C. T. 1895 JAHDARY 1895 CLEARANCE * SALE! Here's a chance for the shrewd spot cash buy er to secure high grade fur niture at lower prices than others quote you on inferior goods. All odd stock will be placed on the first floor of our store and offered at such remark ably low prices that it will soon be sold. We quote a few prices as follows: A Nice Sideboard $lO, former price, sls. Two patterns Decorated Dishes.. 10, " " !5- A few bedroom Suits, Ant. Oak .35, " " s°- Library and Office Chairs 5, " " IO - Library and Office Chairs 3.50 " " 7- Dining room Chairs, per set 15, " " 3°- Rocking Chairs 5- " " 7 to IO - All PARLOR GOODS shown on the first floor will be sold at 1-2 oft —at one-half the former price. Above Prices for spot cash only. CAHPIELL & TEMFLETDN BUTLER, PA. Bickers Great Sample and Grand Clearance Sale of a Large Stock of Boots and Shoes. Having purchased two complete sets of Sample Boots and Shoes at a greatly reduced price from leading manufactures together wjth a big stock of high grade footwear which I have picked out of Stock and placed on our Bargain Counters, to be sold during the next two weeks, at less than half their real value, will place on record one ot the greatest slaughters in Boots and Shoes ever known of in Butler County, and EVERY Man, Woman or Child who attends this great great reduction sale will not only be a regular customer of ours in the future, but will show the shoes to their neighbor—So well pleas ed with the bargain they received at BICKELS that the neighbor will be a customer also. NOTE THE PRICES. I lot Mens fine Sample Shoes regular price $4 go at $2 1 lot Mens Working Shoes " " 250 " 125 1 lot Boy's Fine Shoes " " 2 75 1 5° j ,1 <1 « «« " " 200 " 100 I lot Ladies Hand Turns—Sizes 2\ to 4, all widths regular price $3 50 and 4 00 2 00 1 lot Ladies heavy sole dress shoes regular price 300 " 175 1 lot ladies fine shoes at $1 00. Inlants shoes 1 scents. 1 lot Misses and Childrens school shoes, 75 c * s * Misses fine dress shoes $ 1 00. I lot mens box-toe boots, sizes broken at $2 50 I lot Boys Kid Boots Double-sole and tap at $1 25, sizes 1 to 5 50 pair mens storm king boots (hip boots) all No. 10 and 11 regular price $4 00 go at $2 00. 75 pair mens short Boots (rubber) regular price $2 50 go a * $' *"s> sizes 10 and 11. 100 pairs ladies gum boots go at $1 25. 500 pairs ladies fine specialties, rubbers in heel and spring, worth 50c go at 35c. Full stock of mens and boys felt boots —ladies and mens arctics and alaskas—also ladies felt and warm lined shoes —Boots and shoes made to order —Repairing neatly done —Shoemakers supplies ot all kinds. Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. Large and complete stock of rubber goods, at reduced prices. Whrn in need of anything in my line give me a call. JOHN BICKEL, 128 8. MAIN Bt. Butler. 1 " - 1 - " Jewelry-Silverware--Clocks. Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 pe txmt by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No, 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block. Sif,a of Electric Bell and Clock. ; All are Respectfully Inviter' ■—"Remember our Repairing Departmeni— 2o years Experience."— J. S. YOCJNG. WM. COOPER M, Buy a Buggy that's reliable when you Fredonia Buggies Lave r/er)ihing in their favor—beauty, stability, ease. You can fin'', ihis out by 100 l .:ig at 'em. Yotir dtalei sells them I ta* Wfredonia MFG. CO„ Yoimgstowa, O. mLM j Are a symptom of Jaundice, Dyspepsia,Constipation.Bil liousness, Liver Complaint. DR. BAXTER'S MANDRAKE (BITTERS will cure the disease and re move yellowness from skin and eyes. Warrantee to cure. Sold everywhere at cts. per bottle, —P—~IWTII"1 —TTmi ill' TTT T J for sale by J. C. Redick HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphrey** Specifies are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for years tn prlT*te practice and for over thirty jean by *>e people with entire success. Every single Spectflc a special cure for %be disease named. They cure without drupjrtnK, roaring or reducing the system and are in fact and deed the ereico Remedies of the World. rrm. I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.. Mr- Worm-. Worm Fever, Worm Colic Mi 3-Tretfciue; Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .23 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 7—( ought. Colds, Bronchitis .25 8— Neuralgia, Toothache, Faccache .25 9—Headaches, Sl< k Headac he, Vertigo.. .25 10—Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation. .25 11—HappreMsrd or Painful Period* .25 tM— Whites* Too Profuse Periods ... 25 13—CrooD, Larvngitin, 14—Halt iihcam, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 15— Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains .25 16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague. .25 19—Catarrh. Inline nza. Cold in the Head. .25 20—Whooping Coagh »25 27—Kidney I>i*eß«es *25 liß— Xervosti Debility 1.00 30—Urinary Weakness -25 34—Sore Throat, <«u.ncy, Ulcerated Throat .25 HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL, "The Pile Ointment."—Trial Size, 25 Cts. 801 l by Dmcrlfta, or gent prtp«t4 on receipt of prU*. Dr. fiL'MPHud' Ba.tcal i«« |M(«, mhi tu »*rr HIiriiKKTh'BFD.iO., 11l A 112 WUfiaai :L, XtW YOU. SPECIFICS. swr/i SI maw im.:Rvi«smsnk)i'<>i v/yw, Mild Tn a Fine. \ [I \nL IMIK'JJk T mUO C:&*Ai i SuXISSWt ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CICARETTE Ha* stood the Test of Time MORE SOLO THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED S fOB CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON, S THE CURES CANCER, ECZEMA, TETTER 5 BLOOD ips Bpeasti \\\ )j( U) Friend" . Is tht greatest blcwing . <£, ever offered child-bearing wo-<;> <2}man. I have been a mid-wife .jl Ji'for many years, and in each 'tJ <f'case where "Motiieiw' Fkiend" t'j was used it accomplished won- J '5 ■ ders and relieved much suffer- 'ij rising of the Breast known ,'!jj and worth the price for that {r J f alone. Mrs. M. M. Bkewbter, (ij Montgomery, Ala. Hent t»y Kxprenn or Mail, on receipt of C-V TT f»i|es - d by all !>.-of- <-! i * Kiutn hook To Mother* " malted free. I>f \ < | FOR PURE RYfc Whiskeys Wine*, hrnndieF, (ilns, &c., try Robt. Lewin, 130 Water St., (o|ipo«>tc« 1!. AO. Depot.) All (joodH, incluiliag C. 0. 1). ordnrH. necnrely packed mid whipped promptly Expren* ehiirjft'H prepaid on all orders ot #IO.OO or over. (irandfather's Choice, Guaranteed 15 years old. $2.00 per (jal Try it at once.^You will alwajH keep it on hand. "A Gentleman, r scholar anil a Jadg'- of go* ~ 1» often applied M bale fellow h, well iiu t." < Old Kxport will j !»*Ufc'« under Iho mo.it rigid tint. Jt guaranteed 8y«-irHoM t free fm all funel oils find n<l til tern (lon Hinooth, and a «21 li«j taor f< cither nodal or me<l .< Inal i m Full Quarts, $1.00; Six Quarts, $5.0 > Mall and ExpretH ordei. hhipj erl tlieflame day a- ne?i. Ed, and wo ptiy chartcM on a] order# of CIO.OO and ov»J r . Jos. FLEMING & SON, 412 MARKET ST., PITTSBUiIG. PA. Complete Price Lilt* ot Winet r a nd Liquori mailtd free. NPHTI.ATIOV lii W ill Stri--' sueceaitully '-arrle:! <>n wltli Uie id of our IMlly <t»rki't l.i-lt'-r an I pampleld oq Hpeetilattoit M;ill" l fr. Our discretion-try npe.-ulatioris Inve |»at<l a monthly |>rofli r.r ts> net to tie- tlou ina'gln Irtvrfltinniiry A-countn a Sp«* titty. Direr wire fro'n our citltces 11 all Western t'nlon 'l'el e!f';ipti Oftt •••, In the I ntle'l A I I. IN FOKMAI ON' FttKK 11.. ilk rerereiMMHw WH.nma.n A CO., Hiock aud ijiiuu lirukcrs UJWttUtvuy, hay/ Xu tk THECITIZEN Thought She Was Wax. There is nothing in this world that per sons dislike more than being made to ap pear ridiculous, and there is nothing easier than to fool persons. I went to a museam twice last week and sat down on the settee by the door of the main hall, next to the wax figare ot the old man reading a program. I settled into a comfortable position, kept perfectly still and waited to see how many persona would mistake me lor a wax figure. Men and women came in the museam and stopped and looked at me. They would look in the catalogue and find the description of the old man reading tho program, but not a line about the young woman sitting near bim. Then the attendant would come up and explain that I was a new figure, just made and put out that afternoon, whereupon the visitors would remark that it was a won derful imitation and walk away. As long as they made no personal com ments I conld stand it very we'l, but Tuesday was the day for the hayseeds, and I bad such a lunny experience wi*h Uucle Jonathan and his wife, after I had tnere souie time, that it nearly up-et me lor the r.-st of ihc afternoon. I could see them as they came ia the door —a tall, rugged man, about 50 years old, with big boots, slouch hat and heavy overcoat faced with bearskin, and a little, dried Up woman,dre*sed inthe finery of some 20 years ago, with sharp gray eyes, and hands knotted from work —a couple to at tract attention anywhere. They began at tne entrance and missed nothing. Present ly they stood direot.'y iu front of me and pei-ped curiously into my faee. I began to be alraid of what was coming I suppose I must bai?e looked at them wilh too natural an interest, for finally Uncle Jonathan said: "say Maria, do I look sick or anything? Do I look as if I was going to have a fev ert" "Why, no, John, what yc ft«kin' me that fer?" she answered, looking anxiously at him. "Nothin, only I wish you would look at them eyes in that figger's head and see il they foller you like they do me." I saw what was coming, and when she looked straight into my eyes I opened them wide and put as much expression in to them as I could. Then with wonder in their faces they walked back and forth in front of me, not taking their eyes off for a moment, I did not move, but let my glonce follow them without wavering. Presently the woman said, turning to her husband, aith a pathetic little quiver in her voice: "I think, John, I'd like to go home Them Aggers is so lilelike, it's almost un canny, and I don't think I want to see any more." By thin time several persons hail gathered around the couple, their act ions attracting more attention than any tning else. I was so interested in keep ing up the deception that I lound no great difficulty in keeping an unmoved counte nance. "i'ouf! VVimmiu is always alraid 01 things!" Uncle Jonathan retorted, with a great show of bravery. "I will ji»t Slow you how silly it is to be scared of only a wax tiger." He took bold of inj arm and started to put hi* band uuder my chin when, still Keep ing my e) es on bis, 1 said in as deep and mechanical a voice as 1 could assume: "Repent and sin no more!" He gave one blood curdling bowl and started on a dead run for the door, bis wile toilowing with trembling limbs. Others became very much excited and fol lowed the couple to the door, and for a lew moments pandemonium reigned. Wben the attendant tried to stop the man be dropped on bin knees and, lifting his clasped hands, said: I'll never touch another diop as long as 1 live. Midler, please let me go! Maria, there, she'll witness what I eay—won't you, Mariaf Ob, Lord, to think I've got 'em so bad 1 see « m tigers talk!" Itclitj' in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "A«w Ureat South American Kidney Cure." l Ills new remo<l> is a great surprise on account ol no exceed.ng promptness in relieving pal-J in the Madder. Kidney, ua< k ana ev'erj part ol the urinary passage* in male or leinale. It relieves retenllou ol water anil pain in passing it almont im mediately, ll you want quick reliet and cure tnis is your remedy. Sold by J. 0. Keuick aruggist Butler I'a. It is Piombitcd by Law. Farmers who have been annoyed by per sons who go s.bout painting advertise incuts on lences and punting bills, will tie interested in the law aflecliiig that mat ter, which we herewith publish It wan passed June 8, 1881, and 18 an follows: •'lf any persou or persons shall, without ihe consent of ibe owner or ownern there 01, willfully daub, paint advertisements, paste placards upon, or otherwise del ace the walls of any building or builuingn, house or houses or fenced around yard or j ards connected therein or any lence sur rounding or inclosing any vacant lot or lots, farm or farms, or shall cause the same to be done by others, such offender* shall be guilty ol a misdameanor, and upon con viction be sentenced to pay a tine not ex ceeding *25 and undergo hu imprisonment exceeding .'lO days, or both.or either, at the discretion of the court." The bent way tor the advertiser to reach the people is through the newspapers. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes Iroin horses, blood rpavins, curbs, r-plirits, sweeney, ringbone, stifli-s, sprains nil swollen throats, coughs, etc nave #SO by use id' one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Core ever known. Sold by J. C. Kedick, druggist Butler i'a. —II Li Untg Chang is worth $500,000,000 as reported, it may be that the Emperor ol China, when it comes to paying the Jap anese indemnity, will, in addition to strip ping him of his yellow jacket, and his three-eyed peacock feather, strip him ol hit inside pocket —The name of N. II Downs' still lives ah hough he ha-* been dead ma j years 11 is Elixir tor the cure ol coughs and colds I,as aheady outlived bim a quarter of a centurj, aud is still growing in tavor with the public. —Some people, ponnibly influenced by parly prejudice, declared that Harrison made a better President than Cleveland, and jet Mr. Cleveland baa a record of xhooiiug 04 ducka in one day, while the beat that Mr. Ilarriaon ever dill wax :>'i People Hhould not be HO free to express tbcmat Ives until pogetiHed of auflicient dat> to form an intellifruut and comprehensive opinion. liheumatiam cured in a day—"Myatu cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radii ally cnreij in Ito '.i days. Ite action upon tin* system in remarkable and myaterious It removea at once the caure and tin- die ease iiunjediately disappear*. The i)on* ftreatly benefita. 7;> eta. Sold by .1 ' Itedick, druggiat, Butler. Tho f'amouK Joni'if county calf caae i-t again to the lore. The lowa Supreme Court ha* joat rendered ita aixth decision in this celebrated cane. It began in May 1878, in litigation over the posaeaaion ol a call valued at two dollara, anil haw been in the cojrts ever Mince. It uiay still go on indefinite, an the lant decision of tne lowa Supreme Court waa on but one of the pointa in the caae. The coata ao far amount t<> 92,886.84, exclusive of thouaanda of dollara lor lawyera' feea and other ei peuaee. How to Avoid Colds. Sn much ha- be«*n written aboat cold* in medical paper# that it would seem that nothing new could be said upon the (sub ject. But a writer in the New England Medical Gazette has set forth certain ideas, which, if not new and original, are certain ly suggestive and interesting. The usual practice is when a cold has been contracted to put on more clothing, to take doses of hot drink, to immurse oneself in a close ri> m and wait lor recovery. This is declared to be all wrong, and the writer recommends a treatment diametrically op posed to this. Colds are defined to be a diseased condition of the mucus linings of the body due to over-feeding or to over dressing. When one has caught cold, says this authority, he has simply deprived the skin ot its proper Junction bx. covering it with heavy flanneis, by choking its Dores in a hot room, or by overeating. The writt-r cites the instance ot a family, the member? of which were invariably pro:-- trated with iiifladiiza after dining on roast goose. It is also sial-ed that Benjamin Franklin used to cart a. c< 1 l by taking oli hiscb'tnes and sitting dnwu to read or write for an hour or two in a state of nudiiy. In this Way (he fhiii re-uiueti us natural acuviiy, luluved lUe inauun memuraucs and tau>cd tUe cold U> disappear. Tne rule prer-criued, therefore, is to set up at once u reaction in tne skiu. —A bath and vigorous 'aOOing are tne lir.-t step, at tention to diet is anotner and vigorous ex ercise m tne open air to the point ot p>r -pnatlon i» recoiniuended as tne means < 1 driving away tne most disagreeable coid. Onue cured. iignu-r clolbing and uioie eVt-n lemperalure are prescrioed as pre Ventives ol a recurrence ol the malady. Heirigeratlon is m novel mode oi curing a old, but in this agt ol ne* inventions a-.d rapid progre« in ien.ed:ai agrbtr, Wuo shall say inaL it is not po.-sioie to cure influei'Z-t bv Ire* Zing It Ic oeatDf —lialuiU' re Uerald Drunkenness, t.e Li-juor Habit, Poa iwely Cured oy ad mustering Or. Hi-i&es "Golden j>pcC;i_ : . It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup ol cotlee or tea,or in food, without the kno* ledge ot the patient. It is absolutely harmless. and will altect a permanent an speedy cure, whether the patient is a moo erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It na<- been givi nin tkouaauda ol cases, and it every instauce a perfect cure has followed it never lails. The system once loipregnat ed with tbti [Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility tor tbe liquor appetite to eA Ist. cures guaranteed. 4tt page book 01 particulars Iree. Addrecn, Uolden Speeih< tAi IMo liace St.. i inoiuualti U. Sprained Ankles. From time to time one hears of different means ot caring for sprained ankles, turn ed ankles, twisted wrists, etc., but the way now in vogue, says the Eclectic Medi cial Journal, seems to give better results than any in the past. It is generally within an hour after the accident thai you are called in to see the case Tbe patient is suffering very se verely, and wanting very much to know if "anything is broken." After examining for fracture, order the part to be bathed in extremely hot water, every hour or two, lor a period of fifteen minutes at a time. Have the water just as hot as the patient can bear it. and apply with a sponge or cloth, ratber than allow the ankle to lie in the water. Then dry and let the part rest quietly, wrapped in flannels, when an ap plication ol bamainelis or vera'rum and hamatm is may be mad". Belore retiring apply a flannel bandage lightly around tin- swollen part, -only be ing careful at the circulation is not cut ..fl it is surprising bow the hot applications relieve the pain and produce ..bsorption, and bow the bandage, by pressure, pre vents swelling and inflammation. Hood's S irsaparilla eradicates all liered itar> seriduloUH taints and curt*s scrofula I'ai-e Hood's. l)r Agnew's i'ure lor the !f«art givts p.-rli-c' rebel in nil cases ol Orgauic or Sympathetic Heat Disease iu 30 minates, and speedily r fleets a cure. It is a pe. r lesw remedy f>r I'alpitation, Shortness ot lir<-a b, >iii«tli«*riiiir Spells P'lin in L'-li Sine aud all s}mpt"UiH ol a Diseased Heart One (lose confine s. hold by City Phar macy. —There was one part, of tins great coun try that did not complain ot a 'green Christ mas." The good people along the O egoii division ol the Northern Pacific railroad were engaged that day in trying to shoy 1 themselves Irom uuder eiifht feet of snow that had fallen in live ilajn, and the rail road compaii) was pacing all the men it could get and giving them Christina* mon ey at the rale ol a dollar and u halt an hour for shoveling the snow from its trar ks. ltch on human, mange on horses, dog- aud all stock, cured iu 30 miuutes b) Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Th.s never tails. Sold In J C. Kedick, drug gint, Butler I'a. —The pass to which aflairs had come in New York may be learned from the testimony given by Captain Sctimitt berger of the police who swears that ue collected hundreds of dollars every month trom the saloons, gambling dens and pros titutes for the privilege of running their business seven days in a week, and that even certain Judges <.a the bench stood in with ihe gang aud used their official positions to protect the disorderly houses Not much wonder there was a landslide in the city. —ln case of hard cold nothing will re lieve the breathing *0 quickly as to rub Arnicait Oil Liniment on the chest. —lf anything was needed to confirm the emphatic popular condemnation of the present Administration at Washington it might be found in the correspondence between the Navy Department and Ad miral Walker, concerning his mission to Hawaii last summer. The documents were made public last week at the call of the Senate, and they plainly indicate that President Cleveland and hu Secretary of State have not y> t abandoned their efforts to restore the rotten and half-civilized monarchy in Hawaii. Admiral Walker'/, letters show that the unlriendl." course of the Adiiilui-iration is embarrassing to the Republican (iovemtnent of the islands, and that it encourages British intr gues for its overthrow. No patiiotic American can read the Admiral's dispatches with out a feeling ol deep humiliation and fbane at the pusillanimous attitude the Executive branch of our Government holds toward the Island Republic. All those who have used Baxter's Mandrake Hitters speak very strongl/ in their praise. Tv* cuty-live cents per hot tie till * fc.Tf «rt MICS. local or travel s«? II yv I I* I B to sell inv guarm, I L. Llte.'d VI'IIMKKV STOCK Salary or I'oiiiiulimloii I litttil Weekly. Outfit free. Hpeclal attention irlv..,i lu-ifliiiHTH. Workers uever rail Ufs-'l Wi-cklj wag.rs. Writ** me at once ffir par Oculars. E 0. GRAHAM. Nurseryman Rdchcatcr N. Y. f' I EWIS' 98 * ITE « ?C -17.211 AOT 'T.-mZL B«t3> inimnui % , w'r-ncfataii'l *] -"Mi • :1. •.1 s..»p 1... 11 »..>IIItl«. M -ji n't- :. 1'.rr1..11, mm t..it WW it, K u>ul I alou. UM, (ML 'r, i.V i r' SKA. HALT Hi'll CO mStfi* * 11 LtaLl. 41UU- i'fc DIAMOIVTDS | RINGS. EAR RING*. BCAKF I*DB l * DB - mn £T r*C I GENTS' GOI.D. I VIMKN GOLD. 11 A O ti£a Tl t BENTS' SILVER, ladies CIIaTL.UN. T TT 1 «*T T7» r 13 TT » Gold rtiu. Etr Kings, Rings. J £j W £j La r« X ,«*» IT *."» O TXT A 2."" Tea vn. Castors, Butter l>is les ml Kverytbtas 9X La V ML» JIV Vw Ji Qa; th »•' eao be found in a urst class >'or •.. RODGER BROS. 1874 • KNIVES - FOHK * Triple PLATE. E. GRIEB. jeweler No. 139, North Main St., B JTLER, PA.. ... . .> gf *. j." -- ' The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS. GAS LAMPS FIXTURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS. BATH TUB ENAMEL, etc, is at W ll.Q'Hiien & Noll*B 1O? Kfctst Jefierson street. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES.' GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO Pliillfiiii! AZINEiila BY special arrangement with the publishers we are enabled to offer SCRIBNER'S MAO AZINE for 1695 and a full year's subscription to the BUTLER CITIZEN and N. Y. Weekly Tribune For §4.10 in advance. If purchased separately these per'odicals would cost $5.50, IT IS THE PLAN OF SCR MN ER'S to give its readers next years history of tbe past 25 years in the United S'ates (1869 y5) These years have been unequalled in the history of the world for DatioDal development and material progress. The narrative will be written in a graphic and pic turesque stvle by President Andrews, of Browu University, and capable ar tists will illustrate it. KOBERT GKANT, whose ' Reflection* of a Married Man" will long be rem"m l >ered, has written a eeries of articles on ' The Art of Living," in whirh he sets himself to solve, as fur as such problems can be solved, ques tions which beset everv well to-do family: The Income—The Dwelling— H"U«eh'>ld Expense*—Education of Children Married and Single Life The Summer Problem, etc., etc. Beautifully illustrated. GEORGE MERF.DITH, whom more than one good anthoity has pro uounced the greatest of livinjf novelists, has written a strong serial, "Tho Amazing Marriage." to begin in January. W D. HOWELLS will contribute a novel entitled "The .story of a Play " IN THE LANDOr DUN QU'XOTE will be a wries of three sketches illu-irated by a number of Daniel YiergeV wonderful drawings. SINGLE ARTI 2LES iu great variety have been arrauged for and the il lustrations will be elaborate. SCRIBNER'S KOR 1895 WILL 15E BKTTER THAN EVER. If you desire onlc SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE remit $3 00 to the Publishers:. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 153=157 sth Ave., N. Y. v, P^siA/li "" HAY-FfVEV T j t*m W v.- ! Kl'/h Cream lialmU not a lit/ .•>', snuff or pnnU/. Appli'd into the nogtrilt it it ; _ quickly aJj*/rh, d. It <• un*et t/'.e hcud, alia //* injUimmutinn, healt I C the twrts. l>»<d /»/ <! njqixtit or neat try nwil on Tx-c pt of priri. C 0 3UG ELY BROTHERS. 56 Wa"ea Street HEW YORK. 3lit. Sarony's Li\in<j;' Pictures, A High-class Monthly Magazine of Reproductive Art. Every number is a pnrifol:»»f faM-iuutinply liemiifol pictureK; every picturo rep regents the work »t hm >•• fam<ni-i puiut.er, or i« »n origitial compi-aition liy Hie pr.-.it Sarntiy: in all. the li/nrm are fr.nn living models af'ier pbot.ograpliH by Sarnuy, repro duced with wonderful IM-lity ami eir-ctiveneait. F.ir rtile Ik all newsdealer* at 25 ( 'eiitw n Oopy. fBB.OO a. Y"ear A copy "t Bou«uereaa'rt manterpie"(Japidou tlnj VVaicli," will for the present be aent as a pn iinuiii to evt-ry v early "Uti»criher. A. E. CHAS.HAa &00 Publishers 34 Uaion Square N". Y- SPECIAL NOTICE. Thai I will sell, until 'unlier notice, he lo'lowing goods at the old prices, regard less of the advance ol 20c per gallon tax by the ifoverntrent: A A pure rje. 2y«-ars, $2.00 per gallon; Tippecanoe, 3 \ ears. $2 25; Old Cabinet. 4 years, $2 50 per gal lon; Bridgeport and Thompson's pure rte, 5 \ears, $3 50 per gallon; Finch Golden W Adding, Gibson's, Robinson Co. Bour bon, $4 50 per gallon; Haiinixville, Dough erty, Munneello, 12 years, $3.50 per gallon California wines. dr> and sweet, from 75c p«-r gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct brands my own importation sherry and Port wine, from $2.50 to $3.50 per gallon; also the finest Irish and Scotch whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or send for special price lists at A ANDHIESSEN. 188 Federal street. Allegheny, I'a. All orders by mail promptly attended. No extra charge for pat-king. Telephone 549. DOCTORS LAKE d I'ltl 7 K UISPKNSAKY. luL:'' JS Coil. ?EH' Avr. ANL» FouitTH ST.. PITTSUUROH, PA. L \ AUforuiHOf 1».-licaYoatiil Com r plli'4t»d Uihcn ca rc'iui! inirCos •,l STl4Lftll«l SciKKTinc >!«••!- nation arts trcati'l uf thia Di • «• i. ;i-v with a nr«»ly altJihicd# Dr. 8. K l. i .<• !h •• turmher of I fur K<»y.il C«»!U go ">t I'liy • . . .: .«l Bttrg«*-.j.HH(| bwMOt Icwtnd Dim *x|h i .co<'(id BPKCI/ I'iH* in i!««a city •;»1 at .11 »n giin ii to 8 voiii iU bUlty mmr •• i nu tal o x«*rtlon. inn of youth etc.,rails inj ;»h) 4l< nl an'l mental *'■ rf»v,la<*k of riwrify, i poi. Vncy, et<\; Olii Sol r•, 1* iln, r»U*:«, l.'hrniuafi in, rimlail >'i • ciiof thoSkin, I • , Urinai ' M . lUS« Ccn Itatlon jo; Hi»«l strictly conlWli n*iat Oflli'O hour*, t> to I;> ..«! «toh p. *M.; M ii'l .'J to . only. •.'I al oPlro or i• fi« • • "f I 4' K, ''t •K\'> A* I /kNP i'llibX .I»llTHiit'Kiilf.l'A V ; Mas 1 i" ''./...-o'w. ; r.:.-AL'A,PA. np ■ ' Pii.ES ■ SL •' ? r « T mm nua rt.r otnuM ' 1 ■ unii in ■' «r . ' .•« \« lit ill ... «il mi«t i . - • r «< ry •i >rr. NU V\i O Ni ' .Ititf tndliltr !ief ' « .K u . .. ..(cases rtmovci In c • • • QOSSER'S o # Ckf:A/vl OLYCERiNIi • kai no equal tor chapped kandt 'l|w «»r • i • ' 'I • Is not • xct . • foi iii" I icq 0 after (i - Cents a Lottie. • •oo'oe*»3«c*«j W. L. DOUCLAS <4 cunr isTMCiirr. Oti WllVt NO SOUCAKIN& . W *5. CORDOVAN, >V FRENOIA ENAMELLED CALT M \ FINECALf&I&N6AfIOa IV .JM $ 3.5P POLICE.3 SOLES. A-^IN /JSkfj $2 - $ l- 7 -BOYSSCHOOIiHOa SEND FOR CATALOGUE "VxiTw-L'DOUCLAA, " BROCKTON, MASS. Vou ran *u»e monr; by purehu.lug VV. L. Ilouifln* Whom, llecause, we are the largest manufacturer* of I advertise. 1 shoe* in the world, au<l guarantee the value by stamping the Dame and price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman'* profit* Our shoes ! equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing omililie*. We have them Bold every -1 where atjower price* for the value given than i any other mate. Take :>o substitute. If your | dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by ALKXAKDFSR AC DOUTT, W UITIBTOWN. fjZn) /^*BV^^bss^ FJf IL, /// / ' / { COMJJGEE 0 America for «b-A A "a Ini'au x K v y mJmJ duca W & f/w/ t!«n For circular SA \ (/ </ address <7 PITTSBURQ, PA-F (4. *t ' V ' V** '> T ING RESULTS. . F AT ( « « RT ) («»•«»>} from any injurious subitance. tnln. M LAA'3Z AB::MEIT3 SELUCZD. We GUARANTEE a CURF or refund your money. Prie« H3.00 p«-r bottle. Send 4c for treatise. TKJ'HONT MEDICAL. CO.. lloaLon* SLAW iln * j| ii RRCAVEATSJHADE MARKS^P +%Y COPYRIGHTS.^ CAN I OBTAIN A I'ATESTF For* prompt answer and an poticut opinion, writ* to Hi i;NN Ar I'll., who Imve hud nearly fifty yoar.' I'lperlenco In tlm pii'ent '"l' I '* **■ Communica tion. strictly ennfldmittat. A Handbook or In formation concern tnjr I'nlrnli AND bow to ob. Utln tbera sent free. Alio n catalogue of uiccban ion L nri'S sclent WC hooka sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. rccolva apeclal notloelnthe Scientific A nirrh nn, am! tfiua are brought widely before the public with out coat to the inventor. THLA splendid T»aper. Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated. has bv far the IARDENT circulation of any aclentlflc work In the world. F;| a year. SAMPLE contea aent free. Hulidnig Bdition. monthly. 92.&0 a year. Hlngle routes, rants. Kvery nuiuber contain* beau tiful plates. in colors, and nnotogranha of new houses, with plans, enabllug butidors to show the latest ilHsltrns ana serure contracts. Addresa ML>N & CO.. Nlh Yoittf. J til BuuibWiT. PEIF'LIRTM SI Zf 'J : J ■ m "■ » ». a ; faun« > Vitl'i. . ! ' ( i 'Y.N.Y CURES |JC NI TII lon GRAND DISPLAY OF HOLIDAY GOODS Something for the MOTHER, the FATHER, the LOVER, the GIRL, the BOY and the BABY. Something for the PEXNY, the DIME, the QUARTER, the HALF and and the DOLLAR. Our Store is Full of Big=Hearted Bargains! You can't do better than buy your HOLIDAY GOODS AT D. T. PAPE'S, P. S.—Our fine line of Millinery is redufled 25 per cent. Respected Reader:- £ In presenting for your careful consid eration our advertisement of Whiskies, 5 Wines and Liquors, we have no desire to a tresspass upon your individual opinions and # beliefs; but the unanimous verdict of physi cians ot all schools "that puu whiskey is J the bust stimulant known to Materia Med- S iea" 1 mpells us in telling you how and where # you can purchase not only pure whiskey, # but where you maj obtain the BKST and £ PUREST liquors generally, either for medi ? ca! or social purposes. As a necessary X stimulant, pure whiskey is an absolute # necessity, especially so at this season of the # year. Its timely use counteracts the ill ef- J feet of climatic changes 011 the system, and 5 it is invaluable "to sustain the flagging 4 powers of life in disease" as stated over J the signature of one of our most eminent # physicians, (see page 13 of our catalogue). ? At this time of the year too, the good £ house-wife is bent on serving "good cheer" i for the Holidays, and what indeed would the # Christmas Dinner be without its Pudding ' flavored with rum? its Mince Fie without \ Brandy? while the hot, smoking Punch and 5 the steaming Toddy must not be forgotten 4 for they are all a part of Christmas and the # glad new Year. # Then too, friends must not be forgotten, 5 and there is nothing more acceptable as a 4 Christmas offering than a bottle of fine 1 whiskey or wine. Read over our catalogue, Which Will be Mailed Free on Application, # Carefully, and be assured that our earnest W oflort will be to please you and tc ' J the very best liquors, all guaranl 4 to »j X perfectly pure. a Thanking you for past favors, and f trusting to be favored with your Ho i; ■> J order, we are * 5 Yours very respectfully, MAX KLEIN. Distiller, Importer and Mliolesale LIQUOR DEALER, Vo 82 Federal t.. illiegh my, Pa To avoid the rush of orders at the Holiday seasan, we would ask you to kindly send in your order at as early a date as possible to enable us to exercise due care in the selection and packing of liquors. M LIOSKJNTHAB Wholesale Liquor Dealer, JO3 Ferry St., - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Vlarke A WINTER S ENTERTAINMENT! GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NEWS FOR OF THE WORLD LITTLE MONEY. FOR A TRIFLE. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty pup* j'.ttrnal. i» the IP-KHii* Kepul. !U ,P. family paper of thn UniH»d SMIOH. It IN a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER. < • K'V.-* -.1! TN.- Ari o"i-TTV Unit.,. State* It ,v. i L' • i m - fulfil I', AGRI..UL TURAL <H'»rt h»* • n •• »« 'lit- <• MARKET ■ DP JBTS j r -« f HB FAMI, Y CIRQ LB OUR YOUNG KOLKS SOIBNCK AND MECHANICS i - HOXI AND SOCIETY colutni - f"ii.iron i tin mln irut:. ti f WIVIH »i oil. It* k'eijrrml political u.-wh, .•,iitonn!H HI <1 (tin u«M. lif MB mj.t.-L. DM\ e, nilltHlit, and nxbuußtive. A ST'KCIAL OONTR AO P <' nl. * < flVr tbii* cpkndid journal »ud THE ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 SO CASH IN ADVANCE. ( Th« regular nuWription f-.t th< two >•"*- £O -) sOBsJCttII'TIONS > A V UEGIN AT ANY TIME. 4<ldri-fi« all ord<r» to - - ~ THE CITIZEN. Writ- yoar nan.o «nd ..Idn,*- on a p-Mal .-ard, t-t.d it to 0«»o. W Beit. R-oin 2 Tnh.itM* B il'ltDif N-" Y'-'k OiU and xamt.le c-»pv of THE NEW TORS WEEKLY TRIBUNE will bt* mailed to you.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers