51 99 50 214 33 •"►1 34 13 155 Mercer 85S 642 642 319 219 642 642 Sllppervroik 374 . 47» 478 260 i 2•• 82 1 52 Milierttown 0 <3, ' C<3 S-immit 17 43! 17 43 l i"> 1 15 Buffalo I 31 34 Z< 2:1 15 15 Crannenj 94 74 i 15 15 Forwa-d 542 542 3 47: 347 352 i 59 Jefferson 47 47 43 43 43 43 UUlC&iter I 1 93 1 93 Middlesex S 07 2 o' Muddy creek 4 12 4 12 I i 81 81 Petrolla 4 50, 4 so West Sunbury .... 2 64 2 64 HarrUvilie 3 15 3 15 l 25, 1 *5 Total 554 29 158 57 {3O 33361 79 418 11 103 75 607 04 303 55 407 24 78 39 220 14 IST 50 HI 72 * Overpaid, •• Warren Hrwpltnl 1166 w •• Warnenvtlle Hospital 33 On •• ltegister i* Kworder ox 60 •• Notary Public 4no " County Expenses 507 2* Total 55147 90 Warren »n<l llixmonl Hospital Arroont. , r E £ E, i£ z C Districts. : * i j Brady..""""".. io>; V> 91 is is 00 Butler 91 25 91 25 Cherry ill so 22 *0 Clinton 557 6 5;.. 1 a Donegal 65 00, 45 50 Jefferson 62 75 45 5o 17 25 Lancaster HO .5 6» i'. 12 80 Mercer :i«l o. 241 £> 5* 1 91 25 Maddvcreek 114 o" 45 25 «8 75 Oakland ! 143 25; 143 25 I'eon '223 On 154 25 <iß .5 Parker. 429 521 4* 52 K/tlrview 751 93 751 on Forward 162 75 16! 75 Washington . 85 75 * 75 A lntleld 273 75 137 00 91 15 45 50 Kara* City 3->5 29 ■«*> 29 Butler Boro. . 273 75 573 ,5 Mllleratown 304 00 .n>4 00 Slipper) rock 2125 2125 Total $4654 CI f1.92 75 »17S 5» 39 Tax liroaat for 1H94 I 1 lis is 2. I ! | i 57 1 Districts. : £ i 5 'fa 'o ; 2 ! " ::® 2 ? 5 j:! 3I • f TTains - 1157 50 IHJ 75 *l9 2*. 546 sfl 01ftrt All* irbeny 712*. » 2fl 1 975 106 40 19 B'a iv . 88 -jr. 54 -4 1" 50 t43 Buffalo 13.'Oft I 380 11 25 7 15 Bui IT • 128 75 61 0. 15 75 91 43 06 80 SO < la> 84 75 78 30, 225 420 bno Centre 85 o 7. 21 4 5 479 7 < ll'-rr. 95 A 27 00 27 00 185 4 ! 40 11 » I leartlelJ. 85 'J, 85 .Vi 27 UO Clinton. 11l 48■ 90 '9 825 616 Coned 84 75 09 78 IIS 37 - Connoq 113 25 81 55 26 25 845 I 8-5 cranberry 105 00 9«i 09 8 2 6 «<j ! 700 IX H,|-K«! 133 V) 106 26 2 0 6 I K.ilrvl. * 1-4100 M M 15 75 59; Porvrxrd I'Xo 11-28 18 75 697 1- ru tiki In 85 50 7: 76 825 449 lack-ton 105 *» W II 25 584 18 00 .1 IT rnon 110 •; 100 06 375 641 3.'»J I.ar i-ax'er 116 2' 10 41 5 2T. 7 .'»> 57 00 Marioi. 102 no- 83 4.' 13 50 508 II 10 Mercer 42 75 19 50 I 88 21 59 Midi!<•»••* 139 50 11# 15 575 7lf Muddyc'k. 72 (K) 64 99 3 CIO 401 46 00 II kland 103 5 '.mm. 666 88153 00 Parker 99 On 81 94 12 75 431 Pent! .... 144 75 125 37 7 .'fi 1' 00 36 50 ttl'Pp-rv'k '« 75j 13 V) 99 55 20 -utumlt 137 X, 117 65 li 00 7on 1100 Venaniro 88 50 68 PS 15 73 170 Waab'gt'n 7575 f5 61 10 vi aoi c• 50 *'.»nh 88 Vl, 23 70 375 121 59(10 .6:5 Winded 123 0H 975 113 25 955 Butler I) r24 00 91 Oi 30 75 57 4 73 49 l>o r vlir 12 00 : 682 150 41 427 Evans <'y *»< 150 300 Y ilrvtHW 8 25 5 00 . 4 1 2 8! Harmony 31 50 20 00 17n 12 80 ilurrlsvl'e 10 50 75 975 Karns <?y 97" 9'o 75 Mlllern "O. .'4 oil 27 79 18 VI 192 779 Portersv'e 15 Oi 12 12 225 63 Prospect 12 00 II 37 03 P trolla 21 75; 1 VI 20 25; sunbury 12 75, 10 53, 1 50 72 Haxonb rg '*> 75 29 no I 75 SafcMOPH 30 00 27 OU; 1 50| 150 T0ta13876 00 2645 73 (99 50 188 40 882 37*22 40 Jolin T Martin. 'I teuHur r; of Hutl'T County, n. To tax ree'd of Collectors of 119.1 and prerloui $20,81', *6 TO tax ree'd of collector! of 189! 42.158 7'i In ,1111 1 re d Iroin Co Commfr* 734 To ain't riT il for retail II nor llO'lihr I'." Vi • 4:0 Detective " 25 00 To am i. of fines reo'd from Justice* of Peace 49 s'i To Jury fees rve'd of ex niii-riff Brown 112 flu froinClk of COUTH 99 flo To lines rre'd frotn clerk of Courts mx on TO MX nn unteated lands 2.426 26 To ain't ree'd from twps and boron, on acc't oi Warr n atxl Dlxiaotit II . -fit,U- 9!r2 75 To lial r'-uiuliiliiK In Treas'y .lan. 1, '94 19 212 85 Total $»7 4v4 »s CK. Kv am't of warrants redeemed IV. H7 (Mi warrants on uii<fl.ti*Ml l.iinl Mit 14 I. 1 remurern p< ri ent i({e mi 1511 I«IO at. ;iy, |i»f rriit 1,750 1)0 Uy IfMiiftn percentake on $1,147 90 ■ii I per . ent 51 47 To -no t t»il I f-ir leaiTiers' Instllut 2i»i On To »l.ne I fx paM 10.*** 00 To lieaaurer - * per cent on slate tax at I pm tWI 105 33 Bal in treasury Jan i. lsnr» I*, m "4 Toial »57.i3l w AHBt| S. Tax due from colli cuns lor lain and previous .. W "J5 .18 Tatt d o- frotn co|ji*i'tnrs tor laul 161.1', 28 Am'i uui- frpiu .stale Treaauter "< »*l ( iintnlssloiii-ia. n<Hes .. 4>*o u Jury If t dm* from e*-.Blierlll Iteilic .2 18) ,lnr> iei-8 doe from ex-Prolhoootary Htnra 16 n0 •lor fees duo from Sli'-rlff ( ainpnell 181 no Ital ill**- from l»ps and turns on mi c.!t of Warri-n and Itlxmont llos pl'als !I -' • Uouv ao 1 lot to Boiler JS) I»> I'.al ..( |||>K tax lo Iri-asury I siil 21 liny tax oue from i-olli-rior* of i+u* ißi2 i. Jut/ fi-ea dm; fruin Protli'y HejtUni i.' i» ».1.1,1.1 a 6.1 MAHI I.ITIKH. Vou lii-r No. 3910 to Morrow and Mc- Brldo Ml uo j Assi-ta over llalillltlcs s.' M.453 A) j We. the underslKtl'-d Auditors of Iltitler i eounty, Htaf-of Peiin»ylvaala. do certify that I In p.ir.iuance of law we met at the ofllce of Hie < oiinty Comiiil*Blonern. In tlii- iiorouifb of But let on Hi.;'.Hiday ol niuoary 1*95. and audited tiii- si-veral aiciunUi of John I Martin. Treaa ori-r 'if said county, and al>«i the a -cuitliU 'if County Coinrnissloiiera. We ilo certify that, tin foreKOliiK Is a correct statement of said an t ountx accordloK to ttie best of our kno»Ti-di<i and lii-Hi-f. InwlliifSH thereof, we ha»e Urri-Ui iiet our hands and noals this 12th day of Feb ruary . 1895. ItOIiKII I 11. VtH ■■•***. [-■r.kt.j .11 >IIN D.AtUsflN. Iscall J. A. HI,LICIT. j s*Al,j County Auditors. We. the undersigned Commissioner* of But Iff eounty, do baroby ocrtlft nut. tie- fca BiuUti •uaK-inenui i-ontaln a Just and trie- exmbl' ol I lie n 1:1-1 pis a.-.'l expetidltori-H ol llulli-r county for I he yi-ar Iwil. as we truly believe. Witness our hands and seals this I2tn day of February. i'9i. s W. Mi< oi.uji <;n, ikk»l.) It 1 1 'II 8 HI) HKI.I.KY. I sr. A I.J I,K<) W. WIIJ4ON. |BK*|.| County Attest: l-t*4C MKAL*. CI'TK A. T. SCOTT, ATTtIHN KY-AT I.AW. ilHee -»t No. s. Houth Diamond, BntWr. Pa. NEWTON BLACK. Atl'vat I.aw Ofllc* on Houth site of IMatnond Butler. Pa. A. M. CHRSITLEY, ATI DIt.VKV AT I.AW, OR104) tocond ft'eir, Anderson III' k. Malu'fST. near Court House. lluM'-r. I'a IK A McJUNKIN. At'orn.-y at l,aw. «A-T1 »t. Nn. 11. Kaat ;.JelTer sou St . Holler Pa.. S. H. PIER SOL. ATTi»I!NKV AT I.AW. I)ffU'e al. No 104 Kasi Oiaiuond Ht H. H. (iOU'.HEH. Aitorner ai-law. UU n lb Mlto el' Inilldlnif hui.i l Pa I COULT H l< A HA K F.K. AI io ism AT : w.i ■ ra « In ro« at U.i Aru.i.r* » utWltig, Bniier NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that W. J. Marks Assignee of Alex McCrumm has filed his tinal account in the office ot the Prothono , tary of the Court ot Common Pleas of But ler county at it S. D. No. 9 ot Sept. term 1893 and that the said account will be pre seuted for conlirmauou and allowance on Saturday the 9ch day of March A D. 1895. Samuel M. Seatos Pro. Protbonotary's office Feb. 12 1895. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that A.M Christley Assignee of A. W. Christy has tilled his i final account in the office of the Court ot : Common Pleas of Butler county at M. S. | D. No. 22 March term 1894 and that the < said account will be preseuted lor confirm ation and allowance oa Saturday tho Utn lay of March 1895. Samuel M. Seatos Pbo. Prothonatarv'H office Feb. 12 1895. I ' Wonderfully Interesting ..>RE THE... ~ ADVENTURES OF ** SHEPLOCK HOLMES ...A8 RELATED BY— CONAN DOYLE ...1N... ****************** The Sign of Four. This Story will begin soon in this paper, and if once you begin reading it, you will be sure to finish it. Don't r\ iss this Great SberlocK Holroe? story Will BEGIN MARCH 7th. Professional Cards. W. H. BKOWN, Hoiiioeopal hlc I'hysician and Su r«eon. « I'M M, Muii St., mer Birlel'n. »hne fet4>re. fUMi'lcniY '.\\h N Mir K rati Ht. Dr. N. M. HOOVER, I*7 K W tyno !tt„ offlcg bourn. 10 to 14 M. and I to » I'. M. G VI. ZIMMERMAN. rurMICIAM AMD NcaoaoM, offloß »t. No. *r., h. viiiii atrrtt, c-*er «ty i'haruiary.Uiitlor, fa, L. BLACK, rnvmcuw and humubom, TroutiiiAii I'ulUlliiir, Hutlor. Pa. , i X SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. '/OO W fnl (/'uimliiifhaiii Hi. DH McCURLY BKICKER. oni'M* at 127 IC. .fi'ffrmon Nt., liutlnr I'a. ofDw botir* h to V. and 10 w to 12 . A. M«, ai»«l 1 to It, and V to l» I*. M J. J. DONALDSON. Dentist. Hut lor, Penn'a. ArUilrlrtl Ti-i'lJj luHeitM on tb« UU4 Im- I rnv.-il nUn. (lolil I'lllliik a specially. Offloo— ■ iwi• r Hcliaul'* <'loMilitir Htorn. DK. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. lloM KlHliik l"alnl«ii Kxir.irtlou ot Tenth ml Artlllmal Teeth without a «|M«'li»lty I'roun Onuln »r Vltall/.i«l Air or l/wul IMB tHWUM ll"" I. llllln u/nr Mlll"r'n Wrooery i-ai' of t^iwry ou* e. OlTlun iti >1 Wivtiii.t layii null Tburmlaya C. F. L. MoOUISTION, KMjI.VUKIt AMI HCKVKVOIt, iirriua >«» Diamomd. UuTi.aa, I'a. V. McALPINE, Dentist,) la iiow located In imw »'»' l <-loi<arit room* art- Joliilhk hi* (orm»r oo«*. All klula or cUuip I,,«!«•» uud modvrn aoid work, ••lia* AdinluliiU'rml." J. M. PAINTER, Altorfiwy-at-Law. ! « «U(I DlAHtoml, lint- Upi N A. T. BLACK. attohnkv *r LAW KiK'in f .A i liiory I'.iilldlUK. Ilullcr. I'a ( I W. C. FINDLEY, 1 Attorney at Law Ag«iut O n« r Ofl Hoatll l>lomor»d llU'ldlf, I'a. J. W HUTCHISON, ATI'"HNKV AT LAW. oftii« 'Hi M'< <md n.*.r >f tlx- lluaelton olook. Uuiioofid, llutli r, I'a., lUbiOi No. I. #Kaufmanns' Anniversary . . . It is just a year since we located in Butler and in order to properly commemorate the advent of our second year we intend to give you Some floods You Want today at the Lowest Prices ever Quoted Special Sale of WHITE GOODS: We have just opened entirely new lines of Embroideries in Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss. Patterns and Styles the Best, and Prices, of Course, the Lowest. WHITE In plain Lawns and Nainsook checks and stripes from GOODS: jc up to 25c. You will find the prettiest designs and prices, of course, the lowest. OL R ML S- Comprises Chemise, Night Gowns, Skirts, Drawers and LIX L'.V- Children's long and short dresses, and prices have been DERIVEAR. CXJ T IN HALF. MUSLINS: If you want to make up your own underwear we will sell the 4-4 Malta unbleached muslin at the Lang try unbleached muslin at sc; the 4-4 Lonsdale bleach ed muslin at 6c. LINENS: In Table Linens, Towels, Crashes and Quilts we arc strictly in it at the lowest prices of course. Special Anniversray OFFERINGS: Children'* fur sets reduced from $2 to 50c. 1 25c jewelry reduced to 9c. Ladies' far muffa " " 47nto $2 j 15c Handkerchiefs reduced to 9c. Dress trimmings reduced to 1-3 former price Indigo blue calicoes (10 yds limit) 15c & 20c all silk ribbon reduced to sc. | Paper patterns all kinds 10c. Leaders in low prices T7 A TTl?\r A XTTV'Si BUTLER, and reliable goods. AU T MAIM l\ 0, pA 4HARNESS? ij | We have more workmen and ' i '•* * <h>»p room th in ever. We liavc pn: in in.i n: " y .ind .in supp'y \oti \ tli n.i h n<- or hand ir.me work at wholt -a! t,i on pi •>. W are «j -ing o • our new < ,i'.rogue and in our whol'->a!e dciia it we timl .ibo.i ioo sets of harness thai we cannot 0 plica >• aj'.nn, and don i w.ani tli -s-- in our road and v* j ! sell them for rail iv ic*. Thef onl_\ a few set of each 1-ind. 'here-fore if you want bargains com « uk. No dif ferencc wlia* \en; want in the harness 1 ne, t ithei new work <•. pair ing, com> lit re. We must have '•)om for buggies an i w agon-, of which we have the largest line we ever i ad and will close out BLANKETS and ROBES from now til' Apt ' istat 1- ss tea i wholes de prices It will pay you to buy now for next win • . J >iv n ; > ee what barga )-> we an oflering in dil'lcM nt at titles. \\ t lave. m< al<- c, c» inj •"i in horse collais, 100. We ti< ver advi li e ia t ;itui penny way —w'n< n we say we are down in price we < • down In price. 5. B. MARTINCOURT 8c CO. BUTLER, PA. Read This; Sure! A pair of ladies genuine hand turned or hand welt shoes, sizes 2.J, 3, 34. 4 and 4i at sl.so,these are regular $3 and $4 goods. See our window. $2.50. A pair of men's pure gum duck boots, guaranteed to be better than other duck boot, or so called snag-proof on the market. This is a regular $3.50 boot. $2.00. A pair of men's first quality rubber boots at All sizes. NOTICE. Childrens shoes at your own price See our Bargain Counter. Shoe Dealer. AL RUFF. s. Hain St. ft is unnecessary to bore you with the advertisement of our largest stock, best' CD facilities, biggest business, etc. You know we have that. The important an nouncement is, We will Positively save you Money on your Fall Clothes. Our stox;k tables are resplendent with the newest patterns. See them. ALAND, TAILOR. 20C. A good pair of ladies' croquet rubbers at 20 cents. Sizes 2j to 5- 50C. A pair of men's self-acting over shoes, cloth vamps at 50 cents. Sizes 6 to 9. $1.50. A pair men's fine calf shoes, reg ular $2.50 and $3.00 goods at $1.50. All sizes in assorted kinds, made up of odd lots ol both Con gress and Lace. FREE. A handsome pair of intants' chamois moccasins will be given to any mother free for the asking Will not be given to children. Administratrix's Notice. Notioo U linroliy givo'i thai. l«tt«rs of admlaixtratiOD uti Ihn ontatH of Jtmer Hel lorß.di-o'rt.late ol Itntlnr borough, Hutlor county I'a , havn born irraiituil lo tho un <l«ri«ipnnd, to whom all pnrHiiiiH ind<!lit«<l In rfaiil PHtatn am r«qu« led to maltii pay 1111*111, ami thoMi having claim* .»r ilnniarulk i will makn known the Damn without ilalay. Mum M.J hIM.KKN, Adui'x. ~K K. Tornia Atty. Hntlor I'a. 012 rC ITCHING PILES r[S tL^aV/ATNE'S I I QnfcmV niNTMFMT ABMOLUTiir.r avnm. will I fntn i imiTOHH MuUiiim-i Ihifnar Itrlilnf an 4 illn|llit| ■•MI »' Nllbll wrmf !• y M>rnl« hl«|. If «l)u«»A In l'i*»r« firm »»id |.ro|rn4^, ulil'fc mjnm hi. «*4 M"« 1 lilrrrali , bx Hwlng »fr/ *\> W M *» OIVIMIM .(..p. IK, ltcl.l« € an 4 klrMllNg, tirul* «lfrptill»N, Hint Im inaat ru«t • fMM*M lb* < uinar*. A** »am '»» li % mm. M ffofn ~|« Milnumr. tnlft, M u.st Aa'jCkiit: motcid. W« OUARINTcE * CURE or relund your montt. f'rlrn HS.Mlprrhiillt*, Krr>rl 4e lo' IrtaflM. TIir.UONT MKltlf.At CO.. Hoalon. Maw. NKW fcioutlxwide I-lostaurant No. ail Centre Afonoe, (Whit mire buildio^r,) conrenient to I*. tt W depot. Open all bourn. All kind of luncben and regular mealn. Tobacco *"d Cluar*, fine confectionn nnd ever/thing to be found In » Qrat cl&aH KeHtauraut. Give us » call and we will do our bent to ac commodate jou. W. J. Matm, Manager.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers