THE CITIZEN" FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1893. aas a population or about lo.ooc. It is the county seat or Butler count}-, v. ltu U Four railway*, natural gas. and unequalled facilities {or menufactures. Procres3 errywhere; new buildings, ce-r manufacture*, a growing and prosperous town. New York Weekly Tribune—Free. By special arrangements made for our to doing, we are enabled to offer to all our subscribers who par arrearages, (if any) and one year in advance, and to all new subscribers-paying in advance, the Mew York Weekly Tribune free for one year. For further particulars of this offer see ad vertisement. New Advertisements. Klingler's Flour. Bickel's Bargains. Ruff's Summer Footwyar. Scbanl A Mast's Boys' Suits. "Wilson Bros'. Machinery. G. Wikon Miller's Flour. Penn'a Balt Co. Teacher's Examination. NOTB— AII advertisers intending to make canges in their ads. should notify us of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Batter Up. The ball is on tl ■: diamond and the yell is in the air, And the bases are located on the catawam pas square; The mob is on tho bleachers and the "ton" are in tho stand, And the pitcher stands a-posin' with the white sphere in his hand ! The umpire is a squattin' and the catcher stands far back. And the batter with tho willow wants to give the ball a whack; The captian stands a-waitin' for a chance to holler "slide !" And the bets are going even at ten dollars on a side. \V e know that spring is with ns and the "fans are fall of glee; Aid the strikes are coming as regular as one—two —three ! And the man who hits the other once too often finds it "out!" And the ending of the innings makes the whole caboodle shoutl —The fruit is safe yet. —Straw hats will soon be ripe. —The borough should own the water works. —There will be an eclipse of the sun on May 15. —The trees are are leaving and the tramps are coming. —The piping song of the rain hen is | heard every day. ( —Let us clean up now lest we carl np with cholera later on. —Red is a fast color. Hence its choice . by youth as a town paint. , —James A. Watson and his sons are 1 catting timber in the woods above ' Freeport. 1 —A two-foot bass was pulled out of the ' Connoquenessing, within the borough limits, last week. . —The base ball season opened last Thurs day; the Cleveland's beat the Pittsburgs by a score of 7 to 2. —The Kirmess promices to be the finest i show ever given in the Opera House, this, i Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. < Waste paper and dodgers should not 1 be scattered broadcast; they frighten horses • and give oar streets an untidy appear- ! ance. —As related to the infant home indus tries of the country the "apeak-easy"mere ly suggests that branch where everybody mast keep quiet for fear of wakening the the baby. ! —There has been rumors this week of 1 another Plate Glass Works being built in Batler, bat we can learn nothing ditinite aboufthe matter. —Patient. "What do you think of a 1 warmer climate for me, doctor f" Doctor. "My dear man, that's just what I'm trying to save you from. —At a meeting of the Executive Com mittee of the 78th Penn'a Volunteers, at , Freeport, it was decided to hold a reunion at Verona, Pa., on Thursday, Aug. 31st, 1893. —lf there is any truth in the report of the finding of the body of a boy in the Mc- Keever woods, Monday, that will be the fifth body found in thoso woods within the past few years. —The Agusta A'ew# has discovered a man who has such a craze for something new thac he recently ran a mile and a half to catch pneumonia. —The horse market is improving. At the Titiey sale in Millentown, and Ward sale in Parker twp., last week, good horses brought good prices. —W. A. Christie has rented the Schreibor House, on the East side of N. Main St., lmrlj opposite his old location, nd is con in' ing the hotel businoss there. —'There is mme talk of the P. <fc W. R R. between Bitler and Callery being double trackeo, and of the wooden trestle at Glade Run being replaced by an iron one. —Tho premium list s for the 16th annual Fair ot the Butler County Agricultural Association have been issued and can be had on application to the Secretary, Ira McJankin, Esq. The Fair will be held this year on September 5, 6, 7 and Bth. —The Free Methodists have begun work o# their new church on their lot on Spring St ,in Bpringdale,and request all subscribers to pay in their subscriptions to the pastor, B«v. W. R. Roupe, or his assistant Rev. Thomas Wain. —The papils of St. Paul's Orphans Home, are thinking of holding a reunion •t tho home, this summer, and all are re quested to send their addresses to Rev. Prugh of Butler or J. F. Gibson of 14 Smitbfield St., Pittsburg. —Some persoa or persons has been med dling with the Citizens Gas Co's. lines, and on two occasions have shut off the gas oansing considerable inconvenience. The Company has offered S3OO reward for the arrest and conviction of the parties. Worth twp. prodnees somo great things. A Southdown ewe owned by Mar ion Cooper lately gave birth to a lamb weighing twenty- one pounds; and a hen of John Book laid an egg weighing five ounces, and measuring 9£ by 8J inches. —A five-year-old boy was the defend ant in an assault and battery case before a Butler Justice of the Peace this week, the boy* was celebrating his first appearance in pants by throwing stones at a neighbor ▼oman who had him arrested. He was discharged. —Peanuts have advanced .113 per bag within the last month. Tho cause of the rise is the purchase of vast quantities for sale at the TV orld's Fair. It is now a que* tion it it wont be a fine market for our peaches this summer, provided the cholera does not vi»it it. A young country editor fell in love with a clergyman's daughter who did no seem to reciprocate his affection. The next time h«» went to church ho was rather taken aback when the preacher announced his text: "My daughter is grevionsly tor mented with a devil." USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA ITS "THE KIND THAT CURES." —The residence of H. X. Bennett, in Fairyvflle, Bntlrt? county, just over the Venango connty line, was struck by light ning Thursday morning of la.-t week. The building took fire and was entirely de stroyed, together with iio-t ui it. Lents.—Emlenton Xetrr —The Slipperjrock Signal of last week said. -'A m&ii named M.:Andla»s, from Butler county, hired a rig at ex Mayor Brown's liyery stable on Saturday and failed to return. Word was received that the team was at SuaLuiy. wLcru it had been abandoned by MeAndiess." —A year or so ago ayo nng well-dressed man hired a good team from a 1. ery stable keeper, at Bimersburg, Clar...n Co* The young man and the team disappeared, ami on the narrow-guage train from But ler, north, last Thursday morning, the Sheriff ot Clarion Cc. sat facing the young man, who had been captured. —Summer will soon be here; so get out and get in yonr hammock; practice getting in, lying in, and getting out of it that all may ba done with grace. And be thank ful you will not be compelled to wear those big hoops. Just think how people would stop and look, if you were reposed in a hammock, enjoying a cool breeze, ar rayed in crinoline. —Some engineers in the employ of the Penn'a K. It. were in town. Monday, sur veying around the creek. It is thought that this company is contemplating the building of a road down the Connoque nessing to the Beaver, to connect with it's western lines, and thus make a throngh route for freight via the Butler Branch, and West Penn to the East. —lf farmers had put their wheat into market soon alter harvest, they would have had better prices for it and saved all loss of interest and shrinkage. As a rule the farm er who sells his wheat without holding it makes the most in the end. There are thousands of bushels of wheat now held in the central part of the state which will be sold at much less than the price was just after harvest. —An exchange tells the story of a boy who was sent to market with a sack of roasting ears and after lingering around town all day, came home without selling them. When his mother asked him why he had not sold the corn be said that no one had asked him what was in the sack. There are many merchant - like that boy. They buy a stock of goods and never let the public know that they have them or that they wish to dispose of them. —A pretty littlo ircident happened when the Liberty Bell train stopped at East Brady. A big policemen guarding the bell saw a mother standing on the depot platform with her baby in her arms. He called for the baby to be brought to bim and willing hands soon passed the sweet little bundle of humanity up to him, when he took it in his great brawny arms and placed the smiling, crowing infant on top of (he bell for a moment. Other babies were handed up to be similarly honored, and the kind-hearted policemen were kept busy placing on the historic bell the similing cherubs who gazed in innocent wonderment on the scene transpiring around them. — Review. —No farmer's barn is complete now-o. days unless it shelters a good wagon, bug gy, carriage or cart. Of course it is not necessary that the farmer should own one of each, but he can hardly get along with out one or the other. Vehicles of all kinds arc much cheaper now tban they were years ago, and they are much better too, as far as that is concerned. When you want to buy one you will of course want to tako advantage of ull new stock and get the best the market affords. To do this it will be nem.-ary to call at Marticourt's Jefferson Street Warehoii-e, where one of the largest and most complete lines ever brought to Butler will bo fouud. Seo his advertisment in another column. —One of the features of the train bear ing the Liberty Bell from Philadelphia to Chicago was the four giant reserves who are to act as the guard for the bell while away from home. Their instructions are not to leave tho relic out of sight of more thau two of their number at any time. Those four strapping inon are proud of their post ot honor. Thov, Thomas • Gillingham, William Search, Georeo Matchner and George T. Benners, were selected because of their long service and bravery on the police force. Chicago will undoubtedly have her hands full to find four compli ments to these stalward men in size, weight, strength and personal appearanco. If the four should he placed on top of one another they would make a monolith near ly twenty-five feet high. They weigh half as much as the ponderous Liberty Bell, which weighs over 2,000 pounds. They can lift hundred-pound weights and toss them about as they would dumb-hells, fn fact, auy one of the four would probably make it very unhappy for any relic hunter or vandals who might bavo the impuden j ce to attempt to chip off a bit of the old Liberty Bell. —A good-hearted preacher met with an amusing adventure the other day that has caused many a smile among his congrega tion and other friends. Like all good domin ies he is always willing to assist anybody in distress. On this occasion he was walking down street when he saw a small boy tug ging at a door bell,and just around tho corn a group'ofsmall boys, apparently in hiding, watching their oompanion. Seoing that efforts the boy was making to ring tho hell were without result, the minister stepped up to bim and said goodnaturedly: "Can't you ring tho bell, little boy? Let me help you," and grasping the handle he gave the bell a pull that resounded all over the neighborhood. • 'Now," said the boy with a fiendish grin on his dirty face, "you've got to t ,sdn like the devil; that's tho «-ay we do, and he and his companions disap peared around the corner. The minister was too dazed to tako the boy's advice,and a moment later when a very excited and angry woman with a red face pulled the door wido open and sailed oat like a cy clone, all he could do was to explain aud apologize—an apology that was received with suspicion. —The recent publishing of tho auditors' report of the accounts of tho Overseers of the Poor in the borough of Butler is excit ing some discussion amony tho taxpayers. According to the report the receipts from the collector for the year just past are about $5,000. Tho total expenses for the same time were $2,800, leaving a cash balance 0f52,200, or almost as much as the total expences of the year. In addi tion to this there is due from tho duplicate of 1892 SI,OOO, 75 per cent, of which will be collected. These figures leave in the hands of the board $3,100, or about S3OO more than last years expenses. There is a general belief that there is little need of a poor tax levy for this year or at best a half mill tax would cover all the exigencies of the year end leave SBOO to spare. There may be reasons why there should be a sur plus of $2,000 or more in the fund, but tho average taxpayer cannot seo it, and to the average taxpayer the reduction of a mill in the taxation is an item to bo looked at. It may be possible that the demands on the Overseer the coming year will be great er than last, but it is just as probable that the demands will be less. The indigent poor of the town are not increasing in numbers to such an extent that a one and a hall mill levy will be required.— Hcrtiltl. USE DANAS' SARSAPARILLA, ITS "THE KIND TIIAT CURES." LEGAL NEWS. KOTBB. The will of John Myers, dee'd, late of : Lancaster twp. was probated, no letter.-: also will of John Gilkey. dee'd.. late <1 | Adams twp . and letters to Jos. Gilkey; I also will of Wm. Campbell; dee'd. late of Concord twp., no letters. The Mercantile Appraiser ha received a communication from tho Auditor Gener al stating that all peddlers should be as sessed $.5 per year. Joiiy wa-sappointed Tax Collects of Allegheny twp. vice F C Parks re-igned. John Bergmau. of Blot.mlield, Alle gheny county, was convicted of unlawful wounding, last week. He was annoyed by boys trespassing on his lot, and set a trap pistol, which wounded a boy. LATE PBOPERTV TRANSFERS. JuoH Sbanuoa to Harry W English, 42 acres in Franklin for 1700. S M Harper to J b Campbell, lot in Buenavista for $27. Albert Holman to A II Brown, 11 acres i in Centre for $328 50 M Eckman to E M Barr, 27 acres in Jef- ; ferson for SISOO. Jacob Schmoker to C II Barnard. l"t in ! Butler for S3OO. Jos Maharg to to I J Maharg 132 acre m Penn for ;j4350, and I J Maharg to Jos X Maharg. same for same. Clemens Bond to \I A Leake, 10 acre.- in Butler twp for $1,500 K J Boyle to N lioyle, 64 at res in Done gal for SIOO, and same to same for an:e. , Chas Pefler to A E Peffer, 32 acre- in Lancaster for $162.50. Eliza Dunbar to Wm H Dunbar, 75 acre in Middlesex lor SIOOO. II J Donaghy to J L Botsford, 14 acres j in Cherry for $250. Lewis Gansz to A J Smather- lot in! Evans City for SI6OO. W J Wilson to School Board of Jackson : twp, 16 acres in Jackson for SIOO. .1 W Shearer to L J Katnerer, lot in But ler for SSOO. It F Christy to B L and J M llockenber rv, 90 acres in Cherry for S3OOO. Wm Uiinmock to N A Sweeny, 2!) acres in Allegheny for S7OO. Marriage Licenses. Harvey Kirkpatrick Clinton twp Matilda Love H G Steele Bruin ' Nettie Milliard I-'arinington j James Fishpaw Jefferson twp | Aluisa Gallagher J G Barnhart Oakdale. Pa i Maggie Byrne Renfrew J W Minteer Worchingtou ! Eliza J. Altaian Coylesville R W Garroway Wellsville, 0 Anna Nortland Keister At Mercer. Samuel D McDongal of Youngstown and Elizabeth 0 Rhodes of Slipperyrock. At Kittanning, William M Alworth and Mary E Parlin ot Butler Co. Oil Notes. Sutton, Walker and others of Butler ar* preparing to drill on the R. 0 Shira farm in Washington twp., and the Bell Bros, well on the Alex Bell is expected in this week. The Oil City Derrick's monthly report summarises the Butler field as follows: Butler and Armstrong is steadily gain ing in activity. Fourteen wells were com pleted in April against thirteen in March and the new production was nearly threo fold that of March. While tho March wells averaged 20 bbls.,those of April were good for fifty bbls. apieco. Five of the April wells were unproductive of oil, leav ing nine good wells with an aggregate out put of 455 bbls. Eight productive wells were completed in March with 160 bbls. production, against eight in February with 266 bbls. Five dry holes were di - covered iu March with "only one for the mouth preceding. Fourteen wells and six dry holes were completed in January and the new production was 442 bbls. It will be seen that the April figures approximate very closely thoso of January. New York which had dropped to a very low ebb at the close of January, has been steadily in creasing. The figure for April 30th are 21 rigs and 43 wells drilling, an increase of two rigs and .seven drilling wells over March For the close of March, the count was 19 rigs and 36 drilling wells, as com pared with 17 rigs and 27 wells drilling at the close of February and 12 rigs and 17 drilling wells at tho'close of January. The new production for Butler and Armstrong Ihe past month is small, compared with the results of the u'ork of tUe drill last July, when with IS productive wells, the output of fresh crude amouted to 1.278 bbls. There is a good deal of interest center ed in two wells the Forest Oil company is drilling near the top of the sand at Pierie's Mills, southwe.-t of the old Brush Creek developments. They were started, osten sibly, for gassers, bnt not a few think oil will bo found in one or both. North Washington, Butler Co., is loom ing up as a oil centre, having at present two fairly good wells with sufficient gas as the wells flow. It is supposed to bo a continuation of the Byron field, the "sand" is similar, black looking slate. Rigs are being built and from reports tho district will be well tested Development- are on tho Shira larin Third sand oil aud found at tho depth of 1100 feet.—Parker Phoenix. Jos. Colestock tfc Co. of Butler are build ing a rig on the Henry Shira farm in Washington twp. R. C. Perrp has taken a nnmber of leas es in tho vicinity of Five Points, Cherry twp., and intends putting down a test well. W. R. Thompson No. 4 was shot and started off at 100 bbls. No. 5 was drilled through the sth sand without success, will be a paying well in the 100-foot. Cowan No. 3 was shot and started off at 80 bbls. Perry No. 1 commenced pumping on Sat uiday at the rate of 72 bbls. Heckert's No. 2is showing for a good well. W. S. Thompson No. 3 was shut, will be ready for pumping soon, it is showing up for a good well. Two mote rigs are hauled in on the Perry. Young i.s operating on the Jan. Parks farm. Tho Thompson Oil Co. has located the 10th well on the W. R. Thompson farm. —ln spring cleaniug the woman generally turns the house upside down, while the man merely raises tho roof. —lt is a wrong against tho publfe to put the names of ignorant persons in tho jury wheel. Men who cannot read a ten line paragraph and tell yon what it means, are queer material to sit in a jury box and de cide cases of law and fact. How often in tricate and important cases are at the mercy of a jury on which are men who do not comprehend the easo being tried nor can give one an intelligent idea what it was about when the trial is over. —The Bradford liccord warns its readers to look out for a well-dressed, smooth-talk ing young man who is traveling about the western end of the State, claiming to rep resent a New York house which has 110 existence, and showing a lot of high class samples, from which he offers to make up a suit for sl2. When the order is given he demands as 3 deposit a > a guarantee of good faith. This ho pockets. The stranger disappears and tho clothing never comes, A Card. To MY PATRONS > AND TIIE PLIJLIC ) 1 find we could not supply all my many patrons with Red Ball Flour in the time we had stated price would be one dollar per sack. So will keep at one dollar for two weeks longer unless made known. G. WILSON MILI.EU, Cash Grocer. Watch for P. S. & L. E. R. R. New Time-Table. The P. S. (i L. E. R. R, will change th<-ir present Time-Table about May 14th, there will be several changes in time of different trains, which will be announced later. —Closing out regardless of cost at the Peoples Store. Our spring goods are constantly arriving, and we must mttfce room for them on our shelve. Best styles in Dress Goods and Cloaka at L. STBIN & SON'S. Sidewalks and Sewers. Councils met in regular session Tuesday i evening. Rev/Prugh of the Orphans' Home ap peared and stated that he bnilt a walk as :ar on Brady street as the gate to tho Home and stated that there was but one family east of them on the street and asked to be . released Irom building the remaining 600 feet of walk and tho Council resolved to I relea ■» him for the present. Mr. Murrin wanted some walks and cro >ings laid on Brady street, and the clerk . was directed Jo notify the parties. XLe Board of Health reported reveral public and private nusiances and the clerk was instructed to notify the parties to abate same. Philip Crouse, lor the South Sido Water Co., .ated that they would lurnish water 1 for the Inur flush tanks for $125 per year. Win. Armstrong reported a nuisance oa , [ Clay St., and it was rif.-rrcd to the street ! ; Committee. H. Walker, Esq. , appeared for citizens ; of W. Fulton St., asking for the opening of same atid it was referred to the Street j Committee. Burgess Ziegler reported receipts for i | lines, etc.,s27. A communication was read from A. L Reiber, resigning as Fire Chief, and by | motion the resignation was not accepted. ; and the nomination of A. L. Reiber, Fire j Chief, and.ll D Ileineman and Thos. Alex ander f. assistiiots was confirmed A warrant tor s J2l 10. tin amount due the State was ordered drawn. The resignation of Geo. Tiimbour as High Constable and -p -cial Police was read and accepted, .ias. bkillman and J. B. Mathers were placed in nomination for the position and the roll call resulted in 9 votes for Skillman and 3 for Mathers, and the Solicitor was instructed to petit on the Court to appoint Skillman High Constable. The Park Committee reported that the County Commissioners had signed an agreement for the Park, allowing the town the .-ame until the property would be needed lor county buildings. They also reported that the citizen • would beautify the Park immediately. A number of board walks were reported and the Clerk was instructed to notifiy the parties immediately aud the walk in front of the I. 0. O. F. hall was ordered advertised. The Sewer Committee stated that the sewe.- along the creek east of Main stroet was tilled with sand and recommended that the Borough refuse to except it until fixed; and also recomended the advertising for bids for the sewering of Race Si. from Jefferson r:'. to West aud thus take in all the private sewers west of Main St. A motion to open W. Clay St. prevail ed. A grade profile of MitHin St. and Fair view Ave. was exhibited by the Engineer and they were adopted. The Engineer was instructed to estab lish a grado for the alley between the School House and the Episcopal Church a the Episcopalians contemplate building a new church. Bills aggregating $lO7. 78 were ordered paid and Council adjourned to meet Mav 16th. Killed by an Explosion. Thomas Irvine, a well known torpedo man, was blown to atoms at Oakdale Sta tion, Allegheny county, Wednesday. Mr. Irvine was in the employ of the High Ex plosive C0.,0f Butler, and for years resided here and boarded at Mct'aff'erty's Restau rant, and was removed to tho lower field about a year and a hali ago, where he was shortly after, injured in the explosion of the Magazine there. On Wednesday while at the Magazine for ulycerine to shoot a well an explosion occurred, and he was blown to pieces. He was a »ingle man, about 30 years of age, and was a native ot Bolivar, N. Y. Two horses and two caws were also kill ed and it is not known how the explosion occured. The foot and few shreds of flesh of Thomas Irvine that were found clinging to tho bushes were brought to the morgue in Pittsburg that night, Lnd will be ship ped to Bolivar X. Y., for interment. G A. R. Department Commander Thos. G. Sam ple of the G. A. R. and staff, will pay an official visit to A. G. Reed Post, Xn. 10.1, on Friday Evening, Juno 2d, This will be the first official visit of a Dep't. Commander to Butler. Adjutant Will A. Lowry has forwarded special invi'ations to each of the 14 "Posts" in this county to meet with Mo. 105 on this occasion.' Mo doubt there will be a grand lally of the "old boys" to welcome their Commander. Meeting of Butler Presbytery. The annual spring meeting of Butler Presbytery was held in the Presbyterian church in Grove City on Tuesday and Wed nesday of last weak. Nearly all the churches iu the bounds of the Presbytery were represented by a minister or elder or both. Rev. J. L. Cotton, of Centreville, was elected Moderator aud Rev. W. S. Mc- Kecs temporary clerk, with Rev. Robt. Me- Ca-lin. assistant. Rev. W. E Oiler, of Butler, and elder T. W. Dale, of Grove City, were appointed commissioners to General Assembly, with Rev. I>r. Ketler and elder Frank Ander son, alternate. A Good Fence. Mr. Christ Yockey, of Chicora, showed us while at that place last week, a section of Crabhs combination fence for he i- sole agent for this county. The fence seems to be remarkable for it's cheapness and durability, and in the hands of an en terpri::ing man like Mr. Yockey will doubt les- soon bo fully appreciated by our farmers. The Paper on the Wall. You've often noticed how well or how poorly it looked—and you know too, that a few dollars expended for the proper pa per brings more for the money than any improvement that you can make; bnt then, did you know that there is a man—Mr. Al fred Peats—wh J has spont a fortune and years of study for perfecting the details, so that you, no matter where you live, can get the latest aud most exclusive designs of Wall Paper effects, at less than ft all' the local dealers' rates. All this, aud much more, is told about in a book called "How to Paper, and Economy in Wall Paper Decorations." It will be mailed, free, if you send for it at •once to At, l BED PEATS— the Wall Paper Merchant-Uept. A, 136 138 W. Madison St., Chicago, 30 32 W. 13th St. N. Y. Teacher's Annual Examina tions. Renfrew May 15, 18!>3. Glade Mills " ig, •< Saxonburg " 17 « Coylesville •« jg' << Millerstown <• 22' " Bruin <• 23 " Farmington •• 24 " Ilarrisville " 25' " The other dates will be given in a few weeks. N. C MCCOLLOUOII, Co Sup't. sl6 to Chicago and Return sl6. I*. W. R. R. Co. will sell Ex cursion tickets to the World's Fair for all trains at the rate of SIG. Good until Nov sth. Largest assortment and best values u Dress Goods and Cloaks at L. STEIN <FC SON'S. —Zuver's Pictures leave nothing wanting in finish, tone or a correct likeness Buffalo Blankets, best for wear at L. STEIN <FC SON'S. • • —Boarding-House Cards, with Act of Assembly, 25 ceute for half-a-dozen, for sale at CITIZEN office. —Everybody reads The Pittsburg Dispatch for the reason that it con tains more news, both general, speci al,and telegraphic; has more contrib utors and more special correspond ence than any other newspaper be twean >ew York and Chicago. Evans City Normal School. The Spring Term will commence Tuesday, April 13. and continue ten weeks. Every effort will be made to realize the best possible results. For particulars examine next week's is- I sue. J. C. TINSTMAN, Prin. Personal ' Phillip Trontman, of Penn twp .is build ine a new house. Amos Hall, of Branchton, has erected j there a pair of weigh scales for the ac j comcdation his neighbors iu J the pabEr. Geo. Cooper, of Slipperyrock twp., is at Pittsburg this week as United States Juror. | Mr... Wils. M. Quisticn, of Butler, visit ed Free port last week. Miss Florence Fleming. of Bntler. visited f her Aunt Mrs S. S. Ashbaugh, of Freeport. last week. A. P. Stewert. of Mercer St . i-i rejoicing over the arrival of a little daughter, which I came to his house Friday last. Mrs. John nickel and her daughter Anna have returned from a visit to iriends i:i Allegheny. George G Knox of Clay twp. was in town this week. George is a hustler. Will Kennedy bought some horses .at the Titley sale last week. Civil Engineer McQuistion is at work on plans for the sewerage of Dnßois. Jno. Staples and S. A. Walters of North Adams were in town on busiue>->, Monday. Maggie E Strawick, widow of the late ITnar'i Strawick. has received SSOOO tLo .vol.' Yo..v Life In.-nranca Co. Rev. Limberg fell last Friday and sprained his ankle When able to resume his duties, notice will bo given through the papers. .'■' is* Panline Gibson of West Parker,But ler Co., has succeeded Miss Clara Campbell a* librarian of tho State Normal at Clarion and is said to be filling the position verv acceptably.— Ex Mr. E E. Abram-'. tho lnsuranco Agent was among those of our Citizens who aw the Naval parade at New York, la<t week. Uarry and Will Fleming of Buffalo twp., were iii Canton, 0., last week, where they left an order with Aultman & Co., for a new Star Thresher and Engine. Andv Fitzirnmons, a well known Pitts burg typo is in town this week. Both Judges, Hazen and Greer are in New Castle this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wittee received an old time serenade from their friends at Jeffer son Centre. Mr. Wm. Heekert of Clinton twp. was the guest of his son in Butler this week. Jimmie Sleppy is one of the busiest men in town now. Harry Godwin will shortly start on a photographing trip through tho county. His Portable Gallery was built by himself and father and is a neat bit of work. Mr. M. F. Bradley, who has lately been in tho employ of McCutchen's tailoring establishment, removed hi.- family to But ler last Monday where he will work at his trade.—Grove City Telephone. Daniel Nichols, of Butler, a student at the New Castle Business College, one eve ning last week starcefl to call upon a young lady who resides near Oakland. Near the Etna Furnace, in West New Castle, on the railroad track, he was knocked senseless by some person to him unknown. He was afterwards found wandering around in a delirious condition. None of his valuables are missing, and the motive for the assault involved in mystery —New Castle Guardian. The Sick Everett Maharg, of Penn twp , is on the sick list. Mrs. Jackson Bunton, of Penn twp., is seriouly ill. Joseph Holtfbonr, a Butler plumber, is suffering from a sore arm. About a year ago he was bitten by as pider,and although it did not bother him much at the time, yet a few days ago a sore broke out on the spot nipped by the spider, aud since then additional sores have appeared.— Ex. Joseph Painter is able to be about again after a severe illness. Joseph, eldest sou of Samuel Westermau of Buflalo t wp., is dangerously ill with whi' ' swelling. 8 it Fleming of Buffalo twp. is able to be about agtin after a six month siege with rb>-umaiisui. " Chief of Police Trimbour wa3 ou tho sick list the first part of tho week. I'ev. W iaior of Dnfifytown is seriously ill. Accidents. Peter Tenful, a brakeman on the Pitts burg it Western railroad, was killed last Friday evening. Ue was on a box ear while the train was passing under the Ft. Wayne railroad bridge in Allegheny and he was knocked off. The deceased was a well known railroader, having run on the West Penn for years. He was about 34 years of age and leaves a wife and five children. — Ex. Jack O'Brien, son of 1) W O'Brien,form erly of this place was drowned in the She naugo river at Greenville last Monday. The body has not been recovered yet. The Complexion. With a va.-t number of persons, and more especially with the gentler sex, the state of the skin of the face is a matter ol profound importance, with all a clear pure complexion is desirable as indicating sound health and bright intellect. There may 00 pimples or actio of various forms, size or color, or there aro freckels in blotches or discrete, or there may be discoloration from excess or imperfect elimination of pigment, to say nothing of more decided forms of disease. All these varied forms fall directly within the curative action of '•Humphries'Specific No. Fourteen." No one can use this marvelously eflectivo Spe cific for even a few week, without witness ing the most surprising results in clearing the complexion, dissipating tho cloudy or swarthy appearance, and gradually giving a better, brighter, healthier tone to the entire face as well as to tho skin in goaer al. Thousands, while using "Specific No. Fourteen," for eruptive diseases without even a thought of tho complexion have been surprised und delighted beyond measure at this unlooked for result, For sale by all druggists. Manual free. MAIN'S BIG SHOW. Walter L. Main's big show pitched its immense canvas in Superior yesterday and gave the best circus that was ever witnessed within the limits of the town. It seemed to bo tho pride ot the managers to give everythingjust as they had adver tised it, and the result was the most satis fied crowd that has ever attended an en tertainment of this sort hero. Their punctuality, too, was remarkable. At precisely 10:10 tho parade formed. At precisely l! the show commenced; 4 to the minute it dismissed, aud at prompty quarter to eight tho evening show opened. The parade, like the rest of the show, far surpassed anything that has ever be fore been given here. The afternoon attendance must have been in tho neighborhood of 5000 people, as even the standing room was occupied. Most of the acts were new, and their tight and slack rope performances, tum bling, etc., were espociallv good. The whole thing went off with only one slight accident to one of the trapeze artists in making an aerial leap.—Superior Daily Journal, Neb. At Butler, May 13. WANTED—A g'-.od girl for gener al housework. Address .Mrs. Bailey 332 Ljtle St., Hazlewood, Pittsburg. —ls marriage failuare, is a ques tion that is often discussed. We can do very much toward making it a success, if you will come to the People's Store and buy your I>rv Goods at our extremely low prices. Watch for the P. S. & L. E's. New Time Table. Which will go into effect about May Ist. There will be several chonges in the time of arrival and de parture of trains, including through service from Pittsburgh to Buffalo, stopping at the larger stations; mak ing close connections with fast trains at Junction points for tho East and West. Boy's Carts and Wagons. Toys that never out-stay their Welcome with the Boys at J F. T. STEHLE'S. Ladies ant' Misses' Cloaks in great variety at lowest prices at L. STEIN & SON'S. . The Markets. BCTLKR MARKETS Oar grocers are paying 25 for butter, 13 foreggs.7o for potatoes, Gs cts for parsnips. 90 for apples. 1.25 for onions, 12$ for dress ed chicken, 3ets. a lb. for cabbage, cts. a do/, bunches tor green onions, 50 cts a doz. for lettuce, 30cts per doz. bunches rhu barb. PITTSBCRIJ PRODUCE | Timothy hay from county wagons sl-> to 20, mixed hay sl3 to 14, straw $5 50 to 7.00. j mill feed sls to 19. Wheat by car load 72 to 73. corn 44 to 45, oats 3G to 37, rye 04 to 05. Country roli butler 25 to 20, cooking butter 10 to 12. Fresh eggs in cases 14j to 15 White potatoes on track Go to 70, from store 75 to SO. Beans $2 10. cabbage by barrel $2.00 to $2.25, spinach 1.50 to $1.75 per barrel, celery 30 to 40cts. per doz. LtVE STOCK. At Herr's Island, Monday, common steers sold at 420 to 4 70. 1000 Hi steers at 4.05 to 5, and selects as high as Of. Common hogs sold at GJ to 7£, and selects as high as S. Veals calves sold at 4 to 0, and heavy calves at 3 to 4. Spring lambs brought 5$ to 9, and sheep 3 to s}. Found Dead in the Woods. Last Thursday morning another dead body was found in the McKeever woods in Donegal twp. Some one was going through the woods that morning when they found the decom posed body of a medium sized man, lying with his face down, aud his arms doubled under him, a messenger was sent to Butler and Detective Allen went out and made an examination and is convinced that the body is that of Steflant, a little German stone mason, who has been abont Butler for the past 20 years. The McKeever farm is becoming quite notorius as this is the third mysterious death that has taken place there, several years ago a man whose identity was not known was found dead there, and about two years aeo another whose identity has never been discovered, and now Steffant— all in the same woods. Some timo ago a gang broke into the McKeever home and after paging and otherwise misusing them made them tell whore they had their money hid. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. Twenty Thousand Dollars Saved to the People of Butler Next Year. How's that? Klinglers have knocked the bottom out of Flour and Feed. The dealers persised in bringing Western Flour and Feed to Butler, and now Klinglers have at last concluded to sell to the retail tiade. Flour and Feed goes directly from the manufacturer to tho consumer. No middleman's profits any longer. One Hundred Thonsand Dollars worth of Flour and Feed sold in Butler last year. Klinglers will sell it for Eighty Thousand Dollars and allow the consumers to keep the other twenty thousand. NOW EVERYBODY GET YOUR SHARE. TUB MORE VOtT BUY. THE MORE YOr MAKE. This is an houest move in tho right direction, is what our best citizens say. We not only save you an immense sum of money yearly, but we keep the money at home, and give it to the Butler farmer and the Butler wage-earner, aud not to tho Western miller and We»t<rn farmer and Western wage-earner, who keeps it all out there. Yes, we have struck the popu lar cord. But more that all, we give you better Flour and Feed than you ever had. All is made in our two mills rifjht here in Butler. No cheap adulterations! We warrant everything absolutely pure, aud just as represented, or money refunded Why, people come and tell us they never had such bread in the house as they now have with Klinglers' ilour. They say, it it tastes different and makes them feel better, than the bread made out of the Western Flour. But how get advantage of our new department! COME AND «ET "A CARD." Our retail prices are not changed: Oriental, a warranted familv flour, per sack $1 15 Snow Drift, an elegaut high grade, per sack 1 1 20 Silver Foam, sold to finest trade in tho U. S., per sack 1 40 4 But the prices on "the card'' are chang ed. Got "a card"' at once and see for yourself. Even after you have "a card" you need not buy. We are obliged to sell you at u certain special price, if you hold "a card." That's all. Onr scheme is a public benefaction. We will save the citizens of Rutler twenty thousand dollars a year. We will keep eighty thousand and with the other twenty saved, one hundred thousand dollars here annually, to be distributed in liutlcr. We will givo the consumer better Flour and Feed and all kinds of cereal goods thau he ever had bofore. KLIXGLKRS WILL "BUST CP. " selling Flour and Feed so cheap—some merchants cry. Very well, the public gets the beuelit,and that ■'•ill be a novel kind of a failure. Everybody knows thero is little money in selling goods upon our new plan, bat never mind about that. We have counted the cost, and as we have a large and growing wholesale trade all over the United States, we are willing to serve tho people of Butler—our own neighbors— at a small profit. Furthermore. WB NEVER DO ANYTHING 11V HALVES, and, therefore, depend upon it, we won't sell you a few small lots at a reduced figure tbis month, and then put the price up on you next month. No, sir! COMK AND GET "A CARD," IT IS GOOD FOR ONE YEAR. If you don't uuderstand what it is, call for one, and we will explain it fullv. Benefit by the greatest reduction In Flour and Feed Butler has ever witnessed. Nobody it. barred. Every resident of Butler can get "a card." With our present facilities for delivering goods, we have been unable to fully meet the wants of the trade, but we will add extra delivery wagons shortly aud clean up all the orders daily. The people of Butler have been fooled long enough on the Flour and Feed question. Wo will give you an "eye opener." Don't hesitate to get "a card" at once at any of the following places: Oriental Roller Mills, Mifllin street; West Penn Elevator, opposite I'enu'a depot; main office, 139 East Jefferson street. Telephone No. 10. H J. KLINGLER & CO. P. S.—We handle salt now, and by the way, it's the "Winfield No. 1. Dairy Salt," the finest table salt you ever laid your eyes on. Every family ought to have a barrel, as it will keep indefinitely in a dry place. This salt is made by the Rough Run Mfg. Co., and is absolutely pure. With "a card." you can buy a barrel for what you will pay for a few large bags of table salt. Armory Opera House. "Oiit COL'.NTU v COUSIN'' This new mral plav commenced a three days engagement at tlie Park matinee yesterday and drew Immense audiences, both matinee and evening It is a very good tnd Interesting play tilled with thrilling and realistic scenes. Frank Jones as Sasou Wheatlev, the Country Cousin, succeeded In keeplug the audience in the very best of lmmor. The company is good and the singing of the famous Farmer'Quarteite was excellent and merited several well earned encores. The railroad scene is the best we have had this season, lteal switches, telegraph poles, derricks and the flight of the midnight express brought the audience to their feet. The train feet long and crobses the stage in six seconds. A genuine threshing machine li. operation aided greatly In the realism of the farm scene. The play is one that will please all and the Park will certainly be packed to-day and to-morrow matinee anil evening. —Dayton, Ohio. Dally Journal, Oct. L'.itli, 1592 —Pianos, Uprighf Pianos, Metallophones, Organs, Accordeons, Concertinas, Musical Boxes, Mouth Organs of all kinds at J. P. T. STEHLE'S Don't forget us on Hosiery «ind Gloves, we always have tho beat at lowest prices L. STEIN SON'S. New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords, Henriettas aud Fine Dress Goods at L. STEIN A SON'S. Very low prices on Fine Umbrel las at L. STEIN <FC SON'S. Ice! Spring Water. Ice! Pure Spring Water !<*> delivered daily, in small or large quantities to any part of town. Leave order nt J. A. KICHKY'B Bakery. 142 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. lirHEN VOL GO FOR THE Doctor, call on your way ■ back anil let us fill your prcscrip ■ tions. It is important that you have it done right. Pure drugs as well as care in compounding are requisite. All of our drugs are of the BEST. Our prices are reasonable, consistent with the pure goods. Remember we guar antee ever}- article bearing our name to be just as represented. \\ e keep all sick room utensils; Medicine Glasses, Sick Feeders, Air Cushions, Hot Water Bottles, Ice Bags, Bed Pans. Xo matter what you want come to us and if we do not have it we will get it for you or tell you where the same may be had. H(.ipectfully, C. N. BOYD, Druggist. Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. rpilK BUTLER BOUNTY NATIONAL BANK, CAPITA., Paid l'|>, ... *100.000.00. 81 HI 1.1 S, - $20,00(1 00. OFFICERS : Jos. Hartman. Pres't, J. V lutus, Vice Prat, C. A. Bailey, (.'ashler, DIRECTORS: Jos Hartman, C. P. Collins. O.M.Russell. H. McSweeney, c. I). Greenlee, J. V. Rltts E. h. A brains. Leslie Hazlett. I. G. Srnltli. W. h. W aldron, W. Henry Wilson, M. Flnegan. A general banking business transacted. In terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. Foreign exchange bought and sold. INSURANCE COMPANY of NORTH AMERICA,IOOth Year Assets $9,730,000.00. Home of New York, Assets $9,338,000.00. Hartford of Hartford, Assets $7,109,000.00. Continental of New York, Assets $6,380,000.00. NEW YORK LIFE, Assets $137,499,000.00. Office of E. E. ABRAMS & CO, Office in HUSELTON BUILDING, next to the Court House. OUR PLA.TFORM.—Not our Po litical. but our Business Platform is bound to be popaiar with all parties. Here are the planks on which we stand: PROTECTION.—For all custom ers from over charges, mistatement or poor values. FREE TRADE.—With everyone who is prepared to pay cash for the cheapest goods in the market. RECIPROCITY.—Between buyer and seller. We make a small profit. You get extra values. PROHIBITION —Ofshodely goods inflated values and oppressive high price. PEOPLE'S PARTY Of course "The People's Store" is where "The People's Party buy their Dry Goods. This is the simple trustful platform on which we pre sent our goods. If you like the platform patronize "Tho People's Store." H. W. KOONCE, 313 S. Alain St., Butler, Pa. Louis Traxler's DRESS GOODS SALE. English half wool cashmeres in all the new shados at 25cts per yard. Fine corded cashmeres, new and stylish in changable shades at 25cts per yard. All wool henriettas in in black and color, special prices 50c per yard. We have an entirely new stock of double fold dress goods a.t 12£ and 15c per yard We can give you better values in dress goods, millinery, jackets, capes, underwear, hosiery, lace, white goods, muslins, ginghams and no tions of all kinds, than any other storo in Butler. Large sales and small profits is our motto. Louis TBAXLER. Next door to Butler Sayings Bank, Butler, Pa. For Sale. Three vacant lots in Springdale, corner Ziegler and Centre avenues, will be offered at private sale until Monday, May 22d. If uot sold by that date will be offered at public outcry to the highest bidder. These lots are suitable either for private residences or for business locations and can be had at a bargain as they must be sold. Enquire of J. 11. Negley. O. D. Haryev. W. A. Fisher. Trustees. —Alway stop at the Hotel Waver y when in Butler. —Children's Trunks. Children's Bureaus. Children's Chairs. Children's Wooden Bedsteads. Children's Wooden Tables. Children's Wooder Rockers at J.F. T. STEHLE'S For Rent. A farm in Middlesex twp., on I'lank Road, in vicinity of new oil field. Inquire of W. D. BRANDON, Butler, Pa. —Take your children to Zuver's Gallery for Pictures that will suit yon. Postoffice building. —Choice potted piants of all kinds at Thos. A. Morrison's, Hotel Voee ley Block. —Call and examine our stock of Table Linens, Napkins and Towel,s before buying elsewhere. The People's Store. Best place' to {buy Table Linens, Napkins and Towels at L. STKIN A SON'S. —Hotel Waverly, best house in Butler. —Fresh cut flowers of all kinds at Thos. A. Morrison's, 212 S. Main St. Double Blackboards, Secretaries Desks, Eureka Baby.Jumpers and Swings for sale at J. F. T. STEHLE'S. German Kuittirg Yam, S| finish and Saxony Yarns at STEIN it Sou's. Keep an Eye out for Bargains. pig- SPECIAL Mm Low PRICES] **&£!% Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, etc. You will find tl-e place for it when you see our Spring display of quality and elegance. It you wish to see the latest novelties come and see us. It'you wish to see the very best in standard styles and reliable makes come and see us. Few cau meet and none can beat our prices. They have got to go Hani time?, high prices, and big profits cat j t exist as we are bound to lead. Truth brands our goods, "Honest Quality," Economy recommends our low prices. h schneideman; Clothier an Furnisher, 104 South Main St., Butler, Pa. BOY'S SUITS. Now is your Chance to Buy Boy's Suits. * % J Mothers you never have had the opportunity to buy them as good for the money as now [Prices Cnt Away Down.| Boy's Long Pant Suits at $2.00 worth $3.00. Boy's Long Pant Suits at $2.50 worth $3.50. Boy's Long I'ant Suits at $3.25 worth $4.50. Boy's Pants Suits at $4.00 worth $6.00. Boy s Knee Pant Suits at 85c worth $1.25. Boy's Knee Pant Suits at $1.15 worth $1.65. Boy's Knee Pant Suits at $1.50 worth $2.00. Boy's Knee Pant Suits at $2 00 worth $2.75. Boy's Long Pants at 63c a pair worth 90c. Boy's Knee Pants at 25c a pair worth more. SCHAUL & NAST'S, Clothiers and Furnishers, Opposite Hotel * Yogely, Butler, Pa. The 0. W. Hardman Art Company Limited. SPECIALTIES. Superior Pho tog railing, Real Life Sice, Free If ami Portrats in Pastel, Crayon, Sepia, oil or water color, that are Genuine and not Imitations, that is worthy of honest sale and Strietly first Class, reasonable Price and Courteous Treatment are our Specialties. Old Pictures Reproduced and Enlarged Picture Frames. Largest dis play of samples of Photographing and large Portraits in the Town or County. Work Reliable and Guarented as represented. Ladies, old People and Children have no long, dark, Filthy stairs to Trail up and down. STUDIO on First Floor, Main St., Opposit Hotel Lowry, + t J t Butler, Pa. 1. - . ■ 1 - . » BICKEL'S Grand Bargain Bale Still continues and will continue until we have sold out our stock of Sample Boots and Shoes and Oxfords. Bargain seekers should not miss this Grand Bargain Sale as we are offering greater bargains than over before. Having received a large line of ladies fine shoes and oxfords, I am pre* pared to show a better selection than ever before, and prices mach lower . Ladies Fine Rnesia Bluchers at $2.00 to $4.00. •« " " Oxfords at SI.OO to $2,25. " •' Chocolate Oxfords and Blucher style at $2.25. " Hand Turn Oxford and Sonthern ties at $2 50. Ladies fine Dongola Shoes hand turn / ALL STYLES a a .« <• •< welt) Misses Fine Dongola Shoes at SI.OO to $2.50. '• School Shoes 75c to $1.25. " Tan or Red Shoes at SI.OO. " • " Oxfords at 90c. CHILDREN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS ALL COLORS. Infant Sheet ut 18c to 50c. We Standi for Quality* MEN'S ;FINE SHOES. Our Men's fine shoes are more varied io styles this year than ever be fore, Ful. ck of men's fine Tan sboes in Lace or Blocher stylet. Men's fine patent leather shoes in lace and congress, plain toe and tips. Men's fine Calf, Cordovan, Kangaroo and Porpoise shoes in all styles and at low prices. Men's low cnt shoes in Oxfords and Southern tieß in Tan color or of Calf and Kangaroo stock. Boys' Tan Bluchers at $1.50. Fine shoes, lace congress or bnttoo at $1.25 to $3 00 per pair. Our stock of men's and boys's working shoes is larger than ever before. NOTE THE PRICES. Men's kip shoes 75c to $1.25. Men's grain shoes SI.OO and npwards. Men's grain box toe shoes at $1.50 and $2.00. Men's kip aad calf box toe shoes $1.50 to $2,00. Men's fine calf dress boots at $2 00, full stock of our own make- Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done. COMPLETE STOCK Of LEATHER and FINDINGS. "When in need of any thing" in my line give me a call. JOHN BICKEL. 128 South Majji Street Butler, Fa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers