CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Haven't you a friend who would appreciate a comfortable pair of slippers. You will find no larger or handsomer line than ours to select trom. Get your wife and children a real good pair of Shoes and Rubbers. We keep the best and that's the kind you want lor a present. If you will call and see our goods you will consider yourself amply repaid for time and trouble. Will consider it a pleasure to show you through our line whether you wish to BUY OR NOT. Never was our stock as large as now. We believe our assortment of Holiday Slippers to be the best in the county. It is by far the best in Butler. We desire to particularly emphasize one point, namely: OUR PRICES are unquestionably the LOWEST AL RUFF. FOR SIXTY DAYS. WE NEED MONEY, YOU NEED SHOES, And lor the next 60 days we will make great redactions on ell fine gooda. LOOK! All $5 50 end $6.00 Cordovan Welte go at $5 00. all $4.50 and $5.00 Welts go $4.00, all $3.75 end $4.00 go at $3.85. Ladies' fine Welts and turns $4.50 and $5 00 go at $4.00, all $3.50 and $4.00 go at $3 25. and Ac*, remember these are onr best goods, Strong & Carrell, Howard & Porter's, end Eddy A Webster's. We want money and mast hare it there on this gnat sacrifice. ROBINS BROS, 8. E Corner of Diamond. ... - Butler, Pa. IMS 1! GENTLEHENI WE take pleasure in announcing the fact that we now bare on display and on sale an immense-etock of goods in the following lines: Dres* Goods in all grades, styles and prices, with the very latest things in trimmings to match. MILUNERY IJf all the new thing* the market affords. Hate and Bonnets gotten op in best style "while yon .wait." Ladies', and Children's Wraps, well made and style and fit guaranteed. Carpets, Oil Cloths, LINOLEUMS. Mattings, Hogs, Carpet Sweepers, Lace Curtains, Porders, Pole* and Fixtures, and all kinds of Domestic Dry Goods Wi always have tbe ben Blankets and Flannels, and the standard patterns ere acknowledged to be tbe best made. Call in and get a Fashion Sheet All tbe goods in our different departments are marked In plain figures at tbe lowest prices We not only keep Standard Patterns bot all our goods are standard. We do not handle Ladles', Gent's and Children's Underwear a specialty. RITTER & RALSTON. »A HAND SAW 18 A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVB WITH." SAPOLIO IB THE PROPER THINO FOB HOUSE-CLEANINa J. SPECK. WM. H. HOLMES THE LEADING WHOLESALE WISE AID LIqEOB HOChE Of WEHTEB.I FEKHHTLVASIA, The Wm. H. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy', PURE RYE WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid . Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. BEHST3D FOR/ PRICE LIST Telephon Mo. 305. 120 Water St. aDd 158 Fir stAva.* Ptttsbuigh Pa A bottle of wine free to every purchaser in our Liquor Department whose order amounte to SI.OO and upwards. Tbls present from December 19th to January Ist, 1893. M. ROSENTHAL, (Successor to Tbos. Gamble ) WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, 403 Ferry Btreet, Pittsburg, Pe. Too sbonld bay yoar liquors and wines for tbe Cbrintmea season from tbe earefully selected and choice stock of Mr. Rosenthal. Best brands at Lowest Prices. Call or write. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Ferry Street is one block below Diamond Market. HAT-FEVER wstm v COLD-HEAD WSM Kltf* Ormm B*im U not a liquid, muff or powder. Applied into tK» nottriU Uit _ mvitklf abtorbed. It clrantt* Uu Had, aOap* inflammation, heaU _ A Eft#* t/utore*. Bold bv drug out* or tsnt by mail on reeeipt of price. k||M DIIC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warm Stmt NEW YORK. DOC TWO UNUSUALLY GOOD OFFERS. ■KAL CMiftnu* mm. Fiasrr.—Tbe greet Holiday No. (enlarged to of Uiat brightest of <|uart<-rly publl "TAl.ES TOO* TOWN TOPICS," Oat December *ll new* and books stands ■ad railway train*, price M cenU, will be sent —— to all wbo wind SIM tor 3 month* trial sub scription to TOW* TOPICH. Tbe Unrest, ractcet, strongest. miMt varied and entertaining weekly journal In tke world. HacoxD.—To all who will tend an no, will be sent T<rw» Tone* and "Tax** rm on Town Topic*" from date until January I, |«M. cover ing 5 " o*. ef tbe lalaliabte quarterly (regular price tt.nm and 14 montUa of tbe ureateel of family weeklies (regular price J* oo per year). Cfr-Take one or the otber offer at once and remit In postal note*, order*. or New Ymk Exchange to TOWN TOPIC'S, tl Wert ad St.. New York. yrtw M »r aatalya puMMmj yriM«. afil4M. II Trip to the World's Fair FREE I Te any worthy Ha* or w«aaa, bey or girl. If yes wish u visit the At Chicago for one weak or more, tree of *l] expenses, on easy conditions, write at once, Enclose self-addressed, stamped envelope. WoiW's Fair Entertainment Dept. 1002 Moosdoock Building. Oor. Dearborn and Jackson Hts.. Cblcago, 111. The Imperial Purchasing r.0., l*''lf Fil|i»rt Kt t ? hiln f I*l I>im a ever) tMu?, «h"'e»Hli ■< d rrinii. Mirror*. pianos, organs and rnunrsl in-lru • *'|M Cre if . ■ ,r« in the selection of •nitable present* Chpri(e« no | lousiuiauous. Samples and estimates sent ' fnfc 15 years experience. 4f\ per cent. Iv First Mortgage l.tans Ko tax, mmmMon or fee* Interest payable Mmi-azinually by Sew York drslt. Perfect se curity Highest raJerence. CHAS. V. RF.ID. Ftiriaviii, Washington. Nothing On Earth Will MAKi; HENS LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting llena. .sssr i srsjare If roa ean'l Ret It wnd to n». We nail on* 6c Fw ll A ***"? fjo rx .-»-« nud. PnnltT^i Raising f)ric« f"r«! With SI.OO order, or more. Sampie copy Li ™ HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys' frperllrs sre scientifically snd earafaHy urpared Remedies, uned for years to ■rivals pracuor and for over thirty year* ty the people with entire success. Every single Specific arpeetal cure for the disease named. They cure without dragging, pursing or redcrlng Ike system sndare to fsct and deed the Hotrreisn Remedies of the World. list or raucrpAL *oa. cr**». rascva. I—feven. Congestions, Inflammations.. .23 »—Worms, Worm lever. Worm Colic -23 M—> Teethlngt Colic, Crying. Wakefulness .'l3 4 Diarrhea, of children or Adults .25 7-Coaghs. Colds, Bronchitis 13 5-Neuralria, Toothache. Fsceaehe 25 •-Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .13 It—Dysprpsin. ElUoosness. Constlpstlon .25 11— mnppre»(M-d or Painfnl Periods .29 12— Whites, Too Profuse Periods 25 13—Cronp, Laryngitis, Hosiseness 25 14—Salt Bheam, Erysipelas. Eruptions .25 ltbeumatlc Pains .25 19—Sfalaria, Chills. Fever and ague. .25 17-Pile*, Blind or Bleeding .25 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Ilea* l . .25 24—Whooping Caagh 25 27— Kidney Disease* 25 28—Nervoas Debility l.» 0 *•—Crlnary Weakness, Wetting Bed .25 Bold hj Pmcrliti, or e*nt poetp*l4 on reeaipt of prtcm. Da. HwfLMTi' *AJfrAL I<4 pagea. mailed ran. irirau ts' ■»». Co., wiau»s>.. Srmimt. SPECIFICS. A eertaia euro for Coneumpu«n to flxat etagei, W 4 »in relief in Utuci ■•-»!« You wifl ~, t |,. «x*cUrnt effect after taking tile £ret dote. ■-u h« d.aiera everywhere. Larpe bettlca, M mU aad 1 100. nil re IICHINS PILES riLLo SWAYNE '< IBfOLUTILT CURBS. OINTMENT ! namaa-HaWanl talam Iteltae m 4 Mm4lic, tk< tiMara. Hon t,y drmmriTZor br Brtfbriffcta. Prrpvcd by Da. B*it»i A *>». Phl?^lHp4iZ |~J f oni HEEVOD3 D>..llLn i fA)Tj • fag|,]W<g«ku*Mof 3<r«iyar.'iHind, Cil> 11 > 1.181 lof Eftortor >n oMc.r Y«np latn', icfc'nttmiocofßiiTkMtftrta. i,~«t • Ti»rn »%•' •uMriii»<iKK«K.ixD».rr;/ rLt:<>K(u<r4&f*Aß-iSor f'«n. AWlif' onftflil MONL i KKVi 'iK*T- !s#c#* *• |Mln':!* fren. Iti Vjlm»».! (outrl/i. ttr.itlW.o, PwCT<ati<« fcf k. »ipUMI'i.SU3 )».-orf« fr»*. Mfe!» ERIE MEDIC- M. CO.. C-TFALO. N. r. DOCTOR J. B. HOBENSACK'S tif-jgSl AIEDIC.4 O! ; 30fl -V fitIVOSV ST ,VI U.. ' tn Rj ; „ AroiUuoi'iv t. i -V..K... i. ~ Special LJSS&ZZZ U AV„!LV! I'. Bio .fl I' )Iwm, NervMM I < 1 . • . . Dings, Wk )i jrif' .. .- -j Ul<l Skirt W»«v -A, V art roe. . ; tore, permanently < i-.-i t • , without detention f r.n ! ■), . . t , . WICCeSB to (lu.J to hi* ilf. ....,* . .. and itudy; to the pure vegetable rem-• ti- .1 ami to (he thorough examination n-i i vatehful at tention iflrfn pulcnta during treatment. A4O yeatV esUhllxhrn. Nt lit our eijarii.tcc of*ucce»a Trealmcnt by n«il rlalli. Ofllce hours, « x M.,to'2>- a, o >,•,!• «' «m 4Uy Saturday till •l- M fcuiuiay» :i> ••> l> * » ••■U ft tamp for B'joU. (Copyrighted.) Every Month I many woman Buffer from Kxcaaalva or I Scant Menatruatlon; thay don't know r who to confide In to gat proper advioe. Don't confide In anybody but try Bradfleld's Female Regslator • »Mclflo tor PAINFUL. PROFUSE. SCANTY. SUPPRESSED and IRREOULAR MENSTRUATION. (Book to "WOMAN" mailed fro*. •RADfIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. •». •eld by all Drascteu. For Sale by J. C. Redlck. READ AND BEMFMEII For strictly pure and reliable tHTKAIOHI f.lQl'Oim, call on I. Ti. FlitfCH, It HMITHFIEI.D ST., PITTsHI'UIiII, PA.; (<>pp. Monongahela House.) Matchless for Family use anil .Medicinal 'pur poses art: FINCH'S OOI.ItKN WK'yHING, 1 All I) Ol "KKNIIKIMI ItH WOIHKT, 'per Ul. . OVKKIIOI.T'H W 111-iKY, f # «|l*. Dll.l INiiKK.S WHISKY. J for 15. Goods neiitly packed arid promptly 'shipped Fhkr ot Kjtfr.NHEon rcrrtpt of ca'h "or, post office order. ir~N'nlliltiK e*pr. <y<l f. O. I). Send lor Price Llat. ST ROBERT LKWIN, Wholesale ,Whiskey Merchant, and Importer of FINE WINES & LIQUORS. 135 Water St. Pittsburg Pa. Opposite B. ti <>. K. It. Depot. I|ea<t«|iiurtert for HVHH HOLUKS WKItIHMJ, for medical and family iite. $1 ,W» per 4{t., nr « ({la. for Sfi.Ofl. Finch'* •.olden Weddlnif. Dougherty, (Juck enhelmer. I.drtfc. (iltwon lirldKeport, Mt. Ver oon. Over holt, Ktc. IItl» IS the only house not rectify lute 111 the city, therefore our good* are warnu.K-d pure. Ooods securely packed ami t>o«ed without extra i hari(e. (!.(). I ( and mall orders reeelre prompt aiU'titlon. Ormndfathern' Choice a years old, i'l V) per gallon. Try UH. —s. /j s, Tho oldest and best In /j/1 J //// *Ulutlon for obtaining A Business Education. /J// We bare succeasfuily / // prepared tbouunds ot "V YOUNO MEN for the setl*e duties of nfo. For rlrenlar* id dries. J*. UlfF AcM4>MN,l>ltUbarsb,l'a. THE CITIZEN I HAWKINS THE HEAD WHIP. Albert. CoMkui at tha WWW Bans* Slnca Grut'i First Term. Albert Hawkins, the colored man who, since Gen. Orant's first term, has been head coachman at the white house, and in consequence an autocrat among , the lesser lights of the stable, has re tired on account of age. Change of politics happily made no difference in Albert's place, a? there appears to have been a tradition handed down to each incoming administration that, whoever else went, the coachman was to remain. Whether or not he was credited with any peculiar qualities as a mascot does not appear, but one thing, according to , Kate Field's Washington, was assured, and that was the very great veneration j in which Albert held the office of chief magistrate. In his eyes the president of the United States—without regard to the individual —was the greatest poten tate on earth, and as such entitled to right of way when driving. This idea led to some hairbreadth escapes, as a street barricaded for repair* presented no obstacles to progress in Albert's eyes. He would go crashing through the barriers, and when expostulated with by the family stoutly maintained that the president's carriage had a right to go anywhere, and never to waive the right to anyone. Though Albert would by no means acknowledge it, his eye sight had been poor for several years past, especially at night, when he would lose himself in the most unac countable manner in the most familiar localities. One night just before his ■accessor was appointed Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. McKee attended an evening reception, and of course rode home in the president's carriage. Suddenly it ■truck the ladies that they were a mo6t unnecessarily long time in reaching the white house, and Mrs. McKee looking out of the windows in the darkness dis covered that they were at Scott circle. While she watched Albert made the circuit twice. Then she called to the driver asking his reason for such a •trange preceding. He was unwillingly obliged to admit that he had lost his way, but concluded to drive round and round the circle until he came across a familiar looking street, when he would immediately turn down. GROWING IN STRENGTH- Woman Bald to Ba laeraaatair In SUa a» a Raaolt of Physical Coltnra. A statement is going the rounds, with a mixture of scientific and woman's de partment prossip, to the effect that the American woman is steadily growing in height, weight and comeliness. The latter part of the statement conveys no news to the male American, who has the fact forced on his susceptibilities every day. But that lovely woman is increas ing in size, both perpendicularly and horizontally,is news calculated to make glad the heart of man, with the excep tion, perhaps, of him of diminutive stature. Of course this is the result of physical culture. As woman's mind was dwarfed by the pettiness of female education, so her body was dwarfed by the vices of female dress. The progress of the affe toward giving women the same educational chances as men reveals to us the probability that woman's mental development may eventually become the same as that of men, and here we have a similar inti mation that if female physical culture is carried far enough the woman may by taking thought add enough cubits to her stature to be the physical eque' of man as welL The probability ha its disadvantages,according to the Pitts burgh Oispatch, for, as woman repre sents the leisure class of America, and is, therefore, able to give the most ex clusive attention to these pursuits of culture, it may wind up by letting woman get beyond man in both intel. lectual and physical growth, which would be unpleasant for the lords of creation. Nevertheless, we cannot have too much good. The more there is of the American woman, both ph s ically and intellectually, the better tu< American male will like her. Tne growth immediately holds out the pleasing hope that woman will grow, in both mind and body, sufficiently to knap the skirt of her dress above the dirt of the streets. NATURAL ICEHOUSE. Colombia lUver Ctrrloalty Which Ii Simply Unique. In Washington a coulee is a ravine that a river has worn for itself and. then abandoned for another course, says the New Orleans Picayune. Th;- coulees of the Columbia river are im mense ravines worn out of the basaltic rock, with perpendicular wails on eitlior side from one thousand to fifteen hundred feet high. Through this re gion the (ireat Northern railroad runs. Not long ago an Indian approached a gang of railroad laborers working in Salmon coulee with a great piece of ice wrapped in a blanket, which he offered for sale. The workmen instituted a tearch in the direction from which he bad come and soon found a cold stream trickling through the shell rock, and further up the ice beds were found. They were formed among the mannes of shell rock by the melting of snow in winter, the water running down among the rocks and freezing at night. Ice remains there perpetually and In large quantities. The most singular feature is that the spot is only five hun dred feet above the sea, and the sun beats with intense beat upon the rocks above the ice, which is also exposed to warm draughts of air through the crevices, yet the ice never melts. An Ancient Slot Machine. The slot machine which has recently had such a run in all catch-penny schemes, anrt which has often been pointed out as the one thing "new under the sun," has been proven to have been in use in Egypt long before the birth of Christ. Hero describe# ■ combination jug and slot machine used for the dispensation of holy water. A coin of the value of five drachms dropped into a slot In the jug opened a valve which permitted a few drops of the purifying liquid to escape. One of the ancient slot Jugs is now in th<* Hrit- Ish museum. "Every day ix a frenb beginning; Linton my son), to the glad refrain, And, npits of old Borrow snd older winning. And ptirxle* fnrcsoted snd p»H-ib)« pain. Take heart Willi the dsy, and begin iignin " —Rheamatirm cared in a day—"Jfyrtir pnre" for rh«-umati«m and neuralgia, radic ally cure# in Ito .'I day. 11 h action upon tlie nyxtem i* remarkabln and myi>teri»u* It. remove* lit once the cause and the din ••awe immediately dixappcarx. The firnt do e (jrestly benefits. 75 ct*. Hold by J. C. Itedick, druggiHt, liutler. —Although a bicyclist can ontspeed a borne, wolvn can travel faster than a bicy cle. Thin latter fact was diwoversd by a profeHMnnal rider while in Kinmia, and he no doubt made good time, an the wolvea were hungry and he wan in a hurry. Consumption Suroly Cur mi. To TrtC SuiT'.r.:— Pleaao Inform your ;r» that 1 It■ TO a poftiilre remady fur ttm atxne numixJ dlanaan. Jl; 'A timely «•« tlixiaanila of linpeliw caaea ham I, ,n ptirtn'-iaritly cured. I ■halt bo (fl»d to aeiid twj , ~'lloa of my remedy FRKK to any of yonr reader* t . j have conaumptlou If they will •end mo tiinfi and r. O. addreee. Iloprrt liUjr. X. A. HUA.VM. M 0.. Ul 1-eari SL N. Y. Lane's Family Medicine Move* tlie bowels each day. In order to !>• healthy thin Is necessary. —Pernons guilty of rending auonymou* and Murrilou* letter* through tho United State* mail* are not aware of the fact that the government hut detective* in it* em ploy enirnged con •tanlly in »earchif>£ for the guilty one*, slid M>oDer or later they t>i:l in'o ii trap si «' sr.- pc:.iohed according to the character of the crime Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp'* I'ltl'siu * ill *tojj ttie < ou|ih at ouce. Axk your friende about it. ConpUmeotary- Kadgvr—l told Prof. Grigjpion the other day that I was going to do the editorial writing hereafter on the Daily ! Windmill. Blim —What did he say? Kadger—He seemed delighted and waa quite complimentary. He said I would lift that paper from the dreary level of flatulent insipidity to the dizzy exaltation of occasional efflorescence. — Chicago Tribune. Fra|*lltr. The Lady in the Restaurant—How much is the charge for roast beef with potatoes? Waiter—Twenty-five cents. The Lady—And for bread and butter and pickles? Waiter —They're thrown in. The Lady—Well, let me have some bread and butter and pickles.—Chicago News Record. Remark by ft >*»w York Man. "Terra-cotta and white, divided into three parts—let me see—what was it old Cesar said? 'Gallia om—omnia in'— how does that go, anyhow? —'in partes trea divisa est.'" "What did he mean?" "All Gaul is divided in three parts." "All gall! That's good enough for Chicago!"— Chicago Tribune. FASHIONS FOR WINTER "Doesn't it seem to you, Moses, that these sleeves are too long?'' "Mein ffootness, friend! dot vas do latest stylel Vinter vas coming on, und de great secret of comfort vas in keep ing your wrists warm!" —Jury. Had Found Each Other Ont. Wife of Ten Years —I read a lot of your old love letters to-day. Husband of Ditto—Did you? What was the effect? Wife of Ten Years—l could not help wondering which was the greater fool —you for writing them or I for reading them. —N. Y. Herald. He Heard Her Himself. Jamie —Mamma, I thought you said our new girl couldn't talk English. Mamma —That Is what I said, Jamie. Gretchen has only been in this country a few weeks, and she knows nothing at all about our language. Jamie —Why, she coughs in Engliah. —Chicago Tribune. For a saddening Effect. " Dear wife. If I should die," Said McGinnes«, as he lay, " Pray hire a German band At my funeral to play." " And why a German band?" Then McOlnnesa' voice replied: " So that all the people there May be sorry that I died." —Judc* ,Jnet Humped. Maud—Major, la It true that onco dur ing the war one of the enemies died to save your life? Maj. Bluntly—Yes. Maud—How noble! How did it hap pen? Maj. Bluntly—l killed him.—Stabber. Only a Matter of Endurance. "You are standing on my foot, ma'am," said a big, good-natured man in the crowd at the corner of State and Madison, to a lady in front of him. "Sir!" she replied, haughtily, turning her head. "I haven't moved in my tracks for half an hour!" "I know it, ma'am," he rejoined. "But the foot you've been standing on all that time has begun to get tired. Would you mind occupying the other one awhile?" —Chicago Tribune. For cold and conjrh it ha*» noernal. Mr. A. P. JeKperson Irvine. Warren Vn , Pa . writes: "I bought a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and ran recommend it hiehly I had a very bad cough and it cured me at onco." Salvation Oil, the greatext enre on earth for pain, an an anodyne ha* uo eijnnl in the market. It i* without doubt the lin iment. 25 eXu. lie was worth one hundred millions, if re port* the truth have told; In the ranks of millionaires stood near the he,'id; had block* and bond* und real entate and mortgages and g"ld. And many other riehns, —but he'* dead —The oleander, a plant ofbeantifu! flow er and foliage, and one formerly in vogoe, i* a very notion*, and dangerous growth. Children have b.ien known to die from "ticking its flowers; a whole family has been poisoned by u»ing skewers made of oleander wood; an infunion of its leave* is sure death to all insect lite, ami its hark powdered and administered in flour is cer tain death to rats and mice. In Bermuda, where the oleander grows as a hedge plant, the farmers say that it poisons the grass beneath its foliage, and that auimals will die from eating herbage that grows be neath its brand es. —"I am convinced of the merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla, after having taken bat a few doses." —A saffron-colored descendant of Confu cius was asked aud answered the follow ing leading question while on the witness stand: "Ilid you find your pocket book in your pants when yon |ooke«lf" "Oh yes, me found pocket-book in pants gone." No Guess Work For Dealers. Max Klein, the well known liquor dealer, will, to Jan 1, 1893, give you the advant age of cash purchases in laig l " quantifies of all kinds of liquors, and especially so in Pure Kye Whiskies and California Wines. California Port and Sherry, at •>() cents per quart. California Brandy, 50 cents to sl.f>o per quart. Jamaica ltum,7scenta to $1 5o per quart. Pure Rye Whiskies of any make in Pennsylvania,j»i* year old, #1 00 per quart, 0 quarts H year old, $1.50 per quart or sls 00 per full case of 12 quarts l)uque*ne, 91 25 per full quart, or 12 quarts for sl2 00. liiu, an excellent stimulant lor kidney com plaint, 75 cents to $1 50 per cjuart All reliable goods positively pure Boxed and sent to any nildress. Send P O. Order or Registered Letter. Price list sent on application. Order early. MAX KI.KIW, 82 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa San Domingo's President is reported to have offered the remains of Columbus, boxed for shipment and delivered f. o. b. for the small sum of one hundred thousand dollars C. 0. 1). There will be weeping and wailing in Chicago when they bear that the government at Washington let this rare bargaiy slip through its fingers. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Ilaiiica 'Ooldcn Specific." It is manufactured a* a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will aflect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousand* of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never lails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist Cures guaranteed. 4H peg" book of particulars free. Address, Golden Specific Co IHS Kacn St.. Cincinnati O. "CITIZEN" ami NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE fur only $1.50 THE RETURNS COMPLETE! Batler County Goes Sol'd for JOHN BICKEL, The Shoe MaD. Democrats and Republicans endorse hia actions. The people's Party and Prohibitionists join hands with them and franklr admit that be has SCORED A GREAT VICTORY, and is withont doubt the Leading Shoe Man in Butler Countj on account of tbe great cut in prices on footwear. HERE ARE THE PRICES, READ THEM. Ladies' fine don. button shoes, tip or plain, $1 and $1 25 •' •' grain button shoes 90c, $1 and $1 25. '• winter eboes, warm lined. $1 and $1 25. " serge gaiters, fur or plain. 50 and 60c '• everyday slipper, lace or gon, 50c " brnnsel slippers, sizes 4to 8, 25c " velvet slippers 4 fine 50c. •' waterproof shoes, 75c, $1 aid $1 25 . MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S PRICE LIST Misses' good grain button shoes 90e and $!. Children's calf and oil grain shoes, high cut, $1 •• grain shoes, heel or spring 60 and 75? •' dou buttoa shoes, 50'- 75- ami $1 Infant*' fine shoes, 25r\ 35c and sl)c. A GREAT SURPRISE FOR MhX AND BOYS. One lot of men's boots that I will close at $1.50. •' 41 ex.ra high boot* for $2. " " fine call boots for $2. " " hand-pegged boots tor $2 50 " boys' Btoga boots, 4 aad ft, #1 25. " stoga boots, tap sole, $1.50. "SEE LINE OF MEN'S AND BOY V FINE SHOES. Men's fine shoes, in button, lac- or c.>nare-«t. #1 25. t«> $! 50 $1.75 an-1 $2. Boys'and yoatbs'high cot school shoes, in b ittou -r lace, sl, $1.2-"' and $1.50. When Y: T J Want Schc:l Shsss Try Bicksi's. For boys and trirls tur line of erhn,! sh.i-s '.va* never better. Tb children must have good waterproof shoes for school aud we have them in great variety. Look ibeai over before you t>ny We Challenge the World on Rubbers Men's rubber boots, M quality. $2 25. Rubber boots of some kind are not cheap at $2 25, but. when voo can net tbe Boston, Lycoming, Candee or Wooopocketat $2 25 with a pair of dippers thrown in they are very cheap See that tbe name of one of the above mentioned makes are stamped on bottom and put them a* $2 25 with slippers and you are all ri*bt D>n't buy 2d quality boots; they are dear at any price They are made of old rubbers and coal tar. # Ladies' rubber boots, Ist quality, $1 20 Misses' " " 1 00. Boys' " " 1 50. Youths' " "1 10 All kinds of rubber goods reduced Felt boots with overs $2 See oor felt boots; they are tbe best made, with good heavy overs. Price ooly $2. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Repairing Done Same Day Received. Leather and Findings, Blacksmith's aprons, etc. JOHN BICKEL. No. 128 South Main Street Butler, Pa. SELLING -OUT. Our entire stock of Drugs, Medicines, Patent Medicines, Brushes, Combs, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, &c.. At a discount of 20 per cent and less. '1 ne following list will give you an idea of how goods will sell: Price* < »ir prtce«. Queeii'o Samiparilla ... .100 "5 Uoot Beer 25 lft Scott'B Kmuleion 1.00 Bocher'a Her Byr 15 6<l Cod Liver Oil 15 M' Piso CoDMumptioti Cure.. 2:> 2<» Belladoua Planter a 2. r > 15 Hojt's Oer. Cologne *5 2<» Rubber Trusses Single. .. .3 00 i 0<» Celluloid " " 4.00 300 " " Poubie. .fi 00 4"5 Air Crvßtal Spectacle*..3 00 2DO •• « •• ... .2 00 150 .. «• •• 1 00 75 •< " Ete .1 00 75 -• 75 50 Ac. Ac. Ac Our dock of paint wi'l be sold at coet. II jou can ue«* any p&iut yon eau nmrr nut'} b> pun b new* now Rubber Paint 150 ifol 1 I S'aina 50c qt 3< :> Ac. Ac. Ac. Our Mock ia composed of tbe very -best. None but pure Drugn kept in stock If you give us a call wc will nave you money. Respectfully, J. A. Frank A Co., 213 S. Main St. RECULATE THE STOMACH. LIVER AND BOWELS, J ASU PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR ladlsratUa, ■lllooaxraa. II«'•»•< I- j Hj.prvl*. < hrnnlr 1.1.rr Tr«uklr», I IllxUru. Il«4 «.»»lf«l..». I»».r»tcr,. | Off. ...I.r Hrralk, and alt dl»«r4cr« 9t IS® J Nli*fua<-I>, Llrer ami Bowels. Itipani Tabtllwa contain n'»Hilnu InJoriwH to » th<- n.r«it drllrat® con.tltotl.rn. Plaaaaot to tat" ♦ aafc, effectual. 01", Immediate relief. Sold t»7 ilrnSKl'la. * trial l«,ttlo Sent by mall | on receipt ot li cents. AildrMS THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. j 10 SI'RUCE STItXKT, SEW YOUK t IT*. | LMIDTIIBC I N*'tl' - uiii-.-r ltfii',i «. r. 1 nllr I Unt i eniir« ij run il •>' i ni'iiir- i>\ l)r .1. I'. Miiji r. MI Arch St . Jlillntelplili, I'.i .1 .lone* rtillllua, Keunrl Sauure. I'a. . T. A KrnlU.Hlailaictoo. Pa.; E. M. Small. Mount Alio-1 fa.; KPV. S H.Stwrmer. suntiury, Pu ; n J. 1)« lett. 'ill N. Twrrlttti M . IfrartlhK Pa.: Win 1)1*. IN'.n Wontrw St.. Ptilliut' lptiM; It I KOWC. SOB Kll" St... K«artll>K. Pa. . ami cror llurkari, km l.'* u*t Ml., l<"MHntC. I'a. Mriid Kij.ftreiilar toks Cotton Root A plivol' i:ut Mocremfully u*< <1 WU "T\ monUiljr tor thnu*«rnl* ' I r Ijiill.* I* thfonly I'rrfwlljr «afe uml n - ll»t'li- nietllclm' dlvovt-reil ft tjri - dnunfi*u wlmio' mMllrtne* in t'orro* ll>»>Tl oMmt'MO. take no *ul»lltnt«*. or tncln'w tl an't d I'enti In jwwtani' Irtlcr. and «i' »||| vn<l "'«l, "l. t>j re! HI u mall Kul! w»l i-il particular* In plain ••nTeiniw t<, only, 2 atanip". A(Mri-a* Pn»d* t'ompaur. No. :i ruin r iltoi k. IWtrott. Mlcti. Solil lu llullfr by < . N. Boyd. J. K. »>ai|.|i, J C. Itcdlck and druioclouicvrr* vrhcrr. THE HUTLER ROLLER MILLS Hereafter will be doing business un der the name of Goo. Walter <fc Sons. We can nay to our patrons that the grinding done by on will be io the beg' mariner that good machinery and practical milling can do it. a* we have in oor employ one of the be*t practical millers in the State of Penn svlvania. We can say wit boot tear of contradiction that we are turning oat the best straight grade of wheat floor in the county. We tbwik it a» ndrnntage to the farmer to fret hit* grinding done at our mill for there reasons: FIKST —We mike as good wheat flour as can be manufactured aod tbr farmers iret the same fl'-ur it. exchange as the millionaire wonld, were we blessed with them in this neighborhood. SECOND—We L-M do your cfcop piog for you, so that you are not compel ed to sell four grain at low prices and buy yoor ch«-p. THIKP—We can mak« the he< buckwheat fl >ur ever manufa.- tured in the cuMly, as we have jii-t completed arranging the new machinery for same, and it works like a charm. FOUKI H— We can make y<-a re flour if *Oll desire it. Our rye fh'Ur always bri'»gs the highest price in Pittsburg. Ac FIFTH —We make as rood a corn meal as there ia in the market. SIXTH Our Oraham floor caonot be excelled. We maoufarture every article that ia in oor line of business, and with the lateat improved machinery, and beat practical skill. The farmer will readily see that it is more profitable to him to patrooize a mill where he can fret all his differ ent kinds of grain ground than to sell his grain and buy his flour and feed We don't believe in misrepresenting goods to the public, therefore do not put the same kind of flour in four or five different brands of sack*. We make a straight grade of flour. The brand ia WHITE KOSK, the same HS given to the farmer in exchange We also make the ION A PATENT, which is a high grade of flour and stands with the licet patents in the market It is manufactured out of red winier wheat, blended with the best brand of Minnesota patent which gives it a superior quality These brands of Hour and all kinds of mill feed sold by us al the lowest prices We ore also in the market for wheat, rye and buckwheat and will pay the highest prices for the same GFO WALTER & SONS, HITLER ROLLER MILLS, BLTLKH. PA. ♦ 1 nossKits CREAM GLYCERINE is delightful!? perfumed and is of lfr«at service in removing pimples and blotches from the face. For chapped hatids, hps or any rouirb tiers of the ek 1 n ant! as a dreesinjr for the face after shaving, it will l»e found invaluable. For Saie by Oiupts. —4 - Can 'h* dKaT / 1 I 111 1 (TILL*'""" / J I m CLARK'S 1 f Basils CoJlegt. tinrMit fe-aw: M'Ktn 9 ,»-JUBI« i rwcbn*: 1"«r..t..»n, «1 >•- t win -f. r'b t»f: I I •« ** V* fl m R/f * . 1 n # *>.»*« Subscribe lor the C'ITUIH. •«»*{ -*D.+T.+P*A»MS*- J We Are Ready for m/ THE HOLIDAYS SEE tUi | HANOKERCHILfS J TOYS 111 I ALBUMS DOLL AND 6REAT Lfc WORK COUNTER. I MUFFLERS. | VAR.CTV. | WXES- Come Early and Seleet vonr » • -Christmas Presents.- It2S.MAIN SIT*. Reduced Prices OX Clothing. For the next sixty davs we will sell our lai ire stock of clothing at great iv reduce ! n C • prices. Men's suits worth *2O will go tor *]*>, ii (( it kIS 44 44 - #l4, And Boys suits at the same rrdnctioß. e are now ready with our Fall and Winter Footwear. Give lis a call and see our goods, and get our prices before purchasing else where. R. Barnhart & Son. General Merchants. Connoqnenessing P. 0., Peters ville, Pa. Select Your Holiday Presents from tliis Lot . RINGS, Diumniwls ) EARRINOS, IV I ft IIK Mil l> i SCARF PINS. ' STUDS. HOLD. LADIES «OLD. hunts SILVER LADIES f RATIAIIf. ¥ ir|T J G«'W Pii», F»r rngi», t \▼ "I I > | Rinp, ( h*iw, fttawtatw, {Tea »t». carton, bwttvr ili*> m ami everything that «n be t«>un«i in m fir»l Im* «t»*e R99SIS IfiRS. 1147 ISSkT** *~~ E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER Xo <39. fcorth lain St BUTLF*. PA. Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main Bt., Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All atr~ Respectfully Imrtted —" Remember our Repairing Department —20 year# Ejwperieitre YOUB FAVORITE HOME RWffARB • AND Ike Win? bpHhi Mr Pifrr i ilr I mint ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50 THE CI r IMZKN. irivea all the Town. Coanty and State. ud aa nweh NMIOII* *••• aa aay other p«p«r »t ita claait. Your Home would be incomplete without it NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE i* a NATIONAL F * MILT PAPKR. and *JI the *eaerai a*w* ml the United State* and the world It «»*•• tfce «-r»ata a# fer»nra toad* ia -* nut* bell It baa aeparmt* departßieat* for '"Th« ►am.'y « ire e ' aa«l ' Our Young l olks." lu "Home indStciry' «*• *»«♦• the mftuiiatu n< t a i**i" and d*i»irfiti re. |:» f'.rrmt p»>tn -f*l new*. '4h» rial- and di»rgwioi>» are r< «-i»'eber«i»e hr> tant and ea*a«u»Mte It* "Agricultural" department h»« no .nprrt.* in the etaatrr Its "Mark- t Reports" ate ree< (rtt'»eil aetboritv In at' p»n» of tbe laed A SPECIAL (CNTRAI 1 eoahl** n* to. ffer ffet» »p e»d;d jaarttai aod "The ITIZF N" (•" «ne jwf Fcr cnly $1.50. Cv th in Advance. ' N. Y. Week 1 > "1 r l Lne," r»*nl«r prtr* par year ft CO * The Citizen," " ~ ** 1 SO T»t»l S2 M> We furr.ish toll papers one year far - - S«.sfl. Suh-mption* nay Iwifia at aa* tia* Add tea* all order* to Til E GIT IX EIV, HL tlkr. ha Job Work of all kind done at the "Citizen Office."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers