. . THE GREAT . . [ Pittsburg Exposition j; I NOW OPEN. I | September sth to October 20th, 1 Innes 1 Famous 13th Regiment Band 1; OF NEW YORK. 65 PIECES. THE GREATEST MILITARY BAND IN AMERICA, haa Do n engaged -.^j a< an ENORMOUS COST te ontartaln yoo. li ♦ ♦ ♦ I; MECHANICAL EXHIBITS NEVER EQUALED JJ §F\ SEE THE J MDJIATUBE OOKE PLANT, TYPE SETTING MACHETE, • /< I ELEOTEIO DISPLAY, FISH EXHIBIT, FT FRESH MEAT PRESERVING, JS MECHANICAL NOVELTIEB, W THE LATEST INTENTIONS. F MAONIPICENT ART GALLERY. H I'- ADMISSION ADULTS. 25c. l°wßatoa|lj 11ii MrMirm BICKEL'S, Fall Announcement —OF= BOOTS and SHOES. AB the time of the year is fast drawing near when people are tot****** to prepare for the cold waves of winter, I make an announcement to mtro dnce to TOU our many new styles for fall and winter wear. Ha/ingjust returned from the large shoe centre of Massachusetts where I purchased a large fall stock, I am now prepared to show better styles and sell goods lower than ever before. "Dry Weather, Droutb ' to has been the common topic for conversation daring the long hot months of^summer, but do not let that trouble you If your corn crop_ and_ apple crop has been a failure that is no reason why you should not bny just as footwear as before. The question now to decide is where can I buy anhstant in! footwear for little money ? That problem will b3 easily Lived- Visit the ever popular shoe house of John Bickel and learn his low prices, and the shoe house you will do jour trading with tbis year will be qaickly selected. Our stock of Mens' bootsjis large. _ . , . . We have a full stock of the celebrated Jamestown Boot in plain toe and box and can sell you them 75c per pair cheaper than last year. Boy's and Youth's boots of all kinds. Our stock of Ladies' and Misses' every-day shoes is large. We can give you the selection of a pair oil grain aboes, pair calf shoes pair satin oil shoes in button or lace at SI.OO per pair, and also large stock womens' lace kip shoes, seamless, at reduced prices. Space will not permit me to write about our line of fine shoe*, but call and examine, for yourself, our stock of button, laoe and congress shoes rang ing in price from 90c to $4.00. , Our stock of rubber goods this year is very large, comprising the many different styles in shoes and boots of the following Rubber Cos: Candee, Boston, Woonsocket, American and Bay State. Call at our store when in need of boots and shoes, and secure a pair to ■nit you at reduced prices. JOHN BICKEL, 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PENN'A. J S. YOUNG. WM - COOPER LEADING TAILORS, ARRIVING—FaII and Winter Goods We have the Choicest and Finest Stock of Domestic and Im ported Woolens ever brought to Butler. Our Specialty in Fall Overcoats must be seen to be Admired. Call and make your selection of a Nice Fall Suit that cannot be excelled in FIT, QUALITY, STYLE and PRICE. Thanks for your patronage in the past, hoping for a continuance of a share in the future, while our Motto will be " Small Profits ami Quick Returns." LBM T IILOKS, YODNG & COOPER BOTL P l,. The place to buy GAS COOKING STOVES AND BURNERS, GAS LAMPS FIXTURES, HOSE, WATER FILTERS, BATH TUB ENAMEL, etc is W H. O'Brien Sc (Son's, 107 East Jefferson Street. M A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE U6EB SAPOLIO MeCANDLESS'HEAVE CURE 1 hare a Heave Cure that will cure any ease of heaves in horses in forty days, if tilted according to directions. and if it doe* not do what I claim for it, I will refund the amount paid and no charges will be made for the treatment. The following testimonials are the strongest proof of the medicines power to care: A. J. MCCandlkss, Butler, Pa., 1893. Ma. A. J. MCCANDLKHH: On the 2nd day of April, 1892, I com menced to use your new cure for one ol my horses that had the heaveß very bad, and continued to use the medicine for about forty days and the horse did not show any signs of a return of them. It is now about a year since I quit givin the med vcVne and the horse hen never towed any signs of heaves, and I feel stisiied that he is properly cured. W. C. Cbihwkil, Butler, Pa., April 3, 1893. A. J. MCCASDLBSS: I have used your Heave Care and found it will do the work if used aocordiog to di recti on*. Tours truly, R. J. MCMtlli*. Hotel Hutler, J. H. FAUBEL, l'rop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and all other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use oi commercial men. GREAT BARGAINS IN Clothing, Hats and Gent's Furnishings FOR FALL, Suits sold bj others for $6.00 our price $4.50 Suits sold by others for SB.OO our price $6.00. Suits sold by others for SIO.OO our price $8 00 White Morino Underwear 50c grade for 35c. Grey Merino Underwear 50c grade for 35c. Wo will save you 25 per cent, on all grades of clothing. Call and examine our goods and prices whether jou wish to buy or not. TUB RACKET STORE 120 S. MAIN ST. L. K. Crumblingt Breeder of Thoroughbred Poultry HALL, YORK CO., FA. Will sell eggs for hatching from fine Black Minorca**, Indian Games, BnfT Leghorns, Barred and White Plymouth Rocks, and Houdans at $1 per setting; White Indian Games $5 per 15. O'd and young stock for sale at reasonable prices. '/Qu CAIN FIND .11 riTTrtui'fc ji t'• Aitr«TtisniK ilureau of KEJUNGTON BEOS, v 1 ontrcct fur sdvurtislug at lowest 7 PWWrwftf, PA., SGIJ. E.-'TTIE IHRTLL lOE'ial exposition of Western Pennsyl vania openfl We<ineg<iajr evening foi a KMtm of 40 days. ** Judging from the at tendance so £ar the jjeopla believe the claim made by the managers that tins yeari' erpoaiti'on will eclipse anything ever held in Pennsylvania. The infusion of new blood into the management wrought a wonderful change and Pitts burgh now has an exposition of which it mav well feel proud. There are so many new, unique and novel exhibits thic year that it is almost impossible to begin to describe them. The features of the show are the music and art gallery. The former is l>eing fur nished bv Innes' celebrated 13th regii ment band of New York and a chorus of 334 trained voices. Nearly all the paint ings are medal winners from the orld a Fair and European salons. Among the great works is Munkacsy's $44,000 painting of "The last hours of Mozart." It is owned by General Russell A. Alger, who is a presidential possibility, and who will be at the Exposition during the G. A. R. Encampment. Another cele brated picture is Hovenden's " Bring ing Home the Bride. - ' \ innoh s famous "Po P py Field" also lias a conspicuous place aiid attracts much attention. Among the new exhibits and there are over 50 new ones, are the working models of two of the Prick Company coke plants, a model of the Pa>>st brewery, and old fashioned urist mill by the Marshall, Kennedy Company, a complete printing and daily newspaper plant, a cork screw making machine, around which many fishermen who use such an article are found nightly, all kinds of electrical ap pliances by the Westinghouse Company, an exhibit of fresh meats in a plate glass refrigerator, the process of ingraining lumber and manufactured aluminum. Among other things printed in the building at the newspaper exhibit is "Daily Exposition Tidings." The type will be set t>v the latest improved type setting machine, the Empire. It picks the type out of a glass case and after the type is used it is distributed again. The distribution is very odd. The type is dumped into a hopper, a crank is turned and falls into the case where it remains until used. This exhibit will l>e made by the J. M. Kelly Printing Company, and the way newsj>apers are made and printed will be shown daily. " Exposition Daily Tidings" after next Monday will take the place of the usual program. Another exhibit around which crowds are found nightly is the display of Edi lon's latest invention, the Kenitoscope. It shows photographs taken by wire and among other things are many views of the Corbett-Mitchell fight. The grand chorus of 334 voices will lie heard every Monday night which will be known as c lassical night. Director Innes' band consists of 65 of the best musicians of the world and is the largest military tend in existence. It will give concerts afternoon and evening. The doors are open at 9 a. m. and will close at 10.30 p. m. General Manage r Keating is now ar ranging with the railroad officials to ran excursion trains to the Exposition after the G. A. R. Encampment. Notwith itanding the large increased expense MMurred by the management securing iRv attractions and exhibits the price of Admission still remains at 25 cents. PAINT cracks.— It often costs more to prepare a house for repainting that has been painted in the first place with cheap ready-mixed paints, than it would to have painted it twice with strict ly pure white lead, ground in pure linseed oil. Strictly Pure White Lead forms a permanent base for rep.v* t ing and never has to be burned or scraped off on account of scaling or cracking. It is always smooth and clean. To be sure of getting strictly pure white lead, purchase any of tne following brands: "Armstrong & IffcKelvy," " Beymer-Bauman," '' Davis-Chambers,'' " Fahnestock." FOB "COLORS.— NationalllXead Co.'* Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can ' to a 25-pound keg of Lead and mix yotn own paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching shades, and insures the best paint that it is pos sible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book on paints und color-card, free; it will probably save you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. Pittsburg Branch, German National Bank Building, Pittsburg. HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys' Witch, Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcere, Old Bores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREAST* »nd Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT RIIF.UM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunion*, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and fl.oo. Bold by Druggists, or MDI post-paid on receipt of prftft. IlirMlßTS'ltU. CO., 11l * 11a WIIIUM BU, Raw T«L WITCH HAZEL OIL Your Watch Insured Free. A perfect insurance against theft or accident is the iiov/ famous i-ow, the only l*>v/ iritv; be pulled or wrenched £r<.m t'.c ca ■ (_ an only I*. had on casi k cojjtai.iinjll.i trade marlc. ua;.e jir— Keystone \V:t ; h Cr.;e Company, of Philadelphia. the oldest, lai ' r t, a:.«l n«jst complete Watch Ci f.. t. ry in the U'orl 1 —ISOO employees; ao->> V. 1 li C.iwrs daily. One ot it. produ ts is the celebrated J as. Boss Filled Watch Cases vlac'i arc j'i t j-f> las solid cases, and Co t >ut one half less. ' 1I • 1 jewelers, without extra charge for N'.ii p i:! otit bow. Ask for pamphlet, or sc.id to the n; inufacturers. |(|lj N ®e d LINIMENT For MILY Use. Dropped on sugar suffering children love to take it. Every Mother should have It iu the house, it quickly relieves and cures all achts and pains, asthma, bronchitis, colds, coushs, catarrh, cuts, chaps, chilblains, colic, cholera morbus, earache, headache, hoopiug cough, inflammation, la grippe, lameness, mumps, nuscular soreness, neuralgia, nervous head ache, rheumatism, bites, burns, bruises, strsins, sprains, stings, swellings, stiff Joints, sore throat, tore lungs, toothache, tonsilitis and wind colic. Orif iuated in 1810 by the late Dr. A. Johnson, Family Physician. Its merit and excellence have satisfied everybody for nearlv a century. All who use it are amazed a t its wonderful power. It is safe, soothing, satisfying: so say sick, sensitive sufferers. Used Internal and External. The Doctor's rijpuit urv and directions on every bottlfe lll'st'd Pamphlet free. Bold erenrwbere. Prlee, 3ft c|ft liU M.VU JU B. JoUXBOtf A busWft. JU# THE CITIZEN Relative Value of Meats. All who are engaged in physical labor shoald have an abundance ofhighly nitro genous foods, and can vary their diet by : combinations of all healthful dishes that are obtain able. Underdone beef and well cooked mutton are the meats they need. Pork should be eaten only by those who have constitutions of iron, who work hard in the open air, and never know what an ache or pain is. There is not a disea.«« that human flesh is heir to which pork may not cause, cor a pain it may not pro dace. A well-known New York physi cian, referring to pork, he says: "It is the parent of dyspepsia, neuralgia, head ache, sleeplessness; biliousness, constipa tion, hypochrondia and every other physi cal ill." If it must be eaten, be sure that it is thoroughly cooked. The red aud dark meats are more stimulating and more readily assimitated than white meats, ow ing to a property called osmazome con tained in the librino. It is that principle which gives to meat soups their aroma and taste, and the darker the meat the more osmazome is present. It is almost absent from veal and all young meats, and trom the whith flesh of poultry. Lincoln Was Used To It. All authorities agree that Mrs. Lin coln had a most unfortunate temper, due to disease. According to a story having the high authority of Lincoln's law part ner, llemdon, she once scolded violently a man who had called at her house in Springfield to find Mr. Lincoln. The man fled precipitately to escape the storm tut having escaped it found Lincoln in the centre of a group of friends and wrath fully demanded satisfaction. 'My friend," said Lincoln, extending his hand and speaking with the slow deliberation which characterized him. "Conldn t you stand for a few minutes, what I have stood for so many years?" Then they shook hands. -Oil City Blizzard. —Hood s Saisaparilla is an honest and reliable medicine. If you have never tried it, do so now. —Not long ago one ef the departments in Harrisburg received a letter from Balti more in which the writer asked for the re cord of a soldier in the Mexican war, and said Tather sharply that he had asked for this information before, but had not receiv ed it owing to neglect of duty on the part of somebody. As a matter of fact this was the only letter received. At any rate the department hunted up the Mexican sol dier's record and found that he had enlist ed in the regular army in 1847 and got as far as Vera Cruz, where he deserted and joined a Pennsylvania regiment. This in formation was sent to the Baltimore par ty, and if his object was to use it for the purpose of securing a pension, it is pre sumed ho did not use it. A gentleman in a Pennsylvania city sent to the same department asking tor information con cerning an ancestor who was in the Revo lutionary army, his object being to join the Sons of the Revolution. One of the clerks in the department hunted up the re cord and found that the party inquired about had enlisted during the revolution ary war in October and deserted in Nov. and this fact was communicated to the anxious inquirer. Some time aftorwards the clerk who hunted np the record met the gentleman who had asked for the in formation, when the latter took him aside and said: "You know that information I asked about concerning that ancestor of minef Well, I got it. Confidentially, I always suspected that old rascal. —Livery stable keepers should al w a y keep Arnica & Oil Linimen* in the stable nothing like it for horses. —They have a curious way of perserving fruit in the east, which an enterprising housekeeper has tried in this country with very happy results. The principle is to have all the caloric necessary for its preservation supplied by the sun itself instead of by fire, and it is claimed that in this way the true flavor of strawberries, raspberries and even cut peaches and the larger fruit is better preserved than by the usual method of cooking on a stove. The recipe is very simple, as it consists merely in covering the fruit with sugar and exposing it to the intense rays of tbe sun—and where can the sun shine hotter than it does in inland places in America? Surely no tropical heat, could be greater at certain times. The experi ment is worth trying at all events. Drunkenness, the Liquor Habit, Pos ively Cured by adinrnstering Dr. Haines "Golden Specfic." —lt is manufactured as a powder, which can bo given in a glass of beer, a cup of cofTee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, aud will aflect a permanent aud speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or au alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an ntter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book 01 particulars tree. Address, oolden Specific Co.. 18f> Race St.. Cincinn&tti 0. —Little sister, let us tell you some thing. The fellow who dances the two step most divinely sometimes cannot dance home a sack of flour when it is most needed. Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes. I)r. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief iu all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heat Disease in U0 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy f.>r Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spoils, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by City Phar macy. —The young man may spend his time and his money ih snch a way as to load to sure destruction—moutal, moral, physical, or he may lay the sure and deep founda tions of abiding success. Each has his choice; which shall it bef —When the last man leaves the room, the women draw their chairs up closer, and whisper. —Arnica A Oil Liniment is equally good for man and boast £} and 50 cents per bottle. —A watchmaker of l'unxsutawney. Pa., has invented a motor foj bicycles and trioycles. It is a barrel spring, with sprocket and ratchet wheels, much like the motor spring of a watch, and is so ar raflged that it can be wound up, either by hand or by the motion of the wheels in going down hill. The motor is designed to assist tbe rider in going up hill, and may be used or not at the will of tho rider, by a sitnplo and easy method of changing the gearing. —For a inild cathartic and efficient ton ic, use Bolter's Mandrake Bitters. Every bottle warranted. —The hard-winter prophets aro now getting iu their doleful work. The red sunsets, the 17-yi ar locusts, the big ha zel nut crop, the thick corn-husks, the heavy feathers on the chickens —all these and dozens of other snre indications ure cited to torment ns in advance with the terrors of a tough winter. Consumption surely Curod. Tc Trtw 2x»rroft:—FleASo inform yaur readers that I navn % poaltivo remedy for t(.» sbove-uiuiied disease. ~Ji tiuicdy two thousands ol hopcltrva nu.u have W u jKsrrasuciitly ctired. I shall be glad to ne.id tw.» • u'.li* of my rennwly KKEE to any of your reatlurn -» , j havo conmimptioa if they will send me theli Lxprt*s and W. O. aiddrosa. Kejiprri- T. A. It. 0.. 141 htr) 8U N. ¥. War's Modern Horrors. Various experiments with the new rifles, which have recently taken place in Ger many, have demonstrated in a very con clusive n>anaer t hat another war would practically be one of anaibilatiou. A well known French writer, in an article which he devotes to the subject, says that the battlefield would at the end of the en gagement be covered with two or three hundred thousmi corps*?, all crushed and broken, and wnuld be nothing but a vast charnel house. X o one would be left to bury the dead, an d pestilence would in its turn sweep away the country people. Pointing to the moral, he adds that the man —Emperor, King or President of a Republic—who, under these conditions, ■would would expose the human race to such a fate would be the greatest criminal that the world had ever seen. It is toler ably plain that the horrors and the butch ery that a war woald entail are becoming more and more recognised, and that the terrible vista thus opened out is exercising a sobering effect on those who were for m ;rly wont to discuss various eventualit ies with a light heart. —There was a funny sort of a party in Bellefonte last week, according to a local journal. The boys of the town are a little '"tight about the chest" to use the vernac ular describing a stingy man. and, while they have been calling on the girls and accepting their hospitality, it has been a long time tince they gave any kind of en tertainment to reciprocate for this hospi tality. The girls wanted a hop—a ball—a dance—a soiree—anything where they could dance, but the tight-chested boys wouldn't take the hint. Finally the girls —twenty of them—and there are gome re markably pretty one in Bellefonte —got together and put their money in a com mon pool, hired a hall and music, bought refreshments, and then sent out invitation? to the young men to attend the dance. And the men went, so many of them, as the local journal says, that they outnum bered the girls, which is always the case when somebody pays the bills and there is a free blow. The hop was a grand suc cess, and did not break up until an early hour in the morning. —Thousands walk the earth to-day who would be sleeping in its bosom but for '.he timely use of Down's Elixir. —Of a class of sixteen who took the civil service examination at New Castle recent ly, for appointment in the postal service, but seven passed, and of these .seven a German laborer at the Rosena tarnace had the highest percentage aud passed the most creditable examination. —The use of hops in brewiug beer was brought to England bj the Flemings in 1524. There was a first a prejudice against them, aud a royal edict forbidding their use in beer. —A law in Norway prohibits any per son from spending more than 5 cents lor liquor at one visit to a public house; and alcoholic stimulants are supplied only to sober persons. —The best authorities claim that the herring, so valuable to the poor of the British Isles, comes from the Polar seas, via the North Sea and the Datch Coast to the English Channel. —Moliere was called the Anatomist of Humanity because of hi., skill in dissecting human nature and presenting its weakness in his plays. —Unless a woman has babies, good times, or work to take up her mind, there is danger of her becoming a Spiritualist. —Beer placed in dishes near flower pots will tempt all the snails in the vicini ty, and the next morning they, will be found lying alongside dead. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C Redick, druggist. Butler. —"We sometimes know what we have done, bat never what we will do. —lt is hard to find a mail who does not put the blame for his misfortunes upon his wife. —Claude—l would not marry a girl who is not self sacrificing. Marie —The girl who marries you will be. —This marrying of rich American heir eßsus by foreign noblemen baa a kind of longing for the dollar of the (laddy in it. —Almost any man knows more than his father until he is forty years old. Then he drops into the ranks ot the ignorant and begins to take lessons —lt is a mistake to think that women are less intellectual than men. The brain that can comperehend and carry the fancy work directions given in the fashion pa pers is surely equal to any questioos of state, no matter how momentous it may be. —The motto of the proprietors of Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bitters is, "the greatest good to the greatest number," and so sell a large bottls ot a valuable remedy for the small price of 25cts., and warrant every bottle to give satisfact ion or money r«funded. —Boy (whc has lost his way)—"l say, mister, how far is it to Camptown Creek?" Man(stirlily)—"Find out. I ain't no city directory." "No, you ain't; you're a vol ume on good manners, you are." A Covington (Ky.) woman, whose hus band was very ill, boaght a graveyard-lot at a bargain. He got well again aud bur ied her in that lot. Your prudent and forehanded women miss it sometimes. —An Illinois youth made a wager with his sister that he could eat more melons than she could. The bet was taken, and now the balance of the family are having a very melancholy time with two funerals on their hands. —Philadelphia has the finest city clock in the world. The foce, which is ten yards in diameter can be seen from every part ol the city. The minute hand is four yards long and the hoar hand a little over half that length. —When Madeline Pollard goes on the stage i>he will elevate it about as much as Col. Breckinridge's clerical defenders do the pulpit. It is reported that Miss Frances E. Wil lard has decided not to advocate political prohibition any longer. She thinks that the best way to promote temperance among workingmen is to better their so cial condition. FOR PURE RYE Whiskeys Wines, Brandies, liins, 4c., try Robt. Lewin, 13C Water St., (Opposite B. <t O. Depot.) Pittsburg, I'a. All goods, including C. O. l>. orders, securely packed and shipped promptly. Express charges prepaid on all orders ol SIO.OO or over. Grandfather's Choice, Guaranteed 3 years old, $2.00 per gal. Try it at once. You will always keep it on hand. SPJE.EDY and L/STINO RESULTS. ✓SvFAT PEOPLE>CN ■ ran Inconvenience. Sample.» VThi. J»""• ABBCLmtr ritil7 h |" y J from any injunout »üb«tance. LIRSI ABBOMIMB IIDTREIO. We GUARANTEE a CURE Of rsfund your monef. PrW M.OO pw boll la. Send 4c far trea(n«. TKKHOXT MJUHOAL CO.. Bolton, Maaa. Se'ling Out! Oar entire stock of Spring and Summer Foot wear. We're going to clear j out oar stock of Tun Shoes. Every stvle and description of Oxfords will go in the sale. A large lot of Laliea Hand Turn Shoes will be sold at I about half their real value. To make this sale a complete success, we have made such prices that You'll be Glad to Buf. Ladies Patent Leather and Poogola Oxfords were SI.OO and $1.25 to go at GOcts. Ladies Vici Kid Oxfords, Square or Pointed Patent Tips will go at SI.OO and $1.25, Prices of which were $1.75 and $2.00. Ladie9 Dongola and Vici Kid Shoes were $3.25 at $2 00 per pair. A large lot of McKav sewed and lland Turned Shoes in si/.?s 3i, prices on which were $2.50, $3.00 aud $3.50 This entire lot will go at sl.soper pair Misses Dongola Patent Tip Shoas at 85cts per pair. Childrens Dongola Patent Tip Shoe 3 at 50cts per pair Mens $2 00 Tan Shoes at $1.25 per pair Mens Picadilly Bluchers in Tan Shoes were $2.50 per pair will goat SI.BO So on throughout our entire stock of Summer Footwear. Goods will be sold without reserve at than the cost of their making. Call and see these Bargaius whether jo . wish to buy or not Shoe Dealer. AL ROFF. s, Main St. FRANK: KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, _A.ncl everything in horse and buggy fur nishing goods-Harness, Collars, Whips, Dusters, Saddles, etc. Also trunks and valises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assortment of 5-A Horse blankets in town will be found at FRANK KEMPER'S, 124 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. CLARK'S SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Every young man and woman should receive such an education as they can obtain at Clark's School of Commerce, Butler, Pa. or at the New Castle Business University, New Castle, Pa. The schools are under the same management. ACTUAL BUSINESS METHODS EMPLOYED You will save time and money by attending one of these schoo Is ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN BUSINESS OFFICES, EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. Write to D. G. CLARK, President, New Castle, Pa., or F. G. JOHNSTON, Secretary, Butler, Pa. DIAMONDS 1 KING*, KAK KINGS, PINS axuos. WATCHES 1 GENTS' GOLD, A \ PS' "sVl'v KIT, LADIES' CU ATI.AIN. JEWELRY } t,old ' " lS ' K ' ir "' nk,rS ' ''chains. Bracelets, Etc. frn n T*T A *9 C* • Tea Sets. Castors, Butter Dishes and Everything I Hi!/ £ia\ WW .fil M\.£2m |that can be found in a Itrst class store.. RODGER BROS. 1874 } KNIVES - FORK 3' PLATE. E. GRIEB. jew T ei , No. 139, North Main St., fi JTLEB, PA., WHY? Should every one, if in need ol a pure stimulant for medical purposes, go to ISB Federal St? Because he will find the largest stock to select from at lowest prices. The llye Whiskies are all from the largest and best known distilleries and sold at the following price: 2-year-old at $2.00 per gallon; 3-year-old at $2.25; 4-year-old at $2.50; G year-okl at -year-old at $4.50; 10 and 12-year-old at $5.50; St, Hel ena, California, oldest and best, selected wines, 10 brands dry and sweet, at $1.50 per gallon; Khin« wine, imp. Sherry, Mad eira, Port and Cognacs, at lowest figures. No extra charge for packing. Call or send for price list at A. AMMTLKSSEN, 188 FEDERAL ST. ALLEGHENY. Telephone No. 549. f doctors lake fcf B mi TK DISPENSARY. I JJ: COR. PEN: AVE. ANO FOURTHBT.. PITTSBURGH, PA. ( jOK \ All form* of Delicate and Com i plicated Diseases requiiiiigCoN NSS®. SSStT FINEKTIAI. AND SCIENTIFIC Mcd gp* ication are treated at this Di* i .Mi-:.ry with a micccaf. . arely attained. Dr. S. k. I.:tkc ia " member of tl»o Itoyul Col It gc of I h> - 4it!i:tn& and Surgeo*i2, nn«l is trie o! lest an«l in«wt r\l . rienced SI-KCIALISV in the city bpc -AL at i.-nti.m "iven to Nervous IVblllty frome- cesstv :al exertion, Indiscretion of youth, etc ..cans ii,; In-leal and mental <!c(.'iy,lark of enerjfy, li",i>oi. Vncy, etc.; nliioCancers Old Sores IjiK l ile . Ithcumatlmn, and all di the Skin, i lo ,il. I .units Urinary Organelle.. Ccim.illation jv and strictly coufklt ntiid Oldec hours,U to i ii i■ I J to 8 l\*M.; Sundays 1 to 4 ?. 71. only. I at Ofllre or ad.lrcss pli-*. I.Alih, <- 'R • F.\N A* FC ,VN OIT II ST.. rirr<-: I: L KGII . I-A VITALIS na«le a Well THE GREAT 20tli FRENCH REMEDY aoVKT rrodurei the Ahoie ltesults In :10 !>»)». It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail. Young men will regain their lost manhooo. and old m- n will recover their youthful vigoe by usinK VITALIS. It quickly and surely re stores Nervousness, I.ost \ i tullty. I n:imitescy. Nightly Emissions, Lost Doner, Failing Mem ory. wasting Diseases, and ail effects of set abuse or excess anil indiscretion. Wards off Insanity and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS. no other. Can be carried In vest pocket. My mail. SI.OO per package, or six for §6.00. Willi a positive written guarantee tocore or refund the mono?. Circular free. Address CALUMET lU.MEOY COMPANY, Chicago, 10. For Sale at City Pharmacy. $75.00 Per Month For Teachers, Students, Ministers, or Ladies, any one who is active, pushing, and a good talker. We want a representative in every county. Would prefer one who could give his or her whole time to the work ; but spare time can be profitably employed. If you havs a team, so much the better. Sptce will not permit us lo give details here; but if you will drop us a line we will write you fully. 'I his is a rare opportunity, the work is pleasant and honorable, the remuneration large, the busi ness permanent. No capital required. No risk. V.W. ZIEGL ER & CO.(Box .^.Philadelphia, mi re ITCHING PILES HI I rNsWAYNE'S OINTMENT MY m»TOM*~M«Utur« I Intrn.r Iti-hlHf an.! • Hnslne: miNitiitnlfbtt wnrar by •cratchln*. Ir iilluwid la runtliiu*- tumors form ami pPtitmdr, which oflrit l»l«»«-«t «nil ul. < ruto, beeiimln* *'l7 w»r«. *W AY *!■:•* OIKTMf NT th* ttehla* and blctillnf. hrwU ah rratloa, nurf la moat caMft r»MT tfea tuAA* «»ur ** Genuine at Patent cut Medicines prices Scrutinize closely all your purchases there are counterfeits and Imitations being sold. You enii save trouble by buying from us. and our prices are as low, or lower, than any house In the city. Wines and Liquors. Buying wloesand liquors is entirely a mat ter of confidence, as In no other avenue is sophistication easier. We appreciate our responsibility, and assure you that none will leave our store but what Is guaranteed perfectly pure and the best obtainable. Our Export Whiskey. is a perfect stimulant and sold at a reason able price. Full Quart, sl., Six Quarts, $5. California Wines In their original purity. Xo better tonic for delicate men or aged men or women Full Quart, 50c. 12 Quarts, $5. Mail and express orders shipped promptly. JOS. FLEMING & SON, 412 Market St., PITTSBURG, Pa. YELWW Are a symptom of Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Bil iousness, Liver Complaint. DR. BAXTER'S MANDRAKE BITTERS will cure the disease and re move yellowness from skin and eyes. Warrantee, to cure. Sold everywhere at 25 cts. per bottle, for Bale by J. C. Redick - i Pwps JBSIiFREE *T \\ AFFLICT ED • ■ Aon RECEiPTofgoftfrHSfcMß -j2S ; N !SU'3!PHILADA,PA. EUROPEAN * NOTE. 315 S Main St., - - Butlor, Pa ALEX WILLIAMS, Prop'r. Everything new—Electric, li>cbt, gas and water. J* Lodging 35, 50 and SI.OO. Regular meals at 25 cte. Boarding at SI.OO a day. Luncb Counter open all night Great Clearance Sale MILLINERY, Trimmed lint* and BonnetH almost GIVEN AWAY. Having a large stock of milliner} - still on hand, we will sell you anything in our line less than half price. Come early and secure bargains at _> LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE. 122 s. r~\ p A PTT BUTLE MAIN ST. 1 • R L J-V* PAR LIQUORS o O Are made to USE and not to ABUSE. You can find nothin so useful for immediate relief in the Sick Room; nothingso beneficia to the Convalescent;*nothing so sustaining to life as Pure Whiskey Brandy or Wine. OUR ADVICE: o—o To all who use liquors is to buy from a reliable dealer. Buy from one who has been tried. Buy from one who ever watches care fully the wants of his patron;, who studies to please and who has a reputation ol 25 year's standing in this community. Buy from o—o MAX KLEIN, o—o Who has the indorsement of all who know him. Physicians recommend his goods, Hospitals use them, and in fact, there is no house in Western Pennsylvania that can show you such a stock ol "Old" Whiskies, Fruit Bra idies, Blackberry Cordials, Holland and London dock Gins, Wines of the Finest Importations to the Cheapest Domestics, in fact a comj lete line to suit the buyer, whether for o—o TABLE OR - SICK ROOM, TRAVELER OR CAMPER, FISHERMAN OR HUNTER. Our facilities for shipping arc the best and much the quickest, Send for our complete Catalogue and Price list, mailed free, and order your goods from o—o MAX KLEIN. Wo 82 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa O O P. S. We are headquarters lor all G. A. R. men; come in and reg ister during the G. A. R. Encampment, with Comrade Max Klein, late of F Co., Ist lowa Cavalry. Jewelry-Silverware--Clocks, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per oent by purchasing their watches, clock/ and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectlully Invite* —"Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience."- M KOSENTHAL Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 103 FerryJSt., - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsyivania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Marke New York Weekly Tribune * AND The Butler Citizen ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR£AND A HALF. A-ddross all orders to THE CXTIZ bj N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers