WHEN IN NEED OF .. CALL ON HENRY BIEHL 122 STREET, . GTTTTRRP.IR, - IPZEJSI N'/, AVhere vou can haye your choice out of the largest assortment of cooking ai ".V Vl'l 1 1' ~~ a Wilson and Standard Sewiuj: Machines, Hanging and Stand Lamps. Manufacture of Tinware; Tin Roofing and Spouting a Specialty. "WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN j « lilLlAMl&IO.* * I ;1 | tj&j f3O S. MAIN ST. •«£ a@i- - -'—. —-—,-' £-"& r ~ ~j f\>_ Y- *- R -- SPIINIi IS CONING![ We are here first and ready tosupph you with anything you may want in tliej line ot new FURNITUREI We quote no prices; goods will speak i for themselves, and we will save you money. Call and see. E. B. .OR K W, 128 E. Jeffrrson fcst., • Bnllei> , RINGS, Diamonds {SfifiS'SSk '-STUDS, GENTS GOLD, I LADIES fIOLD VV aiClieb - GENTS SILVER l LA DIES CH ATL AIN, j G,,ld Pinß » Ear-rings, " W tSJI y ( Rings, Chains, Bracelets. Etc, f Tea sets, castors, butter rlishe? ftilvprwnpp and everything that «-»n b» V tJX W (U t; | found in a first class store, um hum * — E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 19, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., Building a Home , Plans of city and country rc*i «ienco». cottages. Ac. Xiacty *i> t plate.-. Sill inches, printed in tint' ll ■j' ix r* exteriors, interiors ami floor p 1 ar. -. '" ,* wiutorfin the American HuihltT. Post fr.-o for sl. Similar plans are - it&ji'Csl £vy ttfyi.Tr, S ~¥iS"cmzE\, S^^ilfegrsjppSll^ Butler, Pu. Above is shown n house costing THE i ( BAKING \^^^li^©PoWDEß Satisfaction Cursranteed, EACH CAN OF THE COOKS BAKING POWDER IS GUARANTEED ULL STRENGTH, FULL WEIGHT, AND IS SOLD ON ITS "ER'TS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT 'ITH QUALITY. ] +QQKB QUARTERS, RETAIL AT 5 GTS. TIOQKS HALVES, RETAIL AT 19 CTS. COOKS POUNDS, RSTAK.AT 20CT9. Bold_byj*lj <g- Can, Snug tltil.j fort u ars hsvr been made at 7° ".*• Ly Ann * *"« , Auatln, a'" l 'no. R'.un. Toledo, Ohio. cut. l):Uri«nred v .utf uwell. Why f #tVVo^^V'' ,t yoa? Sonw ttrn ov-r «SOO. OO a 7 * "!' c " ndo ,h « *ork and live | tfV V home, her«-rrr y on Brr . p vrn bc _ ✓ 7 f/L" P ? • r ''. f .?* il - v M ™ ln « from 95 to ?..♦ / ✓ tl»ad*y Allatra. Waahow yovhow "T* and »tart you. Can work in iur« time orall th* nme. !iir mooty for work era. Failure unknown aiuoof them. NEW and wondarflil. I'artlru'.ara fr*e H.llallett«&Co.,Box »»# Portlund,Maine oa000 ; Y**rln tMroifii U allti«a,wh . th* «»Miaii»n or»mpl..rmMit.•• r " '• ,f " ' No , r.K-ra-tin:, m • |. .1 '. • *.r ' . r •n-« NOL.il>. Kali'particular* . u> . k atonS, I', AI,LE>, Box 4*i». Augurto, Maine. MONEY W« IbruUh *«»fjlWn(r W> m*i• v.. .. \ u i.fi.. Tm nn rirvoti your apare in .>r ;.?? r r i.i.» totbetwrk. TliU •an Wuthvly n«w B«-cfntiera nr* earring :r-» #*.' f j• i > e«k ui>-i npvmili, end mote ert- * « Mi'te e\, erli-u. . W>: tn f.miah \. u the »*m pl-rm.-ut au ' -leh yu » No* •• to e*n!a>n here. Fall lafunualiva • J.fcfc. 'J*K :*s>•. aigr •:• • ' . " ' «•-«>-•••• - Aa' • I < : T)r • pl:itiD; r any j : v * .. i ti- -:.vr c*»n» ■. . 1 | l} ~ y, H-.UoV, "j.rtrt> CHtOaCt> 1 Xotiling On Earth Will sp f, T * & r V ■ .* $ ' " ~ ' ' V E mm -*s* d ?. i *' f*" fy || b iif i m vfiLi' to . <• f Je? / .. <si LIKE SficWan's Cc iticn Po.' r !cr! ! it i< MNr w* - aigur * r i., '» | EiSS • •. vig wh< hen* M . Isjv ; > paveii #» , fr : . - »r <p ' • ' If T r *i • - i'f V-Pt it m n.l »:• 50 • t • »• " . f- •!. .. < •• ■ -. ■ - t . pn t- " i -, x!e • ; • :r »•• n» or moie. I. -0u.0u.. a. v i-. Ji l w ] - . - / V v; IV' ' - / r . • ; 1 ■ Uiil |j W t .*3 P ijJ f' \ •Tiie Sacce «fal H . •••••! aro i, as it Is ccrtiln li ltj t 4 r ! t C 3 nc bustsr. Kca.l proof weir--art I>t:ooEL , .-<f. Ccr.n., Y ; "001 Dn. P. J. Et;:i>iti C • *n v !r ,'' • x. '• * "• ' ;' ?^ Tar ■ "'wrv-'ri i i:V . *" " ' ' ~V iuu'l '■ « ii<»Vr Weuro if. I 1 a • rr\fi.ruß. i it. P.. J. H It. C t ..r : 1) -n- rf t-. -.j n Tl> Iov«r ;- u.ro. •o o m.i:i said r.c. St was t-id bes4 ' •; ;■ • -••••-- >- liiro L. H..rrxis. C ri LMSIO. K. Y.. K-. 13, 'DO. t>r. T ~. J. Kext>J ... r r : .-»•« r- •—»1 t. •'•!-* rf y-ur I ■ - ' l-n - -.on » v.: ; h • ire that. was<]UJte lumo w . . aoi • ' rin. . :rr is uo'.r •■. :irtl} freo I- • : -- >l> -i •' -n-'. i jt oUy, ;. U. 11l r -ii-sa. ri£riJKLL 0 vi A!>ri t 'inc. E T OE. La, Hay S, 10. DE. R. -T. Koto ATX Co., C nvit—l th .k: i mr ' ' - f-> pr ' r v ti c»y J ti. f or your far fsinied Ktu 'I s Spavin Cur -. Ih if- fnur y«*r oia L!'> u a I ; very h;-, ' .. - res . :,'al •*;. I trle«.i : • ' • ■ 1 •: Li< h «!i-t 11# ».i. i j • - i a ho'j:e of your Kendall'! Spavin Curo wbiah curo<i f .* fn four d <. 1 remain • oun. iUmos l;o-WDEi. P» i?e * I i>er bottle, or si? > tort r 3 for S". All drug ksvelt r caught it for : 1.0r.. f lHbeneuS t-r> anv address on p. Icobj' j ;oprlo j tors. DR. »• «7. HE\DAI<T. CO., f.n< ,:urvf : Vrlluoal : * v ;• -a I ' \ 'v " i ' i c. IS v^V y ' >x ' v v v^ \ \ Uv ;:^ H Cl.iWs & Co. WholespiP PAi L.J \.i ' i.uCE. -C.U«, I" .'I "...Al'C'i A.. Clicr.;• r t/in\ >od. 1 s> j./ .LftlL. 'Hi 1 ' ' f; I " I ' Hr- iSlill I ] -* ii-is . ■ 'i !< t;j • 'vi ; r 'J*' 1 J »•*«» <'JOniVti.h'a* V 'iL: wc'D'jw bw-abs »V .. oa'i..' 0 -" JJU> TAYiOH ft: !»: «*V. VJOI, *503 &. JlarkrtSt., ritttijurgh, Tr-.. | , . £fti"LtldU£"HAlßll ]! Obti« tkoimU"fee, 'I J i ...■ ■ s 1 \\-mm j . ..J A" i /• i 'v I - ; ; •» ! : os tho Fliia, 1 j .l ! v P-. \ : vck U <i;il I ! i. . /ear ' or. r riou. in t'-o yrncuco of ( is- : r Ity, i 4 no'nbt rv nmontf his pa- I j I 1 ili.'s. If voi ' 1 j : ;t * ."1 r«t . 1 . "<Y"<v»n J • ial t'.-r: . >ail wbu luU i , n .:■■•■ *n>'■ 1 nth. 1•* free. £at'u<«. ill': • *V V !r r a vVntsV. a plll«V>nr^hf l':t. "'. . • [ } J r 4 1 \ • . i | - ■ . J\^ • ••LL! I Pi. ! . r ?c an; ihiag quite I GLYCERINE ? 1 I ratios for I fl • • ■•*' Liv. *--ni«"ten.y. I CT . iP H 1)1 i.i.tiH \ t Pi };'r, ir "'veis FlnuneN ar.i Yr*rn >? ni'liichirrd ofPuro 3?«il ki We v.; isaMtef • r til - aU wool ! »11 I ny • . . iatert il ; n i '?-•• . ato ( alcrs ou I I uUcr. for the L J'iuiN. - ?' ; »RE 1 ytk lit -a.. i.- ill '•» troubles inc! j : - »,t i" » ' lit.- system, audi as . * DMrw after rt_.il u*.„ .. _ sac . n to curium kf ! fle.l i V r .ITT!.E LiTKR PltJ-S r . I < I i.-t«t>r.tlon. curing • * ! _• i » >mplaint, white 1": : !-rs of the stomach, 1 uia.be the bowels. F ;: ; ::AD I \ C - . t r ; *tesi to tho"? I iv -mir complaint: , jj' m /loess n»t end j try them will find iv. *>'* manv ways that i to do without them. -. , - *C f here is where w , ... .;. Our pills cure it Put p are verr small E; . , . or two pills make I ?\ 1 ] ' ' vegetable and do * their gentle action In v Lab 2 nt cents; •\ or *• nt by mail. :: , iT=T ?-?*. ,M Wee. j | . ;|gyj are God j . cr OH and j SPRITES j 1 -: •) and j Soda . bv leadlnsr f . !,• < ..'1 T.irrr Oi! j - • o 1!; tecognlzc 1 ) muption. It 1» ) ! - s~i» '•* " ptrfeet ) ... .. r. It .s tlir J .{SUMPTION, \ 1 Wasting 1 Dis- ) r.nd Cclds. j r. r.-. l take nooiher.j AS \ ( DiD "UATfD \ cori»ugg *• * T Tl» \ str.MD. j Roorrt i Owr\er ' ' V.nic to hold a brush ould trsa ■ :^eoN J T&9T. t. •• - FußKiTune _ Vartiisn i T T.-<c at f/ie _ j v 01. 3askcts same V. • «e* « Coach time* V. x £. -ANDOLPH. Philadelphia. ; AWAY ITo< *. r ' this ; riper who suffers from 1, I>i i usncss, Liver Coin , Nervous Debility or Con ! ».. ,11 .c oi that most wonderful n (Jon* which is the only ab ; A .1 ciwc f. r the above named -• ~ d t » do this becnusc I know tea pen -ns who try it will I : - 1 \ " . \ h the results they will take . i: * ut its marvelous curative V i u... . ± fid acquaintances, 'lhe { ' f r : -rtisirijf to ire is worth 1 • jem »cine given away, so I rtLc sec mil; g large expense. I • ?rs rn file from people who j ] j or mare oi the complaints ! . y sTr.vnff your disease ■ -j ! v 1 -tui i mail, or ask your c. L: i J. 1 t w.ll. Address, p; r .. C ...U STREET, NEW YORK. TORS LAKE . i vr:; i>ispk>sary. ,f H A . ANO FOURTH St., Pittsburgh, PA. rr:-ia l»eli<-ateanrt Com i < <1 11 ii inie<."<>>'- :: AI. an>l IKXTIKH-Jlcd c tvoa!e<l at this Vis -9 v:ir"l;. attained. Dr. S. ti. tli j K' al Ci.iJcgcOf-l'liy t'he oldestaml nn>»t ■ Mti Spei ial nt- I'clillity from excessive • 1 tionol ymith.etc.,caus !. .v, • of rnerjrv, . . . OldSoren, Kits, alt di-e.iscsof the Skin, 1, Coiistiltation . >1- ; "J. ofllre hunrs, it to >.l. - s S.j) I'. M. onlv. J.ii I.AKK, CO ft. ii bT„ I'XXTSUU ItUH, PA. -vIMHI ii " .eo, no opt ration < i>r>pronnurieMllu a ; ;<-?• t'ireular. l'r»*''. v'lhte li->ui*sV to 3. r lQ FREE ■Hi hcsiorod 'NTS GREAT RESTORER A /..'j ctfler ' i : t:.c fre- to a c\r»rc*.s a.ldrcss ot -• .I'hii.iJclphi»,Pa. r /A' ; FRAUDS. 1 f -••r " •"'in n«relTt<» | iiavc tticm'ra. 1 - . ''AT. CUiiii. •—•. aol ~ cp :.:j hhess, ! " v .T my remedy to j 4 ; t •: •:*£ utters h'avo • . woCivinc acure. FnKE. liOTTLB j Give Expreaa 1 • ior a \ . ) y.>u. Address ?. f !S3?EARLSiT..Kr!aV: , »K I ,'??iyaHo i T "V7C3B B-Sa-.tXYi i cf P.'. undllind, Etfeotl j . i.:<.ccz*ce inOldorToun&r. i : ! <•»«. »{«w tn «-altrc» *i.\ • . **>«. PAllTbllFllftDV. . A •n*»»At« In • d&»« ' it j r!r«. ItrlU ilx'iu « • I »oaf ! . . . UFFALO.N. V. j | MEN leur " r r >«ttful errors, e*r!y j I decay, 1. I will containing full I -.u * .re. FBfESo f charge. A. | ipLadi : zz- -1® r: -wr'.l be road by every jinaav L j ii r. i and debilitated. Address, i ' FiNw.. I'o , ffeodua, Conn# I TIIK CITIZEN. Mlsc;:' ' ANEOUS. I —Kerosene "ii fc<»- 'h'* p>'« er of attract ing and destri>* ' - and other insert annoyances. — lt iisrc - i - " rfectly -afe to Mxithc the b;iliy w i j.- in preparations, but yon can rely on l*r. l'u! I'' v Syrup; it con tains nothi'\j i: j •• -Sold by all deal ers for 25 , nts. So ext y been.the wi.rk of Oil! Sj Cm'., rh Cure, that deal i-rx can (i oti i r Price only 25 cents. —Tie.: . J.i-ii . which was vis ible at the . : ■ !-l Ch. -f, can be seen ! every tvvr . • iht o'clotk. It ap -1 ears j...-: ot ca.-t and is a verv •. if 11; •« .' ii* .1 i»rb. It will be VMibic .. *.t two mouths, and those wbo • -t th:- winter will be deiiiea tu 1 ;v. uukv- they live over thre.- ceuturi — The hitw.il i> '-be source of health. Keep is [.i..- ... Hood's Sarsaparilla. Skilu by i. . —A la. d;. Alain street drug gis: by a .cr "inligestible cocoa.'" Lick : , Are You Sick? D<l Mlll*-. ' I'i.l "est. a, S i L.ivcr Complaint, N't-rvoUfi.. i j ■ r :t%-. Billiousness, Exbsn- '. Feeling, Pains in Chett or l. 1' • ugb, -V ightsweats, >erv«.'; • wot Consump tion? i; ■ . I Hart, S8 Warren St., >. . • :ii send yod free, by mu.l. a!. 1 •• which is a sure cure. . —A I'.ai. 1 .v est consists oi eleven pairs i . a failure? We should mi, ; —l;i i . 'iiri !in a day—"Mysti cure" ! . t; -. iiud neuralgia, radic cailj ei;r« . i ■■>«• *>. Its action upon the'sji.-ii i :e and mysterious, it remove i i! f cause and the dis ease iii!:- { i: ...p pears. The tirst dose fin-i '■' cts. Sold by J C Keuick, <ii... j . iJailer. —A Foi ,<« t over Niagara Falls very successful! *t ther day. TLat i- . i... t:.. Jc is now one fool less in the wori.i. _ v . . Announcement. We have 3. • e arrangements with Dr. B. J. Kt : . Co.. publishers of "A Treatise < • !. 11 i v-.- and his Diseases," which will e ■ '1 subscribers to ob tain a ("j.j j . at valuable work free by seoditig ti.i a- ! - (en- losing a two-cent stamp . . a: )tn Dr. 15. J. Ken dall i . ;...( j Vt. This book is now r; sti<: ird authority upon all i: - •• (-be liorse, as its phenon.en t s. ;e> - over lour million copies i.a, !; . a -old in the past ten years, i . r I'clure reached by nnj" pnblieatii . ame period of t. me. We feel com. i i .a - ■ i patrons will appre ciate the • :.:id l e glad to avail tbew selve- of »; . • :u,i,icy of obtaining a valuable 1 i>'.>. It is i tbi't you mention this paper in ~ ' tLc "Treatise." This oiler v> . l i-peu or only a short ime. Accor i t'.c Cninese reckoning, thepr. -ei t t:.-« year 7.910,341. — For c biiionsuess, constipa- j tiou, <iu/1 .'pli-s-iicv-i, the blues, serofuia, tin .; ■i 1 nil skin eruptions Dr. Fc. l.iver lieniedy and Nerve . Warranted to satisfy on; •••iuiitlwl. —At i . a uciety swell was siufrinjx a a paili r vhen a lady otandii - ■ . him fainted and fell to ti. • .....iogized to her and ha.-. )fi.; . —10: : !. -.in,, ut removes all hard, sin •! lumps and blemishes lrom hi . .Mi .s. curbs, splints, sweenev, . suii.-s. sprains, all swolen l - etc. Save SSO by use ol i . * l W arranted the most wonder!:. e ever kuown. Sold by J C li. ';Mst, Butler. — The i i ol the neck and the call an.,'. The cir eumierei neck ci■ i;il - twice the circuin'.. :. nrNc. Three times the eire:.:. : iicad equals the lengtii o! But lonie Leads are bigger t! FITS. 1... ! I>r. Ulibr'k liri.ll >1: ■ • iiTt'-r fir \ oa.( s CM . iii.'i - Mt.al .»• n(i io J r. Kline, rat A.Ptl M. Bl.: . i ...g of consumption and the .. a he earned by Lis skill as : niysteriously dis appeared. iim :i panper inmate of a lunatic r-, i — Dr. l-i u Honey will relieve any cotv;'- K<iually good for Horses. (, and strength. Money refunded , • n hot given. — Two i . lest thing* to keep in ' this life nr.- .n.l a sharp lead pencil. Const, Stireiy Curod. To The ' iafnna your readers that I hare a; r, asndy lortlio above-named diHeuse. By : taat . list tl(Oi:sands of hopcleaa casegliivol •• ™ia»ru ntly cured. I shall be glad to semi t-.ro 1 .u' ray r laedy FREE to any of your re - !■" . :.) .;e consumption if they wilt •end me th, :r . s a:i,l I'. O. odtlnsM. Itenpeet fi.Uy, X. A. ' . ICL ~1. 'I.C.. 181 Tear! St. K. Y. An cm i r -'a; - a young lady wants te kne"' hov • it:e 'not enough' out of the wont ' • ' Ti is ii done by trans posing tile i :'s f(>lloWs: It. 2. 1, 0, 4, , r *. See ! — Dr. F Ki i :ey aud Itackache Cure is wh '1 to j. e satisfaction in every can- • ,- i . ev returned. —Si.in j). . i: !i that the backbone of winter i i : ml the annual failure of the pea i b is nut et been declared. — An Iv.-' ! ; invented an elec trical sv. i:, I'doy mothers of this town ■ «t:]l ;i- t'i<; slipper. Co '.or. umptlves. Tfce u: :«! ' iieeu restored to health ' \ i '.i- r sufferiut! for ever i \ Iu»>et afTrction, and t i•«i - - i , isuruptioD, is anxH.us i :k lelh »v futl'er er the n ■ those who desire it, he wiil- d tiree of charged a co[>\ of ■ it-i 11, which they will fim: 'or ("iinsuioption, Asthma,- ' and all throat and Ins. 1 '}■■-- ail snfterers will try iv invaluable. Those ii ,ii, which will cost t! • • pr.-ve a bless lntr, wi ! • v. l iavARD A. VVii.sn'. • County, New York. — The . ■ xtracted from a ragged v • ure by holding it over a qua . uruing -ugar. «"3ismins By BL Wrisley's ' if R SOAP tui: - Litlioor Require ?:yo;r Grocer for it Foiiiir; ;: EGTiONS GLQSF'X \V r anted nijsrtli t- .'"it 'irtii'is lor ou "* choice N" :-i O Kt*n«!jr V ..i-!, : r. •!!.• T« mprrnit Men. Sa: t r\ ... in- v "i If prefer ed. W rit . -V • Address. i?. g. c a■ ■ * -. .v: 1 .;-; ,!^:. n 70'. : IND : : i BEOS.' AliU w.ll L i\Jf at loWCftt IVICi. Do you see the ' Point? Well, if the man in our illustration \ ) does not eee it. it is not because it is C not near bis eye. Xow we want to ft >, y S place a pointer before jour eye The Y q * 4c/. J holiday season is fast approaching N _ / WvC Christmas is coining, in fact it's al — l most here. Already pleasant 6ur if**' prists are being planned; mysterious JfeH -| t mm~" whispered consultations are being * held, and packages of suggestive ap |)earance are being carefully stowed in out-of-the-way places where they L—..... will be hid from prying eyes. A Merry Christmas is an old,old theme, ~ v yet always new. There is a gener ation of litil>* toddlers who this year for the first time will listen at some loving mother's knee to wonderful tales of Santa Claus and other Christmas lorp more wonderful than all the splendors evokedjby Aladdin's lamp will be just as potent a? ever in convincing the Young America of to-day that the holiday season is worth all the rest of the year put together. I)o we hear an impatient Yes, yes, but having become a man I have put away childish things? Wait a moment, reader. Does it not add dig nity to the occasion to think that on Christmas morning a future President will concentrate Li-> thoughts on a tin rattle with the same absorbed atten tion that he will one d«y devote to his inaugural address; that a coming Secretary of our Treasury will grapple with his first financial problem and get au idea of the difficulties of sj>ecie resumption by attempting the im possible feat of shaking that bright new copper out of his toy bauk, etc. Then leaving the children, think of the pleasure derived from the exchange of gifts among the youth, the middle aged and the old; how it strengthens the ties of frienship and delights the lovin? hearts of dear ones to receive a proof of your fond remembrance and affectionate regard. Now we do not wish to worry or perplex you, but as a pointer we would just say, What ever else you may do betweeu now and New Year be sure and see our novelties before buying auy gifts lor your friends or relatives. Mind you, we don't say buy of us, we merely say see our attractions before you buy, and we would ask as a favor of you to bring the children along. We hope every little child tn this vicinity will be allowed to visit our place daring the next two weeks. In order to accommodate our many friends throughout the county we will begin our great holiday distribution on Dec. 18th, and continue until after the holidays. C'ome everybody and bring jour friends and children along. Thanking you for your very liberal patronage during the past year I wish you one and all a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. LX A . 11 K O K, Cliamrrion Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher. 121 North Main St. - Duffy's Block, Butler, Pa. 1891. We start 181)1 with the greatest line of bargains ever offered. We have ' bought some thousands of yards of COTTAGE CARPET We have marked it 20 cents per yard. This is 25 per cent, lower than it has ever been sold where iu America. WRAPS. , Still c nice asfcriment at $2 to $35. Were $4.50 to SSO. ALL OUR DRESS GOODS Domestic Goods, underwear, in fact everything in our immense stock to be run off regardless of cost. Those who have dealt with us know we always moan just what we advertise; those, who have not, will learn that we do by calling and examining goods and prices. RITTER & RALSTON. HOW" IS BUSINESS? Well we ;:re very much gratified to say to all our customers, and those* that not customers too, that our trade for the past year lias been very much larger than the year previous. Thereby giving us the very best evidence that our" efforts to please our customers by giving them the very best footwear and more different styles to select from than any two stores in the town, and what is still better at low prices and only one straight price to each and every customer has given entire satisfaction. With these facta before u.sour efforts this year will lie centered entirely to serve our customers still bet ter, besides to make lots of new customers by show ing you the daintiest styles in footwear your eyes ever beheld and at extremely low prices. Since taking account of stock we find broken lots of goods all through our stock which will be closed out at cost, they tire embraced in all t our lines in cheap as well :is fine goods. Shoes that sold at $2 now $1.50, shoes that sold at $3.75 now S3, Ladies' shoes lortner price $1 now 75c, and so on all through in men's, boys', youths' and childrens. We don't do any loud advertising; don't advertise anything we can't or won't do; we pay strict atten tion to fitting all customers; to have shoes comforta ble and neat fitting. It will be to your interest to see what we are doing before yeu buy. 13. C. HUSELTON. 102 N. Main Street A VALUABLE ANO DOUBLY USEFUL LITTLE INSTRUMENT rON LADIES. "DUPLEX" ELECTRO-MAGNETIC CURLER AND CRIMPER. This if the mont perfect, convenient, vsi/mI and tfeetire little toilet article mr inrented. biu«* a Comb-Curl r of «uporior finish with an improved Ton* Crimper, and both »*rt« beij« Eiectro- MAnnette, it Quickly produce* wonderfully pleating and fashionable result*. * ith it« aid thehaircao ho fixed in any de»irod style, and when bo fixed with this little instrument it retain* tho effect much longer, and is not even eft. ted Ly the damp air. Oar# trtsd, always used. PRICE, 50c. f ' f>r ;! •bv the le.-i in r dru r. «Jr\* cut fancy £oods trade generally, but if not obtainableJn your [ i-fiiig safe delivery, on nveipt of MfW ; . . r„> hy di >'r e\prcf«. r n« ft- office money order, or currency in t eg tatered letter i > o'llicA Co.. ;.73 Broadway, N. Y. Mention this paper. Agent* wanted for | •-« w-i tr.iira Ikit? sr. J:'vcittUici». Beautiful and popular good*. Most liberal terms. A. J. FRANK* V CO, riKAI.KUS IK DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND ( IIKMICAU9' FANCY ASH TOILET AKTICKS, SI'OXGES, Bill SIIKS. PI li l MEKY. Ac »*r-physiclivns' riiscriptlons carefully com pounded. 5 S. Main Street., Butler, Pa. Traveling ami I.ocal. to si it our . ' e nursery stock. Kast-selltns.'spect:ilt!. -11 l hunt', fruit-, etc. splenitis outfit free, sten.b employment ifilaranteed. Yourpaj weekly. Write tor terms. i.KHVAMA M KSTKY CO.. Koch* ->ter. V Y. @np, 11. .(Ii . Sr., Hi „£> «X it of injr m 1 i your ::.<>• . -v mvmrtitiMJjrto r\-rrythinf. r.Ahll Y, *1! F Irarvnf I I'AKTIC t'LARB 1 «;».! . A«ldn s» at »n««. J I HIIMMS a tO., I'OKILA.M', JAI.VL. i | i Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now running a line of carriages between the hotels and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel Vogeley. Good Livery in Connection Mifflin Street Livery. W. G. BIEHL, Prop'r. Oue square west of Main St., on Mifflin St All good, safe horses; new buggies aud carriages. Landaus for wt-ddiDgs and funerals. Open day arid nigbt. Telephone No. 24. aSßWiilfelijiMKli . FAMOI. Reductioi i D. T. F"A ' S Leading Millii ! <mse. All surplus stock rednced. No fa be car ried over. Splendid Bargains in hos under wear and fancy goods of all kinds. i at No- S. Main St.* . - ,- J A. jVlouniinir Goods r Unquestioned ains IN Boots, Shoes, and Rubber ( AT GRIEB & Vo :y'S, The largest production d shoes in the town, which m :<! at reduced pi . We want your trade, Qualit; "t . > r Lowest. Give na a trial. We shall offer bargr-i o startling h at DO one can resist. THE CASH SI OilE Will save yon money. Boots and Shoes ;• .v.-. Ab -1 solute sacrifice sale. An unusual opportu OUR SHOE SPECIALTIES in lad tbree dis tinct points of excellence: They are the most Di ;.e most Complete and the m< oes in the town for t Adapted for all class, i Bargains! Bargain ains!! c © We hare on hand that must be sold > 500 pair mens' kip boots. ' • kip It >ots. 200 pair child's and y< 1 That will bo sold to some one for leas thau o nrtunity and come and see for yourself Yours I v, Grieb & ey, > J 347 S. MAIN STREET, - - U.LKK, PA. Opposite Willard . GREAT ! ill AT J. R. GK No. 16 South Main St., - - uilor? lr*a. In Watches, Clocks, Jewel •tacles. Repairing Promptly To. SIGN OF ELECTi J. R. GRIEB. GRIEB & LAMB'S : iOBE. NO. 16 SOUTH MAIN S Sole Agents fci . . lar ion counties for i (' inficent Pianos, Shoiiing< . Evans Fianos, PacKard i' New England Or iolins, Strings, Bruno <Jt. All Kinds of Musics - monts. SHEET MUfeIC A S : Pianos and Organs sold on ii.?talM. taken in exchange. ( '"iie can save you Tuning and Repairing of nil i;ind.- Miiuent." Promptly ittei t\\Ss f I HAY-FEVt O COLD-HE.' Ely"t Cream Balm u not a liquid, snuff or i* _ _ quirkly absorbed. It cleanses the head, Cil A the tores. &>lrt bv dnwists »r sent 3UC ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Si;.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers