THE CITIZEN. FRIDAY. JAKCARY 31. IS')). i:t ii.i rt ti . a lR»l»ulall<m of a!> >UI lO.ftut). • : . -. 11l • <* vint v ■. Mt of litillcr i'aunty. villi . ~ . K«»ur railways, n ii gas, and unequalled Ifr'tilUt'H fur manufactures. I*r«» n % ss everywhere; new building, ww 11 : i> tur> .i '.;rowlii{» anil |»ros|*rousi tnwrn TKAI NS ANl> MA IIX i I INS It. I: Trains leaio natter J U J Froeporl. liuir-IIK'. lUls'.mr-at «='-> *"• . s j™ A m. and r..~, an it P "] . C 'T7 ? Ui'«r points at »:<>'• a m ami M6P in. and ar rive st iflcso a. ni. awl P lJl i' s & L K. II K Trains i*-aves for ,; fj * ! » villi* Vt v«0 ami a. ui. and 3SO !»• Mails t i M Snd T:3) p. .... <Mused pouch.-. l.Vr l:.'.Veri" ttov .rd »i..l llildanl at »:'» P- ■« M il! ..Mil ' 1 1 I'" I' A. \V 11. It. -Trams leave Batter for All e ulieiiv at ■l-'O. 8:l. r > anil U«» a in. and l:»i and "wp iti Fori lie north at locsu a. in and Tar. p.m.' Mails closf tor the V\e»l :.i. I rv.utli at .">» iin K«>r aim Mi ' N«*rlli at itln ir " |or lm-.1l point-* V.. -I or ' ultery at f_. ■•'ii 1 r local point-. South ami PUUhurt at '.'id p. m :,uit tir I .iiilnuir. oil City,Harnhart s Milts I'iurtou aliJ l-'o at I'.S' p. ill. 'tat!*-: arrive IP'.." I'itt-tnir.- ami local pei.iU we.ii . i i. r. ;»i i in ; from l'lttauont. Oil I'tiy. !'irnliart Mills. ' tarlon. I'oxburic and local i«>!iii. u-tweeii Allegheny and llmler hi I0::*i in from I'lltsburg and tlie Fast at l.rjj p. ll' ir.n.i i ami lUe North at 4«l p. In. Mails tor In--al |enuts tictneeii Altegbenv and i ,i!ter\ •!i»- at .::pi and 7:»> p. in. ?-r.n: IJoutks Oail> mail lor .Ml. « hfsiuiit arrni - ii il a in. and leaves llutler I*. <>. ;it t-- lii Hullj mail i t Norlll Hope, Hooker an 1 ..; . , irrivi .at II a .in. aiel departs at !:» i-. in. Sl'tii- , nitier-; i in Ite s» i-Ufe.l at tne poat i,:.i • it. laitler. I'iostwets I'Unlmry (. ouhers \ ist- I'. <> (tlarnUart Nilils.. ■ ■••litre. ii!e (Stipix ryrty k), I'otPitia. l.arns I'll, iltil Kenln-v.. Tile ti~- Is Itv« ntl s-mis .in.l- rti.,s cent., tor tlx. w lev*, t te. 1 % .si al notes wtiieh are nosaler tiian en • astliey are made payable -o Mhiy ..iit .. cents ior or It-s-i. |,tM Al, .V.-SKM IILY xrm, Kni«bts of La bor, ni.-u every Friday night in the Car >.,. , iix-i Joiners Hail, third tloor, Hnset ' 1 1 ni Id iii \y>t. M. <Ji.i:nn, Km. Sec. New Advertisements. Mechanics 15. A L. Ass'jciation meet in .f. V.'. Miller, Architect. P. rt. ,th. v.. U. K. Co. Kramer Wapons. I»r. Peebles, Specialist. Vick'i; Plural Guide. 4."nion Signal. Noti:—All advertisers intending to mak.r changes in their ails, should notify us of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. LOCAL AND GENERAL Pass it Along. 1 a-kod her what paper she preferred, And warmly kissed her cheek, Then pressed her heart's reply: • Say, darling, can't you speak?" She moved a little closer then, And answered: "Lovely Sir, The one of all that suits me most I the Wavland Kegis-ter!" Way land Ilcyisler. .1 ii-1 kis. her on the other check, Sec what she thinks of that. Then press her for an answer. And .' he'll say the Democrat! —Livingston Democrat. Kiss her on the cheeks, forsooth, When lips were made for men; Ju I. bite her with your big front tooth, And she'll say the CITIZEN! --flood morning—kcr-cbew, ker-chew. —Tim grip is called schaffkrauheit in (ieranany. The doctors are as busy as army sur gcons, after a battle. -And now you don't need a handle to your n ituo to get the grip. '--Ti.ruing whiskey Into men is not look ed upon as a miracle. —So this world has been girdled in 72 day. No matter—you can go to the next world in le.-s time than that. \ Pennsylvania man wants a divorce because bis wife danced lor joy when he chopped liis linger oil. A passenger engine is said to consume about liii pounds of coal per mile, and a freight engine about (Ml pounds per mile. A brakeman named Uaggerman was killed by an accident on the P. A IV . near Valencia last Suudvy night. —With the exception oi a few days this Winter lias been like a aterbury watch principally Spring. ■ Judge Taylor of Venango county, is sick, and Judge Henderson took his place on the bench. —At the meeting of the Live Stock Ins. Co. Tuesday afternoon the old officers were re-elected. Mr. Lewis Mechling now his the pro (luce and fish market in tho the I'.rady building. —A committee of liutler ladies expect to have ltelra Lockwood lecture in liutler 4.n the IHth and l!»lb of February. -'•Every noW and then we meet a man who would do a good deal of good in the world by dying." —Th.-eo men answering the descriptions of Mrs. Kudert's murderers were lately seen at Portland, Maine. —The angels of charity liavo discovered pom-' needy consius and arc supplying their want--. - Send 10 cents (which amount may be deducted from first order) to James Vick, <(cdmiin, F'iche ter, N. Y., for copy of hi t Guide. "The face of the Empress Augusta as wins lay in her coflin was pale."— Cable Jh /inlfli. That' . (range, too, consider ing she wag dead. —Two lielgians "pitched on" to a Frenchman, in Springdale, Wednesday night, knocked him down and broke one of hi leg-: The Springfield llcjuthlirnn pays that a strong infusion ol bom-set taken cohl four times a day, half an hour before meals and jut before retiring, has routed "the grip" and left the system clear and Invig orated. —An exchange wisely remarks: "With some people the; smaller foundation for it the greater the bustle." This is a double barreled remark; it will do for philosophy *ml might, be mistaken for a fashion item. —We have lately heard Bovcral fanners icompliiiu of their horses being lamed in liutler by tramping on nails in our streets tind alleys. Store-keepers whoopen boxes on our sidewalks should see that no old nail.- are swept or thrown into the streets or alleys. -That an amusing story that story of "The Nomination" on our first page, and our Democratic brctbern can lake a lesson from it. How different the method thai pertains among tin* Kepublicans of tlii county who allow every candidate to "work out his own salvation." Mr. J. C. Summer* of l'hilad'a., arm ed at Freeport last Saturday, with three hnndivd men and all the paraphernalia to go to work on the Kough Hun branch of the Wivt 1 Vnu Uailroad, which is under contract to be finished to Kough Hun by- July I. IMHi. Hoarding houses, stables nnd -haulies will have to hi- built, along the route, as there are mi conveniences along the rough route where the road is to tie built. Circus clowns are now devising Jokes with neither rhyme nor reason, And are also memorizing Chestnuts for the summer season. Ho who clings to the troth can well li'dd his head high And ne'er rne it Though at time- handicapped by the man ' who can lie And Sliek to it Tlie Baughinan brothers have erected j their saw mill on the Snyder and Sphon place, forn erlv Mc.lnnkin, in Summit twp, and after cutting the timber there. the\ will more to the John Noellet farm An old ladv remarked the other da; to a friend ««h«' inquired after the health of the family, "Oh, they're all -ick —every la«t one of 'cut's down with the liu.-inn iiitlueiiee, aild mod ul 'em's got the gripe with i'.." —An esehangc sij lioii't throw your old ruiiiier Lniots and >lnn*i away. Save them for the agents of the chewing gum manufactories who are now buying them up I;, all ports of the country. Pulverized rubber boot; and overdioes. flavored with vanilla, strawberry and other extracts make the best chewing gum. —The mayor of Pittsburg is doing a very sensible thing. He lias notified pool room proprietors that he will prosecute any and all of them who encouarge the'-Mltcmlance of minor i. There is a law forbidding bil liar.l ami pool room proprietors to permit boy .to play, but it more honored in breach than in the oh; ervanci*. A little of this sort of thing in lluller might do Miuie good. -Just now the paper are making a great heroine of Nellie Illy. Whatever credit attaches to her performance i : really due to the railroads and steamer All in: had to 'ln was to it still and hold on. It wa. improved steam power and compe tent navigating and engineering that zip ped the young lady along. In short, tho illy trip is tin* triumph of modern skill in rapid transit. —Franklin \> tr.i. —Speaking of the pre.sent remarkable winter. Ilaniel Snyder, Ksq., of Westmore land county, aid that between the holi days, in the winter of 184.1 or Hit, he gathered enough apples to make a barrel of cider, there being no fro t t- p to that time sufficient to freeze the fruit. Kut on the Ist of January a heavy .mow fell, last ing to the 25th of March, on which day the sun came out irongly, causing the snow to disappear suddenly, followi d by an early spring. —The I'iilcisnn < «// notes the fact that you can read the proof of a newspaper ar ticle three or four times and pans repeated ly over the sainc error without seeing it. All newspaper men will tell you so. Hut as soon as the press is started, and the pa per is printed in its complete shape, there it stands out in front of you, so big that you can't see anything else. It's a strange fact. And this, says the Cull, is the reason it is so easy to edit a paper after it is printed. The cold wave so longed for a visit did pay, And, then, ah! away it soon went. The folks as they talk of its visit now say " 'Twas a little cold wave for a cent." —Separate nominating conventions or meetings for each ward will have to be held this year in Bntler. All the officers to lie elected ward officers—one council man, one school director and one consta ble lor each ward. We have already men tioned the subject of concciliiien and school directors, and as for constables, they arc to be elected for thee years, and a good constable in each ward will save this town the expense of policemen, and give us better protection. —Americans plan one day and change the next; they begin building with their plans in their heads and not on paper, and have to change so many details that their buildings cost theui a great more than they expected. All plans and specifications should be on paper, so that all contractors bidding on the building will bid ou exactly the same work. Air. .1. W. Miller, the Architect, has opened an office at the S. W. Corner of the Diamond, in the old Sul livan office. He will make you plans ami specifications lor a small building for ten dollars, and what you will pay for these j will probably nave you ten times the amount on an ordinary six-room house,and besides this you will obtain just, what you want. —How some words will catch the popu lar fancy and others expressing the same idea will be relegated to the rear! This, nine times out of due to the intrinsic ■netit of the favorite, it generally possess ing, in shortness, compactness and expres siveness, the qualities that lit to the pub lic lips. All other things being equal, the short word nearly always "has the call." so to speak, and in no two words is this more noticeable at present than in those used to name the sneezing and serious ep idemic that is sweeping half 'round the world. In Butler, as elsewhere, concise, forceful, one syllabled "grip" is used prob ably ten times to once its big, four-jointed elder brother, "inlluenza," i< called into rcquistion. The short, word beats the long one. —The "'Juiot Observer" of the Pittsburg (lazetlc asserts that women are not a* to viable as nieu, and proves it l»y an inci dent. "The other day a couple of ladies entered an electric cur A gentleman got up and made room lor both of tliciu. They were well dressed and good looking. There they sat,giving each other sidelong glances hut said nothing. Two men got on tho ,<tamo car at the corner of Sixth and Smith field, ami found seats together. TCcforo reaching Liberty street tin y were busy talking about the weather, and by the time the car reached the bridge they knew eachother's names, and were in a fair way to prove that they were related by mar riage, or otherwise. The ladic rode on silently ai.d coldly, each dying to .see what sort of headgear the other wore, but too polite to turn aud look. Thus they rode to North avenue, where one. got oil'. The other took a good look as she went out,and got gazed at through the window ill re turn. Then it was they di covered that they were old friends. The car was stopped, the other got o(T; they kissed, and the car left them talking a duet. —Some very high buildings have been erected iu I'ittsburg during the past few years. The first was the Hamilton and Schmidt. A Friday block on Fifth Ave , then came the Penn and Westinghonse buildings on S'cnri Ave., which run from eight to ten stories. In Now York and Chicago there arc several blocks from ten to fourteen stories high, aud iu St. I'aul a man tried to build one twenty four storie. high, but it met with an accident- one of the tile floors near tho top fell, its weight caused the floor below to give way, and •. on to the basement of the building, and after the accident the building looked,from the inside, like a huge smokestack. The new It'orld building, on l'ark Itow, New York, it nearly completed, ami it will be one of the wonders of architecture. Its ili men: ions are 11'ixl'lC feet, the main builil ing is but thirteen stories high,but a round tower, ."in I'eet in diameter, rises from the (•'•ntre of the roof, five stories higher, mak ing the building eighteen stories high in all, and a . there i n double basement, it might be aid In be twenty stories high. All the writing for the paper will be done in the tower, and the pre s work in one of the basements. The first floor will con tain the husinc s oflices of the paper, tho Other Hours, excepting the thirteenth, which tho (ompo. ilors will use, will he rented for offices. Six elevators will curry pcoph up and down the building With most of us the moments run. In manner hard and prosy; Tin* tlnrist is the only one Whose path in hie is rosy. Oil Field Notes. Nearly one hundred wagon loaded with oil-well supplies, rif tuff, pa 3 pipe, etc . left Uatler last Monday morning for tin* different oil and pi fieldand «jnite a number of teams leave town every morn ing for the lluudred foot territory. .A novel feature of the oil well supply Im.i licss is that a Mp. Taylor, of \\ ashington. Pa., is going through the field taking orders for supplies. The producer* and drillers give her their orders and lie get five percent on them irom the supply .stores. Oue week lately her orders amount ed to $2,700, and her profit on the*e was sl3s—a pretty good week's work. Matthias lfaslcy has laid his farm off in JO acre lots, and is asking SI.OOO a lot. A little, oil was found in well «u the Samuel Miller place in Centre Twp., in the hundred-foot, and they are now drilling for the third sand. l'hillips' No. 3 on the Uoiithett farm, Clade Run district, continues to do abont 2.-. barrels an hour, and thus maintain its reputation as the best well in Itotler do. The rumored strike on the J. P. Craw ford, between fllade llun and Callery, wa? contradicted. Phillips' No. M on the Wm. Goehring farm was drilled deeper last week, and started off at 50 barrels an hour, bnt soon declined to 15. His N'o. I on the Ellis May farm wa - quoted at I'Ju barrels. The Boyd well on the Nichols farm, northeast of Mars, began pumping, Monday liight, but wa not doing much oil. McCollodgli A Co. struck an immense gasser on the Gibson farm. Thorn < 'reek extension, last week. The Associated Producers N'o. I on the Jos. Cashdollar is quoted at 120 barrel ;. Duulap's well at Keibold increased from 2 to 15 barrels after being shot. In the Hundred-foot field, ilazlett A Co'* well on the Humphrey farm is yet doing 100 barrels a day, Patterson A Dickey's well on the Young farm began flowing Monday night, and Lock wood A Cos well on the same farm is in the sand and showing good; several new wells have been started near the Humphrey, and land owners are asking SIOO an acre bonus; the well oil the Rob't Hays farm is small. The Hays well on the Ellenberger farm, near Karns City, is doing 40 barrels a day, and several new wells are going down on the Kllenberger, Frazier, Story and Me Dermott. farms. ,\t (Jreat licit, Phillips' Xo. I "<> the Baldauf farm began spraying oil when ten feet in the Hand; the b'enick farm well wan reported to be dry. Wood .5 Voting, of Bradford, bought Taylor's well ou the Cable farm, including leases for 100 acres on same farm and Dam bach adjoining, for $.17,000, $20,000 cash, and mortgage on leasehold for $37,000. I!. M. Duncan leased '•'> aeres for $2,500 bonus. Mr. Ilasley leased at from S7O to SIOO an aere bonus. The IJeiber Bros. cleaned out their well on the Foreht place, three miles northeast of Butler, last week, and tubed it, and it is reported to be doing ten barrels a day. The Associated Producers are now pay ing their men s.">"> a month. (!. ol' Bradford, has been up pointed guager of the 42ml district. Three thousand dollars were offered for a ten acre lease between the Cable and Lock wood wells. Personal. Adam Korepangh, the great showman, died at his home in Philadelphia, last Fri day .irniii pneumonia, following an attack ol tire grip. Mr. Isaac Burr, of Pcteraville, look the grip two weeks ago. it turned into pneu monia on Tuesday of hist week, and on Monday of this week he was supposed to be dying, lie gave up all hope and bid his family good live, Sunday. lie died Wednesday morning, leaving a wile, who was a Lice.y, and live small diildreu. lie wa:i about :il years of age. Mrs. Jas. McCandlcsa of Forward twp. is seriously ill . Dr. King is alllicted with lMComot»r Ataxia, and will never again have the use of his legs. Mr. Joseph Henry, the agent of the West Penn K. K. in Bntler has rented a house on E. Jelferson St. D. K. Jackson, ol' Krucport, has rented Jos. (iray's house on McKoan St. Mr. Otto Limberg and Miss Lillian Cron enwett were married by the bride's father, Rev. Croneuwett, in the church, last Tuesday evening, ing. The church was crowded, ami after the ceremony the friends and guests par took of a wedding cupper at the parsonage. The happy couple have the best wishes id their many friends. Mr. Jacob Lenz, of the Economitc Society, who died lately, was born in liar ninny, this county. Mr. Nicholas Gardner, the storekeeper at Jacksvillc, is seriously ill with lung trouble, and his son James was lately hurt by being crushed by his borne against the barn door. M. G. Thompson, of Centre Twp , i t down with the influenza. Mrs. Martha Gilkey and her son Willie are visiting friends in the country. Will Miller Jr., ol'Mercer, Bank Exam incr for this district, spent Saturday and Sunday in town, the guest of I*. W. Low ry Esq. The End of the Race. "Nellie Illy" arrived in New York last Saturday, thus accomplishing her journey mound the World in seventy two days. She left New York, Nov. 11, on tho steam er Victoria; reached Southampton, Eng., on the 'J'-M; reached London that evening, crossed the channel next day, stopped in France to see Jules Verne, the author; went by railroad to Hrimlisi, Italy; steamer aeros. the Mediterranean, through the Sue/, canal and across the Indian Ocean to a port of Ceylon, where she had to wait two days; steamer to Singapore, steamer to Hong Kong, where there was another wait ol four days, steumer to Yokohainu, where there was Another wait of five days, steam er to San Francisco, and lost a day cross ing the continent via the Southern l'acilic route, on account of the snow blockade on the direct route, making in all twelve days lost by waiting for steamers, and by climatic influences, and proving that it is possible for one to now circle tin- globe in two months. Her trip from Chicago eastward was one continued ovation, and at New York a crowd estimated at. fifteen thousand met her at the depot. Church Notes. On Sunday! 'be 19th hist., tho following persons were received into the I'. 1". Church, of Duller: On certificate—Mrs. Julia Wilson, Miss Mina McKlwee, Mrs. Mary M. Johnston, Mrs. Ida M. Hutchison, Miss Laura Mo Clymonds, Mrs. Mary Dunn, Miss Sarah Dunn, Miss Cnssio I>iiihi, Mrs. Eva I>. Heed, Win. A. Shaffer, Henry S. Scblagle, Mrs. Ada J. Schlagle, Samuel J. Shaw, Mrs. Clara I!. Shaw, Miss Martha J. Christy and John E. Fisher. On profession—Henry I!. Sturgeon, Mis., belle C. Sturgeon, Mis; Sadie T. Itussell, Anna Mary Clceland, Frank Purvis and Frank Kinter. Twenty three in all, and the member ship of the church now number about four hundred The new brick church ill Springdale ii rapidly Hearing completion. It ami the new chool house give thai part of town a more iibstautinl appearance. Kramer Wagons. For Sale at Mahtincohht A Co'a NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. A Braver county y..ung man in j:til be cause of a breat hof promt i hargc, made furi..ns love to the Sheriff's daughter. Thev urc now on a wedding tour 111 t li** East. Candidates for CwUnty Superintendent :ir«* announcing iu Armstrong county. A contract of more than common im portance and intcre t » closed in fill burg. last Friday. U was entered into hy Hostctter it Co., of Fourth avenue, and the representative* of a European iron manufacturing firm, and calls for the de livery of 30,000 ton; of coke at a point iu Belgium between the Ist of July and the close of the year. The cashier of the New York City p*>-t office, George If. Lonnsberry, on the eve of the discovery that lie was a defaulter to the iimonnt of $27,000 or more, made two attempts to kill himself. At first he tried to asphyxiate himself, and the next day, shot himself in the head. 11p was a hard drinker. He was appointed cashier hy ex-Postmaster General James, when the latter was postmaster at New York. The three burglars cangbt in Mercer last October were sentenced to the peni tentiary for six years and nine months each. Rev. Johnson, Presiding Elder of the Blairsville M. E. district, who became in Bane and was taken to Bedford Springs, is no better and has been brought hack to his home. On the way lie made ada h from his attendants and jumped from the traiu. When picked up his head wa.-> bad ly cut. It, is probable that he will be eon fined in a private hospital, for he has made everal efforts to kill himself. Samuel Carpenter, a blacksmith at Pottstown, had a narrow escape from drowning a few day < ago, w hen he wa precipitated into a barrel ot water. He had been in the hubitVif sitting 011 a board laid across the barrel and some joker had sawed the seat partly through. A North field (Ohio) farmer named Ah ner Grceuleaf, having a premonition that the summer weather would extend far into the winter, tried a little experiment. He planted a number of hills of potatoes late in September. The tubers throve well, ntul 011 Christmas day the farmer's table was, supplied with new potatoes from his iiv.n garden. The fact that a law suit was brought against her hnshand so preyed upon the mind of a Latrobe woman that she made two attempt ■ to take her life. Judge Uaybtirn, Armstrong county's new Democratic Judge, was elected hy Republican vote . He hail not been in office 1111 hourjtill he turned out every lle puhlicau official holding appointment under the court. A decision of the, York county Court, in regard to the sale and purchase of good on the installment plan, may interest per sons iu this region. An agent sold a woman a sewing machine for $55, to lie paid in monthly installments. After pay ing S3B the payments ceased, and the ligeut removed the machine. The worn un sued for larceny. 1)11 presentation of the Court ruled that the machine was leased until paid for and that the charge of larcer.y could be, sustained. A Mrs. Brocius was injured by a fall on a daugerous sidewalk in front of a proper ty in Brookvillc, owned by Itichard Arthurs, and having sued the borough recovered a verdict of SSOOO The bor ough then sued Arthurs to recover back the anionnt of the verdict recovered against, and which it was compelled to pay. The borough gained the suit. The case was tukcu to the Supreme Court and Mr. Justice Sterret has delivered an opin ion reversing Ihe judgment ol the Court of Common Pleas of JeH'ersoii county, stating that in such a case the property owner is reliable and scuds the case hack for a new trial. This would indicate that property owners are liable to damages caused by detective sidewalks abutting their property. James Robinson, a farmer living near Jeffersonville. 0., is the owner of a car nivorous horse which wants nothing bet ter for a good, square meal than a fat pig. Whenever the horse sees a pig that it can get at, it will grab it by the hack of the neck and . hake it to death, much as a dog would shake a rat. The horse then de vours the pig with great relish. Mr. Hob inson is very careful to keep bis pigs away from this horse as far as possible. A villain pretending to lie the agent of the New York IVotlil, received pay iu ad ranee from a large number of subscribers iu Titnsvillc who are now vainly waiting for the paper. The JJnahl very properly remarks: Those who read their home papers carefully are not apt to get caught by such fellows because they know that no foreign paper will scud a paper to an unknown subscriber miles away without cash in advance, and those who read a good assortment of papers know, too, that when the subscription for such papers c\ pires the paper stops at once. The residents of Chester were treated to a rare sight about <• o'clock Monday evening. A meteor was seen to shoot through the clouds and descend rapidly toward the earth. It looked like a mass of lire, the ni/e of a cannon ball and left a stream of lire behind it When within about 100 leet of the earth il burst into apparently a thousand pieces, the shooting fragments appearing to the awe stricken witnesses like the bursting of a mam moth rocket. The sound ol the shrieking pieces upon the paved trecls were heard, but no traces of the fallen inctcof ronhl be found. A gang of thieves have been operating quite extensively iu the neighborhood of l.atrobe. They have a rather novel way of doing business, too. They seem to have a mania for killing live stock, and nearly all the farmers in that vicinity have lost either cattle, iheep or hogs within the pa t few weeks. The thieves are uu like ordinary people who follow the same profession. Instead of driving off the stock they slaughter it upon the spot and carry it away dead, and all efforts to de tect them have been futile. The thieves are supposed to be a gang of tramps who infest the coke works ulolig the I'enusy! vania railroad. It is said they have twice put officers to flight when efforts were made to capture them. The Wliitla Class Co's works at Hearer Falls were closed by the the county last Monday. Judgments aggrc gating .s<>o,ooo were entered against the tirm, and one hundred and seventy five men and boys are thrown out of cm ploymcnt. Maj. Cordon, of New Castle, ii member of the famous Soundheads, died al Adi ville, N. C., last Tuesday. The Republican city conventions o Pittsburg, last Monday night noininatei 11. I. Conrley for Mayor, li. S. Morrow for Controller, and J. F. Denniston loi City Treasurer, and the Republican paper of the town heartily endorse the nomilia tions. Public Sales. Mr. Lewi; Hal. ton intend returning (■ California, and will hare a :nle of persona property on the Full/ place near the torn house, on Monday, February I'Ttb Si-, hill.i posted in the vicinity Vick's Floral Gtiule : I one ;>t the hand oine.-t catalogue tiutr lulled. The illustration are iiilfiidtnl to five the rcadi'i a correct idea ot the plant or tlower illustrated. The gro-Iy ex aggerated, aliimrd pictures which deface .> many catalogue..'and reflect upon the in tegrity of those who issue them, do not appear iu thi. The list of potatoes i-i go«>d. and several new kinds are offered, among them the Early Market It i. aid to be of the Ohio cla :ind is especially recommended for early marketing as the quality is excellent in the early stages of growth or "unripe" condition. The entire catalogue is one that the /.' \. 1 . greatly commands to the examination of its readers.— Rural \i n } ■r, New Y-irk. X. Y. Property Notes. C McPhers"U sold his lion e and lot on Fairview Ave. to .1. M. Hutchison. Esq.. for $1 ,050. Daniel Cable bought two properties in Zelienople last week —the old Sweitzer harth and the Stamui. Henry Miller, of G. W. Miller A Co., purchased the lienno Bros, building on S. Main St., adjoining Krug's meat market, for $7,000. The sale was made by F. M lienno, who purchased George's half some time ago for $2.'100 A Week of Services. There will be av.eek ol services iu the the l". I'. Church, Pro spect, previous to tile 2nd Sabbath ol Feb., When the Coni muuioH will be held. Rev. Breadcn will occupy the pulpit on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Kcv. Borland oil Thursday and Friday afternoon and the pastor will conduct the services during the balance of the week. He Still Avva'ts Guidance. Mr. Rockefeller, the Standard mogul, who declared that hi - income was so great that he had to go down on his knees and beseech divine guidance as to the best way of spending it, has not yet received an an swer from the Lord, but in the meantime he is running half a dozen first rate trusts, aud iu another year he will be able to pay off the national debt —if the pirit move him.— SI. Louis t'loouii If. —The soilf; I>irtlm arc buck already, ami it looks as though »r were to have in. cold weather. On Thursday la ! the President iiouii nated Census Supervisors for this State, excepting for the Oth and 10th districts, fieri. Oliver of Pittshnrg and .1. l!. Mate of Butler were on the list published a few days ago lor these districts, hut there seems to he some hitch in the matter. The contract of the Uas Company with the borough give the company the right to turn off the gas from the treet lamps if the stipply of gas becomes short. The company turned off the gas last week, and now wo plod along in darkm i at night, hut don't il. seem strange. The Markets. BOTI.ER MARKETS. Our grocers are paying 25 for butter, is for eggs, ,'!0 to 40 for apples, ;>0 for pota toes, 00 for par-nips, 40 for beets. So |nr onions, 2| lor buck wheat tlour. 1.7 f0r hand picked beans, 124 for dressed poul try. PITTSBI'RO I'HuW'CK. Timothy hay from country wagons $lO to sl3. mixed hay 850 to 9 SO, packing hay $7, white middling 15 50, brown luid dlings.fll to *l3, wheat bran II SO. rye (lonr, 3 2S, wheat tlonr 375 to 5 50, rye 52 to 54, oats 25 to 28, old ear corn 43 to 45, old shelled corn 30 to 37. new ear 32 to 3!t, new shellc 1 29 to 34, eloverseed 3 25. timothy I 00, new buckwheat flour 2 to 2j. dressed hogs li to S. Apples $1 to 350 per bid as to quality, potatoes on track 35 to 50, jobbing 10 to CO; dressed chicken 12 to 13, dressed tur key 15 1o 10, duel: l-l to IS, country roll butter Bto2oas to quality, bund picked beans I 90 to 2 00, fresh eggs 15 to 10, ice house eggs 10 to 12, goose leathers 30 to Co, mixed leathers 35, cabbage 7 to 8, yel low onions $1 to 1 25 a bit, red-top turnips 1 25 a bid, white honey 10 to 18, brown honey 14 to 15, liomiuy 275 for 200 lbs. LIYR STOCK. The cattle on sale at lierr's Island, Mon day, were nearly all from Chicago and Mild at 3i to 5, bulls and dry cows l{ to 21, veal calves 0 to OA, fresh cows S2O to S4O. The supply of sheep and lambs was not equal to the demand and the better grades bought full prices- Wright .old sheep at 41 to s}, and lauths al 5 to C; Cruiksliulik pot oto Oj for hi lambs; Craig St lor his sheep and 005 lor hi lamb.'. The market lor hogs was active and prices higher—Heeler wholesaled country hogs at 3 90, and fliiuicr at 4. At East Liberty stockcrs brought 21 lo 3, and feeders 3f to 31; veal calves 51 to 0. 'l'llK Oil, MARKET. Closed Monday at 100, Tuesday 100 Wednesday I 05'; Opened Thursday at 1 041. W. C. T. U. All persons or unions who desire to rr new their subscription to I Ins union Siijiml or who wish to subscribe for the first lime and wish the benefit of clnh rates, (one dollar per year) will please report to ine as soon as possible, I would earnestly urge upon all unions who have not ai readv done so to appoint superintendents for thin very important work. No W. C. T. L. woman can afford to do without this very excellent paper, and it is worth double its cost in any home. I take this means of reaching our member, bip who 011 account of ill-health I am not able to reach this year in the usual way. CI.AH.t M. (iUKKNLI I. Kupt. I'liion Signal Work |»r. Peebles, of Philadelphia, who has hccu lecturing tin; present week to such crowded uiidieiicea in the Opera House upon physiology, hygiene, health and how to livo u century, will remain at the Vogeley HOUHC until Wednesday (Fob. f»th). where he will give free medical ad vice to those Kull'eriiig Ironi chronic discuses. He makes it specialty of BUCIi chronic complaints as catarrh, consumption, dyspepsia, rheumatism, ec/.ema, heart, liver and kidney com plaints, etc. His advice and consult ations are free. P. S. <Sr L. E. K. R. Co. Thousand mile tickets are now be ing sold by the I'ittsburg, Shenango & Lake Krie H. It. Co. at the rate of S2O (10. Tickets will be furnished on appli cation to Heneral Passenger Agent, Orccnville, or by Station Agents along the line. W. (1. SAIUIKANT, (jeti'l Pass. and T. A. JOHN T. KELLY, Next door to the I'ontoflice, has a splendid line of Clothing, Overcoats, i'auts, Hats and Gents Furnishing Hoods in stock, which he invites everybody to examlno before pur chasing. lie feels certain that he can save his customers money on all r Fall and Winter Uoods. —See the new Vandyke I'oint r Luce in White, Black and Cream at 11. STKIN k. SON'S. II You Wall >' You will miss great bargain oppor tunities at the great Wrap Sale, Fri day, Jan. 24, at It ITT Kit <V !'AI.STON'S —Examine our stock of Clonks and Wrupfl before purchasing. We ; can cavo you from two to three dol .. j larson each garment. 11. STKIM «V SON , —Diaries for I8I»0 ut J. H. Hot'CLASS'. I.EGAL NEWS. The following ca < lire Oil till' trial li 1 for next week: •lames E. Pringlc vs. II W. Cliri tie F. Elliott vs. James U. Simmers et ,tl Hal/ell Bros v- Peon's R. R- Co. John Kennedy v . John Ue. p. nhci.l Nicholas Knanff va. llenry Prcdicorn George Shatfnei \ Standard Plate Cla Co. Alexander l.'ani ev \ W. S. Eam<ry. Hundred Foot OifCo. \ . 11. \V. Cliri lie et. al. Marshall Foundry Co. vs J; !:. Taylor. W. <Thompson vs. C. (!. Christie ci.. al. The ca-e of S 11. Flwulsg v- Hubert Fleming lias In en ettled. XIITKS. The will of George knauer, of Suinmit 'l'wp., was probated—no letters; also that of (ieorge Frauz Michel, of Summit Twp. —no letters. Letters of administration were granted to T. .1. Critchlow ou estate of Thomas < 'ritihlow, of Prospect: also to Caroline Mueller ou e.-tale of Henry 1». Mueller, of Butler Twp. Mr. I! F. Hilliard was appointed to execute drawings of surveys on sheets of linen- tracing cloth, for use of county. A man named Fox was committed to jail by Esq. Kipper for threatening to kill another, and Carson Kepler b\ same for assault and battery. Pri-oners from Butler Co. iu the \\ esC ern Penitentiary cost the county it.102.50 last year. The whole charge, at 38 cents a day. was $1,741.12, and our boys earned $038.50. leaving a balance as stated. <>ur prisoners in the Allegheny Workhouse co t u. lis". I t last year, at $2 per Week; those in the Heform School at Huntingdon $208.l»8, at 55 cents a day, those :it Mor gail/a *275.25 for last quarter, at 35 cents a day; the patients at Warren f21Ki.25 for last quarter, at *1.75 per week; the patients at Dixuiout $132 25 for la t quarter, at $1.75 per week. LATE PK<">PKKT\ TR\N: M.R*. Sarah Mackey to \\ .1 Meehling. lot in Butler for tit"..' W J Davis to Tho) Wil mi, I aire in Ci ntreville for $125. Mary Stevenson to Martha Sclhuusen, lot in Butler for SIOO. \S run Bartley to Eva Young, lot in But ler for SIOO. C Smith to Itryuuya tioldeii. lot in l!ut ler for s<ioo. S.Miller to CI: Irvine, H acres in Ad ams for $250. Jlio Walker to .1 M Shield-. 0 acre iu Middlesex lor 300. Melissa J Collins to A K Black, i acres iu Allegheny for 250. P Daubenspeok to H v Weydman, lot in Butb r for 300. I .1 Maharg to Nancy Doulhelt, 4 I acre iu Connoq'g for 1515. I S Sherwiti deeded patent right. to H A llrown for Marion, Clay . ml other Iwps. S H Hughes lionghl up a lot of leasd in forward twp fVir the Anehol Oil Co. Marriage Licenses. Frank .1. I'ond forward twp Mary Brcll Chan. A. McAndrows Uilliard- Catliarine Hugau Venango twp Otto Limberg Itntler, Pa Lillian Cronenwett William Baxter Holler twp Katie filaec./ Horenza Biclicj Washington twp Mary Kva Stewart Wm. .1. Ililliaril Hrnin Jennie B. Hodd I'ctersville < has. Baird I'etrolia Maggie May Kneal " John W. IVil \dam Iwp A da Johnston }la rry 11. Hricker I elferson twp Mary I'i. (irahani Peun twp I'. \v. Lowry, K.-q Cutler, Pa May llazcn " Lewis ration Oakland twp Annie Stevens Washington twp Adam llaflfner Butler, l'a Sadie M. Slagla '* Jus. 1,. Long Armstrong Co Annie Watson Winfield twp At Pittsburg—John M. Hafele, of forest Co., and Bessie Tweedy, of I'etrolia. At New Castle--Nicholas Hard iter, iner chant, .lacksville, ami Miss Ami l V. Hougiass, dressmaker, Bern Twp., rence Co. At I'ittsburg—Hdinund II McClelland, of H ans City, and Clara Sarvcr, of Alle gheny City. At franklin Patrick Howard, of Pliil'a. and Melda Jamison, of Butler Co. Wlion I he Sale Ope us we will have nil the prices ad vertised, but ilo not expect to have them long. HITTER At RALSTON 's Williams has as choice a line ol Jewolry mid Silverware us can be found anywhere, and defies competi tion in price. —Our Htock of Hosiery, (Jlovcfl, Corsets, Ribbons, Laces, «tc. is al ways kept up to its well known standard of excellence L. STEIN & SON. A Wonderful Sale that of the s:i worth of wraps nt Hitter Balaton's, Friday, Jan. 24. Highest cash price paid for buck wheat at (Jco, Walter's Mill, But ler, Pa. Finest line of Fur Mull's and Boas ever shown in this city. All quali ties and prices at |J. STKIN AI SON'S. Everybody Should attend the great Wrap sale at Bitter k Balaton's, Friday, .lan. 24, IS9O. —Diaries for IK'.M) ut J. 11. DOUUI.ABK'. Goods Were Never Offered at such prices its they will be nt the Wrap sale, Friday, .lan. 21 at. BITTK.It h BAI.STON'S j. J. Beiber, the drover, wauts all farmers and ntockraisers to know that he still deals in Htoek of all kinds. Any persons having any to sell should address him l.«« K Box '.120, Butler, Pa., or leave with Jacob Beiber, Jefferson St. Our sales of Broadcloths, !■ lan nel Suitings and Dress Hoods liaye been larger this season than ever Large stocks and low prices do the business. L. STKIN ft SON. Take your children to /liver's Gallery for Pictures that will suit you. Anderson building. Don't buy a wrap until you have examined our immense stock and learned our astonishingly low prices. We are overstocked on certain styles and are selling them below cost. L. STKIN ft SON. Try to induce y< or neighbor to take TUB CITIZEN. wanting in finish, tone or a correct likeness. Prof. Loisette's Memory System is creating greater interest tlisui ever in all parts of the country, and per sons wishing to improve their mem ory should scud for Ins prospectus free as advertised iu another column. C.loaUs Plush Coats and Jackets, Fine cloth Jackets and Newmarkets, Stockin nette Jackets, Misses' and Childrens' Wraps, Latest styles and best made goods. We guarantee to save you money on thcno goods L. STKIN «V SON. UuMilo I Flannels, Blanket* and Yarns are the i best goods in the market for service j and durability. We have them L, SI KIN SON Terrible Gas Kxplosion. I c.diltntiii . <• . • p<*rii need l.r I ' natural ga di .ister l i t Friday i vening. ' \ slight eiplo ion had occurred, and ;i i great i nurd gathered around tin Then came another < rah. who h dctnoli. !, ill the in rounding I 111 i 111 ins ■ aiul carried death and iujurie. tn those in the vicinih Sis. wt re killed and 30 were injured. A few moment, after 5 o'cb* k an alarm af fire xoimM, calling not the ntin de partmeut The streets wer ■ thronged with the thou ami of toiler who were return iug to their homes from Workshops and factories, and tlnn quickly spread the news that a frightful calamity had happened in the southern part of the city. The streets leading to that place were non crowded with people going to the scene. Their presence there heaped horror upon horror, as will be seen later on. An explosion had occurred at the double residence of Messrs. Michael Bowers and John Marriot, at the corner of Wall and Noble alleys. The cause of the calamity was an ac cumulation of natural gus in the cellar of the liou-e. referred to. The city has re ceiitl.v been supplied with natural ga'. ami leading past the house occupied In Marriot aud Bowers is one of Ihe mains through which the tluid is furnished to the public. The pipes had leaked aud the explosive fuel had found its way through ti lire iu the ground to the cellar, which was tin l scat of the horror. It became ignited in some unknown manner and exploded with terrific force, wrecking the building and filling tin' air with ilehris. Mr Marriot was l.lo'vn out of the house, and a ian named Goulding, wln was standing near the structure, was blown across the street. Mrs. Marriot wa carried aero the street ami into the residence of William Jones. 1 >r. Wissiuger, a prominent physician, was called to attend her iujurie . The hou c where the injureil lady Ity was .11,11 crowd eil with people attracted In the accident, and it was oon ucce. ;ary to close tjic door- that 1.0 more might enter. Little knew thou- wnres r>f nect ifor huiblled around the snflercr that they were standing in a death trap, which was then on the verge of cam in" tliem into eternity. Suddenly the air wa. rent by a thuuderou explosion, which made the earth quake and lill the air with Hying timber.:, bricks ami debri. of nil kinds, harkn ■ ■ ensued and then a death-like -tillne -s reigned lor a few momeuts. It was broken by shrieks aud death groans. The hon ein which lay Ihe powerless form of Mrs Marriot had been iilowu to atoms and ils oct npauls buried beneath the wreck. Hundred of. pectators who lined the sidewalks were knocked vio lently down In- the shock and laid jinwer less. Then to cap Ihe climax, a team ol pirit eil horses attached to one of the lire tie partmeut truck ■. became frenzied by the explosion aud dashed away into the crowd, carrying death in their wake. They ran over and injured scores of people. A beautiful balie was knocked from ils mother's arms, and falling beneath the merciless wheels of the vehicle was crush eil to ih ath Use Double All C). Iv. llorsc und Cattle l'owUurs,lx:st in the world. A sure iiinl ppecly cure fur heaves, coughs, colds, inflamed lungs, rough ness of skin, nnd all kidney diseases. For sale by ,1.0. Kkiuck, 2-IS-Mrn No. 5, N. Main St. Rnfler, I'a. l'se Double AII O. ii. Horse Lini nieut, best iu the world. For swell ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu matism, lameness, sore shoulders, ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has no equal. For stile by .1. C. Uehick, 2-IS-.'tm. No. i», X Main St. Hutler, Pa. —Take watches. and clocks that need repairing to F. Weigand in Wil liams' Jewelry and Music store, and have them repaired in good style by a skilled workman, Excelsior I Maries for 18' JO at nouuLAsa'. Large slock of llinbrcllas in Mo hair, Gloria and Silk with gold, sil ver and natural handles for holiday trade at 1,. STEIN AC SON'S • —New 151ack and Colored Silks, Satin Khadames, Satin OeLuxons, Surahs, Moires, (Jros Grains and Failles, best makes and warranted to wear, prices lower than elsewhere at IJ. ST BIN AT SON'S. J. W. MILLER, Architect. otiii-o on s. \\. 4 tirnt-r or I>j.tiuoii<i. ri.ih ami |M*< ideations lor cheap ait.l « \j». h slvc hiilldniffs iruul'- on short noi |. p. For Sale or Kent. The house known as the I'ampbcll House, in Miller. town, formerly used a a hotel, i: for . ale or rent. For particulars, inquire id' R. I'. Scot I, Ks«| , or W. I'. Smith, Hittler, fa. Livery Stable For Sale. 'l'bi! undersigned will ell V/'" J hi livi'iy table, in the rear I jL ■■■ j "I Hie WicK Hone. i 4in i i slu H "fberses.bugjries, Icigli . harncs-i and everything per taining thereto, and lease the barn for a term of years. My re aon for selling is that I wi h to devote my utlcntion to other business. AHFRKH WICK f)o No) Miss the Wrap sale, Friday, Jan. 24, at BITTKII <T RALSTON'. Wnntrd at Once Capable l.ulie and gents to handle our forthcoming book, };\pl<iruf tan* mill Ailvi'iit Ml'l'H ut* llmry >l. Stanley In Africa. SOU pages and over L'oo engraving... Immensely popular. I'rice only ll.r>o. out lit now ready and mailed for .id cents. I'lll Mini - 111 Hill I</<»/ (. Hlllilll'lllltltil. Iddnuw, •fill; THOMPSON l'l 1!. Co., 22.1 S. Sixth SI., I'hil'a, I'a. Too Much Warm Weather Tor Winter (woods. 1 We cannot wait any longer ami have made Kerl net ions I in prices on all our Winter (Jot tls. ' Now is the time to get some genuine Bargains in Wool Dress Goods, i Flannels and Blankets, Hosiery arid Underwear, t Cloaks, Wraps and r 1 Shawls, * Millinery, Are., Ac. We are ileterininetl to : rll l< them till Is'lore it is too lute. New \ ork l>nz;i;ir Opposite Postoflice iccii.iat, _ i».v. | Sentl lor S: 1111 1 > I«• s Kit UK. : m; imsEis ' 5 r LORD & THOMAS. A MERKY < -hristma# i- what we wish you in advance ami if you wish to add to the pleasure of a iritTiil l»j, innkiiiir ;i CIiIMSTMAS pie rnl. we think \<<u will be i Mire t > lind just what is want ed at our store. We do not have any <»ld stock, but every thing is new and fresh AM) A IIAITY combination of design and fin ish is seen in all our selections. I We will be pleased to have you visit our store, examine our goods, compare our prices and st e it we do not save you money, I>o not wait until the j NKW VHA I! comes to turn a new leaf and say you will not spend so inuch money, but save it now in pur chasing Holiday Goods of ('. N. BOYD, Druggist, j 1 )iaiuoml Block, Butler, Ba. I'artics w i liin jt in nivo.-t uioncy, cert&iu !o bring fair return.*, are invited to cure tnlll ilnc-l IF.ILO tho imlu.cluiuL. ollurcil 1.. Till-; ill TI.KI; SALT-M A N't'l'AC rrnixt; COMPANY AMI CUEMKAI. WO UK'S.** The stock consists of M.Otm shares, the par v.line, ol which is s,">(>. For the further developing of the work.j, I.IUC ol lln lock i ■ put on the market. I "or prices and particulars inquire of .1 AS K. I : icII TAIN, ltnller. I'a. < Mlicc on I liainond. PUBLIC SALE! The uinS. , u ill ofl'cr at public sale it the stiilde of JOHN I.AWAI.i. BRO., BUT I jKK-. FA., On Thursday, February 20, '9O, a! I o'clock p. m., the follow in;; described Thoroughbred Clydesdale Stal lioris, Mares and Colts: „ (< I. I. NI!I !! 'I I'M vol. o, Clydesdale Stud -1 look; l< • ilcd J S.SI. SI :s\ OK I.EASI KEVII.Lt: ui.MO vol. 10, foaled May |i- u. INS I IIAN'CI., *»'>f I > vol. Ic; ftiiiltsl June S, I SS.'i. • I'RIIU;? Of KIRkIH IIUJIiUT, sired by (ilenree. luni, Susv. loab-d June _'S, lssii. OARLINti MONTOOMIRY, sired by (Jleu ne. l».iin, Insurance. Foaled July!*, lxsr. HAKUY, Kiml l>v tilenrcc. limn, Susy. KMM July 'JJ, I.HNH. I hi' Stallions are sure foal getters, ftlxl the Mart s, Susy and Insurance, arc with foal. • Ilonree was exhibited at Stallion Show in |ss| in his three-year-old form ami gained the (iuU'hnuse I)i*irict Premium of J. 100. Term- made Known on >lay of sale. .1011N LAWALL, l.' asurrvillo, Hntler Co., Pa. I )i;u 11011<! : - : I loir], Fronting diamond, Hutlcr, l'rt. TIKtMAS AVASSON', Pri.r. Cood i.xnn , food moal-. : (aiding in con ucetion, everything first clans. NIXON'S mm, :r. N. AI.KKAN sr.. nun.Kit, I*A. Mil at Jail hours. <)|» 11 .ill uiyhl- I'rcakfast 35 ciuls, I tinner 2:. cents. Supper L - ."I cent".. 1.1 Ml*;III-; relils, SIMKON NIXON mora. iimouu HO 111, No. 8K and 'JO, S. Main St., KUTL.KK, - - IJiV.l J iV. NI ;ir N« \v Court 11 OUST formerly l>ou.iltl.sou flou R .i('(-oiiiiiio<lati(»iis for travelers. (HHMI st:iii|||iK OOIIIH'I'HML 11-!# 'm: iv' II I'll I i;NMI I I.ICK, Trop'r. Willard Hotel W. 11. KFJHINIi, I'rop'r UUTLKR, - H-A.. M VIII IM. IN < ONNKI'TION. SI « 111 IIIMIM for tOH M t It <1 VI. 1111 \ I 1.1 Its SAMI-I.i: ItOoM. I.IVKI:\ IN < ONNI t"HON Motel Vo<>eley (Stnrtly I'ir at ('lastt.) II i;N UY 1.. RUCK. l'lKif'it. J. H. I'a 1 iih.. Manager. Ttutlcr, I'll. Jordnn s llostjuii'Miit All our readers viuitinpr HnUor will tlo well to go to Sam Jordan'* restaurant for their meals. We serve lunches, soft drinks, tobacco and cigars. No. I, S. Main St., tinder Schneitlemnri'ri clothing store. Planing Mill —AND— I-jiiiKit>ei a \'ai*d J. 1,. I'IIKVIfJ. 1.. <). niKVIB. S.G.Purvis&Co. MAM I \« lirr.UKS AM> LOAIKILS IN Rough and Planed Lumber UK KV tuv nttiiittiri'ioN, I SHINGLES, LATH & SKWKR I'll'i;. liutlrr, L'A. LUMBER IS ADVANCING. Saw Mills. Steam Engines. Shinglo Mills, llay Presses, Ac. II ~.n .1 I IliS I I'l \SS SAW Mil.l j si-Ihl I'll * itltUoK'lC Ulul I |l| |. «• to tut 10 1 Uih'#* ill \ 0111 section ' A. II I ATIOT IIAII TO. TLUI.) LOLIK I*A. The Opportunity To secure bargains is now of t«red you. Wo are ••losing out .-ill seasonable jjoods and want t<> them out quickly. Scotch ups 2o c., Boys school eaps -JUc, heavy Melton shirts | 50c, former price To. A. big lot of heavy glows and mit tens at greatly reduced prices, fi will pay you to buy under wear ol us il you don't wear it until ih-\tseason. Coineandsee COLBERT & DALE, 70 S Main street, Butler, Pa. Jury List for February. IJst of Traverse Jurors drawn this 4th Jay of Oeoember A. IX ISS9, for a social Ivrni »#l r>Mirt on Mnmlity, tlu» .'ill <lay of February, A. I>. IS'JO, Adams, Jiihu S, i'inr twp, rar|KHlrr. li.*ll:i*, Krftl, Forward 11 " Itraudon, M 11, Forward tp, farmer. ISulfortl, .1 niiii S, 1 Vnti Ip, farmer. IJnyle, !' I , Donegal twp, " Caide, \V llliam, I'ruspeet Itoro, laborer. • "r:»ivr, Walter, lintler Itoro, .td w, " Dunl p, Mi lviii, Marion twp, farmer. Denny, .Michael, Wiulicld tvrp, carpenter. Dodds, »; W, Clay twp, farmer. Da'.ilienspeet, Abe, J'urker twp, farmer, Cider, Milo, Worth twp, farmer. Fcunell, Jacob Sr, Clearfield tp,(aruier. (.Valium, Thorn as, Coueord tp, farmer, tfarveri, Newton, Cranberry tp, " (iruver, IVter, Butler, twp. " tiilison, A 1.. Millerstown Horn, dentist. Uorhriai;, Charles, Zelienople itoro, farmer Henry, Aaron, Fairview tp, puin|>er. I logue, Ell, Cherry tp, farmer, llays, Lewis, Adams tp, •' lloekenherry, J I*, Worth tp, farmer, llolloday, W M, Italdridge, tranter. Householder, Philip, Zelienople Itoro, farm er. HURIII S, Kicliarl, [Sutler Horo, -<1 w, WARIER Keck John Jr. ernuUsrry tp. farmer. Kuiu, Tbouias, Ailum* t|>, farmer. K iugsley, Henry, Venango tp, fanner. Mnrtin, .lames, I'eun Ip, farmer. Miller, John, Butler tp, carpenter. Meehlinj;, Joseph, Karns City l>oro, earp'lr. Marshall, ST, Rutler Iwro, sth wd, elerk. Mi'Doiialil, ti J", Aluildyerect tp, farmer. M<l.aughlin, John, Clearfield tp, " M' l':irian<l, <1 l>, I'vaun City lioro, ear|ient'r Nolhtciu, John, Forward tp, farmer. I'urvianre, \V A, Conuoq'g tp, merrhaiit. I'ryor, Jaines, Sitnlmry l>oro, elerk. lloliertß, J M. ('entrevillo Iwro, blacksmith, t: ire, John 11, Lancaster tp, farmer, lioyal, William, Washington tp, farmer. Kotcnonr, Casper, Miulitycreek tp, •' Slater, J \V\ Oonegal tp, farmer. "-taley, James, Middlesex tp, farmer. ' Shtiler, l'eter, Clearfield tp, " Kdward, Adams tp, laborer. Jacob, l'vaim City horo, farmer, raylor, Mathew, < laklaud tp, '• 1. hay, John , Venango tp, tiriller. Wade, John, liutl'alo tp, farmer. White, \V J, Rutler lioro, ttb wd, piinter. Worthingtoa, U M, Mercer tp, farmer. Voting, l: O, I'arker tp, proJuoer. Voting, J Is, liutler Boro, sth wd, clerk. B. % B. A January Clearance Sale In augurated on an Extensivo Scale- PRICES MADE TO TALK! Wo must largely reduce theso stocks before our Aunual Inventory, February 1, and will make the priced effectual in doing it. Now for bar gains, and rcnl live ones. At $l.(l<» r.rt piocea 21 inch Guinot Black Dress Silk, which wo leel confident in recommending as having more ser vice-giving qualities than any $1 Silk ever sold. Wo are willing to uand comparison of it with any $1.25 piality. DRKSM GOODS BARGAINS.-- Largo lot (probably 100 pieces) of elegant ipiality Imported l'laids, Stripes and Mixtures $1 and $1.25 qualities, now marked sft cents for this Clearance sale. At 15 ccuts. 100 pieucH double width (27 inch) Mixed Tricots—2. r > cont quality. Also 30 inch Tricots at 2. r i (rents, lull uf service and handsoino in ap [learance. 100 pieces extra heavy Red-Twill Flannel, 2s inches wide, at 30 cts.— regular 50 cent quality, specially suitable for underwear, and is the Flannel bargain of tho season. Careful buyers will do well to writo our MAIL ORDER DKPARTMENT for samples of above specials or other Pry Goods values. Catalogue free. Mail Order Business a Specialty. BOGGS 1 BUHL, 113 to 121 FEDERAL ST ALLEGHENY. PENNA. BARGAINS IN Wall Paper. For the next sixty day* we will oil or bargains in all our jiilt inn 1 embossed wall papera, in order lo reduce stoek and make room lor Holiday Goods, J. H. Douglass, Near l'ostoflice, liutler, Pa WANTED Mm lo ink© onk-r* for Nuracry Slock.on sala ry or« oiniiiiHMlon. l can make u Huccostfui SALESM AN ~t nil* wlio wilt work milt follow in.V In i,t nullum Will luriiltih li»n«tttome outilt free, .ii.l p:i. >"»< Uilarv m ■ otniuiHaloncvery week. Write '"f ut o»P«\ I 11, I;K AIIAM. Nuraaryman. 4fu«|j«>sler, £4. V.
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