\ Business \ Bringers. > Special China Sale J 5 at 5 I New Tariff Prices I .«■ jf' \ f v ,? Tr : -'7r r *' « '?'•'?> :• ••• / 5 { I f . I 5 \ # i 1 Bringer t is a decorated DINNKR SLT J 5 INO. I » * of ioo pieces at 2 #++ + £ J Is a decorated DINNER ShT j S \r of ioo pieces that we sold last r I No. 2 . . month ; t SIS . | J» . PRICE now . .• • sio. J ![ ++ + " | (• Is the last, but best value of all. 5 £ THINK ioo pieces best # INO. 3 ' * White Semi- Porclain, warranted f for years, at $6.50. • j! NEW PATTERNS IN A S 0 CARLSBAD CHINA DINNER ShrS IN J DECORATED DI N- PLAIN WHITE AND J NER SETS. DECORATED. # ji f>nPBELL Tehpleton. \ j| ——— MARTINCOURT & CO'S CARD! Call at our establishment- at I 2<S hast Jefferson Street and get one. Corel Number * T U>. (J Name 1 IF THIS OARI) contain* tlit> lucky o'inili'r ilra* üby l»t -»t <><ir *'" r - v h ' l - J"' IBl>s tb« holder, ,1 a K«nikiii»ri. will recnivu » Uc.ntiliil m»'i > S«l.ll« f.n>\U-. if a l*dy, u> l*die*'B«ddl« »nd liridta, «ml the second lucky number, <tnt> »t l-.' CbttHfl i K«>od Plu.h llol>t;K „ , „ . , It COHIH nothing t.. K«t » c*rd. nor f-r th • cbunw Y-.u i,»v« « h^'1 with every «th«r p-r«»n t» g«t th- prize l-r «»>•» n-nr. >-.1 *r« «•.». x*k> ■•• <» '» thine Hut ir you w»ut »u>ihitiit ihi" <-.u.l will.• .title y«Miit" » retlur. 11<•> •> • ■ on nil ariiclen you buy »t r-l i'l from in >r.i r . 1 IM.M, _("* Everybody over 10 year* ><ld wn »tft » <-i»til oy n4:niii b-r it *inl #rt wjf ■< nitiiiu and poitfoffice in n l««>k have prepared l<>r th.»i purpose No di*cotiot uti »aien iert than one dollar. Sb Martinconrt, 5 # g. Martincourt & Co., J M Leigbner. lliH K. .lefferwwii SI. Huller The Largest Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Our Line in the State. p • The plart: lo buy GAS COOKING STOVES />ND HURNER OA i. ,• i FIXTURES, HOSE, WATER i ii.l I.KS. i'.ATH TUB \ MCI.. rtc. is ;»i v • W b 11. O'Hrien At Non'w 1 07 J-CuHt .lelferson Hlreet. OW- * HAY- FEVi:» % JVm 1 COLD : °HE MM K r !/'i Cream JhlLm u not a hrj•<'!', *n>/Ji VT jfirm / A/i/iOfl into lbs. nonlri's it It _ tpitrklp nhn'tr'.H<i. // urifi th' /■■•ml. all'iyt, i»flomin«tt»n. hniU Cft lit n-yrrn A"?'/'. I.wmlitn urni hy uti 3UC Ely BROTHERS. 56 Wa rr en Street NEW YORK. 3UI "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO mum Are a symptom of Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation. Bil iousness, Liver Complaint. DR. BAXTER'B MANDRAKE BITTERS will cure the disease and re move yellowness from skin and eves. Warrantee to cure. Sold everywhere at 25 ct*. per bottle, for sale by J. C. lledick HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys Witclx Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PII.ES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding— Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate -cure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds ami Ulceration and Contraction from Bums. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RHM m, Tetters, Scurfy Eruption-, Chapped I land-. Fever Blisters, Sore IJp> or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., s<>t. and SI.OO. Sold bj Dni(tßHt»,cr wm pott-paid on receiptof priw -111 armttk'a»o. 10., nuiu«uiu»at.,v~k. WITCH HAZEL OIL Kotfeifis; #n Mnrtli Will JT % LIKE Siifiklflp's Condition Powder! 1 r.EF'S * yUR CHICKENS • r . , w ' . k;i/ , F rcvents all Disease. 1 Mofiltiuy Ilenw. , .} ~,1. ~ ..,«•» »! >r».U In«|U*iV ,» ... >«. .-iner onr-fourth i ..• "OM Ittiv' - <-an luivwl me j iv '' one ciwtomer. , < 4!i i U lend to »». • 1 A2l 4'h «-»r. fl 20. Blx f /fry lUii-hta Culd*. price »r more. Sample -,» i* : --nt ft V f . f<o«ton. lU*s. I'll ''Mi 0| Running | | Cures ji 1 the Serpent's | 2 Sting. CpNJJG'OUS ft BLOOD POlSOrf X r >?A\ II iifiilini; power* It re- [if JI mofei the prilwxi nrirl f.ulld* nyncm JJJ [( fft. H g SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, Atlanta. <".» I'Motiiers' 1 i! Friend"-' 1 | Makes GHILD BIRTH lm. | 21 COLVIN, LA., Dec. 2,18X6. %My wife used 'MOTHERS' j3| Sr FRIEND" before Iter tliii >1 con-' jg! fmenient, and says she would be without it for hundreds of dol-jg lars.—DOCK MII.LS. S; I S<-nt by e*pre#» or mall, 011 receipt]S 5S ;»r j>rlc<\ II per liotil<- lioulc '"ln 'jz; I MOTfIKIiH" mallei) free. Sold by still j UrufgiHW. ,35 ' BRADFIRLD REGULATOR CO.. § Atlanta, <ia. A Xina.s I'resent ...FREE... During the month of Kecember -v will lireM-nt u> every purcliaKiT KKKIi a bottl* of I'me wine and our new calender. KOl Pure Rye WHISKIES, Wires, Brandies, Gin, Etc., TRY Robt. Lewin, I.'Mi Water St.. (Oppose H. AO. K. pot.) All ifoixU. innltutiofc (* 0, I' ord-m, aecurely packed ami ktdpped promptly Kiort-MM chartii!.< prepaid on all order* ot $lO 00 or over Our (iilioon, !■'iijch. (juckonheimer und Overlioll Wliinkie* nr.; warranted Htrietlv pure, an wo do not rectify, and are the only in I'itUbiirß thai do not. LOOK AT THE PEG E>i;KORE you hung up your hut, look at the label before you huy whiff key. Wo'vo #ot yeans of reputation buck of that label, The quality of Old Rxiwrt \Vhl«k**y HiiNtalriH our daltuato tlio letter. incriminating and fair i()lii'!« r<»!k« claim that It In an artli 1«) »«ure # smooth, palatable, and perfectly safo for all Modi iiifi!. Social or Family j»urp<M-/ Full Quarts, SI.OO ; Six Quarts, $5.00. Mall and Kxpremt orderi MNLPPOTL tho NAM® day ON r«- rolvml, ivnd we |»ny ehargen on ;ill on!"!••< «>f 110.00 und over. Jos. \ : LHMING Sc SON, 412 MARKET ST., PITTSBURQ. PA, Compi' t f'n ti <>S -v nci^ndLiiuortmailcdfrM Bf&KDY mud L* ".VINO RESULTS. /■KNFAT people^ ■ m-i »*♦ 1 *«0 Incotwrmrnce- Simple, M AISCLtTTILT TEE I a ~ f l from wiy uijunou* LA.'a I AJSOIOin ESDCCI3. We CUARANTcE « CURE or refund your money. Prli n is,(lO|iFrl><)tll«. Send 4c tor lre»(i»«- rUJiJJONX HKDIVAh CO 4, VvfCoD, KM. THE CITIZEN Capturing Sons-in-law. A fond mother tells tow she married off her mx daugnters. "I did it," she says, "with the frying pan,"a cozy fire and cushioned chairs. There, now, you have the whole story. | confessed the lady. "I would have every one of those girls on uiy hands this minute if I hadn't found : them husbands out of my cookery book, j Despising an old maid as I do a smoky [ chimney, when my eldest girl was full grown I turned right and left lor some | means of marrying her. Mary was neither very handsome nor very lively, so I knew better tban to trust to luck. So I just set to work and determined upon a plan that has never miscarried with any of them. All my life I have made close observa tions of men's ways, and have heard great stories of the happy results of feeding the sex. So I looked carefully over the field and picked out a pltasant thriving young fellow, whose habits were good and his heart whole. I began by asking him in a friendly manner to call. Then I led the conversation around to his mother, the way he had been matured and what he most cared to eat in general I never missed a word, and after the first visit we got him to drop into tea on Sunday even ing. Then, you may be sure, I did my best; and when the second meal was over 1 knew the i'earning of that man's appetite better than he did himself. My calculations seemed to believe it best to stare toward the close of the year. Spring is no good. A man loves ail wo mankind at that seaKon; his appetite is slight. Iu my experience, courtship start ed in November loads, as a rule, to a wed ding in May. Of course, my chief reliance is in tempting food, but I would always advice supporting the liberal table with a big, comfortable rocking-chair, drawn fac ing a cheerful lire. Speak of it as "his chair," and you won't make any mistake. Another thing, don't be too pressing. A steady eye and a light hand ccunt more than nagging. I wa l always careful not to gush, but if I had apple fritters on Tues day I apologized for their poorness, and begged him to drop in on Thursday and let Mary redeem her mother's reputation with some particularly appetising dish. In the evenings I had her trained to sit under the big lamp, and either darn socks or hem dusters. When we spoke of her I said I uembled at the awful blow it would be for us if she should marry and go away. This kind of tbiug was kept up till Febru rr) 1, wnen my gentleman began to feel easy and snug, like one of the family. Then came the delicate moment, for just at this point I would introduce some silly dandy that neither I nor Msry would have looked at. But I coddled the youngster, had him to tea on the same night as regu lar, and waited to see what would happen. The ruse always succeeded. He and Mary would come blushing to ask if they might have each other, and while they made up in the parlor I looked up my cookery book to see my way to another »on-iu-law." Heart Diseone Relieved in 30 Hutu Its. Dr. Aguiiw's Cure lor the Hiart gives perfect relief iu all caxes of Organic or Sympathetic Heat Disease iu 30 uiiuutes, nod speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy I'.ir Palpitation, Sbortuess of Urrath, Smothering Spells, i'aiu iu Lett Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart One dose convinces. .Sold by City Phar macy. A Lesson in Geography. When General Leu and bis army fled from Petersburg to Appomattox, Sheridan ccm minded the advance of Grant*' army. On tile moruing of April 7, the rebel forces were all on the north side of the Appomat- I to*, but the I'nion troops Aere clone at | their heels. In this state of affairs, General Sheridan stopped at a farm house near Prospect station, and tying his horse, entered the I yard. There sat on the piazza a i) pical southern j planter, with long siraiglit hair, a swallow tailed coat, bull waist-c >at, nankeen pant aloons ami morocco slippers. He boaid stiffly to (ienerl .Sheridan, who nodded in a careless manner and sat down on the steps to study'his maps. Presently he looked up mid a»kei!: "Have jou seen any of Lee's troops about hero to day f "Sir, as I cau truly say that none have been seen l>y me, I will siy so; but, if I bad seen any, 1 shauld feel it my duty to reluse to answer your question," auiwered the planter naugthily. " I cannot give you any information whicn might work to the di'adrantage of General Lee." The general, with a little vhtatle of mir prise, puffed away at his cigar and coutin ued to itudy his map. In a lew minutes he looked up again and asked: ''iliiw lar in it ti> liutr*!<> riv-rf "Sir, I don't know." "The yon don't How long have you lived herefexclamed Sheridan. "All my lite." "Very well, air, it'a time yon did know! Caotain put thin mau'in charge of & guard aud walk In in down to Buflalo rivnr mid allow it to hiuj?" And lor Inn couiteay the gentleman of the old ruihool had the pleaanro of tramping five miles through the mud to gnae on the turbulent tide of tbo Buffalo river. Don't antler with indigestion, uae Bax ter's Mandrake Hittera. A I'itiaburg woman aet aonie polish for a hard-wood floor in the atore. The poliah exploded, aud acalded her to death. —Tne reason why Arnica <t Oil Liiument ia HO popular with the ladiea ia becauae it not only ia very healing and aoothiug but it* odor ia not at ail offensive. —There ia a scheme in vogue lu Middle port, which it would seem, might very profj itablv be tried anywhere. Once each year a local auctioneer seti apart a day upon which be will sell for the townspeople any thing which they may wiah to dispoae of The rea'ilt ia a very large number of miscel laneous articlea which change handa gener ally to the gratification of both fir«t and second ownera. The auctioneer ia paid a percentage upon hi a «ale» .inch a aale *!- l'i»a p«opli- m uuload the contenta of allies and back woodaheda of the articlea aliau- I ill Iv uaele-a to them, and yet which prove very serviceable to other people. —Kheutnarinn cured in a <lay —"Mystic enre" for rheumatism anil neuralgia, radio illy cure* in Ito :i daya. Ita action upon the system n remarkable and mysterious II reniovea at once the cause and the di <- . are immediate!} disappears. The lirat din- ifri at.lv benefits 7,> eta. Hold by J <1 Ifedick, druggist. fiutler. He's Dead at Present. Julian Csusar was considered a great liiun, and HO hit wan. Hut he had hia limi tations, aud aome unknown writer givea a lew iliuat. atioiiK He never rode on a 'bun in bia life; lie never spoke into a telephone; he never sent a telegram; he never entered a railway train; he never read a ncwapaper; he never viewed hia troopa through a field glasa; he n«ver read an advertisement; ho never nse.i patent medicine; he never cor nered the wheat market; he never oroaaed the Atlantic; lie never wan in a machine shop; he never went to a rollor skate rink; lie never controlled a manufacturing com pany; ho never dictated a letter to a type writer girl; be never invested iu railway stock; he never played a game of billiards; he never Haw an electric light; he never liatened to a phonograph; he never posted a letter; aud he never had hi* photograph takvn. Pussy Captures an Eagle. Charles Wiswell, of Carbonate, Lawreme county, S. I) , ha- a cat that is king of in kind. Beside* being a good mooter, this remarkable feline is death to mountain rats, night hawks and other small fame ; not long ago home as the result of it* prowness a large jack rabbit. But i the most remarkable incident in the cat's history happened a day or two ago. It was an encounter with a full grown bird of freedom, and pnssy was the victor. 1 The cat was sitting on a pile of quartz pa. 'iently awaiting the reappearance of a 1 chipmunk, which but a moment before it \ had chased into a hole, when suddenly the ; sky above the cat became darkened, and an ominous swish as if from a rapidly mov ing body fell upon pussy's ear. The cat sprang aside with a motion so rapid that the eye could scarcely follow it, and in the place it had occupied bat a moment before stood a fall grown bald eagle, its plumage ruffed and thirsting for blood. Pussy had sand and accepted the gage of battle, and in less time than it takes to tell it, ths famous "cat and parrot' time was being re enacted. It was a desperate struggle, and although pussy was pretty badly scratched by the eagle's talons, it, when taking tne initiative in the "fight, secured a decided advantage, having linded on the eagle's back. For a few moment* the air was tilled with far and leathers, and the ground was all torn up, but pussy held on, and iu a short time succeeded in biting through the neck of its antagonist. The struggles of the eagle grew weaker and weaker, and soou ceased altogether, and pussy, exhausod by the violent exertions and sore from wonnds inflicted by the eagle's talons, rested for a moment then, as calm as though silling on a rug before the kitchen hearth, w«nt carefully over the ruffled fur, made its toilet, and, seiz ing the body of the vanished antagonist, drew it with much difficulty to the home of its master. laying it at the master's feet, the cat purred its satisfaction, and in this way boosted of the victory. The combat was wituessed by a numbe of people, every one of whom expressed a desire to buy the cat, but Mr. Wiawell says he would not sell it for the best mine in the Black Hills. The eagle measured six feet four inches from the tip of one wing to that of the other.—St. Paul Pion eer Prtss. Drunkenness, the Liquor Habit, Pos ively Cured Dy adrtmatering Dr. Haines "Ciolden bptchi.:. It is manufactured as a powder, wiiiCb can be given in a glass ot Ueer, a cup of cotlee or lea,or in lood, without the know ledge ol the patient. It is absolutely Harmless, and will allect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or au alcoholic wreck. It ha.- been given in thousands ot cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has folfowed. ii never tails. The system once impregnat ed with Uio specific, it becomes an utter impossibility tor tne liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures giarauieed. 48 page book ol particulars iree. Addrets, Uoldeu Specific Co., IBf> Kaee St.. Uincinuaiii t» About Daubing Fence* and Barm, Farmers who have been annoyed by per sona who goabout painting advertisement* on fences aud punting bills, *'ill bo Inter ested in the In* allocting itml matter, which wn herewith publish. It wan piss ed Jane 8, 1881, and is as follows: " if any person or p •rsotis shall, without the consent «l the owner '* owners thereof, willfully (laub, | -at(jt advertisements or post placards upon, or otherwise deface the walls of any building or building*. house '»r houses or fences around yarn or yards connected therewith, or any fence sur rouuding or iuclosing any vacant iulots, farm or farm*, or shall cause to bn done by others, such offenders sliall lie «uilty of a misdemeanor and npou conviction lie sen tenced to pay a tine not exceeding $25, and undergoing an imprisonment not ex ceeding 30 days, or both, or either, at the discrection of the court" The best way lor the advertiser to reach the people is through Ihe new»p»per«. —Hood's Sarsuparilla has the largest salu of ally uiediciue before the public. 1 ry it. ln an address before the Lancaster county leachers' Institute recently, Attor ney General Hensel advocated the in.ire thorough study of locs I history ami geog raphy. Thit is a most excellent suggestion, anil one that ought to be adopted iu all schools. How many pupils in on' public school* can tell the history of Butler or iiutlwr countj f How in tny Know the area of the oouuty or oilyf Who can tell when and by whom this section was settled? Who is the country named lorf What are the names of the rivers and streams— who named tlieinT What no the names signify? Where did the first settler* oome from? And —but why extend the listf There are a thousand things about our own oouuty's history that are interesting and might be taught with benefit. l'rof. Barrett of Ht. Lawrence county, N. v., speaking of pulmonary diseases, says: Not one death occurs now where tweuty died before Down's Elixir was known. (Ivor fifty years of coustaut suc cess places Down's K|ixir at the head of the long list of cough remedies. The Carnegie nail mill at Beaver Falls was destroyed by lire last Friday evening. Forty horses perished by the firr that burned the stables of the Allegheny Tract ion Co. Thursday night. —"Thore was a man in onr town and he wa* wuuderouii wise, he foil in love with printing ink and began to advertise, and when he found the scheme brought emolu ments galore, he smole a smile in display type and advertised some more." Don't sit in a draught. If you do the doctor will iu all prohabibity be the one to ca*h it. —Serum for the treatment of diphtheria has been obtained so far iu France from old back hor*es The French Government now propose* to give the Pasteur of horses condemned no longer fit for French cav alry service. It take* from *ix to eighteen .Months to prepare a horse to furnish the s-piin u-ed in the latent cure for diphtheria. - • h, .r •iu.«ljr ive u...-um<'ln •< li |.i ' lia*o I • 'j iMMlaaiinitlf uuiviL 1 &)mtl I*. ui. . •'..t tw.i Vilm ol <Uj rsine'tj PftKK to »»>• •> >■• • rsivl. i« -r ./ lisvs consumption ir thrjr w,»5 in*. Itttrl i kl ,>r. mi 4 I'. O. ftil.lrpaa. tip* J.'V t .» T. A. HiAAJ DM. W a I*l MHt N. I L. <J- WICK OKAIKR f* .1011J1 and Worked Lumbei or A KIIfDS Dm.is, Sash, Blinds, MouldiriKS, Shingles and Lmh Always In Stock. I.IME, HAIR AND PLASTKH. <)tfic«, opposite*P. A W.'Depot, RPTIjBK PA ti EWIS' 38 % LYE, L IOTIIE2M un PIITOOD irA TZVTXIt) n»»I * *ST KuJilv™ r ;.V "•* ' Tfninttf iiirt I ji ulilidsl bolllm iV.Vii. i,,«i |r,rti.-..nriu« wi* .1 ika. lumm. tilkH A OALt MTO CO Ma. A4*r.< FbUfcf ffc Selling Out! Oar entire stock of Spring and Summer Foot-wear. We're going to clear out oar stock of Tan Shoes. Every atvle and description of Oxfords will go in the sale A large lot of Ladies Hand Turn Shoes will be sold at about half their real value. To make this sale a complete success, we hare made such prices that You'll be Glad to Buy. Ladies Patent Leather and Dongola Oxfords were SI.OO aod $1 2b to go at 60ct*>. Ladies Vici Kid Oxfords, Square or Poin'ed Patent Tips will go at SI.OO and $1.25, Prices of which were $1.75 and $2 00 Ladies Dongola and Vici Kid Shon were $3.25 at $2 00 per pair. A large lot of McKay sewed and Hand Turned Shoes iu siz«s 24, 3 and pries on which were $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. This entire lot will go at $1 50per pair Misses Dongola Patent Tip Shoes at 85cts per pair Cbildrens Dongola Patent Tip Sb jes at 50ots per pair Mens $2 00 Tan Shoes at $1.25 per pair Mens Pioadilly in Tan Shoes were $2.50 per pair will goat sl.l-0 So on throughout our entire stock of Summer Footwear. Goods will be cold without reserve at les-- than the cont of their making. Call and see these Bargains whether yo i wi.-h to buy or not. Shoe Dealer. AL RUFF. s. Main St. KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, And everything in horse and buggy fur nishing goods—Harness, Collars, Whips, Dusters, Saddles, etc. Also trunks and valises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assortment of 5-A. Horse blankets in town will be found at FRANK KEMPER'S, 124 S. MAIN ST, BUTLER, PA. DIAMONDS aCAKK PINS. STUDS. WATCHES !• (.KJJTS GOLD, I. A 1 >I BS LVKR. LADIKS CHATLAIN. JEWELaT } (,olit Pin*. Kar Kings. n race |et». Etc. ITt*D TIT it U Tea Bets. Castors, Butter fMsbtM and Everythlnt 1 Lj V MUm 1% W ca. £% Km I thai can be tound in a tint clans store.. RODGER BROS. 1874 } K * IVBS FOKK3> sm °T* R W plat*. THE . MrvlCvD, jeweler No. 139,'. North Main St., B JTLEB, PA., Don't Whip the Boys. It is not their fault that their shoes have worn out so soon. You (ltd not get them the right kind. Have you seen our High Cut School Shoe at 75 cents, sl, and $1.25? Try a pair of them and you will have no occasion to whip the boys on account of their shoes. Girls wear out their shoes migh ty fast, too, sometimes, but girls that are wearing our shoes speak very highly of them. The price is moderate, ranging from 75 cts to $1.50. Ladies are not as hard 011 their shoes as school girls, but liny all need them. We have just receiv ed another large shipment of La dies'Vici Kid Shoes in Heel and Spring, Lace and Button, Opera and Plain Toe at $1.25; other stores ask $2. Come in soon. The Men are coming our way, they have learned of the big cut we have made and our sales on Men's Shoes grts larger ever day. Our 95 cent line is good, our $1 line is better, our $1 .25 line is creating quite a sensation, while our $1.50, $2 and $2.50 line is simply out of sight. TRY OUK FOOTWEAR. C. E. MILLER, 215 S. Main St., Butler, I'aJ VITALIS A\*t!e a Well jyjpy of VITALISZH% THBOUEAT ajthusi FRENCH REMEDY 3Uth Palf Pr«xli»r«** Mi* Ahnvp Kchullr in 110 I>*j* It acta powerfully ami qtik Uly. ( ur« -- wlhmi till olhcru full. Yuw.i: men will nirutn ili«ir ijiunhonu. un<l old rn«-u will rccovrr tin Ir youthful vlj/or I.y uitnt' VITALIS. n llv '> •'' " r, ' | v re ' Mores N - ervotisi»w.s, I,ont VltitlM \. Initmte»cy. Nik'hllv F.DII* lons. Is.-.I P..W" I ill lUK ory. Want I i»k I ' anil all vttvctM of *c?lf ahUHu <»r i'Xcphh anil indliicn'tiori VV aran on Insanity ninl cons'imption. Itislnt on liuvlrii; VITAL 18. no r.ili. r Can lir ei.rrled In vest tKM-ket. Uy mall. *I.OO |s r iKii kwr''. or six for 96.0(1, Willi ■ po«ltl>e written aunrantrn t«i«r« or refunii tin. mnnM. t'lrrnliir f" <-. AcJilrfiw Ul.l KIT IKItIIT COMPJklir. I klfHO, IU. For Sal« at City Pharmacy. Hotel Williard. Rttopeoed and aow ready for tb« ccomaiodatioa of the traveling pub lic. Everything ID Grat-cluia atyle IRS. KiTTIE REIHIKG, Ovoer. V H BROOKS, Clerk. SPECIAL NOTICE. That I will null, nntil further notice, the fo'lowing goodx at tbu old prices, regard lex* of the advance ot 110 c per gallon tax I l»y the zovernnrent: AA. pure rye. Uytars, $2 (K) pi-r gallon; Tippecanoe. U jear*. ! #2.25; Old Cabinet, 4 years. $2 50 per gal lon; BriJg"porl and ThompMou's ntire rye, : 5 years, $3 50 per gallon; Pinch Golden Wedding, (Jibnoir*. Koliin*on Co. Bour ' lion, $4 50 per gallon; Hanni-villr, Dough ' erty, Montiuelln, 12 yearn, $5 50 per gallon. California wine*, dry and sweet, from 75c p.-r gallon to $1.50; 12 distinct brands; my own importation, sherry and Port wine, ] from $2 50 to $3.50 per gallon; also the ' finest Irish and Scotch whiskies at lowest wholesale rates. Call or send for special price lists at A ANPKIKBSEN. 18K Federal street. Allegheny, Pa. All orders by mail promptly attended. No extra charge lor packing. Telephone 549. W. L. DOUCLAS CUAr isTMKßcrr. Qll dllwb WO •aWCARINH. tfS. CORDOVAN, FRIHCH A ENAMBIED CALT FINE CALP& kANWH# 13. V POLICE, 3 Sous. ♦2A 7 JBflriScweiSHfla rott cATALoauE I* BROCKTON, MASS. Von caa mt< moiir kr aarchaalag W. L. lkaaclaa Sfcova. Bacauw, we are the larf eat manufacturcra ot advcrti>r<i alloc* in th« world, and fuarauttt ' the v»|..e by atamping the name and price eo the bottom, which pro»ecta yuu agaimt high prlcra an-1 the ntHldleraan'a prolita. Our aboea e'liial custom woik la atyle. eaay flttiof and wearing <nialllle». We have them aold every, where nt 1 .wtr prieea for the value Itiven thaa any other make. Take no aubatitute If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by ALEXANDER A DOUTT, Writestown f~\ DOCTORS LAKH I |*lll / TK msl'KNHAItr. • |uZ IB Oon. Pim Avi. and fouHTM ST.. MHWF PITTSBURGH, PA. MlWmt-S*A. All forms of Kelnato and Com e/w. pleated IMsensi-a rc«|nn IngfoN ni'KNTl*!. andHt-lKNTll'ir Med irntlon nrn trented at this I'ls. ~ci, ;,r/ v. itli a •-in-eei. -.rely attained. I»r. h. K I .nke Is •• member of the lt.>v.il I ..ll< ">f 1 by ,icj iPrt nod Surge.,,v% and Is tne lest iiml most -*l» nenee.l HriciiUl.' In llmelty Kikm 'iil nt lentlon I'lfetiloNvr'nu l>. blllt\ Immi" res»lv» an • t:il exertion. Indiscretion of yciiiili,et«-.,eauß - ohyslcal and mental decay,lack of energy, lespoii '.•ney, etc.; alaoCancer* < Hd Horcs, Kits, 1'11..4, Hhetimatlam. anil nil di- -aaeaof theHkln. I losl. I, units Urinary <>r(rnnn,tte. Conaultatlon 'reo mi.l atrietly eonlVb nt'id Office hours,ll Ui I j..i.l 7toß l\ K.; Bt.ri.lsj vito< V. M. only. II in i.ci'-fl or addrer. I>lf<. I.AhR, C'.t K.VN A» k AND«TUH'r..»TI-r«?ISI.UIiII.I'A t BUGGIES at iPrlcersaf r'AHTH A HAHHfHa.™— a«> Top n.iKatr tr? 1 yv. .ui the ( JUm iV. Phwrt-.11 iMit'KtCKS nu.l Il'««i r.»|(«uris-)r.|»7 ..ul"«ll 111 annUoad Wmm. rn ™>.ir»tii«r« —"flBI |l« ll.sul''art »a«i liny «.f far- "3? BuiiifT lUrm—. aJK, (..nraß'taan. •10 IMro #4.Tr. : Mufrt I. nt*n ■ Ji.Tr." " »l-.(- I l.n.nt. VBBB M.Tirn.i Sit,l,tie «l I»l It'r > ro» ■*** a. III'UUV A- «'AHT«-o. -rrfl lluU Uanma si. Claclanall, O. *1" s* \ > f) /flu the Fc»i \ \ /h] //// BUSINESS f rr/ J ///''J COI/IEGHr s\[ y/ Jff n America f..r o'. al.dn* a 1 . >' ;\ tuff & rnns. P* NPKCt 1.4T10> In Wall HlreevaueceHafUllV carried »ii with tile aid of our llally llarket l.etler and pa in pie la on speculation Mailed (r..»». f>ur discretionary speculations havo |.uld a inontblv proflt of $M net. to tli» linn ma'KlD. DWretionary Accounta a Hpacl.ilty, I"""', 1 Wire from <-ur olHoe* to all Wrstern t nton Tel eirraoh OBlce* In the United Slati a At I, IV KOHMATION Kit K K Hank referencess WKINM** A f'O , HtO'k and tiriilu llrokers U jo adwa ' ' ' /. of - v\ tcthc '"j^VPHILADA,PIL YOu~CAIN FIND paper fiTs"»' « ii t 'n» A I'P't.»loir r.ureau «f rXMINGTCK EEOS. w'.J adrtrtlaluf »t Uiwaaf i Respected Reader:- # In presenting tor your careful consid- eration our advertisement of Whiskies, f Wines and Liquors, we have no desire to X tresspass upon your indivtdual opinions and 2 beliefs; but the unanimous verdict of physi # cians of all schools "that pure whiskey is v the best stimulant known to Materia Med- Jl ica" impells us in tolling you how and where 4 you can purchase not only pure whiskey, |> but where you may obtain the BEST and PUREST liquors generally, either for medi cal or social purposes. As a necessary stimulant, pure whiskey is an absolute 4 necessity, especially so at this season of the # year. Its timely use counteracts the iil ef feet of climatic changes on the system, .->nd it is invaluable "to sustain the flagging 1j powers of life in disease" as stated dver the signature of one of our most eminent # physicians, (see page 13 of our catalogue). At this time of the year too, the good house-wite is bent on serving "good cheer" for the Holidays, and what indeed would the # Christmas Dinner be without its Pudding flavored with rum? its Mince Pie without Brandy? while the hot, i-moking Punch and a the steaming Toddy must not be forgotten 4 for they are all a part of Chri.-tmas and the glad new Year. Then too, friends mu.-t not be forgotten, I and there is nothing liu.re acceptable .is a Christmas offering than a butt! of fine <► whiskey or wine. Read over our catalogue, Which Will be Mailed Free 011 Application, # Carefully, and be assured that our earnest J offort will be to please you and to give you J the very best liquors, all guaranteed to be i perfectly pure. 4 Thanking you for past favors, and r trusting to be favored with your Holiday J order, we are 5 Yours very respectfully, •MAX KLEIN, Di&tillei*, Importer and Wholesale LIQUOR DE ALER, No 82 Federal St.. Jillughcay, To avoid the rush of orders at the Holiday seasan, we would ask you to kindly send in your order at as early a date as possible to enable us to exercise due care in the selection and packing of liquors. Jewel ry—Si 1 ver ware- -(/ locks. J Purchasers can save from 2r> to 50 pe • ent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, Mo. 125 N. Main St., Dutfv Block Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invite "Remember our Repairing Department — 20 years Experience - M KOSKISITI i A I , Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 103 Ferry'St , Pittsburg. P.* Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Tria! orders solicited. One Square Bel > v l)i i n »n I M ir'<j A WINTER S ENTERTAINMENT! GREAT VALUE W h ElKliY NEWS ~ OF THE WO m D LITTLE MONEY. FOR A TRIFLf The New York Weekly Tribune, a tw«Dty-unif# journal. U tin- KtM>ublii:*n inmil.v j»t-r «»l it•< I "it«• 1 li i* a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER »ml (jiv.* «U I;Statu* ll (rii'fH Hie fvt-iiu ot lau<lx 111 " '""'•j'' 1 ' J.'Hif- TURAL dwpartniunt ban no mip«rii>r in ill" <" uuin li» MArtKhl Hi-rOll if» mi« re< "irriixnl antlonlty S«-|iarn»«> ilcpurnin'iitH i"f IUEJ I"AMII Y ( IRCI E OUR YOUNO FOLKS ami SOIENOK AND MECHANICS I'- HOME AND SOCIETY column* cotnn *»'•> adn.ifHiti.il of wives ami • Hwh. lis Ifoiicr*! political u«w«, editorial* and «t< compiehn.alve, Iml nut mm fXllllDßtlVe A SPECIAL CONTRACT • nuMu* u» to offcr thin «|>luudid jnum-il m I THE CITIZEN t»r ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1 50 CASH IN ADVANCE. (Ttie regular aubacriptlou for lb« two j>o|«or« in 4. .>O.) BUBBCHIPTIO.VB MAY BEGIN AT ANY TlMfc. Addraw »ll orders to - "THE t.ITIZtN " Writ* your name »od iddren* on ■ p »i»l card, «eud it to Geo. W Bent. Room a Trihunn B-lldlnir York City. and saoiulo copy of THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will b« mailed to you.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers