We Have Just Opened Aii v Boot Md Shoe Store on S. E. Corner of Diamond, where we will f ; ale eyerjthing in the way of fine foot wear. OUR STOC K |B fall and eomplet« and eonaigts of Hand J Turned, Goodjear Welw and machine Sewed. Men and Ladies fine shoes a specialty Oar prices are light, and our shoes coma from the best factories in the t oited States. Ererything|in our store is new and of the latest styles W« Mk a share of your patronage, and will give yon the btst goods at Bock Bottom Prices. ROBINS BROS., 8. E, Corntr of Diamond. Near Opera House EVERYBODY will tell you that Hitter tt Ralston s wraps are the best made and the best fitting wraps in the market, and if von want muslin underwear that at Ritter & Ralston's you can secure full size garments, well-made and at about the same cost as the material. But to cut the story short, it a well known tact that you CPJ get all kinds of dry goods, carpets, wraps, furnishings and trimmings at the most satisfactory price? at RITTER & RALSTON'S. | -Paris Robes Belford Cord- New Spring Dress G oocls _L ,L H FOR EARLY BUYERS: > Q. _ . We received this ~ HH ? week our first shipment of Newj c] 0 Spring Dress Goods and through J this advertisement we extend aj 02 cordial ln\ntation to you to come t W and look through our stock whether you wish to purchase or O 1 - TROUTMAN'S - 5 § Leading Dry Goods and Carpet i House. -Henrietta—Serge- j Otxristmas Gifts For Everybody. Beftutifal Preaeats that meet all demands and satisfy all wants ID great variety to suit all tastes now on ezhibittoo al Redick's Drug Store Fancy jrooda and Noreltieß, Toilet Articles and Notions. Wbile we can sot describe or enumerate oar great variety, we are very glad to show them to all visitors. We claim lor our stock excellence inqnality, va riety in, design and reasonable prices Whatever your wante may be.we can Meet tbem with beautiful and apro priate selections. We solicit a com Mrlaon ot our goods and prices. Knowing you will find our Holiday goods the best and cheapest. Respectfully, J. C. RE DICK. FOR SALE. A general store in a good locality and doing a good hasinc!**. Good reasons for selling. Terms reasonable. Inquire of L. S. McJUNKIN, Butler, Pa. FARM FOR SALE Tbo ondcralgnM wtu sell tun tarm.contalnlnt; »t*ty seres, mom or less, and Ideated in Adauis Twp., on U» BvMUburg and Mam road, near llaiahaU and Myoma stations on tbe P. & W £ K aad near U» Callery oU Held. It contains a good bouse, good bank bun MxJi, rood outbuildings. Kood orchard, level and good nound. two springs near bouse, pump B baru. sod all In good order. . Inquire ot or aodresx James Davidson, Myoma P. O , Butler Co., Pa FOR SALE. U/n. I will offer for sale a number of lots situated on tbe blch ground adjacent to u. R. Ooueher. Esq.. and tbe Orphans' Homo. The Uad Is laid out U> squares ot sometblnc less than one acre, each nquare being Rurrouuded by a 50-(oot street, aad containing Uve lots 40 Met trout bf 1» feet back. TUese lots are offer ed at verr reasonable prices and on terms jo tult purchasers. Tbose wbo wisb an entire MMI« can be accotuuio(U!e4 AifiO-I will N(l my farm la Summit town - gUlp.situated within due-bait mil, of the Hutler tgm gb llae. adjolalng lands of James Kearns and others, on tbe lUlfarstown road, sod con- SlillM nfim —T It will he sold either as a whole ordlTlded to suit purcbssera. For further tnformatloa in reunrd to cither of tba above properties, call on J. y. Suillvsn. n* Esst North Street. Butler. Pa. MBS. VALKHIA SULLIVAN. Advertise is the CiTiziv. LADIES Muslin Underwear- Muslin Gowns at 50 c.,75 c., II .00. $1.50 and $1.75 each. Muslin Skiru, plain or triiniued *> lll Emdroidery or Lace at SO c.. 75 c., SI.OO, $1.25, and $1.50 each. Muslin Drawers, plain or trimmed 25 e. to 85 c. each. Mnsliu Chemises, 25"c. to 50 Eaeli Always.best. Values in Hosiery Hats at half price M. F. & M. Marks'. 113 anil 117 South Main Street FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, ROBES, HARNESS, -A_nd everything in horse and buggy fur nishing go ods -H i* - ness, Collars, Whips. Dusters, Saddles, etc. A-lso trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment of 5-A. Horse blankets in town will be found at Kemuer's. A. E. GABLE, V eterinary Surgeon. Graduate of the Ontarip Veterinary College, Toronto, Canada. Dr. Qable treats all diseases of the ! domesticated animal?, and m n .kes ridtrling, castration aud horse den tistry a specialty. Castration per ! formed without clams, and all otner | surgical operations performed in tbe i most scientific manner. Calls to any part of tbe country 1 promptly responded to. • Office and InGrmary in Crawford's Livery, 182 West JeffersoD Street, tfutler Pa. i . . p- - • | t ,«• . 1...1 te|tl,-.n», * • •«- •• L.-. -J ! -r.- • 10. 1.! >callt; | » ...i. i. 1 ,'rr»-n nvj. i«t r,in_.cnt pobiuo# . %. v toßot* t* N.' 7 JOHNSON'S 4#odyh£ LINIMENT x ke-v O7 - \J V 7:r *ai ZXTS22TAL rf AFT^ENERATION^ ON 7A vz USED A>X BLESSED IT. J>ff) 4 *)jW on Sut/nr 9 Children. T.nrr Tt. Every Traveler »uoui.! liar© a boUio ot tt In hij» satch*»L Every Sufferer dtica, Neuralgria, N~r row HeadSciic, Wphtheria, Coach ' -aLarrh, Bronchitis, Cho!( m Uoritas, I>i.\rrh r-iv. [AITII n- - H, Horrnt-wa In Body cr limtM, St it Joints or Strums. «rili «r. . in thU 01.l Anodv-o r-Hef nt..t n«<-ly rat*. 1-wnf.lii.* frer. SvM rv rrwh r". Prirr » rts.. hy mmll, 6 bottfra, tor" M pai.1.54 X. .JOHNSO.N' H I iiosTO*. SUM. # HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPOTCS Fcr Eor:os, Cattle, Shesp, J:ga, Hcg:, AND POULTRY. ,500 p a4i' Bonk :>n Tr< uii.nnl of Animals and Tiicrl r*"Ul I'rpc. cii Frvc: s,('o:ti;r»ii I iiilnramn i ton I.A.' >i»lnai »lIIU I'PV.T. 8.8 Strain . l.auicuei--. Uli< umntiwn. ('.('.—llintmperi ?iiit-»iI Hist harm <. U.D.-Kno or lirul,.. \V E.E.~<'onuJi«. Ilenvrn. IV.- anionic. F.l'.-Ciillc or <irii>f~. Ilelly»<i»e. (S.CJ.—i; I ri-1/i . 111-morrlinacs. IJ.li.— i rioni'J n:id Ki«in« .v l»i»> .1»«'■». U.-Ernflirf D!"rn«M. J.K,.—lii»c<i>- h ol I.i-tv-ii.n- Paralysis. Stogie Bott J • r "'. - .«• i $7.00 Jnr Veterinary l'ur< Oil, - 1.00 :• t/.-iw J-Iti er irtfli a.i ■ «.rc »®4 la «"T qnaMlly ca rrt ■ i|»l ol I ; * f '■ BCarl'.KlVs'iiß.lO., WW. ! I". ?t.. V » Turk. mp ea s ys' HOMEOPAIHIC £* » WffT rrrrnr Nc.fi a lc use 30 yi'HTc. The <ml*«oee»--'n l ret: -ij'or Nervous Dehiiity. Altai Weakness, §2?" V WIWHI l< 111 - v : u,S«rtar» ieuseAicOf j pure alcohol to make WOLFI BLACKING. Aieohol Is good h ■ itisp Ifurtheskin. Alcohol <■ t i::. rc ient of Cologne, 1' loriii t \ I lay i'um the well known fu< > . O there is nothing 1.-JO « in a good leather preservative. Acme Blacking retails at - and at that price sells r>. v"'!' . jieople are so accustomed to 1 • ;yli ing or blacking at sc. and 1' • that they cannot understand th: ; a 1 I: ' lag can be clicap at 20c. Wev a;.t to rt them with cheapness if we can, aud t . complish this we offer a reward of SIO,OO frtr a recipe which will cn.-n ■ \VOI.FF'S ACME BLACKISO U'T that a retailer can profitably m:1 i' bottle. We hold this offer open Jan. Ist, 1 M»3. WOLF" & RANDOLPH, Ph:"- ■^foiHTMEHT^^J 0«M bj dnttluvf by man for <«*■ tWAYirs 4 Pv Aak jvar drugni»» «>r is. f^mSsaj^«^^FArawoisnoOX I' J t"",(JWf Generaland HEKVOUS BißU.lt V, Rim 3 iMI &< | of Body and Kind, T-S'ctt U '•'. I.t iJL ii J.lii ■'( Errtm or Exceuei in 014 or Yojny. K'.KoMo M ANHOOD lblly tlMlori'd. Ila.r lo ralcrf c %n<! 81.-. ustfc nHEAIi, I >l»KfF.M>r*Don«ASß*PAHTßi>rfoi)f. lb.' :11 v unfai: ur ISOMK TUKlTJlKM—Bpofflli !s i. Her. '.i «iitry froi.j GO kui !"»r» Ijrn iooatri#*. YirlU them. 0- •;• »•• Hi;* L f 'pl«r>r.tkitl and proof# mallM f.mled; frv* A*iiUlfc MEDtQAL CO., BUFFALO. M. Y„ DOCTORS LAKE ' •', * «7 Coh. Penn Ave. ano Fourth Bt. "t ' PITTSBURGH, PA. I' jijt . Allforimol l>Pli'-:itean<l Com pii' .iled Ulst'i-cm rcqiiii iiia('"N V -ii Ij» J'l!>l SMAHtudSI'IKNTIFIC Ml d •iSl kaiiuii arc treated at this 1> i - - >• v.ih a Miccess rarely attained. Di S. \ ■ a member of the llo> al ( y!i • and Snrfceons, ami is tut' oldest ami roost t-il specialist in the city Special at ,.;i .ivenloNervous Debilltj Pom excessive • ■ \e:-tii>ii,incli.s:-retion of youth, etc., caus al anil mental decay,ltuof cueryy. ;r' ,cte.; also Chiici ■ *. O'd Kifs • u'n;itlrm, and R'.t di# sot the SI in . I'l Ki lIV '■ c'un- It'll 0,. . :: ,ctly ci«iil<U'n»ial. OflloohourVJ t" . 7 •-> 8 '•'. 31.; finnduye, 2 to 1 T'. M, only <,<• ,-j or ad lii l-t'*-. 1 \KK, Co/t. \\ I . AND4TIIST..I'J'I rSUi:iMiII,I , A. PIIPTIIBP T We tW nndei Une-I were U » line. . entlr'iv . lifd or nruure fov Dr .1. •;. Ma.v-:. «$! Ar"ll Vl., I'liil.i flpli :i. fa . s. lift Plutlim. he net Sq : ir.'. I'a. ;T. A Kri'l'/. st:t ln»{ton I*. : t:. M. Small. Mount Alio. Pa ; Rev. s tl, -lu-riM-r. BHAW ■ ■S D. I >l-1 let I, it s. : • ith M.. Hemline Pa.; Wm. Hi-;. I-.'. M.Uiti St.. Phlladelphi ; II 1.. j: -a i- . !in st . it..:.llti'_r. i'.i : ti-nrife and I'll i'-i-i i. irt, 4: :i l/icust St., Heading Pa. send lor elr I'ar oo I■' > Cotton Roi i co*w»o»». «&7 rfc/ ''7s A recent dNc .ver/» :.\ in old fisii ji< physician. suct used Blfa, \ m<»r»t ly by thousands of Mm V ' IkHi only prt-f«• 11> Wgg- s tbi«- »H 'lictnt* principle ! rs who «> Inferior ri»**«iicin«*» l»> j»li»«-e of thin. «sk forCooK'tt rorr >v IftjuT ( |»Mi*Ot.vr». t;tK«* «:0 >1 i' »ifr. or ioel «i i;. i 6 n's in postage in leuer. and we will <»enii. VM!l*<i, >y return m-ttl. 1 *»«1! se.il »"l ;» rtl *ui.ir> tn pi tin Jo 1 i only. 2 stamp a ;<l<i >n PonU Lily r«»mp4uy. No. :f F1««l)*»r Hlofk. Detroit. Mich. Sold In HuMnrly \. itov<)..l 1". J. C. Ke<il :k und dnuKistsevervwlierp. For Information unj free Handbook write to MUN T N & CO.. 3CI UnoAUWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for ser uiinx Pfttents In America. Every patent taken out by km in brought before the public by a notice ptven free of ciiurge la too Scientific American Laru-e&t circulation of tir.y scientific iiuper in tbo world. Splendidly illustrated. No man shonld i»e without it. Weekly, tt.'g.OO a year; fI.V) six . ■ th- \ddre»s MUNN A CO., PUULISU£Its.36I Br Now York. A. J. FRANK €O, DliL'OS, MEDICINES, am> CHEMICALS' FANCY AMI TOILET AKTICES, P->NGE-j. BHUSIIES. FEBFLMERY, iiC W.'.iyj'diit;' Pres.:rlptlon* ct o uil JI 5 S Main Street, Butler, Pa. YOU CAN FIND „ jn ill- in I'iTTSDt:K* ii ut il.c't Advert itnr liunu«i '»f ZX REMINGTON BEOS. sLo nil] contiMct lor at THE CITIZEN M I.SCEL'.AN EOUta- A Warning to Favorite Soiu. The little boy picked himself out of the puddle where his rude playmates bad thrown him. He wiped the mud from his velvet trousers, his silk stock ings and his lace collar, and straight ened out his long, golden curls as well as their demoralized and bedraggled condition would permit. "This," he said, bitterly, "is what comes of being mamma's little pet: Chicago Tribune. ,\ Superfluous Son. Mrs. Portly Pompous (to daughter, in presence of visitor) —Do we know the Hoggs, CfaraT "Really, I dun't think we do." Billy Pompous (who has a good mem ory)—Oh, ma, what a fib. Didn't papa say he owed Mr. Hogg 85,000 and he didn't know where in the world th* money to pay him was to come from.™ Texas Sittings. AN EXCUSE. | I Burglar (app< ling unexpectedly)— Lookin' for anybody, gent? Man of the House (on the warpath)— Ah—why—cr—excuse mc yes no— Why. you sec, the fact is, tiie doctor — er—toid mc to take exercise with Indian clubs; I—er—must have gotten this pistol by mistake. —Puck. The Boy Was Careful. Little Son—Papa, my new sled is broke. Papa—That was a very pretty little sled, and I told you to be careful of it. "I was. It just broke itself wliiie we was ridin' down Breakneck hiil on it." "Who were riding ou it?" "Me an' George an' Jack an' Dick an' Bob an' Fatty an' the rest." —Good News. He Hail Been Tried. A Texas gentleman applied to a friend for information in regard to a certain man whom he wished to employ on his ranch. "Is he honest and reliable?" "I should say so. He is tried and trusty. He has been tried four times for stealing horses and got clear every time," was the reply.—Texas Sittings. A I'ractlcal Alan. Deacon Hayrick—Goin'to marry Pen elope? Sho! She's a nice gal. but she's older'n y'r poor dead an" gone wife was, you know. Farmer Rakestraw —1 know it, dea kun, but no one else kin take my dear wife's place. Penelope is the only one that's got my wife's own receipt for punkin pies.—Good News. The IVift an I tiic star. Tberc was r. p.« i !n olden times Wbokmtla t :r. out he love-J In vain. For I: rook r:i h ir.ore tlian hi- earned with rliymrs To pay what it cost for the star s champagne. —Judge For a number of .years I have been subject to violent attacks of inflamatory rheumatism which generally lasted about two months. On tho first of this uiouth I was at tacked in the knee and Buffered severely for two days, when I procured a bottle of chamberlain's I'aiu. Balm and it relieved me almost instantly. I therefore iuo.it cheerfully recommend it to those who are .-iuiil.iry afflicted everywhere.— li. I). Whitley, Martindale, N*. C., Feb. 1888. Mr. Whitley is a promeuent man in this place and his diseaso was very widely known as he suffered such severe pain. W. M. Houston & Co, Merchants, Mar tindale, X. C. 50 cent bottles for sals by I). 11. Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pro spect; Breaden Jo Allison. W. Snnbury. When you find two women conversing to day With earnestness, if not afraid To listen, yon'll surely hear one of thea say: And how are you having it made?" —This is a good time to scatter lime %bout damp and foal places. A little care in thin respect miiy save much sickness and trouble latter on. —Hood's Sarsaparilla is absolutely tin urq ailed as a blood purifier and strength -fling iu ;dioine. —To be misunderstood by those we love is the bitterest of all. —One of the sweet privileges of an American citizen is to ruin a fire and find fault, with the firemen. —Try I)r. Gram's Grandmother Medicine, no cure, no pay. Three months treatment $1 00, for all blood, liver, kidney and stomach diseases, at J. C. Rediek's. This is a very wicked world to the un sophisticated man who bucks at other peo ple's games. How to get T;;in. The only sale a id reliable treatment for obesity, or (superfluous lat) i- the "Lever ette" Obesity Pills, wliic'i gralmlly re duce the weight and measurement. No injury or inconvenience—Leaves no wrink les—ants by absorption, This <ure is fouuded upon the in sci entific principles, and has been used by one i f the most eminent Physicians in Ku rope in his private practice I 'for five years'" with the most gratifying results. Mr Henry Perkins, 29 Union P.irk, Bos lon, writes: From the use of the "Lover ette" Obesity Pills my weight has been re duced ten pounds iu three weeks and mi general health is very much improved The principles of your treatment are full v indorsed by my family physicians. In proof of my gratitude I herewith give you permission to use my name if you desire to do so." Price $2 00 per package, or three pack ages for $5.00. By registered mail. All ordres supplied direct from our office The LKVKRKTTK SPECIFIC C 0.,339 Wash ington St., Boston. Muss. —A man never realizes bow much val uable advice his neighbors have to give away until he announces his intention to build a house. Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheuuiutism and neuralgia, radic ally cures iu 1 to 3 days. Its actiou upon the system is remarkable aud mysterious. It removes at once the cause aud the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Butler. —Chloride r f gold is the only salt of importances obtained from the yellow met al. The chloride is used in coloring glass, also in photography. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, Bait iiheum, Scald Head, Old Chronio Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch- Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Filea. it ia cooling and t>oothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment had failed it Is put up ia SO and 00 cent boxes- Johnny a»«l Hi* Top. Papa—See the spiiler, my boy. spin ning his web. Is it not wonderful? Do you reflect that, try as he may, no mau could spin that web? Johnny—What of it 0 Sec me spin this top! Do you reflect that, try as he. may, no spider could spin this top?— Chicago Inter Ocean. t'lihcaru-ol Threat. Fweddy—He nwsked me if I had a chaperon: Baw .Tore. I'm coir.jf to g-ive him'a piece of my mind. Cholly—Do it: It will paralyze him. Ole chappie—it will paralyze him: —Chi- cago Tribune. What She Kxpected. l'erdita—Are you going to make him gire you a ring with a solitaire in it? Penelope—No; one with two or thre<t solitaires in it.—Jury. Strictly PrlT»t«>. She—The bride's father giros her away, I suppose? He—No. He sold her priTaUly.— Life. 'EARLY 6ETTI.KKS." ~ii fil An t'nkind Remark. "Did you go to the masquerade last evening. Charlie?" "Ob, yes." "Wliat as?" "As a gentleman." "Indeed! How in the world did you disguise yourself?" And then the atmosphere grew chilly. —Cliicaso Times. Corroborative Evidence. "I consider the pen mightier than tho sword," said McFecder, as he trans ferred the last two pieces of pie to his plate. "I don't doubt it," said his meek, little wife. "Your habits at the table mako it seem very probable."-—Puck. Rct. 1 link riunk on tloneaty- Most men are honest wen dey know dey are bein' watched, deali breddern, but do true test ob honesty is wen a man has a chance to steal somethin' without bein' discovered an' he declines to do it; (fat's wot I call honesty ob d* eighteen carat stamp. —N. Y. Herald. in Oor Hoarding Hou*f. Mrs. Hamonex (the boss) Really, Mr. Scrimp, you shouldn't complain of my rates; I find it hard to pay my debts. Scrimp (grimly)—lf you paid in ad vance, madam, as. you make others do, you would have no debts. —Puck. The Fact In t lie Case. Mrs. Kindly (meeting one of the twins) —My, my, how much you and your brother look alike. It is very diffi cult to tell you apart. Twin—Hut it ain't so hard, ma'am, V> tell us together.—Detroit Free Press. —The priiniptm s.-. ami certainty of itV cures have made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tauwue. It is intended especi ally (or couih* colds, croup and whooping cough, and is the most effectual reined,) known tor these diseases. 50 cent bottle fur sale by 1) H. Wuller, Butler; Bowers, I't" t-pect; Breadeu & Allison, W. Sunnury. —There are two eclips mof t.u sun ev ery year, and (here may b- five. —Some one calls a meal on a rai lro:ul train "Easter.'" became it is a movable feast. —For every dollar that a man earns he Fees something that he wants that would Cost him two. —For years the editor of the Burlington Junction. (Mo.) I'ost, has been subject to cramps, colic or indigestion, which prostrated him for several hours and un fitted him for business for two or three days. For the past year ho has been using Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy whenever occasion requited, ami it has invariably given him prompt re lief. 25 and 50 cent bottes for sale by 1). II Wuller, Butler; A. Bowers, Pros pect; Breaden & Allison, W. Sunbury. —The older a min grows the more con vinced he becomes that he will have to be his own best friend. —Nearly S9OO has been raised at Oleaii for th« relief of the sufferers from the re cent cyclone in that place. —The Gentle Spring is having long bill ious spell. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored u» health by simple uieauH, alter sutieriuK for several years with a severe lung affeetion, *11(1 that dread disease Consumption, is tnxiouH to make known to his fellow sutfer -rs the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (tree of charge) a -11pv of the prescription u«ed, which they ffitt 6nd .i sure '-lire lor t oinuuipuori, \«lli lit, C.i U.i h, lir...iclniis au l all llima' t»el lung Maladies He hopes all sufferers #il) try his Uewedy, as it is invaluable. Chose desiring the prescription, which wil :>si thein nothing, aud may prove a bless (Uif. will please address RliV. KDWAKU A. WILSON, \\ liliainsburg, Brooklyn, Nt» York, —No man falls into a habit. A babbit must b» pursued and acquired. —A white veil has a very charming ef fect when worn by a dark-eyed woman. —The girl who is determined to many a nobleman or nothing, get both. —lf you want to make a boy work with out knowing it get him a safety bicycle. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor llote', corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the European plan. Lodgings, 25, —35, —or 50 cents. —Don't cry over spilt milk. Just pick up your pail and pass on to the next cow . —Mem. for defeated ctali I ttes: Prof. Mines, of Zurich, says that the most agree able death is by tailing. Many a raggard heart beats beneath a smooth jacket. —Just think of it! The frost is not yet out of the air and the umpire has called "Play ball" on the regular base ball sea son. —lt is seldom that one sees a cake walk. It would be less surprising to see old chee e skip. —A bill poster's business is a put up job. —The most wonderful thiug about a shad is how the meat got iu between the bones. Consumption Suroiy Cured. To Tar SDlTOß:— Pleaso inform yonr readers that 1 hare a positive remedy for the above-nauned disease. By it* timely use thousands of hopeless cases hare been permanently cured. I shall be glad to sead two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of ycrar readers who hare consumption if they will ssud me thnir E-ipress and P. O. address. Hespert 5D).r, T. A. a LOCUM. M. 0.. 181 Peari BL. N. *. FOR KENT. Farm containing 200 acres, located in Donegal Twp , well watered, good orchard plenty of fruit, good dwelling, barn, Rpring non9e, granery, aud best farm in the town ship for stock raising or cultivation. Foi -1 merly lieorge Gillespie (arm Apply to I ANDRKW FORD, Butler Co., Pa. Tbifs Is Tho Lowest Price Ever given on a I Bed Room Suite Solid, Polished Oak, class 26x30, beveled i>:a'e, J FOR $23.00, We offer this st>;te 30 days only. Our Bed Room Suite for 811) You can't get elsewhere for than 523 to $25. We don't only offer the above goods at low prices, but anything in our store away down in price. All ivea-k yuu !0 do is to examine our stock and you will say as we dc--bev ,'oods for least money of any FUENITURE store In the country. - Campbell & Templeton, 130 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa. PiTHE HOLIDAYS ONLY JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, Pure!lasers can save from -•"> to 50 j>er cent l>v purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GLUE IJ, The Jeweler, No. 125 X. Main St., - DuftV Block. w of Electric Bell and C|.>ck. All are Respectfully Imitrd —"Remember our Repairing Department — 20 years Experience. Diamonds I STUDS, ( GENTS GOLD, Wa. l • LADIKS OOLD. utclies ( GKN rs SIEVKtt L Al>l KJ+ CHATLAIN, (Gold Pins, Ear-rings, •I ( YVt; 11 \ ( Rings Chain", ( Tea set*. castors, butter <lifhe<« Qiluovwiro - ami everything that can 1* Oil V v~l V> <ll t I found in a first claHS^sto*®, BSDGEB IMS. Ufl IKiTi S~ * — E. GRIEB. THE JEWELER Ko. 139, North Main St. BUTI ER *PA.. fNo System or Method CAN COMPARE FAVORABLY WITH THE COOLEY CREAMERS, Inthi* i**ti:i(4»i»v t* imraiinD of thrrrfnn* Ifom Billlt. Tho only-tit r:. t- tl or « ' tot'c I method o* MMwijiitri raising tire mi. >kiwni< t luiik unai> tuv ><». 1—.04 of Ip. r ««■«». <>r fat. | It getsallthe butter lattrom the milk,aDUu.HkeHlJiiU« r that U#.-taken 23 COLD MEDALS. g—|. VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO.. Bellows Falls. Vt.l f m Jluuufaciurrr. «l rvcrylhloi h.pU hi Hairic. «>r < ramrrlea. Srjid lur t I„. o. W ICK DKALER IN Rough and Worked Lumbet t)Y*\LL KINI'f Doors, Sash, Blinds, Moulding- and Lath Always tn Stock.) LI M fc". HA I K AND PLASTKk Otilee opposite P. tfc W. i)opot, RUTLEK - Planing Mil! Lumber V an! J. L fU KVJt. L. O. I*UH V 8.6. Purvis&oo. MAKt'FACTI'BKIU" AND UEALKKf !>, Rouph and Planed Lumber ,ijr KV<kv N SHINGLES, LATH & SEWEK PIPE; Butler, Pa ffIraTOCIIIoA6EIITS yyj^jUciEW.A.M«TT.loo TURN ON THE LIGHT Ami let It "I 1""" ■•111 <»r; f aaii. mil child >|jgHv \""* »"•' Gosser s Cream Glycerine. It i» the ideal Cosmetic It .stimulate* the nerve*, quicken* circulation and came# away i'.eiul [litrUi-lt* of the *kin. leaving i' fine .md clear. It h,t-< no cqoal for Chap peil Hand*. Lip*, Face, or roughness of the skin. and i not excelled a.« u dre*»in|t fi>r the face after fthaving. It in a bland, creamy emulsion, with ju-t eii lugh vege table oil o sofleu tU« aklU. No lade or gentleman should be without it. He sure to get the genuine. Take nu substitute. "F(>r nalu b? J. C. Iledick, Druir- liutler, Pa. R£AD AND REMEMBER I'Vr ssnctlv pure »oil reliable STKMi.HT ; LIQUORS. call on I. IS. FIWCH, smnriuii . pittmh ui.m. i* <<» pp. Monaogabela HwM. Mabidea* lor Family use and IMScIMI t-ir- j |>»m are I IN- HSGOI.DEK W»"»DINO. All *1 i Ol ( KKNHEIMhKH UiIHKY. > OVEKIIOLT'K wni-iKT, • «*ta. J>II,USiiEK*a WHISKY. ) for to i. ioda bn>Uyput kr<l and promptly »bipj*d Kkce or KiriMi on receipt of cialj or j»*rt office order. expressed C. l» V for Pvtoe Ll»t. i ~ , AH9 PIWIiTW? '' . a i : »■«* ai*«r» prwrra ' '*tw-((•",< . iil. It rnro plartn;: an? 1 r A IVlTtUln* €*»»"«• ! '-C ID & THOMAS, r tbrm. "O uw - " -«*• oa»»<« J A MILLINERY TRIUMPH THE Leading Millinery House, D. T. Pape. <)ur line of Millinerv iseomplete in everv resj>ect. We invite %ou to-in vestigate, and we claim that our stock is the most attractive in Butler countv. Trimmed hats and bonnets, flowers jet crowns, pins, laces, braids, crepes, nets, etc. Mourning Millinerv in sjrcat variety. " P APE'S 12.** S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. i s -'- STORM BIRD. IVo. 9450. HKCOHD 0:35 A.T FOUR YEARS. (Bought of McFfrran 4 riiinrj. LnuirviPe. Kv.) Sif-ed by Lcrd Fnlt Brother to Maud S, 2.09 3-4. » 'l*7? i r* x * • J , E,o « Ba —*** «•*«• tiM. * or*» ot 2 Jtt at :<m yw 4 age. Tfria u» aur* tfcaa aay nuar *taUt»u m » i *?*• Ist Dam, Storm, record 2.26 3 4 By M'dd!«town. No. 152. }?•' ' ' 1 I tew 3if*WthMp M. Suit. 2214 Kifd, rr<'• t : X* 1 i-ttf ia ,H5 iifaocT - iff —H 3? 9* »*cti#r* a* 3d Tjph«H»s, rw«(M '2 3ss * * 2d Dam, Green M unta n Maid By Harry Oaf 45. record 2.2 ft i»*m fc 2» «# Wtawraai. 2.* Omm iJifc ? -.- *• 1 * m " J,' '■ -—• sm ■« tk» tim» «r i*t jat»a. ■Uf -». > 2 3*l. V-. -2 >J 4 111. 2. I*. aia. to «r*«B Ulna, 2 JJ>t II .r nrt». 23!. ES.£< KLtUTIO'SBKR TIONEKn - -i. ..! 2«*», |»4|« 2 *•{, A i. . ,2" 4 !•>§ *il ' maty Mrt •o •• • -!"* in 239 >roK4 ltlKl> i for fmxl torn. er~t> ».<«a«ri* M*»J <arf Iw Iwmll. -to *■' * s t«* tf " •»# '■ S*-i»ry W- artl mm <ia» tt» ••<*.4. htwrr >. fa»'s *t .• • tH*r»» -*f<■) IW |» TKRMS,; §SO TO lIi^UMC. . !"■ r t«lmUtod pwliftra* uuffaiA) iioy, am». ' ftn " I "**- 231 mr» m| RaflMa *».»*, 41% Man a ft»» 2.i.»,. I nr. . 2 H»x. 22# .1* fi- H 22t. p.«atoat» Pram 4J% -*• tern in X 3» «u*l l*» t! »m La f. !*, rwH 4Mat 3 /«ar». lam M Mwl *i*r mm mt Mar Sl«r. iJP <fc«' by .lawn->*ii >t %r. Jr , 3772 2.1 4aa> Ui*< Cmiam. 4m* «l aHaylna V. iMMi 4 » »w Mart 9* -ar "aw# i'*"* 'tf P>»e»s.»nta« -*<4 .a* s»t»«a, 41#, Utan 4 nryiiaftaa *rw*aM Te:R>«S: $25 TO INSyftC. 8..»h * U h* Na4 at my >mm. 3* uraa b« p to <h*>» at ail i a».. MM) aii'vytwi P»r m(< ff«» <«r aar Wntftat isforsattaa aaU <>a «»r a>ltlr«<M. ALO9ZO MeCAVBUM. ISUL PA. rfST. LOUIS No 4654 (IKK- HKKOS J KUi-k l«~i iHre B-n N r . |fl«»7 Dam fhim >tt» '•»; A tar* ■ r* a h ! * p-rf .*t •frn nun . ' t' f bnvif af Jtottnaa t»r«u*h Pr»»n«ionpfi ' > i l*..t of .11 {>n*|» *a W»jir r l•"*> .1 4-i. TERM—T> I.V-ifKK - - *!•*«> Th<* * V laxcr ' *t | Mr «»rr}«<a tar>a* tfea Tim «T m « £•!)••** .1 ! T'i»- Ur -»f f K'l *«•» It f| tad '|* •wrrai»-«§*»• .*#' • • • •" a —nawaal ««iaaraf Rr*f* » i ><tl»a B'-rtu « I t. I'. if .. it»jr. P* Pr"P*t t .«r« will ha bat u» llnlHitili ama»»ii J. P. DAVIS. ProprMar. Pro»|»tt. Pm. HENRY BIEML 122 NORTH MAIN STRKJ.7. BU TLBR - fTJNJN* A DEALER 15 Hardware and House Furnishing Good*. Wfubittfr Marhicmn ito j Mm Stan.] vd K»tarv JGh%aS| H .'*'»• wirnr M • «t rh«i i-«-r minute; Itw X« ■I " Am»-n<*«n «*»wing !t. «r il<*» Sinir**' Mt 'ii>ie tarn V w K ; -Line *» li««* m fUlf" ■ Stove*. f#hi -it. I K B V fltiriJ. h .i* n | MMpag •*** B man u tart »atrr <>(' fmw -r 'in r M.liii* mm! iml . ■ <•- i*ll>; (br J"hn«rtn nmn «, reajwr and *teel frame binder, Wawn ready rniswf p»»nf. warranted; screen doom and window*, vtd Uw« mowers. No better j>hce in llie city to tr«d-». Come and we m* large atore room fall *>f no»*i* t I '*•«'; l«et long. Wl ERK A » IIILI) CAN BUY AS f IIKAP AS ' XA N ir jr.>u «re ioW*»ti>(l 11 i< tniooia/ y»a 4b >aM *-a-l to' our R(X'K OF FLOWES, PUNTS & SEECS It tell- b..w Sifel*. Ka->il* md Ch«»pU yoo rmn #wr«r» »rrr i*t" and ' rn »•«• r> in Pa-it«. »f<- and »» mil cp—»wl—aHi- *«" #ith th" fio«- • njfr«»iors and arra»«jpoa Ik*' »a;»#r io a »!••*•• injr comin ok-iii" - w»V »»*r» *ttr»<*tf*i' to '"Br Wa >1 tk* B- k and » Packer „f Wild Fl >ar-r S«kI« (aaload at I® «»nu>) f.» lhN» two r»-nr f'»rtip«, «f if ♦ «» ar»» Nit ka*a a<» »»• tor tto» • p.wul rani will do th- ha-in- *; »<»•' a Id'-®* >m om -id»; oar addra** •»• the otht-r Write n.»ar. M-nt <»•> tKM pap»r HARBT CHAAPEL. Williams port Fa ISST SRB« K HAY-R EVER EI2AL W Cold"head |)Vi (V*jh Baim U H,/t a ma/ «r f.iwfcr. ApfMtd M» l*a eertnto * * __ qukkfg riarM. /t ft«ia lia aAqp* — a 50c All Kinds of Job Work done «it the "Citizen" Office. Bar H.*«► r~alarf HPT I jrait i«<4 bank a»*aa "ssi* -MBfe Aaat W««r»aaa T»> KS».r HB »nm «• f*» -»f all -treegftt *wfw aw WK»» mi-trf •>« - «wt a— ■■ n —■« y*! V 4g *te MDfnt. 1 TEK»*—to r»rn - - ttzm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers