CARTER'S |»"Vi CURE flick Heatlacbe and relieve all the troubles inci - dent to • blUoua state of the system, such as Duainem, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after •ating, l'alu In the Side, &e. While their most nmarkable success has been shown in curing SICK fteariAehe, yet OABTER'S I.rrn.K LIVER Puts He equal!v valuable in Const rpanVin. ctirmtr SdDreveiitintrftii-iann.iTincecinplaint. wbil av also «i>rrret nil disorders of 11 • si. .niacli, mulato the lirer and regulate the bowels. Sven if they only cured HEAD Ache they would bo almost priceiesa to those Pho suffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their poodness does not end fcere, and those who once try them will find fe«se little pills valuable in so manv ways that they will not be willing to do without them. Bat after all sick heart ACHE is the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CARTER'S L.ITTI.F: LIVER PILLS are rery small and very easy to take On» or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vesretnllle and do Bot gripe or pur>*e, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; five for sl. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CABTI2 XSSKKI CO., In Icii. halfiH U Boss, Small Price. igxi I SI,OOO wl I t° "T1» who trill nmitllillil by proof our cUun that Acme Blacking \ S .* >1 WILL NOT CZpy INJURE LEATHER. 7 WOLFF & RANDOLPH. To make an intelligent teat r> f thi*, try the foTlor7- method: Hang; a Atrip of loather in a bottle of Aome Blacking, and lwte it there for a day or < month. Take it out and hang it up to dry and ex amin« ita condition carefallv. WerecommenQ Udww %o make a similar tent with French I>re«rin« and Ctlemen with any hanid solution of Paate Black ar with liquid blacking that com»s in stone jugs. Wolff'sAGMEßlacking Makc-a any kind of leather WATERPROOF, SOFT s AND DURABLE. Us beautiful. rich, GLOSSY POLISH i) my equaled. Saves labor and annoyance. A PolHh Ln*t« n Month for Womfn. and A Wt'fk forMcn«*ndonlJarnci»» Leather even Pour 3Tontlia without renoratiag. WOLFF & RANDOLPH. phiuibelphii. Bold by Shoe Stores. Grocers, and detiyss funeral)y. 'lffoil Have CONSUL PTSOK, BRONCH!TIS, SCROFULA, COUCH or COLD, THROAT AFFECTSOW, WASTINC of FLESH, Or any I>isease trhere the Throat and Lungs are Inflamed, Lack of Strength or Verve Power, you can he relieved and Cured by SCOTT'S. EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites. PALATABLE: AS MILK. Ask for Scott's Emulsion, and let no explanation or solicitation induce you to uecept a substitute. Sold by all Drugoists. SCOTT 4 BOWHE, Chemists. B.Y, „ E " " CATARRH tm ■jroSa Gives Relief •nee and COLD is HEAD jfA CATARRH WL Hay tW Not a jAi/uitl, Sn 1/rf or Powder. |C3H^V 1 Free from Injuri USA. | 011s Drugs ami gj Fri/CB offensive Odors. * "Mklr E. f\ A particle of the Balm Is applied Intothe ■ostril. Is agreeable to use ana is quickly al> ■orbed, effectually cleansing the nasal passages •f catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions. It allays pain and Inflammation, protects the meir.Dranal linings of the head rrom additional colds. Completely heals the sores and restores the sense of taste and smell. Rcneflclal results aro realized by a lew applications. A rnoKOi'uu TREATMENT WIU. CURE. Price (so cents at druggists; by mall, register ed. <» cents. Circulars sent free. «LY BROTHERS, Druggists, re; Warren St., H. Y. Catarrh In Sot a Blood Disease. No matter what parts it may Anally effect, ca tarrh always starts In the head, and belongs to the head. There Is no mystery ot the origin of tbls dreadful disease. It begins In a neglected cold. One of the kind that Is "sure to be better In a few days." Thousands of victims know how it is by sad experience. Kly's Cream Italm •ures colds In the head and catarrh In all Its •tages. DOCTORS LIKE L|l PRIVATE DISPENSARY. jACLdy OFFICES, 328 PENN AVE., —PITTSBURGH, PA.— All forma of Delicato and Com plicated Diseases requiring Coxi'i- DKNTIAL and SCIENTIFIC iltdioa- Uon are treatoi at this Dispensary with a suicess rarely attained. Dr.S. K. Daku is a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and is the eldest and moat experienced SPI CIAI.IST in the city. Special attention given to Rervou* Debility from ezeeaslvs mental exertion, indiscretions oi youth Ac., cauainr physical and mental decay, lack of energy, despondency,etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits, Piles, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Skin, Blood, Langs, Urinary Organ a, Ac. Consultation free and strictly confidential. OtEco hours 'J to 4 and 7toß p. in.; Sundays 2t04 p. in. only. Call at olftcc or ad areas 9. K. LAKE, M. D.. M. R.C.P. B. or E. J. LAKE. M. D Thouaamls barn ke<-« iieTiHaneutly cured by A. ifi . or loss of tiino from t>usbiess. Cases I 'jy others wauled. Sena for < ireiftar. CURE GUARANTEED. cmfflKKli SUPERFLUOUS HAIR On th« fomalo face, h«*ad, neck, nana, •ars y UaDiiH, arui^ check» above iha beard lioo aud be tw«en the eyebrows / ) 5 ! deatreyed forever StilSff i by tke El ec trie I Needle Operatioa by Dr. Vau Dyck, \ Klectra Sargeoo, \ J\ tOt Pea a a "euuo, | I I Pittsburgh. Birth /+ 'marks. Molos, I Warts, Moa'a Ked A'■ Noae, Kulargod Veins of the A'one. VryGvjPr Pimples, Black- I heade, Liver Spots aud all di.eaficH and blemishes of tho skin, i complexion, hair and scalp successfully j treated by Dr. Van Dyck. The Doctor has 5 K? d years' experience in the practice of , nis specialty, and numbers among his pa nent» our prominent families. If you axe afflicted with auy of the above blemishes, aroia patent medicines and consult Dr. Van at,,n< : e ; Special terms to all who make tngaKemenU.this month. Book free. Euiraire meats can be made by mail. Call on or address Sfi. , a S« y u k ' 40 N - ,Uh " tr,!e: - Philadel phia, er Ml I'ena avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Hears » to I and 2 to 7; Sundays. 10 to s. MIfCBTIQEBC or others.who V.-T;S •O« xa irt-a CH I I vCVIw th s papo', or ofc!jir. estimat •» an advertising apt.. when in Chicago, will find it on fr I '.. t ■.R.MVRTKIRJATR-: "E LORO & THOMAS. 0 "H El CITIZEN. AIISCELI-AN KOl'S A Valentine. Go, Valentine. Ido not dare To go*niyself and speak The word which, like the morning air. Shall tinpe this Hose - cheek. Anil when you see the scarlet tint Across her features climb, Betraying in a blush a hint HOTT she accepts my rhyme. Know this: if I her heart have won, j Her lips shall part and tell; If I have lost, your day is done— A swift match, and farewell. Go, then, and while I madly Irarn In love's devouring fire. I live if she one word return — Ot else, like you, expire. Harper's Magazine. Death In Milk Pails. Philadelphia Record. "Death and the dairyman go hand in hand." So say the physicians, but the milkmen seek revenge l>y charging a part nership between death and the doctors. Whatever may be the merits of either side fit the -controversy, the warfare between milk and medicine will probably continue until that blest day when every babe .--hall have its own private cow and every man shall be his own physician. Death has been hard worked this winter by tho in . fluenza, which everywhere prevails, and unless he shall soon have a respite from his labors the Destroying Angel is likely to be used up by overwork. As many physicians would have the world believe, man is born only to die, and from tho day ho leaves liis nursa's arms until the time he reaches the undertaker's hands he is but traveling along a milky way of disease and destruction, a sort of river oi death that issneth from tho udder of the cow and floweth direct to the grave yard. To the mother of thirteen children, who consume a gallon of milk per dieinC, and to the man who slakes his thirst now and then with a deep draught of creamy fluid, these aro not pleasant thoughts, but milk has been a staple article of diet ever since cows grazed in tho Garden of Eden, and it is likely to continue in use so long as tho human race shall exist and the cows hold out. The terrors that the alarmist sees in the glass of frothy, creamy milk are like the visions that a 12-year-old child sees in a Thanksgiving nightmare. Tho man who quad's his glass of milk with keen relish and solid satisfaction sees a vision of green fields, sleek cattle chewing their cuds in the shade of wide spreading trees, and a cool spring-liousa whero the j-parkling waters of a gurgling spring bubble around the great pans of ereani-ladon milk. This is the bliss that accompanies ignorance of the real and imagined ills that lurk in tho milk-can. There is no such happy lot, however, for the man who regards the cow as his dead liest enemy. When he opens a milk-can he fears lest tho imago of death shall spring out like a horrible Jack-in-the-box. Instead of the sweet-smelling hay in tho cow's manger he sees a trough of brewery grains and swill, and his poisoned vision sees a grinning skeleton on tho milking stool instead of a rosy-cheeked maid or a stalwart farm hand. To his prejudiced mind the rattling milk-wagon is a clatter ing car of death and the cheery cr}' of the milkman is like the sound of Gabriel s trumpet. Death knocks at tho kitchen door and pours a quart of eight-cent poison into the pitcher that is held forth, aud even the kindly nurse who gives a cup ot fresh milk to the suffering invalid is transformed by tho suspicious man into death person ified. The dairyman laughs, and even the cow smiles at the frenzy of terror into which imaginative people work themselves over tho milk question, aud while the suspicious man gulps down his tumbler of milk with a whispeied "from sudden death defend us" the trustful man swallows his glass <>l lacteal fluid with a long-drawn sigh of sat isfaction and gives thanks for the creation of tho cow. A Sobering Machine. The Doylestown Democrat tells of a con trivance that was in use iu that town that might be of considerable value nowadays if it were revived. This contrivance was a "sobering machine," and it is used to rid the streets of druuken men. It was a rough box mounted on a pair of wheels, with a half dozen young men at the tongue. When a drunken man made his appearance on the streets, the machine was brought out, run to where he was, he was helped into it and laid oa his back, and then run out of town. It was not a downy bed for the occupant by any means, and a ride of a milo would have a wonderful sobering effect on him. The old "bums" who came into town from the country soon got a great dread of the "so bering machine," and after ouo or two rides, the}- failed to visit the place. Its in fluence was very salutary on the same class in the borough, and, while machine was in use, they were afraid to appear on the street when tipsy. —lf you select good and healthy food for your family, you should also look to | the welfare of your baby. For all troub- j les of early childhood nothing is better than Dr. Hull's Baby Syrup, l'riee 'Si cts. Record of merit—the popular praise ac corded to Laxador by reason of its won- ! derful worth as a household remedy. I Price only li.l cents. —Did you ever stop to think what may ; happen in a minute. —Kindness will often succed, whero em inent ability will fail. —The highest rate ofintere t that wo pay is on borrowed trouble. Things tha.t aro always going to happen never do lap pen. "Only one dollar" for Hood's Sarvapa rilla may bring you health, worth thous ands of dollars. —A borrowed horse and your own whip make fast time. —Follies and misfortune we lay to fate; the rest to our own judgement. —Happiness iu this life, when happiness is btst and truest, consists in making oth ers happy. —Under divine law men must work and j oarn their bread. Drunkenness—Liquor Haiiit — I In All the Worki There is But One Cure, Dr. Haines' Golden Specilic. rt can he given in a cup uttea or conrei- with out tlie kuowleilfre oi th«- person taking It effecting speedy and perir.aneutcure,whether ihe patient is a imKlerate drinker or an ;i'co aolie wrci-w. '1 lious.mUs <>f drunkards liuvc t>een cured wlio have taKeii tin- Cablen Spte ilh'lu tlit'lr t « ftec wltl.-jiu tlJeir i.mivvlh'l r <* ai.a todaj l'i-'.lKve they quit drinking of then own free will. No l.ariufiil env.-ts results from its administration, tint -darauteed. Send tor circular and lull pa ticniais. Address, in • 'lilidtMKV, (i oJ.i»!.n S i i> im ('(•., iv, I;a« eh ' I Cincinnati, < >. For Sale or Rent. The house known as tho Campbell House, in Milleratown, formerly used as n hotel, is for sale or rent. For particulars, inquire of I,'. I'. Scott, Esq., or W. I'. Smith, Hntler, Pa. Ad»OITI8E iu 4 ho CITIZEN SAMPLES. SAMPLES. "Special Prices in Footwear. Grand Sample &r Mid-Winteri Sale OF IAN ENTIRE STOCK OF WARM SOODS, HEAVi' £OOES, ETC. JTavin? just received a large line of sample Boots and Shoes from several first-class factories, I take great pleasure in informing you of this great sacrifice sale. Among these samples are some very fine shoes for Men, Ladies and Misses—something suitable for dress and which will be sold at a Yerv small margin. I have also on hand a big lot of W inter (joods which will be sold during this sale at a great reduction. Among these a;e 75 cases Men's, Boys' and Youths' Kip Boots. A big line of Arctics and Alaskas and woolen goods of all descriptions. Slippers, If 11 shoes, wool shoes, with or without leather foxing, and also a big line of Holiday (»oods. But it cau't be helped, considering the sort of weather we have been havinsr, no snow, but a constant mud, and under these circumstances wool goods and heavy boots can't be sold at a margin, but we will will take it as it comes if the season is against us. We will not hold these goods, but sell them for whatever they wi.l bring—this is tho method we have mapped tut with the anti-backward season sale. I also intend starting Last in a few days and will pat my whole attention to lowering the stock preparatory to starting on my Eastern trip—so read carefully each item—note the price aod the first time vou visit Butler call around and see me. whether you wish to buy or not. But after you examine my prices you aro gure to buy, for you cannot resist the bargains. lam offering— -35 cases Men's Kip Boots at $1.50 aud upwards; 25 cases Boys' Kip Boots at $1.25 nnd upwards: 15 cases \ ouths' Kip Boots at $1 00 and up wards; Ladies'fine sample shoes, ranging iu prices from $1 25 to S3 00; 8 dozen Woman's calf shoes, warranted waterproof, at $1 25; 79 pairs child's calf shoes, solid leather tip, at 90c. and SI: 300 pairs Men's calf and buff shoes, in button, lace and Cong., at SI 25 to 52.00. Any of these shoes fully worth from 51.75 to $2.00. Child's school shoes, heel or spring heel, tips or plain toe, at Gsc. to 75c. Call and examine, whether you wish to buy or not. 25 cases Men's Rubber Boots at reduced prices. Men's working shoes in a good Brogan, Creemors or a good Buff Balmoral, with solid taps, and for the glass house trade we have a solid brogan, hob nails, clinket heels, which cannot be beat for wear and comfort. Call ahd see these shoes The price will be a great inducement for you to buy. Shoemakers' supplies of all kinds. Three brands of leather. A full stock Sheffiel sole leather. Charles Simon's French kips. Levan calf, etc , etc. Zinc, rubber soling,iron, Swede iron, and all nails suitable for shoemaking. Shoemakers tools of all kind. Send for our price list and see our prices. Rubber Goods of all Kinds. Boston, W r oonsocket, Candee and Colchester Boots r.nd Shoes at low prices. Medium, knee and hip rubber boots. A large line of Men's fine dress shoes, manufactured by the leading factories ot ihe Eastern market, cut from any material desired Kangaroo, Cordovan, Porpoise, trench calf, etc., Machine, Acme and hand welts. When viriting Butler, drop in and examine the well-known makes of shoes which I will show you. Should you not desire a pair of these at present, don't stay away but call and select far yourself a fine pair ot shoes for future footwear. I have also ou hands 4 dozen of my o>vn make : box toe, pegged, and fine dress shoes which will also be sold during this sale, very cheap At all times a full stock of my own make, box toe boots, long leg, hand sided and hand pegged. Also the celebrated Gokey boot, iu box or plain toe. This sale will last for six weeks, as about that time or two weeks pre vious our Spring stock will begiu to arrive and the above method we have mapped out for this special clearance sale. Trusting you will all visit my store and secure a share of the bargains I am offering. Boots and Shoes made to order. Repairing, either in leather or rubber goods, done on very short notice. Mail oiders will receive same attention as it brought in person. A box of fine leather pomade free on application, Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL, 22 S. Main St. - - Butler, Pa Christmas Goods for 1 Everybody. A splendid line of fancy and use- ; ful articles of every description. Match safes—ia brass, nickel, cel luloid, oxidized silver and rubber. Toilet cases,manicure seta, shaving sets, gloyes and handkerchief boxes in leather and plush. Odor cases in leather, plush aod celluloid. Smoker's 6ets, vases, per fume stands, and an endless variety of fine goods, which must be seen to be appreciated. All finer, nicer and cheaper than ever before. The pub lic is invited to call at REDICK'S Drugstore, next to Lowry House. Examine our goods and get our prices. if E M ORY Wind wandering cured. Bocks Inarned one reftflmjr. Testimonials fr»>m all ffg~l W■ 'pm nart9 of tho fftobe. Prospectus FO6T 1 W Fl ru rr, tent <li application to Prof. V A. Loi*et:e, £>. fifth Ave. New York. Mifflin Strest Livery. \V. U. BIEHIJ, Prop'r. i One square west of Main St., on : Mifflin St. Ail good, safe horsey; new baggies and carriages. Landaus I for weddings mid funera's. Open I day and night. Telephone No. 24. J Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now running a line of carriages between the. hotels and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. It, or Jeave orders at Hotel Vogeley. Good Livery in Connection. New Lively Stable. New Stock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Hordes fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r 39. W. Jefferson St, Butler, Pa. J. E. Kastor, 7 Practical Slate Roofer. Omenta! anil Plain Slating Of all kinds done oil short notion. Ollict* with W. if. Morris jNo. 7, .V Main St„ lienidence North Elm street. Butler, Pa. tnold f.rrn. Refer* i «•<>»,-f.Mi. rod. IVrmft-u-Ht position p' ' 'ar* 'J « ■J* I If you are in Doubt What to get for Christmas presents, you should come to our opening oi' HOLIDAY | GOODS, this week. We have j such an immense line of beau . tiful things, suitable for all I ages, you cannot fail to be ! suited. Prices the lowest, quality , the best. J. H. Douglass. FOR SALE, REGISTERED BEKKSBIRES. The prize winning Berkshire Boar, TOM DODDS, 18.403. Reason for selling, cannot use longer in herd. Also, extra good fall pigs, either sex. sired by Tom Dodds. Pedigrees given with every sale and guar-' anteed as represented or money refunded. Address, J. PAKK Hays, Prospect, Pa. Q Wilß3Ti£B a i* m siYi K m l(. cun\ ::>s lor UIP sale of Nursery S!«.< !;. A full Itxio of leading tpreialiies. Salan and expen ses i-akl ID successful men. Xo l.xperlenee i.eeis.-arv. Write for terms, statin;* ajfe. mention iliis paper.) r. 1.. nooruuv Nuiserynian, l as' Pane. liocUe slcr. N. V. 9 (t M ft* £3 ? O N S ALA K V or -J< L S.y 5- 14 COMMISSION' All tlwt Is required is a SJT Tft character and willingness liiUS £la I ill work. Write ar once to Ellwan- : p f? J3 j • 'jf cor A. Barry, KocUester, N. Y.,»* Nlf ! tU Mt. Hope Nurseries. Established lwo. \V T ANTED—Agents t.. solicit orders for our ' * en o:ee ana liardy Nursery Stock. Staily Work I'or Kncrpctlr Temperate Men. Salary and expenses or commission if drefer d. Wrlie at. once. State Age. Address. ff. G. Chase &Co '' I'i.llad'a! V!" ' q ' A. J. FRANK k CO. DKAI.KK3 IK DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALh" FANCY AKi> TOII.ET ARTIOES, SPONGES, IIKI'SHES, PERFUMERY, £c' Jjr-l'hysiclanV Prescriptions carefully coul pounded. 5 S. Main Street, Butler. Pa. WHEN YOU VISIT PITTSBURG CALL ON JOHN C. & A. MURDOCH, ."iOS SniirMield St., for Trees, Sccus, Lilies, Grape Vines, Hardy Roses, Canary Birds, Gold Fish, etc. Descriptive Fall Catalougo mailed free. SAI.SMEN to sell Nursery KllM I ' SI Mock. All (ioods Warranted H Dii I ill II l:sT( I.AsS. Permanent II Ml! I LU pleasant, prolltable positions fur the right men. (iood salaries ami expenses paid weekly. Liberal Inducements to begin ners. No previous experience necessary, out lit iree. Write lor terms, giving age. CIIARI.ES 11. t'IIASE. Nurseryman, Rochester, . N. Y. Mention this paper. dollar S NOW FOR 80 CENTS. THIS is What our sale means in allowing Twenty Per Cent. Cash Discount from regular prices oi All Over coats. We are determined to dispose ol them, and therefore offer this extraordinary inducement: I S3O Overcoats now $24 sls Overcoats now 812 ' S2-"> Overcoats now S2O §lO Overcoats now 88 S2O Overcoats now £l6 $0 Overcoats now $ i All intermediate prices comparatively the same, Kxtra good values in Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Hats and Caps; also Knit Jackets, Gloves, Underwear, Silk Mufflers, &c. reduction in Fur and Plush Caps. STRASSIUKM JOSEPH CLOTHIERS, TAILORS AND HATTERS, 161-163 FEPEmM ST. The Great American HOG is Coming. The Great American HOG is Coming. I I WE WANT MONEY ! We have too many CLOTH WRAPS AND JACKETS. OVER S3 f OOO WORTH. We Will (Jet Rid of Them in This Way: We Will Sel \ < $ i 00 ~ WRAPS AT $ 2 00 500 " '■ — rs& --> 250 6 00 " • -i 3 00 , 8 00 " " 4 00 8 1000 '"- " &.?!■ " r» oo 12 SO -'• " " <> 25 13 50 ■ " 6 75 15 00 «—■„«. 7 50 18 00 "„r " 900 20 00 " 10 00 22 50 H " 11 25 ( 25 00 " .Z-1Z" 12 50 This Great Sale begins on Friday, Jan. 24th. Now do - j not come in next week and ask lor, say a Si 2 wrap at SG; and - j when told they are all gone, say we advertise goods we do not have. The sale begins Friday. When the sale opens,we will have all the above goods in stock. We make the sale to sell * them, and sell them quick, so that if you want to select from - j the full line come in early. J ] Rittei 4 & RalstonJ i I' T. F-A-PiES, LEAdING MILLIHSBY HODSE Special Mounting Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and Nuns Veiling always ready for use. No- 18. South Main Street* - - - liXJTJLKK* I? A. ■ A solid- STEEL FENCE! EXPANDED METAL; CUT pKtil™"' SOMETHING NEW ?or Residences. Churchfs. Cemeteries. Farms Gardens Gates, Arbors, Window Guards, Trellise% Fire-proof PLASTERING LATH, DOOR HATS, Ac. Write for Illustrated Catalogue: mailed free CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO » 116 Water fit., Pltlnburcb. I*n. ■Ordware He n keep IU Give name of this pa?o STEEL The cheapest and neatest Fence for around Lawns, School Lots, Poultry Y.irds, hardens, Farms, etc. \Lao manufacturer!* of Light and Heavy Iron Fencing:, Cresting, Sinblo Fittings, Fire Shutters, Fire Escapes of different designs, and kinds of I RON A>*D WiRL WORK. J TAYLOR & DEAN, 203 and 205 Market Street. • PITTSBURGH. PA. K&TT>t-CpCE JSMSIIrT? sb^-'AKBSS iT|R!|V>IbI I unfjtitl'd. and to Introduce our Jtyr —[ r toost 1»B*S03I In each Ixml'.tr, W ftllHp 5h "Jhanre All you have to do In rvturn it to show our good* to those who rail—rour neighbors ■ and th «•< around you. The b*. AYE MOBE^y^ >, * rtnping of lbi * *«?' •h™it the fiftieth p.rt ofiu balk . It >» * r»n<l. double iize tele tbout the mriein 5 . d.y .11...., ftomth. ,urt.w,<h «*" ™ Vf;f„ r vrr.'.r .t once. We p.T 111 txprr,. ch.r;e< H H ALLETT » CO.. 80. «»«! , I'OKTLASD, MAIM j Wm. F. Miller. Manufacturer of Stair Rails, Balusters, and Newel-posts. All kinds of wood-turning done to order, also Decorated aud Carved wood- work, such as Casing, Corner blocks. Panels and all kinds ot fancy wood- work for inside decoration of houses. CALL AXD SEE SAMPLES. Something new and attractive. Also FURNITURE at iowestjeash prices. Store at No. 40, X. Main street. Factory at No. 59, N, Washington streei. BUTLER, PENNA. DIAMOND LAUNDRY, East Diamond - - Butler, Pa. First Class Laundry Work in all Branches. Lack Curtains a Specialty. Also, Clean ing, Dyeing and Car pet Cleaning. Goods collected and delivered in all parts of the town. ANDREWS & SHUTTLEWORTD, PROPRIETORS. I*l flllpay this to our salesmen, OUTFIT \llll|f'K JSE - Can start you at once. Send U I U Ufor terms to J. AUSTIN SIIAW, Nurseryman, Horlienter. VI jPt" n«»ed do ia to abo** what '.\eaend ut> !'.:«■»" wh > call —y-rx* friends a:.J iM-icJiJ- • la valuabletrade f-r a\ « •»'» • • • *•;««.< •!, tad tbu* we are repaid W • » «•* you kaow a . :• jrua v. •arii from ' •"* '•-) '"• ' ' '• btIUMII «'■>., I' * Too Much Warm Weather For Winter Goods. We cannot wait any longer and have made big Reductions in prices on all our Winter Gocds. Now is the time to get some genuine Bargains in Wool Dress Goods, Flannels and Blankets, Hosiery and Underwear, Cloaks, Wraps and Shawls, Millinery, Arc., Arc. We are determined to sell them all before it is too late, New York Bazaar Opposite Postofticc. BUTLER, - PA. Send for Samples —l* RLti. •Y"£U«> HA DTD ' n Philadelphia THIS PAPER*,*? N. V»- AV£R A SON, our »' 'bo fixed j BUT I. I I ' "I ;Vuo not tin* oldest shoe I W Til \\ I"1 house in Butler. We r"£ I | We know our business. ' ' J -*aJre probably the young- V_ * est. 11. 1 T ~T T7^ :ue nn * richest shoe 1 *" "T We've got enough to avoid % \ ri .house in Bntler, r"C I I the necessity of doing busi * —* - ness on the"haud to-inouth" basis. % % I"1 haven t got the largest 1)1 T J IWe have a brand new one yy it maybe t!i" | , J that is right np to date. IV. ITT 11 haven't got the largest J") * Tf I -jWe admit that the length of \ % p .store room of any shoe r~C I I the room liears no relation * * -■—' house in Butler; ours is J—* V 1 to the quality of the shoes rather short. sold in it. f V. a haven't got the biggest | ) |" T We mean to sell our share o 1 1 r1 .shoe trade in the world. I I I the line shoes handled by us. ' * we never expect to-"—' * have. VI. "a~a """ ■ idon't sell eheajier than I TT fTl^ o claim that the goods are 1 y M, anybody else: on the |— C I I fully worth the jiriee. " * -■—■ contrary our prices are-"—' the highest ruling, VII. 117 ■ 1 don't give credit. We 1)1 TJ I try to deal with our a a ri .must have the money I I customers so as to make * ™ the goods. * * -1- them our friends. VIII. 11 to see you all 1 ) H tr j wish you to remember \ a and give lis a trial, I"C I B where we" are located. l)o ' " if goods are not just J-* V J not forget the number; -^ — as represented we will cheerfully refund you your money, 05 S. MAIN ST. WILL HEHOVE MM IST BLACKMOKE & GEIEB, The Great American HOG is Coming. The Great American HOG Is Coming.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers