VOL. XXV. S3WE PiOPl! PREFER CHEtP, SBODDI ] !< >OTS SHOES, Wliile the (iro.it Majority of the People of Butler Co. Want Solid, Good, Reliable Boots and Shoes Worth the money they pay. The latter go to HUSELTON'S For their Boots and Shoes. They do it because he has the largest stock to select from; because they can and do rely on what he tells them about the goods. >'o two or three prices—same to all. No tricky ad vertising done, such as goods at 48 cts, 09 cts, etc. 2so auction, or OLD SAMPLE LOTS, put in as would make lelieve at 00 cents on the dollar, but fresh new stales made to order by the best manufacturers in the country to-day. You always want to keep an eye open on the iellow that says he is giving his goods away at oU cts on the dollar. Either he or the goods i.» considerably off' colour. Our selection is large in Ladies' Shoes of all kinds at SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50, $2 00 and up to 8-4.50 We don't say they are worth twice the money we ask for them; or to comeyrjuick, never get such a chance .'itrain; and, at your own price, and all such nonsense; but do say that nowhere can you find their equals, especially our $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 Kid Button Hoots. 'I hey are genuine Kid and JJongola warrant ed, and very handsome styles in all widths and shapes, and we intend to try to supply all customers that want these goods, if we can get them fast enough from the factory. Have had some trouble lately on account of our rapidly increasing trade on these shoes to get them fast enough to meet the de mand. AVe intend to extend this opportunity to you of getting these goods at any time, as we intend to keep a full stock at all times. (They are not shop worn sample shoes.) Hence, if it don't suit you to come this week, come next, as we intend to get them in quantities to meet the demand. Some say, "Strike while the iron is hot." You can strike any day or hour at Ilusclton's and find the iron hot. See our Ladies', Misses' and Children's Slippers. Lace Oxfords, Opera, very fine at 50 cts and up. Wigwam, Lawn Tennis in Ladies', Gents', Misses and Children's. Our sales are very large in Men's Fine Shoes, in Button Bals and especially in Congress. We have all styles, widths and prices from SI.OO and up. You should stop in and see our new lines in Boys' and Souths' Shoes, the finest we have ever shown. They are sellers. Why, they sell themselves. Don't for get to look at our immense stoctc of Misses' and Childrens' Spring Heel Shoes, the finest and best fit ting goods for the least money of any goods in this country. We warrant every pair. Men's, Boys' and Youths' Brogans, Plow Shoes, Box-toe Kip Shoes for oil country, at low prices, Please bear in mind that in buying at Iluselton's you are protected in prices, styles and wear. Come and see us. B, C. HUSELTON, No 4N. M4JN ST. BUTLER, PA. 1111111111 1111111111 '"FIBBON* SII.KS. I rr.'.N- i rif I\< s VKLVKTS. I Hi \'\| p V*« * DUKHS OOODS, ■r> v ' i ' • KI.A' K DKK.HH (iOOItH, I !• ill.* |.|,i-, f. eoi.oui:i> DI:KSS OOODS. . , , Sl ' lS ' DKKS.H OOODM H'MJ THE MiI,LION A'r •vr w ?•.. WASH UHKSK KAISKICH. I.«i »%l tt W UK, I \lil. i/VVKAIf .!.<< JIKTH. I'AKASOLS, 11 OS I ML Y W UAPS. SHAWLS. KID GLOVES. A. Troutman & Son. Leading Dry Goods and Carpet Bouse. BUTIJER - PEIS] IST'A-. CCIiTAI\"*. CAKPr/rs. XNI M 'V\ A !', KS ' MATTINOS. • . ;V. i Alt'P SI/I'AKKS. 1 lir .1A I'AMOS Klt I OK, 1 J,... • l'l.OOlt 1.1 N ENS, Nil A IJI'.S, LINOLEt'MS. LINHNS AND NAPKINS, OIL. CLOTHS, OItNAJUOiTS. " ' SPKCIAL ATTENTION TO ORDERS BY MAIL AUGUST 1 • AT RITTER & RALBTON'B. NEW FALL PRINTS, NEW FALL TRIM M I NGS, NEW FALL GINGHAMS, NEW FALL BUTTONS, NEW FALL DRESS GOODS, NEW FALL COLLARS, NEW FALL GLOVES, NEW FALL CUFFS, NEW FALL HOSIERY, NEW FALL RIBBONS, NEW FALL CARPETS. \V fronds urrivinjr right along and being marked at th? YF.i V f.OWKST PRICES. Our Clearing Out Salo in July was i;■> >-i at a SIK-CCSS that we will continue it during August. EXCURSION. If you want to excurt, combine business with pleasure and come t.» Butler and take advantage of the GREAT BAR CAINS at RITTER & RALSTON'S. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I H. H. GOUCHEE Attorney-at-law. Office on second floor of Urady building, Diamond, Duller, Pa. J, F. BriitainT^ Att'y at I.:nr—Office at S. E. Cor. Main St, and Diamond, Duller, Pa. NEWTON BLACK Att'y at Law—Office on South side of Diamond, Butler, Pa. IRA MCJUNKIN, Attorney at Law. Office at No. IT, East Jeffer son St., Butler, Pa, C.F. L. McQUI SITON", EXLI.YEKR AND SURVEYOR, OFFICE ON DIAMOND, BITI.EK, PA. Dr. N. M. Hoover, Office over Boyd's Dru;j Store, DIAMOND BLOCK, - - - BUTLER, PA. G. M, ZIMMERMAN, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Office at No. 4"i, S. Main street, over Frank & <o's DlUtf Store. Butler, Pa. W. R. TITZEL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. N. E.Corner Main and Wayne"Sts. B'OTLER FZEJN 3SP A. Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. Ail work pertaining to the profession execut ed in Hi" neatest maimer. Specialties :—Gold Fillings, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Office oil Jefferson Street, One door East of Lowrj IIOUM-, lip Stair*. Office open daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mail receive prompt attention, X. B.—The only Dentist in Butler using the bfst makes of teeth. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office No. 66 South Main Street, BUTLER, - PA. SAMUEL M. BIPPDS, Physician and Surgeon, No. 10 West Cunningham St., BUTLER, PENN'A J7 S. 3LUSK, I¥I.D„ Has removed from Harmony to Butler and ha« his office at. No. 9, Main St., three doors below Lowry House. apr-30-tf. BENTISTR * . 0 1/ WALDItON, Graduate of the Plilla . «v. delphia Dental College, is prepared todo anything l:i Ihe line of his profession in a satisfactory maimer. Office 011 Main street, Butler, opposite the Vogeley House. L. S. McJIWKM, Insurance and Real Estate Ag't. 17 EAST JEFFERSON ST. BUTLER, - PA. Stewart & Patterson. A. M. STKWAIfT and S. A. PATTERSON, Con tractors and Builders, are both men of years of experience In fine house building and framing. All persons thinking or building will do well to see them and look over their designs. Residence on l'.ilrvlew Ave., Sprlngdale. Postofllce, Butler, Pa. TUY IT YOI'RSELF. "It is of 110 use to argue the question, I arn neither stubborn nor opinionated, I haye simply ha<l a lesson that will last a life time." "Look here, Jack! you are like some old bachelor who has lieen jilleil by one wo man, and goes about declaring all women are false." "Not at all ! my brother Charles died of Bright's disease, brought on i.y using one of these so-called 'blood purifiers' fhe kind you see attractively advertised in fcvery nook and corner. It contained iodide of potassum, a drug useful in extreme eases when cau tiously given under a doctor's supervision, but death-dealing to all who take it in quan tity. If your brother had died under such circumstances, you would hate patent medi cines as I do." • "I do dislike the name of that miscalled 'blood purifier,' for I have heard first class physicians say it is the cause of half the cas es of Bright'* disease in the country, and it is strange the proprietors have not been prose cuted for selling it. But / was recommend ing Vinegar Bitten and that does not con tain any mineral, narcotic or other hurtful drug." "Oh, nobody supposes tiiat old woman's remedy will hurt uuybody; the question is will it cure anything? I'd as soon think of taking some of iny grandmother's herb tea." "You would be better off, Jack, if you had some of that tea to tone up your system now, instead of taking a glass of brandy to make you sleep one night, und perhaps a bottle of beer the next." "Is this a temperance lecture, Phil?" "No, it is a Vinegar Hitters lecture. I've taken the medicine more or le.-.s for fifteen years, aud look the world over, you will not find a healtber man than I am. "What is all this nonsense about old slyle and new style Vinegar Hitters; are they dif ferent?" f " Yes, the old style looks like coffee with milk in it, the new style like coffee without milk. The man who made the old slyle for twenty years- a practical chemist made a milder, pleosanter, preparation, adding to it here, aud taking from it there, until he pro duced, my wile says, the finest medicine ever made. It cured her of constipation, and it cures the children of hives aud all the little ailments they ever have. If my wife thinks they have worms, she doses them with old style. We always have both kinds in the house, aud together they keep the doctor away." "And you insist that the proof of the pud ding—" "Is the eating—precisely. Jack, get a bottle of the old style Vinegar Bitters—men 1 think, prefer old style usually—try it, and you will then be like au old bachelor who, after railing against women for years, falls in love good woman at last. You will say there are good and bail patent medicines, but Vinegar liitt -rs is the best of the lot.'" "All right, I'hil, to please you, I'll try it and report results.'' The mil) Temperance lllllern Imonn. It stlmu- IMK« I lie Serif's, rem Istr* till* llonil* sail pro duces a |ierferl hliuiil iln itiation, nlilrh Is niif« til restore prrlrcl Ileallh. W. HAVIS, of ti;» llaronne at... Sew Or leanH, 1,a., writes under Chile May SOtli, I*B*, as follows: ■ I have been going to tin- Hot Springs, Ark., for fifteen years for an Itching humor In my {•food. I have lust Used three tsiltlcsof Vlne „;o KjttprM. ami It tins illilit* mi' more gisHl limn the ttpfl,ig». II J„ ;j;« ts'st. medicine made." JOHKPII j. KUAN, or NO, 76 Wudl -1,, vj;:y York, says: "Have not been without Vinegar Itlilers for the past twelve years, and consider It a whole medli-tiic chest In our family." A bouutiful Book freo. Ail lire nil, It 11. NrllOMAl.lt lilt IN CO., OHt H ■ihliiploii lit., Sen tork. THE HARD WORKING FAR MER. Air: Old Lo>j Cabin in the Lane. lam a Lard working farmer and farming is my trade, I work upon my farm both day and night, Feeding pigs and chickens and doing neces sary chores And seeing that my stock is kept right, I always can be found where my duty bids me go, Whether in the sunshine or the rain, Upon the little farm with my wife and chil dren too, In that rented log cabin in the lane. CHORUS. Then here's luck to every farmer that works upon the farm, May protection for them always remain, May tariff protect their sheep, when they lay down to sleep On their pretty little farm in the lane. Tae sweat drops from my brow upon each hill of corn, As the day goes by and night comes steal ing on. The boy who rides the horse to plough keeps tooting of his horu, I>y yelling all the time, Go long, And when I'm near the end I hear that wel come sound Of oar sea shell sounding from the lane, 'Tis my supper call I know as it vibrates through the air, From that rented log cabin in the lane. CHORUS* Then here's link to every man that works upon the farm, May Protection for them always remain, May tariff protect their sheep wheu they lay down to sleep On their pretty little farm in the laue. Now this little tariff cry is more precious and more dear To myselt and my darling Mary Jane, The reason why I think so is because it pro tects our home, Which shelters our babies in the lane. Although our flocks are small, they're pro tected all the same, And we ask for tariff on the grain, For we would rather pay it on what little we consume, Than to lose our log cabin in the lane. CHORUS. Then here's luck to every laboring man who eirns his daily bread, May Protection for them always remain, May tariff protect their home and may sor rows never come Around their happy fireside in the lane. Our brother working man is now getting good wages fJFor every day's work he cin do, If they take his wages from him, to his wife what will they say When they see her children dying, too. His wife, his family and himself are trying their best to get along. Will they stop his work aud give his family pain, For if they remove the tariff just to help that foreign throng, It's good-by to all laborers in the lane. CHORUS. Then here's luck to every laboring man who earns his daily bread, May Protection for them always remain, May tariff protect their home and may sor rows never come Around their happy fireside in the lane. FABMKR. The; Man Who Wasn't Fiiten. M. QUAD IN DETROIT FREE I'RESS. The next afternoon I reached Por ter's place, so called, though there was only a single cabin and a rough shed for the mule. I happened in at an unfortunate moment. A irirl 14 years of nge saw me coming ity the trail, and she came down a bit to meet me. She was a veritable elfin in look, bareheaded, barefooted, ragged and her tangled hair flying around her head. She had a finger in her mouth as she came up, but she took it out to say: "Cribbins to you, stranger." "And cribbins to you, my child." The term "cribbins" is often used in the place of "Hello!" or "How are you?" The meaning is that you have arrived at a crib or feeding-place and are welcome. "And how are pap and mam?" I asked as we shook bunds. "Mam's dun gone and got mad, and pap's cryin'. Can't you hear her? Matn shouldn't jaw-bone pap all the time. Pap does best ho kin." I could hear the shrill tones of a woman's voice as we drew nearer, and when we reached the iloor I halt ed in embarrassment, seeing tnat the family skeleton was out. "Ob! mam!" called the girl whose name was Mary. "You shot!" replied the woman, whose back was toward us. "Ob! main, but yere's a goer!" (tra veler.) The mother came to the door, sur veyed me for a moment, and then ex tended her hand and said: "Cribbins to you, stranger. Jim, yere's a goer: Come hero and clutch." A tall, thin, cadaverous looking man came forward, wiped his eyes with a rag, blew his nose several times, and held out his baud and said: "(Jripety-to clutch, aud cribbins to you, stranger. Pete Farrell was along this morning, and be said you was makin' this way." "Perhaps I had better go on." "Oh! shucksl" exclaimed the wife, "you come right in! it's nothin' to speak of, I was dun tellin' Jim what a pore wuthless critter be was." "Stranger, Jim Porter gins ye crib bins with all bis heart," added the man and we went in. The situation seemed to strike Mary all in a heap aud after a hearty laugh she suid: "Pears BO titterish that he'un caught mam coon-killin' dad?" "You shet! called the mother, "if I was coon killiu' dad he desarved it!" "I'll leave it to he'un if I do," put in the husband. "It's this way," explained the girl as she stood up to motion it off.and her face covered with a laugh. "Mam's a great getter (bustler;. Dad's a great sitter. We's pore and that makes in am mad, but dad says we's bound to be pore, and so ho don't worry." "That's it honey,"said the woman, "and now, stranger, I want to bev a little buzz (talk) with you. I want to tell you all about Jim." "And I want to tell you all about her," added the busbaud "And I want to tell ye all about the hull passle of 'em!" chuckled Mary in a feather. The mother jumped for her, hut the girl skipped out doors with a shout, and then we prepared for the talk 1 gave Jim auig.tr. tLe wife lighted her pipe, and when the smoke got to curling up she began. "Stranger, we ar' the most shuck less passle in these yere bills, au he- BUTLKR. PA., FRIDAY. AUGUST :11, IHSS 'un isall to blame fur it" "Now, Pollyi" cbided the husband. "Deed ye ar', Jim We've bin ■ hitched fifteea years. Wo cum right yere to this very shak.-down fifteen j years ago, an' yere we ar' to day. We did hev a little sunthiu' to begin on, but it's all gone now. Stranger, I hevn't got but one towel in this yere cabin, au' that's got a hole into it!" "Shucks, Polly! Who wants to use towels?" "We had three new sheets when we cum yere—reg'lar sheets fur the bed," continued the wife, "but whar ar' they now? We had four pillar cases, but they s dun gone. We had cups and sassers, but ye can'c find 'em now. Stranger, look about ye an' see see how pore an' down-ridden we ar'!" "An' it's my fault, of course!" said the husband, beginning to cry. "That's what I'll always grip by (stick to), Jim. If you was a gitter we'd bin rich folks afore this." "Shucks. Polly!" "Oh it hain't no use of hetchin' (scoffing), Jim. If it wann't for me an' the gal you'd starve to death. You began to sot almost as soon as we got got spliced, an' you've got wuss every year. I tell ye, stranger, it keeps me clean beat. Other folks git along an' go ahead, but we'uus goes down hill every day. We hain't got nuthin', an' we can't git nuth - in', an' the Lord doan' keer no mo about us than so many onerv skunks!" With that she burst out cryin, and Jim wept the harder, and Mary look ed in at the door and seriously ob served: "Stranger, ye want to talk to pap powerful sassy. He's tryin' to be fit ten, an' everybody knows he never will be fitten." "That's what ails him," said the wife as she choked back her tears. "What's he trying to be fitten for?" j I asked. "To spread the Gospil, stranger. He's got his nose in that ar' Bible all day long. He wants to be fitten to preach, but he niverbe. If he would n't try to fitten he'd go to work and airn sunthiu'." "Why can't I be fitten?" asked Jim. "Wasn't Moses, St. John aud Paul fitten?" "Yes, but they wasn't pore ignor ant squatters, an' you know it. They had calls." "An' haven't I got a call! Didnn't I hear a voice in my dreams a-sayin': 'Jim Porter, the Lord calls ye to lab or in his tac-yard. Fitten yerselt an' go forth.' " "Shucks!" called Mary from the door. "Pore critter!" sighed the wife. "I'll leave it to the stranger if I kin be fitten," said Jim, and be went over and got his Bible and opened it and began to read: "O, give t h-a-n-k-8, thanks, unto Lord, for he-he-is-is- g-o-o-d, good; be—be—because his m-e-r-c-y, mercy J) He was two minutes getting that far, and he closed the book and said: "Stranger, be honest an' squar' with me. Am I fitten Will I ever be fitten?" "You are no more fitten to go out and preach than a coon iq, to sing pslams," I replied. "I said so, Jim Porter—tole ye so all the time!" shouted the wife. "Hooray!" Pap hain't fitten!" cheered Mary. "Stranger, have I mistook!" asked JKm in a trembling voice. "Didn't I htifcr no voice a calliu' on me to be fitten?" "No, my friend, you'd simply ex cite ridicule. You might have done some good five hundred years ago, but you can't now. There are too many preachers Those who spread the gospel are smart and well educated " "Shucks! An' I ain't got no call?" "No, my friend." "An' I won't hev?" "Never," "An' you truly say I've mistook?" "You certainly have. You could n't help the cause of religion two cents' worth in ten years." "Glory to jumper, strauger, but I'm so glad!" shouted the wife. "He hain't fitten, an' he'll never be fitten to be fitten—hooray!" added Mary. "An'—an' what shall I do. strau-. gcr?" "Go to work—clear off more land —raise more corn and potatoes—cut bark and dig roots to sell—haul wood —do anything to earn abetter living. That's your call." "Stranger, I'll do it? Put it thar'! I thought I waß fitten, but I wasn't I thought I had a cull.but I reckon I was dreamin', Pete Farrell said you was honest an' squar'. You've dun tole me right .Polly cum yore! Mary, cum yere! I've mistook. You said 80, but I wouldn't believe it. I know it now, an' to-morrer I'm anew man!' When I was going away in the morniug I left ten yardß of calico with the wife for a new dress, some rib bons for Mary aud a plug of "navy" for the husband. Mother aud daugh ter fell to crying over it, and Jim had such a lump in his throat that be eouldu't speak to me until wo had gone half a mile. Then ho stopped for the good-bye,and said; "I see it mighty cl'ar now, stran ger. Some folks is litten an' some hain't. While you is fitten to be toted right iuto Heaven's gates, 1 hain't fitten to go in ahead of skunks!" A Graphic Olscrlption of tho Market Street English Editor. New York Sun.] It is amusing to hear a Simon-pure free trader when ho lets himself looso, takes a running high jump over the facts, and gayly lands on the soft est spot he can find, not infrequently in consequence landing on his head. Doubts and Difficulties envelop many subjects to the generality of men, but the free trader is cocksure. Other people may conjecture, suppose, sur mise. He knows; in fact he knows it all. Standing on a tripod of supe riority, he darts prophetic (Jreek lire at his life long foe. protection. Hut the unappreciative world refuses to be set on fire, and laughs and goes its way. So that the economist prophet usually remains without hon or in his own country, and is even compelled to share in the blessings which protection brings upon it. —Libby prison, Richmond, will not bo removed, to Chicago, as was proposed. —A Haley,N. 11. firm has an order from New York for 50,000 torch sticks. | VISITING GEN. HARRISON. {TwoSLrong Speeches Deliver ed. ~~~~~~~ • INDIANAPOLIS, August 14.—Since 10 o'clock this morning the streets have resounded with the beating of drums and the blaring of the trumpets of the delegations calling upon Gen. < Harrison. Hamilton County lies just j twenty miles awav, and since the or ganization of the Republican party it i has never failed to give a majority against the Democracy, its majority has always been a large one, 1200 for Blaine, and they promise to make it 1300 for Harrison. To-day the Re publicans of that county came to pay their respects to the leader of the par ty. The excursionists filled forty eight cars to their utmost capacity. It was a fine day—clear and cool. By the time the head of the delegation reached the park thousands of the citizens of Indianapolis wero there waiting for them. The procession was led by a banner bearing the in scription: "We are the sons of Ben jamin and Levi and will get there. Eli." It was greeted with round af ter round of applause. A SPEECH ON CITIZENSHIP. General Harrison was in excellent trim. His rest had proyed beneficial to him and he looked in vigorous health and said he was able to shake hands with any number of thousands. The visitors were introduced bv Col. Gray. General Harrison was es pecially happy in his response touch ing upon the influence of home on cit izenship. A great text can be found in the single sentence: "The home is the best as it is the first school of good citizenship." He said: Colonel Gray and my Hamilton County friends: The demonstration which you have made this morning is worthy of Hamilton County; it is worthy of the great party to which you have given the consent of your minds and the love of your hearts; it is altogether more than worthy of him whom you have come to greet. You come from a county that,as your spokesman has said, is greatly favor ed, a county rich in its agricultural capacity; but,as I look into your faces this morning, I turn from the contem plation of material wealth to the thought of those things that are high er and better. [Applause and cries of "Good, good."] I congratulate you not so much upon the rich farm lands of your county as upon your virtuous and happy homes. [Applause.] The home is the best, as it is the first, school of good citizenship. It is the great con servative and assimilating force. I should despair for my country if American citizens were to be trained only in our schools, valuable as their instruction is. It is in the home that we first learn obedience aud respect for law. Parental authority is the type of beneficent government. It is in the home that we learn to love, in the mother that bore us,that which ia» virtuous, consecrated and pure. [Ap plause] I taka more pride in the fact that the Republican party has always been the friend and protector of the American home than in aught else. [Applause.] By the benefi cent Homestead law it created more than a half million of homes; by the emancipation proclamation it convert ed a million cattle pens into homes [applause],and it is still true to those principles that will preserve content ment aud prosperity in our homes. I greet you ap men who have been nur tured in such homes and call your thoughts to the fact that the Repub lican party has always been and can be trusted to be friendly to all that will promote virtue, intelligence and morality in the homes of our people. [Applause] About 1 o'clock a long procession from Douglass County, 111,, came marching up the street. As a dele gation from Decatur, in the name state, was expected about '2 p. m , it was thought one reception would do for both. So they were halted in front of the Denison House aud dis missed until 2 o'clock. The delega tion brought with them the flag oftbe 21st Illinois, General Graut's old reg iment. The old soldierß eagerly gath ered around it, and many scenes of 18G1-5 were recalled. The nattiest display that has yet been made was that of the Voung Men's Republican Club, of Decatur. They numbered about 400 and were dressed in a light suit aud high hat. Each man carried a red, white and blue umbrella and as they marched three abreast the Bight was unique and attractive. They brought witn them a brass band aud a magnificent drum corps. In front of the Republican headquarters they were joined by the Douglass County delegation and both marched to the park. General Harrison made them a Protection Bpeech of the kind which strikes homo to the people of the great agricultural state oi Illinois. A number of tho visitors predicted that it will win many vote for tho ticket in their state, and they propose to have it printed on cards as a cam paign document. BI'EAKINU I'ou J'IIOTKCTION. After returning his compliments for tho demonstration General Harri son said. Public duties involve grave re sponsibilities. The conscientious man will not contemplate them without Beriousness, but the man who sincere ly desires to know and to do his duty may rely upon tho favoring holp of the good and friendly judgment of his fellow-citizens. [Great applause, j Your coming from another state and from distant homes testifies to the observing interest which you feel in those questions which are to bo set tled by the ballot in November.[ Cries of "We will settle them. "J The con fessed Free-traders are very few in this country, but English statesmen and Kuglish newspapers confidently declare that in fact we have a great many. We are told that it is only an average reduction of 7 per cent that is contemplated. [ Laughter. J Well if that were true uud not a very de ceptive statement, as it really is, you might fairly auk whether this average reduction does not sacrifice some American industry or the wages of our workinginen and working-women. Yoil may also fairly asH to see tho free list, which does not figure in this average. f Applause and cries of "Thai's it."J We would have more confidence in the protest of these re formers that they are not free-traders, if we could occahionally hear one of them Htiy that he was a Protectioniut, j applause | or admit that our custom duties should adequately favor our domestic industries. Hut they Bcem to be content with a negative state ment. Those who would, if they could, eliminate the protective prin ciple from our tariff laws, have, it former moments of candor, described themselves as progressive Free traders, and it is an apt designation The protective system is a barrier against the flood of foreign importa I tions and the competition of the un j derpaid labor of Europe. [Applause. j j Those who want to lower the dyke, | owe those who live behind it to make a plain statement of their purposes. J Do they want to invite the flood or do they believe in the dyke, but think it will afford adequate Protection at a lower level ? [Great applause. | What I say is only suggestive. I can't, in this brief talk, go into details,but this is an appropriate and timely inquiry. With what motive, what ultimate de sign, what disposition towards the principle of Protection is it that our present tariff schedule is attacked ? It may be that reductions should be made, it may be that some duties should be increased, but wc want to know whether those who propose the revision believe in taking thought of our American wjrkingmen iu fixing the rate or will leave them to the chance effects of a purely revenue tariff? [Applause.] Now, having spoken once already to-day, you will accept this inadequate acknowledg ment of this magnificent demonstra tion. I thank my Illinois friends, not only in my own behalf, but on be half of the Republicans of Indiana, for the great interest you have mani fested. A Railway Catechism. How many miles of railway in the United States? One hundred and fifty thousand six hundred miles— about half the mileage of the world. How much have they cost? Nine billion dollars. How mafly people are employed by them? More than a million. How long does a steel rail last with average wear? About eigh teen years. What is the cost of a palace sleeping car. About $15,000, or $17,000 if "vest.ibuled." What is the cost of a high-class eight-wheel passenger locomotive? About $8,500 What is the longest American rail way? Hoosac Tunnel, on the Fitch burg Railway milesj. What is the highest railroad in the United States? Denver and Rio Grande, Marshall Pass, 10,852 feet. What is the highest railroad bridge in the United States? Kinzua Viaduct, on the Erie road, 305 feet high. What is longest railway bridge span in the United States? Cantilever span in in Poughkeepsie Bridge, 548 feet. What is the longest mileage operated by a single system? Atchison, Tope ka and Santa Fe system, about 8,000 miles. What Hue of railway extends furthest East and West? Canadian Pacific Railway, running from Que bec to the Pacific Ocean What road carries the largest number of passen gers? Manhattan Elevated Railroad, New York, 525,000 a day, or 191, 625,000 yearly. What is the fastest time made by a train? Ninety-two miles in ninety-three minutes, one mile being made in forty-six seconds, on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. What ia the fastest time made between Jersey City and San Francisco? Three days, seven hours thirty-nine minutes and sixteen sec onds—special theatrical train, 1886. What, are the chances of fatal acci dent in railway travel? One killed in 10,000,000. Statistics show more are killed by falling out of win dows than in railway accidents. The Political First Reader. "See the big man. He is Groyer Cleveland." "Why does he look so tired?" "110 has had to wait so long." "What does he wait for?" "He is waiting for Daniel to write his letter of acceptance for him," "Will Daniel write it?" "YOB; when he can think what to put in it." "Is it hard to write it?" "Well, under the circumstances, it iB very hard." "Cau not tho big man write?" "Ho can write some things,my child but not this letter. Ho cau write ve toes." "What will the big man do while Daniel writes?" "lie will go out and lish.so he will not be in Daniel's way. Learn from this, my child, not to get in the way, or you will be put to one side like this big man, He is in the way. He will be out of the way in less than a year. Folks do not want him in their way. Ho will play with things that hurt him." "What does ho play with ." "Ho plays with frree wool,' the tariff, and old soldiers' feelings. When ho gets hurt with these things ho cries. So, folks tiro of him, and will ask him to get out of their way. He is hurt now; so, he will go off aud fish while Daniel writes. Think well of these things, my child."- Kausaß City Journal. He Wrote His Prayer. From Hie Toledo lilmle.J There is a Btory illustrating the Rev. Simon Peter ltichardson'B brightness of mind. On one occasion the venerable preacher was in com pany with Beveral other divines, among them tho Itov, Sam Jones, Uncle Simon Peter was on the pro gramme for a prayor, and, preparing to leave the group, said: "You must excuse mo, for I havo got to go aud write my prayor," "What, Uncle Rich, you don't mean to say you write your prayers,' exclaimed Mr. Jones. "Certainly I do," said tho good old man. "I write my sermons yet, and you don't think I'd write what I've got to say to men and not write what I've got to say to God Almighty, do you?" Lots of Cheek. "See hero, Jack. You know Hill Martin, don't you? Used to travel for tho 11 ighfiguro Insurance Compa ny." "Yes, what of him?" "Well, he's got a new job." "What is it?" "Working for a lapidary at a big salary. Ho had only talked to the lapidary a few minutes when he was engagod." "What for?" "Why, to grind diamonds on hit* cheek, don't you know. Tho lapida ry aaid it was tho hardest thing that ho had ever come across." —TLreo Georgia counties will ship as many as 1,000,000 melons this season. Working-Men Can Think. The old-time Southern epithet ap plied to Northern free working-men : was "mudsills." It carried with it a j taunt that they were of inferior clay ;to the haughty slave-driver of the j South, and that they were incapable j of mastering the details of politics or 1 political economy. Evidently Messrs Mills and Breckenridge have not got ten over the old impression. Other wise they would not make the absur J mistake of telling the working-man that the best way to better his condi tion is to remove every obstacle to competition. No working-man gift ed with a shred of common sense can be deceived by such ridiculous asser tions. There will no doubt be Demo cratic votes cast on election day by laboring men, bot not by the workers who think and observe. The latter class can judge by experience of the effects of competition. The Califoru ian working-man, whose experience dates back to the days before the ad vent of the railroads, knows that when cheap freight rates did away with the natural protection he had previously enjoyed, his wages came down, and he has sense enough to perceive that if the artificial barrier created by the tariff were removed, and the products of loreign cheap la bor were admitted free, the immedi ate effect would be to reduce his wages to the common level of the competing countries. Messrs Mills, Watterson and Breckinridge might as well tell the working-men that fire will not burn them as to tell them that competition will not injure them. —San Francisco Chronicle. A Flock of Geese in Harness. A gentleman living in Atlanta tells a wonderful story. "When I was in Alabama,between Porter's Gap and Millersville," said he, "I came to a country place where a man was driving ten or twelve geese from a branch toward a cotton patch. 'For Heaven's sake,' soid I, •what is it you have on the necks of those geese?" "Those are gourds, full 0 f water. I prive the geese into that cotton patch and keep them there all day weeding out the cotton. There is no water in the cotton patch and X have to give them water in this way to keep them there. "Those geese will weed out m;e cotton in a day than two people would. They will eat the weeds and grass, but thej won't touch the cot ton. "But how do they get the water out of those gourds under their necks? " They drink out of each other's gourds. Each gourd has an open ing in the side, so that another goose can put his bill into the gourd and drink. If you will stay here long enough you will see it yourself. "I waited there half a day to see that performance, and finally I saw it. The geese did just as the man said they would. When a goose got thirsty he walked up to his neighbor and coolly dr&ok out of the gourd on his neck. "That story is good enough to print? "Yes, but don't you put my name to it. It strictly true, and I don't mind telling it to people who know me, but I don't want to risk my rep utation on it with a stranger. The story was repeated to another gentleman, who said: "That is the trouble with a good many people in this country. They leave the geese to weed out their cot ton, so to speak, while they do some thing else Atlanta Journal. Free Trade Wages. When W. 11. Perkins, who has re cently returned from a European trip, was asked what he had noticed about free trade in Europe, he said: "While in Brussels, Belgium, last summer I saw some skilled laborers making spiral steel car springs, such as we use on our freight cars. They received 0# cents por day. while our blacksmiths receive $2 for the same work. I asked the Belgian proprie tor why he didn't pay more. He said: 'I am handicapped. When I get SIOO worth of car springs into the New York harbor(for I sell my car springs in America; I have to salute your Yankee Hag and givo up $50." "Where docs that come from?" I asked. "It comeß off my men's wages,'' he said. "But suppose America had (ree trade. "Free trade!" he exclaimed, "Why I would flood the Yankees with car springs. I would treble my works to-morrow." "But wouldn't that break our steel car-spriog makers up?" I asked. "Yes, for awhile." "How long?" "Why, till your men worded for 00 cents a day, as our men do," "But there are politicans in Amer ica," I said, "who advise the labor ing men to vote for this same free trade." "And the men listen?" "Some ignorant ones do." "Well," said the Belgian manufact urer, "instead of listening to a dema gogue who would decrease their high wugcs down to tho wages of our poor people, your American laborers ought to drive such a demagogue out of tho country."—San Francisco Chronicle. A Comet In the Sky. Tho Brooks comet is in the sky about thirty degroeß from the sun, so that it does not remain long above tho hori/.on alter sunset, and is quite faint even to observers. It is slowly approaching the earth and receding from the sun. It is now in tho lower part of the great bear constellation, and is moving toward Loo. At pres ent it is 42,000,000 miles from the earth and will !x> 3,000,000 miles nearer on tho 2. r >th inst. Then it will rocodo, and will probably be lost to view about the middle of Septem ber. Its path is not similar to that of any recorded comet, and it will probably not again return to the earth for thousands of years, if ever, —Canoeing is not quite so popular tnls season as Tippecauoeing. —One of the latest as well as one of the best things from Spurgeon is his reply to the question whether a man could l» a Christian and belong to a brass band. "Yes, I think he might, but it would be a very difficult thing for bis door neighbor to be a CiirietfoQ." NO. 43 An Old Puzzle. ■ | [ Prefix a letter to the last word of i | the first line, and you will hart the I last word of the second line; then pre* ' fix a letter to the last word of th« aee > ond line, aud you will hare the last s word of third line; as old, cold, scold] WHAT WD nK SELL? I The captain strode from fore to ■ As lordly on his simple ■ As though it were aome noble . He shouted, shored ami ordered —— The floating warehouse brought to ——; Then, changing tone from blunt to He cried his cargo: "Tons of Coals, linens, jewels, applet, ! Who'll buy my warea at any And buyer* came with eye and Bought Urge or little, pearl or , From bcx.k to barrel, spoon to ——. He sold by inch and sold by ; Sold pl'-w aud screw, soil type and Sold muslin for a lady's —; Sold piprg of wins and cuts of ; Sold drums and tifes the camp to —; Sold game fro u ra'>bit up to ; Sold fish, from salun n down to —; Lumber, for pencils and for —; Dishes, from silver cup to —. He sold to acribes and print —; To florists, lily bulbs and ; Sold sparrows ctges stocked with . He sold to sketehera, Indian ; Sold chains of gol J and m my a That blacksmith's forge and teamster's — # He sold to seedsmen hemp and •—: To milliners sold silk and ; To dentists' tools that pull or . He sold to wear, to dri ik, to ; He vended cold aad trafficked The venders voted him a . The s<-le was out; the tide was The float, renewed by plank and ■iyain adown the stream did . Biting the Finger Halls. Dr. Jerome Tuthill, of Chicago,lll. in the Medical Record says: A. novel accident, resulting from a habit of very common prevalence among ner vous people, was brought to my no tice recently. A young lady pre sented herself at my office complain ing of a constant irritation la her throat. Two weeks previously she had been taken with a severe "son throat," which wag treated by a neighboring physician. Under hie care, she says, the inflammation quickly subsided, bnt there still re mained a sensation of irritation, Ex amination revealed a small fieehy looking object, about the of a kernel of wheat, adher ent to the tissues pos terior to the left tonsil, by one «"vd The other parts of the throat waa nor ma!. The little mass could not be detatched by a cotton covered probe, but by the use of forcepß It was easily removed, and on examination proved to be a piece of fioger nail, which had become covered by a cheesy depoeit. A broken piece of the nail was also removed from under the mucous membrane at the same spot by a sharp pointed probe. The patient then confessed to the habit of biting her finger nails, and, moreover, could remember that a day or two previous to the onset of her throat trouble a piece of nail which Bhe bad bitten off had become lost in her mouth, but after it bad caused a fit of coughing she had forgotten about it until re minded by my discovery. Curculio and Chinch Bugs. Bulletin No. 4 of the Ohio Agricul tural Experiment Station discusses some elaborate experiments in pre venting curculio injury to cherries, and treats in a practical way ths best midsummer remedies for the chinch bug, which has lately appeared in de* structive numbers in Ohio. In the cherry experiment, which was con ducted by the station entomologist, Clarence M. Weed, twenty-two thou sand five hundred cherries were in* dividually cut open and examined, and the conclusion reached that three fourths of the cherries liable to injury by the the curculio can be saved, without danger to the user, by spray ing with a solution to London pur ple soon after the blonnomn fall. The Old Man Ahead. The old gentleman was entertain ing a couple of friends at dinner with some very aged stories, when Bobby ventured to remark, between bitee: *'l*B, what is a chestnut?" "A chestnut, Bobby," explained the old gentleman, with great pres ence of mind, "is a small nut which grows on chestnut trees. They are very delicious when roasted without worms. I'll buy you some in the fall." She Was Cold. They were riding together in the moonlight, and he was trying hard to think of something pleasant to say. All of a sudden she gave a alight shiver. "Are you cold, Miaa Ilattie?" he asked, anxiously. "I will pnt my coat around you if you like." "Well, yes," said she, shyly, with another little shiver; "I am a little cold, I confess; but you needn't pnt your coat around me. One of the sleeves will do." Hot Water for Ivy Poisoning. A correspondent in Scientific American writes as follows: Let me add my testimony aa to the efficacy of hot water in curing the posion by ivy, The best way of ap plying it is to keep a spirit lamp on jier the tin containing the water aa hot as the skin will bear. The aenaa tion of relief from the Intolerable itch ing is so immediate and so complete that it is almost worth while to be poisoned by ivy to experience it. Loo CABINS were the gV most prominent feature of the Presidential ti'S Campaign of 1849. At the opening of the cam paign, the opposition sneeringly proclaimed "Tippecanoe" Harrison is a low fellow, "born in a log cabin." His friends at once made the Log Cabin the emblem of the most enthusiastic of campaigna. War ner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla and "Tippecanoe" stomach tonic are en thusiastically reoeived by the Ameri can people to-day, because they are the remedies of the oommon people— simple but effective. —They have begun to ship coal from Japan to San Francisco. —The United States consumes 10,000,000 barrels of salt annually.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers