Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 06, 1888, Image 4

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ttk&t the most delicate stomach wUI bear. 1
BLOOD PUBIFIER, Superior to quinine. I
Mr. Lode Hoornbeclc. of the U. S. Ship Sara to ,
ra now lying In Newport Harbor, writes that
he meets with people almost dally who have ,
used or are using Kasklne, and who amrm .
from experience that it is superior to quinine in
tonic and curative properties, and produce no ;
subsequent bad effects.
Other letters of a similar character from prom
inent Individuals, which staniD Kasklne as a (
remedy of undoubted merit, will be sent ou ap-
Pl KaskSie can be taken without any special
medical advice. 11.00 per bottle, or six bottles
for IS. Sold by
J. C. BEDICK, Butler, Pa. ,
or sent by mall on receipt of price.
KASKINE CO., 64 Warren St.. New York.
And R}piflios[ilutes of Lime & Soda;
Almost as Palatable as Milk. (
Die only preparation of COD Lifts OIL that
ma be taken readily and tolerated for a laagtfam
JL.UiliU* AhkctlMs. i?/AE JIIA. OE.VI
nil. bthllJ+V. cOt&iA lNft frHBOAt aF-
KfTlflSfl. a»J all WiffflVfl DISORDERS OP
CBILBBEI It fa MarTpltoos la lu rwulU.
Prescribed and endorsed by the best Physician*
lie countries of the world.
Cloth & Cold Binding
IMhniU SU.I Bacmlict
In cm SO jMn.-Speeial Prescription, of
an * Physician. Simple, lafe «Jd (sure,
lß & n T^,c a :: :||
Dysentery. Griping. Biliooa Colic J®
p^&^ o S. ,ng :-.:..:. :||
Keartlflt, Toothache, Faceacbe— .25
Hea4nct>es. bick Hemdache. Vertigo.. .25
SlwMfiMla ' fctomacb *Z«>
§a»£s£i arJPalafal Periods M
Breathin*.'... l||
HH generalbebl|ttr. .4j j
S iuuir. BaminM Weak- „
■ Mst. or involanUry Disohsrgs«...l.oo
H« ?rTnar»^>i^n»ie^W««i n « Be 4. .
f T 1 * '•■ nic,|oDß - S( >
Sold by Dru crista, or sent;
price. — H tIPUKYI'■ IPIC«ECQ.I<»FiHoaBt B.¥»
/ > *7S\ For Horses, Cattle, Sheep,
HL \ Dogs, Hogs. Poultry.
WSa ] MO PAGE BOOK en Trent.
HTS/ Kent ef Animals and
Xif y Chart Sent Fres.
Humphreys' Med. Co.. 10» ruUonjUjLJf.
THIS is the top of the gen
uine "Pearl Top" Lamp
Chimney, all others similar
are imitations. (he
one of the
think he has as
good, but he has not.
Insist upon the exact label
and top.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
All forme of Delicate and Com
plicntctl Diseases requiring CON
eation are treated at this Dispensary with a RUC
cese rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake Is a member
of the Royal College of I'hvaicinns a nd Surgeons,
and Is the o'deet and most experienced SPECIAL
IST In the city. (?i«eoinl attention given to Nerv
ous Debility from excessive mental exertion. In
discretions of vouth, Ac,, causing physical and
Dental dceay.lack of energy, despondency, etc.;
tujo Cancers, Old Sores, *Tts, Piles, Rheumatism
and all diseases of the Skin, Blood, Lungs, t rln
ary Organs, Ae. Consultation free and strictly
confidential. Office hours 9 to4and 7 toßp.m.;
Pundays S to* p.nt. only. Call atoffice or address
■tlmnlate the torpid liver, atrenjrtti
«■ thediffestivsorguas, regulate the
kewels, and are an equaled aa an
antl-bllloae medicine. In
Malarial Districts
tli*|r virtnes are widely reeotrnlxetl.
•a they ponies* peculiar properties
lu rreeina the system from that poi
son. This popular remedy rarely
falls to effectually care
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliousness
and all disorders arising from a
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion.
A Proclamation!
Br. I. Gay Lewis, Fulton. Ark., naynr
"A year ago I had bilious fever;
Tntt'a Pills were so highly reeoom
■Bended that I nsedthem. Never did
medicine have a happier effect. Af
ter a prurtlec of a quarter of a cen
tury* I proclaim them the best
medicine ever used. I always pre
scribe them In my practice."
Sold Everywhere.
Office, 44 Murray St, New York.
Tut?a Manuo of Useful Receipts tent Free.
For Dropsy, Gravel, BrUrbt's, Heart. Urinary
or Liver uiHoases. Nervousness, <tc. Cure Guar
anteed. utiice H3i Arch street. Philadelphia. 11
per bottle, e tor %3. At Druggists. Try It.
■ Wl I Iwtilw thi« pap«f, o» obtain attimatas
an cJwtrtisinß In Chicago, will find it on filaat
Astonished His Opponents,
At the Hoffman House in New
York lately a party pat at a table in
th« art gallery making wafers, each
on his own particular trick A yonng
broker, wbo spent last summer with
bis grandmother in Jersey, won a
pocketful of greenbacks on a trick
taught him a good old lady. He had
lust considerable money on catch bets
when he offered to wager any one in
the party that he could eat more eggs
than auy other three men present,
providiug he was permitted to have
the last turn. A doctor, a coroner
and a bank teller took the bat. Af;er
a brief discussion the three gentlemen
decided to tackle Tried eggs. They
repaired to an all-night restaurant on
Sixth avenue, famed for the encoun
ters which men about town had with
in its portals, and ordered a batch
Every man ate, and the waiter hand
ed a check for several dozen.
Then the young broker that had
learned a thing or two from his Jer
sey grandmother directed the cook to
crack and spill into a large pan 100
fresh eggs. Before putting the eggs
the pan, however, he ordered that it
be half tilled with vinegar. His in
structions were carried out After
allowing the mixture to cook a reas
onable time the cover was lifted aud
the eggs placed in a big dish. By
permission of the proprietor the gen
tlemen inteiested had watched the
cooking. When the eggs were
brought forth everyone except the
man with the Jersey grandmother
gave vent to ejaculations of astonish
ment. The 100 eggs could conveni
ently be put into an ordinary teacup.
Then the owner ate them in half a
dozen swallows.
"There a hole ia the pan," yelled
one of the party.
"No, there ain't. I'll explain. The
Vinegar has eaten them. It is a fact.
You can drop 1,000 eggs into a boiler
with a little vinegar in it, and you'll
find that when cooked in it the eggs
will disappear as if by magi J."
A Christmas Story.
It was Christmas evo.
Streets—brilliantly lit shop win
dows—toys—gay crowds—snow on
the ground—everybody out—Christ-!
Jane Allalone wandered all alone
crowd—sweet, sad face, wistful.,
eyes. ;
Five years before James Goody
goody—Christmas eve—betrothed to
Jane sailed away—lndia—ship lost
—never heard of—foundered on coast
of Africa.
Jane held on to hope and her sew
ing machine—never would marry—
pined away, &c.
William Badybodv—rich, corrupt,
dissipated— mortgage on Jane's
mother's house—also ou wood-shed—
Away, villain! Rather poverty,
crusts, &c.
Turned out of doors—homeless
Down by the dark river—pier No
B—about to make the fatal plu nge—
in fact, Jane did plunge. But just
then the ship, with Captain James
W. Goodygoody, which had not been
lost al all, came sailing up to the
dock, loaded to the water's edge with
china, silk dresses aud tea. Captain
saw Jane struggling in
the water. lie fished out with
a boat hook and hauled her ou board
his own good craft.
"My Jane 1"
"My James!"
The cook dried her at the galley
stove, and although soaked with salt
water she looked as fresh as a daisy.
In fact, Jane was a daisy,and don't
you forget it.
They were married on Christ
A Noble Retriever.
The Western Mail first published
the following remarkable story of a
brave dog: On December 29 last the
steamship Muley Hassan was passing
through the Straits of Gibraltar,when
Captain Thompson went on deck
with his retriever p Nellie. The saga
cious animal at once ran to the rail ot
the vessel, raised herself on her fore
paws, and commeucedto v/biue. The
captain looked but could see nothing
The dog, however, got more and
more restless, aud finally jumped
overboard, and swam astern. The
engines were stopped, and a boat
lowered, when the dog was discover
ed, firmly holding the collar of the
coat of a drowning mau, who was
lying across two oars. It was after
ward ascertained tiiat he was the only
survivor from a Spanish revenue fe
lucca, which bad been upset in a
squall, and that ho had been in the
water four hours when rescued It
would have been impossible for him
to have survived much longer Both
man aud dog were in a very exhaust
ed condition wheu taken on board ihe
Muley Hasaan The aboye incideut
has formed the subject of a presenta
tion to Captaiu Thompson ot a silver
medal and diploma, for his gallantry
aud heroism in saving the life of the
poor Spaniard. Without iu the
least wishing to depreciate Captain
Thompson's effort or deserts,we must
j say that Nellie most certainly de
! serves to have some sort of honor cou
ferred upon her, aud that she certain
ly ought to be rauked among the his
torical dotfs who have earned name
and fame for heroic deeds.
Marriage and Divorce.
"Congress shall have power to leg
islate on the subject of marriage and
divorce by general laws applicable
alike to all the States and Territories,
and neither bigamy nor polygamy
shall exist or be permitted within the
United States or any place subject to
their jurisdiction."
That is a proposed amendment to
the constitution which is pending iu
the Senate. Its main purpose is a
uniform law of marriage and divorce
for the United States.
The constitution as it stmds em
powers Congress to enact uniform
laws of bankruptcy, naturalization,
patents, copyright, &e But it does
rot empower Congress to legislate on
what is of far more importauce—mar
riage and divorce.
This matter is left entirely to the
States. Each State has its pvn stat
utes on the subject. Tl»; conse
quence is thirty-eight sets of
marital laws. The resulting evils
are conflicting laws, uncertainty as to
the legal status of married or divorc
ed people aud their offspring, much
litigation, loose divorces, socinl scan
dals and many other abuses. The
remedy is one law for tbft entare
country. Such a law can come oniv
from Congress, aud au ainet«lruont «»f
the constitution is essential to em
power Congress to pass it.
—lt does not'take a very Expert
artist to draw party lines.
By Which II is Hoped Any In- .
justice May be Corrected.
In common with many publishers,
and editors, we have been accustomed
to look upon certain wbich j
we have seen in our colum3 as mere
ly adroit advertising.
Consequently we feel justified in
taking the liberty of printing a few
points from a private letter recently
received from one of our largest pat
rons, as a sort of confession ot faith to
our readers We quote:
"We have convinced ourselves that
bv telling what we know to be true,
wp have prodaced at last a perma
nent conviction in the public mind
Nine years ago we stated what the
national disease of this country was,
and that it was rapidly increasing.
Five years ago we stated that a
marked clwck had been given it.
. "T he statistics of one of the largest
life insurance companies of thi* coun
try shows that in 1883 and 1834, the
mortality from kidney disorders did
not increase over the previous years:
other companies stated the same
thiug It is not presumptuous for us
to claim credit for checking these
"Seven years ngo'we stated that
the condition of the kidneys was the
key to the condition of health: witein
the past five years all careful life in
surance have conceded
the truth of this statement, for, where
as, ten years ago, chemical analysis
to determine the condition of the kid
neys was not required, to-day mil
lions ot dollars in risks are refused.
because chemical examination discov
ers unsuspected seases of the kid
"Nine years ago we stated'that the
ravages of Bright's Disease were in
significant compared with other un
suspected disorders of the kidneys of
many misleading Dames; that, ninety
thiee per cent of human ailments are
Attributable to deranged kidneys,
which tills the blood with uric aeid.or
kidnev poison, which causes these
manv fatal diseases.
'•The uric acid, or kidney poison, is
the real cause of the majority of cases
of paralysis, apoplexy, heart disease,
convulsions, pneumonia,con sumption,
and insanity ;-»ver half the victims of
consumption are first the victims of
! diseased kidneys.
"When the recent death of an hon
ored ex-official of the United States
was announced, his physician f>aid
' that although he was suffering from
' Brigbt's Disease, that was not the
! cause of death. lie was not frank
enough to admit that the apoplexy
which overtook him in his bed, was
the fatal effect of the kidney poison in
the blood, which had eaten away the
substance of the arteries and braic;
nor was Logau's physician honest
enough to state that his fatal rheuma
tism was cuueed by kidney acid >n
the blood.
"If the doctors would state in
official reports the original cause of
death, the people of this country
would be alarmed, yea, nearly panic
stricken, at the fearful mortality from
kidney disorders " •
Tbe writers of the above letter
give these facts to the public simply
lo justify the claims that they have
made, that "it the kidneys and liver
are kept in a healthy condition by the
us;) of Warner's sale euro, wiiich hun
dreds of thousands have proved to be
a specific, when ail others failed, and
that has received the endorsement of
the highest medical taleat in Europe,
Australia, and America, many a life
would be prolonged atid tbe happiness
of the people preserved. It is suc
cestful with so many different cases
because it, and it alone, can remove
the uric acid from the blood through
the kidneys."'
Our readers are familiar with the
preparation named.
Commeudation thereof has often ap
peared iu our columns.
We believe it to be one of the best,
if not the best ever macufacturtd.
We know the proprietors are men of
i character and influence,
We are certain they have awakened
a widespread interst in the public
mind concerning the importance of
the kidneys. We believe with them
that they are the key to health, and
that for their restoration from disease
and maintenance in health, there is
nothing equal to this great remedy.
The proprietors say they 'do not
glory in this universal prevalence of
disease, but huviug .-tartud out with
the purpose of spreading the merits
of Warner' safe euro before tlie world,
because it cared our xeuior proprin
lor, who teas given up by dootors an
iiictivable , we feel it our duty to state
the facts and i**ave the public to its
own inferences. We point to our
claims, and to their public and uni
rental verification with pride, and if
the public does not believe what we
say, we tell them to ask their friends
aud neighbors what they think about
our preparations."
As stated above, we mo3t cordially
commend the parusil of this corres
pondence by our readers, believing
that in so doing, wo are fulfilling a
simple public obligation.
—Some writers use pencils exclu
sively, while others are inklined to
Use pens.
—Xow that quinine is getting cheap
its name will probably be reduced to
qui three or four.
The Secret of Health
is the power to eat, digest and assim
ilate a proper quantity of food. Tnis
can never be the case while impuri
ties exist. Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills ex
pel all impurities and yitalizes the
—The Pennsylvania State Grange
of the Patrons of Husbandry has no
sympathy with President Cleveland's
Free Trade doctrine as set forth in
his message, and has passed resolu
tions denunciatory thereof.
—The estimated cost of the Terri
torial Government of Dakota for the
ensiing year is $77,800. If the
Democrats in Congress want to do a
little practical economizing, let them
vote to admit Dakota into the Union,
and thus put this expense upon her
people, who are eutirely willing to
bear it under such circumstances.
Salt Rheum
With its intense itching, dry, hot
skin, often broken into painful cracks,
and the little watery pimples, often
causes indescribable Buffering. Hood's
Sa>*sapnriila has wonderful power
ovtr this disease. It purifies the
blood and expels the humor, and the
frkin heals without a scar. Send for
book containing many statements of
cures, to 0. I. IIUOD & Co., Apothe
caries, Lowell, Mass.
—The Rutland Herald tells of a
brother iu prayer-meeting in a uoigb
boriug towu. the other niyht, who
prayed for those "who were prostrated
on beds of eickutas and sofas of well
Romance of a Black Cat.
Two or three years ago oue of the j
protestors at Vale had a bluck cat, ■
upon which a white hair could J
uot be found. Barnum advertised
for such an animal and soon the pro-1
feasor's cat disappeared Two days
after Barnum : s winter quarters burn-j
ed out the black cat came back to ter j
former master's house, and it is be
livcd that she was stolen and sold to
Barnum. The distance over the road
on which puss traveled is about nine
teen miles.
—Most men, otherwise strong in
body aud mind, will become unhappy
aud break dowu when afflicted with
rheumatism. If they would only try
Salvation Oil they would fiud relief
at once. Price 25 cents.
Thousands of bottles of Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup have been sold by W.
H. Brown & Bro., Baltimore, Md.
Fill, brief or long, my granted span
Of life with love to Thee aud man;
Strike when Thon wilt the hour of rest,
Bui let my last days be my best.— Whittier
For three weeks I was suffering
from a severe cold in my head, ac
companied by a pain in the temples.
I tried some of the many catarrh rem
edies without any relief. Ely's Cream
Balm was recommended to me. Af
ter only six applications of the Balm
everv trace of my cold was removed
—Henry C. Clark, Ist Division New
Yurk Appraisers Office.
I For several years I have been trou
bled with catarrh. Ely's Cream
Balm has proved to be the article de
sired. I believe it the only cure —L
B. Coburn, Merchant, Towanda, Pa
T. W. Higginson compares a
farm at night-fall with a village of
living things.all sinking into slumber
iu their own way.
For Rickets, Marasmus, and all
Wasting Disorders of
Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liv
er Oil, with Hypophosphites, is un
equalled. The rapidity with which
children gaia fiesh and strength upon
it is very wonderful. "I havo used
Scott's Emulsion in cases of Rickets
r»ud Marasmus of loug standing. In
every case the improvement was
marked."—J. M. Main, M D, New
—"ls it a strong congregation?"
asked a man, respecting a body of
worshippers. '"Yes," was the reply.
"How many members are there ?"
'•Seventy-six." ' Seventy-six ! Are
they so very wealthy ?" "No, they
are poor." "How, then, do you say
it. is a strong church ?" "Because,"
said the gentleman, "they are earnest
devoted, at peace, loving each other,
and striving together to do the Mas
ter's work Snch a congregation is
strong, whether composed of five or
' five hundred members."
Drunkenness or the Liqour
Habit. Positively Cured by ad
ministering Dr. Haines' Golden
It can be given in a cup of coffee
or tea without the knowledge
of the person taking it; is
absolutely harmless and will effect a
permanent and speedy cure,
whether the patient is a moderate
driuker or ail alcoholic wreck.
Thousands of drunkards have been
made temperate men who have taken
the Golden Specific in their coffee with
out their knowledge, and to-day be
lieve they quit drinking of their own
free-will IT NfcVER FAILS The
system once impregnated with the
Specific it becomes an utter impossi
bility for the liquor appetite to exist
For full particulars address GOLD
EN SPECIFIC CO., 185 Race St.,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
—There are whole towns inGerma
ny that do little ehethaa make dolls
for American children. They are
mostly simple country folks.England's
children spend almost §1,000,000 for
French and German dolls, and Amer
ica's children almost double that.
What Am I To Do?
The symptoms of Biliousness are
unhappily but too well known
They differ in different individuals to
1 some extent A Bilious man is sel
dom a breakfast eater. Too frequent
ly, alas, he has an excellent appetite
j for liquids but none for s-ollds of a
i morning His tongue will hurdly
i bear inspection at any time; if it is
' not white and furred, it is rough, at
i all events.
The digestive system is wholly
i out of order aud Diarrhea or Consti-
I pation may be a symptom or the tivo
! may alternate. There are often
j Hem'rrhoids or even loss of blood
| There may be giddiness and often
j headache and acidity or fl.ituleene
' and tenderness in the pit of the stom-
I ach. To correct all this if not effect
| •!. cure try Green August Flower costs
; but a trifla and th lUi'in Js attest it 3
Kefli ciency.
—Nothing more degridt's one's
thought than habituil companionship
with the coarse and ignorant.
—The Springfield Republican says
kind of education whicb does not
develop manliness and womanliness
and habits of self-help and helpfulness
is a kind of education that does not
-r-llenry J. Raymond said: -'There
are very few thing in ttiis world
worth getting angry about, and tbev
are precisely the things that auger
does not help."
—Latimer says: "As every lord
giyeth a cert.aiu livery to his servants
charity is the livery of Christ. Our
Savior, who is the Lord above all
lord.%would have Flis servants known
by their badge, which is love."
—More gentleness,more sympathy,
i more consideration, more knowledge
I of character, more renl respect for one
\ another,are Deeded in all the relations
<of life. Something of the old chival
! ry needs to be revived.
—"You were a nice, quiet little
I boy in Sunday-ecbool this morning,
Bobby." said the minister. "I was
> very much pleased." "Yes," replied
Cobby, "pa said that if I'd behave
myself in Sunday-sohoal. I needn't
go to church."
Dissolution Notice.
The liriii »; .1..!. Ki>aru3 & Co.Kroeers. comport
ed or t!i mi Icr.-iljfufi'l. Ins tills clay been dlssol\ -
eU by mn'ual consent. Walter Brims with draw
la* from Uit! firm. ''lie business will hereafter
lj--conducted bv J. J. Kearns alone ill the old
si;iiHlon t -.Tori'ia si. ItuUer l\i. The.-aeeounts
(lne tiie Una of .1. .1. Kearns \ Co., will tie col
lected by J. .1. Kearns,
Dec. t5. iv.;. .1. .1. SEIKNS
! < unvasscrs In every ward and township in
i Western I'ennsvlvauia to sell "Corpora! .Si
I K!e;.-gard. His I'ard." the best and fastest sell
ing book out ; good p;iy from the siart; books
! teady. (.ill every Wednesday and Saturday
fir>ni2toGp.iu. or address .limits S. Wilson,
I t >Trt eu ty-lirst wt. l'lttsluuj;. I'a,
St. Louis to 1x.3 Aniens and 8&n Prancleso,
Leave St. Louis at 6:30 P. M., Daily.
——a in 11 ii ■hi —■a————■
Why it is Superior to All Others in tlie Market!!
H -JHI. iHI' iHLI 1 II —WW
work more rapidly than any other machine.
of water ard inhaling of steam, no injurious
10 k eß ''k" 1 n d unavoidable in the use of all
rsi'ds ot women are yer.rly broken down in
\J~ I A health bv the lobrr«f the washboard and in
-—|.tiling of the sickening fumes of the wa.«h
uh) frr.ni clothes worn on the person or bed
HImPSSW?# SSwHH ' 1 b<.'h sick and well. This is not the case
' 'ftW 5 '.'3 mti 1 'I • '*• 1 v. :be 1 tie »-r.ci.-§ed it
f retaini« the high temperature so necessary in
material point is that there is no friction 011
>1 it •/ tf i : iim-'i:e thou. Person < who have
U ' ' en Ma \' u ' r sa y they believe that
' The peculiar action of the water in the
jrjf ' . W n ; chine; which cannot be understood unless
one sees it forcing n strong current of water
thiongh the clothing at evcrv vibration of
n tl e agitator, which i« caused by »he peculiar
construction ot the top of the machine, in
connection with the New Champion Wring
er ' n>B - as ' ler 8 household
\ew Drug Store
Where you will find a full line of Fine Drugs, Chemicals, Per
fumes aud Toilet Articles. Agents for
Mi Alma*
Keno, and
Scissors Cigars.
• Best 5 and 10 cent Cigars in town.
Prescriptions carefully compounded by an expsrienced
iour patronage respectfully solicited.
DR. D. E. WILES, Prop'r.
A. T routman Son.
Leading Dry Goods Bous?.
BU" - F"E]JS3 23' A.-
1111111111 <s>llllllllll
A Tioutman & Son.
The leading Dry Goods and Car
pet. House, Butler, Pa.
New Fall Dress Goods at prices
which will make them move very
We have the largest stock ever !
shown in Butler couuty, comprising
all the new goods in Cherk*, Stripes
and Plain Weaves in Foreign and
Black and Colored Silks,
Special Values
wo have never h;id snch a nice as :
sortment and so many of them.
In Flannels, Bl:»nkfts, Tickings,
Ginghams, White Quilts, Shawls
Table Linens, Lace Curtains,
in fact every thing which can be 1
found in a
First-C!ass Dry Goods Store, 1
A. TR<
Particular attention g;veu to the Retracing ol ;
old lines. Address,
« «- Surveyor j
North Hope P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
8,5,84. ly
Why it is Superior to ail
i_a its beinsr enclosed it rctnins the high |
Is I. temperature so necessary in removing I
the dirt from the goods,
i OnH THERE being no Friction on the j
£>lU. clothing to wear it.
! Q~H THE peculiar action of the water in the I
"• Machine (which cannot be understood 1
unless one sees it) forcing a strong- curreDC of:
I water through the cli<;hing at ever;, virbratlou .
of the Agitator, (which is e:»tt:;<»d by tb«> peculiar I
construction of the top of the Machine.
Aau ANI) best of all Is that a child of four years
'fli!. can ilo the work It belnir so Hjflit that ,
the operator sits down while doing It.
Machines and County and Township kliflits [
throughout the State of Pennsylvania. Sold by <
Buller, Pa j
Att'y at Law—Office at S. K. Cor. Main St, and :
Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Att'y at Law—Ofllec on South side of Diamond. !
Butler. Pa.
Attorney at Law. GDI 'e at No. IT, East Jeil'e r
son St., Butler, Pa,
Organist and Choir Master, .
St. Peter's German Cb'ircli. Butler.
Pianofortes and Organs Tune ! and Kearuiat
ed. Tinnson application. 50 West Jefferson
street. i
Cloaks and WraPs.
for Children and Ladies.
We carry the greatest variety of
styles, our stock uever was as large,
prices uever so low, goods never so
| nice
If you want to see the nice goods,
i please call and examjne our stock.
Ladies', Gents', and Children's
Underwear, every grade, all sizes,
j best goods.
Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery, Velvets,
Plushes, Yarns, etc.
.Carpets and Oil Cloths,
never bad so many— never were car
pets so cheap.
Our stock is complete. Don't buy
I a Carpet until you have seen oar
| stock. Body Brussels, Velvets, Tap
1 ef-try, 3-Ply Extra Super, Hemp, Cot
ton and Rag Rugs.
Window Shades, largest assort
ment, lowest prices.
I You will find on. examination our
stock of goods to be the Lowest
Priced in Butler county.
Butler,. Fa-
Planing Mill
IT ./ajxarilber Yard
8,6. Purvis & Go.
Rough and Planed Lumber
LUX) life
KL < j.JNG,
Brackets,Guaged Cornice Boards.
ScPTSJennan €»(linllc (Jhitreb
Life Saved and Health Re
»in. r,ii toy using Baker's Cod Liver Oil and
olul t!U Malt. A Certain remedy for Con
sumption. Bronchitis, Asthma, Scromla and all
throat and lung diseases. Prepared so as to t>e
quite palatable.
Ask for Bakrr't Cod Liver Oil and Malt. 11
not s'jUi by Druggist,write to the Manufacturers
816 Filbert St., Phila.
For Kensingt > ), Arrasene
Also lussous in sana i tivea by ANNIE M
LOW MAN, North ftreet, Butler, Pa.
Advertise in tbe Oitiz-en.
TKHtI, 1,1 ST FOR MFRCIAI, ('{M KT COJI?IESS€I*O M').YDA¥, .14]%. 16. 1888.
jVo7 ~ Term. ». PiainHjft' Attorney. !'■ Defendant*. D'ftntltiU't Jtlorn*'/.
F. 1. I). 3 JIM, *B7 '.ireer i Rabtnt iteund N. Rank of Erie Fi*rt P James Rramion
" .'t Oee. l>r>7 McCaihl 4 Thompson Wm Starr, mitn'r John Starr Fleiuer and Mitchell
C. P. 394 Mar. 1 .->77 Cireer <C- Ral*t >n loiin 1 Pertlne !<jr nse II 1. Taylor Walker
A. D, 46 June IS*? Thf»mp & San .t L 7. Mitchell Wta VieGesry W B Shrnder et al Brandon an 1 Campbell,
" IBept,lv>3 J..Lu II Th-mt.-oti II»BV-jn <!k Parr Ann Stalker N ftluek
" 40 Mur 1-M KMe J ami Tv' Campbell <ieo U. ihtr Wr&. S C<'tiaeet'< Ii KCo rhompson and McCandiess
" 3 Se|>t l - k 4 Cornelius & W'elsli Jaain Tebay J<< McKlroy Seott
" 18 Sept l-.'i Mr(J Henr-Pr'abe C Tremble et al Forqaer
" 3f> Sept lefin Mdi, (ireer A Kalston. 'W iu h'>r_;ie Clara M (ireenlee et al NfcCandle**
" t'l S»pt ISA MeC, TlmuipMin <5: Son Wm >urr, adm'r John Stair Fleatfl?r ait'l Mitchell
" i»i Sept l>Bo McQ, Uri't-r «Sc llalsion Win C!i»ra M Greenlee McCandiess
" 28 June IXB6 Greer Jt K:i!st ~n I! I. floeke nl>. rry I U nimloian et ax McC, WA M
•' MSept is>» Walker, A Forqoer The Bor ot Butler Henry Bickelet &1 Same
" 15 Sept ISS6 " " Same Sa:ue Same
" *66 Sept Greer A Ralston Nancy E Walters D.tvid Loc&n Mct^uistion
" 32 Dec l(».>t> lira- don !!ru-1m.«>.l Developing C'> !!et:ry Fifher Same
" RS Dec I**o Greer «fc Ralston} AM Met "au<i less Jo< et al Thompson & Son
" 3i) Dtc Mitchell rt'ui I, MeGeary W B Shrader et al Brandon at:d Campbell
" 4'5 Mar 1 n n 7 Hi.wmt ,\r> Wolford W A Green et al Thompson <fe Sou
•' 54 Mar ISS7 12 McJ, MeJ it Galbreath John 1) Albert WII McCandiess et al V- retr -"'on
" 2JunelßS7 Forqner & Bowser WII Davis Laura Welsh Tbutupsou J; Sua
" 18 June Dn A T Black, Greer & R&lfctoujßrt'a !m & Conway •! W Crawfnril et al Sima
'J 50 " 1887 Scott O(i K«|ii> Jnhn D Hill Forquer
«• 54 " Isn 1- MoT, McJ & Galbreath A W Bib >ll Peter Schmick Greer & R-»'*ton
" Co 1887 Robinson .1 N Cul.-bison W J Vincent et al Mc r and N lack
" 70 " 1 -8r McCsndlesa Geo Li Graham W C McCandiess et al Riddle and Itobiason
" 78 " ISB7 Same Same Same Same
" S5 " 1 8>-"> Eastman Benj Masseth Dcnnison «)t Ilort N Black
" " 1887 Fleeger & Moore l-is L OhauiHers John Deveradm'r E McJ, .McJ Gal
" 95 " 1887 McJ, Cornelius A Welsh Rachael E Duncan Win Humphrey adm'r Marshall, Grter & Ralston
" 1 Sept 1887 Forquer .Geo Reilter D Campbell Scott
" 12 " 1887 Mitchell 11. Ilanny .t Co Detuiore McKinney Mc<i
" 21 " 1887 Brittain <& C'uraminsrs Phillip S Weim r A J Patton adm'r Greer &RV 'on
" 33 " 1887; Thompson A Son and McC Merc r Mining A M'f'g Co A B Walker A T Balcfe i Riddle
" 45 " ISS? Scott t-ieo Scott t) Ileplcr Forqner
" 51 " 1885 I'A Son and Greer A Ralst'n Thog Cbristey, adai'r. Jos Kei.nelian McC., M and Bredin
" 5D '• 1887;MoCand less K T Moreland N Dsmbach McQ
" 04 " 1887 McJ A Galbreath Freeborn Summer A Son Frtd Wevcr Same
" 38 Dec ISB7 Greer A Ualston Andrew B Me'.z Robert S Kirker et al McCandle**
" 39 " 1887 Same. Same Same Same
Trothonotary's Ofllce, Dec. 19th, 1887. WM. M. SH'RA, Prothonotary.
1850 1850 IH.V) 1850 ESTABLISHED: 1850 I*so 1850 1860 185 O
E.GBIEB, jew t^ e LKß.
Diamonds, Ladies' and Genta' Gold and Silver Watches
QiIytAPTITQ Q QnQPloli"T7 on t t0 fiee ne Goods, as it is the largest
IjllYvl V* dil v Cu 01/vJUICIII UV • end most complete stock ever shown in Butler.
1817. Bodger Bros. Knives and Forks, Warranted Triple Plate. Tfes
Best Goods in the Market.
SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, in Gold, Silver and Steel fr bate,
|> || _|^J_l\| V.X scieuiifieallj adjusted under Dr. KiDg's Sjsittn.
Agent for the Celebrated Eockford Quick Train Railroad Watches.
£s§r~Engraving free of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store.
JSTo- 19. North. IVlain
While other merchants are singing their own praise*, we cause our customers
t.o scknowledo-e cur method of dealing is the best, our got.ds second to none,
ia fact superior to marv tifually krpt ond sold as THE BEST '-Butler and turrounding
country needed snch a store as this," is the general encouraging words our customers give us, "and peopU- will be
fast findin fit out too." We kfep good and well made goods ouly. Our cheapest garment is sewed with first
class thread trimmed, lined aud made up in a substantial manner. Otr milium and better grades take raok with
any Custom-made iu the way of fitting and make up. while our FINE DRESS SUITS must be seen to be appre
ciated. OUIt PRICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to state that we. keep a full line of
Mens', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Clothing
of all stvle? and -cdes Every garment sold under a positive guarantee that it must be as represented or money
refunded HATS CAPS UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, etc ,in great variety. The latest styles of everything
pertainino-to a first-class clothing store always on hand. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on hand.
We ask those who have not as yet patronized our store to give us a fair trial. We have no doubt of the ulti
mate result We invite one and all to call OP us before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or
Remember no misrepresentation, be he judge or no judge of goods, at
Main Street, T3ntler» Pa.
Watches, Clocks, Jewslery,
piKivaawAas, ns, Ao.,
& Ail of which have been selected with great care for
v' - Uvou M i.oy from a welt
mm ' Ho. Street
Our lice of Ladies, Misses aod Children's ST» ? -A\\ and FELT HATS Rt)d
BONNETS, in all the newest fal r,d winter shapes,
in now complete at the
Leading* 31illinery House.
I). T. PAPE, |
ISTo. IB Sontli jViniii St.* - I^utler,
MF.&M, Marks;
Invite your inspection ot their i
stock of FALL and WINTER j
Millinery Goods.
Receiving goods every week
their stock is always
Via. Missouri Pacific Ry., ant! Iron lomtalß Route. , !
All the chief coupon offices IntnpUuited States an'*
C'aoada will have on mule excursion tickets at
ly reduced rates to Los Angeles, San and San
Francisco for excursions leaving St. Louis i
day. Pec. 14,21 and 2s, via Jron Mountain Routj;
and Kansas City, Thursday, Deo. 15, 27 and 29, via
Missouri Pacific
on Ale in PITTHBUR* h ;«t thu A i<-*e tmine i*uroaa of
Who will Contract for fulvgrtUmg ut lowest utes.
' navlng taken tlie agency for the Choice Fruit '
I l'rces,
i Beautiful Shrubbery,
Orr.amen lal Tre^s,
An« everything else in the Nursery line, of the
.New ICugland Nurseries. Chase & Co., N.
Y.. I v. ill call upon you til the near future and
solicit your orders for spring delivery.
A. H, FALLER, Agent,
Butler - Pa. j
I § H oja t£ Ss»l *N >v i>r. J. n. May- ;
No operation or business (tela 1 '- lbms*»tids of
] cures. At Keystone House. Rem? ire. I "a., -nd i
! Suturdav of ea'cn month, tor circulars.
I Advice free.
i FORTsale |
A large frame boarding house, good location j
Hud dotnK large business. Terms easy, lor !
f urther particulars inquire of
L. 8. *< Jl NKIX. I 7 K. Jenvrson St.. I
V-'.H.tf Butler, Pa.
A weekly newspaper, published every Fri
day morning at Butler, I n., by JOHN H. Jt
Subscription Hate.
Per year, in advance 51 50
Gtlierwiae 00
No subscription will bo discontinued Until
ail arrearages art" paid.
AH communications intended for publication
in this paper roust be accompanied by the real
name of the wuter. not for publication but as
a guarantee ef pood faith.
Carriage anH death notices must be accom
panied by a responsible ctu - . -.
Advertising itiie?.
One square, one insert.on'. *1; each subse*
orient insertion, 50 ceni. j Yearly advertise
ments' ext'ee'liny one-foart ■ of a column, #5
jvr inch. Figure work double these rates;
additional charges where wkly or monthly
cbai.geH an made. Loc:>! advertiseKien.s 10
cent* per lino for first intuition and 5 cents
p<r line for each addi'ioi »1 insertion. Mar
riat»ea and deaths p.ibl's- i freo of charge.
01 ituary notices charged va local advertise
ments and parable when hf.jded in. Auditors'
>;< ;.cin, 44;" Executors. . d Administrators'
Notices, *:i each; Est i ay, waution aiid Dis
soiutiou Notices, nr.t cxce« : :n(; ten linws, #2
Address The lh;?.en, Butler, Ta.
* thorough I'uslneM or
lH«ojur »d Erprt shorthand asd Type Writer, or
rr. iaic to teach Spencerfan t» U tno
Mp'-neertoß Btxluni Collece. CIeTtil»»««. O.
Illustrated Catalogue free.
The oldest and best Institution for obu'nlng
a Business Education. We have successfully
prepared thousands of youi ;.' men for the active
« m y »jf»rjm£Wß(w