Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 01, 1891, Image 1

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Is now permanently tr- it 1» South Main
Street' Butler, fa., in lucmb formerly ccoupted
l-y l>r. IValJrvn.
IST K. Wajne St., offl;e hours. 10 to 12 M. and
1 io 3 P. M.
Physician and Scbokox.
Hri s,d< nee at 234 CrtUiam'yßtn-fct, OfDce
Frank's drugstore. Main St.
New Tioutroan Bnllding. Butler, Pa.
E. N. LE.vKK. M. D. J. E. MANN. M. D.
Specialties: Specialties:
liyiisecoli'gy and Sur- Kje, and
Butler, Pa.
ut; ce No. 44, S. Main su-**t, over Prank A
Co s L'i un Store. Butler, Fa,
physician and Surgeon.
c!o. 22 East Jefferson St., Btlkr, Pa.
S. w.CorLer Me Id and Nortb BU., Butler, Pi.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Artificial Teeth Inserted tn the lateat im
proved plan. Gold Killing a specialty. Offlco
o»tr hcliaul's Clothing Store.
All work pertaining to the profession; execut
ed in the neateat manner.
Specialties OoW Ftlllnp, and F
traction ol Teeth. \ ltallzed Air •dmlnlaUwd.
Ufflrc oa Jeffrrsoa Street, Saat *f L*wrj
H.iU, t'p Htalrm.
Office open daily, except
Thursdays. Communication* by mail leewve
prompt attention,
S, B.— The only DentUt la Butler Mtagitto
beat makes of teeth.
Architect, C. E. and Surveyor.
Contractor, Carpenter and Builder,
ilt.ps, plans, specifications and esti
mates; all kinds of architectural and en
gineering irnrk. No cbargo for drawing ii
1 contract the work. Consult your best in
terests; before you build. Informa
tion cheerfully given. A share of public
patronage is solicited.
P. 0. Box 1007. Office 8. Vf. of Coort
House, BuUer, Pa.
Orrici nkak Diamond. Bctlkb, Pa.
Attor ney-at-Law.
Office-- Between Vcstofltce and Diamond. But
ler. I'a.
OlLce at No. «. South Diamond. Butler. Pa.
Ofllce scroll<l floor, Anderson Bl k, Malu St.,
near C'omt llcute, Butler, Fa.
cr.ee on firond floor of the Hoaelton block.
Diamond, Butler, Fa., Koom No. 1.
omce In Boom No. l. second floor of liuaelton
Block, entrance on Diamond.
Attorney at Law, Office at No. IT, Eaat Jeßer
bon St.. But ler. Fa.,
Attorney at I«.» and Heal Estate Agent. Of
flee ri ar of 1.. Z. Mitchell's office on north side
oI Diamond, Butler, Fa.
Attorney-at-law. Office on second floor ol
Anderson building, near Court llouse, Butler,
Att'y at l.a\v—Olflce at 8. E. Cor. Main S», ana
Diamond, Butler, Fa.
Att'y at I^tw—Office on South side of Diamond
Butler, Fa.
V eterinary Surgeon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Toronto, Canada.
Dr. Gable treats all diseases of tbe
don>eet ic»!t d animals, and m?kM
ridgliug, castration and horse den
tistry a •>penalty. Castration per
formed wi'bcot clams, and all other
surgical operations performed in tbe
mn«t ccientific manner.
Calls to any part of the country
promptly responded to.
Office"and Infirmary in Crawford's
Liverv, 132 West Jefferson Street,
Butler. l*a.
Mutual Fire insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sti.
•3. C. KOESiiING, P&bsidbht.
it. C. HKINKMAN, Seohitabt
O.l.'iHfsin*, Henderson Oliver,
J. I. Ft.rvn, .(allies Stephenson,
A. Trinitiiiiiii, H.C. Ilelnemsu,
Allien V\ick. N. Weltzel.
Dr. W. IrvM, Dr Rlckenbach.
J. \V . Burkliart. D. T. Norris.
Insurance and Real Estate Ag't
To show you the largest and lowest
priced stock of
in the country. Don't forget to call and
see our Parlor Suits, (5 pieces, upholster
ed in Crushed and Silk Plush. Two
beautiful pictures and one handsome oak
Parlor Table for SSO. We also have a
Parlor Suit for #25, as follows: 0 chairs,
upholstered in plush; 1 rocking-chair, up
holstered in plush; 1 sofa, upholstered in
plush; all for the low price of $25.
Our oak bed-room suit for $lB can be bought only at our
store for the price. We have China Closets for any price you w ant
them from S2O up. Parlor Cabinets from $8 up. Side boards from
S2O up. We have any kind of furniture at any price you want.
Campbell & Templeton,
Follow Dan McGinty, Annie Roonev and
the rest of the crowd to
And Bee are the new pieces you will need after house cleaoing.
Pick tbem out, make a deposit on tbem, and we will set them anidc un
it yoa are ready for tbem.
No trouble to show goods whether you
buy or not.
128 JE. J eflerson tet.. - - - Hntler* Jr*a.
Regarding Fne Clothes.
As a new comer requesting a share of the pat
ronage of this town and vicinity in my line, it
befits me to make a few statements. I make a
specialty of the higher grades of work; I keep
in stock the finest quality of goods; I recognize
the fact that a good fitting suit from my house
is it's best advertisement, while a misfit con
demns the cutter and tailor. I shall endeavor
to send out the best fitting clothes to be found.
I do all my own cutting.
The prices will be as low as can be made com
patible with the quality of goods I shall adhere
to. A full line of the latest and most stylish
goods in stock. Call and see me before placing
any orders.
202 S. Main St., New Troutman Building, - - Butler, Pa.
B yo P frgQ* to SDllt !
fGtt BREEDS VEttlsr
* 0f&good house-wife.who uses
SAPOLiO. il" is well s&idrThe mouse
is muzzled in her houseVTry it and keep
your house cle&n+All grocers keep it-
Cleanliness and neatness about a house are necessary to
insure comfort. Man likes comfort, and if he can't find ii a',
home, he will seek elsewhere for it. Good housewives I-now
that SAPOLIO makes a house clean and keep 3 it br:<t.
Happiness always dwells in a comfortable home. Do you
want cleanliness, comfort and happiness? Try SAPCJLIO
and you will be surprised at your success.
Only God can fathom this
T:iat fr im out my life is fone —
All tbp sweetnos* that I miss
I_ike thf pink light from the dawn,
I.lke the welcome from a kiss.
All her sweetness as a wife,
Ail her gracious woman's charm,
Never rising Into strife.
Never dropping into harm
In th» crowding aims of life.
Ah, my feet know well the way.
In the dark as in the light,
To tUat barren mound of clay
Where she sleeps, hid from my sitfht
Like a white rose laid away.
Gatta rl:ii * shadows creep and fpll
On the Uoors. while In the dark
As if I had heard a call
1 but whisper ' hark" and "hark"—
But the ruin drips— that is all!
Not a wlii-iper—not a sign-
But th< light sweep of her hair
As her check drops down to mine
And her gown hnnss on a chair
Anil I hear a laughter fine.
When I wake from !:,.'<*rd Bleep
And she Is no loi:g'-r here
While 1 stretch a haud and keep
Silence, with a listening tear—
While the shadows seem to creep.
While no living thing I see—
Nor a shadow—anything—
nut a pr. -ience eeins to be
Kcar me like a pjlsing wing.
And a voice -i 'hs: "Love, to thee,
" I am nearer now than when
I was clasped close at thy side,
C'ioser to thr Uuw than then
In my awoetness as a bride.
And our life was one 'Am-n.'
" Take the grief now and the care.
Take the bitterness of loss.
I,lft the burden, strong to bear.
As tho martyrs bore the cross—
And the future Jam therer'
—Millie W. Carpenter. In Springfield (Mass.)
The Part Miss Wilberforce Played
In a Reconciliation.
"I shall hold myself free to act as I
"1 sliall insist on the same privilege
for myself."
A protid and angry woman spoke and
a man as proud and angry as herself
answered her.
•'You continually try to hend my will
to yours," continued Mrs. Underhill.
"You do not consider that I have as
good a right to decide what is best for
myself as you have. It has CCJC to
such a pass now that I am irritated be
yond endurance, and I shall insist upon
an immediate separation."
"You desire a divorce. I shall not
oppose you. I myself no longer wish
to feel the weight of matrimonial
Mr. Underbill's tones were cold and
bitter. If he felt any regret he studious
ly concealed it. For a moment his wife
seemed to weaken in her purpose. She
had not expected that her husband
would so readily consent to her leaving
him. There was a vacillating, melting
look in her handsome eyes, a wistful,
troubled expression in her face. There
was a critical second during which the
eyes of the two met. Had tho man's
eyes then melted, there might have
been a reconciliation, and concessions
might have followed that would have
done much toward promoting the hap
piness of the couple. But the man's
face was like adamant, his gaze was
unyielding. Mrs. Underhill was griev
ously disappointed und her pride was
deeply touched, llcr features became
rigid, and she wai as devoid of emotion
as a marble statue, as she said:
"Clearly there is one thing concern
ing which we both can agree. AA
vorce it shall be. I will pack "my
trunks without delay and leave for
my father's home to-night. We can in
stitute proceedings for divorce as soon
as tl*: requirements of the law will per
mit I will at once employ a lawyer, he
can communicate with you or your law
yer, and it will not 1h; necessary for us
to write to each other."
The digniiied but unfeeling manner
in which his wife signified her desire
that all confidential relations with her
husband should at once cease was too
cmch for even the admirable equanim
ity of Mr. Underhill. An imploring
expression came into his eyes. Ills
wife noticed it, but would not heed it.
Had he not scorned her when she mani
fested a disposition to yield? He had
made her suffer, *it was right that he
should suffer as much. He believed
he could detect evidences of disdain in
her countenance, and, pride coming to
his aid, his momentary weakness was
Their farewells were spoken with
voices tiiat did not tremble, and their
nerves were steady as they politely
shook hands.
Who would have looked for such a re
sult? Mr. and Mrs. Underbill had been
married but six months, and their
wedded life had apparently begun un
der the most happy auspices. Both
were young, strong and handsome,
possessed brilliant and attractive quali
ties that made them favorites in the
best social circles; and were members
of families that were talented, wealthy
and influential- Nature and those
worldly circumstances that are com
monly esteemed the most desirable had
seemingly vied with eaeh other in their
efforts to bestow choice gifts upon the
couple. "They were made for each
other," their friends enthusiastically
said, and on their wedding day their
future appeared to be as promising as
the blue sky, in which not even a small
cloud could be seen.
But earthqakes may coine when the
sun shines. The greatest dangers are
often hidden. As certain as there are
undeviating laws that control the move
ments of the universe, so certain it was
that Mr. Underbill and bis wife could
not long continue to live in harmony.
In marital life two hearts cannot beat
as one unless each is capable of yield
ing somewhat to the other's wishes,
making inntual concessions possible.
But Mr and Mrs. Underbill, in spite
of their many excellent qualities, each
possessed an unbending will. Neither
of them, having once resolved on some
important course of action, would alter
plans to su't the other'<; convenience.
ITcnco domestic infelicity was inev*
liable. They were too well bred to in
dulge in vulgar quarreling, but serious
disagreements, even if they are con
ducted in polite language, may fill the
heart with bitterness, and promote per
manent discord. They had once be
lieved that their mutual attachment
was great, but it had not been sufficient
to cause thc -i to do the one thing neces
sary to assure their happiness—it had
not influenced them to bend their wills.
True t • her purpose, Mrs. Underhill
returned to her father's home in New
York. Her husband remained in St.
Louis and pursued his business. Dur
ing tile succeeding year he made con
siili rable money, but he was not happy.
Occasionally he received a letter from
a lawyer in New York, informing him
that the proceedings for divorce on the
ground of incompatibility of temper
were progressing. Whenever lie read
one of these i« tters he became very de
spondent; and at last he felt so troubled
that lie resolved to go to New York, for
rest and recreation he claimed, hut in
reality he was influenced by the hope
that he might see his wife.
He had not been long in New York
before In- met an old friend named
Li*iekso:i, who insisted on his visiting
him during his stay in the city. At his
friend . ho.-ie *lr. Underbill liecame ac
quainted with Miss Kugcnia Wilbcr
force, a younger sister of Mrs. Erlck
soii. Miss Wilberforce was from *!*h
mond, Va., and possessed in an eminent
degree the charms that distinguish
liisrh-brcd southern beauties, haviur a
BUTLER, P A KIiI3)A V, MA Y 1. 1 Si) 1
low, musical voice, a graceful carriage
and manners that were delightful. She
was as devoid of an imperious, unbend
ing will as a sink ing bird, and Mr. I'n
dcrhill sijrhed as the thought came to
liim that if his wife had only lieen as
considerate as Miss Wilberforce was
they might be now livintr happily to-
It was sumrm r time, and. in order to
escape the heat and discomforts of the
city, Mr. I'nderhili proposed to Miss
Wilberforce one day that they should
towards evening take a boat for Staten
Island, and there witness the Rrand
spectacular performance known as the
"Fall of Habylon." The invitation was
gladly accepted.
At Tr.'O p. m. u ferryboat crowded
with pleasure seekers left a pier
near the battery. Mr. Underhill and
Miss Wilbcrforce had succeeded in ob
taining camp chairs and were seated
amid many others in front of the pilot
house on the lower deck. As the pad
dle wheels briskly cut the water, the
young man and his fair companion ad
mired the view. The noble estuary that
connects New Ycrk with the ocean
could l.«e seen in a mellow light. Every
object was invested with a mystic
charm. The sun no longvr held domin
ion in the sky, and on the waters and
the i a torn shore it t'*rew glances that
were mild and tremulous. The tur
rcted walls of Fort William caught the
dying rays, and so softening was the
effect that the appearance of the old
fortress belied its warlike character.
Tug's, ferryboats and other steam craft
were moving through the harbor, and
here and there a sailing vessel was mak
ing slow progress, there being scarce
strength enough in the breeze to swell
the white canvas. .So restful and
dreamy an influence hovered about that
even the little waves seemed half asleep.
At such an hour the imaginative mind
only needed the witchery of music to
ipspire it with romanticism. And
music there was for the passengers on
the lx>at. A harp and two violins were
touched by the fingers of Italian wan
derers. and the air was filled with mel
Miss Wilberforo ;'s fa: • showed timt
she fully enjoyed the beautiful thoughts
natural to the occasion. Mr. I'nder
hill, tiK>, was pleasantly impressed, but
he was not free from sadness. He re
membered when a young woman as
fair as the one beside him had been his
companion in happy days of courtship,
and he siglied -as he contemplated the
wreck of the romantic dreams he had
then entertained.
Ha -ing hi.s eyes, he encountered the
gaze of a haughty an l angry woman,
who stood about twenty ice t from him.
Completely thrown off his guard, he
exclaimed: "Great heavens! there ismy
Much surprised, Miss Wilbcrforce
looked first at Mr. Underbill and then
at his wife. Miss Wilberforce blushed
deeply as she bowed to Mrs. Underbill's
companion, a young man of distin
guished appearance, who gracefully
raised his hat in recognition.
After a brief, fierce gaze, Mr. and Mrs.
Underbill, without bowing, turned
aside their heads.
"I did not know that you were a
married man, Mr. Underbill," said
Miss Wilbcrforce, in tones which
showed that she was displeased, be
cause the fact had l>een concealed from
Feeling deeply the awkwardness of
the situation, Mr. Underhill stammered
"I —I am not exactly married."
"What do you mean?"
"Why, I—l mean that I am trying to
get a divorce." .
"Do you not love your wife?"
"Well, I did love her; but she always
wanted to have her own way, and I —l
did not always want her to have it."
"Perhaps you desired to have your
way, too, and would not respect her
Mr. Underhill moved nervously in his
"I would not be my wife's slave. It
is humiliating for a man to be ruled by
a woman."
"I presume it is; and it is also humil
iating for a woman to be deceived by a
"My dear Miss Wilberforce, I can as
sure you that I meant ntf harm, as I
have intended to show 3-011 no more
than friendly attentions. I thought it
would be unnecessary and just as pleas
ant not to mention the itisagreeable
fact that I was seeking a divorce."
"Undoubtedly it seemed better to you
to take such a course."
A long silence ensued, during which
Mr. Underhill, a man both honorable
and sensitive, felt, as the saying is,
"completely used up."
M. V.Y . r force's important reason
for being disturbed was not known by
her companion. For Henry Maitland,
in whose conversation Mra. Underhill
appeared to be much interested, she en
tertained a tender feeling which slio
had believed was fully reciprocated. At
first she felt provoked that nenry
should be with a woman about to bo
divorced, but soon her fairness of mind
caused her to think that Henry might,
it' he knew the fact, justly criticize her
for being in the company of the woman's
Miss Wilbcrforce possessed, in a re
markable degree, the quick intuition
peculiar to her sex, and, after watching
the countenances of Mr. and Mrs. Un
derhill for a few moments, and recol
lecting that what Mr. Underhill had
said showed that he still loved his wife,
she came to the conclusion that they
really desired a reconciliation, but that
each was too proud to make any over
tures. It was a peculiar situation, in
which three, and perhaps four, persons
were uncomfortable. The circum
stances threatened to widen the gul
between the estranged maij-ied couple,
and to draw the lovers into a serious
Now, Miss Wilberforce, as iias been
mentioned, did not possess an unbend
ing will; she could yield to the wishes
of others or make concessions for the
benefit of her friends, when by so do
ing she neither transgressed a moral
rule nor compromised her self-respect.
She was sensible, and did not believe
ii% endangering the happiness of herself
and acquaintances by maintaining a
barrier of false pride. In reality her
character was broader and stronger
than that of persons who plume them
selves on the possession of unbending
wills. She believed that it only re
quired a little judicious maneuvering
to harmonize the relations of four per
sons who were either jealous and
angry or in some way dissatisfied and
uneasy. Accordingly she resolved to
act, if possible, as a messenger of peace.
Her method was simple. Turning her
face toward Mr. Maitland, she waited
until she caught his eye, which was
rather difficult to do, and then be
witched him with an enchanting stnilc,
at the same time deftly beckoning him
to come to her. He hesitated, spoke to
Mrs. Underhill, who frowned but ox
cused him, and with an uncomfortable
expression on his face wended his way
slowly to where Miss Wilberforce sat.
The young- lady greeted hlin cordially,
In spite of hi.s evident embarrassment,
and introduced him to Mr. Underhill,
who nodded coolly, and did not offer to
shake hands.
"How happens it that you are with
Mrs. Underbill to-day?" the fair maiden
archly asked.
Mr. Underbill's countenance flushed
with anger anil he bit his lip. On the
contrary, Mr. Maitland looked relieved,
and eagerly answered:
"It Is easily explained. Sfce is my
cousin. My father was her mother's
brother. As she has lived in the south
and I in the north, it has happened
that wo have never had Hit pleasure of
inu lianb ol.hrr. until ali/ml a Wtiek
ago. She is a very agreeable woman, I
assure vow."
The last remark caused Mr. I'nder
hill to smile sarcastically; but Miss
Wilberforce noticed that his face be
trayed great relief and that he no longer
regarded Mr. Maitland with hostility.
The three chatted pleasantly for a
few moments, and then Mr. Maitland
started to return to Mrs. Underbill, who
had been watching the party with feel
ings that it would be hard to describe.
Miss Wilberforce waited until her
friend had retired a few feet, and then,
as if she had forgotten something sho
wanted to say, ran after him and at
tracted his attention by touching his
"I am «> glad yon are not in love
with a married woman," she said with
a mischievous smile which caused the
young man to blush with pleasure.
Miss Wilberforce made some hurried
explanations and gave her companion
some directions which he promised to
In a few moments the boat reached
the wharf at Staten Island >' t of
the people hastened ashore. It. .diss
Wilberforce managed to detain Mr.
Underhill, and Mr. Maitland also de
layed the departure of his cousin. Con
sequently the four suddenly found
themselves together, with no witnesses
near them.
Miss Wilberforce gracefully stepped
forward, and, taking the hands of the
astonished husband and wife, said:
"Now, please let bygones be by
gones and be happy once more."
Mrs. Underbill's eyes filled with
tears. Her husband's will was bent,
and the two, long estranged and lontf
unhappy, clasped each other's hands
and kissed one another with a deeper
feeling of love than they had ever be
fore known.
The result was that Mr. Underhill
accompanied his wife and Mr. Iflait
land accompanied the charming Miss
Wilberforce to see the "Fall of Baby
lon." Four happier people never en
joyed that gorgeous spectacle; for while
the beautiful wedding procession, one
of the most interesting features of the
entertainment, was moving before their
eyes, Mr. Maitland proposed to Miss
Wilberforce and was accepted. —J. A.
Bolles, In Boston Budget-
Left to 111. Fate.
Dashaway—You know Wangle, who
treated me so badly; well, I got even
with him the other night. I started to
call on Miss Sandstone, and just as I
was about to ring the bell I looked
through the window, and saw he was
there, and that she was singing to him.
Clcverton —And then you went in and
sat on him.
Dashaway—No, I didn't. I went
away and let her keep on singing.—
Harper's Bazar.
—"Are these mackerel quite fresh?"
asked a lady of a ragged but pompous
old colored fish peddler who came to
her door. "Oh, yes, lady, pufleckly so,
puffeckly so!"' was the reply. "Jess
nostrilize them, and see." " 'Nostrilize'
them? f*'hat do you mean by that?"
"Why, lady," said the peddler, with a
look indicative of pity for her igno
rance, "smell 'em! src.ell 'em!"
It 11*« Always liren a Popular Araoap
mcut Origin of Danreii.
From time immemorial dancing has
formed one of the chief amusements of
mankind. Repeated mention is made
of it ia Holy Writ, and among the an
cient Egyptians it constituted a very
prominent and popular religious rite.
Without a doubt the Israelites gained
their knowledge of It dqring the days
of their captivity in the land of the
Pharaohs. The Greeks of the olden
time indulged in war dances, chief
among which was one that became fa
mous under the name of the Pyrrhic
dance. In this the dancers depicted
the actions of a warrior engaged in do-
Inff battle, the quick and agile move
ments being made to the accompani
ment of a flute. There were, we are
told, two hundred different dances in
vogue among these Greeks. In an
cient Rome dancing was one of the
chief features of tl*; magnificent fetes
for which the Empire became so fa
One peculiarity of the principal
dances of savage nations is that in
nearly every instance they imitate the
movements of animals. This is evi
denced in the buffalo and bear dances
of the North American Indians, the bear
dance of the Kamschatkans and the
kangaroo dance of the aboriginal Aus
Among- Oriental nations the majority
of dances arc perfo*ned by profession
als, the private individual being- per
fectly willing to pay to see others, but
seeing neither rhymo nor reason in
dancing himself.
The Hungarians, Russians and Span
iards have characteristic dances, most
at which are performed by gypsys. The
polka and redowa of the Hungarians,
and the Spanish bolero, fandango and
caehuca have become famous all over
the world. The popular quadrille is
said to have originated among tho
Belgians. The waltz had its beginning
in Germany and from thence was taken
to France, shortly after which it was
introduced into England. Hungary
was the birthplace of the galopade, or
galop, and from Poland came the
stately polonaise, or polacca, and
One of the most noted methods of
''tripping the light fantastic" among
the Scotch is the sword dance, which
was originated by the Scandinavians
and old Saxons, and at one ti me was
indulged in by the Spaniards.
The Irish reel and jig are two dances
inseparably connected with oar
Milesian brethren, and In many re
spects greatly resembles the highland
In the majority of instances, there
fore, our latter day dances ware known
and enjoyed by our ancestors hundreds
of years ago; and with slight modifica
tions have been handed down for the
edification of the present generation.—
Detroit Free Press.
I.an<llord and Tenant.
"Have you got the rent ready at
"No, sir; ma went out washing and
forgot to put it out before she left."
"How do you know she forgot to put
It out?"
"Wall, she told me so." —Texas Sift
A Point In llontonnio (iraminar.
He—The Ilostonians are a brave peo
ple; they never say die.
She—Don't they?
He—No; they say "decease."—Mun
sey's Weekly.
—No Feeling in It—Mrs. Hardup—
"Oh, dear! did you hear, love, that old
Mr. Newrich had frozen his leg?"
Hardup— "I've known that for a long
time, dear. I've been trying in vain to
pull it for over » week."
Mi* UuNb
Wife—You know.that poor family in
tho next block? When I took some
bread around to them to-day they were
actually starving. The minister called
this afternoon and I told him all aW>ut it.
Husband—That is terrible. What did
the minister call for?
Wife—Ho wanted to raise a subscrip
tion for the Fiji islanders.—Judge.
How >I« I(*»a«one<J.
Wife (complainingly) —Mrs. Flushlcy
always has plenty of spending money of
her own. Her husband l>ellevc» a wife
ought to have it.
Husband—Well, so do I!
Wife—What, you do?
Husband—Certainly. If you had
plenty, you wouldn't ask me for sorno
so often.—Boston Herald.
Ho-.v Gou. Pry or Wa; Taken Pris
oner at Petersburg.
j«n. Cutch*»on T«IN th s:.»ry -An K*-
of N%*\* •;» i;x*. % l.f.irl* to
«»u» RrsaUt~o:i. l*T)*or'*
itk :\ Hostile
I'pon entering the hall of t •
3f repr sen!u'.ive:, i- ai.er: . i last
iuni.'i.-r. I .v :i t.iil ; in with
lo:i',- dark h lir, par ta moe t teat
and g'i' t**"! . re' - !. . r np»»n the
bra>s raii'.-ig n. ' ■ i:-. .i i entrance.
Altli«.tig!» !>.• Ii : i mejtib. r>»f e»»n
grvixs thirty-live there -..ere
few si'u r timu '. i ii'■■> U.iir. He
wore the •• ». ,u. i.i.il • . . it and
Carrie i a s..ft felt hut its ! ,; s hands Not
a ir;>re i 'ntativi >u tli • r*. o ruined
bim. Qt i •. ted tin noil even the
renowned >i."i Hanks. 1 had heard
him ar , ea>e> ia tl.. .\e\. York
courts r i had seen him at many a
stats d - .K-r.uic , onvent: ru 110 was
Gen. Ko._-er A. Pryor. form -rly f Vir
giaia, now a judge of the supreme
court in New Yor'c city. 1 r.a-s sur
prise«l that no one addressed him.
Whea t-jlil who he was, ny.-.ny Meral ers
soti'rli an intr;<diictiori, and ho held a
levee ivKin the fliv>r of tho house.
Soci-.-tim- afterward Gen. Hjron M.
Cutcheon of Mieliigan heard of the cir-
Ouni -tance. ile expressed r. ivt that
he had not met Gen. Pryor. lie told
the story of the general's capture in
front of Petersburg. A!? 1 ugh the
story has often been I>l<l. ilva. Cntch
e<jn's versi.in of it is extremely inu-r
"In the early part of November,
1804," says he, "1 was commanding a
brigade in the First division of the
Ninth ariny corps. It was on what w:is
known as the Peebles farm, to tho left
of Petersburg It fell to me to act as
division officer of the day quite fre
quently. On Septemln'r r>o we had had
& very sharp engagement at Poplar
Spring church, adjacent to the Peebles
farm. Late in the fight I had been or
dered to take iny regiment and deploy
an a swamp. My brigade was to skirm
ish there to protect the left flank of
the army. While I was out to the left,
beyond the swamp, a division of the
sonfederate army crept in between the
Fifth and Ninth corpf to my right. It
got in the rear of otir division and f<>reed
a part of it to fall back very rapidly,
leaving me alone exposed beyond the
swamp. We had a hard time to get out.
I lost quite a number in killed, wound
ed and prisoners. I shouted the num
ber of my regiment repeatedly in rally
ing my men and in drawing them out of
the swamp.
"All this is preliminary to what hap
pened two or three days afterwards. It
was on the morning of the Thursday or
Friday following President Lincoln's re
election. I was acting as division officer
of the day. One of my duties was to
ride the entire length of our division
line to inspect it. I was to report
evurything that appeared upon the Hire
of an unusual character to the general
commanding. I started upon the left
of our line, where Fort Fisher was
afterwards constructed. As soon as I
came up to the out?r line, I saw a con
federate officer opposft" on the rebel
line. Ho rod ■ a lar iron gray charger
—a fine horse. There was no tiring at
the time. As I rode up on our side, lie
gallantly saluted, no doubt recogaizing
my rank and duty, which was apparent
ly the same as hi; own. We rode each
upon his own line until we came to a
square earthwork, or what was called
tho square level road. In passing
through a piece of woods we lost sight
of each other. As'we came out of tho
woods the rebel officer rode upon the
earthwork and waved a newspaper
toward me. I understood what it
meant. It was an Invitation to ex
change newspapers. Gen. llartranft,
afterwardgovernor of Pennsylvania,
had joined me, and was sitting there
upon his h >rse. He was corp; officer.of
the day. I said: -General, what do you
say? Shall I exchange?' "
" 'Well,' he replied, 'I have no doubt
U)ero would be something very inter
esting in that paper. The confederate
congress has just assembled, and it will
contain Jeff Davis' message. I'll risk
it. You may make the exchange.'
"I had no newspaper with me, but
llartranft had a copy of the Washing
ton Chronicle and the Philadelphia In
quirer. lie gave me those newspapers,
and the officer on the other side ad
vanced into a little hollow. Accompa
nied by iny orderly I rode forward to
meet him. Ilis orderly was with him.
We ranged alongside of each other. I
noticed that his revolver was pulled
well down in front. So was mine. Wc
maintained perf'-ct courtesy, however,
lie saluted, and 1 did the same.
" Tapt. Brown, of the First Virginia,'
he said by way of introduction.
"I replied: 'Col. f'nteheon, of the
Twentieth Michigan.'
" 'Oh!' he respmded, 'the Twentieth
Michigan. I heard tho name the other
day in the little affair of the "oth of
"We exchanged a few words. Then
he said: 'I would like to exchange par
"I replied that 1 woidd be glad to ac
commodate him.
" 'I pulled out the two newspapers
Gen. Hartranft had given rae ami passed
thorn over. He pulle<l out two news
papers in return, and turned them over
to me. They were Kiehmond papers
the Whig and Examiner, I think. They
contained the proceeding at the open
ing of the confederate confess and tho
message of President Davis. I didn't
I AM liOGF.lt A. 1'ItYOB!
open the papers then but simply
jammed them into my pocket.
Ji 'lie naked: "What's the result of
the election?'
" 'Lincoln is reelected, I answered.
" 'You don't say loT he responded.
" •Yes," said I. 'he in reelecU.nl. He
has carried every northern state except
New Jersey.'
'• 'Did not McClellan hare the vote of
the army?" he asked.
'• 'ln our part of the ariuy,' said 1,
'Lincoln carri.vl it by nearly four vote*
to one.'
"'Mv <iod!' he ejaculated, "is th»4
" 'Yes,' said I, 'that is so.'
" 'Well, then,' he replied, there is
nothing left but to fight it out to the
bitter end.'
" 'No,' I said, there is nothing else
"lie turned his horse and rode away.
I did the same. I rode back to Gen.
Ilartranft. As I pulled the papers from
my pocket I saw written upon the mar
gin of one of them the wortls:
: : Mrs. Roger A. Prj-cr, Petersburg- :
"I said to Ilartranft: 'What does that
"'I believe the Pryors live in this
I neighborhood,' he answered.
"He took the papers to headquarters
anil (rare them to Gen. Parke, who was
then commanding our army corps.
"I heard nothing more about it until
the next Sußtlay morning. Then I hod
oeaisiori togo up to headquarters w>lh
Gen. Albert B. Potter, who commanded
the Second division of our army corps.
1 was in his tent when a guard came to
the door and rapped upon the tent-pole.
"The general called out: 'Come in.'
"Two guards wheeled around and
brought in a prisoner. I sat on on> side
of the tent. 1 recognized the prisoner
as Capt. Brown. He was tall and com
manding. His head was erect, his hair
was long and his eyes were black* and
1 piercing. He seemed highly indignant.
" 'ls this General Potter?' he asked.
" 'lt Is,' replied the union general.
" 'I am Gen. Roger A. l'ryor, of the
confederate service,' the prisoner re
plied. '1 have been basely trapped.'
"I started in astonishment.
" 'How Is that?' asked General Potter.
" 'Well,'said l'ryor, 'I was invited out
between the lines to exchange news
papers. The pickets covered me with
their rifles, and I was brought in here a
I prisoner. I demand that Ibe released.'
"'I don't know, general," replied
Potter, "that I can afford you any re-
lief. I think I will have to refer this
up to headquarters.'
'.'Soto headquarters Gen. l'ryor went.
Tho rest I know only from history. He
was taken to Gen. Meade. Gen. Meade
sent him to Gen. Grant. Gen. Grant
sent him to Washington, anil he wascon
- fined for a time in the Old Capitol
prison. Then he wrote a note U> John
W. Forney, an olil friend of his in con
gress. Forney became sponsor* for his
good behavior, used his influence with
the president and got him out.
"In the tent, when he *aid that be
was Gen. Itoger A. l'ryor, he turned anil
looked at me. I arose and saluted him
and said: 'Good morning, Capt. IJrown.'
"lie smiled and turned, and we shook
hands. He recognized me nt onec as
the officer with whom he had exchanged
papers on the preceding Friday morn
ing. I suppose he called himself Capt.
Brown on that morning to avoid recog
nition." AMOS J. CCMMINOS.
The Dlfforonco.
Tillinghast Tho death of Mr.
Feenanco was very sudden, wasn't It?
Winebidille—lt wasn't a death. It
was. a demise. Feenanco was worth
two million dollars.—Judge.
Ilia Whereabouts.
Mr. I lingo—l met a polite ticket agent
Mrs. 1 lingo—Where was he?
Mr. Bingo—ln a dime museum.—
Not (Jood for Much.
Sympathetic Citizen —That wooden
leg of yours doesn't seem to support you
very well, my friend.
Veteran- -No, not very well. The
government allows me oily thirty dol
lars per month (tension for it.—Harper's
A IMitrfMlnu MI»Uk«.
Mother—What was the matter with
Mr. Nifefello to-night? ile left rather
early for an engaged young man.
Daughter (beginning to sob) —He—ho
began hugging and and kissing me,
and I—l told him that wasn't right, and
he —boo-hoo! —he stopped.—N. Y. Week
IJftruyrd Illmaelf.
Harry —What business is Clara's fa
ther in?
Jack —He is an elevated railroad
guard, I take It.
Harry—That can't be.
Jack —Well, he found me with her
last night, and told me to "step lively!"
—Munsey's Weekly.
A Great Idu.
Poet—l have An Idea that the land
lady suspects that we are flying very
close to the ground; can't wo do some
thing to inspire confidence?
Humorist—l have It! I will sue you
for twenty thousand dollars. —Munsey's
r»ln Effort.
Jonesliy—l understand that you write
every month for the Century.
Smithleigh Yes; every month for it.
"But I never see your articles In It."
"No; I write for it, but tho articles
are returned." —Jury.
Conclualve Kvid«ur«.
Customer —You say this is a real an
Bric-a-Brac Dealer —It's ono of the
finest pieces of work by one of the best
ancient masters of the present day.—
Jewelers' Circular.
A Correction.
I'pcreek —Conductor, where is the
porter that belongs to this sleeping ear?
Conductor If you require tho porter
this car belongs to, I will call him if ho
LB not engaged.—Munsey's Weekly.
Would Kruii iulirr lltin.
Barber —Havo I ever shaved you be
Victim—Gracious! I guess not; do you
think I would come to you a second
time? —Boston Herald.
A Hoar Foiled*
<iamckeeper Why didn't you shoot at
that wild boar?
Timid Hunter—What necessity was
there for attracting the attention of tho
brute to myself?— Texas Slftings.
Who, lod»«df
Ilagley—You're a lucky chap, Bailey.
You have one wife in a thousand.
Bailey—Well, who wants any mora
than one in a thousand?— Judge.
At th« Indlmo School.
"Horse Teeth, spell Liar."
"Blanket Mouth, what Is a Liar?"
"Il£ is a white pxan/'j-Jury.
N O. '2B
If tin Il.iU Been lit- Would Have Kaia*4
s,»iiie oycftlnnn.
"I'm rather particular about my cel
ery," !:• said to the waiter who took his
order Dearborn street restaurant.
"Bring m.' only the small stalks, and
se-- that they are perfectly bleached."*
"Yes. sir."
"And .-e that there are no sp<-cks in
the i. 'tat'H-s. I won't touch a potato
that h:is a speck in it. lam rather par
ticular about my potatoes."
"Yes. sir."
"When you bring me the broiled fish
sec that it has had the skin and fat all
removed. Don't bring me any except
the upix-r jvirt of the body. Cut away
all the tail."
"All right, sir."
"Hold on moment. I'm rather par
ticular aUrnt my bread. I don't want
tyi;- of the end pieces, and I don't want
any of this cigar-shaped bread with a
thick er.i>t. either. Bring me square
bread, in thin slices, cut from the mid
dle of the loaf."
The waiter went back and returned
in din- time v. ith a tray full of eatables
which he unloaded on the table.
"Take back this potato," said the
gu.-t. "anil bring me one that has no
specks. »l've g.-t no time to dig the
specks out of potatoes. I told you about
The potato was changed, and tho
waiter asked him if every thing was all
right now.
"No," he answered. "This bread is
not cut from t lie middle of the loaf.
Take it away and bring mo what I yr
The bread was accordingly changed.
"All right now?" inquired the waiter.
"No! You've got some celery here
that isn't properly bleached. Bring me
the kind I ordered. And hold on! There
ia a piece of skin on this fish. Take it
back. I told you I was particular about
my fish."
The celery and fish were removed
and brought back again in a few min
utes with the objectionable feature*
"Is it all right now?" asked the
"1 guess it will do," growled the
guest, as he began to eat. "but if I was
a kicker I'd kick about this fork and
spoon. They don't exactly match."—
Chicago Tribune.
Hitter with IL< P*«et
Anxious Mother (at a b*ll) —My dear,|
you look tired.
Sweet Girl—l'm most dead. Everyi
bono in my body aches. I've danced!
every dance r.o far, and I'm engaged fori
ten more.
Anxious Mother—No doubt the gen
tleman will let you off.
Sweet Girl - I don't wantto be let off.
Anxious Mother —You say you are
tired dancing.
Sweet Girl—l am not tired being
hugged.—N. Y. Weekly.
An Antl-Can't Householder.
Salvation Tramp—Dear sir, unless I
get a bite of something at once I shall
soon be dead.
Pater l'ai.iilias—Poor man, you are
homeless, are you?
Salvation Tramp—Oh, no; Heaven ia
my home.
Pater Camillas —Here is five cents for
some bread and butter—try to reach
home as soon as possible.—Life.
A Silly (Juration.
"May I have the honor to conduct
your daughter to the supper table?"
asked a society gentleman of a lady
from the country, who is staying with!
some friends whrtra she is visiting.
' "May you take her to s"upper?" wsa
the response. "Why, of course, and
you may take jne, too. That's what w®
came here for."—Texas Siftiflg*.
Anxloua to Plraa*.
"Pat, I thought I hired you to carry
bricks up that ladder by the day."
"Ye did, sore."
"Well, I've l>ecn watching you and
yon've only done it a half a day to-day.
The other half you spent coming down
the ladder."
"Oi'll tliry to be doin' bctther to
m'jrry, sore."-—Jury.
Not Kxactly llltpmcd of.
Brown—What became of that girl oi
yours, who used to cost you so much
Hughes—She's married now.
"I suppose you are flusher, now that
you have gotten rid of her."
"Well, you see, I didn't exactly get
rid of her. She's my wife now."—
Mrntul Phonograph*.
He (after marriage)— What? Yon
have no fortune? You said over and
over again that yon wero afraid some
one would marry you for your money.
She- Yes, and you said over and over
again that you would be happy with me
if I hadn't a cent. Well, I haven't a
cent. —N. Y. Weekly.
In the i'lottlc Itoom.
Representative Bustem (in the course
of argument) If we are uot sent here
to represent the ideas of our constitu
ents, what are we here for?
Kepi - -icntative Wire grass—Wa-al, so
far as I kin see, 1 »vns sent here to rep
resent the views of my wifo and the
True Ile|>entanee.
Little Harry—Paul struck mo with
his shovel so hard he broke It.
Mamma (astonished) — Where Is Paul?
"He's gone into the house crying."
"I should think you would be the one
to cry."
"Oh, he's crying because ho broke the
Father (coming in parlor in early
morning)—l guess Clara and her feller
must have had a scrap last evening,
their chairs are so far apart.
The scrap. -Jury.
Kough on (>raodpi<
The Old Lady (deaf)— llas your grand
father quit smoking yet? The last
time I saw him he told me ho was go
ing to do so soon.
Her Young Visitor—My grandfather
died last week.
The Old Lady (still deaf)— Yet? Has
he quit mokingyet? —Jury.
oue«tl"n of Time.
Blushing Bride—l want to get a pres
ent for my husband, but I hardly know|
what to get-
Clerk Why not get one of these nice)
silk mufflers, to wear evenings?
Bride Oh, dear, no! My husband
never goes out nights.
Clerk Well, you might get it for ncatl
year.—N. Y. Sun.