tRYL'S FLOATING SOAP THE CHIEF Per lb* Bath, Toilet and Laundry. Snow Whit* and Absolutely Pur if dealer daw not ke£p White Cloud mar ]| cents far ample cake to the iuafcer JAS. 8. KIRK & CO., CHICACO. HUMPHREYS' nrvnummETs-Bcd Ckrth A Cold Binding Steel EagrsiUf* IAIL»fUK. ASfc— . r. q B»rj«io. rjL— la nm M tan.-Special Prescriptions of „ Sale and Sure. ZL!" ocut r«icE. ■ 1 Fever*, OoM**tion, Inflammation*.. .25 I J f nTee* Jffnim r° ~Worm CoUe-- II '|| i 1 louche. Gold, Bronchitis. 2* | a euraicie. Toothache. Faceache 25 {J ■ .25 if . 'HOMEOPATHIC :fg Kl u'fty. %gf Wea*. UMaor Involuntary Discharge*....!>oo tor«Mo«itb. Cank*r.„ M ■SlSWSeiWuVwated Sole Throat .50 * Kr-innonS .J>o SPEC IFICS. HUMPHREYS' BOnOTATSIO VETEBa' AST SPECIFICS For Honos, Cattls, Shssp, l^Kk\' Do**, Hogs, Poultry. HCI }|M PA OB BOOK ea Treat. Meat ef Animal* and Chart Seat Free, ■uapfcwy*' B*d. Co.. It Fulton St.. W. T. Ws Pills BEGHJLATE THE BOWELS* Habitual Ooitimen derangement of tbe entire syatem, and be* aeU disease* that are huardotu to life, Person* of a *o*tive bnblt are subject to Hoada'-he, Defective Memory, Gloomy Forebodings, Kerrousnsss,Fevers, ®iv» slncr-x, Irritable Temper end other symptom.*, •rWeb units the (offerer for business or agreealjla Maoclattou*. Regular habit ot body alone can cor rect these evfls. and nothing aureus »o well In •chleTlng till* condition aa Tutt's Pills. By their use lot only Is tbe system renovated, but In oonse nenre of the harmonious change* thus created, friore pervade* a feeling of satisfaction i the men talfacuttifcj perform their functions with r! vacity. , and there Is an exhilnratlnn of mind, freedom of thousUt, and perfect heart jewe (bat Mipeaks :bo Kill enjoyment of health. SECRET OF BEATTTT la health, The nee ret ef her '■«» I* the ■ewer to proper qaau of food. Vhlscaa ne*t-rl>e done when t iver does ■ot aet It* part, ill* the dr.' • wheel iu the Btchkulsm of nai, anil n it Is out et order, the whole ayste: (Menu de ranged. had Fever, Dyspei- ' .""iekHend aehe, Coastlpntlon, Jsnnti . Villous t oJ |e uud General Debility ensue. To restm-e fae liaclleae of the Urtr and Inpnrl thnt fceoaty wklek a'ways attend] a Uenltby eoavtltation. Dr. Tntt** LiTfsr Pills ere rooomtaanded. THey nre net a cnre-nll, ■at are designed •olely tor the dlnorderrdl Utror aa«t the dloea*c« which It produces* Tutt's Liver Pills CIIS UP THE TOUPID LIVER. MU N AU. DBCWSISTB, aSe* i I ir v. i c r"srs p.-.ssiy i K i r 3f r "• " . -• r:«i, * . -1 ' 1 A ■ V *1 ■ •• O. 1 > v ; fl •«.. in - ' n - .1 rJIn. ' ~ J Ajcantio 3sniva Sin i CWWi Mwuk Owiev.-) (Sw-I'sjc-In. re- c dlWfllP'i with se!. rtM bucliu ch lfaii: n ; .ulperber- t IJBB<; Mid JM, gentlnn rc-f. It will 1 f t>eround onlnvr.innblo rrmetljr 1 BHH end certahicure *or Brlirht's ffeHtrvßHi! Disease, Btoue in I'Lulder, 1 I HB 594 . ati fcflc miualon of the onl"* r * and Cri " arr « #AMES K. NORKTS, Sole Asenv r 'JIW CHAMBEBB ST.. NiiW VOBK. FOR SALE BX t J. C. Druggist, « BUTi.EE, PENN'A. 1 * ( /-v DOCTORS LAKE i La I PRIVATE dispensary • OFFICERS 906 PENS AVE, M —PITTSBURGH, PA.— All forms of Delicate and Com. . plicated Diseases requiring Cokfj- Wr qrmi TAL and ScuurriFrc Medica- Uoq are treated at this Dispensary with a aucceas ■arelT attained. Dr. 8. K, Lake is a member of the Bofal College of Physic Una and Surgeons, and is ne oldwt and most experienced Sfkcialist in the I atty. Special attention (fi»cn to Kerrous Debility fraka exceselTe mentaT exertion, lpdiecretiona of I vooth, hr„ causleg phys'cal and mental decay, lac> despondency, etc.: also Cancers, Oln ogres,' Pita, PilM. BheumaiUin aiyd all d-seaaes of th§ eTtin, Blood, Lunci. Crinary Organs, 4c. v onjw.itr.tloD Bee and strictly conf dential. Uffict hours &to 4 and Ttoß p. m.; Sundays 2to4p. m. only. Gall at offioe ar address BK. LasjE, M. D, 11. R. C. P. S. or E. 3. JLaxx, M. D. FOUTZ' S HORSE AKO CATTLE POWDEPB !»0 HOBS* will die of COLIC, BOT* or Lzxo Fk- TIR, if Fontz'a Powder* rre need In time. I'ouiz's Powder* wt!lcure and prevent Fonti's Povrdei* wiil nrcvent IN Fow;-C. Fontz s Powder* will lnrre««etbe quantity of milk sad cream twenty per cent, and make the batter firm arm iweet. Fonti's Powder* will rnre or prevent ahnont kteet Dtsi Asr to which Horses nnd tattle are suiiect. Forrz'a Powput* WILL oitk SATisrACXioit. Sold everywhere. DAVID E. FOUTS, Proprietor. BAXrUIOEE. MU- For sale by J. L. WULLER, Butler, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED to canvass for tbe sale of Nursery Stock I Steady employmett guaranteed SALARV AND EXPENSES PAID. Apply at once, stating ago. .Chase Brothers Coupwy, Place to secure a thorough Hu*lae»s Education, or bi.onie an shotihsnd aad Type Writer, or E"PT.' teach Soenccitan Puunansalp, Is at the K*eerl>* R-'*lae«* College. CUvoiaad, O. illustrated Catalogue froo. 'MI) FALII FO THE CITIZEIT. MISCELI ANEOUS- The Evils of "Swell" Society. Pittsburg Leader.] It is no wonder that the'social cir cles of New York sire so much work ed up over Dr. Dix's Lenten lecture last week. The picture be drew of the * "best society" there is truly shocking. If all he alleges has a ba sis of truth.the revelations of the Pall Mall as to the aristocracy of London might be easily outdone To an audience composed largely of la dies, representing the highest fashion ar d most exclusive sets, he poured out such a revelatiou of indecency, immodesty, immorality a* must have made every hearer's flesh creep. He told them that right iu their midst schools of philosophy were teachiui? the lust of the fle*h as a worthy desire—that poetry idealized it; that painters uud sculptors delighted to picture the nude in lascivious forms; that the carnal has been exalted with a culture called religion; that the pub lie journals pandered to an unwhole some appetite by feeding the mind with the filthy details of criminal and licentious deeds; that the most popu lar school of fiction had for the plots of its works adultery, seduction, mur der and suicide, and that their heroes and heroines lead immoral lives and make a jest of purity; that the poetry seductively stimulated animal pas sion; that the dramas whet sensual appetites and glorify murder and Shame; that tbe dev'i has a double propaganda of infidelity and impuri ty everywhere, and that the signs of his handiwork are on every side. As if this were not dark and awful en ough, the reverend doctor proceeded to say what seems incredible and truly horrible as applied to the society of New York, and what must have made every woman in his congrega tion blush. If some foreigner had gone home and told such stories from high life in New York as were related by the pastor of Trinity church, there would have been a bowl from ocean to ocean denouncing it as a malicious libel. Here is what he says of New York society: "Girls among the higher classes are taught to cultivate the attractions of their bodies, and to lure men by these; young girls, with their lunches of a dozen courses of wine, shameful ly attired attired at the opera and fondled there by the hands of careless men, and holding supper parties after ward, where the champagne and liquors flow; listening to broad speeches and filthy gossip and un clean stories, which makes them lose all faith in the virtue and manhood of men; when married so accustomed to flattery aud flirtation that husbands come to occupy a second place in their affections, until separation or di vorce follows." These, says Dr. Dix, are the com monest things of to-day. Then be tells that in society married people flirt and give cause to scandal;, that men of the worst character are receiv ed by good women. If all these hor rors are in eigbt in open day, he nt-kf, "what in Heaven's name are things ont of sight?" With all this true the reverend doc tor goes even further and says that the tendency is toward to even greater licence and thai the school of immorality is «raiuin ground, and he calls for good worue" to help to stay the tid*—to heln to d awaj with i-ucb horror*. H->U! : itit-in that «"vcci with w ui«". n- hai '"so season osr » bi;d takes ihn bloom from tbe f ice aad 'he mode.-t look trem the eye of »» young girl " * ccordba: to bie acoupt thine look pretty desperate, but »/ho b* lives it ali? It h possibhy enouga true, the ultm fashionable seti among whom Dr. Dix ministrates, but it is not true of tbe prest itv of American society. The good motbi *e and fathers, the modest, well behaved daughters, the industrious, manly sons still exit-t in largf num bers. not alone here, but everywhere Dr Dix's pictures of life are taken. from the lazv. luxurious, fashionable sets whose idle hands are filled wub tbe devices and designs of Satan, iu New York, as they are everywhere. Pittsburg has a small quota of sucr. society What is true of tbe great city may be counted upon in the less The question might he asked what, the cause of this decadence in deceuty and morals in New York, and what has the pulpit been about t-o allow such things to reach such a pass as shown by Dr Dix. Without paus ing to say more just no w it may be observed that the Vecture is l»<rgel\ talked about and opinion as to it® troth largely divided. People arc usually tender as to their sins, anu those of "uigh society" so called aro general'y discussed only under tbe r° B &, bnt Dr. Dix is nothing if not pVain spoken. But as his hard words are mainly delivered on hearsay evi dence rather than on familiar knowl ege, they fall with little tangible ef fect. His brethren of "the ckth" it seems, as reports go, largely agr»>e with him. But it rt fleets little credit upon them as teachers of morals. What have they been about all the»e many years when only Dr. Dix could be found to speak out, if such things are the commonest of today?" War's Multiplied Dangers. "You wpre in the war then, Cap tain McKillem ?" "Oh, yes, ma'am; yes, ma'am; fouirht all through it." "Is there not," she said hesitating ly, "a great deal of danger in a bat tle ?" "Wf*ll, yes," the captain replied re flectively, "there is, there is So many men standing aronud, you know, and so careless handling of firearms as is almoPt sure to occur dorinyr a battle, u> kes it real I v verv unsafe." M 1.-8 Lillipop shuddered aud ihe resumed: "Are tiM. us* pe •;»!? iji jurod at ti: --*?" "Ycf" 'he cm- u-ii* "eKiy I(■ I: • ■ U V. .1 : '.Li . ) tie Couidli'. iiave tilii f'iOtU ft.r eeveij-i tiays." And ihen she s->id 'here ouifh to '•e a lew »j;ninst tr<-"m, an<l h** be ei.t-*ed oflowtt cor some such law :»t itfc t-ebsijn. Au ' she said tb-u she was glad. 100,000 Witnesses will testify to the virtue of Tutt's Pills Wtieicver Chilis and Fev<«- (jilioQo I)!-a o- Liver Aftcci o. a prevail taey have proven a great Dlessing. 25 years' test has estab lished their merits. —Senator Stanford's ranch in Cali fornia is tbe largest in the world Ii contains 56,000 aorei. He bash wine cellar which holds 1.000,000 gallons in 2000 gallon packages. RIGHT HERE IN PENNSYL VANIA. What Your Friends and Neigh bors Say on a Matter of Vital Importance. Below will be found a sample of the multitude of letters of encjuragc meiit Messrs. H H. Warner & Co., of Rochester, N. Y., daily receive The subjoined unsolicited testimonial? are from your friends and neighbors, Indies and gentlemen you know and esteem for their honor and straigbtfor wardness, nnd who would scorn to be a party to auy deception. What has been done for others can be done for you, and it is tolly, nay suicidal, to longer suffer when the means of recov ery lie at your very door: Connellsville, Fayette Co., Pa , Jan: 12, 1888—1 buve been io the employ of the B &O. R R- for the pa.-,t 11 years years ago, while workiug iu one ot the Company's Ice Houses, 1 contracted a .severe cold and the physician, Dr. <ir*haui, in formed me that it had settled in my kidneys and a report to that effect tvaa made by him, to the B. & O. I Employees' Relief Association. I suffered severely for 47 Jays with ter rible pains in the back and kidneys. Could not sleep at night, aud was greatly depressed and almost wished tor death as a relief. After being un der the doctor's charge for the time mentioned, Dr. Graham recommended •Warner's Safe Cure " After taking fix bottles I was entirely cured. Was benelited almost with the first bottle. Siuce iheu I have enjoyed the best of health. In tact I feel better than 1 h-ve for many years I have adopted it as a regulation and remedy and always keep a supply on hand in my family. I cheerfully recommend tbe remedy to all of my friends and neighbors. Chief Car I NEW HAVEN, Fayette Co., Pa., (Main St. between 6th and 7th), Jan. 12, 1888. —Have been a sufferer with stomach, liver and kidney troubles for about ten years. Five years ago commenced using "Warner's Safe Cure." After using two bottles my health commenced improving. Had several different physicians who did me no good. I was very thin, weigh ing only 110 pounds and I now weigh 147 and am enjoying excel lent health aud feel convinced that is due to the use of "Warner's Safe Cure," as 1 use no other medicine. NEW HAVEN, Fayette Co., (7th street), Jan. 13, 1888. —I have bten troubled somewhat with irregular uniiury action through kidney trou ble. I have derived great relief through ''Warner's Safe Cure." Capitalist. I CONNELLSVILLE, Fayette Co , Pa. Jan. 13, 1888.—Twelve years ago. I was run over by a locomotive, there-' by losing my rijrht »roi. I W as i OO- , properly treated and consequently have been subject to attack-* and epileptic firs evi?r siuce "Wur ner's Safe Nervine" ahviys affords me greit relief. (JcrJLc H, V Painting Dep't B U. 0. R R. for 16 yee-s DAWSON, Pa., D c. ISB7.—'"War ner's Tippecanoe" has cared me o? a pain in the stomach I can recmi iu, id it very L iifh'y. Mv fith>r fou*>d relief by usin,.? "Warner's Sale Cure." INDIANA, Pa , Dec. 1887.—Have used "Warner's Safe Cure" for some tii«" for kidney troubles, and derived great benefit from the same. REEDSVILLE. Pa , Dec 29 1887. Have used "Warner's Safe Cure" for the liver and find it a great benefit. "Didn't Know It Was Loaded." The young man fell dead ! A frietd had pointed a revolver at him. "He didn't know it was loaded!" . We often hear it stated that a man is not responsible for what he does not know. The law presupposes knowledge and convicts the man who excuses crime by ignorance ! "If I had only known" has often been an unfortunate man's apology for some evil uuknowingly wrought, bat in a matter of general interest — as for instance that laudanum is a poison, that naphtha is a deadly ex plosive, that blood heavily charged with a winter's accumulations of the waste of the system.—it is one's duty to kuow the tact and the consequen ces thereof Our good old grand mothers knew for. instance, that the opening of spring* was the most peril ous period of the year. W by ? Because then the blood stream is sluggish and chilled by the cold weather, and if not thinned a good d<-a! and made to quickly and henUhfuMy tArough the arteries and veiua, i: is iinposs'blo to have good vi:.or tin of th-• voir. H ««<"■*. » h«vat «?li i« now k w H »n,;.r% 1; . •< :. Ip i.l va- ph-otifuUy m uie and r>: t-gious:* ifl>. uin e*» ue lu ■ >.l clehuni regularly iiril, >!•=» and Jiiue It is a matter of record tn„t ibis pradeariai. preventive arid "rativf "ustooa *aved many » fi ii'kuess, prolong d life arid happi s ,'j e vig>>r<>c old age, and awey with h«javy medical tr.'tiH. Mrs Maggio Kerenwal, Lexington, Ivy., iKed Wurner'h L°g '" ■ > > -•"> •' 1 saparilla "tor necvou-* a. iioa.uii.ctie of which T fcitu bv 1 a sufferer for • • ywo. it uas b a eo a ..Trat /'-ii' a. ' -!me " Capt. Hu,;h Harkius, 1114 00. • j Isth St., Philadelpaia.Pa , says "it |pu. ifiedmy blood and removed the I biijtchw from my skin " Mrs. Aarca Smith, Tcpron, Berks Co., Pa , days ' • she "was entirely cured of a skin dis « eofce of the worst kind," by Log L C'tibio Sareaparilla. Bad akin indi ' cates a very bad auudiuon of the blood; If vou would ltva and be well, go to jour draggist to day and get War ner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla and take no other,—there's nothing like it or as good,—and completely renovate your impaired system with this sim ple, old-fashioned preparation of roots and herbs. Warner, who makes the famous Safe Cure, puts it up, and that is a guarantee of excellence ail over the known world. Take it yourself and give it to tie other members of the family, including the children. You will be astonished at its health giving and life-prolonging powers. We say this editorially with perfect confi dence, we have hf-ard good things of it everywhere, and its name is a ausrautee that it is first class iu every { articular. Tally Sheet Forgers Escape In the tally sheet forgery case at Columbus. Ohio, the jury failed to Hgrte standing eleven for convictioD aud one for ocquittal Nobody doub ed the guilt of the gang headed by Alien O Myers and in public opinion they stand as guilty. Justice mis carried because of the stubborn or bribed juryman The New York Tri bune in commenting upon this matter says: No intelligent man questions their guilt* Yet they were defended to the utmost by Democratic legisla- T ors, newspapers, leaders aDd agers, and have now the supporting 83 in pat by of a great proportion of the members of that party, because their crimes were intended to steal for the party a seat in the Senate. Judge Thurmau, as counsel for the prosecution ht.s been roundly abused by Democratic papers because of his effort to convict the Columbus forg ers With the same object the crimes in Indiana were perpetrated, and ev ery Democratic member of the Legis lature joined in seizing for his party the fruits of crime, while perpetrators were shielded from punishment Ex actly the same thing is true of the crime in New Jersey. The entire party iu the Legislature made haste lo snatch the stolen goods and to shield the crime. Everywhere the Democratic party shield ballot box staffers and tally sheet forgers when the fraud is com mitted iu the iuterest of its candi dates. Fort Worth, Tex , will soon have facilities for producing 1150 barrels of flour per day. —lt, has been estimated that it would take from 1800 to 2100 days for one man to make a locomotive. —A lot in Denver that wes pur chased by an early settler for $5 and n revolver sold the other day for $lO,- 000. —''Cavfvnnugh" coal will soon be iu the St. Louis market. It is de veloped in the Indian Territory by St. Louis parties. What Florida People Live On. "What do you Florida people live on in the summer?" "Fish." "What in the winter ?" "Yankees." Alas ! how many northerners draw their last breath in Florida, slain by that fell destroyer, consumption, who would have lived, had they used at first that marvelous specific for con sumption, w!)eu not too far advanced. Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery—better than hypophosphite.s end cod liver oil, because more nutri'ive and tonic; also an invaluable liver corrective and blood purifier, c)eam away p!1 scrofulous humors (which cause consumption), and al! •,'ther iiirpurines of rht blood, curios . u!nr swelling, troitre or thick et b, old soies, ai d ulcers. Of d; ug- Di>a't h:»wk. aud blow, aotl ui use Dr. Sagt>\s Catarrh iiemrdy. —ln Michigan 36 count?!"' have voted and a!l save two huve eo >e •d.y." Prohibition is to go into effect ou May 1. \ r-A" 1 •"T* to Abraham Lin coln is proposed at Elizabethtown, Kv. wb-'r-!: the villain uearest the log cauiu be was born. —Blast lurnace.s in operation iu this country on March 1 had a week ly out of 117,579 tons, and those not iu biast a capacity of 84,832 tons. —The Farland Coal and Coke Company has been formed at Clarks barg, W. A r a , with a capital of sl,- 000,000, for the purpose of develop ing coal in that State. —The tirst seven-story building ever put up in Alabama will shortly be erected at Montgomery. Philadel phia pressed brick will be used in the construction. Hardly wise to suffer pain when a Hop Plaster acts instantly and pieafct s the wearer. Good, square, honest goods. Hop Plasters never fail when applied to soreness or weakness. —The Elyton Land Company, of Birmingham, Ala., has purchased the Nashville (Tenn.) rolling-mill and will remove it to Birmingham. Five hundred men will be employed. —The white pine mills of the Noithwest increased their production ia 1887 by over 300,000,000 feet of lumber. The output was 7,757,916.- 784 feet of lumber and 4,116,466,750 shingles. —Despite the fact that Michigan lumber has been drawn on for thirty years, the production of lumber and shingles in that State in 1887 was I over half of the output of the North west. The Handsomest Lady in But ler Remarked to a friend the other day that, she knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her coughin s'antly when others had no effect whatever So to prove this and con vince ou of its merit, any drugsist will give you a Sample Bottle Free. Large size 50c and sl, —During 1887 Englaud produced 6 870,665 'e'en of p'g iron an iucrH»irtH 396 pt : cent, oyr the output in i 18.55 Tin - country increased lut pr.»- ; iue!i<>u ia the surnc period b) 145 59 j per rent. —Natural pan has been struck at i Gl. gow, K*.., at a depth of 800 .eet j The pressure is strong, and tlie indi ! are that, the well will prove a ' ii*-- -le. O'lier wells are being drilled in th».t vicinity. IV. .Vudalusta Iron and Steel C mipauy has been organ.z u d in En ' glaud, wi f h a capital of £1,200.000, for the purpose of developing iron and ,'i.i jjines in Spain and manufactur ing iron aDd steel. The tendency at present in ma chine-shop labor is downward, ow to * & reat many shops and mills hav ing shut down. Electricity is to be utilized to obtaiu 100.000 horse power of water i power at Lake Taboe. An immense j syphon will be used. THEr DID IT. What? Cured among others the following. They write: S«9 Central Ave.. Cincinnati. 0., 1 January 4th. lt«8. j Athiophon>= Pills have cured me of liver complaint and dyspepsia. I K»ve ten of tlx* Itilstoa friend who is troubled with indigestion aud he has improved won derfully. F. H. Kowekamp. 16 Rosett« St, Sew Haven. Ct, i February 10th. 18ns. > Athlophoroe I'iils worked wonders in my case 01 dyspepsia. L Olabk. Ath-10-pho-ros Pills are small and pleasant to take, yet wonderfully effective. Invaluable for kidney and liver complaints, dyspepsia, in digestion, constipation, headache, etc. They'll take away that tired feeling giving new lif<j and strength. 4®-Seud G rents for the beftuti fill colored pic tuce, " Moorish Maiden." Th'EA THLQPHQROS CO. 112 Wall St. N. Y. —Last week fourteen natural gas j companies ia tho Ohio Valley com j bined Prices are to be equalized, and advanced. —North Carolina has decided to abolish pension* for ex-Coufedcate j sold era. and establish a home for them instead. —A man in Washington Territory advertised for a correspondent and received a reply from Wheelirg: The correspondence interested him so much that he came East iu search of the supposed vouug lady who had been writing to him. Then he discovered thar the letters had been written by a young man. and that he had traveled 2,000 miles on a fool's errand. —-Raw milk digests in a shorter period than boiled milk, hence milt for young stock should not be boiled, but warmed. RAILROAD TIMETABLES. WEST PKNN R. K. On and after Monday, Nov. 14, 1887, trains will leave Butler as follows: JJakket at 0:15 a. in., arriving atAlleghe ny at 9:00 a. m.; connects east for Blairsville. Express at 8:25 a. m., arriving at Alleghe ny at 10:20 a. m.; does not connect for the east. Mail at 2:40 p. m., and goes through tc Allegheny, arriving there at 4:50 p. m.; ton nects east. Accommodation at 4:35 p, m., and con nects at the Junction with Freeport Accom modation, arriving at Allegheny at 7:26 ui., and connects east as far as Apollo. Trains connecting for Butler leave Alleghe ny at 7:15 a.m., 3:15 p. in. and 6:30 p. m. Trains arrive at Butier at 10:20 a, m. and 5:05 and 7:45 p. m. PITT6BURG, SHENANGO & LAKE ERIE R. R. On aud after Monday, March 5, 1888, trains will leave Butler as follows. Corrected to fast time, 1 hour faster than schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Greenville from the Pittsburgh and Western depot at G:45 and 10>20 a. m. and 4:40 p. m. Trains leaving the P. &. W. depot in Allegheny city 8:20 a. m. and 2:40 p. m. fast time connect at Butier with trains on the S. & A. Trains arrive at Butler from Greenville,fast time 10:10 a. in., 2:35 and 9:25 p. m., and connect with trains on the P. & W. arriving at Allegheny at 12:20 a. in. and 2:55 5:00 p. m., fast time. The tram arriving at 9:25 does not connect for Allegheny. Trains leave Jtluliards at 5:45, and 11:00 a. 111., slow time, and arrive at 9:20 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. Both trains connect at Branchton for Butler and Greenville. p. & w. R. R. On and aster Monday, Oct. 24, 1887, trains will leave Butler as foilows: Corrected to fast time, one hour faster than schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Allegheny City at 6:15, 8:1-S & 10:30 a. m. & 12:45 p. m.& 2:50 & o:20 p.m. A train connecting for New Castie and the West ieaves Butier at 12:45 p. m. and arrives at Chicago at 6:00 a. m. next morning.- Trains arrive from Allegheny at 9:10 and 10'2t a. m. and 12:30, 4:40, 7:55 and 9:30 p. i'j. Trains leave Butler for Fox burg and the Nor!!: .11 10:21 a. rn. and 4:40 and 7:55 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler from the north at 8:18 ami 10:30 a. m. and 6:20 p. m. On Sunday trains, leave Butler for Alle gheny at 8:43 a. m. aud 6:20 p. m., and for trie West at 1:45 |>. 111., and arrive iroui A . eglieny at 10:21 aud 3:35 p m and from Che ii i it 7.5.). A train arr.ves from the *\ .. K;-i3a iu. and departs xi 7:55. p. ui T • •:;* lea* Allegheny for Mailer .tt 7:00, tad 1&20 S. in. «n4 -:40, 5:40 and 0:4. . I. -1 time. 1. 10-- leaving Rntier ar >:IS a. m aud l f 'M •p.m.i: aV j doe count : at Cailery for l:io West. <uid the -:50 tram connects. but aot cio*<o v. Tiuins urrive at Allegheuy at 8:10, 10:30 a.m. un~ 12:25, 2:55. 5:00 and 8:23 p.m. Teacb's Eximinaiions, 1888, The annual examination for the teachers of Butler couuty, will be held as follows: Harrisville April 4 Unionville " 5 Suubury " 16 Nortn Washington " 17 Karns City " 18 Bruin " l !l Farmington " 20 Coylesville " 24 Saxonburg " 25 Glade Mi 11...*. " • 26 Evans City " 27 Portersville " 28 Prospect Centreville May 5 Renfrew June 29 Butler " 30 Millerstown July 6 Special examinations will be held in But ler on the last Saturday of September aud October, but only those will be examined who have been out ot the county, or for other good reasons could not attend a regular ex amination. All those expecting to be exam ined will please bring with them a specimen ot penmanship of not less than twenty lines, also a stamped envelope. Applicants for examination must be eighteen years of age, aud, if not well known to theSupt. must fur nish evidence of good moral character. No caud'late will be re-examined unless for some special reason. All those who make a stauding of sixty per cent, on every branch will be entitled to a certificate. Examina tion will begin at half-past eight o'clock. Legal cap paper and pen aud ink or solt lead pencils wili be used. Directors will please pee that the school-houses are open at the proper time for examination. Directors aud other friends of education are invited to be present. During the fall months the Super intendent can be seen at his office, iu the Court House, ou the second and last Satur days of each month, after that time only on the last Saturday of each month. J. L. SNYDER, Co. Sup't. Slipperyrock, Pa , March 26, ISSS. Jury List for May Term. List of Jurors drawn to servo in a special Court commencing the first Monday of May, 18KS. beir.s the 7th day. ArtUer John, Butler boro, 3d ward, blacksmith Alien \V S, Parker tp. farmer. Adam* Jostab, Slipperyrock tp. farmer. Bovard James J, ■' Brown Joseph. Baldrldge, farmer. Cradle Adam, liutlcr tp, farmer. Covert (J, .Muddvcreek tp. tanner. Cooper James, Frowan! tp. farmer, covert Milton Centreville, farmer. Elliott E E. Worth tp, laborer. Klemuitng Elmer, Buffalo tp. farmer, t >rg sou John, Middlesex tp, farmer. I Fredrick George. Donegal tp, farmer. Filler Lewis. Butler boro 3d ward, carpenter Fr- Iriek Jacob, Millerstown, blacksmith. Fetter Jacob. Henu tp. farmer. Grotr John. Clearfield tp, farmer, llepler Isaac, Oakland tp. farmer, llines George, slipperyrock tp. t irmer. Harvey Joseph. Butic 'bjro ji ward painter. Horn Henry. Jctler.x>u tp, farmer. HotTuer Lewis. Liu; ler tp. farmer. Harper Herbert, Butler boro Ist ward, mer chant. Johnston Samuei, Buffalo tp. laborer. I Kepit- 'V. Falrview tp, fanner. 1 ke< k Ja. ••■.. i. utter boro .'d ward, undertaker. JLewiou W W, r'atrview tpw, farmer. I Leeeh Da via, Ksii. Summit tp. Mdler August. Kutier !>oro yd ward painter. Meliuin. y Robert, Concord tp, farmer. McGanuiual VVuson. Jefferson tp. farmer. McGiil. vvm.J. Mercer tp, blacksmith. McDonald A P. Butler boro 2d ward, carpenter. McGowan James. Prospect, farmer. McJunkin L s. Butler boro 3d ward, agent. Me' lung J F, • " producer. Mar burger Christ: Jackson tp, farmer. Morr- ■ J W, Concord tp. farmer. Moore A G, Oakland tp, farmer. McCall John, Franklin tp. farmer. Nickolaw .loim, Connoquenessing tp. farmer. Pape l F T. Butler boro 2d ward, merchant. Reed W E. Millerstown, clerk. Rider Lorenzo. Centre tp. farmer. Rimrlck Robert, Mercer tp, miner. Storj , Falrview boro, farmer. Bhult- A L. Donegal tp. farmer. Scott J;<ines, Muadvcreek tp. farmer. Slippy Uoorge. Butler boro id ward, laborer. Stewart S w. Summit tp, farmer. White Brown. Butler boro, ex-tlpstaff. Wick Aifred. Butler boro 3d ward, liveryman. Walker W. Falrview tp. producer. WLunial Fred, Mercer tp, miner, V J Illlpay this to our saiesmen, Ct'TFIT \1 J! IIFREE. Can Stan you at once. Send V ! v Ulor verma to 4. AJ'SXi: BHAW, SorMxya.B, Bociettar, *. \ LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Executor's Sale of Real Estate. In re petit 1011 of Zenas McMlch-) Orphans - Court ael. Executor of Margaret ( of Butler Co., Timblln, dee'd, to sell real ea- ] Pa„ No. 71, tate for the payment ot debts, i Dec. T., t8«I . 4c. I Whereas Zenas McMichael. Ex*r.. aforesaid did I'n-sent his petition to s Id orphans" Court Feb. 'io, 1888. praying t he < ourt to authorize him to ell the hereinafter described real estate of said decedent tor the payment of debts, to., whereupon the said Court did refer the applica tion of said Eseeutorto V T Black. Esq.. as an auditor to Investigate anil make re|»oit 1 herein. , «b 1 rmrsu nt to said reference did report ree< m mendinif that the praver of the petit, on -rs should be granted, which said report the Court did 011 the 21st of March, confirm abso lutely and decree thereon as follows: DKCRKK OF COrKT. And now. March the Report of the Auditor appointed by tie Court to lnvestlgaU' the facts set forth In the p-.-ittlou of Zenas Mc- MUhael, Kx'r of Margaret Timblln deed, for leave to sell the real estate of said decedent for the p ivment of debts' and for the maintenance of W. TlmbUn and made report thereon, having been tiled an 1 confirmed recommendluj; that the prayer of the pt llLloner be granted upon due consideration, the s*ie of the 54 acres mure or less > ' land, tics'.ril r-.l in sai l petition is authorized as prayed for. Terms of sale, to be one-third in hand and the balance in two equal payments lu oue and two years from said date respectively with inni - est from said late to Oe se ired l\v boul ami in irtirage on the premises, said petitioner to file a bond in double the amount of said sale condi tioned according to law, and with a surety to l> a-proved by the Court, before confirmation of sale returnable to next Term. Bythe COURT Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to said decree of Court the undersigned executor will off< rat public sale or vendue, 011 the premises in Clav Twp., Butler Co. Fa., on TUESDAY THE sTH DAY OF MAY, 18?8. at 1 o'clock, v. M. the following described tract or message ot land to-wit: Fifty four acres of land more or less situate in Clay tp., Butler Co.. Pa., bounded and described as follows: Adjoining lands of John Webb on the north, lands of Mrs. Smith on the east, lands of George Tiiublin on the south aud lands of T. J. aud William Thompson on the west, mostly cleared, with small board house and log barn and orchard thereon. ZENAS McMICHAEL, Executor ot Margaret Tlmbliu, dee'd. Euclid P. O. Butler Co. Pa. S. F. BOWSER, Att'y. Estate of George Beam, I.ATE OF HARMONY BORO, DEC'D. Letters of administration on the estate of George Beam, dee d' late of Harmony boro, But ler county. Pa. huving been granted to the un dersigned, sill persons knowing themselves indebted to said e tate are requested to make immediate pavment. and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. KNSLEN BEAM 1 . DMRS SAMUEL BEAM / AAM RS " Harmony, Butler county, Pa. LEV MCQCTSTION, Att'y. Estate of William Gallagher, (LATE OF FRANKLIN TWP.. DEC'P). Letters of administration on the estate of Win Gallagher, dee'd, late of Franklin twp., Butler county. Pa., having been granted to the under signed. all persons knowing themselves indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM RALSTON, Adm'r, Prospect, Butler Co., Pa. Notice in Divorce. In the matter of the application of Beno ny Patridge Cor divorce from the bonds of mat rimony with Frances Delight Patridge. In the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county, A. D. No. 62, Dec. term, 1887. And now to-wit, March 7, 1888, on motion of J. D. McJunkin, Esq. Walter L. Graham was appointed by the Court a Commissioner to take testimony iu the above case and re port to Court. Pek CURIAM. In pursuance of the above appointment I will take the testimony of witnesses at the office of J, D. McJunkin, Esq. in Butler, Pa. on the Ist day of May, 1888, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 o'clock p.m of said day. WALTER L. GRAHAM, March 19, 1888. Commissioner. NOTICE. To Francis Delight Patridge: You are hereby required to appear on the Ist Monday of June, 1888, at the Court of Common Pleas,.then and there to be holden in and for the county of Butler to mike an swer to the petition of said complainant in the above case, if any you have, according to law. O. C. REDIC, Sheriff March 19.1888. Estate of Henry Goehring,dee'd. LATE OF BUFFALO TWP. Letters of administration, ('. T. A. having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Henry Goehring, dee'd, late of Buffalo Twp., Butler Co., Pa., ali persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make imme diate pavment, and any having claims against said estiita will present them duly authenticat ed for oaymeiit. JOHN T. MARTIN, Adm'r, Snrversvilla, P. 0., Butler Co., Fa. MCJUNKIN & Galbrkath, Att'y. Estate of Wm. Grookshanks, LATE OF WIN FIELD TWP., DEC'm Letters testamentary ou the es' ite of Wm. t rookslianks, dee'd, late of Wintield twp., Butler conritv, Pa., having been granted to the nudersigued, «li persons knowing them selves indebted to s-tid estate are requested to make immediate payment, aud a&'. having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOSLI'H W. roDD, Kx'r, Leasureville, Butler Co. Pa. MCJUNKIN IT GALBREATH, Attorneys. Estate of Robert Patton, Dee'd. LATE OK FAIRVIKW BOROUGH. Letters of administration on the estate of Robert Patton, dee'd, late of the borough of Fairview, Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. R. P. SCOTT, Att'y. M. S. RAY, Adm'r, Baldwin P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. Estate of Valentine Stock, dee'd LATE OF BUTLER, PA. Letters testamentary on the estate of Valen tine Stock, dee'd. late of Butler, Butler Co., Pa., hazing been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment and any haviug claims against said es tate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. C. STOCK, Ex'r, Butler, Pa. Estate of Isaac P. Ash, LATE OF PORWARI) TWP. DEC'D. Letters testamentary on the estate of Isaac P. Ash, dee'd, late of Forward twp. Butler county, Fa., having been granted to us. all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate wfil please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them aulv authenticated for settlement. EZRA LIKEN lv ,i, MARY A, <;UAHAM f Evans City, Pa. Estate of Samuel Boyd, Dee'd, LATE OF BtTTLKR COUNTY. Letters of administration having been grant ed to the undersigned on the estate of Samuel Boyd, dee'd. late of Butler countv. Pa., all per sons knowing themselves Indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate wi.l present them dulv authenticated for settlement. FIDELITY TITLE AND TJIUST Co., Admr. 100 Diamond St., Pittsburg. Pa. McPherrin & Mates, Atty's, Butler, Pa» ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of an order ot the Orphans' Court of Butler County, th e undersigned as Adminis trator of Ilenrv (loehring. late of Buffalo twp., Butler Co.. Pa., dee'd, will expose to pubUc sale on the premises on WEDNESDAY, APUIL IS. A.D., 1888. at 1 oclock P.M., all that certain tract of land situate 111 the township of Buffalo, county of Butler, Statu «r Pann'a, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Philip Petsinger; on the east by lands of Joseph Harbison; on Ute south by lands of Jobn Petafia gi.r and ou the west by lands ot Win. Watson; containing tea acres ot land, be the same more or less, log house, log shop and frame bank barn thereon erected, also good orchard and good spring of water thereon; all clear.-1 and under good fence. Within about one hiile ot sarvers Station is. B. West Penn'a It. P. Terms of sale cash upon confirmation of salo by the < ourt. JOHN T. MAP.TIN. Adm'r C.T.A. of Henry Ooehring, dee'd MCJUNKIN & GALBREATH, Att'ys. Sh erilT's Sale. By virtue of writ of AI Fi Fa, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butb r Co Pa. and to me directed, there will be exposed to public saie, n> the premises, on Monday, the <jth day of April, A. D., 1888, at 1 o'clock p. m. the following deecribed property to-wit: E. D. No. 6, June term, 1888, Greer & Ral ston, att'ys. All the right, title, interest aud claim of Robert J, Pinkerton, of, in and to 125 acres of land, more or less, situate in Adams twp., Butler county. Pa., bounded on the north by T W Kennedy, east by Win Purvis et al, south by 'amis formerly of J Wallace, now Dr. Wm Irvin et al, west by T W Kennedy et al; mostly cleared,a two story frame house, frame bank barn, out buildings aud orchard "thereou. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Robert J Pinkerton at the suit of Miles Coovert and John Keunedy, O C. REDIC, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Butler, Pa, March 15, 1888. PERMANENT STAMPING For Kensingt.ju, Arn»sene AND OUTLIK JS WOBK BON'S Also lessons In samu given by ANNIE M ttreet, ButJer, Pa. ne2oj-ii YOUR ATTENTION Is Oalled to my Fine Stock of Watches, Clocks, J ewelery, jILVIPBWARE. iP£CTiCI All of wLich hive been selected with great care for ABmL OUR TRADE. * A com i )ieTe liue ot KOGEK BROS' Celebrated mmM ■:, FOOKS. SPOONS, iZ., &C , atoods? Engraved FREE of charge. Jf you wish bay from a well [MK nr GRIEB'S, Bc. ffiSU IULII WATCH Clolilj 6rGN OF ELECTRIC B£L Organs! Organs! Organs!! The Dyer & Hugh's leads,; tliem all, 35,000 in actual use, I The following are a few of! the many using this organ in Butler county: Wm. Sarver, j Sar vers vi lie; Jas Dougherty,. Donegal; D Lardin, Baldridge; I I. Thorn, Thorn Creek; Jacob j Shoup, Thorn Creek; Baptist ! Church. Butler; Presbyterian Church, Muddycreek; fet. John j Church, Hallston Statioa. j These all recommend the I Dyer & Hugh's Organ highly, j I have contracted to sell a: hundred of these organs during , 1888, and will ofler them at j greatly reduced prices, organs j trom $47 to &000. Come to, Butier and take one of them home on trial. A full line of violins,guitars, banjoes, horns and all musical instruments. Don't forget the name and place ALEX WILLIAMS. Next to Berg & Cypher's hard ware store, Butier, Pa, NEW Clothing Store. CLOTHING, HATS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOOD S, UNDERWEAR, NECK WEAR, OVERCOATS, RUBBER COATS, GLOVES, SUSPENDER S, UM B R ELLAS, SHI RTS, CAPg, SHOEs FOR MEN AND BOYS, &C,, All at most reasonable prices, mm. KELLY, 69 , Main St., door to P.O.J buy"yourhgSes United Security Lira Insurance and Trust Co.. of Pa, .Money to Buy Homes. Moi thly dues not more than a fair rent Pay ments decrease yearly. In event of deatn. prior to completion of payments, balance of en cumbrance canceled. Money to Loan. Real estate bought and sold on commission. Wanted houses to rent and rents collected. • L. G. LINN, No. 38 Souih Main St., Butler, Pa. Over Linn's Drug Store. LOOK FOR STAMP mit HI Gssmßf&i •SJa" ON EVERY CASE. v" "i our attention is called to the store ot \V. E. Ka ton, the jeweler. No, 9fi, South Main street, where you will find a choice selection of Witches. Clocks ami Jewelry of every descrip tion. Watch and Clock repairing a specialty, W. E. RALSTON, No. 96, South Main street, Butler, Pa; SUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance CJ». Office Cor, Main & Cunningham C.ts. <3K C. ROESSINGK PRESIDENT. W ML. ( AU' BKLI-, TKKASUXUCB. H. C. HEINEMAN, SEC BETA EH. DIItECTOIiS: J. L Purvis, Samuel Anderson, William Campbell ,1. W. Burkhart A. Ttoutman, Henderson Oliver, G.C. Roessiiig. ..lames Stephenson, I>r. V". Irvin, IN. Wtitzei. J. F. Taylor. ;H. C. Heine man, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Gee Ae't i3 CnCXjIBIR., zp.yv_ SURVEYING LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attention given to the Retracing Ol old lines. Address, B. F. IIIILLI lRl), <'o. Purveyor North Ilooe P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. 5,5,54.1y AFrUPTED^UKFORTUNME AFTCR ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT JDR. LOBB, 329 N. 15th St., below C-'lowhlll, Phlla.,P«. 20r»*r*'eipeTi»inc«inaU8PBClAl.dl9ea»p!i. Penn»- neo'lrrfe'crcithoee weakened liycarlTln<lio«ivtliins 4c. C»llorwr!t«L Advice frue mdstrlcuyconfldsa tUL Hours: 10a. m. till 2, aud 7to 10 iTenlmrs, JV*Becd Htaoip for ISo<>k. JxlCO B J3OOS, DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, 7 FLOUR, FEED. HAY AND ALL KINDS uF GRAIN. | We are now in our new store-room on S Main St.. and have the room to acco mm odate our large stoek of groceries, flour, etc., and have built a large ware-house to accommodate our stock of feed. | We pay the highest cash price for potatoes and all kinds of COUN'IKY PRODUCE. Jacob Boos, 105 Butler. S ™a EET ' CURES WHERE ALL USt UILS. QT n Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use CT CcJ in time. Bold by druggists. ffl •j I believe Piso's Cure 8 g for Consumption saved 9 9 my life.—A. H. DOWELL, £ R Editor Enquirer Eden- ■ m ton, N. C. t April 23,1857. I jpisoli I The BEST Cough Medi- fej cine is Piso's CURE ton . I CONSUMPTION. Children g take it without objection. J! By all druggists. 25c. H |FLCURFS WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. FT M Best Cough Syrup. Tastes rood. Use LU in time. Bold by diw«ibU. * j qpBWMHWMMji B. & B. SPECIAL Lace Curtain SALE ! Wo liave now on sale our complete line of all makes and all grades ot Lar-e curtains. The most extensive Importations we nave yet brought out. The goods have all been well unci caro fully bought, tne designs and patterns are all new alio the very latest—no old styles—the prices which were put oil what goods were car ried over, proved attractive enough to move them lust and thev are goHe. Only well uuide and reliable good's are handled by us, the ele gant patterns at moderate prices at which we are offering the goods this season, will certainly j make this sale very interesting to every house keeper. In rearranging the furnlshment of your home. It may be of interest to you to know that we have a complete stock of everything In the t'p holsiery line. Large assortment of Nottingham Curtains 36 Inches wide, no Inches long with taped edges, at HO cents per pair. Nottingham Taped Edge Curtains, 45 Inches wide, 3 yards long, jl.tio per pair. Same goods no Inches wide. 3M yards long. $1.26 and $1.50 per pair. Special values at *2.50, #3.00, §3 50. fi.OO, $4.50. So.oo per pair. Extensive assortment of Scotch Guipure, Swiss Applique, Irish Point and and real lace curtains up to £IOO.OO per p»lr. Orders by mull receive special attention. We will send 3 or 5 pulrs with privilege of examina tion and selection, and will pay expressage back JU goods not kept. Beyond question, vou can get now from tills | -tock the very best values to be found anywhere "nis will put m'onev In vour pocket. All stocks in our house are now putting on ■ heir Spring attire. New Importations arriving daily of Sillgs? Pongees, FOBEHJS A\D POMIiSTIC , Dress Goods, FRENCH AND DOMESTIC Satiues, Anderson's Ginghams, &c,, Extensive stock of Beaded Wraps for Spring, ' Jackets, Suits, etc. OL'E ILLTSTBATED CATALOGUE FOB SPBINO AND SIHMKB SEASON I Will be ready about April Ist. and will contain a review of 'he leading styles, ete., and much val uable Information to every home. It wlli be sent free to any address, send your name and 1 address on postal. i mm & BUHL,; 115,117,119,121 Federal St,, ; Pa. M.F.&M, Marks Invite your inspection ot their stock of FALL and WINTER Millinery Goods. Receiving goods every week their stock is always FRESH AND COMPLETE. Hotel Brady T. W. TAIT, Prop'r. New Hotel and Restaurant on the Diamond. Butler. I'a. Mr. T. VV. Tfvit hiis reti'.led and furnished the Brady Home, and is now prepared to accommo date the public, HiR Kestaurant, in connection witu the hoi>-l will ue open day and night The tables will b furnished with everything the market affords, FRESH GAME AND OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY. Your patronage respectfully solicited. iTMTui Hoiii, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER- - - Near New Court House-fortneHy Donaldson House—good accommodations (or travelers. Frop'r. Planing Mill Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. 0.%URV13, S.G.Purvis&Co. MAS UF ACTITRKRS AM) DKALKRH IN Rough and Pinned Lumber U# £V"iKT ORIFTION, SHINGLES & LATH PLANING MIT.,, AND YAKD NerTUerwHii CV (J .olk'Oiinrci THE ALLEITPftTtHT WASHER Why it Is Sm rior to all I • Others. Ist ITS !jcli, 7 nolu.~« i!t retains the high lot. u-inperature so n- ?ssary in removing 1 tlie dirt from the goods, 9nH THERE being • Friction on the £.! iU. clothing- to wear i 0..»| THE peculiar ar: iof the water in the " : v. Machine (which nnot he understi id unless one sees It) forcing a strong current ot water through th<- cloth!; at every vlrbratlon ! of the Agitator, (which N , .msedby ! Ire peculiar construction of the top of ' le Machine. ylfU AND best of all Ist;- ■ a child of four years till, can do the work being so light that the operator sits dow while doiii? It. Machines and Countv I Township Rights throughout the State of . m. vlvanla. So'U by SHIKAS &- HAYB, Butler, Pa 8-19-iy HUH. And all the other latei.iu beautiful stylo; of Fancy W'ritiin Paper at J. H. Douglass' Largest assortment in town. From 10c to 75c per box. Also lull line of new Invitation and Pcgret Cards, Wedding Invtations. Visiti ig-Cards, Mourning Stationery. Tablets, etc. 63 S. MAIN STREET. "THE CITIZEN, A weekly newspaper, published every Fri day morning at Btit'er, I'.v, by JOHN H. k W. C. NEGLEY. Sultscriptiot' '{ate. Per year, in advance $1 50 Otherwise *2 00 No subscription will be .lieoontinned until all arrearages arc paid. All communications intended for publication in this paper nuustbe am ■upauied by the real name of the writer, not f publication but aa a guarantee of good fait; Marriage and dtatli net 'es mast bo accom panied by a responsible nn;.ie," Advertising Ketes. One square, ono inneri.t.u, $1; each snbsei queut insertion, 5(1 cent Yearly advertise ments exceeding one-forr :h of a ooltumi, f5 per inch, Figure work J< ".ble these rates; additional charges where weekly or monthly changes art msde. isc 7 - advertisements 10 oent6 per line for first i 1 • -tion and 5 cent# per line for ae.cli additi .al insertion. Mar riages and deaths pnbhs ; >.'! free of charge. Obituary notice- 4 charge-• * local advertise ments and payable when .. tided in. Auditors* Notices, £4;' Executor*. d Aiimir.iotrators' Notices, $3 each; Estra.. Oration and Dis solution Notices. not exct. i:r.g ten linus, $2 AdUiuSß The i'.ttks, Butler, Pa. SUFFERINGWSMENS," When troubled with thosoftr, )yin| Irwgoliirit'.jfiM frequently fo'lo*iriii«a cold or "H>sure, or from con ititctionnl Weakneems «o pectin ;ar to their sex, snoaid Use DR. DuCXOlNfc ■ Celebrated FEMALE REGUL/ T ING PILLS. Thayare Btre»etk?aiii£ to the eutire system, iipjpar# .one, vI»;or and magnetic forxx *, *ll fpacfionsof/jocy .id mind. Sent by ir.Qil. sec - y aealga, *l - Harter rVJvidrc.r>e Ma Life Saved and Health Re o-fnr-arl bv rising Bali IT'S Cod l.iror Oil and STOreO Unit. A fir-; remedy for Con sumption. Bronchitis. Ast*' .;i. Scrofula and nil threat »dn lung dlscaset. repired so as to be quite palatable, „ .. ASk lor Btilert Cod Liver Oil and Malt. if not sold by Druggist.write t |n- I M a P"^ rturers JOHN 0. atKER A CO.. 815 riiliert St., Phila. IMMEga issssi PhSI U. tal" 1 I>AiggihtJ HINDERO3RN3. to curew lo viutc at .iiacox ic Co., ii. Y. i a:viii vi a i&lifts revolutionized the I L'J l UTI nl3 world diirlng ihe last hall IfcenUi . Not least among I" I til I 1 1* "the .» tders of lnventlv« progress is a method and . > '.em of wv>rk thai can be performed all over tin* country wlthoul scp iratlng the workers tru..i their tomes, Faj liberal; any one can do the work; either sex young or old; uo special a'>li y require. r«*pl tai not needed; you arc star; il free, somethmJ of great value and importan'-e to you. that wfl start vou in bußin«Bn. wlilcl; Till bring you U more money right away tb;i_ anythlrg else n the world. Grand outfit f'-*-"*- Acldrw; T»CS I Co., Augusta. Maine. FOB S.4LE A large frame boarding house, good locatloi and doing large business. Terms easy, iai further particulars inquire of L. 8. IJ £. J«ffer»o« Bt., 7-29,tf B«tl»r, P».
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers