'J' W TP, CITIZEN. (. 4 f. C. KWLET, PROPRIETORS. ■CMcaumox RATBS-I-OSTAOK VUKFAID : OM YEAR *'•?? Thrw Mill" blorf ml »ts«u»r a. t* rl«w FRIDAY. APRIL 6. 1888. Republican Primary Election. The Republican voters of Bntler County are requested to meet at their usoel places of holding elections on Saturday, April 14th, 1888. between the hoars of one and seven o'clock, P. M of said day to vote by ballot for one person for State Senate, two per eooe for Assembly, one person for Ju ry Commissioner; two persons for Delegates to tbe State Convention and one person for Return J udge. Voters will also by ballot vote their choice for one person for Con gress and one pereon for Delegate to the National Convention. Votecs will by ballot, in the differ ent sub-'Districts of tbe county, vote for one person for Delegate to the congressional convention and One person for Delegate to tbe National Delegate convention. The eonnty committee left it to the option of the voters of the sub-districts whether there shall be one person for delegate to the Congressional conven tion and OM person to tbe National delegate oonvention or whether they will elect OM person to fill both pla- CM, the two conventions being held at different times. The Bnb-Districts of the county ue m follows: No. 1, Allegheny and Parker town ships. No. 2 Mercer, Marion and Venan go townships. No 3, Slipperyrock and Worth, twpe, and Centreville boro. No. 4, Cherry and Clay twps and Sunbury borouajh- No. 5, WaAiagton and 9 Concord twpe. No. 6. Fairriew twps, Fairview, Petrolia and Earns City boroughs. No. 1, Oakland, Donegal, Clear field twpe and Millerstown borough No. 8, Summit, Jefferson and Clin ton twps, and Saxonburg boro. No. 9, Winfield and Buffalo twps, No. 10, Penn and Forward twps, •d Bald Ridge. No. 11, Bntler twp, and Butler bor -fc. 12, Adams and Middlesex tps. No. 18, Cranberry and Jsckson tps Connoqaeaessing Sooth, Zelienople aad Evans City boronghs, No. 14, Connoqnenessing North, Lancaster aad Muddycreek twps. No. 15, Ceatre, Franklin and Bra dy twps, and Prospect borough. The Returns Jndges are to meet in convention at Bntler, on Monday, April 16, at 1 o'clock, P. M, to count the rotes and declare tbe results, and to attend to all other business that shall come before tbem. Said Re torn Judges shall constitute the County Committee for the ensuing * year. Tbe election will be held under the roles governing primary elections. Republicans only are to participate In said election. By order of the County Committee. J AS. B. MATES, Chairman. W. C. THOMPSON ) ~ , A. M. CHRISTLEY { REPUBLICAN PRlMAßY —Saturday week. . Delegates to New Castle. A friend writes ns for information M to the manner of selecting tbe sub Congressional and National delegates to New Castle. Our County Committee left this point open and did not provide for any plan. The Republicans of each tab district therefore have the right and power to select the said delegates in their own way. But the difficulty arises in districts of more than two towuhips— or even in two townships —to have concert of action. In some districts some leading men have com municated by letters on the subject, and bad a meeting and made the se lections. This meeting was at some central point. In other districts the present Committeemen, of the Coun ty Committee, have met and conferred and designated the two delegates to New CMtle. In other districts the Mid Committeemen have caused to be published a meeting of Republicans of MOM to make the selections, as will bs noticed in CITIZEN of last week. This would appear to be the most ju dicious mode, and if not too late can be acted upon. When no agreement, or meeting of any kind is had, each township of a snb district has the right and can vote at the coming Pri mary for two delegates of their own, and when counted up in the County Convention of Return Judges on the 16th inst., tbe two highest in vote in the whole sub district would be the two elected, to go to New Castle. In aome districts, such as No. 2, Mercer, Marion and Venango Tps., it may be inconvenient to hare any general or central meeting, but their is enough time perhaps to yet have some notice given either by the Committeemen of the nme, or by notice by letter or otherwise, and a meeting held at some designated place to make the selections in time for the primary election. This would save confusion, by concentrating the votes in all paits of a district upon the two sub dele gates to New Castle. The said sub delegates vote at New Castle for the candidate having the highest vote in their district. The Primary Election. Considerable interest is being man ifested in the Republican primary election next Saturday week, April 14, and if the day is anjways favor able there will be a full turnout of the voters: Rhode Island Redeemed. PROVIDENCE, R. 1., April 4 The (Molt of the election to-day was a surprise to tbe Democrats, who had been building great hopes on Repub licaa dissensions. A year ago Davis, tbe Democratic candidate, won by a plurality of 2.984. This year he is defeated' Taft, the Republican candi date. carrying tbe State by abont 2, 000 on tbe general ticket. The Re publicans win a sweeping victory on the Legislature, capturing this city, aad about 25 of the other 35 towns. An Important Matter. Within tbe n<>xt month, pays the Philadelphia Prexs, nominations of candidates for the Legislature will be made by the Republicans in some of the counties, and within tbe next three months a large per cent of all the nominations for the several coun ties will t>e completed. It is never too soon to give consideration to mat ters of such consequences as this rhe next Legislature will not have a Uni ted States to elect in the natural course of events, but questions ot much greater importance to the people of tbe State will be l>efore it. These questions are not likely to ex*ite such keen political interest nor serve so much to produce party division, but tbey will be such as the Republi can party cannot trust to other bauds, and it is important that every prepa ration be made lor Republican'success in the legislative districts. The obligation of tbe party to sub mit the prohibition constitutional amendment to a vote of the people has not yet been fully discharged, aud will not "be until the next Legislature has confirmed the action of the last one. No one doubts that this will be done with a Republican majority. Every ODe knows that it wili not be done if the Democrats secure coutrol of the House. To that end Demo cratic effort will be directed. The party will have the energetic assist ance of the free liquor interest aggra vated to unusual exertions by temper ance legislation given the State by the Legislature. This element will lend every possible support to Democratic candidates, and that support will be accepted by the Democrats with a full understanding of what it is to mean in the event of Democratic success. The combination will have large money resources; it will be at work night and day, and it will require more than ordinary vigilance and energy to combat it. We are pleased to note, however, that a large number of voters who have for some time vo ted the third party prohibition ticket, have resolved to support the Repub lican candidates for Assembly, real izing that a vote lor third party can didates is, practically, half a vote in lavor of tbe liquor interests. It is practically impossible to change the political control of the Sen ate. One-half that body holds over With the House it is different. Every member of that body is to be elected this year, and the tact that the last House had a Republican majority of 71 and the previous House of 81 should not be accepted as settling the result. The House of 1883 had a Democratic majority of 25, and no such effort was made by the Democrats to secure it as will be made this year. We do not fear the result, but it will not produce itself. The opposition will give its attention to the close districts, and employ all its resources in them. With the aid of the liquor element they are confidently relying upon se curing the most of these districts. How far they may succeed will depend upon the way in which their efforts are met by the Republicans, Squeezed to Death by a Bear. HUNTINGDON MTLLS, PA., April 1. —Hiram Berth was squeezed to death by a tame bear last Thursday in Sweet Yalley. Two Italians have recently been traveling through the country with a large trained bear. They had picked up a good many pennies when Berth, a half-witted fel low, created a diversion by throwing off his coat and turning a series of somersaults and handsprings with bruin. After the bear and Hiram had amused the people for some time the Italians moved off, carrying Hiram's coat, which contained a small amount of money. Hiram secured a warrant and he and Constable Samuel Kester pursued the Italians and the bear and attempted to make the arrest. The Italians promptly removed bruin's muzzle and he stood up ready for fight. Hiram, seeing his lost coat, rushed toward the fugitives to secure it, One of the showmen mumbled something to the bear in Italian, and the animal rushed at Berth, embraced bim and, falling upon him, soon crushed the life out of the poor fellow. Constable Kester in the meantime had attacked the bear and, placing his revolver at the enraged animal's ear, shot him dead, but he was too late to save Berth. The showmen then turned upon the officer and felled him to the ground with a club. Be fore the Constable could regain his feet the Italiaus wrenched his revolver from his grasp and fired two shots at the officer from his own weapon as they ran away. Neither of the bul lets took effect and the Italians suc ceeded in escaping, leaving the body of Berth and that of the bear lying close together. Remember That Republican primary election comes off on Saturday, April' 14. HON. DAVID N. WHITE, for many years editor of the Pittsburgh Ga zette, died at his residence in Sewick ley, Allegheny coanty, on Sunday last, April 1, in the 83d year of his age. Mr. White, in his time, edited the Oazelte with great courage and ability, and those of the old readers of that journal yet Hying in this coun ty will respect his memory and re gret to learn of his death. He was one of the builders-up of the Republi can party. —John H. Landis, of Lancaster, the author of the primary election law, has offered himself as a candidate for State Senator for the southern dis trict of that county, now represented by Senator Mylin. Mr. Landis pro poses to practice himself what his law compels other candidates to practice, and appends to the announcement of his caudidacy the following notice : "I will not spend or authorize any one to spend for me any money, or its equivalent, to illegally influence voters at the ensuing primary elec tion. 1 will keep an itemized ac count of my expenses from the begin ning to the close of the campaign.and will make affidavit to the correctness thereof, and will give a copy of the same to any newspaper desiring it for publication." This is a manly notice to the party strikers, who support candidates for boodle only, thai Mr. Landis is not after their votes or influence and does not intend to waste any time or money on them. His services to the cause of honest legislation and an honest ballot entitle him to the nomi nation and election he seeks. That be will be successful, however, is not at all certain; for the honest voters, who are doubtless in the majority in Lancaster, as in most places, are sometimes indifferent to the cause of honest government, while the bor ti lers are ever alert to their own inter ests.— Philadelphia Press. COMMUNICATIONS. Franklin Twp., School No. 3. EDS CITIEZN: —PIease publish my final report, of Mile Run School, for the term ending, March 22 Num ber enrolled, 44. Sadie, Mattie, Mollie and Lizzy English, Mollie Me- Clintock, Lottie Ray, Bell Hays, Annie Shannon, Wiilie Neely, John ny Ray. and Tommy McClintock missed no days during the term. Chattie Stickle, Ford English, How ard English, and Carl Campbell miss ed but one day; and Susie English, Prankie English, Mirtte Weigle -ui Eddie Neely missed two days during the term; and Mattie Eusrlisb, and Tommy McClintock received no tar dv marks during the term Average attendance during the term 3(5 Per cent of attendance during the term, 93 Report of tbe A Spelling class. ?«lollit> English, 100 per cent, Sadie English, knattie Stickle, Judsou English, Charlie Neely, 98 per cent., Etta Weigle, Susie Encash, John Weigle, Edward Suckle, Eddie Neely, Mattie English Mertie Weigle. Amy Neely, 96 per cent., Lizzy English and Wiilie Neely, 94 per cejit, C*rl Campbell, 90 per cent., Wiibert Weigle, 80 per cent, On Friday evening, March 15th, tbe school gaye an exhibition for which all who took part need praise. A song, entitled Little Bessie, sung by Annie Shannon, a little girl 9 years of age, was a leading feature of the performance, also a song sung by Frankie English and Maudie Weigle, two small giris only 6 years of age is well worthy of praise. I cannot give a list of all the per formance, but the Essays and Decla mations were all well delivered, and tbe Dialogue delivered by Bell Hays and Lottie Hay was all that could be expected; and I most say that all the performers need priise. The echool closed on Thursday, March 22, by all taking part in a picnic, which was composed of cakes, pies and plenty of cnickeu, oranges, peanuts, Declama tions, Recitations and spicy speeches. This school numoered 29 last win ter; increase this winter 15. No school can give satisfactory returns, without parents and teacher work ing together. Ana I can thank the parents for their help during the term. 1 wouid give the names of all the visitors, but space will not permit- Supt. Snyder wad with us on Directors Day, which made the afiernoon very interesting. Nearly all the citizens and parents and a great many others visited the school, and on the last, day we had a lady with us who had taught in the same house 32 years ago. Parents don't forget, to visit the school room. Editors, thanking you for past fa vors, a continuance in the future, I remain, with best wishes, E L. ENGLISII. Clinton Township Items. Miss Bella Norris started on Mon day morning to attend school at Cur ry Institute. Miss Eva Cunningham has gone to Prospect to attend school. Mr. Will McKibbin has gone to the city, where he will work the coin ing summer. Miss Rebecca Riddle, who has been attending school at Indiana, is home on a visit. Mr. Holsa Brewer met with an ac cident last Saturday. While chop ping he let the ax slip and cut his foot very seriously. The party at Mr. Edward Sefton's last Thursday night wns well attend ed and quite a social success. It ead ed in leap-year style, the ladies es corting the gentlemen home. Mr. John B. Davis, of Clinton, has removed to Allegheny City. Topsr AND TUBVY. Evans City Items. Mrs. Sims, wife of David Sims, died on the 25th of March at her resi dence in Evans City, where they have been living only a few months. James Waters diud at his residence in Forward township, in the 76th year of his age. Andrew Ulrich, who formerly lived near this place, is here on a visit to his old friends. He is now in the 85th year of his age and looks hearty. The new U. P. Church is finished and will be dedicated the latter part of April. 4 The Pittsburgh Conference of the of the Eastern District of the Ohio Synod (Lutheran body) is now in ses sion here. They will stay in session about three days. Leonard Honadle has got back from his trip through California and Oregon and is so well.pleased with it that he has said ha would stay here another winter. David Barto will go west if he can sell his property that he has in this place. Mt. Chestnut. April 2, 1888. The friends and neighbors of Mr, J. R, Johnston, who had his arm crushed at the saw-mill some three months ago, assembled at his home on Thursday of last week; that being the eleventh anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston's marriage, took pos session of the house and vacant store room, erected tables and set out a splendid dinner, which was greatly enjoyed by all. After dinner Mr. John Cranmer was appointed Chairman and Mr. T. I. Dodds, secretary, and Mr. R. D. Campbell made a raerry speech. The family were made the recipi ents of several valuable presents, aud the pt opie went home feeling that the day had been well spant. XKNOPIION. —There were 130 communicants at the services in the English Lutheran Church of this place last Sunday, a larger number than ever before com muned in that church. Lightning Strikes An Oil Tank. EMLENTON, PA., April 2. —During a thuuder-storm at 2 o'clock this morning lightning struck a 12,000 barrel oil tank owned by the National Transit Company, The tank con tained about 7,000 barrels of oil which took fire aud boiled over. The flaming liquid flowed leisurely down the the hillside, threatening destruc tion to the town. Disaster was aver ted, however, by throwing up difxhes which turned the fiery torrent in another direction. One house, a barn, four rigs and an engine-house, together with bbout 800 barrels of oil, were destroyed. The burning fluid also ran across the railroad, burning the track f«r some distarvce and necessitating the tranfer of pass engers. The total loss approximates SIO,OOO, A\*OUXCEM EM TS. FOR CONHRESS. XEWTOX BLACK, of Butler, Pa. FOB STATE SENATE, DR. J. B. SHOWALTER. Oi Milleratown. R r. SCOTT, ESQ., Of Butler. DR. WILLIAM IRVINE, Of Evans City. SIMEOX NIXON, Of (Nixon's Home) Butler, Pa FUR ASSEMBLY, C. M BROWX, Of Harrisville. JOS. TIIOMAS, JR , Of Karns City, R. I. BOGGS, of Zelienople. JuSIAH M. THOMPSOX, Of Brady twp. JI'KY COMMISSIONER. HEXRY W. NICHOLAS. of Butler twp. J. M. WICK, Of Butler township, CLINTON B. CONWAY, Washington twp. JACOB NEELY, Of Franklin twp SAMUEL M. LOVE, * Of Clinton twp. JOHN WATTERS, Of Evans City. W. F. CAMPBELL. Of Fairview twp. FOR DELEGATE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION J. H. NEGLEY, ESQ., Of Butler. W. C. THOMPSON, ESQ., Of Butler. FOR DELEGATES TO STATEJCONVENTION. THOMAS ROBINSON, Of Butler. LOYAL S. McJUXKIN, of Butler, Fa. REUBEN SHANOR, Of Prospect. A Murder Mystery Solved. CeariOjV, Pa , April I.—The mur derer ol Mrs. Jemima Everhart and her mother, Mrs. Jaae Gilliilau, who lived half a mile from Liekingviile, has at last been discovered. The t tvo ladies were fouud with their throats cut on March 8, 188 G. and several persona were brought to trial for the crime, but sufficient evidence to convict was always wanting. The Discovery was made through Jerred Cook, a horse-thief, who was arrested last fall for stealing a horse by Detec tive McKean, near Dubois, and put in Clarion jail. While being taken to jiil Cook told his story. It was that, while Berving his fourth term in the peni teutiary for horse stealing, he became acquainted with Henry Worlhington, aldo a convict, and shortly after Cook's discharge in October, 1887, he met Worthington ngain. Then he made an appointment with Worthington to meet him and arrange for the robbery of an old couple in Allegheny who al ways kept a large sum of money in their house. When they met Worth ington said it might be necessary to do a little shooting and cutting be fore they were through with the job. Cook objected to murder, though he did not object to robbery. Then Worthington told how he and two companions committed the Everhart murder. One of the party had been separated from the other two in the woods while the three were coon hunting, and during that time Worth ington and the other man robbed the Everharts of S3OO and murdered the two women, hiding the butcher knife with which the murders were com mitted in a drain. When Worthiug tou bad told this story Cook still re fused to join him in his proposed crime and next morning started for his home at Sligo, hiring the rig at East Brady, tor stealing which he was arrested. Worthington shadow ed him the whole distance, fearing that he would 'squeal.' Warrants were issued against Worthington, but John Worthington was arrested by mistake. The police then shadowed Harry Worthington, delaying his arrest until further evi dence was obtaiaed. But two or three weeks ago he crave them the slip, and ou March 20 Cook escaped from jail. Another of the perpetra tors of the Everhart murder is iu the penitentiary for horse stealing, and an effort will be made to get evidence from him. Marriat/e Xotices Published i ree LAM BERT')N—BREDIN—On Wednesday afternoon, March 21, 1888, at the residence of Mr. andJMrs. E. 11. Lamberton, by Rev. Harry L. Yewens, rector of St, John's Church, .James G. Larabertou, Esq., and Miss Sarah Bred in, all of .Franklin, Pa. STEINBAIiurH—McDOUG ALL—March 29. 1888, by Kev. Dr. 8. Kerr, Mr. Henry Steinbaugh ami Miss Lizzie McDougall, both of Mercer county, Pa. McDERMOTT—CHRISTY—In Rochester, Beaver county, Pa., March 29, 1888, by Rev. Joseph H. Bausman, Mr. George Mc- Dermott of Harrisville, thi» county, and Miss Ada Christy, of Beaver county. YOUNG—DURST —In Pittsburg, April 3, 1888, by Rev. R. R. Durst, brother of the bride, Mr. James D. Young, of Leadville, Colorado, and Miss Frances H. Durst, of Pittsburg. SHAFFER —LUSK—At Fairview, March 27, I£BB, by Rev. McFarland, Mr. Jacjb S, Shaffer, of Zelienople, and Miss Bella Lusk, of Beuna Vista. LARDIN—BURTNER—At the English Lutheran Parsonage, Butler, Pa., March 29,1888, by Rev.D. Luther Roth, Mr. Loyal S. Lardin and Miss Maggie E. liurtner, both ot Clinton tp. Butler county, l'a. McKEE—CHEERS -At the Methodist Par sonage, iay, March 29, 1888, by Kev. S. H. Nesbit, Mr. James W, McKee ami Miss ilattie Cheers, both of Giade Ran, liutier county, Pa. Announcements of deaths published free, but nil communicated obituaries will be charged for at the rate of one-half cent for e vch word, money to accompany the order. RUSSELL—At her home, in Cherry tp. Sun day, April 1, 1888, Mrs. Kebecca Russell, wife of Mr. David H. Russell, aged about 40 years. MULLEN—On Monday, April 2, 1888, at Glade Run, Mrs. Ellen Mullen. She was formerly a resident of Butler aud Millers town. BOWEN—On Tuesday morning, April 3, 1888, Mr. Frederick Bowen, of Spring dale. BLACK—In Marion tp., this county, Thurs day evening, March 29, 1888 , Mrs. Mar garet Black, wife of William Black, Esq. aged 70 years. WATTERS—In Forward tp, this county, March 31, 1888, Mr. James Wal ters, in the 77th year of his age. Mr. Watters bad been a citizen of this coumy for 35 year 3 and of this country about 55 years. He was born in Ireland, county Antrim, and first settled in Crawford county, this State, aud from there came to Butler county where he died on the farm he then purchased. RIDDLE—On Thursday, March 29, 1888, James Clyde, son of J, W. Riddle of Clin ton tp, aged 3 years. WALTERS—In Etna, Allegheny county, Pa., March 22, 1888, Mrs. Josaphiae M. Walters, wife of Mr. Henry Walters, and daughter of Mr. Alex M. Hays and grand daughter of Mr, E. W. Hays, of Peun tp. this county, aged 27 years and 4 months. oOYAI POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Fowd- r hcver varies. A marvel ol purity, strength auu whelesomeuess. More economical that the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the mn'.titne ol tow tests, short w ighl.aluinn or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING FOWDEK CO,, 106 Wall Street N. Y. Dr. B. CLARK Can be Consulted at the Lowrv House, • Butler, Pa„ Friday and Saturdav. May 4 and 5' 1886. Grove Cltj l'a.. Filer House, Monday. , "May T, 188 S. BYRON CLARK, A, 1, M, 0„ SPECIALIST IN THE Trsatmsnt of Chronic Diseases ! ' And a physician whose experience Is strictly un limited by u practice which in extent, variety and successful results is equalled by lew and ex celled by none. Practice. Dr. Clark confines his practice to CHRONIC DISEASES exclusively, and will treat only such cases as are susceptible of a certain and positive Diagnosis as a basis for specific treatment. Serious Cases, In cases seriously complicated or of uncertain diagnosis, patients have the advantage of Dr. Clark's CHEMICAL ami MICROSCOPIAL Exam inations, which are most complete. Chroulc In valids should not fall to consult Dr. Clark, as he makes all Examinations without questioning patients or allowing them to make any statement concerning their disease or its symp toms. If their diseases are not sufficiently de veloped to make a positive and certain Diagno sis in tiits manner Dr. Clark wl.l not treat the case. Dr. Clark's Methods for the Clinical Examina tion of Patients constitute a real advance in Practical Medicine, and From a Physiological and Pathological Standpoint Dr. Clark believes that every fully developed disease lias its own definite diagnostic symp toms by which it is known. Paiieuts. Patients know how they feel, but the physi cian, after examining Ills case, should not only know the patient's teeiings and symptoms, but should know why they exist. Dr. Clark's Claims. Dr. Ciark's claims to the patronage of the af flicted public consist In liis belief that every fully developed constitutional disease presents its own specific diagnostic or characteristic symptoms, which It thoroughly understood by tiie Examining -Physician, can be accurately poiated o!it and described to the entire satis faction or every patient. Hence Dr. Clark makes Lis examinations Willi) ut tiuest ,:ht patients, or allowing them to make any statement concerning their disease or its symptoms. Positive Diagnosis. It such O vaiidJation and description is not In strict accordance v illi the disease and its symp toms, as patic ts know thein to exist, all such patlouts arc advised to go elsewhere for treat ment, as by this t.iaiidard only will Dr. Clark examine and treat diseases. Thorough huouledge. This method of examination prevents the Doctor's Judgment Horn being in any way bias ed by what the patient may say; and the Doc tor's treatment of the case is based upon his own knowledge of the disease, .derived from a thor ough examination of the patient's condition, and not from anything the patient may say. All £xiiuiiuatfou. An examination from Dr. Clark, or an inter view, will convince the incredulous or satisfy any one of ids professional ability derived from a large experience, lu this way patients receive satisfaction before incurring expense for medi cal treatment. l>r Clark's Visits arc Made Ist—To meet the chronic Invalids who cannot leave their iamilles to doctor with a Specialist in chronic diseases. 2d—To meet elderly persons who cannot go from lion:e to doctor with a Spe cialist In chronic diseases. 3d—To meet chronic Invalids who cannot leave their business to doc tor with a Specialist in chronic diseases. 4th— To meet patients who are physically unable to go from home to doctor with a Specialist in Chronic Diseases. sth To meet patients who are financially unable to go from home to doctor with a .specialist in chronic diseases. Cth —To meet all patients who from any cause can not go from home to doctor with a Specialist in chronic diseases. Tth—Dr. Clark visits a large number of places regularly for the examination and treatment of every form of diseased persons Bth—Dr. ( lark s consultations are Free. The ciiarge for treatment is governed by the nature ot the disease and difficulty oi treatment. Dr. Clark's Positive Diagnosis and Specific Treatment can only be acquired by an unlimit ed experience, aud most lully obtains in consti tutional Chronic Dlreases—and In Developed Acute Diseases subsequent to period of Incuba tion. It must and will be the practice of the future. The Chrome I'ractitioMer. Send for and read Dr. Clark's paper, "THB CHRONIC I'BACTITIOXEK," wnich gives complete details of Dr. Clark's .Medical Practice. Clinical Assistants. Patients calling at Dr. Clark's Hotel should enquire for the UK'S ROOMS, where an usher or attendant will be lound who will give them every attention. Ladles Calling on the Doctor will be received by lady Ushers which svill relieve any diffidence or em barrassment that may be experienced when call ing on a physician with whom they are not ac quainted. Postal Facilities. The Government has recently established a new postofllce near l)r. Clark's country place Which greatly facilitates his large correspond ence which extends to every State lu the Union. it is named "Laboratory" and there being no other I'ostoftlce of that name In the United States letters or communication arc certain to reach their destination if addressed I>R. It. CLARK, LABORATORY, Pcnn. View of Dr. Clark's country residence and per manent otllce for medical correspondence, La boratory (P. 0.), I'enn. ft' Dr. B. Clark can be cousulted at the Low ry House, Butler, Pa., Friday and Saturday, May 4 and 5, 1888. Grove City, Pa., Filer House, Monday, May 7, 1888, •k I#III I tiKi'wnrihxl • u * e those who read this Ull II I W a "d then act; they will tind hon- II I I 111 lorable employment that will not 111 UII L ■ take them from their homes and families. The profits aro large and sure for every Industrious person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. It Is easy for any one to make sr> and upwards per day, who is willing to work. Either sex, young or old; capital not needed; we start you. Everything new. No special ahlllty re quired; you. reader, can do It as well as any one. Write to us at once for full particulars.which we mail free. Addrees St In son li Co., Portland, Me. The feonle's Great EXPOSITION! 4, GREAT SHOWS 111 ONE, 4. We announce to the people far and" wide that we will exhibit our eollossal aggregation of startling wonders, to secure which all parts of the earth—Europe,'Alia, and portions of the U -5. have been searched, and such an aggregation as has never been seen since the day Noah enter ed the Ark. The mighty Elephant,the great Rhi noceros. the Hippo poworn as. the Chlmpanzle.the Ou-rnng-outatig or run-out-and-stlck-out-your tongue-out, the greatest living wonders of the age will excite no wonder wnen compared with the multitude of monster attractions on exhibi tion at our great moral Circus and Menagerie. The roars and howls of the would-be competi tor who Apes the methods, but cries down the attractions of our own and ouly Greatest Show on earth will be drowned lu the Joyful acclam ations of a delighted populace. Remember this great show possesses no objectionable features and is the delight of the cultured and retined. We show under one canopy four great shows, the Largest Stock—Greatest variety—Best Goods and styles—Lowest Prices. We have se cured a magnificent Brass Band which will be a prominent feature of our great show. 3 rings with a seperate and coutlnuous performance being enacted in each ring. NEW AND NOVEL attractions. 3 Jolly Cl,.wns. The greatest liv ing, walking, breathing. talking curiosities of the aye. Phuuny PncLows nore to sell you and all the people laugh when they see the b'ar gains,they otter. Other and greater attractions greet the delighted eye on every side—the pro prietor and Managers swinging in the living trapeze attached to the highest pir.acle of suc cess, give such exhibitions of nerve and daring in sweeping reductions, gorgeous displays and wondtrtul bargains as to call forth the plaudits of the mi,st prudent ana economical. The man agement beg leave to announce that 111 their un tiring zeal in the snarcli for the rare and curious, astonishing results have always followed and we open lor your inspection a eollos sal collection of bright and new Fall Styles in Mens' Boys' and Childrens' Clothing, Hats, Caps Underwear. Shirts, Collars, t nils, Ties, Hosier), Handker chiefs.iiutilers, Gloves, Mittens, Umbrel las. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Straps, Brushes, tombs. Jewelry, Corsets Jer seys, Stockings with a full line of Notions, &c, Big bargains all through the show. Song by the Clown : - Men and youth and boys and all, Short and So/id, lean and tall. V> 110 need a suit ot clothes this fall, We do invite you now to cail For we ate roiling on the ball. And you are sure to make a haul, Whatever you purchase,great or small. Song 2 '-What are the wild waves saving." Buy your Clothing and Furnishing goods of i>. A: HECK. Song 3:—"Her bright smile haunts me still," The smile of satisfaction that beamed from the face of the larty who dressed her little boy iu one ol Heck's irresistable suits. If you want to save money and increase your pile droppin and C HECK, and he'll make you all smile. He possesses the power to spread happiuess around, And his store is the place where are found. Doors open at TA. M. Close at 8 'P. M. Ad mittance, (ients Free, ladies and Children half price. Remember the place. D. HECK'S. No. 11, North Main St., Duffy's Block, SUTLER, - PA. BUFFALO BOY, No. 3882,* will make the season of 1888 at my ham in Franklin twp,, 3V4 miles northeast of Prospect. Buffalo Boy is by the great sire, Pocahontas Boy, record 2uii, sire of Buffalo (iirl, record 232%, made in fourth heat, (being :he fastest fourth heat and fastest four heats -ver trotted or paced In a race) and 13 others ranging from 2:17 to 230. Buffalo Boy is a <tandard-bred trotter and is registered under the best rules that exist. Ills sire and dam are ' ijoth standard under best rules. Also, his grand slres and gmnddams. We claim Buffalo Boy to be one or the fastest-bred horses In the State, and that he has more 2:13 and better crosses than any stallion In the county. He carries the same blood that sent old Pocahontas in 2:08 and gave her a record to wagon of 2:17 X. and sold to Robert Bonner for £4O 000. A, so. Sleepy Tom, 2:12 V; Wem, 2:13; his sister, Buffalo Girl, 2:12 X; lils brother. Raven Boy. 2:17, and through the Tom Hale's I.lttle Brown .Jug, 2:11?..'; Brown Hal, 2;13. Through Buffalo Boy's dam we get Jar Eye Phallas. Karus, 2:135*, and others, besides his fast breeding, his size and style will recommend him to />ll intelligent iiorsemen, lie Is it; hands high, blood bay with white markings, and will make a 1,200 horse. ' 'an show lil.s tlrst colt at my farm, which would be a credit to a mat tired stallion. It being both large and tine galtea. Buffalo Hoy will be al lowed a few approved mares at $2. r >.Oo until Au gust Ist. when he will be put to training. Par ries wishing to breed will do well to call early, as he will soon fill his book at these, low figures. For pedigree and particulars call at the farm or address me at Prospect. ALONZO McCANDLESS. Teacher's Examinations, 1888. The annual examination for the teachers of Butler county, will be held as follows: Harrisviile April 4 Unionville •' 5 Sunbury " 16 North Washington " 17 Earns City " 18 Bruin " 19 Farmington " 20 Coylesville " 24 SaxonburgJ " 25 Glade Mill " 26 Kvans City " 27 Portersville " 28 Prospect May 19 Centreville ... May 5 Renfrew June 29 Butler " 30 Millerstowu July 6 Special examinations will be held in But ler on the last Saturday of September and October, but only tho»e will be examined who have been out of the county, or for other good reasons could not attend a regular ex amination. All those expecting to be exam ined will please bring with them a specimen oi penmanship of not less than twenty lines, also a stamped envelope. Applicants for examination must be eighteen years of age, and, if not well known to the Supt. must fur nish evidence of good moral character. No candidate will be re-examined unless for some special reason. All those who make a standing of sixty per cent, ou every brunch will be entitled to a certificate. Examina tion will begin at half-past eight o'clock. Legal cap paper and pen and ink or soft lead pencils will be used. Directors will please see that the school-houses are open at the proper time for examination. Directors and other friends of education are invited to be present. During the fall months the Super intendent can be seen at his office, in the Court House, on the second and last Satur days of each month, after that time only on the last Saturday of each mouth. J. L. SNYDER, Co. Sup't. Slipperyrock, Pa , March 26, 1888. BUTLER MARKETS. The following are the selling prices of mer chants of this place : A{., les, per bushel, SI.OO Butter, per pound, 25 to 28 cts. Beans, per qt. 8 to lOcts. Cabbage, new, Canaies, mold, 14 to 15. cts. Carbon oil, 10 to 15 cts. Cheese. 12 to 15 cts per lb. Crackers, 7 tolO cts, per lb. Chickens, per pair, 40 to 50. cts. Coffee, Rio, 23 cts. Coffee, Java, 33 etc. Coff Roasted, 2D to 23 cts. Coffee, ground, 20 to 26 cts. Eggs, 15 cts. Fish, mackerel, 5 to 15 cts. Flour, per barrel, $4.50 to $6. Flour, per sack, $1.25 to $1.65.. Feed, chop, per 100 pounds, $1 25. Feed, bran, per 100 lbs. $1.15. Grain, wheat per bushel. S2. Grain, oats per bushel 40to42cts Grain, corn per bushel 65 cts. Clover seed Large, $5.25 per bushel. Clover seed Small, $5.00 per bushel. Timothy seed, $3.00 per bushel. Lard, 10 cts. Hams, 14 cts. Honey,2o cts. Hay, sl2 . Shoulders, 8 cts, Bacon, 13 cts. ■ Dried beef, 18 to 25. Corn meal, per pound, 2 to 21 cts. Potatoes, new, 75 to 90 cts bush. Rice, S to 10 eta. Sugar, hard, 8 cts. Sugar coffee, 8 cts. Sugar, raw, 61 cts. Soap, 5 to 10 cts. Salt, per barrel, $1.25, Tea, Hyson, Gunpowder, etc., 50 cts. to 90 Tea, Japan, etc., 50 to 60 cts. Tea, Breakfast, 40 to 80 eta. Tallow. 8 ctt. Turnips, 50 cts. per bu. Sweet Potatoes, 50 cts. per pk. Cranberries, cts. per qt. Gr nuiw IIISE. Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Grapes and NUDS Veiling always ready for use. JSTq. 18. •South Main Street-. - - - BUTLERj PA.. Special Bargain Sale o( BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS For 30 Days the Greatest Sale on Becord AT BICKEL'S. Boots and Shoes at Half Price While visiting the Eastern Shoe Ifarket? met a firm that was closing out their entire busi ness. and having oc luuid a line Hoot; ;iid Shoi-s which thev offered at a great sacrifice, as they had to give possession of tue room they occupied by March Ist. I had already bought an immense stock oftli.p Ci<;ods &i:d ordered them shipped by April Ist. but the offer they made me was so tempting that 1 could not resist It. I took the goods and had theui shipped at once. They have arrived iud are now oii -n for yovr Inaction. sharp cash buyers. 1 want to urge vou to visit my house sis >oon as j cis.t :e are take ..(".vantage of one of the greatest sales ever Inaugurated in Butler connty. l.'emember, Five Thousand Dollars worth of Boots, shoos and Rubbers at half price, aud even less on some goods, They must all bo sold by April Ist to make room for mi st 1 i;oods. v.iileu win arrive at that time. if you w ant any Boots, shoes or Rubbers at your own price don't lulss this sale, Read these Remarkable Prices: Mens' Fine Shoes, UuUoiijiJals and Congress, worth $2.50, selling at $1.50. Mens' Fine ( alt Boots v.ui*!> &;.oo> S3lll:tg for jl.ito. Mens' Every day isoots worth to selling now from $1.75 to $2.00. Mens' Rvery day .Shoes worth Sl.at to t'i.'X) selling now for iI.OO. Boys' Fine Shoes, Button. Bal or Congress, worth $2.00, selling now for $1.40. Bovs' Fine Shoes worth $1.50 selling now for si.oo. m mi iasT mo WILL ae A SUCCESS. Ladies' Fine Button Shoes worth it.75 selling now for sl.oo. Ladles' Fine Button Kid shoe» worth $2.00 selling now for $1.25. Ladles' Fine Hand Turned Shoes worth $3.50 selling now for $2.00. Ladles' Fine Serge. Congress ai.d Lace, shoes worth fi.oo selling now for 05 cents. Ladles' Warm Shoes and Slippers worth $1.25 selling now for 50 cents. Ladles' Fine Opera Toe Slippers worth $1.25 selling now lor eo cents. Ladles' Every Day Shoes worth $1.25 to »2.00 selling now .from 75 cents to SI.OO. These Prices are Stunners to Competition, : Misses' Fine Button Shoes worth $1.50 selling for slj j Misses' Fine Kid But. Shoes " 1.75" at $1.25 : ; Misses' Fine Calf " " " 1.65 "at 1.00 j ! Misses' " Lace " ** 1.00 " atsoto7sci : Child's Fine Button hoes " 1.00 '* at 50 cents j : Child's every day shoes worth 75c to $1 '* at 20t0400 : 100 DOZEN BABY SHOES ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. This Is the largest purchase of Baby Shoes ever made by any retail dealer in Western Penn sjlvanla. They are elegant goods. AH Button In .Peoble Goat, Cur. Kid, Glove Kid with Patent Leather foxing—worth from 50 to 60 cents a pair, But They Must Go for 25 cents a Pair. The only way In which this sale can be appreciated is to attend it and reap some benefit of It. It Is an immense lot of Boots and Shoes to force on to the market In 30 days, but remember you can buy shoes at your own price, and if you are not In need of any goods for immediate use you had better buy some for the future, for it Is altogether likely that you will never live to witness Boots and Shoes sold as cheap as they are being sold at my store during tbe month of March. Mens' Rubber Boots, Boston make $2.00 a pair. Boys' Rubber Boots Boston make $1.50 a pair. Ladies' Misses' and Children's Boston make 1.00. Ladies' Rubbers, all kinds, 25 cents. Mens' Rubbers, all kinds, 50 cents. All goods are warranted to be perfect in ever}* particular. Monev cheerfully refunded In case goods do not suit. Mens' Fine Shoes Made to Order Special attention is given to this branch of business and satisfaction Is guaranteed. I carry a large line of shop made shoes and In case you canuot wait to have a pair made I can fit you out of stock. 1 also have a large stocl: of Men's Kip Boots cut from the best leather in the markot. made box toe and plain, extra long legs—Just the thing for the oil trade. Prices very reasonable. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS IN RUBBER AND LEATHER. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. BLACKSMITHS APRONS in CALF and SHEEPSKIN. • "1 Do not let inclement weather or anything else keep you from N*nDPl Q I attending this remarkable sale. Lj I IVjI J I FMI 1 The bargains offered are beyond description and can never be duplicated. SUE TO CONTINUE EVERY DAT THIS MONTH And everybody Is invited, No trouble to show goods. Youra Very Truly, JOHN BICKEL, 22 South Main St,, Butler, Pa, "NOTHING WEEDS LIKE SICE" WHY *? BECAUSE LOOK at our SUCCESS in BUTLER THEN LOOK BACK 30 YEARS AGO WHEN WE COMMENCED. Now Look at the "Way We Do Our Business, THEN REASON HOW CAN it be OTHERWISE ? WHEN WE CARRY THE STOCK WE DO . SHE UIMS And Most Complete in Butler, ranging in Quality and price from the Cheapest to tiio Finest, all Reliable, Well Made Goods, besides we Guarantee all we sell Gall and be Convinced. H. SCHNEIDEMAN, No 4, S. Main St. OLD RELIABLE CLOTHH*. I SALESMEN WANTED. To sell Nnrsery Stock. Permanent em ployment and good salary to honest, energetic men. The business in easily learned. We prow all the reliable new varieties of Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Write for terms. HOOPES, BRO. & THOMAS. Established 18M. WEBT CHESTER, PA MAPLE NLBSKBIEB. TMSPAPER SURVE Y I NG LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attention given to the Retracing ol old lines. Address, R. F. IIILLIARD, Co. Purveyor North Hope P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. 8,5,84. ly Paul Cronenv. r ett & Co, BUTLER, !'A„ Breeders and Dealers in High-class Poultry: Langshans, Houdans, Light Brahmas S C Blown Leghorns, K. <t - C. White Leghorns. I lyniouth Bocks, Toulouse Geese, Pekin and MUSOCVy Ducts. Crushed oyster shells for poultry lor sale at * all times. W. a. &T P. MOBBIS, BUTLKIt, PA. • —OK— HMAs', PLY MOUTH WHITK LE Ud Egrgs $2 per 13; 83 for 26. ! ! THE CITIZEN IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN BUTLER COUKTY. CITIZEN JOS OFF! ALL KINDS OF W O I t JK DONE AT LOWEST PRICES
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