WE ARE NOW READY. WITH A LARGE AND COMPLETE LINE OF PALL AND WINTER FOOTWEAR. GIVE US A CALL. YOGELEY AND BANCROFT. EXCELSIOR. TWM growing dark so terrible fssht, When through a town np the moonUin there ptahed. A. broth of • boy, to hi* neck in the *chnow; AM he walked, hie •hillaleh he rnni to a fro, Saying, "It'« np to the top I am bound for to go; Be jabbers I" PADDY'S EXCELSIOR. At the top stands the lines of ladies' and gentlemen's wear in the Strong A Carroll's, Howard ft Foster's and Eddies k Webster's celebrated ■hoes, so many improvements hare been made in these shocH that it would hardly seem possible to add an y thing more, all solid, strong, pliable, sod easy on the root, only to be had of Robins Bros. Try • pair and If not all we claim bring them back. New line of all kinds of Robbers jost received. ROBINS BROS., 8.1. Corner of Diamond. .... Butler, Pa. J.J. BPBCK. WM - H - HOLMES TBE LKADIKG WBOUESALI Will ASS LHJIIOH HOUSE OF WEKTEE* PEJIBSTIVAWIA, The Wm, H. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy' PURE RYE WHISKY. All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. SZEISriD FOR PRIOB LIST - Telephon No. 305.. 120 Water St. and 158 Fir stAve., Plttsbuigh Pa • GOLD FREE! To every person bringing us a copy of this paper, we All will insert FREE OF CHARGE aline $2.00 Gold Filling, I J\\ in every BEST SET of SB.OO Teeih. [JM \1 We warrant them to be me txat that can possibly be made, no matter what ■ jnoe you pa jr. sai»Bfir"ys. * PareOaaor Vltallied Att admlnut/red, socent*. eat ef toe ettjr can come in the morning and wear their new teeth boinc the JENTBANCK MK,YORK p . OOSSERS CREAM GLYCERINE if deligbtfaHy perfumed and i> of |'**t service In remoTing pimples Mid bio tehee from tbe face. For chapped bands, lip* or any rough. MM of the skin and M a drenniug for the fece after sharing, it will be found In valuable. For Sale bf Druggists. " <> DURE DRUGS IT LOW I PRICES ia tbe motto at oar JL store. If 700 are sick and nMd medicine yon want tbe BEBT. This yon can always depend upon getting from us, M we Me nothing but strictly Pare Drugs in oar Prescription Depart ment. Ton can get tbe beet ofprery thing in the drag line from M. Oar store is sJso headquarters for PAIITS, OILS, VHRKISHES, Xalsomine, Alabastine &c, , Get onr prices before you boy Paints, and SM what we hare to ofbr. We can save yon dollars on yoar paint bill. lUepectfaliy J. C. REDICK, Main bt., next to Hotel Lowry, BTJTLEB. PA. uyomsEßS rzrrr .nzr. W HLX w»wn In Clucafo, will find It on f'< 11 " LORD & THOMAS, RIOULATK THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, am PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR laH>aatlan, BIIUMM.M, Ilaadaafca. Caa.t I- Nttta, Dr>rt«l>, Chraala Unr TmUn, Maataaaa, Bad VmmpltMlmm, DyaeaUrr. iffulv* Brcslh, u4 alt 4lwr4«n mf th« aiMMk, tlnr >.4 Hmk lupana Tatmlaa ooauin Dutblac tnjartou tu IU noit dattonto conatltutkm. I'lwultuUkt, aafa, aCactuaL ulfa lounadlaU nllof. •old by dnnlata. A trial txittla ml by mall oaracatpfof U casta, iddrae THI PUPA MS CHEMICAL CO. M mUCK RItCET, WW TOO* CITT. * • ROBKRT LKWIN, Wholewile Merchant, u< laiportar of< FINK WINKS & LIQUORS. 135 Water St. Pittsburg, Pa. Oppoaltn It. & O. It. K. Depot. Headquarter* for rincH'M «oi.i)Rn WKDDIKU, for medical and family iMe. SI.OO per <{t., Mr • l{ta. for |i.oo. Klncb'a Uolden Weddlnir, Dougherty, (Juck eobelmer, Ijirge, Ulbaon, ItrldKOport, Mf. Ver non. Overbolt. Kte 'Hita la the only houiie not rectify lllK in the city, therefore our giHida are warranted pure, (ioodn aecurely packed and boxed without extra charge. (!. O. I». and mall 1 order* receive prompt attention. Grandfather*' Choice ( year* old, fc.oo per gallon. Try us. Mifllin Street Livery. WM. BIEHL Prop'r. One square west of Main St., on Mifflin St. All good, safe borsee; new baggies and carriages. Landaus for weddlogs and fuuerals. Open day and night. Telephone No. 34. 4/\ PER CENT. lU first Mortgage Lwns No Iti. rornmlwl'in or fee#. Interest payable semiannually by Sew York draft. Perfect se curity. Higbcit reference. CHAS.». REID. Fiirlwi. liiliiim- Nothing On Earth Will ~ HENS, LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Preventaall Disease. Good for Moulting ttena. It U abswlnfc iTircrr. nijrhly Utycostsu-r: i>f a<*nt a day. otheron»-foartn.as nnrns. stri<-iiya:n«ii<-ine. "Onolareoc (10, KIKI FII tO prvTM.t HOIIP. ** T " if von can't tzct il wnd to as* Wo mu on<- '.ark iV. Fire $1 A 11-4 lb-ran $1 JfcMx rans f> 00. fipresa paid, Ptmltrry £®J2**«£iSEl 25 rent*, free with $1 .00 order* or more. Sample copy Borton, HUMPHREYS' This PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE and HF.ALING APPLICATION. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Piles—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate—the cure certain. For Bums, Scald 3 and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant —the healing wonderful and unequaled. For Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fistulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald He:d. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Price, 50 Centr. Trial size, as Cents. g.,14 by Drarrfn., r Mot l<e*t-p.ld on reerlpt of prtra. uciruMiH' arc. ca, 11 ull * wiiium SL, tn mi. WITCH HAZEL OIL V, THE NEXT MORN|'NO I FEEL AND NEW AND MY OOMPLEXtON 18 BETTER. My doctor «ay« It art» gently on tho itomwh, llr«- arii Vliln- b, and U a eaear.t iaiallvo. Thla drink Id mads from herbs, and la prepared for use " eaOly ai tea. It l« railed LANES MEDICINE All dniftiriot* veil It at 50r. apd tl.to per par.k&ire Hoy r>no tSdar. LANE S FAMII/THKDICiWmOVEfI TIIH HOWEIJI BACtt I>A*. In orUeT to be hcalUor tli.s ?i necewary. nil PILES I I LlLw swayne'i ABBOLtrr*r,T COB Ml. OINTMENT 3S3ES fcleedln*. ao««rba tke taarnr*. Meld \ >y drujurliu or b? Salt tor Wcu. Tr-j arrdbjr L/u Hwir»i A Hen,PhliAdripkf%. mONLY? wrr rVAtLWOKAMOO* ItI'" ' VO'JSUKriiT ll V-, dKi&d, £*« ts ; - U orKxc«»uitaOldorfOirA I. .. f•• r f:«»-1 t">\. flow tr < ntiif .OF K 1 1 A ■ irMTiKST- I'rrrßtt la « day. Kmi W I C«inrirtNi WrttoUMb D» . > * aalh : -• iledhfrefc MLO< H* * - DOCTOR J. B. HOBENSACK'S /youthfcurf: MKDICAI. oi Fic i; *o* v SHOOKU ST , I'kVadJj, .. / , iiu thu oM -t In Aict. .< 4 IHi y. Special I)iseaso3 a V ..< Ll'. Blood I'd on, Ncivoim I , i 111 nip, UlvUatKe*, Sirit lu {i , ' Hli'l \ ari »o- j ; . lure, permanent!/ < ura i i > , wftoo&t detent lon f • •»• ftlrr-A'fH 1m »l'i , (o bl llf , ' a »tu<lj ;to 1f,.; |.ur« 1.1.. f. • ... to Iho thoroui(h i*amln«li<.i: ~ : , ful » t . (cn<lon giv< ii |,atlcnl» ilur..i.• t. m *lO yean>'e»tAl>Ukhm<-ntl>o>iri-i-r^ Trralmtnt b.y Mi.ll , t 1 ( .. , i.«l| v . omcenoon,9A h, to 2 c m.i. ,•. » u «ti day .Saturday (ill V I*. II . i M>n<t Dlniup tvr "MOTHERS* FRIEND" mffiS CHILD BIBTH Colvln, La., Doc. 2,1888.—My wlfo uaed MOTHER'S FRIEND before ber third confinement, and aaya aho would not be without it for hundreds of dollars. DOCK MILLS. Sent by apreM on receipt of price, $1 tA par bot t Is. Uook "To Mother* " mailed line. BHADFIKLO RCOULATOf? CO., roM S«K aTAUDNuaaitTt. ATLANTA. OA* For Sale i>y J. C. Rt-dlck. READ AND BEMEMBEB For «trlcily pure ami reliable KTHAHIIIT IjglJOIlH. call or. Ia ET. FIIVTCH, It HJUTIIMKMI KT.. PITTNRritUH, P* ; '("pp. Mononguhela llouoo.) Malehlen [or family une ami Medicinal |.tir -1 iow"i aro I'lNnrHMll.lil'.N WC'IDIMI, « All tl (MUKKNH KIM I'll H WfHKKV. > per <Jt. , MVKKIIOI.'I'.H WIII-KY, f (1 rjf h l)lt,I.IS<;Kll8 WIII.IKY, ) forsV Oood* neatly PACKED and promptly »III|M«'<I KKKK OK I'.xrv.vHK 011 receipt of ctuili or poet office order. tar'Nothlng exnretised ('. O. 11. Send for I'rice Cotton Root ■ \ '' reoenl IIIITOIIIIJ BY M old pliynl' lan. Muceev.fullv u*ed BR aHy J monthly r.y IhoUPUnd* or wfly. y f.adl't In theonly prefectly Mm »afe and reliable medicine y Mwotun), Beware or an drugglMt who or- I' r Interior medicine* In place of thla. Axle for COOK 'H CCITOV UOOT I I.MI-OI NI., taku no Mibatltute. or inclow $1 and 1; CEFI t M |II POHTIIK'T In letter, and we will wild. Healed, by return mall I'ull teal ed particular* tu plain envelope, to ladte* only. ■Z (UntilAddrc« 1'1.M.1 I.ll r , No. .'I llnljer ll|o<:k. lietroll. MUJII. Hold In lllitler by (• N. Ilo.vd. .1. K. I'alph, .1. C. Kedlck und drtiinrint* everywhere. NEW CUSTOM (JRIST MILL I have placed ill iny Mill 11 flrnt dan* Roller outfit for Hack wheat Floor. AI no Holler Cum ami Chopping Mill*, all the bent the market offer*. (Jive u* a triul, well do our hunt to give y ,,u (food turn out. Running every day except Sunday. WM. F. millkr. 313 N. Wanhington St., Butler Pu. THE CITIZEN MISCELLANEOUS HOME MEAT. la 5M Vwmy MMtbU Bra »o m Wma. ffTf Hol4lar. "Ton never ate horn* ftMfc, I top four said Lieut. Ruseell, orf t&a fi*T 'enth United States carairy, to a Si. Louis Globe-Democrat naa. "1 har« seen the time when I ate it with gen uine relish, and that, too, without any salt It was in 18T7, during Gen. Miles' J?e* Perce* campaign. We had followed the renegades up the Missouri to its con fluence with the Yellowstone, and the chase was so fast and exciting that w« didn't realise how low our lardsr was getting until it was drained, and we were getting too far away from the base of atmnl'«• It. The game had all bscn driven out of the country ahead of us by the fleeing In dians, and when we finally caught up with the redskins and forced them to light we had almost nothing to eat for several day*. We captured about seven 'hundred ponies from the Indians, some of them so round and sleek and fat aa to appear to as the finest meat in the world. Our butchers killed the young est and fattest of the ponies that night after the battle, and as 8008 as they wen skinned sad dressed we hsd • feast that would hare made Locullux turn green with enty. We lived on this pony meat several days. It wai cooked without salt and roasted over a spit, like a barbeensd beef. The meat had a peculiar sweet taste, not at all pafetable when I think of it now, and it was so fi brans that we oould pull it apart in great strings. But it kept us from starving, and I therefore can heartily recommend pony meat to people in dire straits." AUSTRIAN MARRIAGES. The Queer Cere many Attendant Upon S Fordo Alilanoe. The quaint old Austrian custom of * bride being cast off, as it were, by hei countrymen when she takes to herself a floreign husband, was an interesting feature at the recent marriage of Arch duchess Louise of Tuscany. In describ ing the ceremony the Brooklyn Oitlzen says: "The archduchess entered the church followed by a long train of royal and noble Austrian ladies. They stood in a semi-circle around her until the moment the bridegroom placed the ring upon her finger; then they turned and left her, for she was no longer a coun trywoman of theirs. For a moment the princess stood alone—unattended; than a number of Suon ladies ranged them selves behind her —she had become * Saxon. At the marriage of Marie An toinette this custom, which in her case was observed only on the French fron tier, had a pathetic denouement. When the Austrian ladles attempted to leave the new dauphinesa of France she re fused to be left and, as if foreseeing what her fate would be in her adopted country, clang to them and entreated them to take her back to Austria again. Actual force had to be used to separate her from her attendants." A Trill* Too OootL Chappie—l wish to—aw—purchase an umbrella. Dealer—Umbrella, sir; yes, sir. Here is something just out, sir—ten dollars. Chappie—Oh, not that kind. I've got one of that kind, don't you know. 1 want something to use when it wains, don't you know.—-N. Y. Weekly. FIILINQ DOWN lJf THE MOCTH. TfETH FATTUCTFI WITH PAIN.* " —Chicago MaiL His flrnt Lore. Young Downio—l'd propose to Miss Ilaughtie, but I'm afraid she'd only promise to be a sister to me. Miss Haughtie'n Little Brother—l think she'd promise to be something nearer than that. "Do you, really?" "Yep. I guess she'd promise to be a mother to you."—N. Y. Weekly. Mickey In it Kail flight. Mistress—Well, Uridget, and how la your husband? Washerwoman—Shure, an' he's all used up, mum. Mistress—Why, what alls him? Washerwoman—lndadc, thin, mum, last night he had such bod krcains that he couldn't slape a wink all night, mum. —Life. Neat ly half a century of uninterrupted KUCCHKH M thn euro of cough, cold and in cipent consumption IISH given to Dr. Hull'* Cough Syrup, u reputation not possessed by any other similar remedy. It in s aor erign cure lor all diseases of the throat and cheHt. —Thirty- two mlk maim factories at Lyon*, France, have decided to make exhibits at the World's Fair, and each one in striving to make the finest showing. Lyon* in the greatest silk manufacturing centre in the world, mid made a maguiflcinnt display at the I'oris exposition. It is reported, how ever, that it will do still better at Chi cago. —Characteristics of Hood'a Karssparills: The Urgent Sale, the moat Merit, the great eat Curea. —Conaidering the coinpoaite character of our population, would in not ho well for thd greut newspapers of the country to call public inert by their proper names! It uinHt be rather confusing to naturalized citizens to find that the destinies of the nation are In the hands of Jims, Bills, .Iliken and Hanks. Lane's Family Medicine Move* the bowels each day. In order to be healthy thin is necessary. —They tell s story of a tramp who rang a doctor's door bell and asked the trim, pretty woman who opened the door if she would kindly a<k the doctor if he had a pair of old trousers he wax willing to give away. "I am the doctor," replied the plump and pleaaing young woman, and the tramp fainted. —The la«t eggN thrown at General Weaver hit a reporter. Thin in going to far. If those fiery Southerners cannot improve tlieir moral* they might at leost improve their marksmanship. Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic care" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito U days. Its action upou the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The "first dose greatly benefit*. 73 eta. Sold by J. 0. Kedick, druggist, Duller. She wears a collar and necktie blue And a man's straw hat with a ribbon K«y. And she wears u pair of suspenders, too, Itnt they dont keep anything up, they asy. Chainbcrlaln'u Eye and Skin Ointment. A certain euro for Chronic Soro Eyes, Totter, bill'. Kboum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sort*, Fever Soroa, Eczema, Itch. Prairie S»-ratcbea Sore Nipples and Plloa. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases havo boon cured by it after all other treatment had failed, it Is put op la 88 and CO oeot Uiioa- AGRICULTURE IN RUSSIA. Til* Farmer* Are Not in LOT* With Their Calling. The predominating trait of rulers (m Ceesar downward is an invincible kjrpDcrisy. People of education and ex perience are invited to occupy them selves with agriculture, but they are well aware that no sooner have they arrived and settled down than they will be unmercifully expelled again. The Jews are blamed for avoiding agri culture, and are accused of not wishing to live by the sweat of their brow; yet they are forbidden to colonize without the pale or to own property. The Jews might round on his persecutors and ■ay to fhom- "You condemn me for not taking kindly to farming, while you yourselves, Pharisees that you are, have reduced your farms to the last stage of impoverishment. God be praised, we Jews hare had no part in it; but to envy you or to wish to be in your position is more than can be ex pected of us." All this talk of agriculture, says the Contemporary Review, is mere clumsy hypocrisy. The peasants fly from the land, happy, indeed, to flnd some other occupation. Others are not permitted to take their places; those who have the right are too ignorant to do anything, and the result is—chaos. A HUNGRY MAN'S DREAMS. The Banquet Always Vanished Just aa He Depa to Eat. One of the worst evils attending penal servitude is said to be the hunger which assails a man with a healthy ap petite during the first few months or pears of his imprisonment, says the Boston Globe. A man who has just done a long term for forgery says; "I used to go to bed every night pinched by hunger. I began dreaming of banquets, and would have thought nothing strange about it had not the tame dream come to me every night. The banquet was always the same, in the same place, and I always had the same place at the table. "The exasperating thing about it was that just as the first course was offered I always awoke, so that even In my dreams I was not permitted to taste of the munificent spread which was night ly presented to me in my sleep. "I dreaded to go to bed, because the dream tortured me. It only made me the hungrier, and I the® understood the agony of Tantalus, the fable hero who was tortured with thirst and to whose lips the waters were ever com ing and receding just as he was in the act of taking a drink." The Hirer Kile. Egypt has been rightly called the "gift of the Nile," which not only Irri gates the soil, but manures it at the same time with the deposit of fertilizing mud which it leaves behind, and without which Egypt would be as barren as the Sahara. For the Nile mud rests on a bed of sea sand, the whole valley betwoen the first cataract and the sea ha ring been in prehistoric times a narrow es tuary. The soil thus formed by the Nile Is chemically unique. It contains sixty-three per cent, of water and sand, eighteen per cent, of carbonate of lime, nine per cent, of quartz, silica, felspar, hornblende and epldote, six per cent, of oxide of Iron and four per cent, of carbonate of magnesia. At Cap* 3&my. "Clara, I'm engaged to be married already, and I've only been here two days." "You sweet thing! Who is the happy man?" "Dear me, how unfortunate! He for* got to giro mo his card."—Chicago News. And llack Again. "Miss de Trap had on the longest gloves last night that I ever saw. She buttoned them from her wrist to her el bow." "That's nothing. My girl buttons hers all the way from home to the the ater." —Chicago News. COSTL y HIMIIM. Poor Cupid thinks the Umo* aro hard; He'a glum aa glum can be, I saw the boy not long ago— Lamenting loud was ho. He says his darts are coating more Than o'er they <!ld of old; For, now, to make them kill ho has To have them tipped with gold —Pack. She in delighted with it —Mr* Hannah Moore, Hebron, Neb., write*: "My mother had a swollen knee caused by a fall. — I purchased a bottle of Salvation Oil. We used it and I never saw a remedy work no well. It took tho swelling down immedi ately and effected a cure. —An offer of $120,000 in ea*h has been made for tho exclusive privilege of selling peanuts at tho World'* Fair. The Cholera Scare. If indeed the dreadlnl discate *hould be come epidemic in our land why not protect yourself in timet Kvery physician will tell you that a rtimulant i* ah*olutely nee essary to aH*i*t in mastering the diseurc, and all firHt class physicians agree npon one man'* liquor* lor purity, age and rea Honable price*. They refer you to Max Klein, of Allegheny, Pa., who will upon application mail you free of charge a com ulete catalogue and price li*t of the many kind* of liijuors for sale by him. His "Sil ver Ago Hye" at $1.50 per quart, is not equalled. Hi* "Uaquesne" at $1.25 ha* uo Huperior. Hi* bottling of Guckenheim er, Finch. Overholt, (SibHon and Hear Creek at SI.OO iter full quart, or i>ix quart* for $5.00 are all reliable and pure Pennsyl vania Itye Whi*kieK. For llrandies, Gin or Wine*, either imported or dome*tic, uo other liquor *tore in the htate can or will do a* well for you. Address Max Klein, 82 Federal Street, Allegheny, I'a. —A pplicution* for space in tbn Klectrici ty building at tho World's Fair aggregate 1188,0(10 Ki|tiar<t feet, while only 18.1,000 feet aro available. Foreign nations have already been assigned 08,000 feet, mid several of them Hre urgently unking for mure. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It in manufactured an 11 powder, which can be given in a glaxs of beer, a cup ol coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, aud will affect a permanent and speedy euro, whether the patient is a inoil erate drinker or an alcohofio wreck. It has been given in thouKaiwls of cases, and in every Instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once imprognat ed with the Specific, it becomes uu utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address, Ooldeu Specific Co., IBG Karn St.. Cincinnati O. —The sunny side of tho street is no longer held in disestoem. . —The more tired a bycicle is nowadays the faster it seems to go. Coughing l.ead* to Consumption. Kemp's Italsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. The engineers of the hot drink fountains aro beginning to oil their machines. Consumption Surely Cured. To TUB - Flaws inform your ruittin that 1 ban A poallivn rnm«tr fur tho ilxirt named <Jh; -M limoly IIM» thousand* of hollies* c«Moa ham 1 1 "i ITtuatimiMy mrrd. I shall t*» glad to ■•ml tw.» . of my r*mody KHKK to »ny of your revlnri *w /j have oottaumpUnn If tbojr will ■etnl uiw Uirli Kiprint and J', o. xtdraaa. lta-apm-t --f»W*. T. A. BUA.UU. M. C.. 181 l'««rt fit. N. Y. IT IA 't ia Licautiful and Cokta you || |\ Nothing To Ix-autlfy ami nilorri your liome a with a HUperli snmple IIIKII Art 1 Crayonet Port rail "t mis of your lutiilly. Him ply write your name r »nn on 111" back nl the H H I'hoto, awl ,eml it to us at oner. LJII 111 Kneloae stamp* for photo's safe re turn. You are not sxki'd to (my a 'frame. Your pr»lw our future pro nirvn nt ' AlUriniH ull letter* to K. .) \I/H Ptephensou, !>rwi. and <«'" Manic. UJ/LliX "ufTalo Portrait Co. .Ml Main street. lititTulo, N.Y. "CITIZEN" and NKW YOKK WEEKLY TRIBUNE for only $1.50. !12 Years Sentence. Twelve years experience for your benefit. For twelve years we have been in tba boggy business and io all that time not a single individnal has accused as of misrepresenting the quality ot a vehicle sold. It most be a satisfaction for erervoue to know that they have a firm that never misrep resents— and that years of experience enables them to know the quality ot , work tbey sell. Our < that of any other similar concern in the State, and we feel so good that we have a notion to jump out of our 3d story window —but we won't—for now. just before the Fairs we want one great big busr month, and are ready for it. We have the goods and must make prices so as to induce customers io buy quick. Remember *e keep everythiug pertaining to a or team outfit Now look at a few prices: Leather halters 50 cents, team work bridles 90 cents, buggy whips 10 cents, a whole set ef buggy harness $4.75, a full set of wagon harness, with breeching, for two horses $18; heavy leather fly nets $1 50, wagon and buggy cushions 75 cents, top buggies $45, two seat spring wagons S4O, etc. Vehicles of all kinds; harness of all kinds, lap dusters and everything used in connection with a driving and team outfit except the horse, Now don't be backward, come in whether you want to buy or not Walk in just as you would into your mother's room —you are just as wel- | come. Take a ride on our new elevatcr, fret. Now do come. If you don't need anything come walking right in and say you don't want to buy but look and you are welcome. If you have a package of any kind you can leave it here until you are ready to go out of town without charge, our location is central. i Remember the place and remember we are the first and only persons who ever had enough energy within themselves and confidence in their fellow citizens to bring down the price and depend on increased sales to compensate them. We did it. You appreciated it and dealt liberally with us aud now we want the crowning month of our life Harry, now come alo*»ST. get ready for the Fairs and drive thereto in just as good a rig as your neighii'°f* _ , „ Respectfully, S. B. MARTIN COURT & CO. S. 13. MARTINCOURT. ]■ M. I.EIGHNER LADIES MB CENTLEH WE take pleasure in announcing the fact that we now have on display and on sale an immense stock of goods in the following lines: Press Goods in all grades, styles and prices, with the very latest things ia trimmings to match. MILLINEJRY IN all the new thingb the market affords Hata and Bonnets gotten up in best style "while yoo wait." Ladiei', and Children's Wrap*, wel! made and style and fit guaranteed. Carpets, Oil Cloths, LINOLEUMS. Mattings, Rugs, Carpet Sweepers. Lace Cartains' Portiers, Poles and Fixtures, and all kinds of Domestic Dry Ooods We always have the best Blankets and Flannels, and the Standard patterns are acknowledged to be the best made. Call in and get a Faßhion Sheet. All the goods in our different department* are marked in plain figures at the lowest prices We not only keep Standard Patterns but all our goods are Ptandard. We do not handle seconds. Ladies'. Gent's and Children's Underwear a specialty. RITTER & RALSTON. . ALL PERSONB INTENDING TO SINK WELL G are respectfully requested to call on or address, FV FRANK C. MCGREW. IvaV Who is operating a KEYSTONE DRILLER and ia || \V prepared to drill Water Wells, Test Wella, Air Holee |\\Y for Shafts, etc. Drills eight inch or lesa. ALL MY WORK GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS. Twtv i Agent for Leffel Improved Wind Mill, Standard llj.iranlic Hams,and all the best makes of pumps. For any further information addrsa, FRANK C. McGREW. 316 Bluff St., Butler, Pa. "DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO 19 GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. , KINGS, ninmnnrl* I ear-rings, 1 JlcllllOl 1( IS j SCARF PINS, ' STUDS, f GKNTS GOLD, 1 LADIES GOLD, aiClieh (GENTS SILVER LADIES OHATLAIN, Tnnrolvir ' Go,(i I>in8 ' ' 'Wt/II V Rings, (?hairiH, Bracelet*, Etc, {Tea nets, castors, Nutter dinhes iiEfssAx: * RODEIR :BHOS. W7 E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 139, North Main St. BUTLEJt, PA. Jewelfy, Clocks, Silvefwafe, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 j>er cent by purchasing their watches, clocks aud spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All arc Respectfully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department — 20 years Kxjierience."— -LEADING HIUIHEIIY- Our Fall Milliner} trade has b- m very sattsfartory * i*r. although we have r m *f hintrtl at o» iiiiftfff— cdhdiM mi mmm headwear. This assortment is now complete N«t only wr the finest-pattern Hats, Bonnets, Turbans «n«! T->ques show n, but the innumerable articles that are so necessary Jor a first claM MiUmarry department. I sun KS'ISM DAINTY AND STYLISH al AY MILLINERY lor THK A SPEi IALTY C H I L D R E JiK iIKAHK>T Yacht Caps. Victoria Flats. Russian Caps. Sailors Hats -i<- a number of other styles D. T. PAPE. 122 S. \l«ir\ Street Bui tier. I IB REMOVAL SU BEGINS OCT. (». YOU WANT FURNITURE. WE WANT MONEY. We ex]*xH to minipv our new store al)Oiit Jan. Ist. We want to move as few goods as possible. We will irive vofi orices that you can't help hot huy. A #35 PaT?°r Suite for *2."> no A 45 " a 36 00 A 55 " 44 00 A ir>Bed Lounge for 12 50 A 20 * 4 44 15 <K) A 5 Rocking Chair for 375 A 8 44 44 500 <fcc. Call early tor these irreat barsrains CaniplK'll & Teinpletoii, 136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa. A. FIX LCI) KACTT. That SI MEN sell* •*<»» *«* eh #«*rha« .|«ial»t «-• at meh 'mm p>ia«riMt fm rant help Hut hti* wk#a roe i«t a at tkM* Child'* PabW* <'««t Batt«>a £*•••>•. *—* 3 r» 7 iji at Mr. Children'* «»r*n Barton Shoe*. *»ea H>ll ««■*. Children « k d Butt.*. Sh.«e* mm* S «• I. * -Or Girl*' (irtui Kalian Am*. 11 1» 2•! 23*. GifV lid Button **•••, • 11 *• 2ai*t <» Girla' Pebble t««at Button «a*» !««•-•« #* «• 8..J- She lara «.r t>ntum. Mlt« U>> 91 r> II - Bov'a Mom. lara «r bottae *«ee Jt»J.a««l' •> Oram Bott«»» Ml, at II <» u» « * Laaii M' Ki<t BntUW Pfcnaa. at M«» te f£«> Mm * Lk* Shoe* at 11 •» »l 35 #! >' acl K«• Mrs'i lirain T»t»r?rwf -ih««w* at #1 J* »»«t K *' Mrg'i Oratß W at»r*>r«»»f B>*»'- # f." •*' Url'a Hn*t Iwlut lfc»il <. Mil 'i I" > 1,: Jto\a' H»arv IMM B—»- fl * ** •» m»u « i'atf »«»•«. •» rr«» t» %i •»» 8m the Calf Button Ski»* t*>* Men - *'»r • ■' La lies Call Skin and Oram Waterpr.*'' .«y>•»-. alt l> I » RUBBER BOOTS RUBBER SHOKS: THE BEST QUALITIES AT LOWEST PRICES. Moh'h «fc Lmlie* "VOc. to J^l . AT G. 1). SIM EN, 78 Ohio, Cor. Sandusky St. ALLICHwf, *A » NEAR MAtlttT HOUSE. Presidential Campaign of 1892. GRAND INDUCEMENTS TO REAPERS OP THE CITIZEN. The Presidential Campeiffn M MM •«. w.ikom 4mm bm rk. mom iataniwij int#reatin« and *«eitia* ta tk« hw*.»ry tk* Tniwd Mmtmm. mmt conntrr p»>pla will hm #itrrn»»lT Mi"*" t«» kar» *ll tk* mmd political newa and at tb» day a- pr-*ati>d >a a S*t»>mmi Journal, la tdditioa to that aoppiuNi by tk«r pmpmr To mm*t tbia want mm kavo vatarvd into a r..ntraet witk tka NEW VOKK WEEKLY TRIBUNE Tha Ltatiinff Republican Pupwe of th« UNI TED STATES which #nahlra o« to odrnr that apl#nd»l ( jwrnal f r»<ulsr •.»>*-»!»• fHmrn || 60 prr y—r) and "THE CITI/FN" hw <mm Mar Kor«>iily cn?th in wfranrw. N Y. Weekly Trlhune, ' reaalar prx-w par fmmr §1 OO The Citizen," " ~ 130 Total «2.50 WE FURNISH BOTH PAPERS OIE TEAR FOR Sl5O. Subarriptions may h»»ia at mt t»wr This ia the moat liberal r. i»btnati..n .ft* ***r made ta the Teitad Stat**, and arerr r»ar|or of "THK CITIZEN" akoald take adrnata** •»' »t t one* Addteaa all order* to THE OrriZEIV, BUTLER HA. £>*s TM O COLD HEAD gift <Vmsm Hm."* i* m bv*, -mf «* If*** *»•» «*a * * _' muirAir aterM H <*• kmd. m&fm * I i- »>*■■» 50C EIR BROTHERS. 56 WafM S!rw. »EW TSRH. 50C
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers