ftJRK'S FLOATING SOAP IS THE CHIEF For the Bath, Toilet and Laundry. Snow White end Absolutely Pur If wmm Mtla doe not kwp White Cloud Soot JJl'f erata tar temple emke to tte make.r JRS. S. KIRK & CO., CHICACO. If you have abused your Stomach by eating or drinking too much, or of the wrong kind of food or liquid, you will suffer because your Stomach is angry. Now beware of all temporary expedients. . TRY that never-failing, safe Remedy, J) r . • O i%ndi"£ike Pillj. Jot Sale by til Drn?ji»t* Price 25 eta. per box; > boxn for GS eta.: or *eat l.y nni!. free, oa receipt of price. I>r. J. H. btUwick <k Son, Phllad'a. PRATT'B Aromatic Ceneva Cin CUfcES DISEASE* KIBNETIi • leru see»»yeiie»e(Bwis») Otn,re-dietmed wttt * rfw*~* t Tr *— h pi'flie (fit, B. It will be foaaa ID ißTilnible med*aadeerteia cat* for Bright'* Diaeaaa, gtae* ia Madder, aad all roflafomatioa of the klibqra aad Urinary Organ*. The atilrty of Pratt'* Aromatic Genera Gin to eat neliud to diaeaaed Kidneys alone, but ia wed bi an; mam for <be Tariona complaint* tewkackUM* ua anbjeeUd. We hare received Ml —r letter* boa all part* eI tbe country teati traf to tta Talne aaa core for re t>preaeed. pai nful, ■atae aad Inanlar nenatruation. Ite atim bai, Mala, dtaretic aad eedatire properties alto* Irritation. remove eouaeation. sootbe excita- Mrnt aad ear* the paio. Taken ia wine-»!aaa fall pertiea*. tgeather with hot foot or at»am Mtka.lt will in all oaaee prodnce the deeired effect. A aalaafcte treatiae oa L'iaeaaed Kldn»ya that eeeabottld read aad keep, mailed free upoa Jinn Ba aoian, Me iimt, 1M CHAMBERS ffT„ NEW YORK. ran BALK BY J. 0. REDICK, Druggist, BUTLEH,|PES.V'A. r\ DOCTORS LIKE Mm i PRIVATE DISPENSARY OFFICES, »0G PEN'N AVE., iBHb: —PITTSBURGH, PA.— All form* of Delicate ami Cora plicated IHaeaaea requiring Cnxri- DKSIUL and SCJKNTIFIC Medica- Uom are tr.alod at thia IM»i«naary with a Mice* raMirattaiaod. Dr. 8. K. lakela a member <>r tb* Boyal Colleii* of Pbytidana and Eurgeona, arid ia ■M oioeat and moat experienced Br ►ENLIST in tbe oitf. Spodal atUDtlon given to Kerroua Debility froa* oscoaalro auatal exertion, Indlacmion* of Timtk A-., > aualaar ptiydcal and mental d> car, lack etoiliy, deapoodenry, etc ; alio Ctocern, Old Sore*. Jl", Pflea, khounui Urn and all diaeaaea of the Skin, Blood, Loop, Urinary Wi«an*. Ac. Consnltatioß toooaad Mnetlrrontarnliiil. Offir*» hounßto4*nd '* I® 4p. m. only. CallatoUioo .8. or E, J. LAKK.M. D. POUTZ' S MOI»tK AND CATTLE POWDERS ae «o«rS *lB »lt« i f car r<x Lvso f'o- If Footr. 1 * I'owcirr* are iw<l In time. Foot/ a !'owdrr*wlllrtirean<l preventHoornot.rr*. Fcntr* Powdi-re will t>f"T«,t Oacfa i* Fowls roatxf Powder* will Increase tlie nuiuitltv of milk aad cream iputiißn-r cent, and nmke tlie l/uttcr Urn aifd itftt - . fcoua PoTd' ff Win iwor pr»T«j»t.»lnloi>t *ra«i Dixraaa to vMridi-iorw-Ojiiirt tattle Ve enb>ect. tm rr * fonniu aiH oi«x krutn. WldWerywnm.. I !T> CAVID Z. POUTZ. Proprietor. BAI.TIJ4Cr.3C. »» For Ml« by 4,.L. WULLER. Butler, Pa. Wm. F. Miller. t ;/. ■' -X Manufacturer of Stair Rails, • ; /1 ■ Balusters •• uflivduHewcl-postl AH k'.nda of wood ttirtiliii: •lonn to oril<T,.alw De<*or»ie<l :uiil Carved wimtl-wo-k. sticli av OaalnjtCfHTl'* blo<-IM, r>f»pla *'i»i :ill kiliils (if teitejr «roo'J-w»rk for insldii or bouses. CAI.LANIISKK SAMPLES. Bomethini; new ami at Abo PURKriTIXAK St iowe*t Cltth prices, »r<.f« at X.K' W. vi'Marin I'artorj- at No. w>, X. street. Bt ri.Klt, - - -r - - . - IKNN A. W. K. k7. MORRIS, fn'Trick, PA'. «Brct'dere I IVwlir.y f MfiHT HitA 11.MAS. PI.Y- MtU Til KOCKs aml wimi: I.KO DOit.NH. tgga 02 per I3;fs3 for 20. H | d| t| * ußewarded sre lliow wlio rend thlf 1111 U? VaM.lth. n ».t; tliey will Hud hon ntl.fi i I employment Hint will not If • if l( V (take llii-ro from tiinlr liomcM and .. Inmiv-s The pruiltM are larrrr nnd xuru for otvry lu'luHrloi's per<Oi). tnni.y have ni><de and are row makintf several hundred dollars a i. Monttu It h eu»y for uuy oiie to rr.nkc hh<l W> cr Ml« per Auv. who IK winiujr to v. i rk. i;ilt;--r aex. yotmif oroMieupilel not m e led; v/e scut yvi Krenlhlnr uetv. No «|ierlal itbtlUy re- ISltd: you. trader, ran ilo ll as Well an nnv one. writ# to iih al MM for ,'ull parl!eui;<r».whl< b tve asatl free. Ad<lre«M Sliueon K Co.. Portland. Me SUR VEY I NQ LAND, COAL BANKS. AND LEVELING. IFWUetilsr attention Riven to the Ketr.ieinir ol •M Hf. Addrea-, s.r.irtu.iAßi>. «'o. Surveyor Jforb Hope P. 0., Boiler Co- fa. «A84.1y SALESIEI WJ9k.3STTE3D _ . »o cacvaa* for tit* aaJe of Noncry awßmltnOapuy, feTO P*jTO-ÜBraa„r. laacas feSatK*"irjri.vs; SSXTJ*; / THE CITIZEUST MISCELLANEOUS Work of the W. C. T. U. BY MRS. M. H. BOARDMAN, NEVADA. (Continued from last xceelc ) j How clean and sa'e and beautiful our cities would become. How col [ leges would multiply and fill. How I empty the jails would be How few suicides would occur. How crime would crtep and slink into by-waye instead of uDblusbingly pushing itselj into tbe chief places of the land Im agine it! and all these results will fellow the destruction of the liquor traffic as surely as the day follows the sun-rising. It is a great work. It will take time. But only faith in God, linked to earnest, enlightened endeavor, are needed. Up this valley a few miles stands Slide Mountain A mighty nass has been torn from bis beetling head and shoulder and hurled at his feet. He stands there robbed of his symmetry. I have often looked upon that mount ain in wonder. The ancients would bave said. "Tbe Titan chained under there grew restive, and so struggled and labored that be almost escaped — almost overturned the mountain." But not so do we read the m&rvel. This everlasting bill was not bowed Iby a mighty Titan, but the gentle, silent, tiny forces of Nature wrought against the stupendous mass. Here a few drops entered some team in the giant front. There a little trickling stream entered a fissure, and urged on by the strange, paradoxical strength of hydraulic force, sunk deep er and deeper, gaining power as it was fed by tbe slowly-accumulating drops above, that penetrated day af ter day till they touched tbe heart of the mountain Then when the frost above or tbe hidden heat below swell ed the tiny, penetrating streams, more was done than the dynamite of man ever effected—tbe ponderous mount ain side was hurled into the gorge below. Tbe mountains all around blush in the glow of morning and wrap them i-tlves in their purple mantle at eve ning, but no morning glow lights up bis scarred forehead, no purple falls on his maimed shoulders at eventide. He stands there smitten into change less gloom. It is a mistake we poor human souls aie apt to make that great retnlts only follow upon the use of immerse appliances, but this i? not so. Look up the valley and he convinced. Then turn your eyes upon the "looming ba.-'iou fringed with fire" I, hind which .SutiiU l.iJ'-.- in this contest. Send tbe arrows of vniir thoughts against it. Shoot the winged shafts ol\j our prayers upon it. Turn against it the silent enginery public opinion, and give them time to work; and some morning—not very far off, please God—you will wake to see that bastion fall—melt away like tbe unsubstantial fabric of a dream Only be strong and of a good courage Let me close by holding up before you, my dear sisters, another blessed motive for this blessed work. Grati tude, yes, gratitude to God that when He turned His thought to the re demption of tbe world He stooped so tenderly to woman. He might have come in such majesty and splendor that all tbe kings and mail-clad war riors of earth would have yielded Him ready homage and followed in > His train. But be chose to come in such guise ns forbade the ministry of man's hand His mission was to the heart, and He came a helpless baby. The taberna cle in which dwelt tbe incarnate Sou of God was builded and fashioned by the gentle beating of a womau's heart He came into her arms by the same gate of agony by which my baby came to me, bv which your baby came to you, The sKme sublime of ecstasy aDd humanity filled her soul when He first lay in her arms tbat came to you in that supreme moniei.t when your heart wus filled with the thought, "I am the mother of an im mortal being." She thrilled at tbe touch of baby lips aud fingers at her breast just as wc have done. She bung over Him while He slept and marveled at the velvet of His skin and tbe matchless softness of His hair, and when He opened His eves she wondered jnst as we bave done at the searching glance tbat seemed to read ber soul. And she nursed Him and watched over Him, and made His little garments, and so our Lord consecrated by His acceptance of it, mother pain and toil and care. He uplifted it and made it almost sa cred. Aud when He began His public ministry He had no word of praise for those qualities which had al ways been the pride of man, but tbe loug scorued attributes of true womanhood received His blessing and His insis tence. And when at lust, man cruci fied Him and buried Hiin, it was wo man who wept over His pierced body aud came very eurly in tbe moruiug bringing the spices for it,and only think of the gentle kindness of tbe Master's voiee whin in the gloaming of tbat first Faster morning He revealed Himself to Mury by His utterance oi her name. I sometimes think lha'. m:m has lier-n in home nort aiffronted by this, and so when our blest-ed Lord w i gone from sight, und the clouds o* heaven had received Him, mun push ed woman aside io her work for Christ aud held ber labors in scorn Aud yet whenever woman baa faced tbe rebuff, and reached out ber baud to guide ibe wandering and save the lost, (iod has not tailed to smile upon her efforts He remembers—up there in tbe blue— who comforted His childhood, who blessed and revered His mauhood, who quickest perceiv ed tho holiness veiled iu tbe flesh, and He pours out His blessing on her en deavors. This is the secret, I doubt not, ol the good so tjuickly brought about iu this very work of the Womau's Christian Temper&nce Union for "God and Home and Native Laud Remember tbat just here, ou this hand, seethes the pit de spair, and tbe liquor trafile is all the time sending its victims there. And over here, on the other hand, are the hills of Paradise, crowned by the city tbat lietb foursquare in its niatcblesrt symmetry, ll we can save the children from the one and guide thrm to the other, nut that enough? Why shonld w&caretfor sneers or opposition when so soim we may walk those blessed hfUa with Hbose we bave laved and JfljlWn f'd for h< i< , "While the uhthrm* of rspttuu uncuaaiox;ly roll, • , / And the stbih- "(th» t*rt f<! in the feaM of tlie seal." THE END. —Paying petroleum has been struck at GatesvrlTo* Tip. —Woman barber# a« numerous ia San Frauclsso, CQL -> * —Wheßt is the tho north and middle of China. RIGHT HERE IN PENNSYL VANIA. What Your Friends and Neigh bors Say on a Matter 01 Vital Importance. Below will be found a saaipie of ibe multitude of letters of encourage ment Meters 11. H. Warner it Co., of Kochester, X. Y , daily receive The subjoined unsolicited testimonials are from your friends and neighbors. iadieß and gentlemen you know and esteem for their honor and straightfor wardness, and who would scorn to be a party to any deception What has been done for others can be done for you, and it is folly, nay suicidal, to longer suffer when the means of re covery lie at your very door: CON NELLSVILLE, Fayette Co., Pa , Jan. 12, 1888.—I have been in tbe employ of the B. 0R- R. for tbe past 11 yearn Eight years ago, while working in one of tbe Company's Ice Houses, I contracted a severe cold and the physician, Dr. Graham, in formed me that it had settled in my kidneys and a report to that t fleet was made by him, to the B. «fc O. Employees' Relief Association. I suffered severely for 47 days with ter rible pains in the back and kidneys. Could not sleep at night, and was greatly depressed aad almost wished for death as a relief. After being un der tbe doctor's charge for the time mentioned, Dr. Graham recommended •'Warner'b Safe Cure." After inking six bottles I wus entirely cured. Was benefited almost with the first bottle. Since then I haye enjoyed the best of health. In fact 1 feel better than I have for mamy years. I have adopted it as a regulation and remedy and always keep a tupply on hand in my family. 1 cheerfully re commend the remedy to ail of my friends and neighbors. C PP.|4^ NEW HAVEN, Fayette C/)., Pa.. (Main St. beiwten 6th aDd 7tb) .Jan 12, 1888 —Have been a pufferer with fciomach, liver acd kidney troubles for about ten years. Five years ccmmenced usinjr "Warner's Safe Cure." After using two bottles my health coitimeueed iniproviug. Had several different physicians who did me no gcod. 1 was very thiu, weigh ing only 110 pounds and I now weigh 147 aud ain enjoying excel len'. health and f<-!l convinced tbat. is due to the use of •'Warner's Safe Cure," as I use no other medicine. Id/, NEW HAVEN, Fayetie, Co., (7th strebt) Jau. 13, 1888 —I bave been troubled somewhat with irregular uruicary action through kidney trou ble. I hi'.ve derived g:efit relitf through "Warner's Safe Cure." Capitalist CONNELLSVILLE, Fayette Co., Pa , Jan. 13, 1888.—Twelve years ago, 1 was run over by a locomotive, there by losing uiy right arm. I was im properly treated and consequently huve been subject to nervoua a'tneke and epileptic fits ever B;nce. "War ner's Saf» Nervine" always affords me great relief. yt-* Painting Dep'i B. & O. R. il, for 10 years. DAWSON. Pa., Dec. 1887.—"War ner's Tippecanoe" has cured me of a pain iu tbe stomach. 1 can recom mend it very highly. My father found reiitf by using "Warner's Safe Cure." INDIANA, PN , Dec. 1887 —Have used "Wurner's Safe Cure" for some lime for kidney troubles, and derived great benefit from the same. REEDSVH.I.K. Pa, Dee. 20, 1887— Have used ' Warner's Safe Cure" for the liver and find it a great benefit. s&XOAsCIAS & The Population of Butler ir> about 7,000, and we would say at li.astone half are troubled with some nirection of the Throat and Lungs, as th osc; complaints niv, according to -tntif tics.more riiim<troun tlian others. We would advise all not to neglect the opportunity to call on their rlrurr :?i- »ind get a bottle of Kemp's I5;i!- sam for the Throat nml Lungs. Price 50c and sl. Trial, aize Free. S<>id by uli druggists. She Got What She Wanted. It wus in one of our large dry goods establishments. The lady shopper wat! in search of ruchiug. "How much will it take," she naked, "for the neck of a dress?" The young woman at the counter said they gen erally sold a vard. "But tuat will be too much, I only want thirty-six inches." "Wt< never sell less than a yard." "I think it pretty well if I'm to bo dictated to. [ t«ll you I want but thirty-six inches, and I shall see the superintendent and lind out if I've got to buy more than 1 want." The superintendent was called, and he very politely replied: "Why, eer tuiiily, ludv; it is very true that we usually sell a yard, but. if you want but thirty-six inches you can have it. Long Head Strokes a Shaggy Coal. A New Bedford man who hud one of tin: tendons of his leg cut. seven teen >cars ago, rendering the limb nucleus, ban just undergone a remark able mrgical operation by which two tendons, taken from a dog, have been successfully transferred to his leg, restoring his power to walk This is the first time the operation has been performed in this country. , If human tftis our r Aspect far the canine race will be measurably increased. SprtiiyteM Union. 4 f« u 1 botofJarativelv smalrotate, but it* fial? ahobt 50,000 miles of gtouo fences. Prohibition Convention. Tbf l State Convention of tbe Pro hibition party met at Harris* j burg last week nominated James l>lack. ot Lancaster, , for Supreme Jud>fe, selected an elec toral ticket which includes tbe name ; of James VV. Orr, of this county, and adopted a platform of which the fol : lowing is a synopsis: First, demands the removal of all [ practices which, under cover of laft', nre hostile to the public welfare. Second, pledges the parly to tbe policy of total prohibition by consti tutional amendment. Third, declares the party to be tbe 1 only one which proposes to abolish the liquor traffic by legislation. Fourth, opposes all forms of license and denounces tho high license law as a delusion and a snare. | Fifth, demands the repeal of inter ! nal revenue tax on liquor and tobac ! Co. Sixth, declares for tbe free use of ! the Bible in the public schools. Seventh, issists upon tbe recogni tion of tbe Christian Sabbath. Eighth, demands the right of every citizen to vote as he chooses, and de ! nouß"es ike corruptioa oi' vot«ra Ninth, ciyil service appointments should not be based upon party ser vice, but upon moral, intellectual and physical qualifications. I Tenth, favors the election of Presi dent, Vice President and United States Senators by direct vote of the p«ple. Eleventh, questions of national ar bitration, differences between capital and labor should be settled by courts provided for such purposes. Twelfth, demands such correction of the tariff laws as will give full pro tection to the manufacturer and the producing laborer agaiust the compe tition of tbe world. Thirteenth, demand equal taxation. Fourteenth, demands that tbe anti discrimination clause of the Constitu tion sbail be enforced. Fifteenth, Bsks such change in the immigration laws as will prevent tbe introduction of convicts, paupers and those physically disabled, and the enforcement of laws prohibiting tbe importation of contract laborers. Sixteenth, declares for woman suf frage. Seventeenth, invites the co-opera tion of all citizens to vote to free tbe Commonwealth from the curse of the drink traffic. Woman's Relief. "Earth ha* no sorrow which heav en cannot heal," whether arising from physical, mental, or moral s.'arcco. The promises and consola tions oi the sospel furnish abun dant rt-nn-dies for all spirit ual or mental woes, and the Creator has stored, in the kingdom of Nature, remedies for every physical ailment. For uges remedies were allow ed t'i lie dormant, through the ign'i ranc.J of mankind as to their uses, aud for ages more but little attention was given to remedies for the peculiar afflictions of woman, who was looked upon and treated as a slave by lord ly, and then brutal man, and her suf fering regarded with beastly indiffer ence. In later times, science aud Christian philanthropy have come to her relief, devising remedies for ber peculiar weaknesses, which have been combined in I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, a remedy that cures tbe pains, aches, nausua, displacements, wasting aud debilitating afflictions to whish she is constantly exposed. "Favorite Prescription" is the only medicine for women, sold by drug gista, under a poxitive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guar antee has been piiritcd on the botlle- and faithfully carried out for many years. —Oskaloosa, Kan., bas elected a woman mayor and an entiro city council of women. —A Garfield county (Kansas) far mer put a dynamite cap in stove to "see what the thing would do." His funeral followed. —A faith cure healer in Salina, Kansas, tried to cure a case of small pox by tbe laying on of hands, and now the doctor aud his patient are quarantined in suburban blacksmith nil' p. —Orifintil and peculiar in coripo hition, they ore bound to kill pairi, soothe and strengthen— Hop Plas ter*. Those troublesome pains in the chest, back, Kiduevs or side, instant ly relieved by a Hop Plantar. —Edward Barnes, of the L'ieds (Eng.) Mercury, who is in his BiSth year and still works in the editorial harueSH with unabated energy and enthusiasm, is the oldest European journalist. B v the accidential injection of hot water, nil the fish in tho hatchery at. Wilminirton, Del., numbering over 30,000,000 lake and brook trout, were killed on Tuesday. The loss is about §I,OOO. —Tbe Kootenai InciiariH in Monta na ur<! getting ugly, and threaten to avenge tbe banging of three of their number for murder bv the white peo ple. The governor baa been called on for troopH. A timber utii.k that reeently came down the river by Lock Haven wan 7:{ feet long and contained 1018 feet of lumber. This is said to be tbe largest. piece that has ever flouted on tbe SuHjuehuuua. —Tbe new buildings at tho Sol diers' and Sailors' Home, at Erie, are progressing rapidly,and bv September next the institution will have (!00 in in a ten. Tha cost of improvement!* will be over SIOO,OOO. —Mr. M. I'. 0-»terhaut, of Tonk hunnock. I'a., SO, ban been sued by Caroline M. Coon for $400,000 da mages for breach of promise. This is a rnut! in which the Coon seeks to make tho hunter "come down." —Elk county haw two men who arc nearly centenarians. Audrew Hun ter, of Washington township, is only a fi;w moni ht? behind him. IJoth aro quite active a:id hope to meet Heath in a 100-years' race. Jf ITerßon Davis in at, work on his new book about the war, QA L E S M EAT M WANTED J \ I'or (lilt IIOUtIKK NtUUJUKf. «'S Jk. 1 tn'illslietl in.;. St' I ;* fly cmvloviii'-nl ninl l«ay. *tmil Jor h rnn ul omV. 11. K. IIOOUKK t'tl, Ho :lient<>r, N. Y. Stewart & Patterson. A- M. STKWAUT arid H. A. PATTKIWON. Con tr.ictor.H and Huilili'-rti, are iioHi m«u ofy-Mrsof UXN'TICNOO IN NRO UOUMI BUIUIIIITR UII'I frumlui;. Ali p ' r KcnH of huililliiK will d<j wi'll to WE tticin iinrl IIM.I. .IV«T ili.-lr I(' lO'-ni-,. mi I'lilrvlitw Ave., SiirluuJul*. I'o.lolUct', Duller, I'a. THEY DID IT. What? CurrJ among others the following. They write: " (W.i Central Ave.. Cincinnati,O.,) January 4ta. ( Atbioi'! r..- Fiil- hiiw enrol me of liver «vu!;-;«ut and liyi-VH iwia. I pave ton ct t>»-- Fills tie friend who in troubled with lnili--. >t:on ul.ll be ha* improved wou d.-riniiy. i". H. Havnuxr. 16 Kosettf St.. New Haven. Ct, ? Februarj luth, IMS. i (•.thiol>>:• i-os I'ills worke«i wonder* in my ease oi di !» p-la. i-USIA L. CIJ.BK. Ath-10-pho-nw Pi!K are small mid pioa.-iiut to take, yet wonderfully effective. Invaluable tor kidney and liver complaint.'*, dyspepsia, in digestion, constipation, headache, etc. They'll take away that tired feeling giving new life and strength. «S»3end <"• <f nu f>r the beautiful colored pic ture, " Moorish Maiden." THE A Th'LOPHu.IOS CO. 112 Wall St. N. T. ITS COMING And when It frets here, everybody will rush to see it—Excitement will run nigh, and we shall have crowded houses <iav and evening. What Is it? Why Its IIK<'K'S MENAGEIfIE—Its a regular Klivf-tailert Snorter—and when It comes look out for sky rockets and greased lightning Its not a menagerie of ring-tailed monkeys, leopards that change their spots or wild Afri can lions, but It will draw great crowds and will be v'Orth seeing. ITS A HOO-D0 and knocks competlon endwise. It never hurts a customer, but It mnkes competition run. : Tlie.v cover the ground quite rapidly when they see It. and cast their coat-tall* to' the breeze, leaving you in the hands or people who will give you a fair deal. Your interests are ours, and we have made arrangements for excursions during the season. An accommodation will leave Gouge in every day at 7 a m.. making only two stops between Goughern and Butler. Klr.it stop. Trasntown. and passengers will be allow ed s minutes to look at the trash. That will be quite long enough to satisfy lliem that they must go on to II Kt K'S. Second stop. Swlndlers vllle, passengers who are crazy enough to do so will be allowed to stop over at this station, the wise portion will go on to HECK'S. The train u l!l arrive at ltutler # a.m.. sharp and iiec'K will be a" the depot to receive you Should he not. do not be led oir by the little Bazaar; of side shows, 'out make a break lor the big tent. No. 11. North Main St., Duffy'a Mock. We blow cur own horn and there is no mistak ing it. We are now ri*::dy. King the bell—beat tl;e drum—toot the horn—let the crowd come mid see our magnificent Spring Attractions. Tile;, are regular LA - LAS ."ii'l on every point will beat anything ever shown in t:ii« city. The quality, quantity, styie and price ate just what v. 11l suit jou, and the assortment so large that It will dazzle you. OUR BAND LEADS, others try to follow us but they can't catch up. Our pace Is too much for them. We are too quick. We are boomers ! We are sooners! —don't you see'/ We are rollicking. Jolly fellows. We are rip roarin r ftp top sellers. And when It comes to bargains r.-e can suit vou to a "T" We are hungry for your money—do you hear 1 And we i;yinbe so funny—we are so queer. If you think we area honey, come and drop your money, And we'll treat you i'lkc a sonny—all the year. For we have got the energy and the will. We mad'- up our mind to lie the leaders In our line and the result is, "that we lead" and there it no mistake abo'it It. I Mir pi Ices tell the tale. They nre always lower than the lowest aud quallis prove:; it. We make No Rash Promises, but prove everything we state In the papers, when a customs calls at our store. If you want sterling goods lor sterling cash call and see our .Maiiiiltlcent stock of spring Novelties In Hue clothing of all shapes styles and prices: Hals. Caps. Neckwear. Snlrts. Collars, Gull's, I'ndar wear. Hosiery, Handkerchiefs Umbrellas, Trunks. Valises, Satchels. Brushes. Combs, Harmonicas, .iewelery. Hammocks and Notions generally. We do not attempt a full enumera tion or our goods but content ourselves with the statement that we have the largest stjck, latest styles and lowest prices. ThE WORLD STANDS AGHAST ggTlie realization or the fact that our low prices are a reality and not a lictlonary legend makes everybody wonder, Heady money Is the won der worker that has enabled us to place before the public until a gorgeous display of Spring bargains and a determination to lie easily sails tied an ; live for small profits Is tin' reason we can sell so much cheaper than anybody else. IX HECK, Champion Clothier and Furn isher. Jin. 11, North Main St., Puff)'* Block, BUTLER, - PA. THE ALLEN PATENT WASHER Why it is Superior to all Others. | e | ITS being enclosed It 'retains the high IS I. temperature so necessary In removing tin- dirt from tiie goods, Orjf! TIIEKii being no Friction on the £!lu. clothing to wear It. O r #l Til K peculiar action of the water In the "• Machine (which cannot bo understood unless one sees Itj forcing a strong current, of water through the clothing at every vlrbratlon or the Agitator, (which Is caused by the peculiar construction of the top of the Machine. /I+h AND best of all Is that a child of four years '-frill. can do the work It so light that the operator sits down while doing It. Machines and County end Township Mights throughout the State of Pennsylvania. Sold by SHIR AS & HAYS, Butler, Pa s-lu-ly Hotel Brady T. W. TAIT, Prop'r. New Ilolel and Kesl'iurant on the Diamond, Hurler. I'n. Mr. T. W. Talt lint relitted and furnished the Brady House, and is now prepared to accommo date Mil- public. Ills Restaur int. In connection with the hotel wdl ne open day and night The tables will h Furnished with everything the market iilfords, FRESH GAME AND OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY. Your patronage respectfully solicited. MiMIM H OTEL, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - Near New Court House formerly Donaldson Mouse uood accommodations for travelers. <;ood stablinu connected. [I-li-si; Iy | 11 HITKNM CI.I.Kit, l'rop'r. To the Headers of the ltutler Citizen who Hare nut examined M.F.&M, Marks' Spring Q-oods, We say by all means do so for you will never regret, It. We are showing a fuller line of Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, and Lace Caps than ever before. We have added lo our line of Corset*. "WAISNKKS lIKAI.iiI." KOI II,INK IM'.MKF," Corset wulsl. The •li.oKKNCK'' Corset waist, And a Corded Waist for children. We are also keeping A FULL LINE OF GLOVES. PERMANENT STAMPING For Kcnsingt > i, Arrasene AND OUTIjINii WORK DON^S \lso lessonH in sain ) given by ANNIE M IAJ IVMAN,'.North itrnot, butler, Ha. uoUOMf l l,aH revolutionized the ig !j ( !J | t i! JJ world during Die lust, half 1 V Ja I ll' '»century. Not least among '» I ».iy I I titiic vvoudent of inventive progress Is a method aud system of work that CUD iHs performed all over the country without separating tho workers from flielr homes, I'ny ll'xjr.il; any one can do the work; either se.t, you tit; or o.J; ho spool,>| ability require. Capi tal not needed; you are s>t irtod free, (xiinc.tiihiif of great, value and linportani'e to you, that will start vou In business, which will hrtng you In more money rlphi away I han any'hlng else In «ne world <;rand outfit free. Address Tau* & Co.. Augusta. Maine. Jury Lists for June Term. I I.lst ot Grand Jurors drawn to serve in the I Courts of quarter Sessions, commencing the i nr»: Moiidav of June, inn-., belntrtue Ith day: 1 Allison Coaries s. cherry twp.. s. larmer. Barnes ll i.tiu. Mercer twp. farmer. I I),iuo. a-peti ( auipbell. Washington twp S. larmer. ' Dane i i .s I', Cranberry twp, farmer, j liavis.i l* Brady twp. larmer. fcls, i 1.. I'. uoiia. grccer. I .isv tiie .1 K BirJ *r boro ,;J ward, agent, u.iiliu Frank. l»o icgal twp. tariuer. Ha...ei Atu"w .Menvr twp. tanner. Hx-ii Martin MnlersioWi, gciit. m. Maud Jr. Wiulicld luix-rer. on; man Wu« 11. Ja< ksou twp. K, larmer. | Leiootd slaiou, i eni rc twp, tanner. Mo. rison l'oler. v leariielu twp. l. finer. .Mc.Milccn liOoert. SutoittlC twp. burner. Mecliliug u. wis it. Bu.ierOoio isi ward, laiwrer Mchlwaiii Will. I'enn twp. farmer, i'ryor A K Marion twp, larmer. Kay iieorne. Mailou tv.-p, farmer. Mein .lac J ), /ell. uople. lailor. b'miners Jaeou. Buiiaiotwp. farm.-r. Wvs craua i" .1. Miuerstowu. mercnunt. Waliett Uaniei. Jeitersoa twp. larmer. Welse Jacou t". Jackson twp. iarn.er. l.tsc of i-etlt Jurors drawn to serve in the Court quarter serious, commencing the second Moadav ol June, Oeaig Che iltH dav. lsss: Bo d NV J, 11 tit lei to.o isi vv aril, clerk. Bis nop i.e.), Status t ny uolo, cai'peuter. iiovaid vv t n riy twp. farmer. Barns KdWdtJ, iliniou iv»p. larmer. Bradeu J '', t iav i vvp. farmer. BaiiiesJauies o Mercer iwp. farn.er. Brovvn l'uemas. Bu.falo twp. tbginee:*. Cauipxcli \v i.. ,'uiueisiow ii merchant, l ouneiiy Joau f. Adams twp, tariuer. Craig uenry, Donegal twp, pumper, inckey S i. Mercer iwp, mecaanic. i.i' aenlatiii Josepu, Suminii twn, farmer, l Hugn. \euango twp. farmer. 1' ,'iiu: l'lauk, .le'.lei'son twp, blacksmith, l-'amsvvorui Martin. Butler twp, farmer, tilisoa t; W, l'etrolia boro. founderyntau. liit'uu Wm M. U asliinglun twp, s."farmer. Ualoaugu i'mllip, forward twp, larmer. baisielu J F. Jackson twp. W, ruercUant. HUlaid ii Jr. Alifgneiiy twp, farmer. Kiiowensniiiii A it. l eti'oiia n.iro. merchant. Klrker It. l.mica.sier twp, farmer, ivmie Jkiiu *>. roitvuiu IAVJJ, readier. Kecf t.eurge. ciauberry twp, loi iner, iliiJuj \\ ,i. ■ t«p, larairr. Lewis Joliu, \ -oailgo twp, larmer. l,ew:.-; t inaiey, iv ..siiington twp. N, farmer. La 11 ever jon a. Bu:iei nolo aa ward, blitcismltli. Miller i onn Hiuenessing twp S, caipenter. Marsn.o! i' c, Muddycreek t.vp, fanner. Martin I'alier.son, Venango twp, farmer. .Me'.'auo-ess. Alocrt, Builer twp, farmer. .Mc.Naiien r. i enter twp, larmer. Nagier August, Wlnueld twp, larmer. i'e .;c Aii err. ,l.f'k.-o.i twp, VV, gent, ttus-eli uusi.on. cuerry twp. s, larmer. ii.M.n laon Jas. U.i aland twp, larmer. nipper t.ei i". v .ilis i ay. blacksmith, suailer ! i . Jackson twp, W. gent. .-tail Win. iw'ai.y twp, iarraer. snyuer i noi-iJ i liu,on twp. farmer, lnoinp&ou 1) il i*arkertwp, teacher. VV elsu Lojal 1. .leiluisou twp lariaer. W elsciii nrv Jaci.s.oa twp, vV, lumber dealer. VVelgaiul \ aiciitlne. VV inueld twp, farmer V uuiis; Samuel, i-ei'eaople. editor, ioung k 11. < lay f.V|, farmer. CATARRH HAY-FEVER ELY'S CREAM HALM Is no' a liquid, stitiff'or poiriler. Applied into nostrils i.t i/ttirlc/i/ absorbed. It. cleanses the head Allays inflammation. Heals the sores. Restores the senses of taste aud smell. ,VJ cents at Druggists; by mall, registered. ISO cts Ely Brothers, Drmr*ixt«, o*l*o, t. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. •3. C. ROESSING, FREBIDENT. WJVI. CAMPBELL, TKKAyuitKK If. C. IiEINEMAN, SKCKKTAHY. DIRECTORS: J. I, t'nrvis, Samuel Anderson, William Campbell '.I. W. ltnrkhart. A. Ttoutnian, Henderson Oliver, (i. C. Uoessiug, James Stephenson, Dr. VV. Irvin, N. Wi itzel, •1.1'". Taylor. 11. C. Heiiieman, LOYAL MMU.NKIN. (Jen, Ae't 6TTTLBH, 3? A.. BSHT HUH Ami all Ihe oilier late and beautiful styles o Fancy Writing I'aper at J. H. Douglass Largest assortment in town. From 10c to 75c per box. Also lull tine of new Invitation and Regret Cards, Wedding Invitations, Visiting Cards, Mourning Stationery, Tablets, etc. 63 S. MAIN STREET. Steel Wire Fence. The cheapest aud neatest Fence for around Lawns, School Lots. Poultry Yards, Hardens, Farms, park and cemetery l-'eiices and Hates. Perfect Am..in Hl'' Hate. VI'JI all kinds ot Wire Work. VV rite lor Prices. State kind and quan tity wanted. TV V I.t) It A IIK.V \ . •.''i.'i arid jni M at kei si p*t, Pittsburg. Pa, "CLEANFAST" fel p BLACK 'tpM) STOCKINGS - I A,4t» ' *S\} 'he F. P. Roblnaon Co '" Dyo ''/'' in Jj s IVarranirtla* ('lran a* Whit* " MONEY REFUNDED • • . IX th*y ntnin tli» tc*t or C i.E A H FA.»T ia Mahhiiiff. •..I LIVS'T VIIKI riillilreii'v Slttrklngi* .Wrn'N Hull" IIOHO. MVt TMHSSH, LISLE, and COTTON , , 'X;' tXCELSJOR HOSIERY CO. I .. „ !E:>TNUT tit., PHILADELPHIA. •-> ivo ,„„vrn iN , TOWN. Ui i/ J 6 WA Nf ED Of- Writ* fur Prim I.IH, TIIK CITIZEN, Aweiil. ly ii"WH|>itper, puhliehed overy Fri day irio'idng »i i.iitler, I'M., by JOHN If. i vv. c. NI:M.F.Y. Subscript 101 l Hate. Per vcar, in ad vance fl stt Otherwise 12 00 No HUhi'Cription will be discontinued until all ttrn.arages are paid. All cotjiniinicalioua intended for publlcntion in this paper must bo accompanied hv the real name of the writer, not for publication out as a guarantee of good faith, Marriage and 'kiuh notices must be accom panied l.y a rcsponaihlo name. Advertising Hales. Ono square, one insertion, il ; each subse* qnont insertion, 50 cents. Yearly advertise ment" exceeding one-fourth of a column, t5 per inch, Figure work doiibln those ratos; additional charges where weekly or monthly changes ari made, I.ocai advertiaoHiontit 10 cents per Hue for iirst insertion aud 5 cents per lino for each additional insertion. M*r- and deaths published free of charge. Obituary notices charged as local advertise ineuts aud payable when handed in. Auditors' Notices, iI; Executors, and Administrators' Notices, each; F,«ti*y, (iai.tion and dis solution Notices, not exceeding ten lin^s. Address Tur. CITIZEN, Duller, l'a. PAHKEW'S HAIR BALSAM *l)4 tmuUlka tbu hair. IcrSRK luxuriant growth. PCWBSrjflNnvir Fails to Rastore Gray Hit.; ;y Hair to its Youthful Color. taiUiuj PAR KER'BCINCER TONIC isnJMbto tar Oou«l«. Colds, toward ralaa. fixbatuMo* X>. T. LEA DING MILLINERY HOUSE t Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and Nuns Veiling always ready for use. INTo- 18. South. IVtaiii Streets - - BUTLER* T-* A. TREASURERS SALE, I Of Seated and Unseated Lands in Butler Co. for Taxes Due for 1887 and Previous Years. By virtue of sundry Acts of the General As sembly of tile Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating to the wile of stated and unseated lands in the county of Hutler. etc., lor taxes due aud unpaid, 1 will otter at public sale, at the court House, In the borough of Butler, Pa., on the SECOND MONDAY OF JI'NE, ISBB, being the nth day ot the month. »r 10 o'clock a.m.. the following described pieces of land or such parts thereof as may Ik- necessary to satis fy the amount of taxes due ana unpa.il against the same, and continue the sale Iro.n day to day as the same may i>e found neeess.tr:,. TiilCMel OK SALE-Tue amount of taxes and costs must, be paid when the laud is stricken oIT. or Lh : sale niaj be uvoldea and the property put up and resold. SPECIAL NOTICE—AU persons conespond lng with the Treasurer In reference to lauds ad vertised lor sale in the lollowin;; ILst iliould re mit sufliclent to pay p»ista;;e aim stationery. AI.I.WiUKNY.TWf. Anderson Niggle, \ns end 'sc., 100 acre.; i 10.12 Jolly JE, >5,13 acres a.iio Bl ILKK BOltOl'UH. Sullivan Moses, 'Bs, 3 lots s.to Sullivan Moses, Vi, 15 low 15.su •Sullivan C I.' heirs, 'Bft. one-hall acre 0.50 •• " " 0.50 I*..rks YV. 'SS, lot &I 3 Potts W K heirs, 'si, one & onc-hall aciu... J. HITLER ivrp. Marshall Samuel heirs, 'to. U5 acres 27.38 ■ Conn Ell, 'BS, loj a :rco O.Co COXCOUIt TWf. Me Bride J, "85, 28 acres 15.07 liuusei'Hank, 60, 1 acre 1.2U Black Juo, dec'd, 'BO, 10J acres 24.t0 Dully Clias,'Bo, 7 acres 2.*3 . l'ltnian s A. 'so and XI it acrci 8.-J0 j Golden S 11, 'SO, 1 acre 1 35 ' (iuld i I'auerson. 'SO, 7 acres 4..'.7 I Mcklbben J il £ Co. 30 and 'B7, S acres 4.84 Overy £ Brawley, 'so, 2\ acres 1.85 Parka .las lielrs, 'SO ana 'B7. 01 acres 32.:5.t Say Asa s Co, so and sr. 25 acres I;>..V> Thompson .loslah, so and s7. 4 acres 2.85 Wilson Allen, so, 20 acres 4.40 CliXrilK M l'. Eshenbaugh Luclnda, 'ss, 10 acres 5.07 ' McCrea Mrs,'Bo, 21 acres 551 j Mct'andless Jno M, 'so, 00 acres 24 55 ; Mc.vnalleU J as, 'Bti, 5u ariea lO.u'J . CLEAKFIKLD TWl'. Cioldlnger M D. 'so and'sr. 70 acres 28.37 COXNtH/CKItKiSIMI TWI*. Anderson 11 C, "S5, 43 acres 25.7S Slippey Peter, •«. to acres iu.4o <'ll Kali V XUl*. Affee Win. 'BS, house and lot 2.81> oilulore nelra. 'BS. 'so and si. 'io acres 20.42 Sullivan C c, sj, oo aeres o or l!eed \V P, '.<o and 's7, oo acres 13.;w smith & Duffy, so. lu acres 2.05 KAIKVIKW TWI'. Watson Thos,'so, house and lot 3.10 FAIUVIKW BOUOCOH. Adams M H, 'B4, 'BS, 'BO and 's7. 1 acre 4.78 ' Mus»-lmau Wash. s5, house and lot o.^", Weed David. V>. house and lot 0.3(5 : Kiudle & I'earsol. s.i,'so and 'B7, one-hair lot 3.41 Waguer Henry.'Xs.2 lots 2.ss Pat ion Wm. 'BO, 3 houses aud iocs .... 14.50 j JKKFKItSON TWI'. Putin Larilln A Co. 'BO and '87,7 lots 4.01 ' Kerr Jus. 'BO. 1 lot 1.14 ' Gray Samuel, 'BB, i lot 1,17 MAKIONTWP. * Campbell .las,'us. 14 acres 3.73 ' l'urviance .(no.'Bo and'B7, 40 acres '.... 10.00 NILLKBSTOWX llOKOt'Ull. Titus Wm.'su, i lot 3.1 a OAKI.AXDTWI'. Purviauce .Ino N. '*6 and 'B7,l4oacres 56.42 | Thoinpsou .Ino M. so and >7, 10 acres 4.5.» Hutchison VV ti, 'BO und 'B7, 7 acres 2.40 ' McClure Mrs, 'BO and 's7.3> aeres 17.74 1 TKOKI-Kirr HOKO, ' McLaughlin .Ino B, 'BO and 'B7, t lots 1.80 I'AHKKK TWI*. • Shaw oW. 'Bl5. 'BO and 'B7, house and 10t... 10.92 ! Fuller 'it', 'B.l, 'BO uud "si. 10 acres 37.04 Hydrick Barney, 'so. 21; acres 9,50 Atwell T.l 'so and 'B7, 40 acres t rest .Juo, 'BO. 50 aeres 11.so Kramer C C A. o W. 'BO. 217 acres :t7.nn Kramer I).' 80 and 'B7. «o acres 33.20 Collar KeuU'ii, 'so. 2") acres... 4.8-1 Edwards .las, '80.40 acres ll.ok McKlsslck llannah, 'so ami's", lot 4.W l'Ujfh Albert. 'BO, 2aeres 3.*) shaw David, 'BO, lot 2.1H BV.MMIT TWI'. Scott B P. "83, 50 acres 9.53 VKNANCO TWI'. Caler .las and wife. 'BS and 'sc. 4 acres *.4 x Vanderiln .1 (', 'B6 aud s7, soacres. IV.as Bin liaril Alex, so and '57,01 acres 19.1W Kelly Theodore heirs, 80 and 'B7, X) KOTOS., 10.3."> WlNrlKl.lt TWI'. Breden Jas, '8 r > and '««!, 7o acres 1u.75 WOKTU TWP. Stoughton O P, 'so aud 'B7, xt acres I2.sw WAHIIIXUTON TWI*. Cunningham Nancy. 'MS and'sT, 10 acres.... 4.92 Daubenspeck Pl„ 85. 2,'4 acres 1.97 Todd M L. 'si. house and lot s.SS Aehbar Mining Co, 'BS aud 't>7,l4 acres 31.02 Patterson Wm h-irs. 'so. 75 acres 19.01 llredeu .las, 'BO aud 'S7 07 acres 31.11 Kelly Patrick. 's« anu "»7. 84 acres 3i».70 Conn Jas i„ 'BO and 'B7, ino acres 32.<50 Mercer kilning Co, 'BO and 'B7, iso acttrs— oouo. AMOS SEATOii. Co. Treasurer. NE W Clothing Store. ~ ! CLOTHING, HATS, .GKNTS' FURNISHING GOODS, UNI>EKWP;AH, NECK WEAR, OVERCOATS, RUBBER COATS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, U M U R ELL AS, SPIIRTS, CAPS, SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS, &C., All at most reasonable price#. JOHN T. KELLY, 0!) S., Main St., (nexl joorto p ( o. CHOICE FRUIT. IlavliiK tuken'the for tlio Choice Fruit fret'M, Beautiful Shrubbery, Ornamental Trees, And eveivthliig else hi the Nunery line, of the New England Nurseries, chase Bros, it Co., N. V.. I call upon you 111 tlie near future and solicit your orders for Full delivery. A. H, FALLER, Agent, Ilutler - Pa. BUY YOUR HOMES I nltod Hocurlty Ufs lusmanc' and Trust Co.. of Pa, Money to Buy Homes. Monthly dues not more than a fair rent. Pay ments decrease yearly. In event of death prior to completion of payments, balance of en cunibraucc canceled. Money to Loan. Ileal estate bought und sold oh commission. Wanted houses to rent aud rents collected. L. G. LINN, No. 38 South Main St., Butler, Pa. Over Uuu's Drug Store. Adreritbe in the CITIISN. ! liiiiiini <+>iiiiiiiiii LACES, SITK^ RIBBONSL VRTV PTC DRKSSGOODS. TINsKf BLACK DRKSSOOOIW. BRAID l\ f «RAn «FTS colored ORES WOODS, NHUIT VMiKSSKS U2£ s ! "' OB TUK MILUOK, ISKXNTSWEAK. 1 ABKICS ' .JACKETS. PARASOLS, lIOSIKK-V ' WUAPS. SHAWLS. " KPD GLOVES. A. Troutman & Son. Leading Dry Goods and Carpet Bouse. BUTLER - IPIS JSI 3ST. 7 A.. CURTAINS. rADPKTQ mattings. AVII FI\TPR K«i • ART Sf - rAI: TIKIVniV T« .IAPANIuSK KU«S. SOKA l?l GS K S LINENS AND NAPKINS, Oil ('r >ths ORNAMENTS. Olbl LuTHS, I S FECIAL ATTENTION TO CRDr RS T V MAIL JUST ARRIVED a large line of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of Fine Woolens and Suiting* which I f*m rond\ to mnko up in Garments at 09 reasonable prices as yon will find any where and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Also a full line of MENS', BOYS'and CHILDREN'S' ready made Clothing at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, All the latest novelties for Spring and Summer 'n Gents' Furnishings, Hoods, Hats, Cops, Trunks, Valises; latest patterns in Shirts and Neckwenr. MY MERCHANT TAILD3INS Department is Booming. Call and make your selection for your Spring Suit from those handsome patterns I have just got in. Prices reasonable and fit guaranteed. Thanking my patrons for past fitvorn, I solicit a continuance of the same. I. ROSEN BEEG. 04 South Main f-treet, opposite the Postoffice, Butler, Pa. TBCURES WHERFC ALL USE MILS.CT HSS Ucstl'ouifli Syru|>. Tasteii Rood. Use KJ Ld in time*. Hold by dnwlsta. » 1 j yCTi«sT3«^ » I l>olievo Piso's Cure JiJ j£ for Consumption saved jig 0 my life.—A. H. Dowkll, fi m Editor Enquirer. Eden- ■ jS ton, N. C., April 23, 1887. Rj plsol H The nest Cough Modi- B S? cine is Piso's Curk fob ,;Q 5 (Consumption. Children M JS take it without objectton. EH ® By nil druggist*. 25c. E eur*En'f*as^Aas! **15^ In Best Cough By nip. /:<m><l. Uoo Rj Pel In timo. Hold by driltfKiate. Iff njg rns^m ON EVERY CASE.*^® Your attention Is railed to the store of \\. R.I Kalston. the Jeweler. No. sc., south Main m.reii. ! where you "ill ttud ft elioleo s.dectlou of | W itches. < 'looks nnd .lewetry of every d<-Herl|>- I tion. Wnteh :uid ('lock repairing: ft specialty, I W. E. RALSTON, No. ut.. south Main street, Hut lor, Hn; f i SUFFERING WOMEMS" Whwn trcuMtxl with thorn nrtnoyiuK linvuhirlti' to atlv f<»ll >«% iuji a ix>l«i or ix>o*ur«». or frvm itltutiuaal Whiik «ii|MCuiiuitutUir w.'iouUl Uto OR. CuCHOli4£'B Crlobrit.od FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. Ihityurn U«r«n#th«>tiiiitf to tho tbttr* tfHtrin, impart \ itfor nn<) nj;.«uvtlo foi o touli fane* »o;r .* ■{ ,f o-ly u»«l mind. h«nc by Mcurtily Al. Or. Harter MedlcmoCo..ST. HQ. ■—!!■■! Will ■ ■IHH ■ I AI ft ft" mouth and o.\iient>es! We ij'tiiully I*l 1111 pay this to our salesmen, OCTI'IT A 1 lllll'KKK. Can KtttJ't you at oiicc. Seuti 1 Vlu Uior term* ot I BUFFALO BOY, No. 3RS2. will make the v s„n of lxss at my burn in Franklin tv.p., miles northeast of ProHiieot Buffalo 11m i-t by the sreat sire, I'ocahontuu Hoy, nuinl , sire of lluffato (llrl. record 2:12' ; , made In iiuirth lieat. (being the fastest fourth heat and fastest four heats ever trotted or pared la a nice) and 13 others r:ii.Kli>K from 2:1 T to 2UXI. Buffalo Boy is a standard brco trotter anil : K registered under the best rules that exist. 1. ■ slro and dam are both standard under best i"l<s. Also, his jtrnnd *l res and icrauddnms. We claim Buffalo Boy t/> be one ot the fastest-tire'l burses lu the State, and that he has more 2:IJ : nd belter crosses than any stallion In llie co:rity. lie carries the' same blood (hat sent olii Pocahontas in 2a>s and gave her a reconl to wagon of 2:17>». and sold to Hubert I Sooner for s4.i .<». A.so, .Sleepy Tom. 2:12 V; tiein. 2:1 a; his sister, Buffalo Girl, 2:12,' v; his brother. Haven IVy. 2:17, and through tbe Tom llale's Little Brown lug. 2:11?*; Brown Hal, 2:13. Through Bulla! Hoy's dam we get, ,lar Kvc See. 2:l«; Phallus. Haras, 2:1.!%'. uua others. Besides his fa-.? breedii.tr, his size and style will recommeud ntitO"ll intelligent horsemen. He is to lian.Wi '. .. ii. blood bay wttlk white markings. and will make a 1.200 horse, ("an show his tlrst colt r.t m> iarin, which would bo a credit to a matured si.. 11 Sou. It being both large mid tine galtoa. Bu;.. !o Boy will be al lowed a few approved mar. iil2a.no until Au gust Ist. when he will be put io tralnlug. Har llPa wishing Ui breed will (!• - ell to call early, as he will soon till Ills book these low figures. For |>edlirree and particular call at the farm or udJreas ifle at l*rospect. ALON::O MCCANM.KSS. LORD BAREIfiQTON I THK HOLD MKDAL SHIRK STALLION won s 'ven prizes in KngliindHii 1.. 7 and Hold M ednl at I he (iovernineir Royal 8l»ow held at London, au<l tlrst prize at liuller. fa.. ! i l*« 7. Lord Bsr rington Is jel Black wlt.U white stripe on face and llttl" white on hind fool: rising three year old aud weighs 2011 poilitU> is regis!ered In (Jreat Hrltaln and Ainerlivn lnri Books. Will stand at the barn of I'. .1. liscli, summit twp.. HiiUer County. IV- three miles east of Butler, between Mill- rstown and luuanulng roads. TUKMS:-*IB for a llvlnjr colt In regular at tendance. Hnrfltig with w»n» before known to be w ltii foal forfeits the Insurance. (leneral season from Apr' 1 IStli lo August i, Ifss. care Will be taken hut no responsibly for accidents. P. J. BACH, Owner, Planing Mill —AND ! JLiiimbei- Yard ! J. L. PUttVIS. li. O. rUKVIB, jS.G.Purvis&Co. I MANIKACTt units AMD HEALKBS FN i Rough and Flarrd Lumber LF bvcky IWION, ' SHINGLES & LATH | PLANING MILL AND YAICD | .'>ej*rU«rru«i»Oil 'iJlfit'lmrcfc I,• to >eci'-c i t'iorocß*' Edqc«tlon. or I I.IVOUK' «U ihorttiiuid SURF TRPO VrlMr J.r fn pirt t» t«»ch S;n utcilf.li 1 . ••■..atiilils, tM Umtri-LIILI HU»III*m t!ttll«ire. Glit*lM<l *»• | ItluatraM* Catatacuc fro*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers