THE CITIZEN" FRIDAY, JUNE B,IBM BCTLKS baa a population of about IMOO. It la tbe county seat of Butler County, with 61 .000. Pour railways, natural poa. and unequalled faculties for meoutacturea. Profreaa e>rywbere; new buildings. new manufacture*. a growing and proeperoua towu. New York Weekly Tribune--Free. By special arrangements made for our so doing, we are enabled to offer to all our subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any) and one year in advance, and to all new subscriber* paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tribune free for one year. For further particulars of thi* ofler see ad vertisement. New Advertisements. Administratrix's notice, estate of Joseph Logan. Administrator's notice, estate of John A. V ogan. Miller's shoes. Hnselton's shoes. Sbaul A Xast's Clothiog. Seed bnckwbeat for sale. The P. R. R. excursion book. NOT* —All advertiser* intending to make canget in their ads. should notify us of their intending to do to, not later than Monday morning. Administrators and Executors ot estate can secure their receipt books at the CITI ill office. LOCAL /M) GEMBAL. —"Poblio office is a sugar trust.'' --'•G d smiles upon a tappy home." —Tbe carbon blacc work/, at Saxon sta tion have fhut down. —Tb#y bad a hail storm up about Fair view last Thursday evening, and also down in Cranberry twp. —lt rained every day for about a month, but on Sunday la»t Col. J. Plurvius let up a few hours and allowed the prodigal Sun to once more thine upon us. —The Forepaugh show did a good busi ness here. They came here from Altoona, and lor seventeen days, while showing in the Juniata valley and east of the moun tains, they had wet weather every day. —An interesting game of ball was played on Saturday between Centreville and Grove City at the former place. The ecore was 10 to # in favor of the latter, Stauffer, Johnston and O'Brien of the Butler club assisted the Centreville nine. —The power-generating capacity ot Ni. agara Falls and the rapids near the falls it ■aid to represent something like 6,000,000 borae power, aa much almost as tbe water, ■team and electric power now made nse •f on this continent. —The tennia club has organized with the following members: Sam Walker ( Geo., Lou and Mark Neyrnan. Lauten teiser, Harry Bell, Paul Ferrero, Geo Mitchell, Will Sutton, Cbas. McElvain, Chat. Wise and H. A. Stauffer. —At a social recently, tbe following conundrum wat asked: "Why it the wind blindt" A young lady answered prorop lj "The wind it a breeze, a breese is a zephyr, a *ephyr it a yarn, a yarn it a tale, a tail an attachment, an attachment is lore, lore is blind. —On next Sunday evening at 7:30 Rev. Hemenway oi the Episcopal church will preach to the local Knigbt* of the Macca bees. Jnne 11 it tbe 13tb anniversary ot the organization ol the Knights of tbe M ic oabees oi tbe World. All tbe local Sir Knightt will be expected to attend this ser vice. —Four or fire men have been making • ome repair* in the Jewel miuu at Oneida lately, and on Wednesday tome fifteen or twenty xtrikera auembled in that vicinity bat the striker* left that afternoon, and the report* of the farther trouble there were fictitious —Tbe lostival held in the W. C. T. U' room* for the purpose of raising money for the fountain tu quite successful. It waft held both Friday and Saturday night* and something of a musical program wan in dulged in, including several piano solos by Mr*. Cerruti, who so acceptably assisted at the Mikado production lately. —Two horses, a buggy, boggy harness, wagon harness and a saddle were stolen from the barn of John Banrer in Buffalo twp. last Thursday night. The thieves and their plunder were traced to near Tarentum where they turned and headed for Butler, passing through this town early Saturday morning and going north. —We note a change in the insurance of fioe of E. B. Abrams «fe" Co., tbejgbusiness of which will be continued by C. A. Abrams, the active manager of the old firm, and ex-Pro'y John W. Brown under the firm name of Abrams A Brown. With powerful companies and a large volume of business the office will continue to give absolute protection to property holders throughout the country. —The railroad station at Millerstown was burned down early Monday morning. The station bad'beeu on fire in the attic the previous evening, and the fire left smouldering, whan supposed to be extin gushed, broke out anew in tbe morning and destroyed the building Three bar rels of molasses were burned. B. J. And erson saved a large coil of rope by rolling it out %fcer the first fire. —The day of tbe week has been, for many, show day. Forepaugh's circus ar rived in Botler on Sunday from Altoona, and tbe parade on Monday was the at traction for thousands of people. Tbe show has been cutting down expense*, and tbis year saved SIOO by putting up their tents outside the boro limits. A poor site was salected just west of town and the sbows was not witnessed by the usual crowd that Butler offers to Barnum or Forepaugb. —The Committee consisting of John. B. Wilson chairman, W. P. Jameson sec. S.C* McGarvey. G. P. Weigle and E E, Graham held an examination for perma nent certificates on Monday and Tuesday June 4 and 5 '94 with tbe following appli cants. Misses Clara Cooper and Madge Sbira; Masters A. W. Kelly, J. B. Tim blin, A IJ. Brown, W. B Campbell, W.T. Campbell and Howard Fainter. The ap plicants we are informed all passed a verv creditable examination, and were recom ended to the Stato department by the Com mittee Tu persona needing any watchea, clocks, silverware, jewelry or optical good* we would boggest that tbey call and nee tbe new and elegant, line offered by K. L. Kirkpatrick. at 240 8. Main St. before purchasing else where. —Seejtbe bargains we are offering in Sue Henrietta#. J ait think of it. SI.OO gods for 68 cents and 75 cent oods for J'9 cents at L STIIH A SOW a. —Take yoar children to Zafur's Gallery for Pictures that will mil you. Postoffice building. —Best Buffalo flannels reduced to 25 cents a yard at L BTBI* A SON'S iPURIt BI'BMO WATKB I ob, For sale by J. A. Richey. Leave your order* at the Bakery. LEGAL NEWS. The Jane Quarter Session* met, Mon day, with Judge Greer presiding. The constables made their returns and none Doted infractions ol the law excepting the constable of Evans C'ty who reported that a man named Johnson was violating the liquor law* and the constable of the Ist ward Butler who reported two illegitimate births and alsj that Mrs. Harkenstein and Minnie Fulton were keeping bawdy bouses. Judge Greer, in his charge to the Grand Jury said that soliciting orders for liquor was infringing on the liquor laws, and al 1 person* so doing should be indicted, also that physicians who give prescriptions to men of known intemperate habits are lia ble to the law. Rule* were granted on the Council of Butler, P. & W K. K. and the Supervisors of several townships regarding the condi tion oi several roads anil bridges, the same having been returned by the constubles as beiag in a dangerous condition. CIBAXD JFKY PROCEEDINGS The Grand jury finished their work Thursday morning. The following are their findings: .JUS Commonwealth vs.— A innie Fulton, keeping a bawdy house A true bill. Mrs. Harkenstein,keeping a bawdy house. A true bill. W J Jackson, fornication. A true bill. Matilda G McCaw. adultry A true bill. A T Conley, forgery. A true bill. W J Kelly, prescribing intoxicating li quor as a beverage to persons ot intemper ate habits. A true bill. Chas A Swartzlander, FAB. A true bill. Johu Chambers, obstructing a public highway. Not a true bill and Butler coun ty to pay costs. F E Sloan, larceny. Not a true bill. Bershel Bays, FAB. True bill. John Griffin, horse stealing. True bill. G W Campbell, Robert Kley and Harry Wiles, furnishing liquor to a man of known intemperate habits. True bill. H Liebold, Ed Kramer and Geo Liebold, same. True bill. Robert McClelland, larceny. True bill. Minnie Fulton skipped out Wednesday, but Mrs. Uarkenstein was arrested and is in jail. Patsy Lewis plead guilty to forcible en try and assault. D L Du'ibar was the foreman of the Grand Jury. The case of the Commonwealth vs G. W. Best wa» continued till next term; the case vs W. B. McCandless was settled; tbe case vs Andrew and Dennis Coyle and James Green was settlea: the case vs S. 0 King was continued. TBIAL LIST 808 LAST WKKK Bertha Pfabe was granted a divorce from Theodore Pfabe. A. S. Marshall, assignee, vs S. T. Oke ton et at. Verdict returned for defendant. The case of Kiugsbacbei Bros, vs P. S. A L. E. railroad was settled. Kleber Bros, vs Jacob Schaffuer and Ban Iman. Verdict for defendant. Samuel Graham et al vs Woodland Oil Co. Verdict returned for plaintiff, Wm Boundy vs A. M. Beer* et al. For plaintiff. Jas. Cokain vs H. C Beatty. Defendant confesses judgment for $250. Nicholas Garman vs F B. Blair. De fendant confesses judgment for SSO. Jos Reith vs Daniel Fredley. Verdict for plaintiff. Mary A. Biedenbaagh vs H. J. Klingler A Co. $175 returned lor plaintiff. J. F. P. McGinley vs E. Swartzlander. Verdict for defendant. SHEBIKK'S HALES. Sherill Campbell, on Monday, sold all right, title, interest and claim of— N M Richardson lot in Prospect was sold to JCA S O Wright for $760. The 9 acre tract was sold to Jolin Humphrey for SSOO. Jas Sa> 117 acres in Parker to John Say for $l5O. Fred L Beckel 58 acres in Jackson to L M Wise for $2030. Jobn W Bortmass 8 acres in Butler H B Taylor for $5528. Nettie A Weller 57 acres in Muddycreek to J C Vanderlin for S2O. Jas Frazier 00 acres in Muddycreek to A l'earce for SI9OO, and the 40 acre tract for S7OO. John Kajlor 182 acres in Fairview to A W Mellon for SSO. W S Williams in lot in Karns to E A Tot ten for SBS. H S Vanderlin in 94 acres in Marion to Flora Wallace for SSO J. H J Nigh in lot in Bo'lor to B Kost for $550. Mary Wuller in lot ia Butler to Agnes Barley for $lOOl. ■ OTIS. George J. Kepler was appointed collector for Parker twp. Naturalization papers were taken out on Saturday by tbe following persons: Jules Lambotte. Bilderet Millot, Edward De It an, Alexis Catherine, JIM. Basque, Ar thur Lauotte, Alphonse Tbiry, Jos. Leroy, Pbilbert Joseph, Leonard. Lambermont, Louis Collot, Jos. Lamotte, Jot. Gexrard, Jean B. Layer and Eugene Jacques. N. M. Slater, Samuel Scbaffner and Chist Huncbbcrger were appointed viewers to review the proposed road lrom George Mushrush's to tbe Uniouville and Ralston'a mill rood. The final decree placing the borough of Portersville under tbe Act ol April 3, 1851 was filed Monday, June 4, 1894. Tbe resignation of A. W. Schreckengott at Tax Collector of Karns City was accept ed; also that of Geo. Beyer as Constable of Zelienople; also that ol Jos. Bester an Constable ol Centreville and Samuel Christ ley was appointed in bit stead. The time oTThe Evansburg Auditor was extended for ten days. The wills of Jas J Glenn, late of Wash ington twp., and Adam Mickley of Jack son twp., were probated. Letters ot adm'n were granted as fol lows: Estate of Jas Logan, late of Jeffer son '.wo. to Amelia Logan; of John A Vogan, Muddycreek two. to Frank C Vogan; of Enoch Smith of Butler to Eliza beth Smith Barry M Park was appointed executor on estate of Wm Parks, late ol Middlesex twp; and Ne*l Boyle on estate of Francis F Boyle, late of Donegal twp. G W Jaminson, et al, have brought suit in ejectment vs Edward Billiard and Thos McCamey for 75 acres in Allegheny twp. las Cunningham has petitioned for a di vorce from his wife Mary. LATB PBOFBBTF TTTASHFKBS Libbie Walker to Geo F Keck lot in But ler for SI9OO. Cbas McCnrdy to Mary E Tebay 3 acres in Clay for $250. John B Greer to John M Greer 100 acres in Fairview for SI2OO. Robt J Miller to Frank E Brandon 2 acres in Centre for $325. Kli/.a Kerr to Boreas Bolton 75 a :res in Slipperyrock for $2500. Maria Winer to Fred Wesnar 80 acres in Forward for SBOO. John Seely to Thos Neely 40 acre* in Lancaster for S2OOO. L B Shannon to E J Miller lot in -Farm ington for $225. W J Boyle to Mary E Flick 20 acres in Donegal for SBOO. John 11 Negley to Jobn Zahradrick lot in Butler for $450. W J liulings to B B Cubbisun 100 acres in Allegheny twp for $875. Susan Norregon to same 100 acres in Allegheny twp for $5. Jas L Croft to Mary A Croft 35 acre/, in A darns for SIOOO. David S. Allen to Oil Well Suppy Co. 25 acres in Allegheny for SISOO. Johu Humphrey to II W I,anghorst lot in Prospect for S3OO. Seed Buckwheat A choice article of seed Back wheat for sale at Wm. F. Miller's, No. 313 N. Washington St., Butler, l*a —Now is the time to buy a cloak at your own price. They mum all be Hold as we carry none over to next season. L. STEIN SON. —Everybody wants some beauti ful plants this summer. Come to tbe City Bakery any time and make a selection. —Clearance sale of all winter goods Greatest bargains in dry goods and cloaks over kuown at L. STUM A Son's Public School Matters. At a meeting of the school hoard las' , Thursday evening it was decided to pal . the Smcad system into the Jefferson St , building at a cost of $i,G93. The president appointed John Findlcy , to award diploma- to the High Schoo! [ graduates; S. F. Bowser to award diplomat 5 to the 10tU grade graduates of the MeKean [ street building, and Ira MeJunkin to the , j 10th grade graduates of the Jefferson St building. [ The old board met fur the last time Mon . day evening of this n eek. at 6P. M., set [ tied some small business matters, listened , attentively to the parting addresses of the retireintr members, Messrs 11. 11- liouchei and I. J McCaudlass, and then adjourned *i«f <li* . A banquet, furnished by J. W. Br"wn followed, ami then the new board organ ized temporarily by electing S. F. Bowser, Chairman and J. W Brown sec'y, and this was followed by the election of perma nent officers Edward Bredin was elected President oi the Board for the ensuing year; J. W Brown. Sec'y and Levi Purvis. Treasurer. Monday July 2nd was tiled upou as the date for «ele"ct"ng teachers for the ensuing year, and Messrs Sheaver. Purvis and Har vey were appointed a budget or finance committee. The following action was taken by the Board on the death of Miss tiierinjr ACTIOS OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DI RECTORS OS THB DEATH OF MLSS BELLA GIERIPQ. W H ERE AS, Death has come into our midst for the first time in many years ami removed one of our teachers from labor to re-t, as a tribute to her memory and wortL be it resolved, Ist, That we realize with a jjst sense of gratitude the goodness of Him who'has guarded for the years gone by the lives of the teachers and officers of ttese schools, 2nd. That we lose in the death of Miss Bella Giering an estimable lady of refine ment and integrity, a teacher of character, amiability and strength. 3rd. That this board extend tothetami ly of the deceased their sincere sympathy. 4th. That these resolutions be printed in the county papers and a copy thereof sent to the family of the deceased. 3. F. BOWSER, I. J. MCCARDLKSS, L. O. PCRVIS, Committee Marriage Licenses. G G McCollough Chicora Sadie B Reni«on Adams twp PA Thompson X«lienople Carrie B White Batler Enos Hutchison Harmony Olive M Jieigler Jackson twp John C Man-hall I'ortersville Cora K Scbeidemantle " Wm Hutzler Winfield twp. Agnes Cypher " W 11 Smith Valencia Belle M Dodds Leonard S Covert Mars Irene Williams " L E Villmger W. Virginia Bellie Snow Bjtlei H M Ran Mauor, Pa Phoebe Olinger Armstrong Co. Phillip Crouse Butler Clara Steble " Wm A Lam Pittsburg Julie E Wagner Butlei John Miller Butler twp. Emma Tuttle " " Jos. Xoullett Summit twp Lizzie Scbebl " At Pittsburg, Stephen Brewer of Tar entum and Lizzie Pinches oi Butler. At New Castle. H. J. White of Harmony and Sadie Tindall of Lawrence Co.; also Mezzina L. Smyers ofSt. Joa and Miss J. Hazlett of Culmerville. Church Notes. Mrs. Jane Holmes of Oil City at the Presbyterian Church and Mrs. Mae Ball ol Akron, 0., at the M. fi. Church, favored the audiences uitb solos on Sunday morn ing. Cbureh and Sunday School is now being beld in the lecture room of the Presbyte rian Church. The Markets. BUTLRR MARKETS. Our grocers are paying 12 for butter, 10 for eggs, 50 for potatoes, 25 cts per dozen for rbeubarb, 8 ctß per lb lor lettuce, and 15 to 20 a doz. bunches for new onious. I'IITSUtRU i'ttoDUCfc. Timothy bay from country wagons sl3 to 17, mixed bav $9 50, to 10.50, straw SO.OO to 7.00. Country roll butter 12 to 13, fresh egg llto lli, dressed chickens, drawn 11 to 12, spring chickens 50 to 75 per pair. Potatoes on track 05 to 70, onions 50 to 00. LIVE STOCK. At Herr's Island, Monday, beeves sold at 3.00 to 4 65, bulls and dry cows at 1.00 to 3.00, hogs at 3.25 to 4.95, sheep at .75 to 3 50, lambs at 1.00 to 5.25, anil calves at 2.00 to 4.65. FOR SALE—Twenty-two acres of land (Cratty farm.) one mile from Butler, i'a. Address John II Cratty. Crafton, Allegheny, Co. Pa. Teachers' Examinations. North Washington, June 6, 1894. West Sunbury " 7, " Slippery Hock, " 8. " Prospect, " 9, " And examinations will also be beld in Batler the last Saturday of each of the following months June, Julv and August N. C McCollough. Co. Supt —The Peoples Store is headquar ters for underwear. Ladies vests 5, 10, 15, and 25 cents. D L CLEELAND. Jeweler and Optlcan, 125 South Main Sreet, Butler, Pa. Diamonds, line watches, jewelry; spectacles, solid and plated ware con stantly on hand. Special attention given to testing aad correctly fitting spectacles. —The latest candy out—Tenney's Vanilla Chocolate Eclairs. For sale by Thos. A. Morrison. —Try Turkish Silk Candy. For sale ouly at City Bakery. —The most delicious Candy made —Turkish Silk Candy. At tho City Bakery Rye Wanted. The highest prices paid for rye at the mill of GE o WALTER <FC HON. Butler, Pa. —Turkish Silk Candy, hive you seen it? A novelty in confections. Pure, richly flavored and delicious. To be had only at tho City Bakery. —Zuver's Pictures leave nothing wanting in finish, tone or a correct likeness. Don't forget ait on Hosiery Oloves, we always have the best at lowest prices L. Y VEIN & SON'S. —Boardingilouse Cards, with Act of Assembly, 25 ceuta for half-a-dozen, for sale at CITIZEN office. —SO-inches wide and all-wool— greatest bargain ever offered—was *1 .00 a yard—now only 50 cents, i just half price at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Tenney's New York candies in sealed packages at the City Bakery. Largest assortment and best values , n Dress Goods and Cloaks at L. STEIN SON'S Fine potted plants and (lowers of all kinds at the City Bakery. Council Meeting. Council met on Tuesday niffht with a ! fair attendance. The principal object of I the meeting expected to l>e tae street t railway ordinance. but there was no peti r tiou presented and it looks as though the project has fallen through. Council then disposed of the following business. John H. Xegley's request that a street i be opened from Walter's mill to the I'earce road was referred to the Street Committee. | Mr. Schaffuer asked permission to run a traction engine wiib a team attached, and Council granted it. provided he run be tween midnight and 4 p.m. C. E Anderson reported $lB 50 received for the month of Maj". ! A petition lor sidewalk on property of j Daniel Xegley tin Lookout avenue, was re J ferred to Sidewalk Committee. The I'urvMuee sidewalk matter was held over. The report of the Committee appointed t" settle with Mr. Brackney was approved and warrents ordered drawn to settle all Cos's (iuaru rails were ordered to be placed on the Jail street bridge. Oil Notes. The w ell on the McCollough f.irm near Miderstowu, drilled by Mortimer, wa« shut last week and will be good for ten blls. It filled witu «#il after the sho*. Tno forest Oil Co's well on the Flar.- draa farm near barvers station was drilled to a depth of 2700 feet, and is dry. The National Transit Co. has completed a 3 inch line to the Brownsdale field, and has opened telegraph office af Glade Mills, and one a mile north <>f Bakerstown Clark & Co's well on the Buxton was 75 feet in the sand Monday and looking good; Scnlegel £ Co's. well on the Marshall, 2 miles south of the Buxton is rated at 50 or 60 blls Phillips N'o. 4 on the Campbee and White it Co's. well on the Kowan will bo drilled to the lower sands. Odz'.eit it Co s wildcat on the Martin near Whitestown is rat; j d at ten blls and opet-s a new field •Stevenson & Co. are drilling on the Patterson, six miles west of the Muddy creek li Id Christie £ Co's w> 11 uu the Fri.-hcorn was showing lor a 30 bll. well Monday, and Sboup Jc Co. located on the Kape. A well on the Kingun. a mile and a half east of the linxt >u is being watched with interest. The proline: i .n of the Xorth Washington i.i placed at 500 blla. daily, about 20 well* are drilling and as many rigs Ko ine np. The yueen Bros, well oa the A. G. Campbell i* flowing 75 bll*. Pat ternoii & Co' a. 3ou the Miller ia said to be a du>ter but it has not yet been shot. The production of the Browusdale held in increasing steadily. No 1 on the For sythe wan 5 bits in the canu, Tuesday, and WHS showing tor a good well. The annual meeting of the Producer's Oil Company, limited, was held at Warren Pa , Tuesday, a- d the transaction of the business was attend d with great enthu siasm. The large attendence included i» delegation from Pittsburg, fifty members from the Cutler assembly and representa tive? frtJm all the assemblies in the oil re gion. The election of officers resulted in the election of J. W. Lee of Pittsburg, chairman; A. D. Wood of Warren, secre t-try, and Clarence Walker of Butler, R J. Straight of Bradford, and David Kirk of Pittsburgh, managers. The financial statement of the condition of the com pany was very satisfactory, and a resolu tion confirming the plan of selling the lines of the company to the United States Pipe Line Company was indorsed by a vote of 510 to 1. Resolutions demouncing the Standard On Trust were adopted. The well on the Mrs. J. Fleming farm near Carbon Black is down 1300 feet. Third Excursion to Cincinnati. Mrs Core's third und la.-t excursion to Cincinnati for the season will leave Butler on Wednesday, June 27, over the P. A W. U. K. to Allegheny, thence by the Steamer Hudson to Cincinnati. The*" trips have been pronounced to be a "j >y i..rover" by all who have participated i i them. A rest to the weary, and an excellent chance for young people to gain knowledge and ex perience by travel under the »of a con:- uetent chaperon. This trip «ul cost sl3. 70 from Butler and return By sending 5 cents for postage I will mail you a beautiful souvenir book of the Ohio river and its scenery. All questions cheerfully answered. Call on or address Mrs. X. C. Core, Butler Music Store, Butler, Pa. Umbrella* iu gTeat variety at the People's Store. —Turkish Silk Candy made now in Vauilla. Chocolate, Strawberry and Violet flayonj. For aale only by Tbos. A. Morrison. —Summer Dreaa Oooda at the lowest pricea at the PEOPLE'S STOKE • —Cloaka at your own price No reasonable offer refused—tliey must go— L. STKIN & SON. For Sale- Two Jersey heifers—pure blood ed aud cheap. Enquire of P. Killcn, South Washington Street Butler, Pa. —lce cream delivered to ail parts of the city in any quantity and at any time. Leave your order at the City Bakery. Bargains in remnants and odd lota of goods—come quick for cdoic« L. STKIK <FC SON Potted plants and flowers of all kinds. Anything you may want iu planta at City Bakerv —Job work of all kind done at the CITIZEN OrnoE Fruit culture is more profitable to the farmer now than hia other crops flrown Bros. Co., the most extensive nursery house in the U. S , have a vicaucy ic this section WriUs theni at 11 (cheater, N. Y., for their term*. The World's Fair Rebui't for the Pages of History. The "Book of the Builders" one of the most artistic and magnificent publications ever issued is now be iujs offered by The Pittsburg' Din patch to its readers. It iB beyond question the greatest offer ever made by a newspaper Hee The I)ißpatch for full information. J Men's spring under wear in white me rino and fine bal brigan, sold by others for 50c , our price 35c. Straw and light stiff hats at one-third below regu lar prices. Men and boys clothing at proportionally low figures. THE RACKET STORE 120 South Main Street, Butler, Pa., Personal. Miss Clara Miller, a Zelienople lady, rides a bicycle from Petersville to Harmo j ny in 43 minute?. Jas. C. Heydrick is home on a short { vi.-iit. He is interested in an oil firm at : Montpelier, Ind G. I). Swain of Harmony. was in Butler | on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Thompson ot Eist End visited Col. J. M. Thompson on Sun day Gee Clark. Col. Shafl'aer and several other members of the G. A. R. and N. V. jL. of Bntler will attend the ceremony of | the laying of the corner stone of the uew Memorial Building at Newark 0. Lext | Monday. | Carl Leighner and sister, Mi«s Maizie, ride new bicycles, ttie Cleveland. Mrs. 0 I) Greenlee entertained abont fifty friends at tea on Monday evening. Miss Annie Cooper, a sister o( Rebecca, who died last Thursday is lyiug very sick at her home in Ccntreville. She U in her 84th } ear. Wm. Weigle of Prospect is training sou.e horses, at Kittanning. Jas. M. Gaibreath Esq. js practicing law at Kittauning this week. TUB Kitts of St Petersburg are the guests of J V. Ilitts. Capt. lienry and daughter of Kittanning are visiting J. H. Douglass. G. G. McCollough a son of County Com missioner Samuel McCollough. a..d Miss >adie Renison, a daughter of John Renison ot Adam t twp. were married on Tuesday. Tney are popular and highly esteemed among their acquaintances and all join in wishing them a happy life. k Accidents. A serious accident occored at Centre rille last week in which 11. W. Wick was quite badly injured. Wh.le he and Albeit McCollough were driving on Main St. they collided wicb Jas. McClymonds, whose horse ran off and was badly cut among the barbed wire fences surroundiug the col lege grounds. It is owned by Baker Nel son. Wick is improving. H. C. Steip ot Sarversville died last Saturday from injuries received while Workington a lath-mill at Lower Sheffield, Pa. His remains passed through Bntler on Wednesday, accompanied by bis widow and nine children, the oldest ot whom was only 14 years old. Ue was 42 years of age. The Pennsylvania's Summer-traveling; Guide. The Summer Excursion Book of the Pennsylvania Railroad for 1894 is out, and presents an uuusally meritorious appear ance. Great care has been exercised in its compilation, the technical information being especially reliable. The great variety of routes suggested, the exhaustive schedules of rates, the graphic descriptions of about four hundred places, the explanatory maps and the illustrations, make the volume exceedingly valuable and almost indispensable to those contemplating summer touring. A nominal charge of ten cents is placed op each copy, which can be obtained on application to tickets agents or the Gener al Passenger Agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Philadelphia Ten cents extra will be charged for mailing. Misery Takes Wings! The misery I hat comes out of ill-fitting shoes is beyond descrip tion. You can avoid all this if you buy your shoes at MILLER'S NEW SHOE STORE. You not only get comfortable shoes, but you get good quality and at prices to suit the times. We have placed on sale 600 pairs mens high cut Creedmors, hand pegged at sl. 340 pairs ladies dongola, button shoes, pat tips at 85 cents. 280 pairs ladies glove calf, button at 85 cents. 160 pair misses dong. button, sizes 12 to 2at 75 cents. Same sizes in glove calf at 75 cents. 440 pairs infants fine shoes at 25 cents. 420 pairs mens A calf Cong, and bals at 95 cents. 120, pairs youths A calf, bals, 11 to 2 75 cents. You cannot make a mistake if you buy your shoes at the New Shoe Store, C. E. MILLER, Butler* I J u- TROTTING STALLIONS. Storm Bird, 9459. Buffalo Boj, 3882. .Storm Bird, record 2:35 at 4 yearn, in liy Lord Kuxnell, full brother of Maud 8., 2:08F, Hire of Kremlin, 207 J. Ilia dam ban a record of 2:'26| and im a producer. UU grand-damn are Green Mountaiu Maid aud Minx (tunned. Tliey are dama of the JJwo greatest HtallioiiK—Klectioneer and Nutwood—aud have 14 foala in the 2:30 lint, H of their deHcendent* in the -:l)0 lint, 26 in the 2:15 lint, 820 in tbe 2:30 lint and holdtt 43 ot the world'* record*. Wo make hia term* lower than thin blond can be bad elaewhere—to iriaure. Hull-tin Hoy ia by I'ocahouta* Ho,, aire ol Buflalo Girl, 2: 125. Hi* lirat dam i* a producer through her fir»t aon and hi* fecund dam ia dam of Stephen M 2:2H{ He IX a representative ot ttie I'ncahouta-i Torn Hall and Amerieau Star famlie«. He 1* large, line and a good breeder. Two of bla colta have itold for SI,OOO inaide of twoyeara, both rained iu Fraukliu towu *hip. thia county. Karmera aud breeder* nhould connult their own interest* and breed io a borne like thia and raiae large fiue driver* that bring the higheat price at the prexeut time. We make bin term* to Huil tbe time*—sls to inaure. Theae horaea will be found at my barn during the rammer of 1894. Oeacription and pedigreea anut on apulication. ALONZO MECAKULUSS, tale, I'a EUROPEAN + HOTEL, 315j8.*Maia St., - - Batlor, Pa ALEX WILLIAMS, Prop'r. Everything new—Electric w light, . tftiH arid water. I* Lodgiug 35, 50 and SI.OO. *„* Regular mealn at 25 ctß. i Boarding, at |1 00 a day. %* Lum'b Counter open all.nigbt. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. The thirty striken* charged with the murder of engineer Paddock arc being ' tried .separately at Uniontown. Papers artiveil at Weadville l ist week from Attorney General Hensel, serving notice on (sheriff Charles P. Bntton. that W K. Hoag and Samuel M Uoae. had j mule affidadit that Britton made unlawful promise* of various kinds before election, aud asking him to appoint a date to show cause why commission should not issue. Kich developments are promised at the i hearing. In the Days of our Grandmother*. In the days of our grandmothers sulphur j aud molasses and other so-csllod ''blood purifiers' reigned supreme in the spring time. Do you still live in the bygone days, and continue the ever lasting spring dosing, or have you adopted the use ol Humphreys' Specifics and recognize spring by new life, flowers and baimy air, rather than by bad doses ol medicine and conse quent depression? When the stomach is deranged a few pellets of No. 10 corrects the evil, and you escape all the distressing symptons of Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Weak Stomach, aud loss of Appetite. No. 10 cures Rising of Food, Water Brash, Coated Tongue, Yellow or Earthy Complexion, Bail Taste in the Moutn, Offensive Breath, Acid Stomach, Headache from Indigest iou, Flatulence and Bloating cf the Abdo men after eating No. 10 consists of a small bottle of pleasant pellets-just fits your vest pocket. Sold by druggists, or sent post-paid oc the receipt ot price. 25 cents or 5 for $1 Humphreys' Medicine Co., Corner William A John St» , New York. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA KAILROAD. THE STANDAKD KAILKOAIJ UF AMERICA W I TT PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. Schedule in iefkect November 20th, 1893 South Wee i Days . A. M. A.M. A. M. P. St. P. M. Butler Leave 613 835 11 00 245 506 Saxonburg.. Arrive 044 ai» u u 311 5» Butler JUC't, - 730 925 11 50 340 853 Butler JUc't Leave 7 30 9 4t 12 03 3 40 553 Natrona. Arrive 738 951 l* 13 350 OMi Tarentum 7 43 9so 12 19 357 907 Sprlngnale 755 10 05 12 33 4 0* .... (iaremont S 11 II 55 4 23 627 hbarpsburg 8 18 1 4 29 032 Allegheny City 83510 33 124 444 645 .A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. North Week Days. AlleghenyClty Leave R 55 s 25 'lO 40 3' 15 6 10 Sharpsburg 7 0< 8 39 10 58 Claremont 845 11 ok Sprlngdale 851 11 2«i .... 641 Tarentum 7 32 9 10 U 39 3SI «50 Natrona 7 37 9 15 11 45 3 55 653 BuUer Juc't Arrive 7 45 » 25 11 55 4 04 7 02 Butler Juc't Leave 7 45 945 12 3S 4 15 7 02 Saxotiburg BOS 10 II 1 04 4 40 7 S5 Butler Arrive 8 35 10 35 1 3U 4 Ot 7 50 A. X. A. M. P. M. P. I. P, M Wrick Days. iFor the Ea»t. Weekdays" r. m a. u. A. X. p. M. 245 615 Lv. Butler Ar. 10 35 130 3 40 7 30 Ar. Butler Junction Lv. 945 12 38 I m 745 Lv. Butler Junction Ar. s 41 12 38 4 10 7 49 AT. Free port Lv. 935 12 35 415 753 " Allegheny Juc't. " »31 12 3u 42b 804 •' Leechbunc " 920 12 13 4 4t; 821 '• Paultou (Apollo) " 905 11 55 514 851 " Saltsburg " 837 II 32 550 922 " Blatrsvllle " 805 I! 00 eOO 930 '■ Blatrsvllle Inter'n " 750 10 15 85011 40 " Altoona •• 340 800 100 320 " llarrlaburg •• 11 55 310 430 uSO " Philadelphia " 850 11 20 A. M. P. M. ;p, M. P. M Through trains for the east £le?ve Pittsburg (Union Station) as follows: Pennsylvania, Limited, daily 7 15 A. M. Atlantic Express. " 330 " Maine Line Express. '• 800 ■' Day Express, " 905 " Philadelphia Express, '• 4 30 P.M. Eastern Express, " 700 '• East Line. " 810 " Kor detailed Information, address Thos. K. Watt, Pass. Ag't. Western District. „110, Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg. l'a.3 8. M. PREVOST. J. R. WOOD, (ieneral Manager. OeD'l. Pass'r. Ag't P. St W. R. R. Schedule, In effect Jan.; i«. in. (Butler ;tlm») The Short Line to Pittsburg. DKI-ABT SOUTH. FKOM 80CTU. c,23 a m Allegheny 9.28 a m. Allegheny Ei, a tri All'y A Akron a 95 a m,AI 4 N Castle 30.20 ain Allegheny Ac 12,20 pm, All'y & L'h'go .i.oupm Allegheny Mall 5.05 pm, Allegheny Ex .50 p m Chicago Kx. ~25 pm,All'y 4 Akron .10 p m All'y & Ell. Ex S.OO p rn. Allegheny Ac UKPAHT NOBTIf. FROM NORTH. 10.03 a m Kane & Brad. B.or, a in. ft. 15 p m Clarion Ac »..*> a m, Clarlsn Ac 7.35 prn Koxburg 5.20 pm. Kane Mai SUNI>\T TK4INH. DKI-AUT SOUTH. | FROM SOUTH. g. 15 am. Deforest Ac #.«#" "a m.AUegheny'Ac 3.50 pm. Chicago Ex 7r> 05 pm, Allegheny Ex C-lOpm. Allegheny Aol .25 pm, I>eKorest Ac Train arriving at at 5.03 p m leaves B ft O de pot. Pittsburg, at 3 :Ift o'clock. Butler and Ureenville Coach will leave Alle gheny at 3:2' p. m, dally except Sunday. Con necting at Wlllowgrove, arriving at Butler at 5*K. Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and first-class Day Coaches run through between Butler and Chicago dally. Kor through tickets to points in the West Northwest or Southwest apply to A. B. CROUCH. Agent Trains leave the B. & O. depot In Pittburg for 1 he Kant as follows. For Washington I) C.. Baltimore, Phllidel phia. a»3 New York, 12:20 and p. m. Cumberland, 8:13.2 :io, 1 :to, 920 p. m. Con nelsvllle. 8:15, 12:20. 1.10. 4.30, 5.50 and 9.20 p. m. L'niontown. B.IS a. m , 1.10. 4.30 and 5.50 p. m. Mt. Pleasant, 8:15 a. in., and 430 p. m. Washington. Pa. 7.25 and 9IS a. m.. 4.00, 4.48 and 9.2 ft. 11.25 p. m. Wheeling. 7.25 and. 9.15 a. in.. ft. 11.25 p.m. Cincinnati. 8t IAIUIs. Columbusaud Newark, 7.23 a. m., 'J.25 11 25 p. m. For Chicago, 2.40 and 9.30 p. m, Parlor and sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ington, Cincinnati and Chicago HTT t-BCRO, HIFNAKtiOi lAKK ERIE R.R. Takes effect Monday, April 2, I8»l. Trains are run by standard Central Time (90th Meridian ) One hour slower than City Time. GOING NOKTH. (loiso SOUTH ~IO 14 12 STATIONS 9 11 |1 p m p.m. a.m. a.m. p m .... 4 20 Buffalo « 18 I; 10 ....I 2 42 Dunkirk....! 7 3tt|l* 39 I a. to. 7 00 i'.br 10 u> Erie 6 on, 8 40 3 35 « 2."| 1 23! 925 Wallace .lunct «42 »27 412 # 20 1 IB| 9 15 uiraril u 4« » 31 I 15 fi 09 1 OSI 903 Luckport H l» »42 I 2B 6 02! 1 Oil 8 56 .. .Ciauesvllle .7 07 . 9 50 4 34 t'io'T.TT. 10 31 .. Con ucau t... .T. . 740 310 6 43; j«4O ar _ v 110 3l| 643 ft"ft 7 12 57 s 4« ar~~AlblohT 7 11 »3& 4 S7 543 12 45 sir... siiadeland. 7 23 10 04 4 51 ft 40 12 42. S 32 Mnrlnabor" • I 7 2S 10 07 4 55 55312 35 825 XV.nneani vll 1 " •' 73510 14 503 •. f»- 12 1-. h or, Mea Vic ,I. t - <»■' '<• «3 133 7 a* lv Couu I Lake 10 171 4 83 8 l« ar ar 8 18 10 SO 5 37 4 28 7 00 lv . Meadvllle .lv 9 .50 4 28 p m ... 542 ar ar 842 II 2S[ «03 ...11 fts 7 431 . . Hartstnwn... 10 47 s s>' N02.1l 13 7 28 Osgood No I 11 0* 4 53 pin a.m: • , 02#ll 35 7l« ....Oreenvllle . e3Oll 15 n 0 « Ifl 11 25 7 (»;] ....Shenango.... fi 40 11 25 6 2s 558 11 02 (I 47 . . .Fredonla. 1 03 11 4fl «3u 5 3« 10 44 « 2s Mercer 7 22 12 07 7 o> 5 25 10 29 « if|.... Pardon.... 7 :i« 12 22 7 1., 8 13 10 20 C OO; (trove City... 7 47j12 331 7 2u 50010 08 5 4S'. Harrlsvllie 7 ftsil2 4.5 T3 U 4 52 10 00 5 40|.. .Branchton . ..Is 011112 54 74 4 5,3 7 45 ; S~3s"iv HmiehtonTar 7 35 !12 15 7 2ft a 45 BJB io ar .Hllllard .lv fi 50 II 15j i; 4.. 4 i*| 9 ftftl s 35|1v.. Kels'ers ....I s 10112 ftSl 7 4* 4 32 9 421 5 11 Euclid I 8 22 1 121 8 03 4 io! » 15[ 4 no; Butler I g 50| 1 48 * B 1 50 7 20 .... Allegheny, I'AW n 10. aso p in a in p. in p. rn J. T. BI.AIK Ceneral MsnSKer. (ireenville. i-a W. (i HAKGEANT, G. I*. A.. Meadvllle, Pa. iZ. EASTER! Oar millinery depart meat i 8 full of th«i n«we»t and choicest K<>od«. Keautiftil and Anisic "Patterns." new-Rt ideas in untrimmed hats and bonnets French effects in jet Braids and laces. M. F. 8c M. MARKS, 113 to 117 8. Main St., - - Butler. Hotel Butler, J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and all other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use of ommercial men Pine Tree Farm, JAMESBUBG, N. J. The (inest Pekin Ducks and White Tur keys io the World. Heud lor :U page catalogue of high-dsns [and aud water lowl. 15 uruue at the MttUUfcm tSljo*, Feb. IMH.. 1 A Suggestion. Did it ever occur to you tuat mere are drugs and drugs—that drugs are like every thing elite—there are good, btd and indif ferent. There is nothing »lse which is positively bad if it is'nt just of the best. Oar policy has ala-iys been to have noth ing but the best. When you want drugs come to us and be assured of fresh pure goods, and alway* what you ask for or your prescription calls for. It may not always be drti|» yon want either. We always hare on hand a full line of sick room requisites.^ C, N, BOYD, Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. 'pilK BUTLRR COUNT* NATIONAL BANK, Botlm, iPi.; CAPITAL ruccr, . .*. SI *XO PROFITS, - OFFICERS: Jos. Hartman. Pres't, J. V. Rltte, Vice Pres't, C. A. Bailey, Cashier, DIRECTORS: Tor nartman, C. P. Collins, N.M.Hoover „ „ »in Humphrey, J. V. Ritts, £E. Abrams, L~slle Ha/.lett. I. U. Smith, W. s. Waldrou, w. Henry Wilson, M. Flneßan. A general banking business transacted. In terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Jon* W. B»ow». C. A. ABRAMS. ABRAMS & BROWN, Real Estate, Fire and Life Insurance, HUSELTOK BUILDING. NKAR COURT HOUSK. Bt'TLER, Pa. Insurance Company of North America. 102 d year, Assets #0,278,000; Home of New York, Assets $9,000,000; Bartford of Hart ford, Assets $7,378,000; Pha-nix of Brook lyn, Assets $5,000,000. LIST OF UNSEATED LANDS To be sold for taxes by County Treasurer John T. Martin,at public outcry,*l the Court House in Butler, Pa., on MONDAY THE 11th OF JUNE, 1894, AT 1 O'CLOCK, P. M, ALLEGHENY TOWNSHIP. Owners. acres. yr». amt tax Negley Anderson et al J 100 1891 19 00 Campbell JJ 4 Brandon 291 1891 30 63 S A Campbell . 275 1891 62 06 W B Sedwick 15 1891-2 20 57 Robert Barron 50 1692 13 07 Reed J Campbell 113 1892 36 91 John McCane 20 189 i 4 97 A M Thompson 40 1892 4 60 HITLER TOWNSHIP. Book C C house and lot 1891 2 41 Potts heirs 10 1891 1 31 B W Cress lot 1892 1 31 John Dunn lot 1892 3 22 T S McUinnis lot 1892 1 40 Joseph Carry lot 1892 1 40 Jacob Thompson 2 1892 1 31 BRADY TOWNSHIP, Geo Ziegler 185 1801-2 28 30 John Allen 50 1892 3 27 CLINTON TOWNSHIP. W J Kiskadden 26 1891 6 18 (CONNOyL'ENKSSINti TOWNSHIP. Detmore McKinney j 1892 5J Geo Ziegler 50 1892 6 00 D W Brandon lot 1892 50 Mary McGinnis 41 1892 1 88 CLAY TOWNSHIP. John W. Allen 133 1891 16 10 CLKABKIKLD TOWNHHIP. M D Goldinger heirs 70 1891-2 29 45 Michael Kerr heirs 4 1891-2 1 53 White Martin 90 1892 10 12 CONCORD TOWNSHIP. S A Fithian 14 1891-2 684 Starr & Britton 80 1891-2 40 27 A H Maxwell *SO IS9I 5 04 A D Kamerer 5 1892 1 21 Forest Oil Co. 151 i> 1 11 I : J T Starr 99 1892 9 09 CHERRY TOWNSHIP. John Dunn Sr. 33 1891 3 96 M N Randall 8 1891 50 Bredin 4 Douaghy 70 1882 20 44 DONEGAL TOWNSHIP. James Bredin 124 1892 35 72 Gteenwood Oil Co. 1 1892 36 Thomas J Moore lot 1892 2 68 FAIRVIEW TOWNSHIP. L Me Fan lot 1891-2 78 Thomas B Ravrie's heirs 50 1891-2 26 48 Daniel Denny ' 25 1892 4 7» Nancy H Brown lot 1892 21 F J Beatty 21 1892 22 T J Dinsmore lot 1992 19 Nathan Milroy 2 lots 1892 30 MAKION TOWNSHIP. John Purviance 41 1892 504 Andrew Barber 100 1892 7 56 (OAKLAND TOWNSHIP, John N Puryianoe 140 1891 23 28 F. ltaabe lot 1891 17 John M Thompson 10 1891 1 17 PAKKKR TOWNSHIP. Thoiuag J Atwell 45 1891 7 !0 CbrUty A Cannon 25 1891-2 12 -0 Bini,ou Edwada 20 18'J1 7 70 J C Fuller 10 1»91-2 19 14 A M MeNaiuara 58 1891 19 17 (i W Morrow 25 . 891-2 13 95 John P Robinson 2 lota 1891 75 mauley Lanky 10 1891 2 (XI Elizabeth Hedwick heirs 50 1891 2 22 70 11 L Taylor ACo 50 1892 1! 34 David Kamerer 00 1892 13 86 al.trt'KKYHOCit TOWNSHIP. Ed Dambach 15 1891 3 74 W H H Riddle 15 1891 3 74 VKNANUO TOWNBUIP. Theo Kelly heir* 39 1891-2 18 23 I) F Kelly 40 1891 9 19 Michael Kelly 31 1891 0 94 Elizabeth Pattersou 39 1891-2 10 14 R M tiloane 38 1891 7 04 JCVanderlin 50 1891-2 '.7 14 Mra Jane Blaire 12 1891-2 5 30 Win Hinith 00 1891 2 51 32 C Everaou houne 1891 3 44 A M Slcßride 50 1892 7 83 WINFIKLD TOWNSHIP. Jatuea Sutton 20 1891- 20 05 JoNeiih Siuimuier* 1 1891 47 H P frwiu 77 1892 7 30 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. Jatueti L Couo 100 1891-2 29 50 Ol> Thonj|>«oii SO ISUI 14 12 Galloway 100 1892 19 3* PKOSPKiT UOHOUOH J B Mcl.a-ighllu 2 loU 1891 ;04 WORTH TOWNSHIP, Jaineo Bredin 150 1892 15 00 KAIRVIKW UOROUOII. Jacob tlepler, dee'd lot 1892 2 10 Montgomery— l°t MoutjromeVy loi 189.' 70 You can -Get almost Every thing you need Here! So The; say to as. If you need WALL I'AI'KR or window shades, books or station ery, tin: world or simply a map; be sure you come to us for it. We have everything but goou looks and so we would have you AT DOUGLASS' STORE. Garfield Tea lttllfL uuuriitu> r«A<tii .SIS M., H.T. Cures Constipation ■'"V/1? W\^\ < \ | ! H SCHNEIDEMAN, GOOD STYLISH CLOTHES AT SMALL COST. We arc showing a nobby line of Westminster suits for young men—Long frocks and sacks will be the leading style for spring. Our large line of boys and childrens suits are up to our usual standard, and the variety is the largest ever shown by us. We solicit a call for inspection. H. SCHNEIDEMAN, CLOTHIER AND GENTS FURNISHER. 104 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. WARD TIMES SALE LOOK AT THESE PRICES. NOTE WHAT THEY TELL. Clothing at less than half price and at 65 cents on the dollar. 150 pair men's wool pants at $t 50 125 boys' knee pant suits at c 5051125 5 0 51125 and 100 boys' long pant suits at | 2 £ 2 50 and 150 men's half wool suits at * 3 ' 4 and 5. 125 men's all wool suits at $0,7 and 8 7 5 men's fine black worsted suits, sacks and frocks at $9 We have a large stock on hand and our object is to dispose of the biggest share of it now. SCHAUE & NAST, Leading Clothiers. 137 South Main street, Butler Are you a short, fat man? Are yon a tall, slim mam? Are yon any kind of a man or boy in need of clothes? If you are, come in and we'll fit you in a suit of clothes, for less money than you ever bought them for before. Yours for Clothing, DOUTHETT $ GRAHAM, Cor. Ham and Cunningham Sts. Butler Pa 1 C. R. ELLIOTT, 130 W. Jefferson Street, LEADING WALL PAPER HOUSE W ill ocupy this space next week. McCANDLESS'HEAVE CURE 1 have a Heave Cure that will cure any case of heaves in horses in forty days, it ased according to directions, and if it does not do what I claim for it, I will refund the amount paid and no charges will be made for the treatment. The following testimonials are the strongest proof of the medicines power to care: A. J. MCCAHDLKKS, Butler, Pa., 1893. Mil. A. J. MOCAHDLKSB: Un the 2nd day of April, 1892, I com menced to use your new cure for one of my horses that had the heaves very bad, and continued to use the medicine for about forty days and the horse did not show any signs of a retain of tbem. It is now about a year siuce I quit givin the med \c\ne and the horse has never sowed any signs of heaves, and I feel stisfied that he is properly cured. W. C. CrihwKLL, Butler. Pa., 3, 1893. A.J. MoCANDLKSS: I have used your Heave Cure and found it will do the work if used according to di rections. Youni iruly, K. J. MCMILUK. I $75.00 Per Month For Teachers, Student*, Ministers, or I.adies, any one who is active, pushing, and a good talker. We want a re[>reaentalive in every county Would iirefcr one who could give his or II«M whole tune TO the work ; but spare time can IK- profitably emplnved If you hove • team, »o much the better. Space i I not ]>einiil UH to GI*E details here; but if you will drop UH a line we will write you fully. This is a rare opportunity, the work is pier, .ant and honorable, the remuneration l.irge, the bum nr*i pt iin.met.i. No capital required. No risk. f.W.ZIEGLERACO.', lias i /m V Philadelphia. Www . THE WELL |A| AIIJ 17 Md° WD Photo- W W 1,1 I #1 grapher;formerly XI vl l» £i I the head of the J Wertz Hardman Art Co., will open a Studio and Photo Par lor* opposite the Hotel Lowry, Cor, Main and Jefl'erson Sts , Butler, Pa. Thia will be the bent lighted and equipped Studio ami galleries in the the oounty. The work will be strictly firm clans and made under new formulas by the artist himself, who has had 15 years praetioal experience in large cities Portraits in Oil, Crayon, Sepia. Pastel, Ac. In this line we hare no competition, Our portraits are made by hand in our own Studio, from Kitting* or from photos. Our work has reached the highest standard of excellence and is not to be compared with the cheap ma chine made pictures furnished by other*. Wait for us; get your pictures from aa and be happy. aaa m || ff" n MK*. local or travel W A NT E D«» ■mb-SK " ' ' CommUwion paid weekly, Outfit free. Special attention given r« beginners. Workers never fall to make good weekly wugea. Write me at ouee lor par ticulars. E 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman. (This house Is reliable.) Koonmn. N. Y WANTED. lionest, temperate, energetic men to solicit orders for rautT AND OKN AMKNTAL auas- KKT STOCK. Permanent employment and good wages; also liberal inducements to local agents. Varieties especially adapted to P«i nsylvania. The business easily learned. Write at once far terms and ter ritory. Address K. G. CiLAfcb <t C'v , 14J0 South P«nn Square. PkilfdolffcJl CLOTHIER, Butler, Pa,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers