p . CATARRH Cream Balmp^^JHj on> »- and ,oi »i> ■»:*• PH&FEVERS£ ! CATARRH ML y#JM H«T Smt <■> 'y ""J '■ />< f r'rnat if}- rt ISi | »«/ th-nf iin-l « ; ..iMft-farm. ">■ » A part* le o i the Rain: Is applW-d into each ■oMrii- ss - anil is 'iui< kly ib sortad • acAAMtig tti»- n: - tl pawasjvs of oawirrt.tl virus. ra«"»in>; li t-althy seen lions. R aSavspata *ad fßflaoiDiA' ti proi.. r> the WibnV.ai li'itov' of He from aUdlflonal cofcia. <■ beais 'hf and restorer j tte sen* of XtM.- and Mil- X BfOfßcW rewmi «Te real'./' . by a aptilltatloa-. A nOMOl'l'B TKkATUKVT * ILL TBI Prti« rfl (*nu u driwi'Ws i' ra.ii!. r jl-ier (lL «)(-<%!*. <livui.rs v>;.\ In-e. ELY MKOTHEKS, Druggtato, * barren at. X. V. ftUrrk <• s*> a Kloi d BloHtt. Ktwttttf what parts u IAA> ftuallv f-ITect. ca tßrrt, Marts 1b Mi* L»::!. ami lx.-io!.(rs to tir ii-wl. Tfteri- Is no my**t.*r> ..i tt«- «-rUrl-n of tii - HKW3HI <li!»a»r. It Iti a n< cl«f te«i MM. on»oltbe kiri'l - lo »* Iw!t*r lu » I Ca>» Tb. "isan'ls frf Ti' tlics ktow bun it it. «»v wleiprrl nr«. Kly"< m Ila'r* 1X44.-" in tte- be.il ami c.'.tarrii iiiall Its ■tar^>. SICK HEAD-ACHE. NERVOUS= HEAD-ACHE. * BOTH ARE SYMPTOMS OF A DISOR OCRE3 STOMACH AND UVER. MANDRAKE m a St DATIVE, AN* as Compoundco IN DRSCHENCKS MANDRAKE PILLS \ W,LL dUe FCRMANCNTLY 4s-' > CURE HE"' ACHE! r«r ta]> I f all DnicgMa- Frire 2S rta. pfr U/*; J km for O or ant b; mail, frM, cai IHJ.ILfct iarA A tui, euiada. PRATT'S Aromatic Ceneva Cin CCBBK DIDEADLD KIBKETH. It ta arw»o«Brt»'S*l««)Ci»j*-di«t!lla<! wHh t [m i ail 1 ai *h I until 'trim-r nerr:r^ iilrtM i r«oa. Ac- It w.li to mraiaabia T»i li «a 1 - cmfwßrijhl'i l>lw«u-, tmt n Mal lit aa4 all IHIU.-».a' «b uf ll* KUwp aW trinar) Org am. TWa stflitr of Pratt » Armnatie Gctirra Gin fc —t «»n*ga4f 4«a>aai A Kxlaay aio«». Sot i* kr —r tor ' B ti"«« rompla'nta VtvaickUirT a«o a«b»oe:»-4. Wt hare r»<»ired aaar WMra town all paru, of th« ccniatr) *Jt>- t M ii itr ~p ' ■ ■fini asd irwalar n.«r..ir-j»ti<o. ltn a*ini- S —' tone. Anuc and lMlat»o tiro*»rt>"« Simaaa.nam nocm-yon. «ootl,« m >ta mm* nn tte pajn. T»S.«o m »»•" * rnr-t-M" to«o«!»»T wtb Hotfoot »r •t'am irt wtfTta all »aim jitmIOOT tho <l«ir»d A tatailil* tnaliw na t ■ at mmjomSmmM nad and k«p. atailod irt* a(x<a iHmrM b. MUI«, sole Ajreat. ICS ST, SLW YORK. roR SALE RT J C. REDICK, Druggist, EfTLEE, PISX'Ai LOCTOPaS LAKE ■ 1 I'IaIVATE DisrKNHAKY ■£ otfices sw revs a vl., -PITTiSURGH, PA.— All form* of Iwlb-ate and COB iJift-a-f t rtt|uiring Coxri auilit and boonnc Mt*li'a llaa arm tr>ai«J at U>t* I>i*t ' t-sarjr «ilb a l««"i nnlf altaiaed. I»r. - k %»fal of I'hjrsk.iana ami Surgt-oas, at •! is At »M'«l ill pi»t u*vnlr!io&i ,-prriai i-T Id ihe r*y. St»«ial albWH.ii (In « to Kerr- :i Ma »a t*ait*r uvu'al avrtKiß, fr>i . T»ijoat of jmlk A ,t»-nn« and ntautald^aor,>ark rf—ntlT. Jwpi.iiu.-rrT.t-tr - |»«< -no r». Oil *.-t j. fva, V '«*. I:k".u . Uu a>- ail dat ura of IT* M»o4. I'rtuarr "•**».• It. CowiitaJioli ftw and IMm kiuitl lot :od I B«u«iaj> 2to t j., w. ouli-. Callat'>!V« 1L Lam, V. l»-, M.ILC.P.». or K. J. Lakk. M. D. FOUTZ' S WRIE ANO CATTLE POWDERJ So H'rm *•:! die of Hue. TOT* or Lc*o FE m || I ■r—tr% are t...-d Intnae. fmt • -t- i .t Kia. taan I «aner> *11! prfetit Gm« tx FoWIA. ftart' * I*" • r* * l l m- rei-e qitHnt.tr of i. fife aa4 rr--oa> taiitt pet cent. «nd mate u<c better l.ru Foe*r a t'o~ * il mr* or pr»v«i: alirfxt art ct piaraat to aaicts Ht«r~-» :.trt t au.e tire mijMt. fnrm eom-i»«a wila «i*a liannrAdtul. loid DAVIS E. TOVTZ. Proprietor. SALTIUOKE. *"■ For Bile by i. L. WI LI.EK. liutler. PA. WBL F.Miller. Munufacturcr of Stair Bails, Balusters and Newsl-pcsts. AS kind* of srotal <l.ni<- to nril«-r, also I>t*rwinai<-d and rartrd wood »nrk such c-. Cawt4l. < ornrr filorka, Paiirl-> all kin lH ol fear) «ood wt.rk lor Inaltiß UtTt>raiioii ol bottlK-ik. CAI.LAMiSP.K SAMPim Honelßinii new uml allmUrr. AlaO PURWITURE At iawrAt CAab ;.r«f«. HUlf At No. to, X. Main ttrt .-l. PArtor>- At No. .Vi, N. WaitliiUKtoii Irt-t t. KTUX. i SNA. T P BLACK WTOCKIHGS - yp TItB T. r. Uoblnoon j v O« ) Co*A o*«t. W »t %! s fipr-\ »|-1U O.ll* IK MONEY REFUNDED rrL,.,.„ R eudntbale«tor CLEAWFA-. . 1 fcj* hi HtWiinf. Lftdl'ai't >!!«>< -% t;«<i < NorKiiifin. U b'» Hall SILK F'NISH, LISLE, and COTTON T IXCtLSiQR HOSIERY CO. jfC£*T- #AHTED\ ' i: FOR SALE. A MAati tartn 'if t'i at it tt. i.t-.tr I'vii*.vivllfr*, »r imp , nuti <«il |tf -illf-n tt'tMli ~r lint Icr. |m toriwi. on : .t,|,. t, ~,, It H tl rlfjir.'l and \ illal>|t> irromi'l; It.. f<n>4 ort-tuuil-. an . tkr I ■ -i of n..!< r al tin it** and aprliua U>« v« r> ilt-M, GOOD HOUSE. Mtn Si »tt »'ool atal'l- I- part n>f t•..- old Mt'JtiliKln :!.•• W.-r -r road aj. I ad- J»:«* E K VArt. nd J. < - loon-. E i. M. ('ii. •• on tte [ 1 . ■ ,4 JOHN WALLAC E, beat HUH And ail l)i' o:!i»-r laf<* ixl U-rn nful tijHo Paitc> Wnims l*afrr at J. H. Douglass' Urr« ! owtitaK-iii In loan. l"r«n ioi:li TTf |n r bot. A Im> lull law ol new lariutlioii and Rrarrt Cards, ViKlUmk MouniliiK TatiefK. nr. 63 S. MAIN STRE£T i THE CITIZEN". MISCELLANEOUS A True Story In Heal Life. Is I,iff. W.*Td Living ? This question has been asked so often that it has hfen worn thread bare. Still its application is as j>er tinent, as when it was first uttered. At one time in my life I determin ed to pursue the study of medicine Circumstances compelled me to aban don it as a profession, still I had more or le?s j ractice among personal friends, sufficieut to keep up my in terest in it One day I received a visit from an old friend, the Captain of a coasting steamer. He seemed much worried, and for a time made his tisit any thing but pleasant, At last I said to him, "Captain, you seem troubled about something, can I aid you in any way ?" "No !" he replied shortly, "at least I don't think you can, and I have pretty good reasons for thinking so."' I felt hurt for a moment, and rath er angrily replied, ' well I don't have to." "Of course you don't," be respond ed, "but it is an infernal shame, and it inskes me mad all through, when I think of the way that I have been bled by a lot of frauds, that call them selves doctors." Then he continued rapidly, "you know that toy of mine?" I nodded. "Well, be has been a serious tax upon me for years, not that I be grudge him anything that he has cost me, but I do curse, every time I think of the hundreds of dollars, earn ed in tte hardest manner, disappear ing into the pockets of meu who prom ised n.ueh, OL'V to do the worst k.nu of damage in the end " "Now, I have the cheerful pros pe?t of Laving an undertaker's bili to pay, beside.- losing my boy." "But"' he added savagely, "I have spent the ast dollar, that I ever will for medi cine, end, as he has to die, tue quick er, the better." "You have no right to talk in that wav, Captain," said Ist verely. "As long as vour boy Jives, it is your duty to do everything in your power to aiahim." '•And Lavcb't I?" was Lis re !*pf>nsf; "what is the use of your tslk icg you know ju=t us much about cui \vn Lim as the rest of them, al though," h<- added, ' I heliev; vou have h conscience; the rent that I have had dealings with, don't j»an out so well iu that respfct." "I will tell you," he continued, "that boy is docnied;he will go just like his moth er did, and the doctors can write down in their bot ks of failures, 'ot.e more death from consumption, a die e:ue we know nothing about.' " Herelapied into a moody silence. At lant i said, ' is your boy very low, Captain ?" "He can crawl aroond, was bis response, and what makes the matter worse for ine, is the pitiful way in which he asks me to try and do something for him, However, he will be here after awhile, and I want you as a friend of mine, to tell me to the best of your knowledge, how long do you think he i.s going to last, so that I can make my calculations." While he was talking, I saw the boy approaching, and just as he step ped into my office panting and gasp ing, from his exertion in walking, I said to myself, the grip ofdeath i.-i too firmly fastened on you to be ever shaken off. After greeting him, at bis father's request, I examined him and found him in the condition that i shaH describe. He bad evidently in herited consumption from bin mother; bronchial tubo much thickened, so much so as t< in iko the operation of breathing extremely difficult and painful. Chest cavity much con tracted; auscultation and peronssion showed extensive tuberculous depos its, and cavitieg, especially in the left lobe of the lungs; body much emacia ted and bloodless. In fact uuloes (to my iiiioti> some miraculous inter vention occurred to stay thy progress of the disease, the path nt could not survive but a few weeks. I talked as cheerfully as I could to him, but he was too much depressed, to pay mui'h attention to anything kut his sullering. The father sent him to a restaurant near by, and turning to me lie asked. "Well, what is the verdict ?" I had been thinking rapidly, ond as he spoke i had made up my mind to a procedure, as regards tho boy, that I determined to follow out, In answir to his question, I said, "Cap tain, unless something is done for that boy, you will bury him within a month." "Well, what can be done," he said excitedly, "do you want to try your hand in experiments '( J)o you want some of my money, too? Are you goinp to sicken him to death with rotten cod liv< r oil, blister bis skin with plasters, drug him and rush him into his coflin ?" "Hold on, Captain," I replied, "I don't want you money, but I am go inir to try an experiment with your permission. It is a matter of tluty and in his condition, on do no harm, if it does no good." "How much is it going to cost?" he asked. "I don't know," was my reply. "Whatever it is," he rejoined, •'w ill come out of your pocket, not mine." "Don't bother yourself about that," eaid J coldly. When the boy returned, he seemed more exhausted thun when he first entered my office, and as his father handed him a chair, he said to his son, "Del, tho doctor here thinks he cau do you some good What do you s«y; do you want him to try ?" I shall never forget the look on the boy's face, and his words, and the heading of this article came forcibly into my mind: "Is liile Worth Liv ing?" Evidently it was to him, as it is to all mankind, when tortured with pain, wit It the clammy hand of death encircling their throats, they struggle iu his relentless grasp, and cry out in an tigonv of terror, for Ood's Mike, s:tve me. I put him on a nutritious diet, eggs and milk head ing the list, and provided him with a preparation of medicine, that I had never used before, or ever expected t<>. It was a sheer experiment on his part, aw recklessly attempted as anything could be. The re-ult—im mediate improvement in breathing, and general s':er>trth of body; better color, improved i-pirit. increased ap petite, and an iu«-reK-« iu bodily weight that w«s astonishing. At the commencement of tr< aUneut ho we'ghed 'J2 pounds, In two months with constant progress to health, his wt ifjht I.ad increased to 120 pounds. In three mouths he ac cepted a situation as an errand bov, indulged in running, boyish games of ail kinds, a well boy if ever there was one. Ask him now if ' Life is worth iiving." "What was this won derful preparation," do you ask. As a matter of right you should know, and I solemuly sweur to the correct ness of my statement. The b)y is still in the lin<! •>! tb«> Jivinc, and well at that, and both he and his father will havk »nj" state ment It was Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi cal Discovery, and the entire cost of treatment was ju*t ten dollars. [The name and post-ofliee addre.-s of ih • author of the foregoing troth ful ii...rative will Ik* furnished any in terested party who may apply there for, either in person «»r by letter, to the World's Dispensary .Medical As sociation, of Buffalo, X. \. J 1 or per sonal reasons, the author prefers not to have his name published broadcast and it is in deference to his wishes that we omit it.— EDITOR ] W. C. T. U. COLUMN. Does Prohibition Prohibit? Of course it does; the very defini tion of the word tells us that. We might as well deny that information informs, a» that prohibition prohib its. I>ut the question is whether prohibition entirely prevents the evil it prohibits ? Most certainly not. The laws cgaintt stealing do not alto gether prevent theft; the laws against murder do not altogether pre vent homicide; but no sane man will argue that there is as much and murder in the community as there would be if they were licensed aud labeled as lo^ 'imate industries. If we Lave officers who wink at tbelt, and share the boodle, we cannot ex pect the law to be very well enforced So, if wc have officers, even iu Pro hibition States, who can be bought up bv the liquor n;tn, our only renie dv is" to get rid oi such meu, and elect those who have self-respect enough to enforce the laws they art/ sworn to sustain. Uov. Larrabee of lowa, at the close of his recent mes sage, declares that "much progress hfc£> been taado in ihe enforcement oi the prohibitory Not only has public cen'iment much improved in relation to it, but judicial officers are more disposed to secure its enforce ment. Many judges give strong tes timony in its lavor, showing that, wbeie it has bten well executed, there has been marked reouction in criminal offences, aud also in court expenses. During the last year, par ticularly the latter half, there has been a decided faliing oil in peniten tiary convicts, aud a very large num ber of county jails have been empty, some of ihem tor the first time iu veers. There has been marked im provement iu the condition of the poor people, especially iu the families ol laboring men uiiuicted to strong drink." Here is the testimony of a man in hi. h position who not only has every facility for knowing, but has the greatest interest iu knowing what tbe effect of the prohibitory law id. 1! men could only b« made to under stand that the liquor budjncss is an uctual expense to tbe community it would soon close the business, for all men, both good and bad, unite in con demning u useless waste of public money and consequent increase of taxation. Tbe amount paid by the saloon-keeper for his licence blinds majy a politica.l economist (?) as to the condition of public finance. As As long as it seems to him th.it the money thus received is a clear gain financially, he will close his eyes to the moral side of the qestion. If he could nee the actual expense which each saloon is to the public he would find the account was heavily balanc ed on the other nid<*. A single mur der cae, inspired by one extra drink, often cods the state thousands of dol lars, and when we add the salaries of the extra police force required, to con trol the customers of half a dozsa sa loon*, we have used up tho money paid for licenses and taxed tbe people heavily. The state must support all the paup-TS and lunatics made by whisky; it must pay the biils for pro secuting the criminals; it must build expensive asylums, poorhouses and prisons, and employ hundreds of men to take care of the victims which have been rendered helpless by the liquor business—and stili tho license money held up before the eyes of an ordina ry politician looks to him like so much clear profit. If the 'powers that be' would spend a little time in simple arithmetic on this question it would help them more than a whole course of temperance lectures.— Un ion Signal. }io;ul t!i<> N«xt ; " ./y AysSgSa i& Column Arjiclc.J'vr —Tbe country scat on Hamburg, on the Hudson, once the homestead of Georga Clinton, Vice President of vhe United States and twice Govern or of New York, was bought at auc tion by cx Governor A. B. Cornell on Friday. "My Wife is a Terror" 1 said a mild-tempered man in our hear ing. "She snaps aud snarls, spanks her children, and finds fault contin ually. I can't bear it any longer." Don't be too severe on her, my friend; you little realize her sufferings. She has lost her former sweet disposition, and ill health is the cause. I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will make her well. For female diseases, function al derangements, bearing-down pains, and the long list of ills that render women miserable, no medicine can compare with this. It is the only medicine for woman's peculiar weak nesses and ailments, sold by drug gists, under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, to give satis faction, or money refunded. See guar antee printed on bottle wrapper. For all derangements of tbe stom ach, liver aud bowels, take Dr. Pierce's Pellets, or Anti-bilious Gran ules. —The east of the stern-post of "Cruiser f»," being built at S.iri Fran cisco, required 30,000 pounds of mol ten steel. It will weigh about 21,000 pounds. About fifteen miles from El Paso, Tex., there is a Mexican colony of about 1500 families who are slaves to three or four families among their number. l>el g :t;LM exported 10 134 tons of steel rails in January, February and March—3ooo tons less than the quau tity sent to other countries duriug the same period of last year. —The Knights intend to start a co operative colony on several hun dred acres of ground near Glenwood Sptings, Col. Canning factories and other establishments will be operated. Efforts are being made in Minne sota to avert the danger of a threaten ed (grasshopper scourge. The insects have appeared in Ottertaii county. Many Arkansas farmers who have heretofore cultivated only cotton haye begun to plaut fruits. Vitality of Seeds. A horticultural authority tells tin thaisteds will gerniinute as freely th« second year as the lirst. The length of time for which seeds can be relied ou vuries considerably ac cordiug to the conditions uoder which they are kept. A cool, moder ately dry place is the best for tie preservation of seed?; moisture and varying temperature are detrimental. Deans, peas, pepper, carrot, eoro, egg plani, okru, salsify, thyme, sajre aud rhubarb are good for two years; as paragus, endive, lettu-e, parsley, spinach aad radish are safe for three years; croccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, turnip, are sale for four or Gve years; beet, encumber, melon, pumpkin, squash and tomato seeds will grow when six to ten years old. Touched Her on a Tender Spot. Miss Ada Newport (at Mrs. Rush er's reception^)—Ob, my Charlie; what a stampede for supper. It will be impossible for us to get a bite ! Charlie—l knew how it would be, and am prepared. (Takes from his pockets a napkin, a plate, two forks, two rolls, a 'pate de foie gras," a glass and half a bottle of cham paigue, and makes a spread on her dress ) Miss Ada you dear thing! Be my husband—will you? Charlie—Certainly —(Time.) Hpw to Restore Gum Rings. The rubber ring 3 by means of which fruit cans are made air tight, after being used become hard and un yielding, so much so that fruit sel dom keeps as well when used the sec-1 end time. Though new ones cost i but little it is not always convenient | to get them. Everyone should know j that the elasticity of the old ones can be restored, and that they can be i made as good as new by soaking | them half an hcur in a mixture of j ammonia and water —two-thirds am monia and one-third water. Try it. Some Foolish People Ailow a cough to run until it gets be yond the reach of medicine. They often <say, " Oh, it will wear away," but iu most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which we sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would imme diately see the excellent effect alter taking the first dose. Price 50c and sl. Trial size free. At all Drug g«ats. _ Chestnuts. Omaha bov (writing a composi lion) ' Fop, how do you spell tariU?' "Pop—"Look in the dictionary and then you'll remeuiher." "It's on the top shelf " "Well, look in the newspaper." "What newspaper?" "Any newspaper." —Some women are very selfish and can't b"ar to see their husbands have any pleasure at all. It is plain ly to such a selfish person that the Morristown Herald refers when it says that "a Mississippi womeu fell into a mill-dam, and when she was rescued a ten pound catfish was en tangled in her bustle. Her husband wanted to set her again, but she would not consent." —"100 Doses One Dollar," is true of only Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. —The Middletown (Del.) Tran script says the peach crop this year will be about 10,000,000 baskets. —The bootblacks of Lincoln, Neb., have formed a union and raised the price of a shine to 10 ceuta. SL'BUEON UK.N'L W. A. HAMMONIJ says we can each prolong our life if we learn the secret thereof. WHAT IS THIS SECRET ? if you soak a sponge in oil, the sponge will have in it all the peculiarities of the oil. So every organ in the body contains all the peculiarities of the blood. If the kidneys, the only blood purifiers, do not clean the blood of the waste of the system, then the various organs will give out and you will have RHEUMATISM, MALARIA. HEAD ACHES, AGUE, CHILLS AND FEVER, IMPOTENCY, BLADDER DISEASES- LAME BACK. NEU RALGIA. NERVOUSNESS. BAD EYES. STO.Vi A(JH TROUBLES. BOILS.CARBUNGLES. ABSCESS ES, APOPLEXY. PARALYSIS in women FEMALE TROUBLES The secret of good health then lies in leepiny the kidney* well. If you don't, you can't cure any of the above diseases. • They may not suspect it, but eight persons out of every ten have some form of kidney derange ment. The only scientific blood purifier is the famous WARNER'S SAFE CUSE, which not only cures kidney diseases, but the majority of ailments which really come from unsuspected kidney disease. —Mr. (iladstone has struck on the picture business, lie declares he will never Kit for another portrait. —ln New Y"ork bandanas sell wh Resale at from $6 to $lO per dozen and are retailed at from $1 to $1.50 each. The export of tea from Amoy, China to the United Slates during the lant season was 18,297,817 pounds. —The largest flour mill in the world will be established at Dnluth, Minn. The capacity will be 0000 barrels a day. —The value (4 the mineral produc tiou of Canada during 18S7 was $2,- 42!),712 more tb:m that of the pre vious year. —The largest, mil* condensing fac tory in the world is at Chain. Swit zerland. Its output is 22,000,000 cans per annum. —Wo used to get our shipping ropes from France, but now we man ufacture them ourselves, and get a small (plant ity from Canada. —St. Louis Knights have estab lished a co-opt rati ye mattress-mill. Coopers' Union No. 1, of New York, will start a co-operative shop. —The St. Lonia Anti-Poverty So ciety will not fend delegates to the Labor Convention at, Cincinnati, which Dr. McGlynn's wing will at tend. <J A L E S M EAT 0 WANTED 1\ to handle our thoroughly reliable misery atonic. We engage men on liberal eommi*- fcion, or on Mtlary arid ex|>eukeii, and guaran tee permanent employ men I and suet-ens ! 1 auililiei* uiieiiuitled; (trice* reasonable; out lit Iri e. Decided advantage* to beginners ! ! W rite. KIXWASOKK A ISA Hit V, Koi'll KSTI.K, a. V. She Tried and Knows, A leading flu-mist of Now York says: " No plasters ofsneh merit as i In: Ath-10-pho-ros Plasters haveever before been produced." They are. « novelty because they arc not made ; simply to sell cheap, they are the ; be?.t that science, skill and money \ can produce, and will do what is ] claimed for them. For sprains, aches, weakness, lameness, etc., they are itnequuletl. 404 Fnlt< li St ..Sanducky.O., Nov. '.I D 7 Tin- .\t!ilin>b«.iw Pit; t"r art"! like IliHaTlt'. It IS t'lO I ttVer tD« ll HU»I I have u#*-d many kimte ' >ur druiflrfKt said ar- all aU-ut th« s:utie" hut I don't think «*► now. 1 nprain -d my arm and *bouMer in July, ami it b:i* U»«n painful siiuv, hut it not n.e at all now. MM. Wiluh Maoiix. Jtftr* Send 6 oenu> tin* lieriutiftil colored pic ture. " Moorish Maiden.** THE A THLOPHQROS CO. 112 Wall St. N. Y. GO TO W. E. McCLUxWS, Mo. 10 1, S. 'lain Si., IDS fill bWilis. t \ FLOUR, FEED And Provisions. Call and examine our prices they are lower than the lowest. FLOUR A SPECIALTY WANTED to Cf.nv.RFS for the sale of Nursery Stock! Steady cniplovini-nt guaranteed. SALARY AND EXPENSES PAID. Applvatonce. ststiiigage. Chise Bruihcrs Company, IgSKSfc W. AFFLICTED .-iTriFORTUNATE AFTE.H ALU FAiL CONSULT TTtT*' T A'RP! 329 K. ISihSl.. ucla-.v Callcwh';!, Phlla., Pa. yH nnrs'eTaerie i< iar'i :\! .lis? uses, p :nna neut:;."' ".v. tUu»jy ! vm: vj tisir limis S C:. Inrwi r-. Si'.v •-!■:•;fyr'f.'lUi'H tlftt. li.>i.:s: nr. M. "i, a:i.l 7 UIJ ev.-.i'.i's. *a~£jsiil£>Uu!;i: t'n V * ft*''" Wonilers exist In thousands of fill l|fonn.>. t "' ul a,v surpassed >»>" the rnnr- JI fI | vel I 'of Invention. Those who are In ■J -11 need of protltablo work that can be done while living at home should at once send tlielr address to llallett A Co.. Portland, Maine, anil receive free-fall Information how either sex, of all atjes. e?n earn from ?..*> to si"> per d;y and upw*rd.s wherever they live. You iire started free. Capital not retpiirn-i. Some have made over t.vj in a single day at this work All succeed. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. •3. C. ROESSING, PIIESIDKNT. WM. CAMPBELL, TUEASUKKH 11. <J. SkuK£TARY. DIRECTORS: J. I. Purvis, Samuel Anderson, William Campbell .1. \V. Bnrkliart, A. Ttoutman, Henderson Oliver, (i.C. Uoesslm?, James Stephenson, l»r. W. Irvin, X. Weitzel, J. F. Taylor. H. C. Heineman, LOYAL M'JUNXIN, GCQ, Aer't J3XJTIL.E3K., F r'ac-.E to BCCQ a THOROUGH touafnc-» Rducatlon. or heroic; J.n ri shorttiand aui Type Writer, or i.r«»par: to teach Sfwnccrian Pcnmanihlp, i» at the I *II IStib'.nrta College. CieViUod, O. rati d (.'ataiogue fr*e. TUIC! COLLEGE 1111 Ea Im Ev. I.ti I lie ran Cliurrli. Experienced Instructors. Music also. 'Kali term opens Thursday, Sept. u, ; in <■%- pens<!s low. For catalogue or other informa tion ihldress Kev. I>. MeKee ;ietlng President, ot I'rof. .1. It. Tit/. :l, Secrctarv'Kai-ulrv. YJI.I.K, .llerrer Pa. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, MttADVIM.K, PA. Fall Term of T;rd. ye ir S-spt. I". Three courses lea-itng to A. I!, degree. Thorough Prepn-atory School. Kngliieerlng. Ml!itar.\ lJe;> irlment. Music. P.ntli sexes. IIu1Im„-s H ill for young ladies. Illnh g.-ade. nio.ler.iti-. I 'or catalogue or other lnfonnation adlres UKV. WII.IM'It WII.HAMS, 1( I)., Prod ilent. Right at Last. The place In liutter fir Laundry Work. (I.:u:e Curi.ilm a Sji-i:ialty> clol.li'-s cleaned, dyed ami pressed; Carpets cleaued. I.adl s' au l Gents' ll.its bleaehcl, cieane I, ro bl'XJXe I an.l e >1 »r<l. Ke ith'TS fie.Hi ed and colored. Tip. J curlei. ANDREWS & SHUTTLEWORTH A< iKNTS. Laundry Ofncs, THE DIAMOND, Butler, Pa. All work done by experienced firms in Pitts burg. .V« Chtlrijix jar Mail nr /Cr/insx. (fiodi collect'.'d aud delivered In all parts of town. THE CITJZEN, A weekly newspaper, published every Fri day at liutier, l'a., by JOHN. 11. A W. O. NHULKY. Siihserlplion Kale, Per year, in advance .tl 50 Otherwise 42 00 No unbscription will bo dißcontiuued until all arrearages are paid. All communications intended for publication in this paper must bo accompanied by Ihe real name of the writer, not for publication but ac a Kiiarauteo of good faith, Marriage and death notices must be accom panied by a responsible name. AilvrrlMii); liulCH. Onu square, ' no Inseition. ; each si:l*e» quetit illicit ion, 50 cents. Veirl/ad ments encf-ding one-lourth of a enlunui. f5 pit inch, l*i^lire work double tluro rales; additioi.ai charges where v.eei.ly or utoi.llily changes ail Iniulo. I-oenl advei liselucijl.l 111 cents per line for tlrst insert inn and 5 rents per line for each additional lnci it ion. Mai riages and deaths published tree ol charge. Obituary notices charged as l ual adve'lise meiits and payable when handed iu. Aii'lit.im' Notices, if l; Executors, an I Adtnini^liatoiV Notices, t:< eai li; JC«tray, Ciution and I».k solution Notices, not exceeding ten luiw, Address Tin. Crn/i.N, Uutler, l'a. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE- A rar« to l#uv i »o I t inn. uited In \V: r.vii., !!riLl< |- < . in' . 1* «.fi t.i« ii . 1 I'rariOh of \V- * Kallr •« 1 '! ■.•"Itli!/» i i!f .i Nil!*; of the bta' lon a.ri •. 11l or H*l ::i >, ( ua- One Hundred Acres, StJventy five u't«m <»f Wiil' h arc r;|f?;ir«*«l ati«l fli«* halaurf* ht ;o<nl f.fintmr. lias a f\\-» tory riMiri'- liou n* live room *, cellar, wash IkjUw bank barn an<l orcliur'l of ;i Vitrh/t.v of fruit. 1 lih land Is In a lilu'h Mtal«* •»» riillivatton. It |.i rolling iiui n not broken bv IiIIIh. and Ik weH adapted for siork railing as there Is living water in every field and the lene«*Mare In j;ood r»*pulr. Ternih <*ahy. For further particulars Mi'jnlre Of A I t*l STI S .1 M h H AX, I 20 ;:in Herman, I'. 0., Kutler to., l'a. J T iODiClu 3 AhO PERSISTENT Advertising las idways proven - Sueeessful. IJef«»ro plui'lin' any jfjfl- Newnpujjer Advci-tisiur consult LORD & THOMAS, / laVKUTIhIiU AtUCSTM, 4ft Is UuuUul4.ll Street, CHICAGO. TS CURES iVHERE AM t'.S! fs.'o j 7 ? M ' I li 1 believe Piso's t'tiro S B for Con -imi |>ti-.ti Siivcil ii S my life.—A. H. Dowi'ti, * H Ltlitor Uuquirer. F. len- m g ton. N. C , Ai»ii! -J:i, 18S7. §3 IrS Tlie ni-.ST Cough Modi- § ra cine is Piso's CCRE ton gi | B CONSUMPTION. Children 3 take it without objection. b j y By aii .ii\,cu':~.s. _ » Sj-rup. 'l'a ter Use 5J3 in time. Sold IHE ALLEN PATENT WASHER | Why it is bupericr to all Oiners. lof ITS Itein? enclosed It retains the l:i o 'li j io*. tciniturulitre S'j Ufceaaary in removing i the dirt from the goods, »J ri/ i TIIEIEIi In iu„" no Friction 011 the ZilU. rlothlnsto wear it. Til j,■ otiHar action of the xvator in the ; •U. Maehiae (Which eutuiot I nndei'.-iood j ur.lebs oi." sees It) fnrclng a strong curren: ol w.ter the elotJiiiirat even vlrbratMli ' oi Hi" Agitator, (wlileli 1 euased i>y the peculiar j construction of tae top of the Machine. A 41% AKDtx-stofall istJi t aciilld of tie rye.irs H it!, can do Ihe work It so llxht that ] the operator sits down wlilie Miieln'nes ami l uunty and Tewnbhip Kleins I throughout the State of I'eimsylvanla. SuM by SHIRKS & HAYS, Euller, Pa ,8-u-ly jNE^V Clothing Store. CLOTHING, HATS, CENTS' FUENISIIL.NG GOODS, UNDEHWEAU, NECK WEAR, OVEK CO A Tri, 11 U BBE li COA TS, G iX) V Ea. S US PEN I) K liS, UMBRELLAS, SliLliTS. CAPS SHOEo h'OK MiiN AND-BOYS, All at most reasonable prices. JOHN T. KELLY, (jj rt., Main St.. (next door to I', O. CHOICEFRUIT taken 'the agency I'or .the I ruiu Trees, Bcatilifui Shrubbery, Ornamental Trees, Awl ov«*ryt i>- th» i Nurs« rv linr», <»r ili«* N<'\v V.. I will (Mil upon yon hi tin u« ir future aud ! solicit your orders tor i .ill delivery* A. 11, FALLER, Agent, Untlei- - - r»iv. SOY YOUR HOMES rutted Security I.lfs Insurance aad Tru.,t Co.. ot l'a. Money to Buy ilomes. Monthly dims not more t'i in a l iiri' iit. l'a ments il<v rene yearly. !*i even! •. d aI.U prior io coii.|>lcili;ii i.f jaiyit.enis, i .ii -a mi: eu cutiioranee catteeled. Money to Loan. lit-ai osi i'e bought und >old »m I'oiam!sslon. Wanted liousc.i to rent uu-l r •' e >li•• ■*. L. G. LINN, No. 38 South Main St., Butler, Pa. over Linn's Drug Mor . Steel Wire Fence. 'J'le el - l|»'• a 111fl rieaii'si I 'en ■•f •I" arnUtid I.aw 11 .*; -iiiHi! I.uis, foul try - tl . i til- : Karu i. Imi'l: and t'emetcry i-'.• nr-f s and (: I'erreel \i.tolUiill' '. .He. \ «i .•.! !.• ri i.| Work. Write tor Prices. 8t«to kind aoti qu ..i --tlly of fence want il. I*. vi.i>K.v i»i:vn, Maiiu'aeturcfsnr I'n. Kseape-, and lion \V«iri.. a el :_or. Market Htrei t. rttisMirg l'a, I . . To tlic Uradm if tie- l:ul li r t'iti/.-ii «ln> littve iint rv.iiuiiM'il iM.FAM.Majks' Cioods, Weaayliy nil means do so for you will never regret It. \V.• <r i* i »«v|ii'* a filler line uf II it i I' ml* t 'l'ri'iilia i ,'s. : id t'aj-s titan "ve, 1 i in;". W. have added to our line of ('ore i "\V A i; s 1.1.'S 111-: V I '•li." The -litjl I 1.1 N K I.KI.IKK.' I'orv"!, walsl •I no -i i.oia:\ci. <-orwrt w.ti<l. \ ml a <'orded Walat for einlilrun. , VVware ;i:.So k'-»pln^ A FULL LINE OF GLOVES. n.wrv. . • • *.. CI *<k «|a month and expend : aetuuli; • j J'p.n iiiltj i" our Knlmmen, Ol PKIT Ol UUffi'Mermn'ot '" r ' V " " " •I. ! n'U \ s2IAiV. >i! I'm* r> !:•«»:, K'trln-sf-i \ A. J. FIMKK iV (V. UKAI.KiUi IN nuiKi.s, M EDtCIKKS, ANI» Cin.Mlt'M.S FA NOV A::i> i'< V A li I I • K-, HIDNIiM. li It!: H JOS. I'KltKl MKICY, Bl»~l'lo>l'dans' I'n- .. i i;.tloti-t earutnilj t0... pounded. 45 S Main Street, Hutler, P: \. V '' •' 1 MASF * j r Faila ic <"iravj |,i' \ Hair '. j ill Youfhfal CcJur. 9 W&L 1 ' r ' i^' 1 ''"1 il " 1 la, H PAR K Eft's C 'NC Eifi iiivaiuAi>l I .!•« ,*'<> lI . Jiiv ui ii I'ulii. K/.h .tiwu projfK-v> I• a Ui<-1 hod and .vstein or v\oiK l!».it rim in 1 rrforrued i»ll ov« i' ilu* <ouiilry wlilioui Krpai'a? lie \vorl.« Un-li Uouien, l*. ; lll.nal; any one enn do tie* work; cither nex. vOUUV or old; uo ( lal ability r«*'|illre. < apl !>tl not needed; vou .ir»* free, houit ihl. Of L(n at value aud lmpoi lau< <• Io \.»u, llrtl v\ lit Mart you !u hiiniue . . whleh will hi in \ou h tJiore uiouej' awti> than t.lie world. Craud outfit tree. A*Jdre h Ttci i... i 0.. Auguntu. M.itu«'. Atlvcrtibf iu tiio CITIZKN. *?rm "w&ixiZf, ■ : r-t' 14-» ijg nITr — n£i » *2Hee R-attaesc&i I JKA. ? )INTjt mui%mmi WHICH Mll S 8?i h &f I ft igi|\|. IfSlisSSlliaPiillp ll@3^6ialp A J JSt «»ii .ii TJ Ou. JS "ia «aSi SsL Uae7 >LSK R#iP - Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and Nuns V eiling always ready for use. "LB, Son tli jVI ain fc?treet» ... BUTLEH> ITS COMING Anil when It ?ets li r ■ e-i*ry' <«2y '• ;l ru U lo - <• .1 -Kxe'.i-ruent wl ' rin l.i, !i. .tntf M'ull have crov.'dcil liou - - <iav an-l vei i;. '. V. !'< t is itv WH'-.its 111-K'K'- MKNAHI iilß— lN a regoiu HlnC'-t.iiU'vt snorter—and whei U comes look nm :>r ikv rockets ar,.l urea--; Uhtnu... Its not ? meiiagcr rti;.u-lailed monkeys. leopards that change their spots or wild Atri ran lions, but i' will draw great crowds anil will be >"orili seeing. ITS A HOO-D0 and knocks couipc-t km end* i-.e. li ! -ver luirts ;i customer, but it nnifio.s coin).'-ti'i m ru-i. Ti. v cover the pound qui to rapl.lly * m-ti they seeit, and cast their e.c.i-ty •* ' • l-r. eze. leaving you la the bauds of ; • • pie who «HI give you a uir deal. Ton interests ar< ours, sad we have made arrangements : r excursions during 11:«• .'-•■ason. An - itiiiM 'i--:! will leave Uougemevexy day at 7:. m ; r onlj two stops betwi a tiougbi m.&ud Bu .• >. First stop, Tiasotowß. and passengers w ::; < uBow •. I 5 it-'!•••!. ;• • I . . .• t*i • • i\. a. ll' i|iiiie loi«4 «•! "J >••• usfj t:.PH! li.cy must goon io!:K< S<. and Mai ,Bwindters \ille. {<;• sm !«•:.- v.'i aIV crazy » '• . !.> d<: •••j will i.i' all iv* i is < • nV' r at this .-laiiou, ,! .• wise portion will £0 on to HECK'S. I Thetrfctn will arrive at jiutler 8 ■< sbaip ana 1 lie. :. Will i f at til; (JlIU 1 I'l I ..iw you. Should It* liot. do not be 1-1 oil It lii - I'd lie 1'.,.. ...1:1 01 .-Ili-J sill A I.ut UUii ":• ■ !•''•! fW t'i t! ins i- nt. No. ii. North Main' !».. Ii• •k. V) <• i low our uv. ii horn : ufl tl" »<• i< ■■■J • ial;- li.ifit. He are now ready. King II." ■ —-at llie iiiiiUi—toot Hie Ii- rn —let the <-nv. ! ro,r.e .nt Hi) o'r i . £lii:irent b|-iiti? At'u.-'lious. The;. aro regular iLA-LAS 1 : ana on every point ill beat, anything ev.-r i shown in t i;.s l ily. I The (|uailty. iiuanti . . style and p«! an i'i I who! vi 11! sti!t \iiii, mid the assortine so that it ivlil dazzle you. OUR BAND LEADS, others try to follow us hut lia-y ean'f caicli up. Our |tiice' Is too mud: for them. W. are 100 quick. We aro boomers : We are sooneis: den'l yon We are rolUeklny. jolly »"<•!!•" >' S. W. .re rlp roarlir-f lip lop sell Ms, Anil when it ' nines to i-arguies we e. a ult you j to A --T" Wo are lummy fur your money- do you bear? I Anil we try to be so funny—we are so jjitet r. II you Iliiiik we are a honey, come and drop \ oar inoliev. And we'll treat you like a sonny 'li the year. | MrfelHmxotttscasraf md tbe win. We. mad'- >ij> our mind to tie the lead TS In our line j alal the r> aill Is. "tiia! we lea.l" ami Hi it j mistake about it. <«ur ori'.-s I ell the tale. Tliey are always lower I halt the lowest and I quality prove , it. We make No Hash Promises, • bill prove every tiling we slate la thu pa; ers when aouslomer call.-, at oni'siorc. li you wont s! ■ i!lri.- /DO Is for sti-rha;; cash . all and sec our i .'da'/uiil-ml stock of Spring Noveltl. . In line eio!itlntr Of all shapes .slyl'S and prl- Hats. | (iip-i. Neck« ir, Shirt,-. i.'ollars, C'tur I'uder- I wear. Hosiery. H."idl:orchlcis Imbri-llas, ; Trunk.-'. V.ilisi-s. Sat-n ;lt. ItnHbes. Combs. , I !1 arnrinicas. .fewlerv. Hammocks-anil Notions ; generally. we do i.<;i Wiei ipt a i in < mini ra- I i lon of our (foods lint content ours Ives Wil li Iho ' s::iteiaeni. Hiat we have Die htr/i a .stock, latest ; I stales am! lowest prices. ThE WORLD STANDS ASHAST The ie:i!!zat.lOll or the laat I!, it our In'.v prlc s an- unreality and not a lieiionary legend makes everybody wonder. Ilea lv money 1 ;ae won der work'-r I hat has enabled us to pliie • liefoie the public i-eicil :i <!!>| I•. 1 Spring bargains and a deleraiiaalioii lo In- easily satis lleo alii live for siiiail profit'; is the i i a son \ye cun sell so much cheap'T than anybody el c. 13. HECK, Champion Clothier and Furn isher. No. 11, North Mali: St., I»UIT>*K lil.Kk, B£JTM.a, - Pil. B. & B. Sl'lCt'l AL SPUING SAI.i: ()!•' Silks and Goods. IS I'll 11 V lII.W'KS. < <>I,M:N, ! IM'V CD l.ilN VriONs t.\i» IVK.tVi: . Tills Is a mo.d extensive offerl i.. el em- i l.r ici : inai.y III) M A !I!CAIiI.K i:\li-IA! -4s i„,s I I e»'er> day bar.aliio bill . uneLht.e.;' uii'isual. | ! Parebasmof Dry (ioodß will commit their own :.:l,i-iest.s by writing our "bulur-l r I) p i linent •or .imp <of I lie ie \;il«'• t, will :., j l.'-r I I wli a any bilornnitloii .n n-;.. irl i i ate., | will bi- 'ii-eiliill: -"'it I" any iddri Tills brani b or our bmiuoH 1b rapl By gro* In ; ev< rjr Ida-. It iv'lll continue io it •• lop Inst m tiroji ir , I fill us lae Ih-Hi 'lt;s U'l.l ad. ltd i"ao" •< •, ' .a ,- III,f li om cmr exU-:iK!vc slot., (wl: it. ill: : y rare bargains are com! .nliy offered) com- . to be .'ally Ulld'T-.tOo I anil ajipi.-' iated by 1 ••r, 11 v- I in . al a tils!r 'M-o ir ail ' " tra'Jc ■ . -. The bai-jai is 111 t ie Silk D.-parlllieai Wlil in .•iii'le ti lllaek «(iralns, V.><■ c. - ue. lil.Da si.a.-». ■!> to •" i.a i. | -j- Inch M-i.-k urraiis. si.i -llv ~!! «• . '-y. - ' a.-li i|ualltj not : aowu eLs. •.• uere les i im.i'i I and I .e. Al-..;, SlKtclal Values In lllaek Harahs, '. i a.eh Surahs. $1.1.0. .-1.f1.0i). i .!! line 1! aid; A nun. > ' ilivs, i-tl lie' •V. I I'-, a.'.c:; real value. sl.u .. Colored Dross Silks; In birtfe :is*oi l tuciit, lrieludliiK Gros Grains, Surahs, Rhadames, Faille Francaisse, e!c. A few fpc-lal nitinbc lii W<'Ol KAitlJli'S lira Im-ll ail-word i hi- !rs and Mixlilr ■ . a yard rejfiilnr .'iOe. .(iiali: I.lne of ;i:-iia-|i iill-W ). 1 '..'"ods t ele;fiiiil '[iialli. , in Incb Kn-nt-h Stiltln f.-i, 50c; down fr n.i Vf.c. and <l.(n. KKI.IKKI vards 111 <'t': til II Se'l.>,lt::--r . ■l'llle-il at 6c. I.'.i, sc. ft yard; fine kooOa, andtMU '...i'i" i! .utile t e-.'-- piii .. V' i . I■ .tali . • .t: , I teents i'i |u 'dl'ST!'' SA'i I >'KS ;.i li." '-.and . alid Ha ' ii ncll it li. ■■ al 'i »>■. .'>i.'. .;::c. v. ii.-.h «."o.is ii every d «-iii i,..:i < bpcketl. i India l.lfe- <. Diws t»lii;;f.arn-,, <ri , <1 !bs, I'kjiK x, ele., i-|e„ ;ii less t .an r> -iil.t-- ■ .-|.TS. ' The Bost Qualities at Lowet>l Prices" I'ar.i.;<>».■» Sim I iiibrs .l.is, !*'.ns, ! I«»-:' • r.% ;; 11' I <•! IV» , I/lilii' i N'• ir, H:nni l;< i'•»!UM»l»on . I.:i ' , .. « Mir in''.si tor jxmr muuey. Wri'i- tot j»i Bfjf'P*? & BjtHJ cuiibii b bOoL, 115, 1i7,1i9|12l rede-al S!„ i. —Ji -i. w .jj. A.i- jt, K {." > O-vJTS' -?"ilrati itflftV'fJLft WJ.f ~ u,th | i(•,r• r» i.,l .1.1 VI !• ;• ! r y J, To i« i» HowiUiT a « • l-l or • x;» . • . .. ~r f . tituii' .. I U»&Jtum . « . . >IIj i o tl lr .. I ; UdoUW.tJuCKOiWE ? 3 C v.»« FEMALE REGULATING P/LLS. il« rti *»• l»**ri i».«- folh< -ntlr.' ryihi., iir.,,.;it ! ••i I ii.ui'l Ht lit by ti.uil, m.m ' !•' Ij i iji • M , | f „, i )r, Marter Mculcinu Co.. Sf Liius. lii). ADifEfiTISERS on »i}rf >r | i r.:• f.<* wli'.-n lit CniCn , will ft or, {.!< il j Vn. AU'wftitu- 64 !. ROSENBERG, 64 ttllißGHM'f I'AiLOK, Clothier and Gents' Furnisher HAS SOMETHING TO SAY TO THE PUBLIC! | Mv Summer in Piece Goods are no.v in and on niy counters, ami | all I ask is that you come in \nd ,-ee them. I will show you a line in Kng j Kali, French, Scotch and American fabric, equal tv any in Western Peunsyl vauia. My prices will lie from Ten to Fifteen per cent. Lower Than Any Other ! • I guarantee g >od fit or do no' aek you to take them. My stock embraces ; all trrades from the plainest to the nobbiest, and I assure y u that my styles, j lit and prices w1 iI ,-uit you. A'y cutter - and workm -n ha~e no fuperi'»r» in ; this end of the State. Ido not desire to misU ad by titaitug low prices, but ut-k YOU to come, inspect my stock, aed cuuuuee youiseir. | READY MADE GOODS. i I can show you n line of Cork Screws, I)i: nnl:=. Capsimeres, Che voits, etc., at jiriccs thnt will surprise you, nll made up in first-class order for Men'a, 1 B'.-yh'and Children's Suits, iu all the latest styles and ;t 1 .-rices that dtfy j competition. Iu I GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS , I can show you nil the Novelties of the Season. Shirts, Collars, Crifis and Ties in eud!ese variety Hats. Caps .lcl Trucks at prices lower than the lowest*. Our Progress, Excelsior and Working Shirt-5 canaot be beaten. I do not <pj Jtrf prices, but tuarauteo you that I will sell the same "goods as ; cheap, r cheeper, thsn the parlies who haug theiu out at odd figures and prices. Come ;a aud see. I. ROSENBEIIG. ■ G1 South Main strict, opposite the Post Rice, liutler, Pa. I 1111111111 <;> 1111111111 1 I ' m'S-N.. "'Svkts. K vr ro^'j?!!riiNUH ' «!<»oiw. -i-'iN- ri ,'m, tit ■ Jit.-V K DISKS.-' <;OOI»s, mMn'vhr, ~ «'( H,( diKD Dl! KSS 'I > 'ODS. '''•'r.V,.,:,.. A K!S ' IiIfKSS <;< XIDN ' . >1; 1 ill: MiI.UON, «{'•{ I .' '■** r?\, \» ASH DIIKSS l- AIIKK S. IMA MS V\ I .Alt, I MißuW|.;\J;. I .I."\rrs. rAi.- '.soi.s, . IIOSIKUV. W KAI'S, SIIAWLS. K ID OI.DVES. A. Trouiman & Son. Leading Dry Goods aa 1 Carpet tiousr-. B U I ----- ZP E-W nST'^. ci*r>TAi\s. CAUI'ETS, WINDOW -iIADI'.S, M-A'l I IX'iS. ci;i; t\;n roi.Ks AitT A ' D I I VI I ill's. .lAI'A.N i-Sr. lU CIS. I'Aiu.i: *'(iv Kits, Kl,< a >u i.r, i,n.,, SOKA UI'US, KINOKI.I !S. KINKNS AND NAI'iilNS. 1)11,OI.O'l'llS, OKNAAIKNTS. I % THIS SPA CIS IS KFSEPVED FOR E. (JRIEB, The Jeweler, No 13, North Main St, k CUTLER, PA., Whose iidvei tisoment will nppcar next week. A PERFECT COMBINATION Of harmless vegetable remedies that will restore the whole system to healthy action, is absolutely needed to cure any disease "for the disease that affects one organ weakens all." Paine's Celery Compound is THIS PERFECT COMBINATION. Read the proofs I "I lmv<- Hiiffi-rv'l terrlhly frr>m nervrruancss anil kiilney trouble. I boiitflit two Ixittli .1 «if Paine'm Celery ('<mi|iounu. unil oil, how It did help i.ic! I liuve tin much l'ultli iu your xnollcine, for I know «liat It ill<l i'or me." Onuirio (V-ulri-, N. y. MM. J. J. WATSON. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND " For five yearn I .niiren-il with malaria ami nervou<inc»». J trii-il I'alne's i'i:k-ry « i*npf)iinil t ami I can truthfully nay that five Ixilllos <-oin|.U-ti-l> curvi mo. I checrfuUy recum liii'Dd it, f,>r 1 know it to I.*- a i-ikml mi-'llclne." cms. L. tiTKAHHs, Letter t'anii-r, Sution 11, Brooklyn, N. Y. CURES ALL NERVOUS DISEASES, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Bilious-ncss, Dyspepsia,Costiveness, Piles, Liver Com plaint, Kidney Trouble, Female Complaints, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood. 61. nix (or 16. W - jl.Mzfor 15. Sci that each ln»t- dl.nix f»»r s.r Weua Itiniard- A, rr.»|jiL, liurliiiKton, Vt. lie b-an ti)-* Cel<iry trade mark. txjs 6L Co.. Prop*., IlurlinKtou.Vt. v For tho Nervous, The Debilitated, j The Aged.* finsaiiuis mm. No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLKK, - - PA. | N»:tr N•• w Court Il0ii«« l<»rim*rly IfcuiaMvit) j 'louNf - .*'■<*<,uif!io«i.t(U>!!H I »r travelers. (jtMMj stat liiij; conntMi* •! H-j-V.. lj | II I'l l ENMI'I.I.KK. I'mii'r. idt/" Advertise iu iLu Citizen. j. > »1 11 i ;< licnarili .l .ire tho> • wliu read tli! S | |i i >M fund tlu-n act; they will rind lion -11l SM I I "i" i'il <• 111111 ■ • i.'-at fliat will not II • U li i. I aki'ili"iu rroin flifir liomoM ami r.iiiila -v. The prulltK an' ;.ad mire fur i'vv. v 111<I<i •<(! ,nis |K>rsiia many lime mad 'and :.r• hjw iii ii.iii,' M'Vcral hundred dollars a I month. II I* i .i-y lor ativ wie to mako (:> and I upward.. perMuy, who Ih *vl||;u.fto work. Either 1 ' youiijf or old; capital nut rieotled; wi' .t u t I .von. I.m r\liilsi, new. No d|«<cl.il ulllUO r«- <inlred;yoii reader rand.ill ..i well us any one. Will" to i... <1 mi' " torfnll particulars wbli-li wo mini iM'i:. Ad.lrr .4 suiisuii £ Co., lirtl.iud Mo —Subscribe f«.r the CitTzbm, iho uMcbt Uejjublicuu [mjief of the couuty
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