THE CITZEN FRIPAV. APRIL a. 1894 (.ten* at rmu>mc at B«U»r a. M flaw -atur fai.Ul C. lUtn. ■ PmMtafcer Republican Announcements. Subject to tbe Republican p "® Saturday. April 28th, between tbe hours of of 1 and 7 p.m. FOR CONGRESS, OK. THOMAS W. PHILLIPS. FOR ASSEMBLY, (Two to nominate) JAMES N. MOOBB, J Ot Butler. THOMAB HATS, Of Fairriew. D. B. DOBTHBTT. P ORWM(LI W. H. RITTBB, Ot Butler. SUM B. BNTL „ "vau. *»»"'»■ ° r w ° rtb ' FOR JURY COMMISSIONER, A. O. EB.HHABT 6iBuUerTwp H. w. NlCHOLA ( former iy of Penn.) PHILLIP HILLIABD, ESQ., r Of Hiltiards. JOHN LABIMOBB, Of Concord twp. JOHN T. CBANHBB, Of Franklin twp. T. ALBKBT BABTLBY, Of Clinton twp. DAVIP W. LOCKE, Of Mercer Twp. FOR DELEGATES TO STATE CON VENTION. (Three to elect) DB.'.J. 0. BABB, Of Adams. J. M. MCCOLLOCGH, Of Fairview. GBO. W. COOPBB, Of Slippery rock. W. H. H. RIDDLB, Of BUTLEB. J. S. CAMPBKLL, Of Cheny twp. J. C. KISKADDON, Of Butler. Washington Notes. The House had a stormy session last Thursday over the effort made by tbe Democratic leaders to unseat Joy of Mis souri and Hilborn of Calitornia. The scheme was so inquitious that the Demo cratic members withheld their votes and there was no quorum. Speaker Crisp came down on the floor and appealed for votes; Reed got back at Crisp and the other speakers, and Crisp went back to the Chair and made some outrageous n lings. President Cleveland sent his message vetoing the Bland seigniorago bill to Con gress, Thursday. He thinks an addition to the silver coinage would not be wise, that it would have a tendency to deplete the gold reserve, that the bill is somewhat obscure, and that a wider liberty in issuing bonds to maintain the gold reserve of a hui dred millions is necessary. Monday the debate on the Wilson tariff bill was opened in the Senate by Voor hees, whose speech was considered a very lame one Tuesday in the Senate Allison dissected the Wilson Bill. In the House the Demo_ crats unseated Joy of Missouri and seated O'Neill, but could not get a quorum to act on the California case. Os February l,at the port of New York, there were 1,608,077 pounds of wool cloths, valued at $1,250,029, and 7,822,829 square yards of wooled dresS goods worth $1,389,- 077, waiting for the Wilson bill to become a law so as to compete with the product of the American mills and reduce the value of American labor. Wallace Nominated. At the primaries in Lawrence county last Saturdry W. D. Wallace recived 33111 votes for President Judge of that district, Judge Hazen 2161 , and Col. Jackson 892 Win. Brecker was nominated for Sheriff The total vote on Judge is 6564, which is nearly 2000 more votes than tbe usual i Republican vote of the county. For Sheriff 6460 votes were polled. The Co. Committee enaorsed Hastings | for Governor and McDowell for Congress man-at-large. The striking Huns and Slavs of the coke | region indulged in riot and murder Wed nesday. Four men were killed, much property was destroyed. Coxey's Army. The army marched in the snow from Salem to Columbiana, 0., Thursday, were well received at the latter plaoe,and Brown made an anarchist speech. Tho army reached East Palestine, 0., i Friday afternoon, where thirty-two men joined' it, making the whole number 225. Saturday morning the anny 'eft East Palestine, and by 10 o'clock had crossed the state line and was in Pennsylvania. They camped that night in New Galilee, in Beaver Co. Sunday they inarched to a point just above Beaver Falls, where they established j Camp Valley Forge. Thousands ot people visited their Camp during tbe day. Plenty of food wag sent to them, and enough Dew recruits joined the army to make it number 300. Monday at 8 a.m. the camp at Valley Forge was broken, and the army tramped down the Beaver and ud tbe Ohio to Se wickly 300 strong and followed by a large number of sight seers It was well fed at Economy and camped that night at Se wickly At 4 P. M. of Tuesday the army reached Allegheny city, dusty, wear; and foot worn An immense crowd of people numbering perhaps 20,000, lined the st reets for miles, to see them. They camped in the old Exposition grounds and proposed staying there till Thursday morning Coxev and Brown addressed a large audi ence the common, that evening At Pittsburg, twenty-eight of the army were arrested as vagrants, and sent to the Workhouse; and twenty more were under arrest No parade was allowed by the police of Allegheny,but Coxey and Browne talEed to a crowd in Pittsburg. Thursday morning tho balance of the army parsed through tbe two cities and started towards Uniontoirn. The War in South Carolina* A pitched battle occurred at Darling ton S. C. last Friday night between the citizens and tbe State Constables which re sulted in the killing of four men and the wounding of a umnber of others. Tbe con stables had been there on the lookout for whisky. Several houses which were sus pected of containing liquor were sere bed. This aroused tbe enmity of the citizens and threats against the officers were treely made. That night the State Constables went to tho station to take tbe train for Florence. So great wa* th« indignation of tbe citizens that a large crowd had assem bled at the depot. Tbe officers were jeer ed and it was soon evident that serious trouble would result. The Constables grouped themselves along tbe platform and the excitement was at fever heat. Suddenly tho fight began in which near ly a hundred men took part Before the combatants could be separated four men had been killed and several others received serious wounds. Those killed were Constables Pepper and McLerdon and Citizens Normau and L. S. Redmond. T'ne coief of Polioe at Darlington imme diately telegraphed Governor Tillman of the serious nature of the triable, and 00l unibia and Maiming troops were immedi ately ordered out. A di.-'puicu wa* received at tho State Cap ital that, from Florence, in the same coun ty, stating that tho people there had seiz ed the rifles of the troops in tbe armory and that they were waning to attack the YrtJVS t&wy rvwU tiurt Silver and Gold. • The following extracts from President Cleveland's message vetoing the Bland bill are interesting. I believe that if the bill under consider ation should become a law it would be re garded as a retrogression from the finan cial intentions indicated by our recent re peal of the provision foreiDg silver bullion purchases, that it would weaken if it did not destroy returning faith and confidence in our sound financial tendencies, and that as a consequence our progress to renewed business health would be unfortunately checked and a return to our recent distres- sing plight seriously threatened ( This proposed legislation is so related to the currency conditions growing out of the law compelling the purchase of silver by the government, that a glance at such conditions and a partial review of the law referred to may not be unprofitable. • Between the 14th day of August 1890, when the law became operative, a. d the ' Ist day of November, 1893, when the clause it contained directing the purchase of silver was repealed, there were purchas ed by the Secretary of the Treasury more than 168,000,000 of ounces of silver bullion. In payment for this bullion the govern ment issued its treasury notes of various denominations, amounting to nearly flofo,- 000,000, which notes were immediately added to the currency in circulation among our people. , , , Such notes were by the law made legal tender in payment of all debts, public and private, except when otherwise expressly stipulated, and were made receivable for cusioms, taxes and all public dues, and when so received might be reissued. They were also permitted to be held by bankiug associations as a part of their lawful re serves. On the demand of the holders these Treasury notes were to be redeemed in gold or silver coin in tbe discretion ot the Secretary of the Treasury; but it was declared as a part of this redemption pro vision that it was"the established policy of the United States t* maintain the two metals on a parity with each other upon the present legal ratio as may be provided by law." The money coined from such bullion was to be standard silver dollars, and after directing tbe immediate coinage of a little less than 28,000,000 ounces, the law pro vided that as much of the reme'ning buHion should be thereafter coined as might be necessary to provide for the re demption of the Treasury notes issued on its purchase, and that"any gain or seign iorage arising from such coinage shall be accounted for and paid into the Treasury. This gain or seigniorage evidently indicates so much of the bullion owned by the gov ernment as should remain after using » sufficient amount to coin as many staud arp silver dollars as should equal in num ber the dollars represented by the Treas ury notes issued in payment of the entire quantity of bullion These treasury notes now outstanding and in circulation amount to $10~.9a1,-»u. and although there has been thus tar but a comparatively small amount of this bullion coined yet the so-called gain or seignior age, as above defied, which would arise from the coinage of tbe entire mass, has been easily ascertained to be a quantity__ot bullion sufficient to make when coined 00,- 156,681 standard silver dollars. Considering the present intrinsic relation : between gold and silver the maintenance ot , the parity between tbe two metals, as mentioned in this law, can mean nothing less then the maintenance of such a parity in the estimation and confidence of tho people who use our money in their daily i transactions. Manifestly the mainten ance of this parity cau only be accomplish -1 td, so far as it is affected by these Treasury I notes,and in the estimation of the holders r of tbe same, by giving to such holders, on r their redemption, the coin, whether it i» gold or silver, which they prefer. It fol lows that while in terms the law leaves the ! choice of coin to be paid on such redempt . ion to the discretion ot the Secretary of the , Taeasury, tbe exercise of this discretion, if opposed to the demands of the holder, is entirely inconsistent with the effective > and beneficial maintenance of the parity • between the two metals. If both gold and silver are to serve ns as ; money, and if they together are to supply ' to out people a stable ,currency, the ne cessity of preserving this parity is obvious, r Buch necessity has been repeatedly con ceded in the platforms of both political ' parties and in our Federal statutes. It is r nowhere more emphatically recognized than in the recent law which repealed the i provision under which the bullion now on Land was purchased. This law insists upon tho "maintenance of tbe parity in I value of the coins of the two metals and ' the equal power of every dollar at all times in the markets and in the payment of debts." Tbe Secretary of the Treasury ha*, therefore, for tbe best ot reasons, not only promptly complied with every de mand for tbe redemption of these Treasury notes in gold, but the present situation as well as the letter and spirit of the law appear plainly to justify, if they do not f enjoin upon him, a continuation of such i redemption. ~ We have now outstanding more than $338 000.000 in silver certificate* issued under existing laws. They are serving the purpose of money usefully and without question. Our gold reserve, ftniaunting to only as little more than SIOO,OOO OJO, is directly charged with the redemption of $346,000,000 of United States notes. W hen it is proposed to inflate our silver currency it is time for strengthening our gold reserve instead ot depleting it. 1 can not concieve of a longer step toward silver monometallism than wa take w hen we spend our gold to buy silvercirtiticatea for circulation, especially in view ot tne practical difficulties surrounding the replenishment ot our gold. This leads me to earnestly present the desirability of granting to the Secretary ol the Treasury a better power thau now exists to issue bonds to protect our gold reserve when for any reason it should be necessary. Our currency is now in such a confused condition and oar financial affairs are apt to assume at any time so critical a position that it seems to me such ' a course is dictated by ordinary prudence, i I aui not insensible to the arguments jn favor ot coining the bullion seigniorage now in tbe Treasury, and I believe It, could be done safely and with advantage if 1 tbe Secretary ot the Treasury had tbe power to issue bonds at a low rale ol iater [ est uniler authority in substitution of that now existing and better suited to the pro ' tectiou of the Treasury. I hope a way will prtsont itself in the near future for the adjustment ot our mon ' etary affairs in such a comprehensive and conservative manner as will accord to ! silver its proper place in ourcuireucy; but, , in the meantime, lam extremely solicitous that whatever action we take on this subject may be such as to prevent loss and discouragement to our people at home and tbe destructiou of confidence in our finan cial management abroad. WITH prime cattle worth less than $lO per head in Australia and meat upon the free list, it is quite possible that we may be an importer of colonial meat. The av erage value of cattle on American farms, January 1, 1893, was sl4.6<i. aud even if the Canadian farmers are uuable to de preciate the value of our cattle their Aus tralian cousins may be in a position to do so shortly. West Liberty Items. Communion services were held in the M. E. Church on Sunday, March Rev. Stubbs and Bailey. The young peoples' prayer meeting which meets every Sunday evening ha< been very successful and we hope all will profit by the example some of the young folks are setting. Lewis Hawn has returned from the Nor mal at Slipperyrock, and intends to work on the farm this summer. Mr. Sager has moved into the Robinson house, and is working for his fathei-in law, Mr. Clutton C. C. Badger h teaching the Crooker school in the vicinity of Centreville. John Staff is kept pretty busy since the other shoemaker moved out. Won't have time to play horse shoes now, John. George Dilliman and Jell'. Moore are earning their daily bread at the spoke mill on T. B. McOlyuiond's tarm. Our shoemaker, Adam Kolenbaugh, has moved to Worth twp. John Caster is going to quit the mercan tile business aud move back to his farm Warren McDeavitt has been on the sick list. Communion services will be held in the U. P. Church on the first Sunday in May, T. TUK State of Pennsylvania p r oduoes more coal than any country in the world gave only England. In 1892 the total pro duction resched the enormous aggregate of 99,167,089 tons. In round figures one) hundred million tons of coal. Pennsylva nia is naturally grea'ly interested iu COHI Employed in this vast industry in 1892 , were 195,000 hands, representing with their lamilies not less tiuo half a million per- . am- shall the "Old Grave Yard" be Desecrated by Law ? Under the terms of a general law, the ast Legislature enacted a piece ot special egislation; (we hope not specially to meet , case in Butler,) but which singularly :over« the around, and this without any totice whatever to onr citizens. The law illowii school Hoards, "under certain cir :umstanc#s,"to violate the resting places of hedead Under this Act the school board of Sutler, is now attempting to invade the ildest burial place of the town, consecrated )y the founders of Botler a* a perpetual eating place tor their dead. It has so re nained until this day. That it has not >een so well cared for as it should Lave >een, is freelj admitted. But, that very act, instead ot affording a reason lor its arther desecration, should stimulate onr >orough authorities to take immediate iteps lor its permanent preservation, such L movement would be cordially seconded jot only by the people of the town but of dl the surrounding conntiy, the larger >ortion of the interments in this burial ilace being from the country. At this very ime a fund has been collected and safely leposited, and considerable additional sub scriptions, at once available, have been se ;ured to handsomely enclose and ornament ;heße sacred grounds as a Memorial Park such action would seem to be more in har nony with the intention of the donors, and icith the enlightened spirit of this age,than :bat proposed by our School Directors. The plea of necessity is suggested for the proposed desecration. It has no foundation whatever. In a crowded city, where all >ttter property is already permanently ap propriated,, there might be a semblance of propriety in the suggestion But, even in >.uch ca>e, in our large cities ancient burial places are sacredly protected. At the head of Wall street in the city of New York —the business centre oftbis country — is a venerable grave yard untouched for over a contury by a desecrating hand. In the heart of the city of Philadelphia, the old grave yard containing the grave ot Benjamin Franklin, and his cotxmporaries. remains as sacred as it wai in the days ot the Revolution when it was conseorated; carefully cared for by the city authorities It can hardly be pretended tha', every available spot for a school house about Butler is so pre occupied that it is impos sible to secure, by purchase or even ( on demnation, sufficient ground for this pur pose, and that our educational necessities are such as to drive us to tho dire extrem ity of invading the graves of onr forefathers to find a home for a healthy education ot the children. It is a matter of regret that the thought ot cheapness of price should be put for ward as good reason for the proposed dese cration. The bare mention of such a reason snould be insulting to the intelligent mor ality of the School Board. The bones and dust of onr ancestors cheaper than other ground! But, if the thought could be tol erated, tho Directors would find that even from a money point of view, this property would prove to be the dearest spot they could find in Butler. Tne piece of clan destine legislation under wliich they would operate, requires large expenses for dis-interment and re-intermeut, tor the purchase of a new cemetery, for the pur chase and setting up of head stones, etc. But all this is but the beginning of the cost. There are reversioners still living t<> assert and maintain theii claim in the right and title to the property, so, that af ter all the expense, first referred to, has been incurred, the property would be like any other town property on the market, anil the question to be determined would be: what are these valuable lots on tbe comer of McKean and North streets icorth —one of the handsomest squares in Butler —and the prico will have to be paid the mmx as if there never had been a irraw yart there. These lots "will come hirjli." It would look as if the School Hoard had uot counted all the costs, it they have dar ed to meditate on the cheapness of the speculation. But, were there no other reason for the intrusion upon the homes of our dead an cestors, the impossibility of dis-intering all the dead tuned in this old grave yard should be conclusive against the project. There are about 120 marked graves. There have been no burials there for over forty years. Only (lust could be gathered from these graves. But there is a much larger number of wholly unmarked graves. Whole families are buried there; the location of whose graves, cannot be designated. There lies the remains of John Cunning ham, one of the lounders of Butler, and there they have slumbered for nearly nine ty years. Xo person in Butler can desig nate the spot where they are buried, but they are there. What is to be done with them? There lie the remains of a venera bio Revolutionary soldier tbe ancestral head of the MoKee family, still worthily represented in our midst He served his country bravely and iaithfully, and after fighting his last battle, laid down iu Butler to rest, for how long, gentlemen of the School BoardT In that old grave yard lie the remains of tho first Christian Miuis ter who ever preached in Butler county, buried there over seventy years ago, and by his side his wife and two sons. There is the grave of tbe wife ot the Hon Walter Lowrie, one of Butler county's most highly honored sons, who reached the exalted po sition of a seat in tho Senate of the Uuitud biates. His wife, an eminent christian la ay, has been buried there for 01 years, and by her side her little son. There one of the earliest Methodist ministers has a grave to be cared for by those who have followed him in tbe ministry in Butler, and there it has been undisturbed for two thirds of a century. Those venerable, pioneer settlers of Butler county, —the father and mother of Hon. John Bretiin and grand parents of Hon. James Bredin sleep in that old grave yard. A few years t-iuce an attempt was made with loving hands to dis-inter the remains of these loved ones. But it was found to be iropos. sible, and so it would be, with regard to several hundred others. Tbcu is scarcely an old family in our surrounding neighborhood that is not rep resented there, Thsre )>« the Pierces, Cocbrans, McKissicks. Beattyu, iJcQuis lions, Neyuiaus, Funks, Keolers, Uaulons, Thoui pson s, Petersons, artins, MeKeevers, Welshes, Henrys, McCandleßs', Amber sous, Evans', Wallaces, Burkbarts, Grahams. Maxwells, Kobbs, Fryers and Bcor> u< f others. What is to be done wll ibis venerable dust by our Sobuol flonrut Much of it they can never even locato. In reply to all this we are flippantly in formed "ft js a mere question of time. We had better attend to it at om e It will be done tome time any ho*/' We have no faith in such looau talk, WB tiavo ;j duty to perform in onr day in protecting t{ji* gruve.s of our dead The world Is growing better, not worse. Tne enlightened, Christ: uu .sentiment, which will usher in the Twentieth Century will toierate LO pessimistic surrender • { abat it finds ho liest and bext, and its eduoajiwu TVIII not be toleud uieu to be ghouls and iconoclasta .Again we are told that ail this effort lo earn for the dead "i* a matter of iHUfiQient;, amd tuat the progress and improvement of Butler demand that this -eye sore' be re moved—deutroyed." We would pity the progress and improvement of Butler it it depended upon and requirea £l} oblitera tion ot our care for our honored dead We disclaim the thought that the pro posed desecration ol the old giav.-yard, u to be the work ot vandal marauders, light ing do wo, vulture like, to prey upon the remain of the dead. Were that the case, they would goon bo disposed of. On the contrary, this proposition tinmen from in telligent, moral, upright officials They are public officers, however, and their of ficial action is open to criticism and Com ment. We believe the action ot tueijuhool Board in this matter has been hasty and inconsider&fc). Their proposition should in some way, have boei> laid before the people, and the judgment of the people ob tained, before their final action. We still think, after mature reflection, they would reach the conclusion that "certain circum stances, "named in the tide of their Hill,do not exist in Butler, to warrant them in ex ecuting their plan, and that by timely re consideration, tb«y will set at rest, what otherwise, must bo a vary unpleasant con troversy. A C/'jTI?K.v. Petrolia Items. Prof. Harper Is on the sick list this we< k. Prof. McCollough was in town on Satur day, last, attending the institute. They report a good lime. A. R. G. Carland earned off' the laurels. Thomas S. Fleming of Bruin was the guest of W. A. Fleming on Tuesday of this week. X. Fair view Items. May Wilson aud J. I) Gibson alter a r.noit vacaiiou returned to their studies at New Wilmington College, ou Wednesday, The saw mill, joining town, owned by Mr Kiesse of Karus City, has sawed a good many thousand feet within the past two weeks, they are now finishing the job. They ate bustlers to work Our Town Schn/il finished Tuesday, all parents who had ehildruu in attendance are very well satisfied with their children*)' progress W. D Campbell of this county was the teacher. Wm Eieuherger and wile went down to Little Washington to vim their daughter. Vgyr, Sandy Hill Entertainment. The night of March 26th was one long to be remembered by the people of Sandy Hill and vicinity. On the evening men tioned the scholars gave their annual en tertainment. The house wa* finely decor ated with pine, artificial flowers and wax tapers, j In addition to previous years they had a fine stage. I The house was filled to overflowing by i o'clock. From 7:30 until 11:30 the audience was highly entertained by a lengthy pro- ; gramme, finely rendered. With many j thanks to the scholars who manifested such aa interest in the entertainment and at the same time attended strictly to the regular daily duties of their school work, and j who send greetings and thanks to Miss | Eva Fair for the able assistance rendered . us by you and yours, we need not give ; any words of praim, but the way in which • your performances were rendered was suf- j ficient proof of your being master of yonr | undertaking. The following programme was rendered: j Overture by the school, song"Little spring > beside my cabin homo''; this was followed j by an address of welcome by Delia Moore, which was well rendered and very appo priate tor the occasion; next on lhe pro gramme was a song by seven little girls, title,"An old time song , ',characters,Emma Knoch, Tressie Grieshaber, Nettie and Annie Snyder, Pearl and Inza Peaco and ; Lyda Snyder; music by Miss Wild a Mah' n, Messrs Robert Marks, Cunningham. Trim ble, James and Clarence Shepherd, many thanks from the audience for the fiDO mu sic rendered by the above orchestra. "Song of the States'' by fourteeu girls, thirteen representing the Colonies and one the Goddess of Liberty, characters. Kachel Baker, Rachel Mowery, Lizzie Johnston, Flora and Delia Moore, Tern Gallagher, Annie, Nettie and Lyda Snyder, Tressie and Lizzie Grieshaber, Emma Knoch, Pearl and Emma Peaco. Tableau, "The Thirteen Coloniea";declamation, "Mother's fool"by Bennie Bowman; dialogue"Youth ful dissipation" by Misses Delia Moor» and Olive Bowman; song "Stop that knocking at my door" by J P. and R. R Whiteside: dialogue "Bridget's investment", charac ters. Rachel Baker, Rachel Mower, Messrs R. R. Whiteside, Manten Glasgow and Ross Kennedy; declamation "A litt!«,b»ys troubles" by Melvin Harbinson; music; dialogue, "Keeping house" by Miss Wilda Maban and 10 small boys; declamation "A little girls jov" by Tressie Grieshaber; dialogue "Itallian from Cork" characters, S. F. Johnston, Frank N Flick, Luther Flick and Manten Glasgow. Music; dia logue "The new boy at school," characters Rachel Baker, Joseph Rainey, R. R- Whiteside and a school of ten boys and girls; dialo/ue "New Baber clerk" charact ers, Ira Baker, Harry Flick, R. R. White side and Frank Flick. Music, song "My fate with six sweetbearts"by David Dodds, Air. Dodds' singing so greatly pleased the vast audience that be was again called to the stage aud sang "The Bowery"; dec lamation "Rest for the weary feet" by Willie Bowman; song "Exhibition soug" by Melvin Harbinson; composition "Our anuuals" by Luther Flick. Music; dia logue "The illustrated story" characters, Harry A. Flick and R K Whiteside; dia logue "The barber shop" characters, Frank Fuck and S. F. Johnston; dialogue "The wrangltng pair" characters, Robert White side and Rachel Baker; song "Miss Flau negan's busouit" by J. P. Whiteside; dia logue "Doctor and his patients" characters Ross Kennedy, Flora Moore, Georgie Burns and Beatrice Bell*-; song "Drunken Charlie" by Emma Knncb; dialogue "The darkey photographer" characters Harry Flick," fi. R. Whitesiue and Frank Flick; declamation "Why he wouldn't sell the farm" by Miss Eva Fair; followed by an other entitled "Don't couut your chickens before they are hatched"; music; dialogue "Gone with a haudsomer man" characters. Carry Flick, R >b«rt Whiteside and Rachel Baker;" declamation "What a boy can do" by Joseph Rainev; music; dialogue "Ghost of the crooked laue" characters, Mary Bow man, Delia Moore, Harry A. Flick, Ira Baker and Oscar Glasgow; tableau, "Freo smoke", Harry Flick, R. R, Whiteside and R. Glasgow; music; soug, "They pnlled me baek again" by J. P. and R. R. Whiteside; declamation "Urover and Queen Lill" by Victor Hugo Peacoe; dialogue "The beer drinkers courtship" in two scenea, was most ably rendered by the following char acters: Miss Eva Fair, Messrs Harry Flick and J. P. and K. R. Whiteside. Among the highly appreciated perform ances ot the evening we must mention the parts played by Bennie and Willie Bow man. Bennie, the younger of the two, spoke "'Mother's Ftiol" which so much pleated the audience that he was oalled back, h. then gave a declamation entitled "Cock Robin". Willie declaimed on the subject of "Rest for the weary ieet,"which was very ably and manfully spoken. The work done by the scholars was all the praise wo can bestow on the teacher, J, P. Whiteside, which went to show what au earnest worker they had in the school this winter, and many are the regrets which will follow him on Monday of this week whan he leaves lor Volant to attend school. H. E. J. TnEEßwas riotiug at the polls in Kan sas City and Chicago. Tuesday, and at the former place, one uian was killed and sev eral wounded by pistols. TUK peoolo of the United States have been made to lose hundreds of millions of dollars in wages and business profits to say nothing of human ' suffering—all in order that the Democratic party might exploit a theory. A SHIP which loaded recently at Wil mington, Del , for Brazil, had as part of her cargo five locomotives, 25 first-class passenger Mrs sad 180,000 feet of lum ber. pom POWDER Absolutely Pure. A pream of tartar baking powder High est oi ail io IfsvcDijjg strength— gutted Statin Government Food Iteport. Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. Net 52 Percent Net. The above amount was earned and paid to the subscribers to our Special B. R. Syndicate as the result of our operations In the Sto k Market trorn Dec. isth, 1893 to Feb. 15. 1095. 100 to 300 per cent prollt per annum. Can be made by Joining our syndicate Pools. Send for Pros pectus un 1 our Daily ifarfcet letter. Mailed tf'-eti. Highest Belareuce. WEINMAN &CU.. Hankers £ Brokers, 11 Broadway. S. V. Hotels and Depots, W S. Gregg is now rrnulDg & Hue of carriages between the hotels and Cepota of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephoue No, 17, Qf leave orders at Hotd Vogelej. (iood Livevr i:i L S. MeJU'AiJU#, Insurance and Real Estate Ag't 17JP.A8T .TEFFERSONiST. ill ti - PA. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Pbyslclan and Surgeon. ■too West Cunnluubaui Ku L. BLACK, PIIVSHIIH AND SL'KUZOX, Hew Troutman Bnlldlnsr. Butler. Pi. nr. N. M. HOOVER, 137 E. vv'ayae M.. wipcy !toeis. 10 to 12 M. ana , IWBP.M. I DEATHS MCRTLAND—At her home in Concoid twp.. March 27, 1894. Mrs. Margaret MurtUnd, widow of John Martland.aged about <59 years. COOPER—At his home in Winfield twp.. March 23, 1894, Robert Cooper in his 80th year He was one of the oldest and most re spected citizens of that township. HUTCHISON—At bis Dome on W. MilJ, St., March 29, 1894, Howard, son o f Clem and Margaret Hutchison, aged 1 year and 7 months. FLEMING- At Duquense. March 29, 1894. S. b. Fleming of Buffalo twp., aged about 50 years. Mr. Fleming was found dead that even ing at the boiler bouse in which he worked A post mortem was held, and grippe was given as the cause of his death. He left a family, ELLIOTT—At his home in Centre twp , April 4,1894, son of Addison Elii ott. aged 5 years* His death was caused by mumps BERKIMER & TAYLOR, Funeral Directors, 151 S. Main St, - Butler: Pa. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. » Administrators and Executors ot estate can secure their receipt books at the Cm ZBK office. Estate of Samuel Shields. Letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Shields, late of Mercer twp , deed, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be in debted to said estate fill please make im mediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN J. MCGABVEV. Adm'r., Harrisville, Butler Co., Pa. W. H. Lusk, atty. Executor's Notice. In re-estate of S. C Hutchison, deed., late ot Washineton twp., Butler Co.. Pa Whereas, letters testamentary have been issued to me on the estate of said deced ent, all persons indebted to said estate will please call and settle, and ail persons having claims agaist the same will please present them duly authenticated for pay ment to ' D. L. HUTCHISON, Ex'r, S. F. Bowser. Att'y., North Hope, Butler, Pa. Butler Co., Pa. Executor's Sals. By virtue of an order ot the Orphan's Court ot Eutler Co., l*a., at O. C. Xo. CS March Term. 181)4, and to us directed, we will,on, FRIDAY. APRIL, 20th, 189*. at 1 o'clock p. m.. expose to public sale on the premises la Allegheny twp,. Butler Co., Pa„ the following real estate, late the property of John Pearce. deceased, to-wit: All that certain tract and messuage of ground situated in Allegheny twp.. Butlex Co . l"a.. bounded ana described as Follows, to-wlt: On the north by public road, separating said tract of land from lauds of Simon Black's heirs and Lemuel U'Donuell and by lands of JostaU Pearee;ou the east by lands of Joslah Pearce and James Meek; on tne south by lands of John Turner and iulla Ann Durnell and on the west by lands of Julia Ann Durnell and M. S. Adams, containing one hundred and twenty acres, more or less, with frame dwelling nouse. log barn, wagou shed, granary, aud other outbnllolugs thereou erected, with good ore hard of fruit trees growing thereon, good springs, laud mostly cleared, under fence and In fair state of cultivation. TERMS OF SALE:—One-third cash on ap proval of sale by the court aud the balance in two equal annual payments, secured by judg ment bond aud mortgage on the premises, bear ing Interest, and with au attorneys commission of 5 per cent for collection. KLI D. PEA RGB, JOHN H. PEARCE. Executors of John Pearce, dee'd. S. F. Bowser, Att'y. . Auditor's Notice. In lie final account of Ell J.) Orphans Court Moore. Win J, Kennedy and lof Butler coun- Wni. Humphrey, Executors of ! ty. No. 12. June Kobert Stewart, late ol Tor-1 Term, 1894 tersvllle, Butler Co., Pa., dc- 1 Bal. fordl3trl ceased. I button f5.307.6J Having been appoln'ed Auditor by the Court upon Match 7th. ism. to make distribution ol tUe balance In the liauds of the Kxeeutors as stated In above and atnoug those en titled thereto, all those interested therein will take notice that I will attend to the duties of said offlne at my office In Butler, i*a. No. 119 S. Main street, on TUESDAY. A PHIL 17th. IS9I, it 10 o'clock, A.M. wben and where they can attend If they see proper. T c. CAMPBELL. Auditor, Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between William M Kirkpatrick and John M. Keed, under the firm name of Kirkpatriok & Reed, grocers, of Butler, Pa., was dissolved by mutual consent on February Ist, 1594. Mr. Reed retiring. The business will be continued at same place, 306 N. Main St., Butler, Pa., by Mr. Kirkpatrick, who will collect all the late firm's accouuts and pay its debts. Wll. M. KIRKPATRICK, J NO. M, RKKD. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that Uih partner ship heretofore existing between W. B. Witte and L. H. Falkuor, under the firm name of Falkner <t Witte, blacksmiths, hardware and farming implements at Sar vers Station, Butler Co., Fa ,was dissolved by mntuai consent on January 20th, 1894. The business, exoept, blaoksmithing, will be continued by W. H. Witte, who will collect all accounts of the late firm and pay all its debts. W. B. Witte, Sarversvillo P. 0.. IJntler, I'a. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the will of Josaph Ewing. dee d, late of Clinton iwp.. Butler county, i'a., having been this day granted by tne Register of said county to the undersigned, therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate are requested to make speedy pay - ment and those having claims agaiDst said estate will present them to me properly authenticated for settlement, Cbablbs B. Glasgow. Ex'r., Flick P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. E. McJ, McJ. <t G., Att'ys. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on tbe last will and testament of Neal Mcßride, late of Clearfield lwp., Butler Co., Pa., deceased, haying been this day granted by the Regis ter ol wills of s»i'J Oounty to me, tfceijijder signed Executor, therefore, all persons knowiug themselves indebted to said es tate are requested to make speedy pay ment, and all persons having claims against said estate will piuase present, them to me. properly authentioate«( for settle ment, Desnis MpßatOK, Executor, Coylesville, Butler Co.. E- ifpJonkin, Att'y. Pa. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, ~ - BUTLER, PA. Gold Pilling Painless "lUtrnction of Teeth and Artltlcial Teeth without Plates a specialty Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Atr or Local Aua;sthetleß used. Office over Millers grocery ,ea3t of Lowry [louse. Office closed Wednesdays aud Thursdays J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn's- Artificial Teeth Inserted on the latest lin proved plan. Uold Filling a specialty. Office over Schaula ciothlnn Store. y. tyIcALPINE, Dentist, la now located In new and felenant rooms ad joining his former; ones. All. kinds of clasp plates and modereu gold work. "Gas Administered." E. t. M. I)• J ■ MANN, M. D Specialties; Specialties: Gynaecology and Sur- SJ" O - Nose and gory. Throat. Drib. LEAKE & MANN, Butler, Pa. G. M. ZIMMERMAN. rnVSICIAN AND SURU*OK, "™ """*1 Mercantile Appraiser's List for the Year 1894. Names. Business. Pontoffice. Amount. Butter Borough. Amy, C P, 4 pool tables $ 61 00 Huselton. Jr. 4 pool tables.. 61 00 Biehl, G C. 4 pool tables 61 00 Krepps, A W. 3 pool tables 51 00 McCrea & Co., brokers 9 75 Armory Opera Building, "opera".. 55 00 Beanx City Borough. Donaldson, T A, 4 pool tables 61 00 Kelly Bros, 2 pool tables 41 00 Harmony Borough. Luton, M E, 3 pool tables 51 00 Millerstoicn Borough. Tadder, G P. 4 pool tables 61 00 Sajtouburg Borough. Schroth, W, 2 pool tab1e5......... 41 00 Adams Township. Murray, PH, 3 pool tables, Callery 51 00 Slippery Rock Township. Mitchell, H F, 2 pool tables. Coal town 41 00 Brans City. Ifft, George it Son. opera 55 00 Bufaio lotntship. Penn'a Distilling Co., distillery, Freeport 103 00 Zclienoplc Borough. Stahl, George, distillery 203 00 Butler Borough. Hunt, H B, restauraut 7 10 75 Hincbberger, U. restauraut 8 5 75 McCaudless, MJ, restaurant S 5 75 McCounell. John, restaurant 8 5 75 McCrea. H D, restaurant.... 8 5 75 Shaffer, John, restaurant 8 5 75 Williams, Ales, cafe 8 5 75 Adams Totcnshiv. Hunt, HB. restaurant, Callery...B 575 Miles, T H, restaurant, Mars 8 5 75 Brans City. Hogeland, Mrs. SE, restaurant...B 575 White, JM, restaurant 8 5 75 Butler Borough. Armstrong & Sutliffe, store 13 10 75 Aldinger, C D, store 14 7 75 Anderson, A 0, drugs 14 7 75 Aiken <t Campbell, store 11 15 75 Boyd, C X, drugs 12 13 25 Balph, JF, drugs 14 7 75 Beliis £ Myers, store 11 15 75 Biehl Beery, hardware 14 7 75 Butler Music Co. store 13 10 75 Bickel John, store 12 13 25 Bayounet, V, store 14 7 75 Boos, J, store 13 10 75 fireman, J, store 14 7 75 Barnhart, KW, store 14 7 75 Campbell <fc Templeton. store 10 20 75 Colbert Harvey, store 14 7 75 Canipbfeli, JG,it W, hardware 925 75 Colbert A Bale, store 12 13 25 Cleland. B L, store 13 10 75 Cypher, Geo, it Co, hardware 11 15 75 Cammella, J, store 14 7 75 Douglass, J fl. storo ....13 10 75 Duffy, C, store 11 15 75 .'avenny. J E, store 12 13 25 Forcht, H, store 13 10 75 Fleming, WC, store 14 7 75 Grove, W B, store 13 10 75 Grieb it Lamb, store 13 10 75 Grieb, Harry, store 14 7 75 Grieb, C It, store 14 7 75 Graham Bros, store 13 10 75 Graham & Bouthett, store 12 13 25 Harper Bros, store 12 13 25 Beineiuan, II C, store 13 10 75 Heck, D A, store 11 15 75 Hineblerger. C, store 14 7 75 Huselton. B C, store 10 20 75 Hoffman, HA, store 14 7 75 Bagerty, TC, ►tore 14 7 75 Hull, H. store 14 7 75 Jack, JS, store ..14 7 75 lacksjn <t Mitchell, store 14 7 75 Kirkpatrick it Reed, store 13 13 25 Koch it Sons, store 1C 20 75 Ketterer, George, store 13 10 75 Kemper, John, store —..14 7 75 Kirkpatrick. KL, store 14 7 75 Kamerer, W A, store ...13 10 75 Ivoonce, H W, store 14 7 75 Klingler, H J, store 9 25 75 Kirk, HD, store 14 7 75 Larkin <fc Co, oil well supplies 14 7 75 Miller. C E. store 13 10 75 McMillin, JP, store 14 7 75 Morris, AJ, store 14 7 75 Morrison, TA, store 14 7 75 Metzger, W F, store 13 10 75 Miller, Henry, store 12 13 25 May <t Divel, store 14 7 75 Mangold, P It, store 14 7 75 McCrea, W S, store 13 10 75 Martincourt, S B <fc Co, store S 30 75 Miller, G W. store 10 20 75 Mcßride it Elliott, store 14 7 75 McClain, M. store 14 7 75 Mitchell, CM, storo 14 7 75 Niggle & Bros, hardware 13 10 75 O'Brien, WB <t Sou, hardware 14 775 Patterson, JK, drugs 14 7 75 Patterson, J N. store 11 15 75 Prvor, Mrs, E B, store 14 7 75 Phillips, O M, store 13 10 75 Purvis <t Co, lumber 10 20 75 I'ape, DT, storo 14 7 75 Reiber, A it H, store 10 20 75 Bedick, J C, drugs 12 13 25 Koessing, BE, store 14 7 75 liockenstein, MC, hardware 14 7 75 Buff, Al, store 13 10 75 Richey, J A, storo 14 7 75 Reiber, F T, store 13 10 75 Ralston, W E, store 14 7 75 Ross <fc Phillips, store 13 10 75 Reiber, AlfM, storo 9 25 75 Schaul it Nast, store 12 13 25 Stein. L, storo 10 20 75 Scbueideman, H, storo 11 15 75 Smith, J <t 11, store 12 13 25 Stehle, JF T, store 14 7 75 Stock, C, hardware 14 7 75 Trailer, Louis, store 12 13 25 Troutman. A it son, store 7 40 75 Vogeley & Bancroft, Wnller, ./ L, drugs 14 7 75 Wuller, D B, drugs 13 10 75 Wick, L C, lumber 11 15 75 Walker; JL, store 14 7 75 Wuller Pharmacy, drugs 14 7 75 Weitzel it Armstrong, storo 13 10 75 Zimmerman, Jounie, storo 10 20 75 Centrerille Borough. Bingham, FP, hardware 14 7 75 Bingham, John T, ug'ral im's 14 7 75 Bard & Son, store 11 15 75 Bakor, ljeistcr i Nelson, storo 14 7 75 Campbell, GM, receiver, store 11 15 75 C'onlter, TS, hardware 14 7 75 Kerr, J C, store 13 10 75 Lawreuce, WE. store 14 7 75 Ramsey, WT, store 14 7 75 C'lutton Bros 4 McGaffio, store 12 13 25 Über <t Bestler, store 14 7 75 Evans City Borough. Allen, Nickel, coal 14 7 75 Barkey, ./ohu, coal 14 7 75 Boggs & Kline, store 11 15 75 Buhl, FV, ag'ral implements 14 7 75 Bartc, Bavid, store 14 7 75 Burry, LN, hardware 14 7 75 Dambaob. J & E, lumber 12 13 25 Budaon, R, store 14 7 75 lift it Sons, store 11 15 75 List, JM, Dr, drugs 14 7 75 Oil Well Supply Co, oil well snp 13 10 75 Nicklas Bros, store U 15 75 Ripper, JA, store 14 7 75 Riggs, WD, store 14 7 75 Smathers »t Suiton, store 14 7 75 Smathers AJ, store 14 7 75 White, ./ M, store 14 7 75 Shoup Bros, hardware 13 10 75 Young, Henry, furniture 14 7 75 /£inkhamm. JW, furniture 14 7 75, D, storo 14 775 Fair view Borough. Uawn, W C, storo 11 15 75 Scott, C, store 13 10 75 I'etrolia Borough Denholm, T, store 14 7 75 English <t Vensel, hardware 14 7 75 Foster, W C, drugs 14 7 75 Bawk, JM, store 14 7 75 Starr, ML, store 14 7 7.1 Stoughten. WK, junk 14 7 75 Yeager, S, Junk 14 7 75 I'orterscillc Borough. Humphrey, Wmi Son, store 10 20 75 McDonald. GB, hardware 14 7 75 Marshall, AB, drugs 14 7 75 Kamsey Bros, store 13 10 75 Zoigler, HD. furniture 11 7 75 Prospect Borough Bowers, A, drugs 14 7 75 Critcblow Bros, store 13 10 75 Forrester, S S, store 13 10 75 Graham, RH, furniture 14 7 75 Keister & Co, store 13 10 75 MeClure, JB, drugs 14 7 75 Riddle, \V R po. store 12 13 25 Jlarriscille Borouijh. Black, II < <t Son, store 12 13 25 Beatty, ES, hardware 14 7 75 Brown, |i L, furnituro 14 7 75 6'urrv. JE. stora 14 7 75 Elrick. JM, drugs 14 7 75 Buinphrey it McMillan, store 12 13 25 Morrison, W L, store 14 7 75 Earns City borough. Hilliard, Mrs HM. store.... 14 7 75 McElroy Bros, store 13 10 75 Storey, LR, drugs 14 7 75 Wersli, John, sloro 14 7 75 Borough. Bell, P A Co, Btore 14 775 Be Wolfe, Br W L, drugs 14 7 75 j-rai)»le, S, storo 14 7 75 . Frederick A Co, lumber 13 10 75 Frazier, •/ TT, storo 14 7 75 , Glass, George, store 14 7 75 Hoch Bros, hardware 13 10 75. V' Fj hardware 14 7 73J y.ihiiitc n, CH, hardware 14 7 75 ./obnston C H, store 14 7 75 ' Litringer, H C, store 13 10 75 IjDir&ii. VV J. t-tore 14 7 75 Kedd, W E. store 14 775 ScUweiger. F, store 14 7 75 Scharbacn, C, store 14 7 75 Mt Kee, JL, drags 14 7 75 Martland. J 0, store 13 10 75 WrMenniu Bros, store 10 1W 75 Westerman. rf F4 Co, store 13 10 75 Kent Banbury Borough. Hreaden <£ Conway, store 11 15 75 liir.dman, 11 C A Co, drags 14 7 75 Mechling «t Hunt, iuruuure 14 7 75 Pryor, J&*. hardware 14 7 75 Rhodes, S L. store 14 7 75 Saxonburg Borough. Uylmbold, Mr»Theo.fc sons, store 11 15 75 ilelmbold.Mrs. Theu £ sous,store 10 20 75 Krtuse, T, »u>re 11 15 75 ilaurhoff, G W, store 14 7 73 Alershon, Dr EB, drags 14 7 75 Sachs A" WeUei, lumber 14 7 75 Harmony Borough. Bailie, U W, bakery 14 7 75 lientle, U \1 & Co, store 12 13 25 Epinger, A. coal 14 7 75 Biudingf-r, Geo. hardware 14 7 73 Foehringer, A, Store 14 7 75 Bauer, .f B, drugs 13 10 75 Latt'haw, F K. store 14 7 75 Miilem&n, Geo, store 14 7 75 ilillemau Bros, store 11 15 75 Oil Well Supply Company, oil well 12 13 25 Swain, G 1), store 11 15 75 Zelmiople Borough Allen A Darubach, store 10 20 75 Basiiaii, L> G, hardware 13 10 75 Itloom, Joan, boots aud shoes 14 7 75 Dinuiuxer, .John, store 11 15 75 Eicholtz <fc Über, hardware 14 7 75 Friskhorn, Fred, hardware 14 7 75 Goehring, F S, tiara ware 14 7 75 Householder, B, Bakery 14 7 75 Bouseholder Bros, machinery 14 7 75 Barper. A. coal yard 14 7 75 Ifft. W B, store 11 15 75 Ifft, J, lumber 13 10 75 Kauluiau, B, boots aud shoes 14 770 Passavant, C S. store 13 10 75 Strotiecker, CJ, hardware 14 7 75 Wright Bros, store 11 15 75 Wiuter, A, store 14 7 75 Wild, A, store 14 7 75 Zt-hner, fci, furniture 14 7 "5 i Zehner, F, agr'l lmpl's 14 775 Adams Township. Anderson, J A & W. F, store Val encia 12 13 25 Cooper, AL, store, Valencia 14 7 75 Carruthers, Peters & Co, oil well supplies, Callery 12 13 25 Barr, J C, >1 D, drugs Mars 14 7 75 Boyd, W I), lumber, Mars 14 7 75 Barr, J C, coal, implements, Valen cia 13 10 75! Berringer, H H, store. Myoma 13 10 75 Graham, J E, store, Mars 14 7 75 G«dard, M J,coat, Callery 14 7 75 Irvine Bros, furniture, Mars 14 7 75 Irvine, CB, store. Myoma 14 7 75 Jordan & Co, store, Mars 11 15 75 Link, WJ, coal. Mars 14 7 75 Marshall. J D, store, .Vlars 11 15 75 aterett, SO, drugs, Valencia 14 7 75 Shannon, J F, store, Callery 14 7|75 Thomas, J 11, store, Callery 13 10 75 Allegheny Toivnship Schel), J D, (•tore, Sandy Point 14 7 75 Brady , Toivnship. Cluttou, EG, store, West Liberty 14 7"5 Robinson, \V VV, store, Pump 14 7 75 Buffalo 'Township McCafferty, J, store Sarversyille 14 7 75 Powell, J W, store, Sarversvil'e 12 13 25 Witte, VV H, hardware,Sarversville 14 7 75 Watson, VV, lumber, Sarversville 14 775 Sarver, S B, store, Sarversville, .14 7 75 WilkewitJ!, G, store, Sarversville 14 775 Leasure, A W, store, Freeport 14 7 75 Server, HK, store, Ekastown 14 7 75 Clinton Township Anderson, RJ, store. Flick 14 7 "5 Ekas, Daniel, store, Ekastown 14 7 7o Snyder, SS, store, Riddles X Roads 14 7 75 Cranberry Township Bogi;s, J A, store, Ogie 14 7 75 Garvin, Win, store, Ogle 13 ID 75 Frantz, John, store, Ogle 14 7 75 Johnston. HM, store. Ogle 14 7 75 Connoquentssing Township Aleiauder & Doutt, store,Wuites town 12 13 25 Christie, JL, drugs, Connoq'ng 14 7 75 Barnhart Jt Son, store Couuoq'ng 12 13 25 Purviance, J T <fe W A, store, Con noq'ng 12 13 25 Nicklas, C, store, Oonnoq'ng 13 10 75 lleniy, RS,store, Buttercup 14 7 75 Cherry Township Bailey, J A, store, Bovarl 14 7 75 Elliott, 11 VV, store.Coaltown 13 10 75 Fogtl, V, drugs, Coaltown 14 7 75 Welsh, James, store, Coaltown 14 7 75 Sproull <Sc Stoops, store, tiomersal 13 10 75 Centre Township. Fleeger, AF, store, Fleeger 14 7 75 iiolnian, A, store. McCaudless 14 7 75 Concord Township. BaUiger & Badger, store, Magic 13 10 75 Markwell, S, store, Greece City 13 10 75 Clearfield Township. Fennel, P Sou, st re, Feuuelton 14 775 Gormley, F P <St Co, store, Coyler ville 13 10 75 Clay Township Arthurs & Murtland, store, Euclid 13 1G 75 Duun, John, store, W Suubury 14 7 75 Donegal Township Andre, W J, sloie, Gieer 14 7 75 Graham, J 11, sloie, St Joe 14 7 75 Grillln, FA, store, liattigan 14 7 75 Franklin Township. Watson, W <& son, store, Mt Chest nut 12 13 25 Forward Township. Duttieid, M, 53, t*tore, Zeito 14 7 75 Schilling, A, store, Keibold 14 7 75 Jackson Township. Kirker, S D. store. Harmony 14 7 75 Jefferson Township, Hurtensteiu, L, store, Great Belt 13 10 75 Moil tag, W «!t Co, store, Jellersou Centre 14 7 75 O'Neil, J M, store, Great Belt 13 10 75 Lancaster Township, Laderer, J, store, Middle Lancaster 13 10 75 Metz. A E i Son, store, Middle Mancister 14 7 75 Marion Township Itailey, Joseph, store, Harrisville 14 775 Gormley. J 11, store, MurriusviUe 14 7 75 Hamilton, 11, store, Boytrs 11 7 75 oisney, LJ, store, Boyers 14 7 75 Middlesex I'ownship. Marks, W J & Bros, stoie, Glade Mill 11 15 75 Mercer Township. Owens, Mrs Jane, store, Forrestvillell 7 75 Lagher, JG, store, Uarrisville 14 7 75 Shields. It C, store, Forrestyillej 14 7 75 Oakland Township. Andre, WJ, store, St Jo« 14 7 75 Ball, Geo, store, North Oak laud 14 7 75 Campbell, peuier, Souora 14 775 Parker Township- Adams, J I). store, Bruin 14 7 75 Back, WC. store. Bruin 14 7 75 Caldwell, 11 M, store, Bruin 14 7 75 Daubsnspeck, J M, store. Glenora 11 775 Howard. J C, store, Parker's Land ing 14 7 75 Morgan. Jauies A, store, Parker's Lauding 14 7 75 Orr, J 11, store, Bruin 14 7 75 I'enn Township. Bowser & Son, lumber, Reulretv H 7 75 Doutheu, A Al, store. BroWiislale 13 10 75 Markwell, S, store, Renfrew 11 7 75 McClymoiids, S 11, M I>, drugs Renfrew 14 7 75 Patrick, Jauies, store, Renfrew 13 10 75 Price Bros, hardware, Reurew 14 7 75 Sutton, A D, store, Maharg 13 10 75 Summit Township. Bergbitcler, N, store, Carbon C. 13 10 75 Dittmer, MB, store, Herman 14 7 75 Slippreryrock Township- , Critchlow, 1 ag't. lumber, Wickl3 10 75 Grieb, A, store, Kiea'er 14 7 75 Hindmun, «> J. store, Brauchton 14 775 Venango Township. Jamison, W C,store, Ean Claire 12 13 25 Kerr, 11 11, store, Esu t l'ire 14 7 75 Miller, AO, drugs, Eau Claire 14 7 75 Kohlmeyer, GF. drugs, DeSale 14 775 Washington Township. Thompson, 1 N, drags, North Hope 14 7 75 Harper & Gibson, hardware. North Hope 14 7 75 M illliu is Mifflin, store, North Hope 11 15 15 Altuiire, Mrs. T. store, Milliards 14 77c Boyle & McKe«,store, Milliards 14 775 Anderson, DS, store, Milliards 11 7 75 McKee £ Co, lumber, Milliards 14 7 75 McKee <Sc Co, hardware, Milliards 14 775 McFarlaod, CB, store, Argentine 13 10 75 Win field Township. Forrester. C, store, Leasurerille 14 775 Smitn 1 •,;.i»i st<-ie, Curloa Black 12 13 25 Ciu kxhauk, ii. P'dUer, l arb u Black M 1 75 Krau»e, it £ A, store, Denny 1115 75 Weidhos, L, hardware, Denny 12 13 26 i Worth. Township. Gardner, W F, store, Jacksviile m ■* KAUFMANN'S I M Next door to Butler Savings Bank. VMp\ yjl, .. Another Bargain Week in all Departments. raX ' Cr g oes . at 6° c on the WHY PAY MOREP 35c Turkey Red Table Linen sells for 22c. 10c Linen Towesl, good and large, sells for sc. 6c Crash for Towels, light and dark, sells for 4.\c. 50c Kid Gloves 33c. 25c to 40c Ribbon, all colors, sells for oc. 25c Window Shades, .ill colors complete, sells for 19c. 25c Curtain Poles and Fixtures sells for 17c. 8c Lancaster Ginghams best standard goods sells for 3 Jc. 6c Unbleached Muslin sells at 4c. Flanneletts and Shaker Flannels sejls tor sc. 7.\c Bleached Muslin sells for sc. Dress Goods and Spring Wraps all far Below the Regular Selling Price. Millinery Opening Next Week at KAUF3IANN'N, BUTLER, PA. Leader in Low Prices and Reliable Goods. HCAILDGGED! 1 DOXT BE HUMBUGGED. 1 Don't buy a vehicle"or harness of any kind from a dealer who don't care what he tells you. Don't buy from a dealer who don't know the quality of the article he is selling you. "Never misrepresent nor try to get rich off one customer" has been our motto for 12 years and in that time you have never heard of us having any trouble? with any person who has dealt with us. Our experience in the business enables us to assist you in making selec tions of what will suit your purpose and we tell you just the kind of material it is made of. We guarantee what we tell you to be true and stand right over it. We buy everything for cash. We pay no rent. We have more stock than any house in the State in the same line and SELL CHEAPER. There is no doubt about this. Come and see. No difference what you want about a team, buggy or horse come to us and get a d >llar's worth for a dollar. Top Buggies $44.50; Buckwagons $33; Horse Collars, either buggy or team, $1.00; Buggy Whips 10c; Rawhide Buggy Whips 50c; Whalebone Whips, one-half length, 50c. Two seat Spring Wagons S3B; Buggy Tops, good rubber, $9-s°: Single trees, Shafts, Wheels, Sweat Pads, Check Lines and everything be longing to harness. I*l Our Own Make Team Harness $221*1 complete, with breeching and collars. All kinds of harness and parts of harness made to order. We employ the best workmen and use the best leather. Come and see us. We never advertised a lie in our life and are not doing it now. S. B. Martincourt & Co., 128 East Jefferson Street, BUTLER, - PA. P. S. Price reduced on Kramer Wagons, the best wagon on earth and every body knows it. FRANK KRMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, everything in horse and buggy fur nishing goods-Harness, Collars, "Whips, Dusters, Saddles, etc. A.lso trunks and valises. 3-1 epairing done on short notice. The largest assortment of 5-A. Horse blankets in town will be tound at FRANK KEMPER'S, 124 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. llircery. At reasonable prices is the particular attraction at the LEADING - MILLINERY - HOUSE OF 33. T. PAPE. French Pattern hats and bonnets, and latest novelties in milli nery. Babies and little girls receive our careful attention. It .vtll pay you to examine our stock before buying elsewhere. MOURNING MILLINERY A SPECIALTY. WAIN ST. D- ' PAPE' jjwj. DIAMONDS J. RINGS, KAK KINGS, pins BT UDS. HI? ATC HES } UENTS tiOLI,, - CUATI.AIN. JEWELRY } Ciold P " lS ' Ear Kin " B ' R '®». Bracelets. Ktc. _______ _._w »-> > Tea Seta. Castors. Butler IHslies and Everything diILV R. W il. i~» f thai ran be found in a llrst class store. 80PGER BROS. 1874 } KMVES - FORKS ' ».atk. E. GRIEB. J E WE H LBR. No. 139, North Main St., BTJTLER, PA., Mercantile tax S 3 * 3 * 1? Distilling ?'™ liilliar' and Pool tables o»t Opera Uousci «« 00 Restaurants T Brokers Total 7 .° Takl NOIICB-All who are concerned in ibis appraisement, that an appeal ** * held at the Commissioners "thee ' n . on the twentythird(23)of April. A I) 1894, I,ft een the hours of 9A. M *<; d•> l» M, when you can aieud if think proper. ' J. 11. PIZOR. Appraiser. Feb. tt» Mi ®®ao©#®e<«»«-> set 6 GOSSER'S • -CREAM GLYCERINE. kMDO ' raal l«P dMIMj hands, Hps or A i or ;uiv ronghncsi of the sklii. aiul g ° ' -s a drains for the face »f! i Sold by druggists r.t -j ' ciil\ .i\c Cents a Bottle. - wim-HS* r l ;..' . V 4 v«r* : i-ig sfC «n Ch-cago, will find il o* < 1 i Buff Leghorns that arc Buff. L-:GGS FOR SETTING: Puff Leghorn hons from the yards of A. Lenta. J. and the Niagara lviver Pool try Farm, is. V ; cockerel fr >ai Arnold's bunt j ark. FGGS $2.50 pei 13. My Plymouth Kocks nre larp*, health* fowls, and art' as <\ an cc.n !••• foond any w her:-. KGGS $1 lor 13. Orders for eg* will l>o tiliwl in order rc JOHN H. REIHEU. 304 Merc- r St., liutlor, Pa. PIA'• h";£ ton*) i " vtfl^
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