IS THE TIME TO GET BARGAINS AT ROBINS BROS. IN LADIES AND GENTS FINE SHOES. WE ARE GOING TO MOVE TO GROVE CITY THE LAST OP DECEMBER. DON'T YOU THINK You had better be getting your WINTER FOOTWEAR? The boys and girls are now going to school. The cold, wet weather is here, and they must have boots and shoes that will posi tively keep their feet dry and warm. SHODDT GOODS WON'T DO IT. No one can afford to have cold, wet feet. It costs too much to settle THE DOCTOR'S BILL. It's penny wise and pound foolish. huselton keeps the kind ot Footwear you are looking for, both in quality and price, and what he tells, TOU can rely on is right. READ A FEW PRICES: , . . $3.00 and $3.501 lien's Kip BooU, tap sole box-t - - 2.50 and 2.70 Men's Kip Boota. sole leather oounter - " 1.40 and 2.00 Men's Heavy Boots, prime 70 and 1.00 • Men's Hear/ Shoes - Z. 95 and 1.00 Men's Fine Shoes, Con'g. and Bals 1.75 and 200 Boys' Extra Prime Kip Boots 1.25 and 1.50 Boys' Extra Heavy BooU 75 and 1.05 Boys' Heavy Sboes 1.00 and 1.20 Boys' Fine Shoes, button and lac?.. 1.75 and 2.0,3 Boys' Extra High Cut Tap Sole Shoes 100 U( ] 125 Women's Fine Shoes, button .... .1.00 and 1.2 Women's Extra Oil Gran Button x u Women's Extra Oil Grain Lace Bhoea 75 and 1.0 U Women's Veal Kip Laoe Shoes 1.25 and 1.50 Women's Kip Shoes, nnlined 75 and 1.00 Misses' Good Heavy Shoes 75 Misses Fine I Kid Button 100 Hisses Fine Dongola Button, Pat. Kip Women's ud Mis**' Kip and Calf Shoes a specialty. 75 and 1.00 Women's Warm Flannel Lined Shoes 5 Women's Warm Flannel Lined 81ippers WE LEAD IN RUBBER GOODS! 2.40 Men'* First Qnality Rubber BooU j 75 U(| 2 .00 Boys' Rubber BooU 25 Ladies' Rubbers aD(I 45 Ladies, Fine Gossamer Rubbers 25 and 3" Children's and Misses' Rubbers Men's and Women's Piccadilla Rubbers for Narrow toe shoes Men's Hip and Knee BooU, all styles, in Alankas and Buckle Arctics - L 0 Men's Felt BooU and Rubbers I^s Boys' Felt BooU and Rubbers •;••• " . ... I haven't had time to count the number of pairs I have in all these = e M y I have twice as many as any other house in Butler, and better goods and lower price s. We don't carry our stock in the newspaper. Come and see u». B. C. HUSELTON. Ho. 102 Horth Main Street - Butler ' P " - The 0. W. HARDMAN Art Company Limited. SPECIALTIES ETorytbing i« Photojmpbmg ud i» MA Ofig, S.pi., Oil or V.M Colors, that is worthy of honest sale, and strictly FIRfeT CLASH, IS OUR SPECIALTIES Old Pictures REPRODUCED and ENLARGED. All work §aaranteed -repre sented. Latest Btyles in Picture Frames. See large display of .''MPP)*', T ( | priOM and our work with others. Special rates to Ministers and Lady School Teachers. LADIES, OLD PEOPLE, And Children have no lon* dark, filty stairs U, travel up and down Studio on FIRST FLOOR 108 MAIN BTREET, BDTLER, PA, KINGS, Diamonds { ' STUDS, f (GENTS GOLDJ Watches LADIES CHATLAIN, J GoldJPiiw, Ear-rings, ewelry j Rings, Chains, Bracelet, Etc, r Tea sets, castors, butter dishes o*l and everything that can be bllverware ( found in a first claw Store, HBtin HNS. Ilfl I'STh-r- E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 139, Horth Main St., BUTLER, PA., SOME OF OUR PRICES. 4- Men's veal calf shoes °5 Boys' veal calf shoen 75 Men's extra tine butt'shoes 91) Ladies don. patent tip but. shoes $1.20 Misses don. patent tip but. shoes ■ 1 •' Mens buckle brogans 80 Men's kip boots 1.50 Ladies' oil grain shoes. 95 Ladies' glove calf shoes 95 Ch idrens dongola but. patent tip 50 Infant dongola button 2o Rubbers at a lower price than they can be bought elsewhere in the County. AL RUFF. U4 S. MAIN STREET. - BUTLER. I'A "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO Kothin? On Earth Will r*AK$ HENSf LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevent, all Disease. Good for Moulting Hen*. If you can't get it «end loo«. Ocex£«. frn* with $1 00ord.?r» or more. Sampl® copy i f^»T° T o^w!r/i^m D Bogton, Mam HUMPHREYS' Dr Humphrey." HpectUr. are scientifically and carefully preparwl itemedles, u»ed for yean IB nrlvat'» practice and for over thirty years by tha people with entire sticrsa. Every single Specific aiipecl£l cure fnr the dlseano named. ThT cure without druoring.puixlnK or reducing the system and are In fact ana deed the Sov rrelsn Remedies of the World. j, 0 _ criti. ntcw. I—Fevers, Congestion*, Inflammation*. Worm*. Worm Fever, Worm Colic 'is 3—Teetbinst Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults .25 7_Ceagh*. Colds. Bronchitis ,2S 8- Neuralgia, To thachc, Faceache 23 »-Headaches, sick Headache, Vertigo.. .23 10— Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation. .23 11—Sap.remrd or Painfal Period. .23 12—White., Too Profuse Periods . 23 13—froop, Laryngltl., Hoarseness 23 14— *jalt Uhcaro, Erysipelas, Eruptions .23 13—If heu mat ism. Rheumatic Fains .... .23 15—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague...... .23 IB—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold to the B«ad. .23 20—Whooping Cough 27—Kidney Diseases 28— Serroa. Debility 30 —t rinnry Weakness, Wetting Bed-• .23 HCIHPHKEYrt' WITCH HAZEL Oil., "The Pile Ointment."-Trial Slxe. 2# CU. gold by I>ro*el«». <t •• nt t ' -ion m.lrt of prtt* Owl. j iramKYs'MAM'Al. <144 MAILED r«ss. HraPHBKTB' MED. CO., 111 A 113 WHIUuw SU, SEW YOU* SP E CTF IC S■ ■ Aged naturally !n Government Bonded® ■ Warehouses, exported to Hamburg, Ger-H ■ many, kept in Heated Warehounes until ■ ■ mature], shipped hack and bottled on ourß ■own premises is the guarantee we give you ■ ■ that Old Export is absolutely pure. FreeH ■ from fusel oil and all injurious Ingredients. ■ ■ it is the ideal family whiskey for medicinal ■ ■or social purposes. Mail and express orders® ■filled promptly, and on orders of $lO or H ■over we pay express charges. ■ Cmpkte Mm LUU sf Braadkt, VkMWklikkt Bail* Cm The County Fair affords an excellent opportunity for the pick-pocket to get your watch. If you woulJ be proof against his skill, be sure that the bow (or ring) is a Igg This wonderful bow is now fitted to the Jas. Boss Filled -Watch Cases, which are made of two plates of gold soldered to a plate of composition metal. Look equally as well as solid gold cases, and cost about half as much. Guaranteed to wear 20 years. Always look for this trademark. None genuine without it. WQW Sold only through watch dealers. Ask any jeweler for pamphlet or send to the manufacturers. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. The aimpU application of KlSygwißny me<l»c 1 clear, wbita and 801 l fcr drufflai*. or arnt by mall for W CU. A«Wr»-M Dm. twavva 4 Son, I'hilwUlpUa, fa. ifk /our drucelat for Ik s DOCTORS LAKE fo&i ■ ~RI /ATE VISFEXtARY. -IM OOR. PENI . AVE. AMD FOURTH ST.. PITTSBURGH. PA. ' J/-4M\ \ AII fornix of Deli'-iito ami Com- XmLi plicated DlaeanearequirlnnCoN. ri I>KNTI4 L. and 8c i BKTIFIC Mcd icuiion arc treated at tliifl l>i«- « . / with a suecesfe /arely attwined. JDr. 8. K L ikc \i" member of the Eoyal College of I ny «i a id Burge*>air, and Is the o! lest and most \. . i *ed BFBCIALIH* in the city Bpe< s al at .-i to Nervous I)ebillt> frome v c«nivc i> i» -vcrtionjindihcretionofyouth,etcMcaus i, deal an»l mental decay,lark of energy, l t oii ' ncy, etc.; also Cancer* OldSorei, Fits, I'ihM i iictimatlHvn, an«l all di»ca®eaof the Bkin, UJ.< I l.unffNUrinaryOrganK,etc. Con*nltatlon • r i.. ami Htrictl v cuDfldentihl. Office hours,9 to i ; ..I J to S r. M.; Buii'luyH, 2 t/> 4 p.. M. only. ! ut otnee or atl.lrc-«i I>ES. I.AKK. C<'lt ~o; \ VK. A>HiTIlbX.. I'ITTR Cun-u Urliilii'H IHseaae, Dropsy, (irnvcl, Nc-rv ouaneMK. Heart. Uilnary of Liver Diseases. Known by u llrcd lar.quld («elliiK; Inactlnic of tiie kidneys weakens und poisons Hie blood, and UUIPKH cause Is removed jou cannot liave health. Cured me over live years uuoof Ilrlght's Disease and Dropsy.—Mkh. I. L. C. Mn.i.F.a, Betlilch' rn. I'a. 1.000 other similar testimonials. Try It. ('ur»' iniaranuwd. CABN'H I»REr Cl'Bß CO., HOg \ e»as*o St., FhlUdrlphla. Pa.; Sold by All Reliable I)r»KKlsts. ®BAILfIOADrFARM7 GAROEH? Cemelsrj. Lawn, Mi) and Rabbit Fencing MOCSIXM or MILES in IKE. CATAIXMIUE FIU.K. FKEIUHT PAID. THE McMUILEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO. Ut, UO, 118 and 120 E. Vukr'.Bt.. ChlcifO, IU. mmmmm Cures thousands annuallyof LlverCom plalnts, Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, Constipation, Malaria. Moro Ills result from an Unhealthy Liver than any other cause. Why sulter when you can be cured I Dr. Stanford's Liver Invlgo» alor Is a celclirat.«d family mtxliclnn. vol U IIUI'MCIIMT WII.L aCPPLV VOL'. I * * *<K)SSER*S* # * • .CREAM GLYCERINE. has no':<|ual for < hnpp<-4 hinds. IIJIM or . fa< c, or :my roiiKhiw-Ns of th>' m:in, ami . is not I'ioTled as a dr. .Mug for the !«<•". after shaving, bold l>> <!i uieuista ut . Twenty-five Cents a Bottle. • •••••••••••• THE CITIZEN God Counts by Souls. "Who shall judge a man from manners * Whh shall know him by his dress f Paupers may be fit for princes, Princes fit for something less. Crumpled shirt and dirty jacket May beclothe the golden ore Of the deepest thoughts and feelings- Satin vests could do no more. There are springs ot crystal nectar Ever swelling out of stone; There are purple buds and golden Hidden, crushed and overgrown. God, who counts by souls, not dresses, Loves and prospers you and me, While he values thrones the highest But as pebbles in the sea. Man upraised above his fellows Oft forgets his fellow then. Masters, ralers, lords, remember That your meanest hinds are men — Men by honor, men by leeling. Men by thoughts and men by frame, Claiming equal rights the sunshine In a man's enoblinp name, There are farm embroidered oceans, There are little weed clad rills, There are feeble inch high saplings, There are cedars on the hills 1 God, who counts by souls, not stations. Loves and prospers yon and me, For to him ill-famed distinctions Are as pebbles in the sea. Toiling hands alone are builders. Of a nation's wealth and fame, Titled laziness is pensioned, Fed and fattened on the same, By the sweat of others' foreheads Living only to rejoice, While the poor man's outraged feedom Vainly lilted up bis voice. Truth and justice are eternal, Born in loveliness and light; Secret songs shall never prosper While there is a sunny light. God, whose world heard voice is singing Boundless love to you and me Sinks opposition with its titles, As the pebbles in the sea. Telling a Man by His Shake. Let me shake hands with a man and I will tell yon something about his charac ter,"said a physician to the firm, hearty handshake ol a sincere man may be rather rough, so that one is taught he has a grip, but it indicates stamina. While denoting absence of tact and refine ment, its points to strength of character. The het-itating. insinuating hand that slips away from you easily belongs to the clever man. It's peculiar to the Irish. Its own er is shrewd, n. ver embarrassed and skill ed at retmrtee. The flabby band that re turns no prexsarc In longs to man that would not go <.nt of his way to meet you. Tin- quick.nervous handshake of an excita ble, nervous temperament and its opposite the nerveless, one beionga to per ils of ill health. The hand that, threat ens to col'npse in yours means deceit. It ;•> tbe same wilb a man «hose hand feels like a snake. Idlers shake harder and longer than other people. Such a shake imprests me as much a* a loud speech and nothing in it. Drunkenness, he Liquor Habi , Pos ively Cured by adimnstering Dr. Huinea "Golden Specfic." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea,or in food, withont the know ledge of the patient It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and iu every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an ntter impossibility for the liqnor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book ot particulars tree. Address, Golden Specific Co.. 185 Race St., Cincinnatti O. —When a man has a plain sickness there is seldom any danger of fatal results, but when what tbe doctors call "complica tions" set in, then is the time to pray. A postmaster pointing to three or four letters held for postage, said: "Any man is likely to put a letter in the poatoffice withont stamping it. With a card on the corner of the envelope, wo can stamp it and collect the postage when tbe writers come in. Wo don't know who dropped (bose letters into the box and mnst hold them until we write to the person address ed and they send us the postage. That is the rule of tbe postoffice department. Ev ery writer ol a letter ought to have his name pnuted or stamped on the envelope.'' —An old soak says if there is anything that will cling closer to a man than a pitch plaster, it is the effects of a poor wbiiky drunk.; —Twice annually—spring and fall—new schedules of time for tbe running of pas senger trains are issued on our railroads Tbe fall schedules went into effect last Siinday. Look over them. —The latest fad is a poverty sociable. Every woman must wear a calico dress and every mau bis old clothes. In addi tion, each one is to be fined 25 cents if be or sho does ncft have a patch on bis or her clothing; and a prize is given to the one wearing tbe poorest garment.) —ls America to have a new disease f Six lliudoos afflicted with what is called "berri-berri," of which three of their com panions died duriDg the voyage, arrived in the steamer Lanark of Philadelphia last week, from Java August 8. The doctors are puzzled over the diseaso. It is hoped berri-berri will not become epidemic. —lf you are subject to rheumatism, take Hood's Sarsaparilla as a preventive and cure. —A man in Kansas named Hays raised nine boys. No. 1, J. B. Hays, jumped into a well and drowned himself. No. 2 drank poison, No/-3 used a rope. No. 4 was drowned iu a tank in the State prison. No. 5 did himself Tp with a sharp knife. The question in the Pittsburg Women's Missionary .Society last week seemed to be as to spending money on the bodies of Christians or the souls of heathen, and the heathen won. Floyd Vondale, 23 years old, of Cres ton, stumbled and fell while returning from a hunting trip, discharging his nhot gun iuto bis cbiu, tearing off both jaws and lodging the contents of the gun back of his eyes. —The late of the Brazilian rebel ship Javary shows that armor only helps a war ship to hink the faster when one of the high power coast defence guns get a fair whack at her. The Javary was armored a foot thick. The value of the English life boat sir vice, of which the people are so proud, was illustrated by Ihe statement in the Com mons yesterday, that in the recent storm 237 persons were lost on the English and Irish coasts, but that 007 had lieen saved by the brave boatn.en. - Oncol tbe crnelest tliirigK übont tbe Lehigh Valley striko is that it throws out of employment nearly 30,000 miners who have no grievance of their own, bat must stop work because there are .no trains to carry the coal. —Pennsylvania's annual crop yield is worth $200,000,000. There arc 5,000,000 live stock. The State produces nearly 2,000,000 tons of iron iu the anthracite furnaces, nearly 3,000,000 in bituminous furnaces and 17,000 tons of charcoal iron. Over 028,000,000 tons of anthracite coal have been mined in the State, and one oil field haH yielded 150,000,000 barrels. —There was good sleighing in Corry, Pa., last week. —Now is the time to get in the best licks in advertising. - Live items of news are always ac oeptable at the newspaper office. How May Bees Make a Pound? This question is answered in a recent number of the American Apicultiirisl. Carelnl weighing shows that an ordenary bee, not loaded, weighs the one five-thous andth part of a pound, so that it takes five-thousand bees, not loaded, to make a pound. But the loaded bee, when he comes in fresh from tbe helds and flowers loaded with honey or bee bread, weighs nearly three times more, that is to say, he carries nearly twine his own weight. Of loaded bees there are only about 1,800 in the pound. An ordenary hive of bees contains from four to five pounds of bees, or between twenty thousand and twenty five thousand ndividuals; but some swarms have doubled this weight and number of bees. —William Hecker, a strong man of Augusta, Ga., can move a freight car with his teeth. If the Lehigh etrike continues, the officials of that road out to employ William. —Frank G. Carpenter has been inter viewing a lot of octogenarians on the science of long life, and finds it to consists in never worrying. It is also neeceseary never to be poor, overworked or sicK: and anybody who wili carefully avoid these four evils may be assured of living until he dies. —A piece of string makes a simple bar ometer. Take a piece of string about 15 inches long, saturate it in a strong solu tion of salt and water, let it dry and then tie a light weight on the end and hang it up against the wall and mark where the weight reaches to. The weight rises lor wet weather and falls for fine. The string should be placed where the outside air can freely get to it. Consumption surely Cured. Tc THX SDrroß:—Ple&se Inform your that I nave a positive remedy for tLe above-named disease. B; is timely use thousands of hopeles* cases have W *u permanently cured. I shall be glad to twj . ties of my remedy FREE to any of your readers "w , j have consumption if they will send me theii Express and P. O. address. Bespect •nUjr. T. A. aUXfUM. M. a. 181 Pearl St.. N. Y. —Frank Muffiey, of Gretna Green, Ind., was bitten by a cat some time ago. Blood poisoning set in and crazed him. While frantic, he ra.) in front of a train and was killed. —The Bureau of Ethnology has discov ered that origiually there were between 500,000 and 1,000,000 Indians in the Unit ed States. The number is now estimated at 250,000. When the Japanese and the Coreans '"hitch" a horse they do so by tying his forefeet together. Bitching posts are nev er used in either Corea or Japan except by foreigners. NOVEMBER DAYS. November is a month of rainy, disagree able days. The damp, cold air penetrates everywhere and chills ihe blood, laying the sj stem open to the danger of colds, pneumonia and kindred complaints. There is but one remedy that stimulates the system and fortifies it against such at tacks, and that is whiskey. Not such a whiskey as is generally palmed off on the pulilic, but a whiskey of known purity and quality. Such a whiskey is Klein's Silver Age, Duquesne or Bear Creek Kyes. These whiskies have been before the public l»r many years and find favor wherever purity is required. Physicians prescribe them; hospitals use them, and every reputable dealer sells tbem. They are for sale at $1.50, $1.25 and SI.OO per quart respectively. Send for a complete catalogue and price list of all liquors mailed Iree. All goods neatly box ed and expressed anywhere. Address MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal Street. Allegeny, Pa. —Since 1840 the world's production of meat has increased 57 per cent, that of grain 420 per cent. —New Bampsbire takes its name from Bamphshire, England. New Bainpshbire was originally called Laconin. —New York was so named as a compli ment to the Duke of York, whose brother, Charles 11., granted him that teiritory. —A cat belonging to Mrs. Mary Brown well, of Wilmington, Del., has a habit of ringing the bell whenever it wants to be let out of the cellar. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystio cure'' for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J, C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —Elder Ellis, of Stanford, Ky., recently "talked right out" in meeting and surprised bis hearers by telling them that he saw in the audience people who hadn't paid their grocery bills for a year, their doctors for two years, or their pew rent far live. —Connecticut farmers raised so many turkeys this year that the marketu in that State have been glutted with Thankegiving birds, and the prices have fallen propor tionately. —A woman in Portland, Me., deposited S3OO in a savings bank in 1804, and has seen the amount grow to $1268 by the ac cumulation of interest. USEDANA'S SABBAPAKILLA" ITS 111. KIM; '1 liA'l t LKtb. —A light supper, a good night's sleep and a line morning have often made a hero of the same man who by indigestion, a restless night an i a rainy morning would have proved a coward. —Mrs. Annie Titnm, of Williamsburg, caused the arrert of August Timm, her busbaud's brother, because he beat| her. "I can stand having my husband chastise m«," says tbe heroic little woman, "but the flue must be drawn somewhere. 1 draw it at my brother-in-law." —Britain owns half tbe ocean ships. —John Bull has 5,000 lady gardeners. —Paris has 4,000 American residents. —California reports a 300 pound fish. —The "Pennsy" has 3,000 locomotives —Germany has a railway dating from 1835. —Germany sends us 100,000 canary birds annually. Liberia yearly exports 10,000,000 pounds of coffee. —A Scotch farmer has arranged to do all bis work by an electric motor. Bamboo has been known to grow to a height of 30 lett in six weeks. A HELP IS OFFERED, W nnd ia guaranteed, to every nervous, delicate A woman, by Dr. l'iarce'a Favorite Prescription. Remember this —If you <iun't get the help that's pronilhMl, there's noth- W to pay In every female com ■ plaint," irregularity, or weak nest, and in every exhausted condition of the female system, If the " Prescription" ever fails to benefit or cure, ▼our raon«y in returned. B<*ri»g - down pains, internal inflammation and ulceration, weak Imck, and all kindred ailment* are com pletely curwl by it. It's a marveloua remedy For nervous and general dobility. Chorea, or Bt. Vitus's Dance, Insomnia, or Inability to Blaap, Hpasms, Convulsions or Fita, and aaa often, by restoring the womanly functions, cored cases of Insanity. For more than years. Dr. Bage'» Catarrh Remedy haa cure*l the worst oases of Chronic Catarrh in the Head. The makers of this medicine aro willing to promise thai they U •ure your case or they'll pay you eoOt' oaah. By all druggists. Garfield T&gi f •urns i ojunii.*ti«vu, k.. • or-« it I'.Ul* hani|»le trtAi <»\iir;XiJ>TicaCo..Sin W.4*U» i. C u res Sic k Headache FOOLING THE PEOPLE. There is a clique of advertieere who are continually fooling the people. They have tooled them once too often with a pretense to give something for nothing. You may fool some of the people all the time—and all of the people some of tbe time, but jou can't fool all the people all tbe time. In looking OFer the advertisements in the papers nowaday, I find I have lost my laurels. Now I will tell you the truth. You will sec hundreds of such baits flung out for 6uckers to bite at, turb as, "We can pave jou 25 per cent by trading with us," and some even go so far as to say 50 per cent. Men's fine suits worth $25,00 for only $9 99 Pants worth $8 00 only $3 99, Bankrupt Sales, Sheriff Sules, Assignees Sale, Ac. Now we ask you can didly. Can these concerns doing business at fabulous expense, sacrifice profits as a great many advertise to do ? Are they as liberal as they propose to be ? We answer no. Tbe enormous sums required to meet current ex penses must be met by liberal and in most cases by heavy margins. Profits they must have and trade they must get or Bink in the whirlpool they have created by their own bands. There is no alternative, get the profit and get the trade, but how ? In no other way than working on the weak minds of the people by flaming advertisements. They boldly and shamelessly claim to actually give the dear people $3 00 in value for one invested Such un principled actions are becoming not only tiresome, but positively dangerous to the welfare and interest of the buying public. On carefnl inspection you will find these $25 00 suits reduced to only $9 99 are dear at eight dollars I saw an ad stating men's fine worsted suits reduced from $lO 00 to $6 00. I called to see them and found our $3 75 cotton suit. When we offer you a suit for SIO.OO that is all it is worth :>r ever was worth We just give you one dollar's worth of goods for 100 cents You wan! to see our immense stock of overcoats and suits for men, boys and children. Hats and caps in endless variety, shirts, collars and cuffs, and ties, any and every style to suit even tbe most fastidious; uuder wear, hosiery, overalls, jackets, gloves, mittens, umbrellas, suspenders, in fact anything in the furnishing line; also a fine line of ladies and gents gold and 9ilver watches, chains, charms, pins, rings, collar and cuff buttons, scarf pins, initial pins, all at the very lowest cash prices. All we ask is an in spection of our goods and prices before purchasing. We have always done you good and feel confident we can do so again. To those who have been trading with us, we tender our most heaitfelt thanks, and to those who never have, we would say, try us once and you will never regret it Very Respectfully D. _A.. HECK, Champion Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher 120 North Main Street, - - - - Butler, Pa The New Shoe Store IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Close cash buyers can save money on footwear. Goods bought at panic prices—customers get the benefit. Are you open for a deal. GIVE US -A. CALL. I have just returned from the Hasten shoe maiket \v he it bought for cash a large line of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, and in order to introduce myself I am going to make very low prices. Profit no object—Your trade is all. Don't fail to call at THE NEW SHOE STORE. Remember the place, opposite Arlington Motel, Butler, Pa. C. E. MILLER. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard j. it. PURVIS. UO. PL'KVIB S.G.Purviß&Co. MANUFACTURERS .AND DEALERS IN Rough and Planted Lumber or KVCKY D*BCKJPTION SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. 3at 15" a. "Watch • peoplea actions and you can tell their character." This sayin# is equally true of dealers and their wareß. {TRY FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING, GIBBON'S OK OLD DOUGHERTY BRAND OF WHISKIES. Nothing but tbe beßt brands handled by Robt. Lewin, 136 Water St. Opposite B. &O. Depot, - Pittsburg, Pa s. v. warn, Baldwiq, - Pu. THOROUGH Sewing Machine Mechanic. WITH 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Will re-adjust yours and you be your own judge to test it. IU)()FIN([. GUM ELASTIC ROOFING FELT cunts only $2 per,loo square feet. Makes a good root for years and anyone can put it on. GHM ELASTIC PAINT costs only «0 cents per gallon in barrel lots, or $4.50 lor 5 gallon tubs. Color red. Will stop leaks in tin or iron roofs that will last for years. TRY IT. GUM ELASTIC ROOFING CO. 39 dc 41 West Broadway Ne'.v YorK. Agents Wanted. 5 DOLLARS ri PER DAY 20 Easily Made. We w:mt many men, woiuen, hoys, ami girls to work for un a few lioar4 daily, right in ami nrouml their own IIOIII.T. Tli.- t»u»lin «» l« • a*y. pl.-n-uiit, strictly honorable, ami |»a> ■* loiter than any oilier offered agents. You have a clear Held ami no competition. i:x|,er|ence and >|ieclal ability uu neccsnary. No capital require-*!. We equip you Willi everything that you need, treat you well, and help you to earn ten time* ordinary wanes. Women do as well us men, and boys and grrls make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can do tho work. All «ucce. ,1 who follow our plain and kirn pie direction". lOarnest work will surely bring you a great deal of my. Everything U new and In (,'reat demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive full Information. No harm done if you conclude not to KO on with the business. CEORCE STCNSON&CO., Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE. * I EWIS 98 % LYE I Mnaß airs mrrxo (rATSMTKU) Tlie strongest and porcst I.ys m»in. t'nllko other I.ya. 11 belli* ■A'Ui nuo powder and packed lu a can • wltb removable ltd, the contenu are always ready tor use. win make Ihe heal |-, rfunierl Hard H.ap In 'JO minutes M 111.00 l boiling, n| S ll,e best torcl-nnstn* w i.t.i n ii|pes. tU»tnrccUii« iliiks. clnaeta fff Washing iKiitlon, paints. ou. LFC PEN HA. SALT ITO CO U«n. Agtt., mia., fa. B. £ B. Black Goods. Never in greater demand; never so many choice sty leß and fabrics from which to select, and NEVER A TIME AND PLACE could they be bought for so little money AS NOW AND HERE! 500 pieces new, neat, fancy weav« 8 ten to twenty styles at each price, 50c, 75c., 90c., SI.OO and $125. All-wool plain black LADIES' CLOTH. 38 inches wide, 30 cents per yard. 100 pieces of American BLACK DRESS GOODS I in neat stylish designs, not wide, on ly three quarters of a yard, and only three-fourth* wool, but they are only HALF PRICE AT 121 CENTS. Write our mail order for samples of these, and all other lines Dress Goods, Silks and Suitings and learn how much you may save by taking advantage of our Small Profit Prices. Our new catalogue will help im mensely in selecting, not only of Dress Goods, but Ladles,' Misses', and Children's Jackets, Wraps, Furs, etc., etc. It is your's for th asking; free. Boggs & Bull], 115 to 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY. PA. rim m > U K**T J - I MITATION r.rull J / **jucUual I'urjKMKa al Fltfnnt IIoomim: Mortem Kipertenced f eachemi Jt* irra.tiint.l nuci-wil H|«i i»! ail van tnn'-a In Shorthand stud 'i s |»-wrltlii|(. Write In g»lalogii" ft. < •. CJ.AMR, J'rr-a. H. M. ffWKKT. hoc Grind V<>ur Own Corn Meal. Oyster Shells ami Corn in the s."> Hand Mill. (F. Wilson'* I'at.) Circulars free. "Also Power and Farm Mills. Send fur illustrated circulars arid testimonials." 100 per ct. more mailt in keeping poultry. Address WILSON BROS. Hasten, Pa. POULTRYMEN! Our Green Hone Cutter will dou ble your egg production. Best and Cheapest in the market. Circular free. WEBSTER & HANNUM, Cazenovia, N. Y xj ,rl»l * IwEtfO ir..« ,o» obtain wlimit « - * - , g wh«r» in w»U find i! on h 4 r THOMAS Leading Millinery House OF Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Every shape this seasons facile fancy has evolved is here. Every novelty in Wing, Bird, Feather or Ornament is shown, Ribbons, Velvets, Laces, Braids and Flowers. Mourning Millinery a Specialty. D. T. PAPE, 122 South Main Street VKLEY s MffiROFT, WANT EVEKY Mai|, woma r\ and Child In Butler county know that they have received their large and com plete line ol Fall and Winter Boots, Shoes and Slippers at prices that will surprise them. We have the celebrated Jamestown Boots and Shoes, made by hand and warranted, which have proven their wearing qualities for years past. We want to give the trade -Mbe Best Goods for Least Possible, Living Profits The best line of Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes ever shown in the county. Children's School Shoes in every shape and style. Rubber Goods of all kinds and shapes at all prices. Come and see the boys. I Vogeley & Bancroft t 347 S. Main Street. ----- - Butler, Pa Jewelfy, Clock? Silvefwafe, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clock' , and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 JST. Main St., Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All'are Respectfully Invitci' ' —"Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience. - An Unprecedented Offer' Great Value for Little Money, i Weekly News of the World for a Trifle. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty.(oar page journal, i 8 the leading Republican family paper ol the, United States. It is filled with interesting reading matter for every mem ber of a country family. It is a NATIONAL FAMIL\ PAPER, and gives all the general news ol the United States and the world. It nives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell lis ''Agricultural" depart ment haß no superior in the country. Its "Market Reports" are re cognized authority in all partH of the laud. Ii has separate departments for "The Family Circle', and "Our Young Folks." Its "Home Society" columns eoramand the admiration ot wiveß and daughters. lis general political news, editorials and discoßsioiiS are comprehensive,brilliant and exhaustive. A special contract enables us to offer this t-plendid journal and "lilt : CITIZEN" for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE, (The regular {•ubscription price of the two papers is $2.50.) Subscriptions may begin atjany time. Address all orders to THE CITIZKN, Write your name and address on a postal card send it to Geo. W, Bert. Room 2. Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy ot 'IBE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will bo mailed to yen. - &Pi>Bt~oftl<v address we mail 1 trial Uittlo fn P■■ and prove h U fa Bi to jou that| Ilkk ASTHMALENE will nml dons pure n*th7na will and docs cure attaina CINE CO., ROCHESTER. H. Y. psjjg pSvaJ/d Oik- * HAY- FEVER fr /Vl COLD-HEAD MKM Ely's C'retim Halm i* n,<t a liquid, tnvff or poittlrr. Appltfd into the nontrilt it £» _ quickly al'iwWit. It dntntft the hf<id, allcty» inflammation, hraU _ . 50c ELVißOTOsrrwa:;;iit™tiEf«soc M. KOHKiN'I'IIAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, <O3 FerryJSt., - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. Ever)' purchase to flie value of si.oo and above (not including beer) will be presented with a bottle of wine. This offer holds good until January ist, 1894. Call, or order by mail. One Square Below Diamond Maker,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers