DECEMBER 1890, We made contracts for all our Spring Carpets, of which we have the largest and best line ever shown in Butler. These goods were all bought at the very lowest prices carpets have touched in the ln*tor\ of the trade since the beginning of 1891. Carpets have advanced in price from 2 1-2 to 2- 1-- cents per yard for the different grades. We are in position to, and are selling them at our former low prices. Please remember this, and also that we have control of several of the leading makes, for this county. New Cottage Carpets . - - 20 cents. New Ingrain - - - ~ ~ cents. Better Ingrain - - - " 35 cents. Union Extra Super - - - - 5° cents. New Brussels - - N - " s° cents - Rag Carpets - - 30, 35. 40 and 50 cents. Cheaper than you can make them, and of new material. A splendid line of Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Portieres, Fix_ tures and everything kept in a first-class Carpet House. RITTER & RALSTON. WHEN IN NEED OF CALL ON henry biehl 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, BTJTXiETR/ - - - IPE-N IST'A "Where you can have your choice out of the largest assortment of cooking Bnd he Rting stoves in Butler county; also dealer in Hardware, Lansing VTa gone, » heee & "Wilson and Standard Sawing Machines, Hanging and Stand L*nips. Aimutactuc of Tinware; Tin Hoofing and Spouting a Specialty. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN Do You Want to Make Money? OF COURSE YOU DO! That's Human Nature. THEN BUY YOUR BOOTS & SHOES AT B IC K EL ' S . By bo doing you will get the prettiest styles—the les and best wearing goods for the le&Bt money. We would like to reduce our stock as we wish to make some improve ments on our store room and at present our stock is too largo as we have not the room and in order to accomplish our purpose we have marked our goods so remarkably low that it will be an inducement for every person vis iting our store to make a purchase. Well save you money for you know by experience that our prices for reliable goodß were never beaten and seldom equaled. We will offer you an unlimited assortment of ladies and misses fine shoeß, price $1 to $5. A fnll and complete stock of ladies front lace shoes with scollop fronts and patent leather trimmings all sizes and all widths. Ladies button shoes, fine dongola, with cloth tops, dongola tops, bright finished tops, with patent leather quarters, plain tee or patent leather tips—all styles—all ma terials and all prices. MISSES SHOES heel or spring heel —and kind of stock desired and the latest patterns from Rochester's largest shoe factories. MEIVSJ SHOES We can show you a large assortment of Men's fine dress shoes, fine French calf, kangaroo, cordovan, bard or machine sewed, at a big bargain. 500 pairs of Men's fine calf oboes, Congress or English Balmorals at $2 former price $2 75 and many other bargains which space will not permit me to speak about A larger and more complete stock of men's kip plow shoes, Brogans, Creedmoore, Eurekas, box toe shoes of all kinds at prices lower than ever. The above are not leaders in the sense of being a few articles singled ont for special mention because of their extremely good values, but (air spec imens of the entire stock. They are leaders in another sense. They lead numbers af people to come to us (or their shoes and we please and suit them all. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Repairing neatly and promptly done either in leather or rubber goods' At all times a full stock of oilmens box-toed boots pnd shoes. At all times a full stock of Leather and Findings. Shoemakers supplies of all kinds. Best brand of Sheffield sole leather. Kip and calf Btock. Shoe uppers of every description. Blacksmith aprous. When in need of anything in our line give me a call. Orders by mail will receive same attention as if brought in person. Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL, New N"umber* ~LS£B H. !Main Street. BUTLER, - -- -- - - - - PENN'A Dry Goods, Fancv Goods, Di 'oss Goods, Notions, Ktc, A GREAT- PLENTY OF THE VERY I.KST MO RE NKVv ST Y LES and H AXDSOM K S KI, K( TI <)NS THAN EVEH BKF( >RK SUCH FINE GOODS YOU NEVER SAW SOLD .«• LOW WE WILL GRATIFY YOUR AMIUTION L> 15UY CHEAP AND GIVE FX I'JiA GOOD QUALITIES IN THE BARGAIN. AN UNEQUALLED AS SORTMENT IXC LI DING all the NEW: ST STYLES. A BIG STOCK TO BE TURNED QUICK ON CLOSE MARGINS. You people who know what a bargain is come in and we will surprise you. D. E. JACJKSOX. 203 S. Main' St. - - Butler, Pa GO TO REDICR'S FOR Pure Drills, O 7 Paints, Oils, Glass, Fine Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, And all oilier Articles Kept in a First Class Drui; Store. R eoi proeity. To counteract the effect of spring winds and storms tn (ace and bands; to renew, renovate and purify the cuticle after a rigorous winter, is the mission of GOSSER'S CREAM GLYCERINE And right well does it perform the task. It is a bland, creamy emulsion, with just enough vege table oil to soften the skin, com bined with pure glycerine acd other substances, forming one of the finest preparations for chap ped hands, lips or fnce or any roughness or irritation of the skin. No lady or gentleman should be without it. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. 81(61 WOOLEN KI IL> i*A. H. FULLKRIW, Prop'r. Blankets, ami Yiirii ]»lauulac(nre<l ol'l*ur« l*ui lei Count.T Wool. W imntei' our ?(kvls to l"': trletl} ail wool ?ii n • ir vnlc or anv «lh>*r pobmious mat«rl •! b•i in I tux We "fit Wn v-ule i.r retail. amphiS ui» f l priCM S furnlstieJ free to dealers od pji •i i.»;j ; * all. j m a pamphlet of Information nn'l nh- jfcS'" n strict uf i !>o lawn,s!>o» :i:g llmr 11'/ST mum Patents. Cmk.i '■ wf' -*v Marks, sent Jrte. / Addm. MUNM & CO 361 Broadway. yJmK. jLntzu: x '-w * ° rl " ggSßm The Moot Snccesafnl Remedy everdlscov. wed, a* It la certain iu its effects and doe# not blister. Bead proof below : KEfiDilL'S SPAVIN CURE. BKLVER.NO*, Pa.. Nov. 27 , *9O. DR. B. J. KR.VD.UI, CO.: Gent* IWOtthl tOIMMVhO arc- almost persua- led t- i:-.-Kendall's S|>aviri Curo Che fact that 11 tit Liniment. I have used Itoi) »Blood Spavin. The horse went on three !•>:■» for three years when I commenced to w yt. . Kendall- s", n Cur.'. I used ten l*»t --tl« son the horse hn l have workedhliu for three years alncc an«l l». not l*»en lame. Yours truly, W3I. A. CURL. GERMASTOWS, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1339. DR. I?. J. KENDALL CO Exiosburgh Falls, Vt. Gents: In prate of Kendall's Spavin Cure I will sat. t hut a year ago 1 hod a vnPutiue young In irsebe corae very lame, hock enlarged and swollen. Tho horsemen about li«re(v.e have tio Veterinary Sur geon here) pronounced hL» lameness Blood Spavin or Tboroughpln, they all told mo there was no cure lor It, ' •eam«-:il» mt i an<l I c« n sklerod him almost worthless, A friend told me of tho merits of your Kendall's Cure, o I bought a l>ottlc. and 1 could see very plainly g>- at Improvements immediately from Its use,and M.I >e tho bottle was used up I waasatbdlcd that it v ;-a doing him a great deal of good, l b lights • bottle and before It WUH used up my how. W.M cured 1 all the season since la*E Aprll, showing no mora sign* of It. I consider your Kendall's Spavin < ure a valuable medicine, and It should bo in every .table in the lan... Price <1 per bottle, or six bottles fort". Alldrus (tlst; have It or can Bet It for you, or 1 « ill J Ml to any oddMM on reculptof price !>>• tin-w rio ters. PR. B. J. KENIIALIi CO., Enosburith Falls. Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DItUGGISTS. FOB WEN ONLY* rosier TAILIHG HAHBOO* P ftlM . gafcral * n<l VJLKVOVB D-BIIIIY', |j£jm J 1 j I • of BodyandUiad, Effect! y»3 Jif Tii'sli. f £rrorsor JLr • sscsin Old or To. :r jr. 1 NwM# "U t.NMOOfi filly l«.«forr't. How to««Unr.-> pr.4 y . . ti.*, »VI it."i . firth*, j . , - ,i«aeStb In * dnj» H, i, ii A&U.Mi i •• r.J I - - «« •. Writ* tin a* Ilf«r''.»tl«V r«mk, »i|>la*aU*in an<i proof* mailed aralcfl fr»«, «4r;» ERifc MEDiCAk CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. jfeUKsors I \3 k rr ani nrsssui /f _G£N£..A ; -JN AFTcR oC\ERATION~ *j/"> ■ -•■■■ iL . ijA-vs m.rsßrn IT. °o^.. Pr 7 r, C* l-i'rrn %o+* It. Bverj Travel ' ai*oui l hava a bottle of it In hi* sat.heL Every Sufferer atica, Nwinlyl*, N"r -toorßm.'* he. Diphtij ria,Oomrhs Oatarrh, Broncli *. AathnuM j ■ ■■■!•» Murt Inarrh^n, -t io Brtly « r stiff Joints or Strain*, will find in thia of I An<*!vm' :• f and jpwly cure, rnmj»t iiw -»M ••'■'. 'vwh - Pri<*e 3.1 ct*., by mail, 6 bottle, Xxpsvwi i. I. .rfOHNSOS «K 0.-., 2U«. edy Extant 11 ii: a positive cure for PILES SALT RHEUM, ECZEMA, And All Skin Diseases, An invaluable remedy for Wounds, Bams, Swell inj-. Sorc=, Cronp, Bronchitis, etc. NO HOf.lE SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT, Sold ! v a!! drns?! ts at JO emits per box. Send 3 two-oc - ~i- i'o free sample box and lx uk. TAK OID COMPANY, tllitvioo, ILL. For Sale by D. 11. Wuller, Butler. WOLFF'S. A perfect Harness Dressing. ÜBI:T> BY MEN". WOMFN AND CHILDREN. A SHINE LASTS A WEEK. LEATHER PRESERVER. A HANCSOME POLISH. IE WATER-PSOOF. EVERY Hou EVERY C-^ce EVERY c EVERY Stable will Stain Olu a T*r * FVNUNJF.C J'AMISH wivL ST«»n GLASS »NO CH««*waii - a $ the wiu STAiNTnwv same will Stain you» 010 Baskets time, will Staih B*a"-8 ro*ch a«o WOLF? & PAN." t-PH, rhJladi'-^pWa. Alii in J rvsi. i\ ...U E:u~o FamitAi , ;®|: .* r r - SG-icS CURE 3n its First Stages. ; j lie 3t«:. f/cii fjtt the ffcmiinc, | '* ■. "; . <Sf "'.IT 't:-..' faf. it P, 7 f.,T "- . I 11- !• -Is. !• . . ~ - 1: •.. • . ; .. i .... . £ > M. I AWAY To < vi 'r d this paper who suffers from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Liver Cum pi rit. t- <ll ici.e. Nervous Debiiiiy or Con a fi c : tile of that m'«t wonderful id, ;1, :ue. Floraplexlon, which is the only ab solute : 1J 1 r;r..i •nt cure for tlie above n ened dist., I can . ::ord to do this becaus • I lai'.w th it i.l ■ of'every ten pers nsw'.io try it will he so v il wn :i-d with the results they will take pleasure in Bpr.'king about its marvelous curative virtues to all tin >r irien.lsand aequaintances. 'the value fl t : tti advertising t.. me is worth many t■ it < f themcdieinegivinaway.sol am well < .-it.-'tforthe seeming large expense. 1 have- r 7' l .'in! letters on file from people who liave I' 1 cured »f one *»r more oi the complaints above named. Write to day stating your mseasc :u : ,i- ! .'.'le by return mail,or aik your drn: -ii:. 1 r it and |." t well. Address, PROF. HART, 83 WARREN STREET, NEW YORK r \ i siiCTORS LAKI-: i i.'MT:: > JBKJI Con. Penn Avr. ano Fooiith Bt.. ..- •- PITTSBURUH, PA. A .V- \ Allfornuof Helieatennd Com f • plieiiit-d l»iM>asesre<tttintig('UN> fJ" ' / rim-TiALandSciESTini: Med "~i,l , - 1, 1 ,-i nr.-s treated p t this T>: - - ~ 1: . . • ah s I'xc"" rnrelv attained. l)r. 8. K !. . 1 ot the I'oval C'olh gcof I'liv ., . 1... and Is the otdest and most •1 •. t.tsr in the e:ty Special at civtion ;;iv, 11 to Nen Pebillty frotuexcessive m i':i!' it it, lnoee.retion of youth, .1 . uil decay,lack of energy. I. ,< alsoCancei>. OldSoiv-, I- its, 1. . ml all di'c taesof 1 Organs, etc. Ooosnltal on 1 tly e.Miilili'iitial. Ollice h"iirs,'.t to 1 ; • U . M ; si'ii'lays, 2to 4 r. M. ii'i'v. * * or -.d Irc-s I*ll*l. I > KK, Ooft. •il ■ '% • V:»DmisT..J.'ITTSI»L'IiOH,rA. m iSsaMi I'll 11: . • i rutJon «)!•!« • •! i m liu «;i < pr.'iitiu;utf«llii cur:tM' j ii* v.t .j. > :»'i for < "iirular, CURE LUi. -.NIEID. c::. . ii.i.ii 9W3. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. H i v I>SO m, LVDESTIIt CTIIiLK. tlian V/ood. I I ! fr I . -if : ' in . - X_if l*ii li .1 o"i]J Thca' re r -v a I'l -t. Prncu -srJtb gatf. (Tbn ll not r • !•«. i I.f>ti or W "1 P-. ti. Wht r» f • priaf i , Nutuber of P' and Bin,- •. Wan tad. i'i uraHaarylrnn F-1 ir, Cf«t > • Suva 5' .-. t-rs and PIKK I. > \ Cc J-sr Do-re. r !( .m ,a- 1 Iron drills, WIRK » >2 JJU wixmj . 1 a.I kioaaor WIRE WUI». TAVLOR DKAN, SIOI, SOS • •:t» •• Market St.. Fittsbnrgh, f*a. 'sing Alien B. Wrisley's J. Best Invention—Little or RGieewgDFCH Seqc 1 "ikyourGrocerforit i FIIUQWIiifiECIiONS CIQSF'X TI 11 : CITI/KN. " MISCKL AM-:oi6 Advice to !.:» !y Ci:\rdrnm. Now plant Be hemes for .summer travel. I;;ike in your husbands loose • change ati'lcut l aeli his superfluous ex penses. Cultivat ■ hectic Mushes and sick spells, «li-••vithe need of fresh air and of transplanting t<> the seaside. Prepare for summer dresses and get ready your - 1„> 'Us. Saratoga should IK I br< u .-lit ot-t and overhauled. I Water the family tlo< tor with generous ! fees and cultivate L - ideas that the European travel tre -;nent would best ' suit \ our e. e. 1> ". ;i to itiuleh your ■ husband with Ha V* - and flattery. It may eneouru ;e the crowth of his liber ality. When he is ripe f. r picking he should have ui'-re ' irr,. ml be put into the sur.'.'; i t • ' warn: affection. This should be kept up until he begins to dr. 'P bi - 1 f: '4:> his checkbook. When you have : all you ean turn him out of the pot and throw him into a corner to dry off.— Philadelphia j Times. ■ Wrongly Interpreted. Visitor —When I passed your dauffh i ter's door, coming down, she stood be- I fore the glass making horrible grim ■ aces. I'm afraid she isn't well. Matron —Did she have a book in her hand? Visitor—Yes, I think she had. Matron —She is all right: that was the , Delsartean method of looking pleasant. J —X. Y. Sun. Ciimatolofftcal. She —Why is it that the oldamlyounjj internaarrv so fro<juentl3' now in Amer* . ica? lie—lt's the effect of the climate. | January and May are inextriealby blend- , ed with us, you know. —Munsey's \\ eek i Libera! Table Kept. "Hello, Billy," said a man, as he hailed a friend; "you've changed youi residence." "Yes." "Where are you living now?" j "I'm not living anywhere. I am dy- , ing by decrees at a VS abash avenue boarding house." —Light. —For a prompt, effective, yet perfectly j safe blood purifier,take Hood's Sarsapariiia. j Spring fever. —Budding trees. —A Chicago millionaire has just bad a coat-of arms fixed up with the motto, "All things come.- to hiin who fcm«tles." To Consumptives. Tip uudersit'tir.l bavitsr bteu rei-trred to health liy simj l« mean?, alter .sußeriiic :or several years Willi u severe !u ck allecuon, ami tLiit dft ;>il disease Consumption, is anxious io known to i:t fellow Nutli-r --ers the meant nl eute To those who desire it, he will ('!■ rtuilj send !r,e of charge) a copy of ti-a- pre-eri; :irn ti'd, wliich tl.ev will fi."l tt Mir;* cure ior t ocsuuiplt it, Asthn», Catarrh, Brer.chttis nod all tjir a slid uiu>r Miil»ili«s. He 11' ■ I all *'itirr».*rs will try 11 enied>, i.*; it is invaluable, those detiricg the prescription, which will cost them .md may prove a bless lug, wili ~Mtdress Li v. i filVAßti A. Wilson, V» illiam-lmrg, K'uir-' County, New Yort. —The average female waist i- twenty four inches. A man's arm is just a little longer. —The spring hat of the ladies seerus to consist principally of a quantity of holes strung on a wire frame. Look here, Friend, Are You Sick? I>o you uD'er from Dyspepsia, Indi gey'.iotj. Set - stomach, Liver Complaint, Nervon-ue-s I.or-t Vppti'.te. Billiousne s, Lxhansiion or Tired Feeling, Pains in or Longs, Dry Cough, Js ightsweats, Nervon; Debility or any form of Consump tion.' If so, send to Prof. Hart, 88 Warren St., New York, who will send yoa free, by mad, a bottle oi niediciue which is a sure cure. Send to-day. —What not needed is dear at ahy price. —The time to come is no more ours than the time past. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"ilysti cure" lor rheumatism and neuralgia, ratiie cally enraa in 1 to o days., lis MUM ujmu the sysiem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once Ihe cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The lirst dose greatly benefits. • o els. Sold by J C ltediek, druggist, Duller. —Busy Farmers. —Oats all sowed. —ltch on human aud horses ami all ani mals cured in TO minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never lails. Sold by J C Kediek, druggist, Butler. —Boys ail lisbiug. ' —Store boi loafers. —Dr. Fennel 's Golden Belief is warrant ed to relieve umlliuche, headache, neural j gia, or any other pain in - to 8 minutes. Also bruises, wounds, wire cuts, swellings, ' bites buri).-, summer complaint.-, colic, valso in horsus), diarrhoea, dysentery and ilux. If satisfaction not given money 1 returned. I —Schools deserted. I —The first American paper appeared ju»t 1 IfeT y ears ago. c c —F>>r headaciies, biliousness, constipa r lion, u;z/iiie.--, fleepit.-ji'ef-, Ihe blues, I -eroiula, the blood and aa sKin .. l'r. I"cuiier's l;i«««l aud Liver Keiiiei.y and a jNerve ioufe never laiis. Warranted to * .-alisiy or inonev reluniied. e " r —lbis is the latest hall-playful formula lor popping li,e question, as overheard iu the park: lie —"You can have me!" bbe, , iu the same play ful vein—"l don't have . to." —English Spa' i Liniment removes all . hard, svit or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, bio-i. spavins, curbs, splints, - sweeney, ling boile, . lilies, sprains, all sMrolen throats, ougbs, etc. Save ioO by i use of one botile. Warranted the MR t wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold - by J C Bedicl., drugiiisl, butler. —Now get out .. our law n mowers. —Mr. Feuiiei's i> i,gh Honey will relieve any cough in oue ! our. Equally good for horses, tii*es ciiei^ ; ui.d strength, \loney . refunded if satisfaction not given. —A government t.ix is no longer required to seil tobacco ;; ;•! cigars. —Trailing arbutus is now being eagerly '■ sought after by both old aud youug. ■ —Dr. Fein Kidney aud Backache J Cure is warr..; ie I to give sati-faction in every case or money returned. —We *.vi.-h to remark that the days are growing longer and warmer. Save Yourself Money. Wlien you goto I'iltsburgh, l'a., stop at the Anciior Hotel, corner Liberty and ? Fourth streets. It i a strictly first ela;.- ( Hotel conducted on the European plan, i Lodgings, —or 50 cents. —The "grill" has let up. We suppose ! the next will be the "password" or j ' countersign." ' —Even the dentists are pleased with free sugar because it means cheaper candy and ! " ni'.re need of dentistry. •'Oh, lor the uift to make old clothes wear j That look of youth that once wa - thev". Consumption Surely Curod. I To Tun Sdit. PJ> inform ; >ar,r . n> that I listo a poailivo rewuily for thoab'-vo-nsin a disease. Py Its t;.:»uly use thcmzaucis of!), ■'■ s ea; .iB havo bo-'u psruaaeßlljr cured. I Hhnll lw> i 1 .-1 to mnd two bottlos of my remedy FREE to mnj- of j your rearl' r« wJio havo coUHunipti.'U if they will 1 iieiitl mo thvir and I*. O.'nii. lt< ; <j >t f- *ully, T. A. 8LOCT1!. M. C.. 181 Pearl St.. -N. Y. ■ ' 1 :i or. *. oi.. leUIUEJB, ■ v. \RK READY To show you the largest and lowest priced stock of FUR NIT UR E in the country. Don't foruet to call and j see our Parlor Suits, 0 ]>ieces, uj)holster ed in Crushed and Silk Plush. Two beautiful pictures and one handsome oak Parlor Table for SSO. We also liaye a Parlor Suit for as follows: 6 chairs, upholstered in plush; 1 rocking-chair, up holstered in plush; 1 sofa, upholstered in I plush: all for the low price of #25. Our <>ak bed-i ; nt suit ! r $lB can be bought only at our store for the rri. :. We h,i\ c China Closets for any price you want them freni S2O up. Parlor C.ibinets from $8 up. Side boards from £2O Ip. V. o haw any kind of furniture at any price you want. Campbell <S: Templeton, 13(> NORTH MAIN bTREET. BUTLEK, PA If von want a perfect fitting suit u'o to H AB E RNIGG 202 S. Main St., New Troutman Building, Butler, Pa. Clothing uncalled for in Bradford sells for half pi ice, mostly winter goods. , RINGS, 11W 1 , EAR-RINGS. Diamond* < SCARF PINS 'STUDS, ( GENTS GOLD. WT »+ , lw*o J LADIES SOLD. V\ ate I ICS j GEN TS SI LVER LADIES CI IAT LA. IN, J~ 1 . j Gold Pins, Ear-rings, r W*3il \ 1 Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, [ Tea sets, castors, butter dishes m• l . and everything that can be ► ■ i I \ (' 1 > » < < 5 ( | found in a first class store, HiiSGiH BBOS. Itfl ! SiTh,^ E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 19, Ji/cith Main St., BUTIER, PA.. SOMETHING ABOUT DRY GOODS k CARPETS. DO YOU NEED \ro you going to buy a new dress this spring? DO YOU WANT a new" Jacket io all the new colore ami styles? DO YOU WA NT anything in the Notion line? DO VOU NEED—Are you goin? to buy any carpet this spring? DO YOU WANT Fresh, Clean (J >d-. the latest and choicest styles? DO VOU WANT any kind of Krussels, Velvets, Moquett, in the choicest dr.vgna. mad*' up with beautiful match borders in stvl*>.' DO YOU WA N'T an lugraiu. 3-ply, or Cotton Carpet of any kiud; DO YOU WAN 1' any Lace Curtuius, Portieres, Curtain Poles or Win dow^Sbades? AND A HOYE A:TjI-J, Do yon want to pay leas than you have been paying elsewhere for inferior goods? Then Come and See Us, lie Can Save Vou Money. TROUTMAN'S Leading Dr\ Goods and Cari>et House. C? •/ * lil TIJOIi. - PA. O° 0 HAY- FEVER r COLD head fcfet E'u'n Cream Balm in not a liquid, tnvff or ;• trder. Applied tnto the nontrur • quickly abtorf; d. Jtc>-an*» the / /, allay* injUim motion, heal* # I" ft 1 fiit tore*. Sold hi/ drwiqUts or »< r.t by m til on tee>- ;>t of price. E*: DUG £i.y BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. >J J . ACKNOWLEDGED THAT « TE* m HAS The Largest, Most Reliable and Leading Millinery House in Butler County. We are now prepared to »>how you a complete liue cl the latest novel ties-and ideas for Children V, Misses', YouDfr Bed Old Ladies' Trfaimed ll#'i- and Bonneit< Straw und I.ace II is Gilt, Silver and >i!k Ribbons. Flower* iu >»reat vuriety. And we would very specially menu- u that Mourning FI 's a:»d Bonnets receive our best »:t tition Kv.-ry order iu ibis tir.e will In* executed with neatness, skill aod promptitude. Xo charge Kr trimming bait when materia!- oought btre. Iu this liue we defy competition. A, 7 h ? in T PAPE It a Cheapest. I • ■ f » ■ | Street. ~~ EMBRACE THE OPPORTUNITY! / It Time Is Precious. i : '' mtnS i — ever n 'i n( i t' ie i icture. Go at \lC J Kjct |—*- o:.ce uud see liusclton's Xp ' - new and attractive Ux Bt }^ es > n Footwear. ~ We know that ft pood article which 'A JFZ (a j - pives the buyer a big dollar's worth in value for everv dollar invested is bure to bring him back, and tout s the secret of our increasing business. We've lots of good things for you this season in tine foot-wear. Our Spring Stock sparkles with advantages to you. Ladies' Fine Sboea fina and pretty styles at sl, $1.25; graud ot $1.50; extra fine at $2. $2.50 and up. These shoes are worth what we ask for them; but we don't say this or that shoe is worth $4 aud selling at $2 50; this is an old chestnut. Our $2 J hv>e is fiuer aud better in every way than these so-called marked down shoes at $2.50. It is a dishonest business and an imposition on the public. Ladies' Lace Shoes Patent Tips, Cloth Tops; also Button Shoes with Cloth Tops on opera and common sense lasts are quite the style. Patent Calf DoDgola Top is a pretty new shoe we are showing. Some of these have patent calf quarters. Our stock of Ladies' Low-cut Shoes and Slippers can't be equalled. An endless varietv of styles and prices from 25c., 50c , sl, sl.-5 and up. Spring Heel Shoes for Ledies and Children in Buttou Boots and Low- Cut Shoes from 50c., 75c., sl, aud $1.25; infaLte' at 25c, 50c., and 75c.; elegant stvles and best of goods. Men's and Boys' Shoes In this lice as in all others we double discount ttim all. See our Men's Teal Coulees, stylish at sl, sizes 6-11; then take a look at those fine lines at i 1 25, $l5O, $2 ncd $2.50. You never saw their equal. They are made to my order by the best manufacturers in this country. See our Men's English Cordovan Kangaroo Casco Calf, made on all the improved lasts, plain and lip, all widths. Lock nt our immense stock of Brcgans, Plow Shoes, ( reedmoor s Box- Toe Shoes at sl, $1 25, and $1 50. They are dandies; no foolishness by tell ing you this shce was sold for $2 75, but will nell it to you for $2. but will sell you a better one at the small sum of $1.50. I heae prices and the fine styles are leading the trade, and leading lots of cus omers to our store everv dav. Don't fail to come iu and see us. We will iuteyst you. B C. HUSELTON, 102 N. Main St., Butler. j Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Rubber Goods, etc., AT Grieb & Vogeley's. You will find them fresh, new goods, from the leading manufactories, and all the latest approved styles, making A Rare Collection of Choice Bargains, Xot to be equalled elsewhere in Quality or Low Prices. See Us! Talk With Us! Try Us! IA New Stock, A Choice Stock. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Yours 11 especti ully, Grieb & Vogeley, [ 347. 8. MAIN STREET, - BUTLER, PA. Ontiosite Willarrt House. WHEN YOU GO TO PITTSBURGH, be suro to visit ROSEXBAUM & CO.'S, 510-518 Market Street. The spacious stores are at present tilled to overflowing with the largest and beat selected stock of new goods in the city The many departments contain hundreds of attractive bargaius which this limited spuce will not admit of enumeration. Visitors will liud in our LARGE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT the best productions of America's most talented modistes. We always make it a point to serve customers with the latest coneeita in fnshioDab ? e Lead wear at lowest possible prices This policy has made our Millinery Depart ment what it is to-day—the most popular of any west of New \ork. We have just opened extensive lines of beautiful SPRING BLAZERS, JACKETS AND SUITS! Kverv popular style, shade and color is represented. Our ladies suits are ! equal" in appoarance to any tailor-made suits, and range iti price from $6.50 In Ktoztrs and Jackets,-wc « nrt name sny price 'r >ni «J. $:l, $4, $5 up J to $20.00. CORSETS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Our lit eof Corsets contains all reliable makes. Kid and Suede gloves wn show in every shade aud color. direct importer a we can afford to ' undersell other dealer* We oho import most of our I lost EftY aud arc prepared, at sil times, to I offer special Low Prices. * *' "Cuss mers living oul of tovru are cordially invited to call aud in j .-.peri our stock f r themselves. We guarantee to save money for ah who ' favor us with their patronage. ROSENBAUMco. i 5iU 5,8 Market Street,
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