Bickel's Great Sample and Grand Clearance Sale of a Large Stock of Boots and Shoes. Having purchased two complete sets of Sample Boots and Shoes at a greatly reduced price from leading manufactures together with a big stock of high grade footwear which I have picked cut of stock and placed on our Bargain Counters, to be sold during the next two weeks, at less than half their real value, will place on record one 01 the greatest slaughters in Boots and Shoes ever known of in Butler County, and EVERY Man, Woman or Child who attends this great; great reduction sale will not only be a regular customer of ours in i the future, but will show the shoes to their neighbor —So well pleas- , ed with the bargain they received at BICKEL'S that the neighboi will be a customer also. NOTE THE PRICES. I lot Mens fine Sample Shoes regular price $4 go at $2 1 lot Mens Working Shoes " " 250 " 125 I lot Boy's Fine Shoes " " 275 " 15° j « «. «« «« it it 200 " 100 I lot Ladies Hand Turns—Sizes to 4, all widths regular price $3 50 and 400 " 200 I lot Ladies heavy sole dress shoes regular price 300 " *75 i lot ladies fine shoes at $1 00. Inlants shoes 1 scents. I lot Misses and Childrens school shoes, 75 cts. Misses' fine dress shoes $1 no. 1 lot mens box-toe boots, sizes broken at $2 5° 1 lot Boys Kid Boots Double-sole and tap at $1 25, sizes I to 5 50 pair mens storm king boots (hip boots) all No. 10 and J1 regular price $4 00 go at $2 00. 75 pair mens short Boots (rubber) regular price $2 s°g° sl-65. sizes 10 and 11. 100 pairs ladies gum boots go at $1 25. 500 pairs ladies fine specialties, rubbers in heel and spring, worth 50c go at 35c. Full stock of mens and boys felt boots —ladies and mens arctics and alaskas—also ladies felt and warm lined shoes—Boots and shoes made to order—Repairing neatly done—Shoemakers supplies of all kinds. Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. Large and complete stock of rubber goods, at reduced prices When in need of anything in my line give me a call. JOHN BICKEL, 128 MAIN St. Butler- J ewelry-Sil ver ware- -Clocks. Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 pe ixjnt by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block ign of Electric Bell and Clock. THE NEW YORK HERALD, AMERICA'S FOREMOST NEWSPAPER. DAILY, SUNDAY, WEEKLY. . ! Independent and fearless; bigger and more attractive than ever, it wil be an invaluable visitor to the home, the office, the club or workroom. ; THE DAILY HERALD. J I I j All the news of the world, from pole to pole, gathered by a vast army of correspondents and reporters, and sent by j unequalled cable and telegraphic facilities. $8 a year. THE SUNDAY HERALD. A masterly magazine of contemporaneous literature, with articles by the leading writers of the world, embellished with beautiful colored and half tone illustrations $2 a year. THE WEEKLY HERALD. A perfect family journal. All the the news of the week, sketches and continued stories, valuable information for farmers, and departments devoted to women and children Remember the Weekly Herald is ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Send for a sample copy. Address THE HERALD, ' Herald Square, New York. 1831 THE CULTIVATOR 1895 Country Gentleman THEBEST OF THE Agricnltnral Weeklies. DEVOTED TO Farm Crops and Processess, Horticulture & Fruit Growing Live-Stock and Dairying While it »IHO includes all minor depart menu* of Rural interest, such a« the Poul try Yard, Entomology, Bee Keeping Greeiihouae and Grapery, Veterinary He plie*, Farm Question* and Answers, Fire •ide Reading, Domestic Economy, and a semmary of the News of the Week. Its Market Reports are unusually complete, and much attention is paid to tbe Pros pects of the Crops, as throwing light up on one of the most important of all questions—When to Buy and When to Sell. It is liberally Illustrated, and contains more reading matter than ever before. Tbe .nlisuription price is $2.50 a yeai, but we offer a SPECIAL REDUCTION in our CLUB RATE 3 FOR 1895. TWO KUBHCIPTIOXH. In oue $ 4 ■IX Sl BSi;KItTIO>S, do do . .. 10 TKN SUBSCRIPTION#, do do .... IS tyTi> New Subscribers for 1895, pay ing in advance now. we will send the pa per Weekly, from our receipt, of the remit tance, to January Ist, 1895, without charge. iy Specimen Copies Free. Address LClBtkHAKEfci SON. Publishers, Albany, N. Y Butler Dye Works, (It Ceatre IniM, BUTLBB, PA. The above establishment is now in run ning order, and is prepared t<. do first olass Dyeing and Cleaning of Ladies' and Gentleman's Clotbing and other goods t'lat ne«d a new lease on life in renovating and brightening np generally. Have had 35 year* experience In the dyeing business, tad ran guarantee good results on good goods. GIVB US A CALL R. FteJrer, Prop'r. WEAR HAHMERSLOUGH BRO'S Famous Hew fork, tailor-made CLOTHING For sale by prominent dealers all over the State. None genuine without Hammerslough Bro's ' label. The swellest and best wearing clothes in this Country. Ask your clothier for them. VITALJS & Well FRENCH REMEDY rrodorea tke khoff BMHUS ia SO Daj». It acta powerfully aud quickly. Cures when all otbtre falL Young men will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using VITALIB. It quickly ar.d surely re stores Nervousness, Yost vitality, Impoteacy, Nlßhtlj- Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Menr ory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self abuse or excess and Indiscretion Wards on Insanity and consumption. Insist on havinc VIT#LIS. no other. Can be carried in vest pocket By mail. SI.OO per package, or si* for §5.00, with a potltite written giarantee to eare or rerund the noaev. Circular free. Address CiXCEET BEIi:»I COMFI ST, Chicago, W. For Sale at City Pharmacy . jTistßSrr~z^' : virf when in Lhxugo w'i i.oci it i" « Mil jt |miM Are a symptom of Jaundice, Dyspepsia,Constipation,Bil iousness, Liver Complaint. DR. BAXTER'S MANDRAKE BITTERS will cure the disease and re move yellowness from skin and eyes. Warrantee, to cure. Sold everywhere nt ""> cts. per bottle. for sale by J. C. Redick HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys' Witch Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been osed 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore ana Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO. Sold byl>ru£gi6U,or sent post-paid on receiptof price. ■UBPHRETS* KLD. CO., 111 Jfc 111 CTllllua 84., Kew WITCH HAZEL OIL ffiJJI ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Ha* stood ths Test ot Time , MORE SOLO THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED Running J Sores. | jjjCures U| | j] the Serpent's A J i Sting. CONTAGIOUS In all its stages com- J(j BLOOD POISON BLUVUrviy WBl and „i C er*i yield to Ita J ben ling powers. It re- J 1 moves the poison and builds up the system. I A valuable treatise on tb* 4i»eue and its treatment I mailed fre«. I SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Ga. j | of Women \ Suffer untold miseries from a sense of deli- S f cacy they cannot overcome. \ < BRADFIELD'S Bjto ) | Female Regulator, '"zs,"- s / ACTS AS A SPECIFIC. £ / It causes health to bloom, and joy to reign ) J throughout the frame. ? S It Never Fails to Cure. ? € "My wife has br»en under treatment of S / leading pay«lcl»»ri« three year?, without bene- / \ fit. After uf-mif three bottles of Bradfield'B p # Female Regulator f»he can do her own C C cooking, milking and wa?»btnff." ? } N. S. BRYAN, Henderson. Ala. J } BRADFITXP REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Gs. / C Bold by driifffriftts ut SI.OO per hnttle. \ FOR PURE RYfc Whiskeys Wines, Brandies, Gins, &c., try Robt. Lewin, 136 Water St., (Opposite B. &O. Depot.) Pa. All (roods, including C. 0. D. orders, securely packed nnd chipped promptly. Express charges prepaid on all orders oi $lO 00 or over. Grandfather's Choice, Guarui.teeri 3 years old. $2.00 per gal Trj it at. oneo. Ton Will always keep it. oii band Don't Drink WSi§s key That 1•• ft' ly :i \ t : i>f fti« <•» • r <. :.s_ .. s lero< • tU.'.s i "• .? K: id 1 ti:<* l's«lJ i: v - ' i rcr ?' i "*'••'«• r. r .;!»• \ 1.. .I . V).. V.\t .• t petiti . . giiarartof* •r r Fail (■ -; r ' ' Mail and C7p: •*.<'■* oid*: promptly. \sc |:ay • x|"ir> charges on • " orders of and over. Jos. Fleming & So/v 4/2 MARKET STREET. PITTSBURG, PA Complete I'rice Lists of Wines anil-Liquor; mailed free. • ••eeaaseoeme • GOSSER'S e • CREAM GLYCERINE c has no equal for chapped haa-.!s , to. 0 face, or ti..y roufH oi UM> , ... ■ kMaWUMUtiiraniD; i i (ace after a!i.i*. log Sold by _ "" Aenty-fivc Cents a Butt;e. ! TI-IECITIZKN Swallowing Alive. The recent strange incident at the Z->- oli gical Gardens. London, when a boa nine feet in length swallowed a companion of eight feet, has recalled many wonderful stories of similar kind. A few years ago a python ol huge size seized a boa, and wonid have swallowed it entire but for the energetic exertions of Mr Bartlett and of the keeper of the serpent house. Several eases have been since uarrited, sometime* by eye witnessss. Mr. Wells, the marine superintendent of 'he Brighton Aquarium, in a letter, sa>,s tfc-it • fishes are as often notable for extra ordinary swallowing as snakes and repti'os. Some years ago there were three l*rge i>il.e in one ol the talks here, from 18 to -"8 lbs. The pike of 28lt>s swallowed hi? u<>uipauiun ot 18 lbs.,but the v>c itii proved too long tor him, so the tail pr. jected out ot his mouth After several days, as di gestion went on, the whole of the tail dis appeared. Last summer a conger eel swal lowed a large dog-fish and kept it down, though it was swallowed tail first, which is very unusual with fishes." Many w ill remember the curious adveo iure at the Brighton Aquarium, when a <log fish swallowed a large octopus. The • .ctopus was m the adjoining tank and during the night climbed over the glass wall in serch of prey. A d"g-tish seized and swallowed the formidable intruder. The specimen uas for many years exnilii'- e but has now disappeared, possib y fiom the cost and trouble iuvolved in pre serving the contents of the immense jar.— Public Opinijn. The Fox and the Eagle. A Kondout, N. T.. recently, riamu-1 Jones set a trap for a fox at the upper end ol the old Frazier clearing, iu tieabury Set lleuieut, and when he went to see it he had caught anything he found the trap was gone, nutwiibstauding it had been se cured oy a chain aud a heavy staple driven into a log alongside. Tne cbain had beeu oroken, and there was a rather plaiu trail in the dead leaves. This trail Jones fol lowed until he got to a small opening, about a dozen rods away, where on the UioS« lay bis fox dead, yet holdiug fast bj tne throat a dead eagle. The eagie, iu By tug over tne woods, had seen the eu trapped fox and had sw mped down upou it but the fox, although crippled by tne trap, had made a good figut, aud had kill ed his assailant while yielding up his own life— Scientific American. ReUrfin Six Honrs. Distressii.g Kidney aud Bl»dder dis r-»see relieved 111 six bours by tne Great South American Kidney Curt, t his new remedy is a grent surprise «»« .iCcount of its exceed,ng promptness in ■ elittVing pai.i in tne bladder, ki.toey, oai K mil every P ar l °l the urinary passage- in male or loinale. It relieves reteliilou ol Waier aud pain in pa-sin* it »liu<»t lui mediately. It you want quick rrliui ana cure tins is your remedy. Sola by J. O rtcUick druggist butler Pa —l)r Guelliot, of Rheims, declared re cently at the Oongre*s of French Surgeons, ■.eld in Lyons, that Cancer was contagious the transmission inay be d rect from the body, but more frequently through wear. <ng appsrel or table utensils. —The muscles in the hand reach their highest perfectiou in man; no other am mal has a true hand; the muscles of eyes, e.»r and nose show that several groups which in the lower animals are very high, ly developed, in man are in an almost rud iraentary condition. —Hood's Sarsaoarilla fortiSes the sys tem against attacks of disease. It pre vents fever aud dipntaeria. —A writer asks "Can you shoot!" and then gives the following rules, which, it carefully observed liy those who go hunt iug, will avuid mmy sad accident.-: Never, auder auy circumstances, uoint your gnu toward a hum in being. Never curry it so that it it were aooidently discharged i' would even endanger the life of a dog Alu-ay s think which way your gun is point ed, and if a companion is in the field with you, no matter how near or how tempting trie game appe»rs, do not shoot until you kn..w where he is; a stray shot miy b-t suf ticient to destroy an :<ye f »r«ver. N*v«r cirry a loaded gun in a wagon. Never oarry a loaded gun over a fence; put it through and then get over. Always car. ry a guu at half cock; il a breechloader never let the hammers rest ou the plun*- ers. Never get- in front of a gun; il you .re tailing drop it MI -he muzzle will be from yon. If the cartridge sticks ihe siout blade of a kuife will probably extract it; if not, take out the other cartridge, cut a straight siick and poke it out from the muzzle; even then do not get in front ot a gun. Alter tiring one barrel take tan c*r< ri'ige out of tne other and examine the w.i i to see that it is not loosened, as it some- times alter a heavy recoil, for.should it get into the other barrel, it is liable to burst tne gun. Never take hold ol the tnuzzie of a iuu to draw it toward yon. Never set a stun np so that if it would fall the muzzle would be toward you. Never keep a load ed guu in the house. Follow all tnesa uies. be self possessed and tne ''iM* will ifford you sport without danger. —English Spavin Liniment removes nil aard, soft or calloused lumps and bleui ■ sties trom b>rses, blood spavins, curbs. tints, sweeuey, rmgboue, si flea, spraios >ll swollen throats, coughs, etc .-save SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the moat wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J 0. Kedick. druggist Butler Pa. —The cash value of a locomotive ages SIO,OOO, and there are now iu use oi> tne lailroads tif the United Stales about 35.000 locomoiives, repiesentmg a total •nvestmeht of $350,000,000. 1 tie Pehnay!- v»nia railroad stauus at the head ol t'ic list with 1 025 locomotives. —lt is estimated that more gold :.nd sil v- d hav» tieen sunk in the sea than are now in circulation on the earth. —The name of N H. Downs' still lives although he has beeu dead many years 111.- Elixir tor llie cure ot coughs and colds :ias alieady outlived him a quarter of a centnrj, and is still growing iu tavor with the public. —The fact that Philadelphia aloae has sold 6,700 car horses in one year sh>>«e abundantly why this animal brim-s such a poor pnee. Mind the trolley has invad ed every city, aud so to a greater or leas extent in every part of the country there is a smaller demand for horseflesh In time this will regulate itself—either f.-wer horses raised or better ones for spei iai purposes, viz., roadsters and heavy dray horses. For good driving and heavy draft hoises there is ttill a matket; bnt ibe class from which the car horse was drawn must largely disappear This decline in the horse market ot course afFects the price of hay and grain. All around we have an illustration of the fact that every new in venlion disturbs some economic force. But a re-adjustment con es sooner or later and the public benefits. As a moral effect, in developing sympathy lor the lower animals the disappearance of the car horse has worked wondrous results. —All those who have used Baxter's Mandrake Bitters speak very sTongl/ in ibeir praise. Twenty-five cents per bot tle. —Tn the general sense agricultural ma chinery, steam plows, sowerF, reapers, harvesters, and threshing machines have probably snpplsnted more manual labor than any other application of mechanic*. A Simple Remeby for ImsotnnU. A physician, in speaking of the various methods ot iuduetng sleep, said: "I've tried them all—putting a cold towel on tt.e bend, haihing the feel in not wa'er, couni iug up to 1 000. drinking a glas* of j milk, and so on. aud tb"> best thing I ever j fonud was simply .his: I have: worked all the eVeuii g and tiud uiyseif at | bedtime in a state ot nerVoustie-s or men tal ae'ivity, 1 go to bed aud place my right band directly ever tne pit ot the stomach. Whether it is tne animal warmth : of the bacd resting on tne stomach and diawiug tne circulation from the head »r some nervnQs action, 1 cau't say, but 1 kuow that I fall asleep in a lew n:iiiU es 1 believe tba*. iu a muj >riiy ol tue or uiliary ca-es of sleepiersiio.-s this siaipi,. remedy will prove t ffcciiTe. I b*re m- | OUlUieiideU 11 lo r p>.rt surpiiniug success "—CUtcagtie cord —Says a writer on ibe subj -cl of wet shoes: V\ itn care tne wetting will not hurt tueiii inucQ. As soou as you can remove tne wet snoes Uo so, auU rub them welt wilb a soli lag lo gel some ot tue dampness out | all'i to lake oil all lUe uiua; tUeli ruU tnem I Willi a cloUl saluialeU v«itu ker<>oeUe. Get as uucli ot ine oil iuio idem as po-~iine, 411 u lileu till LUeUi <»s lull ot oals as ou c..n auu set lUeiu iside lor a It* liouis. iu* u apply auotuei co.*ti_tg ol ketoneu«. i'ue Hi ill: ess will UaVe ulsapp-.aleO auU tne st.Oe Will b-i in gooU ,-u.ipe wueu »Ueu JMII «aut ut lion It r.|ialn jNetcr liy to -pui on a 10» eUoe unless you i,ave a stioii Uua; y«-u wiii uo oare to olielcn it mil ol sut»pe .n tne U»ca aud in.«ac 11 til Htllog. Keep tue ouilous seweil uu your suoes aud «ooU strings lu y our laceu Uoota, unless you witnl ine men lo say you are a • slouch Have a paste patca put over ilia slg" ol a UlcaK iu your onoe, aud liiej *UI keep ,U al'ape ana last l*ltU aS loug. till; go U au<'t3o, il iua gloVe.s aie a suare for lue unwary. luey get out ot suape, aro ul li.iiog aud uo not vs eat Well. Itis lalsj eiWauiUy to uuy ctleaf lo«#t ol Uaud wear. —lien on tiuman, mange oil norseo. dogs auu all moca, uureu lu 3d minutes !)_> oolloru's daniialy lj"tioU. iu,s UeVol talis. Oolu oy J t/. IVedtck, UlUg gist, liuner fa. tne Slalemeut luat ttlu VVniskey UUo nas reuueed tne pilce ol corn juice on* cent ou tue ganoa Will oe received wuu uilngled eUlotlouS Uy uleu, eVeu outside ol BLeutucKy. —lu case ol hard cold uottilng » til le lUVc lue OiealUlug So quickly »o lu XU. Amtodi Uo L ou tne c e*-l —aecreiai'.v L .ng.ey, of tne omilUsouiai. ldslliutlou, w'liv> is U'l# wn.aiug WUU aer • Uc Uoo« UUt UeUcVtJ iit rtiii be A.Jic cu ioj uiauj jruai'A. —A )uau£ lIHl> VS liii d i« L*C 4* Acut Oiic UiAj lO iWuOiUcU ll l«»r aaVioo <3fio pie») vd 4*#f ului, tueu va. "Kiel aiAi'fttiU vs it** • ue • t-pi v t/ie 1 uor uuicJ oy maiuiiisKeiius *■>*• tXill.Cb 'UOiaCli v>p^Ciaw«. it I* ai mi u tact urea as* \ pt»wder, w ui. CAD be givou ill i* titan Ui uwt, «* cup c»»tleti »»r urttytir il m*»u, wiiuoul tiie ku«". icligw «»l I lie paueul. il aU6oitiiei # U£kl*iJuJt3t»b. ttjiii will cfcliecl a> pci'uiuiielil «»*'• euro, AiittlUbi ptitlcub a ciait unukcr us tkn iiicoiioiic wreck. It !»<*• Oeru felv« ii Hi ol ctws«le y «iiiU 1* iiihiaiice «* perlecl cure tuiiuweu il aevei i'fie ay aieiii olice niipre^ii^i eu h Ilii lie Jjpecitic, II «>ecuujor» till UIl» l«upi>At»iiilillj loi lui liquor appellle u> ti lsU jj lat io Ui»»»h *.». uial> iiee. AUtirvui, U»»iueu Cu., itti> Uttce r»t., lyluoLUtiaiii O. —Ol tDe conditions of ineutal weariness bottling is known, except tual it concerns tne oralu, and sleep reuioVes it. fuysicai Weaiinese s piobaoty a chemical in our muac<es, aud tt ouiy requires rest oi tbose particular UjU.-clcb tor tile blood to restore litem to their original condition. —f.of New comb has declared, troiu a.>UiiU>>uiK'ui consideration, tnat iho earm Went alow nau 100 l aeVeU secouos bel*e- ii 1»50 ,»nu 1002, a u iI.CU WoOk Uai.aud g.n.- eu becoutla Ucl W eli 1&02 anil 1872. , rue first pansi IU Hoignam, .Vlass. through successive generations, has been iu co tluuous existence since 1635 It hts W.-rnlllpeti tu I llu Same bllllUlUK ou ihr same sp ,l atuce 1681 fuiH la lue oltleS'. mooting nouae iu iue United States. Hood's Sarsaparilla eradicates all hered Hary aoiolulous taints and cures scrotuia Tahe llooU'a. W C. Sterling & Son. large cedar pole deiUers al M>>uriid, ilich , naV« received a.i order for el. gr,tpn p de» i.o he shipped lo fcfuwuos Ay res, Soutu Au.erica. This is a trial oruer, aud if tile poles go through sately and are satisfactory this company it promised Soiue targe oidera. l>r. Aguew's Cure lor the tit art gives pellect remt in alt cases ol Oigauiu ui iy .lea Ills. ase i,i 30 iuliiUtes, outl a|feeuii.« ell-els a cure. Il IS a peer less reuieoy t >r Palpitation, fjlioilueas oi Urea U, iuioiberiug opeils, Pain in Leu Sloe. uUO all Hj inptouis of a lilat a.-eil Ileal I Dun uose convinces, sold by uy l'hai llMII) . —A laborer iu the water works at Uold- Waier, Mien , tne other day poured peiio. leUrn lull) the boiler mauUole Upou not water and ineu looked iu lo see #uil *uuld nappeu. tie was met l>y not ga», aCaldetl badly and biowu 15 feet away and severely bruised. t'ne great D-L ss. pn Panama dilch is saii! ( lo bea meluuciloly wreck l'he Wllatl en are tailing into Ilic aler ai.d acrea ol ma chinery are rua lug lo dissolution. Ou ihe la hlllUb are neai lv 1,000 tuiies of steel track •villi locomotives and tuousiuds ol dump Cans, now hal! hidden iu the tropicalgroth* Setenty six great steam shove's stand s'de j by aid" iu th i excav.iiioii buritd iu luxuri-1 aut Vegetation Auotbei "wonder doctor" has been discovered iu Germany. lie i.- a shepherd ii iuieil Asi, tivi'ig iu a small village of Kadoiuch. Iu the last lew weeks o.'er 1,000 persons have visited hiui from all parts 'I Gt rhi any. The people stand in crowds about the man's hu', wailing for his advice, tlis surces is said to be won derful. —The harvester invented by in 1831 has beeu so improved that it is -aid it u iti cut and hind an acre in 45 iniu u'es. —ln the City ii lectricul L-ght troika Baltimore, a rat recently stepped from one brass terminal of the station switchboard to another thus short circuiting it and re ceiving 2.700 volts through his body. The result was that hundreds of houses were suddenly plunged in darkness. —Snirar beet raising is about to receive au impetus in the viciuity of Sau Bern ardino, Cal. Experiments have been made there which show as high as 16 6 per cent of saccharine matter ia the beet which is cultivated by the local farmers. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic care" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Ita action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benehta. 75 cts. Sold by J. 0 Kedick. druggist. Butl« r. ill t Q » rt MES. local or travel I inl ft ft! I l» I I lu « to sell ray uuaran, ■ ■ -» its I r Llieed N CASBHY STOCK ' * * w .-ui*rv or Commission i>sld weekly. Outfit tree. Special attention I'lveu in oeirtnnero. Workers n<*ver fait r<> muke jro<"i weekly wages Write me at once for par ttculars. E 0. GRAHAM. Nurseryman Kochevter N. Y. DIAMONDS staKF PTV9. BTI*DB. VU ATC SlfcJS } GKSrS ' ,;OL "- R. LA...RH CSATLAIK. T «r* >MT IT* r XT ' ft os E ' r «t"<- J lit W Jut i~M •» X | • Uiins. Bracelet*. Kt<- ,»» *T Q VVT - n »-> ITn set*, ("istors B i"er I >tsti-s m 1 Everything -** X *-» m Mta WW "V A » C/ | tint "in >v rein liu • Orst class store. rtODGER B*o>. 1874 } KN ' IVKS - p^k VlU,-L E .latr E. GRIEB. jbwklek. No 39. Noith Kain St BJTLEB PA. The p'ace to bry GAS COOKING STOVES AND 1 I 1 M KS. CAS LAMPS FIXTURE-, lit M-, WATER FILTERS. LATH TUB ENAMEu, etc. is ;u VV\ II.Q'HHcn & Son's 1 OT Kast *Tefferson street. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES.* 1 GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO THE \ * * I OcOLD : HEAD whm | E's/'h Cream Balm i* not a liqvrt, muff or pricder. Applied into the nostrils it it i _ quickly (tbfrjrkd. Ji rl an jvs the h&ui, alhiyt inflammation, he<ii» _ LP tf-r tores. &<M '/y drut/mttt or tent by nwil <m itcpt of priei. L||« DUG EIY BROTHERS, 56 Wa"en Strsel SEW VdRK. 3UC Sarony's Living Pictures, A High-class Monthly Magazine of Reproductive Art. Every nn i b ri~ h pi rifot;..i.( u>eii.utn tly iie.iii'iful pictures; every pic'are rep r-• tits itie h. Ik »! ••. e fiii ou- |n' 'er. or is -.11 original composition by tn« gr it <.r -ny: in »U tt.e ti-11 e., r e fr 111 living •oodels »f er plotograi»iis bv Sannv. d iced' w ilh wioiil»rtir fi l-lit> <ud • tf-<oiveu. ss. K.«r «*l-b ill l-al-rMiit '25 < entsa i opy. 53.00 a Year A copv "t Boiiguer'-au's iiitslerpi . ••Gupidou tun vVatou," • ill fir tne pre-ent be sent as a premium to ev. ry yearly -uliscrioer. A E. CHASMA'I & 0 Publishers. 31 U lion Square N", Y. S* KCIAL NO I I E- That I « il' 1». until irthe«* •• i he |.I«I n (£•>.'.:> . il.. ■■ 1 firu-i-s vd 'C - i. en «.t 11.. rtdm • I 2".- v.-r ««'■ n t»x •«i "'f i"v.-ri.n > ui: A (>'i .- rv. *2 i.n« -pii 00 pr (iHll'H ; l(.p' mil."-. 3 . f»r~ i!-i; ill.' * atmi.*' 4 ;•** 4-2 5(1 |»nr k*:- '••i.; Uri'iifp'T' anil • ln>u> ti»" '« p'tr.- r r. 5 j ear a $3 50 j>»r Kuu-ti G"l.t*-Ki (Ceiidii it, GitiS'.i's It .l.iii- n (1.. iii.ii, W s(i p.-r i!» '•>! ; H.i i i-villw. Duller. »-rt_>•. U"U H'l 11. , 12 . ••»!' #5 5(» p.-r t'l 1 "I i'(i)il..rin> wii.t-.-. '! iini , tr-'in 75 • p-.-r gnll- n !■• $1.50; 12 IIKIIHIM I'lMud-; HI • >«II iiiuK>r'»ri..u -i.eir. Mini P- r' «IIIH. trmn $2 50 :<> #3 50 pr i» I >■ ; »!«'> th.- lrt.»i. mm --» •-!. . whu>nii-» t« » f--t > h.'tn-alt* CBI .T ~. i I r sp ci«i pi ice lif-tK at. A AN OKI (OS- EX. ISB Federal ,\ < fci I'n. All orders ti.v until prmi>pil> «i'»-tM 4 ed. V.i . xtra charge tor uuckiug. Telcphutui 549. »- r>r —— •>!»!' J "•' L { JJvJv. J Vjivs LyiliVL! "-is& h r-f rE DISPE\«ARS. AZc,.JS COB. =E.( A "1. m lUFu-HTHSr,. -*M5S»r* PlTTt.oUf»wH, PA. AUfomisof ;>. ti<-.iteanit Cjnp 5. Tit I.' <tS«-|E.ST«FJO Mt-d --% ef ic.uio:> ai« trented lit, tiiio Dis v. .lb ti 'icca -.wly lUt.i'ncd. L>r. &• , . .c!-uieiiilier of tin.- < " ; li je it J'hy . a ul rnd i> tnt' u! test a:.'l most it*n«ed*!>FK:i< LIS. .ni!.j<-'v 'aiat r.iion friventoN ». vous Dfbilitj frome v se.<BiTC m- •at exertion, 'a.i.swi-otionof ymitb.etc., caus iil .ihy-ical and mental r'-. ■ of - ii'-rpy, • . ''.;; ii i hPuntatlsm. anda'.i Ji- :ssoBC» the Skin, i ,1. Unniirv C. n-- lt:u on ■ h.' i stiictt* nuitWi p" i>tVce Uuurs. 9to ~■ 7to 8 t'."si.; Snmljya, 2t04 v. <nlv. !at oiMrc or art.livsf- I'f 5 . J. A WE, 'ft- MTii't AJiDiTHSI'.-I'tTTPiitJ libit Vj W.L. DOUGLAS fio IS THE BEST. •#FSWIm FIT FOR A KING. 3. CORDOVAN, A& % FRENCH A EWAMtaEDCAUr. £% s 3SPFINEC>\Lf&f(.«GARI» $ POLICE,3 SOLES. G* XS J*L I 'EXTRA FINS' EOYS'SCHKLSHOEI MSr' Jr LADIES* TBOTT W'\fl SEND FOR CATALOGUE UUIW ' BROCKTON,MASS. Over One Million People wear the W. Lo Douglas $3 & $4 Slices All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the ironey. They equal custom (hoea in style .nd fit. Their wearing qualities are unsuipassed. The prices are uniform,— stairped on sole. Fmi $i ti over other mskes. If your deakr cannot supply you we can. Sold by A LhX \ S DhH A l»OU IT, V\ HtlEbT WN. p ■/ */Is'i America for oh A ic ' " ■ ' '• <f -ii-liiite a !i ea.l \ f/f/ tmn >..rc-!r-'ilaif^ i {/ adJr€i3 \ SSON'S. Pi FTSBURG. pA-X CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? for a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to 111 I NN «fc CO., who have bad nearly fifty years' experience In tlie patent huainess. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and bow to ob tain tbern sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive Secial notice In the Scientific Amerirnn, and us are brou«ht widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, , issued »reekly. elegantly illustrated, has bv far the largest circulation of any scientific work iu the i world. S3 a vear. Sample conies sent free. Building Edition, monthly. $2.50 a year, tingle copies, *2.> cents. Every number contains beau- j tiful plates, in colors, and protographs of new houses, with nians, enabling Guilders to show tho latest deslgnraad secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO., >'fcw YOKK. 301 BROADWAY. Pl'i r 3^ W- • r^iiES Il rSs s JJf w \il l \>V.•» • - • » • -v » > ; -"Z and .llnclnie: m«!«i i 'i;- '; '• ' • ' rsl'-litKj. 1/ itlunca to C' i• Irjitf . Itmnr f r : r?*«»trudc, v ttlvh - C •ura, s < luff •nd birr 'I:-. - ttSMt i EWIS' S8 % LYE 2|% 5 s^r:ziz2 T<a (i'jiTLSTsmD) WI-*pni*Bt T y© IK'SfTA nia/'o. I' : c Lye. It tclTi* /A j duo P«-w ; r park«Ml la aeon wi:ii iiu. lL * cont*»nta Jfj&r- arc Always i ady f"r u c e. Win JKS¥ tho *>#l(l I'erfumed l.ard la CO Eninu.'-te D.sbuut boilins. HKSf It is tt » t>r*t fiTclranslug waatt, £s2? ■ | S iILT SS'FO CO "?3: •-» -.. «- -■ PMla., H I ! •n n •• I j MH AN I'LESS* iIEAVh ( ITHE I rmr»* « Hnnve f'urp that will enr»* ant (•«»• .if ni--ivi'«ui nnrwii in Inrtv d»vß, il««d «'i'<'nl!ii|i r.. dnv<-rn>n». mid if if drips whwi I claim tor it, I "ill rciuud rht- it'.iouiji p»i«l itud no chargfß will l»»- m>td» f"r iOf ire»riut-tit. Ttl* fo|l>>«"in|j 'cHiiii niiiiiln art* rhH prtmf of the iU»-dii-int<r power t<> curn: A J MCI'ASHLKSS. BuUtr, Pi.., lhS) i \1 R .1. MCCANIILBSS: On •h« 2-i.l U> "it \pril. ISO 2. I com i J "" ■"—» 'hat >ml Hit- hvtivt-e VMJ l>««t mil I liflllt-ll 11. U>f >|if 111. IH'il J* t'.M .limit turn davxand the did «•>! ht.M any Kipisofa rerun* <>f rllem. It 1* « tki.out, a . e»r ~ii..-M I tjuir uivin th. iii'-dAi'Mi.- and tin- hur-H tins tiev«*r Howe.' | Ml »i|Cus ot lUMVttn. n d i t'ei l that h*- i* properly I'ureit W 0. CBISWKI.L F.rjtliT. PH., April 3. iBSEi. A J. MCI ASI LR.S.S. I h»ve utiwl your Heuve Oun- and f.ran ' it will do the work it used aioirdu|t lo di r.'Ctionw Your* nulv. J R MC.MXLL;N Wants To Cioss Out. C. E, Miller, at the New Shoe Store is goi g to close out all his Winter goods regardless of CDSt. Men's good solid Boots, Tap Sole, at I 45; Men's Working Shoes go at fc!Bc; Men's Sewed Army Siioes 94c; Men's Crtole Congress Shoe 94c; Men's fine Shoes 95, 1 00 and 1 25; For 89c will sell you a good solid grain Button Shoe, all sizes 3 to S; Ladies fine Kid B'ltton Shoe in Opera Toe or Common Sense 94c; Mens Wool Boots and Overs 1 75; Mens Overs for Felt Boots 98c; Ladies Rubbers go at 24c; Misses and Childrens Storm Rub bers 25c. See our I adies Solid Oil grain Button Shoes at 95c reduced front I 40. For thirty days You Can Buy Boots, i: hoes or Rubbers at your own pi ice at The Hew Sboe Stare. C. E. MILLER, 215 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. -?4 Prescriptions i m A Specialty. At Redick's Drug Store. We do not handle anything but part- drugs, nex' time j<>i. are tu ot nitdifii.e pleat-e give us a ">*ll. VVti are tor pure SODA WATER HM we upe onlv pure fruit juices, we >»IBO handle Piris Green, hellebore, ii'STt powder, Loudon purple and .'ibt-r itibeeticiflt-H Het-pectfuliy, J. C. REDICK, Main toHotel Lowry BUTLER, PiV. SPEEDY mad L/ "TIWQ RE6T3XTS. ■ (■af)lS.'~SSt£r ••"J M (njn, U y iojunoui substance. M U?«« AMCWW KOTOS. W* GU4RANT4E • CURE «r refund ywr MOM*. Clearance Sale AT D. T. PAPES, GREAT BARGAINS TO BE IIAD NOW. 122 S. Main St., BUTLER. | Respected Reader:- I Tn presenting for your careful consid eration our advertisement of Whiskies, Wines and Liquors, we have no desire to tresspass upon voui individual opinions and beliefs; but the unanimous verdict of physi cian> of all schools "chat pure whiskey is the best stimulant known to Materia Med ica" impelis us in teiiing you how and where you can purchase not only pure whiskey, but where you may obtain the BEST and PUREST liquors generally, either for medi cal or social purposes. As a necessary stimulant, puie whiskey is an absolute necessity, especi ally so at this season of the year. Its tim :ly use counteracts the ill ef fect of climatic changes on the system, and it is invt!u,tbe "to sustain Cie flagging powers of life i disease" as stated over the signature of one of our most eminent physicians, (see page 13 of our catalogue). At this time ot the year t.>r.-, the good house-wite is bant on serving "good cheer" f.»r the Holidays, ,tnd hat indeed would the Christmas Dinner be without its Pudding flavored with rum? its Mince Pie without Brandy? while the hot, smoking Punch and the steaming [Y.iuy must not be forgotten tor they are al! a pari of Christmas and the glad new Year. Then t JO. friends mu.-.t not be forgotten, and there is nothing more acceptable as a Christmas offering than a bottle of fine whiskey or wine. Read over our catalogue, Which Will be Mailed Free on Application, Carefully, and be assured that oar ea. iest oflfort will be to pie re vou and to give you the very best li pi <rs, all guara iteed t 1 be perfectly pure. Thanking yon f->r past favors, and trusting to b; fivore I with your Holiday order, we are Yours very respectfully, MAX KLEXH. Distiller, Importer and Wholesale LIQUOR dkasj:ll, 1 o 82 Pid i? \i. . i. i ?1/ To avoid the rush of orders at the Holiday seasan, w; would ask you to kindly send in your order at as early a date as possible t'< enab'e us to exercise due care in the selection an i ; ;icking >f liquors. M !.C)!?KN r ll IA I , Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 03 Ferry St , - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialt> Trial orders solicited. One Square Bel > v Jii n> 1 1 I i*ke A WINTER'S EHTERTAiHiai! GREAT VALUE W FOR" *Ol IHi 0 D iITTLE MO \EY FO : A -IE FL .. 1 Th 9 New YorkY/sa: /ribio, u « H-\ : • or I ni;«" Stat m. It i*» NATIONAL F MILY FAi FR <<l v* > - 1 *. r the United SUU*» It in* <»l t. —ij ' » lv '■> ' • h ! A TURAL iMmrtineur htin no i-tii'i ri"i !• | .JAR K ' '.kPO&TS •id hii'l" rilj <'• n-"" «n• - ' E r -i\ 1 Y CiRCCE OUR YOUNG FOLKS ana SCIRtfC AliD ME' PANICS ... HOME AND BOtlisi'i'Y »-«iumii» H'UiU'«ni jj «J *j.o <1 Its n<*uer»l political urWM, editorial* »no dii-cui'xicßx t>tt. c« o.pri?t<rL<ov»:, and exhaustive. A SPECIAL CONTRACT le* gk t<.. tier ttin »pieiidiu journal #Ltl THE CITIZEN'' i-r ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 SO CASH IN ALVANCE. (The regular t>obxcriptinn for th«> two paper* i* $2 50.) 6UBBCUIPTIOS6 VAY b£GIK AT aKY TIME. Addrees all orders to - - - "T HE CITIZEN Writ# yoor o>me and arid'eM <>d a pn*'al t*ard, « r, rid it, to G**m. W. R.>om 2. Trihun* B N « Y>-k Pit« unit ...i/n il«* poov of TifE NEW YORK WEEKLY TKIaUSE «0.l iuai>d to you
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers