THE CITIZEN- V.C.IMIH. m *' r " BTBSCIirnOK «AT»-POSTAGE PRKPAID One yeaf.MWie County *•» One Tear. OiUM Oowty TayabU tn Hwiict. t»iuW ttfwtlfci rtf U el— mtinAY. FEBRUARY 6. 1891. • tavor «r aendin* Us not now Ukßig a county W* All iiiWiniiiiHnni intend*! for publication paMbrftfMpoMfbtonMM. Roll of Honor. The following are the names of the Re publican member* of the Legislature who refused to vote for J. Donald Cameron for 17. S. Senator under any consideration: A. C. Baldwin, of Lancaster, H. Wallace Brown, of Crawford, E. A. Coray, Jr., of Loierne, Leonard Lewis, of Bradford, Albert Magnin, of Delaware, John K. M alii nee, of Crawford, John W. Morrow, of Indiana, Alonso A. Potter, of Crawford. Noah Seanor, of Indiana, A. B. Sumner, of Bradford, Austin L. Taggart, of Montgomery. To which must now be added the rest of the twenty-five who voted for Thompson's resolution. j Owes upon a time when "Grammar- j George" McCandlees, of Centre Twp., waa ] deeply provokad with one of his neighbors, , he told him that his actions "stirred in hie , breast emotions of inefficable contempt, and if the action of the Republican. mem- ( bers of the House at Harrisburg, last Fri day. in refusing to listen to a second read- ( ing of Mr. Thompson's resolution censuring 1 J. Don. Cameron for his late official actions did not cause similar emotions in the breasts of every true Republican in the State we are greatly mistaken. THK Washington correspondent of the New York Matt and Express explains the late remarkable breaks made by J. Dog Cameron as being the result of the warm friendship between bis wife and Mrs. Cleveland, and goes on to say that Cameron seoretlj contributed to the Democratic oampaign fond during the last Presidential campaign. - ATCOtnr 6mm EIEKPATKICK realis ed *44,000 from his four years' service under Governor Beaver's administration —516,000 salary and 128,000 in commissions. Sec-1 retary Stone did nearly as well. Both these officers made more money than the Governor. Oca members of the Legislature, Messrs. Thompson and Williams, have set them selves right with our people in the effort made by them and twenty-three fellow members of the House to censure J. Don. Cameron for his treachery to the Repub lican party They were deceived by Cameron into voting for him for U. S. Senator and as soon as they discovered the deceit they endeavored to correct the mis take. The 35 members who voted for the resolution offered by Mr. Thompson will feel better and stand better with their people than those who were afraid to go on record. Electing U. 8. Senators. The movement made in Congress to elect United States Senators should be pushed with all vigor. Now is the time, and through Congress is the shortest road to that end. The Legislatures of the several States at the same time could be acting, for if tue movement tailed in Congress it can be brought abont by the aotion of the State legislatures. A resolution in the Penn sylvania Legislature just now would be timely, and one should be introduced on the subject, as is provided for in tbo Con stitution of the United States. Who will be the member at our Legislature that will lead in this great reform? THJ resolution offered in the House of the Legislature last Friday by Hon. Josiab M. Thompson, one of our members, will be found in the CITIZIH this week. It ex presses the feelings of the Republicans of our county and is just the kind of censure that, should have passed on Don Cameron. But the Cameron henchmen were too nu merous. Mr. Thompson however stuck to it. bravely and when he again called it up on Monday last it received the votes of 25 of the beat members in the House. An Impotent Conclusion. The Legislature which is responsible for fastening Cameron on the State for another six years tried to anode under some sort of a cover yesterday by instructing the Sena tor to vote for a bill he has already killed. Cameron ia voting for nothing. He has done all the mischief he is capable of at present and has lied from the uncomfort able association with the men he has deceived and betrayed, to the less oppress ive atmosphere of Southern Virginia. If the Republicans of the Legislature owned themselves and even approximately represented the feelings of their con stitutents, they would in strong, emphatic and explicit language have rebuked the recreant Senator,who first grossly deceived them and then basely betrayed his party. The opportunity was open to these mem bers to retrieve, in some measure,the great blunder of last week by demanding Cameron's resignation and denouncing his act of politioal perfidy by which he defeat ed bis party and his President on a vital party measure. We congratulate General Gobin on the success with whiek lie oontrols his indigna tion. Does he not peroeive that as the indorser of a swindle he is personally re sponsible for the resultf He went out of his way to vouch for Mr. Cameron: it was bis assurance of Cameron's fidelity to the party that gave the latter the necessary vote in caucus. Yet, instead of resenting the deoeit which has placed him in such a compromising position, as a man of spirit and probity should, he proposes nothing more drastic than the belated instructions, and supports his position in language as virile and forceftil as the bleating of a ewe lamb. Senator Robinson made some just criti cism of the feeble resolution of instruction, but be proposed nothing better. Both Robinson and Gobin made some claim to independence when Cameron was stronger than be is now, but they both enlisted und«r his colors jnst when snch association would most hurt them. They are in the position of capitalists who, after avoiding an enterprise when it was solvent, pnt all their money in it the day before it closed its doors and made an assignment. We fear they will both lose credit for sincerity as well aa political sagacity, yet neither stood up yesterday and proposed a vote of censure on the man who had dealt them so foul a blow.—Philadelphia Press. ADVICES from Chili show the people in a state ot revolt against the government and a war going on, the result of the disrepute of the President and his cabinet, who are #" charged with procuring the murder of one Of the most popular men in the country. AT NORWICH, VT. a man named Kibling who defied the laws of the state and the prophets of Dartmouth College, was con victed in 723 out of a 1000 indictments a"«"n-f Mm frr -rV!-•' 'tq- - ■ C to J VMt* onment. ) Harrisburg Notes Friday is the regular day in both houses of the Legislature for the introdnction and discussion of resolutions, and it became known that some severe resolutions regard ing J. Don. Cameron's late official actions would be introduced on that day, so on the day before, Thursday, his personal friends sought to forestall such action by having Senator 'Williamson, one of the two State Senators snubbed by President Harrison a day or two before, introduce the follow ing: Whereas, It is our unalterable con viction that the free and untrammeled right to exercise the suffrage should be guaranteed and enforced by the National Government in all National elections; and Whereas, We hold it as a self-evident trnth that where representation is based on population every legally qualified elector m that population is entitled to the oppor tunity to cast his ballot and to have that ballot fairly counted; and Whereas, Some measure to secure this right to vote and to have such vote count ed has been pledged by the Repnblican party in its National and State platform: Resolved (if the House of Representa tives concurs), That cur United States Senators be earnestly requested to use every honorable effort to secure the pass age of the Federal Elections bill. In the Senate the Democrats said that the matter was a Repnblican qnarrel, but after some talk they let the Republicans have their own way, and the resolution passed by a party vote. In the House some of the Independent Republicans wanted to talk about Cameron, and llr. Coray said he had already disregarded a similar resolution, and Mr. Maguin said it was locking the barn door after the horse had been stolen, but General Gobin and Mr. Gillan and others yet have faith in J. Dog., and this empty, gruveliim.-cnwttrdlj;, pusillanimous excuse for a censure passed by a party vote. On Friday Representative Thompson, of this county, offered the following: Whereas, Our senior United States Sen ator, J. Donald Cameron, of Pennsylvania, has by his acts pertaining to the silver question and the elections bill, gone in direct opposition to the principles of the party wnich has recently and for the third time elected him to his high position, said acts being unrepublican, unwarranted and a betrayal of the principles and pledges vouched for by the gentlemen of the Senate who presented his name to the Penn sylvania Legislature for re-election to the office of United States Senator and reflect ing reproach npon his constituency; there fore, be it Resolved (if the Senate concur), Th it w®, the members of the House of Repre sentatives of Pennsylvania, condemn his oourae, and request his closer adherence to party principles and issues or his resigna | tion. The reading of it created a bustle all over the House, and Mr. Lytle, of Hunt ingdon Co., jumped up and moved that it be indefinitely postponed; Fow, of Phila delphia, a Democrat, cried out that the Legislature could not censure a U. S. Sen ator; Brooks made the point that the reso lution bad not been read a pecond time, the Speaker asked "Shall the resolution be read a second timeT" and there were a few "ayes," followed by a storm of "noes; and the utter subserviency of the present Legislature, as dominated by the Demo crats and the friends of the traitor Cameron, to him, was proved beyond a doubt. Commissions were appointed last week to investigate the late mine disaster and the mining laws, the school-book trust and the State treasury. On Monday Mr. Thompson, of Butler, again called up bis resolution in the House and demanded the ayes and nays. Brooks of Philadelphia moved for a postponement, but the Democrats did not vote thus break ing a quorum. Speaker Thompson directed the doors to he locked and ordered roll call. One hun dred and forty-nine members answered to their names. He then recited the penalties to be visited on those who refused to vote, and the roll call went on for the motion to postpone action. All the Democrats voted with the Cameron people to post pone, while 25 Republicans voted against the motion. The noes were: Baldwin, Boyd, Brown, Bnrdick, Burton, Cooper, Coray, Colton, Farr, Graham, Kennedy, Magnin, Mallinee, Marrow. McClintock, Potter, Seanor, Squires, Stair. Stewart, A. J. Stocking, Summer, Taggart, Thompson, and Williams. Gov. Pattison's veto of the resolution regarding the elections bill was received and read in both houses without comment. He disapproves of the bill itielf and there fore cannot "consistently or conscientious ly" approve of the resolution. In the House Mr. Cochran asked for a small appropriation for the committee to investigate the School Book trust, and got it after a fight. Senator Neeb's bill providing for executions in penitentiaries, passed se d reading. The committee to investigate the Mam moth mine disaster returned to Harris burg, Tuesday, and it was understood that they wonld lay the blame on the fire-boss of the mine. At the meeting of the com mittee in Greensburg, Monday, one of the members charged another with holding communications with the attorneys of the company,—the lie passed between them and a stormy scene ensued. The bill providing tor hangings in the penitentiaries was the first to pass the Senate. The country members met Tuesday night in the Bolton House. They are reticent, but it is understood they discussed the Revenue bill and determined to stick to the provisions as reported, despite the op position of the corporations, who say the bill is outrageously unfair. Ex-Senator Lee was before the Corpora tions Committee of the House, and while he made no special argument in favor of the Burdick bill, be asked that, as no great opposition had yet apparently sprung up against it, the bill be taken out of the com mittee as soon as possible. Then the com mittee decided to postpone farther con sideration of the bill until a week from Thursdav. The Road Commission will present their report Thursday. It will ask for that $1,000,000 appropriated to be distributed as school funds are: Each township is to have three supervisors, and each county an engineer. The State funds are to bo used only for permanent roads. The working out tax plan is practically abolished, as the ages of farmers who may work out their taxes are put at a limit. EVERYTHING moved smoothly at the meeting of the Republican Co. Committee at Hollidaysburg, last Saturday, until an Altoona delegate threw a bomb into the meeting in the shape of a resolution, con demning Blair county's Senator, John A. Lemon, and Representatives A. P. Mc- Donald and A A. Slayer for voting for the re-election of Donald Cameron at United Sates Senator for Pennsylvania. This move at once caused confusion, many hot speeches were made, and the delegates called each other bard names. As soon as the Chairman could restore order and seenre the attention of the committee, a vote was taken, and the resolution of con demnation was carried by a vote of 38 to 11. JUDAS ISCARIOT went into executive session with himself after the action which made him eternally infamous, llis ex ample on that memorable occasion ha< been only too seldom followed. — Press. LOCHIEL, IJO£IIIEL, regret now the day When you did both your State and your country betray. V fM" • ' r..f.l M 1 I wli.r mo*n.—Pr«Bi. Washington Notes. During the early part of the week Dick Quay went to Washington and *® rne Senator J. Don. Cameron that a self-con stituted c.inimittee of the Pennsy \ama Legislature was coming to the Capita o interview him as to his late official action?, and J. Dog. packed his grip ami went to a winter resort in Southern Yirgiuia. The Democrats criticised Congressman Dockery, of Missouri, for acknowledging that Senator Vest's evidence was purpose ly withheld from the investigating com mittee until after Cameron's re-election. Secretary Window's suddeu death in New York was, of course, the sensation of the week. On Sunday Senator Aldrch returned to the city and stated that he had given up the idea of again calling up the Cloture resolution, as it would be but a waste of time. In speaking of the action of the eight Republican Senators he said. "The country understands that we were defeated l>y eight Republicans who refuse to be bound by caucus ties or party pledges. The feelings against t' Senators is intense. As party men the eight have been tabooed. Neither the party nor the majority ol Re publicans in the Senate can be held re sponsible for the false actions of some of its individuals." On Monday of this week the U. S. Su preme Court decided that it had jurisdic- | tion in the Bering sea case which was ap pealed to the court, but did not announce its decision. The fact that the Court in tended to assume jurisdiction in spite of the pending negotiations created a sensa tion. 11w.,lit*it th.> iihicun lir.iknr- was exam iLed by the Silver Investigation Committee and though he acknowledged that other Senators and Congressmen were speculat ing in silver he was not allowed to give their names. On Tuesday a witness before the Silver Investigating Committee said he under stood that the members of the Silver-pool had purchased six million ounces of silver. The Sundry Civil appropriation bill as reported from Committee gives Beaver J-'alls $30,000 for a P. 0. N. Black, Esq., of Butler, was in Wash ington. Tuesday, and was the guest o' Congressman Townsend. Cameron And His Sponsors. The Republicans of the State Senate, especially those who undertook to vouch for the party fidelity of Sena.or Cameron, had an unpleasant task before them yester day, when the resolution urging the sup port of the National Election bill came up for discussion. Mr. Gobin explained that two weeks ago he bad pledged Mr. Cameron's support to that measure in the party caucus which met to discuss his claims to re-election to the United States Senate. Ho (Mr. Gobin) said further that he had always found Mr. Cameron truth ful, and had no desire now to impeach his vericity. He had to admit, however, that an explanation of tTie senior Senator's con duct was due to his constituents. Other gentlemen spoke too of the resolution, and it was passed by a Ptrict party vole. Only those gentlemen who conveyed to the Ki'pnhlican caucus the assurance that Mr. Cameron wonld support the bill in question can realize to the full how hard it is to explain his conduct in a manner creditable to himself. To say that he intended to vote for the bill when it came up, and then to cast a vote which prevented it being reached, is to confess himself guilty of duplicity. His conduct shows too plainly that he deceived his friends as well as betrayed his party, and there is nothing to be gained by hemming and hawing over the matter. He has most shamefully violated his trust, and the Leg islature should denounce his treachery and demand his resignation.—Pittsburg Ga zette. Death of Secretary Windom, William Windom, of Minnesota, Secre tary ol' the Treasury, suddenly expired last Thursday night a few minutes after finish ing a speech at The banquet given by the Sew York Board of Trade and Transpor tation. Secretary Windnui was born iu Water ford. Belmont county, Ohio, in 1827. and was raised on a farm. He studied law against his parents wishes, and was fairly successful. He was elected to various Go. offices, and later moved to Minnesota where he rapidly came to the lront. lie was elected a Congressman and served five terms, when he declined a renomination. He was a member ol the Special Peace Committee of Thirty appointed after Lin cou's nomination. He was then elected State Senator and served several terms,and resigned in 1881 to accept a position in Garfield's cabinet. On Garfield's death he resigned and removed to Xew \ ork where he established a law office. When Pru dent Harrison placed him in the cabinet there was much adverse criticism but his course has been marked by main signal acts. WE are under obligations to Hon. C. C. Townsend, M. C , and Auditor General McCaraant for official documents, also to Clerk Carson of the State Senate for the Legislative Record. Her Lover was Late. "Do you know my sweetheart,big Chris tian Glass?" Such was the. question which startled the equanimity of Special officer Zimmerman at the Union depot last evening. The in quirer was a pretty flaxen-haired damsel.and the inquiry was couched iu German. For tunately Officer/iiiumerniiin understood "mysterious gutturals/' and was able to explain that he knew ol' no such person as Christian Glass. "He promised to meet me," she exclaimed, wringing her hands and weeping bitterly. Tim officer soothed her and prevailed upon her to tell her sto ry. Ilcr name nas Barbara Schmidt and she bailed from a sma'l town in the Rhenish provinces of the fatherland. Her lover. Christian Glass, had sailed to Amer ica, where he had auiasscd sufficient money to support his Barbara. Accordingly, he wrote to her, enclosing passage money and agreeing to meet her iu Pittsburg. The trusting girl came to Philadel phia, whence, acting on the advice of friends, she telegraphed Glass and requested him to be at the Union Depot, Pittsburg, on time to meet her. Offioer Zimmerman took compassion on the girl's sorrow and offered to escort her to u place of safety. He had scarcely entered the body of the depot with his fair charge, when a big ruddy-moustacV.ed man attack ed Liui, and in (nrions tones demanded to be told whither he was bearing Barbara Schmidt? The tones of the big man's voice aroused Barbara from her grief , and with a cry ol delight she threw herself into his arms. It was Christian Glass. Honest Christian bad come down from Butler county in receipt of the telegram, and had waited faithfully all yesterday a; the Union depot until positive hunger drove him forth to snatch a hasty lunch. Within the few unlucky moments of his absence his lady love's train had come in. Of course everything was explained ard the quaint little love story ended quite happily.—Pittsburg times. Biad) Township Items, The revival meetings at Mt. Union Church have closed with great snccess. Mrs. J. M. Thompson has been ou the sick list but is recovering slowly. Messrs Moore. Wigton and Badger are hewing ties for J. R. Martin. Pierce Covert has a smiling face. He is the happy possessor of a joung (laughter. Miss Nannie anl Anna Badger are homo \ isitiug their parents. Mr. R. I'\ Glenn is starting a log yard on the Allen farm, lie intends erecting a new barn. The ri (I.irt.- nr,. c ' Pmuos. The Summit Social ED. CITIZKS:— 'We would like to give a short account through tho columns of your paper of a social held in the Summit P eibyterian Church on Thursday evening. Jan. 29. for tne benefit of said Church. Af>out 7:30, regardless of the inclemency of the weather (it being comparatively dark, wet and muddy) the people began to arrive and although the lightning flashed and the rain came down, they still contin ued to arrive until the church wm filled almost to its greatest capacity. The members of the choir, accompanied by the new organ, which was placed there a few weeks previous, rendered some very select music, which was well appreciated by all after which the selling of the bas kets began. Mr. S. M. Emrick officiating as auctioneer. As nearly as we can learn there were 100 baskets, some of whic\j contained the name of the lady who had prepared it. The gentleman who was fortunate enough to get a basket containing a name was re quested to share its concents with that la dy. This plan afforded much amusement, as in some instances the gentleman was many years the lady's senior and in others vice versa. The baskets were disposed of about as speedily as Messers A. Jamison and T. V. Cochran conld deliver them, and we think all who were present did justice to the sandwiches, cake, pickles, fruits, ect., but whether or not these things did justice to the persons, we are not prepared to say. About 10 o'clock we started for home, feeling that we had enjoyed ourselves, and that it was good to have been there. But what about the financial resultf Did this work payt Ask Mr. John Welsh, who acted as cashier. His figures show a total of S7O, of which a little more than SSB is clear gain, which added to S4O or SSO of surplus money collected to pay for the new organ, will go quite awayß towards re furnishing the interior of our church. This little c'jurch has within the past year settled her first pastor, one Rev. Willis McMees, and is now in a flourishing condition. ... . In conclusion we would desire to thans our friends who attended our social from neighboring churches, for we feel that its success was, in a great measure, due to their kindness. May Summit live long and prosper, it the sincere wish of _ OSE Wno WAS THERE. AT Paris, Monday, Eyraud, the convict ed murderer of Notary Gouffe, 'was guil lotined. MR. FOW, a Democratic member of Legislature from Philadelphia, told the members of the House that they had no right to instruct our United States senators. "What a set of fools and sycophants—if not worse—the big towns send to the Legislature. DEATHS TUCKER —At his home in Tarentum, Pa. Jan. 23, 1891, V. A. Tucker, in his 38th year. SUMMERS—At her home in Zelienople, Tuesday Jan. 27, 1891, Mrs. Phillip Summers aged 77 years, 8 months and '-o days. , . Her husband, of who* death we had a notice in last weeks paper, was buried the da}' before. MARTIN* —At bor homo iu Sarversville, Jan. 21st, 1891, Tvile of John T. Martin, aged 49 years. LAUBE—At his home in Saxonbijrg, Jan 31, 1891, Francis Laube Sr., aged 72 years. McCAXDLESS—At his home in Centre Twp., Jan. 31, 1891, Mr. ST. F. McCand less, aged 88 years. HASLETT—At her home in Blairsville, Jan. 31.1891, Mrs. James Haslett,former ly of Butler. DODTT—At his home near Evans City. Monday, Feb. 2, 1891, James Doutt, aged about 40. He died of typhoid fever,and his wife and one child are down with the same disease. DUFFORD —At her home in Connoque nessingTwp., Feb. 3, 1891, Mrs. L. L. Dufford, ag-'d 87 years. LITHGOW —At the home of his son J. F. Lithgow in I'ecn Twp., Wednesday morning, Feb. 4, 1891, J. K. Lithgow aged 70 years. (Clarion and Brookvillepaperspleasecopy.) Pure Blood Is absolutely necessary In order to hare perfect health. Hood's Sarsaparllla is the great blood purifier, quickly conquering scrofula, salt rheom. and all other Insidious enemies which attack the blood and undermine the health. It also builds up the whole system, cures dyspepsia and sick headache, and overcomes that tired feeling, •' Our daughter for > years suffered from scrof ula In her eyes. After spending quite a sum of money with no benefit, we tried Rood's Sarsapa- TiUa. Two bottles greatly relieved and 5 perma nently cured her." C. F. FALLIK, Newton, DL Hood's Sarsaparllla Sold by all druggists, gl; six for (5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD * CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar PR*" ECTION OR FREE-TRADE. WHICH ? Do you want to keep thoroughly posted on the effects of the New Tariff Law, as shown from week to week ? Do you want to know all about the policy of Protection and have en answer to every false statement of the Free-Traders? Yes ? Then subscribe for your home p per and the AMFRICAN ECONOMIST, published weekly by the American Protective Tariff League, New York. (Sample copy free). The ECONOMIST is an acknowledged authority on Pro tection and should be widely read. The yearly subscription of the ECONO MIST is $2, but wc have made a special arrangement with the pub lishers by which we can send \ou the ECONOMIST fcr one year an T. W. Crawford k Co., Livery. Feed and Sale Stable. First Stable West of Lowry House, No. 132 West Jefferson St, Butier, Pa. Good Horses, Elegant Rigs, Roomy Stables, Convenient Location. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Best Accommodations. Telephone Connections. Willard Hotel. W. H. REIHING, Prop'r BUTLER, - STABLINti IS COSKKCTIO3. KAMILK IIOUM for COMM KKt'IAL TBAVEI.EBN iiiidiuii inn. No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - Near N«tt Court House—formerly Donaldson •louse—good accommodations for travelers, liood stabling connected." EITFNMUI LKK & LEI BO LI). Frop'is. SA MPLE ROOM. IJVKBV IN CONNECTION Hotel Vogeley (Strictly First Class.) HEN BY L. BECK. PEOP'R. J. 11. PAUBBL, Manager. Butler, Pa. • .1* t- jiSTr' " -. . i•. : ■ va pr » . s. ? « r i* l ' rnv «• v \ u v Wnrtt CHiBAQ^ ftOTM *AraH e POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening strength.— U. S. Government Report, Jug. 17, 1888. REGISTER'S NOTICES. The Register hereby gives notice that the following accounts or Executors. Administra tors and Guardlanshave been tiled In his office according to law. ind will be presented to Court for contlrniition anl allowance on Wednesday, the 4th lav of March, A. D., 1891, at 3 o'clock p m. of sail day. 1. First and final account of Win. Barker, dec'd, guardian of Wii. Cooper, minor child of Sarah Lefevre. late & Wlnfle'd Twp.. as filed by M.N Ureer. executd" of Wm Barker, deed. 2. Final account d Jacob Keck, guardian of .John Ezra Weller, ini..or child of Elizabeth Weller. dee d, late ol Butler liorough. 3. Final account»( John Walters and O. C. Watters, administrators of James Watters, dec'd. late of Forwad Twp. 4. Final account d Wm. A Fleming, admin istrator of J. o. E'alK, dec'd. late of Petrolla. 5. Final account ol A. B. Cartnlchael. admin istrator sf J. A. Carmthael. dee d, late of Con noouenessing Twp. 6. First and tinal ns'ount, of Adam Retllg, guardian of Elizabetl >chenck, now dee d, minor child of Adam Schenek. dec'd, late of Butler Co. 7. Final aecotuit <i J- <1- Kenniek, guardian of Clara Bell Dobscttlate minor child of Mar garet Emery. of ClayTwp. 8. First, linal and llsirlbutlon acconnt of R. W. Stewart, executoi of Rob't Stewart, dec'd, late of Penn Twp. y. First and parti:! accofhit of Adam Ekas, administrator of J. Valter Ekas, dec'd. late of Clinton Twp. 10. Final account 4 Herman E. Fjle, admin istrator of Amos Pyfc. dec'd, late ot Muddy creek Twp. 11. Final account d Jacob Fennell. executor of Abraham Fennell dec'd, late ot Clearfield Twp. 12. Final account (f Peter Kameicr, executor of John Morrow, deal, late of Concord Twp. 13. Final account tf Eva Kelhllng, adminis tratrix of Jos. Keihliig, dec'd. late of Summit Twp. 14. Final and distibutlon account of Detmar W. Douthett. adreiustrator of Ben). Douthett, dec'd. late ot Adamsl'wp. 15. Final accouut it John Huniphrcy.executor of Wm. Humphrey, iee'd. late ol Worth Twp. 16. First and fiuaUceount account of Wm. E. Campbell, adm'r « Julia A. Campbell, deed, late of Worth Twp. 17. First partial Recount of Caroline Miller, adm'r'x of Henry 1J Miller, dee d, late of But ler fwp. 18. First and Bn»l account of M. N. Greer, executor of Wm. ttrker. dec'd, late of Buffalo '1 wp. la. First and find account of Frederick Mil ler and Peter Mill*, executors of Peter Miller, dec'd, late ot Lanmster Twp. 20. Final account of Rob't Trimble guardian of Jacob Irtdley. sou of Mary Fredley. dee d, now ot age. *l. Final account of Rob't Tilmlile. guardian of Wm. Fredley, son of Mary Fredley, dec'd, now of age! '•■' -3 22 Final accofcni of Rob't Trimble, guardian rt Elizabeth J. snyler, daughter ot Mary Fred ley, dec'd, now of age. 23. uccomi ol Rob't Trimble, guardian of Anna M. R:ttniM>, daughter ot Mary Fredley, dee d, now ul age 23. Final accouJt of James M. Hawk, guar dian of F. C. sn<>!doii, minor child of Samuel Sheldon. dec'J. I*o o: Parser Twp. 25. Filial and distribution account of Lydia l.orz, trustee aii'tadtn'r'x of David Sims, dec'd, lHte of Jackson twp. 20 Final account of It. X. Patterson, adm'r of James Aggas, d«"d. late of Centre Twp. 27 Final ucootnt or McAlUtcr Kuhn. guar dian of Michael A. Landers. Final anil IL'-'rlbutlon account ot Joseph Bailey, executor of, and truatea under will of Margaret Mocotmlck, dee d, late of Mercer Tp. 2J. I-irst and lu.-.i utcount ol John L. Reich crt, adm'r of Edward SuUlfl. dec'd, late of Worth Twp. 30. Final and distribution account of Adam Smith, adm'r ot Michael Smith, dec'd, late of Butler borough. Notice Is lierebv given that Adam Smith, a iin'r of M. Smith", dec'd. will make application fir discharge as adm'r. on Wednesday. March 4, 1831, at Orphans' Court. DAVID E. DALE. Register. B. <y B. SOME REASONS Mmy things combine during this month of January to throw all the benefits in way of tbe buyer. Odd Lots—Broken Assortments. Too much of one thing, too little of an other. Proration For Animal liratfv End of one season, beginning ot an other, General clearing up, are some reasons lor this SACRIFICE SALE A reckless sacrificing ot prices— dividing them in most cases by 2. All double width Imported Wool Dress Fabrics now at most favorable prices: $1.25 and $1.50 qualities now 75 cts, SI.OO and 75c qualities now 50 cts, 50c.""qualities now 35c. Plaids, stripes, checks, mixtures, Boucle and Astracan effects. These 75c. and sf)c. Bargain tables of Dress Goods,we consider the greatest values in this line ever offered. A Bargain Table also ot Colored Silks at 50 Cts. Including in the assortment Plaid and Check Cheviot Silk*, and Per sian acd Striped Surahs, that were $1 00 until this week. Our 1891 importations of Hamburg, Swiss and Nainsool EMBROIDERIES Now on sale. All uew patterns and all remarkable values. SPECIAL 300 styles (20.000 yds.) Hamburg Edgings and lusertings at 10 cents per yard, -t to 3 inches wide. Write our Mail Ouicr Department for samples, and see if you cannot trade by mail to your special advan tage Boggs & Buhl, ALLEGHENY, PA DIAMOND JAMES SELLERS, Prop'r. Uew furniture, new fittings and first class accommodations. Livery. North side of Diamond, Butler, Pa New Livery Stable. J New Stock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Horses fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r} 39. W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. WANTED—To I.ease—Hor live years, with ** privilege of buying at lixed price, flfty to one hundred acres cheap, rough land, part suit able for grazing and part hilly. In timber; roust be near railroad; situations preferred -Butler, Wheeling, Wampum, Heaver Falls or ConnellH vllle district. Address, statins: location and terms. Farmer, Lock Box 383, I'ittaburg. JDJUUII Z; r Pi^ Telrio tMrow n rnUtU* wfcrtrwrllwj Uw.l %«ill •Uofunr.h I desire but .»• v orkrr 'roi.i »•" »• ».»»«rt lof i h..«.lr»«Jj uuc.i: ..,4 p»JW"i" '"l ; ;T" **■'»*• number, who «r« in«k.jc c «r I>««<' ■ V" M » ItiMtV •nj>. Full u»rtlc<lUl»l'"KEE. "' »"**• £. O, ALLE.V, Box 4*i», Aufu»t», Mttluc. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Administrators ami Executors of estates can secure their receipt books at the ClTl 2KN office. Notice in Divorce. Mary C. McOmber. by her , < omuu n Ple.cof u*xt"friend.i;eorge Keiber. Ituller to., A. I>. vs. John A. Mclimber ' No. -<i.Sept. 1. 1-* PETITION IS DIVOEI K Two subpo-nas In lhe above cases having been returned N. K 1., you the s.ild .lot«n A. McOmber. above defendant. art- hcrel ) miuir ,-<1 to appear, in the -aid t < urt of Common Pleas, to l*' held at Itutlef, l*a . on Monday, the Xd day of March, lxyl, belli;," the nrst day ot ue.\t term of Court, tu answer the said complaint, and show cause. If any you have, why a divorce should not be granted the said M iry l*. Mc- Omber. \V I 1.1.1 AM M. Sherllt. Notice in Divorce. Tlllle J. steen. by her next i In Common Pleas irtend W. \\. Allen vs. ot Butler Co..>. l>„ Hamilton M. Steen. ) -No. *7, Sept. T. isw. LIBEL IN ILLVOKCB. Two subpo-nas In above stated case having been regularly issued and returned N. K 1., you, tne said"Hamilton M. Steen. respondent, are hereby notified and required to appear in our said Court of Common Pleas at Butler. Pa st a session there to be held on the lirst Mon day of March next, to answer the said libel and show cause, lr any you have, why Hie pr.o er of tlie petition of llie said Tlllle J. Steen should not be granted. WILIJAM M. BROWS. Sheriff. Executor's Notice. ESTATE OF SUSAK MILLIARD, DEI 'D, LATE OF WASHINGTON TWP. Letters testamentary on the estate of Susan Milliard, dee'd, late of Washington Twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to Ihe undersigned,all persons knowing themselves indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. PETER P. HILLIAKD, Ex'r, Milliard, Pa. G. W. FLKEGER, Att'y. Executor's Notice. VESTATE OF JOHN W. BRANDON, DEC'D.) Letters testamentary on the estate of John W. Brandon, dec'd, late of Counoquenessing Twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been grauted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. J. EMERY BRANDOS, Ex'r, W. D. Brandon, J Counoquenessiug P. 0., att'y. 1 Butler Couuty, Pa. Estate of Jacob Nicklas, dec'd, LATE OF FORWARD TWP. r Letters of administration having beer granted to the undersigned on the estate ot Jacob Nicklas. dec'd, late of Forward Twp.. . Butler Co., Pa., all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them , duly authenticated for settlement. ) D. B. DOUTHETT, Adm'i, Brownsdale P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE OF JAMES MCELHASEY, DEC'D. Nitice is hereby given that letters of cd ministration on the estate of James Mc- Elhscey, late of Butler Borough, Butler Co., oeoeatied, have bten granted to A. T. Black, resident of »aiil borough,to whom all per.-ors indebted to said enate are requested to uiake payment, and those having claims or de mands will make known the same without delav. A. T. BJ.ACK, Adm'r, Butler, Pa. Estate of Edward H". Graham, dec'd, LATE OK CONNOQI ENESSISG TWP. Letters of administration on the estate of Edward H. Graham, dec'd, late of Connoque oessing Twp., Butler Co., Pa., having l>een granted to the uudersigned.all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will l>lease|make immediate payment, and any ' having claims against said estate will pre -11 sent them duly authenticated for settlement. R. £l. GRAHAM. Adm'r, \V. D. Brandon,; I Connofjuenessiug Tp., att'v. I Butler County, k Pa. » Election Notice. The stockholders of the "Worth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will meet in the U. P. church at West Liberty on Tuesday, Jan. ! 13, 1891, for the purpose of electing officers ' for the ensuing year, and for attending to such other business as may come before them. W. E. TAYLOR, Sec'y. Executors' Notice. (ESTATE OF JOHN WEBB, DEC'D.) WHFKEAS, letters testamentary to the estate of John Webh, late of Clay Twp., But ler Co., Pa., dec'd, have been grunted to the subscribers, all persons indebted to said ) estate are requested to make immediate pay ment and any having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent will make known the same without delay to WM. M. WEBB, JOHN VI. WEBB. Euclid, Pa. Branehton, Pa. " August 30, IS9O. Bridge Reports 1 Noilce Is hereby given that the following bridges Uave been coi'liru.ed nisi by the Court and will be presented on tlie flrst Wednesday of Mareh. I*9l. helng the 4th day of said month, and if no exceptions are filed they will be eon . Untied absolutely. K. D. No 1, Dec. Session. 1890. In re the • petition ot inhabitants of Jacxson Twp., Butler county. Pa . for bridge over tilftde Kun In said township, at. the point where said ftream crosses ton public road leading from the boro • of Zelienople to the boro or Beaver. .Sept. Ist. B ls9u. viewers were appointed by the Court. and - Nov. fith. IWO, viewers' report filed, staling tnat ' the proposed bridge Is necessary and that the t same shall require more expense than is reasonable that the township ol Jackson should bear and locale the site thereof the same as township bridge now standing and that no change is necessary In the bed of tne public road to be connected with saltl bridge and recommend the span to be about thirty-live feet and 'lie height about two and one-hull feet . higher than present bridge. Dec. 3d lasto. ap proved; notice to be given according to the J jules of Court, and report to be presented to 1 the Grand Jury at next term, by the Court. It D No 4, Dec. Session. 1890. In re petition of John 11. Ncgley.Charles Duffy. Peter schenck e et al. for bridge crossing ('onno<iueiirssliig creek near \\ niter's Mill on Neglej Avunue. Nov. S'-'d, I*9o, Court appointed viewers. Dec. 2d lsyo. repor*. of viewers filed as viz: Tliat tiu-y did agree and do report that the bridge pro posed In tbe petition and order to view neces sary and that the erection ol the same will re ( quire more than is reasonable the borough of i Hutler should bear and did locate the site thereof at the point where Connoquenesslng creek crosses >egley Avenue, and are also of opinion that no change is necessary iu the bed of public road u> be connected wltli said 1 bridge. No damages claimed. Dec. 3d. l*:«>. approved and notice to be given according to rules of court, and this report to be laid beiorc the Grand Jury at next term. By the Court. BCTUOi < OCJiTY, as. Certified from the record this :»th day of Jan., f 1 ''' JOSEPH CHISWEIX, Clerk Q, S. Widows' Appraisements The following widows' appraisements of per sonal properly and real estate set apart tor the \ benefit ot the widows of decedents have been L filed in the office ol the Clerk of Orphans' Court ol Butler county, viz: t Widow of George Eakln, dee d 00 •• Christian Schroth. dee d doo uO •• " J. N. Cubbtson. dee d ■'**» on •• " James MeKlhaney, dec'd :ioo "0 •' •' Andrew Albert, dee d :«w ot) •• Isaac Latcliaw. dee d l-< 5 as •• James l'hornburg, «ce'd 2sa 90 •• w. s. vvaldron, dec'd. :too oo l " Michael Dieier. dec'd .'too tx> " Dawson Wadsworth, " (realty). ou •' •• Jonas Zlegler, dee d :kO oo •• •• W. A. Wright dec'd wj 75 All persons interested In the above appraise ments will take notice that they will be pre sented to the orphans' Court of Butler county ) for continuation absolutely on Wednesday the 4th day of March. IS9I, if no exceptions be liled. JOSEPH CBISWKI-U Clerk O. C. Notice. Notice W hereby given that IV. W. Uiil. as signee of J. C. Ban . has tiled Ills filial u'-count " as assignee .u the office ot the Prothoiio ary of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county, at M.'s D. No. 21. March term. 1»90, and that the ■ same will be presented to s.Ud Court lor con firmation ami allowance on Wednesday. March 4. Isal. JOHN W BKOWS. iTOilinnolary. I'rothouotary's OBlce, Feb'y 3d, 1891. Notice. Notice Is hereby (riven thai A V. Grossman, assignee of llenry ullliman, lias tiled his Una! account as assignee in the office of the Pro thonotary of the Court ot Common Pleas of Butler couniv, ut M.'s D. No. .">, June term. Is::'. - and that the same will be prevented to said Court for confirmation ant allowance on Wed nesday, Mareh 4. 1891. JOHN VV. liaows, Protlionotary. Prothonotary's Office, t'eb'y 3d, ISJI. i Mifflin Street Livery. ; W. G. BIEUL, Prop'r. One square we«t of Main St., on Mifflin St. All good, safe horpef; j new buggies and carriages. Landaus ; for weddings and funerals. Open ' day and Telephone No. 24. Vi.iJuii "LflJYiii.ic-.-a'" 1 - i-'JV'n", ! t jiwl-lftrm. lU*fwnce».-w.iuii*si. 1 eruti.. iipo»iuoa I •K' •"*** -'(ut hUoa. i'st. 6..";. I HOTEL, rni: t.f:: AT IWMILY SEWMAPER. I THE WEEKLY MAIL and 3XFRSSS. HEAD IT! READ IT! HEAD IT! IT SPEAKS FOK ITSELF The weekly issue of The Mail and Ex- : press is not u mi-re rc-l>a*h of the daily of thi* same name, the matter thrown to- | getber without regard to the order or i Uijnence of thing?, it is a live, independ ent, fearle>i, progressive journal. with an individuality and a l>eing of i'.s own. It is j skillfully and carelully edited with a view ; of making it ju.-t what it claims to be — The Model Home Newspaper Consider These Points. The Weekly Mail and Exprr-s is the j only newspaper of America which gives aj careful review every week of all matters of j interest in the Financial, Legal. Religions i and College Worlds. These are among its j specialties. Ite page of Foreign News is one ol its most remarkable features. The Weekly Mail and Express is a Re publican paper, not a narrow, partisan I .-heet, but a strong and fearless exponent of true Republican principles. It stands am»ng the tirst as an advocate of Temper ance'and Dallot Kefortn. Tbe Weekly Mail aud Express gives all the news of the day, Foreign and Domestic, and presents it in the most attractive and readable shape. The Weekly Mail and Express has among its regular contributors some of the ablest writers of Europe and America. Its short stories for ytrang and old. poems, sketches of travel and adventure are the best of their Kind. In these and all features of a projjres-ive newspaper it is not surpassed. The tone ol The Weekly Mail and Express is pure, elevated, wholesome and bracing. It is a paper which carefully avoids every thing ol the cheap aud sensational order. It can always be trusted. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One Copy, one year $ -.00 One Copy, six months, 1.00 t»ue Copy, three ui< nths, .-TO Ten Copies, one year 10.00 And a free copy to the person sending the clnb. Daily, per year $ "-00 Remittances should be made by Express Money Order, l'ostoflice Order. Registered Letter, or Rank Draft, payable to The Mail and Express. When thus made they will be at our ri^k. Agents Wanted. We want an agent at every postotfice in tbe United States where we have not one now engaged. Liberal cash commissions given to agents lor making up clubs. Special circulars to agents stating commission sent on applica tion. Specimen copies free. Address all let ters to THE WEEKLY MAIL AND EXPRESS, 23 Park Row, New York. Jury List for Feb. 9, 1891. 1 1st of Traverse Jurors (lrawu tills llthclay of Dec- mber A I>., IS9O. tu serve as Tra\ erst ii:mr. in .i iin t,l < niirt rommenciiiiz Jurors at a special lenn 01 court commencinj; 011 Feb. 9lli, ixi*). Aidlnger. C I", Mlllerxtownboro. .lusti e. lirown, W I'. Butler 3d ward, laborer. Blaine, John, Omer tow nship, farmer. Bolton, Lewis, t'onnoqu'g township, farmer, hlelibner, Jacob, summit tow usliip, tarm< r. Muck. Koliert, Mercer township, merchant. Campbeli w w. Jlillerstown boro. teamster. Campbellt; W, cherry township, farmer. ( tcbrane Charles. Concord towLslilp. farmer. Crawford S W. Butler 4th ward, producer. Colbert ED. Builersth ward, clerk. Fereht Henry, Ml mm it township, farmer, t.ardner W li Parker township, farmer. Uarwl k Heniy. Connoqu'g township, farmer, lluaies Th mas, Cleartleld township, farmer. Hutchison s \ . cherry tow nahip, farmer. !illiliinl F M. Washington township, farmer, limes T A. Brady township, larnier. »v, Butler :;d ward, agent. Johnston S 11. •• 4Ui •• carpenter Jackson A C, l'arker township, laborer. Keck Henry, Summit township, farmer. Kline Jacob, Adams tow nslilp, farmer. Lieoler Martin. Summit township, farmer. Moore James C, Muddycreek township, farmer. Miller Joseph. Jackson township, farmer. Martin Al, Barker township, farmer. >! ay berry K M, Centrevllle boro. laborer. Miller W K. Lancaster township, farmer. McCollough K S, Falrvlew township, farmer. Mctiee Alex, Muddvrreek township, farmer. Mc Kadden Daniel, Jefferson twp. farmer, McCafTer'y w J, Butler 4th ward, liveryman. Nelson A."Middlesex twp, farmer. Otto B F, Jackson twp. merchant. Patrick James, Baldrl<i.ere. producer. Belter it. Lancaster twp, farmer. Heed C T, Butler Ist ward, driller. Kelsman Martin, Butler 3d ward, teamster, seaton Herman, Washington twp. farmer. Shealds John, Jefferson twp, farmer. Shannon W 11. Connoqu'g twp. farmer Sassee John, Winfleld twp. farmer, stoup David. Adams twp, fanner. Sloan W B. Allegheny t« p. farmer, Shaffer Michael. Jackson t wp, farmer, sowasli Peter, Centreville bor". shoemaker. Shelver John, Lancaster twp farmer. Meln LB. Butler .'hi ward, clerk. Turner Arthur. Jefferson twp, farmer. Vandyke Ilugn A Marlon twp. farmer. Vlnroe w .1, Benn twp. farmer. Wiles J s, center twp. farmer. Welgle F. Jackson twp. blacksmith. Young Kdwln, Connmiug twp. farmer. Young Simon, Center twp. farmer. Ths Philadelphia Press Has won the foremost place amou;' Penn sylvania newspapers by the liberality, enterprise, and fairness with which it con ducts its business, reports great events, and the completeness with which it records, day by day, the life of the city, State anil country. Its field is world-wide, and its staff, its special correspondents, so many and well organized, its source of news so numerous, that it appeal* to a wider constituency than any other newspaper ever published in Pennsylvania. "THE Pit ESS," said one of the man agers of the Western Union Telegraph Company, "now receives more telegraphic news than all the other Philadelphia news papcrs combined." This statement is au thorative and conclusive,and TilE I'KESS presents as daily witnesses to its truth, its twelve to twenty-four bright and interest ing pages. But it is not only by its news enterpiise —by the zeal, energy, and integrity of its reporters and correspondents that THE PKESS has won and held the confidence of its many thousands of readers, rep resenting every age and every condition of life, every; trade and every profession, every faith" and every political opinion. It is the excellence and varied interest of THE PKESS as a general family journal, appealing to women as well as to men, which have made for it so many friends at home.and extended its reputation through out the country, it prints every import ant event of the world's progress. The printing of news is always its first business, but its columns arc also enriched l>y contributions from the most gifted special writers, the most famous novelists, and some of the most eminent public men of the time. The literary engagements al ready made for 1891, probably surpass in number and variet}', and nearly eqnal in cost, any contemporary magazine, for the field and resources of such a newspaper as THE PKESS made it not only a daily historian, but a daily foruin and a daily tribune. Its steadily growing profits and its stead fast constituency not only demand, but insure progress. The greatest authors, as well as the brightest news correspondents, tind their largest profits derived from and Pennsylvania newspapers, as well as their best Pennsylvania audience, in DAILY, SUNDAY, and WEEKLY PRESS. In politics THE PKESS is Republican, lint it knows no other master than the people whose rights, aspirations, mid needs it always defends. It has no enemies to punish, no individual political ambitions to foster or promote, anil is subservient to no politician or clique. Faithful to the great body of readers and voters, whom it truly represents, it promotes its own in terest and influence by faithfully uphold ing their. Its editorial opinions are fear less and frank —never captions. Its news is always impartial. In its pages the the workingmen finds as ready audience as the capitalist. To all commercial and industrial progress, to the best through and best action in every sphere of human enterprise, it accords a generous and en lightened hospitality. In the columns of THE PHILADELPHIA PKESS justice finds "all seasons Summer." TKRMS OF THE PKKSS. l'y mail, postage free, to any part of the United States or Canada. Daily, rxcrpt Sunday, one ye»r - $ll.OO • * • onr month - *»0 • inrluillii:? • one jear - - 7."»0 • • 4 one mouth - - Sunday. o>f w*r - - - 2-00 W KFCKLL PKKNS, our year - - 100 Drafts, checks and other remittances should be made payable to the order of The Press Company, Limited. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Il.llullrtt AC l'o.,Box'ni« ••ortlund. Maine j Stusjnbe TOR the CITIZEN. I RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WEST PF.S.N B. E. MaRKKT ti A.M. transfers pav-. ngers at Junction to Apollo Acton, which arrives m Allegheny at for Blair* ville. i-rrivins there at !':3O and with train" ea-t and west on main liue. Kx I'utx Hi connect* at Junction with l>av Ftprew, arriving at Allegheny at | o:3'- A.M. Aci"Moiht'.\ at 11:20, arriving at Alle -1 gheuy at 1:35, and connects at Juuctimj with Apollo A room. going east AcCOMODAT'N at I* M. runs thiougt . to Allegheny and arrives there at 4:40 P. a. I connects w:tn 1 xpresscast arriving at Blair*- ville st 6P. M, acJ v» th train* east and west on main line. Fx rr.Ess at 5:00 }>. »!>. arriving .t Alle | ghtny at 6:15 p. m. No stops between | Tarentum and Allegheny. ! Tra.n-i leave Allegheny for P.utler at <l:2 • i '5:55, 8:20 and 11 ;tX> A:M t and at 2:25, 3:15, ! and P.M. Trains arrive at Butler at 8:35 and 10:40 j A.M., and 1 s:*"H> and T:."io P.M. No Sunday train* in Branch. p. & w. r. r.. I Correc-d to li'-t I'me One hour faster ' than schedule time. Trains for A lleghcay leave But!erat 0:20, i 8:25 and 10:20 a. m. urnl 2:40, 3:35 and &30 ! p. iu. The a. m. and 3:35 p. m. trains • eon tit • t at I'allerv with trains going West. I Trains going north leave Butler at 10:05 a. iu. aud 5:0." p. m. Trains arrive at Puller from Allegheny and the West at 9:35, 1 .:10 and 11:55 a.m. A 4:45 and BJO p. tu.. and trom the north at 9:37 a. m. and 2:53 p. m The 6:25 a. m. and ii:3o p. ra. trains going south run on Sunday: also the t*uiu that leaves Alleghenv at 8:30 «. m. and arrive* here at 10:10, and the 10:20 a. m. and 4:45 trains run daily between Pntler and Alle gheny. Tha 11-00. 8:30 ai d 3:'<o trains run daily between Butl »r and Gallery. PITT6BCB6, SHKXANOO & LAKE ERIER. R Corrected to fast time. Trains leave Butler for Greenville at 6:45 and 10:20 a. in. aud 4:55 p. in. Trains leaving the P. A: W. depot in Al , leeheny at 7:50 and 8:30 >'. m. and 2:41* aud , 3:15 p. m. and the West Penu depot at 6:55 , a. m. and 3:15 p m. tonuect at Butler with ' traius North on this road. ' Trains arrive at Butler trom Greenville at ® 10:05 a.m. and 2:25 and 6:25 p.m.; all ot which connect with the P. & W. to Alleghe ' ny and the 2:35 with the West Penn. 3 Trains leave Billiards at 7:25 a.m 12:15 p. 1 m.; arrive at 10:35 a. in. and 6:45 p. m. 1 No Sunday trains. Passengers with tick I ets will be tarried on the local freight that leaves the P. AW. June, at 1:15 p. m. but t notou ttie other freight traius. , The 6:45 a. in. train from Butler connects at Osgood with trains on the L. S. A M. S., arriving at Cleveland 10:40 a. m., Chicagc s 9:10 p. m., Frie 11:28 a. m„ Buffalo 2:35 p II m., and at Mercer with W. N. V. & P. arriving at New Castle at 9:05 a. m. The 10:20 a. m. train trom Butler connect! at Mercer with trains on the W. N, Y. A P. arriving at franklin at 2:00 p. in. and Oi City at at 2:10 p. m., and at Shenango wit! ' the N. Y. P. AO. for Meadville, Jamestown Buffalo, Clean and New York; also a' Osgood for Oil City. The 4:55 p. m. train connects at Mercer foi y New C'a-stle, and at for Mtadvitli e and Sharon. . Keep at it Some adcertist rs ore too timid. They spend a ftv dollars and icuit to see big returns before spending any more. Trade was never built up HI that way. It is the house that KEEPS .12' IT alt the time that attracts the purchasers. "Oh, yes, that'* a mighty tjood scheme for the newspapers!" nays the non-progre*sire merchant. So it is. of,course, for they get paid for giving the merchant pub licity, and the more publicity they give him the more they should be paid, lint as good a scheme as it is for the nctcspapers, it is a better one for the merchant. If an'/ one doubts it, let him make a list of the most success ful business men in Butler, and then examine the paper* to see ij tin y are not the most liberal ad vertisers. THf PRESBYTERIAN BANNER, i $2.15 per year. Eight Page Weekly, Is read in many thousands of homes for its Editorials, Church News, Articles by the Leading Religious Writers, Original Stories, Market Reports, Household Recipes, etc., etc. J AS. ALLISON & C 0., Pub lishers. Bank of Commerce Building, Pittsburg. PITTSBURGH NURSERIES, (Entablliked 1M0.) OUR ELEGANT ILLUSTRATED CAT ALOGUE for ISiR) will be mailed on appli cation. Every Farmer. Gardener, Amateur or owner of a lot should have one. Orders for flowers and floral emblems have immediate attention. Telephone :239. John E. & A. Murdoch, 508 Smith field St., ) 11 !."} XI. CH. I'A. till SMS MtHHS. ERIE, PA. All stock guaranteed to be in good con dition when delivered. We replace all trees that fail to grow. REFERENCES IK BUTI.ER: J. F. Lowrv, Y\". T. Mechling, Jame Shanor, Jr., E. Forsvthe, Geo. Shaffner (S. Walker. Esq., I'erd Keiber, Esq. and I) L. Cloelaml. G. F. KING, AGT. EITKNMILLfcR HOTJSB, BUTLKR, PA. VL su;i< t «»f i no showing How to IJ Obtain l'ntcnts, CacentJ*. Marks, Copyrights, eent Adtir«« MUNN &. CO vi y t BRONILNOT^W Hotels and Depots, W. S, Gregg is now running a line ol carriages between the bote.a and depots o' the town Charges reasonable. Telephono No. IT, or Uavc orders at Hotel Vogeley. • (Jowl Liven in Connection i this papie*S 14. V«- AVER * seiKi, o us pf'iionM**d igtiiU. | THE PITTSBURGH Weekly Chronicle Telegraph AT ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST HOME PAPER PUBLISHED. Special Premium Li?t For 1891. A Gentleman's Gold Watch and the Weekly Chronicle Telegraph one year for - sls A Ladies' Gold Watch and the Weekly Chronicle Telegraph one year for $14.75 The Chronicle Telegraph Improved High Arm Sew ing Machine and the Paper one year for - - $22 In addition to the above there are a variety oi other desirable premiums, in , eluding s'.ti Oj t . face Gentleman's Gold Watch, vi irh is offered to subscribers with the paper lor one year for sl3. 1 The Gi .itiemau's sls watch, and the 1 Ladies' 14.75, have beautiful linn ting cases warranted to *oar 15 years, and are lilted with the reliable Hampden movement. ; They ean not !>o bought at retail tor lesa than from r'J5 to *35. but are furnished to ; , our subscribers at ttie manufacturers' prices. The tie iug Machine is our Premium j High-Anii Mac'iuie. and equals any #SO , one before t:.e public. > SPECIAL I'HMMfV MS FOH CLVRS. Any of tin* ive will lie given free for F person* securing ;s i club o| yearly sub i scribers, terms of which will .be furnished j j upon applicat ion. The Weekly Chronicle Telegraph ' i in addition to its special features for the . i'ie«. liomc, Farm and Garden, etc., ' contains the | LATEST NEWS OF THE WORLD. |l: Only Ons Cellar A Year. t i Sample Copies Freo. Address WIKtiLV UlliOMt LK rU WU. l'lttshnrch, fa. it It U We wilt bend THE CITIZEN and WEEKLY CIIKOMGLE TELEGItAPH to any address for $2.00 per year, in :o advance. Wanted, At Once, ts A n>a» lt> fell choice Nursery Stock in and around Butler during the fall and winter. We solicit the corrtfs i poudeuce of anyone m isbing a situa it iion. Special inducements to the right Vi»rty Permanent employment le | when desired Mo experience ueces ! sary: Good pay. Address f-tating ! COLUMBIA >URSERY LO., H ochester, N. Y. [FARM FOR SALE. The uudei>i*ia il wi:; sell his tarm.eonUiining si\t. acrts more or less, and located In Adams Twp.. en l-iie l'.v iiiaourft and Mars load, near Marshall anil M>«»raa stations oil the I*. & W li It. auil near the Callery oil Ileld. it cci jane: .. ■ >.m! lionse. pood bnuk I'f.rn -• • • i 'i . u.'.s, KC4HI orchard, level ami uiid, two s;>UnKS uear house, pump in barn. :nul ;'ll lu i:ood order. Inquire ul or luiuiess James Davidson, Myoma P. O , Butler Co., Pa. Wffi F. MiHer. Manufacturer "oi Stair Bails, Ealustsrs arid Newel-posts. All kinds of »■ o 1-tunilns done to order, also Deeorateil ami i 'arved woivl-work, such as 0 asiuc. Corner '" s, i'.iiieN Hid all kinds of aney vvood-worK IT imUe decoration Sot oUses. ■HALT. AXI) BKB SAMPLES. Something new and attractive. Also; F'tJRMTORE at lowest'crvsh priees. Store at No. 4), N. Main street. Factory at No. :>*, N. AV.isliWon street. nun. lilt PKNNA 1831 WS TI W 1091 • V • ANU Countiy Gentleman TIIE BEST OF THE MILIUM, WEEEIES. r>E\'OTKI> TO Farm reps and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit-Grcwing, Live Stock and Dairying, Wiiile it also In lud.'sall nduor departments of 1 jural Inter. -•«. such us :he Ponltry Vard, Knto moloiiN. I!ec-Keeplns, Greentiou-io and drapery. Veterinary i'eplit r, Farm Questions and Answer". Fireside KvrtrilniT. l>omestlc Eeonomy, and a suinuiars of tlie Neiys ol the Week. Its Market lieporti are unusually complete, ana much attention Is paid lo the Prospects of the ' Crcps, 'is throwing upon one of the most important of all iiuesnoiis-Wlinn to Uuy, and When lo Sell. It is ill eriilly Illustrated, aud by KKCKNT I.M.AIaiKMKNT, contains more reading mutter tlian ever belore. The Sub scription Price is f per year, tut we offer a SPECIAL REDUCTION ta our CLUU RATES row 1891! Two Subserlptions, In one remittance tl 00 Six subscriptions. <lo. do 10 00 Twelve Kul -< rlpilons.«lo. <lo 18 0<» tyTo :ill subsrrtbeis ft»r Ij©l. paying in Advance now. we will sen*! the paper \V EKK.L\. from our n celpt of tlie remittance, to January Ist. I**l. WITHOUTCUAK^iK. COPIKS Pazß. Aadress LUTHER TITCKEK & SON, Publishers, Albany, X. Y. Planing Mill —A.NI Vard J. L. fU KVli. L. O. PURVIS. S.G, Purvis & Go. MAM PAOTUIIKItS ANJ> DKAI.BBB IN Rough and Planed Lumber OF D« •;-itrnon. SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Ihitler, Pa. ii »In, j, i*A. []. FH II RTOX, Prop'r, KliiiikPf-, I-"S I«HI4*!S :«ntl Yarn !!Yniiii! i nifol«» I»HPC Hul lo C omit) Wool. We ifuatautteu our (TOO>IK to be st rictly all wool nod uuui'-M i.ic or am oilier ( oUcuous material »se4 ID tfyvtap. We sell Wltclesal« er retail. a:irnr>los and prices iumish> rt free to dealers on pplU'Mlon by mall. A. J. FRANK 10. DSALZSS IN DRUGS, MEPICIKES, AKII CHEMICALS' FAN< Vam TOILET A KTICES, Sl'ONliEs, IIB' SHES, PEUFUMEUV, &o rw-liij sie'.AiLS PrescrlpUons carefully co.j pounded. 5 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. . Traveling and i-Ociil. to -• 11 our cholee nursery M<- a. FaM seillie-' s| . elaltles In har<i> fruits, ete. ~e. ■ !:••< Mea«l> emiiloyment ifuaiaLtcci . \ourp write tor terms. (iI'.KHAMA NI'ItSKRV K).. lWchestcr, J,'. V.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers