DECEMT'-ER 18 DO We made contracts for all our Spring Carpets, of which we have the largest and best line ever shown in Butler. These goods were all bought at the very lowest prices carpets have touched in the history of the trade since the beginning of 1891. Carpets have advanced in price from 2 1-2 to 22 1-2 cents per yard for the different grades. We are in position to, and are selling them at our former low prices. Please remember this, and also that we have control of several of the leading makes, for this county. New Cottage Carpets 20 cents. New Ingrain - - - " - -5 cen ts. Better Ingrain - - * " 35 cents. Union Extra Super - - - - 5° cents. New "Brussels 5° cents. Rag Carpets - - 30, 35. 40 and 50 cents. Cheaper than you can make them, and of new material. A splendid line of Lace Curtains. Curtain Poles, Portieres, fix tures and everything kept in a first-class Carpet HouSe. RITTER & RALSTON. MAIN street. 1 rr~ E Grocery O Trontman Building N —1— J| i w 7 la ! W I > I WASHINGTON STREET. ~"]H 5a 1 'H r MARTINCOURT |3E3 I & CO. J L. Here we are down on Cunningham St. Almost every body knows where we are, but if you do not, please looK at the above map. Walk down Cunningham St. on the right hand side till you come to 216 and you will find us. Here we have lots of room and pay no rent and more than doubled our sales last year expect to increase them as much this year. All who came last year to see if we had as large a stock and sold as cheap as we advertised said we were too modest in out declarations and said they did not expect to find half as much, even after reading our advertisements. You know us now and of course will continue to deal here, but we must tell you we have twice aa large a stock now as when you were here before and still cutting prices lower. To those who have never been here, we want you to come too. We don't advertise to blow. If you don't find more stock here at lower prices than >ou ever expected after reading our advertisement we will pay you for yoar time that it takes to walk down here from Main St. Remember, we keep every thing in our line. Horse col lars 50c, team work bridles sl, work harness $lB, buggy har ness $6, wagon single-trees, ironed, 25c, double-trees, shafts, wheels, poles, shafts, cushions, tops, harness oil, curry combs, brushes, paint, springs, dashes, lap dusters, robes, blankets, whips, carts, buggies, spring-wagons and everything, and Kramer wagons,—the best wagons made. Come and see us. Look over our stock. We want to get acquainted with you, Bemember, it was us who first brought down the prices of buggies in Butler county for your benefit, relying on increased sales to make up for small profits, and the public has stood by us in a way that makes us like everybody. Yours, etc., S. B. HARTINCOURT CO. S. B. Martincourt, - J. M. Lieghner. AL. RUFF, DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOKS. 114 Wontli Main Street. Butler, Pa., April, 1 Hi)l. To TH* PBOFIK ov BCTLKR COUKTY: PATROKA A*J> KBIKXIJH:— Another season- is upon us and you will be wanting new shoes suitable to the season. Jf you will spare us a few moments of your time, it is in regard to Shoes ice wish to talk to you, belietinq it will be to our mutual ad vantage. We hare this Spring a larger and better stock of Hoots and Shorn than erer before. We heliere we can supply you with anything in our line that you may need or want, and as the prices of Shoes are largely governed by the expense under which they are sold, let me call your attention to the fact that our expenses are lower than those of any Boot and Shoe firm in Butler. Consequently we can and do give our patrons the best value for their money. We deal only with the best manufacturers, those who origin ate the styles and make shoes to wear. Owing to our long experience, good standing and cash buytng, we are enabled to get our goods at the lowest cash prices, another fact to your advantage. Our shoes are also comfort able and stylish, qualities that are often as much desired as service. If'r will not enumerate any of our prices here, as the few we would have room for might b&considered leaders, and we hare no leaders. Our shoes are all equally cheap. But we would consider it a favor if you will rail and ex amine our goods and allow us to ijjiote prices. Hood treatment will In yours. We consider it no trouble to show goods. Thanking you for past favors, ami again asking for a share of your valued patronage, ami in eon sequence of sueh, bespeaking entire satisfaction and a continuance of the same, we remain, t'erp Truly Yours, AL. RUFF. FARM FOR SALE. Ttift undentigned will sell ttw rartn.containing nlxtj icr«. mare or lew. and locatril in Adamn Twp.. 011 the Kvanaburg and Mam road, near Maraball and Myoma atationn on the p. & w K H. and DNI UM Caltary oil field. It contain* a good houxe. good bank hern nexM, good outbuildings. good orchard, level and good ground, two cprtnga near houiie. pump In l>am, and all la good order. Inquire of or adareat James Davidson, Myoma P. O, Builer Co., Pa. New Livery Stable. Now Stock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Hornet* fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r 39. W Jefferson St. Patler, Pa. B. £ B. Tbi3 weekly ANNOUNCEMENT in tlcfe column* we mean only to be a Plain Statement of facts with little or no embellishment. So that when we announce a special t<ale of dollar fabric* at 50 c«nt*, ihe Btatement may foe accepted in its en tirety without reservation. More on the subject of Spring Dress Goods. We never before had eo many to sell; in fact these stocks are so large and we've been such liberal buyers that we must of necessity, be Liberal Sellers. Choice line of 36 inch All Wool Plaid Suitings in grey and light brown colorings 25c (value 50c). 50 inch All Wool Suitings plain ppriog coiors and mixiures, 35c. 34 inch r ai: ?!i Hair Suitings plain «... M)d most extensive assortment f'v -y kind of Spring Woolens at 50c, Gsc, 75c and $1; goods that were mostly all bought late and much below regular prices. An unusual opportunity for buyers of DRESS GOODS Write for Samples. Write for Catalogue. Boggs & Bulil, 115 to 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, PA. GO TO YMCN FOR Pure Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Fine Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, And all other Articles Kept in a First Class Drug Store. [Reciprocity. To counteract the effect of spring winds and storms on face and hands; to renew, renovate and purify the cuticle after a rigorous winter, is the mission of GOSSER'S CREAM GLYCERINS And right well does it. perform the task. It is a bland, creamy emulßion, with just enough vege table oil to soften the ekin, com bined with pure glycerine and other substances, forming one of the finest preparations for chap ped hands, lips or face or any roughness or irritation of the skin. No iady or gentlemnn should be without it. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. SHIP W6OLEH Sill, If ill LLKRTON, Frop'r, Blunkclx, FIKIIIH'N 111111 Yarn :<n iiSiK-i urv<l ofl'nre llul i«*i i omity Wool. w> 41m.mice our good* to be Hlrlctly nil wool nd n i .tjiiic or uiy other poisonous material sly flir/. We null Wliolowule or retail. ati!>: • 5 an d prlceH furnlHhod free to deak ra < n ppli. 'Mou by mull. The Hloiit SHCCOMfat Remedy ov«*rdUcor. and, /in U I« certain In 1U effects and doe* not bll*U*r. IU-ad proof below: KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. tIKX.vZK*o», PH., NO*. 77, *9O. DR. n. J. KeitDAl.r. Co.: dentil- I woiilit Ilk« to niMki- known to tho»who »r« alinoKt to u*e Kenilnir* sii«vin Cure Km fin" tliutlt!ilnl< It 11'« miKt eieillenl Liniment. 1 hftvi- uk il I ton u I'm 'I Kpnvln. Tim home went on thri - li'K* fur Iliri - y : t» »IH-n 1 runuwniwl In n«o your Hernial!'* Spnvtn Cure. I iwe«l ton lxit ties on Hi- li'irm an'l liavn workuil Ului for throo yearn iJikc aii'l lia-m.t lie.'u lame. Your# truly, WM. A. CVItK OKRM»!ITOW«, N. Y„ Nor. 2, 18 9. Du. H. J. KMIIAIJ. CO., KniviburKh Fall*, Vt. UcnU: In pralwf Kendall* ftuavlti euro I will Mjr, tli.ituyi'ur aK" I had valuable youi»ahoriM:lH>- ooroe vfty iaine/nof*k #»*»boK'-d aria pwollen. The<-ii about lier«(v.e have no Veterinary Bur geon here) tola lamnneae Blooaßpavin or Tborougbpln. they ull told me there wiui no euro for lt« he became about ueelees.and 1 eon •Mcrol him almoKt worthies*. A friendl told me<»f tho merit* of your Kendall** w,»avln Cum, tut X bought a bottle, and I could vary plainly Rival lmuruvcmcnu immediately fromlt*uee.audberor« th«i l*ottl»* waa uned no I wa*«atl*nijd that It wit* doing bit a uurtun. <l.uJ of RIKH! 1 bought a MM'OWI bottlo nnd iMiforo it waa wed up my borw w.;* rn r« tl and ha* l«cn in fhoU-um dolnK heavy work All t/m season tine* last April, "bowing no morn Signs <>f It. 1 consldor your Kendall's ftpavtnOure a valuable medicine, and It should lx» In every •Üble lu tbo land. Price |1 per bottle, or nlx bottle, for $■ All ill-tin glu'.n liavo It or can ;;et 1 1 for you, or It will lie urnt to ui y aMnmoa reoolptof prleo».ytta< proprlo tor . UK. H. J. KE.MHM, CO., Euo.burifh Fall.. Vermont SOLD BY ALL DRUOGISTB. YOU CAN find;;; •I. PTVTMRfI tUx • HIM Imiwiu • '£■ Z>»u. RBMIJTGTOM' BEOI irbo will contract fur sdvertising at lowest tJU. JOHNSON'S 4tfODYH£ LINIMENT \j V l= JJTOHSAL sczaix. -GENERATION AFTER GENERATION—, EAVE VBXD AJTO BLESSED IT. . ° r HiNC-V^ on Sw/ar, Children "Lore It. Travtsi' r taiouM h±rt a bottle of It in «atcb«L Every Sufferer 2£ »oci Heaifiche, Ptphth. i*. Coajrhs i «tairh. Broochitin, Ajthm*. Cholera Morbu*.Dial rbM, Unnoen. Sm-ni-n in Body or Limb*. Stiff Joints or Strata*. will and in tLU ola Anodyne relief and fpeerty care. *"ampmet free. Sold er<'rrwh,-r Price » iKu liT mad. 6 bnttlM, Ezr.-.-M I*l.l, i- J -.JiOE-NSOS *CO , Bo"TO», mm IS the Best Household Remedy Extant It is a positive cure for PILES SALT RHEUM, ECZEMA, And All Skin Diseases, An invaluable remedy for Wounds, Burns, Swell ings, Sores, Croup, Bronchitis, etc. NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT, Sold by all druegists at 50 cents per box. Send 3 two-cent stamps for freo sample box and book. TAR-OID COMPANY, ClMitatiO, ILL. For Sale by I>. U. Waller, Butler. j I took Cold, X took Sick, I TOOK i scorn EMULSION RESULT: i 2 tcke My Meals, I take My Rest, ? AN! ' "• "OUS FNOI GH TO TAKE ! A N ■ |V IE ... I. AY MV HANDS ON ; ! got I in:.; fat i'M», FOR Scott's : Emu! ion »f Pure Cod Liver Oil andH" ; ?phi!esofLimeand i C ( yl . • liM.r CSF.I) MY In«*i|>- ! i asfsusnption BUT BUILT ( 5 Ml. t I'. .. J NOW ; ! UNO | FLT-3H ON WIV BONES t ! M T1 .1. ATI F A POUND A DAY. 1 ( I IAKK IT JUST K- EASILY AS I DO MILK." I j SUCII TESTIMoNV IS NOTHING HEW. j j f ri' ; EMt'i : ;is DOING WONDERS } |IMI Y. TAKE NO OTHER. B that tLey have no mjul for ourial Diaaloeas, « H-adache, Malaria. Liver Com* ffi plaint, Few aa<l :.|u, XndifetOoD. Backache, Bf SIMBICMMM, and all Li*«r and Stomach trouble*. K Thry >mk FalL Sold by all drucflfta and oocotry vtore kerj«r«. (u* Send tor circular*. I GIVE AWAY To every reader of this paper who suffers from Indigestion, Ijyspepsia, biliousness. Liver Com plaint, Sicic IlcadaLhc, Nervous Debility or Con sumption, a free bottle of that most wonderful medicine, Floraplexlon, which is the only ab solute and permanent cure for the above named diseases. 1 can afford to do this because I know that nine out of every ten persons who try it will be so well satisfied with the reiults they will take pleasure in speaking about its marvelous curative virtues to a'l their friends and acrjuamtances. 1 he value of this sort of advertising to me is worth many times the cost of the medicine given away, so I am well compensated for the seeming large expense. 1 have over 70,(J(J0 letters on 61e from people who have been cured r f one or more of the complaints above named. Write to day stating your disease and r.•reive a free bottle by return mail, or ask your drut'Eist for it and get well. Address, PHOF. HART, 80 WARREN STREET. NEW YORK. a DOCTORS LAKE I'ItIVATE DISPENSARY. COR. PENN AVE. AND Fo'Jrns ST.. ii.- PITTSBURGH, PA. 4i , All forniaof Delicate and C«m- J plieiiletl DlaeabC/) requiring ('•is. KIIIKNTIAL amlSciKNTUir: M ■'!- • .4 iciition are treated at thi.i l>i - ■ with a mir-cess rarely attained. I>r. S. K. i. :t member of tbe Hoval College of IMiv •*i< i.iii.: and Surgeons, and Is the oldest and nxost • . ]>, .it nee I Srtri w.IST in the city. Special ai tei; ion "ivn to Nervous Debility from excessive .acutal exertion, Indis'-retion of youth,etc., caus mi! pin leal and mental decay,lark of energy, Ii- iiond iiry.etc.; also Cancers, Olil Sores, Fin. Pile . IChetnnatUm, and all diseaeeaof theSKia. lilo , 1.1.-.ii'.'-. t'ilnarj Organs,etc. Con«ultat:on 'i, ,- . ...I 11 ir-tly confidential. Officebotirsll to i 7to r. M.; Sundays 2t04 P. only. •ii at «_• :1:• • o or address LAKK, t'O't. -i.n X A v i.. ABD tTU ST., I'ITTSlit UGH, I'A. ]. 11s.:ii.i;i■ t!y cum! I- I'l il..\ • !*i 11 A. I'A. I i «• :tf. owi», no operate (»rl<» • ' t r rom !>u* ii.. i h <u* > pronounced !• cut « -I.* '..y • Uti a for rlrcuUi. CURL tUARANTEED. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HANDSOME, INDESTKICTIHI.K. Cheaper than Wood. T>itahov«c«liboVi PlcliH F*t%ci with gate. ( I bis l« not • netuuf.) cftu N«i ox-4 ou hoa or W'.od I'm**. When writing tor prfe«* (iQuantity, Nqmh»r of G*t«s, Doubt* »u4 HlogU, We also Manufacture lissry Iron Fencing. Creatine. BtoUo FlttluK*. Fir* Hli<Jtt*ra and FIKB BHC A I'KM, Cellar Dor#. u4 KaUln«s. iSraas and Iron Orllla, WlkK DOUft Asl> vriUDOW UCKKLNB. and oil fcln Jo of WIRK WOBL. TAYLOR ft DEAN, 201, 203 X' 205 Market St.. JMtUburgh, P», SM YDUR STKNiTB By Using Ailen B. Wrisley's GOOD CHEER SIMP Latest and Best Invention —Little or Roßubbw Clothes Required-Ask your Grocer for It FOLLOW Directions GLDSE/** A pami'hlntoC Inforuiatloii and ab-^^^O ,< ru of tnu lawn, mi MWIIIK llow ill" on r ileum. < Tradc^^^^ vK 2. Muikn. CopTriKhU. trnl m Mm yNLb !IT o L(jHT or FAlUlfo Ha r.HOOI •• r ;^v* i ?!m^' nerala^WEKVO,jB • wJ' 1 i fc llSi of Body and Ki'fl, SflMtt ! Cl JAtlltillll f Krror aot Eiomcm in Old o. Young. • !u>btifcf, »•.< I* >1 aMIIHiIi full J k»ali>r»4. Il«« I« « i.lar*« aa4 lr*t|i*>'iiHKlk.l *lUiriCW»'fclM»M«lA*»*lMßihOr /t»»tu|al9 i'.•falling IIOXK I Uf. k I «KIT r> ►flr, I. a «Ja/. ltd (Mill; tram i'l and »r«l*a Coaatrt»a. iWa. iMacr 1, » II aa l pioofa e.alUd'ataUilj fraa. ERIE f.IJDICAf. CO., SL'KFALO.N. V. ! A JODlCiulii kHO i3SISTrHT Ketiw c MtfuJ. IV-foru pluciuir ui > New timptir Advertising conii'iit LC ID & THOMAS, 11V3BTMIMI 41 u 11 s;iwiii MTM*. oHieaoQi THE CITIZKX. MISCKL AMPULS SHE BOARDED A STREET CAR. —Harper's Bazar. t»h« Wan Oat. "Johnny, Is your sister at home? * said the young" man at the front door. "Wait till I light the gas—or, hold on— is your hair sandy?" "Why, no," re plied the abashed youth. "Have you got a mustache that curls up at the end*?" "N—no, I don't wear a mua tache-at all." "Hum. Hare you got a large seal ring on the fourth finger of (your left hand?" "No, I haven ( t." I'Then," said Johnny, confidently, "she [ain't at home," and he shut the door 'without further to do. —Washington Poet It Wins Every Time. j Mrs. Jones—My dear Mrs. Smith, how do you manage to keep your serv ants? Mine are forever leaving me in Ihe lurch. Mrs. Smith—lt's all in the manage ment of them. I always address my cook-lady as Miss Hoolihan, and ask her every morning if she has any direction* to give me.—Chicago Times. Th. Puiliit *r Bornrlch. Returned Tourist —What has become of Bornrich? He was a prince of good fellows. Everybody liked him. So genial and generous. Resident—Oh, he's got to be a regu lar nuisance. Here he comes now. L«t'i dodge into an alley-way. Tourist —Spent all his money, eh?—N. Y. Weekly. Danger or A freeing;. I • Clara—That handsome stranger ap pears to have taken quite a shine to you, Maud. Maud —Y-e-s, I can't imagine why. Clara—Nor I. Maud—l'll never speak to you again, ■o there. —N. Y. Weekly. —Pare blood is better than "bine blot>d." To have pure blood, take Hood's Sarsapnriila. —An lowa girl recently ran away from home to avoid playing on the piano. If she had run away to avoid hearing Eine play ed, the incident would not have been so re markable. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been rettored to health by Dimple menus, after suffering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow suffer ers the mean* of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (tree of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sore cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis nnd all throat and luug llalsdies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cont them nothing, and may prove a bless ing, will please address RKV. KDWAUD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kiugs County, New York. —An authority Kays to cure the district ing cough which usually follows grippe cat plenty of horse-r^Jn<h. Look here, Friend, Are You Sick? Do you suffer from Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Sour Stoiuach, Liver Complaint, Nervousness, Lost Appetite, Billiousness, Exhaustion or Tired Keeling. Pains in Chest or Lungs, Dry Cough, MightsweaU, Nervous Debility or any Ibrui of Consump tion? If no, send to I'rof. ilart, 88 Warren St., New York, who will send you free, by mail, » bottle of medicine which is a sure cure. Seud to-day. —An exohango nays that "a :iub»criber writes to know what will make hens lay on bin Hide of the fence iustead of on hiuneigh bor's Hide." A pun neighbor; a gun. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mysti cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radio cally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. <5 cts. Sold by J C Kedick, druggist, Uutler. —lf a forlorn looking individual comes meandering around your neighborhood sell ing a liquid which will" positively destroy the Canadian thistle," don't bite. It is a swindle. —ltch on human and horses ana all ani mals cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never tails. Sold by J C Eedick, druggist, Uutler. —Do you remember the big round yellow pumpkin that kissed the sun in your corn field last year, and was finally absorbed into the glorious pieT Its seed sells for 10 cents a quart now. —Dr. Fanner's Golden Reliefs warrant ed to relieve toothache, headache, neural gia, or any other pain in 2 to H minutes. Also bruises, wounds, wire cuts, swellings, bites burns, summer complaints, colic, (also in horses), diarrha-a, dysentery and (lux. If satisfaction not given money returned. —The g( od die young. The 11 lers becomi' oldest inhabitants and lie about the weathr r, their age and everything else. —For headache*, biliousness, constipa tion, dizzincHS, sleeplessness, the blues, scrofula, the blood and all skin eruptions Dr. Fenner's I I-MMI and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic i ever fails. Warranted to satisfy or mois> \ irfunded. —The "Supren < President" of a drop S3O-iu-the-Hlot-ainl pull-out SIOO order was given a foot race '•>' his dupes in l'liiliulcl phia recently. He got away from his pur suers, just as the order did with their cash. —English H;). ' i Liniment removes all hard, soft or call cd lumps and blemishes from horses, bloi • -paving, curbs, splints, sweeney. ring I ■ i<\ stifles, sprains, all swolen throats, «i .•. ''s, ele. Save #">o by use of one bottN . Warranted the most wonderful blemirli cure ever known. Sold by J C Kedick. ilingiiist, Ilutler. A gentlemm. .-•■ ppod into a grocery ou Main street la. t Miturday and wanted to buy one dozci ; i.i'oes. '"Folates aro po tatoes" now, HIIII llie gentleman wanted to buy them just il.u same as ho would eggs. —Dr. Fennci's Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour. Equally I for horses. (iiven energy and strength. Money refunded if satisfaction not given. —Dry weather has done more in the last tbr. e weeks toward making good roads and street* than ail the supervisors and street commissioners iu the county could do iu tv/o years. —Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache (Jure iH warranted to give satisfaction in every caso or money returned. —lt wa»» horrid man who said that, ho believed a woman likcHto look tough when she is cleaning house. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor Hots', corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly tir«t class Hotel conducted on the European plan. Lodging*, 25, —ar>, —or .10 cents. —Clean towels a specialty" is a glar ing sign in a certain barber shop in a neigh boring town. Consumption Suroly Curod. To THE SorroB:— PLWWE Inform your raulur* th»t I h»r» » po«IUT« reinwly for the abov*-Dam«d dlMvo. Bj Ita Umcljr u»o tboiiuuiU ot UOJM-II M csm ham twon p«naip»ntlr cured. I ailia.ll glait to Had two UoUlca of mjr rrmuly Ttt ICE to any of your raadera who bava conaunji>tloa if thny will a«nd tat Uiutr £.ipraaa and I'. O. a>lilraaa. ltaapvct tully, T. A. KLUCUM, M. C., ISI l'aarl St.. N. V. \Y I; V D Y To show YOU the largest- and lowest %j O priced stock of FURNITURE in the country. Don't forget to call and see our Parlor Suits, i> pieces, upholster ed in Crushed and Silk Plush. Two beautiful pictures and one handsome oak Parlor Table for *SO. We also have a Parlor Suit for s2.*), ns follows: 6 chairs, upholstered in plush: i rocking-chair, up holstered in plush; 1 sofa, upholstered in plush; all for the low price of #25. Our oak bed-room suit ! r $lB call be bought only at our store for the price. We haw China ("!> sets for any price you want them from S2O up. Parlor Ca'.-incis from $8 up. Side boards from S2O up. We have any kind of fun ' tire at any price you want. Campbell & Templeton, 136 NORTH MAIN STREET. BUTLER, PA. If you want ;i perfect fitting* suit <*■<> to 0 H AB E RNICC 202 S. Main St., New Troutrnan Building, - - Butler, Pa. Clothing lineal led tor in Bradford ~ a sells for half price, mostly winter goods. ( RINGS, Diamonds ' soai'f hns, STUDS, rGENTS'GOLD,* - LADIES (40L1), VV atcnes jgknts SILVER LA DI RS CHATLAIN, 1 Cr ' l(l I>ins ' Eiir - rin S s » wtJWLII \ | ItiiiuH, ('liains-j Bracelets, Etc, ( Ten sets, castors, butter dishes Silverware {sUKSfJSJT " mtn ms. «o isp,,,:"- si ™- E. GRIEB, THE J EWELER No. 19, liioith Kaii. St., TTJILFB, PA., SOMETHING ABOUT DO Y'OU NICK I) Arc you to tuy n dress this spring' DO YOU WANT a new Jacket, in nil the new colors an<] styles? DO YOU WANT anything iu the Notion lint*? DO YOU NEKD—Are you jroinjr to l»uy nny rarpet this spring? DO YOU WANT Krc-b, Clean (Jocds, the latest and choicest styles? DO VOU WANT tiny kin.l of Bra-. HH, Velvets, Moqoett, in tbe choicest designs, mude tip wilh beautiful inn• '* borders in first class Btyle? DO VOU WANT an Ingrain. ;5 ply, <v- ( .»ion Carpet «>l any kind? DO YOU WANT anv ICurt» J , •' tieres, Curtain Poles or Win dow^Sbades? A-1NIX) ABOVE A.Tjl_J, Do ycu wan! to pay less than you Ii iv.i he 1 i»*ying elsowbere for inferior goods? Then Come and See Us, We Can Save You Money, TROU T MAN'S Leading Dry (ioodsand Carpet House. BUTLiKR. - - - PA. THE «<° Ik DpGi * HAY- FEVER L/ J \J COLD HEAD mm Rly'i Cream Halm in not a liq>i>d, or ] Ap; l" d > V'f tfriU it :.s _ tfii -ki;/ liwrtrf. •_ » LO a db tf L|i n 9UC ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. 30: | ACKNOWLEDGED THAT 3QS>. "X". HAS The Largest, Most Reliable and Leading Millinery House in Butler County. We tire now prepared to show you a complete lino oi the laUft novel ties and ideas for Children's, Mines', Youn* and Old Lsdi»f' Trimmed Hats uod BonceJs Straw and Luce Hals. Gi!t, Stiver and Silk IL.L ; : s. Flowt rs in great variety. And we would very specially mention that Mourning liuts and Bonnets receive our attention. Every order in this line will be executed with neatness, skill and promptitude. No charge for trimming hats when materials ore bought here, iu ibis line we defy competition. Alw *ho s in T. PARE Cheapest. | ■ • ■ # » ■ | Street. EMBRACE THE OPPORIUIITY! | || npllp Time Is Precious. r —p— —Never mind tLe picti 10. Co ut )L once and soe iiuscitotvs I new and attractive \ T— styles in Footweav. We know that a «ood art '-It- which *l.-1?-. gives the buyer a big dollar's worth in value for every dollar invested is sure to bring him buck, ;;ud that's ihe secret of our increasing business. We've lots of eood things for you this season in fine loot-wear. Our Spring Stock sparkles with advantages to you. Ladies' Fine Sboes—fine and pretty styles at sl, .25; grand nt $1 50; extra fine at $2. $2.50 and up. These shoes are worth what wo a.-k for them: but we don't say this or that shoe is worth $4 aad selling at $2 50; this is an old chestnut. Our $2 shoe is finer and better in every way than these so-called mnrked down shoes at $2.50. It is a difcbonest business and an imposition on the public. Ladies' Lace Shoes—Patent Tips, Cloth Tops; also Button Shoes with C loth Tops on opera and common sense lasts are quite the S'vle. Patent Calf Pongola Top is a pretty new shoe we are showing Some of those have patent calf quarters. Our stock of Ladies' Low-cut Shoes and Slippers can't be equalled. An endless varietv of styles and prices Irom 25c. t 50c , sl, f 1.25 and uj>. Spring Heel Shoes for Ladies and Children in Button Boots and Low- Cut Shoes from 50c., 75c.. sl, and $1.25; inlants' at 25c, 50c., and 75c.; elegant styles and best of goods. Men's and Boys' Sheep—ln this line as in all others we double discount them all. See our Men's Veal Congress, stylish at sl, sizt s 6-11; then take a look at those tine lines at $1.25, $1.50, $2 and $2 50. You never saw their equal. They are made to my order by the best manufacturers in this countrv. See our Men's English Cordovan Kaugaroo C'arco Call, made on all the improved lasts, plain and tip, all widths. Look at our immense stock of Brogans, Plow Shoes, Creed moor's Box- Toe Shoes at sl, $1 25, and $1 50. They sre dandies; no foolishness by tell ing yen this shoe was eold for $2.75, but will sell it to you »or $2. but will sell you a better one at the small Fum of $1.50. These prices and the fine styles are leading the trade, and leading lots of customers to our store everv day.- Don't fail to come in and see us. We will interest you. B. C. HUSELTON, 102 N Main St., Butler. This space is reserved for Grieb & Lamb's Music Store, removed to No. 125 North Main Street. WHEN YOU GO TO PITTSBORGH, be surr to visit ROSENBATJM & CO.'S. 510-518 Market Street. The spacious stores are at present filled to overflowing with the largest and best selected stock of new goods in the city. The many departments contain hundreds of attiactive bargains which this limited space will not admit of enumeration. Visitors will find in our LARGE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT tho best productions of America's most talented modiste-". Wc always mnko it a poiut to serve customers with the latest conceits in fnshtouab'e hct-d --wear uf lowest possible prices. This policy has made our Millinery Depart ment what it is to-day—the most popular of any west of New York. We have just opened extensive lines of beautiful SPRING BLAZERS, JACKETS AND SUITS! Every popular style, shade and color is represented. Our ladles' suits nro equal in appearance to any tailor-made suits, aud range in price Irom £* to $29 76. In Blazers and .Jackets, we can name any price from $2. $3, *4, sf> up to $20.00. CORSETS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Our line of Corsets contains all reliable makes. Kid and Sot do gloves we show in every shade and color. Being direct importers we can afforu to undersell other dealers. We aI HO import most of our IIOSIKRV and are prepared, at all titles, to offer special Low Prices. living out of town are cordially ipvited to call and in sped our stock for themselves VVe guarantee to save money for aU who favor us with their patronage. ROSENBAUico. 510 518 Market Street, l£i i Halo Boy. (No. 3,882.) Unlink) Itov I: ■ I.mlur<l hy loili siro iini] dam. itinl li 11 . I I'-n d under In-st rules. When w« take color. sue. mWe, extreme »|>eed lines and individual merit Into cotiMdcrnlloh, we seldom I'VIT HIM urn ci|Ual. 11 <• Is HI liamlM lilt;h. hlood liny, mid WelKli* l.i» Mi. Hot it lie mid lIIHOoIIM have won prizes \\hcri-vfr shown. lie won first premium »i lli'- Hutler lur lnsl full nifulnst » large field of good horses. Ilf carrl' H Mi*' :.iun ; M ■ r'<rll r.«c of I'ocalioota* Idood I liii I I 111- ILI IK tit > Nelson, I lie champion trotting s'nlllon of lh« w rid. doe*. Hi* *lre produied :• r." I; 111* K r *«dsln*Hired '.': l."* spi ed; hi* nni-r produced tUS speed and hLt bn.ther* J:W . \\. ofii r ItufTalo I!oV« iwrvlco* ou the mom liberal terms ol any HUUIIOIIH 111 the MtnU\breed ing and iiteill considered. lie Will Iw fouml at lii- old home miles northeast of Prospect, - we cordially invite an ii |h lon oi him and hi* net. Term*, f., ;■ ,i |, .i, 'i.t la lull mid particular* call at the farra or addre-s, MI»N7.I> Mil'AMil.M', l*h\ fa. Hotels mill Depots, W. H. <jri'>'i; i • now running a line of carriti • - between the hotels and depots of the town. Cbarif J reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel Vf.gejey. 11ood Livery in Connection The celebrated English Shire Stallion, The Ckntauu. • 4,089 (940) Imported by, and purchased of, (jalbrnith liros., Janesville, Wis., will be kept an hereto fore for patronage, at the resi dence oithe subscriber, at the reduced rate of £lO and sl2 during present season. For j pedigree call on NKWTON" CAMPBELL, Grove Citv, Pa. MliTlin Street Livery. W. G. BIEHIi, Prop'r. One square wost of Main St., on MitHin Bt. All gi od, sufo horseeji new bougies nnd carriages. Lci-daus for wedding* and funem'*. Open day and night. Telephone No. 24, *
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