VOL. XXV. Silt NONE PREFER CMUP, SIIODI BOOTS 13S MH< >l>. While the Great Majority of the People of Butler Co. Want Solid, Good, Reliable Boots and Shoes Worth the money they pay. The latter go to HUSELTONS For their Boots and Shoes. They do it because he has the largest stock to select from; because they can and do rvly on what he tells them about the goods. No two or three prices—same to all. No tricky •ad vertising done, such as goods at 48 cts, CO cts, etc. No auction, or OLD SAMPLE LOTS, put in asVould make believe at oO cents on the dollar, but fresh new style* made to order by the best manufacturers in the country to-day. You always want to keep an eye open on the lellow that says he is giving his goods away at oO cts on the dollar. Either he or the goods is considerably off colour. Our selection is large in Ladies' Shoes of all kinds at SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50, $2 00 and up to $4.50 We don't say they are worth twice the money we ask for them; or to come quick, never get such a chance again; and, at your own price, and all D!S KOK THE MiI.LION Nl/'lf DKKJvSKH. WAHIi DUKSH KABKICH, INFANTS WEAK. I"NDERWKAK, JAF'KKTS. PAKASOLH, HOSIERY, WRAPS SHAWLS. KID OLOVES. A. Troutman & Son. Leading Dry floods and Carpet Bouse. BUTT .TfT!R» IFEJSI 2sT A.- CTRTAINB. CARPETS. WISIMI* SHADES. MATTINGS. CtRTAIN KILB ART SOUARES. AVDKMRKKH. JAPANK.SK Rt'GS, TABLK COVERS. KI/HIR LINENS, HttFA KtUft, LINOLKI'MS. LINENS AND NAPKINS, OIL CLOTHS, OUNAHKNTS. SPECIAL ATTBNTFON TO ORDERS BY MAIL AUGUST 1 AT RITTER & RALSTON'B. • NEW FALL PRINTS, NEW FALL TRIMMINGS, NEW FALL GINGHAMS, NEW FALL BUTTONS, NEW FALL DRESS GOODS, NEW FALL COLLARS, NEW FALL GLOVES, NEW FALL CUFFS, NEW FALL HOSIERY, NEW FALL RIBBONS, NEW FALL CARPETS. New Goods arriving right aloni VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our Clearing Out Sale in July wan BO givat a nieces that we will continue it during August. EXCURSION. ir yon want to excurt, combine business with pleasure and come to Butler and take advantage of the GREAT BAR GAINS at RITTER & RALSTON'S. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. 'PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. H. GOUCHER Attoriiev-at-law. Office on second lloor of Brady building, Diamond, liutler, Pa. J", F. Brittain, Atry at Law —Office at S. E. Cor. Main St, and Diamond, Butler, Pa. NEWTON BLA. K Att'v at Law—Oflice on South side of Diamond, butler. Pa. IRA MCJ UNK IN, Attorney at Law. Office at No. 17, East Jeffer son St.. Butler, Pa. L. Mca ui STIO.Y, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, OFFICE ON DIAMOND, BUTI.EI:, PA. Dr. lUT. M. Hoover, Office over Boyd's Drutf store. DIAMOND 81-OCK, ... BCTI.EK, PA. G. M. ZIMMERMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SCKUKON, Office at No. 45. S. Main street, over Frank & Co s Diu? Store. Butler, l'a. W. R. TITZEL, PHYSICIAN ANU SURGEON. X. E. Corner Main and Wayne Sts. .B'U TLIEiIR, IPZEJN HSF A. Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession execut ed in the neatest manner. Specialties (iold Fillings, and Painless Ex traction ol Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Office on Jefferson Street, one iloor East of Lowry House, I'p Stair*. Office open dally, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mail receive prompt attention, X. B.- The only Dentist in Butler using the best makes of teeth. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office No. C 5 South Main Street, BUTLER, - PA. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS, Physician and Surgeon. No. 10 West Cunninghm St., BUTLER, jTs. LUSK, M.D., Has removed from Harmony to Butler and has his office at No.-#, Main St., three doors below Lowry House. a;ir-30-tr. DEITTISTR * . 0 1/ WAI.IJUON, Graduate of the Phila • IV. delphia Cental College. Is prepared todo anything !:■ the line of his profession In a satisfactory manner. (HTice on Main street, Butler, opposite the Vogeley House. L. S. McJUNKIiV, Insurance and Real Estate Ag't. 17 EAST JEFFERSON ST. BUTLER, - PA. Stewart & Patterson. A. M. STEWART and S. A. PATTERSON, Con tractors and Builders, are footli men of } ears of expetlenceluflneliou.se building and framing. All persons thinking of building will do well to s<-e them and look over their designs. Residence on Palrvlew Ave., Spiingdale. Postofllce, Butler, l'a. TRY IT YOURSELF. "It is of no use to argue the question, lam neither stubborn nor opinionated, I haye simply had a lesson that will last a life time." "Look here, Jack! you are like some old bachelor who hati been jilted by one wo man, and goes about declaring all women are false." "Not at all! my brother Charles died of Bright's disease, brought on by using one of these so-called 'blood purifiers'—tne kind you see attractively advertised in every nook and corner. It contained iodide of potassuui, a drug useful in extreme cases when cau tiously given under a doctor's supervision, but death-dealing to all who take it iu quan tity. If your brother had died under such circumstances, you would hate patent medi cines as I do." "I do dislike the name of that miscalled 'blood purifier,' for I have henr l first class physicians say it is the cause of half the cas es of Bright's disease iu the country, aud it is slraugu the proprietors have not been prose cuted for telling it. But / wait recotnmend ing Vinegar Bitters aud that does not con tain any mineral, naicotiu or other hurtful drug." "Ob, nobody suppose* that old woman's remedy will hurt anybody; the question is will it cure anything '! I'd as soon think of taking some of uiy grand mother's hero lea." "You would be better off, .Jack, if you liad some of that tea to tone up your system now, iustc-ad of taking a glass of brandy to make you sleep one night, and perhaps a bottle of beer the next." "Is this a temperance lecture, Phil?" "No, it is a Vinegar Hitters lecture. I've taken the medicine more or lens lor lilteeu years, and look the world over, you will uot find a healther man than I am. "What is all thin nonsense about old style and new style Viuegar Hitlers; are they dif ferent?" "Yes, the old style looks like coffee with Mljj)c in it, the new style like colfee without ;nilk. The man who made the obi style for twenty yiiitra a practical chemist made a luilder, plciisuutcr, preparation, adding to it here, and taking from it there, until he pro duced, my wile snys, the finest medicine ever rnadu. It cured her of coustipatiou, and it cures the children of hives and all the little ailinenU they ever have. It my wife thinks they have worms, she doses them with old style. We always have both kinds in the house, and together they keep the docti r away." "And you insist that the proof of the pud ding—" "la the eating—precisely. Jack, get a bottle of the old style Vinegar Hitters—men I think, prefer old style usually—try it, and you will then be like au old bachelor who, alter railing against women for years, falls in love within good woman at last. You will say there are good and had patent medicines, but Vinegar I'itu-rw is the best of the lot." "All right, Phil, to please you, I'll try it and report results.'' ill J'ltilWnl ifjlMllirm The only Temperince Kilters knows. It stimu late* the Ser»es, rrirulate* tlie HowcU anil pro cure* a perfect Mood circulation, nlilch Is sure Is renlore perfect health. GKO. W. DAVIS, of l«9 11,'iroiine si.. New Or leiins, IJI.. wrltca uulef ilal' - "lay vi lli, lsxw, ax follows: • I have been going to the Hot Springs, Ark., for fifteen years for an Itching humor In my lilooil. I have lust used three tattles of Vine gar Hitters, and It. lias done iim more goisl than the Springs. It Is the beat medicine made." JO SKI'H .1. i;os session of average health and sound ness of body shall be a bar to exercis ing the calling of traveling merchant, it can also make some physical defect the badge of every calling, aud may enact, for instauce, that only confirm ed dyspeptics shall keep dry goods stores; that a grocer must have chron ic rheumatism, a blacksmith hut one leg, a milliner no teeth, a physician no hair; that a lawyer must have the asthma and a barber must be dumb." "To concede to the legislature," the Court concludes, "the power to arbi trarily exclude from any houest call ing all men who are in a normal bod ily coudition would be to break down one of the safeguards thrown around the citizen by tho Fourteenth amend ment to the constitution of the Unit ed States and by the constitution of our own State," Trespissing Prohibited. At this season of the jear farmers are greatly annoyed by the depreda tions of trespassers, some of whom carry off fruit, let down fences so that cattle can get into fields and destroy the growing grain, or commit other unlawful acts either through thought lessness or maliciousness. Tho own ers of lands have a legal remedy against all who trespass upon their property. In March, ISGO, a bill was passed by the State Legislature, mak ing it a misdemeanor for any |>erson to carry off fruit, or to destroy fruit on another man's premises. The act was first passed for Huntingdon couu ty, but the pauie year was extern led to four or five other counties. The next year tho law was made general over the State. It provides that tho person offending shall upon convic tion be fiued not less than $5 nor more than s">o, one halt to go to the informer and the other halt' to the owner of the land; and in default of payment the offender shall undergo imprisonment of on day f<>r every dollar of fine imposed. Forty tramps in jail at I>over, . Del., refused work paying $1 per day. A Hypnotized Man Turning j Robber. May one who is free from vicious tenancies he made to commit a crime wbile hypiiotiz« , d. which he or she, with lull command of faculties, would regard with abhorrence ? Experi ments both here and abroad have ' abundantly illustrated the wonderful p>wer possess"d i»y the operator over j hi* subject; the latter wholly subor j dinating Lis will: acting, speaking, aud, to all appearance, even thinking ! aud seeing in directed A recent iu- I vesiigato: - , M. W. A Croffui, would I seem to have gone a step further on ; the road to practical uccomplishmeut iby iudueiug his subject to actually rob a bouse; a pre-arrange men t, of course, the agent, however, having uo knowledge of this. This agent, whom Mr CrofFut described, in a re cent paper, as of k iown probity, set out, while in a hypnotic state, to rob a neighboring house, which, together with the means of entrance, was fully described to him; being told that a heap of gold was to be found in a certain apartment The operator's assistant accompanying him declares that, after gathering up the imaginary treasures and putting it iu the bag provided him, the subject proceeded to purloin other articles, so thorough ly aroused was his cupidity, and get ting safely out evinced an inclination to fly with the treasure iustead of re turning and dividing with the opera tor, as was agreed. Another subject, uuder similar influence, took a pistol, supposed to be but not really loaded, aud, aiming it at bis heart, as direct ed, pulled the trigger. If from these and similar investiga tions it should become apparent that all manner of real crimes may be committed by innocent persons while iu this hypnotic or mesmeric condi tion, and if the vicious, having power as that evidently possessed by Mr. Crotlut and others, should actually employ the unsuspecting and uusus pected as their agents, how would society protect itself ? llow could the innocent agents be distinguished from those not under such influence, but settiug up the claim wheu caught ouly to avoid puuibhmeut? A really honest clerk, with the keys of bis em ployer's office and safe in bis posses sion, might be made, should he fall under such influence, to commit a burglary; the heir to an estate might be induced to kill himself; a trust worthy servant to commit murder or arson. These are interesting psychological questions; questions, it may bo said, which are by no means beneath the dignity of science to iuquirc into. Earth Worms Causing Trich inae. It is a uot uncommon occurence that a parasite iuhabits different ani mals at ditfereut stages of its growth. This is the case with the smali thread worm, Syngamus trachealis, which infests the windpipe of the pheasant, peacock, turkey, duck and other fowls, and often occasions considera ble damage. Mr. Walker, of Frank linville, N. Y. f has recently made investigations on this subject. He finds that the intermediate host of the embryo Byngamus is the common earth worm, which in places visited by birds has been found to be beset with these parasites. They are swal lowed by the birds along with the worms, aud perforating the unopha gus, find their way into the respira tory organs. During, or immediate ly after, this migration the syngamus attains sexual maturity and attaches itself to the trachea. This happens in six or seven days after it has been swallowed. In seven days its eggs are produced, which are coughed up by the bird and reach the ground, where the embryo emerges in about threo weeks. It is swallowed by a worm and temains in its intestinal ca nal uutii devoured by a bird. The best method to check this disease is to moisten the soil with brine, which kills both the worms and the embryo syngami which they contain. Birds which have died of this disease should be destroyed by fire.—New York Star. Approaching Fall. Fall is coming on fast. The plain tive drone of the katydid fills the twilight with sad suggestions of tho dying season. The birds will soon be mustering in armies for tho south ern clime. The harvest is gathered, and tho fall will soon bo hero. The robin will soon wink you a goodbye, nnd tho red-winged black bird will flap you an adieu. The cricket will chirp his song on the hearth and the cat will purr Inside the first sugges tion of tho early fall fire The plumes of the golden rod are lighting the roadside with splendid color. Tho ba.s fisher gets out his rods and lines and awaits tho frosty mornings. Tho The most glorious season is here, full of tho suggestions of completeness. Watch the seasons, they havo the eloquence of sileut work and the in spiration of immortaliy. Ail things change but nothing dies. A Sand Storm at Sea. Tho British steamship Glenshiel, from the Fast Indies, recently arrived at New York, reports a sand storm which occurred on the evening of July 10, while tho vessel was mak ing for Suez When half way up the Red Sea a most terrific sand storm, which lasted nearly ten hours, sud denly swept down. It was impossi ble to see anything a ship's length away. Tho wind blew a gale, and it was found to be a dangerous experi ment to stay on deck for any length of time. Tho sand was hot, and when it came into contact with the body, would sting like tho point of a knife. Sure Death to Buffalo Moths. A lady correspondent sends us the following: Take strips of red or blue flannel (as these colors are particu larly attractive to them), dip in li quid arsenic and lay around the edge of carpets, or wherever the pests are troublesome. They will soon eat a desired amount aud collapse, to the entire satisfaction of the housewife, without tho least injury to her car pets. Philadelphia hotel tuon calculate they give away $5,000 worth of Bta tiotiery a year to letter writiug friends who don't pay the botclu a cent. —Kichari* Johurton, jailed at Lain berton, North Carolina, for polygamy, confeHriea that "to the best of hia knowledge" he had fifteen wivcH now living. | Prospects for Sugar on the Pa cific. • Thp whole of the Pacific States and Territories can, no doubt, pro duce six to sc veil milliou tons, enough to supply 50 p--r cent more than tlo present consumption of all eivilized countries That consumption, though, is increasing very rapidly, and it doubles in the Uuited States in about twenty years. Thus in that time it would absorb all possible production productiou of the State The value of 3,110,000 tous of sugar would, at 5 cents per pound, be close on three hundred and fifty million dollars per annum To obtain it one has to g » abroad. Besides the return to the farmer, the industry gives steady employ meut at the rate of about one man to every 30,000 pounds ol sugar. The total producc'of all the sugar lands iu California would, therefore, give work to not less than 230.000 men, a population of 1, (ioij,ouo, including trailers, manufac turers, wives, children, etc. It wou'd besides, give support to a great and varied industry. It would need 21, 000,000 barrels to contain the sugar, and thus give support to a vast coop erage industry and lumber interest. The engines would consume 19 bar rels of oil to each ton, or 58.000 000 barrels to the total possible product ion of the State. This would, no doubt, exhaust all the crude oil that California can produce. The use of two per cent slake lime would call for over 400,000 barrels of lime a year. The machinery needed, too, in these mills would cost $48,000,000, and would require renewing say every fifteen years, thus creating a foundry busi ness of over $3,000,000 a year. An immense quantity of coal would be consumed, so that it would give sup port to a great mining interest. And we have not yet uigh exhausted the the list of ail the new industries that this great one would support. We havo delineated its possibilities. It would, of course, take a long series of years to arrive at the results here presented. That it is possible under any circumstances may be known from the fact that the last sugar made cost 4.84 cents per pound, and that it is stated on good authority it can be laid down iu San Francit-co for 3.} cents per pound, so that California can easily hold her own in beet sugar producti on.—Sao Francisco Journal. Clouds of Moths. The city of Heading, I'd., Lad a re markable visitation of moths on the evening of August 1. Myriads ot them infested the air, resembling at a distance a snow storm. They were first noticed tlyiug around the elec tric lights about 8 o'clock, and gradu ally increased to such numbers as to obscure the brilliancy ot the lights Passengers on the street cars, as they passed under the laaips, were cover ed with the iusects, and handker chiefs, hats, and fans were plied vig orously to keep them otf Fires were built under the lights and heaps ot the moths were burued. Pena St saloon men were c impelled to close their front doors to keep out, the pests which were attracted to the bar rooms by the bright lights. The doors a I windows of dwelli.ig houses li<»d also to be closed to keep tbum out. Local savauts pronounc ed them cotton moths, aud they evi dently came from the South. They are said to precede a hot wave, aud a decided rise in the temperature is predicted. At Easton, Pa. butterflies by the thousands flew around the sixty-four electric lights, lit on the carbons and then dropped dead in the globes. When the men who renew the carbon visited the lights, they found on an average two quarts of dead butterflies on each globe, a total of four bushels, besides the lot that had fallen on the ground during the night. Through, the Rift. A young man had made himslf a home on a new farm, situated away from neighbors. At the bend in the wood-road he Lad cut a little opening, visible from the house, that wife and baby might see him, on his way, be fore he quite reached them. This clearing was called by them "'the open place." The little one often ran to the door, during papa's absence, to see "if papa was tumin' by de opea place." One day the husband and father was stricken down with fever. The little one was carried to auntie's house, out of danger's way, aud did not return until after the dear, brave papa was carried to the "llost that remaineth for the people of God." W'h-Q the child returned to tho sor rowing mother, ho was told th:it papa had gone to heavon, but would come for his little boy some day. Ho often looked and longed for his father. The fatal fever attacked the boy. Just as the setting sun tinged all the sky, the darling, who had lain for days uncon scious, suddenly opened his eyes and suid: '•Mamma, papa is tumin' by the opeu place." He reached his arms up towards the bright apparition, which unquickened eyes could not see. and sank back lifeless.— Detroit Free J'restt. Noah's Ark Wood. Within a radious of Bixty miles ol Nasnville, Tenn.. there is said to be found a tree that is said to be tho shittim wood of ark fame. Celebrat ed botanists from all over tho country have examined tho trees and agree that they grow nowhere else on the globe. They have decided that it is the shittim wood of which Noah's ark was constructed, mention of which is made several times in the Bible. The treo is medium si/.»-d, with very dark smooth bark, aud the wood is of a bright gold color. In early spring tho tress are laden with long, white blossoms, closely resem bliug great ostrich plumes There seems to be no doubt about the iden tity of these trees, and it is remarka ble that thoy are found ouly in this small area aad so few at that, Population of Russia. Government statistics recently pub lished place the population of the Russian empire at 108,787, 235, of which 81,725,185 are in Russia pro per, 10,136,725 are in the other pro vinces of Russia in Kurope, and 16,- 925,325 in Asiatic Russia. St. Pe tersburg is the most populous city, with a total or 861,303. The popu lation of Moscow is 753,469, of War saw 454,293, OdcM* 240^0QQ^ Ho Is Strong in England. j Pitt-liorg Chroo.-Telegraph.] County Recorder W. H. Graham arrived in the city ihis morning from an tour of Kurope looking hale and beary and in the best of health anl spirits He was accompa nied bv Taomas Ward, of Pittsburg. The Recorder bad about tweoty canes with him which he secured io differ ent parts of Kurope. and which he will .'resent to friends. In speaking of Europe as he found it, Mr. Grah am said: "1 think if Mr. Cleveland was muiiing for President in England he would surely be elected. Had 1 not been a K 'publican before I left here I would surely be one now. A person does not need to inveeti- I gate to find out bow the sentiment lin England is running. Why, actu ally. you con'd not go ioto a hotel, a resta r»u\ or even a store, but you wouid tiud everybody for Cleveland. I had a talk with a number of Eng lishmen, and they told me they were hoping lor his re election, so that be could carry out his free trade doc trine* They said that they hoped then to htwe England restored to her original place, as the largest manu faciuiiag country in the world. I ask ed them if thev really thought free ; trade in the United States would benefit, them, at which they were greatly amused and said that after free trade was adopted iu the United States it would only be a'few months uutil every workshop and mill in , England would be running full blast. I "1 hope, however, that the day will uever come when the United States wiil be like Kuglaod. I spent some | time in ascertaining the wages paid workiotrmru in Europe, and it actu ally nst<>auded me I got on a street car in Londou one tiny, and in a con versation with the conductor, I asked him what wages were paid him. He told me twenty-four cents a day, and that be worked from six o'clock in the morniug until ten, eleven and twelve o'clock at night. This is only one example There artf thousands just like it that I could enumerate. I found that all through England, and, iu fact, the most of Europe, the wa ges paid mea were 50 to GO per cent lower than those paid American workmen." A Cure for Laziness. A late reverend gentleman, who resided iu Yorkshire, aid was as well known for bis eccentricity as hi* tal ents, one day suut his sou, a lazy lad about twelve yearß, to catch the horse. The lad went sauntering along with a grain of corn in one hand and a bridle in the other, drag ging the reins along the ground. "Thomas," said the father, calling after him in a very solemn tone of voice, "come here, Thomas, I want to say a word to you before you go." The lad returned, and the parson proceeded: "You know, Thomas, that I gave you a great deal of counsel. You know that 1 bave taught you, before closing your eyes, to say, 'Now I lay me down to sleep,' etc, besides a good many other things in the way of explanation aud advice. But this is the last opportunity I may ever have of speaking to you, I couldn't let it pass without giving yon my parting charge. Be a good boy and always say that pretty prayer before going to sleep." As he said this in a very sad and solemn manner the poor boy began to be frightened, and burst into tears with this exclamation: "You will never see me again, pa?" "No, for I will probably die be'ore you get back with the horse." This quickened Thomas's ideas,and gathering up the reins, he ran and caught the horse iu less time that he bad ever done before. The Fastest Railroad Train In the World. Competition between two of the great English lines of railroad has re cently taken the form of cuttiog down the running time The London and North-Western and the Great North ern, striving against each other for the traffic between London and Edin bnrg, have reduced the running time between these points to eight hours. By the first named road the distance is 401 miles, by the other it is 397. For the eutire distance the schedule is slightly exceeded by the short B.&O. between Baltimore and Washington, 40 mil- siu 45 minutes. But the length of the trip removes it from the comparison On the North-Western roaii one run without, a halt of 158 miles in three hours is a part oi the trip. This exceeds the run from Port Wayne to Chicago by 12 mile*. To realize what this speed means, it may be compared with the trip from New York to Chicago by the Penn sylvania Railroad. The same speed would reduce the