THE w.c.kuut, .... rn>r. eic umo* utTMB-rortAa* tumtai»: One year, inside Coon W-* One,Trar,jOiiUUt County.--- * fUO Payable In Advance. tutored at PottolM at Baiter aa td elaaa Batter FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1890. of each issue ot the Citibs some e* l ™ uwVued whlcb are Bent » ciujens <* Cu,,, ty v. ho are not smbserlDeis and tneir aub acri •' ion Is r a;>«ctfuly solicited. B,ik ribcrs >nU do M a favor by sendliw us It' iiaui -s ot their neighbors, not now taking a covin ty paper. All communications intended for publication in this paper nmetbe accompanied by the real name ol the writer, not for publication but aa a guarantee of good faith, M&rnage and death notices must be aooots paued by a reepooetble name A Neglected Opportunity. The town of Butler has become one of the best market towns in the country. It is a pros perous tows and its people like to have the best there is in the market for their tables. Every Spring, at least, a tho -and dollars a week for quite a num ber of weeks goes from the town to Pitta bur? ui.d other places for early vegetables —lettuce, spinach, onions, asparagus, raiti-'hes, etc.; later on in the season tons of berries, peas, beans, and other things are -hipped here; and to-day our grocers are celling butter produced in Ohio, eggs shipped here from the North and West, and celery from Michigan. Kalamaioo celery is now for sale at nearly every grocery in Butler. The drain on the town for things to eat is one of its moat serious drawbacks. If this money was going into the pockets of the neighboring farmers, part ot it would come back, but when it goes to other parts it goes to stay and we are that much the poorer. We do not pretend to know anything about market gardening or truck fanning, but it seems to us that the greater part of the stuff needed here should be raised in the vicinity. We would like to see every farmar in Butler county make an effort in this direc tion uext Spring. The great thing is to have the stuff ready early, a.s the early stuff brings the best price", and then it should be pnt op neat ly, as it is for the city markets. A little style pays. A beginning could be made with ordi nary hot beds and cold frames, which, per haps, should be prepared immediately, and on many a farm in Butler county there is enough gas escaping into the air to heat a hot house. We do not know anything about this busily but there are splendid agricul tural papers published in the country that do know, and we know of at least one firm that publishes a Library of Farming and Gardening at a reasonable price. Would not a thorough knowledge of market gar denin: pay lots of farmers in Butler countyf We think it would. RjXBETAtir Stohb showed himself a strong and popular candidate in his race for Congress at the recent election. The four counties of his district gave Pattison a majority of ICSO over Delamater, but Mr. Stone hac &W6 over his Democratic com petitor. It is evident from this that Mr. Stone, who sought the nomination for Governor, would have made a pretty good candidate ior that office.—Philadelphia Frets. As ixMKJisK tin-plate plant is to be built near Baltimore. h i hcm all, the murder of Benwell, the young Englishman, was hanged at Wood stock, Otitario, last Friday. 11,7:j4,864 dozens of eggs were imported into this country from Canada last year, and now that we have put a duty on eggs our farmers must produce more of them. Thk newly elected Governor of Mas sachusetts is but 33 years of age. They elect a Go* em or in that state every year and young Itussell has been the Democratic candidate for three successive years. The Cigar Business Booming. The following extract waa tbe introduc tion to a column news article in the World: "The cigar bnsiness in this city is boom ing. Nearly all the manufactories are working to their utmost capacity. In many cases, it is said,the manufacturers are unable to fill the orders which they have upon their ltooks. One uptown firm has issued a circular to its customers stating that it cannot accept any more orders this year, as it will be impossible to fill them." This is another ot tbe results of "that awtul McKinley bill." The Amerioan cigar maker*, who find themselves so heavily burdened with bnsiness, because of tbe in creased duty on imported cigars, will hard ly jo in in the IVorUTt cry tot tbe repeal of the Mc Kinley bilL—New York Prett. Tiih wholesale price of whalebone is now #IO,OOO a ton. A project is on toot to organize whaling expeditions from Australia to the Antarctic seas, were it is believed plenty of whalei are to be found. It is an almost untouched whaling ground. Muddycreek Twp. I'LKASAKT BILL SCHOOL. Kt>. Cituss:— Please publish the follow ing . hort report of this school for the month ending Nov. 14, 1890. Number of pupils enrolled, 40—18 males and 22 females. Percent of attendance 94; average percent for term up to date 00. New scholars during the month—Willie Berkley, J»hn White, Jackson White, Bert BeigMey, Maggie Garvey, Mat lie Garvey, Berth a Wallace and Aggie Beighley. Frank Uersbimer. Lewis and Edward Milli-iit), Kalph Gallaher, Budd Garvey, Curtis White, Emma Gallaher, Clara Galhlur. Miutie White, Bessie Gallaher, Maggie Wallace, Mary and Eva Garvey, huz'.f Miilison and Minnie Myers missed no days during the month. Standing of the "A" spelling class: Mattie Garvey, Maggie Garvey,' Minnie Myers und Eva Garvey 99; Emma Gallaher and Mintie White 97; Annie Barkley 95; Curtin W hits and Charlie Stewart 90; Willie liarkley 89. Standing of "B" spelling class: Budd Gars ev 100; Eddie Millison,' Kalph Galla her and Gus I'linner 98; Maggie Gallaher and May Wallace 96; James Gallaher,Olive Dersh inter and Sue Haworth 90. Visitors: Daniel Millison, Ilosea Galla her and Charlie Garvey. G. P. W., Teacher. Resurrection and Insurrection The important question of tbe hour is, "Doe* the lion. Matt Quay of Pennsylvania believe in resurrectionf"—N. T. Herald (Dem.) We give it up, but we think be believes in tbe power of insurrection.— S. Y. Preti (Rep.) A AKW Indian Messiah is trying to in duce all the Indiana of the North West to go on the war-path. TIJK celebration of the seventy-seventh birth-day of Ex-Senator Allen U. Thurman, at Columbus 0. last Thursday, wa* the occasion of the meeting of Uadiug Demo cratic politicians from all over the country, and tbu inauguration of Cleveland's boom for thu Presidency in 1802. TUK British public are indignant over the foundering of tbe torpoedo vessel "Serpent" during a storm in tbe Bay of Biscay a few nights ago, with nearly three hundred men on board, bat three of whom were Mvcd, and demand a thorough investig ation. XMRAejtA ca»t« bot 200,000 votes or theru-a-bouts, and tbe Prohibition Amend ent was defeated at tbe late election by a majority of 40,000. Extraordinary Wedding Anni versary. As previously announced the flwth anni versary of the wedding day of John B. Graham and Sarah Graham was celebrated at the home of their daughter, Louisa Stoddard, No. 220 East Clay street, Butler, Tuesday, 2»ov. 18, 1890. All of their living there- Walter L, Samuel, Robert and Louisa— and many of their grandchildren, but none of tha great- grandchildren, although there are five of them. The blood relations were there in large numbers, coming from far and near, and among those may be mentioned a sister of John B. Graham, Mrs. Mary Heiuer from Kittanning, and a Brother, Ebeneier, from Butler. Kev. Loyal Y. Graham, D. D., a son of another brother was here from Phil adelphia with his son. Wilson Graham and wife, son of Robert Graham was here, in fact it would be impossible to name all who were present in this short article, but suffice to say, it was.the largest gathering of the Graham tribe ever known here. Among the friends and neighbors pres ent were Wm. Campbell, Sr., Gen. George W. Reed, John H. Negley, Esq., Col. John M. Sullivan, Hon. John M. Thompson, Rev. W. E. Oiler and wife, Rev. Progh and wife, H. C. Heineman and wife, Mrs. N. Walker, Mrs. Best of Mead ville, Mrs. Kate McCandless, Miss Mary Miller, Mr. Adison Miller and wife, and others. After an excellent dinner prepared by Mrs. Stoddard, the following program was announced by Rev. W. E. Oiler: 1. Singing and music by Prof. Davis* choir. 2. Family history by Walter L. Gra hum. 3. Speech by Hon. J. M. Thompson. 114. Recitation by Mrs. John Heiner 5. Speech by Rev. L. Y. Graham, D. D. 6. Speech by Col. J. M. Sullivan. 7. Speech by John H. Negley, Esq. 8. Speech by Gen. Geo. W. Reed. 9. Closing remarks by Rev. W. E. Oiler. 10. Prayer by Rev. Hall Young. The presents *ere numerous and valu able, qnite a large sum of money being among them. Letters ot regret were read from Rey. J. R. Coulter, Hon. Wm. G. Thompson, of lowa, and Thoa. Robinson, Esq., after which all retired well pleased with the entertainment The remarks of the different speakers were in substance as follows: The family history as recited by Walter L. Graham traced the line|of ancestry back several hundred year 3 to Scotland. He gave the name of the grandfather and bis children, also the father acd his chil dren, of John B. Graham who is now 82 years old, the names of all the children, also the number of grandchildren and great grandchildren. The children living are 4, grandchildren 17, great-grandchil dren 5. Hon. John M. Thompson spoke very feel ingly of the kind treatment he had re cei ved at the hands of John B. Graham and Sarah Graham when he became an inmate of their home almost forty years ago; how they took him in, a green country boy and showed him all the kindness of a father and mother, as he had never been from his mother's roof until he came to their home; bow, when the boys would almost bring the house down with their noise and fun, Mrs. Graham would only say, "Boys, don't bring the house down on our heads, we can't get another one up before Spring," showing the even temperament of the hostess, and concluded by remarking that as they had lived happily together for sixty years that they might live together the few remaining days of their life in the same peace and happiness and go to their graves honored and blessed. Kev. Loyai T. Graham, D. D., spoke very feelingly of the time when he, an or phan boy kindly taken by Mrs Gra ham, treated an her son, be having lout bin mother when bat six months old, ad vised with bim, consoled him, and was in a great measure the instrument in God'* hands of making him the man be was, and referred to the blessing of the Psalmist David as surely bis. Mrs. Helen Heiner, wife of John Ueiner, recited "John Brown got his hair cut," with decided effect. Col. John M. Sullivan said his earliest recollection called to mind his acquaint ance with John B. Graham and wile and they had always been warm friends o tbeir family, sympathizing with them in their affliction and rejoicing with them in their prosperity; that they were without donbt the oldest living conple in Butler, and probably in Butler county. Hon. John H. Negley said Robert Gra ham, the father of John B. Graham, with hia father, were among the earliest set tlers of Butler, and bis earliest recollec tion was associated with that of John B. Graham. He always recognised him as an hone<t man and a good citizen. Gen. Geo. W. Keed spoke with a great deal of feeling of their early acquaintance when he came to Butler in 1827, and it bad always been of the most friendly character, and concluded by saying, "John,our days on earth will soon be over, bnt may ve meet each other on the other side of the river and enjoy each others society as we have here on earth, only as the blessed can." Kev. W. E. Oiler said among bis first acquaintances when be came to Butler were John B. Graham and wife, and they extended to him a helping band and have cheered and encouraged him ever since. Communicated. Ma. EDITOR:— In an article found in the Record oi the 7th inst, the editor labors,in a weak way, to throw doubt on the author ship of tbe "political article* lately sp peaaring on tbe second page of the Record'' —as also to ward off (he allegation that its columns were made the medium of extor tion. AH to the firat point I wish to say that it will reijoire morn than the denial of "the soft impeachment" to satisfy ibe public mind on that point. He may not hare been the scrivener; but that hiw brain animated the various falsehood* that weekly appeared in the columns of the Record nnder the caption of "Advertise ment," few will donbt, nor do 1 doubt that he was the party that ordered the editor to suppress the personal card in denial. Were this not so, the editor wuuld come to the Col's rescue with a more emphatic state ment. All that he has to suy is "It is by bis request that bis denial is given this publicity, and cheerfully corroborated." What an ingenious sentence, "Cheerfully corroborated," is good. Why don't the editor say the Col. had nothing to Jo with the matter; had no control nor was ever consulted. lint the editor appears to be even more sensitive as to the allegation that the terms upon which access could be had to the columns of his paper were "un reasonable, exorbitant" and "extortionate." We happen to know that a friend of Mr. Phillips was authorized to secure «pace in said columns in which to contradict the falsehood* weekly published there, but on inquiry as to why he bad not done so, bis reply was that the terms were so extor tionate that he concluded to waive tbe privilege, lie said lurther that tbe editor wanted to charge him for two weeks tbe same that the friends of McDowell were paying for four weeks, and that tbe figures bad no relation whatever to their adver tised rates. In addition to this Mr. Ilerr told Mr. Robinson that be had put on Mr. McDowell's friends such figures as bad in duced him to tbink that tbey would ex cl nde the McDowell people altogether. >'ow it is a simple matter of dollars and cents; it is easily settled; let the editorjstatu what the consideration was; if it was low he will be entitled to tbe credit of being resonable, if it was high it will demon strate tbe great value of his columns as ar. advertising medium. Why not stato the figures? FAIR PLAT. —Life is too short for yon to hate so emphatically so many things. If you are a woman, it will affect yonr skin and make wrinkles come about your month. If you are a man it will affect your digestion. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. A dock of wild geese startled the people of Allegheny, during a dense fog, one night last week, by hovering around the electric lights. The elephant presented by Mm. Guskey to Schenley Park, Pittsburg, arrived at New York, from India, last week. The last Grand Jury of "Westmoreland Co. reported having foand filthy beds, lousy inmates, cruel treatment, etc. at the County Home, and recommended a change in management. The village of Luthersburg, Clearfield Co. near Dußois was wiped out by fire last Saturday evening. Eddie Myers is on trial in Pittsburg for the murder of his aunt, Miss Douglass, last May. The pumpkin butter factory at Parnassus was destroyed by fire a few days ago. A young white woman of Latrobe makes weekly calls at the Greeneburg jail, out of affection for a big burly negro incarcerated there. Seyeral years ago a daughter of President Taylor of Beaver College, married a young English Professor, named Hill, who after wards secured a chair in Muir College, Allahabad, India. They became acquaint ed with Rudyard Kipling, now famous as an author, and he visited with them at Beaver. Prof. Hill died a few weeks ago, Mrs. Hill is on her way home, "Kipling is in Europe sick, and as Kipling is very fond of Mrs. Hill, the gossips of Beaver are wondering whether or no there will be another chapter to the story. A Mercer Co. man is yet eating roasting ears, and proposes having them for two weeks yet. He planted his last corn on the 4th of July, and he has green corn every year, until it is frozen. Ex Sheriff Fruit of Mercer Co. died last week. Tarentum people are being annoyed by thieves and buglars. An Indiana county "Dr." contributes this gem to the pathological knowledge of the day,as reported by the Indiana Gazette. A young woman in the town of Indiana died suddenly and an inquest was held. Dr. White, who had attended her. testified as to his treatment of her, and when asked whether the heart trouble of which he had spoken, was functional or structural, said he thought it must be structural, "because it struck her all at once!" The jury, how evere thought her death was due to "the ignorant, imprudent and improper adminis tration of naracotics by James White, a man practicing medicine in this com munity," and itivited "the attention ol the proper authorities to this case." There is evidently need enforcement of the medical laws of the State in Indiana county. J. R. Fulton, of Stratlonville, in Clarion county, is 80 years of age and was never on a railroad car till last week. He never saw a train oi cars until 1880. This story comes from Bedford county: On Tuesday morning Mrs. Peter Stiffler made up a straight Democratic ticket and sent her husband to the polls to vote for Pattison. But Peter fell into the hands of Republican hustlers and voted the Repub lican ticket instead. Then he went home. His amiable better half found her ticket where she had put it —in Peter's pocket. She taxed him with bad faith, and when he confessed, she declared that he was no husband of hers and not worthy the name of man. Opening the door she told him to go forth and never to return, and helped him out. He went away sadly and in town told the story with tears in his eyes. At -Erie, two years ago, a piece of machinery standing on the side ol the street fell over, and William Mattimore a school boy, was badlj crushed. A jury lias just awarded the lad a judgment of $2,- 100 against the city. Thos. A. and Win. Gillespie of Allegheny Co. were fined 125, each by Alderman Bell of Pittsburg, last Monday, for operating uu oil well on Sunday. Capt. Wishart broght the suits. At Allen town, Pa. Monday, a cherry stone was removed from the left ear of an old man, that be thinks started in at tbe right ear nearly seventy years before. This is a Hubbard Knterpriso pumpkin story: M. S.l'rice, of this place, reports a big pumpkin yield that beats all records to date, From one single seed, planted in rich soil back of his barn, he raised this year twenty-five fully matured pumpkins, the average weight of each being 23 pounds —or a total of 575 pounds for the one vine. A Barn Burned. The barn of John Starr of Concord twp. was burned early lust Sunday morning. Mr. Starr's house is some distance from th«i barn, and the fire was lirnt noticed by a neighbor, Howard Coulter, and by that time the barn was ready to fall in. Two horses,three cows, some pigs and chickens, perished in the flames, besides his hay, farming implements, etc. The fire is supposed to have been the work of an in cendiary, there is said to bo a small in surance. True Economy It U true economy to buy Hood'a Hariaparilla, for "ISO Doiei One Dollar" I* original with and truo only of this popular medicine. If you wl«h to prove this, bay a bottle of Hood's Barsaparilla and measure Its contents. You will find It to hold 10* teaspoonfals. Now read the directions, and you will find that the average dose for perron, of different agea ts leu than a Maapoonful. Hood's flarsaparllla li the be»t and cheapen medicine. " I took liood's Barsaparllla for lott ef appetl'e. dyspepsia, and general languor. It old me a rut amount of good." J. W. WiLLUroßD.Qulncy, 111. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. fl;st*forfS. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar Robes and Blankets As cold weather approaches horse owners will suve money by bujing their horse blank en tt<, knee robe*, etc.. now. A good warm blanket on a I I horse in cold weather saves , more lor the owner than any thing else. The largest and most com plete line of' robes,blankets,har ness, whips,irun KH, valises, etc., in the county,and at the lowest prices, will always be found at Fr. KEMPER'S, :124 N. Main St., Butler, Pa_ Wanted, At Once, A man to Bell choice Nureery Stock ia and around Butler during the fall and winter. We solicit the corres pondence of anyone wishing a situa tion. Special inducements to tbe right party. Permanent employment wheu desired. No experience neces sary: (iood pay. Address stating age. COLUMBIA NURSERY CO., llocbester, N. Y. DEATHS HAMIL —Wednesday, Nov. 5 1890, at her home in Millerstown, Mrs. John Hai .. ' WATSON —Al 1 rlinme in Renfrew. Nov. j 4. 189". Andrew Wat son. aged 68 v ea: - He was buried in Brownsdale Cemetery ALEXANDER—At his home in Kairview. Tuesday. Nov. 11, IS9O. William Alex ander. Sr. SHANNON—On Nov. 12. 1890. of Whoop ing cough at.d Pneumonia, Franklin Wbite oldest s -not J. K. and Bessie A. Shannon aged ■"<. years 5 months and 12 days. DAUBACH —On the 7th of Nov., IS9O, at Zelienople, Pa , Sarah Ann. daughter of Jacob and Margaret Dambach, aged 4. years. 3 months and 18 days. On the 10th of N'ov., 1890.. at the same place, Cora May iul'ant daughter of the same parents, ag.-d 1 year, 2 month, and 13 days. THOMPSON —A' her home in Pittsburg, Nov. 13, 1890, Maggie Thompson, aged 22 years. - TIBBALLS—Nov. 19, 1890. daughter of Ed Tibballs of Butler, and grand-daagh ter of George Ziegler. LOGAN —At her home in Jefferson twp, Sanday, Nov. 16, I*9o, Edna May. daughter of D. B. and Maggie Logan of Jefferson twp. and grand-daughter of Levi Logan, GILKEY —At hr home in Butler Monday, Nov. 17, 1890, Mrs. Martha Gilkey, aged 55 years. Mrs. Gilkey was one of the most widely known and Her last daj's were calm and quiet after mouths ol continual suffering. She was a daughter of Sam'l. Blackstone, dee'd, of Mercer County, and was born Sept. 23, 1835. After her marriage to Dr. Gilkey, they removed to the South and lived there some years and returned to Butler, in 1868. Dr. Gilkey founu himself unable to stand the climate and went to Merida, where he has since been. Their children were four Mollie and Ann: .who is Mrs. Will Haslett; Dr. John, who is Vice Consul at Merida, and Willie, the youngest child. Mrs. Gilkey was loved for her noble and womanly character, her courageous and sympathetic spirit,and her unusually broad and cultivated ni'iid. She w-as equally at home with all a'.d her wide information and vivid imagination made her one of the most brilliant ai.d companionable of the women of Buticr. Her character was deeply religions »nd she was a consistent member of the Baptist Church. CARSON—On Wednesday night, Xov. 12, 1890, at the residence of his uncle, Henry Shannon, of tb<- Sonth Side, Butler, John W. only son of W. H. and M. E. Carson, aged 17 years and 7 months. This bright young man had lived not only to endear himself to his parents and Bisters, but to all who knew him. Seldom do we see one so young have so many friends to lament his d<-ath. He bore his sufferings calmly, and such a beautiful and peaceful ending one seldom ever witnesses. He fully realized that ho was going to die, and bill his frienils not to weep for him for they should ali soon join him in that bright home above. Those who listened to his words «hoi ;d try to live so that their last moments be as peaceful as were bis. The large funeral that followed Johnnie to bis l'mal resting place was an evidence of bow much he was respected by both old and young. A golden bowl broken. What comfort to know that the spirit has returm d to God who gave it. Gone home! g< e home! Oh! shall we ever reach him. See him again, and know him for our own? Will he com' set us to the Heavenly Teacher? But he who bii i our sorrow cease And from al care be free; Has called hill' to his home above No more wu .w to see. WONDERFUL What The Almighty Collar Will Buy fn This World AT Huselton's. It will buy more good, solid footwear than any other shoe bouse in the city. There you can take your choice l'rom the greatest variety of fine, durable and stylish footwear. No two houses combined in the town can show yor so great a variety to nelect from. But it won't buy you any more or better footwear than your neighbor's dollar. We don't have only one price and that's the lov.est. We are confident we can please you <n style, fit and price ns no o'her house can do. e are showing the greatest variety in Men's, Boys' and Youths' Heavy Boots specially adapted to !he winter wear; will resist th«* water. We hav them in high and low instep, box and plain toe. We have them lor big boys, little boys, fat and lean boys, bhoes for the girls in calf and kip, oil grain Pebb e Goat Dongola Kid in heel and spring in great variety. In Ladies' Shoes the styles are endless might say. We show the lati st in hand welts, hand turns; lcKay sewed in all widths itn 1 ..shapes from $1 and up. Our line ol Men's, Women's and Children's fine Slippers are now coming in. Never in the history of ou trade have we shown so ma ly and beautiful patterns as tl is season; prices in Gents', 00 cents and up. We 1 ave iot forgotten the old ladies; v e have elegant flannel lined shoes, toft and easy to the 1« >t; we have soft, knit shoes f'oi invalids. Rubber go ds, the best at bottom pric ■*. Don't spend your dollar until you visit our store and see the goods; recol lect all gooui selling at old pi ices at li us-lion's. See our Men's Cork-sole Shoes and ->ur Men's Kip Boot*, lined \ itli gutta-percha. We warrant hem waterproof or give a ne / pair, lree of charge. B. C. lIUSELTON, 10U, N. Main St., Butler, Pa. Dissolu; ion Notice. Notice if hereby -iveii that the parti!er tbip heretofore e> sting between W. W. Black more and Los i* M. (jrieb, under the firm name of black lore <t Cirieb, *«« dis solved by mutual <:• nsent ou Monday, Sept. Tl, IWO. The busi u will be continued at the same |>iace hy I M. Uriel) <k Co., Who will Kettle the busit hs of the old firm. W. W. UI.ACKMORR, L. M. Gkikb. GEO. D. MITCHELL, Attorney-al-haw anil ollclior of Pensions and Patent*. Ho* :M. Wkj dngton. I). r. clerk Hen ate Periston CoUiinltt* ■; for liuit 7 years. If you Ikn PIiOMfTMKSS > rite inc. Clad to give dvtce. 1 llj &akiH 6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening strength. — C. S. Government Htjmrt, Any. 17, 1888. Public Sale of Keal Estate. By virtue of an order and decree of the Court of Common Pleas In the county of But ler, fa., and to me, as the committee of Martyn Lowry Webb, lunatic, directed, I will ofTer at public sale on the premises, on SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 15.1500. At 1 p. m., the following detcribed real estate of said lunatic, for the purpo>e of raising money to pay his debts. etc.. to-wit : A certain piece of land situate in tin township of Clay, in the county or Butler, Pa., bounded as follows: North by Si. M. Mevensen, east by J awes Wilsons heirs, south by John Boozel and west by J'jfm Doozel and Samuel Kindley. containing nineteen acres and one hundred and fourteen perches of land. strict measure. No buildings, but excel lent timber on said land. TERMS. -One-third of purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale bytlie Court, and the residue to be paid In one and two years from said eontlrmatlon with interest, cr In cash If for the best interest of said lunatic. \\ M. M. Willi,. Committee of Martyn Lowry Webb, lunatic. Kuclld I*. 0.. I'.ntier county, Pa. October is, l*iO. Notice in Divorce. Margaret Wild*r by tier ; In the Court ol Coin next friend Samuel MU-iwon l'leas of Huiler ler vs. ( has. C. V ilder. r Count.v. A. I).. No. 3a. J .June T., lxiK). ToChas. C. Wilder and all whom It may con cern: . , . Two subra-nas In the above case having been returned V K. 1., you. the said Charles C. Wilder, above deft udant, are hereby required to appear In the saiil Court of ( ommon Pleas, to be held at Butler, Pa., on Monday. Dec. Ist IX3O, being the first day of next term of said court, to unsvver the said complaint and show cause. If any you have, why a divorce should not be granted the said Margaret W Uder. OLIVER C. muic, Sheriff. Notice in Divorce. Mary E. Whitmore by l In the Court of Cotn her "next friend S. 11. imon Pleas of Butler Kamerer vs. John C. f County, A. D., No. 43, Whitmore. J June 1.. I*9o. To John C. Whit more and all whom It may ■ concern: . . . Two stibpomas In the above case having been returned N. E. 1., you. the »ael John C. \\ lilt more. above defendant, ure hereby rtuulred to appear ?n the said Court of Common t leas, to be held at liutltr. l a.. On Moudaj. the lit day of December, iKio.Selng the lit day of next teim ot said < turt. to answer the said complaint and (how cause, !f any you have, why a divorce should not be granted the said Mary r.. V hit more. OLIVKK C. ItKl/lU, bhertiT. Executors' Notice. (Eutatk of Jolts Webb, dec'd.) WItVEEAH, letters testamentary to the estate of Jehu v\ ebb, late of Clay Two., But ler Co., Pa.dtc'd, have been granted to the subscribers, all persons lo eaid estate are requested to make immediate pay ment and ary having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent will make known the same without delay to W.M. M. Wkiiij, John W. Webb. Euclid. Pa. Branch too, Pa. August 30, l-S'.K). Executor's Notice. > Estate ok John W. Brandon, Dec'd.) Letters testamentary on the estate of John W. Brandon, dec'd. late of Conui (juenessing Twp., Butler Co., I'a., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted lo said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au'hentUsaled for settlement. J. Em key Bkando>!, Ex'r, W. D. Brandon, ! Counoquenessing P. 0., att'y. I Butler County, Pa. Executoi's Notice. EhT ATE OK Sl-SAS UILt.IAKD, J)F< D, LATE OK WASHINGTON TWP. Eetteis testamentary on the estate of Susan Billiard, dec'd, late of Washington Twp, Butler Co., Pa., having been grauted to the undersigned,all persons knowing themselves indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. Peter P. Hii.i.iard, Ex'r, ililliard, Pa. O. W. ELKIK.I It, Att'y. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. To ull whom it miii/ concern: Take notice that, the partnership hereto fore existing between Owen Brady, Joseph Hartman, A. 11. Simpson and 11. J. Hnyt, doing a banking business under the firm tianie ami style of the Butler County llank, 11. J. HoytA Co., at JUillerstown, Butler county, l'a., is hereby dissolved, to take effect on the lirst day of January, 1891; that the said Owen Brady, Joseph Hart man and A. il. Simpson have sold all their right, title, interest and claim in said part nership to 11. J. Hoyt, who will carry on the business himself under the name of the Bdtler County liank; that the said 11. J. iioyt has assumed all the debts and liabili ties of the said partnership, the Butler County Hank, of which all interested will take notice. Owi.n Bbady, Joseph llartman, A. 11. Simpson, 11. J. Hott. M iLLKRSTow.v, Pa., Oct. 29, 1890. The undersigned, thiH day having dis nosed of their interest in the Butler Comity Bank, of MillerNtown, l'a.. to take effect the first day ol January, 1801, as per above notice, to U. J. Hoyt,'who has so long, so successfully and o satisfactorily managed the affairs of said bank, and who will con tinue to conduct its business and serve its customers and friends as heretofore, take pleasure in bespeaking for him the satiiu generous patronage by the people ot this place and vicinity a.- he ha merited and received ut their hands in the past. lIW K.N liRAIIV, Joseph Hakim an, A. 11. Simpson. Miixkrntown, Pa., Oct. "J. 1890. The undersigned will, on the first day of January next, as time the sole ownership and full proprietorship ot the Butler Coun ty Bank, as shown is the foregoing notices, and he takes this opportunity to express his thanks and gratitude for the large share of patronage which has been extended hitn these mrny years past, and owing to the increased facilities he will have lor serving his friends and patrons, he promises to do anything in his power that is consistent with safe banking to meet their require ments, and solicits a continuance ol their patronage. Yours Very Uespectfully, 11. J. lIOYT. M It.LKIt.STOU N, I'A., Oct. 29, IWJO. Road Reports. Notice la hereby given that the following road reports have l«en coiittrmed nisi by the Court, and Will he pre sen I><l on the ttrst. Wednesday ot Dec.. ivm, being ttie :ni ot ; aid month, and It no exceptions are nted they will he con firmed absolutely. „ It. I) Ne. 1, Kept e#»lon IMM ro vacate a pntiilc road tn Concord I w P ■ beginning at a iioiiit on the road that lead, from Mllterslown to Huiil'tir) . at the i-nriier or tie: rarm of Joseph Cumberland, end ruuuliig down close In front of concord church to a point on the toad that leads from Mlddletown to Pleasant \ alley church, a distance ot abo il- fifteen roils. June 4, I SMI. Viewers appointed. .Sept. I- IHSII, report of viewers vacating :<ame tiled. It. D. No. .'i, >'*[>'. session, IS'jo. 1 etltion for pii bile road In Washington and Cherry Tw|»s. to lead from a point oil the road leading from Mm points to Washington road near Win. Dickey 4 * lane, to Intel «-ct tin- road leading from Pleasant V aUey church to North Hope, at o r near the honw; known as the McKean Homo. June H. IS'*', vlev.em appoli I by the < ourt. August W, l-'JO. reports "I view rs llled m fol lows to wit; That they arc of opinion that t|i" i.ublic road as pra\e.l for Is n< . and have laid out III" same for public use. and report the orobable «o*t of making sane- u> be »i... and lhat said cost mould t "' borne by the township. No damages asst .' d- It D. No. t. Wept ftcssion. 1 nhllc road lu Butler Twp. leading frojn a point at or near Hie house forineilj iiw tied by John I leri ii.doi. d. on the Huller and l-owder Nlill roud. and ending i op,K,s,te the grounds of the It,.tier Agrleu tural Association oil tue 1 hri e liegt.-e >'' ad.' from Huller lo Pittsburg, and belt* r known as the Kalb road. June 11. Is'.Kj. " ed by the Cou*t. Migust j... iswj, *"-«er» re; , part said road tiei and have then fon , (aid out the same fi>r pubilt i; .*■. ~f I/, ' , i probable cost of said road t*> "• ab. ' tliat «ald cost should be born* t.j the iwnalilp Of Huller *o damage-) a"e ,ed. Ht Tf.FU tXitiserir. si(. < erttited from lie- rMntd this ttu day of November, g , LEGAL ADVERTISEEMNTS Administrators aud Executors of estate can secure their receipt books at the CLTL ZKN office. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore exiting be tween R. S. Nicholls and 1.. M. Hewitt .mlcr the linn name of R S. Nicholls Co. has this day been dissolved by mntnal consent. Mr. I. M. Hewitt retiring from the firm. The business will be continued by R. S. Nicholls. who is authorized to settle claims and collect accounts due the firm. R. S. NICHOLLS. Nov. 10, 1890. L. M. HEWITT. In retiring from the firm of R. S. Nicholls A- Co. 1 take pleasure in recom mending my late partner Mr. Nicholls and bespeak for him a continuance of the pat ronage of our old customers. L. M. HEWITT. Butler, Pa. Nov. 10, IS9O. Orphans' Court Sale. IN THE ESTATE OF DAVID SIMMS, DIC'D. By virtue of an order and decree of the Orphans' Court of Uutler Co., at No. Go, June Term, 1890, I will exj>ose to sale by public vendue or outcry on the premises in Ev&nsburgli borough Evans City.:, Butler Co., Pa., on Saturday, Nov. 29th, 1890, s» 10 o'clock a. m., all that certain lot of ground, situate on Jackson Street in the borough of Evans-burgh, Butler Co., Pa., bounded aud described as follows." On the north by lot of J. Adam Ripper, east by Jackson Street, south by lot ofJFred Maihsy west by , said lot being forty five feet in front on said Jm kson Street a-.d extending back we»t parallel lines of the same width one hundied and forty feet, and having erected thereon a frame dwelling house and outbuildings. TERMS OF SALE.—One-third in hand upon continuation ot sale, aud the balance in two rqual annual installments from that date with lawful interest, to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises, the bond and mortgage embracing attorney's commission of 5 per cent in case the same shall have to le collected by legal process. LYDIA LOT/, Adm'x and Trustee. R. P. SCOTT, att'y. Nov. 14, 1 FR;«0. Notice in Partition. HI TLER COCNTY. SK ; The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Oliver C. Redic, High Sheriff of Butler county, Pa , greeting : Whereas William S. Cashdollar, guardian of Walter H. Gilleland, Frank W. Gille land,and Edward C. Gilleland,minor children ol John Crawford Ciil'eland, deceased, pre sented his petition to the Orphans' Court ot Butler county, setting forth that said wards are still minors, and thai .-aid John Crawford Gilleland died en or about the 14th day of January, A. D. 1885. intestate, seized inhis dtmtM.e asof fee of the undivided one seventh in a certain tract or piece cf land situate iu Adams township, Butler county, Pa., bounded and described as follow . to wit : "u 'be north by lands of David Mar shall et al., on the, fast by lands of John Kennedy et a!., on the south by londs ot John Dean and Win. Dean, on the we.-i by lands of James G. Marshall heirs, contain ing two hundred and fifteen acres, more or i<ss, with the appurttmmees, and leaving to urvive him a widt w, Maria Gilleland, snd three children, said Walter 11. Gillelaud, Frank W. Gilleland.aud Edward O. Gilleland thai the other parties interested iu the said laud are Nancy Kennedy, intermarried with T. W. Kennedy, Marv Purvis, intermar ried with Anderson l'urvi". Margaret Mc t'ord, intermarried with Wro. 8. McCnrd, Jaints Gilleland. J.ewis Gilleland, Amelia Irvin, intermarried with Wellington 1.-viu, all resilient* of the county, excepting James liillelaud, who resides in iowa.aud Margaret McCord, who resides in Allegheny City, l'a. : that no partition of said estate has been made amongst present owner*, nor 0411 a jury tor that pur|«obe be agreed upon by the par ies iu interest, and petitioner therefore prays •i:e Court to award au inquest to make par ition of the said real estate to and amongst .he aforesaid parties according to their re ipeetive rights, whereupon Court awarded a writ of partition which writ was issued June 10, 1890, aud on August 23d, ls!K), upon petition of Nancy <J. Kennedy et. al., writ *an stayed Oct. 9th, 18110, on motion of J. B. Jredin, att'y, for petitioner, Court made the following order, to-»it: Now, to-w;t Oct. 9th, 1890, alias writ of inquest of partition awarded as moved for, notice to be given to the parlies interested, residents wilhin the county, as directed by law, aud notice to parties in terested not within the county by advertisement iu one weekly newspaper pub lished in Butler, Pa., for three successive jveeks prior to holding the inquest, and by mailing a copy of eat h of such newspapers to the last known place of residence ot such non-ieaident parties returnable to next term. BY THE Cot'BT. We therefore command jou that you take > fix good and lawful men of your county, that you go upon tlie premises of John C'ruw ford (jillelaud, deceased, and then and there i :n the presence of the parties by you warned, if upon being warned they shall be present, and having respect to the true valuation 'hereof U|KIII the oaths and affirmations of ihe MX good and lawful men aforesaid, you make partition of the real estate of Johu Crawlord Gilieland, deceased, to and among ihe heirs and legal representatives of said decedent in such proportions an by the laws of this Commonwealth in directed, it such partition eau be made without prejudice or spoiling the whole, but if such partition can not be made a» aforesaid, that thui you cause -aid inquest to ascertain how many of Die said heirs and legal representatives it will conveniently accjmwodale, describing each part by metes and bounds and returiing H just valuation ol the same ; but if said in quest be of opinion that the premises afore said will not conveniently accommodate wore than one of the heirs aforesaid, that then yon cause the said inquest to value and appraise the said estate with the appurte nances, having respect to the true valua tion thereof, und that partitions and valua tion you have, together with a draft of the premises, before the Judges of the Orphans' Court of Butler county, at Butler, l'a., the term next alter you shall have made such partition or valuation, and have you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable Aaron L. Hazi-u, President Judge ol our said C'urt at But ler, la., this Mth day of Oct , .V. I>. IHIXI. RKI IIKN M< KI.VAIN, < lerk O. C. In the matter of the partition of the real e .tute of John «'raw-lord Uillelftttd, lain ot the county of Bu'lcr, deceased, notice i.i hereby given to the heirs of said decedent that in pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court ot Butler county, l'a., a writ of par tition has iisued Iroiu said Court to the hherili ot taid county, returnable on Mon day, December 1, I.and that the inquest will meet lor the |.urp> «■ ol making |>tirti t on ol the real estate of said decedent oil Monday, Nov. '.Mth, A. 1). Is'.'O, ;.t I o'clock r M., ol said lay, ujoii the premise', at which time and place you < >n be present il you Me pro|>er. l'he premises in quest I ' n are disci ibed at lollow:. : A ctrtain trai lor piece of land situate in Adams township, I'utler county, l'a., bounded on the north by lauds ol David Marshall ct al , on the east by lands of Johu Keunedyet al., on the s 'Ulh by lauds ot John Dean and Win. lii-nii, and on the wist by lands of Jauic- U. Marshall's heirs, containing two hundred tiiid lilteen acres, more or 'ess, with the ap purtenances. OI.IVKK C. Hi.uic.Sherili. SHERIFF'S SAIiSS. Ity \litue ol sundry writs of \ en. Ex., I'l. I .. I v. l'a .Ac , is-iieil out of the < olirt ol < oiuluntl Pleas ol I'.Utler Co.. l'a., and lo me dire.' 'd. there Will be exposed to public sale at the t'ourl llouse, In the borough ot iiutler, on Monday, the Ist day of Dec., A. I)., iww, al 1 o'clock, r. m., the following de si rlbed property, to-wlt: E !>■ No. VI and 72. Dec. Term. ls:io. Krnk Rohler. att'y. All tin- right, title. Interest and claim of W ('. English. of. In ami to r.l acres ot land, more or less, situated In Mnddycreck Tup., liutler O pa. bounded as follows. to-wlt: on lie in fth by 1.. */. Mitchell and public road. ca. t by I' itil:c road und W. It. Dodds.soulh by Met'aud it Wl heirs, »■ it by Jutnes English. .Monlv cl ari-q under a fc'ood Htate ol cultivation, with a two-story tiah.c house, frame hank barn, n- Charit and oUtbulldllUfH thereon. .Seized' and taien 111 execution as the property or W. i . English at the suit of I. J. Mcl'andless now tor use, etc. E. D. No. '.'2. Dee. Term. lsuo. Thompson A. Hon. att'ys. VII the right, title. Interest and claim of Win. p. ;i of. in and to :u acres of land, mire or less, spualed in Washington Tw'ii., liutler Co. l'a.. Is meted and described as follow % to wn.: On the north by Maria A rtealon, east by Alex in der Hell, south by Kauittel Campbell, west by Uoiianl Hlewart; together with a one-story tr. Inn house and frarni- stable thereon. All cp ar d. under feneii, and under a good slate of cultlyutlou. .Set/cd and taken in execution as lh- properly of Win. Bell at tin suit ol Win. VV . Id 11. IK. D, No.T3. Inc. Term. iwn. w. 11. l.uiik.att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim or 'lnn> h|>eer. of. In and to too acres of land,more or lis-, situated in Marlon Twp.. Holler l'o.. l'a . lioutided as follows, to-wlt: on the north by Thomas (illehrkit. John Murrln and .lames | Mnrrui, east b> fatrti k Mcllrlde heirs and hoiihla I'hoinp .n luirs. • nth by I llxahetfi J! irriii, vvi»i by I'lUa'i tli Murrlti. ihomas Oll chrtst and John H (itlclnlnt. t'niler a goisl still' I'l cultivation. Willi a two-storj tramo ho isc, ir iima- tarn, orchard and outbuilding i th noli, sel/.ed and taken In exu'iiiion »s tins property ot Tatty hpecr at the suit of Jamc* Button E. D. No. •*. Dec. Term, I sin. i.usk. att'y. A;i the right, title, interest and claim of c. W. Fnrter of. in and toTw acres of land, more or If?., limited In Worth |wp., liutler Co.. I'l. bo Hided as follows. I" wit: on Jhe north !•> John, JclTcrsoii and Samuel Wlliicr, cast I'/ V» i \! IMhm 1. 1 nth by Wm M 'tUnn eI k W N > . N x'IJU Il' r ' >i -wart; ii« \» !TJI a 011 ,. -story frame j ' ' > • tram# Lunk barn. , - tumt aii'l o'utbutiil li«* wnoß. Seized mi ! la£i nlu execution a* If prop* rt j ■! i \v. I, n,. r ul the suit of Thompson Kyle. Jr. t' l». XO. 50, IV . T ly . (• a - >!rCandJe-». All the right. till ', Ui't i' >t and claim tit .uei <;, qi, in at.. to ;■ i aeres i.oMl. re or It is. s'tuarnl lu V« a*h!ngton Twp , Hot- I It r< • . Pa., botuideil as ftiiow-. to-wtt <>u the i north by Thomas DotrmUv. east by TB- m.u. , I> .ually et. »!.. >o'.tli ly Alfred Snyder a:i<l .. t : .risry \< , I'a't.'i- Ji' I and wife ai.d ! 'll .mas McAnall. a " .-cl/'-.l .iii.l cu ii'ii .ta tie- i»r*.,i»erv ■ i S.iiu**l tiartlner .*t ->i;t of Thoum- .i l, rhOuijf and 11. 1 >urTln, executor". etc. t I). No.l>ec. Term, l ,i. olm !I. Thomp- j All tin lMeivst aii.i --i.t'in ot I*, i'. ' r ..f, in tei:% ;; r- i.ui!. mo.-- or 1 ss..situated lu Washiugt' o Iwp.. BuUcr to., rr., louuilml .us loi.'c ti» t On Hie i . rtl h.. Tbtiuua luuinaii. ■'. lietrs. east ly AiueU .-uytlerei a1...-o . ht . Thomas lXuuialK's ! -Irs » tat by Tho::: - Ji.-.vd.. a ,t ill Seueti ate taken in execution a-s tlte properti ot 1. 1". Gardner at the salt or James I!. Slates. L>, No. 1. inc. Tiriii. K. I'. Scott. ~t y All the title, Interest at.ii claim ol it. I'. (■lbsen, of, in and ton? acres ot land. mo. • i i -situated In I'arker and Fairvlew 1 « ps. Iluticr t 0., l a., hounded as follows, 10-wII. On th.- north by K. few atid Humphrey's le'.r east hj Levi t'amubeil and A. M. llogue, :outh h' 11. w. Kays and Kit Hays, west by .laniea ! I rry and John McNara. Mostly cleared, un der fence, and a good state of cultivation, with a two-story frame house, frame barn and out buildings t !ii*r. on. Seized and taken In execu tion as the property of K t. Gibson at the suit of Kluabeth l'ugh et al. E 1) No 30 ai.d 63, liec Term. istfl. Brandon, att'y. All the right, title. Interest attd claim of John A Gordon, of, in and to w> acres or land, mere or less, situated in Oakland Twp. Hutler Co. l'a, bounded as follows, to-wtt: *'ommeneiufc nt » black Jack, thence along lands of Wm. Robb S 74 3-luth perches to a post, thence along same norrta 35 we<t :t; perches, thence by land oi .Moughlou and Mit'andb ss north .S west 5« relies, thence ty lauds of Thomas McKteslc «outh StiVj west ;:i j-intu I' to a uost, tliecce b\ lali ls of William Kobb South .. vveat 4."> f to ihe place of Itt-irtnnlncr. Mostly cleared, un der ie:ice, with a portable sa.v-mill and s,"rist luili ar.d all maehlnery thereon or to said mill site thereon. AI-SO—Of. lu and to 1 acre, n.ore cr less, situ ned in Oakland Twp, Butler Co. l'a. bounded as follows, to-w it: Coiumenctng ut a ptist, thence along mill tare south 78 east lu perches to a post, theme bj lands ot Samuel Gordon south ... weet in perches, thence b> lan-ls ot Samuel Gordon north ia:.ds oi Met and less and Mouijhtoii north 30 15 perches, thence by lands of same north ■. west 5 pen hes to the place of beginning; to •ether with a one-story frame house and out buildlngs thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the pro,*rty of John A Gordon at the suit ol Ilutler Savings Hank et al. K. I). No. 74 Dec Term 1890. W. 11. Lusk, Att'y (Lev Fa on Mechanics Lien.) All the right, title. Interest and claim ot Evansburg Oil Co. and J. N. Miller, owners or reputed owners Ac. of. in and to a lot of !.uul, more or less, situate lu Kvar.SCity boro, Butler Co, Pit, bounded as follows, to-wit : on thi north by David Garvin, east by an AUe>, sontt! I \ t harles Nixon's heirs and" Water St.. wes ts] Wattr St. u-tcethcr with * stor>- board I cildinx ust d as a tank shop, being lot No. si t, plan of .-aid boro. Seized and taken lu exe i uon us the property of Kvatisburg Oil Co,aui. J N Miller, cm tiers or reputed owners, etc, at l he suit of the Borough ol Evausburg. IC D No. £6 Dec Term I.s». 11 II Goucher, att'y. (I/t v l'a on Mechanics Lien.) All the right, title, Interst anil claim ol .In Thiry and Tlitressa '! hir\ of. t:i and to a lot 01' , N,U" more rLI - >'UDI •in Itut>r boro I'.ut i» r < . i'n. 1 -uuittcl as follow > to-wlt; 0:1 til 1 to Zelgler Avi . east by. lot No. 1. south I tin JUlej * est by lot No. ;i together witli a nail frame atid outbuildings fli< reon. - t/ il itnd taken m execution as Hit" property Jos Thiry and TUeri'ssa Thiry at the suit O! Michael Scan don. h D No. 511H .'lerm James It Mates, Att'y- All 1 tic- right. tit it*. Intcrcsl ml claim o! Thus II Kelly of. 1:1 and 10 lu acres of land, moie or ~s situate m l'arkt r two. Butler Co, I**. tniled as follows, to-wir: lteglnning oil tin tast corner joining lands Tlios Kite lieu thence :lli by land- of Archibald Kelly to a wbitt . at, thence south by lands ot .Nancy A Adamb a post. then casi by lands of Tlios Kliehen .. ,1 post on bank of 1:1 c Hear Creek tot tie phi*" •i beginning, together with a lon still lu.w dwelling bouse, a two st.iry fxaJue dwelllnit i.i> 1 producing 1,11 well and oat building 1 r« on. Seized and taken lu execution as tu»- i i ipeity 01 Ihos IJ Kelly at tile suit, of Amos • ..ung. 1: 1> No To, Dec Term. ISJO. W l> Brandon, att'j All the right, title, lntere .r anil claim of r o v ltord. of. In and to 53 acres of land, more or . situated in Clierrj Twp, Butler Co. I'a n iunde.l as follows. 10-wl : 011 the nortl. by • 111 iiollUK«r. east by Levi Hoekenberry, s iutl< ■ > ISfMllft atid west by Klias Ca'oth ■ rs. Moslly cleared; under a good state ot cul ,vailon; a two-storj - irame house, frame iru. , rliard and outbuildings then on. Seized and In n In execution as the property of 1* O Wol >rd at til-, suit ot Nancy Kelly et al. 1. W.ien the plaintiff or other Hen <r< iitor 1 routes the purchaser the Cost 011 the "ri I ;i;st be paid and a list of the liens IncluiMnt,' mortgage searches on the property sold to 1 her with such lien credit r'a receipt foi the mount of the proceeds of the sale or such por t on thereof as lie may claim must be turntshed I tie SherllT. j. All bids must tie bai lln full. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until T o'clock P. M. of next day, at .vhich tlni' all property not settled for wl'l !>•• 1 ut up and bold at the expense and risk of the persou to whom ilrst sold. •see I'urdon's Digest, nth edition, page wc, 111 smith's Forms, pag" 3S». OMVtlt C. URDU', Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, llutler. i'a., Nov. 14, lsao. Jury Lists for Dec. Term, 1890. List of orand Jurors drawn this jTtli day of Oct.. A. 1). l*:io. to serve ns Orand Jurors at a r'wilar let m of Court, commencing on the Ist Monday of Dec., A. D., lmo, tx-lnx the Ist flay. ) air Win, llutler borough, Jd w, stonemason. Drown Samuel V, Kalrvlew twp. farmer. I ... bran Wm, Venango twp. farmer. Davidson West, Adams twp, farmer. Dnmbart Ueorge, Forward twp. farmer. Dunbar Irvln, Kvaus City boro.cigar maker. I iwler CO, Washington twp. farmer. I ,iwk Joseph Falrvlew twp, farmer. Hutchison Robert A.Cherry twp, farmer. Hague Samuel, Worth twp. lamer, iv rti Henry. Butler boro, Ist ward, constable'. I,ally I.C, Worth twp, farmer, i-i-rr John. Venango twp. larm r. i i-licrman Jafiob. Venango tw|>. fanner. Viller Fred Lancaster twp, larmer. \ ,eUarvey .1 J. Mercer twp. farmer. > i (jlnluy Michael, concord twp. farmer. > . n is John I . < Union twp. farmer. i: ides Win. Slipperyrock twp, farmer. I: iiobuugh HeuM'n, Washington twp. farm r. I. tier Jo. Butler boro. ith w, marble cutter. Iz.dgur Andrew, Centre twp. farmer. I ~rno II 1.. Kalrvlew twp. driller. Weir.l 11. Buffalo twp, larmer. |.lst of I'ellt Jurors drawn this tf/th day of Oct. A. I>.. ls:«i to serve as I'ellt Jurors al ft r. iiilar termof Couit. ou the .iud yiidaj lit III"-.. A. I)., lsuo, tK'lnif the sth day. I' in roll I'M. llutler Iwiro. ;M w teacher. |:i IIWI: C M; Mercer twp, Justice, l; ,"'s .1 Forward twp. fanner. ltr.ii.dou 11. Foi iv rd twp. farmer. • mIIIIIH John D. Kalrvlew twp fanner, i . k-.on IM ward. ( ran berry twp. farmer. ( oft Jnmes, I.anvaister tw p. farmer, i iilck Michael, t'ctrolla boro, driller. I avis Samuel. Kvaus City, farmer. D iter.), sue. Franklin twp. rarni.'r. I- niuudson .1 I'.. IToi peet boro, undertaker. (. riiiati Juinct, Sr, Allegheny twp, farmer. < ••••il Oeow H. Allegheny twp, farmer. I. -srlgcsser Hills. Wliilii-ld twp. farrn.-r. I. mpmll .lame Jr. Clinton twp. farmer. I til Milton, i berry twp. farmer. I .ii Thus It, i '-litre twp. larmer. I iri unif Nicholas, Adams twp. farmer, I .iclii .HI I leis S. Coucord twp. larmer. 1 irtman Win, Zellenoplc boro. sfent. I irueii w 11-,I 1- , Butler ls>ro. Bth w. agent. 1 : lorer <Jeo, Butler boro. L'd n. merchant, t [tie rI. II I alrview twp. producer. I tint r I. wis, Oakland t*»'p. farm r. iiiu Walker. Butler boro r.tii w. teamster. ! .-.or Waller IIUll<rl">t «. .'.lll wai d, carpt.u,: or. rtln W c, Vonango twp. larmer. O S Martin, Middlesex twp f irmer. 'o it hull David, Adams twp, laborer, i t hinoiul -i mi A. Concord twp, firmer. " ciimMoss \N r, butler boro, ard WMd. miller. I ... li ,i;o 11. r. tin twp. fanner. I imps W in. I'enn twp. farm.T. i e m John. l raniierry tw p. farmer, i iiii. .lat M i linton tv,p. turuier. , ilick ,i,i. is ildrldße, prodU'-or. S I wick Mi' I'tirUer lwp, palmer, s in r Crank, Buffalo twp. farmer. - t• i M, Lancaster twp. iarmor. ,- innoit Thom,. Mlppe-yrsk twp, farmer. S .or WJ. 1 lay twp. farucr .. itiit, nK. llennplo boi o. -..r.wi r. ■ iiiffer FII llarmom boro. moulder. .- k i hiMopher, Butler boro, ,i iw, tinner. 'I lor l.llas. vmiablfo twp. farmer. \ -lit I N. cranberry twp. farmer. \ :• I, Henry, Conuoiiuen'-sslftir twp, farm»*i \ >n W 1., Summit Ivvp. lartu r. * z Widows' Appraisements. in- following widow-i appraisements ot t -r s ,al property sei apart lor tie benefit of ie i lows of ib vdonu have been tiled In tin or II ol He- I lurk of Orphans Court of Bu ler c inly, vre: \ idow of W. A. Smith ' • •• William 11. Jones l« •' •• John S. luder Sl l" •• •• W D. lebaj Mr #5 •* ** Samuel Stewart 11 •• •• 11. Weokbeoirer 2» "" " Fdwurd Burke .. la -oo " " l.rastus l/>gnß bu VII persons Interested tn the above a|>pr • e 11 nis will take iioth'e ihbi they will b- i rr tied to ihe (irphens' Court of Butler cou.ili ii confirmation absolutely on Wednesday in .1 day of Docoiutior. |s>i. if no Cicopllona bi ll ~i. ItKi UT s MI-KLV VIN. i lerlt O. T . Notice. Notice is hereby xiven that Iteubcn fcaa i. r, committee of Bttrih J. \\ats<in, ft lima* t , hits filed his tiual account in the tfi( < ot ti ; I'rotlionotary ot the Court of ( amnion I' tus of IJutler Co., at M.'s l>. No. 1-, I'eo. 'i tHXi'; and that the same * ill he preseu'eJ tc it-id Court for eonlirmation utel allowance, 0 Wednesday, the .'id day of December, A. 1» . 181)0. Jiiits W. BROWN, rrothonotary. I'rothonotary'* Olfiee, Nov. 4, lH!if>. Notice. Notice is hereby given that John C. .\ ,ore, eonimittee of Andrew Albert, a lutia- It , iiaH filed bis first and final account in the c, .ce of the I'rothonotary of the Court ol < rnuiori rieiis of Duller ( 11., at M.'s I). No. 7 J->pl. I'., Is*>!'; and that the ssiri* will be p ►onttd to said t ourt lor continuation and a on \\ eduesilay, the .'hi day ol 1) ceraber, A. 1)., JIIIIN \V. UKOWN, I'roihonotary. i'rolbouoUtry'l Oilier, Nov. I, IHKO. 1 V- ■ «VEK * SUN. VUIT »• 'U.alawl -»»» IT» E R F TIN E U F V H J J J S! X livervthiiio- yet Topsy-turvy, Enchvays-up, W rongside - Forward. BUT will be in Elegant Order at our O GRAND OPENING ON FRIDAY, NOV. 28th, SATURDAY, NOV. 29th. Campbell & Templeton OLD TROUT.MAX STAND. BUTLER, PA. PREMIUM OFFER! SET OF THE WORKS OF CUES DICKENS, tn Twelve Large Volumes, .'-v ~~ ' 'A TThich we Offer with a Year's Snbscriptieu £r to this Paper for a Trifle More tlic.ll <9-,. \- r : » • - Our Begular Subscription Price. WwbinK to larßely increase the circulation of tbia s* I -jj" paper ilttritij? the next *is months, wo have made ' . ■ ' *- ■.. V&Ss arraiißements with a New York publinhinf; honse *7;» Oj 3?*; whereby we are enabled to offer as a premium to our V • Bllbscnliers a Set of the Works of Chnrle* Ulck rm, in Twelve I,urge nntl llnntlsome /f- >A'./a Volume*, with a year'# »ul«criptioii to this paper, lor a trifle more than our regular biil,- I ( ■ S, ecription price. Our great offer to •übucribera ■ " '•& eclit»e» any ever lieretofore made. CbailtH -',Tr "MBWW*'.•• Dickens was the greatest novelim who ev- i 'HSf;• lived. No author iiefore or since hia time li:.- '.if I fflL won the fame that ho achieved, and his worl n Wi' *re even more popular ttvday than dtiriti;: *• bis lifetime. Tliey abound in wit, liunioi, path' s, masterly delineation of eharao :, vivid descriptions ol places and incidents. * .. , >3g> thrilltoK ami skillfully wrought plots. E-- '* " " ~ book i* intensely interesting. No liomeol oul.: be without a set of tlit se great and reiinti h > ••/ ' 1 '■* - able works. Not to have read them is to I . -J j*- far behind the age in which we live. The CBAKLKS J>ICEI:S3. set of Dickens' works which we offer as a • I ::11ii III i »:tr su'i'SCt iberi : i handoomelv printed from entirely new plates, wi h new type. CI t :ve vdnmcs nuin the following world-famous trorke, each ono of wbicb is pub -1 .ri! e m • u c'.n g-d, a .<( absuhitily unabridged: D CCPPERFfELD, BARNABY RUDCE ANO CHRISTMAS i PT-M CHUZZLE'JViT STORIES, ;VHOLA3 HICKELEY; '' OLIVIJWIST AND GREAT EXPEC >:i «IBEY AND SOW, THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP AND „ --A.-V HOUSE, THEUNCOMMERCIALTRAVELER, LE DORRIT, A TALE OF TWO CITIES, HARD .>iJR MUTUAL FRIEND S TIMES AND THE MYSTERY OE •ICKVVICK PAPERS, EDWIN DROOD. j 1 .' l i -., .ire nr'io'it (jiic :ion the most famous novels that were ever written. For a . . c. i.ti i v tuey have bcoti celebrated in every nook and corner of the civilized V. tie. re thousands of homes in America not yet supplied with a sit of Dickens, • li. *1 I -h of tho Ixioks preventing poople in moderate circumstances from enjoying . ,■; . no-.v, to tlie use of modern improved printing, folding atid sutchini; i; .t! e I '.ti-'.oie 1 low price of white paper, and tho great competition in tlie book , i ' . iiaM It. offer to our stiUscriliers and readers a set of Dickens' works nt a , . e if ml to pay. Every bouie in the land may now l>e supplied with a set . g, .: h r'n Mo, kl. To those of our subscribers who are not now in arrears with us for more than , ear, and to all new subscribers paying in advance, we will send the above lionkn, po.-t --i sro prepaid, for an additional 70 cents. The hooks are well printed irtul are bound in niper. The twelve books could be bound, so as to make two handsome volumes and a complete set of Dickens for your library at a very small cost. Tho only objection 'tat can lie found with them i- the small print, as we believe them to be complete. A uuple set can bo seen at this office. —[En. CITIZK.N. REGISTER'S NOTICES. The Itcirlster hereby (fives notice i hat the ! .Ilowim; accounts of KxecutorH. Admlnlfipt • irsatitl Uuardlans have been rile i in his oflico to law. and will bo presented to >ur', for eonlirmation an I allow jnce on edneaday, the :>tb day ot Dec., A. 1)., is;*), at . o'clock p m. of alii day. I. Filial aecoo tof Ale>:oi.!or .-.lewart. iftiar tan of Willie It vV'htW, minor -on of New ton bite, dec'it. •i. Par'lal :ic. unit of I>. B nwtliotr. exo t ittrr of Krancls McCro n, doc'il. lata of Adams wp. • з. Final account of Samuel W. Hepworth. ex i otor ot Sanen l llepwot'tb. deed, lalo of I itr.ilo Twp. I First And tlna! account of BenJ. »\. duplies i utrdlan of James ctendenoiu*', niiaor son ot sse Cleudennlntr, dee d. 5. Final account or James W. executor • i .Martti a \ OIOIK'. dee d, lale of Co.o-i.rd T.vp. Final account ot Jatiio, w Kollj adinlii . ' tutor of P. W. Conway, deo'd, late of Sunbury I irtiuph. 7. Filial account of Adam Hjer'i admllils ator ot FlU.ils'th J. liycrly, deed, late of .Halo '|"wp >. FlrNt and final account o. Mm. U/.zl« tilth, administratrix of Thomas Smith, deo'd. te of Butler Bonei;jh. Final aceo'tot or 111' as Fh*eis'r. guardian i lx>renzo W Fleeter, minor ciilld of lilies iocper. 10. Final ac.-outit of Satn i I 1,. Wick, piiar an of Will. A lilies, minor s,, ~r laivvard I lies, dis'd. late of Brady Twp. 11. Final account of I *ll is Huffy, executor 1. Ir. r Tp. IJ. Final account of C"o. W. I'l•• • r and 1. . I 'leotfer, eXt 'Jtors of I'eter Fit epar, dee d te of i "uncord fw p. 13 Final ;u' uint of Amrelliie lohnstoti, ad 'ulstrafrtx ol \lfre 1 1.. I'.ilt ■i i. 1 • d. late Mercer Twp. и. Final account of Ad,on Ua;- . ex- ■ utor or •ury It us-, dt d. lal.' n| /, il ■ tpie lioiouph. 15. Final acc.iuut of s utheit admlms ator of Samu 1 (.'. Dout.ii ilUc'd, laic of For ird Twp. 10. Final nc-ount of Solomon Dunbar ana unci Davis, aillinril: trators of John Stew art, c'rt, late ot F.vans' !'. IT. Pinal account of Mart lap. tociitrl* I'lioodori. Iv rstlup. o d.UI' o .1 n lison I'p. is. Final account of I>mn - I. ii't* and Irtek i.opue.' secutor.i ot Mi ; I .ill rty • il. late ol t .. trrtold Twp. t'j. Final account ol sun , ! ; hi iitcl and ueilnn croup administrators of I.y ma u Croup, d. late of !. Hi i l wp. a). First, filial aud dldrlb i' ■'! a count of inn,ill Browioleld.exe 'ill i ot James Brown- M, dec d. lal eot DoOCt;al I« p. M. Final a . nut of M. I) Slei'lellatid. ail • i dstraior of 1.. /. Mo' ielUiil, ii s:'d. late of llejflieny Twp. :i. Final iueount of Henry 11 "a. guardian lewis A. ll'hnliold. mi lir < : il l o 1 11'' tdore ' J. Filial UC« Hilt iA I rfUiTlclC '.Vi ty.ol, :ul»r of ii«ii»ry Fof ri.-icii, clcc'il. ol INiraori Twp. 24. Partial account or .1 .».• Jtf, a'tin!uls »i rix of Jaiut'K Stinswii lillluTt, M. luUi of iflalo Twp. •Final account of All ■ j! 1; ■ iuliuln iior of Julia Ui»'i4Jiiii,;, df-'U, lttU' of Uiiller trough. Final acciiunt c»f Hfury !(. iwl i j tit ral or of JI a una) i H«*aiu«r, • «i. late of Hleihtown. 27. First and fliml of (i. |>. Swalu. cculor »f It' iil tmln th\ l;il* »f /J'lu*- »pl« HoUiu/h jk. 1' iii-tl uo'-iiun* of 1 r;i Staufl r, of iart<' rtt.i'i!T**r, uilnor»on ■ r l.yiltn StuufTer, C'd, ! 11« Of J iCICVOD 1 P- Final an 1 (llnlrltiiillon a■< t nt, of Mar* r«»t liuoiplm v an<l Win. M llumi'liwy, a«l --nUtratorn of k. llumphrtv i.t.l. Lite »f « i'wp. *>. au<l linul «t ' junt ? f <<*' "\'f Mix •11, of (i M tluinphi . minor Km o( u. HumpUrey, tl< ' il. lalo ol < onnoipn-nt vp. a. Final ar<-.jtmtof Mt-MU'h * ;l. <*x«H!u- u ibl < 00l M tr;( ir-*t TttuUUn. «!• r 'd. lat*> <;iuv Tw»>. .'i. Final a«"> of *' F. i*»«*r«r«-. a l'iilnt . f ra r of .lotin deo'd* l.i!»s oi I lie irolij'U ol MUMTfIoWi!. i. ] liial iov'wuiit. «ii« li..r! !1. lkK>k. a«ln»ln rator of J. it.>, dtt 'i, lai«.» of < horry vp. 11. A AV lU-.S, Kc^hiter. NOTICIi. Notice in hereby given tbat the stock olilorKoftht iluticrSaving- Uatik w ill meet i the ronnm of Haiti liatik, S. Main St., utlor l'a.. on Suturdny, Ilec. 20, IKi'O, at I o'clock a. hi , to vote tor or against tlio ropoitition lo renew ami nxtiuil tlio char •r corporate rights and franchines ol raid utler Savings Hank. By order of thu uartl. J. L. I'UBVIS, Pre*. W. A. Si KIM, Sec. AV. I), lirandon, att'y. i., r > LC & THOMAS, (( u W titnrt, CHiO*Otk . Sheriffs Sales.J liy virtue or a writ of Lev. Fa. isaoed o:s>' of the Court of Common I'luaa of Butler Co., l'a., unci to me directed. there will be expo oil to public sale, at tlio Court House, In the Borough or Builer, fa., on Monday, Nov. 24, A. D., 1890, at l o'clock p. m.. the following described prop erty. to-wlt: W. D. Brandon, att'y. E. I). No. cu,Dec. T., l■M All the rluhr, title. Interest and claim or N Dyer, administrator, of. In and to a lot of laud situated in Butler biro, Butler county, l'a., bounded as follows, to wit: Be£tnnliii; at the northeast corner of lot at a post on corner of Centre and Brown inuw, tfiraot along Brown avenue Ail feet to a post 011 Alpha Way. then e alontf salt! Alpha Way 7.1 feet 4 Inches to a post on corner of tot No. owned by I'lillllp I»au beuspeck, thenee alonir linn or said lot a.':", feet 10 inches to a post on Centre avenue, Ucni o along said Oentru arenue so leer to the north* 0 ust corner, the place of heirmiiing lots NOB.— and - or Win. s. Boyd'splanot Hpriugdale Seized and taken In execution as the property 01 A. .\ I>\or. administrator of the i slate ot Belinda Dyer, dee d, and A. N. Dyer, at the suit ot KraneiS l.iube. Nr., and Francis I.aubc. .Ir. T. C. Campbell, att'y. K. I). No. 75, Dec. T.,*181« All the right, tllle. Interest, and claim or W. I>. Brandon, administrator of the estat ■ of lit 1). i itnipbell, deceased, of. In and to l."i acres o, land, more or less, situated In Butler township. Hut lor county, l'a. bounded as follows, i i wli: ll' V-liiiilUi: AT a post tear the plank road, i li MICJ b>. I.i i,ds of CoonreS haiTiier north 7i: west II porches to it white oak. thence by lands of nam' .u went 21 perches to a era > tree, thence south 4 ea»>t ki perches to a stone, thence by lands of Laurent or public road west itfi.Hi per to a post, thence by lands ot Bean 1 * heirs north s-' 1 * west 4:i Mo porches to a post and eh stuut tree, thouce by lands 01 llonry Neely 10)4 west 1.10 7-10 porches lo a post, thence i.y land or I). KUltra heirs. i\ Bertf ot a l. north y.i 10 east I'sis 6-10 perches to a white oak. ihenco by lauds of I>. Bean's heirs south 1 east ID porches to a stone. theuee by same > 1 itn ..• west 21 .i ll) perches to an apple tree, t.i 11 e by Bean's heirs north T!i east at perches to a stone, thence by same north m east 41 "i-10 perches to a post. ;thenee by hunts of John i'rleo south lfi'{ west a! perches.W ft post, luo place m betslnniiur. Seized and taken In execution as the piop erty of W 1» Brandon, administrator 01 the estate or II l». Campbell, deceased, at the suit of Mary A. Dowllnjr for use, etc. 01.l V lilt C. ICKlJlt', Sheriff. Administrator's Ndtice. K-TA'IT. OF JAMI:« MCELHANKY, DIC'D. K i tice is hereby given that letters 01' cd ministriition on the estate of James Mc- Klhtinoy, lati oi Butler Borough, Butler Co., ot ceased, have been granted to A. I' Black, resident of .ni l whom all p -r- n s indebted to said estate are rei|Ue»U"d to make payment, and tho»e having claims or de mands will ni'iLe known the same without delay, A. T. BLACK, Adm'r, liuller, l'a. „ Bl *'* CatarrH Cream once, and, Lurt .-HtjgsCq[*i/> '■AOI t «i.i» in 11 had Jyra CATARRH kjL liny l\>wrML^s / iS .\ui II Liquid, Snnj) NB or l\„ ler. H i'rfr J'rmil htjnri W'M-J/ N*" & u.sJl. | Pni'jr and ||AV.CI?UrB ojh i in Odors. aJßiw A particle of the Bain Is applied Inritlii nostril, is ujfraeablc to and Is quickly ab Bur bed. effectually cleansing the uasiil pa sages ol catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions It allays pain and Intlammatlon. protects the membranal linings of the Ilea I rrom additional colds, completely heals the sores and restores the-» use of taste and smell. Beneficial results are reaiued by a few applications. A TUOKOBOII TIIKATMKNT WII.L CPU*. I' cents at druggists; by mall, rogister cd. to cent s. Circulars sent free. KI.Y HltoTUi:i<M, Druggist*. s« Warren St.. Catarrh la Not* lllood Disease. No matter what parts It may finally effect, ca tarrh aiwajs starts in the head, and belongs to the liead. I'liere Is OO mystery ot the origin ~f this dreadful disease. I* logins In a necliH-ted ■ old. one of the kind that ts "sure to U- better in a few days." Thousands of victims know how It is by sad experience. Kly's Cream Balm cures colds In the head and catarrh In all lis slaves.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers