PRICES THE FAIREST /^V YOU HAYE EVER KNOWN AT Vogeley & Bancroft's, IN Ladies', GenUeman's and Children's Shoes. See Our Elegant Line Of Holiday Goods. No Question about our goods Pleasing. No Question about prices being Satisfactory. NONE CAN SELL CHEAPER. AT.T, GOODS WARRANTED. BOOTS AND SHOES, Slippers, Robbers and Overshoes, etc. VOGELEY AND BANCROFT. 347 South Main St., Butler, Pa., Opp. W ilxard Hotel. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Haven't you a friend who would appreciate a comfortable pair of slippers. You will find no larger or handsomer line than ours to select from. Get your wife and children a real good pair of Shoes and Rubbers. We keep the best and that's the kind you want for a present. If you will call and see our goods you will consider yourself amply repaid for time and trouble. Will consider it a pleasure to show you through our line whether you wish to BUY OR NOT. Never was our stock as large as now. Wc believe our assortment of Holiday Slippers to be the best in the county. It is by far the best in Butler. We desire to particularly emphasize one point, namely: OUR PRICES arc unquestionably the LOWEST AIRUFF. LADIES ID OTLiEN! WE take pleasure in announcing the feet that we now have on ditplav and on mI« an immense Atock of goods in the following lines: Dre*- Qoods io all grades, styles and prices, with the very latest things in trimmings to match. MILLINERY IN all the new things the market affords. Hats and Bonnets gotten op in best style "while yon wait." Ladies', and Children's Wraps, well mad* and style and fit guaranteed. Carpets, Oil Cloths, LINOLEUMB, Mattings, Rogs. Carpet Bwwpere, Lace Curtains, PortierH, Poles and Fixtures, and all kinds of Domestic Dry Good* We always bare tbe hem. Blankets and Flannels, and the Standard Patterns are acknowledged to be tbe best made Call in and get a Fashion Bbeet. All the goods in our different departments are marked In plain figures at tbe lowest prices We not only keep Standard Patterns hot all onr goods are standard. We do not handle seconds. Ladies', Gent's and Children's Underwear a specialty. RITTER & RALSTON "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO J. BPECK. WM. H. HOLME' THE LIAOING VIOLMLI Win AMD Liqcua 1101 >1 OF WESTERS PEHKKTLTASU.I Tli© Wm, 11. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy'j PURE RYE WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines.]j BFND FOR FRICI X-i ] £ □ Telephon Ho. 305*. 120 Water St. ancillsß f iris, t Ave., FittsbuigU F* 4/V PER CENT. IV First Mortgage Ltans No tax. commlMion or fee*. Interest payable aerol annually by New York draft. Perfect ae on rl ty H lgbeat reference. CHAS. V. RF.ID. Fairfeiffi, Washington, < Rothing On Earth Will ! HENS £ LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good tor Jf fruiting Utn*. »ssssftffs-W. ■aronjr Strict IT a _ S-Smcr §4o. send nix to pr. wont Koop. mjn oin«c If ion ctn'l tf t" lo mail otH* nftcfc tv cans. &.1 00. cipn-« paiil. AxufT rotrr a wntt. rmwttt >l .'io ordcrßor.more. hampto copy I'ijMNSOS * CO.*—(Hatom House St.. Boaton, Mass. HUMPHREYS' This PRECIOUS OIKTMENT is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Piles—External or Internal. Blind or Bleeding; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate the cure certain. For Bums, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Bums. The relief is instant the healing wonderful and unequaled. For Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcer*. Fistulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Herd. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Trice, 50 Cents. Trial size, 2S Cents. Sold by TVnrrtofc, r »ent on receipt of pile#., man* WUOAASI.,IIW Y©**. WITCH HAZEL OIL. ¥f J <fsK£ THE NEXTMORNINQ 1 FEEL BRIGHT AND HEW AND MY COMPLEXION 18 BETTER. Mj doctor »ay« It sets gently on the »toniafli. ll»« *nd kidnrY*. and Uft n;eft»ant Inxntire. Thl* drink r"made from herb., u p«par«l for n« « eaally T* tea. It Is called _ LANE'S MEDICINE l* awe»wry. FOR PEN QNLYi •T. iZTtFT**?» U«f or ?AIT.OH3 JUAN!If • < ' ftf&iiaifriar.dKEKVJV3' -' 'hr .■ " ' : - 1 • : v'• ; ' ■JZ *.i-'fJ*2 «n % w iM-t&Fim*. '*»*»?:• .j" «»*- .1, M-1 <• rzi rr-'z. t&zb TOAI, co.. BUFFALO* *J "MOTHERS' FRIEND" B«B CHIIC BIRTH EftST. Colrtn, J:*-, T>sr. 9. :fi«e.-K7 irlfp ut 'CTHZB'U FHIEMD beforo tier tfii nfiAement, and •'ays sho w—ilci not itaoat it to r haranG'j c( -ioliara. DOCIC JllliX '■•r'. hynpws cr> receipt of Mice. f r Uovik "To Muthers " mailed t «. ER4DPIZL.O HCQIJLAT Off CO., , v . * nr.uDßuea»BTS. ATUAMTA» O For Sase by J. C Rcdick. READ AKD PIFTKIIi For utrlc tb f urt- aao rellaMc 3TRAIGHI i l.iylTuKS. call on C . J I, W. PINCH, . ia KIITHriILP ST..:PITTMit KfiH. J'A. l< pp. Jiouougalifla House.) M tii-hV ss tor Famllj use ai.d Mtdielni.l pur poses arc KINfU'RCOLpKN wniMNO. ' All II GL'CKKMH KlMt-.B BV. rilsKY, :per. ( i. i OVEKTI'II.T'S WHHKY. f 6 qis IHLMMtiEH'S WHISKY. J tor f5 <4oo<is ritftlj pHiked nnrt promptly shipped KKEK of KXPB.SNB on receipt of c<ish or po»' office order. pr-NoiblhK fxprf*sed C. O. L>. I Send for Price List. Cotton Root A recent, dtstovery yan old w|fa| pbyrlelan. Succp«ifi.ll> imxt iDor,Mi|y tu ibousnnds oi HH ■gP* V t.miles l« the only prefe<il> mP xafe Mini reliable me<tlcln>' dtnooTfred Re««re of nn- rtruirifl-is wlio o'- for Inrcrlor m>-dte.ln«i In place of ibis. Ask for COOK'S COTTON HOOT i OMPorND. no substitute, or Inolose $1 and « cuts in t>-iHtH)f>* In letter, and we »tll «rid. «ei»leo, t>y rettiro mail. Full se»l- particulars In pl;:ln e> vt-ltii* to Ifldien only. 2 Stamps. Afldrt-S" P»ml l.lly Company, No. 3 I'lstier PU» K l Mlcli. Hold In Butler by C. N. Boyd. J. F. i C.Kedlck aiid dru«iru.tsevervwhere. /- % DOCTORS LAKE hA I PRIVATE DISPENSARY. t .L*. JR COR. PENN AVE. AMO FOURTH ST.. ' TBnrir PITTSBURGH, PA. ' A'lforrrnof Delicate and Com plicated DUease* requii mit Cos. IBy > IDCNTIaL andSCIENTIFK' Med icalion are treated at thia Dis .ensury «lth a succeaa rarely altalned. Dr. 8. K. L ike Is a member of tho Royal College of I'liy tfcinne and Surgeons, and Is the oldest and most experienced .SPECIALIST in the city Spe< ial at . ntion j;iven to Nervous Debility from excessive iicatal exertion, indiscretion of youth, etc., caus iii£ I bvslcal amr mental decay,lack of cnerjty. ic-pondency, etc.; alaoChiicors, Old .Sores Kits, i'iles. Kheumatimn, and all dis 'asesof tho Sktn. lojd. I.unif., t'rlnsry Orp»nis«.tc. Con« illation Vce and strictly Office hours,9 to I and 7 to 8 P. M.; Sundays, it to 4 i\ iu. only, •ill at office or ad.irew LAKK, CO ft. i-vs A\ E. A>D4TUbT..rii v rsut;i;GU.X'A. ARK YOU OUT OF SPIRITS? Bad fix to in* in around Holiday lime*. Just Try our wines Miid liquors You can rai">- yoai' -pirits while Ut'ing them down! Let us enthuse you! Finch's Golden Wedding, jor medical and family use SI.OO per Qt., or 0 Qis for $5 00. DnD(thHrty T Gnckeiibeiuirr. Larjre. Gibson, ■ Kridiceport, Ut. Vertioti, Ovorbolt. Etiv This is the only bouse not rectifying in the city, therefore our poods are warranted pnre Goods secuied packed and boxe<l without extra charge. 0.0 O and mail orders receive prompt attention. t>'and lather's Ohoise 3 years old, S'J.OO per gallon. Try us ROEKT LEW IN, Importer and Wholesaler, lU6 Water St. Pittsburgh Pa. Opposite B. 4 0 R. R. Depot. Garfield Teass; •Turta Comulc*' on v' BlH§. flftiupift trr*> UAAruxDTirA Co..3l9W.iSUibt^Pi.i. , Cures Sick Headache THE CITIZEN The File on the Farm. The file is a more important farm tool than many farmers, who during all their lives never filed the cutting edge of a hoe blade, are aware of. If such men hare a practical demonstation of the diflerence be tween a doll and a sharp hoe. they are cer tain to purchase a small flat file for the workmen to carry in their pocket* when engaged in wurk requiring the use of a sharp hoe. Fi'e the hoe upon both sides ..f the blade, and it will retain an edge longer and cut smoother than when the filing is all on one side, although it should be filed most on the inside. Both a flat, a three-cornered and a round file should be kept on hand Their use will oftei. rave a trip to the shop in a busy time, on 1 they pay for themselves many times each year in sharper-edged tool?. Li UK should be frequently sprinkled about the henhouse; it should be also us<*d in conjunction with carbolic acid, both be ing deodorisers, puritying the air and ex terminating vermin quickly from the premises. The runs should be sprinkled with a strong solution of carbolic acid and you need feel no fear of cholera or many other diseases which poultry are from time to time troubled with. Unpqualed us a pain-destroyer. —Mr. E D Weiss, Gay building, St. Souis, Mo., writes: "I have used your Salvation Oil several times aud find it unequaled as a yain destroyer. I was troubled with pains in my legs and tried several remedies which did me no good. I then used Salva tion Oil and the results were good. —At black foot Mont, near Spokane, rbe locomotive of a train was thrown from ihe track by running into a large herd of antelopes, of which seven were killed. —One of the most peculiar characteris tics of Kleptomania is that poor women are totally exempt from it. —Mrs. George Hearst, wife of the late Senator Hearst,, of California, is the most heavily insured woman in the world. Her policy is for $300,000. —The Kahn of Khiva is traveling in Europe with his own cook; who, of course serves up Khan-ned goods. —Jimmie Peiffer, a lad of Cambridge, Crawford county, alter reading a book on Stanleys travels, went te bed and .dream ed that he was a prisoner in a dark, dank cell and that Chinese pirates were going to kill him with long glittering knives He sprang from his bed and leaped through a second story window head first and waked up to find himself on the froien ground outside. Strange to relate, no bones were broken, but the younster was badly cnt by the broken glass and his body c< ntained not a few bruises. —The merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is proven by the many wonderful cures it is accomplishing. —The pneumatic idea has been appliwl to horse collars. manufacture of olive oil has become a bighlv important iudustry in California This year the industry had a remarkable boom. Many orcbardists have made $250 «n acre from olives this season, and soun bave made a clean profit of $350 an acre —A western paper says that heresy is caused by a heresy bacillus, which inhabits the brain, and that the only way to cnre h pati nt is to take the brain. It offers a prize to anyone who can produce a brain less heretic. —Sleopy Hollfiw eemetry, which is situ at d joht «iat nf Turrytown, X. Y. is f&- uii-UM as thi- reatinfr place of Washiiifttoi; lr- iiip's bully, and it coiitaina the family pin"* and mauhiilouniHof D. O Mills, M«n iun Marlilo. General Delevan, Georg Li-win, the Ijte Genrge Jones and manv other noted families of New York. The other day the pet cocker spaniel of a Xtf* York lady was buried there with ail the ceremonies that w.»uld hare heen accorded 'a the » umi.'iK of a liGuian beeing. —The conductor of a railway trail which iiins iieiweeri Uheinuitz noil iu Lejji »ii-, Geiniin-y, wis lately dircb»ii!>u ~1 M-Ultn •«! lo four t We r *« Hli jifisonuieljt l'»r ktr>*>iiifl a 3 oung \**o;i<.*i passu gt-r. —Ono'»f tun black»ruith s iopa in Wil liau:sp'»ri. fa, has j.jstceh lirated its CM»- leuial. It 1- Cstio.ateu that eight shoes, on an average, limVb be* n bailed up"t> h-TSt-s feet ever} »ork day daring the century, luakiug a toial ot about 230,000 shoes. —Mr lleiirj S. Kline, Kittannitig, invented a "iilas.i i arrier," a device to lessen labor, expense and danger in the handling in the factory t-f the immense gia--. pates Ihii are manufactured in piate gl.4ss works. It consists of an over head i-arriuge uay or trolley, supp<irtiug a platform oil which the plates are securely fastened and upon which they are easily manipulated and conveyed from the cast ing house ove. s lo the laying gangs, where thev are prepared lur polishing, and Ihence to the iiuisbing ro.uns. It is prononnced a (uceess by skilled persons to whom it ha* been exhibited, and is securing the atten tion of plate glass men, not only as a la bor saving device, nut as preventing a great luss in the breaking of the expensive plates whioh arc now carried by leather straps by gangs of from ten to twelvo men. The danger incident to thrs labor is ver) great and the most serious injuries are ol frequent occurrence. The razor like edger« of t! o fractured glass cut with frightful gashes when they strike. By the proposed method at kast one-half of the carrying force may be di>pensed with, proportinate ly lessening the expeuae and entirely ob viating the danger. —A West Washington young lady, who has been married but a tew weeks, had her first experience "a going to market" the other day. Alter she had succded in ma king several blunders, as young wives are apt to, she approached a poultry dealer and asked the price of chickens. Being told by the dealer, who also handed her a line pair of live birds to examine, she quieted their flulterings as best she could, and then applying her nose to them, ana giving them an audible smell, said iu the most innocent manner: h Are you sure they are fresh, sir?" —Not long since a County Superinten dent of Schools in a county not more lhau a hundred miles lrom here was examining an applicant lor a certificate. The young man had taught for some time in the schools ol Connecticut. The Superinten dent was romewhat asloiti-hed at the an • wers he gave to the following que.-tions: H hst cotiutiy was Columbus tromt Ai-in. IVbat was the Mexican wajf A war be tween the Mexicans and the Indians, the Mexicans tryiug to drive the Indiaus out ol the territory. Who was President dur ing the Rebellion? Thomas Jefferson. Who was Daniel Webster! His name is found in the dictionary. It i« unnecessary to state that the young man did not get his certificate. —lt takes two lick* to cover the expanse of mncilkgo on a Columbian stamp. —A terrible social condition: Mrs. Frivoloun—"Well, dear, and is the season goiuc to be a gay oaef" Mrs. Friskabout —"No; it threatens persistant stagnation unrelieved by scandal." —Th» manifest unhappiness <>l thos* young pe«>p'" who on New Years day pl.vlged tLemselves to give up the chew ing gum habit for a year is said to be really bettiimtluitf. —Cloth-topped shoes are now affected by well-dressed men. —A new nit kle-in the slot machine ha.- ] a counterfeit detecting featurer —Buckles appear everywhere on wo men's clothing, from hat to shoes. It is inexcusable in persons to go to church, tntl uinturb the public wnrobip. or go to a public merting aud annoy the au dience by unseemly exhibitions of them selves in coughing, a hen a few doses of Dr. Bull's Cough s>yrup, that peerless rem edy lor cough and cold, will surely cure tbeii cold. Try it. —'•Little buy little." as the shopkeeper said when the small boy purchased a stick of candy. —A new soup spoon of rery peculiar shape is designed with the Role object of I allowing the soup to be swallowed without elevating the elbow. —Mr. Egotist: "Aw, Mrs. Frivolous, do you think that fashionable women appre ciate ritiLg j onng ment" ilrs Frivoiuu-: I "Yes in the street care!,' Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. People who parsed through ihe hall way of the Hotel Richelieu in Chicago the other night were shocked and then amused to read iu glaring print the following in scriptions on two trunks that had been temporarily left there: "Don't thiuk we have just been married," "We love each other,"' "We have been married a long lime A young man from Boston who had been married lhat night to a Prairie avsnae belle was also shocked, but not a mnsed. Bo has resolved to get even with rwo old fri«ds who perpetuated the joke. —The woman's dress reformers admit that the girl with her waist drawu in like a wasp's is dressed to kill, but they add that the lorm the killing takes is suicide. No Guess Work For Dealers. Max Klein, the well known liqnorJealer, will, to Jan 1, 1893, give ton the advant age of cash purchases in huge qaantii ies ol all kiuds of liquors, aud e»pecially so iu Pure Kye Whiskies aud Calitornia Wines. California Port and Sherry. at 30 cent- pnr quart. California Brandy, 50 cents to #1.50 per quart. Jamaica Knui,Tocents to $1.50 per quart. Pure Kye Whiskies of any make iu Pennsylvania, six year old, $1 00 per quart, C quarts for $5 00. Silver Age 8 year old, #1 50 per quart or sls 00 per lull case ot 12 quarts. Buqoesue, $1.25 per full quart or 12 quarts tor sl2 00. Gin, an excellent Bt;niulwit lor kidney com plaint, 75 cents to $1 50 per quart. All reliable goods, positively pure. Boxed aud sent to any address. Send P O. Order or Registered Letter. Price list ?nr on application. Order early. MAX KLEIS, 82 Federal t>treet, Allegheny, Pa. The final report now published shows a full wheat crop and a thee-quarter crop of corn, and the price of each is lower than .-ver before under like circumsiances. Man makes good resolutions, And makes them wide and deep; They are mostly lor bis ueighbors, And not lor bim to keep. —A story is told of a school teacher's methods of breaking np the gum chewing habit in school. Be would take the cud from one and require another to masticate it for awhile. This broke up the gum. c lewing habit pretty rapidly. —Rheumatism cured iu a day—"Mystic •nre" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic illy cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon 'he system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the canse and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first lose greatly beuefirs. 75 cts. Sold by J. V. Kedick, druggist, Butler. —'-God bless the man who first inventi d 8l»-ep," said Sanco Panza, and no doubt •be taxpayers a« well as our courts would likewise s.i exclaim if more ot thijuticesol ■he peace of the county would adopt Jn-- ticoJubn H. Wilson's plan. This was the >vay of it: Willard Atkirs and .lifTrsot, Kecknor of this place hail come trouble, ind on last Saturdav evening Atkins went 'wifore Justice Wilson and swore out m currant for Recknor. Atkins told the jn-tice tha' he wimM pp-baMy return an fur a commitment :f he g<>t Ms ;n.v . ■ P'l about liii''ntel.t the party did t' " ■,vi»l> th«* iiri-'-ner it; tr.w. Th" *■■')• • ir»- r*«ired a't.l it Ueinf or e «•! «<i<« ti> »leen verv soundly after firs' rrtim f" n Ver heard the loud ringil't? « f the d-» 1 ;e!1 and other .ittetnp'* t<> .iron*#- Sim 1 fhe meantime the prosecutor arid pri-oi. -?nt to talking the ma'ter over and don" tirreivl npo», a oompromioc. thus savin the county the costs, time and trouble ot •rial in court Fieri* i« a pointer fur rmi ■Mjniresjact upon it.—Uniontown .Standard Drunkenness, or the I.i<-uor Habit, Po« - tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a povrder. wM«*' ■•an be given in a srlas- of beer, a top • ' coffee or tea.or in food, without the Vno-» 'edge <if the patient It is absolute! '•armless, and will hfleet a permanent a> -peedv cnre. whether the patient i j a rno-' -rate drinker «»r nn alcoholic wreck. It hn been given in thousands of cases, and t •verv instance a perfect cure has followed It never fails The «vst«m once impregna »d with 'he Specific. it becomes an utt« impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist Cures guaranteed. 48 page book i particulars free Address, fiolden Specifi Co., 185 Race St.. Cincinnati 0. —J Emery McLean, a native Canadian only 30 years old. is p»oofread-r in th* American Bible society, at New York,an' 1 ■■cads proof in 242 languages. He has n difficulty with the Chinese, Japanese, o Mongolian, but when it comes to t*"« Chippewayan, he says he feels as if v needed a new pair of jaws. The at.f at and modem Armenian languages he el te'erizes each as a cross between the '"raz ale-dazzle and the ta ra-ra booni-de-a> dances." —Babies are not highly valued by Rus sian courts A mid-wife charged with th' murder of more than one hundred of thei was sentenced to only one year's imprisoi mcnt. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order t be healthy this is necessary. —People lire so inconsistent. They wr speak in complimentary tones of the mini>-'a slow deliverv, while they swear at th< messenger bov'a. —Economy does not always lead ti Vraltb. A Rihdit p nnrchar.t, whodur ned up bis debtors rather sharply on postal cards, was jerked up by the Postoffice de partment and lo«t about a dollar for evcrj penny he saved in postage. —The people of Akron, 0., are consider ably terrified by the lact of an epidemic ot malignant, smallpox. It was at firs' thought that the disease could be kept within limits, but seven new cases have occurred since. —The rise of 20 cents a gallon in whisky and the bulge in pork to sl9 10 a barrel, the highest point reached in ten years, are facts lull of grave and sombre interest to consumers of hog and whisky. —Somebody says that a man can get roaring drunk on water. Well, so he can on land. —There is one lucky thing about spoiled children—wc never have them in our own family. Consumption Surely Cured. To Ta* iDm>R:-Pieuo Inform your roadur* that I bars t, potitivs remedy for tbe above-namej •lisease. B; :j timely use thtmutidj of hopeletfc cr«-a have .a permanently cured. X shall bo glad u> »end twj oi my remedy FREE to any of yonr rra l r* ~T . J have consumption If they will •end me Uli-ll au4 P. O. addreas. Hesprct- SW. V. A. UtAMJH, M. ft, fwri N. I. DIED! REDUCED! Men's felt boots with good rübbers Men's gum boots - - - lB5 Men's buckle arctics Men's gum shoes - - - 35 Ladies' gum shoes all numbers Misses' gum shoes spring heel II to 2 All goods reduced, see our shoes for wor' ers, buik-skin will not leak or cut like black shoes try a pair only $1 30. Every thing cheap at ROBINS BROS., S. E Corner of Diamond ... - Butler. Pa ODD REMOVAL SU BEGINS OCT. 6. YOU WANT FURNITURE. WE WANT MONEY. We expect to occupy our new store about Jan. Ist. We want to move as few goods as possible. \\ e will give vou o 1 o • prices that you can't help but buy. A $35 Parlor Suite for *25 00 A 45 " " 35 00 A 55 " " 45 00 A 10 Bed Lounge for 12 50 A 20 " " 15 00 A 5 Rocking Chair for 375 A 8 " " 500 <tc. Call early for these great bargains Campbell & Templeton, 13G N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa SELLING OUT Our entire stock ot" drugs, medicines, patent medicines, perfumery, toilet articles, etc. Must be sold in the next GO days, as we must leave our prest nt location and quit business. SAVE MONEY. You can save 20 to 25 per cent, on everything in the store. Spectacles, eve glasses, trusses etc., sold at cost. o 7 Y ours Kespectiiilly, I. A. FRANK & CO., •21 3p. Main St, - - "Bxitler, Pa LARGEST CREAMERY SUPPLYH^^gIgB. THE VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO.. Bellows Falls, Vermont, are in the business of BDILDING and FITTING CREAMERIES and CHEESE FACTORIES. Having Parted hundreds of Creameries A Gond Creamery can be JO QQQ built and equipped on the Eiois Separator „■! Ally perton contemplating biiildiiiff will find It profitable to roafCT Will aSI i efore riotiiitf contrnciai or any »itb*rripf!•■> papers* M. ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St.. Z ~ Pittsburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Rye \\ hiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Market DURE DRUGS AT LOW | PRICES is the motto ut our X Bto re. If yoo are t»i« k and need medicine nu want t be BEST This you can ilways deperd up< u jrettiD»r from us. :s we uf*e nothing hut strict I v Pur** iD our Prescription Depart men!. You can >iet the best of every hinsr in the drujr line from us. Uur store is also headquarter* for PAINTS BUS, VARNISHES, Kal omine, Alabastine t, Get our pric»« before you bu\ Paints, and »ee what we have »" ffer. We cau save you d'.llars on i our paict bti' Resp< ctfnlly J. C. KEDICK, Main St.. next to Hotel Lowr>. btjtlkh* ha. The Imperial Purchas ng C.0., 1302 FiltM-rt St , Phila , I'» buys everythinif. wholesale and retail. Mirrors, pianos nrK««i» and muoeal instruuieoU. Gr«at i-are in the -electmi) of suitable pieseots « harges I- Comminsions. Sample* aud estimates e*nt tree. 15 years experience. drtlrr dnß"tb»»4!«»he€«CTttW M J li.'n. *\*rm rnUMlorcn of ififtj .1 - Ih.-: C»t'j»*. 'M. w. a. nixiUN «CO , 3^l2!r«!2C2f' 11 , H/ki. C*ntvn, OH ro,®" 7 '' »"»• I PECULATE THI STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, -I ♦ i PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR « Indigestion. !:!i|..uanc«*. Ilea>'arto. Coaetl* I ♦ fa( i kfMle Liver ♦ Dl»!ae«» Bad C eatplrsfte, l»r*c»«er*. j ♦ Olfrn.lvr ItrcMik, e«*l all ilMr<kr» •/ iIW ! | SUtntb, Liver and I In pan T»bule» couuun actblaf injurious to J f the uios: lrbcaro cosst tnUoo. r*mmnt V take • J eaT . (.tfrctuaL Givtf xj mediate relief. I £.' Iby Urtt??***- A trial bottle seat b/ mall J ♦ on receipt of IS ccata. | 5 THE R!PA«S CHEMICAL CO. \ I■l lQ :EEI ' >CW YL,R * C * TY - I ft Tiip to the World's fail FKJSV ! To mmj v . rtkj a»*»r*<*•». b« jor girl II }oa wKk to \h* WORLD'S COLIMBIAN EXPOSITION Chicago fi>r «bp week or umr*. tr** of nil «-sp«T6e*. on f*-v wnJitinpi wrift* »t one*. Eni'lom- ,-«elf ■tamped #-»iT»*l«'p« Ms Fair Etioiaiml Dept. 1602 Ruil'li'g Uj.r Ucwkvru asU Jr-WcVB tTs.. ttto «v > .1 •""{ -M).+T.+MsPtE^j~ We Are For %/ THE H O I. I DAYS. S£ c lIH H ANOKLRCHftf 5 | TU¥a IN • ALdU«S DOLL AND tiREAT U »tNX COUNTER. MUFFLERS I VAR ETV I BOXES. Come Earlv and Select your -Christmas Presents.- 1-2-2 S. MAIN ?*T. The Best Place To tret vour Fall and Winter outfit of DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS. UNDER WEAR, FLANNELS. BLANKETS, YARNS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, COR SETS, etc., Is at "Troutnian's" Tliev keep the largest stock, br-t g xxis and, above all, the low est pri«^s. CARPET, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, LACE CURTAINS, PORTIERS, CURTAIN POLES, WIN DOW SHADES: We can sell you the above named goodi cheaper than you can get them elsewhere A. TROUTMAN A: SON., The leading Dry Goods and Carpet House, Butler, Pa. Jewelrs - , Clocks, Silverware, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent bv purchasing their watches, clocks and Bj>ectacles of J.R.GRIEB, The Jeweler, \i». 115 >. Main St., Duffv Clock. * * sig • of Electric Bell and C!ock. AS art Rr*pectfttfiy Imritrd —"Rcrrcmbcr our Re; airing Department—JO years Experience.' YOUR IAVOBI7F HOME IEWSPAFEE AND Tbe Ida* frj#* Fun Fai'. tftkf FrdMtfc ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50 THE CITIZKN. re* all the Tt-wn. C" « t • d Slat*, si d m meek National ae«e ss my 1 .• her paper of it* rlaea. Tour Home n ould be iucomo'ete wit hour It. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE i» a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, .ad gives sil tka ml sews * Xbe United State* slid tk* war d It !•*♦» tke »»#«» « **•#•*» iea*» ■ • riot* bell It baa separate dopaton'i 'or "The family Ctfck," ** "Our Young Folks." It* "Home and Society" rofo»sa 'be »dn'ir»tH>n of wiaea and da* g* Vra. Its jessr.l pntftwa' —**• rials Bud diM-ueeicns are e©wp» skews'»e. hfil.iaat »ed esbawwe "Agricultural" depar»N>eßt baa DO »operwr is the eoantr* Its "Msrmet R eporls" »re r#e« pDi»*d suffcority Is all part* at rb# *■' . _ . A SPECIAL CC fcTF AC T »wab.»s os to- Ser ?bia spend «t ~;araai mm "The CITIZtM" for one »ear Fct ce)j $1.60. Ctfb in Advance. "N. Y. Weekly Tribune," r*galar pnea par year Si OO ' The Citizen," 150 Total $2.50 We furnish toll) papers one far for - - 151 Bnb-criptions may ba*ia at an* ti«a. Address all orders to THE CITIZEN, lUTTLKR PA (KlN';s. -Tin-. (C,E> T8 >Lf>. \\* 4 1,.v . < aDI S :I>LD. \\ SIICIIO l*ir.Vi- -M VKR LAI Il> CTIATLAin. 1 ... T f r.<.lri Pine. fttr-rtßfee. t*\\ Oil \ Rirp Chain-, Bracelet*. Etc, {Tea wt-. cnerors, I utter d'ahee i., * HIP? itii.No IRr.«r K " E. GRIEB. THE JEWELER No. 139, North Ma nil, bITUU.PI«
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