| -Paris Robes Belford Cord- New Spring Dress Goods . L, H FOR EARLY BUYERS: > We received this p3 week our first shipment of New d o Spring' Dress Goods and through 5 this advertisement we extend a cordial invitation to you to come W and ]ook through our stock ( whether you wish to purchase or not w O - TROUT MAN'S- 5 is § Leading Dry Goods and Carpet i House. -Henrietta Serge- WILL"— YoU=s== LDDK«^^ AT OUR [BOOTS AND SHOES| SUPPERS IA Iff PI | OXFORDS All the Latest Spring and Summer FOOTWEAIi AT Vogeley & Bancroft's Artistic in Style, Reasonable in Price, Reliable in Quality. See oar men's Que shoe, congress and iace at $1.25. See our ladies fine kid button shoe at SI.OO. See oar ladies fine oxford tie, pat. leather tip at 75 cts, See oar cbildrens ghees from 25 to 50 ceats. See oar other Popalar Price Lines. Plow Shoes, Working Shoes, Fine Dress Shoes of all Styles and qualities at the LOWEST PRICES. Base Ball and Tennis Shoes Visit our store and we will please you. VOGELEY_ BANCROFT No. 347 South Main Street, OPPOSITE WILLARD HOUSE, BUTLER, PA. SWITCH OFF! If yoa hare been running in the wrong direction there is no reason why yoa should continue to do so. ROBINS BROS., South Ea6t Corner of Diamond offer inducements to all who are alive to their ova interests, every body is invited to come in and see oux shoes and hosiery. These goods can be bought nowhere else at a better advantage than at the undersigned. If you doubt this, drop in and see for yourself New Goods, Best Quality, Perfect Fit. Remember The New Boot and Shoe Store. ROBINS BROS., S. E. Corner of Diamond. • Near Opera House FOB THE HOLIDAYS ONLY JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., - Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invited ■"""Remember Our Repairing Department—2o years Experience."— JOHNSON'S 4tfODYH^ LINIMENT \) V 2T7S2iTAL iid /f AFTcR -ENErtATION—. WA have USXD Asc m-rsstn IT. c-ne^ on Sugar 9 Chit'l rrn Tore Jt. Every Traveler ahonld tLave a bottle of It In hw sut« hoL Every Sufferer alien, N«uraUriA, Nar row Heedach*. Pipbtlierim Oooffha. < 'atarrh. Bronchitis, Asthma, Cholera Moitraa, IATP • in Body or Llmha, Stiff Joint* or Strains »111 flrd In this old Anodyn* toilet and wedy m « Pamphlet free. Hold ererrwhere. Priee 35 et*., by mail. *• 1 »ottlea, I Expreaa paid, L SJOOKX9OX & O '.. I*-»Tv>. lUm. HUMPHREYS' Dr Humphrey.' lipecifle. are scientifically and care full T prepared Remedies. used for years In private prinfoT and for over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every single Specific ttseeclal cure for the disease named. Tbev cure without drugging, purging or reducing the system and are tn fait and deed the cm r r.-U u Remedies of the World. LIIT or rvNCirii xoi ccm. r*" 'a I_Fevers. Congestions, Inflammation*.. Worms. Worm Fever. Worm Colic .'ii 9— Teething? Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .'25 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults. .23 7 -Cooghs, Colds, Bronchitis .'23 5— Neuralgia. Toothache. Faceache. .25 9 Headaches. Sick Headache, Vertigo . .'25 10—Dyspepsia. BUk*an»«.Constipation .'25 J 1 —Suppressed or Pniufnl Periods .'25 l>/_ Whites. Too Profuse Periods *25 13—t roup, l.aryngitis. Hoarseness . .'25 14—Halt Rheum. Erysipelas. Eruptions .'25 15— Rheumatism. KheumatlcPains .25 16— Malaria. Chills, Fever and Ague. .25 17—Piles, nilnd or Bleeding .25 I®—Catarrh. Infloenia, Cold In the Head. .25 3®-Wboopin»Co»«h 'M 27-Kldney Dlmbms 2S-»rTOB« Drbility 1.00 SO - I rinary Wrak»M». Wetting Bed .25 SolS by Dnu«t»u. or #ent po.tp.id on : of price. Dm. nrtmnri' M.XT-.t, 1M w« *.asp rai ■TWITBKTS' ■*!>. CO., 11l A 111 Willi... St.. \.w Tork. SPECIFICS. SIO.OOO will be paid for a recipe enabling us to make WOLFF'S ACME BLACK ING at such a price that the retailer can profitably sell it at ioc. a bottle. At present the retail price is 20c. TVs cT-r is open until Jatmary ist., 1893. For particulars address the undersigaed. Acme BLACKING is nsadc of pure alcohol, other liquid dressings nrc made cf water. Water costs nothing. Alcohol is dear. Who can shot* us hov/ to make it without alcohol so that we can make ACME EI ACKING as cheap as water dressing, or put it in fancy pack ages like many of the water dressing , and t!.;n charge for the outside appearance in stead cf charging for the contents of the Lottie ? WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. PIK-RON is the name of a paint of which a 25c. hrttle i, , 1 1; h to make six scratched rnd dull 1 c' 1 . . look like newly (ini-hr i r >• | It w ill do many other remarkable ii- . „;J| no other paint can do. Ail retailers sell it The slSKpl. sppUMUon or 'T jSWI. skin .ilsT'w* in illkuieir MM by drocgfiu. or Mvt by »»U tot W «H. AdJwM 01, ■w.ris * S»», rv ask jwa •"«« c •" or . Kr-.jrJ P.HAROL? MAV;.S O. I XMUT- I - rr*"-| - • ' FOR MEN ONLY! IfJlilil-in'" LOOT or TAILDIO *ANHOO\ *nd DiJlXiTxi m" J1 Irt 111 of Body acdXmd, Cffecti r>ili<4kl fc illlnf Errors or Exoestes in Old or Tounf. R»Ltt*(. Noble il A.MtOOD fully Kntor»<3. i!«w In and otr»n*thf a W*4K, I.II»RTILUPKIIOK<.A S*M PA K TB OF fiflDT. AbtolotflT nafklilac HUHK THKATIK.\T-B«u«flt* la a day. ■«a tMi'ly tri m 60 £tau» aad y«rfi(a Coaatrlf a. ffrlU then. PescrlblUa Huok. rtaiutUaa aad proof* aalltd (a«al«d; frea. Addrtu ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. r\ DOCTORS LAKE msittt fl I'UIVATK DKPTOSAKY. i . JR COR. PENM AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. , PITTSBURGH, PA. _ AHformtiof Delifiiieand Com via». W.i, P-. J plicated Diseases re<iuiiinnf *ON PIDFNTIAL aiIIISCIINTIKH' Wlti icaliuu lire treated at this I>is lion-ary with a sik;c(x«i rarely attained. Dr. 8. K !.:iko Is a member of the Royal College of l'liy <ii::mr" and Surgeons, and Is tne oldest and most uxm-rienccd m-KCIALIHT in the city. Special at tention given to Nervous Debility from excessive mental exertion. Indiscretion of youtli.etc., caus ing physical and mental decay,lack of energy, lespontlfucy, etc.; also Cancers, Old Bores, Fits, t'iicj, HiiPumatism, and all diseasesof the Skin. Mood, I.UURS UrinaryOrgans,etc. Consultation tree and strictly confldentiaL Office hours. !l to 1 and 7 to 8 r. M.; Bundayi, S to 4 p. m. onlv. ■ill at iiillce or address DBS. I.AKE, COR. I;NN AVE. AND4THSX..PITTBBURUH.PA. DIIOTIIRC I We the undersijined were nU' I Unt 1 entirely cured of rupture by Dr. J. H. Mayer. 831 Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa., S .lones Phillips. Kcnnet Stiuaro. Pa. ; T. A Kreil/. Sla'lUtfUm, Pa.; E NI. Small. Mount Alto. Pa.; KPV. s. 11. Shermer, sunbury. Pa.: D. J. Dellett, 211 S. Twelfth St.. Read I tie Pa.; Wm. Dtx. lsy; Montrose St., Philadelphia; 11 1.. Rowe. :m Elm St., Reading. Pa. ; tleorge and Fh. Hurkart, l.w Locust St., Heading, Pa. Send for circular. Cotton Root A recent discovery hy an old MtJSx -mI physician. Sucessfnlly used moritl.ly hi thuusatids of K/f* yf Ladles. Is the only prefeetly MM sste and reM.ible iiiedlcine discovered Beware of un- Urupsjl-is who o'- Inferior uetlleines In place of this. \sk fort'ooix's POTTON UotiT ( o.M!*oi'si>. take no substitute, or inclose II and c cents in postage in letter, and we will send, sealeo. by return mail. Full seal ed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only. 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Company, No. 3 Fisher Itloek. Detroit. Mich. Sold in Butler by <'. N. Boyd. .1. F. l ulph, J. C. Kedlek aud druuirlstsevervwhere. s W^^rr S s For Information and free Handbook write to MU.NN A CO., 3til BUOAKWAT. NEW YOKK. Oldest buruuu for (eearlnK patents In America. Brerv patent taken out by us 1B hroairht beforo the public by a uotlro Ktv.'ii frw of charge In (no Scientific American rirculatinn of ony papor in the world. Hplemlidly i Hunt rated. No intelllffent mj»n Hbonld bo without it. Ior: fI.W six mojiths. Address MUNN A CO., rUBLiijBERM. aJI Ifro.vlwjy. New Vork. READ AND REMEMBER For strictly pure and reliable STRAIGHT LIQL OR3, call on I. Iff. FINCH, 18 HUITHFIELB ST., PITTSUrBbU, PA. |(Opp. Monongaliela House.) Matchless for Family use and MeUclnal pur pooes are FINCH'S GOLDEN WF'JDINO. All (1 GCCKENHEIMKIi S W HISKY, r>er qt. ; OVEHHOLT'S WHISKY. f «; qls. IHLLISGER'S WHISKY, j for 15. ooods neatly packed and promptly shipped FKKK 01 Ext'Exse on receipt of casli or jvist office order. exiireiiseil < O. D. Send for Price List. THE CITIZEN MISCBIit ANEOUS I • BEATIXO HIS MF*." —Puck. A Dlleiuma. "I say," whispered the hotel clerk, as he stepped into the landlord's pri vate office, "you own real estate in this city?" "Yea" "Well, a man has just asked me if this is the best hotel in town." "Of course you told him it is." "I haven't answered him. I didn't know whether to boom the opposition hotel or give the town a black eye."— N. Y. Sun. Didn't Know She Wu One. Mrs. Bias—Look here, Dncle Rasmus. 1 was talkin* to Sistah Manthy yistah day, and she tole me that when yon was up to her house, las' Sunday, you up and said I wasn't nothing but an ole hag. Uncle Rasmus —Mrs. Bias, what for you suppose I want to call you an old hag 1 , when I neber knowed you was one:—Jury. Rolling In Saccei*. "That carriage contains the most suc cessful poetess of passion in America. All of her verses have been printed." "Friends in the publishing business?" "No. Fses a typewriter." —Demo- rest's Magazine. Not Hart. Sh« scys she hates me ardently. But I gyiore not; in sooth. My soul Is full or gladsome glee, Bocaise I know Penelope Dotsn't always tell the truth. —Judge. A Sollcitou* Employer. Penwiper—l would like to get off to day, sir. I Head of the Firm —Oh, that's all rifht, Psnwiper! you needn't say any more. I hope your dead grandmother will have ft food time.—Puck. Tlie Unattainable. T» those who've felt misfortune's sting It must scorn rather funny One really never wants a thing Unless he has no money —Judge The Song »f the Heart. Lady (in music store) —Have yoa g»i "•weet Belle Mahone?" Clerk—Xo'm; but I've got sweet Sarah Slimkins, and we're going to be mar ried to-morrow. —Detroit Free Press. A Gentle Hint. H»—What do you regard as most aential—beauty or wealth? She—Well—er —I'd marry wealth. If I ware you.—Life. In NnbibuA. "Ha7e you promised to be his wife?" "No —bis fiancee." — Life. Quirk at Figure*. Young Featherly Are these your children? Mrs. Brand—Oh. yes! The boy is five years old and this girl seven. Young Featherly—Well, how time flies! It*ii»'<-n't seem possible that you have been married twelve years.—Lea lie's Weekly —I). 11. Waller the druggist, desires us to publish the following testimonial as he handles the remedy and believes it to be reliable. I bought a 50 cent bottle of Chamber lain's Pain Balm and applied it to my limbs, which have been afflicted with rheumatism at inteivals for one year, At the time I bought the Pain Balm I was unable to walk. I can truthfully say that Pain Balm has completely cured me. R. N. Farr , Uolywood, Kan. Mr. A. B. Cox, the leading drnggist at Holywood, vouches for the truth of the above state ment. —The best method of handling bees is by proxy. —lf you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa rilla do not be induced to buy any sub stitute article. —The natives of Palestine are said to call drunken men victims of the ."English disease. —Try I>r. Gram's Grand Mother medicine no cure, no pay. Three months treatment SI.OO, for all blood, liver, kidney and Btomach diseases, at J. C. Itedick's. —Greasy dishes can be washed with ease by using tepid water with a tea»poon ful of kerosene oil in it. How to get Thin. The only safe and reliable treatment for obesity, or (superfluous fat) is the "Lever ette" Obesity Pills, which gradually re duce the weight and measurement. Xo injury or iuconvenience—Leaves no wrink les—ants by absorption, This cure is founded upon the most sci entist- principles, and has been used by one of the most eminent Physicians in Eu rope in his private practice "for five years" with the most gratifying results. Mr. Henry Perkins, 29 Union Piirk. Bos ton. writes: From the use of the "Lever ette" Obesity Pills my weight has been re duced ten pounds in three weeks and my general health is very much improved. The principles of vour treatment are fully indorsed by my family physicians. In proof of my gratitude 1 herewith give you permission to use my name if you desire to do so." Price $2 00 per package, or three pack ages for $5,00. B r v registered mail. All ordres supplied direct from our office. The LKVKRETTE SPECIFIC C 0.,339 Wash ington St., Boston, Mass. —A tree was cut in Puget. Sound forest the other day, from which seven cuts were taken without a knot, their combined length being 179 foet. The treo scaled 48,000 feet. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic enre" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Butler. —A mixture consisting of equal parts of chloroform and ether will remove oil spots from carpets. Money Easy Made. H. F. DELKO A- Co., Columbus, Ohio. DEAR SIR: —I bought a Lightning Plater from your agent, Mr Morrison and made $45 in two weeks, plating watches, jewel ry, table-ware, etc. I got all the work I can do. 1 hare sold two platers. Enclos ed find $lO, »Rent's price for them Ship by first express. I want the agency for one county. Yours truly. Write above firm for circulars. JOHN MURRAY. —Over one hundred foxes have been killed in the vicinity of Ebensburg in the past couple of weeks. Chamberlain's Eye and Ointment. A certain core for Chronic Sore Eya?, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Soald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch. Prftirio Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and faoothlng. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all ether treatment had failed it la put up in 25 mid 00 cent boxes. * rtKNTU THOrOHT. / & . Tired Tim—Phwhat are yo leeriu' at de poster fur, Mike? Misery Mike—Oi'm t'inkin'. Tired Tim—T'inkin' ye've got no fifty cints? Misery Mike—No; t inkin phwat a a blessid t'ing 'twud be if we wuz in nercent little kids ag'in.—Puck. A Pica for Engagement*. Old Uenpeck—Nonsense: The idea of talking about marriage! You and my daughter haven't been engaged over six months. Young Man—Do you believe in long engagements, sir? Old Ilenpeck—Certainly, my young friend, certainly. The longer the en gagement the shorter the^narriage.—N. Y. Weeklv. A Liberal Offer. The Judge—l fine you fifteen dollars for fast driving. The Prisoner—Fast driving! that nag! I say, jedge, will you take the hoss and ten dollars in payment for the fine?— Yankee Blade. Which She WM. Neighbor (on the street) —Good morn ing, my little dear. I never can tell you and your sister apart. Which of the ♦wins are you? Little Dear—l's the one w'at's out walkiu'. —Good News. Her Mew When Twelve Yeari Old. A damsel of twelve who disliked boys wrote an essay- upon them, in which she said: "If I had my way, half the boy» in the world would be girls and the other half would be dolls." —N. Y. Sun. —Some of the Grand Army boys may be interested in the following from Alex. B. Pope, A. D. C., Commander. Dep't. Teun. and Ga. He says : "We have had an epidemic of whooping cough here (Stewart, Tenn.,) and Chamberlain s Cough Remedy has been the only medi cine that has done any good.'' There is no danger from whooping cough,when this remedy is freely given. It completely con trols the disease. 50 cent bottles for sale by. D. H. Waller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pros pect; Breadeu A Allison, W. Sunbury. —A sprinkling of salt keeps vermin out of a carpet. —A farmer of Chester is much puzzled over the fact that every day be picks up fiity eggs from his heuery and there are only forty-nine hens and a rooster. Either the rooster lays eggs or some of the hens lay two eggs. —ln almost every neighborhood through out the west there is souae one or more persons wh"se lives may have been saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rtifea Kemedy, or who have been cured of chronic diarrhoea by it. Snch persons take especial pleasure in recommending the remedy toothers. The praise that fol lows its introduction and use makes it very popular. 23 and 30 cent bottles for sale by r>. H. Waller, Batler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breadeu Allison. W. Sunbury. —"Something that should be looked in to" —a microscope. —Living in a garret may be said to bo fa rheumatic difficulty. Spring Fever. The gradual opening or the budding trees and the shooting upwards of the blades ut grass are signs oi the advent ot spring. The tanner Is already at work stimulating the growth ot his urop by lert llzers to Insure a rich harvest. Nature needs stltnulallo i and why should not man? The system needs building up alter the attacks ot Grippe and cold, and the only tonic is pure Whiskey. Max Klelu.ot Allegheny, fa., lias the endorsement oi eiuuiluent physicians, certify ll>K'-O the purity of hl»famous silrer AGE ana Duuut-stir K\e Whiskies, bold everywhere at sl..'io ana »1-i per lull <iuart. Mx-year-old Penn'a. Kye Whiskies, absolutely pure at ii.uO per quart or u quarts tor $5.00 Send lor cata logue and price list or all lauds of liquors tJ Max Klein, fri Federal street, Allegheny, l*a. —What a young mau who has a best girl wants is to hold his own. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, alter sutlering lor several years with a severe lung atfectiou, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his tellow sutler ers the means ot cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (tree of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will hud a sure cure lor Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all suffered will try his itemedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing, will please address KEV. KDWABD A. SVILSoS, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. —Labor-saving machines arc all monu ments to "that tired feeling." —There are too many people in the world who use their nest-eggs to make cake of. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the European plan. Lodgings, 25, —35,—0r 50 ceuts. • —Whan a mau is not very bright it seems a hardship to leave him to his own reflections. • —Actors aud lovers have one trait in common. They often 'make up" with each other. —"Oh mamma, why does the preacher always say "lastly' in the middle of his sermon V —All other thing* being equal, a bary tono voice in a man and a contralto voice in a woman will wear better and last long er than any of the others. —lf all the babies born in one year were laid in a line, head to foot, they would stretch from Xew York to Hong Kong. If thev could walk past a coruer at the rate of twenty per minute it would take them sixty years to pass. —ln France and Germany horses are now vaccinated for the glanders. —Ten days per annum is tue average amount of sickness in human life. —A Chicago man advertises that be has a recipe wheieby a blackmail may become white. —Dr. Hubert Flagg, of Haydenville, Mass., recently set a broken neck, and kept it in place by a iron head piece. His patient now seems as well as ever. —No matter bow moral the Chinaman may be, ho is nevertheless a man of loose habits. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tue iDiro*:—l'lewo inform your road<;» that 1 have a positive remedy for the above-Bauied disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. X shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if thsy will seoil me their Express aud P. O. address, ttespcct- JuDy, T. A. SLOCUSI. it. C.. 1811' earl St.. N. V. This Is The Lowest Price Ever given on a Bed Room Suite Solid, Polished Oak, class 26x30, beveled plate. FOR $23.00, We oiler this suite for 30 days only. Our Bed Room Suite tor sl9 You can't get elsewhere for less than $23 to $25. We don't only ofTer the above goods at low prices, but anything in our store away down in price. All we ask you to do is to examine our stock and you will say as we do--best goods for least money of any FURNITURE store in the country. -nmr-- Campbell & Templeton, 136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa. i rmip nnnm LADIES IHe EM BR'GHTDONGOLA IN THE MARKET FOR & 51.25 ■-* Width from BtoE E. Styles—London, Common Sense, Opera aird Xew York Toe. THIS IS A GRF.AT BARGAIN and is equal to most shoes usually sold #2.00. Don't miss this rare opportunity to o*et a real bargain. We also have o O this shoe, with Patent Tips or Cloth Tops as desired. Offered by AL. RUFF, THE SHOE DEALER^ . RINGS, Hi am mirk I EAR-RINGS, LJiaillOlK Ih 1 SCARF PINS, I STUDS, r GENTS GOLD, W-. +, 1 » LADIKS GOLD, atCiieh (GKNTS SILVER LADIES CHATLAIN, "IVkW£klf*7 f G ° ld l>in8 ' Kar " rin P 8 ' tl t Well \ j Rings, Chains, Bracelets,'Etc> {Tea sets, cantors, butter dishes and everything that can be found in a first class^stce, RODGER BROS. Ill) ! S;:,rh.,r" s - n " E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER. No 139, North Main St.. BUTLER, PA.. Lore Is NO -SURE CURE FOR EVERY CASE OF ASTHMA" or 1 A "EVERr CASE OF HAY FEVER." but in. worw can*. * ® '/ uncomplicated by organic disease, am be % B H V* ■ M 1 TO STAY CURED | to I .V by constitutional treatment. ■ i i W k pm- M Ibum*. J Wc treat \ u thor- § knowledge of the W A M Incurable Cases Declined. TB Kx&mltiutlon fr,*- by ruall. M A I We want name and address of. „ I|| every sufferer from Asthma or Hay Fever. VB ■ L AY E "Well begun is half done." Ik-gin your house work by buying a cake of SA POLIO. Sapolio is a solid cake of Scouring Soap used for all cleaning purposes. IVy it. , J SPECK. WM " «• J I IRK LKAMStt WHOLESALE HISK AM» OU II M ot 01 WESTERS R't>>SlLTiMi. Tlie Wm. H. Ilolme* Co., Distillers of "Holnnrs' licst and "Holmes Old Economy | PURE RYJQ WHISKY, All the leading Kye and Bourbon \\ hiskies in bond or tax-paid. Importers of fine lirandics, (iins an<l Wine». SEN ID FOR PRICE LISI Telephone No. 305 . 120 WalerSt. and 158 First Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa A MILLIXERY TRIUMPH THE Leading Millinery House, D. T. Ripe. Our line of Milliiierv incomplete in every respect. We invite you to in vestigate, and we claim that our stock is the most attractive in Butler countv. 1 rimmed hats and l>onnets, flowers, jet crowns, pins, laces, braids, crv|>es, nets, etc. M ourniiig Millinery in ijreat variety. P APE'S 1 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. 1892 STORE BIRD. S5 IYo. 9459 KECORD 2:35 JLT FOUR YEAH 9. (Bought of McFerran St Clancy, Lomaville. Ky.) Sired by Lord Russell, Full Brother to Maud S, 2.08 3-*. Kr-mfm 222 r Uda deClare. 2*». K ag HnrnmH I S, ret <Ttl< of _.30 at ton ye*r« of a*e. Thia ia more :hac aaj >ther «»a .-a at «m Ist Dam, Storm, record 2.26 3 4 B, Middiatown, Mo. 132. Data oi Gale■ Wf ia 110$, Storm Sir* «f t*r»aj» Barf i2l. Have J214 T&Z: r^2i?ZF m * 2d Dam, fireen Mounta n Maid .. By Harry Clay 45, recort 2.29 Dya ol Elaip*. 2.20; Pr-Mpero. XM Skr» rt *>>*-«<». i*. , V L'r r. J, r 'V --- M * n * ***!*»•. 2 2**** 4mm* »I >t ;»bri toeM. . - : -* I AMoeio. 2 2Bf lllf; lindane 2.1»t aim tfc* imt ? 231 elec iLKTMirin. TIONhER. * ire of Hanoi. 2 Palo Alto, 2OH J; Arion. i 2" 2.10(.and set en other* in 2.30 STORM BIRD h»* for jcraad Jam* i.reen Monntaui Maui and M two jrri ite- mwf- Va..r»-, to trotting hi>r«* tiutorr W» • IM . », tni# year more liberal than any other horw of equal mmr\ TERMS: SSO TO INSURE. Sent! for tabulated pedijfree BUFFALO HOY, , P<*ahoota» Boy. I 7'» rwonl 2 SI. *r» ol Bufei* i.r* 112. «*r-a B*- 2 1.4. - m-*. 2 J». tnd f«w> teen others m 2 30 and tetter lat .Um Uvly S. record 2.V) at 3 ji*r. <Ua» of £.!«•! I Star «rr» af SIN* Star *. J* ■die by Amerrac Star. Jr . 2f»» 3TTi 2d .lam Mi** Cadmit, dam of Stephen M. record 2 2». b* Ua» l.iaud !)• em rMM thi» per rent, of bttmd » Vtlumi ll#, .»* rvgttlatMi -rwlt» TERMS: $25 TO INSURE. Both hor*e* will be fonnd at my ham 3. sH»> aortlna -if Prnnpaef. >h»n I will be pleawd to -lw» them at all ciom*. SaMtatn *w*pt«l. f „ »Hli«re*.«r «b« •wr-b*r information call on or iidre- ALOIZO McCAHDLESS. ISLE. PA. rf 8T • Grove LOU IS "• «"■ m 9MO (i-ERt'HEROX ) Itla. li Hor»e t<Mkled 1-wW English Shirt Sire Ben S«i< 109 T. 1 „ n „ m , B*jr H.»r«e im7. A gnat Dam Dum..n» M ! ' A lar/e rai.fr hor.e and a perfect pec. <,r*4 y r ro«tn« K*« «S» 4wi WarMMfe man of the illnarion* lamily of N'ormtn Dran«kt< TH«S EXi.LISK <*BIBE • mm nan4t Prononnt-ed by all the be<! of all purport* *•! 'k* al! tra-»r t *«wr»» »*»4 horw a« n—le? offcO ..I M***ar 'WM Weijrbt—MOO ptx.oA*. {[ y* »**- ■"*' TERMS—'TO l!TS( BE - - #lO 00 TIKMS—TO - - fH«» The alx-Te de*cr >e<l h<>r<>j wll «»» il ftr .for i| i&« <•«*>•* of (•*;*• follows Monday a::d Tie»lay of aarh we*fc at Prufml Pa. and th* n r—i-wlt -4 the week at the stabl* of the owner in .nlb»«t rt<rn*r tf Brarff t»w»s*ip ♦ n la* north of I Via pec t. ll atlor ( ••anty. I'M. Pr'.jter t are will be taken but a>> aei-o«atal»'!.ty tyiaiil J. P. DAVIS, Proprietor. Prospect. P». HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, BU I'LER .... I IJNN'A DEALER 15 Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. Waiihinjr Machine, tIM Standwt) Rotary Shuttle Hewing Machine. 2*<o»> utirbee per minutp; the No. §» ~ American «ewinc machine. T aim Singer and Km pre**; agrtcultorml implem»»nra and farm arairone-. New M HFm Sunshine k Howard r»|w, K M St uvea, tnhle and packet m B o*-;., ■ cutlery. haiuing lampa; J manutacturer «f tinware, tin iff roofing an<i upoutintr * *pec /|r ialty; the Johnston moer*ff», reaper and steel lram»* binder, arTen ready mixed paint, warren ted; screen doors anil windows, refrisr»»rat ors and lawn mowers. No better place in the city to trade Come and w mv large store rwm lull ot good*. fret long. WHFRE A CHILD CAN BUV AS CHEAP AS A >1 \N If yon are interested ia tJ*fd»aio< f ali ml 1 a»i i f»r aw BO )K Of fLOWEBS. PUNTS & SEE S It tella bow S»felr. -»1 r>o -** i e-v-a-* ti»o »•»* •»*«'* and • ID-*: reliable'" t|* « , *. +-.|a. eUr. al l *' .a I ' jritb th- p'ißtinir.u-i iiC 6»»e en/rarioifH aifl vr +nr*4 th« k » • *•** imr eomiU'in«en#» *«» »er» attr*. ti*e to *»er ceauiaaira W- w* » ik* » ■«* k.D(I a Packet of" Wild Kl )»r ijrf leo S*-l* ( *al-«ed at 10 » :v*» two cent etaapw. or if yoe w» in created kat k»r« mn mm fie th« <—■ i* • pivtal card will do tbe'bu-in-*«; * *r tHrw n »a# *.«!*-. the other Write now. Mentioa tbie pajier HARRY OH A A PEL, WillianMp'wt Pa * HAY- FEVER W Jz'M \J Cold-head I^S gift Crmm Balm U not m Ufuid, mmf mr ***** '* ** _ _ T iirkl v mbmrbM. It eUmmm W 4*4, IJ l f*.*— _|| 50c a No System or Method CAN COMMM FAVOMUt WfTM IW 9 OOLEY CREAMERS. n^oo robmtrra ar UliA OM fweatktu Of >•. 1 -at mt 1 pM »••*. *• f» 4 .as .( i r>r »»■«. •* •* I I .*• .1 1 e>r C«a«. •* W. •• « .as of i e*r **»•• •* •* j ,*a .i i r" '»•«• •**<• j;raualltb. buf. rutrr.j«tarsuia.aiMla.acaa■•«•**ttatkaavawa 23 COLD MEDALS, vebwont FARM aWMIW jWha» '+*■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers