CLEARANCE SALE OP FALL AND WINTER Boots and Shoes. OUR kooaal clearance sale of Fall andJWinter goods isi now on. TboM in warcb of exceptional good bargains in seasonable goods ahould rlalt onr store. Among the goods that must and shall go it « low prices hare their usual effect, are all heavy Rubber Goodß, fad ing ell Mt, wool and bearer goods. A great many of these goo s can be had at YOIJB OWN PEICE THE pricea of all leather goods also hare come unnder the knife. Ton can now buy Children's School Shoes and Men and Women s WtoterGoods for LESB THAN THEIR COST to us. The only war to tell anything about the justness of the price is to see the arti cle and the price toge'.ber. Money is eaid to talk and if it does its voice is louder and clearer in our place of business than elsewhere, because ite purchasing power is so much greater. There is only one way to convince yourself, that way is now open to you. ALRUFF. PRICES THE FAIREST YOU HAVE EVER KNOWN AT Vogeley '& Bancroft's, IN Ladies', [and [Children's Shoes- See Onr Elegant Line Of Holiday Goods. No Question about our goods Pleasing. No Question abont prices being Satisfactory. NONE CAN SELL CHEAPER. ATJJ GOODS WARRANTED. BOOTS AND SHOES, Slippers, Robbers and Overshoes, etc. VOGELEY AND BANCROFT. 347 South Main St., Butler, Pa., Opp. ~Wilta,rd Hotel. t J. SPECK. WM - H - HOLME THELKADIKfi . WHOLESALE Will i» LKJCOB HOCSE or WEBTKBS FKHBBTLVAHII, The WM, H. Holme® Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy'^ PURE RTE WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. SIEUfcTD FOR PRICE Xj 3£o Telephon No. 305;. 120 Water St. andSlsß Fir siAve., Piltsbuigb Pa TREES THAT GROW And are true to name don't come from large Northern Nurseries where job lots of thousands are sold to un scrupulous agents and labeled to suit their orders re gardless of name. Buy your stock direct from home nurseries and not from agents. Send for our Illus trated Catalogue of Trees, Seeds, Small Fruits, etc. John R. & A. Murdoch, 508 Smithfield St., Pittsburg, Pa. Planing Mill —A*D— Lumber Yard J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PUB VIS S.G.Purvis&Co. KAKOTACTURBBS AMD DBALBBS IB Kongh and Fl&ned Lumber OP IV «BT|DSBORIPTIOH, SHINGLES, LATH & 'SEWER PIPE. Butler, Ps TT T T.T "THimaIMOMT m IT. to act as our Agent, tall or part time as able Permaiien t position guaraated to men or *o mea. Liberal pay weekly. Stock complete. Otltedaed Bpccrai'le*. K*p«-rien<je unnecessary SSBBRT cftf lsat3ri READ AND BEM EMBER Fo? strictl>; pure and reliable IJQCORB. call on _r I. N. FIlffCH, iC.SMITHFKLIt ST., FITTHBI'BtiH, Pi. (Opp. Monongahela House.) Matchless for Family use and Medlclnul pur poses are | FINCH'S GOLDEN WFDDING, ) AUsl GL'CKKNH RIMER'S KrfllSKY, I per qt. ; OVERHOLTB WHISKY. f « qts. DILLINGKRS WHISKY. ) for te. Goods neatly packed and promptly shipped FmorExrunoD receipt of caab or ipost office order. BlVNothlng expressed C. O. L>. CSend for Price List. KEEP WARM AT -♦• Little Expense in our Undervetr.*#- Children's underwear from 15c, to 75c. Ladies' heavy cotton Testa 6$ 25c. " " " drawers Cat 25e. " extra fine cotton vests 50 and 75. " " " " drawers 50 and 75. Natnal W(«l rests 50e. ft .00 and " '• drawers 50c, 11.00 and $1.25. Warners' Health underwear in two piece and nnion suits. M. F. & M. Marks'. —— 113 Booth Mail* Strttt. —— i PER CENT. lU RrstMortgageLians So tax, r„mmlttion or fee*. Interest paj-abie aetnl-annually by Sew York draft. Perfect se curity Highest reference. CHAS. V. REID. Ftirkmn, Washington. Nothing On Earth Will HENS, U^' XIXKB Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting Bent. If yon can't eet H send to na. We mall one Be- *ii!£ fiJVJEi ca11... V 0". expn-nn paM. Poultry KaUlng Guide, prt» » ont.. free with *■ unorders or more. Sample copy of THE BEST Pon.rerP»ns sent free „ 1.8. JOHNSON ACO .fit Custom House St., Boston, Mass € SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AKD POULTRY. SAO Page Bosk on Treatment of Animals aad Chart Meat Free. CTIBS ( FeTerm,Congestion*.lnflammnt ion A. A.' Spinal Meningitis. Milk Fever. B.B.—Strains, Laaeoeaa, Rheumatism. t'.C.—Distemper. Discharges. D.D.—Bots or Grnbs, Worms. E.E.—Conghs. Heaves, Pneumonia. P.P.—Colic or (iripes. Bellyache. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. H.H.— I rinary and Hidney Diseases. I.l.—Ernptive Diseases. Mange. J.K.—Diseases of Dtgestlan, Paralysis. Single Bottle'over SO doses), - - .60 Stable Case, with Specifics. Manual. Veterinary Cure Oil anil Mwdlcator, IT.tO Jar Veterinary Care Oil, - - 1.00 R.IJ br DnnWi; sr «».t snyaM aayvket* udtaur qniaaUly •• of prie*. RIIFIIITH' HKD. CO., 11l A lit Wlttwa St., HewTof*. r-g^ISTJMPHRETS' r Jnl HOMEOPATHIC flfk UMKISPEGIFIC No.utt In ON 30 year*. The only raccetsfnl remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or other csusas 91 per visl, or 6 vials and largs vial powder, for •&. Hold by Drmc*tota, or Mat postpaid on receipt of prices Hifimr IIP. ca,uuui wima* Bu,iMi«k sars forOonsumption in first stagsi, aad a aurs rslisf ia advaassd stages. Ton will M. ths szseUsat sffest sftsr taking the 4rst doss, ■aid by dealers everywhere. Large bottles, 60 SntsVnd *I.OO. Every Month fi many woman suffer from Excessive or I Scant Menstruation; they don't know who to confide in to get proper advioe. Don't confide in anybody but try Bradfleld's Female Regulator a Bpacific (or PAINFUL, PROFUSE. SCANTY. SUPPHCMED and IRREOULAR MENSTRUATION. I Book to "WOMAN" mailed free. BRAD FIELD RE6ULATOR CO., Atlanta. oa. B*l4 by oil Wragglst*. For Sale by J. C. Redick. The staple application of the T W W*3(s'hAnda. mom. Ac., tama* ' j&' lha akin elaar.whit# and haalthjT Bold by drifgiata, or sent by mail for SO CM. Addreae Da. BWATVB A Sea, Philadelphia, Pa. Ask your dnitfUt farit WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE The Great English Remedy. Promptly and perma nently cures all forms of BMH«J Ner,oua Weakness. Emls slons. Spermatorrhea. fllwWT- sM Impotency and all effects of Abuse or Excesseses. MISLABEL Heen perscrlbed over 3S V e are in thousands of cases Honest Medicine known. Ask druggist for WOOD'S PHOSFHOIMM K; If be offers some worth less medicine In place M this, leave his dishon est stp-e. luclose price In letter, and we will send Ly return mall. Price, one package. $1; six, tr>. One will please, six will cure. Pamph let in plain sealed envelope, 2 stamps. Address THE WOOU CHEMICAL CO., 131 Woodward avenue, Detroit Mich. |y-Bold In Butler by C N. Boyd. J. F. Balph, J. C. Kedlck, ana dugglsts everywhere. f \ DOCTORS LAKE I PRIVATE DISPENSARY. •Ifai M COR. PENH AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. JHEv PITTSBURGH, PA. ' All formsof Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requiringCON- Fi I>ESTIAL amlSciENTiric Mcd ication aro treated at this Dis ;ry with a success rarely attained. Dr. 8. k. i. ilie is a member of tho Hoyal College of Pliy ticiaii". and Surgeons, and Is the oldest and most rvpincnced SPECIALIST in thecity. Special at tention Riven to Nervous Debility from excessive aacntal exertion, Indiscretion of yonth, etc., caus ing physical and mental decay,lack of energy, lespondency, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits, Pile-, Klieumatlsm, and all diseases of the Skin, hkxxl. Lungs, Urinary Organs, etc. Consnltatlon tree and strictly confidential. Office hours,»to I aad 7 to 8 P. M.; Sundays, 1 to 4 r. M. only. till at office or address DRS. I.AKK, COR. "KNN AVE. AKD4TUST..PITTSBURGH.PA. Do you occasionally take a little liquor for your stomach's sake Be sore it is the best ; bad liquors will injure your stomach,good liquors im proves it. The best liquors arc only kept in the beet stores. Try our Finch's Golden Wedding, for medical and family use. SI.OO per Qt; or 6 Qts. for $5.00- Doatherty, Guckenheimer. Large,(jibson, Bridgeport, Mt Vernon, Overhalt, Etc. This is the only house not rectifying in tbe city, therefore our goodn aro warranted pure. Goods securely packed and boxed without extra charge. C. 0. D. and mail orders, receive prompt attention. Your "Grand Father's Choice" 3 year old, is a good one, age has brought out good <iaali ty; sells for $2.00 per gallon. ROBERT LEWIX, Importer and Wholesaler, 136 Water St., Pittsburg, Pa. Opposite B. <£ 0. K. K. Depot. r~ffe =V*r*-Hj fisn iii&rn > * -it:} 7 ?! I*' 1 *' i L . VRVRFEML'IS**?* 1 A '-DEEUM' ' " --of Body and Mind, t: T .<*: te..*-Jill Er or«or£zcAi««ainOUcrYu^njr, Ht«V •' Unturil. QewUfeU'kt •treat.'.: raWXAI, I HKfru»l'W «»Kt.**** rii.TSOl t'fybt. Ab. :r aafa.ii.if HOSE I Rt47 U A t iT - He. • 7 fh.a iU tad f«r«(;a (•eatrlr*. tirca. • »» HMfc. »«al>aelVr ««4 fMak.r frea m ZRIE rfICOfCAL CO.. BUFFALO. Ma Ya " J l ' AllV. • laitritVJl prov n . »u •. I; .'.vo p!r<4nrran> "" t *. Iver*i'-ln^ LCTID & THOMAS, * <ww g > <II* IP law cuuaa^a THE CITIZEN The Poem of Life. Born of love and hope, of ecstacy and pain, of agony and fear, of tears and joy dowered with the wealth of two united hearts—held in happy arms, with lips upon life's drifted font, blue veined and fair, where perfect peace finds perfect form rocked by willing feet and wooed to shad owey shores of sleep by eiren mother sing ing soft and low— looking with wonder s wide and startled eyes at common things of life and day—taught by want and wish and contact with the things that touch the dimpled flesh of babes —lured by light and flame and charmed by color's wondrous robes, learning the nse of hands and feet, and by the love of mimicry beguiled to ut ter speech—releasing prisoned thought from crabbed and curions marks on soiled and tattered leaves—puzzling the brain with crooked numbers and their changing, tangled worth —and so through years of alternating day and night.until the captive grows familiar with the chains and walls and limitations of a life. And time runs on in sun and shade, un til the one of all the world is wooed and won. and all the lore of love is taught and learned again. Again a home is built, with the fair chamber wherein faint dreams like cool and shadowy vales, divide the bil lowed hours of love. Again the fniracle of birth—the pain and joy, the kiss of wel come and the cradle song, drowning the drowsy prattle of a babe. And then the sense of obligation and of wrong—pity for those who toil and weep— tears for the imprisoned and despised— love for the generous dead, and in the heart the rapture of a high resolve. And then ambition, with its lust of pelf and power, longing to put upon its breast distinction's worthless badge. Then keen er thoughts of men, and eyes that see be hind the smiling mask ot craft—flattered no more by the obsequious cringe of gain and greed—knowing the uselessness of hoarded gold and honor bought from those who charge the usury of self respect —of power that only bends a coward's knees and forces from tlio lips of fear the lies of praise. Knowing at last the unstudied gesture of esteem, the reverent eyes made rich with honest thoughts, and holding high above all other things--high as hope's great throbbing star about the darkness ot the dead —the love of wife and child and friend. Then locks of gray and growing love of other days and half remembered things— then holding withered hands of those who first held his, while over dim and loving eyes death softly pressed down the lids of rest And so, locking in marriage vowf his children's hands, and crossing othera on the breasts of peace, with daughter's babes upon his knees, the white hair mingling with the gold, he journeys on from day to day to the horizon where the dusk is wait ing for that nigjit—sitting by the holy hearth of home, as the last embers change from red to gray, he falls asleep within tfce arms of one he worshipped and adored, feeling upon his pallid lips love's last and holiest kiss. The Mouth. The mouth is the front door of your face. It is the aperture to the cold storage room of your anatomy. Some mouths look like peaches and cream and some look like a hole chopped into a brick wall to admit a new door or window. The mouth is a hot bed of toothaches; the bung-hole of oratory and a baby's crowing glory. It is the crim son aisle to our liver and nature's appara tus for blowing the gas. It i 8 the patriot's fountain head and the tool-chest for pie. Without it the politician would be a wan derer on the faoe of the earth and ihe oor netist and the chorus girl wonld go down to nnhonored graves. Tt ia the grocer's friend, the orator's pride and the dentist's hope. It puts some men on the rostrum and many on the atone pile. It is tempta tion's lunch corner when attached to a maiden, and tobacconist's friend when at tached to a man. Without it married life wonld be a perpetual summer dream and the dude wonld lose half his attractions. And most of all and the greatest of all, if there were no mouths there would bo no good-bys or happy greetings, no words of comfort, of hope, no laughter full of sun shine,or songs fnll of praise; the hired man conld not be called to dinner and no one would ask, "Is this cold enongh for you t" Rain or storm, hail or snow, the letter carrier must be out toiling along the slushy streets. His duty compels him to face the fiitiless storm, and rheumatism is frequent y the result of such exposure. This, how ever, may be readily cured by Salvation Oil, the best of liniments. —A novel design for a desk clock is a crystal ball, containing the dial and move ment suspended from the fluke of an anchor. —Scarfpins, hairpins and hatpins which are minature fao-similes of Washington's favorite sword are a jeweler's novelty. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, ITS "THE KIND THAT CURES." —"Panamaed" is cow the Parisian word for anything plucked, fleeced or shorn. A dog-clipping establishment has a sign: "Poodles Panainaed here." —The fleeces of ten goats and the work ol several men for halt a year are required to make a genuine cashmere shawl a yard and a half wide. —The tutti-frutti buscuit is a culinary novelty. It is the common soda buscnit liberally mixed with bits of candied fruit. —Ten days per annum is the average amount of sickness in human life. —Because a man clings to the old fash ioned lrmp post it is no sign that he doesnt approve of the electric light. • —Get a compass and square and a speci men ballot and see where your c andidates are at. —One day last week a large owl perch ed itkelf upon the porch of D. A. Crawford's residence and went to sleep, when Mrs. Crawford killed it with a broom. Emltn ton Xeics. —A French doctor recently celebrated hi* ;00th birthday anniversary, and the fact was commented upon that among the large number present who had been his patientH not one was over 50 years old, and most of them were much younger. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. —Mr. Veazy, having shown the House what whisky may be made of, should next analyze the Senate's cold tea. —Won't it be music in the galleries to hear the Speaker say: "The gentleman Ontario has the floor. The gentleman from Hawaii and the gentleman from Gilbert Islands will please take their seats. —Samuel Harmon, of Fox Hill, Pa., claims that he has eaten in the last twenty years 3050 pies. His regalar consumption has been half a pie daily. He declares that he has never experienced the slightest attack of dyspepsia. Consumption Surely Cured. To THE Sx>rr<)«:—Ploaae inform . jrour readers that I aare a poalUTa remedy for the above-named 'iuraiHv. B; ' > timely uee thooaanda of hopeleaa eaaaa bare W -1 permanently cored. I ahail be glad to aeud twj o'tjea of my remedy FREE to any of your reader* "» ~ bare consumption tf -J trill eend xna iheii Ixpreaa and P. O. addreaa. beapect *ur. 7. A. M. U1 tmti fc, X. J. Boys shonld learn a Trade. It i* to 1«> regretted so f" ew °f ,iUr Amer ican bovs learn any trade. The boy who searves an apprenticeship in any of the hundred skilled industries, get* a training that will be advantageous to him all his life, and that will very snrely enable him to earn a living as long as h« lives. It is a splendid thing for a young fellow to start out in the world with a good trade. He can be &« at iff as he pleases, and does'nt need to knuckle down to anybody, neither to the boss nor to the foreman, if he minds his own business and steers clear of galivantiug. He can nearly always pet a job at fair pay, and can often have a chance of traveling to seme other part of of the country to look for a better job at higher pay. Yet a vast number of our American boys don't want to learn a trade, They are anx ious to be office boys, or counter jumpers or salesboys or clerks, or something of that kind. Stupid fellows, when they have a chance to become skilled mechan ics! Why, we were told by a gentleman the other day that he knew of three youth ful Americans who were serving as door boys in a large up town six-story apart ment house. What show for promotion have they? They can hardly hope even to get a janitorship. We say that boys who need to earn a living do well to learn a trade, and then strike out in life, free as the American flag. —ln Indiana a young man was appoint ed a House clerk on the strength of his being able to write his own name so clear ly and well. When put to the test it was found that it was all he could write. He could do his own signature, but it exhaust ed his powers as a penman.—X. T. Sun —lt forestalls consumption. Miss Sarah B. Willever, Phillipsburg, X. J., giving her experience writes: "I was troubled tor several months with a severe coujjh. which would have turned to consumption but for the timely use of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup." —The militia of the United Statea ag gregnte 112,490 men. Every State and Territory ia the Union has an organized militia except the Territory of Utah. —Donna Isadore Coucine, of South America, who is said to be the richest wid ow in the world has an income of SBO,OOO per month from her mines alone. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, ITS "THE KIND THAT CURES." —The season for shopping tor wall paper is at haad. There's plenty of styles and variety this year. —Lent begins rather early this year for those who conscientiously desire to run their digestive works on eggs aud fish. When Doctors All Agree. It is a fact well established, that February and March are the most trying months to aged or enfeebled persons. Pneumonia, influenza and kindred chest afflictions, are most liable to get in their deadly work. There is but one thing to do, build up and fortify the system with a pure stimulent. Medical Men all over the country agree that Klein's "Silver Age" at $1.50 per quart, and "Duquesne" at $1.25 per quart, stand without a peer. If you want fine six year old Guckenheimer, Finch, Gibson, Overholt, or Bear Creek, you can have them at SI.OO per quart or six quarts fur $5.00. We arc recognized headquarters for the choicest brands of Wines, Liqu<>rCordi als. etc. Goods expressed anywhere- Send for co mplete price list; mention tbi paper. MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. —An Ohio doctor has discovered a new kind of microbe on bank bills. In fact, the bills are found to be alive with all sorts of disease microbes. We're all hustling for said microbes. —lt is better to do one thing well in a day than to half do fifty things in the same time. —lt is a suggestion to have the tables at which one sews at night spread with a light cover, or, ii it must have a dark one, a sheet of white paper may be used over it. A needle can be threaded with much greater ease if held over a white sur face. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee ur tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent aud speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48uage book of particulars free. Address, Golden Specific Co., 185 Race St.. Cincinnati 0. —"Why are you examining the milk pitcher so closely, Willief" asked his moth er - "I'm looking for the ears you told papa th e pitcher had." —The latest in pie plates is "ventilated," and has marks on the edges to enable the helper to do the square thing by all the helped, and gives each a slice of exactly the same size. —Arsenic green of the nost vivid hue has appeared in the latest dress materials and kid gloves from Paris. The hideous color is now dubbed Eav's apple, and will have a very slight sale. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic core" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 7D cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Butler. —Says a noted expert in handwriting. "When two signatures purporting to have been written by the same person are per cisely alike it is safe to conclude that on e of them is a forgery. No man does or can write his signature twbe exactly alike. Mortuary literatnre costs money— when the people pay for it. Last week eulogies were delivered in Congress on six dead members, and the cost of printing theso effusions in handsome gilt-edged volumes will be abont $50,000. Still in the Lead. T?je Win, H. Holmes Co., Distillers, Im porters and Wholesale Liquor Dealers, job bers in all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies Distillers of "Holmes' Best" aud "Holmes' Old Economy" Pure Rye Wiskies aud Greene County Apple Brandy. Our iinportatians ot fine brandies and wines have been unusually large the past year, and we are better prepared than ever to furnish wholesale dealers, ho tels and taverns with .complete outfits of Sure choice goods at first band prices. »rop us a postal and we will have a sales man call upon you or send for price list. THE WM. 11. HOLUKS CO., 158 First Ave. aud 120 Water St., Pittsburgh, Pa. —Charles Francis Adams has offered to erect a memorial to Miles Standish if the Weymouth Historical Society will secure a site in the Wersagusset settlement, where Standish tought his decisive battle with the Indians. —The Santa Clara (Meixcan) newspa pers report the recent death Senora Dolores Machado, of Mieuoz, who resided at yue mado, Hilario. She had attained her 118 th year; and she left 14 children, 51 grandchildren, 120 gnat grandchildren, aud 48 great-great grandchildren. Her oldest daughter is 101 years old. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In erder to i be hsaltby this ij jjec«l?ary Do You Want to Make Money? Do You Want to Save Money? !4~ If you don't want to save money don't read between these lines. This ad is written for close each buyers that are always open for bargains when there are any to be bad, and if things, bad taken their usual course this winter this ad with all its wonderful bargains would never bave appeared, but up to Jan. Ist we had a very mild winter Heavy leather goods and rubber goods have been very much slighted, and to tell the truth I am over stocked but I bave a plan to unload. It is simply a matter of business and concerns only money • saving people. No others need read between these lines, My plan to unload my surplus stock of boots, shoes and rubbers is simply this I have got to lose some money on these, lam not going to carry them over until next season, I will sell them at any price first. Leather goods get hard, the life gets out of them, and they are unsaleable Rubber goods are even worse, for they will rot and become wortbtHio hsuce you can see at once and understand why this sacrifice must be made on goods that are now seasonable and just what you need. One man's dollar is as good as an other's if he puts it to the right use. It may cost something to rt;ad be tween these lines. If reading low prices will interest you, I will interest you. If yon don't care for bargains vou miifht as well stop right here. "Crose road to let you off." Just at this time of the year there are more rubber goods worn than at any other time, and as rubber goods are pibd around me until I can hardly see daylight. I will tackle them first, and the prices I quote are less than first cost and if you are too conscientious to come ani help me lose some money, you will have to go elsewhere and 'pay a ptofit. The object is for vou to make monev and for me to lose it. Can you take part in such a scheme? „ ■■ I will sell for twenty davs men's rubber boots 'Lycoming make for |s] 90. Boston rubber boots $2.00. Candee rubber boots $2-00, Woonsockei rubber boots $2.00; a pair of pOud canvas slippers goes with each pair,and if I can't produce any of the aboye makes at prices quoted, will surrender my claim on your attention in all future ads. or a round trip ticket to the World's Fair Boy's rubber boots sizes Ito 5 $1.50. youth's rubber boots 11 and 12 $1 00, ladies' rubber boots 3 to 8 $1 15, Misses' rubber boots 13 to 2 SI.OO, child's rubber boots 7 tc 10 00 cts., men's Storm King boots reduced to $2 50. -A. ihrmer came to Butler broke. He solcl lO bushels of potatoes and went liome with a ,j wagon lull of shoes. AVliere did lie get tliem? As soon as he sold his potatoes he went to Bickels, be got a pair of good robbers for himself for 40 bought a pair of warm lined rubbers for his wife for 25 cts, he bought each of the six children a pair of rubbers for 1G cts. a pair, be bought the hired man a pair of stogie boots for $1 50, and his grown up daughter a pair of fine shoes for SI.OO, and etill he had money too, sell do you know what be did ? He got mad backed his wagon up to the door and looded his goods and left saying be did not want people to think he stole the goods or he would tave spent the bal. of his money, be promised to call again When you get tired Stop! You don't have to read between these lines. Nor it is strictly Private. If you are needing any leather goods come and see what I bave to sell. I have one lot of ladies' fine button shoes for sl, one lot of sample shoes at $1 00 worth $2 00, one lot of fine gr. button shoes for 90 cts., one lot of serge gaiters for 50 cts , one lot of slippers for 25 cts., one lot of Misses' shoes 85 cts., one lot of child's shoes 40 cts , one lot of infants' shoes 18 cts All of the above are about one half the regular price come in and see bargains on our sample connter. A word to the wise Is sufficient--that is sometimes It is. and sometimes they get left. —— A man that likes nice Bhoes and needs a pair is not wise if he don't call and get a pair of Edwin Clapp's band made shoes for $3 00, and if be don't wont to pay that much will sell him a nice dress shoe lor $1 25 to. $2 00. We make a great many boots and shoes to order and do all kinds of repairing in connection with shoes. We bave a large leather depart ment, and full stock of findings always on band Remember the place and Call. :>*John Bickel.* Ti Street. ' I 01 REMOVAL SAIE BEGINS OCT. 6. YOU WANT FURNITURE. WE WANT MONEY. We expect to occupy our new store about Jan. Ist. We want to move as few goods as possible. We will give you prices that you can t help but buy. A #35 Parlor Suite for *25 00 A 45 " " 35 00 A 55 " " +5 00 A 16 Bed Lounge for 1 2 50 A 20 " " 15 00 A 5 Rocking Chair for 375 A 8 " " 500 <kc. Call early for these great bargains J V - / Campbell & Templeton, 136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa "HE THAT WORKS EASILY. WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO M. ItOSKNTHAI-., Wholesale Liquor 1 )ealer, 403 Ferry St., - " _ Pittsburg, Pi- Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Market. The Leading Millinery House OP Is selling all Millinery and Holiday goods at cost in order to make room tor spring goods. Come early and get your choice. 122 S. MAIN ST. Jewelty, Clocks, Silverware, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 1 25 N. Main St., DuflV Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are" Respect fully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department— JO yean Experience.'*— YOUR FAVORITE HOKE RVfTARt AND The tol? frfiiiNirffl Fwh Ityr 4 tir fimj saw ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50 THE CITIZEN. srivea all the Tows. County acd State, aid ae awt Nelioaal aaaa ae mtf other paper of ita claas. Tour Home would be incomplete Pllfc—r it. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE ia a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, aad givaa all tke faaaral an «f the United Statea aad the world. It gfraa tfce mMa ef twiiga leefe ha a nntabell. It baa arperate departawata tar "The Pamilj Orel#," mi "Our Young Folks." Ita "Horn* and Society" eekuaae mmm! the admiration ot wirea and daagbtora. Ita gvnaral petiueai —ea, »iia riale and diacnaaiooa are eompreb*o»ire, briitiaat aad aakaaMili. ft* "Agricultural" drpartm*et baa ao »op»rior la tfce eeeatrr Ha "Marfcrt Reports" are ncoyaiad authority la all parte af tfea feed. A SPECIAL CONTRACT *aaWea aa toofcr tkta *\m*4 jiaal aad "The CITIZEN" for one year For only $1.50. Oith in Uvuoti "N. Y. Weekly Tribune," rector price par year 9100 ' The Citizen," • " » Total f2.SC We furnish ball) papers one fear hi - - SI,SI Sobteriptioaa may befia at aa? tiaw. Addreaa all ordera to TH E CITIZEN, BUTLER. PA REDUCED) REDUCED! Men's felt boots with good rubber* Men's gum boots - - - lJj Men's buckle arctics Men's gum shoes Ladies' gum shoes all numbers Misses' gum shoes spring heel II to 2 - - - ti All goods reduced, see our shoe-* for gtasa workers, btxek-sina will not leak or cut like black shoes try a pair Every thing cheap at ROBINS BROS, S E Corner of Diaaaoad .... Baatar. Pi* SELLING OUT Our entire stock of drugs, medicines patent medicines, |>erftimery, toilet articles, etc. Must be sold in the next r>o davs, as we must leave our J * present location and quit business. SAVE MONEY. You can save 20 to 25 per cent, on everything in the store. Spectacles, eve glasses, trusses etc., sold at cost. O ' * Your» Respectfully, J. AJFRANK & CO, 213 S. Main St-, - - Batter, !»• \L\\£s K3SS > art *RR" mm sj ColdhheadJßßß 50c Irfsk
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers