Til tJ CITIZEN. 11:1 DAY, FEBRUARY 24. 189 S. "4 at fWaflct at *atl«r sa W«ls» matf «.r,WL«T. - - THE greet Reeding railroad system wea pieced lan»»a* " Monday, end thitil time in its stete, resigned Chief J a*tice^P^p { the receivership. It is judge Heydrick to fill the vecency on the Supreme Bench of the State. Paxson's re«gnetien is en event scme vrhel unusual in iu character. SoCh«f ~ mumi »r r««asyfvanfa has ever before re signed his office, and bat few Associate Justices have laid aside the judicial ermine before their terms expired. Chief among them were Jeremiah S. Black, who went in Buchanen's Cabinet, end Justice William Strong, who resigned in 1868 to take his seat on the Supreme Bench of the United States, a position which be also subse quently resigned. The retiring jurist is of English Qaeker stock, end was born in Bucks county, Sep tember 3, 1834. On his mother's side he is descended from e family thet has given this """"try two of ita ablest lawyers. Thomas P. Johnson, of Xew Jersey, eod the lete Stanley Matthews, Asaociete Jus tice of the United States Supreme Court- Judge Paxsen began life aa a printer, be came a country editor, ana afterwards lonnder and publisher of the Philadelphia >'nrs. Bat bis natural bent wes towards the law, end in 1850 he wea admitted to the bar et Doylestown, Backs county. He shortly removed to Philadelphia, and rap idly attained to prominence in his profes sion. 1 Washington Notes. Fisticuffs in the House and bleckgnard ism in the Senete cherecterized the session of Congress last Thursday. The prolonged debate over the Pension Appropriation bill culminated late that evening in a personal encounter between Representative Daniel Waugb, a Republican ex soldier of Indiana, and Representative Turpin, a Democrat from Alabama. It came about by Mr. Waugh cherecierixing es false e statement made by Tarpin to the effect thet en Indiana soldier was drawing a pen sion for total deafness, and at the seme time receiving SI,BOO e yeer in the Pension Bureau where his duties were to attend to the telephone. The Alebamian made a rush for Waugb, and it is seid ran against the letter's clinch ed fist. Everything was in an uproar. Mem bers rushed from all directions to seporate the belligerents. Young Shermen Hoar, the esthetic Mugwump from Messechus etts, thinking tbet his refined presence might restore order, mede e rush for the area, about tbe Speeker's dais, where the fight was going on. Unluckily for tbe dignity for the Baked Bean statesmen, his feet slipped from un der him and he assumed a sitting posture at tbe end of the aisle. Mr. Wilson, of West Virginia, who was in the chair, pre siding over the Committee of tbe Whole, displaying bis usual inability to preserve order. He failed as completely as he did a* chairman of the Democratic convention et Chicago lest June. Speeker Crisp rosh ed fur the pleifurm, end without going r through tbe formality of having tbe com mittee rise, with one rap of bis pravel, brought the House oat of the Committee of the Whole end in the next breeth ordered out the meoe, irreverently celled "The sil ver goose,"' which Assistant Bergeent-at- Arms "Ike" Hill bore down among the cim be tenia. , In the Senete Senator "Dan" Voorhees mede insulting remarks to Sens tor His-J cock wnile the leter wes defending United Stetes Supervisor Devon port. Tbe brutal lenguege waa resented by the Senator from New York. Then "Dave" Hill bed to take up tbe cudgel egeinst Davenport, and in the course of his remark* mede a black guerd ellusion to Senetor Hiacock in con nection with the brothels of New York. This Mr. Uiscock celled tbe ettention of tbe Senete to, end Mr. Hill finelly with drew the remerks. Tbe debete wes the most discourteous tbet hes occurred in tbe Senate for years. The matter 1 nder debate, and which brought oat tbe Democratic blackguard ism, was tbe amendment of the Sundry Civil Appropriation bill, striking oat of the provision thet no money shell be ase d for warrants or arrests or prosecutions under the Internal revenue lews the words "Or the lew relating to the election of tbe members of Congress." On Setnrder, tbe Senete, in executive session, eon firmed tbe eppointment of Judge Jackson, as Justioe of the Supreme Court. Harriebnrg. The friends of Bundey observance con - tinned their campeign Thursday, and not merely on tbe defensive. Tbey attecked tbe enemy by a flank movement, tbe remit of an agreement reached tbe day before, Dodthett of Bntler beving introduced e bill in the house to extend the specie! Sun dey lew of Allegheny county to tbe entire stete; other words, a bill to increase the penalty for violations of tbe Sunday lews from $4 to $25. A heering was given in the bell of the hoase of representatives Thursday before • the boose and senete committee on vice end immorality. Tbet night e heering wes given by tbe general judiciary com fmittee of the house, and chairmen Walton of that committee announced that a heer ing will be given to editors end publishers of newspepers, whether they have Saoday editions or not on the evening of Tuesday the 28th. Tbe Legisletofe is not in session this week. "KBOWLEDUB comes bat slowly, slowly |j creeping on from point to point," wrote Tennyson. How very slow it was in breaking down the despotism of tbe Church ia illustrated in the life of Columbtu. His announcement that the earth was round startled the world end celled down the frowns of the Cbnrch becease tbe letter had taught a diflerent doctrine, founding it on tbe Bible. It was fortunate for Col umbus that be escaped tbe rack and the stake. To show bow his "heresy" upset tbe "time honored standards" of the church just consider that his disbelief in tbe earth's flatness played tbe very old dickens with the following, wbiob was one of the ques tions in tbe Cbnrch catechism in the davs of Columbus: "Why is it toe son is so red when it goeth down in the West T" and the answer was: "Because it looketh be yond tbe edge of tbe world into tbe moutb of h*des."—Kz. The Kanaas War. On Thursday, Governor Lewelling elter ed bis tone and made a proposition for pence to the Republicen House. He bad ample reason to sue for peace The military foroe of the State, which be bad oalled upon to oast tbe Republicens from Repreeentetive* Hell, bed gone over to tbe enemy. Tbe Sheriff orgenized e posse of 1,000 men, ermed with clubs end besebell bets, end tbev, too, sided with tbe Republicens, Irregular volunteers collect ed from verioas towns swelled tbe number of tbe Governor's foes to en ermy, egeinst whom he could only oppose e hendfnl of rustic provisionei guards. Even the Populist House geve up in despeir, end de clered tbey would btre e bell down town for legisletive pnrposes, leevingthe "mob" in possession of tbe Cepitel. On Pridey en egtaement wes entered into between tbe Oovernor eod tbe Repub licen Peace Committee by which all hostil ities ceased, the troops were withdrawn and the metter will be left to the Supreme Court of tbe stete on injunction proceed ings to be brought to test tbe legality of laws pessed by tbe I'opulist l.egisleture By tbe terms of the agreement tbe Re publicans are to have undfspated posses sien of Representatives Hall end tbe Popalista ere to beve some other room in the Stete House or continue their session in a hall in tbe Stormoot building which they ocbupied yesterday. It iselso egreed thet tbe proceedings for contempt brought l ij tbe Uepnblicens egeinst Benjemin C. Rich, Chief Clerk of the Popnlist House, *be>l be discontinued,audtbel tbere shell be no further errests mede of members or offi cersof either House on cherges of contempt, u»<»ipsMon or obstruction of public bbsi ne<«. A further condition, imposed by the Governor, is that the written agreement Covering the above points shell oot form a yea of tbe Journal of either ttoase. Election Returns of Butler Boroagh- Februrary 21, 1893. Barge** As't B'g'a.H.Con. CoL Over of P. Auditor. ppw «- a' j- cXS®i n d k35eL I= = ® X?j |s| JK K > WiHDS - lig! i'cf 11111 ?.FI f!l • 7Uo ? c 5 ® • © 2L *r • £ S » ? 51: S £5 3 S : r -3 5. j % §-; = ? : : 9 I : : ? : : : : : : ' » ? Ist ward lOBIsL 99 144 56 96 176 123 57 106 146 52106Wm 2d werd 95 149* 6 *9 147 9 82 160112 12 102137 *- 9 3d ward i 77 12W10 74 121 9 80 125 110 *»? 6 63 124 8 : 4th werd 94 8911 84 96 13 71 lwflH 17 87 80 19 76j 9311 I sth ward 115; 75111 114 74 11 113 81 130 23 117 G3 17 112| 7610 | Total 488 593|90 460 582 98 442 '360 576 119 515 530 103 440,'>8983 | THE BOROUGH ELECTION. The revolution ia local politics this year it remarkable. Of the general Borough ticket elected, Samuel Walker ia the only Republican, and be had practically, no op position. In the first four wards of the town the Democrats elect everything, ex cepting two Constables, while in the sth ward a mixed ticket is elected. In the townebip also the Democrats carried every thing inclnding the election of ex-County Commissioner Kelly, for Justice of the Peace over so unobjectionable a man es Robert McClong. Geo. W. Ziegler ia elected Burgess of Butler, J. L. McCleary. Assistant Bar gees, George Trimboar, High Constable. Sam act Walker, Collector, and A. M. Cor nelias, Anditor. The new Councilman for the Ist ward are Stephen Markbem and D. H. SuttoD. 2d ward, Harry Grieb; 3d ward, John L*well; 4th ward, David Younkins, and sth ward, David Cypher and W. E. Reed. The new School Director* for the Ist ward ia James H. Prinfle; 2d ward, Thos. Wiggel and Joaeph Harvey, 3d ward, E. M. Bredin; 4th ward, James A. Bonner, and sth ward, Ira VcJnnkin. The Constables elected are Henry Korn, A. M. McCandless, Geo. Knittle, C. Eisler and W. P. Brewn. Ist WARD. SCHOOL DIRECTOR Reuben McElvin J H Pringle laS ? H Klingler 59 TOWS COCSCIL. D L Aiken (3 years) 108 D H Sutton (3 years) 151 Daniel Larden (3 veert)./. 48 Thos. Robinson (2 years) p Steve Markham (2 years) --18J John Hannah (2 years) 4_ COHSTABLB. Henry Korn 1® Jacob Skillman - 123 Samuel Tandyke 54 JTROEA OF BLBCTIOH. J X Thompson J M Graham D Cnpps. 56 IXSFBCTOBS. Jas Stewart 101 L E Brackney 14J Samuel Householder 56 2d WARD. SCHOOL DIBBCTOB. P H Bole (3 years) 101 Joe H Harvey (3 years) 132 Wm Cooper (3 years) 5 John P Belph (2 years) 100 Thos P Kiggle(2 years) 128 TOW* corxciL. John E Byres 74 Harry Grieb 158 8 M Kidd ' COSSTABLK A H McCandless 168 JPDOE OF ELECTIOB. I J McCandless 92 OFT Pape 157 IHSPECTOBS. R B Gilchrist 95 A A Kelly 141 3d WARD. SCHOOL DIBBCTOB. Ed M Bredin 124 J M Galbreath 91 R A White 6 TOWB COCBCIL. John Lew ell ........lie Peter Scbenck 68 0 M Russell 7 COHSTABLB. George Knittle 133 Eli Boyer 06 JCWiB OF BLECTIOH. J McQ Smith 151 IBSPECTOBS. 1 J Mcßride 131 Geo McCandless 02 4th WARD. SCHOOL DIBBCTOB. Alex Mitchell «3 Jaa A Bonner 11l TOW* COCBCIL. U D Fisher »» Daniel Tonnkins 135 COHSTABLB. C Eisler 82 JtHXJB OF BLECTIOH. E 8 Riddle 81 JOB C Vanderlin 103 IBBTBCTOBS. Geo MoJnnkin 89 N T Weaer 97 sth WARD. aCHOOf. DIBBCTOB. Ira MoJnnkin 104 A E Reiber 83 J F Anderson.. 10 TOWB COCBCIL. S H Hose! ton (3 years) 84 David Sypher (3 years) 108 J W Tbompson(3 years) 5 W A Kamerer (2 years) 85 W E Reed (2 yews)... 94 C has Bailey (2 years) 15 COBSTABLE. W P Brown 114 Jacob Schwille 77 JUDUB OF ELECTIOB. H (i Walker 93 W H Morris 101 IBSPECTOBS. Benj Foster 101 John J Reiber 91 BUTLER TOWNSHIP. JCDMB OF ELECTIOB. Sebaatian Beck 85 T H Barton 45 IBBPBCTOBS. Adam Kradel 80 A X Wick 50 SCHOOL niBRCTOBK. GeoVogel 87 "Win Wachsmutb 73 A 0 Eberhart 58 Bert Young 46 SCPBBVISOB. J J Manny 73 Adam Kradel r 65 Jacob Rice 43 Jos Hinchberger 35 Wm Kinser 29 TAX COLLECTOR. Alfred Server .* 79 J M Rasley 54 AUDITORS. Elias Shak ley 74 Albert McDowell 54 OVBBSRRR. J J Manny 71 M Ferns worth 57 TOWBSHIP CLERK. Geo Vogel 80 8 Miller 51 JCSTICK. J C Kelly 88 Robt McClnng 41 The Allegheny County Elections. In Pittsborg, Gourley, Independent, was elected controller; McKenna, Demo erst. Mayor, and Dennis ton, Republican, Treasurer. The vote was smell, and wes es follows: POB MAYOR. McKenns 15,332 Lambln 14.540 MeKenna's msjority 786 FOB COBTROLLRR Gonrley 18.019 ; Mercer Ownley'l FOR TREASCRER. Denniston 16.611 Fleming 14,960 Denniston's mejority, 1,651 Some three thousand more votes were polled for Controll»r than for Treasurer, aud four thonsand more than for Mayor which sbows that the chief in terest was in that election. The Commer cial Gazette says the election of Henry I. Gourley to be controller of the city of : Pittsburg is a triumph of the people over one of the most corrupt combinations that ever ruled a muncipality. It is a promise of better things for the taxpayers. In Allegheny Wm. M. Kennedy was elected Mayor, over Judge Bredin by ' about 1300. OTHBR HEJGHBOBnCG TOWSS 111 Beaver Falls, the Republicans carried everything. In New Castle there were no regular nominations and a mixed ticket I was elected In Greensburg, e citizens or fusion ticket heeded by e Republican, was , elected over the regular Democratic ticket 1 In Kittenning the Democrats elected ev- I ery thing. Attempted Bank Robbery, and Murder at ' Leechburg. One of the boldest attempts at benk rob bery ever known in Western Pennsylvania, rivaling in its daring the femous Dal ton af fair at Coffeyville, and resulting in the death of an innocent and highly respected . citizen, accurred at Leechburg, Tuesday evening. About 7 o'clock Charles Asbbeugb, a printer on the Leechburg Jrirance, while in the rear part of the office, happened to look out and saw three men engaged in ' forcing an entrance through the back win -1 dow of the Leechburg Banking Company. He at once ran to the Conncil chamber and notified Constable Nicholas Collar, ( who was attending the borongh election [ there. Constable Coller tells his story as I follows: I "Mr. Ashbaogb was greatly excited and [ cried oat, 'Mr Coder come quick—".here > ere burglars in the bank.' I at once ran out of the baiiding and meeting William bhaeffer,, I said to him. 'There are some parties entering the benk, come elong 1 Billy.' He replied, 'I have no revolver, Sick, but I will stay with yoa.'aDd follow ed me eronnd the building to the beck of the bank. I "At the rear of the bank, we jumped ( over a low boerd fence end just then three m n filed oat the reer door of the benk One ren to the other side of the yard and turning opened fire upon me. * Another ren to the side of the fence behind me end > opened a cross fire I wes e little in ed vence of Sbaeffer and palling my revolver opened fire upon the men opposite me. I fired fonr shots at him. "Sbaeffer suddenly fell against me, and, > catching bim on my arm, I heard him say, I 'I am shot in e bed piece.' I esked him I where, end he replied in his been. I then ) fired the lest shot in my revolver over Sheeffer's beed et the lest bnrgler es he went over the fence end be cried 'l'm hit; | I can't go far ' Then I earned Shaeffer ' into the benk bell and be expired there in a few moments. The burglar I shot fell into an empty cellar edjoining the benk, I but scrambled out end escaped with the others." The firing attracted a crowd of people ! and they quickly followed the fleeing men Down Market street they chatted them un til Kirkpetrick t Company's mill was ; reached. Here the men separated, one go ing up First street and the other down the railroad Then both men mysteriously dissapeared. Scarcely bad the first wave of excite ment died ewey when George Southern, e berber, came up street with a stranger whom be bad ceughr running down tb<- 1 street just etter the shooting. The men was promptly lodged iu the lockup and i< tLoru jr«t. from *XL Um. Leechburg people are determined be shall stay there About a dozen citizens are holding guard in and around the building A bunt midnight a posse of men led by J C Wagner caught one of the robbers ou a bill alK>ve White Rock, near Allegheny Junction, on the Allegeny Velley railroad. He was found crouched behind a tree and was nearly exhausted He made a feeble attempt to resist, but was overpowered He was taken to Allegheny Junction and refased to give any information ebout him self. There seems to be no doubt as to bim beving been one of the robbers. Tbe posse who caught him report that there wes flriDg of guns ferther beck on tbe bills and it is thought another of the hunting parties were in conflict with tbe other robber. On Wednesday tbe two men ceme near being lynched by a mob; but were sateli lended in tbe Kittenning jail tbet evening. CLEVELABD says bis cabinet will be com posed of Gresbem, Cerlisle, Lamont, Her bert, Smith, Morton, Bissell end Otaey. The report regarding Geo. A. Jenks ol Brookville was a mistake. The O'Donnell Trial. On Thursday, several witnesses were ex aminea lor tbe defense, including O'Dun nell's wile. John Ilulse was tbe first witneis called by tbe defense. He said he was awakened on tbe morning of July 6by the blowing of tbe whistles. Goimr out upon fifth eve be met O'Donnell end told him that Pink ertorin or non-unionists were coming up the river. O'Donnell wented him to go down to tbe shore end try to persuade tbe men not to come asbore Cupt. 0. C. Coon was tbe next witness 11c met O'Donnell eboat 4 o'clock that morning and was asked to go down and try to stop the fight. Tbey both went Jown to tbe foot of McC'lure street and while O'Donnell tried to keep the Home stead men back, Coon talked to tbe men on tbe barges and endeevered to persuede them not to come asbore. When be got to the gang-plenk a man cam« down with a gun and ask bim if tbe men on tbe boats were deputy sheriffs or netional guards men. The men said—"No, we are I'inker ton detectives." Just then a shot was fired. It came from the barges and killed a boy who had fallen across tbe gang plank. On Friday, O'Donnell testified in his own behalf, and bis story in brief, was as follows: "I was near tbe berges on tbe morning ofJuly6;l got there shortly after tbe bargei had moored; quite a crowed was tbere; first passed t.be bow of tbe barges going down tbe bank; didn't see anything going on wben tbe gangplank was being ran out; there were ten or twelve men on the stern of tbe barges who hao guns at a •ready.' Tbe people were much excited, shouting to the Pinkertons and begging them not to laud, I went down aud sai<l to tbe armed men: 'For God's sake don't shoot. Tbere are a number of women aud children here; put your guns down. I'll get tbe crowd quiet.' I wes struck by a stone. I addressed tbe crowd and heard a shot in tbe vicinity of the barges, when tbere came a fusillade—one volley after another. Tbia lasted ebout five minutes. At the first vollev e man at my left fell; one men I stumbled over; there is a sewer trap near tbe barge and bank; myself and another man crawled into it in order to be oat of danger, after tbe firing ceased 1 got up on the benk; I immediately went to the telegraph office end sent mepsages to the klercy and South Side hospitals for } ambulances wben 1 addressed the people 1 1 told them to keep back or they would be kiiled If 1 bad bad a few minutes more time to gain tbe bow of the berges tbere II wouldn't heve been e seot fired. After ] leaving tbe telegraph office I went to Andy Soulier's house, having beard be was kill od. I in no manner whatever aided or abetted tbe trouble which occurred that , <i»y The attorneys made their arguments, the court itc charge, the jury retired and next > morning came in with a yerdict of not » guilty. Ou Tuesday, O'Donnell, Clifford and Critchlow were released on SIO,OOO bail; as was also Dempsey who had been re arrested 2 the day before. 6 FRANK Shaw has been awarded the turf betting privileges at Washington Park dur ing the World's Fair meeting, for which he £ pays $200,000. That's considerable for the _ "pigeons" lo make good, hut they'll prcb -9 elrfy bhm It U>. Protpect Frost Bhea. We have heard: That the following "Irish Love Song might be worthy ot print: 0, Mary Ann McFlanigan I've thongbt of ivery plan I can To win your heart, time an' again, But you re decevin' very; We're still just where we used to be, And it would be glad news to me If you would onlj chose to be My own sweet little Mary. Your ♦ays I bate to criticise, Rnt .b« I see your laugbin' eyes My bleedin' heart in pity sigh? 'Tis trying to be civil. Your pretty charms have smitten me, 1 But if you mean to mitten me, Why, thin go to the devil ! That Mrs Johnathan Wimer, of Worth twp . waanrTSsn* lar-- hotel. That Carl Campbell has returned to Centreville from a visit to friends here. Glad to see you, Carl. That the entertainment given by the students, last Friday evening, was a good one. but tfce stormy weather kept the bouse from being crowded. Prof. Magee thinks the Spring Term will be the largest for years back. That C. F. Newman, who has worked lor John Shaffer for nine years has quit to seek other employment. It is not often two men can iret along so well for nine years. Charlie wants to sell his fine prop erty on Church St. That eleven or twelve couples of our young folks recently drove over to Por tersville to have a "hop and bivalve sup- Cr " Billie Heyl thinks he has all the d IUCK going, as he broke bis buggy X before be got half way. Cheer up Wm. They report a pleasant time however Weigle, Heberling <k Co. furnhhed the music. That Misa Dorothy Richardson, who has been learning short band in Pittsburg for several months, is home at present, being on the sick list. That John Heyl, Sr., one of our oldest citizens, has been sick with heart trouble, for two weeks. That Mrs. Dana and sister Valjean Mur ray. of the Barkley farm, called on ac quaintance here one day last week. That Scott Kellj and Jeff Henshaw were well enough pleated with their valentines. Show up, boys. That Miss Nettie Niblock, of I'etersvjlle. visited her many friends here last week, and took in tbe entertainment. That Mary Martin, the music teacher, who, we understand, visited friends at Greenville Evans City, Pittsburg and Mc- Keesport the last month, has returned bome to resume her work. That Mrs. Millie McCollough has bought J L. Henshaw's property on New Castle St., where she and Sam will soon move That Joseph Webber and Ida Wilson were married on Wednesday, Feb. 15. at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. Rev. Clark, and Frank Wilson and Maggie Web ber were married the following day at the brido's bome. The young folks have our best wishes lor their future happiness and welfare. That tbe Seniors recently drove out to the home of Miss Clara Thompson, east Franklin tw p , where they spent a most enjoyable time. Mrs. Frank Forrester, of Centreville. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Webber, last week. She also attended the wed ding of her sister, Margaret. Pedro, eucre. seven-up, old sledge, cas sino, checkers, parchisi, and boxing are tbe harmless pasttimes now. Jo Cos IT v. The Andrews-Higby Fight. The sob-election committee in the An drews-Higby contest organized in Mead vill«, Thursday, to proceed with the inves tigation asked for by contestants Chair Talbot asked council for both parties to agree upon as many points a - possible without argument, and it was agreed that the testimony taken before Judge Hender son was satitactory so far as it referred 10 tbe election district in dispute. The offer of Higby's attorneys to put in evidence the affidavits of voters was refused, as Protbonotary Solcum's evidence was that the paper* had not been properly guarded. He said that tbe affidavits were lying up on tbe floor and elsewhere, and had not even been bundled except to bring before tbe comm.ttee. The witness would not swear that tbe papers offered were tbe papers which originally accompanied the IWUflts. Mile Run, Franklin Townahip. Eh. ClTlzs.t: Having seen so many re ports from different part* of the county, of late, 1 am encouraged to send you a short report of tbe above named school, knowing it will be of some interest to the people whom it coucerns. The fourth month ended Thursday, Feb lfl. Howard Shannon, Walter Weigle, Keefer Dunn, Daniel Dunn, Effie Shanor, Maggie Sbanor. Belle Hays, Blanche Hays missed no days. Howard Albin, Newton Neely, Maude Weigle, Lillie Albin, Mollie English anil Annie Dunn missed one day each Effie and Maggie Sbanor, and Blanche Hays have missed no days during the term. The whooping-cough lias greatly reduced the scholars in two of tbe schools—Ridge ai.d Dick, and we hope the troublesome. Inconvenient disease will keep away from Mile Run. Visitors for past month are: Thoma* McClintick. Mattie English. Wm. Neely. Cbarles Weigle, Curtis Stickle, Thomas Hindman, John Hindman. James Wilson, Daniel Sbanor, Wm. McKinnis, John Lepley. Carl Campbell, Mrs. J. P Hays, Mrs. David English; directors, Wm Scott. Wm. Dick, John Barkley, Charles Mackey. J P. Hays, and A. L. Weitzel, and Co Supt N. C. McCollough. The directors, Supt, and citizens visited us on Thursday p. si., Jan. 26, and to say we were a little scared to have them all come at once is but making a mild btale ment. The board and Supt. had visited Prof Cooper's school in tbe forenoon, and were dined by Mrs. Scott and Mr* 11 ays at dinner time. Win. Scott was master of ceremonies, and said the directors and Supt. wert hardly able to make a *peech, for when one shares tbe hospitalities of the above boMtesses be is liable to eat 'OO much to lie able to talk much. Wm. managed to make one of bis old time speeches which please every body He gave the scholars and teacher some good advico Mcs*r* Mackey, Weitzel, Hays aud Barkley in turn favored us with words ol profit and encouragement. Wm. Dick. Sec. of the Board, showed the scholars what advan tage* they enjoyed in this age. He said the State was *0 generous that tbe school* cost the people but a minimum amount of lax, and that the directors could pay their teachers Mtill better wages, and not leel tbe lax at all, as the directors had levied but two mills for school purposes. Mr. Scott called upon Jus. Wilson, Daniel Sbanor, John Lepley, Mrs. ilays aud Mrs. English, who responded with interesting words. Mr. Scott said he liked to keep the best till the last, as he introduced Supt McCollough, who made one of his pleasant, sensible speeches to the scholar*, after which school was dismissed. This was one »f the most pleai-ani afternoons our school has had, and we wish they will all come again. G. P. W., Teacher. GKX. BEA' SBOABII, died at bis New Orleans residence, Monday night. The Heath-Johnaon Case. Mrs. Frankie Johnson, whose husband d esqfted her a few days ago, disappeared on Thursday as mysterious as did her hus band. Her friends are of the opinion that *be ha* committed suicide, as she threat ened to take her life rather than bo dis graced for life. The Lawrence county people telegraphed tbe Sharpsburg author ities Thursday that Johnson was under ar rest at Wampum aud wuuld bo held sub ject to their order. A crearn of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening strength.— Latent I'mtril Statm Government Food Report. Royal baking Powder Co., 100 Wall Bt., H. Y. SafveravHle Local Institute. The teachers local institute for the south eastern portion of the county will be held at Sarrersville on Saturday. Mar. 4, com mencing at 9 a. ra. Following is the programme: Derotional Exercises, Rev. Tannibiil. The Teacher in School. E E. Graham. Advanced Physiology, Ronnie HaUtead The Child's First Month in School, Miss M. F. Sipe. Mental Arithmetic. Frank Halstead. How to Interwt Pupils in History, D. H. Bryan. Primary Geography, L M. Caldwell. Address, Prof. S- L Cheeseuian. Advanced Reading. T. D. Greer. The Ideal Teacher. W P Sipe. How to Teach Writing, M:>s Campbell i Manners 3. U Emery. A n- 1 ! M ti- Y1M 1 MI [~ Advarfcwd Geography. 1 1 b3!- 1111; ■ I Frimary ty. I Idleness in School, F W Ekas | Address, Dr. A. E. Maltby of Slippery j rock Normal The Child - First Tear in School, W. G Russell Advanced Arithmetic, R M. McFarland Literature in the Public Schools, J. R Henuinger Address from Sec'y ol School Board. Mr Powell. Address. Prof. X. C McCotlough The programme will Ixsinter-persed with mnsic. Everybody cordially invited lo be present. R. M. McFarland W. P. Sipe Committee. THE resignation of Chief Justice Paxson, will make it necessary for the people to elect a Justice of the Supreme Court next November, as Gov. Patiisou's appointee can hold office only to next January. A BILL will be presented to the Pennsyl vania Legislature this winter &.-king that there be six examiners appointed by the Governor, and that all persons wishing to enter upon the practice of medicine in this state aftei January. 1894, will have to be examined by this Ijoard. DEATHS' POLLOCK—At the residence of his daugh ter. Mrs S H Part n. in Concord twp . Feb. 11, 1593, John R. Pollock, aged 81 years. LTN'CH —At bis home in Bennett. Pa . February 19. 1893, of typhoid fever. I>aniel B. Lynch, aged about 40 years He wad a son-in-law of John Grossman of Slipperyrock twp., and lie leaves a wife and three children. COVERT—On Monday. Feb. 20th. 1893. at her residence in Mars. Pa., Mrs. Lou isa Covert, aged 85 years. YOUNG —At the home of her farther. Joseph Kennedy, in Summit twp , Feb. 21. 1893, Mr 9. Minnie Young, widow of Young, lately deceased. OBITUARY. GECBGB VT. REBD Last Sunday iheremain«of Major George W Reed, tae oldest citizen of this town, were taken to their last resting place in the North Cemetery. The day will be one long to be remembered on account of the severity of the weather. An unusual snow norm prevailed most of the day and scarce was the funeral over until it became a whirling, blinding, drifting one, such as was never before known here. Nature seemed as if it were making an effort to prevent the dead body of Mr. Reed from being taken from the view ot a people who so much desired to see it and to honor hi* memory. But nevertheless men, women and children came to pay their last respects in unusual numbers. The reason for this great tribute must be found in the life an l character of Mr Reed. A man who was so general a favor ite must have had peculiar merit. And so indeed he had —a life of singular purity, a nature the most genial and sociable, a rectitude and integrity without a stain, temperate and moral in all thing*, an act ive and useful citizen, he had earned the regard ol all and p* -ed away at the ad vanced agu of nearly ninety years without leaviug an enemy behind. Major Heed was botn in Bedford Coun ty this State in July 1803. and died here Feb. 16, 1593 making his age 89 years and 8 month*, lie came to this town in 1K24 Previous to coming here ho had lived aud worked at his trade in Zelienople, this county. The first record we have of bis acting in any public capacity after coming to Butler is In 1828. In that year the turnpike road from here to Kittanning was Ibid out and G \V Heed Is tonnd as curv ing as one of "the axe men." who-e duty it was to clear away tho path and blaze the trees for the location ol that road In 1841-2 wo find biin a member of the Town Council of this place. In 1840 he was elected Sheriff of the county and in the same year wa* one of the viewers to lav out the State road from here to Brady's Bend. In 1801 be was elected Treasurer of the County. His military life and services commenced ribortly after hi* coming to this place aud continued until 1855, a period of about 30 years, in which h« filled almort every office under the militia laws of those days. Ili* military spirit and love of duty in the same were proverbial arid were the pride of bis life. . Ilis efficiency and his gallantry, especially on horse back, were admired by all In lact tbe gallantry and gentleman ly bearing of Maj Reed in all the walks and departments of life bad much to do with the admiration and respect of hi. fel low citizens for bim. Major Reed was married in 1832 Mrs Reed died some years ago aud was buried at Pittsburg By hi* own special request his remains were interred her«. at Butler, among and with tbe people he had so loiiK lived and served so well All our people arc much gratified to know thai his louib is to be hern. Tbe rumaiits of his wife are to be brought back and laid beside tbe faithful husband. Two sons and four daughters survive their father. Capt Alfred G Reed, his oldest son, was killed in the Frederick burg battle ol the lato Rebellion. After and in honor of biui is named the A. G Reed Post of the Grand Army of the Re public here. The surviiors of this Post, carr> ing the flag of our country, attended the burial of his father last Sunday in a body Nelson P Reed, the second son, weut to Pittsburg some years ago aud his sncceas there in connection with the Pitts burg Commercial (hi.etti is well known to all lie died some two years ago. Joseph P. Reed and George W Reed, his living sons, reside in Pittsburg Mrs. Aune Jauu Lane, hi* oldest (laughter, a widow, lives at Denver Col , Mr* Catharine Walker, widow of Simpson Walker, lives in Pitts burg; Mrs. Charles A. Sullivan, Esq late of this place, lives with her husband in Pittsburg; Miss Agnes Reed lived with her honored father here to tbe day of his death Rev. John S McKce. pastor of the U P. Church, ol which Major Reed wa* a meinlwr, performed the funeral services, assisted by the aged Rev. White ol tbe Episcopal Church and Rev. Oiler of the Presbyterian Church. Rev. White made the prayer at the grave. And Ihu- ends the life of a cit izeu of whom nil can say. "This was a Man." J. il N. BERKIMER & TAYLOR, Funeral Directors and Embalmers, Diamond Block, next door to I'ost Office, liutler, I'a., prompt attention to orders, day or night. Mifflin Street Livery. WM. BIEHL Prop'r. One nquaro went of Main Bt., on Miffliu St All good, nufe bomex; new buKgieH and Landau* lor weddingH and fuuertiln. Op«n daj and aiglit. Telephone No. 24. L. & JteJUftKLN, Insurance and Real EH talc Ag'l 17 hAHT JKF» ERHON HT. BUTLER, - PA. WANTED. Agents to sell our choice and Uardy Nursery Stock W« have many special Varieties, both in fruit* and ornauien'a]- to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commirsion or salary. Write us at once lor term*, and secure choice uf tern tory. MAY BROTHERS Vurwrytrmn. Bovlteitlvr, N. Y. SHSEIFF'S SALSS. I By virtue ol sundry writs of \c D Ex. y v Lev. . issued oat uMhei ouri of i- .™.*". Pleas of Butler Co.. Pa., and to me d'S there *lll be expo«ed to public -a> Court House. In tlw borough ot Butler, on Monday, the 6th day of March, A D lta. at l o'clock p. m, the following de scribed property to-wlt: * E D No 53. March Term. ls-ft. lliompsoa t 5,,;. Attorneys. Ail the right, till-. Inirresi ana claim of *»r- Borland. dec'd. wpicli she Oj,: at aud iminecu at«L> belore her deatn. aud of Ja 08 Borland executor ot Uie la.-,t wm ul Mir) BorUud oe" Ceased, and also ol James Borlatid. devisee etc. of,ln and to a certain lot ol Und.slt. UA u-d In slh »u. Buller Boro. Builcr. umiij.iv 0.. iu<i ed as lollows. to-ivu; (>ii me i>orth in (u> street, east by Hubert Fowser. south by au allej. and west by i> . l*hl; ironting l'O j It-eu uiore or n-sa. on Hay street «nu exteudiu^ - Jill vt- - ■■■■ aieu in buiier boro. liulicr fa . bounti eel as loiiows, to-wit: On ttte noun by Auaxn Ma}, east O) f p lvale alley, Houtn 0/ Mllßlu street, ana t u> uroiyc Kt\ k; fronting t>> leet ou Mifflin street au«L fSurauiiiK »'»CK sain» i a ldm to 10l ol .iUaiu May . logelncr nrutk * ui»« j atid vUe-aall »tor> tTlclt IlOUse U4J'-1 uUlou:;diii-> Uiere on. ' ALau —or. In and io certain lot of land . sttu | ated Ui • Uiier IHJIO, liutler tx/Uulv, rOonnu- CU AS loiiows. 10-w it : oil tli»- nuitn t»> Latuer Fair, (MM J.V tot ol K«CA, souia i»\ street. «IIU west D.) >ir». L>uiav UlJyl>", iiawtug a Oi «u tert, uiOTe or less ou Mifthu street ana exieiiuing tMdt saute M I.ILU; i-tulset, more or ie»a, auu uaviug .i iv\o ator> iraine iiuay, Irauie suU)ie auid outotlilulug-< tUeieon. >eized and takeu in execution tne properij Ol il«T) (Soruuid. drC a.HOiCU »lie iiao at »iid lUiUiculately bciule Uer ui Ja-s HorlaUd. executor uj fciie U»l uul ol .darv i»or* taue. Aecu.ana auto ol Jaiuco i»uridaa.u"tviTtt etc . at toe suit ol c iareme \\ aixer. K DN'os «/* and »**"», M.«rcu renn, i-»u3. A 1 t>laik. All*>. All the right, title, interest and claim ot Jaine* K line 3. ol in anu to ?4 & ..re® ol l.*nu Wisieoi less, situ ueu in Mai ion tovtuaiiip, Dul ler count >. t' a., uoauutU as lollop ». u>- * it: Uu tne norm t>> iaous 01 Kooeri iveii aua Lit V ckuaj He . east 0> lauus o* i. K i. ai.U •JoUii AlWell, south ifj lalids Ol t.. .fii.y and Jonn Knnr». **'e>l l »uU> ol Jutiu iv.uie.-, utoslij vlcaicu. UUui-r a IAU suiK tti cuita ■ AIHIU Mliii a iraine AoUK. Iranic Uarii «WiU iuuei oui otuidings erecteu Uieieou. Wfttwi 4uU Lowell laexocuiion as tne pro^>ert> 06 dames Kuueo aw tne suit ol ti h W.CH. D. No iU. 4>oc. f. IM2. A'. H. Alt >. All ine title, interest ana ol V\U- Inxtu Miuser. 01, in ana loS atits ol laua. mote or itraa. situated in Adaau> Duller couut,., I'a. bounaed as bnutss, tv-wu; on tale norm oj lands lornierlj ol setn staple, now AUUI> MeU; east L) lanus loiineiij >eili Slapirs,koW Auiim Mciz; aoUtu UJ I«UMa3 luiliicrij ui Uubcn jk ivinney; Mat t>> iana-» ui Weal. Wuu a auian orcnaru tneieon Moaiiy clcaiea ana taitaer « fcOOa state ol CUltiVatluu 3ti/.eu ana laJkcn Ik. t'Aecuilon as tile ol unaiii Mincer al tue sun ol Joun i.air 10l Ua«. liLl>.>'o.9v, March T. itM3. A. M. chrisiley, Aitoruey. All the title, interest and claim of F > Ke* a. oi. ax aiia to + ccrtaiu lot ui iolu, s»tu ttteu in viiiuKe ol t allerj , .Aoaius tSul*rr county, t'a. bounded as luilowa, 10-wu: Uu int. (lie noitn by 10l ol Aioeil c«si by 1' a iv is. K .south by 10l ol Mrs >! K t«arvm; uest by an alley. With a one stoi> name u\*cliin« house ol nve robins ouU ooui'* ou*oie ioa.o itci. deizeu ana taken in execution *s lii pi o^eli) ol t a Kecd at tne suit ol Alary newd. K. JJ. >OB. 75 uiiu To. M«t»cli 1. 15-i»i». W. A- ana F. J. Jbo1 14uer. Aitorueys. . All the right, title, lulefest and claim 01 James W. rio3«T ana >1 M ria- r 01. u ana U. certain lot ol lano. ciiuated in v iu<«- ol .Nortu Washington . V% asniiu;ton ta Duller couui) . fr*a. bounoea aa ioiio»»s, 10 *iu un Uie noru« by lot of C 1- Heniin 3 helm by oui ( et and Kmleiitwn puoUC roau, soutll oy o.uer 101 ol saia 11 aseia anu «»ccl b.. «in a*iey. Heu*£ *• leet more or lev* uu ®ai'* iiutier anu tuilentou roaa %.y TJU leet u tilth a UMtiiu«K noUse 1 hereon. A i>a 01. in ana to. certaiu lot ol land,si u ate ill Mliage Ol .Nurtu Vlartiiuauiu WasUiug u>n tvrp. l>uilei coumy . 1 a,eou-ueu as ion .#*>. 10-wit: on me norm oy lot oi m Si r roser, east by stieel oi nutiei ana tUui.UiktU p-*oii road, soutu oy street or ooucr*ud u.iv »» a public roaa. west by an ail- J . to feel. m«»re or le«a lenton publliroad oJ l*' murtJ ie-8. a lw<o-®(or> uulcl ataole uu^ other la ereon. ana anowu as Uit lieuleh llotel ae-ued and taken In execution as tie properij of Jam r a NV trascraiid a\l M Fiasc rat Ihe ami oi J -i Le .decker el ai. E D. Xo. 131, March T. 18», W. D. Brandon Attorney. All the rttfht. title. Interest and claim of Norman tiranam. dec d. J D Grauam and «.ro M liraham, Adm'rs of the • statt of M'jrman iiralia n, dee'd. and fcllzab»-lh L l«rahaii». of. In and to Si 4 lu acres of land, more or lesrt. situate in ConuoquencasniK twp butler coanty, bounded as follows, to-wlt : On llie north b> lands of I N Ouncan. east Oy lands of K « Henry .south by p .rt of same irait,kuoan .is pur part so—. west b> part 01 same tiait known a* purpart No—, said land known puritarl No. 4 aod IM-1I»K pelcOes lonk aod(8 57-iuu perches wide. MueUy iimoei land, he zea and taken in execution a-. Uir prow*rty of >orm»tu tiraham.de* - d.J ulirauaiu neo M Graham, Adut'ri «»l th** estate ot Norm -n Graham, dee d and tlizabeth 1. Grulntui al th«* suit of HinniiiKham Fir»* Insurance Compauj . lor use of H. v urandon. K. i> No' liJ and 1 March T. Williams & Mitchell, aua Clarence Waiker. A tl*>S. AU the ri^ht. interest and claim oi W il Ham 11. itKtcr, of lu and to certain lot oi una. situate in butler borough, butler county. Fa, ! . oniiaerl its lOIIOWS. tow It: Oh the north by ianJs 01 lit' Uuaelioii. east ny Main or str.*et, south by Jeuersou -.tf«*«-i.*mi titSirrrs !<ncu a; iaSncT lin Wia of -- feel ou the said Main si net and eatentUng back aloh< JefferSOO HI. Ud saia lot of 14 « 11 use 1 ton U0 feet . ana having a larK'" two»lory brick stole building er-.-ctea cnefeoil. »e|teu ind taken In execution as tne properly of Wil dam II Kilter at the suit ui Thomas W i hillip®. et al. E. i>. No. IP*. March Term. lIUJ. Jas. B. Mates. Attorney. All the right, title Interest and claim of * L Mark well. oi. in and to all that certaiu lot ol land, situated in busier boro, butler county l*a. . boundeil as Ioll«>ws. to wll: Ou th nor« i* uy 10l No. 4<i lu Mrs. MaCkey a plan ol lota in said borough, east by l airview avcuue. south oy lot No. 4* In saiu plan ol I >is. .nd on tn« west by i berry w a.); anu being 4o feel front ana running b ck parallel lines the name wiaiu ii> leel to Cherry way. and ocuig iot No 47 in Airs ;>arah Mackey's plan of lots a.-> aloresald, ami having a two blory frame Iftous** and outbuiia ings Uieieoii. Seized aud taken in execution as the property ol s I. Mark well al the suit oi Anna E Kowiaiid. ti. If. No. Ill#, March Term. IMB. Coulter and baker, Atl'ys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of \\ H i>obsoii. 01. in and to certain lot < f land, MlU atcd lh village of bianehton. Mlpperv KIN K iwp . butler county, I'a, tiounded as lollo*v to-wlt: On Hi*- north b lands < 1» and Geo bovard, east by lands C b and Geo bov.«fd. swulli by lands < * Il aud (*eo bovard. aud on west by lands ol public roaa , with a on sioiy if am** dwelling lumse. coal house and out bulla IngM erected lhereon, beizeti and taken In execution as the pri»j»«*My of W H l>ob®ou at the suit of T W Ferguson K. li. No. 134 March Tertu* 1«J. M« QuUtlon and Vanderlln, Ail ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of W s Williams, oi In aua to a certain lot oi land, situated in Karust'ltj boro, Fairviewtwp. but MMP 009M| I'a . hlltlßfllWl II lattomk IO Wll: bt.-lng lot No. ana ooing Jt* leet liont on lan view itfoel and etirixling w«al to an alley U* feet wlih «* one story frame dwelling house and other outbuildings erected thereon ne ze«l and taken in execution as the property of v\ s» Williams at the suit of E A Tot ten E. D. No. 100, March Term. 1810. W, ll brandou, Atty. All the right, title, inten st and claim of Jacob Sal bach. Of, In aud to II a«ren ol land, more or less, situated lu W shingt*iti iwp. but ler county. I'a.. bounded as lollo**, to-wit: on the inn Lh by lanUs ol K O Smra, east by lands of Kllslia 1111 llard's lielrs. south hy lands oi A L Shlra. «ist by public road leail Irg lr*jfn North Wasliiiigton to lla»risvi»le, said land iHJing mostly chared, small orchard, mid having a small board house, log stable ana outbuildings thereon, .-seized anu taken in exe cution as the propei ly of Jacob saioo* hal the suit o« W J Adams for use, el*- K. I). No Th. March Term. isfn. K. McJunktb and MoJunkln Si Galbreath, Atl'ys. All the right, title, Interest and » laim of Jacob II Albert, of. In and to acres of i.md. more or less, nltuited In Centre twp, buti*-r cdhhty. Pa. bounded as follows, to wit on the north by landn of A Fle* ger, coat by lands of A Fl**eirer. south oy lauds of Coultei heirs, a est by lands of liavis ..eirs and lieck; Isiug mostly cleared lana. Heized «»n'l Ukeu in exe cution an the property Of Jacob II Albert at the suit of llarsh rutllff. rfcKMS OF HACK: I h»' following PIUSf b» strictly*'Ofnpl!e<i with when property l*> tri< km doH n. 1. Waen the plaintiff or oth* r lien i fdltor LM comes the purchaser the cost on the ant iiinst be paid and a list of tL*- ileus including mortgage searches on the pro|»**rty -old to gether with such lien creditor's r*:ceipt # f >r tli- MiiibUnt of the proceeds of the sale or such p«»r lion thereof ai he may claim inusi be furnlibed the hherlfT. 2. Ail bids uiusl Is* paid In full, 3. Ail sales not settled iiiiuiodub'ly a ill be continued until I o'clock i*. m. of nt'Hl dav, al which tlm*- all property not settled for win »>« put np and sola at the c*i>ebse an l risk of tie liersoti t*> wuom lirsi sold. I *see I'urdou's iMgcs:, 'Jth edition, lie 1 and Multh's Foru page J9I. WILLIAM M. IIKOWN, slier ill. tthenlT's omce, butler. Fa., Feb. I', h, i-#;;. Notice. Notice i» hereby given that l>avi'l O.l*<ru« amignee ol Win. A. IKlxirne. has lileil hi account in the nflif-e ol the I'rothonotary ot the < 'our! «»l * omiuim I'l'-HI of lluller E.Mirj ty, Pa., at M'» I) No. 28 March T, ln:<l; ami thai llie name will l»- |>r> reuicl to »ai<l « "Url lor conflriuatii'U ami allowance on Wc lues j day the sth <)ay ol March, JOHN W BROWR, I'M. I'ro'hojiotary'a '>lßce, f'th. <•, lIW3. Notice. Notice i* hereby given that Joaepb Itlack, cmiuitlee ol Benjamin Met alien, a lunatic, hiu tiled h*n aocoufil in the < Hire ot lite i'ro thonotary ol the < i tirt of Common I'lea. •.! Butler county. I'a, al <J. I". No 4, Sepl I, IHtil; aud that the utile will he presented to »aul court lor confirmation ami allowance ou WednewJay, the »tti day ol March. MM. Jou« W. lino w.N, Pro. I'rotbonotary'ii Office, Feb. 6 le'»3. Election Notice. The annual oieeting of the Stockholder- j nl tbi< Mechanic" 11. & L. A»»a-iation wil | tie held at their ullitn on J-Yb 13 lhi/3. at J , 7 p UI lor the purpo.e ol il. ctmg a le aro ol Director* for the eij«uii.g year, aud »uch 1 other liu»iaeas that luay cooiu before tho | Uiwetttig V, ti. L>alk, C. A. a«mk>. 1 Von. twr Financial Statement of Butler' County for the Year Ending Jan. 2,1893. Le.j aid tnotw.i for s* i. r~ —~ £I ■ m I 3 7 TOWNSHIPS £ 4 AUam« 5 t.T «> l.'iX All-cn-m -* T»l tJT3 7.' > - Buffalo 3*» -•:* t:<M •* I<w - 1 Brail\ 11l .Vt-' !«5T 70 lO.' W j Butler X 3* T.W Mfi » t» riay' IT7~~ ivi ~~~ \ iientre rr> a lir: 27 «• ** t rauberry --t.; r.rj i;u »i !» "H Cherry '• 147 . fj 73 t. roßDOqueQ. sslni; »» "'M l"c'.' •; •wt « t learfleM 23.*. To nr* S4 I'M I'llDdinl li - ** 1441 77 16 I" [>JDej!al r«4 St« 1.C3 05 279 •• Forward *2 VJ l*lj St «» » KalrvleW .law 5Ti !««; <e SS> Franklin j-» 9.0 lai v> -4 J. Jeffenoo :H6 ■*» 17.H *> 3H Jai-tx.>n r.l» 4e>. IW 43 175 Lancaster JfS 774 MM ST t'JS Si- Marlon 253 7i« lIR S3 > 74 >lercer... :S4 I«k 77i» <h 57 32 Middlesex 375 X' 4 l«7« >.» 29t ti7 \|iiiKli rr ek 253 "44 tA7 Tt > v Oakland -Ti 13T4 •» l«k •• t'l-r.r. .{4l .To* on 1-2 .» '■arker .'79 -«> li»-> 1«» summit f.7« » 3K *. >lipperj rock. :M3 nil l 1-1* «» l.V> > Venango irsa ?<;« IIT» xa T> *■ >>4 1521 38 14 \V tulle Id .'SO 47- Ml 3» 4>« • *orih 3t» W» I «* >*t 115 f* Bui ler Ito ongh . 2 t7"i .71 10K7R 77 2!•«! .V. Centrevtile •• i* '.v> 42:; i- M* tvansCtty " 9H »«> »»" 40 4-2 - Fa rview •• m 1H) 12 > Harmony " 110 IMS 540 s 1 o 1 Harrlsvllle •• .1 IM Jus <.K 34'- i 4 Karris otty •• 2L>- 141 13 !3 w Mttlerslowrn •* .... I(J3 519 •< 2411 V t'n*»pect •• 58 W4 2t« 47 iflo r. I'etrolia •• . ... 43 !•»; 2i9 93 *«. Portei>vllle •• 41 -32 1 209 i« 37 «0 saxonburg " >4 'Co I7u ,v. m • Suuiiurj *• 4! -w 4- .9 2 ZelUniople •• la* 3m «r,i 33» I. Total 1.5 «a 7 *• 04 l«R« « •auryt rtr !>IIOWIK<: ixocxr dti rm.* rOLUcrow. Year. litstru t. Name. Am t due l!»C Butler twp M DuSord 4 »1. •• t'etrolta Boro. M Hwlley U l*wv Worth twp. (i R Taylor . 10.;. IM*. t' 1.1 'wp Z* M' Michael Ta » •• Muddy ere. k twp <• MeKee 11 1 " M aahlninon twp 11 seaton t.» J Worth tvr, Jli Mc< !;nionds .> -. •• Karns City Boro. M king 10* la - Petrolla Boro M Ilwlley 71 j. t*jß. Butler Bom. K C Mt Aboy .... 112 > t he.ry tap. J W Newman 12»' •• Fark-r'wp. ■» Bell -4: '• Petrolia Boro. M Omley 7 *• •• Mlppervroek twp. l> IHekey M •* P<-ner-vDie lv.ro. J Kinxer .11 «• ■* Waaoington Iwp. J Harper: 1 —i.l. Allegheny twp. J Jotty 9« a Braij twp. J Staff -a, ;■ " Bmler B- ro. > Walker I llu " 1 ...arord twn. 4, M.awr *»• 2 ~ t lay twp. K B Cobn i 7 m •• llonegal 'Wp. J KlUert 3» " Harri<ville B-mi. Joa Few . v - Karri* City Boro. M King ai *• Millererown Boro K lenkln.H . Ml " inUUnd mp. B t.liniien i;>7 t " Foner.vl.le Boro. J Kiwr 1* - I'etrolia torn. M Dailey 7% v •• suni>ur> Boro J McSaughtoa * •• Waahiugton twp J F Harper l*> > •' Worth twp J<e» HaiTi.il 3» -■ 1 -'J2 Allegheny twp K Farka a*, i. •• Adamitwp. VI Irvm | jot. -* Bur ler twp. (, lipl 7»7 4 •• Buffalo twp. S Weaterman *4 ~ •• Brady twp. L Hlnea 517 1. - ( Unto . twp. H Harvey ... .. *l2 .- " CtiatKqwewMMOg twp. 1 >hewver :» t'leart eld twp. H Huffy 42*.. •• (oner rd twp. 4'Campbell SB#'. - I'U] t wp. KB ( ODD 2TO 7. •• Ceutr.-twp. A Keiger •' fherr- twp. Hear, i-eteni .. w>t a. •• 1 tone7allwp. J KlUert ISO „ "■ Furvatd twp, W II Febl fill •• Frank ho twp J ( ratty 7»4 |;« " Fairviewtwp. WJCtmpbell 735 •' Jeflerain tw p. *• Jackson twp, II Il4rtz.ll 4K7 7- •• twp, C l"hl 41 o. " Ma lon twp. Joo V. ndyke .12* v. " Merer twp. Samuel Conn 271 9. " MMdtesex twp. E(l •• Muodjrrerk twp, J sect I •• OaklaiMl twp.Fwter Wbiuwtre 233'. " Fenn twp. <*m I'attenun «n «• •• I'arker twp, o«' Holer 7eft " sununlt'wp. l> Lea,-h X* ' " Slipperyrock twp. J ( ampbell 744 4. " Venango twp I McNamee 2»7 • " Washington twp. I" F Harper .. 1 >r.*> M ~ Wlnileid twp. .» Freeing rM «e •• Worth tw|>. J II MeIN.IU 47* 1. •• liutler Boro s tft'alker 4 •• Evatia City Bon*. J Hipper IU " Falrvlew Horo. Wm(itie«»n lor '• Halri-->die B«»rf». J Few "4 v. '• llainiwny Itoro. * Welgel JO 7.. - K»rn»Clty Boro Jos Meehllng " Miller-u.wi, Boro t Jenkitia ... 311 - " I'etrolia Boro. M l.allej CI H " I'roapect Horo, W Hell-hew I'•'.> v " Boro. J KUkHT...... ill 5. CentrevlUe Boro fCbrtttley ... 1.44 4 " ftaxonourg B>«o. C Raahe lim Total ti4 JI3 4 Kerelpt. of Bailer l'..ii| far Ik. j'.r I-**2 To aUioihi rn-'d frrwn ( itlret«»r « f-»r isd or* To ain't re«*'d fr>m t ollertiH--* f«»r 1<»1 :ift#ii i \-*¥t NIM . " ** twps. on iHxmont and Warrrn hosplt.il «ccourirs Ml* »• To am't re«: d fr«>in i o. i mniiiNlooers MO 4 1 ■ . li-e- 4 * • " •• Jar) fers o '• " ll# *' " unseated land «oc ts - •• M r»-gh»ter tax 4 3" •• " Butler Co. Nut. Hank (loan; .**«> o •• •• State Tress lor hotKhs icr* i. •* ** •• Tsue T- T** tal In Treanurj Jan. «, \m*i ijuo* - frit 77 a tor By am t paid tor aw-nsiiig t UOI " mm MKSCH attending appeal AUenhenv W..rk ll*»d!se— Wi v •• liorrowed aioh«*> MW " brksgee ** t>»iler btmff tori & repairs i*'"- * i» his*- ctors i• i ridge lowing »C *. ( onißMNiwemHa. coco - f * • *• «'oestaMes returns " l'ouiit> detr«'tl%e ft# •* Court erter. ws *» i oi| |l MM •• I 'out in!v> oner'ft C'oulsrl jw» *■ c terlt of Courts 319 , " •• t ourt Au<iiu>r is County 'Auditors « •' Com ti tvunniisshjuer* 2MW ** «. T Marnhall s At «*«Hint. To am't recall US B- bai dur at laftt i settleia**ut IUWI w To txU due 1 B> .ms da>n tervice j at ti.» per day iot» •ju?H ner-* o John Humphrey s Account. To am tree d,I 625 | By l*al due at last | *ettlement 9 «W) tt To hal due luifl I Bjr days wrvloi ! at #3 to pr da> IttkJ 0* fl»i43 «' J. C. Klskaddon's Account To am't received lllftl | By hal due at last | Settlement 9 7". i B> .MM *Ja>s srrrk'e \ at 9.: v>perdsy lo»».i 91111 HM' By am t paid for CommlsslomTs Clerk «us* Isaac Meals. Clerk. To ami ree d 9*13 I By bal due at last net Hement 9 J | By *ai*ry tMS •»! Hy am't p«l for l>«-trtct Atty. ® •• elretion account 'i eleetioo proe|i«inaUon ns> '» if igh •• lmlexlng; »• lii- ; 4 »'sl al.'! ill. I I •• luterest ... a •• in.Miranee w. •* Jurors TsT'i •* jury commi istoneni SB i • " |all ai-i ounl W I* Jain tor » *• livery hi e. de|l*er»nic l«I •• lots, election papevn, etc. '«» «' military roll 2M -• " |->iv ltikC ai count to borough iuwwanmeht 9i!S-» ts •• iff kiuotllhie and stone wkt**- walk 9ls*l r.l Total 9 3TW W " piiitags ami cxpressage ... .m j. M I'rothonotary *• •* nrlntltig W" 1 •*' 4 ** reun'a reformatory ..... ifi6 n •• pelil >•• lit l«ir> aeeuunt lut: •» •• Itegii4f«-r und Iteeorder ... i«t .'«• ** retuiellug '£" reward ami cum (F lillff) * if Pali i iiMMMfI road view .. i - *• •• hoToi* rs burial ... ... i3i m» slenugrapbers •• dockeiM and stationery ... *- shentT : •• .State tai, county bonds ... M«. R.i j traveling expense* v U •• I ruasurers deeds ........ 1-^ Tipstaff . •• Wenteru I'enn'a liotp at IMxiuoul .... BW I \ Warren ll<»sp. IIU %• Totsi • ** Financial Mat.a*al sh.wl.a *•••«• »•< ,u " lillllle*. Jaa 2 1 ASSETS. Hal due Irom CBllectori •• 2437j 4C. Iwpa on Ulißiont and War ren lloapllaln '4#l *4 -herHT Brown. Jury reea l» <*> •• Si.erllT B«-dl':. " ••• * "" " Ki Fro 14 «• " hon-e and tot 1? ! Bal In Trta!n ir> Jan 2 1»J Wl» Total awta I*l*l <>' UAjiUTin. To am t doe John Hnmphre* lion i» s T Manhali 940 <•> •• .lohnaton a Walaon. UockeW and atatlouery '•^ u ~ Tola! UablUtiea. J,w.a H. Illla.l. tr...ar.r, la aeraaat with H.tl.r lu.. fvt th. )Mi rail.* J.a-ary Sad. l-m. DB To amount ol Co ah>t "'ale tal reel lor the >ea* iwo ai.d tn »loua tw •' " ie<-'d lor th«- jiar laol »oOi ■ - •• IMM .. • 4114*4 I •* IM.l< iiW.rrrii.ui hUßuiiit ltuvpltwl ncvount wia m r 4 I+tr. Co Don: n !■**■>■;» MB «t ! ttrauara ... . «B«B < lwj h« ... J» m l»ea !•«• 1 on i.*n l am at 1 11 taa»i«aa im * Waiter ♦s: I - :oac H He t OB > ta- >Bal Ran* mm m < stat.- ir.aatirer. ttuofft* .... ics» B | ;•« (U. in Twatwtry Jan «&. mk ttm » Tntai » *err" in •TL ! rtj warrant* rrdmwd .. ...... UHt TT I •• pwin'j P"t >»»J :uaaa m i •• ami (Mud tea'- state tag MR <m Tr»«Mifn per . ear oa lie ««ae »•» pd on uwtfnt Uaad acctWU .-••» I* tor ronntj mat Itofr ym m tffwm - " rrw t* (B«»vv. ta ta 3 prr e nt HN «B •' rre.*t.r»-r* jar cmt em tiMm m» i r-' •*■ »* an* To Bil in Tm««rj Ju<un 3»l Ml. Ul JB « T. ui t wr: < fff. tha ur..!er-:,tac«l. fc'naaiji C it -toocna <»r TTalT>r c.-asty. do certify rs*« ■ tfce titrating •••IfiiifO! :« • !n» ft 1 ilirf 'hp -script- tiitt •>! -»:■! . <>oa { ty f»T th- year MK W itaaea "Br txmad' sr.J -eaia this 13* 4th day nt Fetrroarj . l«! J<»BS Hrimtn. f J C. KKRannni (.otar'a. >. T HA «> HALL, ) Attest: Isaac luti. Clark. REGISTER'S NOTICES. The harvby five* Bokara ;a,»t cm ~d lowing .11 rtaca:. -r* adm:a>« rufc.rt and ««an)iniM D»t Bean f«l ia Hal .fin <mrilia( i . ta*. ar.d t <1 t* ymnwl 0 C<wn tor o«tnuuMi ami ■toawia a* *ntw»i»j. th* ink day at Mart-0, 1 *;• at 2 o>li*H MM muj day I. final anwUMiaMiM Bliaa. .trator ot Juaa A. Htian I, air .. r.ran-. City. 2 fcunl and dual accsaat of J..ao H M-- »Irwy, a»'r oi fc. any A. AIM. dvw'a. tmu ai . ■vara* lay. 3. fc nat account of Joan W r ><mr and Beej r.9in>Ki. h n»l J«nrfi Ma-Hi. 4MM, late 1 ul Pe.m imp I fcinai arennot <■« Frxferwt Wagner, tdat rot l teorge *ayaer. .*««'.» jmU <rt J*tfrr- ' - a lap i t inai hisaat «l A L gmriian •t \d*i* H Knurr, miaur eftud al A. J. KiaiKr, dec' 4. iab> at Kara* City. •i final arrovotot Smtimr, a&m'r ut faD.iOT Ha||ir, dee'li. .aw at >aa..or»or* 7. t IUI trcbaai at J»uu ♦. UtMfr, ala r •t Jußa dar d. Mr al Hula* ap 9. tiuai aretxtoi "I Lta.i ..oo«. ata rw 1.1. Mw« <br'it, tele W IVoa ». t .aat ato.aaS Mary Itarilan, a n ■•I JuDu I4ur*haxt. Oer'd, teie <K itatWr ley. iu. t laal aromul at KuOert ttitei, ear fc.ua. LIUMI, dec <t, late M t>ol£aU> ley tl. fcirx att-l haai ial .statribwiee me -1-uaallKßriMiau Jtiekel. ate al We -ae . atom ul li. fc raux. MKOel, .M J, .ate at -Ulumit i*|i. 12. t uat a>-e»SB( Kttimi * a.trm, , ri'it ol Marj A •tee d, tew •! i»*er am i«y. U. »irat aad auai acr»«ai m J >na fc.m • kl.<i r ai l ataariae tiaeriea. der d, tew .4 smiaii tip. 14. fc >aai aceouul ut J .wee Vmii, m'| at 'afi.l> J Haaer, tfw'd.bk al fcrauaa lay la. ttuMi ac-amat el >n(a*aa t'a rra.u lliMi ia ot Nwaaaiei I ■ «|ier. . uud ol Mtiiana t .aaf 1 a<a ■! . Mu«K. tap. 10. I.M aad tsai —f il al ul M. A. - -ei .'■a IC.r.A , ol J at, lla< .»*<- t , aaktwi l«)>. i«. fm*larnniai<i( l> d iteat r .>1 .-arau aan, te> i, lata al traa ta^. fc IBM arauaat ul Aartna fc.,,.,r —-i 1 lelaiita fcillrl, n'«» ol aone fci.aer. Ac d, tale ot LaacaMrt IA fcamia.-m« I» mtaama J. Bi}aiJar. •la il oi bMaia M.yaiiiar, dee d, i.ie*»*oy imy. 2M. t W*l a-.wiat Ul M.#*. mim'r r. A., ol Vtard Harahart. dee 4, air- al r air lira >*|i 21. fc taai aMtwa; of P. it. Duwkm, ate'r •l J«». Unauaa, dar d. tela a( Peaa tey 22 fc luai acwaal at fc arj KeiOar. gmmt .iaio Mjra.-|aiu|. aiaai oihl ol J It. -teeV», uale of ttntter *- r»i^(fc 22. fc ml awl tiMJ acooiai al H J. f v <|U*-r. aaiaaa a ol d. J. ?oaiia. dec d. — o€ • uHrHvea buru«|a. 21. fc inai acrouat ol Mar* are! Marti a aad a<te Martin, adua'raa ol t'aoa. Martia, doe d, iur ol tfauei uufuaia. 26. fc itun aea-./aot o r Oara Knaly, |uar liaa ol Maaa»M J. UUteafMa. aiaoe i-a.id el j ■ an—.a. J. lailiea|aae, dee'd, late •>! |W(ii | wa aaaiy. -*>. fc mat actuuut ol Jofea K tettas. e» f ■ .1 Ju*B iMtUMa, oec d, tele ul Caacurd tap 2i. fc trai aJMI Baa. aee<Minl .a# fcfogb lad uore, otae oi LBe ra 'ra o| Jwaa liilanr*. atlale ut Marion iwp. •2o hua, —t aal ul Wtlliaia *>ayder ' ol M Ul. S. Snyder, dee'd, tale a* { nuJteiax lap. fcutaiac oaaioTW. M. Utll, adat'r o« oa« Miliar, tier .1 lale -d A lama lap, lu. fc i'ai annul ul Jaiaea Barr. gaardiaa, -I JU" .a. ,u, naiu.tr rdiM »f Mary A. ,>..i—.ti. .lee'a, ia>e ut A.tem. l»*t. * 'iia■ .1. am .1 a Uua aauif, »« r "f t.»a CaMtnaae Keii, dee'd tele ut Hal. r auruaga. 32. rmi aa.i Baal ar. ua. at* K. A. Ilari i ay, adaa'r C. a. A., ol d»*ert Vaadyae, 1 M d, .ale ol Marina lap. 3d. I u»4 aa«l haal eco.aat af l.earga K 1 • irtiiiaui, KUar naa ul I arxriCa Oftiru, naiaor atKI ul (trl. fc. «>*de*i. der'J.tete ol M. .dio • l top. M- fartaal aei-uaat of K.tert A iiaa aad, >»Bu Aileo. ei r« o Rtifcrri Alloa, Sr., lec'.l, hale ul fc raaa .ia tap. li fc'iaal arcv uul at I*.aaei. K»a. it'r al! 1..t00 Miliar, daa 'd, tele ot Maail lap. 3H fc irrt, ft aal au.l diatrioauoa armmi af ! 1.1. d'ral <«auel K*-aenßa, ' lee'd, late ut Bultaio lap. 17. 11aat actXal ol Kraal kaftta ix'rafi I'eter H rl*aa.l. .lee'd, lale d Holler Bu«<t I an. fc laai arr.taat ol J.xepß Karroa. adm r .1 JuBB C. llmaaa.tra, .tec'J, tele al Watt uaaabip. 3d. fc irat aa-1 Iml aroaal ul Jaka K. ■uckruit. aaia'r ol Mary J Hia. bauaa.Jec l, .ale t-f Mercer lap. 4u I'loal arroani ot ("hrudy Kate, (Mr liau »l fc raaa J. Itearaiaailia, aiavr tkiMj tl fctiaaueib War rata r i lir dee'd, late «f! t ißriuuaW. tflsio. 41. fc tral an-l Baal arcoaat af Jiaryk Mo dicbaci. ailui'r ol Iteent NcKuaek, j lee'd. tale ul Centre tap fj. fc iaa acrttani ul Mrary t'onaay. ;uir II all vl I aaa. toaoay, luia.r <tiM of; ■(H'Bael i .«aav,dae >l, late af Kai *r Bunt 42. farl a I acc-aaal ol Mary fc. Ilatetuid, uln'ti at lkn>. UalwkuM, deed, lata of -aai-ultarK la rua<k. II fc iiial accuaal ol J. K MeEee, a-iter •I l.jitlta J. auaturrt, tlec'ii, tela of Mlaa* i tfl-tu lap to. fc lual actwant af Jiteaa H Mltekeil, ; i rol lantUKl ?. Murbelt. deed, .ale of •uaiaiit tap. 4*> fciaal acroaal af fcaiily fhiliip., ..lui ri ul Juka k*Bil Hp*. .lee'd. tale i»l ' iioSalo lap. 47. fc'iaal ki .nat al fcli/afi 1 J"liiiii(a, ! , . uanliau ol Nawy Ptuibpe (H-ro >} r rtauy uia r caitd ol ila. frt mtrf, «te- I eased, tale ol ffaa lap. liAV 11> fc. UAfcfc. 11l Road Report. *atic» It hereitj <i>eii taat the Mktmtug r .i.nhau.l ITI.II -t hairkna r.tofli BB tl atat B> lie '"i.urt au i a .11 be p».-»> i. »la> ul Wart u laM. t«« tUa. -th da* of •ai.l ro mlh, awl If Bo rv 'pJl-.ua af*. SW4. they aut I* ninOrmril al»«d»leli K. D No. I, IVeeinber .■teaaioa. IW4. Pe iti.at ofeilixeaa of fc'ran klta tt.aaabp. Bat ar fianty. Pa , lor reeiew of pablie mad '•riciaai roatl Sn 3, June Seaaioaa. t*»> to reeiew riralr and . h»a*e thai pari of «aid nail al afaainl abero it inleraeeca be line beiaren ./ohr M<-Hr >ie aad Kohe.t drKri.tr to a pttial It a termination of aaid mad on Zam t barrtt -.tad ia t'raaki ta lu*B -tiip. September rtth. 1-rJ. »lower* api .nnt by the fiwirt. awl November 11th. I - <l. eport of rteaera fileti, italin( fiat thr t'haave (irainl fur i. ui i'aaatry a»l bare ra . ate«l and rhaofed the aaiae fur public ore aa let dralt nilk report fileti aad prdakli itai I nt 'tlx rati ut be let handred >bdlar», to In. bnrne br the tnem .up. the .l.iuaar- aa -•■etetl Ut t»«i I a dleaa |.">>. Mary Vaa Mtd'andie-. j ■ J. Uri iad.e»« s2*j. Befcart Meßnda (#?" i. la be paid by be Now. tvceatlwe 7, l*W, «f ..r-.e-l ati l lit width <>f t»»t at ■! hart at.nee to lie given aecurdiaa t > mien of t .utrt. Hi THE I ortt I R. D. No. 3, l>. .fluher ."•erfl.to, I*vi P» 1 fltiou of ritiaean ul Slippery K.«l tuwiaahio tor public road fr.mi a p»tBl aa the S tab. 4raaa mail, near the I..>uer of N -rntaa Pat 'rrti.a, bi the eaet ead u# alien Irolut lr.»» data atreet « eatrerille U>r u<h. to cruaa.h> »n Ibe Stale N .taial .".-hool, aej.temuer «Sth I Utr.', newer* aptr.i itetl he the C art s»< 1 tei-emlier .Vth. I '''i. report of eirwet. Sir ♦ tating thai tae pablit- roarl peayetl ia ae •ary aad have laid oat the «aate fur pan uae . the pr"bab>e mat af ata* lag aaid roati j ($75) ta he borne b* the towaahtp No daro tgrt aaaeaaed. NnW, Ibtitraibar 7th I **l2, a|.pri.ved aad fta width at rrtarl at 13 tea* quite to ife fteen aeertrdlo# In raleo al Coart B* TH* I »C*r K 1 1 No 4 l»et-r-»brr vwi.aa I -'1 Pe tition of inbahitaeia at Batter U.waaßip Bat ler rooaty. k-r bridge u*or I aal Baa IB aatO towaahip. af Ibe place whera Ike paMw naad eadiug frttni iiernaan Slatioa oa the Weat Pean B. K. ta the bttntcgh -»f Bui »r anaiaaa •ai'l run 7th. UIR, viewer* ap pr.iated by the f'oart an I Novaaiher J, l»'d. report of view era that tha hr.dge ! |.rayed f.-r ia aeeeaaarv aad will reifaim aauea : ripeaae thao ta reaamahlo Ibe ti.waaß p of 1 Mutter ah.tald bear, aad 4i I i>«Ma tha .tie ther of at lie miiit aamed ta tha petuiart Aad Bow Deremhar 7»h. \"t! apyrum), u.-lit e to be gi VVQ w ra.eauf • aw t aa lto be preaaated to Ute uraaf jary at aezt term. Bl rua Cut »T U. l». No \ Deceaihar Saaa.oaa. Iwi fv UQva uUnOA MB vl Mvftm Bn. 11 s»r enemy P%, W bntp >eer hraarh af > ypery K>eik I iwt a Mar .ma Iki». ai the ttiare waera the pab,ar mad » date irati tn ■*fw—■» Mte «a»d mtia». •<a plana - her da. ivl, VII aat. aapmiteaf V The «'a«n aad Naenahar 2ad. ■-wg. af v a.a ft lad. -fating (hat Ae w*-tga >r»rd ter .» aee«w*ary aad atli >w>|iairw name* ev peaaa than * ffaaaßU Hkw mtea»>tp if Mart, o aften d hear, aad did Saaate -Ma wt thereof alt he fmtmi aaateri ta Me paWtete. Aad soar t»er»i»rer "sM, JMfci I ypr rmt, rnaOem la ha gtvea aurnr lo naiaa <4 ■ .an aail to Ba paawttad ta graad ■ .rv aa aeat ' Brrm By mCcKrcr. R. D sa. iterataher #eaai aa I* -fc l Pvcttioa af the 'iiwhi *ate af Cfahaity y.waatip, Bwtiee maaty. tht . tm a V>ttpt .ver I 'eat Raa at the pteua wßara sAa paaht m ' r .d freaa '»gle te Btrv-iw eaaa » Ae id raa « wtd atwn.te|> *ryt«av i J» :. rtewer* atipatsiad *•* -ha I'aw Navwa"ar 'JMk, Mirx, jvepart at v;e • rra iied. waaiaag that tMa hatdgi prayed tar .« aarm -ary. iad wt:: et.;atra at.ee «ipta» ;Baa • nawaaMt .he lowa«M»M af I naa-tawr* ahuaei naf, .tad li i !•-aa» taa aata the-ea* at .Ce pa aal aaataM ta ihe paottoa. tad mm. Paa-enthaa *.M, IMB Bppr..*ed aottoata a.vatt arat-r-fiaM at ratea af Coart aad ta ha lat-t r'ure aa tread jarv aa aeal ara. B* nafanr at r..mm C»c*rt aa: trnißaaa »uat cite reeaaM Hut ma tea j* ■ Fentaagy. .« t» ftet eara < awaraix. : .aah 'i * IdowV Appral- rrtni*. Ttij ft.r.owtmt wiiiteiati *#era-aawwa at getaitaai Bwparty aad teal iiakate an >gart Bar -.Be aeaaflt ot tad a*Soa* * dpcvxlrala *«*» iMWXt ftNMi ift UM» 'i-ftV »f: (iMV C #fH >M " OflB» -Jf *« * .*»• 4 "•i.-Mft-rjM f» H / f ft H V W « a» " -viaaat Muter _ jb» g» ~ a..aa Peat «fa ... ~, kq ak fc tea* F. Ah p> rauaa ta uaa a. ■» «ar Butane a... .taa ami ate :Baa tter, a.o «b -ae t raateu .«. 'mtßraaiia u e rar-I*~ w .ia at aathr jotattay ta. aa Me «at i at Ma a. Ai. taa n a tiayiiui te .tea w i sa ( -adraM aaaolaa ly ' -art I*MBI at i .ard rk Br tV IS. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT W> fcav* a «afc> -»w >"'• m itMp«fM£.OWI d< ar Ait. Woot Frt < feadlM, Flßf Drrai l.iMfhaaa. I %« m. %a 4 will ha ylpia,i„att t*» aahm.c 4AIPI.M hj fill. V.Mill Sa4 *.B* Scvte a»i V HVf e'trptew-!* JU'Wjrf ALL-WOOL CHALLIES. 3d BB' 21 iaeß «KK>«l* nt L'*kt IKrii <Aa ia "*■/• nrr» at Cfc»>iea !S«w »de.. 54*. IBs. !• •*!«»• FICU-A /IPSTI iii*iam»- Pra«a —ii f»«t fwaliciaa Ml 141 rtaK, Mtttb tMm .af dMta -xk lew Nalla «lript Ba.! Sli« Stripa Qiagt—m ftu« color* aad Waahate »• I'rrarh ¥.~phjr UtafftiaßK KV^ar Sty taa. Mm fit. «alMKhatna :.I«v«Ca lNilrr*«a Itlßtcbaaka 5 ct* m tar» Wrrira. T(M> 10 *••• atata* lafmnwaie* ia tbta atairk. entVwwt ara BaaT raw* aad •»-!) a r tngv t# p»-i i»a tha* it ta fy-iaiahli here fc* atet>; - a than ia detail If ion » !l aal* l»t*a tn -wr lull ftrdrr Eaa- Hr.ti.lar* an.l Lara aiati or roar aprinu Brwiaif f»a atii tftetw •ample* rrpimßtiag terk aa-aaael ral»«k aotl v »h*l» parte-aa »a « t | -•uraiv piaaaa* aad sar:- yaar aa pmdßt TUf IT. ■ J. ..«■ .Cr'-^r 6c Bitlil, Hs.t» 121 Fwtenl Stmt A L-LEGfIEST. PA. £laC2t:i. /// YOUNQ MA«IM far Ow actlv* dntlea at Uf». Fat awalaPß ad ireaa. r. PffF a Bttx*. rtt»oargl>. r~w re Here We Are Rijkt To Tit Front Witk Spot €asb Price. m Wa ba«a ainr i)r»froala aft aad bat* taad* prtcaa aa thaai :taat a til no?* Itaa «ooa W» •io ant atak a t-arry uvar a |ara al al br»*» fttedd aad M low [guv* atR rlear thaia mat ■» •ball dt» it, a bat ata t>qg tag efc,t biatf »■ furti -h.atr* ft.- b» a ir batta :tk#part (ft* jgnriatß sad nirb batuna ap»d eaafe pnoa at The Racket Sit>re, I "JO rt Main St.. Butie - |*i H! TLKR r»i| ? NT^ Mutual Firt ntkiranct Co. Main A C««»Bia*tHUß >*. H € RimiSiUl, .*■!•*«* aa* DntEfrnw* tared Virh. tleudaxaia •a-vaa. .tr. * Irv'n. .1 ta una atapaaaaaai. » W Bhat-kiatwe. t. «MBM. r lloarataa. I> T. leeiea. tit*. l#titr-r t Baa tetelita. lußa ..rwßaaian. Jaßa K- naaaa LOT\L S. *\iU" ll*. Afwit. HUTtaITR. ¥»A. j m 1 ItCttUkTl twm • STOMACH LIVCH mm aawis ; rvmrY THE SLOOO. j iKuauaMTM ' • iit^a. r "i ?iiaa itejain 11 m ~~ j 1 adteteat ggaaaaaaaflßßiiaMia w raa mtmmmm ewiatci. ««■ j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers