BUTLER, HIV 1Q SATURDAY, Hill I 111, Base Ball JOrovuitls. WALTER L. MAIN'S (Mest and Best R. R. Shows on Earth. 3 BIG CIKCU9ES. 8 BIG RINGS. 1500 Rare and Cosily Animals. 5 CONTINENT MENAGERIE. Herd of Elephants. M Roman UipH™we. DROVE OF CAMELS. 2 STAGES, 6 Tableaux Wagons. Wild Moorish Caravan. 6 B ±™ ™™!i #rps ' HO tttus Acts If 11(1 Star .Mists. TEOTJPE JUBILEES. Steam Organ. Steam Calliope, i 20 Races by Thoroughbreds.^ Pony with als foot tail. 20 ponies. 20 thoroughbreds, 300 horses. Fat man and bride, weight 1372 lbs. Arabian horse with 26 different colors. SIO,OOO troupe of rare Arabian horses. $300,000 free street parade at 10 A. M. Doors open 1 and 7P. M. Begins at 2 and 8 P. M. J®-Adults 50 cents, Children'under 12 years 25 [Cheap excursions on all Railways.] leier Misrepresent Mor Try to Get Rich* off one Customer, and Ke?er A Ad?ertise What You,do Hot. Ha?e. We bare something to My now that Buits you. Last winter when mes were dull and manufacturers were pressed for cash we struck some special bargains which we are going to give you while they last. Look now quick. We have 46 very pretty Top Buggies that ordinarily would be worth SBO each, that we are selling at $65 each; and a lot worth S7O which we are selling at $55; a lot worth $55, we are selling at $45; a lot of nice Buckboards worth $45, we are selling for $35; a lot of wagon harness wort b $22, we are selling at $lB per double set; another lot worth $35, we are sel ling at S3O; a lot of buggy barness worth $6, we are selling at $4.25 per set; another lot worth $lO, we are sellig for $8; another worth sl3, we are Hel ling for $10; another worth sl6, we are selling for sl3; another worth S2O, we are selling for sl6, <fcc.; buggy collars worth $1.50, we are selling for $1.00; team collars worth $2.00, we are selling for $1.25 each. The above are not in our regular wholesale line and want to close them out to make room, therefore these prices only stand while the advertisement stands. We cannot get any more at these prices. Therefore come now and don't stand around all summer and then come and inquire for them for they will be gone and that very quick too. They are here now, and many more bargains not above named. We want you and not somebody else to have them. Hurry up now get a move on and very much oblige yourself. Respectfully. fHSr S. B. MARTINCODRT & CO. 128 E. Jefferson St, BUTLER. PA-, A Few Doors Above Hotel Lowry. HINTS FOR SHREWD BUYERS FROM Campbell & Templeton, Butler, Pa. FURNITURE and [QUEENSWARE. 00 YOU KNOW DO YOU KNOW DO YOU THINK We iiave a Complete stock of Baby Carriages. T)0 VOTT KNOW That we visit the principal furniture ±J\J LV/U XViIV/TT markets of the United States each season and have a chance to select the best goods ? After reading the above haven't you about decided that it will pay you to buy from us ? Save money. Make your home attractive. Buy while the stock is complete. Visitors always Welcome. Mrs.- Jennie E). Zimmerman. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! My stock Is now com plate, corfsisting of all the latest novelties in dreeß goods, millinerv wraps and notions, ladies' and gents' furnishing goods. Lace enrtains, 'portiers curtain poles, window shades, etc., at the lowest prices ever offered to the pnblic. Notice our specialties in different departments. Dress Goods Department. New Whipcords, Bengalines, Serges The ever reliable and once fashionable Henriettas, in all the new shades, such as Helio Crevatte Prune, Evique and Reseda Green. Black goods and Black Silks, India' Surah, China and Changable Silks. Don't fail to ask to sec our Millinery. Millinery Department. Millinery and Millinery material. You may depend upon getting the correct shape, color and styles at less prices than others can make This season's styles are many and varied. All can be suited here— from grand ma down to the wee toddler can depend upon getting just what suits their age nnd style. Domestic Department. This departmeut is full and replete with all the desirable fabrics in wash goods. Good brown raunlin 5c a yard; fist colored print*, 5c a vard; beat standard prints, 7ic a yard; genuine Lancaster Gingham at 6c ti yard; fa-t colored black Lose at 5c a pair. Latent novelties in white goods wbi'e Swiss with colored figure*, Black lawn* with satin stripes. Zephyr hat ines, the latest and coolest fur aumut<-r wear It is impossible to mention all the gv/ut.- .Rio ,bis new and elegant stock Call and b« convinced that the laic-*,,. , tiJl j the lowest prices prevail at the popaVr r<\ corner of Main and Jrfferson streets MRS. JENNIE E. ZIMMERMAN. PER CENT. FirstMortgagc Loans Ko tax, coramlMlon or fees. Interest payable ■enil-annually by Sew York draft Perfect se curity H igbect reference. CHAS. V. REID. fairtiim, Washington- You have noticed that some houses always seem to need repainting ; they look dingy, rusted, faded. Others always look bneht, clean, fresh. The owner of the first "economizes" with "cheap nixed paints, etc.; the second paints with Strictly Pure White Lead The first spends three times as much for paint in five years, and his build ings never look as well. Almost everybody knows that good paint can only be had by using strictly pure White Lead. The difficulty is lack of care in selecting it- The ;ol lowing brands are strictly pure Vhite Lead, "Old Dutch" process; they are standard and well known—established by the test of years: ''Armstrong & McKelvy" " Beymer-Bauman" " Fahnestock" " Davis-Chambers" For any color (other than white) tint the Strictly Pure White Lear! with National Lead Company's Pure white Lead Tinting Colors, and you willhave the best paint chat it is possible to put on a building. For sale by the rr.oet reliable dealers in paints everywhere. If you are going to paint, it will pay you to send to us for a book containing informa tion that may save you many a dollar ; it will only cost you a postal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broartway, Vew York. Plttabnrgh Branch, HetiCßal L—d and Oil Co. of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Pa. JOHNSON'S LINIMENT « \VCE ANY O >Jr f ro3 v HOUSEHOLD USE. « "Was origine.tcd an-I first prescribed by AN OLD FAMILY PHYSICIAN in 1810. Could remody-without real ' merit have survived over eighty years P SOOTHING, HEALING, P 1 N ET R AT I Hf\ For INTERNAL ccd '.'XTERNAL usc.^ StopsKht-u.v,- ;lnii..-ur»sCro,jp Colds, • < ".' 'ramp* and Pain*, Su; i :r. • -.r * • like majiftc. - » •.•fjii'i*, Cboien* i ■:» *• ■!y or Llmba, wt»(> . vch.j« Hnidtchc. Jli*.- * I'ilco 36 ct*. Hi* ; • ! «.jtoa. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphrey!,' hpeclflcs are scientifically aad carefully prepared KemedXes, used (or years In private practice and for over thirty years hy the people with entire nacre**. Every single Specific a special cure for the disease named. They euro without drugging, purging or reducing the system and are in fact ana deed tho bovcrelgn Remedies of the World. >O. CT MM. FMCM I—Fever*, Congestions, Inflammations.. !l-Woriii<, Worm Fever. Worm CoUc 3— Teething i Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .ili 4—Diarrhea, of Children or AdulU .25 7—Coughs, colds, Itronchltls 25 B—Nearalgla, Toothache, Faceacbe 2S 9—Headaches, Hick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10— Dyspepsia, biliousness. Constipation. .25 11—Happrcssed or Painful Periods . .25 12—Whiten, Too Profuse Periods 23 13—Croup, Laryngitis, Boarseness . .'iS 14—Halt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions . .25 15—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains .25 le-Mslsria, Chills. Fever and Ague.-.:.. .25 19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in tho Bead. .25 20—Whooping Congh •« 27—Kidney Diseases 28—Nervooa Debility 1.00 30—Crinary Weakness, HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL, "The Pile Ointments-Trial felxe. 25 t'U. 8014 by DmtirUtt, or ..-tit | «t-ji.ld on rrl '. of prlos. I>s Bvaraasrs' HfBPHKKrS'JIED.tO., 11l * 11S Wllllssi St., SEW TOBk. SPECIFICS. THE NEXTMOBNINQ I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION 18 BETTER. ;iv doctor says It acts gently on tho stomach, liver n: i Mdr.eys, and Is a lilciunnt laxatlvu. This drink I n -.IC from herhs, and Is prepared for use •» easily <i. l. v It Is called I INE'S MEDICINE . dragglsts sell it at 60e. and *IOO nernackaire I • , ,net<>-dsy. I.ANE'B FaMII.V MKDICIKE MOVK3 I'V. IIOWELB EACII L'AV. lu order to be hcalUiy till* U necessary. oung Mothers IF« Offer To a a Remedy u-hlch Insure* Safety to Life of Mother and. Child. "MOTHER'S FRIEND Itoba Confinement of (to fain, Horror andliltk. Afteruslngonebottleof" Mother's Friend " 1 • irrersd but little pain, and dl'l not experience i;- weakness afterward usual In such casus.—J3 AJtnc Oaar, Lamar, Mo., Jan. ISth, 1 -SI. Sent by ezpreu. charges prepaid, on receipt <•' ( rice. <1 JO per l/ottlu. Book to Uothers mailed Erse BKADVIELO UEUIIiTUK CO. ATLANTA, C&. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. For Sale by J. C. Redlck. Dll PC rcCKINQ PILES rILtOSWAYNEf abbolutblt coaas. OINTMENT •""VT •»■"»«• f "'SS and prolro.i. , f 1 ill ONLY! I >7r ; LC"Tcc? .1 LuiC, /fANHOOT iU'.-.W'' -■ ■ -■ E3,st ' -aUXJulsi'.l i;rijr..'yr inClim-V«Jn> k uTSIMI lll(> Tell; ilrn..r. O. 110-, ..Urst .! L i . l«i »'.TKcr i.etu t. ■ ' ■afniM.,,- m:as. iuy\injc\7 ; . •». » Ji "r . .1 '• . . > ... Vr • • • -Jfr. .e, !>• -11..''. • j.-f.-riri.l>J(t.-,.1.-!,f, itUU ■ • U ' s '•••.: ?ALO»lt '- 8 DOCTORS LAKH I'Hi ,/.tk I»i-;PKNSARY. Con. PEN:. AVE. amo FOURTH BT.. PITTSBURGH, PA. All form I of Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requirlngCoN rtPK.NTlAl. andSCIKKTirtC Med ication ure treated at tins I>n with a. success -arely attained. Dr. H. 1% l. i~c Is.*, member of the lUiyal College of i'hy .• -4 and Burgoo.i", an>l 1h the ol lest and miwt need HrcciAMM.' In Uioeitv. Special at :. i tion Riven to Nervous Debility fromercessive at. 'ji! exertion, indiscretion of youth,etc., eaus ;u; ~liyslcal and mental decay,lack of energy, i. i- jndcncy, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sorcn, Kits, l'i!e.<, IMieumatlsin, and all (liocaaesof tlieHkin, , 1,5,.1. Lungs, Crinary Organ*, etc. Consultation In a and strictly confidential. Office hours. !i to I Mid 7 to 8 V. M.; Sundays, i to * r. M. only. I at offlco or oddreso I)KS. LAKE, COR. i VS AVE. AND4TUST..PITTSBUItOH.PA. Cft) Cares thousands annually of Liver Com plaints, UlllouanesH, Jaundice, Dyspep ala, Constipation, Malaria. More Ills resnlt fromau ITnbenlthy Llvcrthanany other cause. Why KtifTer when you can be cured t Dr. Hanfortl'a Liver Invlgo* ator la a celebrated family medicine. YOVJt Pit t'U vur WIU, ivmx YOC, i THE CITIZEN —lf April shewers bring May flowers there shouldn't be any scarcity of posies this month. —A diamond for catting glass lasts three months. —Sharpers are making a good thing of it for themselves by taking one cent pieces, rubbing them over with silverine and pass ing them for dimes. As meet persons pay but little attention to small coins when receiving them for change, it is an easy matter to get rid of bogus dimes and nickels. —An exchange says: The faculty ol the Bloomsburg normal school has just sat down on fine dresses for graduating exer cises. The result will be that the embryo school ma'am will hereafter display more brains and less bare skin when they come to the commencement performance. —A point of law is to be decided by the Supreme court relative to the duty of Aud itors in having a ticket gotten up, upon petition of voters, and headed "Citizens Ticket" printed on the official ballot. —Fruit growers assert that the borers in the peach trees are scarce so far this spring It is supposed that the extreme cold weath er of the past winter destroyed the larvae to a very great extent not only of this troublesome enemy, but of all insects which prey upon fruit, and thus it is seen that extreme cold also has it* uses. If no late fro.-ts strikes us this spring it is likely we will have a fruit crop equal to the great one of 1891. —Pneumonia is now stalking through the land, gathering in its victims on every hand Extra precaution should be observ ed during such raw spring weather as we have been having by persons who have a tendency to take cold easily or who are physically weak. Even the strongest man cannot defy pneumonia when he sheds his winter flannels too early or neglects to carry his spring overcoat upon his back. Should one-fourth of the number of persons succumb to the cholera this summer that have died of pneumonia in this country during the past month, there would be a panic among the people and it would be talked of all over the country as a visita tion of a great scourge. —Here is a hint to a shoe merchant, says an exchange. He should hand this to his customer: The first pair of shoes you try on after you take off the old shoes you havej been wearing is likely to feel too small because the foot is slightly swollen. After trying on a number of pairs the foot cools down and loses its sen. sibility and herein arises the danger of getting shoes that will afterwards be too small. You should stop at the second pair. If they seem to fit take them and you won't have to change them. Remem ber your foot is in its natural condition at the second pair. Before and after it un'i reliable. —Now your blood should be purified. Take Hood's the best spring medicine. —lt is rumored that a tall building is to »>e erected in Chicago in which there shall not be a stone, brick or piece of timber. Ilolabird <fc Roche have prepared the plans. It is to be constructed of an alloy of alum inum and copper—9o percent of the former and 10 percent of the latter—in the form of sheets over a wall of steel framed fire proofing. To a larger extent than is u»ual in such structures glass will be used, the windows being 22 feet wide. The struct ure, composed entirely of plate glass and shining pieces of aluminum, will it is as serted, be as striking in appearance as it will be novel. The cost is estimated at $700,000. —The Alt. Pleasant Journal says a Laur elville man has improved upon the green goods game. He takes one of the circulars HO plentifully ncattered about to a noigh bor, expresses his confidence in the scheme and regrets bis inability to invest. Talk of this kind usually ends in the greedy lis tener proposing to furnish the money. The obliging agent agrees to invest it. After a few days' absence he returns with |u dole ful story of how he has been robbed by the green goods swindlers. The enterprising "agent" has netted $1,500 to $2,000 in this way. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. —A company with a capital stock of $300,000 has been organized in Pittsburg for the manufacture of smoke consumers. By the method to he employed perfect con sumption is claimed, and six month's trial is to be given everybody making payment, not a cent to be collected until the purchas er expresses himself as perfectly satisfied. The peculiarity of the furnaces to be man ufactured is that the smoke is drawn down over a bed of red hot coals and so burned up. Fresh coal is put on a grating of widely separated bars, and as cinders drop they are caught on another grating, from which nothing but clean Hshes can escape. There is no vent for the smoke, but by passing between the two grates and thus between the heat of the upper and lower fires it is entirely burned op. The gener ating of steam is promoted in these fur naces by the fact that the hart in the lirst grate are steam pipes and connected with the boilers, and that as the heat finds its way to the boilers it pat-ses over a number of such pipes. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its actiou upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 7o cts. Hold by J. 0. Redick, druggist, Butlei. —The Germantown Independent says: "Talking about the possibilities of elec tricity, it would not be surprising were the coming summer to see the Montgomery county farmers milking their cows by an c'ectric motor. A Germantown man is said to be at work on an electrical contriv ance that is not only to do the milking, but which at the tame time keep the Ilies off the cow aud set up a shrill shriek when the pail is full, thus notifying the farmer in bis library wheu to press the button and shut off the current. How to Obtain Long Life. Take life easy. Nothing prolongs life like a cheeifuf disposition. Make hante slowly. The snail outrun tho hate and won the race. Avoid all worry. Care wrinkles the brow and dries up the fountain of life. Don't get angry. Every burst of pasnion shortens life's span one inch. Be moderate in all things and temperate in yojr habits. Remember, "sleep is na ture's kind restorer," and if you would live long, sleep long. Above all take care of yourself. If you are not feeling well there is Hometbing wrong and nature needs to be stimulated in her work. The best physicians in the country recommend Klein's Silver Age and Duquense Rye for such a purpose. They are for sale by dealers generally at ! $1.50 and $125 per quart respectively. Send to Max Klein, 82 Federal Street, Alleghe ny, Pa., for a complete catalogue and price-list of all kinus of liquor, mailed free. —The fisherman's mania is catching. —The icc creatn season comes on apace. —Truin robbers are men with ni rves Oj. ste tl. l —M-n get veiy noisy on the pioduct o the still. USE DANA'S SARSAPAR LILA, ITS "THE KIND THAT CURES." The man who wear" a wig ma;- be «aid to act his part. This spring's style of shad have the usu al number of bones. The New York Legislature has dried up the pool rooms in that state. —The ruling passion is strong in death and the average married woman. —Song of the bicycler when he wants to stop riding: "Come wheel, come whoa." —ln the spring time the young man's fancy turns to thoughts of summer vaca tion. No, Maud, dear, the chickweed and the eggplant are not members of the same bo tanical family. —Dresden china candlesticks are push ing the silver ones hard for first favoritism in table decoration. —"Powerful microscopes for office seek ers'" is the merry jest displayed in the win dow of an uptown optician. —"A little change of heir," remarked the old man as he altered his will, cutting off his nephew in favor of his typewrit er. —Aa umbrella firm does quite a large business in making parasols to order from materials supplied by its patrons. —The University of Pennsylvania is the only large American college that does not b >ast of a "souvenir spoon." a state of af fairs which must be acknowledged to be absolutely shocking to local pride. —A small girl, very much interested in poultry, has a large Brahma hen which she has named Macduff—for she wants it to lay on. —Breathing through the nose is the only proper way to sleep. If you awake in the night and find youy|mouth open.get up and shut it. —A poor relation—the penny ante. —A tooth powder box of cut glass costs S6O. —lt's a big season for baby coaches and refrigerators. —The china cracker jar is out of date. It must be of cut glass. —One swallow does not make a spring— nor a breakfast. —lt is the successful blacksmith whe forges to the front of his trade. to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. —A Chinese lanmlryman bears the consistent title of Wah Sing. —The courts have decided that selling liquor to minors is not a minor offense. —The kiss is on the decline among the women. It is still popular with the men, however. —The strawberry shortcake has made its debut lor the season, and is short of straw berries as in days agone. —lt is said that the wealthy cattle men in Chicago are contemplating a bull move ment in the be«t market. —The latest advices from the Weather Department tell us that it is perfectly safe to lay away snow shovels. —Spudkins, who has been refused by 11 girls, says he thinks of becoming a photo grapher because he is so successful in pro ducing negatives. Drunkenness, or the Lquor Habt, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup ot coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been givi'ti in thousands of cases, and in every instance » perfect care has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with The Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address, Golden Specilic Co., 185 liace St.. Cincinnati 0. —The president of a fire insurance company remarked yesterday that it made him feel board to have to plank down a loss on a lumberyard fire. —Lord Tennyson declared that his wife was "the most wonderful woman in the world." The late ex-President Hayes said of Mrs. Hayes that she was a wonderful woman and could (lo more thing*, and do them well, than any woman he had ever met. —Mrs. Van Rensselaer G'ruger, of New York, declares that it is absurd to suppose that tho women's dresses are going to crowd people off the sidewalks because of the crinoline craze. She says that the very widest now in fashion are only nine yards around the hem. Stil in the Lead. T)ie Wm. H. Holmes Co., Distillers, Im- Eorters and Wholesale Liquor Dealers, job ern in all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies. Distillers of "Holmes' Best'' and '•Holmes' Old Economy" Pure Rye Wiskies and Greeno County Apple Brandy. Our importatians of fine brandies and wines have been unusually large the past year, and wo are better prepared than ever to furnish wholesale dealers, ho tels and taverns with complete outfits of pure choice goods at first hand prices Drop us a postal and we will have a sales man call upon you or send for price list. THE WM. 11. HOLM us Co., 158 First Ave. and 120 Water St., Pittsburgh, Pa. —Some one interested in tho subject has compiled a list of marriages between Amer ican society girls and foreigners, and has found that Knglish noblemen have captur ed by marriage with American women about $50,000,000 of our cold cash. —A Waco jury has found tho value of a man's hand to be $2,240, which is the best hand held in Texas since the early cattle days. —An inventive genius has devised sn electrical weed exterminator. It is simply driven along and as it passes it sends an electric current into the weeds which kuocks them out iu the first round. When to this is added un electric stone picker, an electric potato dropper, an electric milker, an electric pig paralyzer, aud electric po tato bug killer aud a few things more of the Bame sort, farming will indeed be a pleasure Consumption Suroly Curod. Tc TII* JCuiTon:— Plenxo Inform your read,rre that Z iittvo ft pouitlTO remedy for atKJvc-nani'-d rilwiwo. ll ' in timely u»o thauiuuiil. of hopelcs havo W -a permanently cured. 1 nli.ll bo glad to tend tw.j lie* of my remedy FREE to »ny of your reu't.-rn -» . j havo conmimptlon If they will neod me theli £rpr«rm ni:d I'. O. addreM. llenped- T. A. HLUJUM. M. C.. ISI 1-oar) HU N. Y. Dr. A. c Atkinson, of Pittsburg, lias written a paper in defense of tobacco as a preventive of disease. He says that ex periments have proved that the smoke ot tobacco on the micro-germs of dental caries is very beneficial. "In case of Asiastic cholera this snmmer; one could do no harm iu becoming an inveterate smoker for the summer months." He also regards tobac co as of use in lighting typhoid fever and other diseases. —One of our western exchanges gives the following, which wo reproduce for the especial benefit ol a lew of our subscribers: "If you hare frequent head ache, dizziness and fainting spellH, accom panied by chills, cramps, corns, bunions, chilblains, epilepsy and juandico it is a you are not well, but are liable to die any minute. Pay your subscription a year in advance, and thus make yourself solid lor a good obituary notice. USE DANA'S SA ICS A PA RILL A, ITS "THE KIND THAT CURES." Are Yon One Of The Lncky Ones Who Will 1 Attend The Grand Clearance Sale At routman's^ For the next two weeks. Remember it is not our fault if you come too late,it will commence Jan. 25 and continue till Feb. 4. Carpets, Cloaks, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Dry Goods, Flannels, Ginghams, CaJicoes, etc. See our bio- bargain counter on left hand side entering store. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, A. Troutman & Son, Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House, Butler, Pa. ARE • lilir ARE YOU YOU ALIVE AWARE TO YOUR -f&L&tir* THAT SHREWD OWN INTEREST? BUYERS OF CLOTH DO YOU REFLECT "te&JS-ir ING INSIST UPON HAY THAT YOU SHOULD Iff ING THE GARMENTS OF HAVE THE LATEST AND ft THE MANUFACTURERS BEST THAT THE MAN- I WHERE STYLES AND MERIT UFACTURES PRODUCES ? | ARE CLEARLY STAMPED? We do not force upon you the production of inferior makers which differ as "Skim Milk does from Cream." We handle the best at lowest possible prices. DOUTHETT & GRAHAM, New Clothing House, Cor. Main and Cu iningham Sts., Butler, Pa. "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO M. ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., - Pittsburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Market. IL\\£s Q.'festtt'fe&ccv gig HAY-FEVER U COLD'" HEAD mm Jfly's Cream Ilalm i* not a liquid, tnvff or powder. Applied into the noxtnls it i* quickly absorbed. Jt cleanse* the head, allay» injlammation , heal* _ _ IT |£ the s»re*. Bold by drugoists or sent by mail on receipt of price. CE| f\ 3UC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. DUG A SMILE means happiness—the more heart felt the smile the gieater the happiness. Good spirits are productive of smiles Try our Finch's Golden Wedding For Mrdlral and Family Use. SI.OO per Qt; or 6 Qts. for $5.00. Dougherty, Guckenheimer, Large, Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt. Vernon. Overholt, otc. OUKGOODS ARE WARRANTED PURE. Goods securely packed and bored without extra charge. * 0. 0. 1). und mail orders re ceive prompt attention. "Grand Father's Choice" 3 year old is a good one, age has brought out good quality; sells for $2 per gallon. ROBERT LEWIN, Importer and Wholesaler, 136 Water St, PITTSBURGH, PA. OPPOSITE 11. <fe O. It. It. DEPOT. ff^ENCl^g Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing THOUSANDS OF JiILEH IN CSE. CATALOGUE FREE. FREIGHT PAID. THE McMULLEN~WOVEN~WIRE FENCE CO. 111, 116, 118 and 120 M. Market St.. ChlcafO, DL READ AND REMEMBER Kor strictly'pure and reliable STRAIGHT LIQUORS, call on I. re. FINCH, IS KJMTHFIELD ST., PITTSILL IMIII, PA.; (Opp. Monongahela House.) Matchless for Family use and Medlclniil pur poses are FINCH'S GOLDEN WFVWNG. 1 All tl GUt'KKNHEIMKKS VviIIBKY, ' per (p. ; OVKRHOLT'H WHISKY. f # qts. DILLINGEK'H WHISKY, I for |5. Goods neatly packed and promptly ."shipped FKKE OK KXPK-NHB on receipt of cash or post ortlce order. rvNothliit; expressed C. O. l>. Send for Price List. WANTED! *• OBr '« KALKSMKJI " FOUTHIS I.OCAI.IT*. Splendid OPPORTUNITY for a live, energetic man. We offer BET TER FACILITIES and Belter Tcims than ever. Salary or commission. Wrlteforour ts|M?Clill OlfcTa HOOKER, GROVER & CO.. Rochester Fruit Farm und Nurs-erles. Esuibll-h'-d 18M. Rochester, N. Y. H ZJ&w wir&SSr&Bktiks'/ . dealrr \ & * at«Mop«ra don E ) Wrlirua forc»ial»cneaD<l Call!# tn'.<'>•}act<>r jr price*. avch *o M f Hi. CANTON. • ' "» | CREAM GLYCERINE. | \ «ltiiit; for tin* r*cc nflfr idmvinif, ■ m«l far chup|MM! imiidi and f»co. Try it. I / A BOTTLE AT I>KL CJCiISIM. ■ —■ Currs Brbrht's Disease, Dropsy, Gravel, Nerv ousness. Heart. Urinary of Liver Diseases, i Known by a tired lanquld feelini!; loading of the kidneys weakens and poisons the blood, and unless cause Is removed >ou cannot have health. Cured me over Hveyeurs B right's I Disease and Dropsy.— MßS. 1. 1,. C. MII.i.KK, Bethlehem, l'a. l ,000 other similar testimonials. Try It. Cure guaranteed. ('AWN KIKNkY (IKK CO., 720 Ven.iiKO St , Philadelphia, P». Sold by All Itellable UrUßglsts. YOU NEED WORK (If so, this will interest you.) YOU M ( A A K N e $75 TO $l6O a Mont h. provided you work with a little vigor pluck and push. Stock complete; steady work; pay weekly. Klegaut outllt free. Experience i unnecessary. Address at once. K. II DKKOHEST&CO.' ■ Established IST2. Nurserymen . Rochester,N. WILLIAM KENNEDY. The well-known liveryman, ffm Kennedy, will be pleaded to huve his friend* call at his new place of business. The Best Horses, Buggies an<i Car riage-. in Butler at the most reasonable rates. The place is easily remember ed The Grst stable west of the Lowrv Hons®. t t 7 t "imnwnr in it. -w WANT YOU to act as our Agent, full or part time as able remanent position guaranted to men or wo men. Liberal pay weekly. Stock complete. Ollt edged specialties. Experience unnecessary. Elegant outfit free. Address, Nurserymen. c. 11. 1I AWKS t CO., K-.tabll.shed 1575. Rochester. N. Y • RECULATE THE \ i STOMACH. LIVER AND BOWELS, \ PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR i Indigestion, IHllouancra, llr!i<!itfhe» OoKftll* ; patlon, I>y»prp«lu, Clirunl'' 14vrr Troubles* t iMzzlncaa, Itud CumplrxlaH, ♦ OlfVn-lvo Firettth, r.nil »«11 dUordcra of ll»r» ♦ ! hlomutb, Liver und Ilotrrl*. I It liana Tolmkr* coMMt) nothing inJuri'Min t<> t the moot dellCAtA COU 'tilUtioD. I'lcaaaiit to t*k«\ ; •nfe, i fT.-ctuttL Oivo Unin« «liuto relief. « f old by drujftrist*. A trial bottlo went hy tuail i! ♦ in receipt of 1& cuutfl. Addrtr.i J THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 1 10 sI'KUCE BTItKCT, NEW YoIIK CITY. A. JE. GABLE, Veterinary Surgeon. Oraduate of the Onturiu Veterinary College, Toronto, Canada. I)r, Gable treats all diseases of the domesticated animalH, and makes ridgling, castration and horse den tistry a specialty. Castration per formed without clams, and all other surgical operations performed in the most scientific manner. Calls to any part of the country promptly responded to. Office und Infirmary, in Crawford's Livery, 132 Webt Jefferson Street, Butler Pa. THE Leading Millinery House OF 1 Are now prepared to show their new line of Spring Milli nery. Beautiful beyond description. Whether you buy or not, you are welcome to come and enjoy the beautiful and artistic display. Come for investigation and comparison. We believe buying will follow. Special Mourning Millinery, also Millinery for Misses and Children. NOTICE. SAILOR HATS 10c. Jewelfy, Clocks, Silvefwa fe, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, NTQ. 125 N. Main St., Dufly Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All'are'Respectfully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department —20 years Experience."— , RINGS, I3i amonrts j scarf ™s, 'STUDS, (GENTS GOLD, W-itr. -I LADIES GOLD, (lICJ 16k ( GENTS SILVER LADIES CHATLAJN, i*i7 J Go,d Pin8 ' par " rin ? 8 ' U t \V (~11 \ 1 Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, ( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes Silverware '* HODGEH BROS. Itfl ISSSkT" s """~ E. GRIEB, THE JEWELEB No. 139, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., i*Eivrv'A. White-Sand Oil Co, [A. STEELSMITH, Manager, Butler, Pa.] Dealers in Illuminating, Lubricating, Cylinder and Dynamo Oils—all free from Lima Oil. This Oil is made and handled by Independent Producers not con nected with the Standard Oil Co., as reported. All orders will be promptly filled. Warehouse in rear of Nicho as & Hewitt's planing mill, near West Penn depot, Butler, Pa. Refinery at Coraopolis, Pa., near I'. & L. E. R. R. This oil can be secured at McCrea's Feed Store on E. Jefferson St YOUR FAVORITE HOME NEWSPAPER AND Tic yini?Republican Family l';i|tr ol'llic lilelStales ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50 THE CITIZEN. gives all the Town, County and Stato, hi d as much Nat : onal uews as uny other paper of its class. Your Home would be incomplete without it. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all the general UCWH of the United State* and the world. It Riven the cventß of foreign lands in a nutshell. It has separate departments tor "TheKamlly Circle," and "Our Young Folks." Its "Home and Society" columns command the admiration of wives and diiught-rs. Its general political newH, edito rials and discussions are brilliant and exhaustive. Its "Agricultural" department has no superior in the countrv. Its "Market Reports" are recognized authority In all parts of the land. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and "The CITIZEN" for one year For only $1.50. Cash in Advance. "N. Y. Weekly Tribune," regular price per ycor SI.OO '"The Citizen," " " " 150 Total $2.50 We furnish both papers one year for - - $1,50, Subscriptions may begin at any time. Address all orders to T'HK CITIZEN, [BUTLER, PA J. SPECK WM - H HOLMES. TIIK LKAlllMi WIIOI.KKiI.K WINK AM> I.llJl'tllt IIOIhK UtIWKKTEBS WSSILTiJU, Tlie Win, 11. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holnks' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy' i'URE RYZJ WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. SEN 3D FOR Jr BICi, LISI Telephon No. 305 . 120 Water St. and 158 Fir MAve., Plttsbuigh Pa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers