Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 07, 1888, Image 1

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    VOL. XXV.
BOOTS 13S MH< >l>.
While the Great Majority of the People of Butler Co.
Want Solid, Good, Reliable Boots and Shoes
Worth the money they pay. The latter go to
For their Boots and Shoes. They do it because he
has the largest stock to select from; because they can
and do rvly on what he tells them about the goods.
No two or three prices—same to all. No tricky •ad
vertising done, such as goods at 48 cts, CO cts, etc.
No auction, or OLD SAMPLE LOTS, put in asVould make
believe at oO cents on the dollar, but fresh new
style* made to order by the best manufacturers in the
country to-day. You always want to keep an eye
open on the lellow that says he is giving his goods
away at oO cts on the dollar. Either he or the
goods is considerably off colour.
Our selection is large in Ladies' Shoes of all
kinds at SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50, $2 00 and up to $4.50
We don't say they are worth twice the money we ask
for them; or to come quick, never get such a chance
again; and, at your own price, and all <?uch nonsense;
but do say that nowhere can you find their equals,
especially our $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 Kid Button
Boots. They are genuine Kid and Dongola warrant
ed, and very handsome styles in all widths and
shapes, and we intend to try to supply all customers
that want these goods, if we can get them fast
enough from the factory. Have had some trouble
lately on account of our rapidly increasing trade on
these shoes to get them fast enough to meet the de
We intend to extend this opportunity to you of
getting these goods at any time, as we intend to keep
a full stock at all times. (They are not shop worn
sample shoes.) Hence, if it don't suit you to come
this week, come next, as we intend to get them in
quantities to meet the demand. Some say, "Strike
while the iron is hot." You can strike any day or
hour at Iluselton's and find the iron hot.
See our Ladies', Misses' and Children's Slippers.
Lace Oxfords, Opera, very fine at 50 cts and up.
Wigwam, Lawn Tennis in Ladies', Gents', Misses and
k Children's.
V Our sales are very large in Men's Fine Shoes, in
F Button Bals and especially in Congress. We have all
styles, widths and prices from SI.OO and up. You
should stop in and aee our new lines in Boys' and
iouths' Shces, the finest we have ever shown. They
are sellers. Why, they sell themselves. Don't for
get to look at our immense stocK of Misses' and
Childrens' Spring Heel Shoes, the finest and best fit
ting goods for the least money of any goods in this
country. We warrant every pair.
Men's, Boys' and Youths' Brogans, Plow Shoes,
Box-toe Kip Shoes for oil country, at low prices,
Please bear in mind that in buying at Huselton's yon
are protected in prices, styles and wear. Come and
see us.
liiiiinii minim
H£S)t_ ' BILKS,
A. Troutman & Son.
Leading Dry floods and Carpet Bouse.
New Goods arriving right alon<r and being marked at th>i
VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our Clearing Out Sale in July
wan BO givat a nieces that we will continue it during August.
ir yon want to excurt, combine business with pleasure
and come to Butler and take advantage of the GREAT BAR
Attoriiev-at-law. Office on second lloor of
Brady building, Diamond, liutler, Pa.
J", F. Brittain,
Atry at Law —Office at S. E. Cor. Main St, and
Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Att'v at Law—Oflice on South side of Diamond,
butler. Pa.
Attorney at Law. Office at No. 17, East Jeffer
son St.. Butler, Pa.
L. Mca ui STIO.Y,
Dr. lUT. M. Hoover,
Office over Boyd's Drutf store.
Office at No. 45. S. Main street, over Frank &
Co s Diu? Store. Butler, l'a.
X. E. Corner Main and Wayne Sts.
All work pertaining to the profession execut
ed in the neatest manner.
Specialties (iold Fillings, and Painless Ex
traction ol Teeth, Vitalized Air administered.
Office on Jefferson Street, one iloor East of Lowry
House, I'p Stair*.
Office open dally, except Wednesdays and
Thursdays. Communications by mail receive
prompt attention,
X. B.- The only Dentist in Butler using the
best makes of teeth.
Office No. C 5 South Main Street,
Physician and Surgeon.
No. 10 West Cunninghm St.,
jTs. LUSK, M.D.,
Has removed from Harmony to Butler and has
his office at No.-#, Main St., three doors below
Lowry House. a;ir-30-tr.
0 1/ WAI.IJUON, Graduate of the Phila
• IV. delphia Cental College. Is prepared
todo anything !:■ the line of his profession In a
satisfactory manner.
(HTice on Main street, Butler, opposite the
Vogeley House.
Insurance and Real Estate Ag't.
Stewart & Patterson.
tractors and Builders, are footli men of } ears of
expetlenceluflneliou.se building and framing.
All persons thinking of building will do well
to s<-e them and look over their designs.
Residence on Palrvlew Ave., Spiingdale.
Postofllce, Butler, l'a.
"It is of no use to argue the question,
lam neither stubborn nor opinionated, I
haye simply had a lesson that will last a life
"Look here, Jack! you are like some old
bachelor who hati been jilted by one wo
man, and goes about declaring all women are
"Not at all! my brother Charles died of
Bright's disease, brought on by using one of
these so-called 'blood purifiers'—tne kind
you see attractively advertised in every nook
and corner. It contained iodide of potassuui,
a drug useful in extreme cases when cau
tiously given under a doctor's supervision,
but death-dealing to all who take it iu quan
tity. If your brother had died under such
circumstances, you would hate patent medi
cines as I do."
"I do dislike the name of that miscalled
'blood purifier,' for I have henr l first class
physicians say it is the cause of half the cas
es of Bright's disease iu the country, aud it is
slraugu the proprietors have not been prose
cuted for telling it. But / wait recotnmend
ing Vinegar Bitters aud that does not con
tain any mineral, naicotiu or other hurtful
"Ob, nobody suppose* that old woman's
remedy will hurt anybody; the question is
will it cure anything '! I'd as soon think of
taking some of uiy grand mother's hero lea."
"You would be better off, .Jack, if you liad
some of that tea to tone up your system now,
iustc-ad of taking a glass of brandy to make
you sleep one night, and perhaps a bottle of
beer the next."
"Is this a temperance lecture, Phil?"
"No, it is a Vinegar Hitters lecture. I've
taken the medicine more or lens lor lilteeu
years, and look the world over, you will uot
find a healther man than I am.
"What is all thin nonsense about old style
and new style Viuegar Hitlers; are they dif
"Yes, the old style looks like coffee with
Mljj)c in it, the new style like colfee without
;nilk. The man who made the obi style for
twenty yiiitra a practical chemist made a
luilder, plciisuutcr, preparation, adding to it
here, and taking from it there, until he pro
duced, my wile snys, the finest medicine ever
rnadu. It cured her of coustipatiou, and it
cures the children of hives and all the little
ailinenU they ever have. It my wife thinks
they have worms, she doses them with old
style. We always have both kinds in the
house, and together they keep the docti r
"And you insist that the proof of the pud
"la the eating—precisely. Jack, get a
bottle of the old style Vinegar Hitters—men
I think, prefer old style usually—try it, and
you will then be like au old bachelor who,
alter railing against women for years, falls
in love within good woman at last. You will
say there are good and had patent medicines,
but Vinegar I'itu-rw is the best of the lot."
"All right, Phil, to please you, I'll try it
and report results.''
J'ltilWnl ifjlMllirm
The only Temperince Kilters knows. It stimu
late* the Ser»es, rrirulate* tlie HowcU anil pro
cure* a perfect Mood circulation, nlilch Is sure
Is renlore perfect health.
GKO. W. DAVIS, of l«9 11,'iroiine si.. New Or
leiins, IJI.. wrltca uulef ilal' - "lay vi lli, lsxw, ax
• I have been going to the Hot Springs, Ark.,
for fifteen years for an Itching humor In my
lilooil. I have lust used three tattles of Vine
gar Hitters, and It. lias done iim more goisl than
the Springs. It Is the beat medicine made."
JO SKI'H .1. i;<i.\N. of No. 75 West St.. N. w
Yoik.aays: "Have not ls-en without Vlwgar
Hitlers Tor the past twelve years, and consider
It a whole medicine chest In our family."
A bouutilul Eook freo.
Address, it H. McIIONAM) llßl'U CO..
iH2 Washington St., Sen York.
' ; B[ue Juniata."
In tne Youth's Companion is a
i reprint of one of tbe prettiest of Penn
sylvania songs, with some explana
tory notes as follows:
Forty years ago every one knew
tbe song "Blue Juniata." It was a
simple song, but it took the popular
fancy, aDd children were named for
"Alfarata," the Indian girl, aud so
were boats; but tbe name was grad
ually changed to Alfaretta or Alfretta.
The words ran:
Wild roved an Indian girl,
Bright Alfarata.
Where sweep the waters
Of the blue Juniata.
Swift as an antelope,
Through the forest going,
Loose were her jetty locks,
In waving tresses flowing.
Gay was the mountain song,
Of bright Alfarata,
W here sweep the waters
Of the blue Juniata.
Strong and true my arrows are
In my painted quiver,
Swift goes my light canoe ,
Adown the rapid river.
Bold is my warrior good,
The love of Alfarata;
Proud waves his snowy plume
Along the Juniata.
Soft anil low he speaks to me,
Aud then his war cry sounding,
Rings his voice in thunder loud,
From height to height resounding.
So sang the Indian girl,
Bright Alfarata;
Where sweep the waters
Of the blue Juuiata.
Fleeting years have borne away
The voice of Alfarata;
Still sweeps the river on,
Blue Juniata.
The Juniata is a wild and beauti
ful river formed by the union of three
smaller rivers that rise in the Alle
gheny Mountains and unite near
Huntingdon, Pa. The main stream
is 150 miles long,and it flows through
the picturesque Juniata Valley until
it loses itself in the broad Susque
hanna River about a mile from Dun
cannon. The Iriquois Indians used
to live in this valley, and Juniata is
an Iriquois word. It was sometimes
written Cboniata. Tbe song was
composed by Mrs. Marion Dix Sulli
van, the wife of John W. Sullivan,
of Boston. Mrs. Sullivan was born
in 1802 in Boscawen, N. II , near the
beautiful Merrimac River. She was
tbe daughter of Colonel Timothy
I)ix and the sister of General John A.
Dix, of New York. She died in 18G0.
Salt Lake and The West.
SAN JOSE, CAI,. AUG. 20d, 'BB.
EDS. CITIZEN: LA "doing the
town" of Salt Lake we find many
things that are interesting and to
speak of all of them would be too long
for this sketch of our westward trip,
so we content ourself with a reference
to a few of the most interesting points
in and around the city of the Saints.
After a good night's rest, free from
the noise and rolling of the train, and
a breakfast on the fruits of the valley,
we are ready for the sights most vis
ited by toorists. We first make a
trip to a spur of the Wasatch mount
ains within about one a half miles of
the city as once there you can get a
fine yiew of the city, and the valley
for fifty miles around including the
Salt Lake, some five miies west of
city With the aid of a good field
glass, we can see before us a fine val
ley for grazing, aud with the system
of irrigation they now have, it is very
fertile and productive, raising grain
of various kinds and fruits in abund
ance—a desert made to bud and blos
som like a fine farm in the East.
Here it was that the Mormon leaders
in the summer of 1847, when they
emerged from the canon in the moun
tains looked down on the plain before
them, and upon further exploration
determined to plant their "Zion,"
where they would for all time, as
they supposed, be free to practice
their peculiar religion, without the
interference of the outside world. It
must certainly have tried their faith
to locate in this barren plain where
all was bleak aud bare, as is shown
by localities not yet farmed or irrigat
ed, but the same energy that started
the whole pariy out on their long
long journey over the "great Ameri
can desert," among hostile Indians,
served their purpose, and enabled
these Morpiau people through irriga
tion to clothe the former desert land
with fine crop 3 of wheat and bar
ley, fruits and vegetables, in great
variety. They saw the only way
to farm in this locality was by using
the mountain streams, so marshalled
their forces, went to the first hills aud
began what is now the largest sys
tem of irrigation in the world, as they
have now over 8000 miles of ditches,
large and small, in the territory
through which the water is distribu
ted over the farms in the valleys
This may seem a little largo when
you consider that-the length of the
ditches would reach more than twice
across the country from the Atlantic
to the Pacific, but as the ditches are
all owned by the church, a record is
kept and they know just what they
have and use it as a lever to keep the
people faithful to the church. If they
ain't faithful they are liable to have
their water shut off and of course
their crops fail, their land is worth
less, and they have to go to other
quarters. For that reason you find
no "Gentiles" farming where the
church owns the ditchs aud controls
the waters and the reason is obvious.
We visit the tabernacle, the house
where all the "faithful" in and around
the city worship on Sunday. It is
250 feet long by 150 feet wide, is 70
feet high with a seating capacity of
about 12000, including the gallery.
Here is one of the latest, if uot the
largest, and liuest organ in the world,
that under manipulation of a fine
performer, sends forth notes, from
that of the softest flute to that of the
roll of distant thunder—a very wide
range of capacity indeed. The "Tem
ple," a large building just east of the
tabernacle is in construction,the corner
stone was laid April Cth, 1853 Work
has been going on constantly ever
since, and it is estimated it will re
quire ten years more to finish it.
The building is of fine granite, very
substantially built and if not destroy
ed bv earthquake is liable to stand
thousands of years. It is over 100
by ?00 feet, the walls are 100 feet
high. Here will be the headquarters
or the oflices of the church authori
ties, where all the records are to be
stored awav to be sent down the ages
to the "faithful," for their information
thousands of years hence, when all
other churches, as they say, will be
dissolved, aud tbeirs will le the only
one in existence to enlighten the
world; a rather extravagant expecta
tion we would augment Over three
and a half million d"l!a r -J have been
' spent on the Temple thin far, so by
the time it is liaisned, ten years
j hence, it will be a very costly build
; ing. The nomenclature of the place
: is suggestive of the land from whence
sprung the Christian religion Here
'is the river Jordan, Mount Nebo in
the distance looking down on the
plain below; the Tabernacle, the
Temple, aud mauy of the rites and
ceremonies are modelled after those
of the Jewish religion, all suggestive
of the ancient '"tabernacle in the wild
erness". But we must hasten on.
We take the train for Garfield Beach,
a resort on Salt Lake about IS miles
from the city,fitted up bv the Union
Pacific Ilaiiroad Co , and one of the
finest bath'ng places in the country.
We, i:e, about fifty of us, men and
women incuding girls, don bathing
suits and take a plunge into the briny
water and find, when we strike out
for a swim as in fresh water, that
we are soon "kicking in the air,"
with our head wanting to got under
water. Many of the less expert
swimmers found themselves, "ends
reversed," and it necessary to
adopt other tactics in
this dense water. Soon however all
find they will not sink and with great
ease can balance themseves and float
around as thev please, in this "Dead
Sea" of America, where the water
contains sixteen per cent salt, where
as the ocean water contains but about
three per cent.
After the bath, and a grand show
er bath of fresh water in the dressing
room to wash the salt off, we feel
much refreshed, have a good dinner
at the restaurant, and return to the
city, where at 4 p m. we take the
train for Ogden, and at 7 p. m. are on
our way to the Golden Gate. During
the night we cross the mountains and
the morning finds us on the head
waters of the Humboldt river; we
follow its valley all day, and that af
ternoon at Winnemucca, Nevada, we
receive the pleasing (?) intelligence
that a freight train, off the track
thirty miles west, will delay us seven
hours, so as the thermometer is at
104, no shade trees within fifty miles
of us, the sun beaming down on the
dry barren plain, we do the best we
can to keep cool and restrain our in
dignation at such an unfortunate
affair that stopping us at this particu
lar place. The ladies of the party
became very restless betimes, and as
one of the m< n under less restraint
than the rest of us gave vent to his
feelings by saying "darn the luck" he
was met by about a dozen ladies re
sponding "those are our sentiments,
but we didn't want to say so." How
ever, at about the time atated, and at
dusk the bell rung out the welcome
sound "all aboard." aud soon we are
on our way toward Humboldt Lake,
where we arc in the basin of the val
ley and begin the ascent that leads to
the "Sierra Nevadas." If our delay
was a disadvantage to us by broiling
us in the hot sun, it was more thau
compensated for by the fact that it
gave us a ride over the far famed
"Sierra" in daylight—all regular
trains on time cross them at night—
which was greatly enjoyed by the
whole party. At daylight we
ourselves at Truckee and wend our
way through gorges, along the moun
tain side, through thirty miles of
snow sheds that shoot the snow,
sliding down the mountain, over the
trac K and finally we gain the summit
at an of over 7000 feet. We
begiu the descent and Boon are bowl
ing down grade at a lively rate some
prfrts of the tracks being on a grade
of over 25 feet to the mile. When we
reach the famous "Cape Horn" the
trained is slowed up so all can get a
view of the wonderful scenery of this
locality, where, should the train jump
the track it wonl 1 be lauded 1800 feet
in the valley below, so steep is the
mountain side. Oil we go through
Alta, Dutch Flat* l , Gold Run—all
once famous mining camps,but whose
glory has departed, —and by noon we
are at Sacramento for dinner, with the
thermometer at 101 in the shade.
After dinner the train moves on down
the west side of the river. At Beuicia
tl.e train, fifteen coaches and engine—
i3 run ou a ferry boat and taken
across the river, a mile and a half,
where we are soon on our way down
the eant side of tho San Francisco
Bay, and in due time mn on the
pier two and a half miles out in the
bay, where we are landed, and by
ferry taken across 4£ miles further to
the wharf at foot of Market Street,
San Fraucisco, aud are somewhat
amused to see the change in climate
—that thing California people boast
about. At. Sac a nento but a few
hours before we saw the people swel
tering in the heat, here on Market
street we see the ladies clad in seal
skin sacques and heavy wraps, aud
men with their overcoats on. Iu this
busy city we tarry for the night. We
meet among others Alfred I*. Black, a
boy from the north end of your coun
ty, engaged here in the practice of
the law. In the morning we visit
some of tho important places of the city
—to write about which would make a
letter of itself. At 3:30 p in we tal#
train for San Jose, 50 miles south,
and at 5 p. m. arrive safely. Here we
meet amongst other friends, James
Black and wife, formerly from North
Butler County and known to many
of your readers in that section. We
are pleased to see them looking so
well as they are. As far as wo can
sec Mr. Black is as well as when be
was last in your county, fourteen
years ago, although he will be 80
years old August 31st. Mrs. Black
has failed somewhat, but still retains
her sprightly disposition, so well
known to all her neighbors Wo also
meet J. C. Black, a former Butler
County boy enjoying a very lucrative
law practice iu this place and who
declined tho appointment of Judge on
the death of the recent incumbent,
Judge Belden, lor the reason the sal
ary is only about half what his prac
tice amouutb to annually. We also
meet David A. Black, a Hutler coun
ty boy, known to the older residents
of Marion and Cherry townships,who
left the home of his childhood in 1855
and who has been in California ever
since, Amongst others we meet the
family of Dr. Webster, formerly of
Harrisville; also, B P. Patterson, a
sou of Norman Patterson, of Centre
ville. Of California, its climate,
fruits, etc.. many thiugs could be said
but we must close this already too
long letter. WANDKUKU.
—At Manistee, Mich., girls feed
the planers iu the hoop mills aud do
other light work. They also do the
sacking at the dairy salt works, aud
make from $1 to si.2s£per da/.
A Southern Brigadier,
| T. M. J. in Harrisburg Telegraph.
One of the biggest loafers I ever
saw was an ex-mt tuber of Congress,
lie is a high official in the House of
Representatives now, so it reallv
dowsn't matter what I say about him.
I was at Atlantic City several years
ago, and mv attention was attracted
■ at tbe hotel to a tail, tiae looking man
1 who I learned was an ex member of
Congress from a Southern State who
rejoiced in the title of "General," fur
|he bad "fit iu the wah, sah," as a
| brigadier in the rebel army. He was
1 a haughty, imperious son of-a-gun,
j and he stalked about as if he owned
J the earth and had pre-empted several
| claims on the planets. His wife, a
mild-mannered, gentle lady. I learned
■ was by birth a Phiiadclphian. She
i was always a secondary consideration
i to him, and I don't tbink L ever saw
him notice her. Poor woman, she
bore his neglect meekly, and seemed
to take his ill-will as a matter of
ourse. One morning about 9 o'clock
when I was taking a late nap, I was
awakened by cries of "Hdp ! Mur
der! Oh, for heaven's sake, don't
kill me !" in the shrill voice of a wo
man. The cries of distress camo from
a room on the same floor as mine.
Before I could dress and get out iuto
the hall-way the cries had ceased, and
there was a scufflling of hurried feet
as if somebody was getting out of
harm's way. I inquired quietly dur
ing the day »s to tbe e«iuse of the
cries, and learned that the Southern
Brigadier, sah, had been iudulging in
the playful pastime of beating bis
wife, and that when her father had
broken in the door he found the chiv
alric loafer had her bent over a trunk
with his claw abont her throat while
he was beating her eyes black with
his right fist. The old man was go
ing to kill him, but triends interfered
and the "Gen'ral, sab," was hustled
off before he could be properly shot.
A year afterwards I met the lady at
the same hotel, where her father was
chief clerk. She told me her story.
Her husband had been a member of
Congress aud before they were mar
ried had roomed at her boarding
house in Washington Wheu he fail
ed of re-election he did not leave
Washington but remained at her
house and prevailed on her to marry
him, which she very foolishly did.
Then he billeted his family of three
daughters (be was a widower) on his
wife aud lived a life of ease. They
appropriated tbe best rooms, and
were so disagreeable that the other
boarders left, and her revenue dwin
dled down to nil. His demands for
money were alway met cheerfully by
his wife, and he loafed aud smoked
twenty-five cent cigars, and drank
brandy and had a general good time.
When summer came the whule ca
boodle camped down in the Atlantic
City hotel, at which her father was
manager, and it didn't cost them a
cent. One day the old man hinted
that they had worn out their wel-1
come, and the loafer took this as an
insult and boat his wife terribly. It
wa9 on tbis occasion that I heard her
cries for help. The husband and wife
separated on that day forever. The
wife went back to Washington, be
gan life over again aud is prosperous.
The husbaud loafed arouud Washing
ton until th'j Southern Brigadiers got
control of tbe House and they elected
him to a high aud responsible posi
tion. Well, HO it goes. Tbe bad
citizen doesn't get his just deserts in
this world—but there is a bereafter,
brethren, there is a hereafter, and
dou't you let that important, fact slip
your nimble memories
Novel Constitutional Point.
One of tbe oddest points ever rais
ed under the Fourteenth amend
mept to the federal constitution has
been decided by a Pennsylvania
A statute of the State originally en
acted in the last century, and in «flect
re-enacted as lately as 18G7, provides
that licenses to peddle shall be grant
ed only to such persons as may bo
"by reason of some physical disabili
ty unable to gain a livelihood by la
bor." This bars able bodied men front
peddling in short, makes good
health aud physical soundness a dis
qualification for following a specified
The Court of Quarter Sessions in
Heaver county declares that the leg
islature has no right to pass such au
act: that the law makes a discrimina
tion in the matter of employment
and business, which is a violation of
the equal l ights guaranteed to all per
sons by the Fourteenth amendment.
"If, says Judge Wiekham, the Leg
islature can determine that tho |>os
session of average health and sound
ness of body shall be a bar to exercis
ing the calling of traveling merchant,
it can also make some physical defect
the badge of every calling, aud may
enact, for instauce, that only confirm
ed dyspeptics shall keep dry goods
stores; that a grocer must have chron
ic rheumatism, a blacksmith hut one
leg, a milliner no teeth, a physician
no hair; that a lawyer must have the
asthma and a barber must be dumb."
"To concede to the legislature," the
Court concludes, "the power to arbi
trarily exclude from any houest call
ing all men who are in a normal bod
ily coudition would be to break down
one of the safeguards thrown around
the citizen by tho Fourteenth amend
ment to the constitution of the Unit
ed States and by the constitution of
our own State,"
Trespissing Prohibited.
At this season of the jear farmers
are greatly annoyed by the depreda
tions of trespassers, some of whom
carry off fruit, let down fences so that
cattle can get into fields and destroy
the growing grain, or commit other
unlawful acts either through thought
lessness or maliciousness. Tho own
ers of lands have a legal remedy
against all who trespass upon their
property. In March, ISGO, a bill was
passed by the State Legislature, mak
ing it a misdemeanor for any |>erson
to carry off fruit, or to destroy fruit
on another man's premises. The act
was first passed for Huntingdon couu
ty, but the pauie year was extern led
to four or five other counties. The
next year tho law was made general
over the State. It provides that tho
person offending shall upon convic
tion be fiued not less than $5 nor
more than s">o, one halt to go to the
informer and the other halt' to the
owner of the land; and in default of
payment the offender shall undergo
imprisonment of on day f<>r every
dollar of fine imposed.
Forty tramps in jail at I>over,
. Del., refused work paying $1 per day.
A Hypnotized Man Turning
j Robber.
May one who is free from vicious
tenancies he made to commit a crime
wbile hypiiotiz« , d. which he or she,
with lull command of faculties, would
regard with abhorrence ? Experi
ments both here and abroad have
' abundantly illustrated the wonderful
p>wer possess"d i»y the operator over
j hi* subject; the latter wholly subor
j dinating Lis will: acting, speaking,
aud, to all appearance, even thinking
! aud seeing in directed A recent iu-
I vesiigato: - , M. W. A Croffui, would
I seem to have gone a step further on
; the road to practical uccomplishmeut
iby iudueiug his subject to actually
rob a bouse; a pre-arrange men t, of
course, the agent, however, having
uo knowledge of this. This agent,
whom Mr CrofFut described, in a re
cent paper, as of k iown probity, set
out, while in a hypnotic state, to rob
a neighboring house, which, together
with the means of entrance, was fully
described to him; being told that a
heap of gold was to be found in a
certain apartment The operator's
assistant accompanying him declares
that, after gathering up the imaginary
treasures and putting it iu the bag
provided him, the subject proceeded
to purloin other articles, so thorough
ly aroused was his cupidity, and get
ting safely out evinced an inclination
to fly with the treasure iustead of re
turning and dividing with the opera
tor, as was agreed. Another subject,
uuder similar influence, took a pistol,
supposed to be but not really loaded,
aud, aiming it at bis heart, as direct
ed, pulled the trigger.
If from these and similar investiga
tions it should become apparent that
all manner of real crimes may be
committed by innocent persons while
iu this hypnotic or mesmeric condi
tion, and if the vicious, having power
as that evidently possessed by Mr.
Crotlut and others, should actually
employ the unsuspecting and uusus
pected as their agents, how would
society protect itself ? llow could
the innocent agents be distinguished
from those not under such influence,
but settiug up the claim wheu caught
ouly to avoid puuibhmeut? A really
honest clerk, with the keys of bis em
ployer's office and safe in bis posses
sion, might be made, should he fall
under such influence, to commit a
burglary; the heir to an estate might
be induced to kill himself; a trust
worthy servant to commit murder or
These are interesting psychological
questions; questions, it may bo said,
which are by no means beneath the
dignity of science to iuquirc into.
Earth Worms Causing Trich
It is a uot uncommon occurence
that a parasite iuhabits different ani
mals at ditfereut stages of its growth.
This is the case with the smali thread
worm, Syngamus trachealis, which
infests the windpipe of the pheasant,
peacock, turkey, duck and other
fowls, and often occasions considera
ble damage. Mr. Walker, of Frank
linville, N. Y. f has recently made
investigations on this subject. He
finds that the intermediate host of the
embryo Byngamus is the common
earth worm, which in places visited
by birds has been found to be beset
with these parasites. They are swal
lowed by the birds along with the
worms, aud perforating the unopha
gus, find their way into the respira
tory organs. During, or immediate
ly after, this migration the syngamus
attains sexual maturity and attaches
itself to the trachea. This happens
in six or seven days after it has been
swallowed. In seven days its eggs
are produced, which are coughed up
by the bird and reach the ground,
where the embryo emerges in about
threo weeks. It is swallowed by a
worm and temains in its intestinal ca
nal uutii devoured by a bird. The
best method to check this disease is
to moisten the soil with brine, which
kills both the worms and the embryo
syngami which they contain. Birds
which have died of this disease should
be destroyed by fire.—New York
Approaching Fall.
Fall is coming on fast. The plain
tive drone of the katydid fills the
twilight with sad suggestions of tho
dying season. The birds will soon
be mustering in armies for tho south
ern clime. The harvest is gathered,
and tho fall will soon bo hero. The
robin will soon wink you a goodbye,
nnd tho red-winged black bird will
flap you an adieu. The cricket will
chirp his song on the hearth and the
cat will purr Inside the first sugges
tion of tho early fall fire The plumes
of the golden rod are lighting the
roadside with splendid color. Tho
ba.s fisher gets out his rods and lines
and awaits tho frosty mornings. Tho
The most glorious season is here, full
of tho suggestions of completeness.
Watch the seasons, they havo the
eloquence of sileut work and the in
spiration of immortaliy. Ail things
change but nothing dies.
A Sand Storm at Sea.
Tho British steamship Glenshiel,
from the Fast Indies, recently arrived
at New York, reports a sand storm
which occurred on the evening of
July 10, while tho vessel was mak
ing for Suez When half way up the
Red Sea a most terrific sand storm,
which lasted nearly ten hours, sud
denly swept down. It was impossi
ble to see anything a ship's length
away. Tho wind blew a gale, and it
was found to be a dangerous experi
ment to stay on deck for any length
of time. Tho sand was hot, and
when it came into contact with the
body, would sting like tho point of a
Sure Death to Buffalo Moths.
A lady correspondent sends us the
following: Take strips of red or blue
flannel (as these colors are particu
larly attractive to them), dip in li
quid arsenic and lay around the edge
of carpets, or wherever the pests are
troublesome. They will soon eat a
desired amount aud collapse, to the
entire satisfaction of the housewife,
without tho least injury to her car
Philadelphia hotel tuon calculate
they give away $5,000 worth of Bta
tiotiery a year to letter writiug friends
who don't pay the botclu a cent.
—Kichari* Johurton, jailed at Lain
berton, North Carolina, for polygamy,
confeHriea that "to the best of hia
knowledge" he had fifteen wivcH now
| Prospects for Sugar on the Pa
• Thp whole of the Pacific States
and Territories can, no doubt, pro
duce six to sc veil milliou tons, enough
to supply 50 p--r cent more than tlo
present consumption of all eivilized
countries That consumption, though,
is increasing very rapidly, and it
doubles in the Uuited States in about
twenty years. Thus in that time it
would absorb all possible production
productiou of the State The value
of 3,110,000 tous of sugar would, at
5 cents per pound, be close on three
hundred and fifty million dollars per
annum To obtain it one has to g »
abroad. Besides the return to the
farmer, the industry gives steady
employ meut at the rate of about one
man to every 30,000 pounds ol sugar.
The total producc'of all the sugar
lands iu California would, therefore,
give work to not less than 230.000
men, a population of 1,
(ioij,ouo, including trailers, manufac
turers, wives, children, etc. It wou'd
besides, give support to a great and
varied industry. It would need 21,
000,000 barrels to contain the sugar,
and thus give support to a vast coop
erage industry and lumber interest.
The engines would consume 19 bar
rels of oil to each ton, or 58.000 000
barrels to the total possible product
ion of the State. This would, no
doubt, exhaust all the crude oil that
California can produce. The use of two
per cent slake lime would call for over
400,000 barrels of lime a year. The
machinery needed, too, in these mills
would cost $48,000,000, and would
require renewing say every fifteen
years, thus creating a foundry busi
ness of over $3,000,000 a year. An
immense quantity of coal would be
consumed, so that it would give sup
port to a great mining interest. And
we have not yet uigh exhausted the
the list of ail the new industries that
this great one would support. We
havo delineated its possibilities.
It would, of course, take a long
series of years to arrive at the results
here presented. That it is possible
under any circumstances may be
known from the fact that the last
sugar made cost 4.84 cents per
pound, and that it is stated on good
authority it can be laid down iu San
Francit-co for 3.} cents per pound, so
that California can easily hold her
own in beet sugar producti on.—Sao
Francisco Journal.
Clouds of Moths.
The city of Heading, I'd., Lad a re
markable visitation of moths on the
evening of August 1. Myriads ot
them infested the air, resembling at
a distance a snow storm. They were
first noticed tlyiug around the elec
tric lights about 8 o'clock, and gradu
ally increased to such numbers as to
obscure the brilliancy ot the lights
Passengers on the street cars, as they
passed under the laaips, were cover
ed with the iusects, and handker
chiefs, hats, and fans were plied vig
orously to keep them otf Fires
were built under the lights and heaps
ot the moths were burued. Pena St
saloon men were c impelled to close
their front doors to keep out, the pests
which were attracted to the bar
rooms by the bright lights. The
doors a I windows of dwelli.ig
houses li<»d also to be closed to keep
tbum out. Local savauts pronounc
ed them cotton moths, aud they evi
dently came from the South. They
are said to precede a hot wave, aud a
decided rise in the temperature is
At Easton, Pa. butterflies by the
thousands flew around the sixty-four
electric lights, lit on the carbons and
then dropped dead in the globes.
When the men who renew the carbon
visited the lights, they found on an
average two quarts of dead butterflies
on each globe, a total of four bushels,
besides the lot that had fallen on the
ground during the night.
Through, the Rift.
A young man had made himslf a
home on a new farm, situated away
from neighbors. At the bend in the
wood-road he Lad cut a little opening,
visible from the house, that wife and
baby might see him, on his way, be
fore he quite reached them. This
clearing was called by them "'the open
place." The little one often ran to
the door, during papa's absence, to
see "if papa was tumin' by de opea
One day the husband and father
was stricken down with fever. The
little one was carried to auntie's
house, out of danger's way, aud did
not return until after the dear, brave
papa was carried to the "llost that
remaineth for the people of God."
W'h-Q the child returned to tho sor
rowing mother, ho was
told th:it papa had gone to
heavon, but would come for his
little boy some day. Ho often looked
and longed for his father. The fatal
fever attacked the boy. Just as the
setting sun tinged all the sky, the
darling, who had lain for days uncon
scious, suddenly opened his eyes and
suid: '•Mamma, papa is tumin' by the
opeu place." He reached his arms
up towards the bright apparition,
which unquickened eyes could not
see. and sank back lifeless.— Detroit
Free J'restt.
Noah's Ark Wood.
Within a radious of Bixty miles ol
Nasnville, Tenn.. there is said to be
found a tree that is said to be tho
shittim wood of ark fame. Celebrat
ed botanists from all over tho country
have examined tho trees and agree
that they grow nowhere else on the
globe. They have decided that it is
the shittim wood of which Noah's
ark was constructed, mention of
which is made several times in the
Bible. The treo is medium si/.»-d,
with very dark smooth bark, aud the
wood is of a bright gold color. In
early spring tho tress are laden with
long, white blossoms, closely resem
bliug great ostrich plumes There
seems to be no doubt about the iden
tity of these trees, and it is remarka
ble that thoy are found ouly in this
small area aad so few at that,
Population of Russia.
Government statistics recently pub
lished place the population of the
Russian empire at 108,787, 235, of
which 81,725,185 are in Russia pro
per, 10,136,725 are in the other pro
vinces of Russia in Kurope, and 16,-
925,325 in Asiatic Russia. St. Pe
tersburg is the most populous city,
with a total or 861,303. The popu
lation of Moscow is 753,469, of War
saw 454,293, OdcM* 240^0QQ^
Ho Is Strong in England.
j Pitt-liorg Chroo.-Telegraph.]
County Recorder W. H. Graham
arrived in the city ihis morning from
an tour of Kurope looking
hale and beary and in the best of
health anl spirits He was accompa
nied bv Taomas Ward, of Pittsburg.
The Recorder bad about tweoty canes
with him which he secured io differ
ent parts of Kurope. and which he
will .'resent to friends. In speaking
of Europe as he found it, Mr. Grah
am said: "1 think if Mr. Cleveland
was muiiing for President in England
he would surely be elected. Had 1
not been a K 'publican before I left
here I would surely be one now. A
person does not need to inveeti-
I gate to find out bow the sentiment
lin England is running. Why, actu
ally. you con'd not go ioto a hotel, a
resta r»u\ or even a store, but you
wouid tiud everybody for Cleveland.
I had a talk with a number of Eng
lishmen, and they told me they were
hoping lor his re election, so that be
could carry out his free trade doc
trine* They said that they hoped
then to htwe England restored to her
original place, as the largest manu
faciuiiag country in the world. I ask
ed them if thev really thought free
; trade in the United States would
benefit, them, at which they were
greatly amused and said that after
free trade was adopted iu the United
States it would only be a'few months
uutil every workshop and mill in
, England would be running full blast.
I "1 hope, however, that the day will
uever come when the United States
wiil be like Kuglaod. I spent some
| time in ascertaining the wages paid
workiotrmru in Europe, and it actu
ally nst<>auded me I got on a street
car in Londou one tiny, and in a con
versation with the conductor, I asked
him what wages were paid him. He
told me twenty-four cents a day, and
that be worked from six o'clock in the
morniug until ten, eleven and twelve
o'clock at night. This is only one
example There artf thousands just
like it that I could enumerate. I
found that all through England, and,
iu fact, the most of Europe, the wa
ges paid mea were 50 to GO per cent
lower than those paid American
A Cure for Laziness.
A late reverend gentleman, who
resided iu Yorkshire, aid was as well
known for bis eccentricity as hi* tal
ents, one day suut his sou, a lazy lad
about twelve yearß, to catch the
horse. The lad went sauntering
along with a grain of corn in one
hand and a bridle in the other, drag
ging the reins along the ground.
"Thomas," said the father, calling
after him in a very solemn tone of
voice, "come here, Thomas, I want
to say a word to you before you go."
The lad returned, and the parson
"You know, Thomas, that I gave
you a great deal of counsel. You
know that 1 bave taught you, before
closing your eyes, to say, 'Now I
lay me down to sleep,' etc, besides a
good many other things in the way
of explanation aud advice. But this
is the last opportunity I may ever
have of speaking to you, I couldn't
let it pass without giving yon my
parting charge. Be a good boy and
always say that pretty prayer before
going to sleep."
As he said this in a very sad and
solemn manner the poor boy began to
be frightened, and burst into tears
with this exclamation:
"You will never see me again, pa?"
"No, for I will probably die be'ore
you get back with the horse."
This quickened Thomas's ideas,and
gathering up the reins, he ran and
caught the horse iu less time that he
bad ever done before.
The Fastest Railroad Train In
the World.
Competition between two of the
great English lines of railroad has re
cently taken the form of cuttiog down
the running time The London and
North-Western and the Great North
ern, striving against each other for
the traffic between London and Edin
bnrg, have reduced the running time
between these points to eight hours.
By the first named road the distance is
401 miles, by the other it is 397. For
the eutire distance the schedule is
slightly exceeded by the short B.&O.
between Baltimore and Washington,
40 mil- siu 45 minutes. But the
length of the trip removes it from the
comparison On the North-Western
roaii one run without, a halt of
158 miles in three hours is a part oi
the trip. This exceeds the run from
Port Wayne to Chicago by 12 mile*.
To realize what this speed means, it
may be compared with the trip from
New York to Chicago by the Penn
sylvania Railroad. The same speed
would reduce the<ime between these
points to a little over eighteen and
one half hours. It has been suggest
ed that an afternoon train should
leuve New York and should reach
Chicago in time for business the next
day. The above proves the practica
bility of such a project.
Journalistic Profits.
This is the way a country editor
keeps his subscription book—he never
has but one.
Tom Brown, Rettled.
Jack Smith, eg«s.
Jim Jones, fish.
Pat Boke, butter.
John Flinch, whisky.
H. Gray, whisky.
Jeff Pink, meat.
Rob Rud, on house rent.
Tom Paine, CASU !!!!
SLoo CABINS can hard
ly be considered hand
some or elegant, bat
tbey were fit habitations
for the rugged pioneers
of America. Onr ances
tors were rugged speci
mens of noblo manhood, complete in
health, strength and endurance. Their
wholesome remedies are reproduced
in this later age, in Warner's Log
Cabin Sarsaparilla and Warner's
Three of a Kind.
Since Itelva Ijxkwmd got into
The l'r. «nUnti il tuaile
The paralyzing fa-t is Warned:
She ilm iiu't wear a bu»tle.
Thi* ought not lo hurt her nunt:
The Nimple truth in, neither
Of the other candidates
Wears a buttle either.
—They say the -
is equal to
N(1 44