WHEN IN NEED OF CALL ON henry biehl 122 STREET, Bll'l'l i"BTR/ - PE±JN'A Where yon can haye jour choice ont of the largest assortment of cooking and heatin* ttorea in Boiler county; also dealer in Hardware. Lansing Wagons, Wheeler 4 Wilson and Standard Sewing Machines, Hanging and Stand Lamps. Manufacturer of Tinware; Tin Roofing and Spouting a Specialty. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN 0 5 MAIW s -' SPRING IS COM IK 11 We are here first and ready to supply you with anything you may want in the line ot new FURNITURE We quote no prices; goods will speak tor themselves, and we will save you money. Call and see. m. ©. 13 R E w, 128 E. Jefferson tet., * Butler* Pa , RINGS, Diamonds . {scS^ins, .GENTS GOLD Watches • | gents* Slver l LADIES CHATLAIN, J Gold Pinß » Ear-rings, HP®? ti | Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, {Tea sets, castors, butter dishes foldinS.l'LX * RODGER BROS. W {^u«T ,> Spoou, - E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 19, North Main St, BUTLEB, PA., Plans city aud country reai with much other valuable printed in the American l«l< r Butler, Pa. Above is Hhown a house costing 92,200. THE (( NG A\yS)PQWDER Satisfaction Guaranteed. EACH CAN OP THE COOKS BAKING POWDER 18 GUARANTEED PULL STRENGTH, PULL WEIGHT. AND 18 80LD ON ITS MERITS AT THE LOWEBT POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. OOOKB QUARTERS,RETAIL AT S CTB. CoOKB HAL v. Rrr AIL AT 10 CTB~ COOKS POUNDS, RETAIL AT 20 CTB. Sold by sii d Can. Minim RUBEMCS. ERIE, T»A.. Alt ntnck (rnanniwil to be in good con dition when delivered. We repUoe all tre«* that fail to grow. REFERENCES TH BUTLER: J. Jf. Lowrr, W. T. Mechling, J»»« HLrtßor, Jr , J. E. For«ythf, (><o. HbaHber 0. Kk> V»"> B«,. »nd I) 'J. Cl' c. r. K:::C, AGT. EITIMMIUM HOUIS, Burnt, PA. mm 4* 1 1 mm m#-®" at *mr s rw itn*afnift. mUIIL I sr.'.vrs-^r-sis'.'r.^s: Wa furuUH •• ary fM<m *Va au»i »f>tk. Ym y>«rHMri iifrnditi, nr ill i in* i» «fc»- w.rk IkitliM ■ HtlfVly noHf ».rl<ifa ifut t-. * »#r> ww|ar, «f- Nn<i'.| ' f.«y%»ek^n.« f' Jil ff .«| *-"lM l'.'.##, lull • fKK. IKIK CO • Al«ilU, »Al>k. *i*uf Mttla f«r»w»aa h«r»La#n mad* at wnC («r by Ahim *IM, Jm. Umßi Oilln. y»H? «...«»• Nrn »»« #»0». Ot • 7 You ••li4u ib* wwk an 4 Hv« t nhmoir^wtn ™ a# Ca* •l"«4»y. A U •§••. *v#al.«»w j * bfrW W, ««4 i, ou. Qmi w»rt l«t iumv ftm« ▼ T" '* «l» »»*•• Ilf IWr W«*rV •'! Fallon #»kw»wii iiuMf gKW »*>4 w<n»4«rfbl. CiitUtlAft M. ■.BsUtllA Ot.,iki • •« I'orUa**, Mala* ATI The 31 Mt Successful Remedy ever Itscor. sreJ, u It It certain In la effect* and doe. not Ulster. Read proof below : KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. BrxvKusos, Pa-, Sur. 27, *9X Da. B. J. Co.: Genta— I would liko to mr*s:c kn.»wr to those who are almost per»ua.> 'l V> uMKeudall's Spavin Cure the fact that I chink if Ka nuni excellent Liniment. I have used it on a Blood Spavin. The horae went on thre* legs for three years when 1 commenced to use your Kendall s Spavin Cure. I used ten bot lies on the horse and have worked him for thrve rears BIHVC and ha * r.<»t been lame. Yours truly, WX. A. t'UEL G E R5! L NTOWS, N. Y., SOY. 2, 19*#. Da. B. J. KENDALL Co., Enoabur&h Falls. Vt. Gents: la praise of Kendall's Spavin Cure I will say. thutayear ago I had a valuable youcir horsebe eome very lameTnoek euiaritcd ana iwolltn. The horsemen alvjut liere (we hare no Veterinary Sur geon bere)prooouuced his lameness Blood Hpavin or Tborooghptn, thev all told me there was no rare for it. he became about useless, and I con sidered him almost worthless. A friend told me of the menu of your Kendall* Spavin Cure. BO I bought a bottle, and I could see very plainly great bnMoremrau Immediately fromltstw.awfbefore the bottle wsansed up I was satisfied that It was doing him ajrreat deal of good. I bought a tecond bottle and before tt w*» uwd up my horse wa* 3re4 and baa been tn the team doing heavy work the HUOII since last April, showing no more dsns of It. I consider your Kendall s Spavin Cure a valuable medicine, and it shonld be in every in Upland. F.WITT. Price (1 per bottle, or six bottles for AM drug gists have It or can get It for you, or it will be sent to any address on reoelpt of price by the proprie tors. DB. B. J. KENDALL CO., ■■••birth Falls. Vermont. SOLS BY ALL DBUGGISTS. Robber Shoe* Holes* worn uncomfortably tight, generally clip off the feet. THE "COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO. make all their «hoe* with ln»M» of heel Mn<»l with TObtx-r. Thla oil rum to the Uioo aai prtsvuiu the rubber from allppinc off. Cs" for the "ColohMter" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." H. Childs & Co., Wholesale Agents, Pittsburg. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HANDSOME, LNDESTIU.CTIBLE. Cheaper than "Wood. The at>o*« cutaboWß F^iti« with gal*. Mtilalanota netting.) »*aa b« MM) oo I Ml or W«ad P<«U. Vhco writing ft.r t/rU«a five Quaatl'y, Vuu.bvr of Ohm Double and Aincln. wanted. We aUa Mauu'aetare Bear/ Iron ('renting •la>>ie FHtlor*, Fir# HhaUr* Mid FIRS MCAPK*. Cellar Ow.ce, ar<<l I'.atllDga llrtas and (run 6rflla, WIKK fXXift i Ni> WIMHJW BCHSJCKO. atd all kinds of W'IBK Wußk. TAVLOII & DEAN, Ml. 203 a 303 Market St., l'lttabargh, Vm. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR ftrra» v i^ b«>rd line and b#- yipfc (b««)rtbftVl I nirltr il o 11» V«lne of the iNuii, j beaia, Liver Mpotfl > and All dlaeaaea and blemlahea of tha akin, complexion, hair and scalp eoceeaefulJy treated by Dr. Van Dyck. The Doctor haa . had 20 yeara' experience In the practice of i bis apeclalty, and numUri among hit pa i tieaie our moat prominent famlllea. If yoa j arc afflicted with any of the above bleoilahea, ) avoid patent flif-dletnee and conaalt Dr. Van Dyck at oar* hpeclal terinatoall who make engagementa;thla month Book free. Engage ments <raa be mad* by mall, ('alien oraddreaa Dr. J. Van Dyck, 40 H. Uth atreet, Philadel phia, or Wl I'enn avenne, I'lttabargh, I'a. 1 Houra Vto I an«i 2to 7; Mundaya, 10 to A. [~"p : " S ■v\ v \ WBLLI WT3LL! WELL! I Jul you ever ? N>. I iM vcr «ImS u * anything quite ao ni» a for iltu (u> c .«firr vavtng aa GOSSER'S CREAM GLYCERINE, ami my wile r..y= it i« the finml preparation for chapix.il hand. r .iv «ou«hi«>» of tlie alia. Sold by drui;K<» l: J l>-•>■!«. Manufactured by ?, Emlonton, Pa. A pamphlet of Information and ah atr»« t of rliu lawa.ahowuiif How Obtain I'utonla. C'aveata. Tra»l«^^^^ Maiba. Copyrtghta. smt A*L,.m MUNN it ML am BrondwitT, IAVEYQDRSTRFKDTH By Using Allen B. Wrisley's GOOD CHEER SIMP latest and Best Invention —Little or Noßubsw Clothes Required-Ask your Grocer for It FALLOW DIRECTIONS CLOSE** piy**'. V ~.i '* X *iHir, Cn U-n' ioVa'ia f.'.mfiin #lO • .Jay al lU. .'erf, ai.d m.0.. >«u f« int. Hoiii an li» »»• ,«iy.r It.* all yuur tin.. •« c|*f« t» ro< t.r* . uly to iu-«».ja All i .mh» <-.»ai Mhk (•» . rk«i aian >•»*. (urnUMi tf •v.rytwinf. I Aril > "llll'in ' l A «il I' I I Alf I in I I'f t \ a lO„ I Olt'f I A .Mi, MAlit J.» ll3CICi:.;i **o Kifi*l#TE«l Hf-J'T. M' ' I, n."V,;, J , fct •**'" '■'* '" l0 ""z * VfwmlU'H.. .J . •:rti<«!nif folii'-'ilt iJSyi;; LC dtTHO.VIAS, i JiUbRSm/ |"«5IIIIW .u aciith, <mRUy) «> t. W \'.<W| ' 'lUart. CHIOAOU i Nothing On Earth Will HENS c LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! II b «b»olBtelj pore. Hiirhlr . onantitj it cl«-«»a than a U»nth of a a day. Strictly * medicine IT- rent.. an.J cures kit dlsraML ) Good for yotuur chirks Worth more than when bena Moult. "Oue larpe «-an K»T«1 me S4O, wnd Jdx for $6 to prerent roup.*' *avs a <rra«ton»*-r. I If rou cant pet It wnd on fiO cent* r«»r t* o P*«-as; gas? Stop tliat 1 ; CHRONIC COUGH NOW;! 5 For it you do not It may bocome enn- » » Buinptl e. F«»r SrrnfHia, j j limirrttl J>rhUity and Unstimj /><»<.!*<.«, j | there is nothing like ! SCOTT'S! I Fmulsion i i Of Pure Cotl Liver Oil and ' H YPOPHOSPHITES ( Of liimo and fllocln. j It Is almost om jiaiHtabie a» milk. Far i | better than other £><>-called Emuialonu. J | k wonderful floali producer. i Scott's Emulsion | j There aro poor Imitations. (Jet the U'! SI 000 ' n j To ary 0n« who ' will e««t'#^. v t V'N I A V rn 'i' ! |J WIU NO T . i ffTTf iMJuflc > I I I | » j i i.M\ ! i Mr» of leadMr o'p/ [jfjz. • > V A to* IlUckiac. •*-* it «W/ \\ V I i for a Am*. li out «aJ J A if, ■ixl tuaint >t earrfalfy. /y Z \ M»k» • // S *• ' JM t I \ \y sSiq / •ys. y I m •n-.i-nirn mA tirthV n -1 tc fr I cen\ rnako that ThtyJioaiidl" AMk/or r k-Ru«L < A WILL 3TMft CLO* NCW rOWWITUMt ViiiL STAIN Ci»fti and CHINAWAM ~j WILL »[*!N TiHAfcAt M"tr«#• WILL •-*•»<# votN CLO BAIUCTH TOLTf ic RAHBOU'H, PbllfcOctf LI I GIVE AWAY To every rc.idcr of thi« paper who niflert from lniliEcotioo, l>yspt|ism, Biliouiocu. Liver Com plaint, Sick Headache, Nervous Debility or Con sumption, a free bottle of that most wonderful medicine, Vl<»r*pl«-*l«n, which is the only ab r.lutc and permanent cure for the above named discaM-s. I can afford to do this becaute I know that nine out of every ten pervmswho try it will be so well with the results they will take pleasure in Slaking almut its marvelous curative virtues to all their friends and ar<|uaiiilances. lhe value of this sort of advertising to me is worth many times thecost of the medicine Riven away, so I am well compensated for the seeming large expense. I have over 70/XJO letters on file from people who iiave been cured of one or more of the complaints above named. Write to-day stating vour diw-ase and re< eive a free tattle by return mail, or ai>k your druKgiat for it and get well. Address, PROF. HAOT. 88 WARREN STREET, NEW YORK. DOCTORS LAKIi ■ I'IIIVATK l»IKl r KNSAi:V. •VZj/ JB Con. PTNN AVE. AND FOURTH BT., PITTSBURGH, PA. \ All formsof IMleaU)and Com plicated Dlaeaaci requiring*'ON ri IIKNTIAL ami Si ikm i m >!.•:- !<• ati* Ml MMM ;tt (In ,mry w.th a MUCCMS rarely attained. J'r. 8. K. l-aWeUamernbcrof tlic Itoyal l.'dlli'gcof I'liy iiciana und Buifeoni, and Ik too oldeat and IIIOHI > iM-riciifol .HI'ECI AI.IHT In the city. Special at (*niluti Riven to Nervoua l»«l>illty from exnenalvo iicntal exertion, Indiacretion of youth, etc., caua ng ntiyvlcal ami mrntal decay,lack of enerpy, |.»j>oiidcticy, etc.; alaoCancem, Old Son- KLK ■ilet, i:hmiinntl»in, an'l all diaeaacaof the Bkm, •In.*!, I.UIIK*, Urinary Organs,etc. COOHIIIIUI :011 jcm! ami atilctly confidential. Office lioiira, !l to I awl 7 to 8 Y. M.; Hundaym Itol I*. M. only, ill at office or nd.lniw liRS. I.AKK, Coil. CNN AV K. AND4TH E>T., I'ITTSBU ItCiII, L'A. nm^aßnra I-- !II»U«HJ.«JH nav» IXM'II I nimiifnily CURED by hianiniyflgtmaißi I * 1111. AI > Kl.l' IflA I* A. la-«- at once, no operation or |i*t« c f lima from liuniin-m. < '*JMI I profi«jiuti*»d In* rurur.U> >y other* wauid. H«iml for < tr«-ul»r. CURE GUARANTEED. E cga A STOPPIQJFREE Hi n i : .l lman« Peflom 7* » ?C# Dr. KMNE'B GREAT , 4 B «/ NEKVER'.STOREII 1 jjßjl/»r «•//fin AIM ' MKVK lil-.lt om/ytur* <>*" /" N" >•* Ajftttumt I tli J H/'/ty, 99m . •• Ni.i IHi ii il l ik«n •» >]ir«' tel. I'tti afttr fintity't uti. Tr**»ttea »r»'l ft* trial f"' to -raft i°»* ■ >iw*nt* ill'*/i »y»f»ij H "L'v H' to {>■'! Art),' • 7*K'U.l-!OMA V* JTT; . t/- t'' tkk <>/■ I MIT A TING FRAUDS, I CURE nrs! When I MT Crnm I do wot mean merely to ep them tor a time, and then have then re. n MAIN. 1 MEAN A KAJJICAL CUiilfc I hat* made tko diaeaae o 1 FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life-long etody. I warrant my remedy to ODU the worat caana. liecauae olhera have (ailed la no roaiion for not now receiving acure. heml at once fur A treatme and a L IT* HOTTI.B of my iMrAI.LiULM mciitur. Give Eapreae and I'oit oflic«. It eu«U yoa NOUIING tor a. trial, and 11 will cure you. Addreee M.O. ROOT, M.C.. l»3Pt«n gT .KtttYcru FOR MEN ONLY! mWWI Bo<ly and Mind, Effrcti Knoraor KionaMa in Old or Young. l»SM» If ftiltr Itralorad. Ilww i•. ••>« ,^ r li. H i>l U. I M»H»>M>i r|M.IU.4MIIAI AMIHOK fiAOV. u.-il..<rl; . f,r-111..r 11110 K 'illhlUkM R.n.tl. In . .!» r . n..m -it 1 Mrrlgrt ( <.«ialrl*a. Writ* It.mmU he V, r /luallen m 4 {truufa i.all««l ( *. a led , fr«». • ■•» *.ft|l h' v niCAU CO., BUFFALO, N. V« TO WEAK MEN ■off.-rlug from th-> CUN. L- of yooUiful orrora. «rir (]a4 ay wmlluk wcfckiii***, 101 l niwiliood, #to., I will •and a valuahla trcaliao (aaaled/ containing full particulars for l»oiu»» cur®. FREEof charga. A ap lea ill 4 madlcal work ; •houldua r»a*l V»y W. iy,»n yriio la nervoua aud dabiUtatrd. Addraai, frof. F. c. rOUM'JL MrodUi, Coww s3ooo® tWtn-1.-lf „ • - r r » •!'»* ll»«- 1«A 111 • l»u f«»fn'elt da • "• •• "" 1 "• '"" ' • H'l I ' 1 I" 1 «l«.l IC ICI*. • '• rl " • •. li. « . \ 1.1.1.N LL«« L#» 1.. »!«•«'. YOU CAN FIND; on In I'm m f .t i ine A i • i" I Zt AA.!X; REIvIIITGTOIT... • Who will «;onli.M;t I'jf auvoiUxliig at lovn-aw .ci. THE CITIZEN. MISCKL AN HOI'S SELECTED SLIPS AND SNIPS. THE cedar-bird is a great devourer of canker worms. I.vdiax ixk is made in some unknown way from burnt camphor; the secret is known only to the Chinese, and they re fuse to reveal it. When vessels or timber sink to gTeat depths in the ocean, the pressure is so gTeat that the water is by this means forced into the pores, and the wood be comes too heavy to rise again. A SMAIA leather bap was kicked about in the streets of New York re cently by pedestrians which, when opened by a hotel porter, was found to contain six thousand dollars' worth of diamonds. THE accumulation of wealth, esti mated at fourteen per cent, of the gross earnings of mankind, now aggregates five billion dollars per annum, and is in creasing relatively as well as absolute ly from year to year- Tire inventor of the sweatband in hats has been fighting the hat-makers in the courts for years and has recently secured a decision in his favor. From his figuring he finds that they owe him about three million dollars. —Would you care to hare a word of advice worth a great dealT Never tamper with your baby's health by using opiate to quiet its troubles, hut use I)r. Bull's Baby Syrup instead. Almost every season has its drawback. At present oar citizens seuj. to be troubled with au attack of catarrh, which however can be easily overcome by Old Saul's Catarrh Cure. —Miss Minnie Chadwick.a Brooklyn girj of 1C summers, ate au average of two pounds of candy per day for seven mouthy and then died, singing a Sunday-school ode. —The marvelous success of HooJ's Sarsaparilla is based upon the corner stone of absolue merit. —"Didn't he once say he would never speak to yon again?" "\'es; but he saw 1 had a cold, and he couldn't resist the temptation to tell me of a sure cure." —Dr. Kenner's Kidney and Backache Cnre is warranted to give satisfaction in every case or money returned. Look here, Friend, Are You Sick? Do you Hufl'er from Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Sour Stomach, Liver Complaint, Nervousness, Lost Appetite, Billiousness, Exhaustion or Tired Peeling, Pains in Cheat or Lungs, Dry Cough, Nightsweats. Nervous Debility or any form of Consump tion? If HO, send to l'rof. Llart, 88 Warren St., New York, wbo u ill serd you free, by mail, a bottle of medicine which is a sure cure. Send to-day. —A South Carolina woman has cured her husband of intemperance, and also of snoring, by putting some concentrated lye in his whisk}-. —Rheumatism cared in a day—"Mysti cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radie cully cures in Ito II days, its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The firßt dose greatly benefits 70 cts. Sold by J 0 Kedick, druggist, Duller. —A most contemptible vice is the be littling of other people's successes. Special Announcement. We have made arrangements with I>r. I!. J. Kendall Co., publishers ol' "A Treatise on the Horse uiid his Diseases," which will enable all our subscribers to oh tain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address (enclosing a two-cent stamp lor mailing same) to Dr. I!. J. Ken dall Co., Knoriburgh falls, \i. This book in now recognized as standard authority upon all di« a es of the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over lour million copies having been sold in the past ten years, a sale never Imfore reached by iin.v publication in the same period of time. Wo l'eel confident that our patrons will appre ciate the work, and be glad to avail them selvo oF tliis opportunity of obtaining a valuable book. It is necessary that you mention this paper in sending" for the "Treatise." This offer will remain open for oily a short tiuie. —Th<-t»ens like a place where they can hide away to do their nest buildii.g. —ltch on htiinuu ami horse , aim all ani mals cured in JO minutes by Woolford'n Sanitary Lotion This never tails. Sold by J 0 Kedick, druggist, Under. —The sweepings from the hay loft, which contain the seeds of clover and grasses, make excellent food for the early chicks that may be hatched, and should be silted and saved for that purpose. —Dr. Keuner's Golden Relief is warrant ed to relieve toothache, headache, neural gia, or any other pain in - to H minutes. Also bruises, wo.mils, wire cut -, swellings, bite» burns, summer complaints, colic, (also in hordes), diarrhe a dysentery and flux. If satisfaction not given money returned. —Clover, rye grass, prairie and couch grass are the best grass heeds to sow for a poultry run. —For headaches, biliousness, constipa tion, dizziness, sleeplessness, the blues, scrofula, the blood and all skin eruptions Dr. Kenner's Itlood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic never fails. Warranted to satisfy or money refunded. —The lime is at hand when it will pay to take the chill off the drinking water. It acts like a tonic. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemi he from horses, blood spavins. t.urbs, splints, sweeney, ring holie, stifles, sprains, all swolen throat , coughs, ete. Save if'iO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J C Keillck, druggist, Hutler. —lt will pity to pour all the whole grain into boiling water and let it remain a couple of minutes, or, if conveniences are at hand, i-tcam it. This will kill any germs of smut and kiudrod troubles. KITK. All nts stopped free t>y l»r. Kline's lifi-nl Ni-ns Iti-slorer Nn tits afti-i lirml il. . - use. Marvelous' itri s. Treatise ami $4 IHI trial lioltle free to Kit < i ia. Hi ml to lir. Kline, nl Areli HI.. Pbll'a. I ». Water the fowls evcral times a day if possible in freezing vcatlier, with water from which the chill is removed. In thi way they do not drink to exce -. and never sulfur lor want of water. ■—Dr. Fenuer'it Cough Hone) will relieve any cough in one hour. ICijually good for lior i's. liin t energy and itrenglh Money refunded it satisfaction not given —Salt should be inixtd with soft fond, but not too much. Salt i c. < utial to all animals, whether the animal In- a bird or beast or man. Coriciumptlon Suroly Cured. To Tii« £i)lsm:-lIUM Inform your rra.ltn tfukt t liiivo a j. i«uiw> rotumly fur tliealmvn uinmul ITUSHSN. Hy Its tlmaly a*" tbi'imiinil* of hopelflfts canes havn itwn perminrull y Atirw!. 1 shall IM tfliul to aunt two Mlliui vt Ml y rpunxljf t'tlEK TO any of your ru»'l< r.i who htva cousiimpU'ia If tlloy will ssnd ma Ui« ir Lxpri sn<l I*. O. mlilrSM, lt< sjs-i t fuiiy, T. A. HLOCUM, H. <•.. IST XW st. N. V. Row ul-siub it is for farmer to plant trees and then neglect them. Why plant them if th'-re H "no time" to trial them propcrh ? To Consumptives. The undesigned having been rn.ti.nl to health by simple miMin, alu-r suftrrinir tor "••veral years with a severe lung afleetion, nn«t thai ilffini iIiMMM? (Vui«iuiii|»tlon, in nnilouN to MjttV#' I nown Io hl» fellow Mill r* 1r ii•« mll • <»I •i * ■ I'• 1 1 "* 1 u b 1 » 1 U *' • il, kit* will rherrfnlly mikl (In** iUw) a ropy of tli«« f»r« M ripl ion *hn*h th«*y will tin«l ii fcUir ctirti for Con' IJIII|>IJCU, Ambron, fattrrli, Hronchitl* and ill ihroiii ftn<l lur y Mr. li.«n«*. )!«• Hof**-" ««jJ Milfer**!* •*ill iry hi* TliiMt il'iiiriiy tl t* int-M-i i prion, whi«*!i wi.l (Mint thrill UOlUlttg, Hinl Ml** I I »V«- i l»l«- *• ivuv will |»l< •' ' " I'i fi fl I 1 1 I i .. l ' \ . Wilson, Kings < oimty, N«»w York. Do y oil see the Point? ■ W- i!, i he man in our illu-: ration j ■n K "-jr ) does not see it. it i« not because it is ! ( y /pJ yf- \ not near ii - ere. Now we want to, ft u' { " f~~T; JC\ » place a pointer be re your eye The \*(r i x /'' 1 J holiday fee-on is fast approaching; N J 1 —•/ jtfji - Cbriitnu U coming, in fact i-.V at v — 'A~ s yty -l u-1 bi re. Alreadj ji'ea-. Nt .-ur £ 1 J -• « t r«« b-irg planned; m* sterione CMirr : %vl:ispere,l consult-itioca are being * JT held, and package- of suggestive ap ' ' 4§g /to pee.ranee are being c-irefu'ly stowed ia oQt-oi-ib'-way places where they —&■ . will be 1 1 from prying eyes. A . Merry Christmas is an old,old theme, V J yet always new. There is a gener-, ation of little toddlers who this year for the first ti:ue wiil 1 -ten at some loving mothers knee to wonderful tales ot Santa Clous and otLer Christmas lore more wouderful than all the spleudors evokedjliy lamp will be just us potent as ever in convincing the Young America of to-day that the holiday season is worth all the rest of the year put together. Do we hear an impatient Yes, yes, but having become a utau I have ■ put awav childish things? Wait a moment, reader. Dor- it not add dig nity to the occasion to think that on Christmas morniug a , r uture President j will concentrate bis thoughts.on a tin rattle with the same absorbed atten tion that he will one day devote to his iuaugurai address; that a coming Secretary of our Treasury will grapple with his first financial problem and get au idea of the difficulties of specie resumption by attempting the im possible feat of sbakiug that bright new copper out of bis toy bank, etc. Then leaving the childreu, think of the pleasure derived from the exchange of gifts among the youth, the middle aged and the old; how it strengthens the ties of (rienship and delights the loving hearts of dear ones to receive a proof of your fond remembrance and affectionate regard. Now we do not wish to worry or perplex ycu, but as a pointer we would just say, What ever else yon may do between now and New Year be sure and see our novelties before buying any gifts tor your friends or relatives. Mind you, we don't say bnv of us, we merely say see onr attractions before you buy, and we would esk as a favor of you to bring the children along. We hope every little child in this vicinity will be allowed to vit-it our place during the next two weeks. In order to accommodate our many friends throughout the county we wiil begin onr great holiday distribution on Dec. 18th, and continue until after the holidays. Come everybody and briug your friends and children along. Thanking you for your very liberal patronage during tbo past year 1 wish you one and all a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. IJ. _A_. HECK, Chammon Olotliier, liatter and Furnisher. 121 North Main St. DufTy's Block, Butler, Pa. MIHI SEEN THEM? We refer to the bargains that you can see daily on onr shelve-* nnl counters. We would like to close out all our Winter Stock and therefore will sell our entire stock at a BIG REDUCTION to make room for Spring Goods. Don't, Don't, Don't, Don't, FORGET THAT WE HAVE THE Largest Store in Butler (Jo. and show the luM : ; rid lowest prices. To convince you come in 01 store nnv tinn- mml l<>ok nr-iund, no matter if you want to pur chase unytiiing or not. N*> trouble to slww go <ds. Special lacs curtain sale. Sss window display. TKOUTMAN'S Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House. KCTLKIt, - - - PA. HOW 18 B U SIN ESS? Wei 1 wo are ver) much gratified to miy to all our customers, and those that not customers too, that our Hade for the pant year has been very much larger than the year previous. Thereby giving us the very best evidence that our efforts to please our customers by giving them the very best footwear and more different styles to select from than any two stores in the town, and what is still better at low prices and only one straight price to each and every customer has given entire satisfaction. With these facts before us our efforts this year will be centered entirely to serve our customers still bet ter, besides to make lots of new customers by show ing you fie dainliest styles in footwear your eyes ever heh .'ld and at extremely low prices. Since taking account of stock we find broken lots ofgoods all through our stock which will bit closed out a! cost, they aie embraced in all our lines in cheap as well 'is line goods. Shoes that sold at now $1.50, shoes that sold at s'J.7o now s■', Ladies' shoes lorrner price $1 now Toe, and no on till through in men's, boys', youths' and childrons. We don't do any loud advertising; don't advertise any tliii): r v\e can't or won't do; wo pay strict atten tion to fitting all customers; to have shoes comforta ble and neat fitting. It will be to your interest to see what we are doing before ><>u buy. I«. (J. IHJKIOI/rON. 102 N. Main Street - Butler, I'll r*A V.'LUABIZ AND DOUBLY UCEFUL LITTLE INSTRUMENT FOB LADIES. | "DUPLEX" ELECTfiIi-hIABNETIC CURLER AND CRIMPER. Tlilal* tlw nt t vrU< I. fi " nti-nf. V'tful and lift:- t-def ru N«l« «" r InvmiN"!. It •«»»"• 1»h, • . Coml. «'urUvut »tij « ri'»r fti«ii>. »llh »ti impwd Voi»k <*» und I- M» t» «rt- 'V^ »»,. . lie A tiiii. kl> iuimJii. . • w..| ( 1«r/ully pUM«i'»<F nml -ULTO « ITH IT" *i<» t«» 4 hull » liMi il in iny rtriirnil !• . »:nl when n<i Willi tliln iimtrMMfljit It l'** l WllOCt *WU«-U lull •• r. awl i 11-I >■> ,1' i.jr ei ■•.miji dir. <>»• t Irtfd, a/io.ii > us/J. PRICE, OP ALL DEALERS. " ' " ■ -i -• '••• . : | i . '■■■!•»tm ••» • 1 •. 'v. • ~;V ![ | | ■ sag mi' WOOUN Mill, ;<UT«.U> , !"■. 11. KULLKRTO.M, I'rop'r, ltlunl>« l' > i mill V«ri» >1 niili 1 )■ elred of I'ure lliil !<•« Comii} Wool. We K'HKIH In (■• irlrilj ill mini i,,1 uliy iilln-r |xit .I'linun miifiTl.il .Ull-lili!-. .Ill't ||||| ••» Hlllllwlli-1 ft.- I'» ill llllTh (111 |jpi.. •linn by mall. (jKO. D. MtTCHKLt , it I ,iw IT I ii'Unr ■ ■ r ii I fulfil'*' !>"* -"Hi *•' tiliiglfiu. Ii ( leil 'i n ,1. 1.11 : :i .ntlt [III- for 111-1 7 If }'• I j Ilk-' I'HOMI'I NMM wnlf im . tilail M t:lvc I aiivico. 1 Save Money i>\ •■■•itin;/ your Fall and \\ i 11- ler mil littery, underwear and hosiery from M. I*\ A-. M. Marks'. They will 0 how you the lar gi'nt and heat selected i tot 1; in lint lor at the lowest prices. We have a larger htoek of triiunii-d "uods than ev-'i I <•- fore. Vin »ii jroodg aS| eeialty. Advertise iu Ibo CITIZKM. j FAMOUS Reduction Sale D. X, P A PES Leading* Millinery House. ~ J AH surplus stock recinced. lio fall or winter goods to be car ried over. Splendid Bargains in hosiery, gloves, mittens, under wear and fancy goods of all kinds. Come and sea them at No-ms. Main St- BUTLEB, PA. Mourning Goods a Specialty. Unquestioned Bargains IX Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubber Goods AT Grieb & YOGELEY'S, The largest production of boots and shoes in the town, which must be sold at reduced prices. We want your trade, Quality the Best, Prices the Lowest. Give us a trial. We shall offer bargains so extraordinary, so startliog h at no one can resist. THE CASH SHOE STORE Will aavo you money. Bootn and Shoes at cost for tLo next 30 dayn. Ab solute sacrifice pale. An uunsnal opportunity. OUU SHOE SPECIALTIES in ladies and geota possess three dia tiuct points of excellence: They are the most Durable, the most Complete and the most Stylish shoes in the town for the money. Adapted for all classes of trad' 1 . Bargains! Bargains! Bargains!! We have on hand that must be sold within the next 30 days ftOO pair mens' kip hoots. ;{UO pair boy'n kip boot*. 200 pair child's and youth's boots. That will be sold to some one for less thuu cost. Embrace the opportunity and come and for yourself Yours Res) icctfully, Grieb & Vogeley, 347 S MAIN STREET. - - - BUTLER, PA. Opposite Willanl irlousc. GREAT REDUCTION AT .J. R. GMUETB'S, No. 10 South Moin St., - Butler* Pa. In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, And S] >ce tacles. Repairing Proni])tly Attended To. SIGN OF ELECTRIC HELL. J. H. GRIEB. PROF. R. J. LAMB. GRIEB & LAMB'S MUSIC STORE. wo. 10 SOUTH ST. BUTLJEK, JPA. Sole Ajjeiih It.-1 Butler, M* rcer and Clar ion counties Tor 1 * l i r Bros. &( oV .Magnificent Pianos, Shoninger, and V »'\vby & Evans I'* in tins, Packard, Crown, Carpenter and New Kugland Organs. t .fillers in Violins, Strings, Bruijo (initu. s, and All Kinds of Musical Instruments. ! Pianos and sold on ii stallnu nts. <Hd instruments taken in exchange. ( «>Mie and .-eu us, as vse can save you money. Tuning and Repairing .1 all Kinds <d" Musical Instruments Promptly Attended to. H/ar- FEVER 0-- U COLD-HEAD Ifei ;; /.I t,:,im llahn in ,t a tii/ iiill, innfitr AppiM into the n»*trih :f i* tjulfkhj „ irr -.,1. /' clrnnt'» Vie hind, alia;/* inflammation, hral* Cjlrt '■» ■ "tut*** •* " nt 0H 'iClmZ- M? * uUC fcLY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers