DECEMBER IS9O, Wc made contracts for all our Spring Carpets, of which we have the largest and best line ever shown in Butler. These goods were all bought at the very lowest prices carpets have touched in the history of the trade since the beginning of 1891. Carpets have advanced in price from 2 1-2 to 22 1-2 cents per yard for the different grades. We are in position to, and are selling them at our former low prices. Please remember this, and also that we have control of several of the leading makes, for this county. New Cottage Carpets 20 cents - New Ingrain - - - ~ - 2 5 cents. Better Ingrain . - - - 35 cents. Union Extra Super - - - - 5° cents. New Brussels 5° cents - Rag Carpets - - 30, 35. 40 and 50 cents. Cheaper than you can make them, and of new material. A splendid line of Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Portieres, Fix. tures and everything kept in a first-class Carpet House. RITTER & RALSTON. WHEN IN NEED OF CALL ON HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, "pTTTT ."RTF?, - 3ST'A Where you cm haye your choice out of the largest assortment of cooking and i heating stoves in Butler county; also dealer iD Hardware. Lansing TVa guns, Wheee , & "Wilson and Standard Sewing Machines, Hanging and Stand Lamps. Wsncfactue | • of Tinware; Tin Roofing and Spouting a Specialty. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN Do You Want to Make Money? OF COURSE YOU DO! That's Human Nature. THEN BUY YOUR BOOTS & SHOES AT B ICKEL ' S . By so doing you will {jet the prettiest styles—the end best wearing goods for tbe least money. We would like to reduce oar stock as we wish to make some improve ments on our store room and at present our stock is too large as we have not tbe room and in order to accomplish our purpose we have marked our goods so remarkably low that it will be an inducement for every person vis iting our store to mako a purchase. We'll save you money for you know by experience that our pricep for reliable poods were "ever beaten and seldorci equaled. We will offer y« uan unlimited assortment of ladies and misses tin shoes, price $1 to $0 A full and complete stock of lai'ies front lace shoes with scollop front»- and patent hatber triniD irfs ail sizes and all widths. Ladies button shoes, fine dongola, with ciotb tops, donpola tops, bright finished tops, with patent leather qnarters, plain toe or patent Itaiher tips—al! styles—all ma terials and all prices. MISSEB SHOES heel or spring heel—and kind of stock desired and tbe latest patterns from Rochester's largest shoe factories. We can show you s large assortment of Men's floe dress shoes, fine French calf, kangaroo, cordovan, bard or machine sewed, at a big bargain. 500 pairs of Men's fine calf oboes, Congress or English Balmorals at $2 former price $2 75 and many other bareains which space will not permit me to speak about. A larger and more complete stock of men's kip plow shoes, Brogans, Creedmoors, Eorekas, box toe shoes of all kinds at prices lower than ever. The.above are not leaders in the sense of being a few articles singled out for special mention because of their extremely good values, but fair spec imens of tbe entire stock. They are leaders in another sense. They lead numbers of people to come to us lor their shoes and we please and suit them all. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Repairing neatly and promptly done either in leather or rubber goods At all times a full stock of oilmens box-toed boots and shoes. At all times a fnll stock of Leather and Findings. Shoemakers supplies of all kinds. Best brand of Sheffield sole leather. Kip and calf stock. Shoe uppers of every dtscription. Blacksmith aprons. When in need of anything in our lino give me a call. Orders by mail will receive same attention as if brought in person. Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL, " \ T , ITTI W, N'A Ifceoipi'ooity. To counteract the effect of spring winds and storms on face and hands; to renew, renovate and purify the cuticle after a rigorous winter, is the mission of C r< )SS k irs CREAM GLYCERINS And riffht well does it perform the task It is a bland, creamy emulsion, with just enough vege table oil to soften tbe skin, com bined with pure glycerine and other substances, forming one of tbe Gnest preparations for chap ped bands, lips or face or any roughness or irritation of the skin. No ladv or geutleman should be without it. SOLI) BY DRUGGIST : . Miffiin Street Livery. W. G. BIEIIL, Frop'r. One square west of Main St., on Mifflin St All good, safe horses; new buggies and carriages. Landaus for weddings and funerals. Open day and night.' Telephone No. 24. Tbe Blue Front Livery, CRAWFORD & KENNEDY, The well known liveryman,Wm.Ken nedy, has bought an interest in the above batn and will be pleased to have L.. t:.-is call at his new place "■■■■? Best Hordes, biggies and Car riages in Butler at tbe most reasonable rates. The place is easily remem bered. The first stable west of the Lowry House. WillardHotel. !W. H. REIHINH, Propr BUTLER, - PA. STAItLIM. IS COSHECTIOS. SAMPtK ROW* for COMHBBCIAIi TRAVELERS NiXON'S HO«F, 3T> N. McKEAN ST., BUTI.ER. PA. Ht-a! ;l i;all hours. Open'ftfl nH'ht. Bre.ivf.i-; 23 cento. Planer : "• c -nt* Sfpper 25 cents, -Islnif Lfifcer.ts. S'SHHK SIH'S - - - i l.< PT r t rii ft# if 8 5f r* |i j) FT! t r-I s 5 • I, No. 88 and 90, S. Main Si., BUTLER? - - PA Near New Court House —formerly Donaldsoi limine—j; oil aeconißiixlattOßß for travlfrs ■rood stabling connected. FITEKMGI LEK <t LEIBOLD. l'rop rs DIAMCKE HOTEL* JAMES SELLERS, Prop'r. New fnrmtnre, new fittings and first class accommodations. Liven*. North side of Diamond, Butler, Fa J 11m nfut *lll, BVTLEiiI,:rA. 0. FULLERTON, Prop'r, Blankets, Flannels and Yarn Jtlaiiiiiuc-turcd elTure Uiil lei County Woo!. We guarantee our sjoods to be strict ly all wool nd noarscnlc or ai.j oilier poisonous material sed in dyeing. We sell Wholesale or retail, arooles and price? 'urnlshed free to dealers ou pplicatlon by luulL €ca k a pamphlet of Infoncation and r.h- .wT™ THfcstrsctof the laws. Blowing Hun to/&/ <*7\ nt.taln Patents, Caveats. Trade, Murks, Copyright*. l:nt trtc./J&nS*/ .iddr«. MUNN * CO. jar 9' BR-; KENDALL'S \.'tl ■ f ' ■ The Most Snrrpssfui Rpniedy everdlreor. I arc !. tt-i it i* certain in its eilocts and does not | blister. Road proof I olow: KENDALL'S SPSViN CORE. B *LVEa.voS, Pa., Nov. 27, DO. ! DIL D. J. KKNI'A'.:. CO. : ! Gents—l would lik«* to :n:> ;«• known to those who I arc almost i>er*uade'l t«» useKendall's Spavin Cure i the fact that I chink Iris a most excellent Linimeut. i I have used it on a Blend Spavin. The r.orse went on three legs for thr<f y«-ars when 1 commenced to w<c your JJendr.llY £»puvlu Cure. I used teu bot ! ties on the borce and have worked him for threo years since and has not h ,-nianit-. y Yours truly, WM. A. CURL. G ERa A NTOWN", N. Y. Nov. 2,18-59. DR. B. J. KENDALL CO., Enosburgh Falls, \t. Gents: In praise of Kendall's Spavin Cure I will any. that a year sn/o I iiad a valuable youjijj h«»rse be ooine very' lame, nock and swollen. Tho ! horsemen about hew(v. e bave no Veterinary Rtir eeon here) pronounced hia lamcnes.. Blood Spavin or Thoroughpin, they all told 1110 there was uu enre for it. he became about useless, an i I con sidered hi*'- almost worthless. A friend told m« of tho mer.ia your Kendall's w>#avln Care, so I boupiit a «»oitle, and I could see very pla'.al> great Improvements Immediately from Its use,and bef. .re tnel>ottle wasrse<i uu I was satisfied that it \>:is doing hhn a great deal of good. 1 bought a second bottle and before It was used up niv hors.- cured and has lx»en in the team doing heavy sv-irk all the season since last April, showing no more signs of It. I consider your Kendall's Spavin ( 'ure a valuable medicine, and it should bo in every stable in the land. 6cwn . T . Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for All drug gists have It or can get It for you, 01* It will be sent to any address on receiptor price l»j t: proprie tors. DR. IS. J. KENDALS CO., Enosburgli Fall a* Vermont SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. FOR MEN mm i LObT or FAILING KANROO » ! ft'|( 8 and HBEVOU3 Body and l&irA, Electa Sit *k 1 * 111S Exccs&&3 Oldor Young. UtMial. NrbU Ciciorr.!. Rtwlmlim a 1 BlTMivtkraUKAK, t XI>K>>LOPfcOOHGAJSBA I'iRTbOF Altowh rrlj uaf»tU!ne IIOSIIC rHEATHK"ST—*» ».s a da-. Ben r-«»ts h*.«t i U un!i WtM* th#n. !)♦■' » »L t I'f fi.'U.iaOte'i m.»« Bißl"#-.*. (wulo.: , rr#», tR!£ McDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. ..v '? JOHNSON'S LINIMENT \J v nrrrSSAl tai EmSJAL /y -GENERATION AFTcR oENERATION iL4.v£ asd n;ry ;rr, rr. « °°^,NC-^ Jiropjwil on Stif/ar, Chitdrrn 7,r»-.*r Tt, Erery Truvel» % r riKMld have a boCtie of it In hit satchel, j Every Sufferer ToiuHrada -ho. inphthrrin.Cooirii-.«'»Urrl*. l«o.iwhii.«. Asthni.i.f'hf.i.TH Morbus in H» :•■- or J.itnh-. Sntr Joints or Slrmins will «■•. In this I'M An.xlvn.. n lii'f nnd (iiolr . an t i tn«. S,>M • -vrvwh- fr - . .Ul«.. •v - .. : 1. SJiOHSSuS at i l~ ■ s, i-um. Is the Best Household P.cmedy Extant It is a positive cure for PILES SALT RHEUM, ECZEMA, And All Skin Diseases, An invaluable remedy for Wounds, Burns, Swell lugs. Sores Croup, Bronchitis, etc. NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT, SolU by uli druggists at 50 c jiils per bos. Scaii 3 two-cC-at itamps for free siiur le boi ;id book. TAR-018 COMPANY, ILL. For Sale by I>. 11. Waller, Butler. Jt ■"■•''.lt ' S t iasJkssT 1»f L<T2\ -7lf. oy rz t Eabberft? « j -• *, -V s Th t > r:a tli'. old one! Jrceatsd -.tiLii _ ~!ing I k' - -Tv! n~ sbof« also i.- rx : • \ tho I mbUsr, L"'' i -r-iZ: ■' .■ >' f'l. j ■' ■ Ah, ar Kit :to Rni Oak. A Cars Rack *«'-» Eco -i •.? 23C S of y^IK^ON woLrp €» * >!.;•■ , rTinaiTiiiLijai' Ait in ■»: z rtvra. Stop tbat I : CHRONIC COUSH NOW:! j For If you <Io not it may becjmo c->u- « » p'.irnj *l* «>. V v Consumption, s<*rofnlu f ; J iicncrnl lit '»ili/it atj.l IVtislin j JUscasrß, ) j there nothing i..\ [ St tf*&. 4F& 9 | I 1 j g IEJOI 0 I | Oi' I'll re Cod Liver Oi! :u::l ; hypophospujtec J <l>r Xiixmo and 3odct. j | It 13 almost pa palatable as milk. Far ) } bettor than other no-called Dmulsloiis. ) j A wondorral llcsU i>roduccr. i S - : o | i There are Get //ie / taey hi»vc r- >h|ml f »r ctnnz jPW ! viavfcr, I'jfti.i- t s, in'.ai.a, Ltvcr Coffi nj j 1.-. : r, ti-rer «n<! 4 *u/», la3i.-c*«t:oa, D&rku auJ &il Lit*.- ana iroubk». St Tlu-y Kail. Bull by all <!ruggiaM an i Bgf c.-aaiTj' keeper*. f,;r circt lnrc. V;"* A Iw K. m Co., Prop'e, FltuLurfh. I'*. atirssc I GIVE AWAY To every reader of this paper who suffers from Indigo, on, Dyspepsia, Bilioasoess, Liver Coin- Jil.uiu. Silk Hca.l.iclie, Nervous Debility or ton sumption, a free I .tic of that most wonderful medicine, Florapl. xion, which is the only ab solute and permanent cure for the above named diseases. I can afford to do this because I know that nine out of every ten persons who try it will be so well satisfied with the results they w ill take pleasure in speaking about its marvelous curative virtues to all their friends and acquaintances. The value of this sort of advertising to me is worth many times thecost of the medicine given away, so I am well compensa • "d forthe seeming larpee.x])cnsc. I have over 70,000 letters on file from people who have been cured of one or more of the complaints above named. Write to-day stating your disease and receive a free bottle by return mail,or ask your druggist for it and get well. Address, PROF. HART, 80 WARREN STREET, NEW YORK. DOCTORS LAKE i" M 1 ::VATEi>I;srKXv: \RY. ■i .V S Ccb. Pt.wd AVE. ano Foui.irH ST.. •»> * FITTSbURGH, PA. All fot muof Delicate ami C«m --•"• Aj •• 1 !>i. ■ riMpnt -I'o-. V ■ 1. .-!ALUIi'IM - irNTI! !■' V. i -i i- lentil i arc treated at tins l>is ,■ ■ 'hr. icc-'s- rarely attali ed, .S. ,>:• ai. .-mi cirof tl>« Itovaf C'olU g«of I'l.v --1.1 i>u • . , and i~ the oldest ami n "-1 \ !•:, a.- •' - I'M i.tBT in Ib.e at : t :o.i :Tt vv to Nervous Debility f»»m excessive tndiacretioa of joi: h,cte..e.iii - in.l mental dway,lai-V: o' ri i -iv . 1.-nev, etc.; .ilsoC aneeis.«lid >on--, t it-, files. l'';.'iii.i:itiaiii, and all diseased ot tho Skill, I rinary < >rgnns,ote. ion r » »•!.« strict I.- conildentuiU Office houra, !• to 1 i to ft p. M.; Sundays, 2 to 4 v. M. or!v. I ."t. oflWso or aildress "I>RS. l.AKiv. i.olt. A\ i .AND<TUST..riTTSUriti;II,PA. I ' v curat '\ .'lC|L.\.»»'l.l*l i i'A. I:, i'. orn «\ no <'juration .i i<ism tiiii :r ii, « » • |.r-»itiniur»*l In : . i . -« • • • in <m. ular. wUI E cUARArUUO. to3. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. ILLXDSOUJ:, ix»ESTia:cTxui.E. Cheaper than \Vood. «Nl| Tbeabcvo cutaliova Picket with gat* (llusliiiot p i can be u»"«l on 1 on or W« o<l P.-tt*. WTicn 1 i prii?e» «i\e (j • rj. Number of Gars*. Dr.«• and B(ui- Wanted. VT.- M 'tocfvuiure Heavj Iron Crr -: [ 8t»i.:o t'itUnif*. Fire utters and FIRE K.»TAI <*«?.! r | Doora, to 1 Khil!D«ii. llnM and Iron ©rili», TiK l ,11 , WINI>OW 3CUSENB. »nd all kindaof M'IRK WUKt. TAVI.OfI & DEAN, 201, 203 ii -05 Mar Let St.. Fittabursh, X'a. SELLSHIB By Using Allen B, Wrisley's ! ()QOR CKEER 3DAP ratsst and Best laYentioa—Little or Require ! - r :-k your Grocer for it I w»r>EliilijNii CIUSCI^ Tlire CITIZKN. UiSCKL AM KOI S- A Breach of r.-o»li« Cans Lawyer—You claim that you were in sane when you proposed to her? Defendant —Yes, sir. "Can you prove it?" "Yes, sir." "now?" "Isy producing the plaintiff in court and letting'the jury look at her."—Light. A Suitable l>o|f- Lady—l wish to select a pet dog. Dealer —Live in the city. I suppose, mum? "Yes; I live in a Hat." "Then I would adviseau Italian grey hound, mum. No matter how mucb you feeds a greyhound ho always stays uarrer." —V Weekly. The Wronc Animal- Doctor—l am thinking of trying an infusion of gt >at's blood on you. Patient—Why, doctor, it's my lungs that need strengthening. My diges- 1 tion is all right.—Good News. None of Thorn Got Away. Do Ruyter—What do you think of my little volume of fugitive verses? Reeder —I think you made a great mistake in recapturing them. —Puck. —Science Corroborated. —J. Newton Laplace—"When we say that the 'sun goes down' at nightfall, we are, of course, speaking inaccurately. It is really the earth that moves, and we ought to say 'the earth comes up.'" 11. Drinkwine Rounder —"I've always thought it must be so! Only last night the earth came up and hit me —Chica go Saturday lieralil —All forms of scrofula, salt rheum, etc., are cured by Uotiu'ii the great blood purilier. —lf there were more people in the lunatic asylums, there would be lewer murders out.-ide the asylums. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by simile means, alter raftering for several vears with a severe lung atieelion, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to iiis tetlow sutler* era the means of cure. To those v.lio desiie it, he will cheerfully send (tree of charge a copy of tbe prescription used, which ti,ey will find a sure cure tor Consumption, Asthtna, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. lie hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the pre. j criytiou, which w;!! cost them nothing, ?pd may prove a Mess ing, will please address Rev. A. Wilson, Williamsburg, Kiugs County, New York. —A statesman is a man who eau say enough without snyiug too much when he writes a letter. Look here, Friend, Are You Sick? D« you stiller from Dyspepsia, In«li •_-i stiou, Stomach, Liver Conipiuin Lost ApJM-tlte, BiHoMOMt lilbii'j i'U or Tired i'teliiig, I'aius iu Ch< tor ..u:ig . Dry Cough. Nighlnw eats, Nervous Debility or any torrn oi t nnsunip .ionlf il o, ;ti»i to l'rof. Hart. .-S Warren St., New or!>. who v-'ill seud you lre», l>y mail, a uottle ot medicine whieh i.-, a sure cure. Send to-day. —lt is claimed that docking horse-' tails makes them faster. 01 course they will pa an object sooner. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"ily-t. - cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic tally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is rema. ble and mysterious. It removes at once the cause the dis til-e immediately disappears. The dose greatly benefits. 7o cts. Sold by .1 G Kediek, druggist. Butler. —The silting of immigrants goes brat t !y on under the new law, but it wouldu t do any harm to use a finer sieve. —ltch on human and horses anu ill! ani mals cured in 30 minutes bj \\ oollord s Sanitary Lotion. This never tails. Sold by J 0 Kediek, druggist, Butler. —lt was the map who delivers ice who was heard to remark: "Some people want a whole skating rink for ten cents. l)r. Fanner's Golden Relief is warrant ed to relieve toothache, headache, neural gia, or any other pam in 2 to 8 minutes. Also bruises, wounds, wire cuts, swellings, bites burns, summer complaints, colic, (also in horses), diarrhtva, dysentery and f!nx. If satisfaction not given money returned. —A lot ot good people seem to he bu*y hunting down heretics just now. Let tbe heretics alone, and hunt for more good people. —For headaches, biliousness, constipa tion, dizziness, sleeplessness, the blues, scrofula, the blood and all skin eruptions Dr. Fenner's Blood and l.iver Remedy and Nerve Touic never fails. \\ arranted to satisfy or money refunded. V Philadelphia lawyer who has just died lei . a will of thirty-eight words. This seems to vindicate a Philadelphia lawyer's reputation. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ring bone, stifles, strains, ail swolen throats, coughs, etc. Save SOO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J C Kediek, druggist, Butler. —A prcpetual motion machine having been sold for $1 in Delaware, Keely, ol Philadelphia, can now work with some hope ol adequate reward. —Dr. Fennel's Cough lloney will relieve any cough iu one hour. Kijually good lor horses, Gives energy anil strength. Money refunded If satisfaction not given. The returns ot" the census in ludia.just o mpletod, "show the population of th e Indian Empire it. l e 0, being au increase of fully ;J0,000.0U0 since the last ceusiif, taken in 18,>L." Special Announcement We have made arrangements with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise 011 tile Horse and his Diseases," which wi'l ci i. ii- a!i our subscribers to ob tain a copy ol .i a l , \:il liable work /lit by sending ll'eir tuMrt - (enclosi'ig a two-eeut stamp lor mailing same) to Dr. 11. J. Ken tliiii Co., Knosburgh 1-alls, \I. This book is now recognized ::s -tandard authority npon all di ease ' j the horse, as its phenomenal sale iiitests, over lour million copies having been sold ill the past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication in the si. . period of time. We feel confident that ~ui patrons will appre ciate the work, anil be glad to avail them selves of this o poitunity of obtaining a vait;ible book. Its. s necessary that you mention this paper in send! .g lor the "Treatise." This olter will remain open for only a short time. —Dr. Fenuer's Kidney an ' Backache Cure is warranted to give satisfaction in every ease or money returned. —lt may safely be affirmed that ono sanctimonious, miserly millionaire iu a community works more deadly harui to Christianity than a dozen isolated eases of burglary or drunkenne-. Save Yourself Money. 1 When you go to Pittsburgh, l'a., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is a strictly tirst-elass Hotel conducted on tla European plan. Lodgings, —ss, —or 50 cents. —The Indians politely but firmly and unan ; :nonsly deelin ; l ucle Sam - :nvita tion to enlist in lis army. It i- the labor and disa-ip'ine * hieh tliey fear. The work is too hard and the 1 h mees for st- aling too I small. Consumption Suro!y Cured. To The Sditoii:—Please Inform your roaai-rs ' that I li*vo a pooitive remedy (■ r tlio above-nn: .-,1 | dixcaac. By Its timely u«o thouwui'U ofh i'.> - ' caiiea have been peruancutly cur. i. le'.'tiM ■ :1 ' to «end two bottles of my remedy FIIEE tn any" ' your renters who have consumption if t!.?y send me their Ixpr... Rr.d I*. O. ad.treM. K. .p . • 'ally, T. A. SLocL Ji, it. C.. Is! l'carl St.. V. :<Vi lurk Oil! \V! ARK READY To show vou the largest and lowest! priced stock ot FUR N 1T UR E in the country. Don't forget to call and see our Parlor Suits, l> pieces, upholster-j ed in Crushed and Silk Plush. Two beautiful pictures and one handsome oak j Parlor Table for *SO. We also haye a Parlor Suit for *25. as follows: 0 .chairs, , upholstered in plush: I rocking-chair, up ; bolstered in plush; I sofa, upholstered in , plush; all for the low price of $25. 1 Our oak bed-room suit for $iS can be bought only at our 1 store for the price. \\ c have ( liina (closets for any price you want ■ them fie m S2O up. Parlor Cabinets from $S up. Side boards from ' S2O up. We have any kind of furniture at any price you want. Campbell & Templeton, 13f. NORTH MAIN STREET IJUTLEH, PA it* vou want a perfect fitting' suit u'o to H AB E RNICC 202 S. Main St., - - New Troutman Building, Butler, Pa. Clothing uncalled for in .Bradford » sells for half price, mostly winter goods. j ; Diamonds | sc^i/fp ( ixs. '-studs, i ( GENTS'GOLD, Vlr 1 1, J LADIKS OOLD, i \\ atclieh I GENTS SILVER > "LADIES CHATLAIN, I ] j Gold Pins, Ear-rings, 9) CW Cll \ 1 Rings, C'hainSj Bracelet®, Eto> I ( Tea sets, cat-tors, butter dishes Silvenvnw \SitSSfJS-T" ■ ROSGtR UK. ttfl S| ~- ; E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER Ko. 39, Berth Main St., BUTIEB, vA.. SOMETHING ABOUT L DO YOU NEED—Are von coin? to buy a new rtrrss this sprintr' DO VOU W ANT a new Jacket in all the now colors and styles? DO YOU WANT anything in the Notion line? DO VOU NEED Are you poinsr to buy any carpet this spring. no VOU WANT Fresh". Glean Good-, th" latest and choicest styles? DO VOU WANT any kind <t Brussels, Velvets, Moqnett, in the choicest up with hoautiful match borders in firßt elnfP style. YOU WANT an Ingrain, :i ply. <>r Cotton Carpet of any kind? DO YOU WANT any Lace Curtains, Portieres, Curtain Poles or Win dow, Shades? AND ABOVE ALL, I)o you wont to pay less than have been paying elsewhere for inferior - goods? Tiisi Come and See Us, We Can Save You Money. TROLLTM \ \"S ■ i S fi V\ f v, I AJ I- 111 y , I A Jjoadino* Dry (ioods and Carpet House. I I o J A 1 HUTLKR, - PA. : HAY-FEVER r St* AND a® % F COLD- HEAD ■ ■ E'<j's Criam Balm is not u h'qw'd, tmif or p<> r>Ur. Applied into the Mtri-t j " quickly absorbed. Jt eh in** the he ld, aVju/t injVi.'. niatinn, heal* „ fi _. Cflft *th sw. t>»ld by druiffuts or *> nt !y n.;il onreeeipt vf pru.\ LIJ ) 1 DUG ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. JJU j | ACKNOWLEDGED THAT X». T. Pstpe HAS The Largest, Most Reliable and Leading c* O Millinery House in Butler County. We are now prepared to chow v< n h complete line oi the iatest novel ties and ideas for Children's, Misses', You op and Old La lies' Trimmed Hats and B< DKets. Straw and Lace Hats Gilt, Silver sod Kibbons. Flowt rs in great variety. Aud we would very specially menii"U that Mourning 11-it* sod Bounets receive i>ur best attention. Every order in this line will IK: executed with neatners, skill !:ud promptitude. No chart:*- for tiimming hats when material boinrbt lure. In this line we defy competition. Al 7£ ;D. T. PAPE \"~ Cheapest | • ■ • ■ #» ■ | Street. EMBRACE THE OPPOBTUIITKj | j| Time Is Precious. —Never mind the picture. Go at I KyCT |— — once and see Iluselton'o )u -C/WSJ'JJJ new und attractive \ styles in Footwear. ~We kuow that a good article which <*</)».» ? "TT!— gives the buyer a big dollar's worth j in value (or every dollar invested is sure to bring him back, and that's the i secret of our increasing business. We've lots of gocd things for you this season in fine foot-wear. Our Spring Stock sparkles with udvantages to yoa. Ladies' Fine Shoes—P.n3 and pretty styles at sl, $1.25; grand at $1 50; extra fine at $2. $2.50 end up. These shoes are worth what we ask for them; but we don't say this or that shoe is worth $4 and selling at $2 50; this is an old chestnut. Our $2 is finer aud better in every Way than these so-called marked down shoes at $2.50. It is a dishonest business and an imposition on the public. Ladies' Lace Shoes Patent Tips, Cloth Tops; also Button Shoes with Cloth Tops on opera and common sense lasts are quite the style. Patent Calf PoDgola Top is a pretty new shoe we are showing. Some of these have patent calf quarters. Our stock of Ladies' Low-cut Shoes and Slippers can't be equalled. An endless varietv of stvles and prices from 20c., 50c , sl, $1.25 and up. Spring Il'eel Shoes for Ladies and Children in Buttou Boots and Low- Cut Shoes from 50c., 75c.. sl, and $1.25; infants' at 25c, 50c., and 75c.; elegant stvles nnd best of goods. Men's and Boys' Shoes In this Hue as in all others we double discount them all. See our Men's Teal Congress, stylish at sl, sizes 6-11; then take a look at those fine lines at $1.25, $1 50, $2 and $2.50. You never saw their equal. They are made to my order by the best manufacturers in this country. See our Men's English Cordovan Kangaroo Casco Calf, made on all the improved lasts, plain and tip, all widths. Look at our immense stock of Brogans, Plow Shoes, t reedmoor's Box- Toe Shoes at sl, $1 25, and $1 50. They are dandies; no foolishness by tell ing you this shoe was sold for $2.75, but will sell it to you for $2. but will sell you a better one at the small sum of These prices and the fine styles are leading the trade, and leading lots of customers to our store everv dav. Don't fail to come in and see us. We will interest you. B. C. HUSELTON, 102 N. Main St., Butler. Boots and Shoes, SI ippers, Rubber Goods etc., AT GRIEB & VOGELEY'S. You will find them tresli, new goods, from the leading manufactories, and all the latest approved styles, making O A Rare Collection of' Choice Bargains, Xot to be equalled elsewhere in Quality or Low Prices. See Us! Talk With Us! Try Us!- . A New Stock, A Choice Stock. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Yours I i esj >ectful ly, Grieb & Vogeley, 347 S. MAIN STREET, - BUTLER, PA. Onr>osite W illard. iioiise. WHEN YOU GO TO PITTSBURGH, be sure to visit ROSENBAUM k CO.'S, 510-518 Market Street, The spacious stores are at present filled to overflowing with the largest and heat selected stock of new goods in the city. The many departments contain hundreds of atttactive bargains which this limited space will not admit of enumeration. \ isitors will find in our LARGE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT the best productions of America's most talented modistes. We always make it a poiut ti» serve customers with tbe latest conceits in fashsonab'e head wear a; lowest possible prices. This policy has made our Millinery Depart ment v.Lat it i- to-day—the most popular of any west of New \ ork. We have just opened extensive lines of beautiful SPRING BLAZERS, JACKETS AND SUITS! Every popular style, shade aud color is represented. Our ladies' suits are eqii:«l in appt .ranee to any tailor-made suits, and range in price from $6.50 to $29 75. In Blazers and Jackets,-we can name any price from $2, $3, $4, $5 up to $20.0 U. CORSETS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Our line of Corsets contains all reliable makes. Kid and Suede gloves we show in every shade and color. Being direct importer* we can afford to undersell other dealers We also import r.ios* >.f our HOSIERY and are prepared, at all times, to offer special Low Prices. J "Customt rs livim: ut of tow n are cordially invited to call and in -[ !<• .-ur ik 'T themselves. We guarantee to save money for all who favor us with their patronstge. ROSENBAUMco. j SICi 5.8 Market btreet,
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